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The Worst Day Of My Life Essay
It was a typical day of work at Wendy's, it was gloomy, we were all joking around, and just ready to
go home. I was talking to my co–worker Nathan about the funny customers we would get, our
typical random conversations. We would become bored easily when there were no customers so
we would always find some way to entertain ourselves. I suddenly got a surprise visit from my two
best friends which made my day so much better. They came to visit a lot so I didn't think anything
of their appearance other than something normal. But this time, it was different. They were
acting strange and the look in their eyes was something different than I have ever seen before. I
just wanted to know what was going on. Little did I know, it was the worst day of my life and I
was about to realize it. My friend came up to the front to talk to me but was acting strange and I
could see the nervousness in her facial expressions. When she took me away from the cashier,
that's when I knew for sure something was wrong. She seemed very emotional with how she was
speaking. I finally got her to tell me what was wrong and she responded "It's your grandpa". I replied
"Is he okay?" and she quietly responded, "No". I then asked the question that I wasn't sure I wanted
to know the answer to. "Is he alive?" I looked at her with every bit of fear in my eyes while she
shook head no and tears began to fall down her face. I instantly broke down, falling into her arms. I
couldn't believe what I was hearing. All I
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My Worst Day
I am so late. He's probably thinking that i'm bailing on him. I grab my shoes and purse and head
for the door. As if things couldn't get worse, they do. My door handle breaks. I knew I should've
gotten it fixed last week though I didn't think anything of it. I just so happen to have also left my
phone at work. What a great day it's been i moan with a sigh. Now, what do I do? I can't leave my
apartment, I can't call anybody, and I can't jump out of my window because i'm on the third story.
This is one of the worst days ever, I think to myself over and over. All I can do is go dress into
something more comfortable and stare out of my window. I watch as the streetlights are lit up
and everyone's out and about having a blast while I'm in the worst possible situation ever. I can't
imagine anyone else having a more terrible day, other than my date who probably thinks he got
stood up. I hear the laughter of people chatting and the music playing all around. I can smell the
amazing smells of the restaurant down the road which makes me think of the wonderful meal I
could be having right now. Speaking of amazing food, I haven't eaten in awhile and my stomach
is growling so loud the neighbors across the hall can probably hear it. I go to the refrigerator and
look inside. I don't feel like making anything so I grab a tub of ice cream and head back to the
window with a big fluffy blanket. I sit and watch out the window as time passes by, and think about
what could be happening right
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My Worst Day
I never imagined that my horrible day at work would turn into such an amazing night. I was pretty
upset that I was not going to be able to spend Christmas with my boyfriend of two years Tate and
his mother Penny at their house because both of our family's were having their family Christmas the
same day. So when I got his text it started to turn the night around. I was eager for him to open his
gift from me. Also to see what he had snatched up for me. As I was putting my last resident in to
bed at work as I did every night as a certified nurses aide at Elm Haven East. I felt my cell phone
vibrate in my pocket, instead of looking to see who it was from I finished doing what I need to
do in order to help this lady into bed. When I was done I finally looked at my phone to see why it
had vibrated. Much to my surprise my boyfriend Tate had texted me, asking if I wanted to come
over after work to open Christmas presents with him and his mom Penny. Happy now that I would
actually get to see him before Christmas I eagerly replied, "Yes, I would love too. See you after
work". I finished up work before clocking out. As I punched my time card I smiled with joy,
knowing shortly Tate would be opening his present I was so proud I had bought. I stepped out
side to walk to my car, I saw a white cloud coming out of my mouth as I breathed from the cold,
crisp air. I pulled into his drive way nervous to walk inside. I walked inside, my hands full of
presents. I started through the house to the living room. Penny couldn't help but have a huge smile
on her face which made me even more nervous. Penny never smiled like that. Why was she
smiling now? There I stood in the living room. Penny excitedly told Tate to go get all the presents
from them out from under the tree. While he was gone Penny asked me "Are you excited to open
your presents?". The question made my palms sweaty, I hate surprises so opening presents was
defiantly my least favorite thing to do at Christmas time. Everyone staring at you to see your
reaction to the gifts they bought you, I hated that. Tate finally returned with handful of presents and
still hand to go back for more. I just thought to myself how many presents did they buy? When Tate
was done bringing
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Worst Day Of My Life
"Life can give you a surprise even though you don't want it" was a quote that reminded me of my
petty little self on my 10th birthday. We were visiting the striking city of Miami, Florida.
The day starting at 9:45 ready for the best day of my life not knowing the challenges ahead of my
road to double digits. We were staying at an Airbnb 6bedroom 5–bathroom house with my Uncles
family. Looking out of my window at the beautiful beach put me in awe.
My Brother in the bed next to me mumbled "oh yay it's the worst day of the year." I didn't listen to
him knowing that he was jealous that my birthday was going to be at a paradise.
Excited for my day I ran out of my room to be flabbergasted by my family for my birthday. They all
screamed from the top of their lungs "SURPRISE!!!" It was as if they wanted to wake up everybody
in the state Florida. I was shocked, but not as shocked as my brother. He literally jumped off the
bed of how alarmed he was.
He said to me "I saw a spider on my bed so I got off calmly?!?!" I agreed with him making him think
that I believed in the big black spider on his arm climbing up to bite his head off.
As my family dispersed into their rooms I galloped through the long hallway pushing my aunt to
get to the bathroom of sorrows. I called it that because It was decorated as if someone was color
blind and decided to make the bathroom colorful but actually making it the emo bathroom of the
world. I went inside and started brushing my teeth while waiting for
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The Worst Day Of My Life Essay
The Beginning of Something New July 21, 2009 was what I considered to be the worst day of
my life for several years. I woke up that morning to an empty room besides my bed, an empty
bookshelf, and my hamster, Skittles. In the living room I could hear the sound of boxes being
taped shut and several people talking. This was the day I left my life in Omaha, Nebraska to
move to Roswell, Georgia. I was ten years old and oblivious to the idea of moving to a different
state. Little did I know my dad would be offered a new job in a state I knew nothing about. The
morning of the 21st was a hectic one. My grandparents from South Dakota (my mom's parents) as
well as my grandparents who lived in town (my dad's parents) came over to help us pack. The
moving truck arrived early in the morning to pick up our larger furniture. After they left we started
loading the U–Haul we rented with boxes. At some point while we were packing, I went inside for
a minute, and when I was starting to head back outside, I realized one of our dogs wasn't in the
house. Walter, our Scottish Terrier, had a bad habit of running off if he wasn't in a fenced in yard
or on a leash. My grandma accidentally left the door leading outside open, and he managed to get
out. This resulted in my mom, dad, sister and I all running down the street after him. After what felt
like an eternity of running, we finally caught him. My parents then finished up the packing, and it
was time to say our goodbyes. Before we left, I
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Worst Day Of My Life Essay
The Worst Day of my Life
Everybody goes through hardships in their life, whether they are far into their life or young
adolescents. I faced a problem that most people do not have to go through until late in their life.
When I was only twelve years old, I lost my father. It was unexpected and happened within a
matter of months. My dad was always healthy, even as a kid. He was very tough and never let me
see him upset. It came as a huge shock to everyone when we found out the news of his illness. He
was always kind, compassionate, and patient. He never raised his voice or showed sadness during
his daily life. My father, Roger A. Patla, was a great man who could not say no to a soul. The
whole situation took place very quickly. From the time he was diagnosed to the time he passed
away, my dad continued to be a role model for everyone around him. My dad's passing was only a
short period in my life that will consequently affect everyday yet to come.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a great childhood. I was always a very happy kid, mostly
because I was nurtured with love and support. I do not have any siblings so as a result, all of my
time was spent with my parents. They were truly my best friends, and always gave everything they
had to make me as happy as I could be. My dad worked a lot when I was a kid, so most of my time
was spent with my mom. My dad worked as a truck driver so he would be gone for days at a time.
The second he got home I would curl up in his arms. I got to see my dad even less when my
parents separated. I would only be able to see my dad on the weekends due to his complicated
schedule. He would pick me up from school every other friday and we would spend the weekend
together. If we did not have anything specific to do, we would pick out movies to watch together.
It was always a movie I wanted to watch, so of course it would be Disney or Barbie, but my dad
never complained. He would sit and watch the whole thing start to finish. I honestly can not
remember my dad ever telling me no. He always wanted to be seen as the fun parent. My dad was
such a kind and passionate person, I never expected to lose him at such a young age in my life. In
July of 2014, I received the worst news of my
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The Worst Day In School
The first day of school was the worst day of my life, I was talking to my mother and begged her not
to go to school but it didn't work she even insisted that I go with the kid next door to make sure I
attended school. Then I had noticed that the boy was wearing blue jeans with a belt along with
overalls he also looked very looked very mad. I bet his mom made him go to school too. If that want
enough then, I had to walk two miles with my fancy shoes and dress it was the most tiring day of
my life! To top it all off the boy insulted me for my clothes he had said "why did you would wear
such clothes you look hideous.", From then on I knew we were rivals! Finally, he was quiet for the
rest of the way. Soon after we reached school he more content...
Afterwards, I woke in my room and then I drifted off to sleep. The next day my mom insisted that
I stay home due to the accident. After I avoided school for a day I had to go back and as soon as I
arrived everybody began to gossip to each other the other day then I simply sat on my seat. Then I
realized that some boys were pushing Laurie around and started making fun of him and in
response to this, he punched a kid in the stomach. I then began to feel terrible about what he went
through and just because he defended himself he was beaten by the teacher and the other boys
were not punished. I soon began to regret about how I will get him in trouble at the PTA meeting.
The next day was the PTA meeting I can't wait till my mom does something about Laurie although
I hope it won't be too harsh. Then I realize that Laurie nor his mom are here and after the PTA
meeting both me and my mom were amazed that they weren't there. After that, I had to put up
with Laurie for another week. Then it was Monday and like always I dreaded school, then to my
surprise Laurie was the teacher's helper and for once he was well behaved and the best part was
he didn't bother me that was the best day of school I have ever had! He pretty much stayed the
same way the whole week. Then the worst thing happened he had whispered in my ear this bad
word, next he told me to say it to the teacher so I did, not knowing how bad it was in addition to
this I did not want to get Laurie angry
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Personal Narrative: My First Day In High School
The day started ordinary except with a, "Kelly"! My mom was not happy. I forgot to do my
homework, and I had to walk to school, oh no! I have 5 minutes to get ready! Ugh today is a
Thursday, the only day of the week that taunts me, I mean it's the day before Friday and I just
have to wait, Thursdays are manipulative. The day got worse I was late to school and my math
teacher Mr. Bunt yelled at me and gave me detention. And the school lunch was meatloaf surprise
YUCK! "You'll eat what you get," the lunch lady screamed. Nothing good happened until gym, my
favorite subject, I looked down at my feet and realized I was wearing slippers(because I had five
minutes to get ready)! Why do I always have to sit out in gym?
Just when I thought my life couldn't get worse my heart was like a race car, we had a huge reading
test I didn't study for! "BEEP BEEP BEEP," the test was over and I still had the open response to do.
My life was a Nightmare, detention an F on my homework(because I didn't do it), and Meatloaf
surprise. The last class of the day was science, where I found Rowan(my best friend who could
always cheer me up), apparently she forgot about our project too! I guess two F's in one day is a
record for me. Why can't the weekends be school and the weekdays be weekends? My life is awful,
I have 6 pages of homework(that I forgot last night), and Rowan and I have to finish our project
"Hey Nora I was wondering if I could come over to work on our project that's due
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Worst Day Of My Life Essay
January 16, 2016–notably was the worst day of my life. I was awaken by a crying mother
struggling to tell me that my father had passed away in his sleep. The terror stricken sixteen year
old me immediately returned to the three year old kicking and screaming child you are most afraid
to babysit. The days following were extremely difficult and somewhat of a blur. Through this
tragedy, I learned to embrace support from family and friends. The first few months of living with
this tragedy were very hard. There was the hole in my heart I felt because my dad was not there
anymore. The memories continued to surface, but stung because I knew I would never be able to
make more memories with my father. There were several "firsts" I had to face; first birthday, first
day of Senior year, first Christmas. Friends and family were very supportive during this time, but
nothing compared to the support I received from my dad when I did something for the first time.
Other than my mother, I felt like my biggest supporter was done cheering for me. One of the "firsts"
I had to go through was my birthday. My dad was the life of the party. There was never a time a
genuine smile or comical laugh was not appearing from his face. This year we did not have that.
We still had a lot gathered at the house, but there was one person in particular who was not there
to make my birthday extra special. It was a weird feeling on the first day of Senior year when I did
not stand in front of my house and have a
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My Worst Day
I don't remember much about that day. That day led to a lot of bad things and dark days. I was in
middle school, 14 or 15. I was feeling a little bit better after i woke up. I had already been gone for a
week or more. It start out as a normal morning. I ate breakfast, got dressed, and did all of the
essential things to get ready for school. My sister was already ready. She was going to highschool
at that time. My brother was isolated in his room, my father was asleep. My mom is always up
when we get ready to go to school. That was no surprise. Smokie one of our cats at the time was
really old. My mom was was sitting on our couch using her computer. The smell of freshly brewed
coffee was in the air. The sun was just coming up, but it more content...
I grab the bag of my sweetheart's and my stuff out of the car. He's confused on what to do. They
weren't sure where everyone was. We changed into our swim suits. I set out stuff next to these
people i thought were alexis my friend's family. Lucky enough i was right. It was her 18th
birthday i think. Everything was great i saw lots of my friends and i had my love by my side. We
were waiting to have cake and ice cream so we could go swim. We had lots of cake and ice cream.
Some of us departed but the others including my boyfriend and me went to the river. It was like
the ice bucket challenge. I couldn't swim so i stayed in the shallows. I started to get swept away
and this little girl who was with her family that was there too helped me get back. When that
happened i panicked, my ptsd acted up. in the past i've almost drowned several times. We were
goofing around and my friend's drunk dad swam to the other side to the boulders. My boyfriend
kyle and him thought i could do the same. Well all of the adults warned us that we might get swept
away and that the water was run–off from the mountains. I thought i could do it and so did everyone
else. I started to walk across/kinda swim across. I didn't know how to swim but i tried anyways. I
had my goal in mind and started. The water picked up and they were getting further away for some
reason. I started not being able to touch the bottom with my feet. I was trying so hard but the water
was getting stronger.
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My Worst Day
It was the summer of 2017, it was the worst summer I've ever had. My friends and I had traveled to
Europe. One of my most favorite place was England. I got to meet new realities and made new
friends. Sadly, I only booked a ticket for a month. After I got back from my trip everything seemed
to bore me. I still had two months of summer left. When I arrived in my hometown it was 2:00 at
night and I missed out on the fireworks It was July 5, a warm and sunny day. I woke up early in the
morning and got dressed. I peeked outside the door to my room and I found a cup of coffee that was
placed on a portable table by my door. Every morning my grandma would wake up and make me a
cup of coffee to kick–start my day. She was so nice that I noticed I was being spoiled rotten,
finnaly. Grandmother would always purchase new things from the store and hired ten servants that
would work like dogs on my command. " Thanks Grandma " I shouted toward the stairs. " Quiet you
dolt, your mom is sleeping " grandma said. I brought the coffee in my gigantic room with expensive
equipment like 8K monitors to three hundered–thousand dollar couches. I even had a collection of
cheap phones like the Dimond Rose iPhone that costs 8 million dollars and 2 Gold Sticker iPhones
that cost thirty–two–thousand dollars. I sat on my limited addition bed that had an twenty–thousand
dollar mattress. I told one of my servant that I would pay him a hundred extra dollars if he would
time me for how long I can chug the
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Sweat dripped drown my face. It was the final period the score was tied 8–8. My heart was
pounding. I hear the whole team shouting my name. This was going to be a easy, or so i thought.
I hear a loud whistle being blown into my right ear then it starts. Not knowing what is happening
until it hits me. I don't have an enough time to react before I am being hoisted into the air by my
friend Jacob Runioun. I feel so high up like the air is getting colder. I am trying to squirm out but
it is too late. It feels like it has been an eternity since I have touched the ground. But it's too late
I'm falling back down to earth with rocket speed. Then I hit the ground so hard i can't even move.
I feel like I had just started a earth quake. I feel like I had just jumped off a building onto my back.
But then it all went black what had felt like a second was more like a minute. But then I am back
to earth with everybody watching me. I can't believe what I'm hearing I had just lost to our other
122 pounder. This was the worst day of my life I'm thinking to myself. I wouldn't be able to
wrestle during the pique tournament. When I get home I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I
had beaten this kid the whole year then he beats me. I'm furious I don't even stop to say hi to my
mother. The next morning is Saturday the day of the tournament. So roll out of bed and fix my hair.
Which looks like I haven't brushed it in three weeks. I walk right passed the leftover pizza from last
which still
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My Worst Day : The Best Day In My Life
Everyone human in the world has had a horrible day or the best day that they could ever imagine.
Most of the time, an individual will experience both in their lifetime. For example, death, losing a
job, or failing an important class could count as a day that an individual would never repeat.
Inversely, finding love, getting accepted into college, or winning the lottery could count as a
person's best experience. To summarize, there are days or experiences that a person would pay
1,000,000 to repeat, and there also times at which a person wouldn't accept an endless supply of
money to relive.
When I think of my worst day, I immediately think of the day my uncle died. This happened about
six or seven years ago when I had first moved more content...
I immediately panicked and found my locker. Teachers were there to help us open them.
Surprisingly, it wasn't hard at all. The best class that day was Mrs.Lamberton's English.
Straightaway, I bonded with a group of people at my table. Bridgett, Morgan, and Haley were
their names. It was phenomenal to me that I had made an entire group of friends in a matter of
minutes. We later sat at lunch together and had an amazing time. After lunch, I knew that
Mrs.Lamberton was my favorite teacher. Her classroom had a different atmosphere unlike all the
others in the school. Looking back, on the last day of middle school, many of my friends agreed
that Mrs.Lamberton was definitely one of the best teachers that we had the pleasure of meeting.
The remainder of the day was perfect. For all of these reasons, I would definitely pay 1,000,000 to
relive my first day at Freedom middle school.
In conclusion, life is full of times of happiness and times of hardships. Additionally, it is crucial to
remember that both of these moments won't last forever. You should cherish the happy times and
remain strong through the hard ones.
Overall, I would use the words: ambitious, hard–working, contemplative, disciplined, and
independent to describe myself. Personally, I believe that being ambitious is one of my most
redeeming traits. While contemplating what item in my room could serve as a representation of my
finest trait, I immediately thought of the trumpet mouthpiece that sits on my
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Worst Day Of My Life Essay
The worst day of my life is when my son, Brandon was involved in a near fatal car accident.
It was early one Monday morning and I was sitting in my car getting ready to go into work. I was
trying to prepare myself for the stressful day that laid ahead. I had stopped by Starbucks as usual and
got a pumpkin spice latte. I was enjoying my latte and listening to music. I was trying to enjoy a few
last minutes of peace. I looked down at my phone to check Facebook, and realized that I had missed
a call. I asked myself, how did I miss a call? My phone didn't ring. It was strange for me to receive a
call so early in the morning but I thought, what the heck, let me call it back even though I had no
idea who it was. I called back and a more content...
I went inside and knew that I had to find a supervisor but I couldn't find anyone. I finally found
two supervisors, tears still rolling down my face, and I told them that I had to leave because my
son had been in a car accident. They asked if they could do anything for me or if I needed to be
driven anywhere, but I told them no. At that very moment, my husband's supervisor called me back
and I told him about the accident and asked him to have my husband to call me back.
I made it back to my car and my husband called me and I could barely get the words out that
Brandon had been in a bad car accident. My husband and I decided to meet at Sam's club so we
could ride to the hospital together. I left the parking lot crying and praying. I started to drive
towards Sam's club and decided to take a short cut but got lost instead. That was the worst possible
moment to get lost. I found my way out of the neighborhood and caught a red light. It stayed red
forever. I didn't think it was ever going to change. It finally turned green and I was headed toward
the Aiken–Augusta bypass. I got behind a slow poke going way below the speed limit. My flashers
were on and I was honking my horn. I eventually made it to my husband and I jumped in his truck.
We sped off towards Augusta.
Between crying and praying I was making phone calls to our close relatives to let them know about
the accident. Right before we got to the hospital, I received another phone call from a number I didn't
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My Worst Day
June 7,2015 on a beautiful Sunday morning the worst call of my life. I was staying at my best
friend's house when I received the devastating news: my grandfather's house is on fire. That day
changed my life in an instant. I lost my only grandfather, I've ever come to know that day. This
tragedy taught me to call your family and spend time with them more often; cherish them and keep
some of the things they give because one day when you wake up, they will no longer be here.
June 7th, 2015 is a day I will never forget. Around 9 or 10 in the morning while getting ready for
church, my dad started to call me and asked did I know anything regarding my grandpa's house
being on fire. Being that I stayed the weekend at my best friend, Danielle, house I didn't what he
is talking about, but my stomach instantly dropped. I started to call my mother as soon as I hang
up with my dad to see what's going on ( it's my mom's father). She explained how the house caught
on fire and my grandpa and his workers were still inside. She didn't tell me all the details due to
the fact she didn't know herself, but she told me as soon as she learned anything she'd call me
back. I couldn't help but to start crying due to the fact I knew with my grandpa being paralyzed it
would be harder for him to escape from the house than the others that are inside. As I continued to
cry, Danielle walked in. She went to the store so she didn't know why i'm upset. I explained the
situation to her and she quickly
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The Worst Day Essay : The Worst Day In My Life
The Worst Day It was the worst day I have ever been through in my life. Every time I think about
it, it brings back the most painful sadness, the kind that makes your heart and stomach drop and
makes you feel like you're going to vomit. There's no feeling like it, nothing compares to losing a
friend to a silent demon. I remember that day like it was yesterday, but it's different. When I go
back to picture it there's this haze and fog. It's like dream. Me and my boyfriend Nick were
watching a movie while laying in his bed, I was really close to falling asleep. He got a text from
the wrestling group chat, I thought nothing of it. He soon became distant and very quiet, I asked
him what was wrong, he said "I don't know if I should tell you baby". I begged him to tell me, it
was clearly bothering him. He made me promise that if he told me I wouldn't do anything to myself,
he was referring to self–harm because he was aware I had battled with it in the past. I agreed
immediately but I felt my stomach drop, I figured he was breaking up with me, which I thought
was the end of the world because I love him with all my heart. Little did I know that what he was
going to tell me would change my life so much more. He handed me his phone to read the text. I
have never felt complete loss until that text "today is a sad day, when we lose one of our own.
Today Anthony Iori took his own life. Please send prayers to his family and everyone who loves
him." My heart smacked the floor. I lost it, my eyes started to well up and I couldn't breath, my
body started to shake, I was having a panic attack. Almost instantaneously I dropped the phone
and threw myself at Nick. I felt broken, heart broken but not for myself, for Anthony. He thought
nothing was worth the life he lived, no one impacted him positively enough for him to want to
stay around. For Tiffany, I cannot even imagine what it's like to lose your only child, the only
person you love with your entire being. For Logan, who just so happened to be my ex, his best
friend, he might as well have been his brother. Everyone who I had a memory with of Anthony,
began to pop into my head. Nothing will ever measure up to the pain and regret I felt in that
moment. I had talked to
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The Worst Day Of My Life Essay
My life was full of fear, I didn 't want anyone know, everything was different, but I was conscious
that something could happen. I am undocumented, my mom didn 't want me to know but I could
understand everything perfectly, with just 10 years old my life was going through a big change, it
was difficult? Yes it was difficult, there were a lot of things I didn 't expected, did it affected me?
Yes, absolute yes.
Everything started in middle school, maybe the worst year of my life. A 6th grader girl with no
knowledge about this country, a girl of color with no knowing the language, or the culture, or even
the system in the USA. It was my first month of school in this country, I was following my everyday
routine, but this day was different more content...
Next day to school I preferred to do everything faster so I would go between other students, now my
days were full of fear and school was harder for me. My teachers started asking me
"What happen to you?"
"You need to go to your counselor"
I didn 't say anything till the last weeks of school, I made my principal promise me to no say
anything to no one, he understands he told me " I won 't say anything, but it 's really important
for you to understand that your status no matter in APS schools" I ignored that, my mind was
close and I couldn 't understand that really well. My 7th year in middle school was totally
different because that year I didn 't get bully, but I meet a kid his name is Fernando he was a little
fat with a big head kid so innocent ,well he got bully but no because his color, or his language
because he was a USA citizen son of Mexicans parents and he got bully because of his head, when
I saw what they were doing to him I got really mad because I didn 't want no one to pass what I
did, so I stand up and walked to them, the sad thing was that this time were Mexicans and white
guys. So, I got more mad and I told them"What the fuck is wrong with you guys!?"hey started
laughing at me and keep bugging Fernando. I started screaming "help!" help!" And they run away, I
told Fernando " I don 't know you, but I love you, I
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My Worst Day
Have you ever just had a bad day? One where you just can't wait to get home and officially say that
the day is finally done? I know that I have had my fair share of them, but going to my house and
hiding away was never how I dealt with it. Whenever I had a rough day, my brother and I zoomed
over to grab something sweet to drink and talk about whatever we needed to. I soon learned that
even the worst days can always get better, you just needed a milkshake.
I was around 13 when a tradition had started between myself and my only brother, Jonah. Jonah
had just recently turned 16 and had just received a car, and could not be more thrilled to get out
on the open road! This tradition began on a cold day in November after school, I had just gotten
into Jonah's car and huffed out a long breath, the cold air being visibly seen inside the car. He had
just sort of stared, almost longingly, out of the window and a thick silence had spread throughout
the car, just the engine and the squeal of other car's tires on the snow outside could be heard. I
looked at him for a second, in his blue and green checkered flannel and khaki pants, and realized
that something was weighing heavily on my brother. My heart lurched when he starting pulling out
of the middle school and turned to me with a gentle, soft expression before asking me a question
that I will always remember
"I have a ton of homework, and I should absolutely go home and study, but I really, really want a
chocolate milkshake from the
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My Worst Day
At a very young age, I would experience something that I will never forget for as long as I live.
The events leading up to it would also be something that scared me. The worst day of my life was
the morning of my 13th the birthday I had spent the night with my best friend Chris at his house.
The night before his family had thrown me a big birthday party because they would not be there
on my actual birthday. Only Brain, Chris, and the house staff would be there. I spent the night
there because Chris had planned a whole day of fun starting with breakfast in bed. But little did I
know that the day he planned would never happen all because of a fight. Words that should never
have been said, words that came out of anger. That night after the party we went the garage to
play his grand piano. The fight started when Chris my best friend of 13th years told me that he
was going to stop his Chemotherapy because he was tired of feeling weak and being sick. The
only other words I remember from that night were" Yeah go ahead kill yourself by quitting
chemotherapy" those words I would come to regret the next day and every day after that. After I
said what I thought I need to say I headed to the guest room which was connected to a jack and Jill
bathroom. The next morning, I woke expecting to be surprised with my best walking in with a
tray table of my favorite breakfast foods. I laid there on the bed admiring the beautiful room I was
staying in. Giving Chris more time to show with the grand jester I knew he was planning. The
guest room was navy blue with white crown molding with a picture of Chris's family. The rest of
the walls were blank as if they were waiting for someone to return and decorate them. A couple
minutes passed as so I got up to go look for him. Curious to see if he was still cooking or even
awake. I called down the long hallway but there was no answer. As I walked to the kitchen there
were pictures. I noticed that one of the babies looked like Chris but, the ears and over the weight
of the baby was wrong. I told myself that it was probably just a picture of his older brother. By this
time, I had arrived at the kitchen and looked around but Chris wasn't there. At 13 years old I didn't
have a cell
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The Worst Day Of My Life Essay
From that moment on I knew my life was over. Since my father's death I always thought I already
had something terrible happen to me. I thought I already went through a inadequate experience that
affected my life. Which means that I thought nothing bad was ever going to happen to me again. I
thought that was true until April 29th 2013, one of the worst days of my life.
It was an astonishingly exquisite sunny day in Louisville, Kentucky. I was in bed feeling like my
head was going to explode and my throat was going to bust, I never felt so sick in my life. I couldn't
get up because I was so horrendously nauseous and dizzy. My mother was at work and I couldn't call
her until her break, therefore my brother and sister took care of me until more content...
I remember people crying, I heard people coughing, I smelt mildew and musty, it was one of the
worst feelings I had ever had. Finally my mom walked over to me and sat down. She didn't say
anything and I wanted to ask her what the nurse said but I decided to be quiet. We waited and
waited and it felt like 30 million hours had past and conclusively I heard my name, "Shamiya
Cockerham." They said my name wrong but I didn't care I was thankful and relieved that I got to
find out what was wrong with me, and prove to my mom that I wasn't ok. Me and my mom got up
and walked over to the nurse. I still felt really dizzy but I felt a little better than earlier because I got
to sit down. We got to a room and I sat on the yellowish hospital bed. "Thedoctor will be here
shortly" the nurse said in an ardent tone. My mom kept telling me "just know that you're fine and
that you probably just need medicine and will leave. I wished that was the case but that's not at all
what happened. A nurse came and did theses test on me then left. Several hours later the doctor
came, he was really freakily tall and an awfully huge nose. He looked really competent and serious.
He said that he needed to talk with my mother alone, my mom said "whatever you say to me you
can say to Shamiya also." "Ok, your daughter has pneumonia and is diagnosed with asthma" the
doctor said with a benevolent tone in his voice. The first thing that came to mind was what
pneumonia is but I
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My Worst Day Essay

  • 1. The Worst Day Of My Life Essay It was a typical day of work at Wendy's, it was gloomy, we were all joking around, and just ready to go home. I was talking to my co–worker Nathan about the funny customers we would get, our typical random conversations. We would become bored easily when there were no customers so we would always find some way to entertain ourselves. I suddenly got a surprise visit from my two best friends which made my day so much better. They came to visit a lot so I didn't think anything of their appearance other than something normal. But this time, it was different. They were acting strange and the look in their eyes was something different than I have ever seen before. I just wanted to know what was going on. Little did I know, it was the worst day of my life and I was about to realize it. My friend came up to the front to talk to me but was acting strange and I could see the nervousness in her facial expressions. When she took me away from the cashier, that's when I knew for sure something was wrong. She seemed very emotional with how she was speaking. I finally got her to tell me what was wrong and she responded "It's your grandpa". I replied "Is he okay?" and she quietly responded, "No". I then asked the question that I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer to. "Is he alive?" I looked at her with every bit of fear in my eyes while she shook head no and tears began to fall down her face. I instantly broke down, falling into her arms. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All I Get more content on
  • 2. My Worst Day I am so late. He's probably thinking that i'm bailing on him. I grab my shoes and purse and head for the door. As if things couldn't get worse, they do. My door handle breaks. I knew I should've gotten it fixed last week though I didn't think anything of it. I just so happen to have also left my phone at work. What a great day it's been i moan with a sigh. Now, what do I do? I can't leave my apartment, I can't call anybody, and I can't jump out of my window because i'm on the third story. This is one of the worst days ever, I think to myself over and over. All I can do is go dress into something more comfortable and stare out of my window. I watch as the streetlights are lit up and everyone's out and about having a blast while I'm in the worst possible situation ever. I can't imagine anyone else having a more terrible day, other than my date who probably thinks he got stood up. I hear the laughter of people chatting and the music playing all around. I can smell the amazing smells of the restaurant down the road which makes me think of the wonderful meal I could be having right now. Speaking of amazing food, I haven't eaten in awhile and my stomach is growling so loud the neighbors across the hall can probably hear it. I go to the refrigerator and look inside. I don't feel like making anything so I grab a tub of ice cream and head back to the window with a big fluffy blanket. I sit and watch out the window as time passes by, and think about what could be happening right Get more content on
  • 3. My Worst Day I never imagined that my horrible day at work would turn into such an amazing night. I was pretty upset that I was not going to be able to spend Christmas with my boyfriend of two years Tate and his mother Penny at their house because both of our family's were having their family Christmas the same day. So when I got his text it started to turn the night around. I was eager for him to open his gift from me. Also to see what he had snatched up for me. As I was putting my last resident in to bed at work as I did every night as a certified nurses aide at Elm Haven East. I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket, instead of looking to see who it was from I finished doing what I need to do in order to help this lady into bed. When I was done I finally looked at my phone to see why it had vibrated. Much to my surprise my boyfriend Tate had texted me, asking if I wanted to come over after work to open Christmas presents with him and his mom Penny. Happy now that I would actually get to see him before Christmas I eagerly replied, "Yes, I would love too. See you after work". I finished up work before clocking out. As I punched my time card I smiled with joy, knowing shortly Tate would be opening his present I was so proud I had bought. I stepped out side to walk to my car, I saw a white cloud coming out of my mouth as I breathed from the cold, crisp air. I pulled into his drive way nervous to walk inside. I walked inside, my hands full of presents. I started through the house to the living room. Penny couldn't help but have a huge smile on her face which made me even more nervous. Penny never smiled like that. Why was she smiling now? There I stood in the living room. Penny excitedly told Tate to go get all the presents from them out from under the tree. While he was gone Penny asked me "Are you excited to open your presents?". The question made my palms sweaty, I hate surprises so opening presents was defiantly my least favorite thing to do at Christmas time. Everyone staring at you to see your reaction to the gifts they bought you, I hated that. Tate finally returned with handful of presents and still hand to go back for more. I just thought to myself how many presents did they buy? When Tate was done bringing Get more content on
  • 4. Worst Day Of My Life "Life can give you a surprise even though you don't want it" was a quote that reminded me of my petty little self on my 10th birthday. We were visiting the striking city of Miami, Florida. The day starting at 9:45 ready for the best day of my life not knowing the challenges ahead of my road to double digits. We were staying at an Airbnb 6bedroom 5–bathroom house with my Uncles family. Looking out of my window at the beautiful beach put me in awe. My Brother in the bed next to me mumbled "oh yay it's the worst day of the year." I didn't listen to him knowing that he was jealous that my birthday was going to be at a paradise. Excited for my day I ran out of my room to be flabbergasted by my family for my birthday. They all screamed from the top of their lungs "SURPRISE!!!" It was as if they wanted to wake up everybody in the state Florida. I was shocked, but not as shocked as my brother. He literally jumped off the bed of how alarmed he was. He said to me "I saw a spider on my bed so I got off calmly?!?!" I agreed with him making him think that I believed in the big black spider on his arm climbing up to bite his head off. As my family dispersed into their rooms I galloped through the long hallway pushing my aunt to get to the bathroom of sorrows. I called it that because It was decorated as if someone was color blind and decided to make the bathroom colorful but actually making it the emo bathroom of the world. I went inside and started brushing my teeth while waiting for Get more content on
  • 5. The Worst Day Of My Life Essay The Beginning of Something New July 21, 2009 was what I considered to be the worst day of my life for several years. I woke up that morning to an empty room besides my bed, an empty bookshelf, and my hamster, Skittles. In the living room I could hear the sound of boxes being taped shut and several people talking. This was the day I left my life in Omaha, Nebraska to move to Roswell, Georgia. I was ten years old and oblivious to the idea of moving to a different state. Little did I know my dad would be offered a new job in a state I knew nothing about. The morning of the 21st was a hectic one. My grandparents from South Dakota (my mom's parents) as well as my grandparents who lived in town (my dad's parents) came over to help us pack. The moving truck arrived early in the morning to pick up our larger furniture. After they left we started loading the U–Haul we rented with boxes. At some point while we were packing, I went inside for a minute, and when I was starting to head back outside, I realized one of our dogs wasn't in the house. Walter, our Scottish Terrier, had a bad habit of running off if he wasn't in a fenced in yard or on a leash. My grandma accidentally left the door leading outside open, and he managed to get out. This resulted in my mom, dad, sister and I all running down the street after him. After what felt like an eternity of running, we finally caught him. My parents then finished up the packing, and it was time to say our goodbyes. Before we left, I Get more content on
  • 6. Worst Day Of My Life Essay The Worst Day of my Life Everybody goes through hardships in their life, whether they are far into their life or young adolescents. I faced a problem that most people do not have to go through until late in their life. When I was only twelve years old, I lost my father. It was unexpected and happened within a matter of months. My dad was always healthy, even as a kid. He was very tough and never let me see him upset. It came as a huge shock to everyone when we found out the news of his illness. He was always kind, compassionate, and patient. He never raised his voice or showed sadness during his daily life. My father, Roger A. Patla, was a great man who could not say no to a soul. The whole situation took place very quickly. From the time he was diagnosed to the time he passed away, my dad continued to be a role model for everyone around him. My dad's passing was only a short period in my life that will consequently affect everyday yet to come. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a great childhood. I was always a very happy kid, mostly because I was nurtured with love and support. I do not have any siblings so as a result, all of my time was spent with my parents. They were truly my best friends, and always gave everything they had to make me as happy as I could be. My dad worked a lot when I was a kid, so most of my time was spent with my mom. My dad worked as a truck driver so he would be gone for days at a time. The second he got home I would curl up in his arms. I got to see my dad even less when my parents separated. I would only be able to see my dad on the weekends due to his complicated schedule. He would pick me up from school every other friday and we would spend the weekend together. If we did not have anything specific to do, we would pick out movies to watch together. It was always a movie I wanted to watch, so of course it would be Disney or Barbie, but my dad never complained. He would sit and watch the whole thing start to finish. I honestly can not remember my dad ever telling me no. He always wanted to be seen as the fun parent. My dad was such a kind and passionate person, I never expected to lose him at such a young age in my life. In July of 2014, I received the worst news of my Get more content on
  • 7. The Worst Day In School The first day of school was the worst day of my life, I was talking to my mother and begged her not to go to school but it didn't work she even insisted that I go with the kid next door to make sure I attended school. Then I had noticed that the boy was wearing blue jeans with a belt along with overalls he also looked very looked very mad. I bet his mom made him go to school too. If that want enough then, I had to walk two miles with my fancy shoes and dress it was the most tiring day of my life! To top it all off the boy insulted me for my clothes he had said "why did you would wear such clothes you look hideous.", From then on I knew we were rivals! Finally, he was quiet for the rest of the way. Soon after we reached school he more content... Afterwards, I woke in my room and then I drifted off to sleep. The next day my mom insisted that I stay home due to the accident. After I avoided school for a day I had to go back and as soon as I arrived everybody began to gossip to each other the other day then I simply sat on my seat. Then I realized that some boys were pushing Laurie around and started making fun of him and in response to this, he punched a kid in the stomach. I then began to feel terrible about what he went through and just because he defended himself he was beaten by the teacher and the other boys were not punished. I soon began to regret about how I will get him in trouble at the PTA meeting. The next day was the PTA meeting I can't wait till my mom does something about Laurie although I hope it won't be too harsh. Then I realize that Laurie nor his mom are here and after the PTA meeting both me and my mom were amazed that they weren't there. After that, I had to put up with Laurie for another week. Then it was Monday and like always I dreaded school, then to my surprise Laurie was the teacher's helper and for once he was well behaved and the best part was he didn't bother me that was the best day of school I have ever had! He pretty much stayed the same way the whole week. Then the worst thing happened he had whispered in my ear this bad word, next he told me to say it to the teacher so I did, not knowing how bad it was in addition to this I did not want to get Laurie angry Get more content on
  • 8. Personal Narrative: My First Day In High School The day started ordinary except with a, "Kelly"! My mom was not happy. I forgot to do my homework, and I had to walk to school, oh no! I have 5 minutes to get ready! Ugh today is a Thursday, the only day of the week that taunts me, I mean it's the day before Friday and I just have to wait, Thursdays are manipulative. The day got worse I was late to school and my math teacher Mr. Bunt yelled at me and gave me detention. And the school lunch was meatloaf surprise YUCK! "You'll eat what you get," the lunch lady screamed. Nothing good happened until gym, my favorite subject, I looked down at my feet and realized I was wearing slippers(because I had five minutes to get ready)! Why do I always have to sit out in gym? Just when I thought my life couldn't get worse my heart was like a race car, we had a huge reading test I didn't study for! "BEEP BEEP BEEP," the test was over and I still had the open response to do. My life was a Nightmare, detention an F on my homework(because I didn't do it), and Meatloaf surprise. The last class of the day was science, where I found Rowan(my best friend who could always cheer me up), apparently she forgot about our project too! I guess two F's in one day is a record for me. Why can't the weekends be school and the weekdays be weekends? My life is awful, I have 6 pages of homework(that I forgot last night), and Rowan and I have to finish our project tonight. "Hey Nora I was wondering if I could come over to work on our project that's due Get more content on
  • 9. Worst Day Of My Life Essay January 16, 2016–notably was the worst day of my life. I was awaken by a crying mother struggling to tell me that my father had passed away in his sleep. The terror stricken sixteen year old me immediately returned to the three year old kicking and screaming child you are most afraid to babysit. The days following were extremely difficult and somewhat of a blur. Through this tragedy, I learned to embrace support from family and friends. The first few months of living with this tragedy were very hard. There was the hole in my heart I felt because my dad was not there anymore. The memories continued to surface, but stung because I knew I would never be able to make more memories with my father. There were several "firsts" I had to face; first birthday, first day of Senior year, first Christmas. Friends and family were very supportive during this time, but nothing compared to the support I received from my dad when I did something for the first time. Other than my mother, I felt like my biggest supporter was done cheering for me. One of the "firsts" I had to go through was my birthday. My dad was the life of the party. There was never a time a genuine smile or comical laugh was not appearing from his face. This year we did not have that. We still had a lot gathered at the house, but there was one person in particular who was not there to make my birthday extra special. It was a weird feeling on the first day of Senior year when I did not stand in front of my house and have a Get more content on
  • 10. My Worst Day I don't remember much about that day. That day led to a lot of bad things and dark days. I was in middle school, 14 or 15. I was feeling a little bit better after i woke up. I had already been gone for a week or more. It start out as a normal morning. I ate breakfast, got dressed, and did all of the essential things to get ready for school. My sister was already ready. She was going to highschool at that time. My brother was isolated in his room, my father was asleep. My mom is always up when we get ready to go to school. That was no surprise. Smokie one of our cats at the time was really old. My mom was was sitting on our couch using her computer. The smell of freshly brewed coffee was in the air. The sun was just coming up, but it more content... I grab the bag of my sweetheart's and my stuff out of the car. He's confused on what to do. They weren't sure where everyone was. We changed into our swim suits. I set out stuff next to these people i thought were alexis my friend's family. Lucky enough i was right. It was her 18th birthday i think. Everything was great i saw lots of my friends and i had my love by my side. We were waiting to have cake and ice cream so we could go swim. We had lots of cake and ice cream. Some of us departed but the others including my boyfriend and me went to the river. It was like the ice bucket challenge. I couldn't swim so i stayed in the shallows. I started to get swept away and this little girl who was with her family that was there too helped me get back. When that happened i panicked, my ptsd acted up. in the past i've almost drowned several times. We were goofing around and my friend's drunk dad swam to the other side to the boulders. My boyfriend kyle and him thought i could do the same. Well all of the adults warned us that we might get swept away and that the water was run–off from the mountains. I thought i could do it and so did everyone else. I started to walk across/kinda swim across. I didn't know how to swim but i tried anyways. I had my goal in mind and started. The water picked up and they were getting further away for some reason. I started not being able to touch the bottom with my feet. I was trying so hard but the water was getting stronger. Get more content on
  • 11. My Worst Day It was the summer of 2017, it was the worst summer I've ever had. My friends and I had traveled to Europe. One of my most favorite place was England. I got to meet new realities and made new friends. Sadly, I only booked a ticket for a month. After I got back from my trip everything seemed to bore me. I still had two months of summer left. When I arrived in my hometown it was 2:00 at night and I missed out on the fireworks It was July 5, a warm and sunny day. I woke up early in the morning and got dressed. I peeked outside the door to my room and I found a cup of coffee that was placed on a portable table by my door. Every morning my grandma would wake up and make me a cup of coffee to kick–start my day. She was so nice that I noticed I was being spoiled rotten, finnaly. Grandmother would always purchase new things from the store and hired ten servants that would work like dogs on my command. " Thanks Grandma " I shouted toward the stairs. " Quiet you dolt, your mom is sleeping " grandma said. I brought the coffee in my gigantic room with expensive equipment like 8K monitors to three hundered–thousand dollar couches. I even had a collection of cheap phones like the Dimond Rose iPhone that costs 8 million dollars and 2 Gold Sticker iPhones that cost thirty–two–thousand dollars. I sat on my limited addition bed that had an twenty–thousand dollar mattress. I told one of my servant that I would pay him a hundred extra dollars if he would time me for how long I can chug the Get more content on
  • 12. Sweat dripped drown my face. It was the final period the score was tied 8–8. My heart was pounding. I hear the whole team shouting my name. This was going to be a easy, or so i thought. I hear a loud whistle being blown into my right ear then it starts. Not knowing what is happening until it hits me. I don't have an enough time to react before I am being hoisted into the air by my friend Jacob Runioun. I feel so high up like the air is getting colder. I am trying to squirm out but it is too late. It feels like it has been an eternity since I have touched the ground. But it's too late I'm falling back down to earth with rocket speed. Then I hit the ground so hard i can't even move. I feel like I had just started a earth quake. I feel like I had just jumped off a building onto my back. But then it all went black what had felt like a second was more like a minute. But then I am back to earth with everybody watching me. I can't believe what I'm hearing I had just lost to our other 122 pounder. This was the worst day of my life I'm thinking to myself. I wouldn't be able to wrestle during the pique tournament. When I get home I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I had beaten this kid the whole year then he beats me. I'm furious I don't even stop to say hi to my mother. The next morning is Saturday the day of the tournament. So roll out of bed and fix my hair. Which looks like I haven't brushed it in three weeks. I walk right passed the leftover pizza from last which still Get more content on
  • 13. My Worst Day : The Best Day In My Life Everyone human in the world has had a horrible day or the best day that they could ever imagine. Most of the time, an individual will experience both in their lifetime. For example, death, losing a job, or failing an important class could count as a day that an individual would never repeat. Inversely, finding love, getting accepted into college, or winning the lottery could count as a person's best experience. To summarize, there are days or experiences that a person would pay 1,000,000 to repeat, and there also times at which a person wouldn't accept an endless supply of money to relive. When I think of my worst day, I immediately think of the day my uncle died. This happened about six or seven years ago when I had first moved more content... I immediately panicked and found my locker. Teachers were there to help us open them. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard at all. The best class that day was Mrs.Lamberton's English. Straightaway, I bonded with a group of people at my table. Bridgett, Morgan, and Haley were their names. It was phenomenal to me that I had made an entire group of friends in a matter of minutes. We later sat at lunch together and had an amazing time. After lunch, I knew that Mrs.Lamberton was my favorite teacher. Her classroom had a different atmosphere unlike all the others in the school. Looking back, on the last day of middle school, many of my friends agreed that Mrs.Lamberton was definitely one of the best teachers that we had the pleasure of meeting. The remainder of the day was perfect. For all of these reasons, I would definitely pay 1,000,000 to relive my first day at Freedom middle school. In conclusion, life is full of times of happiness and times of hardships. Additionally, it is crucial to remember that both of these moments won't last forever. You should cherish the happy times and remain strong through the hard ones. Overall, I would use the words: ambitious, hard–working, contemplative, disciplined, and independent to describe myself. Personally, I believe that being ambitious is one of my most redeeming traits. While contemplating what item in my room could serve as a representation of my finest trait, I immediately thought of the trumpet mouthpiece that sits on my Get more content on
  • 14. Worst Day Of My Life Essay The worst day of my life is when my son, Brandon was involved in a near fatal car accident. It was early one Monday morning and I was sitting in my car getting ready to go into work. I was trying to prepare myself for the stressful day that laid ahead. I had stopped by Starbucks as usual and got a pumpkin spice latte. I was enjoying my latte and listening to music. I was trying to enjoy a few last minutes of peace. I looked down at my phone to check Facebook, and realized that I had missed a call. I asked myself, how did I miss a call? My phone didn't ring. It was strange for me to receive a call so early in the morning but I thought, what the heck, let me call it back even though I had no idea who it was. I called back and a more content... I went inside and knew that I had to find a supervisor but I couldn't find anyone. I finally found two supervisors, tears still rolling down my face, and I told them that I had to leave because my son had been in a car accident. They asked if they could do anything for me or if I needed to be driven anywhere, but I told them no. At that very moment, my husband's supervisor called me back and I told him about the accident and asked him to have my husband to call me back. I made it back to my car and my husband called me and I could barely get the words out that Brandon had been in a bad car accident. My husband and I decided to meet at Sam's club so we could ride to the hospital together. I left the parking lot crying and praying. I started to drive towards Sam's club and decided to take a short cut but got lost instead. That was the worst possible moment to get lost. I found my way out of the neighborhood and caught a red light. It stayed red forever. I didn't think it was ever going to change. It finally turned green and I was headed toward the Aiken–Augusta bypass. I got behind a slow poke going way below the speed limit. My flashers were on and I was honking my horn. I eventually made it to my husband and I jumped in his truck. We sped off towards Augusta. Between crying and praying I was making phone calls to our close relatives to let them know about the accident. Right before we got to the hospital, I received another phone call from a number I didn't Get more content on
  • 15. My Worst Day June 7,2015 on a beautiful Sunday morning the worst call of my life. I was staying at my best friend's house when I received the devastating news: my grandfather's house is on fire. That day changed my life in an instant. I lost my only grandfather, I've ever come to know that day. This tragedy taught me to call your family and spend time with them more often; cherish them and keep some of the things they give because one day when you wake up, they will no longer be here. June 7th, 2015 is a day I will never forget. Around 9 or 10 in the morning while getting ready for church, my dad started to call me and asked did I know anything regarding my grandpa's house being on fire. Being that I stayed the weekend at my best friend, Danielle, house I didn't what he is talking about, but my stomach instantly dropped. I started to call my mother as soon as I hang up with my dad to see what's going on ( it's my mom's father). She explained how the house caught on fire and my grandpa and his workers were still inside. She didn't tell me all the details due to the fact she didn't know herself, but she told me as soon as she learned anything she'd call me back. I couldn't help but to start crying due to the fact I knew with my grandpa being paralyzed it would be harder for him to escape from the house than the others that are inside. As I continued to cry, Danielle walked in. She went to the store so she didn't know why i'm upset. I explained the situation to her and she quickly Get more content on
  • 16. The Worst Day Essay : The Worst Day In My Life The Worst Day It was the worst day I have ever been through in my life. Every time I think about it, it brings back the most painful sadness, the kind that makes your heart and stomach drop and makes you feel like you're going to vomit. There's no feeling like it, nothing compares to losing a friend to a silent demon. I remember that day like it was yesterday, but it's different. When I go back to picture it there's this haze and fog. It's like dream. Me and my boyfriend Nick were watching a movie while laying in his bed, I was really close to falling asleep. He got a text from the wrestling group chat, I thought nothing of it. He soon became distant and very quiet, I asked him what was wrong, he said "I don't know if I should tell you baby". I begged him to tell me, it was clearly bothering him. He made me promise that if he told me I wouldn't do anything to myself, he was referring to self–harm because he was aware I had battled with it in the past. I agreed immediately but I felt my stomach drop, I figured he was breaking up with me, which I thought was the end of the world because I love him with all my heart. Little did I know that what he was going to tell me would change my life so much more. He handed me his phone to read the text. I have never felt complete loss until that text "today is a sad day, when we lose one of our own. Today Anthony Iori took his own life. Please send prayers to his family and everyone who loves him." My heart smacked the floor. I lost it, my eyes started to well up and I couldn't breath, my body started to shake, I was having a panic attack. Almost instantaneously I dropped the phone and threw myself at Nick. I felt broken, heart broken but not for myself, for Anthony. He thought nothing was worth the life he lived, no one impacted him positively enough for him to want to stay around. For Tiffany, I cannot even imagine what it's like to lose your only child, the only person you love with your entire being. For Logan, who just so happened to be my ex, his best friend, he might as well have been his brother. Everyone who I had a memory with of Anthony, began to pop into my head. Nothing will ever measure up to the pain and regret I felt in that moment. I had talked to Get more content on
  • 17. The Worst Day Of My Life Essay My life was full of fear, I didn 't want anyone know, everything was different, but I was conscious that something could happen. I am undocumented, my mom didn 't want me to know but I could understand everything perfectly, with just 10 years old my life was going through a big change, it was difficult? Yes it was difficult, there were a lot of things I didn 't expected, did it affected me? Yes, absolute yes. Everything started in middle school, maybe the worst year of my life. A 6th grader girl with no knowledge about this country, a girl of color with no knowing the language, or the culture, or even the system in the USA. It was my first month of school in this country, I was following my everyday routine, but this day was different more content... Next day to school I preferred to do everything faster so I would go between other students, now my days were full of fear and school was harder for me. My teachers started asking me "What happen to you?" "You need to go to your counselor" I didn 't say anything till the last weeks of school, I made my principal promise me to no say anything to no one, he understands he told me " I won 't say anything, but it 's really important for you to understand that your status no matter in APS schools" I ignored that, my mind was close and I couldn 't understand that really well. My 7th year in middle school was totally different because that year I didn 't get bully, but I meet a kid his name is Fernando he was a little fat with a big head kid so innocent ,well he got bully but no because his color, or his language because he was a USA citizen son of Mexicans parents and he got bully because of his head, when I saw what they were doing to him I got really mad because I didn 't want no one to pass what I did, so I stand up and walked to them, the sad thing was that this time were Mexicans and white guys. So, I got more mad and I told them"What the fuck is wrong with you guys!?"hey started laughing at me and keep bugging Fernando. I started screaming "help!" help!" And they run away, I told Fernando " I don 't know you, but I love you, I Get more content on
  • 18. My Worst Day Have you ever just had a bad day? One where you just can't wait to get home and officially say that the day is finally done? I know that I have had my fair share of them, but going to my house and hiding away was never how I dealt with it. Whenever I had a rough day, my brother and I zoomed over to grab something sweet to drink and talk about whatever we needed to. I soon learned that even the worst days can always get better, you just needed a milkshake. I was around 13 when a tradition had started between myself and my only brother, Jonah. Jonah had just recently turned 16 and had just received a car, and could not be more thrilled to get out on the open road! This tradition began on a cold day in November after school, I had just gotten into Jonah's car and huffed out a long breath, the cold air being visibly seen inside the car. He had just sort of stared, almost longingly, out of the window and a thick silence had spread throughout the car, just the engine and the squeal of other car's tires on the snow outside could be heard. I looked at him for a second, in his blue and green checkered flannel and khaki pants, and realized that something was weighing heavily on my brother. My heart lurched when he starting pulling out of the middle school and turned to me with a gentle, soft expression before asking me a question that I will always remember "I have a ton of homework, and I should absolutely go home and study, but I really, really want a chocolate milkshake from the Get more content on
  • 19. My Worst Day At a very young age, I would experience something that I will never forget for as long as I live. The events leading up to it would also be something that scared me. The worst day of my life was the morning of my 13th the birthday I had spent the night with my best friend Chris at his house. The night before his family had thrown me a big birthday party because they would not be there on my actual birthday. Only Brain, Chris, and the house staff would be there. I spent the night there because Chris had planned a whole day of fun starting with breakfast in bed. But little did I know that the day he planned would never happen all because of a fight. Words that should never have been said, words that came out of anger. That night after the party we went the garage to play his grand piano. The fight started when Chris my best friend of 13th years told me that he was going to stop his Chemotherapy because he was tired of feeling weak and being sick. The only other words I remember from that night were" Yeah go ahead kill yourself by quitting chemotherapy" those words I would come to regret the next day and every day after that. After I said what I thought I need to say I headed to the guest room which was connected to a jack and Jill bathroom. The next morning, I woke expecting to be surprised with my best walking in with a tray table of my favorite breakfast foods. I laid there on the bed admiring the beautiful room I was staying in. Giving Chris more time to show with the grand jester I knew he was planning. The guest room was navy blue with white crown molding with a picture of Chris's family. The rest of the walls were blank as if they were waiting for someone to return and decorate them. A couple minutes passed as so I got up to go look for him. Curious to see if he was still cooking or even awake. I called down the long hallway but there was no answer. As I walked to the kitchen there were pictures. I noticed that one of the babies looked like Chris but, the ears and over the weight of the baby was wrong. I told myself that it was probably just a picture of his older brother. By this time, I had arrived at the kitchen and looked around but Chris wasn't there. At 13 years old I didn't have a cell Get more content on
  • 20. The Worst Day Of My Life Essay From that moment on I knew my life was over. Since my father's death I always thought I already had something terrible happen to me. I thought I already went through a inadequate experience that affected my life. Which means that I thought nothing bad was ever going to happen to me again. I thought that was true until April 29th 2013, one of the worst days of my life. It was an astonishingly exquisite sunny day in Louisville, Kentucky. I was in bed feeling like my head was going to explode and my throat was going to bust, I never felt so sick in my life. I couldn't get up because I was so horrendously nauseous and dizzy. My mother was at work and I couldn't call her until her break, therefore my brother and sister took care of me until more content... I remember people crying, I heard people coughing, I smelt mildew and musty, it was one of the worst feelings I had ever had. Finally my mom walked over to me and sat down. She didn't say anything and I wanted to ask her what the nurse said but I decided to be quiet. We waited and waited and it felt like 30 million hours had past and conclusively I heard my name, "Shamiya Cockerham." They said my name wrong but I didn't care I was thankful and relieved that I got to find out what was wrong with me, and prove to my mom that I wasn't ok. Me and my mom got up and walked over to the nurse. I still felt really dizzy but I felt a little better than earlier because I got to sit down. We got to a room and I sat on the yellowish hospital bed. "Thedoctor will be here shortly" the nurse said in an ardent tone. My mom kept telling me "just know that you're fine and that you probably just need medicine and will leave. I wished that was the case but that's not at all what happened. A nurse came and did theses test on me then left. Several hours later the doctor came, he was really freakily tall and an awfully huge nose. He looked really competent and serious. He said that he needed to talk with my mother alone, my mom said "whatever you say to me you can say to Shamiya also." "Ok, your daughter has pneumonia and is diagnosed with asthma" the doctor said with a benevolent tone in his voice. The first thing that came to mind was what pneumonia is but I Get more content on