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My Parents Generation Essay
My Parents' Generation
Marriage, Education and Gender Roles
There is a division of labor by sex in my parents' generation. Men go out and get paid employment, and women take on domestic jobs such as taking
care of the children, cooking and cleaning duties around the house. In my mother's family, she stated things were different. In other families, the
education of boys over girls was more favorable. However, her father had been a principal of a school, so herself, her sisters, and her brother all got to
attend school. My mother stated "my father was an educator so he saw the importance of educating boys and girls, but in other circumstances, in
families that didn't have as much education, they don't see the purpose of sending girls more content...
My maternal grandmother died in childbirth when my mother was six. My mother lived with her grandmother, who was a landowner, and could
afford to send her grandchildren to school. My mother's grandmother passed away when she was 16 and her older sister had to take on the
responsibility of care for her siblings. The death of my mother's grandmother meant she and her siblings could no longer afford to go to school. My
mother struggled to pay for her education, she married my father at the age of 17 and eventually she managed to finish her education and graduated
with an undergraduate degree in law at the age of 24. She now holds a Master's degree in Law and owned several businesses jointly with my father.
Similarly, my father was one of the few people in his village who managed to attend school when he was young uninterrupted. However, my paternal
grandfather died when he was 11, and he could no longer afford to attend school. My father, helped pay for his own education by selling produce in
the local market with my paternal grandmother. There was a lot of disruption to his education, but he managed to get a scholarship for college at the
age of 16, he wanted to study medicine, but could not afford all the
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Relationship With My Parents And Parents
I have a really great relationship with my parents. I guess I can say that they're my favorite people in the whole world. I'm definitely more close
with my parents than any other person would be. Probably even closer than my own brother. I only have one other sibling, and when he left for
boarding school, it was only me and my parents left in the house. So we would spend a lot of time together when they weren't at work. They would
take me everywhere with them. I remember we used to randomly pick a night and go to a restaurant together for dinner and we'd talk about our day
and just bond over food. My parents would even take me on their business trips because they would feel bad leaving me at home with my aunt or
grandmother. They would go to New York City for their business trips and they would take me along with them. I enjoyed every second of those
business trips because anytime with my mom and dad is a good time for me. Even when my mom had a doctors appointment at Johns Hopkins hospital
for a brain tumor, they brought me along with them.
At times we can butt heads but overall, my parents and i get along really well. Sometimes they want to have their alone time together but I always try
to hang around them much to their demise. The times when my parents and I were the closest was when we would have family worship on friday nights.
We would sing together, pray, and read a devotional and sometimes we would watch the local adventist television station together
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My Relationship With Parents
My Relationship with My Parents As you grow up, the relationship between your mother and father can be very challenging especially when you go
through different stages of life. Being only eighteen years old, I am sure that my relationship with my parents will grow stronger in the future. The
different stages are: birth, toddler, elementary, teenage, and adult years. Each stage differs on how much the relationship between my parents and I
change. I have seen a trend that many kids follow the same patterns on how they act younger to how they have grown and act today with their parents.
First are the birth years. As a baby, I didn't have a relationship with my parents yet, but they started with me the day I was born. Being loved and cared more content...
At that she would become irritated with me and she got sick of my whining. Throughout the years, I was more tolerant but I still struggled having
her around all day, seeming to nag me to do my work. Even if I was sick she would still make me do some homework or at least read a book. She
seemed like Robert Bly's father when he refused for the school in town to close. This all changed in my next stage of life where I thought I could do
whatever I wanted and nothing was ever fair. As a teenager, I believed I could do anything by myself, but as I learned later I was very wrong. During
high school, all I wanted to do was hang out with my friends. My parents didn't like that because they wanted me to be home more and around them.
I felt as if my relationship with them grew further apart. When I was around my friends they influenced me more and in some ways, I started
acting like them. As I have grown, I have seen these differences but now have a respect and better relationship with my parents. Ever since going to
college everything between my parents and I have changed. I hardly see them, so when I do see them it's always nice to visit, we talk about what's
happening at home; I tell them stories about college. My relationship with my dad has grown closer in college because he texts me a lot and will
call me occasionally to see how baseball and classes are going which I don't mind. Having a strong relationship with your parents is good because they
will always be there for
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How My Parents Raised Me
How My Parents Raised Me As far as I can remember I have had a happy childhood. I don't have a dramatic or a traumatic experience as to how my
parents raised me like most of the other kids. My parents handled my wrongdoings and mistakes very calmly, although I can't remember doing
something that's very bad. I guess you could say that I'm spoiled but I don't think I am. Being an only child I think helped on making my
punishments not that painful. But how my parents raised me is what made me the person that I am today, and I think they did a great job. No, my
parents were never pushing or demanding what I should do or become. My first 4 years of life, it was just traveling, since I was just two months old. I
am lucky in many ways. I was more content...
Make sure that the weakest have their share. If someone has a hard time, do not put the person more down. Help the weak. Plant trees or flowers;
do anything what makes surroundings more beautiful. Not only me, but everybody around my father, has been learning these facts of life. Even
my mom, she became totally devoted to our pet dogs. These things and more have been my guiding ropes these nearly 19 years of my life. Since I
was in kinder, I was never pushed or forced to study, or to be the best or even second best. I was taught to be fair and independent. For my parents,
any level of test grades was good. I was never told to become an engineer, nurse or a doctor. Choice was trusted on me. My parents said: Be you,
because the future is yours, we just try our best to give a nice path and a little push for your starting journey in life. Here again, I been lucky, no
demanding and no pressure. I have been taught to make my own decisions and to stick with them. That is maybe the greatest thing in my upbringing,
loving and trusting parents, whom been treating me as equal, not just like a kid. Anything and everything was and is discussed in the dinner table or
any given time when we are together. No matter how young I was, there were never secrets or some "adult talk only", I was always present and part
of it. From Global matters, to politics and family planning, I was taught everything before I was 8 years old. There were no questions or
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How My Parent Divorce Changed My Life
"What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do." (–Ralph Waldo Emerson). My parentĐ’Ò‘s divorce has shaped and
influenced my whole life, with a lot of side effects. I fell into a state of depression. I learned not to dwell on the bad things in life. I found a person
within myself that I could live with for a while, a kid that I could be proud of, someone I wouldn't hate. Over the years, I've changed, little changes,
big changes, it's all happened, and I am who I am today because of it. Not all crummy circumstances stay awful, even though it may feel like it. I can't
tell if I've changed for the better or the worse, but everything starts with something, one thing. My parentĐ’Ò‘s divorce shaped me into who I am today,
whether the changes were good or bad, little or big, this has changed me. Often enough, divorce usually has a negative effect on people. I am no
exception to that. Though I was too young to remember what life was like before my parents separated themselves, having that life for as long as I
can think of was not a good experience. It caused me to have a serious case of anxiety before going to my dad's house for visitation, during, and after.
No one likes to feel anxious or stressed, and I felt that everyday, all the time. I was a self–conscious, shy girl who wasn't ready for more
I changed, with the help of family, friends, and therapists. I am ever thankful to them, and I have learned to appreciate the good things in life, the
small ones. I know that being pessimistic is not the way to go. If we want to be strong and overcome the trials in our life that may hit us when we
least expect it, we have to look at the silver lining, the 'bright side' of things. When all you think about are the events gone wrong in your life, why is
that life worth living? Point is, it's better that you pull the thorns from your side as soon as you can, not to let them
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Parenting Essay
Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility and difficult decision making. You always have your child's best interest at heart, but sometimes
your child may disagree with the rules you have set down. That is why, I believe, the perfect parenting style is democratic. You can compromise with
your child, but still have basic rules you want them to follow, without them feeling targeted or that you are being unfair. When i become a parent, I
want to make sure my children have guidelines. I want them to be able to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Their health, their type of
entertainment and the toys they play with are three major, broad categories that I would like to have a say in, along with their input of
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That always worked on me, so hopefully they will pick up that trait. Another example of the democratic parenting style is when your teenager
wants to get a piercing or a tattoo. This subject is surprisingly easy for me to make rules upon. I would never tell my child not to get a piercing, but
I also would not give them consent. I know what it is like to have a mom who says no most of the time to everything. With my children, I do not
want to have to say no because that will make them want to do it even more. As long as I found the piercing or tattoo to be age appropriate and
small, I would not mind making an adjustment to their wishes as long as they made adjustments to mine. Secondly, what my children enjoy doing
in their spare time is not only a personal chioce, but an important aspect in anyones life. I would never tell my daughter she could not play hockey,
or my son that he could not dance. Even though I would not be a huge fan of my son dancing, it is his own decision and not mine to make.
Although I would control how much they play and where and when they play and everything that goes along with sports or clubs. Television shows
and movies are another thing that I have difficulty deciding where the line is for a certain age. Do I let my eight year old child watch 'Nightmare on
Elm Street'? No, I definitely do not. But I can give them the choice of watching Pokemon or Harry Potter. It is especially difficult once
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My Parents Influence
My parents are the biggest influences on my life. They have raised me differently than anyone that I know. Tiny differences in many different
cultures have made me who I am. The have taught me how to reach for the stars, and I need to be focused in order to them reach them. I must work
hard in order to be successful in life, but hard work always pays off. My mom and dad were born in the north and in England respectively, so my
upbringing is different than a traditional southerner. My parents did not participate in the stereotypical southern activities and traditions when they
were children, so I did not either when I was younger. We never have never farmed, raised any livestock, or listened to county music. We participate in
some similar activities like going to Friday night football games and loving a good bar–b–que. I grew up in the south so I gained some attributes from
that, and my parents gave me northern and English influence. All of that together has made me into the slightly southern, northern, and English
person that I am today. My household is a lenient one, because my parents trusted me. They never gave me curfew, though I still came home around
ten every night out. My parents never had set chores, because they expected me to help when I was asked. When they told me to do something I
always tried my best to do it, though sometimes I forgot. I told them about my whereabouts and who I was with, because I knew that if I would have
lied I would have lost their
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My Parents Compare And Contrast Essay
A few of the characters find out that they are alike their parents by many ways. Me and my mom share a connection just like that. We look alike,
we act the same and everyone seems to know this. At times it is a great connection, others it is not good at all. It plays a big role in our
relationship. A big effect it makes is in arguments. My mom tells me and my sisters about how she acted when she was younger. She tells me
about how responsible she was, when she was younger. The one thing that she never tells us is that she is sensitive, and very dramatic. I know that
I am dramatic, because one year for valentine's day I got a heart of candy saying drama queen. My older sister points out that when me and my
mom stub our toes we both fall to the ground and say "owwwwwww" and as my sisters says we make it way bigger deal than we should have.
Another reason is that we cry at any item that is sad like movies, books, stories. Even when a part is somewhat sad we cry. We are dramatic and
sensitive but it can be good ,because then she can understand when I am upset or sad. It also works the other way more content...
Just like my mom we can be very sassy or have a hot temper. Cassie gets mad when people treat her worse than the whites. The same goes for myfamily
. When people treat me disrespectfully, I get mad and I want to tell them otherwise, but I have learned to keep my temper and be nice to them.
Uncle Hammer reminds me of my dad. My dad has the hot temper in our family. That is where I get my temper. All of my family members get angry
when people accuse us of doing what we did not do. My dad, my mom, and I can either get along very well or we can be mad at each
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My Parent's Philosophy Statement
My Parent's Philosophy I, Dani Alfrey, having been born of goodly parents believe that although the circumstances in my home were not ideal for a
child, I learned that the atonement is real and that prayer works. I feel that I was raised with two separate parenting styles. My dad brought with him
the authoritarian style and my mom brought with her a more permissive style. I can see the crossover effects of each style mixed with my own
individualality. The authoritarian style from my dad was projected through low communication from child toparent. It was understood that you did
what he said, no questions asked. With my older brother and sisters, my dad would use the belt as a form of discipline. I learned very quickly that more content...
"The period of adolescence is thought to be characterized by issues of independence, identity–formation, and realignment of emotional relationships
with parents." Barber, B.K., & Harmon, E.L. (2002). Violating the Self: Parental Psychological Control of Children and Adolescents. Intrusive
Parenting: How Psychological Control Affects Children and Adolescents (pp. 15–52). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The
events that took place in my home during my adolescent years forced me to decide what kind of person I wanted to be. I needed to form my
identity and I had a choice. I was blessed with a strong group of LDS friends. I know that these friends are the reason I am where I am today. We
attended girl's camp together. We took road trips from Boise to Provo to attend EFY. We drove to California to play on the beach and we spent
countless nights talking about our future husbands and families. We decided collectively that we would stay true to what we knew and that was;
that the gospel of Jesus Christ was true. We made a pack to all be married in the temple to return missionaries. We agreed to do all we could to
become better people through living the gospel every day. These friends are dear to my heart. To this day, we still get together as often as we can. We
text, call, and visit as much as our lives permit. It turns out that my parents'
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My Parents Had High Expectations Essay
I have never been the brightest student in school, yet my parents had high expectations for me. These expectation sometimes felt like I had been
carrying a heavy bag of weights around me every day. My mother would yell at me saying, "why did you get B's on your report card, that should
have been all A's." I know its seem kind of obnoxious of me for getting B's in my classes, but I was expected to get A's all the time in my studies.
Sometime I push myself way too hard and not get the results I wanted to make my parents proud. I lived in constant fear of being yelled at or being
let down because I could not reach those expectations. I could not blame my mother I know she wanted for all of us in the family to live better lives and
experience the world, so that explains why she is mostly rough on us. I live in a small home with two brothers. My mother try's to treat us all the
"same" by getting after us for our grades in school. My older brother has a difficult time picking up on things which sometimes you have to repeat
the lessons over and over until he gets it or find an even simpler way of teaching it to him. It is not his fault, he has been struggling ever since grade
school and had to be put in remedial classes. I look up to him because he has been through tough times trying to get good grades and people doubted
him that he would not make in the real world, but eventually he conquered that road; however, my mother would confront him on his bad grades and
punish him like
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Influence Of My Parents Influenced My Life
Both of my parents influenced my life. They instilled self–dignity, integrity and respect. Helping me understand self–dignity, I had to discover my
natural uniqueness and embraces them. They did not stress external beauty, I was always total I was as pretty as my actions and attitude. If they were
negative and unpleasant, then I would be seen the same way. My parents were loving and affectionate, but they also gave us real talk. Having integrity
was a must, without trust in any relationship it would fail. My parents had zero tolerance for non–truth on any level. Needless to stay, I lead a simple
life in their home. They also taught me to respect myself and behave in a wholesome manner, especially if I wanted others to respect me. Our
generation was taught you are not just representing yourself you are also representing the family and they refused to be brought to as open shame. My
parents were traditional, they had high standards and held us to them.
Initially I thought my father influenced me more than my mother. I picked up some of his characteristics; however, now I believe it was the
opposite. I always felt my mother chose to become totally engulfed in my father's life. There is no doubt that she loved him and was in love with
him, however I was always concerned that she did not seem to have her own identity. She was Max, she was momma but I did not see Maxine. So I
was determined to be my own person, make my own decisions and have a career. I had
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The Power Of Parents : My Parents
They give me structure, balance, stability, comfort, love, and discipline. They are my parents. The power of parents is one of the greatest things
in the world. The power of my parents is in their hands. They didn't get a handbook on how to be my parent, but they were a kid at one point, with
parents. My grandparents showed them what good parents were like. My parents are trying to show me how to be a parent, when my time comes.
They have really done a great job so far. I hope I am like them some day! I believe in the power of parents. My parents love me, they want the most
for me, and they truly care about me. They wanted to have me, they want me to make good choices, and have the best life possible. Parents should
love their kids always, like my parents do. I know that because they tell me that everyday! It makes someone like me feel special when people as
powerful as my parents tell me everyday they love me. They want the best for me and I know that because they give me a good life. Parents like
mine buy me food that taste good, clothes that feel good on my skin, and school materials that make my work look neat. They help me with school
so I can get good grades. My mom and dad truly care about me, I know that because they dry my tears running down my face. They clean my cuts
when I fall. They get me medication and vaccinations. My parents want me to stay healthy forever, and that is truly caring. My parents are wiser than
me and they can teach me. Mom, Sherry, went
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Influence Of My Parents Essay
Our world seems to be filled with lots of hate lately, but our world seems to be an almost perfect place with my parents influences on me. My parents
try their best to always protect us from the hurt, and danger in the world. My parents gave us life, and they couldn't give us an any better life than the
one that we have now. Even when they want something they always make sure that our needs are always put first, before their own. All parents, i
believe try to make their kids into everything that they wanted to be and everything that they wants us to be. All they ever want to do is to see their
kids succeed in life. They care about us, even when people don't think their parents care about them, they should just know that they do,
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This world is a great one, all you have to do is open up your mind to believe in it as much as it believes in you. Our parents make us into the people
that we will be for the rest of our lives, but not only that the people who will be running the Earth for the next generation to come. Our parents raise us
into everything that they would want themselves to be, and more than what you or they could ever imagine. We have to raised well to overcome
everything that is and has happened to the world already, and with our parents help they will raise us into the best people that we could ever be.
They want us to succeed in life as much or even more than what they have. They want what is best for us to get the most out of life, and to live life
to its fullest. For us, they have taught us everything that we know, and everything that we will use for the rest of our lives. I believe that our
parents have the most impact on our life than anybody else. I think that since we grow with our parents it helps us grow as an individual, and we
learn from it. As they take care of us in our young days the cycle will recur and we will take care of them in their old days as they did us in our
earlier days. My parents to me have an impact on the person who i have become, they have shaped me as the person that i am today, and into the
person that i will be for the rest of my life. They have taught me everything that i know, and
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Thank My Parents Essay
There is an old saying about children and their parents: "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," and in many situations this saying is true, and I
am a prime example. I am quite similar to my parents in many ways and I have been profoundly impacted by them. Theses similarities go beyond
mere appearance and have become key parts of my life and my worldview. I have come to realize how truly blessed I am to have them and I want to
take this opportunity to thank them for everything they do for me, in particular, three distinct things. I would like to thank my parents for giving me
wise guidance, having a strong, positive influence on me, and always watching out for me. One of the things I appreciate most about my parents is
how they are always giving me guidance and advice. While some would be bothered by their constant interest in my activities, I have come to savor
their advice when it comes to decision–making. Whenever I need to make a decision I will often try and get their perspective and ideas. I may not
always agree or like the advice, but I will always seek it. This goes for mundane things like which shirt looks better, all the way to a major decision
like where to go to college. By talking things over with them, I am able to get other perspectives on the matter and make a better, more educated
decision. This wise guidance is one of the things I appreciate most about my parents, and I am able to see the positive influence that my parents have
on me through
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My Family : The Story Of My Parents
Every child says their parents are the best.n It is true, parents give us a bed to rest our heads on at night, and make sure we always have food in
front of us. Daily poarents sacrefice the smalest thing asto keep their children happy. I could not agree more with that. My parents have made the
greatest decisions to keep my brother and I always happy and spoiled. Every parent's story starts somewhere, where they choose to start a life of risks
and sacrifices for someone else they love. My parents' story started in China. My mom was born in a small village, the youngest out of her two older
brothers. My grandpa was and still is crippled because he fell down a mine and was paralyzed in one leg. My father had a;lso grown up in more
The people at the airport said, you can't even stand up straight, why should you even be in America. If you can;t speak english we will send you back
to China. Thinking about it now, how could anyone have said to my mother, the kind, compassionate, woman who never wrong did anyone. She had
an apartment, and soon enough moved in. During that time, my father also arrived in China. Together, they moved to Ohio, where my mom
finished graduated school at OSU. And that's when I entered the universe. I was born in Columbus Ohio in 2004, and another path mysteriously
appeared, a life of chances for a child. Later, we moved to New York for new job opportunities. Business took a turn and my father went to Chicago
work. I was with my mom in New York. Even the minor things mattered to my mom. Every day before I got up, she would go outside and scrape
all the ice and snow off the car from the New York storms. That was only a minor sacrifice for the better of me. In 2007 my little brother was born, a
young boy with a big temper. Turns and twists were coming on the path to a dream of a future. Again life to turns to California, the west coast. We all
moved and that's when I first started remembering things, I was going to start kindergarten. They knew it would be hard but they were willing to
sacrifice money and everything to see a brighter end of tunnel.
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My Life With My Parents
In my culture, the son is supposed to take care of my parents. However, even after 17 years, my oldest brother Bee is still working at a low wage
job, my second oldest brother Davis has moved to Wisconsin 16 years ago and hasn't returned, and my third younger brother Doua is living in
Minnesota and is a member of a gang. My older brother Bee lives with my parents and has no motivation to pursue for a better life for him or for
my parents. He works part time and has no social interaction. He plays computer games and drink beers daily. My younger brother joined a gang,
doing drugs and was getting involved in criminal activities in middle school. He left home when he was 12 years old. My parents would also
emphasize the importance of school and getting a bachelor degree. My parents have no education, do not speak English and had little work
experience. Their hopes are that their children would go to school and get an education. They want their children to be the best they could, so they
eventually would fit into the American culture. They were afraid that if their children didn't obtain a bachelor degree, then we would end up in the
same socio–economic like them. My family value of education and earning a degree from a University inspire me to continue my education. My
hardworking parents have been working in the fields since 1985. They would tell me about their disappointment of dropping out of adult school and
becoming farmers. My parents earn their small income from
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When I Grew Up To My Parents
My parents grew up in Mexico, where they weren't able to have the most pleasant childhood or receive an adequate education due to the difficult
circumstances, but they wanted me to have a better life. They didn't want me to struggle the same way they did; therefore, like many any other
Hispanic families, they came to the United States to seek a better life for themselves, but especially for me. I've always looked up to my parents for
being well–rounded, hard workers and optimistic despite all the obstacles they have faced. Even though, life can seem very tough at times, my parents'
hardships have taught me that anything can be overcome with determination and effort.
My family has always been extremely united and supportive mainly because it's
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Common App Essay: My Parent's Recent Divorce
Common App Essay
I remember the eleven hour car ride from Massachusetts down to Virginia like it was yesterday. It was the summer after my Sophomore year of high
school when my father announced that he had enrolled me in a program at Hargrave Military Academy located in Chatham, Virginia. My report card
arrived in the mail the prior week and it was clear that my grades were not consistent. The impact of my parent's recent divorce was reflected in my
unsteady grades. My father reiterated to me that I need to prepare for college and improve my studying habits. After doing some research online, I
agreed that Hargrave could be my chance to return to public school with a fresh start. I did not know what to expect when I arrived at Hargrave. I
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My Parents, My Brother And I Essay
I was born in Northridge, California and raised in a working class family. My older brother and I grew up on the doctrine of not selling our physical
and mental labor for proletariat wages. My parents' primary motive was to surpass their success. They worked vigorously to make us fearless,
determined, and humble individuals; however, we were conditioned to cloak and suppress our emotional deficiencies that may impede our future
accomplishments. My then, immigrant father left behind his poverty–stricken family in Mexico to pursue his American dream in California. Like many
immigrants before him, he experienced many barriers, such as, racism, fear, and mental and emotional distress. Guided by his faith and unparalleled
fortitude he ploughed through the barriers and fulfilled his dreams to marry a Mexican–American woman to start a family with, and obtain his
citizenship. My parents, the survivalist, sacrificed their earnings to provide food, clothes and shelter for my brother and I. They were true survivalist in
the purist form, there were moments that they would ration their food for my brother and I, but they would go without eating for days. Never did they
express their sorrows; their bravery outweighed their hunger woes. Their devotion and martyrdom acts would make a permanent impact on my brother
and I later in life. As a young docile girl, my parents managed to sustain a healthy atmosphere by masking our impoverished environment for many
years until one Christmas.
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My Parents Generation Essay

  • 1. My Parents Generation Essay My Parents' Generation Marriage, Education and Gender Roles There is a division of labor by sex in my parents' generation. Men go out and get paid employment, and women take on domestic jobs such as taking care of the children, cooking and cleaning duties around the house. In my mother's family, she stated things were different. In other families, the education of boys over girls was more favorable. However, her father had been a principal of a school, so herself, her sisters, and her brother all got to attend school. My mother stated "my father was an educator so he saw the importance of educating boys and girls, but in other circumstances, in families that didn't have as much education, they don't see the purpose of sending girls more content... My maternal grandmother died in childbirth when my mother was six. My mother lived with her grandmother, who was a landowner, and could afford to send her grandchildren to school. My mother's grandmother passed away when she was 16 and her older sister had to take on the responsibility of care for her siblings. The death of my mother's grandmother meant she and her siblings could no longer afford to go to school. My mother struggled to pay for her education, she married my father at the age of 17 and eventually she managed to finish her education and graduated with an undergraduate degree in law at the age of 24. She now holds a Master's degree in Law and owned several businesses jointly with my father. Similarly, my father was one of the few people in his village who managed to attend school when he was young uninterrupted. However, my paternal grandfather died when he was 11, and he could no longer afford to attend school. My father, helped pay for his own education by selling produce in the local market with my paternal grandmother. There was a lot of disruption to his education, but he managed to get a scholarship for college at the age of 16, he wanted to study medicine, but could not afford all the Get more content on
  • 2. Relationship With My Parents And Parents I have a really great relationship with my parents. I guess I can say that they're my favorite people in the whole world. I'm definitely more close with my parents than any other person would be. Probably even closer than my own brother. I only have one other sibling, and when he left for boarding school, it was only me and my parents left in the house. So we would spend a lot of time together when they weren't at work. They would take me everywhere with them. I remember we used to randomly pick a night and go to a restaurant together for dinner and we'd talk about our day and just bond over food. My parents would even take me on their business trips because they would feel bad leaving me at home with my aunt or grandmother. They would go to New York City for their business trips and they would take me along with them. I enjoyed every second of those business trips because anytime with my mom and dad is a good time for me. Even when my mom had a doctors appointment at Johns Hopkins hospital for a brain tumor, they brought me along with them. At times we can butt heads but overall, my parents and i get along really well. Sometimes they want to have their alone time together but I always try to hang around them much to their demise. The times when my parents and I were the closest was when we would have family worship on friday nights. We would sing together, pray, and read a devotional and sometimes we would watch the local adventist television station together Get more content on
  • 3. My Relationship With Parents My Relationship with My Parents As you grow up, the relationship between your mother and father can be very challenging especially when you go through different stages of life. Being only eighteen years old, I am sure that my relationship with my parents will grow stronger in the future. The different stages are: birth, toddler, elementary, teenage, and adult years. Each stage differs on how much the relationship between my parents and I change. I have seen a trend that many kids follow the same patterns on how they act younger to how they have grown and act today with their parents. First are the birth years. As a baby, I didn't have a relationship with my parents yet, but they started with me the day I was born. Being loved and cared more content... At that she would become irritated with me and she got sick of my whining. Throughout the years, I was more tolerant but I still struggled having her around all day, seeming to nag me to do my work. Even if I was sick she would still make me do some homework or at least read a book. She seemed like Robert Bly's father when he refused for the school in town to close. This all changed in my next stage of life where I thought I could do whatever I wanted and nothing was ever fair. As a teenager, I believed I could do anything by myself, but as I learned later I was very wrong. During high school, all I wanted to do was hang out with my friends. My parents didn't like that because they wanted me to be home more and around them. I felt as if my relationship with them grew further apart. When I was around my friends they influenced me more and in some ways, I started acting like them. As I have grown, I have seen these differences but now have a respect and better relationship with my parents. Ever since going to college everything between my parents and I have changed. I hardly see them, so when I do see them it's always nice to visit, we talk about what's happening at home; I tell them stories about college. My relationship with my dad has grown closer in college because he texts me a lot and will call me occasionally to see how baseball and classes are going which I don't mind. Having a strong relationship with your parents is good because they will always be there for Get more content on
  • 4. How My Parents Raised Me How My Parents Raised Me As far as I can remember I have had a happy childhood. I don't have a dramatic or a traumatic experience as to how my parents raised me like most of the other kids. My parents handled my wrongdoings and mistakes very calmly, although I can't remember doing something that's very bad. I guess you could say that I'm spoiled but I don't think I am. Being an only child I think helped on making my punishments not that painful. But how my parents raised me is what made me the person that I am today, and I think they did a great job. No, my parents were never pushing or demanding what I should do or become. My first 4 years of life, it was just traveling, since I was just two months old. I am lucky in many ways. I was more content... Make sure that the weakest have their share. If someone has a hard time, do not put the person more down. Help the weak. Plant trees or flowers; do anything what makes surroundings more beautiful. Not only me, but everybody around my father, has been learning these facts of life. Even my mom, she became totally devoted to our pet dogs. These things and more have been my guiding ropes these nearly 19 years of my life. Since I was in kinder, I was never pushed or forced to study, or to be the best or even second best. I was taught to be fair and independent. For my parents, any level of test grades was good. I was never told to become an engineer, nurse or a doctor. Choice was trusted on me. My parents said: Be you, because the future is yours, we just try our best to give a nice path and a little push for your starting journey in life. Here again, I been lucky, no demanding and no pressure. I have been taught to make my own decisions and to stick with them. That is maybe the greatest thing in my upbringing, loving and trusting parents, whom been treating me as equal, not just like a kid. Anything and everything was and is discussed in the dinner table or any given time when we are together. No matter how young I was, there were never secrets or some "adult talk only", I was always present and part of it. From Global matters, to politics and family planning, I was taught everything before I was 8 years old. There were no questions or Get more content on
  • 5. How My Parent Divorce Changed My Life "What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do." (–Ralph Waldo Emerson). My parentĐ’Ò‘s divorce has shaped and influenced my whole life, with a lot of side effects. I fell into a state of depression. I learned not to dwell on the bad things in life. I found a person within myself that I could live with for a while, a kid that I could be proud of, someone I wouldn't hate. Over the years, I've changed, little changes, big changes, it's all happened, and I am who I am today because of it. Not all crummy circumstances stay awful, even though it may feel like it. I can't tell if I've changed for the better or the worse, but everything starts with something, one thing. My parentĐ’Ò‘s divorce shaped me into who I am today, whether the changes were good or bad, little or big, this has changed me. Often enough, divorce usually has a negative effect on people. I am no exception to that. Though I was too young to remember what life was like before my parents separated themselves, having that life for as long as I can think of was not a good experience. It caused me to have a serious case of anxiety before going to my dad's house for visitation, during, and after. No one likes to feel anxious or stressed, and I felt that everyday, all the time. I was a self–conscious, shy girl who wasn't ready for more content... I changed, with the help of family, friends, and therapists. I am ever thankful to them, and I have learned to appreciate the good things in life, the small ones. I know that being pessimistic is not the way to go. If we want to be strong and overcome the trials in our life that may hit us when we least expect it, we have to look at the silver lining, the 'bright side' of things. When all you think about are the events gone wrong in your life, why is that life worth living? Point is, it's better that you pull the thorns from your side as soon as you can, not to let them Get more content on
  • 6. Parenting Essay Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility and difficult decision making. You always have your child's best interest at heart, but sometimes your child may disagree with the rules you have set down. That is why, I believe, the perfect parenting style is democratic. You can compromise with your child, but still have basic rules you want them to follow, without them feeling targeted or that you are being unfair. When i become a parent, I want to make sure my children have guidelines. I want them to be able to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Their health, their type of entertainment and the toys they play with are three major, broad categories that I would like to have a say in, along with their input of more content... That always worked on me, so hopefully they will pick up that trait. Another example of the democratic parenting style is when your teenager wants to get a piercing or a tattoo. This subject is surprisingly easy for me to make rules upon. I would never tell my child not to get a piercing, but I also would not give them consent. I know what it is like to have a mom who says no most of the time to everything. With my children, I do not want to have to say no because that will make them want to do it even more. As long as I found the piercing or tattoo to be age appropriate and small, I would not mind making an adjustment to their wishes as long as they made adjustments to mine. Secondly, what my children enjoy doing in their spare time is not only a personal chioce, but an important aspect in anyones life. I would never tell my daughter she could not play hockey, or my son that he could not dance. Even though I would not be a huge fan of my son dancing, it is his own decision and not mine to make. Although I would control how much they play and where and when they play and everything that goes along with sports or clubs. Television shows and movies are another thing that I have difficulty deciding where the line is for a certain age. Do I let my eight year old child watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street'? No, I definitely do not. But I can give them the choice of watching Pokemon or Harry Potter. It is especially difficult once Get more content on
  • 7. My Parents Influence My parents are the biggest influences on my life. They have raised me differently than anyone that I know. Tiny differences in many different cultures have made me who I am. The have taught me how to reach for the stars, and I need to be focused in order to them reach them. I must work hard in order to be successful in life, but hard work always pays off. My mom and dad were born in the north and in England respectively, so my upbringing is different than a traditional southerner. My parents did not participate in the stereotypical southern activities and traditions when they were children, so I did not either when I was younger. We never have never farmed, raised any livestock, or listened to county music. We participate in some similar activities like going to Friday night football games and loving a good bar–b–que. I grew up in the south so I gained some attributes from that, and my parents gave me northern and English influence. All of that together has made me into the slightly southern, northern, and English person that I am today. My household is a lenient one, because my parents trusted me. They never gave me curfew, though I still came home around ten every night out. My parents never had set chores, because they expected me to help when I was asked. When they told me to do something I always tried my best to do it, though sometimes I forgot. I told them about my whereabouts and who I was with, because I knew that if I would have lied I would have lost their Get more content on
  • 8. My Parents Compare And Contrast Essay A few of the characters find out that they are alike their parents by many ways. Me and my mom share a connection just like that. We look alike, we act the same and everyone seems to know this. At times it is a great connection, others it is not good at all. It plays a big role in our relationship. A big effect it makes is in arguments. My mom tells me and my sisters about how she acted when she was younger. She tells me about how responsible she was, when she was younger. The one thing that she never tells us is that she is sensitive, and very dramatic. I know that I am dramatic, because one year for valentine's day I got a heart of candy saying drama queen. My older sister points out that when me and my mom stub our toes we both fall to the ground and say "owwwwwww" and as my sisters says we make it way bigger deal than we should have. Another reason is that we cry at any item that is sad like movies, books, stories. Even when a part is somewhat sad we cry. We are dramatic and sensitive but it can be good ,because then she can understand when I am upset or sad. It also works the other way more content... Just like my mom we can be very sassy or have a hot temper. Cassie gets mad when people treat her worse than the whites. The same goes for myfamily . When people treat me disrespectfully, I get mad and I want to tell them otherwise, but I have learned to keep my temper and be nice to them. Uncle Hammer reminds me of my dad. My dad has the hot temper in our family. That is where I get my temper. All of my family members get angry when people accuse us of doing what we did not do. My dad, my mom, and I can either get along very well or we can be mad at each Get more content on
  • 9. My Parent's Philosophy Statement My Parent's Philosophy I, Dani Alfrey, having been born of goodly parents believe that although the circumstances in my home were not ideal for a child, I learned that the atonement is real and that prayer works. I feel that I was raised with two separate parenting styles. My dad brought with him the authoritarian style and my mom brought with her a more permissive style. I can see the crossover effects of each style mixed with my own individualality. The authoritarian style from my dad was projected through low communication from child toparent. It was understood that you did what he said, no questions asked. With my older brother and sisters, my dad would use the belt as a form of discipline. I learned very quickly that more content... "The period of adolescence is thought to be characterized by issues of independence, identity–formation, and realignment of emotional relationships with parents." Barber, B.K., & Harmon, E.L. (2002). Violating the Self: Parental Psychological Control of Children and Adolescents. Intrusive Parenting: How Psychological Control Affects Children and Adolescents (pp. 15–52). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The events that took place in my home during my adolescent years forced me to decide what kind of person I wanted to be. I needed to form my identity and I had a choice. I was blessed with a strong group of LDS friends. I know that these friends are the reason I am where I am today. We attended girl's camp together. We took road trips from Boise to Provo to attend EFY. We drove to California to play on the beach and we spent countless nights talking about our future husbands and families. We decided collectively that we would stay true to what we knew and that was; that the gospel of Jesus Christ was true. We made a pack to all be married in the temple to return missionaries. We agreed to do all we could to become better people through living the gospel every day. These friends are dear to my heart. To this day, we still get together as often as we can. We text, call, and visit as much as our lives permit. It turns out that my parents' Get more content on
  • 10. My Parents Had High Expectations Essay I have never been the brightest student in school, yet my parents had high expectations for me. These expectation sometimes felt like I had been carrying a heavy bag of weights around me every day. My mother would yell at me saying, "why did you get B's on your report card, that should have been all A's." I know its seem kind of obnoxious of me for getting B's in my classes, but I was expected to get A's all the time in my studies. Sometime I push myself way too hard and not get the results I wanted to make my parents proud. I lived in constant fear of being yelled at or being let down because I could not reach those expectations. I could not blame my mother I know she wanted for all of us in the family to live better lives and experience the world, so that explains why she is mostly rough on us. I live in a small home with two brothers. My mother try's to treat us all the "same" by getting after us for our grades in school. My older brother has a difficult time picking up on things which sometimes you have to repeat the lessons over and over until he gets it or find an even simpler way of teaching it to him. It is not his fault, he has been struggling ever since grade school and had to be put in remedial classes. I look up to him because he has been through tough times trying to get good grades and people doubted him that he would not make in the real world, but eventually he conquered that road; however, my mother would confront him on his bad grades and punish him like Get more content on
  • 11. Influence Of My Parents Influenced My Life Influence Both of my parents influenced my life. They instilled self–dignity, integrity and respect. Helping me understand self–dignity, I had to discover my natural uniqueness and embraces them. They did not stress external beauty, I was always total I was as pretty as my actions and attitude. If they were negative and unpleasant, then I would be seen the same way. My parents were loving and affectionate, but they also gave us real talk. Having integrity was a must, without trust in any relationship it would fail. My parents had zero tolerance for non–truth on any level. Needless to stay, I lead a simple life in their home. They also taught me to respect myself and behave in a wholesome manner, especially if I wanted others to respect me. Our generation was taught you are not just representing yourself you are also representing the family and they refused to be brought to as open shame. My parents were traditional, they had high standards and held us to them. Initially I thought my father influenced me more than my mother. I picked up some of his characteristics; however, now I believe it was the opposite. I always felt my mother chose to become totally engulfed in my father's life. There is no doubt that she loved him and was in love with him, however I was always concerned that she did not seem to have her own identity. She was Max, she was momma but I did not see Maxine. So I was determined to be my own person, make my own decisions and have a career. I had Get more content on
  • 12. The Power Of Parents : My Parents They give me structure, balance, stability, comfort, love, and discipline. They are my parents. The power of parents is one of the greatest things in the world. The power of my parents is in their hands. They didn't get a handbook on how to be my parent, but they were a kid at one point, with parents. My grandparents showed them what good parents were like. My parents are trying to show me how to be a parent, when my time comes. They have really done a great job so far. I hope I am like them some day! I believe in the power of parents. My parents love me, they want the most for me, and they truly care about me. They wanted to have me, they want me to make good choices, and have the best life possible. Parents should love their kids always, like my parents do. I know that because they tell me that everyday! It makes someone like me feel special when people as powerful as my parents tell me everyday they love me. They want the best for me and I know that because they give me a good life. Parents like mine buy me food that taste good, clothes that feel good on my skin, and school materials that make my work look neat. They help me with school so I can get good grades. My mom and dad truly care about me, I know that because they dry my tears running down my face. They clean my cuts when I fall. They get me medication and vaccinations. My parents want me to stay healthy forever, and that is truly caring. My parents are wiser than me and they can teach me. Mom, Sherry, went Get more content on
  • 13. Influence Of My Parents Essay Our world seems to be filled with lots of hate lately, but our world seems to be an almost perfect place with my parents influences on me. My parents try their best to always protect us from the hurt, and danger in the world. My parents gave us life, and they couldn't give us an any better life than the one that we have now. Even when they want something they always make sure that our needs are always put first, before their own. All parents, i believe try to make their kids into everything that they wanted to be and everything that they wants us to be. All they ever want to do is to see their kids succeed in life. They care about us, even when people don't think their parents care about them, they should just know that they do, more content... This world is a great one, all you have to do is open up your mind to believe in it as much as it believes in you. Our parents make us into the people that we will be for the rest of our lives, but not only that the people who will be running the Earth for the next generation to come. Our parents raise us into everything that they would want themselves to be, and more than what you or they could ever imagine. We have to raised well to overcome everything that is and has happened to the world already, and with our parents help they will raise us into the best people that we could ever be. They want us to succeed in life as much or even more than what they have. They want what is best for us to get the most out of life, and to live life to its fullest. For us, they have taught us everything that we know, and everything that we will use for the rest of our lives. I believe that our parents have the most impact on our life than anybody else. I think that since we grow with our parents it helps us grow as an individual, and we learn from it. As they take care of us in our young days the cycle will recur and we will take care of them in their old days as they did us in our earlier days. My parents to me have an impact on the person who i have become, they have shaped me as the person that i am today, and into the person that i will be for the rest of my life. They have taught me everything that i know, and Get more content on
  • 14. Thank My Parents Essay There is an old saying about children and their parents: "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," and in many situations this saying is true, and I am a prime example. I am quite similar to my parents in many ways and I have been profoundly impacted by them. Theses similarities go beyond mere appearance and have become key parts of my life and my worldview. I have come to realize how truly blessed I am to have them and I want to take this opportunity to thank them for everything they do for me, in particular, three distinct things. I would like to thank my parents for giving me wise guidance, having a strong, positive influence on me, and always watching out for me. One of the things I appreciate most about my parents is how they are always giving me guidance and advice. While some would be bothered by their constant interest in my activities, I have come to savor their advice when it comes to decision–making. Whenever I need to make a decision I will often try and get their perspective and ideas. I may not always agree or like the advice, but I will always seek it. This goes for mundane things like which shirt looks better, all the way to a major decision like where to go to college. By talking things over with them, I am able to get other perspectives on the matter and make a better, more educated decision. This wise guidance is one of the things I appreciate most about my parents, and I am able to see the positive influence that my parents have on me through Get more content on
  • 15. My Family : The Story Of My Parents Every child says their parents are the best.n It is true, parents give us a bed to rest our heads on at night, and make sure we always have food in front of us. Daily poarents sacrefice the smalest thing asto keep their children happy. I could not agree more with that. My parents have made the greatest decisions to keep my brother and I always happy and spoiled. Every parent's story starts somewhere, where they choose to start a life of risks and sacrifices for someone else they love. My parents' story started in China. My mom was born in a small village, the youngest out of her two older brothers. My grandpa was and still is crippled because he fell down a mine and was paralyzed in one leg. My father had a;lso grown up in more content... The people at the airport said, you can't even stand up straight, why should you even be in America. If you can;t speak english we will send you back to China. Thinking about it now, how could anyone have said to my mother, the kind, compassionate, woman who never wrong did anyone. She had an apartment, and soon enough moved in. During that time, my father also arrived in China. Together, they moved to Ohio, where my mom finished graduated school at OSU. And that's when I entered the universe. I was born in Columbus Ohio in 2004, and another path mysteriously appeared, a life of chances for a child. Later, we moved to New York for new job opportunities. Business took a turn and my father went to Chicago work. I was with my mom in New York. Even the minor things mattered to my mom. Every day before I got up, she would go outside and scrape all the ice and snow off the car from the New York storms. That was only a minor sacrifice for the better of me. In 2007 my little brother was born, a young boy with a big temper. Turns and twists were coming on the path to a dream of a future. Again life to turns to California, the west coast. We all moved and that's when I first started remembering things, I was going to start kindergarten. They knew it would be hard but they were willing to sacrifice money and everything to see a brighter end of tunnel. Get more content on
  • 16. My Life With My Parents In my culture, the son is supposed to take care of my parents. However, even after 17 years, my oldest brother Bee is still working at a low wage job, my second oldest brother Davis has moved to Wisconsin 16 years ago and hasn't returned, and my third younger brother Doua is living in Minnesota and is a member of a gang. My older brother Bee lives with my parents and has no motivation to pursue for a better life for him or for my parents. He works part time and has no social interaction. He plays computer games and drink beers daily. My younger brother joined a gang, doing drugs and was getting involved in criminal activities in middle school. He left home when he was 12 years old. My parents would also emphasize the importance of school and getting a bachelor degree. My parents have no education, do not speak English and had little work experience. Their hopes are that their children would go to school and get an education. They want their children to be the best they could, so they eventually would fit into the American culture. They were afraid that if their children didn't obtain a bachelor degree, then we would end up in the same socio–economic like them. My family value of education and earning a degree from a University inspire me to continue my education. My hardworking parents have been working in the fields since 1985. They would tell me about their disappointment of dropping out of adult school and becoming farmers. My parents earn their small income from Get more content on
  • 17. When I Grew Up To My Parents My parents grew up in Mexico, where they weren't able to have the most pleasant childhood or receive an adequate education due to the difficult circumstances, but they wanted me to have a better life. They didn't want me to struggle the same way they did; therefore, like many any other Hispanic families, they came to the United States to seek a better life for themselves, but especially for me. I've always looked up to my parents for being well–rounded, hard workers and optimistic despite all the obstacles they have faced. Even though, life can seem very tough at times, my parents' hardships have taught me that anything can be overcome with determination and effort. My family has always been extremely united and supportive mainly because it's Get more content on
  • 18. Common App Essay: My Parent's Recent Divorce Common App Essay I remember the eleven hour car ride from Massachusetts down to Virginia like it was yesterday. It was the summer after my Sophomore year of high school when my father announced that he had enrolled me in a program at Hargrave Military Academy located in Chatham, Virginia. My report card arrived in the mail the prior week and it was clear that my grades were not consistent. The impact of my parent's recent divorce was reflected in my unsteady grades. My father reiterated to me that I need to prepare for college and improve my studying habits. After doing some research online, I agreed that Hargrave could be my chance to return to public school with a fresh start. I did not know what to expect when I arrived at Hargrave. I Get more content on
  • 19. My Parents, My Brother And I Essay I was born in Northridge, California and raised in a working class family. My older brother and I grew up on the doctrine of not selling our physical and mental labor for proletariat wages. My parents' primary motive was to surpass their success. They worked vigorously to make us fearless, determined, and humble individuals; however, we were conditioned to cloak and suppress our emotional deficiencies that may impede our future accomplishments. My then, immigrant father left behind his poverty–stricken family in Mexico to pursue his American dream in California. Like many immigrants before him, he experienced many barriers, such as, racism, fear, and mental and emotional distress. Guided by his faith and unparalleled fortitude he ploughed through the barriers and fulfilled his dreams to marry a Mexican–American woman to start a family with, and obtain his citizenship. My parents, the survivalist, sacrificed their earnings to provide food, clothes and shelter for my brother and I. They were true survivalist in the purist form, there were moments that they would ration their food for my brother and I, but they would go without eating for days. Never did they express their sorrows; their bravery outweighed their hunger woes. Their devotion and martyrdom acts would make a permanent impact on my brother and I later in life. As a young docile girl, my parents managed to sustain a healthy atmosphere by masking our impoverished environment for many years until one Christmas. Get more content on