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My Brother Has A Big Impact On Me And My Life
Matthew Charchenko
In the early years of my life I had no idea that my brother would make such a big impact on me and
my life. He has taught me more than any teacher possible could. Through him I learned how to be
compassionate. I learned how to treat each and every person with respect, despite what challenges
they may face. He brought me into an amazing community that taught me numerous life lessons. He
challenged me every step of the way, like any brother should, and altered the way I viewed the
world. My brother has autism, and he has been my greatest teacher.
In the early years I didn't understand much of what was going on. I just thought that he was my
twin brother, and like any twins at the time, I thought we were exactly alike. We played games
together and roamed around our driveway on our bikes whenever he wanted to. Lots of times when
I would want to play games he wouldn't want to and would throw a tantrum. I didn't think much of
it and would just go to my sister and we would just play instead. I thought that was normal. I was
under the impression that it was normal for kids like me to spend their whole afternoons in various
waiting rooms for their sibling's therapy. I didn 't understand that instead most people went and
played sports or had play dates. By the age of 7 I began to realize that all of this was not the case.
One evening after dinner my parents told me that my brother had autism. At first they only really
explained it to me
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My Brother Essay
My brother is a smart, observant person that makes nothing into something. He has all the potential
he needs to prosper. He just didn't wait his time to become a man. At the moment, my brother is
somewhere doing time because he made decisions in his life that put him in this position. Even
though my brother is in jail, he is not a bad person. He just did things that he felt was necessary. If
you have a conversation with him for five minutes you will be impressed by the vocabulary he uses,
how quick he can change a casual conversation into something deep and meaningful, and the way he
observes his surroundings.
How he acts As children my brother and I always did the same thing. We played sports, watched the
NFL games, and he more content...
He was a great, respectable kid. He had a best friend named James Williams. James is currently a
senior at East Carolina University. He is one of the starting wide receivers on the football team.
They were a dynamic duo on the football field. There was nobody that could beat them. If you saw
my brother, you saw James. After a while they took different routes. My brother went for fast money
instead of getting his education like James.
How he acts If you met my brother when he was 12, then seen him today, you would be shocked
at how he turned out. Now he is this ruthless person that doesn't show any regard for your feelings.
He never asks for anything from anyone, he makes it on his own. He doesn't look for trouble, but
if it comes his way, he's war ready. His street smarts are on another level. He can get people to do
almost anything he wants. He has some of the best observation skills. If you go in his house and
take a paper cup he will know that it is missing. You can be in five o'clock traffic and he will be able
to spot you in a moving car, dial your number and call you, even if he hasn't seen you in months.
How do I know this because before he went to jail, this exact scenario happened.
Respect for his family
As an adult, the respect that he has for his family has not changed. Instead of him being in the
background, now that he has matured, he is one of the main people speaking. There were times
where my aunt got into
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My Brother Essay
A moral that my brother has taught me is, to Always stick with your family because you only
have them for so long. That was a moral that he taught me because it has kept me connected good
with my family. Having me more connected to my family helps me have a better relationship and
understand what is going on in my families lives. Some background about my role model is his
name is Chase and he is 15 years old, and he plays baseball, and he is a great baseball player for East
Pennsboro high school team. He has a great passion for younger kids. He also likes to help people
who need the help when needed. He is left handed and has a lot of talent for baseball. My role
model is my brother chase because he is pleasant, caring, and a more content...
He is caring because he likes to help me practice for baseball, and he likes to help me improve in
my school work and my attitude towards things. Also he likes to help others like donate and put
lots of community service in because he thinks it is the right thing to do. What makes him caring
to me is that my family has become better from him, and also he just does so much for others
before he worries about himself. As a result he is a very nice person also because of how much he
helps me and how much he does for others. In conclusion my brother is a very caring person
because he likes to help others when they need it. Those are some reasons why he is caring, and is
such a great person.
My brother is also a great role model because he is a humble and well minded person. What makes
him a humble person is when he does something good he doesn't brag about it and he stays cool
with it and never rubs it in my face. He doesn't like to brag because it is not a good thing and it
could make people not like you as much. Along with that he also doesn't like to be a mean person
because he thinks that is the wrong thing. He doesn't like to do mean things such as pushing me
around, and decking me onto the floor. Also he is humble because he cares about others more than
himself. He cares about others because he thinks it is a good thing to be caring because others matter
too. As a result he thinks caring about others
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Descriptive Essay On My Brother
My Brother
One year ago, my brother went on an incredible journey, from being top of the school to falling of
it's grace to eventually climbing back and reclaiming his throne. During this time he went through
changes that tested him mentally and physically to a point where he isolated himself from the world
and me as well.
My Brother is a very peculiar character in my eyes, he looks like a professional boxer always ready
to dance in the square circle, and his body looks like it was crafted from steel melted with some
titanium. Despite his looks he is a social butterfly, wherever he goes he will find some people to
chat to, it's absolutely amazing how he is able to go up to complete strangers and talk to them like
he has know them his whole life.
My brother is the captain of our schools basketball team, a fearless leader who leads his comrades
onto the court. Watching him play basketball is like watching a ballroom competition beautiful,
elegant and dramatic at the same time. Every other day he would invite me to train with him, we
would wake up at four in the morning and practice, practice, practice until I pass out of course. I
asked my brother why he was so passionate about basketball and he replied " because I'am good at it
and I have teammates that rely on me to be good so we can win of course".
I remember the time when my brother became the schools hero. The game was down to the wire,
the opposition's lead was five, everyone has lost hope and some were throwing in the towels, but
we had all forgotten that there was an extraordinary player representing our school, my brother. In
a blink of an eye with the double pump of the heart, he won the game. Going through the
opposition like they were sheep being rounded up by a tractor, he was like a machine. When the
buzzer sounded off the crowed went ballistic the sound they made could be heard from space it
was incredible. The team grab and and celebrated like it was new years eve. The game that turn him
into a superstar i believed.
This all changed when my brother tore his ACL during practice. He jumped high for the ball
fighting in an arial battle, eyes lit with fire and a smile to complete the package but he loss a
second focus and landed terribly
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Analysis Of ' My Brother And Me ' Essay
My Brother and Me is a Television show that use to air on Nickelodeon the show is about two young
adolescent brothers who live with their older adolescent sister and mother and father, The oldest
brother and middle child is Alfred "Alfie" Parker, He is 11 years old. He is the cool older brother
him and his friend Milton "Goo" Berry who is also the same age as Alfred, who also is in love with
Alfred's older sister seem like the cool kids on the block in their grade. The youngest child is Derek
"Dee Dee" Parker, He looks up to Alfie, He is eight years old and hasn 't built common sense he
usually does everything his big brother tells him to do or tries to do whatever he wants even
when his parents and brother tells him not to but he isn't a bad kid at all he just eight years old.
Melanie Parker is Both Alfred and Derek's older sister, she is the love of Milton life even though she
doesn't feel the same back for him, she actually finds Milton repulsive. She is super smart and seems
very social in her school and is involved in many activities and she is also 15 years old. Their mother
is Jennifer Parker who often falls for Milton's sweet talk and also is kind of the nice cop parent but
can be firm when needed with the kids. While Roger Parker the father in the family is more wary of
Milton's sweet talk, is more of the bad cop parent. He at time very relatable when he is not telling
boring stories about his childhood to his family, which they often run away from, and tries to
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Descriptive Essay About My Brother
My brother is still like a mountain, standing at six foot five and ripped; if you push he doesn't
move. That's OK though because I always visioned him being bigger than me anyway. He is
indeed the biggest role model, literally and figuratively, in my life. It is through him that I have
become who I am today: an adept game player, a skilled hunter, and a kind individual. Like when
all my siblings lived at home my brother and I had to share a room. Because he was older than me
he was able to stay up later, so when I suppose to go to bed I would watch him play video games,
and get mad at the mistakes he makes for a few hours. That is how I learned to play video games
with his long fingers/thumbs moving so fast on the controls, and when I got older we started to
play two player games. Even though he is three hours away we still play to this day I go on my
playstation, and he does the same then we play online with each other for hours with my
microphone in so i can talk to him. Or when he comes up for the weekend he brings his
playstation home and we play in the same room. We have a setup where he lays on my bed and
plays on a tv, and i sit in my chair and play. Then I remember when I was about 8 years old when
my parents were not home when we shot his shotgun at water jugs. He would have the shotgun
tucked in between his left shoulder and chest to support the gun and with his feet two feet apart and
left foot a little farther forward than the other before he shot. Then we got
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Be My Brother Essay
Belonging and alienation is the process of being either excluded or accepted by the society in
which you live. Belong is a human conception,mostly considered a fundamental human need and a
source of survival, safety, protection and happiness. To belong is usually considered positive and
essential for a successful existence:however a negative sense of belonging:found among the
displaced, marginalised and uncared for can lead to many social, filial and personal problems that
can be almost insurmountable for the individual. The short trop fest film "Be My Brother" by
Genevieve Clay 2009, represents these ideas through the films central characters. The film deals
with society and people with disabilities feeling displaced within society due more content...
Clothing in this segment plays a crucial role. Amanda is wearing black clothing, which portrays
her social standing, which represents class, elegance, and wealth, whereas Richard is wearing
brown clothing, expressing dull, inferior and being less important. The full shot used
demonstrates the relationships between characters, and where they stand in society. In addition,
social acceptance can be displayed within the family. Richard feels displaced around his brother
Damien. This is exemplified in the scene where Damien wearing a black hoodie with his hood
up, incorporated with the wide shot depicts resentment and exclusion, where Damien feels
embarrassed about his brother because he has a disability. The black hoodie symbolises something
evil and depressed which contributes to the isolation Richard is experiencing. As Richard passes
his hand with the audio recorder to Damien, Damien promptly tries to avoid Richard by moving
his head. The close up shot allows the audience to see Damien's facial expression conveying
Damiens arrogance towards Richard. Social acceptance is the key concept within the film "Be My
Brother", where cameral angles and clothing play a crucial role in revealing the idea of feeling
accepted and to belong within society. Disconnection and isolation is portrayed throughout the film
between Richard and his brother. The negative sense of belonging, where someone feels isolated;
found among the marginalised and
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My Brother : A Short Story : My Little Brother
Let me begin by telling you a bit about my little brother. David Lee is exceptional in every way; he
is exceptionally intelligent, talented, and hilarious. As a gifted child, he is also exceptionally
difficult, uncooperative, and short–tempered. I've always understood and appreciated David in a
way others did not, and over the years we've become inseparable. I am very active in musical
theatre productions and competitions, and as David grew up, he realized he shared my love of
performing. While I practiced singing and acting 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' David would sing along
with me and stumble through my dances. When it came time for the show he knew every word to
my song! I wasn't the least bit surprised when he asked our mom this past summer if he could join
Elementary drama club. There was just one problem – directors in the past had experienced a lot of
trouble with him not sitting still, wanting to talk to the other kids, and having difficulty following
direction. Because of this, our school director was hesitant to allow him to audition, and he was
crushed. My mom and I tried to come up with a solution to the problem; nothing we suggested to
our director seemed to convince him to let David join. We took David to see behavioral therapists
and child psychologists to try to figure out what might be causing his inability to cooperate and
interact with the other students in a normal, friendly way. Every doctor said the same thing: David is
so intelligent he does
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My Brother Inspires Me Essay
Do you have someone in your life who motivates you,encourages you,cares about you or inspires
you? Because I do.My brother wyatt has made a huge difference in my life. Wyatt was always
there for me when was younger. Wyatt is one of the most caring and selfless person I know. He
always puts others before himself.My brother Wyatt inspires me to be careing and to always try
my best to help others.My brother Wyatt is 12 years older than me. Wyatt is the eldest of his
three siblings.Wyatt has a younger brother mitchell who is 10 years older than me he has two
younger sisters shelby and I. The first reason why my brother inspires me to be careing is because
while I was younger my brother always cared for me.My mom has to work a lot so my brother had
to watch us.My brother would make all of his siblings dinner whenever mom was not home. Wyatt more content...
so far all i've told you about was from the past, but Wyatt is still one of the most caring, selfless
person I know. My brother works very hard in order to support his family by working 70 hours a
week 7 days a week.Despite the long hours Wyatt works, he often stays after his shift is over to
help the next shift who are are not as experienced as him. Even though Wyatt works as much as he
does, he always puts aside time to spend with his children, often taking them out do fun activities.
My brother wyatt inspires me to be caring because he always cared for me while I was younger,he
was always there with me while I was younger, and because he is still the most caring person I
know.My bbrother has always been a very caring person.he has shown me with his actions all
throughout his life on how you should treat and care for others.My brother was more of a father
than a brother, he took care of me like a parent would care foe a child.These are all of thr reasons
why I want to follow in my brothers footsteps and be a caring
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My Siblings Essay
My Siblings
I have 3 siblings; two brothers and one sister. My sister "Isha–27", Little brother "Ishmael–10", and
my older brother "I.B–18", we all grew up and spent the most of our lives with each other. I think
I've always known that I was a little different from my brothers and my sister, but it's okay
because we are all different in many ways. Now my story on how it's like living with 3 siblings
with personalities are all different and how we all like certain things but we all manage to live
together in harmony , my older brother is more into sports and my little brother is more into video
games; my sister is more into reading a writing and more i'm more into math and science. At times it
gets extremely annoying living with more content...
Some times i had wished i was an only child. Perks of me being an only child i would never have
to deal with friends crushing on my siblings, and plus I wouldn't ever have to share my room. I am
always want to get the most amount of attention to my parents but guess they wanted to make us all
equal even though we're not all treated equal, but never understood why that is.
I thought myself to respect all people even if i didn't like them but still had aspect them and saw
everyone as equal to each other and not have one dominant the other. What i am saying I know how
it feels to have more limitation based on who you are. I know where they're coming from. But
overall having siblings had made more laughter, more learning opportunities and learning from their
mistakes, and most all forever lasting friendship. I am very thankful to have family and friends to
encourage me in my goals on what I want do and who I want to become.
I've been in school for 13 years of my life ,i grew up with most of the same kids; We were a huge
family almost, everyone always looked out for eachother. I was participating in a lot activities.
Since the beginning of freshman year, I participated 3 years of color guard, i met new people with
the same interest as me. Almost every friday we had a football game and Saturday's was our
competition days; we all bonded as a section when we all got ready and did each others makeup.
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Descriptive Essay About Brother
He's tall, black hair with light brown eyes that's my brother. Although many people see their
brothers as just regular brothers. I see mine farther more than that he is the brother anyone could ask
for. Many siblings tend to fight and argue but me and my brother get along pretty well.My brother is
my friend, co–conspirator, and an extension of myself.
When I feel like I can't count on anyone I know my brother is always going to be there. Even
though he is a guy I'm still able to tell him many things like my problems or just anything I need
help in. He's a guy but he still manages to be a good friend to me. Growing up I always had
friends but I never really felt like I can count on them. On the other hand with my brother he just
never seemed to not ever be there for me because he always is. When we both were in high school in
2015 I was a sophomore and he was a senior we would both walk to school and back home he
would mess with me and say things like "Who got you mad today, I'll go beat them up" he would
say this because he said I always looked mad but it was just my serious face and then he would
start laughing and then I would actually get mad. He just loved annoying me in our walks to school
and back home. His thing was getting me annoyed to then feeling bad for getting me irritated and
then trying to cheer me up after because he felt bad at the end for acting dumb with me.
My brother is like a dad to me he is always telling me what is right and what is wrong.
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Short Essay About My Brother
"Danny, do your homework! Danny, get home now! Danny, quit being annoying!" These are just
some of the phrases Danny Albanese heard all the time growing up. All Danny's life, he grew up
in a southside neighborhood of Chicago, Garfield Ridge. The block he lived on is where he made
a lot of his close friendships and made him the person he is today. He is an average sized eighteen
year old boy with short brown hair. He has a good sense of style and but also likes to wear athletic
clothing. Unlike most men, Danny owns multiple pairs of shoes that range from Nike gym shoes
to fancy dress shoes. If there is one thing I know about my brother it is that he definitely cares
about the way he dresses and looks. My brother, Danny, has made more content...
Danny's biggest regret is not spending as much time with his grandmother as he should have. She
passed away when he was in the eighth grade. Danny's parents always told him to go visit his
grandmother, he did, but did not actually spend time with her. He would always be on his phone
or watching a television show. If Albanese could go back in time, it would be to actually talk to
his grandmother because you never know when you might not be able to see them or hear their
voice again. Another thing Danny regrets doing is not following the rules at home. He was
always a stubborn child. He wanted things his way all the time. As he got older, Danny did not
want to be home. He wanted to be out with his friends at parties. He thought curfew was optional
or a suggestion. Looking back now, Danny knows that our parents were looking out for his safety
and it was not him they did not trust, it was other people who they did not know. He said laughing,
"I could have saved myself a lot of groundings if I just came home on time and didn't start an
argument when I didn't get my way!" Another big regret that Danny lives with today is losing a
friendship that he cherished but school and baseball got in the way of. He wishes he kept in contact
with this friend, but he knows that some people end up going in different directions and can
sometimes find each other again.
Not only has Danny lived with some regrets, but with those regrets, he has completed
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My Brother : Short Story : My Little Brother
"MISSING" read the title on the newspaper. I didn't have to read the rest of the article, I knew
who it was; my little brother. And it was all my fault. It has been two years since I last saw him. I
should have put my phone down and actually watched him at the mall. All he wanted was pizza
from Little Caesars in the food court at the mall, and someone had to take him.
Today was his memorial. My mom thought we should have people remember him. I think she really
just wants to say goodbye. We all do. My father has hardly talked to me since I lost Mason. Maybe a
couple words every week(mostly mumbles), I actually almost forgot what his voice sounded like.
My mom talks to me, but I can see deep down she hates me for losing her baby boy. I feel horrible
about it. He was only 7.
My best friend, Mary, says to not worry about it and that we will find him soon. And I feel awful
for saying this, but I don't think we will. He's gone... forever.
"Let's go," mumbled my mom from the kitchen. I quickly grabbed my coat and met her at the
front door. My dad came walking in, dragging his feet, looking at me with disappointment(like
always). We all walked out the door without a word, to my brother's memorial. When we got back
we were all so sad, that we went to bed. I laid there awake for a couple hours when I heard my phone
ding. I slowly picked it up exasperated, and looked at it. I got a text from an unknown number. I
slid my finger across my screen to unlock it. If I had known what it
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Descriptive Essay About My Brother
My brother is both my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye. He has been my best friend since
birth, and even though I am only able to spend time him occasionally, he is always on my mind.
Thinking about him so often brings up fond memories of being rambunctious children, attending
elementary school, and attending some of high school together. Growing up with my brother at my
side has helped shape the person I have become and has provided me with sentimental memories
that are incredibly valuable to me. As young children, my brother and I constantly got into trivial
fights over the simplest of disagreements. When I look back on these frivolous arguments now, I
regret being this way with him. Even though we did disagree often, we spent more time playing
together and causing trouble and stress for my mom and my dad. One clear memory that comes
to mind is a time my dad took my brother and me to the grocery store. My brother and I were
acting berserk, running around the store, and asking for the most random and bizarre objects we
could get our hands on. We requested items as silly as a can of beans and a ginormous bouncy ball.
My dad could not help but laugh at how maniacal we looked. These kinds of silly, lighthearted
events happened all throughout my childhood with my brother by my side. After having so much
fun in elementary school together, my brother moved on to high school, and I followed him a year
later. When I started attending E. D. White in eighth grade, my brother
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Personal Narrative: My Brother
When I was little, my brother, Kaleb and I fought all of the time. Every game of hide and go seek
ended in tears, and every road trip involved mom and dad threatening to, "Pull the car over!" if we
did not stop bickering. It was not until junior high when we finally started to get along. I guess we
grew up a little and realized we needed each other. We were very close in age; in fact, Kaleb was just
one year older than me. Therefore, we went through each year of school basically side by side.
Junior high was tough for me because I did not necessarily like school, but I looked forward to
going each day because I knew I could go down the hall and see my brother and all of his friends and
be welcomed with open arms. Over the years Kaleb had more content...
Therefore, Kaleb had his own ministry the entire time he was at training.
After I heard the boy say he would not have made it through boot camp without my brother, my
perspective on Kaleb joining the marines changed entirely. Knowing that people depended on Kaleb
and looked to him when they could not look to themselves gave me peace. I no longer had my
brother with me all of the time, but the people who needed him did.
It was amazing to see how the Lord used Kaleb, and how He has continued to use him throughout his
journey in the Marine Corps. The amount of courage Kaleb had to take that leap of faith and really
trust the Lord is an encouragement to me, and should be an encouragement to everyone. Every
time my family and I get the opportunity to see Kaleb it is a blessing, but saying goodbye is
always hard. When Kaleb is home everything feels normal again. We have family movie night, and
we go out to dinner. Eventually duty calls, and it is time to say goodbye again. They say it gets
easier each time you say goodbye. I am beginning to believe that is true, because I do not think much
could be harder than that first
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Descriptive Essay About My Brother
My brother is not just someone I share blood with but someone I can rely on and look up to.
Patrick, my seventeen year old brother, has been by my side since I was a little baby. My
youngest memories are of Patrick and I running around in our backyard laughing. As he grew
older, I began to look up to him. He was everything I aspired to be: intelligent, passionate, and
athletic. Patrick always seemed to know what he wanted in life, and I admired how he chased down
his goals. There were points in my life when I was very unmotivated, especially when I was seven
years old. Insecure and unsure, I did not believe in myself from a very young age, and Patrick was
there for me when no one else was. He made me believe in myself and my own abilities above
anything else. I have my big brother to thank for finding the strength to persevere through my
struggles and overcoming my obstacles.
At nine years old my brother began playing travel baseball. Watching baseball in the summer heat
for hours on end arouse something in me. I was only seven years old, but I knew I wanted to find
the passion for something like what my brother had for baseball. I remember one evening when me
and my brother were sitting on our lawn after dinner talking. The sun had just set, and the sky was
still pastel pink and orange.
"Patrick, why do you play baseball?" I asked, looking over at him.
Pausing, he replied, "I play because it excites me, and because I enjoy the feeling I get from
swinging the bat and
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Personal Essay : My Brother
Personal essay
I love my brother, in fact most people do. He's a loving, caring, intelligent and hardworking.
However loitering behind the smile is a quiver of fear caused by overwhelming pressure, from
myself. How can I be as successful, talented and smart like him? How can I be as dedicated,
enthusiastic and fearless? I fear I can't and that makes me feel useless, idiotic and most of all
Every day I am asked: what it is like is to have to live up to such an achieving, driven and
accomplished big brother? I almost feel second best, like I'm nothing but a product of him which
isn't true at all, I am my own person. I'm "his sister" so I should be excelling in everything he has
and continue to now.
I know what you are thinking and you are wrong. This isn't a sob story in anyway. I don't envy my
brother or dislike him in any way. In fact we are very close, and we celebrate each other's
achievements and comfort each other in distressing times. I don't often open up about this feeling of
pressure, partially because I know I shouldn't feel it. It's like a big secret I carry around, unable to
admit to them, as I know it is so ridiculous. I don't know how to get rid of these feelings, how to
offload them. School is one of the most judgmental and competitive places to be in. "A lot is
expected from you after your brother". This stuck in my head. Even before I go into tests this is all
I hear in my head playing on a never–ending loop. I almost felt downgraded
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My Memories Of My Brother
One experience I'll never forget is the time I almost lost my brother. It started on a Friday night,
the last day of winter break. It was a typical evening, at least, that is what I thought. My brother
was already in bed while the rest of us were all in the living room watching television. We heard a
loud thud noise that vibrated the whole house. I looked up from the television and met eyes with
my mother. We didn't speak but locked eyes with each other awaiting something else to happen. A
few minutes pass with no disturbing noise to be heard, so we shrug it off thinking that it was just
the pipes in this old house. Not much longer did my brother open the door to his room and come
out. He didn't say anything but only held both hands over his head. My mother was the first one
to notice blood dripping down from his head. She was shocked and screamed, "Oh my God!" By
her shriek, I was alarmed and looked at my brother and noticed the blood. I couldn't react at the
beginning of realizing that there was a puddle of blood on the floor where my brother stood.
Without realizing, I got up from the couch and quickly grabbed a towel along with my sister to
help stop the blood. While I was trying to help my brother stop the blood, I heard my mother
screaming and crying, "What happened?" It was my brother who had told her to calm down and
that he needed to go to the hospital. I was surprised that he was calmly talking even though he was
the one standing in a puddle of blood. While we
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My Brother: A Source of Inspiration
My brother, Juan, and I had always been the typical siblings; we would argue all the time, get on
each other's nerves, and fight over the smallest things. When I was younger I truly believed we
were never going to get along and I was never going to have a close relationship with him.
Thankfully, as we both grew up we matured and although we still have those moments every once
in a while, we have actually learned how to get along and become friends. It took me a while to
realize it, but Juan has such a positive attitude and outgoing personality that draws people to him.
Anytime I would see him he'd be smiling or joking about something. I was so used to seeing him
happy that the day I saw that smile wiped away from his face for the first time was one of the
hardest. It was a normal Wednesday afternoon. Juan was weeks away from graduating high
school with everything going for him; he had been accepted into Texas A&M, had a great
scholarship offered to him, and it seemed like he didn't have one bad thing going on. Him and his
best friend, Draike, were trying to enjoy their last weeks as seniors relaxing and hanging out as
much as they could before they parted separate ways for college. The weather was perfect to go
fishing, so they grabbed a couple of fishing rods and headed to the creek in our neighborhood. After
a few hours of talking and unsuccessfully catching any fish, they decided to head back home, but
right as they came up to the parking lot my friend, Tiffany,
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My Brother
My Brother – Personal Narrative My brother is the most influential person in my life. His name is
Jim and he is 21 years old, leaving a 4 year gap in between the two of us. Most siblings are always
quarreling, and never do anything together. My brother and I are most definitely not like that, we
do everything together. Throughout my life I have modeled to be more like him, he is not only
my older brother but my peer and my role model. When I was 5, I would follow my brother around
everywhere, I was the pesky younger more content...
This could be seen as a good or a bad thing. I was exposed to many things I should not have been
by hanging out with my brother and his friends, but this also helped me to mature earlier. There is
a phase in the younger years of my generation's lives when it is considered cool to smoke. At the
age of 14 I was tempted by friends to smoke, but since I had been with my brother when he was
tempted to smoke I knew it would be a bad decision to even try. Watching my brothers go through
the trials of life has helped me to resist certain temptations that I otherwise might have gotten
sucked into. I was able to see the mistakes he made and avoid those decisions in my life. I have
always been in competition with my brother; I strive to be as good as or better at everything than
he is. He was always bigger and faster than I was so if we wrestled I would get beat, and if we raced
he would leave me in the dust. This instilled in me a drive to improve myself. My brother was not
the brightest student. This compelled me to be as good a student as possible. If my age
restrained me from being equals with my brother physically, I would have to strive hard in school
to have better grades than he did. My brother and I are still very close, but now he is engaged. We
don't do everything together anymore; he has his own career and hopes to start a family of his own.
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  • 1. My Brother Has A Big Impact On Me And My Life Matthew Charchenko TEACHER SECTION DATE TITLE In the early years of my life I had no idea that my brother would make such a big impact on me and my life. He has taught me more than any teacher possible could. Through him I learned how to be compassionate. I learned how to treat each and every person with respect, despite what challenges they may face. He brought me into an amazing community that taught me numerous life lessons. He challenged me every step of the way, like any brother should, and altered the way I viewed the world. My brother has autism, and he has been my greatest teacher. In the early years I didn't understand much of what was going on. I just thought that he was my twin brother, and like any twins at the time, I thought we were exactly alike. We played games together and roamed around our driveway on our bikes whenever he wanted to. Lots of times when I would want to play games he wouldn't want to and would throw a tantrum. I didn't think much of it and would just go to my sister and we would just play instead. I thought that was normal. I was under the impression that it was normal for kids like me to spend their whole afternoons in various waiting rooms for their sibling's therapy. I didn 't understand that instead most people went and played sports or had play dates. By the age of 7 I began to realize that all of this was not the case. One evening after dinner my parents told me that my brother had autism. At first they only really explained it to me Get more content on
  • 2. My Brother Essay My brother is a smart, observant person that makes nothing into something. He has all the potential he needs to prosper. He just didn't wait his time to become a man. At the moment, my brother is somewhere doing time because he made decisions in his life that put him in this position. Even though my brother is in jail, he is not a bad person. He just did things that he felt was necessary. If you have a conversation with him for five minutes you will be impressed by the vocabulary he uses, how quick he can change a casual conversation into something deep and meaningful, and the way he observes his surroundings. How he acts As children my brother and I always did the same thing. We played sports, watched the NFL games, and he more content... He was a great, respectable kid. He had a best friend named James Williams. James is currently a senior at East Carolina University. He is one of the starting wide receivers on the football team. They were a dynamic duo on the football field. There was nobody that could beat them. If you saw my brother, you saw James. After a while they took different routes. My brother went for fast money instead of getting his education like James. How he acts If you met my brother when he was 12, then seen him today, you would be shocked at how he turned out. Now he is this ruthless person that doesn't show any regard for your feelings. He never asks for anything from anyone, he makes it on his own. He doesn't look for trouble, but if it comes his way, he's war ready. His street smarts are on another level. He can get people to do almost anything he wants. He has some of the best observation skills. If you go in his house and take a paper cup he will know that it is missing. You can be in five o'clock traffic and he will be able to spot you in a moving car, dial your number and call you, even if he hasn't seen you in months. How do I know this because before he went to jail, this exact scenario happened. Respect for his family As an adult, the respect that he has for his family has not changed. Instead of him being in the background, now that he has matured, he is one of the main people speaking. There were times where my aunt got into Get more content on
  • 3. My Brother Essay A moral that my brother has taught me is, to Always stick with your family because you only have them for so long. That was a moral that he taught me because it has kept me connected good with my family. Having me more connected to my family helps me have a better relationship and understand what is going on in my families lives. Some background about my role model is his name is Chase and he is 15 years old, and he plays baseball, and he is a great baseball player for East Pennsboro high school team. He has a great passion for younger kids. He also likes to help people who need the help when needed. He is left handed and has a lot of talent for baseball. My role model is my brother chase because he is pleasant, caring, and a more content... He is caring because he likes to help me practice for baseball, and he likes to help me improve in my school work and my attitude towards things. Also he likes to help others like donate and put lots of community service in because he thinks it is the right thing to do. What makes him caring to me is that my family has become better from him, and also he just does so much for others before he worries about himself. As a result he is a very nice person also because of how much he helps me and how much he does for others. In conclusion my brother is a very caring person because he likes to help others when they need it. Those are some reasons why he is caring, and is such a great person. My brother is also a great role model because he is a humble and well minded person. What makes him a humble person is when he does something good he doesn't brag about it and he stays cool with it and never rubs it in my face. He doesn't like to brag because it is not a good thing and it could make people not like you as much. Along with that he also doesn't like to be a mean person because he thinks that is the wrong thing. He doesn't like to do mean things such as pushing me around, and decking me onto the floor. Also he is humble because he cares about others more than himself. He cares about others because he thinks it is a good thing to be caring because others matter too. As a result he thinks caring about others Get more content on
  • 4. Descriptive Essay On My Brother My Brother One year ago, my brother went on an incredible journey, from being top of the school to falling of it's grace to eventually climbing back and reclaiming his throne. During this time he went through changes that tested him mentally and physically to a point where he isolated himself from the world and me as well. My Brother is a very peculiar character in my eyes, he looks like a professional boxer always ready to dance in the square circle, and his body looks like it was crafted from steel melted with some titanium. Despite his looks he is a social butterfly, wherever he goes he will find some people to chat to, it's absolutely amazing how he is able to go up to complete strangers and talk to them like he has know them his whole life. My brother is the captain of our schools basketball team, a fearless leader who leads his comrades onto the court. Watching him play basketball is like watching a ballroom competition beautiful, elegant and dramatic at the same time. Every other day he would invite me to train with him, we would wake up at four in the morning and practice, practice, practice until I pass out of course. I asked my brother why he was so passionate about basketball and he replied " because I'am good at it and I have teammates that rely on me to be good so we can win of course". I remember the time when my brother became the schools hero. The game was down to the wire, the opposition's lead was five, everyone has lost hope and some were throwing in the towels, but we had all forgotten that there was an extraordinary player representing our school, my brother. In a blink of an eye with the double pump of the heart, he won the game. Going through the opposition like they were sheep being rounded up by a tractor, he was like a machine. When the buzzer sounded off the crowed went ballistic the sound they made could be heard from space it was incredible. The team grab and and celebrated like it was new years eve. The game that turn him into a superstar i believed. This all changed when my brother tore his ACL during practice. He jumped high for the ball fighting in an arial battle, eyes lit with fire and a smile to complete the package but he loss a second focus and landed terribly Get more content on
  • 5. Analysis Of ' My Brother And Me ' Essay My Brother and Me is a Television show that use to air on Nickelodeon the show is about two young adolescent brothers who live with their older adolescent sister and mother and father, The oldest brother and middle child is Alfred "Alfie" Parker, He is 11 years old. He is the cool older brother him and his friend Milton "Goo" Berry who is also the same age as Alfred, who also is in love with Alfred's older sister seem like the cool kids on the block in their grade. The youngest child is Derek "Dee Dee" Parker, He looks up to Alfie, He is eight years old and hasn 't built common sense he usually does everything his big brother tells him to do or tries to do whatever he wants even when his parents and brother tells him not to but he isn't a bad kid at all he just eight years old. Melanie Parker is Both Alfred and Derek's older sister, she is the love of Milton life even though she doesn't feel the same back for him, she actually finds Milton repulsive. She is super smart and seems very social in her school and is involved in many activities and she is also 15 years old. Their mother is Jennifer Parker who often falls for Milton's sweet talk and also is kind of the nice cop parent but can be firm when needed with the kids. While Roger Parker the father in the family is more wary of Milton's sweet talk, is more of the bad cop parent. He at time very relatable when he is not telling boring stories about his childhood to his family, which they often run away from, and tries to Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay About My Brother My brother is still like a mountain, standing at six foot five and ripped; if you push he doesn't move. That's OK though because I always visioned him being bigger than me anyway. He is indeed the biggest role model, literally and figuratively, in my life. It is through him that I have become who I am today: an adept game player, a skilled hunter, and a kind individual. Like when all my siblings lived at home my brother and I had to share a room. Because he was older than me he was able to stay up later, so when I suppose to go to bed I would watch him play video games, and get mad at the mistakes he makes for a few hours. That is how I learned to play video games with his long fingers/thumbs moving so fast on the controls, and when I got older we started to play two player games. Even though he is three hours away we still play to this day I go on my playstation, and he does the same then we play online with each other for hours with my microphone in so i can talk to him. Or when he comes up for the weekend he brings his playstation home and we play in the same room. We have a setup where he lays on my bed and plays on a tv, and i sit in my chair and play. Then I remember when I was about 8 years old when my parents were not home when we shot his shotgun at water jugs. He would have the shotgun tucked in between his left shoulder and chest to support the gun and with his feet two feet apart and left foot a little farther forward than the other before he shot. Then we got Get more content on
  • 7. Be My Brother Essay Belonging and alienation is the process of being either excluded or accepted by the society in which you live. Belong is a human conception,mostly considered a fundamental human need and a source of survival, safety, protection and happiness. To belong is usually considered positive and essential for a successful existence:however a negative sense of belonging:found among the displaced, marginalised and uncared for can lead to many social, filial and personal problems that can be almost insurmountable for the individual. The short trop fest film "Be My Brother" by Genevieve Clay 2009, represents these ideas through the films central characters. The film deals with society and people with disabilities feeling displaced within society due more content... Clothing in this segment plays a crucial role. Amanda is wearing black clothing, which portrays her social standing, which represents class, elegance, and wealth, whereas Richard is wearing brown clothing, expressing dull, inferior and being less important. The full shot used demonstrates the relationships between characters, and where they stand in society. In addition, social acceptance can be displayed within the family. Richard feels displaced around his brother Damien. This is exemplified in the scene where Damien wearing a black hoodie with his hood up, incorporated with the wide shot depicts resentment and exclusion, where Damien feels embarrassed about his brother because he has a disability. The black hoodie symbolises something evil and depressed which contributes to the isolation Richard is experiencing. As Richard passes his hand with the audio recorder to Damien, Damien promptly tries to avoid Richard by moving his head. The close up shot allows the audience to see Damien's facial expression conveying Damiens arrogance towards Richard. Social acceptance is the key concept within the film "Be My Brother", where cameral angles and clothing play a crucial role in revealing the idea of feeling accepted and to belong within society. Disconnection and isolation is portrayed throughout the film between Richard and his brother. The negative sense of belonging, where someone feels isolated; found among the marginalised and Get more content on
  • 8. My Brother : A Short Story : My Little Brother Let me begin by telling you a bit about my little brother. David Lee is exceptional in every way; he is exceptionally intelligent, talented, and hilarious. As a gifted child, he is also exceptionally difficult, uncooperative, and short–tempered. I've always understood and appreciated David in a way others did not, and over the years we've become inseparable. I am very active in musical theatre productions and competitions, and as David grew up, he realized he shared my love of performing. While I practiced singing and acting 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' David would sing along with me and stumble through my dances. When it came time for the show he knew every word to my song! I wasn't the least bit surprised when he asked our mom this past summer if he could join Elementary drama club. There was just one problem – directors in the past had experienced a lot of trouble with him not sitting still, wanting to talk to the other kids, and having difficulty following direction. Because of this, our school director was hesitant to allow him to audition, and he was crushed. My mom and I tried to come up with a solution to the problem; nothing we suggested to our director seemed to convince him to let David join. We took David to see behavioral therapists and child psychologists to try to figure out what might be causing his inability to cooperate and interact with the other students in a normal, friendly way. Every doctor said the same thing: David is so intelligent he does Get more content on
  • 9. My Brother Inspires Me Essay Do you have someone in your life who motivates you,encourages you,cares about you or inspires you? Because I do.My brother wyatt has made a huge difference in my life. Wyatt was always there for me when was younger. Wyatt is one of the most caring and selfless person I know. He always puts others before himself.My brother Wyatt inspires me to be careing and to always try my best to help others.My brother Wyatt is 12 years older than me. Wyatt is the eldest of his three siblings.Wyatt has a younger brother mitchell who is 10 years older than me he has two younger sisters shelby and I. The first reason why my brother inspires me to be careing is because while I was younger my brother always cared for me.My mom has to work a lot so my brother had to watch us.My brother would make all of his siblings dinner whenever mom was not home. Wyatt more content... so far all i've told you about was from the past, but Wyatt is still one of the most caring, selfless person I know. My brother works very hard in order to support his family by working 70 hours a week 7 days a week.Despite the long hours Wyatt works, he often stays after his shift is over to help the next shift who are are not as experienced as him. Even though Wyatt works as much as he does, he always puts aside time to spend with his children, often taking them out do fun activities. My brother wyatt inspires me to be caring because he always cared for me while I was younger,he was always there with me while I was younger, and because he is still the most caring person I know.My bbrother has always been a very caring person.he has shown me with his actions all throughout his life on how you should treat and care for others.My brother was more of a father than a brother, he took care of me like a parent would care foe a child.These are all of thr reasons why I want to follow in my brothers footsteps and be a caring Get more content on
  • 10. My Siblings Essay My Siblings I have 3 siblings; two brothers and one sister. My sister "Isha–27", Little brother "Ishmael–10", and my older brother "I.B–18", we all grew up and spent the most of our lives with each other. I think I've always known that I was a little different from my brothers and my sister, but it's okay because we are all different in many ways. Now my story on how it's like living with 3 siblings with personalities are all different and how we all like certain things but we all manage to live together in harmony , my older brother is more into sports and my little brother is more into video games; my sister is more into reading a writing and more i'm more into math and science. At times it gets extremely annoying living with more content... Some times i had wished i was an only child. Perks of me being an only child i would never have to deal with friends crushing on my siblings, and plus I wouldn't ever have to share my room. I am always want to get the most amount of attention to my parents but guess they wanted to make us all equal even though we're not all treated equal, but never understood why that is. I thought myself to respect all people even if i didn't like them but still had aspect them and saw everyone as equal to each other and not have one dominant the other. What i am saying I know how it feels to have more limitation based on who you are. I know where they're coming from. But overall having siblings had made more laughter, more learning opportunities and learning from their mistakes, and most all forever lasting friendship. I am very thankful to have family and friends to encourage me in my goals on what I want do and who I want to become. I've been in school for 13 years of my life ,i grew up with most of the same kids; We were a huge family almost, everyone always looked out for eachother. I was participating in a lot activities. Since the beginning of freshman year, I participated 3 years of color guard, i met new people with the same interest as me. Almost every friday we had a football game and Saturday's was our competition days; we all bonded as a section when we all got ready and did each others makeup. Then, Get more content on
  • 11. Descriptive Essay About Brother Brother He's tall, black hair with light brown eyes that's my brother. Although many people see their brothers as just regular brothers. I see mine farther more than that he is the brother anyone could ask for. Many siblings tend to fight and argue but me and my brother get along pretty well.My brother is my friend, co–conspirator, and an extension of myself. When I feel like I can't count on anyone I know my brother is always going to be there. Even though he is a guy I'm still able to tell him many things like my problems or just anything I need help in. He's a guy but he still manages to be a good friend to me. Growing up I always had friends but I never really felt like I can count on them. On the other hand with my brother he just never seemed to not ever be there for me because he always is. When we both were in high school in 2015 I was a sophomore and he was a senior we would both walk to school and back home he would mess with me and say things like "Who got you mad today, I'll go beat them up" he would say this because he said I always looked mad but it was just my serious face and then he would start laughing and then I would actually get mad. He just loved annoying me in our walks to school and back home. His thing was getting me annoyed to then feeling bad for getting me irritated and then trying to cheer me up after because he felt bad at the end for acting dumb with me. My brother is like a dad to me he is always telling me what is right and what is wrong. Get more content on
  • 12. Short Essay About My Brother "Danny, do your homework! Danny, get home now! Danny, quit being annoying!" These are just some of the phrases Danny Albanese heard all the time growing up. All Danny's life, he grew up in a southside neighborhood of Chicago, Garfield Ridge. The block he lived on is where he made a lot of his close friendships and made him the person he is today. He is an average sized eighteen year old boy with short brown hair. He has a good sense of style and but also likes to wear athletic clothing. Unlike most men, Danny owns multiple pairs of shoes that range from Nike gym shoes to fancy dress shoes. If there is one thing I know about my brother it is that he definitely cares about the way he dresses and looks. My brother, Danny, has made more content... Danny's biggest regret is not spending as much time with his grandmother as he should have. She passed away when he was in the eighth grade. Danny's parents always told him to go visit his grandmother, he did, but did not actually spend time with her. He would always be on his phone or watching a television show. If Albanese could go back in time, it would be to actually talk to his grandmother because you never know when you might not be able to see them or hear their voice again. Another thing Danny regrets doing is not following the rules at home. He was always a stubborn child. He wanted things his way all the time. As he got older, Danny did not want to be home. He wanted to be out with his friends at parties. He thought curfew was optional or a suggestion. Looking back now, Danny knows that our parents were looking out for his safety and it was not him they did not trust, it was other people who they did not know. He said laughing, "I could have saved myself a lot of groundings if I just came home on time and didn't start an argument when I didn't get my way!" Another big regret that Danny lives with today is losing a friendship that he cherished but school and baseball got in the way of. He wishes he kept in contact with this friend, but he knows that some people end up going in different directions and can sometimes find each other again. Accomplishments Not only has Danny lived with some regrets, but with those regrets, he has completed Get more content on
  • 13. My Brother : Short Story : My Little Brother "MISSING" read the title on the newspaper. I didn't have to read the rest of the article, I knew who it was; my little brother. And it was all my fault. It has been two years since I last saw him. I should have put my phone down and actually watched him at the mall. All he wanted was pizza from Little Caesars in the food court at the mall, and someone had to take him. Today was his memorial. My mom thought we should have people remember him. I think she really just wants to say goodbye. We all do. My father has hardly talked to me since I lost Mason. Maybe a couple words every week(mostly mumbles), I actually almost forgot what his voice sounded like. My mom talks to me, but I can see deep down she hates me for losing her baby boy. I feel horrible about it. He was only 7. My best friend, Mary, says to not worry about it and that we will find him soon. And I feel awful for saying this, but I don't think we will. He's gone... forever. "Let's go," mumbled my mom from the kitchen. I quickly grabbed my coat and met her at the front door. My dad came walking in, dragging his feet, looking at me with disappointment(like always). We all walked out the door without a word, to my brother's memorial. When we got back we were all so sad, that we went to bed. I laid there awake for a couple hours when I heard my phone ding. I slowly picked it up exasperated, and looked at it. I got a text from an unknown number. I slid my finger across my screen to unlock it. If I had known what it Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About My Brother My brother is both my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye. He has been my best friend since birth, and even though I am only able to spend time him occasionally, he is always on my mind. Thinking about him so often brings up fond memories of being rambunctious children, attending elementary school, and attending some of high school together. Growing up with my brother at my side has helped shape the person I have become and has provided me with sentimental memories that are incredibly valuable to me. As young children, my brother and I constantly got into trivial fights over the simplest of disagreements. When I look back on these frivolous arguments now, I regret being this way with him. Even though we did disagree often, we spent more time playing together and causing trouble and stress for my mom and my dad. One clear memory that comes to mind is a time my dad took my brother and me to the grocery store. My brother and I were acting berserk, running around the store, and asking for the most random and bizarre objects we could get our hands on. We requested items as silly as a can of beans and a ginormous bouncy ball. My dad could not help but laugh at how maniacal we looked. These kinds of silly, lighthearted events happened all throughout my childhood with my brother by my side. After having so much fun in elementary school together, my brother moved on to high school, and I followed him a year later. When I started attending E. D. White in eighth grade, my brother Get more content on
  • 15. Personal Narrative: My Brother When I was little, my brother, Kaleb and I fought all of the time. Every game of hide and go seek ended in tears, and every road trip involved mom and dad threatening to, "Pull the car over!" if we did not stop bickering. It was not until junior high when we finally started to get along. I guess we grew up a little and realized we needed each other. We were very close in age; in fact, Kaleb was just one year older than me. Therefore, we went through each year of school basically side by side. Junior high was tough for me because I did not necessarily like school, but I looked forward to going each day because I knew I could go down the hall and see my brother and all of his friends and be welcomed with open arms. Over the years Kaleb had more content... Therefore, Kaleb had his own ministry the entire time he was at training. After I heard the boy say he would not have made it through boot camp without my brother, my perspective on Kaleb joining the marines changed entirely. Knowing that people depended on Kaleb and looked to him when they could not look to themselves gave me peace. I no longer had my brother with me all of the time, but the people who needed him did. It was amazing to see how the Lord used Kaleb, and how He has continued to use him throughout his journey in the Marine Corps. The amount of courage Kaleb had to take that leap of faith and really trust the Lord is an encouragement to me, and should be an encouragement to everyone. Every time my family and I get the opportunity to see Kaleb it is a blessing, but saying goodbye is always hard. When Kaleb is home everything feels normal again. We have family movie night, and we go out to dinner. Eventually duty calls, and it is time to say goodbye again. They say it gets easier each time you say goodbye. I am beginning to believe that is true, because I do not think much could be harder than that first Get more content on
  • 16. Descriptive Essay About My Brother My brother is not just someone I share blood with but someone I can rely on and look up to. Patrick, my seventeen year old brother, has been by my side since I was a little baby. My youngest memories are of Patrick and I running around in our backyard laughing. As he grew older, I began to look up to him. He was everything I aspired to be: intelligent, passionate, and athletic. Patrick always seemed to know what he wanted in life, and I admired how he chased down his goals. There were points in my life when I was very unmotivated, especially when I was seven years old. Insecure and unsure, I did not believe in myself from a very young age, and Patrick was there for me when no one else was. He made me believe in myself and my own abilities above anything else. I have my big brother to thank for finding the strength to persevere through my struggles and overcoming my obstacles. At nine years old my brother began playing travel baseball. Watching baseball in the summer heat for hours on end arouse something in me. I was only seven years old, but I knew I wanted to find the passion for something like what my brother had for baseball. I remember one evening when me and my brother were sitting on our lawn after dinner talking. The sun had just set, and the sky was still pastel pink and orange. "Patrick, why do you play baseball?" I asked, looking over at him. Pausing, he replied, "I play because it excites me, and because I enjoy the feeling I get from swinging the bat and Get more content on
  • 17. Personal Essay : My Brother Personal essay I love my brother, in fact most people do. He's a loving, caring, intelligent and hardworking. However loitering behind the smile is a quiver of fear caused by overwhelming pressure, from myself. How can I be as successful, talented and smart like him? How can I be as dedicated, enthusiastic and fearless? I fear I can't and that makes me feel useless, idiotic and most of all worthless. Every day I am asked: what it is like is to have to live up to such an achieving, driven and accomplished big brother? I almost feel second best, like I'm nothing but a product of him which isn't true at all, I am my own person. I'm "his sister" so I should be excelling in everything he has and continue to now. I know what you are thinking and you are wrong. This isn't a sob story in anyway. I don't envy my brother or dislike him in any way. In fact we are very close, and we celebrate each other's achievements and comfort each other in distressing times. I don't often open up about this feeling of pressure, partially because I know I shouldn't feel it. It's like a big secret I carry around, unable to admit to them, as I know it is so ridiculous. I don't know how to get rid of these feelings, how to offload them. School is one of the most judgmental and competitive places to be in. "A lot is expected from you after your brother". This stuck in my head. Even before I go into tests this is all I hear in my head playing on a never–ending loop. I almost felt downgraded Get more content on
  • 18. My Memories Of My Brother One experience I'll never forget is the time I almost lost my brother. It started on a Friday night, the last day of winter break. It was a typical evening, at least, that is what I thought. My brother was already in bed while the rest of us were all in the living room watching television. We heard a loud thud noise that vibrated the whole house. I looked up from the television and met eyes with my mother. We didn't speak but locked eyes with each other awaiting something else to happen. A few minutes pass with no disturbing noise to be heard, so we shrug it off thinking that it was just the pipes in this old house. Not much longer did my brother open the door to his room and come out. He didn't say anything but only held both hands over his head. My mother was the first one to notice blood dripping down from his head. She was shocked and screamed, "Oh my God!" By her shriek, I was alarmed and looked at my brother and noticed the blood. I couldn't react at the beginning of realizing that there was a puddle of blood on the floor where my brother stood. Without realizing, I got up from the couch and quickly grabbed a towel along with my sister to help stop the blood. While I was trying to help my brother stop the blood, I heard my mother screaming and crying, "What happened?" It was my brother who had told her to calm down and that he needed to go to the hospital. I was surprised that he was calmly talking even though he was the one standing in a puddle of blood. While we Get more content on
  • 19. My Brother: A Source of Inspiration My brother, Juan, and I had always been the typical siblings; we would argue all the time, get on each other's nerves, and fight over the smallest things. When I was younger I truly believed we were never going to get along and I was never going to have a close relationship with him. Thankfully, as we both grew up we matured and although we still have those moments every once in a while, we have actually learned how to get along and become friends. It took me a while to realize it, but Juan has such a positive attitude and outgoing personality that draws people to him. Anytime I would see him he'd be smiling or joking about something. I was so used to seeing him happy that the day I saw that smile wiped away from his face for the first time was one of the hardest. It was a normal Wednesday afternoon. Juan was weeks away from graduating high school with everything going for him; he had been accepted into Texas A&M, had a great scholarship offered to him, and it seemed like he didn't have one bad thing going on. Him and his best friend, Draike, were trying to enjoy their last weeks as seniors relaxing and hanging out as much as they could before they parted separate ways for college. The weather was perfect to go fishing, so they grabbed a couple of fishing rods and headed to the creek in our neighborhood. After a few hours of talking and unsuccessfully catching any fish, they decided to head back home, but right as they came up to the parking lot my friend, Tiffany, Get more content on
  • 20. My Brother My Brother – Personal Narrative My brother is the most influential person in my life. His name is Jim and he is 21 years old, leaving a 4 year gap in between the two of us. Most siblings are always quarreling, and never do anything together. My brother and I are most definitely not like that, we do everything together. Throughout my life I have modeled to be more like him, he is not only my older brother but my peer and my role model. When I was 5, I would follow my brother around everywhere, I was the pesky younger more content... This could be seen as a good or a bad thing. I was exposed to many things I should not have been by hanging out with my brother and his friends, but this also helped me to mature earlier. There is a phase in the younger years of my generation's lives when it is considered cool to smoke. At the age of 14 I was tempted by friends to smoke, but since I had been with my brother when he was tempted to smoke I knew it would be a bad decision to even try. Watching my brothers go through the trials of life has helped me to resist certain temptations that I otherwise might have gotten sucked into. I was able to see the mistakes he made and avoid those decisions in my life. I have always been in competition with my brother; I strive to be as good as or better at everything than he is. He was always bigger and faster than I was so if we wrestled I would get beat, and if we raced he would leave me in the dust. This instilled in me a drive to improve myself. My brother was not the brightest student. This compelled me to be as good a student as possible. If my age restrained me from being equals with my brother physically, I would have to strive hard in school to have better grades than he did. My brother and I are still very close, but now he is engaged. We don't do everything together anymore; he has his own career and hopes to start a family of his own. Get more content on