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Key Learnings 2017
Yoann Lopez
• These are quotes from book / articles / podcasts / etc. I
read or listened to in 2017.

• Sometimes I forgot the author unfortunately. :(

• My goal is to read them as often as possible in order to
absorb their wisdom.

• At one point or another I’ll take each of my key learnings
and reflect upon them by writings notes about them.
“Desire is a contract you make
with yourself to be unhappy
until you get what you want.”
“The purpose of life is to be loved by as
many people as possible among those you
want to have love you.“
Warren Buffet
“Imagine your life has a punch card with
only 20 slots. Be wise when you choose
your slots.”
Warren Buffet
"You can have anything you want
in life but not everything.” 
Ray Dalio
“The best investment you can make is to
invest in yourself by taking high care of
Warren Buffet
“One doesn’t discover new lands without
consenting to losing, for a very long time,
of the shore.“ 
 Andre Gide
"The practice of deep listening consists of keeping
compassion alive in your heart the whole time you
are listening. You do not listen in order to judge,
criticize, or evaluate. You listen for one reason
alone: to offer the other person a chance to
express himself."
“Passion is discovered
through the process of
trying out things.”
“A happy person is
someone who can enjoy
the scenery on the detour.”
“If you get tired, learn
to rest, not to quit.”
“The desire for a positive experience is in itself a
negative experience. Paradoxically, the acceptance
of one’s negative experience is in itself a positive
Mark Manson
“Choose not to be harmed and you won’t feel
harmed. Don’t feel harmed and you haven’t been.” 
Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor / Philosopher
“A candle loses nothing by
lighting another candle.”
Jayson Gaignard, Entrepreneur
“Before I met you, I already liked
“External things can’t
fix internal issues.”
“If you’re lonely when you’re
alone, you’re in bad company.” 
"If you give a good idea to mediocre team they
will screw it up, if you give a mediocre idea to a
great team they will either fix it or throw it away.”
Ed Catmull
“Quality is the best business
John Lasseter
“For injuries ought to be done all at one time, so
that, being tasted less, they offend less; benefits
ought to be given little by little, so that the flavor of
them may last longer.”
“Having a brain trust group checking on any creative
process is key to success. This group should provide
constructive feedback, people should not take these
feedbacks personally. Problems should be the focus,
not people. Fear should not impede anything.”
Ed Catmull
"The arms of others either fall from
your back, or they weigh you
down, or they bind you fast.”
"A prince ought to have no other aim or
thought, nor select anything else for his study,
than war and it's rules and discipline; for this is
the sole art that belongs to him who rules…"
"We are kept from our goal not by
obstacles but by a clear path to a
lesser goal.”
Robert Brault
Ocham razor
If they are competing explanation for
why something behaves the way it
is, you should pick the simplest one.
“Action may not always bring
happiness, but there is no
happiness without action.”
Benjamin Disraeli
“If you have to ask the
price then you can't
afford it.”
“Art challenges technology,
technology inspires art.”
Ed Catmull
“When we talk a lot, we always
say something we shouldn’t say.”
“Measure what you can, evaluate what you
measure, and appreciate that you cannot
measure the vast majority of what you do.”
Ed Catmull
“The future is not a
destination, it's a direction.”
Ed Catmull
“The cost of preventing
errors is almost all the time
far greater than the cost of
fixing them.”
Most Respectful Interpretation (MRI) be aware of your automatic mode
when you think about a situation. Use the MRI.
A big part of learning to think is recognizing our default reactions and
responses to situations — the so-called “System 1” thinking espoused
by Daniel Kahneman. Learning to be “good-tempered” and “well-
adjusted” requires us to try to be more self-aware, situationally aware,
and to acknowledge our self-centered nature; to put the brakes on and
use System 2 instead.
So the next time you find yourself annoyed with your colleagues, angry
at other drivers on the road, or judgmental about people standing in line
at the store, use it as an opportunity to challenge your negative
assumptions and try to interpret the situation in a more respectful and
generous way. You might eventually realize that the broccoli tastes
“If you can’t afford to lose it,
you can’t afford to buy it yet
—otherwise the object owns
you rather than vice versa.”
“If you can’t afford to lose it, you can’t afford to buy it yet—otherwise
the object owns you rather than vice versa.”
“This was the first theft in many, many years of very carefree living. The
Craigslist replacement value of that bike was probably about $500.
What value do I place on a decade of the fearless freedom of leaving
shit happily unlocked and not worrying about it? How about the value
of my time saved in not spending my life fumbling with an enormous
keychain? 90 seconds a day for ten years is 91 hours, or at least $4500
of my time at $50 an hour. I was still coming out way ahead.”
Mustachian Frugal
"Out on the edge you see all kinds of things
you can't see from the center. Big,
undreamed-of-things-the people on the edge
see them first.”
Kurt Vonnegut
"Routine, in an intelligent
man, is a sign of ambition.”
W.H. Auden
"Judge a man by his questions
rather than his answers.”
Pierre-Marc Gaston
"You don't succeed because you have no
weaknesses; you succeed because you find
your unique strengths and focus on
developing habits around them.”
Tim Ferris
"Early to bed and early to rise, makes
a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
Ben Franklyn
"It is no measure of health to be well
adjusted to a profoundly sick
J. Krishnamurti
"I'm not the strongest, I'm not the
fastest. But I'm really good at
Amelia Boone
“Let go of what's not working and really assess what
is working and what can I be excited about? It's not
that bad things don't happen to me. I don't label a lot
of things good/bad. Instead I ask can I evolve from
this? What do I want now? Where is my center now?”
Jason Nemer
"If you run into an asshole in the morning
you ran into an asshole. If you run into
assholes all day, you're the asshole.”
Raylan Givens
“Go first people are
nicer than you think.”
"If you are depressed, you are living in the
past. If you are anxious, you are living in the
future. If you are at peace, you are living in
the present.”
Lao Tzu
"A wealth of information
creates a poverty of attention.”
Herbert Simon
"We do not rise to the level of our
expectations. We fall to the level of our
"If you find yourself in a fair fight, you
didn't plan your mission properly.”
Colonel David Hackworth
"In negotiation, he who
cares the least wins.”
"If you let your learning lead to knowledge,
you become a fool. If you let your learning
lead to action, you become wealthy.”
Jim Rohn
"If you would not be forgotten as soon as
you are dead and rotten, either write things
worth reading, or do things worth writing.”
Ben Franklin
"Never go to sleep without a
question to your subconscious.”
Thomas Edison
“Seek a single reason for a potentially
expensive action, not a blended reason. There
need to be one decisive reason otherwise
you'll feel like it was a waste if d time.”
Reid Hoffman
"It’s not what happens to you, but
how you react to it that matters.”
"I don't create art to get high-dollar
projects, I do high-dollar projects so I
can create more art.”
Chase Jarvis
"What context and visibility do I have and
what do they have?am I basically being unfair
because I'm operating from a greater set of
Chris Young
"Money is a great
servant but a horrible
"Imagine you have a large jar. Next to it, you a few large
rocks, a small pile of marble-size pebbles, and a pile of
sand. If you put in the sand or pebbles first, what happens?
You can't fit the big rocks in. But if you add the rocks, then
the medium-sized pebbles, and only then the sand, it all
Tim Ferris’ professor
Notes: In other words, the minutiae fit around the big
things, but the big things don't fit around the minutiae.
"Frustration is a matter
of expectation.”
Luis Von Ahn
"The person who clears the path
ultimately controls its direction,
just as the canvas shapes the
Ryan Holiday
"Be the silence that
Tara Brach
"Quitting-whether a job or a habit-means taking a turn
so as to be sure you're still moving in the direction of
your dreams.”
“In this way quitting should never be seen as the end
of something grudging and unpleasant. Rather, it's a
vital step in beginning something new and wonderful.”
"The wisdom of life
consists in the elimination
of non-essentials.”
Lin Yutang
"Discipline equals
Jocko Willink
"Better to have, and not
need, than to need and not
"The calming effect of acting instead of
Sebastien Junger
Notes: business and acting gives you a
sense of mastery and control that actually
make you feel less anxious.
"The future is already here-
it's just unevenly
William Gibson
"What we fear most is
usually what we most
need to do.”
"Bad decisions make good
Note: look for the silver
"Honor those who seek the
truth, beware of those
who've found it.”
"Whenever you find yourself
on the side of majority, it's
time to pause and reflect.”
Mark Twain
"If you want to improve, be
content to be thought
foolish and stupid.”
"Enough is as good as a
"The hero and the coward both feels the
same thing but the hero used his gear,
projects it onto his opponent, while the
coward runs. It's the same thing. fear.
But it's what you do with it that matters.”
Cus d'Amato
"Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength, while loving
someone deeply gives you
Lao Tzu
Important things I'm not doing yet. Set key
milestones for doing things and put your
itindy things after these milestones in order
to prioritize.
J.A McCann
“Shi conveys the significance of
gaining influence through
nonintervention so that you can
secure an advantageous position
in battle. Shi is to the Sunzi what
wei wuwei is to Daoism.”
Stay out of a distorted market.
Before entering the market, consider if distortion is high.
Are central banks creating artificially high or low interest
rates? If so, keep waiting to invest. Don’t be too hasty;
distorted markets are prone to crashes, meaning investors
are likely to lose money. If you have the patience to wait out
the distortion, you’ll benefit a great deal later.
The Dao of Capital
“Nothing so conclusively proves a
mans hability to lead others as what
he does from day to day to lead
Thomas j Watson
“‘What’s going to change in the next 10 years?’ And
that is a very interesting question; it’s a very common
one. I almost never get the question: ‘What’s not going
to change in the next 10 years? And I submit to you
that that second question is actually the more
important of the two — because you can build a
business strategy around the things that are stable in
— Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon
“You are a message. Everything you are, everything
you have, everything you do is a message. You
might not know it, but you’re constantly projecting
a message around you. What’s your message?
What are you saying to the world around you?
What are you saying to your market? What are you
saying to future generations?”
Guillaume Wolf
“Don’t push, pull. To be
interesting, be interested.”
Guillaume Wolf
“It’s always about the fundamentals. Ask
yourself these two questions: • Who am I
talking to? • How can I help them? This is
a great practice, like mental tai chi. This is
also the secret to creating a great brand.”
Guillaume Wolf
“There are no extraordinary brands
without extraordinary people. If you want
to build a great brand, challenge yourself
to be the best you can be in every area
of your life, not just business.”
Guillaume Wolf
“Do you matter? This is a hard question for a person
or a brand; yet, the answer is easy. First, do
something at your level that helps someone’s life.
Just one person. Next, do something that impacts
ten people. And keep going. Long term, true
influence is the by-product of caring for others. You’ll
matter the most once you start caring for the world.”
Guillaume Wolf
“There’s one force that you must combat every day. It’s
called the status quo: the willingness to keep things the
way they are. First, find it within yourself. Learn about it,
grab it, and destroy it (Ask: What doesn’t want to change
within me?). Next, be ruthless when you meet the status
quo in the real world. Every time you meet someone who
says, “It cannot be done,” start thinking about how you’re
going to make it happen. That is, without this person
around, of course.”
Guillaume Wolf
“As a consultant, the greatest gift you can give
to a client is to uncover something that could
destroy their business, and have the courage to
say so. Only the very few have the nerves to do
it. Make sure you surround yourself with people
who can give honest feedback, not yes-men.”
Guillaume Wolf
“To build your brand, you need three things
working simultaneously: 1. Perfect skills or
products. 2. Perfect understanding of the
culture you’re dealing with. 3. Perfect
storytelling. Neglect one of these, and it’s
Guillaume Wolf
“Talk to your audience as
you would talk to your best
Guillaume Wolf
“Be candid, be cool, be
Guillaume Wolf
“Brands desperately want to be “cool,” thinking it’s
about following fads. This is a big mistake. Only
the ones who are willing to honor their truth will
collect “in-depth cool currency.” The reason is
simple: Nothing is cooler than the truth. Ask
yourself: What’s my brand’s truth? Does my
audience understand and connect with this truth?”
Guillaume Wolf
“If you’re weird, that might be a problem. If
you’re weird and smart, that might be an
asset. If you’re weird, smart, and
understand culture, that’s great. What cool
weirdness could you bring into your
Guillaume Wolf
“The person or company with a larger
wallet is not smarter than you, just
more comfortable. This is great news
for the little ones. Comfort is the
enemy of innovation.”
Guillaume Wolf
“Are you a computer, a Sim TM, or a robot? I hope not. We are taught since childhood to think in
binary mode: Yes/no, right/wrong, win/lose, etc. This view of the world is reinforced everywhere
as we grow up. From education to popular culture, we are being presented with a binary world:
“This is the right way, this is the wrong way.” In social interactions, we are also expected to act
in a binary mode (like a computer, a SimTM, or a robot). Unfortunately, this mental map of the
world is completely obsolete. It only works short term. In business, binary thinking blocks
innovation. In personal life, it’s a sure way to unhappiness. Instead, a new way to approach any
problem is to think trinary. How does it work? Simply start in binary mode: First, find the two
opposites. Next, create a strange hybrid of both. Next, imagine the opposite of that. Keep
pushing yourself; challenge yourself intellectually. Explore. Imagine something never seen
before, something that’s all inclusive. Imagine something outside of the mental map everyone
else is using. Consider the opposite of what the herd is doing. Try thinking like someone else
(see p. 28). It takes some time to learn operating in trinary mode, but that’s how you will come
up with disruptive ideas and innovate. At the core, all living systems are trinary, not binary.
Trinary thinking is a model that allows you to navigate living systems effectively. By using it, you
will come up with incredible ideas. Ask yourself: What’s the third perspective here?”
Guillaume Wolf
“Where can I grow? Where can I
improve? What should I try next?
These are amazing questions to ask
yourself daily, when you have the
willingness to act on them.”
Guillaume Wolf
“Great branding is almost identical to
dating. When it’s done right, it’s about
creating a meaningful connection. It’s
never about cheesy pickup lines.”
Guillaume Wolf
“Solve a tiny problem for me and I’ll give
you five dollars. Solve a bigger problem for
me and I’ll give you a hundred dollars. Make
me a grow as an individual while you help
me solve my problem, and I will be your
customer for life.”
Guillaume Wolf
“To disrupt a market, you have to
be a contrarian. To be a
contrarian, question everything
you see.”
Guillaume Wolf
“Each design project starts with
research to discover what's out there,
and to explore the possibilities of what
could be put there, but isn’t.”
Harmut Esslinger
Homer’s brain (as in Homer Simpson).
“That’s the primordial lizard brain running a mental
heuristic that’s absolutely incapable of understanding
anything new and novel. It’s only good at attack,
defense, finding food and shelter and avoiding
boredom. It’s a survival machine.”
Daniel Jeffries via hackernoon
The map is not the territory.
“When I was a teenager in the late 1960s, I studied with a man
named George Simon, who had built an experiential practice
based in part on Korzybski’s work. A deep understanding that the
language we use about the world shapes what we see, that it is a
kind of map, and that a bad map can lead us astray, has been
central to my ability to notice things about emerging technologies
and to reframe the story that we tell ourselves about what matters
and why. Recognizing when you’re stuck in the words, looking at
an out-of-date map rather than looking at the road, is something
that is surprisingly hard to learn.”
From "Science and Sanity", by Alfred Korzybski
“First will what is necessary. Then love what you will.”
“There's a profound insight there that I've tried to live by, long
before I read the quote. Life asks many things of us that we
don't want to do. Some of them are distractions, but some of
them are necessary. It’s so easy to be full of resentment
toward things that we feel are keeping us from our joy. Finding
joy in what needs doing is magical. Learning to love the things
that are necessary—like daily chores—is the secret of
From “When Nietzsche Wept”, by Irvin Yalom
“the real act of discovery
consists not in finding new lands,
but in seeing with new eyes.”
Marcel Proust
“Specialize most of the
time, but spend time
understanding the broader
ideas of the world.”
“Just as a well-filled day brings
blessed sleep, so a well-employed
life brings a blessed death.”
Leornado Da Vinci
“It isn’t events themselves that
disturb people, but only their
judgements about them.”

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Inspiration and Motivation
101 home business_success_quotes
101 home business_success_quotes101 home business_success_quotes
101 home business_success_quotes
21 quotes to increase your personal development
21 quotes to increase your personal development21 quotes to increase your personal development
21 quotes to increase your personal development
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333 Masters Of Success Wisdom Quotes333 Masters Of Success Wisdom Quotes
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My 106 Key learnings in 2017 (quotes, concepts, ideas)

  • 2. • These are quotes from book / articles / podcasts / etc. I read or listened to in 2017. • Sometimes I forgot the author unfortunately. :( • My goal is to read them as often as possible in order to absorb their wisdom. • At one point or another I’ll take each of my key learnings and reflect upon them by writings notes about them.
  • 3. “Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”
  • 4. “The purpose of life is to be loved by as many people as possible among those you want to have love you.“ Warren Buffet
  • 5. “Imagine your life has a punch card with only 20 slots. Be wise when you choose your slots.” Warren Buffet
  • 6. "You can have anything you want in life but not everything.”  Ray Dalio
  • 7. “The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself by taking high care of yourself.” Warren Buffet
  • 8. “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to losing, for a very long time, of the shore.“   Andre Gide
  • 9. "The practice of deep listening consists of keeping compassion alive in your heart the whole time you are listening. You do not listen in order to judge, criticize, or evaluate. You listen for one reason alone: to offer the other person a chance to express himself."
  • 10. “Passion is discovered through the process of trying out things.”
  • 11. “A happy person is someone who can enjoy the scenery on the detour.”
  • 12. “If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.”
  • 13. “The desire for a positive experience is in itself a negative experience. Paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is in itself a positive experience.”  Mark Manson
  • 14. “Choose not to be harmed and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed and you haven’t been.”  Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor / Philosopher King
  • 15. “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” Jayson Gaignard, Entrepreneur
  • 16. “Before I met you, I already liked myself.“   Approval
  • 17. “External things can’t fix internal issues.”
  • 18. “If you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re in bad company.”  Jean-Paul-Sartre
  • 19. "If you give a good idea to mediocre team they will screw it up, if you give a mediocre idea to a great team they will either fix it or throw it away.” Ed Catmull
  • 20. “Quality is the best business plan.” John Lasseter
  • 21. “For injuries ought to be done all at one time, so that, being tasted less, they offend less; benefits ought to be given little by little, so that the flavor of them may last longer.” Machiavelli
  • 22. “Having a brain trust group checking on any creative process is key to success. This group should provide constructive feedback, people should not take these feedbacks personally. Problems should be the focus, not people. Fear should not impede anything.” Ed Catmull
  • 23. "The arms of others either fall from your back, or they weigh you down, or they bind you fast.” Machiavelli
  • 24. "A prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and it's rules and discipline; for this is the sole art that belongs to him who rules…" Machiavelli
  • 25. "We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal.” Robert Brault
  • 26. Ocham razor If they are competing explanation for why something behaves the way it is, you should pick the simplest one.
  • 27. “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” Benjamin Disraeli
  • 28. “If you have to ask the price then you can't afford it.”
  • 29. “Art challenges technology, technology inspires art.” Ed Catmull
  • 30. “When we talk a lot, we always say something we shouldn’t say.” Confucius
  • 31. “Measure what you can, evaluate what you measure, and appreciate that you cannot measure the vast majority of what you do.” Ed Catmull
  • 32. “The future is not a destination, it's a direction.” Ed Catmull
  • 33. “The cost of preventing errors is almost all the time far greater than the cost of fixing them.”
  • 34. Most Respectful Interpretation (MRI) be aware of your automatic mode when you think about a situation. Use the MRI. A big part of learning to think is recognizing our default reactions and responses to situations — the so-called “System 1” thinking espoused by Daniel Kahneman. Learning to be “good-tempered” and “well- adjusted” requires us to try to be more self-aware, situationally aware, and to acknowledge our self-centered nature; to put the brakes on and use System 2 instead. So the next time you find yourself annoyed with your colleagues, angry at other drivers on the road, or judgmental about people standing in line at the store, use it as an opportunity to challenge your negative assumptions and try to interpret the situation in a more respectful and generous way. You might eventually realize that the broccoli tastes good.
  • 35. “If you can’t afford to lose it, you can’t afford to buy it yet —otherwise the object owns you rather than vice versa.”
  • 36. “If you can’t afford to lose it, you can’t afford to buy it yet—otherwise the object owns you rather than vice versa.” “This was the first theft in many, many years of very carefree living. The Craigslist replacement value of that bike was probably about $500. What value do I place on a decade of the fearless freedom of leaving shit happily unlocked and not worrying about it? How about the value of my time saved in not spending my life fumbling with an enormous keychain? 90 seconds a day for ten years is 91 hours, or at least $4500 of my time at $50 an hour. I was still coming out way ahead.” Mustachian Frugal
  • 37. "Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. Big, undreamed-of-things-the people on the edge see them first.” Kurt Vonnegut
  • 38. "Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition.” W.H. Auden
  • 39. "Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” Pierre-Marc Gaston
  • 40. "You don't succeed because you have no weaknesses; you succeed because you find your unique strengths and focus on developing habits around them.” Tim Ferris
  • 41. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Ben Franklyn
  • 42. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” J. Krishnamurti
  • 43. "I'm not the strongest, I'm not the fastest. But I'm really good at suffering.” Amelia Boone
  • 44. “Let go of what's not working and really assess what is working and what can I be excited about? It's not that bad things don't happen to me. I don't label a lot of things good/bad. Instead I ask can I evolve from this? What do I want now? Where is my center now?” Jason Nemer
  • 45. "If you run into an asshole in the morning you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” Raylan Givens
  • 46. “Go first people are nicer than you think.”
  • 47. "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu
  • 48. "A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” Herbert Simon
  • 49. "We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training.” Archilochus
  • 50. "If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn't plan your mission properly.” Colonel David Hackworth
  • 51. "In negotiation, he who cares the least wins.”
  • 52. "If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy.” Jim Rohn
  • 53. "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.” Ben Franklin
  • 54. "Never go to sleep without a question to your subconscious.” Thomas Edison
  • 55. “Seek a single reason for a potentially expensive action, not a blended reason. There need to be one decisive reason otherwise you'll feel like it was a waste if d time.” Reid Hoffman
  • 56. "It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” Epictetus
  • 57. "I don't create art to get high-dollar projects, I do high-dollar projects so I can create more art.” Chase Jarvis
  • 58. "What context and visibility do I have and what do they have?am I basically being unfair because I'm operating from a greater set of information?” Chris Young
  • 59. "Money is a great servant but a horrible master.”
  • 60. "Imagine you have a large jar. Next to it, you a few large rocks, a small pile of marble-size pebbles, and a pile of sand. If you put in the sand or pebbles first, what happens? You can't fit the big rocks in. But if you add the rocks, then the medium-sized pebbles, and only then the sand, it all fits.” Tim Ferris’ professor Notes: In other words, the minutiae fit around the big things, but the big things don't fit around the minutiae.
  • 61. "Frustration is a matter of expectation.” Luis Von Ahn
  • 62. "The person who clears the path ultimately controls its direction, just as the canvas shapes the painting.” Ryan Holiday
  • 63. "Be the silence that listens.” Tara Brach
  • 64. "Quitting-whether a job or a habit-means taking a turn so as to be sure you're still moving in the direction of your dreams.” “In this way quitting should never be seen as the end of something grudging and unpleasant. Rather, it's a vital step in beginning something new and wonderful.” Rolf
  • 65. "The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.” Lin Yutang
  • 67. "Better to have, and not need, than to need and not have.” Kafka
  • 68. "The calming effect of acting instead of waiting.” Sebastien Junger Notes: business and acting gives you a sense of mastery and control that actually make you feel less anxious.
  • 69. "The future is already here- it's just unevenly distributed.” William Gibson
  • 70. "What we fear most is usually what we most need to do.”
  • 71. "Bad decisions make good stories.” Note: look for the silver lining.
  • 72. "Honor those who seek the truth, beware of those who've found it.” Voltaire
  • 73. "Whenever you find yourself on the side of majority, it's time to pause and reflect.” Mark Twain
  • 74. "If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” Epictetus
  • 75. "Enough is as good as a feast.”
  • 76. "The hero and the coward both feels the same thing but the hero used his gear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It's the same thing. fear. But it's what you do with it that matters.” Cus d'Amato
  • 77. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu
  • 78. ITINDY Important things I'm not doing yet. Set key milestones for doing things and put your itindy things after these milestones in order to prioritize. J.A McCann
  • 79. “Shi conveys the significance of gaining influence through nonintervention so that you can secure an advantageous position in battle. Shi is to the Sunzi what wei wuwei is to Daoism.”
  • 80. Stay out of a distorted market. Before entering the market, consider if distortion is high. Are central banks creating artificially high or low interest rates? If so, keep waiting to invest. Don’t be too hasty; distorted markets are prone to crashes, meaning investors are likely to lose money. If you have the patience to wait out the distortion, you’ll benefit a great deal later. The Dao of Capital
  • 81. “Nothing so conclusively proves a mans hability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.” Thomas j Watson
  • 82. “‘What’s going to change in the next 10 years?’ And that is a very interesting question; it’s a very common one. I almost never get the question: ‘What’s not going to change in the next 10 years? And I submit to you that that second question is actually the more important of the two — because you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable in time.” — Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon
  • 83. “You are a message. Everything you are, everything you have, everything you do is a message. You might not know it, but you’re constantly projecting a message around you. What’s your message? What are you saying to the world around you? What are you saying to your market? What are you saying to future generations?” Guillaume Wolf
  • 84. “Don’t push, pull. To be interesting, be interested.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 85. “It’s always about the fundamentals. Ask yourself these two questions: • Who am I talking to? • How can I help them? This is a great practice, like mental tai chi. This is also the secret to creating a great brand.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 86. “There are no extraordinary brands without extraordinary people. If you want to build a great brand, challenge yourself to be the best you can be in every area of your life, not just business.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 87. “Do you matter? This is a hard question for a person or a brand; yet, the answer is easy. First, do something at your level that helps someone’s life. Just one person. Next, do something that impacts ten people. And keep going. Long term, true influence is the by-product of caring for others. You’ll matter the most once you start caring for the world.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 88. “There’s one force that you must combat every day. It’s called the status quo: the willingness to keep things the way they are. First, find it within yourself. Learn about it, grab it, and destroy it (Ask: What doesn’t want to change within me?). Next, be ruthless when you meet the status quo in the real world. Every time you meet someone who says, “It cannot be done,” start thinking about how you’re going to make it happen. That is, without this person around, of course.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 89. “As a consultant, the greatest gift you can give to a client is to uncover something that could destroy their business, and have the courage to say so. Only the very few have the nerves to do it. Make sure you surround yourself with people who can give honest feedback, not yes-men.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 90. “To build your brand, you need three things working simultaneously: 1. Perfect skills or products. 2. Perfect understanding of the culture you’re dealing with. 3. Perfect storytelling. Neglect one of these, and it’s over.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 91. “Talk to your audience as you would talk to your best friend.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 92. “Be candid, be cool, be loving.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 93. “Brands desperately want to be “cool,” thinking it’s about following fads. This is a big mistake. Only the ones who are willing to honor their truth will collect “in-depth cool currency.” The reason is simple: Nothing is cooler than the truth. Ask yourself: What’s my brand’s truth? Does my audience understand and connect with this truth?” Guillaume Wolf
  • 94. “If you’re weird, that might be a problem. If you’re weird and smart, that might be an asset. If you’re weird, smart, and understand culture, that’s great. What cool weirdness could you bring into your brand?” Guillaume Wolf
  • 95. “The person or company with a larger wallet is not smarter than you, just more comfortable. This is great news for the little ones. Comfort is the enemy of innovation.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 96. “Are you a computer, a Sim TM, or a robot? I hope not. We are taught since childhood to think in binary mode: Yes/no, right/wrong, win/lose, etc. This view of the world is reinforced everywhere as we grow up. From education to popular culture, we are being presented with a binary world: “This is the right way, this is the wrong way.” In social interactions, we are also expected to act in a binary mode (like a computer, a SimTM, or a robot). Unfortunately, this mental map of the world is completely obsolete. It only works short term. In business, binary thinking blocks innovation. In personal life, it’s a sure way to unhappiness. Instead, a new way to approach any problem is to think trinary. How does it work? Simply start in binary mode: First, find the two opposites. Next, create a strange hybrid of both. Next, imagine the opposite of that. Keep pushing yourself; challenge yourself intellectually. Explore. Imagine something never seen before, something that’s all inclusive. Imagine something outside of the mental map everyone else is using. Consider the opposite of what the herd is doing. Try thinking like someone else (see p. 28). It takes some time to learn operating in trinary mode, but that’s how you will come up with disruptive ideas and innovate. At the core, all living systems are trinary, not binary. Trinary thinking is a model that allows you to navigate living systems effectively. By using it, you will come up with incredible ideas. Ask yourself: What’s the third perspective here?” Guillaume Wolf
  • 97. “Where can I grow? Where can I improve? What should I try next? These are amazing questions to ask yourself daily, when you have the willingness to act on them.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 98. “Great branding is almost identical to dating. When it’s done right, it’s about creating a meaningful connection. It’s never about cheesy pickup lines.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 99. “Solve a tiny problem for me and I’ll give you five dollars. Solve a bigger problem for me and I’ll give you a hundred dollars. Make me a grow as an individual while you help me solve my problem, and I will be your customer for life.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 100. “To disrupt a market, you have to be a contrarian. To be a contrarian, question everything you see.” Guillaume Wolf
  • 101. “Each design project starts with research to discover what's out there, and to explore the possibilities of what could be put there, but isn’t.” Harmut Esslinger
  • 102. Homer’s brain (as in Homer Simpson). “That’s the primordial lizard brain running a mental heuristic that’s absolutely incapable of understanding anything new and novel. It’s only good at attack, defense, finding food and shelter and avoiding boredom. It’s a survival machine.” Daniel Jeffries via hackernoon
  • 103. The map is not the territory. “When I was a teenager in the late 1960s, I studied with a man named George Simon, who had built an experiential practice based in part on Korzybski’s work. A deep understanding that the language we use about the world shapes what we see, that it is a kind of map, and that a bad map can lead us astray, has been central to my ability to notice things about emerging technologies and to reframe the story that we tell ourselves about what matters and why. Recognizing when you’re stuck in the words, looking at an out-of-date map rather than looking at the road, is something that is surprisingly hard to learn.” From "Science and Sanity", by Alfred Korzybski
  • 104. “First will what is necessary. Then love what you will.” “There's a profound insight there that I've tried to live by, long before I read the quote. Life asks many things of us that we don't want to do. Some of them are distractions, but some of them are necessary. It’s so easy to be full of resentment toward things that we feel are keeping us from our joy. Finding joy in what needs doing is magical. Learning to love the things that are necessary—like daily chores—is the secret of happiness.” From “When Nietzsche Wept”, by Irvin Yalom
  • 105. “the real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands, but in seeing with new eyes.” Marcel Proust
  • 106. “Specialize most of the time, but spend time understanding the broader ideas of the world.”
  • 107. “Just as a well-filled day brings blessed sleep, so a well-employed life brings a blessed death.” Leornado Da Vinci
  • 108. “It isn’t events themselves that disturb people, but only their judgements about them.” Epictetus