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• We will look at Music Videos from a number of perspectives, this
template is for you to write up your notes and to complete your
case study.
• The document is split into 3 different tasks, each with separate
questions to answer.
• Task 1 is concerned with the purposes of music videos and the
strategies employed by labels and artists
• Task 2 is concerned with the styles, techniques and conventions of
music video production
• Task 3 is your own case study into a minimum of three music
videos where you can unpack and discuss the videos considering
everything you have looked at in Task 1 and 2
• It is often easier to show something you are discussing than to
take time describing it. With this in mind, feel free to add lots of
illustrative images from your chosen video examples. Links to
YouTube/Vevo/etc are also encouraged.
• Remember, when you make a point or define something, you
should follow this with an example, an explanation of this and
then link to further texts/videos where possible.
• If you don’t think there is enough room to add your full response
to a question, don’t just reset the font size to really small, add an
extra slide wherever necessary.
TASK 1 -
• There are 3 core motivations of a music video is to:
• Entertain – A music video should add entertainment and depth
to the music, by either showing the band, creating a story or
even something abstract like a cartoon. Overall it should link to
the music’s beat and theme.
• Create a brand/identity – Music videos can display an identity
of a band or artist, with semantics and imagery in the shot.
Displaying the bands representation. For example 21 pilots
wanted to have a ‘revolution’ theme in their last album to suit
the narrative they created, which you can easily see in many of
their recent music videos. Whereas some artists stick to a
theme from album to album, others can change their branding
to continue a narrative/story which is exactly what 21 pilots did
from the album ‘blurryface’ to ‘trench’
• Sale to the audience – By expanding on a piece of music, the
video’s identity can be sold. again going with the 21 pilots
example, they used themes from past music videos 21 pilots
had concerts with imagery and objects which were in the
videos. Like a burning car and yellow tape jackets and high
uses of the colour yellow.
A music video should allow the audience to view the artist without going to the concert. Not only
will the viewer listen to the song, they will also be able to see the band/artists view of the song
and the band/artists themselves (in most cases).
The video itself should have some subliminal message. In recent times, its common to suggest
a theme in recent times. When music began to create a video they not only displayed the artists
but they also began to create a theme which at the time was new and intuitive. However
recently a music video should include a subliminal message for the viewer to interpret in their
own way. Getting the viewer involved in the story and finding more information about the context
of the song and its corresponding video.
Items can be featured in music videos which can be sold commercially as products to viewers.
The items should link to the theme of the album. Going back to 21 pilots and their album, they
have many items you can buy in their merchandise store which relates to their newest album.
Colours regularly seen in music videos can be seen on their merch. Which can be purchased by
the viewers.
Videos by artists can push their political agenda. Artists like Declan Mckenna have a rather left
political opinion which you can see in his music videos with him ridiculing social stigma and
certain political figures like Donald Trump and the UK political system with symbolism.
Artists can come together to collaborate to boost the audience of each respective artists. By
featuring another artist, an audience from one artist can come to listen to the other artist in the
video if their interested in the music and vice versa. This can boost both artists respectively.
Synergy is where two or more forms of media combine to make a
promotional video. Many songs are featured in certain films but a
lot of music videos contain scenes from a film because it was
featured in it. For example again 21 pilots where featured in the
film suicide squad. Which they used clips from the movie in their
music video for “heathens.”
sticking with 21 pilots, they change their branding and appearance
depending on the album. So for example, their latest album
‘blurryface,’ the main character is remains in a ‘depression’ which
they ‘cannot escape’. In the next album: trench, it features
‘revolution’ and ‘breaking free’ as constant themes of the album.
They do this in music videos by using the colour yellow with as an
escape and as a symbol of the revolution. They transition from red
to yellow between their two albums. The colour change represents
the listed themes. Again they can sell merch for each.
One Direction music videos tend to focus on the band, with bright lighting and
a dullish background to allow them to stand out. Their songs tend to sway
towards relationships and past experiences. after coming third in the British
“X factor” one direction was taken up by Simon Cowell one direction was
heavily commercialized. As I said earlier, all music videos featured all of the
band members, along with products sold alongside which again had their
faces plastered all over them. They were essentially were walking talking
money. All music videos had a high budget and were primarily for advertising
the band.
on the other hand you have Animal Collective. A much smaller band in
comparison to one direction. Their music videos take a different direction
compared to one direction. Whereas one direction wants to advertise their
song with a music video by displaying the artists, Animal Collective build their
song with the video. For example the song firework seen in the bottom right.
Its has low lighting and you cant make out which artist is which. Its not a
distracting video like one direction’s song: what makes you beautiful. Its as if
Animal Collective didn’t prepare their music video for the song fireworks and
just added it as an extension to the song.
Camera shots in my opinion are the most important part of a music videos. The viewer is only going to see
what is in the shot so it has to be well panned and executed. And depending on the style/genre itself the
camerawork could be different depending on the speed and volume. It’s the core element of every music
video shot.
Different types of camera shots:
Eye level – eye level shots is the most common seen in music videos, as a display of the artists in a neutral
environment and shot.
Low angle shot – this consists of the camera being positioned below the subject looking up. Its more a shot
seen in films and movies. It gives the impression that the subject is powerful and appears bigger.
High angle shot – when the camera is placed above the subject/band, facing down to give the impression a
party atmosphere/ a group “vibe.” the shot is aimed to impress teenage fans. Mainly used on female artists
however it can be seen elsewhere.
Birds eye angle – the camera is above the band/artists facing down. This shot is seen as unnatural as we
the audience cannot take this an angle like this in person. Used to create dramatic effect.
Close up – this is where the shot consists of the individual taking up the majority of the frame, usually the
face of the individual. This is a good way to get a good view of the artist, and can be a good way to promote
the individual making them more dominate and powerful.
Medium shots – A medium shot takes the shot of the subject rom the waist up, these shots portray the artist
whilst getting a shot of the background. This shot is commonly used alongside close-ups.
Wide shots – these shots provide an overall view of the background. Giving a more natural view for the
audience. Most commonly used with a dance routine.
Editing allows the producer to create flow and development in the video. Without editing the video
would just consist of raw footage, which itself might not illustrate the story that the producer wants the
audience to see.
Techniques used include:
Cross dissolve – cross dissolving shots can signify a passage of time or to dissolve scenes/stories
together to show what is happening in both timelines.
Wipe – A wipe transition, “wipes” one scene to the next. Wipes nowadays is seen as corny and
cheesy. The transition can also be used in a comical fashion because its cheesy.
Fade in/out – The edit is completely self explanatory, one clip fades to another. If the clip isn't edited
fluently then it will be jarring. But fade in/out isn't usually used to in normal applications such as a
music video.
J/L cuts – This type of cut is very common more recently. An L cut is used when you want to have
audio from clip A continue when clip B comes in. A J cut is the opposite, when the audio from clip B
comes in when clip A is still playing. Its very common to see this type of cuts in medias such as
Cutting on action – when a shot “cuts on action” the audience expects to see more of the action,
however this edit does the opposite and cuts away. The significant in this cut is the audience’s
anticipation of action. If a door is kicked down then you would expect more shots of the action, but
this edit will do the opposite and provide tension and anticipation of action.
Cutaway shots – like cutting on action, it cuts away from the main character/ action to another scene
and part of a story for some tension and foreshadowing,
Cross cut – this kind of cut, cuts between two different scenes that are happening at the same time in
two different places. Again this technique can be used for tension, for example a scene of a bank
robbery alongside the police getting ready to arrest them
Lately the media industry has seen a lot of increase in the use of more program based shots.
Shots which wouldn’t be available with normal film applications. Uses of more complex CGI
and green screen for example.
CGI – stands for “computer generated imagery” and its where computer technology is used to
make a special effect otherwise not possible with just a camera and editing. Some of the CGI
uses can reduce cost and increase safety, for example a CGI explosion. Not only would you
not have to pay for the explosives or staff, but you wont have to risk staff getting injured by the
Green screen – a green screen is essentially a green screen as a background. This wont be
left in the last cut as it will be replaced by another pre-shot background. The screen is usually
green and this is because green is the least natural colour compared to human skin and hair.
This means it can easily be taken out after with simple editing techniques because there is so
much colour contrast. Then it can be replaced with a different background. Which again can be
cheaper because the whole film crew can cast cannot go and film in a fictional setting, so a
green screen is the next best option.
Depending on the music, the music video might take a different route. For
example, a rap video will have the main artist portraying their wealth and power
over people whereas a pop video will have the band playing in front of a
background commonly.
Types of music videos:
Narrative – narrative based music videos attempt to tell a story to the viewer, in
conjunction with the lyrics. These types of videos are commonly found in films if
there is footage which can relate to the song. The actors in the song either act to
the music or story itself, whereas the artists are just acting/playing to the music.
Usually narrative music videos require the audience to understand the lyrics to
understand the video, otherwise they wont understand.
performance – these types of music videos are most commonly of the band or
artist preforming their song to an audience, either through lip sinking, live concerts
or musicians playing instruments. The performance based based music video will
strengthen the bands relationship with their audience as it allows the audience to
see them when their performing which is a rare sight for an audience.
Concept – a concept based music video attempts to stick to a theme/ concept. The
concept can be magic, supernatural, religious, scientific, or any other idea which is
based on a concept or theme. Concept videos tend to swing to a specific audience
for music video, depending on the theme. If fully understood by the viewer it can
be very interesting.
Intertextuality is the relationship between texts, especially literalry
ones. Its when a music video references another media/ text. A
good example of this is ededdneddy by JID, his music video
references an old kids program named “EdEddnEddy.” the music
video uses the same visual style as the show. The intertextuality
being the style of the video, and the references to the show.
Video – “Shake” – by “Yeek” -
This song by Yeek has a slow mellow beat with a light guitar in the background and the lead singer Yeek singing.
Essentially the song is about living an urban lifestyle on the west coast of the USA.
Leading a low life in the urban citys of the west coast implies that he’s struggling for time and money. Which in
some shows based in that area also show the hard times that residents experience.
The genre of the music is one of lowfi pop, finding the more darker side of relationships and the west coast itself
The interesting theme that Yeek sticks with is the way the camera is more a perspective of others at the party,
capturing what you would expect at a backyard gig. However, while the camera is fixated on certain people, it
does wobble and shake from on scene to another. It would seem that the person operating the camera is rather
“drunk” or even unprofessional. But it imitates the theme of unprofessionalism within the theme of the west coast.
The interesting thing about the music video is the animated hair style that they use on characters in the video.
Certain frames have the hair style of characters who are either drunk/preforming or smoking. As if to display what
they find enjoyment in. from shot to shot there isn’t much if any transitions.
The images seen in Yeek’s video are unique compared to other music videos. The hairstyle is reminiscent
cartoonish hairstyles. You would tend to believe that cartoons live the “high life” as they are usually depicted
performing actions otherwise not possible in real life. Once the hairstyle was on a person in the music video, they
tended to do actions otherwise not seen outside of a party. Varying from smoking on the roof of a house, to using
the art style to depict ‘throwing up.’
The title shake, describes the hair and style itself throughout the video. As all the characters are dancing and
“sharking” to the music. They use drugs such as alcohol to aid their mood and create atmosphere, however this is
a frequent occurrence at parties in the UK and USA.
There are many different types of shots within the video. This
would be to give characters significant traits and attributes.
- eye level shots – eye level shots is the most common seen in
music videos, as a display of the artists in a neutral environment
and shot and in the video “Shake” by Yeek, eye level shots is the
most common seen. By displaying eye level shots in the video
Yeek is showing what the viewer would see if they were there
Mainly you have the eye level shots of people within the party, but
there are the occasional birds eye and low angle shots. This
would be to imply that the characters are more significant then
they seem.
- Birds eye shot – only used sparingly in the music video. These
shots in the music video isn’t used for much else apart from
adding an extra camera angle for variety.
Video – Jumpsuit – 21 pilots –
Jumpsuit is a song of escapism and running from depression. You can see this with the
characters running from the “red horseman.” the song itself is hard rock alternative, with a
fast exciting track. 21 pilots uses different cuts, camera angles and VFX to display an
escape from mental illness, hinting at certain characters taking different roles throughout the
video. The protagonist, running from his mental problems literally and figuratively in the
music video. The Red Horseman being the mental illness itself. A visual representation of
the protagonist's problems. The last characters are the rebels. Many shots of these
characters appear for the protagonist to be reminded that he can escape his mental fears.
When you watch the music video, you tend to pay attention to cuts used between shots and
the different camera angles used within the video. First to note are the different camera
Low angle shots – This consists of the camera being positioned below the subject looking
up. Its more a shot seen in films and movies. It gives the impression that the subject is
powerful and appears bigger. This is the most common found in this music video. With shots
of the protagonist and the rebels being seen from a low angle. The symbolizing of the
protagonist being bigger and confident when we know that they are facing a challenging
time with their mental illness is rather contrasting.
Eye level shots – Eye level shots is the most common seen in music videos, as a display of
the artists in a neutral environment and shot. However, in this video, eye level shots are
used more for the red horseman and when the protagonist is worried about their situation.
Rather then being used for a neutral environment, the eye level shots are used to create
uncertainty as we understand the red horseman is attempting to control the protagonist.
Another thing to add in the music video jumpsuit is the different
cuts and visual effects employed to transition to different shots in
the music video.
Cutting on action – one scene has the protagonist falling, and as
he falls the camera cuts to the red horseman. This is a textbook
use of the edit, as the scene symbolises the red horseman
capturing the protagonist as the shot after is him behind the fallen
protagonist. The audience expected to see the protagonist fall to
the ground however instead you see the horseman looming over
Kindness boomerang – life Vest Inside
This music video is shot in one continuous take. This is not only hard to perform and
choregraph, but also symbolises the continuous kindness that people can provide each
other. By having the camera continuously film each act of kindness, it’s a shows that you
good ‘karma’ comes back around. We see this with the builder at the beginning getting a
glass of water at the end from the staff member, who helped the kid get up at the
beginning. It was only something small but it came back to him.
All of the camera angles in the music video was shot at eye level. At first view this could
be seen as a lazy way to quickly film however the camera allows you to see a discreet
way in which these acts of kindness are taking place. Eye level shots are there to display
a neutral environment and shot for the audience which plays right into the hands of the
kindness theme being natural in everyday life.
Phonix – League of Legends
Each year for the worlds tournament, League of legends brings out a new music video to promote it. Its
never the same style as the last year and always has an underlying message. This year it strived to
display the struggle each player has to go through to keep their cool and play at their best. Like any sport,
many people compete to be the best and win the world championship. However league of legends has the
largest online player base with 80,000,000 players in total, 27,000,000 logging in each day.
Even though most of the video is animated, there are still clear decisions made towards the camera
angles and colours used. All of the images at the bottom have different colours, camera angles and
transitions which all have had thought put into them.
The genre of the music would be more fixated on “pop” rather than any other genre. a moderately paced
song, which the music video can use to transition from story to story in the video.
The three images at the bottom vividly display the different camera angles they intended to use and did
use in the video. The wide range of angle included are:
- wide angle shot
- Low angle shot
- Close ups
Each image at the bottom is using an example of each listed. The first being a wide angle shot. It clearly
displays the surroundings to the viewer. In the first angle used clearly displays the background and you
can barely see the character in the shot, all you can see is where they are. A great example of a wide
angle shot by establishing to the viewer where the character is. Another type of camera angle used within
the music video is the low angle shot seen in the second image. The low angle shot is behind an
antagonist. A low angle shot tends to establish a character as powerful and overwhelming. In this case the
two characters are far apart. The protagonist being far away facing the camera, small in size and therefor
small in significance. Allowing the second character (antagonist) who is closer to the camera and is facing
the protagonist. This is a clear use of camera shots to distinguish a character. The last shot is a close up
of one of the best players in the tournament. By having a close up of a character in a video, it will be easy
for the viewer to see the person (faker). And in this case it will be easy for viewers of ‘LoL’ to know who
that is.

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Music video case study

  • 2. MUSIC VIDEO PRODUCTION • We will look at Music Videos from a number of perspectives, this template is for you to write up your notes and to complete your case study. • The document is split into 3 different tasks, each with separate questions to answer. • Task 1 is concerned with the purposes of music videos and the strategies employed by labels and artists • Task 2 is concerned with the styles, techniques and conventions of music video production • Task 3 is your own case study into a minimum of three music videos where you can unpack and discuss the videos considering everything you have looked at in Task 1 and 2
  • 3. NOTES ON COMPLETING THE CASE STUDY • It is often easier to show something you are discussing than to take time describing it. With this in mind, feel free to add lots of illustrative images from your chosen video examples. Links to YouTube/Vevo/etc are also encouraged. • Remember, when you make a point or define something, you should follow this with an example, an explanation of this and then link to further texts/videos where possible. • If you don’t think there is enough room to add your full response to a question, don’t just reset the font size to really small, add an extra slide wherever necessary.
  • 5. TASK 1 - PURPOSES • There are 3 core motivations of a music video is to: • Entertain – A music video should add entertainment and depth to the music, by either showing the band, creating a story or even something abstract like a cartoon. Overall it should link to the music’s beat and theme. • Create a brand/identity – Music videos can display an identity of a band or artist, with semantics and imagery in the shot. Displaying the bands representation. For example 21 pilots wanted to have a ‘revolution’ theme in their last album to suit the narrative they created, which you can easily see in many of their recent music videos. Whereas some artists stick to a theme from album to album, others can change their branding to continue a narrative/story which is exactly what 21 pilots did from the album ‘blurryface’ to ‘trench’ • Sale to the audience – By expanding on a piece of music, the video’s identity can be sold. again going with the 21 pilots example, they used themes from past music videos 21 pilots had concerts with imagery and objects which were in the videos. Like a burning car and yellow tape jackets and high uses of the colour yellow.
  • 6. TASK 1 - PURPOSES A music video should allow the audience to view the artist without going to the concert. Not only will the viewer listen to the song, they will also be able to see the band/artists view of the song and the band/artists themselves (in most cases). The video itself should have some subliminal message. In recent times, its common to suggest a theme in recent times. When music began to create a video they not only displayed the artists but they also began to create a theme which at the time was new and intuitive. However recently a music video should include a subliminal message for the viewer to interpret in their own way. Getting the viewer involved in the story and finding more information about the context of the song and its corresponding video. Items can be featured in music videos which can be sold commercially as products to viewers. The items should link to the theme of the album. Going back to 21 pilots and their album, they have many items you can buy in their merchandise store which relates to their newest album. Colours regularly seen in music videos can be seen on their merch. Which can be purchased by the viewers. Videos by artists can push their political agenda. Artists like Declan Mckenna have a rather left political opinion which you can see in his music videos with him ridiculing social stigma and certain political figures like Donald Trump and the UK political system with symbolism. Artists can come together to collaborate to boost the audience of each respective artists. By featuring another artist, an audience from one artist can come to listen to the other artist in the video if their interested in the music and vice versa. This can boost both artists respectively.
  • 7. TASK 1 - PURPOSES Synergy is where two or more forms of media combine to make a promotional video. Many songs are featured in certain films but a lot of music videos contain scenes from a film because it was featured in it. For example again 21 pilots where featured in the film suicide squad. Which they used clips from the movie in their music video for “heathens.”
  • 8. TASK 1 - PURPOSES sticking with 21 pilots, they change their branding and appearance depending on the album. So for example, their latest album ‘blurryface,’ the main character is remains in a ‘depression’ which they ‘cannot escape’. In the next album: trench, it features ‘revolution’ and ‘breaking free’ as constant themes of the album. They do this in music videos by using the colour yellow with as an escape and as a symbol of the revolution. They transition from red to yellow between their two albums. The colour change represents the listed themes. Again they can sell merch for each.
  • 9. TASK 1 - PURPOSES One Direction music videos tend to focus on the band, with bright lighting and a dullish background to allow them to stand out. Their songs tend to sway towards relationships and past experiences. after coming third in the British “X factor” one direction was taken up by Simon Cowell one direction was heavily commercialized. As I said earlier, all music videos featured all of the band members, along with products sold alongside which again had their faces plastered all over them. They were essentially were walking talking money. All music videos had a high budget and were primarily for advertising the band. on the other hand you have Animal Collective. A much smaller band in comparison to one direction. Their music videos take a different direction compared to one direction. Whereas one direction wants to advertise their song with a music video by displaying the artists, Animal Collective build their song with the video. For example the song firework seen in the bottom right. Its has low lighting and you cant make out which artist is which. Its not a distracting video like one direction’s song: what makes you beautiful. Its as if Animal Collective didn’t prepare their music video for the song fireworks and just added it as an extension to the song.
  • 11. TASK 2 – STYLES, TECHNIQUES AND CONVENTIONS Camera shots in my opinion are the most important part of a music videos. The viewer is only going to see what is in the shot so it has to be well panned and executed. And depending on the style/genre itself the camerawork could be different depending on the speed and volume. It’s the core element of every music video shot. Different types of camera shots: Eye level – eye level shots is the most common seen in music videos, as a display of the artists in a neutral environment and shot. Low angle shot – this consists of the camera being positioned below the subject looking up. Its more a shot seen in films and movies. It gives the impression that the subject is powerful and appears bigger. High angle shot – when the camera is placed above the subject/band, facing down to give the impression a party atmosphere/ a group “vibe.” the shot is aimed to impress teenage fans. Mainly used on female artists however it can be seen elsewhere. Birds eye angle – the camera is above the band/artists facing down. This shot is seen as unnatural as we the audience cannot take this an angle like this in person. Used to create dramatic effect. Close up – this is where the shot consists of the individual taking up the majority of the frame, usually the face of the individual. This is a good way to get a good view of the artist, and can be a good way to promote the individual making them more dominate and powerful. Medium shots – A medium shot takes the shot of the subject rom the waist up, these shots portray the artist whilst getting a shot of the background. This shot is commonly used alongside close-ups. Wide shots – these shots provide an overall view of the background. Giving a more natural view for the audience. Most commonly used with a dance routine.
  • 12. TASK 2 – STYLES, TECHNIQUES AND CONVENTIONS Editing allows the producer to create flow and development in the video. Without editing the video would just consist of raw footage, which itself might not illustrate the story that the producer wants the audience to see. Techniques used include: Cross dissolve – cross dissolving shots can signify a passage of time or to dissolve scenes/stories together to show what is happening in both timelines. Wipe – A wipe transition, “wipes” one scene to the next. Wipes nowadays is seen as corny and cheesy. The transition can also be used in a comical fashion because its cheesy. Fade in/out – The edit is completely self explanatory, one clip fades to another. If the clip isn't edited fluently then it will be jarring. But fade in/out isn't usually used to in normal applications such as a music video. J/L cuts – This type of cut is very common more recently. An L cut is used when you want to have audio from clip A continue when clip B comes in. A J cut is the opposite, when the audio from clip B comes in when clip A is still playing. Its very common to see this type of cuts in medias such as Documentaries. Cutting on action – when a shot “cuts on action” the audience expects to see more of the action, however this edit does the opposite and cuts away. The significant in this cut is the audience’s anticipation of action. If a door is kicked down then you would expect more shots of the action, but this edit will do the opposite and provide tension and anticipation of action. Cutaway shots – like cutting on action, it cuts away from the main character/ action to another scene and part of a story for some tension and foreshadowing, Cross cut – this kind of cut, cuts between two different scenes that are happening at the same time in two different places. Again this technique can be used for tension, for example a scene of a bank robbery alongside the police getting ready to arrest them
  • 13. TASK 2 – STYLES, TECHNIQUES AND CONVENTIONS Lately the media industry has seen a lot of increase in the use of more program based shots. Shots which wouldn’t be available with normal film applications. Uses of more complex CGI and green screen for example. CGI – stands for “computer generated imagery” and its where computer technology is used to make a special effect otherwise not possible with just a camera and editing. Some of the CGI uses can reduce cost and increase safety, for example a CGI explosion. Not only would you not have to pay for the explosives or staff, but you wont have to risk staff getting injured by the explosion. Green screen – a green screen is essentially a green screen as a background. This wont be left in the last cut as it will be replaced by another pre-shot background. The screen is usually green and this is because green is the least natural colour compared to human skin and hair. This means it can easily be taken out after with simple editing techniques because there is so much colour contrast. Then it can be replaced with a different background. Which again can be cheaper because the whole film crew can cast cannot go and film in a fictional setting, so a green screen is the next best option.
  • 14. TASK 2 – STYLES, TECHNIQUES AND CONVENTIONS Depending on the music, the music video might take a different route. For example, a rap video will have the main artist portraying their wealth and power over people whereas a pop video will have the band playing in front of a background commonly. Types of music videos: Narrative – narrative based music videos attempt to tell a story to the viewer, in conjunction with the lyrics. These types of videos are commonly found in films if there is footage which can relate to the song. The actors in the song either act to the music or story itself, whereas the artists are just acting/playing to the music. Usually narrative music videos require the audience to understand the lyrics to understand the video, otherwise they wont understand. performance – these types of music videos are most commonly of the band or artist preforming their song to an audience, either through lip sinking, live concerts or musicians playing instruments. The performance based based music video will strengthen the bands relationship with their audience as it allows the audience to see them when their performing which is a rare sight for an audience. Concept – a concept based music video attempts to stick to a theme/ concept. The concept can be magic, supernatural, religious, scientific, or any other idea which is based on a concept or theme. Concept videos tend to swing to a specific audience for music video, depending on the theme. If fully understood by the viewer it can be very interesting.
  • 15. TASK 2 – STYLES, TECHNIQUES AND CONVENTIONS Intertextuality is the relationship between texts, especially literalry ones. Its when a music video references another media/ text. A good example of this is ededdneddy by JID, his music video references an old kids program named “EdEddnEddy.” the music video uses the same visual style as the show. The intertextuality being the style of the video, and the references to the show.
  • 16. TASK 3 – CASE STUDY
  • 17. CASE STUDY Video – “Shake” – by “Yeek” - This song by Yeek has a slow mellow beat with a light guitar in the background and the lead singer Yeek singing. Essentially the song is about living an urban lifestyle on the west coast of the USA. Leading a low life in the urban citys of the west coast implies that he’s struggling for time and money. Which in some shows based in that area also show the hard times that residents experience. The genre of the music is one of lowfi pop, finding the more darker side of relationships and the west coast itself The interesting theme that Yeek sticks with is the way the camera is more a perspective of others at the party, capturing what you would expect at a backyard gig. However, while the camera is fixated on certain people, it does wobble and shake from on scene to another. It would seem that the person operating the camera is rather “drunk” or even unprofessional. But it imitates the theme of unprofessionalism within the theme of the west coast. The interesting thing about the music video is the animated hair style that they use on characters in the video. Certain frames have the hair style of characters who are either drunk/preforming or smoking. As if to display what they find enjoyment in. from shot to shot there isn’t much if any transitions. The images seen in Yeek’s video are unique compared to other music videos. The hairstyle is reminiscent cartoonish hairstyles. You would tend to believe that cartoons live the “high life” as they are usually depicted performing actions otherwise not possible in real life. Once the hairstyle was on a person in the music video, they tended to do actions otherwise not seen outside of a party. Varying from smoking on the roof of a house, to using the art style to depict ‘throwing up.’ The title shake, describes the hair and style itself throughout the video. As all the characters are dancing and “sharking” to the music. They use drugs such as alcohol to aid their mood and create atmosphere, however this is a frequent occurrence at parties in the UK and USA.
  • 18. There are many different types of shots within the video. This would be to give characters significant traits and attributes. - eye level shots – eye level shots is the most common seen in music videos, as a display of the artists in a neutral environment and shot and in the video “Shake” by Yeek, eye level shots is the most common seen. By displaying eye level shots in the video Yeek is showing what the viewer would see if they were there themselves. Mainly you have the eye level shots of people within the party, but there are the occasional birds eye and low angle shots. This would be to imply that the characters are more significant then they seem. - Birds eye shot – only used sparingly in the music video. These shots in the music video isn’t used for much else apart from adding an extra camera angle for variety.
  • 19. Video – Jumpsuit – 21 pilots – Jumpsuit is a song of escapism and running from depression. You can see this with the characters running from the “red horseman.” the song itself is hard rock alternative, with a fast exciting track. 21 pilots uses different cuts, camera angles and VFX to display an escape from mental illness, hinting at certain characters taking different roles throughout the video. The protagonist, running from his mental problems literally and figuratively in the music video. The Red Horseman being the mental illness itself. A visual representation of the protagonist's problems. The last characters are the rebels. Many shots of these characters appear for the protagonist to be reminded that he can escape his mental fears. When you watch the music video, you tend to pay attention to cuts used between shots and the different camera angles used within the video. First to note are the different camera angles. Low angle shots – This consists of the camera being positioned below the subject looking up. Its more a shot seen in films and movies. It gives the impression that the subject is powerful and appears bigger. This is the most common found in this music video. With shots of the protagonist and the rebels being seen from a low angle. The symbolizing of the protagonist being bigger and confident when we know that they are facing a challenging time with their mental illness is rather contrasting. Eye level shots – Eye level shots is the most common seen in music videos, as a display of the artists in a neutral environment and shot. However, in this video, eye level shots are used more for the red horseman and when the protagonist is worried about their situation. Rather then being used for a neutral environment, the eye level shots are used to create uncertainty as we understand the red horseman is attempting to control the protagonist.
  • 20. Another thing to add in the music video jumpsuit is the different cuts and visual effects employed to transition to different shots in the music video. Cutting on action – one scene has the protagonist falling, and as he falls the camera cuts to the red horseman. This is a textbook use of the edit, as the scene symbolises the red horseman capturing the protagonist as the shot after is him behind the fallen protagonist. The audience expected to see the protagonist fall to the ground however instead you see the horseman looming over him.
  • 21. Kindness boomerang – life Vest Inside This music video is shot in one continuous take. This is not only hard to perform and choregraph, but also symbolises the continuous kindness that people can provide each other. By having the camera continuously film each act of kindness, it’s a shows that you good ‘karma’ comes back around. We see this with the builder at the beginning getting a glass of water at the end from the staff member, who helped the kid get up at the beginning. It was only something small but it came back to him. All of the camera angles in the music video was shot at eye level. At first view this could be seen as a lazy way to quickly film however the camera allows you to see a discreet way in which these acts of kindness are taking place. Eye level shots are there to display a neutral environment and shot for the audience which plays right into the hands of the kindness theme being natural in everyday life.
  • 22. Phonix – League of Legends Each year for the worlds tournament, League of legends brings out a new music video to promote it. Its never the same style as the last year and always has an underlying message. This year it strived to display the struggle each player has to go through to keep their cool and play at their best. Like any sport, many people compete to be the best and win the world championship. However league of legends has the largest online player base with 80,000,000 players in total, 27,000,000 logging in each day. Even though most of the video is animated, there are still clear decisions made towards the camera angles and colours used. All of the images at the bottom have different colours, camera angles and transitions which all have had thought put into them. The genre of the music would be more fixated on “pop” rather than any other genre. a moderately paced song, which the music video can use to transition from story to story in the video. The three images at the bottom vividly display the different camera angles they intended to use and did use in the video. The wide range of angle included are: - wide angle shot - Low angle shot - Close ups Each image at the bottom is using an example of each listed. The first being a wide angle shot. It clearly displays the surroundings to the viewer. In the first angle used clearly displays the background and you can barely see the character in the shot, all you can see is where they are. A great example of a wide angle shot by establishing to the viewer where the character is. Another type of camera angle used within the music video is the low angle shot seen in the second image. The low angle shot is behind an antagonist. A low angle shot tends to establish a character as powerful and overwhelming. In this case the two characters are far apart. The protagonist being far away facing the camera, small in size and therefor small in significance. Allowing the second character (antagonist) who is closer to the camera and is facing the protagonist. This is a clear use of camera shots to distinguish a character. The last shot is a close up of one of the best players in the tournament. By having a close up of a character in a video, it will be easy for the viewer to see the person (faker). And in this case it will be easy for viewers of ‘LoL’ to know who that is.