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Essay about Multiculturalism in Education
Multiculturalism is not just a concept, it is an important term for teachers to integrate into their
daily classroom instruction. Nowhere is the need for the inclusion of a culturally diverse education
more evident than in our state. "Currently, 30% of students in the U.S. are ethnic minorities. Our
state's public schools educate a student population that is 42% ethnic minority (35% African
American, 4% Asian, 3% Hispanic, .5% Native American). Over 100 nations and 130 languages and
dialects are represented in our schools. Also reflecting diversity, 12% of students have disabilities
requiring education services, and more than 13% are living at the poverty level." (USDE, 2014)
"Multicultural education is a trans–formative movement more content...
Multicultural education is needed to help reverse these trends and attitudes by teaching youth about
culturally different groups and by providing opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds
to learn, live and work together." (Gay, 2012)
With the understanding of what multicultural education is and why it is important, teachers and
parents will need to form partnerships that allow children the opportunity to develop academically
and emotionally.
"Local schools have responded in a variety of ways to address cultural diversity in education. From
the food served in the cafeteria to tasks on state assessments, everything that happens in schools has a
cultural content. Local school system reforms have addressed instruction, curriculum, professional
development and family involvement as vehicles to ensure an anti–bias multicultural approach to
education." (USDE, 2014)
The schools in our area have taken multicultural education seriously. We encountered schools that
found many creative means of incorporating diverse applications for their diverse student population.
Textbooks including multicultural content, summer and after–school programs for minorities who
need additional support of instruction, and teacher participation in multicultural workshops are some
of the many ways schools address the
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Multicultural Education Essay
Multicultural Education
What is multicultural education, and how is it relevant to science instruction? Over the past decade,
educators have ignored this question and instead, they have focused on ways and methods of
incorporating multiculturalism in the humanities. In the most recent assessment of Virginias Science
Standards of Learning, Virginia received a grade of D, almost failing, in part because of the absence
of a multicultural approach towards instruction. In research and discussions with professionals in the
fields of both elementary science and multicultural education, we learned and discussed numerous
ways for teachers to consider this crucial element in their classrooms. In particular, Virginiaeducators
must stress more content...
In an interview with Dr. C, a leading educator in multicultural issues, we learned that recognizing
diversity facilitates a more active learning experience for the student because it emphasizes
understanding in terms of different perspectives rather than just learning the facts. Children are not
all the same, and consequently, the way that they all do science will not be the same. According to a
computer science professor, Were up against something cultural (Cone, P. 1, 1998) as far as diversity
in science fields. As a result, teachers must find a way to make science appealing to everyone, and
multicultural education is one way to facilitate communication in all subjects between students, their
teachers, and the rest of society.
In Virginia, the Standards of Learning mostly ignore the issues of multiculturalism in science and
this must change in order to ensure the development of multicultural education in the Virginia
sciences. It is vital that students understand not only the hows and whys of science, but also the
whos. Children have a strong image of a white male, with glasses and messy hair, as the standard
scientist (Chambers, 1983), but it is our job to erase that image and show them that scientists look
just like them. In fact, there are scientists of every race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic
background. Teachers need to provide this
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Multicultural Education Essay
Multicultural Education
The inclusion of multiculturalism into schools has become an increasingly hot topic as of late.
Being a future teacher I have taken a natural interest in the topic as well. It seems that most of the
push to incorporate the multicultural issue into the school system has been a reaction to the thought
that the American "melting–pot" metaphor is on the decline. Knowing that the demographics of the
United States is changing continuously, the main issue about the inclusion of multiculturalism is not
whether to place it into the schools, but rather how to position this controversial topic into the
curriculum. Many people think that the incorporation of multiculturalism must begin with the
teacher more content...
18). Glazer goes on to say that the push for an inclusive system came from the growing number of
black students and black educators in the white school system, where white educators adopted a
more sympathetic attitude towards the idea (Munroe, 2000, p. 19). A recent study by Anita Bohn
documented that the concern of multiculturalism is on the decline among both teachers and
administrators (Sleeter, 2000,p. 156). Bohn stated that these are," ...early warning signs that the
multicultural education reform movement is in peril,"(Sleeter, 2000, p. 156). When trying to
understand all of this information, one must understand that multicultural education is not a program
(Sleeter, 2000, p. 156). "It is not and cannot be addressed sufficiently by any set of state or national
standards, or by any textbook series, so that it will no longer require our sustained attention as
educators. Multicultural education is a critical forum for reforming schools in ways that support
pluralism and equity," (Sleeter, 2000, p. 157). Basically, these authors are telling us that this subject
is not taken seriously by all, but the real difficulty lies in trying to create guidelines for multicultural
education's incorporation.
Julie Kailin brings about another historical aspect of multicultural education in her article that is
how the
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Introduction There are many factors that play a role in the learning process for every human being.
Race, religion, language, socioeconomics, gender, family structure, and disabilities can all affect the
ways in which we learn. Educators must take special measures in the delivery of classroom
instruction to celebrate the learning and cultural differences of each of their students. As
communities and schools continue to grow in diversity, teachers are searching for effective
educational programs to accommodate the various learning styles of each student while promoting
acceptance of cultural differences throughout the classroom. It no longer suffices to plan educational
experiences only for middle–or upper class white learners and more content...
Reflection on Individual and Cultural Differences The way in which a student is able to advance
through the process of learning can be complicated by several aspects which characterize each
student. Individual differences such as gender, motivation, socioeconomic status, personal beliefs,
and disabilities all determine the ways in which a student will move through each stage of learning
or how long it will take to master a skill. Furthermore, each student's cognitive ability and
performance can determine at which rate he or she will excel from the developmental stage of
learning. Manning and Baruth (2009) suggest rather than assume that learners can succeed by trying
hard or doing more homework; educators should understand that development and readiness, not
effort alone, affect what students can learn. Teachers who are able to analyze the characteristics of
diverse learners, individually, have an understanding of the motivation, behavior factors, and various
learning styles that play a role in the learning process. Furthermore, teachers should have knowledge
of different cultural heritage, and understand that cultural perspective plays an important role in
motivating a student. With these considerations, the educator is able to incorporate instruction styles
and strategies that will focus on the specific learning needs and different cultural backgrounds of
each individual student. Instructional Approaches to
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Reflection Paper On Multicultural Education
TLED EDUC #772 Reflective Essay Each and every class I take I go into it with an open mind.
This allows for me to learn new information without a cloud of questions. It also allows for me to
connect what I am learning to my real world experiences. This strategy makes learning more
meaningful for me and that allows me to comprehend the material better. From the class
Understanding Diverse Student Populations I have learned about the many different student
populations that can be found in schools. By learning about the different cultures I am able to
structure my lessons to meet the needs of every child. This information also helps me guide my
instructional approach towards each child. Every child deserves an individualized educational
program that meets their needs regardless of whether or not they have a disability. This would allow
for the students to have the best opportunity to succeed in school.
What I thought was the most useful information from this course was all the information about how
to properly incorporate multicultural education into my classroom. This course has changed my
outlook on multicultural education what exactly it is and how it should be implemented. When I
first started this course my idea of multicultural education was having one multicultural unit in my
program but since taken this course that has changed. Now I see multicultural education as a
school–wide initiative that all teachers should work on. It should also be utilized all throughout the
year and not just a month or unit. Teachers should incorporate multicultural education into the
classroom all throughout the year naturally and use cultural events as a way to discuss certain
topics. The way in which I am going to incorporate multicultural education into the physical
education setting is by using sports from different cultures in my class to meet the different
objectives and state standards. An example of this is the use of yoga as a way to teach flexibility. I
would then also share with my students the cultural relevance of yoga. I will also try and convince
my team members to incorporate multicultural education into their classrooms. It will first start
small and each year we will grow upon what we have done before.
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Multicultural Education Case Study
Professional Development
Banks, J. (2006). Cultural diversity and education: Foundations, curriculum, and teaching. Boston,
MA: Pearson. Banks, a professor of education at the University of Washington, Seattle, provides an
overview of the foundations of multicultural education while also suggesting strategies that educators
can use to implement multicultural practices in their instruction and curriculum. The discussion of
the historical and philosophical background of multicultural education teaches educators how race
and culture influence educational policy and programs. Multicultural teaching and curriculum is also
crucial for the development of equitable education for diverse students. The author asserts that
multicultural education can lessen biases while also furthering democratic beliefs and practices
among students. The text's discussion of multicultural education is significant to the field of
multicultural education as it demonstrates how multicultural educational practices help students
become culturally literate and prepared for today's diverse and globalized world.
Derman– Sparks, L., & Ramsey, P.G., & Edwards, J.O. (2011). What if all the kids are white?:
Anti–bias education with young children and families. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. The
authors, researchers in early childhood education, seek to describe a conceptual anti–bias educational
framework and seven learning themes that will equip White children with the skills to resist
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Multicultural Education In Education
Detailed Outline
Multiculturalism and education
a.Multicultural education relates to education and instruction designed for the cultures of several
different races in an educational system. Globalization has led to many people migrating and
spreading all over the world. As a result there is no specific area in the world that embodies one
group of people of a specific nationality. Especially in the UAE, the presence of multi nationalities
calls for an education that includes specific consideration to the variety of nationalities and cultures
present in the classroom. Therefore, Responding into all the cultures that exist in one area is the goal
of multicultural education. Educating that helps understudies comprehend and identify with social,
ethnic, and other assorted qualities, including religion, dialect, sexual orientation, age, financial,
mental, and physical contrasts. Multiculturalism is proposed to urge individuals to cooperate and to
praise contrasts, not to be divided by them. As a result, embracing diversity in a way that improves
our educational systems and not neglect it.
b.Thesis statement: adopting a multicultural education system in classrooms is a way of reducing
cultural competency while more content...
Multicultural education has many benefits and is needed nowadays in our global world. This type of
educational system benefits the student in developing a personality that teaches them to battle the
idea of stereotypes and detrimental manners. Students learn to look at the society in a way that
involves the awareness of social justice in this multicultural global world. Not only does it affect the
personality and psychological aspect of education it affects the intellectual aspect by including
multiple view points and perspectives when it comes to critical thinking. Multicultural education
encourages the student to maintain a positive attitude when it comes to different cultures and
nationalities present in the classroom
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Implementing Multicultural Education Essay
Where there is any form of change in education that is discussed, there are always those who
disagree with that change. These critics deem that they are problems that exist with the concept of
multicultural education. One argument against multicultural education is the fear that the lack of a
clear definition will essentially confuse teachers which will affect the classroom. Professor Ryan, a
professor of education at Lasalle University states that "the term multicultural education is a slogan.
It means different things to different people, and it assumes different purposes in different contexts"
(Webster 14). His argument is that to minority students multicultural education offers a sense of
empowerment, but for the majority student it more content...
However, it should focus on the mainstream culture that is often precedent in classrooms throughout
the country. Still opponents hold strong to the notion that multicultural education is detrimental to
students in that it breaks the bond that the people in this country have. As Banks pints out "the claim
that multicultural education will divide the nation assumes that the nation is already united" (64).
Another critic who considers multicultural education as separatist states that "to dwell on cultural
differences is to foster negative stereotypes, and that it is human nature to view those who are
different as inferior" (Edchange). This statement truly enforces the notion that it is better to fear the
unknown rather than learning about it and finding a way to accept it. It also can make students
believe that having a superiority attitude about learning about other cultures. Glazer argues that an
emphasis on multicultural education will "undermine the successes of assimilation, which in the
past has united immigrants of diverse cultures into American culture with a common culture and
common equality" (Glazer 36). However, what is questionable is the fact that Glazer points out that
immigrants should adapt to American culture, but gives no definition about what this culture
actually consists of. This argument becomes ambiguous because of his statement. Despite this, some
citizens still "viewed
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Educating Through a Multicultural Perspective
What the Research Says?
Defining Multicultural Education
The United States serves as a culturally rich country who opens its arms to individuals from many
different ethnicities, backgrounds, and life experiences. It seeks to be the melting pot of a blended
group of people, providing opportunity and equity for all. Consequently, our educational system is
the cornerstone for providing equal opportunity for all persons. Therefore, as the United States
continues to be immersed with individuals from various cultures, the educational system must
consistently seek to assure that educational opportunities are equally distributed to our students. In
order for this task to be accomplished, developing a well–defined illustration of what multicultural
education is necessary.
With the shifting cultural texture and demographics of the United States (Banks, 2006b; Irvine,
2003), redefining multicultural education has become imperative. There are many views on the
benefits and/or shortcomings of the multiculturalization of education. The question is not whether a
multicultural education should be adopted but it is rather what we understand from multicultural
education and how we are going to initiate such a reform within an educational system when we
cannot even define 'multicultural.' "The awareness of one's own assumptions, prejudices and
stereotypes is a first step to be able to positively interact and learn from others. In this process
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Multicultural Education Paper
I found the subject in this paper to be very fascinating. The subject of this particular paper is
multicultural education. According to book," multicultural education is defined as a process of
educational reforms that assures that students from all groups (racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, gender,
etc) experience educational equality, success, and social mobility (Cushner, K. pg.22)." In my
finding of the little community of Gatesville was not very much cultural diversity.
I will start with the schools. I had the pleasure of talking to two administration individuals and one
former teacher/coach. According to Assistant Superintendent Marsh Worthington, this is an area
were the school is the weakest. Mrs. Worthington says, "that the district has a more
Mrs. Worthington mentioned that the community met with the local NAACP to address the issue of
cultural diversity. Nonetheless, I found diversity among the restaurants in the community such as
Chinese, Italian, Mexican, and American but no soul food. As far as church, the community had
their African–American churches, their white and Hispanic churches throughout the community. The
community has many programs for their elderly. For instance, the Senior Center provides meals and
assistance to the elderly. There was also the Hop service for the elderly and disabled.
Mr. Ford would like to see more diversity in the school, banks, courthouse, and businesses. He
believes it is important to multicultural education. He says, 'the minority kids need to see people like
them in professional jobs for their psyche." I personally believe with the lack of minority in high
places kids come to school thinking maybe equality is not possible. Mr. Ford is working with other
blacks in community to work with school as for as multicultural education is concerned.
Cushner, K., McClelland, A., Safford, P., Human Diversity in Education, An Intercultural Approach,
McGraw Hill,
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Reflective Essay On Multicultural Education
We are all different in our own ways. Learning to accept each other's differences and learning to
honor those differences will make a better world to live in. We live in a multicultural society;
closing our eyes on race, religion, gender, disabilities, language and sexual orientation will help our
children become better citizens by becoming more accepting of others. To help our students
understand that our differences are part of what makes us unique, we educators, try to include a
more diverse approach to our lesson plans without being discriminatory.
Multicultural education is an important aspect of any classroom. The school where I teach is
predominantly white and any type of discrimination is not tolerated. Our school prides itself on
inclusion and acceptance. Although the administration leadership tries their best to have a school
where everyone is accepted and nurtured, are they truly able to accomplish that? Bullying happens
every day to the point that some parents prefer to have their children homeschooled. One of my best
students decided to be homeschooled due to perceived discrimination from her peers. I've witnessed
parents and students discriminate against teachers because of the color of their skin or because of
where there are from.
One of the discriminatory comments I have witnessed was regarding one of the teachers within my
department. A parent made a comment that because the teacher was from an African country he
could not possibly be knowledgeable
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Multicultural Education Essay
Multicultural education refers to applying various aspects of different learning styles and techniques
to reach children of different racial, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Because the extent of these
variations is so diverse, educationists have begun to integrate material within the classroom to ensure
each child is efficiently and equally benefitting scholastically. There are some Americans however,
who disagree with multicultural education; these people think that multicultural education designs
would strike down what it means to be an "American" country. Fortunately, for the sake of innocent
children, this discriminative ideology is kept away from classrooms. In order to propel multicultural
education in the classroom; I more content...
They could include anything they wanted about the person; anything they thought was important,
relevant, and interesting. This would allow for all the students to express his or hers ethnic or
cultural backgrounds to be explained so that; if some students were puzzled or were biased about a
different culture, they could see the real scope. The costume party would allow fun into the
instruction and expose the students to people they have never heard of (the historical figures), but
who have had great impact in the world (whether small or big). Students would not have to
participate in dressing up if they did not want too. More than likely I would need to take a class
vote to see if they even wanted too. I would also have to take into consideration of any poverty
stricken students within the classroom and decide whether or not this activity would isolate them.
Overall my curriculum would not be changed; for its substance would consist of informing students
about people of different cultures and races who did great things. If I were to instruct twelfth grade
History, I would use the Transformation Approach. In this subject I would teach about the
immigration; only it would be taught through the eyes of the emigrants. I would emphasize to
students that before the Great Depression; the U.S. was perfectly fine with Mexican–Americans
coming to U.S., and taking the long hour and low wage paying jobs. Once the
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Examples Of Multicultural Education
What is multicultural education? Does it involve diversity? What qualifies as being diverse? Well,
according to James A. Bank multicultural education is "the idea that all students–regardless of their
gender, sexual orientation, social class, and ethnic, racial, or cultural characteristics–should have an
equal opportunity to learn in school" (Banks, p. 1), not regarding in what socioeconomic level the
students and their families "belong" in. In the article "Sociology: Understanding and Changing the
Social World", the upper class consists of households that earn more than $200,000 per year, this
only includes 4% of the U.S. household population, the middle class is divided in two parts, the
upper–middle class ranges from households that earn between $150,000–$199,999, while the
lower–middle class household earns from $50,000–$74,999. The upper–middle class is only about
4.4% and the lower middle–class population is about 18% of households in the U.S. The lower
class, which is called the working class consist of 25% of households in the U.S., they earn about
$50,000–$74,999. (Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, 2010).
The upper class consists of people from the "upper–upper" class; they are people who have been rich
through generations. While the "lower–upper" class are people who have made their money through
their work. They are people such as athletes, developer and so on, one example is Bill Gates. The
upper–middle class consists of people
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Essay on Multicultural Education
Multicultural Education History/Past Challenges:
One of the major goals of the American school system is to provide all children with equal
educational opportunity. However, with regard to minority students, meeting this particular
objective has presented a real challenge to educators as they have been confronted with the task of
reshaping education in the multilingual, multicultural society that characterizes the United States.
Many significant events contributed to the need of school reform. The Civil Rights movement
launched by African Americans in the 1960's, which resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, triggered major social changes in the direction of equality and justice for all. Consequently, more content...
According to Banks "In order to maintain a 'multicultural school environment', all aspects of the
school had to be examined and transformed, including policies, teachers' attitudes, instructional
materials, assessment methods, counseling, and teaching styles" (Mitchell,1996:110).
By the middle and late 1980's, other K–12 teachers–turned–scholars provided more scholarship in
multicultural education, developing new, deeper frameworks that were grounded in the ideal of
equal educational opportunity and a connection between school transformation and social change.
Meanwhile, the cultural landscape of the United States continued to become less visibly white
Christian and more visibly rich with cultural, racial, ethnic, and religious diversity, underscoring the
necessity for everyone to develop a set of skills and knowledge that the present system was failing to
provide all students. These included creative and critical thinking skills, intercultural competence,
and social and global awareness. The education system was not only plagued by unequal treatment
of traditionally oppressed groups, but was also ill–equipped to prepare even the most highly
privileged students to competently participate in an increasingly diverse society.
In the 21st century, at a time when it is reported that minority students already "outnumber white
students in twenty–five of the nations twenty–six largest urban school systems" (Robson,1998:211),
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Multicultural Educational System Essay
Multicultural Educational System
Historically, The United States has been a racially and ethnically a diverse nation. Since Americans
represent a variety of cultures and have a variety of viewpoints, we share many cultural traditions,
values, and political ideals that cement us together as a nation. Children can develop their ideas and
their identity at early stages in schools. Education should stress the value of diversity and avoid
portraying one culture or group as superior to others. A multicultural educational system would not
only educate the students in a classroom, but also enrich the teacher and society. The definition of
multiculturalism is education that focuses on providing equal opportunity for students who's cultural more content...
(Guthrie) The first major misconception is that multicultural education is an entitlement program for
African Americans, Hispanics, women, the poor, and other victimized groups. In actuality, the
multicultural movement is designed to empower all students to become knowledgeable, caring, and
active citizens in a deeply troubled and ethnically polarized nation and world. Another harmful
misconception is that multicultural education is opposed to the West and the history of Western
civilization. On the contrary, multicultural education is thoroughly a Western concept that grew out
of the civil rights movement. Multicultural education is grounded in democratic ideas, such as
freedom, justice, and equality. Throughout the history of education, there have been persistent
advocates of the concept that schooling should concentrate on the "great books of the Western
Civilization". Reading and discussion on the great books that consist of Plato, Aristotle and other
great thinkers could provide a common background of shared ideas and values. (Levine 163)
In 1954, Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, the United States Supreme Court had ruled
that racially segregated schools violated the Constitution, which brought minorities and white
children together in classrooms. (Watkins 99) However, children learned skills, social roles and
cultural patterns that dealt with other cultures besides their own, mainly white children, which was
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The History of Multicultural Education Essay
Summary Multicultural Education in the United States made its debut beginning with the Civil
Rights Movement of the 1950s. Its intent was to become part of the cultural mainstream. The Civil
Rights Movement brought to light the apparent concerns of discrimination, intimidation and
inequality. During this period, pressure was placed on the Federal Government to examine their
roles in the perseverance of inequalities when it came to Multicultural Education (Russell, Robert,
The History of Multicultural Education, 2011). It can be compared to "Affirmative Action" where
whites were asked to leave behind their own point of view and gain knowledge of the traditions of
Multicultural groups (Taylor, Samuel. The Challenge of 'Multiculturalism' more content...
In the late 1960s and 1970s, the women's rights movement including the National Organization for
Women, founded in 1966, focused on institutional chauvinism and oppression of women
(Information about NOW, 2011). Education was the major reason in achieving an organized
agreement that would allow women equal access and opportunity. At this time, emphasis was made
for a more comprehensive curriculum, which represented women's history and awareness. Gays,
lesbians and the elderly also witnessed what was happening and began to make similar demands of
their own. During the 1980s, multiculturalism developed into a leading topic in the academic and
intellectual sector where major changes were noticed at the conventional level of educational
institutions. Critiques of Western Euro–centric culture were presented by theorists and revealed a
modern–day perception of culture privileged Western European society and white male–dominated
power structures (Russell, Robert, The History of Multicultural Education, 2011).
The many distinctive theories of multiculturalism encouraged educational activists to seek important
transformations in educational institutions from kindergarten through grade 12 to colleges and
universities. The knowledge I have gained from my experience in learning about the history of
multicultural education has given me an insight to many different cultures. In
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Multicultural Education Essay
The global perspective of multicultural education is that minorities no longer needed to give up their
culture, but also become exposed to the dominant culture in society. It is important to recognize that
American society is an on–going melting pot of cultures and it is essential that this is reflected in
the educational system as well. The move towards recognizing the need for cultural diversity in
learning was not only a problem in the U.S, but in many other countries as well. In 1961, the
Organisation for Economic Co–Operation and Development (OECD) was established to "provide a
setting where governments" all over the world "can compare policy experiences, seek answers to
common problems, identify good practice and coordinate more content...
In their summary the OECD makes it clear to state that "educational challenges posed by family
background, socio–economic context and migration status are not only strongly linked to student
performance, they determined students performance over and above the schools influence" (OECD
20). The organization came to the conclusion that it was imperative to provide help for these
students and essentially the responsibility fell on the teacher. The publication also looks at the role
that in–service teachers have in determining how well students achieve in the classroom. When
students feel comfortable and are able to adapt in the classroom, the environment provides a more
conducive learning opportunity. The teachers became the deciding factor in student's achievement in
the classroom.
Teachers and Multicultural Education In the beginning, in–service teachers seemed to be one of the
difficult hurdles in adapting multicultural education in the classroom. Many of the teachers had
already developed a certain environment in the classroom and felt that the reform was a distraction
to what they had created. Some teachers resisted changing their curriculum to truly following the
ideals of multicultural education. Those who were not resistant to the change
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The Problem Of Multicultural Education Essay
I.The Problem in Multicultural Education
The common topic of the three articles is multicultural education. In the article, "Faculty perceptions
of multicultural teaching in a large urban university," the authors believe that "lack of understanding
of multicultural teaching is evident in spite of the growing literature on theories of multicultural
education and data documenting best practices" (Bigatti, S. M., et. al, 2012, p. 78). The authors of
this article defines the meaning of the multicultural teaching, the purpose of multicultural teaching,
and the challenges in multicultural teaching. After evaluating several studies, the authors state that
the purpose of the study was to "examine the barriers to multicultural teaching as they are perceived
by college faculty" (Bigatti, S. M., et. al, 2012, p. 80).
Unlike the first article, "Using concept maps to measure conceptual change in preserice teachers
enrolled in a multicultural education/special education course" examines a narrower topic. This
article analyzes "conceptual change in preservice teachers enrolled in an introductory special and
multicultural education course" in regards to the conceptual knowledge of multicultural education
(Trent, S. C., Pernell, E., Mungi, A., & Chimedza, R., 1998, p. 16). The authors know that
multicultural teacher education is became popular teaching topic; however, they want to know how
multicultural teacher education influences preservice teachers to be ready for multicultural
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The History of Multicultural Education Essay
During the late 1960's, America had entered into a period of cultural definition especially with the
emergence of the Civil Rights Movement. Although the term "multicultural education" had not come
into play yet, the idea that the U.S needed to reexamine their efforts of educating diverse groups was
emerging. During this time inequality especially among minority groups in comparison to the white
dominant culture became a social issue (Banks 1999). Before the arrival of this reform multicultural
education was displayed in the classroom as having minorities adapt to the predominant culture.
Teachers during this time felt it would be more beneficial for minorities to adapt. However, many
parents of these minorities begin to argue that more content...
These cases helped to shape multicultural education during the 70's. In 1974, the Lau vs. Nichols
case was brought about by Chinese students in California who claimed that they were not achieving
in school because of their limited proficiency in the English Language. The students argued that not
enough was being done in school to help overcome this challenge and felt it was because of their
culture. The judge ruled in favor of the students and the case established the right of language
minority students to educational accommodations. This verdict helped to make way for the 1979
case of Martin Luther King Elementary School vs. Ann Arbor School District. The suit was brought
about by Black students who believed that the district did not seriously take their speaking of
non–standard English seriously and this inadvertently caused them to obtain low reading scores. The
judge ruled that the school district was responsible for identifying Black English speakers in the
schools and must use that knowledge in teaching such students how to read Standard English. One
key case that helped to prove the change that multicultural education had in the classroom was the
1970 case of Diana V. California State Board of Education. Mexican students felt that the school
system did not take into account their Mexican culture and language into testing. The judge ruled in
their favor and when the students were tested in their native language the
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The Impact Of Multicultural Education
Multicultural education is an approach devised from the policies and practices of schools and from
the ideologies and structure of the society. Multicultural education does not simply involve the
affirmation of language and culture rather it challenges racism and other biases such as inequitable
structures, policies, and practices of the schools and the society. It can have a substantive, impact on
the education of most students if it is broadly conceptualized and implemented. Multicultural
education is important because students should be aware of the issues faced by the global
community. They cannot succeed while maintaining their limited mono–cultural views. Students
cannot communicate with people of different background unless they more content...
The Impacts of Multicultural Education Multicultural education is a concept that assumes cultural
diversity should be reflected in the curriculum, instructional practices, policies and values of the
educational institutions. It provides students with the knowledge about histories, cultures, and the
contributions of diverse groups. Multicultural education can also be viewed as a way of teaching
focusing on diversity, democracy, skill acquisition, value of perspectives and self– reflection. It
encourages students to bring their cultural identity to the classrooms and allows teachers to support
the student's intellectual, social, and emotional growth(Taylor & Hoechsmann, 2012). Multicultural
education was an educational reform movement which led to the transformation of schools in
promoting educational achievements among culturally diverse students. Multicultural education can
be considered as the contribution of students toward effective social
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Multicultural Education Essay

  • 1. Essay about Multiculturalism in Education Multiculturalism is not just a concept, it is an important term for teachers to integrate into their daily classroom instruction. Nowhere is the need for the inclusion of a culturally diverse education more evident than in our state. "Currently, 30% of students in the U.S. are ethnic minorities. Our state's public schools educate a student population that is 42% ethnic minority (35% African American, 4% Asian, 3% Hispanic, .5% Native American). Over 100 nations and 130 languages and dialects are represented in our schools. Also reflecting diversity, 12% of students have disabilities requiring education services, and more than 13% are living at the poverty level." (USDE, 2014) "Multicultural education is a trans–formative movement more content... Multicultural education is needed to help reverse these trends and attitudes by teaching youth about culturally different groups and by providing opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to learn, live and work together." (Gay, 2012) With the understanding of what multicultural education is and why it is important, teachers and parents will need to form partnerships that allow children the opportunity to develop academically and emotionally. "Local schools have responded in a variety of ways to address cultural diversity in education. From the food served in the cafeteria to tasks on state assessments, everything that happens in schools has a cultural content. Local school system reforms have addressed instruction, curriculum, professional development and family involvement as vehicles to ensure an anti–bias multicultural approach to education." (USDE, 2014) The schools in our area have taken multicultural education seriously. We encountered schools that found many creative means of incorporating diverse applications for their diverse student population. Textbooks including multicultural content, summer and after–school programs for minorities who need additional support of instruction, and teacher participation in multicultural workshops are some of the many ways schools address the Get more content on
  • 2. Multicultural Education Essay Multicultural Education What is multicultural education, and how is it relevant to science instruction? Over the past decade, educators have ignored this question and instead, they have focused on ways and methods of incorporating multiculturalism in the humanities. In the most recent assessment of Virginias Science Standards of Learning, Virginia received a grade of D, almost failing, in part because of the absence of a multicultural approach towards instruction. In research and discussions with professionals in the fields of both elementary science and multicultural education, we learned and discussed numerous ways for teachers to consider this crucial element in their classrooms. In particular, Virginiaeducators must stress more content... In an interview with Dr. C, a leading educator in multicultural issues, we learned that recognizing diversity facilitates a more active learning experience for the student because it emphasizes understanding in terms of different perspectives rather than just learning the facts. Children are not all the same, and consequently, the way that they all do science will not be the same. According to a computer science professor, Were up against something cultural (Cone, P. 1, 1998) as far as diversity in science fields. As a result, teachers must find a way to make science appealing to everyone, and multicultural education is one way to facilitate communication in all subjects between students, their teachers, and the rest of society. In Virginia, the Standards of Learning mostly ignore the issues of multiculturalism in science and this must change in order to ensure the development of multicultural education in the Virginia sciences. It is vital that students understand not only the hows and whys of science, but also the whos. Children have a strong image of a white male, with glasses and messy hair, as the standard scientist (Chambers, 1983), but it is our job to erase that image and show them that scientists look just like them. In fact, there are scientists of every race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic background. Teachers need to provide this Get more content on
  • 3. Multicultural Education Essay Multicultural Education The inclusion of multiculturalism into schools has become an increasingly hot topic as of late. Being a future teacher I have taken a natural interest in the topic as well. It seems that most of the push to incorporate the multicultural issue into the school system has been a reaction to the thought that the American "melting–pot" metaphor is on the decline. Knowing that the demographics of the United States is changing continuously, the main issue about the inclusion of multiculturalism is not whether to place it into the schools, but rather how to position this controversial topic into the curriculum. Many people think that the incorporation of multiculturalism must begin with the teacher more content... 18). Glazer goes on to say that the push for an inclusive system came from the growing number of black students and black educators in the white school system, where white educators adopted a more sympathetic attitude towards the idea (Munroe, 2000, p. 19). A recent study by Anita Bohn documented that the concern of multiculturalism is on the decline among both teachers and administrators (Sleeter, 2000,p. 156). Bohn stated that these are," ...early warning signs that the multicultural education reform movement is in peril,"(Sleeter, 2000, p. 156). When trying to understand all of this information, one must understand that multicultural education is not a program (Sleeter, 2000, p. 156). "It is not and cannot be addressed sufficiently by any set of state or national standards, or by any textbook series, so that it will no longer require our sustained attention as educators. Multicultural education is a critical forum for reforming schools in ways that support pluralism and equity," (Sleeter, 2000, p. 157). Basically, these authors are telling us that this subject is not taken seriously by all, but the real difficulty lies in trying to create guidelines for multicultural education's incorporation. Julie Kailin brings about another historical aspect of multicultural education in her article that is how the Get more content on
  • 4. Introduction There are many factors that play a role in the learning process for every human being. Race, religion, language, socioeconomics, gender, family structure, and disabilities can all affect the ways in which we learn. Educators must take special measures in the delivery of classroom instruction to celebrate the learning and cultural differences of each of their students. As communities and schools continue to grow in diversity, teachers are searching for effective educational programs to accommodate the various learning styles of each student while promoting acceptance of cultural differences throughout the classroom. It no longer suffices to plan educational experiences only for middle–or upper class white learners and more content... Reflection on Individual and Cultural Differences The way in which a student is able to advance through the process of learning can be complicated by several aspects which characterize each student. Individual differences such as gender, motivation, socioeconomic status, personal beliefs, and disabilities all determine the ways in which a student will move through each stage of learning or how long it will take to master a skill. Furthermore, each student's cognitive ability and performance can determine at which rate he or she will excel from the developmental stage of learning. Manning and Baruth (2009) suggest rather than assume that learners can succeed by trying hard or doing more homework; educators should understand that development and readiness, not effort alone, affect what students can learn. Teachers who are able to analyze the characteristics of diverse learners, individually, have an understanding of the motivation, behavior factors, and various learning styles that play a role in the learning process. Furthermore, teachers should have knowledge of different cultural heritage, and understand that cultural perspective plays an important role in motivating a student. With these considerations, the educator is able to incorporate instruction styles and strategies that will focus on the specific learning needs and different cultural backgrounds of each individual student. Instructional Approaches to Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection Paper On Multicultural Education TLED EDUC #772 Reflective Essay Each and every class I take I go into it with an open mind. This allows for me to learn new information without a cloud of questions. It also allows for me to connect what I am learning to my real world experiences. This strategy makes learning more meaningful for me and that allows me to comprehend the material better. From the class Understanding Diverse Student Populations I have learned about the many different student populations that can be found in schools. By learning about the different cultures I am able to structure my lessons to meet the needs of every child. This information also helps me guide my instructional approach towards each child. Every child deserves an individualized educational program that meets their needs regardless of whether or not they have a disability. This would allow for the students to have the best opportunity to succeed in school. What I thought was the most useful information from this course was all the information about how to properly incorporate multicultural education into my classroom. This course has changed my outlook on multicultural education what exactly it is and how it should be implemented. When I first started this course my idea of multicultural education was having one multicultural unit in my program but since taken this course that has changed. Now I see multicultural education as a school–wide initiative that all teachers should work on. It should also be utilized all throughout the year and not just a month or unit. Teachers should incorporate multicultural education into the classroom all throughout the year naturally and use cultural events as a way to discuss certain topics. The way in which I am going to incorporate multicultural education into the physical education setting is by using sports from different cultures in my class to meet the different objectives and state standards. An example of this is the use of yoga as a way to teach flexibility. I would then also share with my students the cultural relevance of yoga. I will also try and convince my team members to incorporate multicultural education into their classrooms. It will first start small and each year we will grow upon what we have done before. When Get more content on
  • 6. Multicultural Education Case Study Professional Development Banks, J. (2006). Cultural diversity and education: Foundations, curriculum, and teaching. Boston, MA: Pearson. Banks, a professor of education at the University of Washington, Seattle, provides an overview of the foundations of multicultural education while also suggesting strategies that educators can use to implement multicultural practices in their instruction and curriculum. The discussion of the historical and philosophical background of multicultural education teaches educators how race and culture influence educational policy and programs. Multicultural teaching and curriculum is also crucial for the development of equitable education for diverse students. The author asserts that multicultural education can lessen biases while also furthering democratic beliefs and practices among students. The text's discussion of multicultural education is significant to the field of multicultural education as it demonstrates how multicultural educational practices help students become culturally literate and prepared for today's diverse and globalized world. Derman– Sparks, L., & Ramsey, P.G., & Edwards, J.O. (2011). What if all the kids are white?: Anti–bias education with young children and families. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. The authors, researchers in early childhood education, seek to describe a conceptual anti–bias educational framework and seven learning themes that will equip White children with the skills to resist Get more content on
  • 7. Multicultural Education In Education Detailed Outline Multiculturalism and education I.Introduction: a.Multicultural education relates to education and instruction designed for the cultures of several different races in an educational system. Globalization has led to many people migrating and spreading all over the world. As a result there is no specific area in the world that embodies one group of people of a specific nationality. Especially in the UAE, the presence of multi nationalities calls for an education that includes specific consideration to the variety of nationalities and cultures present in the classroom. Therefore, Responding into all the cultures that exist in one area is the goal of multicultural education. Educating that helps understudies comprehend and identify with social, ethnic, and other assorted qualities, including religion, dialect, sexual orientation, age, financial, mental, and physical contrasts. Multiculturalism is proposed to urge individuals to cooperate and to praise contrasts, not to be divided by them. As a result, embracing diversity in a way that improves our educational systems and not neglect it. b.Thesis statement: adopting a multicultural education system in classrooms is a way of reducing cultural competency while more content... Multicultural education has many benefits and is needed nowadays in our global world. This type of educational system benefits the student in developing a personality that teaches them to battle the idea of stereotypes and detrimental manners. Students learn to look at the society in a way that involves the awareness of social justice in this multicultural global world. Not only does it affect the personality and psychological aspect of education it affects the intellectual aspect by including multiple view points and perspectives when it comes to critical thinking. Multicultural education encourages the student to maintain a positive attitude when it comes to different cultures and nationalities present in the classroom Get more content on
  • 8. Implementing Multicultural Education Essay Where there is any form of change in education that is discussed, there are always those who disagree with that change. These critics deem that they are problems that exist with the concept of multicultural education. One argument against multicultural education is the fear that the lack of a clear definition will essentially confuse teachers which will affect the classroom. Professor Ryan, a professor of education at Lasalle University states that "the term multicultural education is a slogan. It means different things to different people, and it assumes different purposes in different contexts" (Webster 14). His argument is that to minority students multicultural education offers a sense of empowerment, but for the majority student it more content... However, it should focus on the mainstream culture that is often precedent in classrooms throughout the country. Still opponents hold strong to the notion that multicultural education is detrimental to students in that it breaks the bond that the people in this country have. As Banks pints out "the claim that multicultural education will divide the nation assumes that the nation is already united" (64). Another critic who considers multicultural education as separatist states that "to dwell on cultural differences is to foster negative stereotypes, and that it is human nature to view those who are different as inferior" (Edchange). This statement truly enforces the notion that it is better to fear the unknown rather than learning about it and finding a way to accept it. It also can make students believe that having a superiority attitude about learning about other cultures. Glazer argues that an emphasis on multicultural education will "undermine the successes of assimilation, which in the past has united immigrants of diverse cultures into American culture with a common culture and common equality" (Glazer 36). However, what is questionable is the fact that Glazer points out that immigrants should adapt to American culture, but gives no definition about what this culture actually consists of. This argument becomes ambiguous because of his statement. Despite this, some citizens still "viewed Get more content on
  • 9. Educating Through a Multicultural Perspective What the Research Says? Defining Multicultural Education The United States serves as a culturally rich country who opens its arms to individuals from many different ethnicities, backgrounds, and life experiences. It seeks to be the melting pot of a blended group of people, providing opportunity and equity for all. Consequently, our educational system is the cornerstone for providing equal opportunity for all persons. Therefore, as the United States continues to be immersed with individuals from various cultures, the educational system must consistently seek to assure that educational opportunities are equally distributed to our students. In order for this task to be accomplished, developing a well–defined illustration of what multicultural education is necessary. With the shifting cultural texture and demographics of the United States (Banks, 2006b; Irvine, 2003), redefining multicultural education has become imperative. There are many views on the benefits and/or shortcomings of the multiculturalization of education. The question is not whether a multicultural education should be adopted but it is rather what we understand from multicultural education and how we are going to initiate such a reform within an educational system when we cannot even define 'multicultural.' "The awareness of one's own assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes is a first step to be able to positively interact and learn from others. In this process Get more content on
  • 10. Multicultural Education Paper I found the subject in this paper to be very fascinating. The subject of this particular paper is multicultural education. According to book," multicultural education is defined as a process of educational reforms that assures that students from all groups (racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, etc) experience educational equality, success, and social mobility (Cushner, K. pg.22)." In my finding of the little community of Gatesville was not very much cultural diversity. I will start with the schools. I had the pleasure of talking to two administration individuals and one former teacher/coach. According to Assistant Superintendent Marsh Worthington, this is an area were the school is the weakest. Mrs. Worthington says, "that the district has a more content... Mrs. Worthington mentioned that the community met with the local NAACP to address the issue of cultural diversity. Nonetheless, I found diversity among the restaurants in the community such as Chinese, Italian, Mexican, and American but no soul food. As far as church, the community had their African–American churches, their white and Hispanic churches throughout the community. The community has many programs for their elderly. For instance, the Senior Center provides meals and assistance to the elderly. There was also the Hop service for the elderly and disabled. Mr. Ford would like to see more diversity in the school, banks, courthouse, and businesses. He believes it is important to multicultural education. He says, 'the minority kids need to see people like them in professional jobs for their psyche." I personally believe with the lack of minority in high places kids come to school thinking maybe equality is not possible. Mr. Ford is working with other blacks in community to work with school as for as multicultural education is concerned. Cushner, K., McClelland, A., Safford, P., Human Diversity in Education, An Intercultural Approach, McGraw Hill, Get more content on
  • 11. Reflective Essay On Multicultural Education We are all different in our own ways. Learning to accept each other's differences and learning to honor those differences will make a better world to live in. We live in a multicultural society; closing our eyes on race, religion, gender, disabilities, language and sexual orientation will help our children become better citizens by becoming more accepting of others. To help our students understand that our differences are part of what makes us unique, we educators, try to include a more diverse approach to our lesson plans without being discriminatory. Multicultural education is an important aspect of any classroom. The school where I teach is predominantly white and any type of discrimination is not tolerated. Our school prides itself on inclusion and acceptance. Although the administration leadership tries their best to have a school where everyone is accepted and nurtured, are they truly able to accomplish that? Bullying happens every day to the point that some parents prefer to have their children homeschooled. One of my best students decided to be homeschooled due to perceived discrimination from her peers. I've witnessed parents and students discriminate against teachers because of the color of their skin or because of where there are from. One of the discriminatory comments I have witnessed was regarding one of the teachers within my department. A parent made a comment that because the teacher was from an African country he could not possibly be knowledgeable Get more content on
  • 12. Multicultural Education Essay Multicultural education refers to applying various aspects of different learning styles and techniques to reach children of different racial, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Because the extent of these variations is so diverse, educationists have begun to integrate material within the classroom to ensure each child is efficiently and equally benefitting scholastically. There are some Americans however, who disagree with multicultural education; these people think that multicultural education designs would strike down what it means to be an "American" country. Fortunately, for the sake of innocent children, this discriminative ideology is kept away from classrooms. In order to propel multicultural education in the classroom; I more content... They could include anything they wanted about the person; anything they thought was important, relevant, and interesting. This would allow for all the students to express his or hers ethnic or cultural backgrounds to be explained so that; if some students were puzzled or were biased about a different culture, they could see the real scope. The costume party would allow fun into the instruction and expose the students to people they have never heard of (the historical figures), but who have had great impact in the world (whether small or big). Students would not have to participate in dressing up if they did not want too. More than likely I would need to take a class vote to see if they even wanted too. I would also have to take into consideration of any poverty stricken students within the classroom and decide whether or not this activity would isolate them. Overall my curriculum would not be changed; for its substance would consist of informing students about people of different cultures and races who did great things. If I were to instruct twelfth grade History, I would use the Transformation Approach. In this subject I would teach about the immigration; only it would be taught through the eyes of the emigrants. I would emphasize to students that before the Great Depression; the U.S. was perfectly fine with Mexican–Americans coming to U.S., and taking the long hour and low wage paying jobs. Once the Get more content on
  • 13. Examples Of Multicultural Education Introduction What is multicultural education? Does it involve diversity? What qualifies as being diverse? Well, according to James A. Bank multicultural education is "the idea that all students–regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, social class, and ethnic, racial, or cultural characteristics–should have an equal opportunity to learn in school" (Banks, p. 1), not regarding in what socioeconomic level the students and their families "belong" in. In the article "Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World", the upper class consists of households that earn more than $200,000 per year, this only includes 4% of the U.S. household population, the middle class is divided in two parts, the upper–middle class ranges from households that earn between $150,000–$199,999, while the lower–middle class household earns from $50,000–$74,999. The upper–middle class is only about 4.4% and the lower middle–class population is about 18% of households in the U.S. The lower class, which is called the working class consist of 25% of households in the U.S., they earn about $50,000–$74,999. (Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, 2010). The upper class consists of people from the "upper–upper" class; they are people who have been rich through generations. While the "lower–upper" class are people who have made their money through their work. They are people such as athletes, developer and so on, one example is Bill Gates. The upper–middle class consists of people Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Multicultural Education Multicultural Education History/Past Challenges: One of the major goals of the American school system is to provide all children with equal educational opportunity. However, with regard to minority students, meeting this particular objective has presented a real challenge to educators as they have been confronted with the task of reshaping education in the multilingual, multicultural society that characterizes the United States. Many significant events contributed to the need of school reform. The Civil Rights movement launched by African Americans in the 1960's, which resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, triggered major social changes in the direction of equality and justice for all. Consequently, more content... According to Banks "In order to maintain a 'multicultural school environment', all aspects of the school had to be examined and transformed, including policies, teachers' attitudes, instructional materials, assessment methods, counseling, and teaching styles" (Mitchell,1996:110). By the middle and late 1980's, other K–12 teachers–turned–scholars provided more scholarship in multicultural education, developing new, deeper frameworks that were grounded in the ideal of equal educational opportunity and a connection between school transformation and social change. Meanwhile, the cultural landscape of the United States continued to become less visibly white Christian and more visibly rich with cultural, racial, ethnic, and religious diversity, underscoring the necessity for everyone to develop a set of skills and knowledge that the present system was failing to provide all students. These included creative and critical thinking skills, intercultural competence, and social and global awareness. The education system was not only plagued by unequal treatment of traditionally oppressed groups, but was also ill–equipped to prepare even the most highly privileged students to competently participate in an increasingly diverse society. In the 21st century, at a time when it is reported that minority students already "outnumber white students in twenty–five of the nations twenty–six largest urban school systems" (Robson,1998:211), Get more content on
  • 15. Multicultural Educational System Essay Multicultural Educational System Historically, The United States has been a racially and ethnically a diverse nation. Since Americans represent a variety of cultures and have a variety of viewpoints, we share many cultural traditions, values, and political ideals that cement us together as a nation. Children can develop their ideas and their identity at early stages in schools. Education should stress the value of diversity and avoid portraying one culture or group as superior to others. A multicultural educational system would not only educate the students in a classroom, but also enrich the teacher and society. The definition of multiculturalism is education that focuses on providing equal opportunity for students who's cultural more content... (Guthrie) The first major misconception is that multicultural education is an entitlement program for African Americans, Hispanics, women, the poor, and other victimized groups. In actuality, the multicultural movement is designed to empower all students to become knowledgeable, caring, and active citizens in a deeply troubled and ethnically polarized nation and world. Another harmful misconception is that multicultural education is opposed to the West and the history of Western civilization. On the contrary, multicultural education is thoroughly a Western concept that grew out of the civil rights movement. Multicultural education is grounded in democratic ideas, such as freedom, justice, and equality. Throughout the history of education, there have been persistent advocates of the concept that schooling should concentrate on the "great books of the Western Civilization". Reading and discussion on the great books that consist of Plato, Aristotle and other great thinkers could provide a common background of shared ideas and values. (Levine 163) In 1954, Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, the United States Supreme Court had ruled that racially segregated schools violated the Constitution, which brought minorities and white children together in classrooms. (Watkins 99) However, children learned skills, social roles and cultural patterns that dealt with other cultures besides their own, mainly white children, which was the Get more content on
  • 16. The History of Multicultural Education Essay Summary Multicultural Education in the United States made its debut beginning with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s. Its intent was to become part of the cultural mainstream. The Civil Rights Movement brought to light the apparent concerns of discrimination, intimidation and inequality. During this period, pressure was placed on the Federal Government to examine their roles in the perseverance of inequalities when it came to Multicultural Education (Russell, Robert, The History of Multicultural Education, 2011). It can be compared to "Affirmative Action" where whites were asked to leave behind their own point of view and gain knowledge of the traditions of Multicultural groups (Taylor, Samuel. The Challenge of 'Multiculturalism' more content... In the late 1960s and 1970s, the women's rights movement including the National Organization for Women, founded in 1966, focused on institutional chauvinism and oppression of women (Information about NOW, 2011). Education was the major reason in achieving an organized agreement that would allow women equal access and opportunity. At this time, emphasis was made for a more comprehensive curriculum, which represented women's history and awareness. Gays, lesbians and the elderly also witnessed what was happening and began to make similar demands of their own. During the 1980s, multiculturalism developed into a leading topic in the academic and intellectual sector where major changes were noticed at the conventional level of educational institutions. Critiques of Western Euro–centric culture were presented by theorists and revealed a modern–day perception of culture privileged Western European society and white male–dominated power structures (Russell, Robert, The History of Multicultural Education, 2011). The many distinctive theories of multiculturalism encouraged educational activists to seek important transformations in educational institutions from kindergarten through grade 12 to colleges and universities. The knowledge I have gained from my experience in learning about the history of multicultural education has given me an insight to many different cultures. In Get more content on
  • 17. Multicultural Education Essay The global perspective of multicultural education is that minorities no longer needed to give up their culture, but also become exposed to the dominant culture in society. It is important to recognize that American society is an on–going melting pot of cultures and it is essential that this is reflected in the educational system as well. The move towards recognizing the need for cultural diversity in learning was not only a problem in the U.S, but in many other countries as well. In 1961, the Organisation for Economic Co–Operation and Development (OECD) was established to "provide a setting where governments" all over the world "can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and coordinate more content... In their summary the OECD makes it clear to state that "educational challenges posed by family background, socio–economic context and migration status are not only strongly linked to student performance, they determined students performance over and above the schools influence" (OECD 20). The organization came to the conclusion that it was imperative to provide help for these students and essentially the responsibility fell on the teacher. The publication also looks at the role that in–service teachers have in determining how well students achieve in the classroom. When students feel comfortable and are able to adapt in the classroom, the environment provides a more conducive learning opportunity. The teachers became the deciding factor in student's achievement in the classroom. Teachers and Multicultural Education In the beginning, in–service teachers seemed to be one of the difficult hurdles in adapting multicultural education in the classroom. Many of the teachers had already developed a certain environment in the classroom and felt that the reform was a distraction to what they had created. Some teachers resisted changing their curriculum to truly following the ideals of multicultural education. Those who were not resistant to the change Get more content on
  • 18. The Problem Of Multicultural Education Essay I.The Problem in Multicultural Education The common topic of the three articles is multicultural education. In the article, "Faculty perceptions of multicultural teaching in a large urban university," the authors believe that "lack of understanding of multicultural teaching is evident in spite of the growing literature on theories of multicultural education and data documenting best practices" (Bigatti, S. M., et. al, 2012, p. 78). The authors of this article defines the meaning of the multicultural teaching, the purpose of multicultural teaching, and the challenges in multicultural teaching. After evaluating several studies, the authors state that the purpose of the study was to "examine the barriers to multicultural teaching as they are perceived by college faculty" (Bigatti, S. M., et. al, 2012, p. 80). Unlike the first article, "Using concept maps to measure conceptual change in preserice teachers enrolled in a multicultural education/special education course" examines a narrower topic. This article analyzes "conceptual change in preservice teachers enrolled in an introductory special and multicultural education course" in regards to the conceptual knowledge of multicultural education (Trent, S. C., Pernell, E., Mungi, A., & Chimedza, R., 1998, p. 16). The authors know that multicultural teacher education is became popular teaching topic; however, they want to know how multicultural teacher education influences preservice teachers to be ready for multicultural Get more content on
  • 19. The History of Multicultural Education Essay During the late 1960's, America had entered into a period of cultural definition especially with the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement. Although the term "multicultural education" had not come into play yet, the idea that the U.S needed to reexamine their efforts of educating diverse groups was emerging. During this time inequality especially among minority groups in comparison to the white dominant culture became a social issue (Banks 1999). Before the arrival of this reform multicultural education was displayed in the classroom as having minorities adapt to the predominant culture. Teachers during this time felt it would be more beneficial for minorities to adapt. However, many parents of these minorities begin to argue that more content... These cases helped to shape multicultural education during the 70's. In 1974, the Lau vs. Nichols case was brought about by Chinese students in California who claimed that they were not achieving in school because of their limited proficiency in the English Language. The students argued that not enough was being done in school to help overcome this challenge and felt it was because of their culture. The judge ruled in favor of the students and the case established the right of language minority students to educational accommodations. This verdict helped to make way for the 1979 case of Martin Luther King Elementary School vs. Ann Arbor School District. The suit was brought about by Black students who believed that the district did not seriously take their speaking of non–standard English seriously and this inadvertently caused them to obtain low reading scores. The judge ruled that the school district was responsible for identifying Black English speakers in the schools and must use that knowledge in teaching such students how to read Standard English. One key case that helped to prove the change that multicultural education had in the classroom was the 1970 case of Diana V. California State Board of Education. Mexican students felt that the school system did not take into account their Mexican culture and language into testing. The judge ruled in their favor and when the students were tested in their native language the Get more content on
  • 20. The Impact Of Multicultural Education Multicultural education is an approach devised from the policies and practices of schools and from the ideologies and structure of the society. Multicultural education does not simply involve the affirmation of language and culture rather it challenges racism and other biases such as inequitable structures, policies, and practices of the schools and the society. It can have a substantive, impact on the education of most students if it is broadly conceptualized and implemented. Multicultural education is important because students should be aware of the issues faced by the global community. They cannot succeed while maintaining their limited mono–cultural views. Students cannot communicate with people of different background unless they more content... The Impacts of Multicultural Education Multicultural education is a concept that assumes cultural diversity should be reflected in the curriculum, instructional practices, policies and values of the educational institutions. It provides students with the knowledge about histories, cultures, and the contributions of diverse groups. Multicultural education can also be viewed as a way of teaching focusing on diversity, democracy, skill acquisition, value of perspectives and self– reflection. It encourages students to bring their cultural identity to the classrooms and allows teachers to support the student's intellectual, social, and emotional growth(Taylor & Hoechsmann, 2012). Multicultural education was an educational reform movement which led to the transformation of schools in promoting educational achievements among culturally diverse students. Multicultural education can be considered as the contribution of students toward effective social Get more content on