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The Importance Of Diversity In Education
Students have their own best way in effectively learning the lesson. With the diversity of students, the problem is each student has a preferred learning
style. It becomes undeniably one of the reasons that make it difficult to achieve the best expected outcome out of teachers' effort. However, teachers try
to incorporate various teaching techniques to make every learning opportunity become productive, meaningful, and relevant for the learners. According
to UNESCO (2004), teachers around the world are exerting efforts in trying out innovative teaching strategies. There were dedicated and committed
teachers who make a difference to the students' lives and even providing important learning opportunities in their communities. To meet the students'
diverse learning needs, teachers cater variety of learning opportunities and experiences. In an interview of Carol Ann Tomlinson, an American author
and educator known for her works with techniques of differentiation in education, she described differentiation as shaking up the classroom to be more
appropriate for the learners. Regarding the methods of instruction, there should be a variety of techniques for collecting and presenting the lesson
considering the students' needs, abilities, interests, and backgrounds of experience. Santos (2013) has compared education like majority of every other
area of society which has changed and developed as years passed by. According to him, education nowadays intends to encourage the learners to
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Diversity In Education
Social disadvantage, inequality and cultural diversity have the ability to critically impact the quality of a child's education. Each one of us is born
into a specific social position and this is extremely important when it comes to educational outcomes (Ewing, 2010. p. 84). When we look at statistics
of the entire population there are strong correlations between upper class having higher achievement and lower class having poorer achievement
(Ewing, 2010. p. 84). Issues such as purchasing power, dominant culture and cultural capital all play a role in putting low social classes at risk of
having a less than satisfactory education (Ewing, 2013. pp. 73–84). Differences and diversity pose important questions for educators how best to
respond more content...
Educator's need to understand how to respond to these differences as they can affect the educational outcomes of these students (Gobby, n.d.). The
interviewee explained that within her school community there was a Muslim family and the students of the family were required to take time off
during class to perform prayer multiple times during the day. This prayer is called Salat (BBC, 2009). It is essential that children learn to respect
differences in individuals at a young age (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, 2004. p. 22). Saraj–Blatchford and Clarke (2004. p. 23) explain that children
can be tolerant, can challenge stereotypes and learn inclusiveness form a very young age and this is what the aim of the school seemed to be in this
instance. The response that the school had to Salat was to ensure that this time was given to these students, in addition, the students were also given an
opportunity to explain their culture to their peers to give them better understanding. The school reflected inclusive behaviours to the differences in the
students' background and did their best to support their differences by helping the other students understand and respect these differences by giving
them an opportunity to explain what these differences were to their peers, which as stated, is extremely important to develop early.
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Diversity In Education
The methodology comprised pre–service teachers attitude toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, in a
three–semester hour course. The details extracted were participants, setting description, instrumentation data collection procedures, study design, and
the data analysis procedures used. The study design sought to answer the following research question "How does a one three–semester–hour
service–based introductory course in diversity affect pre–service teachers' attitude toward the inclusion of diverse learners in a general education
classroom? The population used for the study were students enrolled in a teacher education program in a multi–faceted United Methodist Church
related university more content...
Lucas and Frazier explained the data collected and the results that were relevant. The researchers described the procedures they used and the
rationale for doing so. In addition, the use of tables to give values that were exact and did a good job of explaining the tables and figures what to look
for in the tables. However, the one thing that I take issue with is where they performed the study. First, let me paraphrase the results of the study. The
researchers found that the service, based course in diversity did impact the preservice teacher's perception of their attitudes toward inclusion because
they had a better understanding of the outcomes by integrating the students with disabilities in the general education classroom. The demographic
variables collected showed no impact was shown due to the location on the change of attitudes on inclusion of diverse learners. The researchers also
acknowledged that one of the limitations of the study was the heavy reliance of self–assessment and this posed a threat to external validity. My only
issue with the study is the location, e.g., a rural area. A study by Berry and Gravel (2013) show that teachers were more favorable to inclusion due to
the characteristics that were fostered in the rural
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Diversity In Education
It is clear from the above quote, that the ever changing diversity in our society, creates many challenges for an education system based on an ideology
of hegemony based on the dominant discourse of white pedagogy. While not the official policy, the distribution of wealth in Ontario, and the tendency
for immigrant populations and ethnic groups to live in the same neighbourhoods, segregation has occurred dividing classes by factors such as race and
economic status. Although not a mirror image of the Canadian model, in the United States, similarly, bell hooks points out
Segregated schools are becoming more the norm. As class mobility and a racist real estate market make predominantly white neighborhoods more
common, especially in areas more content...
Eslinger, from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, discusses the plight and difficulty felt by teachers in urban
areas in the United States. While not exactly the same situation experienced within Canadian classrooms, many similarities can be found and are
therefore relevant to the Canadian discourse on education. For example, Eslinger discusses, "The challenges of teaching under No Child Left Behind
(NCLB) and draw particular attention to issues of cultural differences, institutional bureaucracies, high–stakes accountability, the narrowing of
curriculum and instruction and deprofessionalization. (Eslinger 2014, 210–211) This is very similar to the experience in Canada, where teachers,
especially in urban areas such as Toronto, deal with issues of culture, race, standardized curriculum and standardized testing which do not apply easily
to the makeup of the student body. In Navigating dilemmas in transforming assessment practices: experiences of mathematics teachers in Ontario,
Canada, Christine Suurtamm, from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa, and Martha J. Koch, from the Faculty of Education at the
University of Manitoba, discuss the difficult process through which teachers are expected to deal with student achievement and assessment in Ontario
schools. What Suurtamm and Koch discovered was that while, "Teachers or not
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Paper On Diversity In Education
1. Diversity is a range of different things, forms, types, ideas, races and cultures. Learning diversity would allow me to be great teacher. Teachers
must come to understand the real lived experience of the families and children they teach. Being educated on diversity could help me understand the
different circumstances and characteristics of various students. It would make you more aware of different cultures, and better me for cultures and
beliefs. As I continue out my career when I come in contact with more diverse students I will be more educate and efficient then I was before. To
prepare for diversity you should all ways be opened minded. A great teacher is flexible and prepared for the unexpected.
2. I think testing teachers is a great idea to be sure the teachers are staying efficient. This allows the teacher to know what area he or she needs to
improve in. Change and criticism is a great thing to become a more efficient teacher. Achieving and maintaining a high level of quality in teacher
education and professional development programs should be key elements in any strategy to improve teacher quality. Testing teachers would increase
their qualities such as hold high expectations for themselves and their students. All teachers should be grasp of their skills because in all fairness if you
test one you more content...
Teaching is a great profession because they are fundamental for the development and success of their students. Teacher is a gate in education system.
Students are in school most of their day causing teachers to be role models. Teachers are somewhat like their parent while they are in school teaching,
guiding and protecting them. Teachers mold their students towards greatness and to be more responsible. Students are learning more and more from
teachers to combine their beliefs and morals from their families to succeeded in life. Teacher professional development makes teacher commitment
reveal itself as a real driving force behind student
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Diversity In The Education Community
On the other hand, the education community faces growing challenges related to diversity, such as the academic achievement gaps between students of
diverse backgrounds; racial segregation and resegregation in our schools; gender inequalities and sex discrimination; bullying and harassment of
students who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender; educating students with disabilities; staggering disparities in educational resources based
on class or income; access to education for immigrants; respecting students of all religious backgrounds; and so forth. Institutional hurdles such as
high–stakes testing and the lack of resources for "nonessential" subjects make addressing the issue of diversity even more challenging
Some basic strategies
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The Importance of Diversity in Education Essay
I worked within an Independent School System for 10 years. As I contemplated the idea of working towards my Master's in Education I brought with
me the idea of diversity in education and why facilitating different school systems is vital to a healthy society. "Not every youngster gets along well in
the public school system." (Cunningham, 171) said Pat McGeer of the Ministry of Education publication Education Today. This very statement was a
cry from thousands of families throughout the province of British Columbia in the 1960s. (Sullivan, 1988) My argument for this paper is that for
governments to be ethical and moral agents they must hear the voices of their constituents, even if they are a few; and then respond equitably and with more content...
Funding was not an issue for these home schooled families for their determination to choose their children's education went beyond the funding issue. It
seems British Columbia was in a state of crisis during this time. Many school–aged children were not in the educational system, thus the Royal
Commission was established to investigate why and then come up with recommendations. The Royal Commission on education was a vital document
which exposed two camps of thought. The commission came to the conclusion that the real issue was not whether Independent schools should exist but
whether they should have funding (Sullivan, 1988). Polarized views "tended to state their cases in the extreme" (Sullivan, 1988) making it difficult for
the committee to sift through the material. Within 16 months Barry Sullivan's Royal Commission report was published. The study realized that the
"subject of diversity...perhaps the most inescapable and salient fact of British Columbia life in the late 1980s." (Sullivan, 1988) mandated the
"accommodation of diversity..." (Sullivan, 1988). With "differentiation and greater acknowledgement of diversity, choice is of paramount
consideration..." (Sullivan, 1988). With choice comes the need for provision of "reasonable levels of resources..." (Sullivan, 1988) which the
government was willing to give but with the understanding that "equality of opportunity and equality of educational access for all children" (Sullivan,
1988) comes with
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Diversity In Education
Everyone in this room has been fortunate enough to be able to undergo an education of such diversity and choice, that allows our minds to develop and
master our strengths and weaknesses from general Math, English and Science to subjects such as Art, Music and Physical Education throughout
Primary School and High School.
While all of us have the opportunity to further better our education after High School, many of us will be just a fortunate again to do so by going off to
University or other educational programs such as TAFE.
Throughout the entirety of our lives, this has not only been a luxury to us, but a right. Since infancy and to now our minds have had the ability to learn
and grow. Yet around the world, while we have this luxury more content...
Whilst we live in a society where females are increasingly being recognized as equal to males, many countries are fixed in strong traditional values and
roles of women, in which perceive them with a minority of status.
Specifically in countries such as Afghanistan, women face the difficulties of discrimination in education. Even after the fall of the Taliban, whom
banned girls from attending school, young girls are continually pulled out of school due to threats, abductions and attacks upon staff and girls
innocently on their way to or in the process of fulfilling their potential – leaving the literacy rates among young Afghanistan women lying low, with
only 18% between the ages of 15 and 24 having the essential ability to read. The very ability that we all unintentionally can take for granted.
For those who aren't familiar with Malala, Malala is an inspiring and courageous young girl whom survived an assassination attack after being shot in
the head after her determined and fearless efforts to defend women's education on her home soil, Pakistan. Although Malala is a remarkable and
encouraging example of women defending their rights to an education, who now receives an education in American, there are still a many others on the
same path that she was on, whom face life and death situations in order to peruse their dreams of having an
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Diversity In Education
Why must educators understand issues of diversity and difference?
Educators need to generate learning environments that foster the growth of each individual student. Being able to give their students equality within
their educational setting by having high, yet achievable goals for all students is something that educators need to concentrate on. In the General
Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum, it confirms that all young people in Australia are set to become creative individuals, active and informed
citizens, and successful learners (Education Services Australia, 2015). Regardless of the student's socio–economic status (SES), cultural background, or
self–esteem, if the student can see themselves progressing this will help build more content...
Socio–economic status and cultural diversity are just two of many. A child's self
–worth is something that is learned. It is not instinctive or inherited
(Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p. 23). Educators have a fundamental role to play in developing positive self–esteem among students. They need to help
children take control over their own behaviours so they are able to show respect, confidence and caring for themselves (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p.
27). If the students can see their educators behaving in a kind, loving, respectful, and patient way, the students are more likely to adopt this behaviour
themselves (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p. 27). Supporting children's self– esteem throughout their schooling years should become an essential part of
the Australian Curriculum (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, pp. 23–27). Roberts (1998), as cited in Siraj–Blatchford (1996, p. 23) argues that from a young
age children's identity and self–esteem grow depending on the type of interactions they have with people. By encouraging positive interactions with
others, promoting discussions about how they and others may be feeling, strengthening communications with others, and by gaining the trust of the
students and their families are all ways in which positive self–esteem can be gained (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p.
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Diversity In Education
On average, a person set eyes on anywhere between 90,000 to 3 million faces in their lifetime, and only recollects approximately 3,000 of them
(Bellamy). Regardless how many people a person may encounter in their lifetime, some people will form a false opinion about the other person
based solely on their appearance. Never knowing what hardships a person might have gone through, how or why a person likes or dislikes certain
things, or why a person reacts a certain way in different situations. As human beings, we have the ability to form opinions or beliefs based on what we
have learned, read or heard. However, when it comes to certain topics such as HIV, people tend to jump to conclusions and begin the vicious cycle of
discrimination, more content...
Since, health–care workers are regarded as high level members of a community, it is vital to ensure they receive in–depth training in order to avoid
discrimination and expressing the already prevalent stigma in their community (EngenderHealth). To aid in further educating the public, it would be
beneficial to include those who are currently living with HIV or AIDS to share their stories and provide a since of connection to the related materials.
This will also allow further connection by, meeting the countless faces of PLWHA and comprehending that PLWHA are human beings as well, also to
understand that HIV and AIDS can impact anyone's life regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or sexual
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Diversity In Education
As states have expanded access to preschool programs, preschool classrooms around the country have become remarkably diverse. Having a diverse
classroom or educational program is beneficial to both students and staff. "The dimensions of diversity include race, ethnicity, gender, sexual
orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status" (NEA, n.d., par. 1). Diversity, the differences
between ourselves and others, offers both benefits and challenges for educators (Berger & Riojas–Cortez, 2016). Diversity provides additional
opportunities to learn about different life experiences, languages, and cultures, through curriculum and interactions with students, colleagues, and
families. Studies have shown that exposing children to diversity often results in better academic achievement and a reduction in prejudices
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Unfortunately, my center looks very generic as there is no evidence that we value culture or diversity even though the children and staff in my
preschool program are very diverse and I am searching for ways to change this. There are numerous benefits associated with diversity in education, but
the outcomes for students are dependent upon how diversity is recognized in a classroom setting (Queen's University, 2018). Since a child's culture
influences how children make sense of the world, educators must recognize and incorporate a child's culture into the learning environment and lesson
plans as it plays a key role in how a child learns. A welcomingschool culture is one where each child feels valued and respected in their learning
environment. By learning about the importance of recognizing and celebrating diversity, I hope to find ways to incorporate multiculturalism in my
program and make it a more welcoming creative learning environment for both students and
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Diversity In Education
In 2016, Donnetrice Allison does a Ted Talks on the trend of claiming diversity within an institution. Diversity is something people have demanded
within public institutions, lack of diversity can lead to bad media coverage. For this reason, organizations now often strive to advertise their means of
achieving a diverse environment. Allison points out in her talk that achieving diversity within an institution has become more of a numbers game rather
than a humanitarian deed. Organizations have become obsessed with the idea of having diverse members, but do not focus on giving those people the
same experience as the dominant group. Allison points out that because of this, institutions become (some what) diverse, yet exclusive to the minorities.
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The Importance Of Diversity In Education
This part of my paper will focus on two educational concerns/challenges which I find quite important and fascinating at same time. First, what I think
is that there are some assumptions about education that we really need to explore and go into some of the theories about education in order to really
understand why we need diversity and inclusion in our schools. I think going back to the fundamental idea about education will enable me to explore
some of these areas about education and to think more deeply about it.
Our common emphases or priorities are usually on learning to know and to do. Do we give any emphases on learning to live together or learning to
be? Do we all learn same way? To answer these question, we have to search the roots of our certain cultures. Our learning is dramatically affected by
our certain educational culture. So, each culture will believe that the purpose for learning is different, and that will dramatically affect how parents and
teachers guide learning indeed, how they even conceive of learning. That is why the diversity and inclusion in higher education is very important. These
values are already found in commitments articulated by the vast majority of our higher education institutions. Fact, I cannot immediately think of any
college or university that would not acknowledge the importance of these values in our society. But acknowledging doesn't mean fully achieving it.
What is the role of the leaders and leadership ideas in this aspect? The
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Diversity In Education
While a "one–size–fits–all" method for education would exist in an ideal world, it remains a fact that privileged students learn much differently from
their non–privileged peers. Differences in culture, whether racially or ethnically–based, as well as differences in socioeconomic status can affect how a
student learns and responds to authority figures. Delpit's article cites several interviews with students of color in which they express frustration with
how their Caucasian teachers approach teaching. For many students that are not part of the upper classes of society, there are many ways of speaking
and acting that differ from how they speak and act at home. If these students are given implicit rather than explicit instructions by their teachers,
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This solidifies the viewpoints of the minority and lower class communities, rather than just speaking about their experiences without evidence of their
perspective. I actually saw strong evidence of the point that this article is making in my own O&P classroom. My cooperating teacher is an older
Caucasian male and struggles with classroom management, especially with the African–American students in his classroom. He is a prime example of
the gentle and non–authoritarian teachers discussed in the article. A couple weeks ago, he was at a conference so, naturally, there was a substitute
teacher. She was an older African–American lady whom had been subbing for several years in the Beloit School District. In direct contrast to my
cooperating teacher, she maintained a very authoritarian approach with the students: there was no room for funny business in her classroom. The
students were remarkable more engaged and actually actively participated in the class activities. Some even pointed out that they felt so much more
motivated to learn and participate than when they were with their regular teacher because of her authoritarian approach. It is important that teachers
understand their students' cultural backgrounds and the effects of these backgrounds on their students' learning
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Essay on Diversity in Education
Like it or not, there has always been diversity among students in the classroom. It is the fact that each and every student is unique. From every
circumstance, students bring a varying set of values, perspectives, and beliefs to the learning environment. Understanding the character of students is
important in order to become a competent teacher. In fact, teachers should be aware and recognize students, as unique individuals, all acquire
information differently than others. Some of these differences are due to developmental variations in cognitive, physical, intellectual, moral, emotional,
and social changes caused by maturation and experience. And this reality of classroom conditions makes instruction much more challenging for
teachers more content...
Among their interest in the education of ethnic–minority Deaf college students, they are best known for their notable achievements in addressing
various aspects in education of the Deaf. For example, Dr. Ila Parasnis has not only published and presented her works at different conferences but
she has also edited several books on cultural identity and diversity in Deaf Education. As for Dr. Susan D. Fischer's accomplishments, it mainly lies in
the publication of 28 different citations in several journals as well as chapters in books that relate to the cultural diversity for deaf education (Author
Detail). With all this in mind, it is clear that these professors have studied and gained in–depth knowledge for many years about the field of Deaf
Education that they are able to speak about issues relating to the field as authoritative and credible figures.
Now, the authors have stated three main points in this article regarding improvements to the education of ethnic–minority Deaf college students. First,
the authors emphasize the importance of diversity in the work force so that students can make their own decisions in choosing their own role models.
This article states that "role models are both essential and critical. They serve several purposes: (1) We talk about the importance of cultural diversity,
but having that kind of representation on campus demonstrates a real commitment on
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Diversity In Education
I found this week's topic particularly interesting.
It is absolutely imperative for educators to understand the perception of "kids do well if they can," rather than "kids do well if they want to," as
explained by Dr. Ablon. Despite the significance of this concept, there is still a widespread, incorrect believe that behaviorally troubled children are
acting up on purpose. Similarly, it is also commonly accepted that children who do poorly in school are failing because they are apathetic and lazy,
when really the opposite is true.
Dr. Ablon highlighted the fact that society as a whole is (thankfully) changing. Decades ago, children were easily written off or labeled based solely
on their classroom behavior and academic performance. There was little to no effort to communicate with the child, or learn more about his/her home
life to find the root of the problem. Fortunately, these believes are becoming increasingly obsolete as we move toward becoming more empathetic
toward children and their feelings. Children do not do poorly because they want too; most of the time their behavior and performance stems from
challenges they may be facing either outside the classroom, or within themselves (such as a learning disability or physical/mental illness). The video
about Teddy and his fifth more content...
As a society, we sometimes tend to label entire groups of people based on preconceived notions and misinformation. These misconceptions can lead us
to having high/low expectations for students before even getting to know them. According to a study done at Yale, Black males are scrutinized the
most (42%), followed by White males (35%), White females (13%), and Black females (10%). It was also noted that Black teachers held Black students
to a higher standard, and the amount of empathy and understanding a teacher has toward a particular student will affect the way he/she interprets the
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Diversity of Education Essay
Diversity of Education
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated, "Most...think that education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so that they can
forever trample over the masses. Still others think that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end." What Dr. King was
getting at in The Purpose of Education is that education holds many different values for many different people. How can we go about determining
one standard value of a college education for a country so recognized for its diversity? Also, is it really true that everyone in our divergent society has an
equal opportunity to attend a university? We cannot ignore the fact that the characteristics that separate us more content...
However, trying to escape the cruel world of the ghetto, many of these kids enter the life of crime. They enviously ridicule college life and
downplay higher education in order to ease their minds. It is a continuous cycle, as these people then influence others to enter the same pretentious
lifestyle that enticed them. Education then comes to hold little value to much of the poor, as methods of making "fast cash" paint education as an
intangible opportunity exclusively for the well to do. Who exactly are these poor people that are at an educational disadvantage? Well we all know
that there are members of every race living in poverty, but let me share some statistical information with you from the U. S. Census Bureau. Its web
site states that the average white family's median income for 1996 (the most current year listed) was $37,161, compared to $24,906 for Hispanic
families and only $23,482 for black families. This seems pretty significant to me, since over $12,000 separates the average incomes of our country's
most populous race from its second and third (which are in turn separated by less than $2,000). This proves that there are a much higher percentage of
minorities living a lower class life than whites.
There seems to be a positive correlation between family income and collegiate educational achievement. The U. S. Census Bureau also states that in
1996 23.7% of white high school graduates went on to
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Diversity In Early Childhood Education
Of all of the course readings that we read and discussed in the past two weeks, I think the one of the most common is the idea that education embraces
and affirms diversity and it will affect human behavior and culture. Due to the three articles "Culture and Learning", "The early Catastrophe: The 30
Million Word Gap by Age 3", and "Race Ethnicity and Education" have different examples and different audiences, however, the writers used different
evidences to show that education has been a big part in our public world. In "Culture and Learning," Sonia Nieto explains the tremendous culture and
linguistic diversity is evident in our schools today. In the article, it expresses that the term "culture" can be problematic because it can mean different more content...
Risley, describes 42 children from various socio–economic backgrounds with extraordinary disparities between the sheer number of words vocabulary.
Through this survey, they find there is a lot of different in rates of vocabulary growth among 3–year–olds and the different rates of vocabulary in
children's early experience that will affect their performance and change their whole lives. After reading this article, I know children's vocabulary skills
are connected to their economic backgrounds. And also, I know that early childhood education is really important. In my own opinion, I misunderstand
about their survey. Sometimes, more is not always means better and the child in high–income family doesn't represent that they are better than the child
in low–income family depend on the 30 million word gap. We can find a lot of examples to reject this point. The most common example is some
students in college with student loan earn better grades than some students who do not apply for student loans. So, in my mind, I think the most
attention is early childhood education. Before the age of eight, child's brain goes through rapid growth and development. They can learn a lot about
themselves and the world around them. Parents are their first teachers; they have a huge responsibility to educate their children. Parents teach
children how to walk, how to speak, how to feed themselves, give them safe, secure and warm in their family. Children at an early age with a good
education can improve social skills; earn a better grade, and no need for special education instruction during their school year. So, early childhood
education is crucial to one's life and this is the most vital foundation to become a better and more knowledgeable individual in the adult
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Learning about different lives such as lifestyle and background is important for a teacher. It is part of the educational process. It is known that history
about the way we live is an influence on history and how we educate students todays. Our curriculum today has a way with providing opportunity and
constraints due to addressing issues of different racial of ethnic equality and even diversity. However, due to our curriculum and how students learn
academically, these are put into practice, which then divides each learning style into groups so the teachers can then understand the students better.
Going back into time, it did not happen this way. So, a lot has changed since the beginning of education. We are now learning how to support teachers
and allowing them to teach diversity effectively and in confidence. This is not an easy topic to teach due to history, but today it is normal to teach
students the importance of diversity so that they learn that everyone is different in their own way. Dealing with equity and diversity is the new norm. It
is an area that we emphasize when it comes to social justice and the continuance of diversification with today's higher education setting. "From recent
court decisions and new legislation to diversification of the profession's workforce, NASPA recognizes the impact that Equity and Diversity has on our
professionals" (NASPA, n.d., para.1). Because of this organization, it provides opportunity, which provides resources that
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The Importance Of Diversity In Education

  • 1. The Importance Of Diversity In Education Students have their own best way in effectively learning the lesson. With the diversity of students, the problem is each student has a preferred learning style. It becomes undeniably one of the reasons that make it difficult to achieve the best expected outcome out of teachers' effort. However, teachers try to incorporate various teaching techniques to make every learning opportunity become productive, meaningful, and relevant for the learners. According to UNESCO (2004), teachers around the world are exerting efforts in trying out innovative teaching strategies. There were dedicated and committed teachers who make a difference to the students' lives and even providing important learning opportunities in their communities. To meet the students' diverse learning needs, teachers cater variety of learning opportunities and experiences. In an interview of Carol Ann Tomlinson, an American author and educator known for her works with techniques of differentiation in education, she described differentiation as shaking up the classroom to be more appropriate for the learners. Regarding the methods of instruction, there should be a variety of techniques for collecting and presenting the lesson considering the students' needs, abilities, interests, and backgrounds of experience. Santos (2013) has compared education like majority of every other area of society which has changed and developed as years passed by. According to him, education nowadays intends to encourage the learners to Get more content on
  • 2. Diversity In Education Social disadvantage, inequality and cultural diversity have the ability to critically impact the quality of a child's education. Each one of us is born into a specific social position and this is extremely important when it comes to educational outcomes (Ewing, 2010. p. 84). When we look at statistics of the entire population there are strong correlations between upper class having higher achievement and lower class having poorer achievement (Ewing, 2010. p. 84). Issues such as purchasing power, dominant culture and cultural capital all play a role in putting low social classes at risk of having a less than satisfactory education (Ewing, 2013. pp. 73–84). Differences and diversity pose important questions for educators how best to respond more content... Educator's need to understand how to respond to these differences as they can affect the educational outcomes of these students (Gobby, n.d.). The interviewee explained that within her school community there was a Muslim family and the students of the family were required to take time off during class to perform prayer multiple times during the day. This prayer is called Salat (BBC, 2009). It is essential that children learn to respect differences in individuals at a young age (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, 2004. p. 22). Saraj–Blatchford and Clarke (2004. p. 23) explain that children can be tolerant, can challenge stereotypes and learn inclusiveness form a very young age and this is what the aim of the school seemed to be in this instance. The response that the school had to Salat was to ensure that this time was given to these students, in addition, the students were also given an opportunity to explain their culture to their peers to give them better understanding. The school reflected inclusive behaviours to the differences in the students' background and did their best to support their differences by helping the other students understand and respect these differences by giving them an opportunity to explain what these differences were to their peers, which as stated, is extremely important to develop early. Get more content on
  • 3. Diversity In Education The methodology comprised pre–service teachers attitude toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, in a three–semester hour course. The details extracted were participants, setting description, instrumentation data collection procedures, study design, and the data analysis procedures used. The study design sought to answer the following research question "How does a one three–semester–hour service–based introductory course in diversity affect pre–service teachers' attitude toward the inclusion of diverse learners in a general education classroom? The population used for the study were students enrolled in a teacher education program in a multi–faceted United Methodist Church related university more content... Lucas and Frazier explained the data collected and the results that were relevant. The researchers described the procedures they used and the rationale for doing so. In addition, the use of tables to give values that were exact and did a good job of explaining the tables and figures what to look for in the tables. However, the one thing that I take issue with is where they performed the study. First, let me paraphrase the results of the study. The researchers found that the service, based course in diversity did impact the preservice teacher's perception of their attitudes toward inclusion because they had a better understanding of the outcomes by integrating the students with disabilities in the general education classroom. The demographic variables collected showed no impact was shown due to the location on the change of attitudes on inclusion of diverse learners. The researchers also acknowledged that one of the limitations of the study was the heavy reliance of self–assessment and this posed a threat to external validity. My only issue with the study is the location, e.g., a rural area. A study by Berry and Gravel (2013) show that teachers were more favorable to inclusion due to the characteristics that were fostered in the rural Get more content on
  • 4. Diversity In Education It is clear from the above quote, that the ever changing diversity in our society, creates many challenges for an education system based on an ideology of hegemony based on the dominant discourse of white pedagogy. While not the official policy, the distribution of wealth in Ontario, and the tendency for immigrant populations and ethnic groups to live in the same neighbourhoods, segregation has occurred dividing classes by factors such as race and economic status. Although not a mirror image of the Canadian model, in the United States, similarly, bell hooks points out Segregated schools are becoming more the norm. As class mobility and a racist real estate market make predominantly white neighborhoods more common, especially in areas more content... Eslinger, from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, discusses the plight and difficulty felt by teachers in urban areas in the United States. While not exactly the same situation experienced within Canadian classrooms, many similarities can be found and are therefore relevant to the Canadian discourse on education. For example, Eslinger discusses, "The challenges of teaching under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and draw particular attention to issues of cultural differences, institutional bureaucracies, high–stakes accountability, the narrowing of curriculum and instruction and deprofessionalization. (Eslinger 2014, 210–211) This is very similar to the experience in Canada, where teachers, especially in urban areas such as Toronto, deal with issues of culture, race, standardized curriculum and standardized testing which do not apply easily to the makeup of the student body. In Navigating dilemmas in transforming assessment practices: experiences of mathematics teachers in Ontario, Canada, Christine Suurtamm, from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa, and Martha J. Koch, from the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba, discuss the difficult process through which teachers are expected to deal with student achievement and assessment in Ontario schools. What Suurtamm and Koch discovered was that while, "Teachers or not Get more content on
  • 5. Paper On Diversity In Education 1. Diversity is a range of different things, forms, types, ideas, races and cultures. Learning diversity would allow me to be great teacher. Teachers must come to understand the real lived experience of the families and children they teach. Being educated on diversity could help me understand the different circumstances and characteristics of various students. It would make you more aware of different cultures, and better me for cultures and beliefs. As I continue out my career when I come in contact with more diverse students I will be more educate and efficient then I was before. To prepare for diversity you should all ways be opened minded. A great teacher is flexible and prepared for the unexpected. 2. I think testing teachers is a great idea to be sure the teachers are staying efficient. This allows the teacher to know what area he or she needs to improve in. Change and criticism is a great thing to become a more efficient teacher. Achieving and maintaining a high level of quality in teacher education and professional development programs should be key elements in any strategy to improve teacher quality. Testing teachers would increase their qualities such as hold high expectations for themselves and their students. All teachers should be grasp of their skills because in all fairness if you test one you more content... Teaching is a great profession because they are fundamental for the development and success of their students. Teacher is a gate in education system. Students are in school most of their day causing teachers to be role models. Teachers are somewhat like their parent while they are in school teaching, guiding and protecting them. Teachers mold their students towards greatness and to be more responsible. Students are learning more and more from teachers to combine their beliefs and morals from their families to succeeded in life. Teacher professional development makes teacher commitment reveal itself as a real driving force behind student Get more content on
  • 6. Diversity In The Education Community On the other hand, the education community faces growing challenges related to diversity, such as the academic achievement gaps between students of diverse backgrounds; racial segregation and resegregation in our schools; gender inequalities and sex discrimination; bullying and harassment of students who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender; educating students with disabilities; staggering disparities in educational resources based on class or income; access to education for immigrants; respecting students of all religious backgrounds; and so forth. Institutional hurdles such as high–stakes testing and the lack of resources for "nonessential" subjects make addressing the issue of diversity even more challenging Some basic strategies Get more content on
  • 7. The Importance of Diversity in Education Essay I worked within an Independent School System for 10 years. As I contemplated the idea of working towards my Master's in Education I brought with me the idea of diversity in education and why facilitating different school systems is vital to a healthy society. "Not every youngster gets along well in the public school system." (Cunningham, 171) said Pat McGeer of the Ministry of Education publication Education Today. This very statement was a cry from thousands of families throughout the province of British Columbia in the 1960s. (Sullivan, 1988) My argument for this paper is that for governments to be ethical and moral agents they must hear the voices of their constituents, even if they are a few; and then respond equitably and with more content... Funding was not an issue for these home schooled families for their determination to choose their children's education went beyond the funding issue. It seems British Columbia was in a state of crisis during this time. Many school–aged children were not in the educational system, thus the Royal Commission was established to investigate why and then come up with recommendations. The Royal Commission on education was a vital document which exposed two camps of thought. The commission came to the conclusion that the real issue was not whether Independent schools should exist but whether they should have funding (Sullivan, 1988). Polarized views "tended to state their cases in the extreme" (Sullivan, 1988) making it difficult for the committee to sift through the material. Within 16 months Barry Sullivan's Royal Commission report was published. The study realized that the "subject of diversity...perhaps the most inescapable and salient fact of British Columbia life in the late 1980s." (Sullivan, 1988) mandated the "accommodation of diversity..." (Sullivan, 1988). With "differentiation and greater acknowledgement of diversity, choice is of paramount consideration..." (Sullivan, 1988). With choice comes the need for provision of "reasonable levels of resources..." (Sullivan, 1988) which the government was willing to give but with the understanding that "equality of opportunity and equality of educational access for all children" (Sullivan, 1988) comes with Get more content on
  • 8. Diversity In Education Everyone in this room has been fortunate enough to be able to undergo an education of such diversity and choice, that allows our minds to develop and master our strengths and weaknesses from general Math, English and Science to subjects such as Art, Music and Physical Education throughout Primary School and High School. While all of us have the opportunity to further better our education after High School, many of us will be just a fortunate again to do so by going off to University or other educational programs such as TAFE. Throughout the entirety of our lives, this has not only been a luxury to us, but a right. Since infancy and to now our minds have had the ability to learn and grow. Yet around the world, while we have this luxury more content... Whilst we live in a society where females are increasingly being recognized as equal to males, many countries are fixed in strong traditional values and roles of women, in which perceive them with a minority of status. Specifically in countries such as Afghanistan, women face the difficulties of discrimination in education. Even after the fall of the Taliban, whom banned girls from attending school, young girls are continually pulled out of school due to threats, abductions and attacks upon staff and girls innocently on their way to or in the process of fulfilling their potential – leaving the literacy rates among young Afghanistan women lying low, with only 18% between the ages of 15 and 24 having the essential ability to read. The very ability that we all unintentionally can take for granted. For those who aren't familiar with Malala, Malala is an inspiring and courageous young girl whom survived an assassination attack after being shot in the head after her determined and fearless efforts to defend women's education on her home soil, Pakistan. Although Malala is a remarkable and encouraging example of women defending their rights to an education, who now receives an education in American, there are still a many others on the same path that she was on, whom face life and death situations in order to peruse their dreams of having an Get more content on
  • 9. Diversity In Education Why must educators understand issues of diversity and difference? Educators need to generate learning environments that foster the growth of each individual student. Being able to give their students equality within their educational setting by having high, yet achievable goals for all students is something that educators need to concentrate on. In the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum, it confirms that all young people in Australia are set to become creative individuals, active and informed citizens, and successful learners (Education Services Australia, 2015). Regardless of the student's socio–economic status (SES), cultural background, or self–esteem, if the student can see themselves progressing this will help build more content... Socio–economic status and cultural diversity are just two of many. A child's self –worth is something that is learned. It is not instinctive or inherited (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p. 23). Educators have a fundamental role to play in developing positive self–esteem among students. They need to help children take control over their own behaviours so they are able to show respect, confidence and caring for themselves (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p. 27). If the students can see their educators behaving in a kind, loving, respectful, and patient way, the students are more likely to adopt this behaviour themselves (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p. 27). Supporting children's self– esteem throughout their schooling years should become an essential part of the Australian Curriculum (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, pp. 23–27). Roberts (1998), as cited in Siraj–Blatchford (1996, p. 23) argues that from a young age children's identity and self–esteem grow depending on the type of interactions they have with people. By encouraging positive interactions with others, promoting discussions about how they and others may be feeling, strengthening communications with others, and by gaining the trust of the students and their families are all ways in which positive self–esteem can be gained (Siraj–Blatchford and Clarke, p. Get more content on
  • 10. Diversity In Education On average, a person set eyes on anywhere between 90,000 to 3 million faces in their lifetime, and only recollects approximately 3,000 of them (Bellamy). Regardless how many people a person may encounter in their lifetime, some people will form a false opinion about the other person based solely on their appearance. Never knowing what hardships a person might have gone through, how or why a person likes or dislikes certain things, or why a person reacts a certain way in different situations. As human beings, we have the ability to form opinions or beliefs based on what we have learned, read or heard. However, when it comes to certain topics such as HIV, people tend to jump to conclusions and begin the vicious cycle of discrimination, more content... Since, health–care workers are regarded as high level members of a community, it is vital to ensure they receive in–depth training in order to avoid discrimination and expressing the already prevalent stigma in their community (EngenderHealth). To aid in further educating the public, it would be beneficial to include those who are currently living with HIV or AIDS to share their stories and provide a since of connection to the related materials. This will also allow further connection by, meeting the countless faces of PLWHA and comprehending that PLWHA are human beings as well, also to understand that HIV and AIDS can impact anyone's life regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or sexual Get more content on
  • 11. Diversity In Education As states have expanded access to preschool programs, preschool classrooms around the country have become remarkably diverse. Having a diverse classroom or educational program is beneficial to both students and staff. "The dimensions of diversity include race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status" (NEA, n.d., par. 1). Diversity, the differences between ourselves and others, offers both benefits and challenges for educators (Berger & Riojas–Cortez, 2016). Diversity provides additional opportunities to learn about different life experiences, languages, and cultures, through curriculum and interactions with students, colleagues, and families. Studies have shown that exposing children to diversity often results in better academic achievement and a reduction in prejudices more content... Unfortunately, my center looks very generic as there is no evidence that we value culture or diversity even though the children and staff in my preschool program are very diverse and I am searching for ways to change this. There are numerous benefits associated with diversity in education, but the outcomes for students are dependent upon how diversity is recognized in a classroom setting (Queen's University, 2018). Since a child's culture influences how children make sense of the world, educators must recognize and incorporate a child's culture into the learning environment and lesson plans as it plays a key role in how a child learns. A welcomingschool culture is one where each child feels valued and respected in their learning environment. By learning about the importance of recognizing and celebrating diversity, I hope to find ways to incorporate multiculturalism in my program and make it a more welcoming creative learning environment for both students and Get more content on
  • 12. Diversity In Education In 2016, Donnetrice Allison does a Ted Talks on the trend of claiming diversity within an institution. Diversity is something people have demanded within public institutions, lack of diversity can lead to bad media coverage. For this reason, organizations now often strive to advertise their means of achieving a diverse environment. Allison points out in her talk that achieving diversity within an institution has become more of a numbers game rather than a humanitarian deed. Organizations have become obsessed with the idea of having diverse members, but do not focus on giving those people the same experience as the dominant group. Allison points out that because of this, institutions become (some what) diverse, yet exclusive to the minorities. Get more content on
  • 13. The Importance Of Diversity In Education This part of my paper will focus on two educational concerns/challenges which I find quite important and fascinating at same time. First, what I think is that there are some assumptions about education that we really need to explore and go into some of the theories about education in order to really understand why we need diversity and inclusion in our schools. I think going back to the fundamental idea about education will enable me to explore some of these areas about education and to think more deeply about it. Our common emphases or priorities are usually on learning to know and to do. Do we give any emphases on learning to live together or learning to be? Do we all learn same way? To answer these question, we have to search the roots of our certain cultures. Our learning is dramatically affected by our certain educational culture. So, each culture will believe that the purpose for learning is different, and that will dramatically affect how parents and teachers guide learning indeed, how they even conceive of learning. That is why the diversity and inclusion in higher education is very important. These values are already found in commitments articulated by the vast majority of our higher education institutions. Fact, I cannot immediately think of any college or university that would not acknowledge the importance of these values in our society. But acknowledging doesn't mean fully achieving it. What is the role of the leaders and leadership ideas in this aspect? The Get more content on
  • 14. Diversity In Education While a "one–size–fits–all" method for education would exist in an ideal world, it remains a fact that privileged students learn much differently from their non–privileged peers. Differences in culture, whether racially or ethnically–based, as well as differences in socioeconomic status can affect how a student learns and responds to authority figures. Delpit's article cites several interviews with students of color in which they express frustration with how their Caucasian teachers approach teaching. For many students that are not part of the upper classes of society, there are many ways of speaking and acting that differ from how they speak and act at home. If these students are given implicit rather than explicit instructions by their teachers, more content... This solidifies the viewpoints of the minority and lower class communities, rather than just speaking about their experiences without evidence of their perspective. I actually saw strong evidence of the point that this article is making in my own O&P classroom. My cooperating teacher is an older Caucasian male and struggles with classroom management, especially with the African–American students in his classroom. He is a prime example of the gentle and non–authoritarian teachers discussed in the article. A couple weeks ago, he was at a conference so, naturally, there was a substitute teacher. She was an older African–American lady whom had been subbing for several years in the Beloit School District. In direct contrast to my cooperating teacher, she maintained a very authoritarian approach with the students: there was no room for funny business in her classroom. The students were remarkable more engaged and actually actively participated in the class activities. Some even pointed out that they felt so much more motivated to learn and participate than when they were with their regular teacher because of her authoritarian approach. It is important that teachers understand their students' cultural backgrounds and the effects of these backgrounds on their students' learning Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Diversity in Education Like it or not, there has always been diversity among students in the classroom. It is the fact that each and every student is unique. From every circumstance, students bring a varying set of values, perspectives, and beliefs to the learning environment. Understanding the character of students is important in order to become a competent teacher. In fact, teachers should be aware and recognize students, as unique individuals, all acquire information differently than others. Some of these differences are due to developmental variations in cognitive, physical, intellectual, moral, emotional, and social changes caused by maturation and experience. And this reality of classroom conditions makes instruction much more challenging for teachers more content... Among their interest in the education of ethnic–minority Deaf college students, they are best known for their notable achievements in addressing various aspects in education of the Deaf. For example, Dr. Ila Parasnis has not only published and presented her works at different conferences but she has also edited several books on cultural identity and diversity in Deaf Education. As for Dr. Susan D. Fischer's accomplishments, it mainly lies in the publication of 28 different citations in several journals as well as chapters in books that relate to the cultural diversity for deaf education (Author Detail). With all this in mind, it is clear that these professors have studied and gained in–depth knowledge for many years about the field of Deaf Education that they are able to speak about issues relating to the field as authoritative and credible figures. Now, the authors have stated three main points in this article regarding improvements to the education of ethnic–minority Deaf college students. First, the authors emphasize the importance of diversity in the work force so that students can make their own decisions in choosing their own role models. This article states that "role models are both essential and critical. They serve several purposes: (1) We talk about the importance of cultural diversity, but having that kind of representation on campus demonstrates a real commitment on Get more content on
  • 16. Diversity In Education I found this week's topic particularly interesting. It is absolutely imperative for educators to understand the perception of "kids do well if they can," rather than "kids do well if they want to," as explained by Dr. Ablon. Despite the significance of this concept, there is still a widespread, incorrect believe that behaviorally troubled children are acting up on purpose. Similarly, it is also commonly accepted that children who do poorly in school are failing because they are apathetic and lazy, when really the opposite is true. Dr. Ablon highlighted the fact that society as a whole is (thankfully) changing. Decades ago, children were easily written off or labeled based solely on their classroom behavior and academic performance. There was little to no effort to communicate with the child, or learn more about his/her home life to find the root of the problem. Fortunately, these believes are becoming increasingly obsolete as we move toward becoming more empathetic toward children and their feelings. Children do not do poorly because they want too; most of the time their behavior and performance stems from challenges they may be facing either outside the classroom, or within themselves (such as a learning disability or physical/mental illness). The video about Teddy and his fifth more content... As a society, we sometimes tend to label entire groups of people based on preconceived notions and misinformation. These misconceptions can lead us to having high/low expectations for students before even getting to know them. According to a study done at Yale, Black males are scrutinized the most (42%), followed by White males (35%), White females (13%), and Black females (10%). It was also noted that Black teachers held Black students to a higher standard, and the amount of empathy and understanding a teacher has toward a particular student will affect the way he/she interprets the student's Get more content on
  • 17. Diversity of Education Essay Diversity of Education Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated, "Most...think that education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so that they can forever trample over the masses. Still others think that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end." What Dr. King was getting at in The Purpose of Education is that education holds many different values for many different people. How can we go about determining one standard value of a college education for a country so recognized for its diversity? Also, is it really true that everyone in our divergent society has an equal opportunity to attend a university? We cannot ignore the fact that the characteristics that separate us more content... However, trying to escape the cruel world of the ghetto, many of these kids enter the life of crime. They enviously ridicule college life and downplay higher education in order to ease their minds. It is a continuous cycle, as these people then influence others to enter the same pretentious lifestyle that enticed them. Education then comes to hold little value to much of the poor, as methods of making "fast cash" paint education as an intangible opportunity exclusively for the well to do. Who exactly are these poor people that are at an educational disadvantage? Well we all know that there are members of every race living in poverty, but let me share some statistical information with you from the U. S. Census Bureau. Its web site states that the average white family's median income for 1996 (the most current year listed) was $37,161, compared to $24,906 for Hispanic families and only $23,482 for black families. This seems pretty significant to me, since over $12,000 separates the average incomes of our country's most populous race from its second and third (which are in turn separated by less than $2,000). This proves that there are a much higher percentage of minorities living a lower class life than whites. There seems to be a positive correlation between family income and collegiate educational achievement. The U. S. Census Bureau also states that in 1996 23.7% of white high school graduates went on to Get more content on
  • 18. Diversity In Early Childhood Education Of all of the course readings that we read and discussed in the past two weeks, I think the one of the most common is the idea that education embraces and affirms diversity and it will affect human behavior and culture. Due to the three articles "Culture and Learning", "The early Catastrophe: The 30 Million Word Gap by Age 3", and "Race Ethnicity and Education" have different examples and different audiences, however, the writers used different evidences to show that education has been a big part in our public world. In "Culture and Learning," Sonia Nieto explains the tremendous culture and linguistic diversity is evident in our schools today. In the article, it expresses that the term "culture" can be problematic because it can mean different more content... Risley, describes 42 children from various socio–economic backgrounds with extraordinary disparities between the sheer number of words vocabulary. Through this survey, they find there is a lot of different in rates of vocabulary growth among 3–year–olds and the different rates of vocabulary in children's early experience that will affect their performance and change their whole lives. After reading this article, I know children's vocabulary skills are connected to their economic backgrounds. And also, I know that early childhood education is really important. In my own opinion, I misunderstand about their survey. Sometimes, more is not always means better and the child in high–income family doesn't represent that they are better than the child in low–income family depend on the 30 million word gap. We can find a lot of examples to reject this point. The most common example is some students in college with student loan earn better grades than some students who do not apply for student loans. So, in my mind, I think the most attention is early childhood education. Before the age of eight, child's brain goes through rapid growth and development. They can learn a lot about themselves and the world around them. Parents are their first teachers; they have a huge responsibility to educate their children. Parents teach children how to walk, how to speak, how to feed themselves, give them safe, secure and warm in their family. Children at an early age with a good education can improve social skills; earn a better grade, and no need for special education instruction during their school year. So, early childhood education is crucial to one's life and this is the most vital foundation to become a better and more knowledgeable individual in the adult Get more content on
  • 19. Learning about different lives such as lifestyle and background is important for a teacher. It is part of the educational process. It is known that history about the way we live is an influence on history and how we educate students todays. Our curriculum today has a way with providing opportunity and constraints due to addressing issues of different racial of ethnic equality and even diversity. However, due to our curriculum and how students learn academically, these are put into practice, which then divides each learning style into groups so the teachers can then understand the students better. Going back into time, it did not happen this way. So, a lot has changed since the beginning of education. We are now learning how to support teachers and allowing them to teach diversity effectively and in confidence. This is not an easy topic to teach due to history, but today it is normal to teach students the importance of diversity so that they learn that everyone is different in their own way. Dealing with equity and diversity is the new norm. It is an area that we emphasize when it comes to social justice and the continuance of diversification with today's higher education setting. "From recent court decisions and new legislation to diversification of the profession's workforce, NASPA recognizes the impact that Equity and Diversity has on our professionals" (NASPA, n.d., para.1). Because of this organization, it provides opportunity, which provides resources that Get more content on