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1st May 2012

                                      Moulton Parish Council
  Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Moulton Parish Council held on Tuesday 1 st May 2012     in the John
 Harrox Prim ary School, Moulton, under the Chairm anship of Cllr L W akefield, who presided over Cllrs J
         Butterworth; M Clayton; G Cooper; J Crossland; D Goad; B Hahn; E Poll and A W oolf.

In attendance - The Press and nine m em bers of the Public. Mrs B Hasler (m inutes).

6.30 p.m . Open Forum - In line with LALC advice, members of the public can ask a question or make a
statement, but this is not required to be recorded in the minutes. If an item raised is on the agenda it will
be debated by councillors at that agenda point (when the public may not take part) or, if it is not on the
agenda, with the agreement of council, the item will be placed on the agenda of the next meeting for
debate by council.

12/05/01         Election of Chairman
                 Cllr W akefield thanked Mem bers for their support during the last year; he also thanked
                 Bernard Cham pness (Acting RFO) and Beverley Hasler (Acting Adm in Clerk) for their help
                 and support whilst a new Clerk was being recruited.

One Parishioner left the meeting.

                 Cllr Cooper nom inated Cllr W oolf as Chairm an for the next year; seconded by Cllr Hahn.

                 Agreed           -        nem con

                 Cllr W oolf accepted the position of Chairm an and chaired the rest of the m eeting.

12/05/16         Councillor Vacancies
                 The Chairm an reported there had been one candidate for the vacancy in the Village W ard -
                 Andy Miller; and so the appointm ent was uncontested.

                 It was reported that Cllr Miller had signed the declaration of acceptance; and the Chairm an
                 welcom ed him to the m eeting.

                 The Chairm an reported there were currently two vacancies in the Moulton Chapel ward. He
                 explained that candidates did not have to live in the W ard. Cllr Clayton reported that the
                 landlord of the Jolly Farm er (Mr J Tickner) had expressed an interest in standing for the
                 Parish Council.

12/05/02         Declaration of Acceptance of Office
                 Cllr W oolf signed the declaration.

12/05/03         Election of Vice Chairman
                 It was reported that it was Moulton Seas End’s ‘turn’ for a Councillor to take office as Vice
                 Chairm an.

                 Cllr Clayton nom inated Cllr Cooper; seconded by Cllr W akefield.

                 Agreed           -        nem con

                 Cllr Cooper accepted the position of Vice Chairm an.

                                                   Page 1
1st May 2012

12/05/04       Receive any apologies for absence, acceptance of apologies and noting of
               resignations received
               Apologies had been received from Cllr Pitcher.

12/05/05       Declarations of Interest
               There were no declarations m ade.

12/05/06       Appointment of M anagement Group
               It was reported that this Group usually consisted of the Chairm an, Vice Chairm an,
               outgoing Chairm an and Cllr Pitcher.

               Cllr Butterworth proposed this rem ained.

               It was therefore generally agreed that the Managem ent Group be Cllrs W oolf, Cooper,
               W akefield and Pitcher.

12/05/07       Appointment of Burial Board
               It was reported that the Burial Board usually consisted of the Chairm an, Vice Chairm an,
               Cllr Goad, Cllr Pitcher and Cllr Poll. Cllr W akefield offered to stand as the Moulton Chapel

               It was therefore generally agreed that the Burial Board be Cllr W oolf, Cllr W akefield, Cllr
               Goad and Cllr Pitcher.

12/05/08       Appointment of Representatives

         a     South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme Representative
               Cllr Goad offered to continue as South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Schem e
               representative, which was generally agreed.

         b     M oulton Community Association Representative
               Cllr Miller offered to stand as the Moulton Com m unity Association representative, which
               was generally agreed.

         c     M oulton Chapel Village Hall Steering Committee Representative
               Cllr Poll offered to continue as Moulton Chapel Village Hall Steering Com m ittee
               representative, which was generally agreed.

         d     M oulton Seas End Recreational Trust Representative
               Cllr Butterworth agreed to stand as Moulton Seas End Recreational Trust representative.
               Proposed by Cllr Cooper; seconded by Cllr W akefield.

               Agreed           -        nem con

         e     M oulton Seas End Village Hall Committee Representative
               It was generally agreed that this representative be placed on the next m eeting’s agenda.

         f     Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Representative
               Cllr Hahn agreed to rem ain as the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils

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1st May 2012

12/05/09       Approve the Clerk’s notes as minutes of the meeting held on 2 nd April 2012
               The Clerk’s notes were agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr
               W akefield; seconded by Cllr Goad.

               The Chairm an signed the m inutes.

               Agreed           -        nem con

12/05/10       Correspondence received for noting purposes
               The Acting Adm in Clerk drew m em bers attention to correspondence received since the
               last m eeting and invited Mem bers to have a look through the bundle.

               It was also reported that an em ail had been received from Cam e & Co noting that the
               Parish Council’s m ain insurance policy was due in October 2012.

12/05/11       Police
               (a)    Any matters for Police attention
                      It was reported that PCSO Robinson was unwell and so unable to attend the
                      m eeting.

                        It was noted that the Speed Indication Device (SID) had been raised at the last
                        m eeting and that the Parish Council was happy to m ove the issue forward. The
                        Acting Adm in Clerk undertook to investigate the training required and possible
                        dates for the SID to be utilised. Mem bers undertook to identify suitable sites for
                        the device.

                        Cllr Clayton requested to know how m any parking tickets had been adm inistered
                        for vehicles parking outside the Golden Lion public house. It was also noted that
                        there had been vehicles parked on the footpath in Moulton Seas End. The Acting
                        Adm in Clerk undertook to contact PCSO Robinson regarding these issues, and to
                        report back to the next m eeting.

 12/05/12      Highw ays
               (a)    Any matters for consideration
                      Cllr Hahn reported drainage issues in Reynolds Gardens. Cllr Hahn’s interest was
                      declared for drains in the High Street. He queried whether the drain holes
                      required cleaning.

                        Cllr Goad reported a num ber of deep pot holes on Shivean Gate.

                        It was also reported that the verge was crum bling at Green Lane in Moulton Seas

                        The Acting Adm in Clerk undertook to report these issues with Highways.

                        Cllr Butterworth reported that there were a num ber of pot holes at Clapton gate;
                        with Bakestraw Gate liable to flooding. It was suggested that a m eeting be
                        organised with Mr Pearson.

               (b)      Items reported
                        i       W est Cobb Gate grass verge
                                Cllr Goad reported that he had visited the area with the Acting Adm in
                                Clerk and representatives from Highways; and that they noted the issues.

                        ii      Long Lane grass verge
                                Cllr Goad reported that this area was also visited - as above. It was noted
                                that the dyke was not as close to the road at Long Lane; and that the
                                                  Page 3
1st May 2012

                               area would be m onitored.

                       iii     Church Lane footpath
                               It was reported that Highways were already aware of the issue and that it
                               was in hand.

                       iv      Pot hoes - Church Lane (ref: 1107362)
                               It was reported that the pot holes had been dealt with.

               (c)     Hedge encroachment in Reynolds Gardens - update
                       Cllr Hahn reported that he had given the Acting Adm in Clerk the wrong address
                       and so this was raised at the last m eeting. Cllr Hahn explained that he had gone
                       to inspect 12 Bell Lane and found that the trees and greenery etc were indeed
                       encroaching on the path.

                       The Chairm an reported that com m unication had been received from 22 Bell Lane
                       and that they were happy to tidy up their trees etc; but that a letter had been
                       received from 12 Bell Lane expressing they were not happy with the situation.

                       The Chairm an undertook to go and have a look at the trees and greenery and to
                       report back.

               (d)     Temporary traffic restriction
                       It was reported that there was a tem porary traffic restriction in Moulton Chapel on
                       6 th May 2012 at Rom an Road, W oodgate Road and Cekhira Avenue; due to the
                       Moulton Chapel Flower Parade.

 12/05/13      Roadway / Footw ay Lighting
               (a)   Any matters for consideration
                     Cllr Poll reported he had one issue which he would be following up.

12/05/14       South Holland District Council
               (a)    Any matters for consideration
                      There were no issues raised.

               (b)     Items reported
                       i       Dog waste bin - M oulton Village (update)
                               It was reported that the dog waste bin hinge was still broken. The
                               Chairm an undertook to chase this issue.

12/05/15       Lincolnshire County Council
               (a)    Any matters for consideration
                      There were no m atters raised.

               (b)     Items Reported
                       There were no m atters reported.

12/05/17       M oulton W ard
               (a)     M oulton Community Association
                       Cllr Goad reported that at the April m eeting it was noted that the spring fair had
                       raised £522; that funds for secondary glazing for both buildings had been raised
                       from Awards for All (£10,500) and that the Jubilee celebrations would take place
                       2 nd to 4 th June 2012.

                       The Chairm an also reported that the Jubilee Com m ittee would be producing fliers
                       regarding the celebrations.

                                                Page 4
1st May 2012

                  (b)         Any matters for consideration
                              There were no m atters raised.

12/05/18          M oulton Chapel W ard
                  (a)     Any matters for consideration
                          It was reported that the Village Hall com m ittee had intended to write to the Parish
                          Council in order to request perm ission to erect som e signs. It was noted that
                          Highways would also need to grant perm ission.

                              It was generally agreed that the Parish Council had no objections in principle.

                              Agreed           -        nem con

12/05/19          M oulton Seas End W ard
                  (a)     M oulton Seas End Play Area
                          It was reported that the area was satisfactory; and that there were no issues

                  (b)         M oulton Seas End Playing Field
                              Cllr Clayton reported that a sign would also be useful for the playing field noting
                              that dogs had to be on lead. There was a brief discussion regarding rights of way
                              and local bye laws. It was raised that any sign would not be perm itted to include
                              ‘by order of the Parish Council’ as the playing field was run by the Trust.

                  (c)         M oulton Seas End Village Hall
                              There were no issues raised.

                  (d)         Any matters for consideration
                              i     Bus route - update
                                    The Chairm an reported that the bus route would be returning to Moulton
                                    Seas End, with two term tim e only bus tim es of:

                                       Moulton Seas End to Boston - 8.10am and 9.26am
                                       Boston to Moulton Seas End - 2.49pm and 5.20pm

                                       It was noted that Parishioners needed to use the service as m uch as
                                       possible; and that the bus stop would be at the crossroads.

                                       The Chairm an also reported that Cropleys had been very helpful with
                                       regard to where their school bus was stopping; and that the bus stop had
                                       now m oved in order to facilitate a better view for car drivers.

                              ii       Bus shelter - update
                                       It was reported that Bob Marriott was cleaning the bus shelter once a
                                       m onth; and that the litter situation would be m onitored. It was suggested
                                       that a bin be placed at the shelter. The Acting Adm in Clerk undertook to
                                       request a litter bin from South Holland District Council.

12/05/20          Churchyard
                  (a)   Consider any churchyard business
                        i     W all damage
                              Cllr Clayton reported that no other quotes had been received. It was
                              suggested that Multibuild m ay be able to provide a quote. Cllr Clayton
                              undertook to chase the quote.

Cllr Poll left the meeting.

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1st May 2012

12/05/21       Cemetery
               (a)   Interments
                     It was reported that there had been three interm ents.

                       Mr Barker, Mrs Bonnet and Mr Press had been buried at the cem etery.

               (b)     M onument authorisations
                       There were no m onum ent authorisations reported.

               (c)     Consider any other cemetery matters
                       i     Garden of Remembrance - gravel border (update)
                             Cllr Goad reported he had m et with Bob Marriott regarding having a
                             gravel border laterally between the m onum ents in the Garden of
                             Rem em brance. There was a brief discussion regarding having the border
                             between the lines of m onuments also.

                               It was proposed that the gravel border be m ade both horizontally and
                               vertically between the m onum ents, incurring a cost of approxim ately
                               £400. Proposed by Cllr Hahn; seconded by Cllr W akefield.

                               Agreed           -        nem con

                               Cllr Goad undertook to inform Bob Marriott.

                               It was suggested that two tonne of gravel be utilised at any one tim e in
                               order to see how m uch would be needed in total. It was noted that the
                               order for the gravel would need to be placed in the nam e of the Parish

12/05/22       Planning matters
               (a)    Applications received to date
                      The Chairm an reported that the applications had been brought to the m eeting
                      and would be circulated and discussed.

                       Cllr Hahn declared an interest in the planning consultation H13-0251-12 Moulton
                       Harrox Sports and Social Society.

                       The Chairm an reported that the New Linx Housing Trust application had returned
                       to the Parish Council due to a change in the wording following a change in

               (b)     Planning decisions
                       The decisions were noted.

               (c)     Consider any other planning matters
                       There were no m atters raised.

12/05/23       Finance
               (a)    Report
                      i      Ricoh (update)
                             The Acting Adm in Clerk reported that the Ricoh contract had expired in
                             2008 and that it was now a ‘rolling contract’. It was noted that the
                             photocopier was now not used as m uch as it was. It was also noted that
                             the Parish Council did not have a printer but that it would wait until the
                             new Clerk was in post before purchasing one.

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1st May 2012

               (b)      Accounts for payment
One Parishioner left the meeting.

                         The following accounts were approved:

                         Moulton Seas End Village Hall                    £9.00
                         Robert Marriott                                  £718.56
                         Moulton Chapel Youth and Com m unity Centre      £8.75
                         Com plete W eed Control                          £609.77
                         B Hasler                                         £467.51
                         Com m unity Lincs                                £36.00
                         Siem ens                                         £26.93
                         Lincolnshire County Council                      £13.53

                         Agreed          -       nem con

                (c)      Update on Audit and Accounts
                         It was reported that the accounts were now reconciled and that the notice of
                         audit had been received; with the audit due by 30 th June 2012.

                (d)      Notice of Audit
                         This item was reported as above.

12/05/24        Free website (update)
                Cllr Goad reported that the website’s address was www.m . He
                noted that item s such as m eeting m inutes and other inform ation would be displayed on
                the website; and that an introductory page would be required.

12/05/25        South East Lincolnshire Visioning Exercise (update)
                Cllr Poll was unavailable to update on this item .

12/05/26        Recruitment of Clerk
                The Chairm an reported that the advert had appeared in the local press and recruitm ent
                website and that a good response had been received. He noted that the issue would be
                further discussed in Com m ittee.

12/05/27        Consider venue of June 2012 meeting
                It was generally agreed that the next m eeting would take place on Monday 11 th June
                2012, at the Moulton Seas End village hall com m encing at 6.30pm .

12/05/28        Exclusion of the Press and Public for confidentiality reasons
                Proposed by Cllr W akefield; seconded by Cllr Hahn.

                Agreed            -      nem con

The Press and Public left the meeting.

                                                 Page 7

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Mpc minutes2 - 01.05.2012

  • 1. 1st May 2012 Moulton Parish Council Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Moulton Parish Council held on Tuesday 1 st May 2012 in the John Harrox Prim ary School, Moulton, under the Chairm anship of Cllr L W akefield, who presided over Cllrs J Butterworth; M Clayton; G Cooper; J Crossland; D Goad; B Hahn; E Poll and A W oolf. In attendance - The Press and nine m em bers of the Public. Mrs B Hasler (m inutes). 6.30 p.m . Open Forum - In line with LALC advice, members of the public can ask a question or make a statement, but this is not required to be recorded in the minutes. If an item raised is on the agenda it will be debated by councillors at that agenda point (when the public may not take part) or, if it is not on the agenda, with the agreement of council, the item will be placed on the agenda of the next meeting for debate by council. 12/05/01 Election of Chairman Cllr W akefield thanked Mem bers for their support during the last year; he also thanked Bernard Cham pness (Acting RFO) and Beverley Hasler (Acting Adm in Clerk) for their help and support whilst a new Clerk was being recruited. One Parishioner left the meeting. Cllr Cooper nom inated Cllr W oolf as Chairm an for the next year; seconded by Cllr Hahn. Agreed - nem con Cllr W oolf accepted the position of Chairm an and chaired the rest of the m eeting. 12/05/16 Councillor Vacancies The Chairm an reported there had been one candidate for the vacancy in the Village W ard - Andy Miller; and so the appointm ent was uncontested. It was reported that Cllr Miller had signed the declaration of acceptance; and the Chairm an welcom ed him to the m eeting. The Chairm an reported there were currently two vacancies in the Moulton Chapel ward. He explained that candidates did not have to live in the W ard. Cllr Clayton reported that the landlord of the Jolly Farm er (Mr J Tickner) had expressed an interest in standing for the Parish Council. 12/05/02 Declaration of Acceptance of Office Cllr W oolf signed the declaration. 12/05/03 Election of Vice Chairman It was reported that it was Moulton Seas End’s ‘turn’ for a Councillor to take office as Vice Chairm an. Cllr Clayton nom inated Cllr Cooper; seconded by Cllr W akefield. Agreed - nem con Cllr Cooper accepted the position of Vice Chairm an. Page 1
  • 2. 1st May 2012 12/05/04 Receive any apologies for absence, acceptance of apologies and noting of resignations received Apologies had been received from Cllr Pitcher. 12/05/05 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations m ade. 12/05/06 Appointment of M anagement Group It was reported that this Group usually consisted of the Chairm an, Vice Chairm an, outgoing Chairm an and Cllr Pitcher. Cllr Butterworth proposed this rem ained. It was therefore generally agreed that the Managem ent Group be Cllrs W oolf, Cooper, W akefield and Pitcher. 12/05/07 Appointment of Burial Board It was reported that the Burial Board usually consisted of the Chairm an, Vice Chairm an, Cllr Goad, Cllr Pitcher and Cllr Poll. Cllr W akefield offered to stand as the Moulton Chapel representative. It was therefore generally agreed that the Burial Board be Cllr W oolf, Cllr W akefield, Cllr Goad and Cllr Pitcher. 12/05/08 Appointment of Representatives a South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme Representative Cllr Goad offered to continue as South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Schem e representative, which was generally agreed. b M oulton Community Association Representative Cllr Miller offered to stand as the Moulton Com m unity Association representative, which was generally agreed. c M oulton Chapel Village Hall Steering Committee Representative Cllr Poll offered to continue as Moulton Chapel Village Hall Steering Com m ittee representative, which was generally agreed. d M oulton Seas End Recreational Trust Representative Cllr Butterworth agreed to stand as Moulton Seas End Recreational Trust representative. Proposed by Cllr Cooper; seconded by Cllr W akefield. Agreed - nem con e M oulton Seas End Village Hall Committee Representative It was generally agreed that this representative be placed on the next m eeting’s agenda. f Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Representative Cllr Hahn agreed to rem ain as the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Representative. Page 2
  • 3. 1st May 2012 12/05/09 Approve the Clerk’s notes as minutes of the meeting held on 2 nd April 2012 The Clerk’s notes were agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr W akefield; seconded by Cllr Goad. The Chairm an signed the m inutes. Agreed - nem con 12/05/10 Correspondence received for noting purposes The Acting Adm in Clerk drew m em bers attention to correspondence received since the last m eeting and invited Mem bers to have a look through the bundle. It was also reported that an em ail had been received from Cam e & Co noting that the Parish Council’s m ain insurance policy was due in October 2012. 12/05/11 Police (a) Any matters for Police attention It was reported that PCSO Robinson was unwell and so unable to attend the m eeting. It was noted that the Speed Indication Device (SID) had been raised at the last m eeting and that the Parish Council was happy to m ove the issue forward. The Acting Adm in Clerk undertook to investigate the training required and possible dates for the SID to be utilised. Mem bers undertook to identify suitable sites for the device. Cllr Clayton requested to know how m any parking tickets had been adm inistered for vehicles parking outside the Golden Lion public house. It was also noted that there had been vehicles parked on the footpath in Moulton Seas End. The Acting Adm in Clerk undertook to contact PCSO Robinson regarding these issues, and to report back to the next m eeting. 12/05/12 Highw ays (a) Any matters for consideration Cllr Hahn reported drainage issues in Reynolds Gardens. Cllr Hahn’s interest was declared for drains in the High Street. He queried whether the drain holes required cleaning. Cllr Goad reported a num ber of deep pot holes on Shivean Gate. It was also reported that the verge was crum bling at Green Lane in Moulton Seas End. The Acting Adm in Clerk undertook to report these issues with Highways. Cllr Butterworth reported that there were a num ber of pot holes at Clapton gate; with Bakestraw Gate liable to flooding. It was suggested that a m eeting be organised with Mr Pearson. (b) Items reported i W est Cobb Gate grass verge Cllr Goad reported that he had visited the area with the Acting Adm in Clerk and representatives from Highways; and that they noted the issues. ii Long Lane grass verge Cllr Goad reported that this area was also visited - as above. It was noted that the dyke was not as close to the road at Long Lane; and that the Page 3
  • 4. 1st May 2012 area would be m onitored. iii Church Lane footpath It was reported that Highways were already aware of the issue and that it was in hand. iv Pot hoes - Church Lane (ref: 1107362) It was reported that the pot holes had been dealt with. (c) Hedge encroachment in Reynolds Gardens - update Cllr Hahn reported that he had given the Acting Adm in Clerk the wrong address and so this was raised at the last m eeting. Cllr Hahn explained that he had gone to inspect 12 Bell Lane and found that the trees and greenery etc were indeed encroaching on the path. The Chairm an reported that com m unication had been received from 22 Bell Lane and that they were happy to tidy up their trees etc; but that a letter had been received from 12 Bell Lane expressing they were not happy with the situation. The Chairm an undertook to go and have a look at the trees and greenery and to report back. (d) Temporary traffic restriction It was reported that there was a tem porary traffic restriction in Moulton Chapel on 6 th May 2012 at Rom an Road, W oodgate Road and Cekhira Avenue; due to the Moulton Chapel Flower Parade. 12/05/13 Roadway / Footw ay Lighting (a) Any matters for consideration Cllr Poll reported he had one issue which he would be following up. 12/05/14 South Holland District Council (a) Any matters for consideration There were no issues raised. (b) Items reported i Dog waste bin - M oulton Village (update) It was reported that the dog waste bin hinge was still broken. The Chairm an undertook to chase this issue. 12/05/15 Lincolnshire County Council (a) Any matters for consideration There were no m atters raised. (b) Items Reported There were no m atters reported. 12/05/17 M oulton W ard (a) M oulton Community Association Cllr Goad reported that at the April m eeting it was noted that the spring fair had raised £522; that funds for secondary glazing for both buildings had been raised from Awards for All (£10,500) and that the Jubilee celebrations would take place 2 nd to 4 th June 2012. The Chairm an also reported that the Jubilee Com m ittee would be producing fliers regarding the celebrations. Page 4
  • 5. 1st May 2012 (b) Any matters for consideration There were no m atters raised. 12/05/18 M oulton Chapel W ard (a) Any matters for consideration It was reported that the Village Hall com m ittee had intended to write to the Parish Council in order to request perm ission to erect som e signs. It was noted that Highways would also need to grant perm ission. It was generally agreed that the Parish Council had no objections in principle. Agreed - nem con 12/05/19 M oulton Seas End W ard (a) M oulton Seas End Play Area It was reported that the area was satisfactory; and that there were no issues raised. (b) M oulton Seas End Playing Field Cllr Clayton reported that a sign would also be useful for the playing field noting that dogs had to be on lead. There was a brief discussion regarding rights of way and local bye laws. It was raised that any sign would not be perm itted to include ‘by order of the Parish Council’ as the playing field was run by the Trust. (c) M oulton Seas End Village Hall There were no issues raised. (d) Any matters for consideration i Bus route - update The Chairm an reported that the bus route would be returning to Moulton Seas End, with two term tim e only bus tim es of: Moulton Seas End to Boston - 8.10am and 9.26am Boston to Moulton Seas End - 2.49pm and 5.20pm It was noted that Parishioners needed to use the service as m uch as possible; and that the bus stop would be at the crossroads. The Chairm an also reported that Cropleys had been very helpful with regard to where their school bus was stopping; and that the bus stop had now m oved in order to facilitate a better view for car drivers. ii Bus shelter - update It was reported that Bob Marriott was cleaning the bus shelter once a m onth; and that the litter situation would be m onitored. It was suggested that a bin be placed at the shelter. The Acting Adm in Clerk undertook to request a litter bin from South Holland District Council. 12/05/20 Churchyard (a) Consider any churchyard business i W all damage Cllr Clayton reported that no other quotes had been received. It was suggested that Multibuild m ay be able to provide a quote. Cllr Clayton undertook to chase the quote. Cllr Poll left the meeting. Page 5
  • 6. 1st May 2012 12/05/21 Cemetery (a) Interments It was reported that there had been three interm ents. Mr Barker, Mrs Bonnet and Mr Press had been buried at the cem etery. (b) M onument authorisations There were no m onum ent authorisations reported. (c) Consider any other cemetery matters i Garden of Remembrance - gravel border (update) Cllr Goad reported he had m et with Bob Marriott regarding having a gravel border laterally between the m onum ents in the Garden of Rem em brance. There was a brief discussion regarding having the border between the lines of m onuments also. It was proposed that the gravel border be m ade both horizontally and vertically between the m onum ents, incurring a cost of approxim ately £400. Proposed by Cllr Hahn; seconded by Cllr W akefield. Agreed - nem con Cllr Goad undertook to inform Bob Marriott. It was suggested that two tonne of gravel be utilised at any one tim e in order to see how m uch would be needed in total. It was noted that the order for the gravel would need to be placed in the nam e of the Parish Council. 12/05/22 Planning matters (a) Applications received to date The Chairm an reported that the applications had been brought to the m eeting and would be circulated and discussed. Cllr Hahn declared an interest in the planning consultation H13-0251-12 Moulton Harrox Sports and Social Society. The Chairm an reported that the New Linx Housing Trust application had returned to the Parish Council due to a change in the wording following a change in legislation. (b) Planning decisions The decisions were noted. (c) Consider any other planning matters There were no m atters raised. 12/05/23 Finance (a) Report i Ricoh (update) The Acting Adm in Clerk reported that the Ricoh contract had expired in 2008 and that it was now a ‘rolling contract’. It was noted that the photocopier was now not used as m uch as it was. It was also noted that the Parish Council did not have a printer but that it would wait until the new Clerk was in post before purchasing one. Page 6
  • 7. 1st May 2012 (b) Accounts for payment One Parishioner left the meeting. The following accounts were approved: Moulton Seas End Village Hall £9.00 Robert Marriott £718.56 Moulton Chapel Youth and Com m unity Centre £8.75 Com plete W eed Control £609.77 B Hasler £467.51 Com m unity Lincs £36.00 Siem ens £26.93 Lincolnshire County Council £13.53 Agreed - nem con (c) Update on Audit and Accounts It was reported that the accounts were now reconciled and that the notice of audit had been received; with the audit due by 30 th June 2012. (d) Notice of Audit This item was reported as above. 12/05/24 Free website (update) Cllr Goad reported that the website’s address was www.m . He noted that item s such as m eeting m inutes and other inform ation would be displayed on the website; and that an introductory page would be required. 12/05/25 South East Lincolnshire Visioning Exercise (update) Cllr Poll was unavailable to update on this item . 12/05/26 Recruitment of Clerk The Chairm an reported that the advert had appeared in the local press and recruitm ent website and that a good response had been received. He noted that the issue would be further discussed in Com m ittee. 12/05/27 Consider venue of June 2012 meeting It was generally agreed that the next m eeting would take place on Monday 11 th June 2012, at the Moulton Seas End village hall com m encing at 6.30pm . 12/05/28 Exclusion of the Press and Public for confidentiality reasons Proposed by Cllr W akefield; seconded by Cllr Hahn. Agreed - nem con The Press and Public left the meeting. Page 7