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World Scientist and University Rankings 2022 © 2022 AD Scientific Index Ltd. All rights reserved.
Top 1000 Scientists
AD Scientific Index 2022
Version 2
Morocco Top 1000 Scientists
”AD Scientific Index 2022 Version 2”
(Total 1.104 scientist, 1 country, 38 university)
Version 3: August 2022
“AD Scientific Index” (Alper-Doger Scientific Index):
The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index), unlike other systems that provide
evaluations of journals and universities, is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific
performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists.
Furthermore, it provides rankings of institutions based on the scientific characteristics of affiliated
This new index has been developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan
DÖĞER (MD) by using the total and last 5 years’ values of the i10 index, h-index, and citation
scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last 5 years’ value to the total value of the
abovementioned indexes is used. Using a total of nine parameters, the “AD Scientific Index”
shows the ranking of an individual scientist by 12 subject (Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design
and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering &
Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law / Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health
Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Others), 256 branch, 14,191 institution, 216
country, 10 region (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Arab Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin
America and COMESA) and in the world. The “AD Scientific Index” is the first and only study that
shows the total and the last five-year productivity coefficients of scientists based on the h-index
and i10 index scores and citations in Google Scholar. Besides the indexing and ranking functions,
AD Scientific Index sheds life on academic lives and offers the user the opportunity to perform an
efficient academic analysis to scrutinize and detect faulty and unethical profiles, plagiarism,
forgery, distortion, duplications, fabrication, slicing, salamization, unfair authorship, and several
manifestations of academic mobbing. Such analyses also help reveal the medium and long-term
results of several policies implemented by institutions, including those of the academic staff
employment and retention policies, wage policies, academic incentives, and scientific working
One of the major differences of the AD Scientific Index is the provision of the last five years’
scores and the total scores of the h-index and the i10 index, and the total and last five years’
number of citations. Other unique differences of the AD Scientific Index include rankings in all
fields and subjects of scientific interest and the emphasis on the scientific productivity of the
scientist. Productivity Rankings is a unique service offered only by “AD Scientific Index”. This is a
ranking system derived from the i10 index in order to show the productivity of the scientist in
publishing scientific articles of value. Productivity Rankings is an instrument that lists productive
scientists in a given area, discipline, university, and country and can guide the development of
meaningful incentives and academic policies. The world rankings, regional rankings, and
university rankings of scientists in this table are developed based on the total i10 index. Thus,
scientists and universities can obtain their academic rankings and monitor developments in the
ranking over time.
Through the contribution of many scientists from different fields, the 'AD Scientific Index'
undergoes systematic updates with the aim of continuous improvement. The index is an
independent institution and does not receive any support from any institutions, organizations,
countries, or funds. Concurrently with the continuous increase in the number of universities and
scientists registered to the Index, we are improving methodology, software, data accuracy, and
data cleaning procedures every day through the contributions of a large team. Your remarks and
contributions about our shortcomings will shed light to lead our efforts for continuous
For a more detailed explanation, please refer to our “Methodology” page.
AD Scientific Index Ltd.
Ranking academic journals according to the impact factor is a practice that started many years
ago. The need to access scientifically valuable studies within limited time frames or the need to
find scientists working in a certain field has led to the procedure of ranking scientists and
scientific studies. For this purpose, many scoring systems such as the h-index, i10 index, g-index,
m-index, the Erdös number, tori index, riq index, and read-10 index have been studied as
numerical indicators showing how productive and effective a researcher is. Each of these systems
has many advantages as well as disadvantages. Of the abovementioned indexes, the most
accepted one is the h-index. The h-index is determined based on the number of articles cited at
least h times. In order to achieve a high h-index, an academician must have a high number of
articles published and have received a high number of citations. For example, an h-index value of
15 indicates that the academician has received at least 15 citations to each of the 15 articles
published. In order to increase the h-index value from 15 to 16, the same academician should
receive at least 16 citations to the published 16 papers. To find the h-index value, several
databases can be used including Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and Publons, some of
which are public or require a subscription. In the calculation of h-indexes, such databases use
different parameters including SCI-E or indexed journals or non-indexed auxiliary elements such
as other journals, books, or patents. Because the set of parameters used by each database are
different from those used by others, each database may calculate different h-index values.
Therefore, h-indexes calculated by each of the Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and
Publons databases may be different for the same researcher. For example, a researcher, who has
authored several books more than scientific papers, may receive a low h-index score in the Web
of Science despite a high number of citations received. Neither of these indexes is equivalent to
the other because of differences in their scopes.
Having a large number of publications indicates that the researcher is productive, but data alone
may not be the actual indicator of the success of the researcher. For example, a researcher may
have 10 publications that have received 400 citations. We can argue that this researcher is more
successful than a researcher having more than a hundred published papers that received, let’s
say, 200 citations. Besides, some valuable studies may not have been attributed the actual value
they deserved because of various reasons such as the failure of the use of adequate methods
that would enable easy accessibility through scientific channels. The high number of the use of
papers as references by other authors shows the value and extent of contribution to the scientific
The i10-index is another academic scoring system, in which the scores are calculated by Google
Scholar. In this scoring system, only scientific studies such as articles and books that have
received 10 or more citations are taken into consideration. The number of studies that have been
cited ten or more times yields the i10-index value. The i10 index and the h-index values
calculated for the last five years do not show that the article was written and published in the last
5 years. Instead, these values show the citation power in the last 5 years, indicating whether the
paper is still effective.
Google Scholar provides both the total values of the i10-index, the h-index, and citation numbers
along with the last 5 years’ values through a system based on the voluntariness principle. In this
system, scientists create their accounts, select their papers, and upload the selected papers onto
the system. This service does not require a password and is free of charge. Here, we introduce a
newly developed index that we have developed based on the public Google Scholar profiles of
scientists. We named this new system the “AD Scientific Index”, which we have developed
through robust intellectual infrastructure and maximum efforts aiming to contribute to global
scientific efforts.
Why is the “AD Scientific Index” needed?
The “AD Scientific Index” is the first and only study that shows the total and the last five-year
productivity coefficients of scientists based on h-index and i10 index scores and citations in
Google Scholar. Furthermore, the index provides the ranking and assessment of scientists in
academic subjects and branches and in 14,120 universities, 212 countries, regions, and the
world. In other words, the “AD Scientific Index” provides both the ranking and analysis results.
Besides the indexing and ranking functions, AD Scientific Index sheds life on academic lives and
offers the user the opportunity to perform an efficient academic analysis to scrutinize and detect
faulty and unethical profiles, plagiarism, forgery, distortion, duplications, fabrication, slicing,
salamization, unfair authorship, and several manifestations of academic mobbing. Such analyses
also help reveal the medium and long-term results of several policies implemented by
institutions, including those of the academic staff employment and retention policies, wage
policies, academic incentives, and scientific working environments.
“AD Scientific Index” (Alper-Doger Scientific Index):
This new index has been developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan
DÖĞER (MD) by using the total and last 5 years’ values of the i10 index, h-index, and citation
scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last 5 years’ value to the total value of the
abovementioned indexes is used. Using a total of nine parameters, the “AD Scientific Index”
shows the ranking of an individual scientist by 12 subjects (Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design
and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering &
Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law / Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health
Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Others), 256 branches, 14,191 institutions of
employment, 216 countries, 10 regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Arab
Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, and COMESA), and in the world. Thus, scientists can obtain
their academic rankings and monitor developments in the ranking over time.
Data Collection and Standardization:
Collecting data manually based on the ranking from Google Scholar, the profiles with up to 300
citations and verified addresses or the profiles that build confidence for their accuracy are listed
primarily. Thus, it is aimed to standardize the names, institutions, and branches as much as
possible. Non-standardized data including wide ranges of variations in the information and the
use of abbreviations and a variety of languages have caused difficulties. Performing data mining
and scrutinizing the acquired information, many profiles were excluded from the index.
Furthermore, some of the profiles were excluded during the regular examination of the data
onward. Data cleaning requires a regular process in place to be conducted meticulously. We
welcome your contributions in data cleaning and ensuring accuracy.
Determining the subjects/departments, to which scientific fields would belong, may seem easy in
some branches and in a variety of countries. However, it may create considerable confusion in
some other countries, regions, and schools. We would like to emphasize that the following fields
including Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Biology, and Biochemistry, Material
Science, Chemistry, and Social Sciences may exist in quite variable spectrums in different
countries. Therefore, we would like to stress that the standardization of subjects and branches
has not been easy. To perform standardizations, we accepted the official names of the institutions
and academic branches as accurate in the way that they were specified on the university website.
We have developed this strategy in order to standardize this complex situation at least partially.
The number of universities in the countries and the number of academicians in universities are
increasing gradually, free of charge, within our means. The current list of registered academicians
includes 741,900 individuals. The frequent updates will be limited to red list and death
reductions, to new profile registrations from our institution, and new individual and corporate
Although various additions, corrections, and improvements are made every day, it should be
kindly considered that this process requires devoted efforts and time.
Importantly, one should remember that taking 300 citations as the lower limit for inclusion in the
index brings up the potential of exclusion because of variations across different H-index values.
We are going to spend our best efforts to respond to e-mails, which question the justification for
not being included in the list despite high H-index values. Examples could be such that an
academician with an H-index value of 1 with 300 citations may be included in the ranking, while
another with an H-index value of 5 with 30 citations or an academic with an H-index of 10 with
120 citations may be excluded. Such issues require regular updates and it may take a
considerably long time to update rankings because of the limits of the workload. We will be
answering to such e-mails within our means with our best efforts while we continue to expand our
workforce. It is possible to accelerate this period through individual and corporate registration
Studies that influence the order of ranking because of a high number of citations received, in a
manner similar to CERN:
We started a procedure to add an asterisk as “*” at the end of the names of the authors when a
scientific paper of interest included many authors such as CERN, ATLAS, ALICE, CMS, Statistical
Data, Guideline, Updates etc. scientific papers. We think that new criteria will be defined to be
implemented for such studies. Until further criteria are described, we marked such studies with a
“*” sign.
The ethical responsibility for the correct profile information rests entirely with the relevant
scientist. However, we think that it would be prudent for institutions, countries, and even branch
associations to conduct periodic reviews of scientist profiles affiliated to the respective
organization since misleading information may compromise the reputation of the organization or
the country. Organizations should also review profiles to identify and report scientists, who are
not affiliated with the respective institution. In order to avoid any compromise to the institutional
reputation, institutions should take necessary corrective and preventive actions against published
scientist profiles arranged unethically.
Data Cleaning and the Redlist
Data cleaning is a dynamic process that we systemically perform continuously. Despite all our
best efforts, we may not be completely accurate and we welcome your contributions to the redlist
notifications. Rarely, some scientists are included in the redlist due to innocent mistakes with
good intentions and no unethical behavior. Most errors result from inadequate periodic profile
checks. However, the correction of such an error is easy through the submission of a correction
request. In order to avoid such an undesirable situation to occur, scientists should regularly check
their profiles and institutions should review the profiles of the staff systematically.
Ranking Criteria:
Ranking of scientists by the university, country, region, and in the world was performed based on
the “total h-index”. The “total h-index” was used in rankings by the branch and the subbranch.
The ranking criteria based on the “total h-index” scores were used in the following order: Firstly,
the “total h-index” scores; secondly, the total number of citations; and thirdly, the “total i10
index” scores (1. Total h-index scores, 2. Total number of citations, 3. Total i10 index scores, 4.
Last 5 years’ h-index scores).
Ranking based on the last 5 years’ h-index scores was performed using criteria in the following
order: 1. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 2. Number of citations in the last 5 years, 3. Last 5 years’
i10 index scores, 4- Total h-index scores.
The ranking criteria for the total i10 index were used in the following order: 1. Total i10 index
scores, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total number of citations, and 4. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores.
Ranking based on the last 5 years’ i10 index scores was performed using the criteria in the
following order: 1. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 3. Number of
citations in the last 5 years and 4. Total i10 index scores.
Ranking based on the total number of citations was performed using the criteria in the following
order: 1. Total number of citations, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total i10 index scores and 4.
Number of citations in the last 5 years.
Ranking based on the total number of citations in the last 5 years was performed using the
criteria in the following order: 1: Number of citations in the last 5 years, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index
scores, 3: Last 5 years’ i10 index scores and 4. Total number of citations
Why are the last 5 years’ ratios / total ratios important?
The h-index, i10 index, and citation the last 5-year ratios/total ratios are major unique
characteristics of the AD Scientific Index, showing both the development in the individual
performance of the scientist and the reflections of the institutional policies of universities onto the
overall scientific picture.
Productivity Rankings
Productivity Rankings is a unique service offered only by “AD Scientific Index”. This is a ranking
system derived from the i10 index in order to show the productivity of the scientist in publishing
scientific articles of value. Productivity Rankings is an instrument that lists productive scientists in
a given area, discipline, university, and country and can guide the development of meaningful
incentives and academic policies. The world rankings, regional rankings, and university rankings
of scientists in this table are developed based on the total i10 index.
Academic collaboration
Scientific fields of interest specified in the profiles of scientists are available for other scientists
from different countries and institutions to enable academic collaboration.
Ranking Criteria for Top Universities:
In the presence of many different university ranking systems, as the “AD Scientific Index“, we
have developed a ranking system with a different methodology based on the principle of
including only meritorious scientists. Based on Google Scholar’s total h-index scores, we have
listed all academicians, who are ranked in the world in the top 10,000 and top 100,000 in
university rankings. Furthermore, we have listed the breakdown of this ranking by main subjects.
As the order of ranking principles, we used the overall top 10,000 scientists list primarily.
Secondly and thirdly, we used the ranking in the top 100,000 , top 200.000 and top 400.000
scientists list. Fourthly, the total number of scientists in the AD Scientific Index was ranked by the
university. In the case of equalities within a university ranking, we used the highest rank of the
scientist in the respective university as it is listed in the world ranking.
You may sort the ranking from the highest score to the lowest or vice versa in any of these fields.
You can observe the fields, which move the respective university to the forefront. Furthermore,
the name of the academician with the highest total h-index in the respective university is
displayed with the world ranking. Top University Ranking by “AD Scientific Index” will not only list
the areas, where a university is the best or has room for improvement, but also reflect the
outcomes of scientist policies of the institutions. This report reveals the competency of
institutions to attract prized scientists and the ability of institutions to encourage advances and
retain scientists.
Ranking Criteria for Countries:
As described in the university ranking section, it is not easy to obtain and standardize data from
about 14,200 universities for the country ranking. Therefore, we based our ranking system on the
number of meritorious scientists. Four criteria are used to rank the countries. The first one is the
number of scientists in the top 10,000 list. The second and third criterion are the number of
scientists in the top 100,000 and top 200.000 and top 400.000 list. The fourth one is the number
of scientists listed in the AD Scientific Index. In the case of equalities after applying all these four
criteria, the world rank of the meritorious scientist of that country is used.
World Top 100 Scientists 2022
The ranking of “Top 100” scientists is based on total h-index scores. Top 100 scientists can be
ranked globally or specific to the following regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America,
Oceania, Arab League, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, and COMESA based on total h-index scores
without any breakdown by subject areas. Top 100 rankings in the world, in a continent, or a
region include standardized subjects areas of Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and
Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering &
Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health
Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Subjects indicated as “others” will not be
included in the ranking by regions and subjects. Therefore, you may wish to specify your subject
and branch and contribute in order to standardize your performance. Determining the
subjects/departments, to which scientific fields would belong, may seem easy in some branches
and in a variety of countries. However, it may create considerable confusion in some other
countries, regions, and schools. We would like to emphasize that the following fields including
Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Material Science,
Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Social Sciences may exist in quite variable spectrums in different
countries. Therefore, we would like to stress that the standardization of subjects and branches
has not been easy. To perform standardizations, we accepted the official names of the institutions
and academic branches as accurate in the way that they were specified on the university website.
We have developed this strategy in order to standardize this complex situation at least partially.
Furthermore, we started a procedure to add an asterisk as “*” at the end of the names of the
authors when a scientific paper of interest included many authors such as CERN’s scientific
Limitations of the “AD Scientific Index“: Missing or Inaccurate Profiles or Missing Institution
This index is a comparative platform developed by ranking accessible and verified profiles. First
and foremost, not being included in this index for various reasons does not indicate that the
academician is not prized or it does not mean that only those academicians listed in the index are
the prized ones. This needs to be carefully noted. A meritorious scientist may not have been
included in this index because of not having a Google Scholar profile or our lack of access to that
profile for various reasons. The unavailability of verified Google Scholar profiles of scientists, who
work in well-known and respected academic institutions in respective countries, may prevent us
from finding institutions and scientist profiles. Because updating the profiles in the system and
collection of data from open sources require efforts and because the data have been collected for
the first time, it is not possible for the index to be completely free of errors. Accurate and instant
updating of profiles and institution names requires an endless workload that no institution can
overcome only with available resources despite all endeavors.
A high h-index (WOS, Scopus, Publon, etc.) does not mean that a profile will be automatically
created for the academician in Google Scholar. Indeed, Google Scholar profiles are created and
made public by scientists themselves on a voluntary basis. An individual may not have created a
profile for various reasons and, therefore, will not be listed in the 'AD Scientific Index'.
Furthermore, a profile can be rejected or may not be listed at a particular time. It needs to be
considered that, at the time of our search, a profile may not exist or may not be public, some
profiles may be public only at particular times, the information in the profile may not be standard,
there may be more than one profile belonging to the same person, the profiles may not be
verified, the name of the institution can be missing, surnames or institution names can change,
profile owners may have died, or known or unforeseen problems may happen. However, missing
information is completed in the system regularly and the list is updated and corrected
continuously. Profiles; whose owners have passed away, are removed from the system.
When we detect or be informed of unethical situations in profile information that go beyond the
limits of goodwill, the person is excluded from the list. You can report problematic and misleading
profiles on our “Rejection List” page. As individuals are responsible for the accuracy of their
profiles, organizations, too, should include the need for reviewing academic staff profiles in the
Articles with thousands of authors such as CERN studies in the field of physics or scientific studies
with more than one author in classification studies in medicine or statistical studies raise debates
about the requirements for the amount of the article content belonging to one author. Because
such papers may cause inequality of opportunity, a separate grouping system may be needed in
the future.
Pros and cons of “ranking“ systems including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and similar
others are well known and the limits of use of such systems have long been recognized in the
scientific community. Therefore, interpreting this study beyond these limits may lead to incorrect
results. The “AD Scientific Index” needs to be evaluated considering all of the abovementioned
potential limitations.
Comparisons of Ranking Systems
In addition to ranking lists of scientists, consisting of many tables and charts of trends analyses to
be delivered for the first time, this comprehensive system offers several data and analysis results
that will importantly provide an added value to branches and institutions within the limits of
inherent advantages and limitations. We would like to kindly emphasize that comparisons should
not be performed between two branches, either of which having different potentials to produce
scientific papers. For example, it is not correct to expect the same number of articles from
completely different branches such as law, social sciences, music, physics, or biochemistry.
Ranking comparisons should not overlook the inherent potentials of branches to produce
publications. For this reason, we try to primarily involve observations within the same
subject/department and recent productivity.
Through the contribution of many scientists from different fields, the “AD Scientific Index“
undergoes systematic updates with the aim of continuous improvement. The index is an
independent institution and does not receive any support from any institutions, organizations,
countries, or funds. Concurrently with the continuous increase in the number of universities and
scientists registered to the Index, we are improving methodology, software, data accuracy, and
data cleaning procedures every day through the contributions of a large team. Your remarks and
contributions about our shortcomings will shed light to lead our efforts for continuous
Could this work have been designed in another way?
It is not possible to exactly measure the research capacity of a university or scientist by using a
few parameters. Assessments should include many other types of data such as patents, research
funds, incentives, published books, tutoring intensity, congress presentations, and graduate and
doctoral teaching positions. As a frequently voiced criticism, we have been asked why the Web of
Science h-index is not used. Since it is not possible to have access to the entire data covering all
academic components such as the h-indexes of the Web of Science, Scopus, or Publons, etc., or
the organizations, patents, awards, etc. Therefore, only available qualified data have been
The Concept of Predatory:
A journal or an academic service cannot be considered predatory only because it is not free. The
concept of predatory is used for describing any unethical action including those with factitious,
spurious, exaggerated, or deceptive quality, performed in return for a fee. Any predatory activity
is misleading and unfair. As an institution that does not receive any governmental, institutional,
or financial support and with the aim of maintaining the sustainability of our academic services
and the preservation of editorial independence, we have reached the following figures of 741,000
academicians and 14,191 universities included in our database completely free of charge through
the extensive efforts of a large team within the scope of expanding our data in terms of countries,
branches, and universities. Our expansion continues at a certain pace. However, we charge a
small service fee from those, who prefer to be included in the system faster, without
compromising ethical principles.
“AD Scientific Index“ not only provides ranking services but also lights the way against ethical
noncompliance by presenting data available to the public, paving the way to sort out any ethical
violations. Bearing a torch this way, we improve controllability, transparency, and accountability
both on individual and corporate levels. With such efforts, individuals and institutions have been
led to focus on academic profiles and tens of thousands of academicians revised and rearranged
their profiles, removing incorrect data. Besides stressing the requirement that academicians
should regularly review information in their profiles, we emphasize that institutions, too, should
check the profiles of academic staff. You are always welcome to contribute by reporting incorrect
data through the redlist link.
What's in the “AD Scientific Index“?
The “AD Scientific Index“ includes 216 countries, more than 14,191 universities, and nearly a
million academicians.
The “AD Scientific Index“ provides data from all over the world. Besides providing data globally,
the system presents data by continents including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Latin
America, and Oceania. In addition, data are presented by countries and country groups including
Arab League, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, and COMESA. When the country flag in the list is
clicked, researchers ranked in the first 50 in that country are listed. When the name of the
university is clicked, researchers ranked in the first 50 in that university are listed. In addition, it
is possible to select a specialty area from the list below to see the ranking specific to the selected
field of research (squared area 1 on Figure 1).
Figure 1. Sample AD Index Page
When one of the following subjects including Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and
Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering &
Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health
Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences is selected, the system will list the names of the
scientists from all around the world working specifically in the selected subject area (squared
area 2 on Figure 1). Selecting a region or a group such as Africa, Asia, Europe, North America,
Latin America, Oceania, Arab Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, or COMESA will provide you
the list of scientists working in the specified field only in the selected region or group. It is
possible to see the ranking in the world or the ranking by the region within the subcategories of
the abovelisted fields.
You can use the search domain to look for a specific name, country, university, subject, or any
other word. The search results will be sorted to rank the most related result at the top and the
least related one at the bottom (squared area 3 on Figure 1).
The square-4 shows the scientist’s rank in the institution, country, region, and world based on
Google Scholar’s “total h-index”.
Selecting a name in the squared area 4a will provide the total h-index, the last five year’s h-
index, and the citation scores; all of which being the unique differentiation points of the “AD
Scientific Index” across other index and ranking systems (Figure 2).
Figure 2. List of the total h-index, the last five year’s h-index, and the citation scores
Selecting a flag in the country domain will list the ranking of the selected country (squared area 5
on Figure 1).
Selecting a logo and a name in the university domain will provide the ranking of the selected
university (squared area 6 on Figure 1).
The subject domain shows the subject and interest areas of the scientist. The square containing
the figures 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d presents examples. Example 7d shows a subject included
incorrectly. In addition, irregular areas or blank areas with missing information may occur.
Because such areas will not be included in the subject listings, you may submit a correction
request by filling out the “Correction Form”.
Squared areas 8, 9, and 10 provide the total and the last 5 years’ h-index, i10 index, and citation
scores. In addition, the productivity analysis and the ratio of the last 5 years’ scores to the total
score can be retrieved as the unique differentiation points of the “AD Scientific Index”.
The “University Ranking” page will soon deliver country and institution rankings (squared area 11
on Figure 1).
The “Top 100” and “Highly Cited Researcher” lists can be retrieved by clicking the buttons
marked by squares 12 and 14.
You can report an issue for the “Reject List” by clicking the button marked by square 13.
You can retrieve sample country or region reports by clicking the button marked by square 15.
Information in this domain will be revised soon.
How will the new rankings be updated in the “AD Scientific Index”?
Updates and new rankings will be available through the current list of profiles and the pool of
academicians that would expand along with new subscriptions. Importantly, one should
remember that taking 300 citations as the lower limit for inclusion in the index brings up the
potential of exclusion because of variations across different H-index values. We are going to
spend our best efforts to respond to e-mails, which question the justification for not being
included in the list despite high H-index values. Examples could be such that an academician with
an H-index value of 1 with 300 citations may be included in the ranking, while another with an H-
index value of 5 with 30 citations or an academic with an H-index of 10 with 120 citations may be
excluded. Such issues require regular updates and it may take a considerably long time to update
rankings because of the limits of the workload. We will be answering to such e-mails within our
means with our best efforts while we continue to expand our workforce. It is possible to
accelerate this period through individual and corporate registration options.
How can I be included in the “AD Scientific Index”?
First of all, you must have a Google Scholar profile and this profile must be set to PUBLIC. If you
do not have a Google Scholar profile, you can create a profile at and
add your published scientific articles. It is the liability of the scientist to ensure the accuracy and
the ethical aspects of the profile. Furthermore, it is recommended that institutions would check
the profiles of respective employees. We would like to remind you that you should check your
profile regularly and keep it updated. Published scientific papers added to your profile may cause
ethical issues if they do not belong to you.
Is there a specified lower limit for the h-index and i10 index scores or the number of citations to
be included in “AD Scientific Index”?
For SUBMISSIONS, no lower limits have been specified for the number of citations or the h-
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AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
1 1 1 43
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
professeur de physique, Université Hassan II Casablanca
Physique des particules|
236 165 0.699 1548 1008 0.651 277613 130863 0.471
1 2 2 150
Rajaâ Cherkaoui
El Moursli
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Physics
Nuclear Physics|Medical Physics|High Energy Physics|
209 160 0.766 911 815 0.895 216416 125694 0.581
2 3 3 155
Farida Fassi
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Physics
High Energy Physics|Astronomy|Engineering|Grid Computing|
208 160 0.769 847 789 0.932 239440 135220 0.565
1 4 38 9764
Université Mohammed
Premier Oujda
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry|
85 52 0.612 484 363 0.750 26923 13337 0.495
1 5 80 21317
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
(FullUM6PMohammed VI Polytechnic University
Separation and Carbon Capture|Power to X|Hydrogen|Sustainable Process
Engineering|Porous materials and adsorption technology|
68 59 0.868 103 100 0.971 15891 11461 0.721
2 6 208 45532 Aziz Amine
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Hassan II University of Casablanca
53 37 0.698 131 101 0.771 9247 4174 0.451
1 7 264 56106
Ahmed Ennaoui
Institut de Recherche
en Energie Solaire et
Energies, Morocco
Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies,
Engineering & Technology|PV technology|Thin Film chalcogenide Solar
49 27 0.551 103 66 0.641 8130 2565 0.315
1 8 265 56184
Mohamed Hafidi
Université Cadi Ayyad
Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Agricultural Sciences|wastes management|Composting and
compost|Environnmental Sciences|
49 35 0.714 117 102 0.872 8017 4325 0.539
3 9 359 68490
Abouqal Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Critical care|Acute medicine|Clinical epidemiology|
45 28 0.622 133 97 0.729 8260 3840 0.465
3 10 411 73973 Said Broumi
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science
Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II, Casablanca
networking|graph theory|neutrosophic theory|fuzzy theory|intuitionistic
fuzzy theory|
44 39 0.886 117 110 0.940 6312 5122 0.811
4 11 480 81428 Zouheir Sekkat
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology|Optics and Photonics|3D Laser Nanoprinting and
Nonlinear Optics|Plasmonics and Waveguide Optics|Smart Materia|
42 26 0.619 91 60 0.659 6910 2178 0.315
1 12 482 81544
Najia Hajjaj
Internationale de
Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine
médecine|rhumatologie|pédagogie médicale|
42 27 0.643 133 87 0.654 6783 3599 0.531
5 13 586 94799
Benyoussef Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Physics
condensed matter physics|computational physics|material physics|
39 29 0.744 292 180 0.616 8582 5485 0.639
2 14 598 96060
Taibi Ben
Hadda Morocco
Université Mohammed
Premier Oujda
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Bioinformatics & Drug Design|
39 30 0.769 160 116 0.725 6445 3892 0.604
6 15 645 100736
El Mokhtar
Essassi Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie hétérocyclique Spectrométrie de masse Sciences des matériaux|
38 27 0.711 189 108 0.571 7426 4016 0.541
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
1 16 659 101776
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology|
38 27 0.711 72 65 0.903 6148 2858 0.465
2 17 780 115453
Solhy Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery|Materials for Catalysis &
Photocatalysis|Catalytic processes|
36 26 0.722 56 52 0.929 4886 3193 0.653
7 18 786 115851
Abdellah El
Maghraoui Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology
Rhumatologie|Ostéoporose|DXA|Polyarthrite rhumatoïde|Spondyloarthrite|
36 22 0.611 80 49 0.613 4712 1728 0.367
8 19 859 123056
Charrouf Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Substances Naturelles et les plantes médicinales|
35 27 0.771 86 59 0.686 4439 2293 0.517
2 20 930 128560
Bouachrine Morocco
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Matériaux organiques et optoélectronique|QSAR|Modélisation moléculaire|
34 26 0.765 124 90 0.726 5102 3303 0.647
9 21 946 129593 Sekkou Kertit
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
34 16 0.471 64 22 0.344 4582 1065 0.232
1 22 947 129613
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Heat transfer|Modeling & Simulation|Renewable Energy|Energy Efficiency|
34 31 0.912 68 59 0.868 4574 3745 0.819
10 23 1017 135947 Ali Idri
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Health Informatics|Machine Learning|Software Engineering|Software effort
33 28 0.848 101 88 0.871 5248 3938 0.750
1 24 1045 137877
Ahmed Elharfi
Université Ibn Tofail
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie organiques|Polymères|synthèses/ études physico-chimiques et
33 33 1.000 111 91 0.820 4272 3750 0.878
2 25 1047 138299 Salah Er-Raki
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Physics
physique|irrigation|Agricultural Sciences|remote sensing|Geoscience|
33 31 0.939 57 50 0.877 4137 2517 0.608
3 26 1127 145597
Ghidaglia Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Computational Fluid Dynamics|High Power Computing|
32 18 0.563 78 34 0.436 4373 1081 0.247
1 27 1135 146276
Achraf Touay
Abdelmalek Essaadi
32 23 0.719 63 43 0.683 4136 1611 0.390
4 28 1140 146806
Chaker Ncibi Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
International Water Research Institute (IWRIMohammed
VI Polytechnic University
Water Treatment|Circular Economy|Green Chemistry|Environmental
32 27 0.844 46 41 0.891 3964 2957 0.746
11 29 1268 158760
Abdellah Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Engineering
31 24 0.774 94 65 0.691 3157 2084 0.660
2 30 1280 159206 Amine Allouhi
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
Renewable Energy Systems|Energy in buildings|Solar thermal|
31 31 1.000 50 50 1.000 3058 2897 0.947
3 31 1284 159505
Bouchikhi Morocco
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
Electronic Enginnering|Sensor systems|Food safety|Volatile organic
compounds analysis for desease diagnosis|Environmental mo|
31 26 0.839 61 53 0.869 2990 1884 0.630
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
4 32 1285 159542
Damil Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Computational Mechanics|Instability|
31 18 0.581 56 36 0.643 2982 1003 0.336
12 33 1339 162562
Ibrahimi Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Biotechnology|Bioinformatics|Genomics & Molecular modeling|
30 21 0.700 53 43 0.811 5397 1526 0.283
3 34 1340 162585
Saadoune Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
Batteries|Energy Storage|Materials Science|
30 23 0.767 70 52 0.743 5367 2088 0.389
5 35 1346 163489
Oukarroum Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Plant Physiology|Photosynthesis|Environmental Science|
30 30 1.000 51 49 0.961 4579 3471 0.758
4 36 1442 170355
Chabab Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Physics
High Energy physics (Theory and Phenomenology)|Astrophysics|
30 26 0.867 63 56 0.889 2700 1815 0.672
2 37 1444 170501
Essadiqi Morocco
Internationale de
Engineering & Technology / Engineering
materials science|design and thermomechanical processing of metal
alloys|Microstructure Property relationship|Solar energy|r|
30 17 0.567 64 38 0.594 2663 1056 0.397
13 38 1487 173054
Aboutajdine Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Informatique traitement signal|
29 18 0.621 152 56 0.368 5118 2131 0.416
14 39 1520 176239
Yahyaoui Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine
29 15 0.517 49 27 0.551 3467 1088 0.314
3 40 1548 177891 Rachid Masrour
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
29 26 0.897 102 91 0.892 3116 2711 0.870
15 41 1559 178335
Nour Eddine Es-
Safi Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
Medicinal plants|essential oils|polyphenols|characterization|biological
29 18 0.621 47 28 0.596 3038 959 0.316
16 42 1568 178764 Youssef Bakri
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
Immunology & Cancer biology|Medicinal plants & drug discovery|
29 26 0.897 77 66 0.857 2960 2134 0.721
17 43 1588 179844
Filali-Maltouf Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
Microbiology|Molecular Biology|Biotechnology|Biodiversity|Bioremediation|
29 23 0.793 73 61 0.836 2780 1739 0.626
1 44 1633 181983
Khalid Hattaf
Centre Régional des
Métiers de l’Éducation
et de la Formation
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical Systems|Mathematical Modeling in
Virology|Epidemiology and Economy|Control Systems|
29 27 0.931 58 54 0.931 2344 1849 0.789
6 45 1682 186209
Mounir El
Achaby Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Materials Physics & Chemistry|
28 28 1.000 46 45 0.978 3600 2864 0.796
6 46 1702 187797 Talea Mohamed
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Université Hassan II de Casablanca
informatique|modélisations|matériaux|systèmes d'information|
28 26 0.929 63 58 0.921 3188 2831 0.888
5 47 1715 188459
Outzourhit Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
Energies renouvelables|PV|Stockage|
28 17 0.607 77 37 0.481 3067 1189 0.388
6 48 1765 191491 Saïd Khabba
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Physics
Ressources en eau|Besoin en eau des cultures|modèles|télédétection|semi-
28 24 0.857 52 40 0.769 2578 1748 0.678
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
3 49 1795 192821
El Houssaine El
Boudouti Morocco
Université Mohammed
Premier Oujda
Natural Sciences / Physics
Solid state physics Photonic and Phononic crystals|
28 16 0.571 60 30 0.500 2369 864 0.365
2 50 1807 193586 Tarik Chafik
Abdelmalek Essaadi
Professor, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, FST Tangier
Catalysis|energy|air pollution|nanomaterials|
28 17 0.607 41 25 0.610 2208 932 0.422
5 51 1813 193720
Saad Alami
Younssi Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Professeur de chimie, Université Hassan II Casablanca
Matériaux|procédés membranaires|
28 23 0.821 54 45 0.833 2176 1377 0.633
2 52 1814 193740 Rachid Hsissou
Université Ibn Tofail
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering Composites Materials Polymers
Coatings Corrosion Inhibition Organic Chemistr|
28 28 1.000 48 48 1.000 2170 2162 0.996
7 53 1907 200175 Said Gmouh
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
27 18 0.667 45 32 0.711 2960 1037 0.350
3 54 1913 200379
Benjouad Morocco
Internationale de
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
sciences de la vie|
27 16 0.593 72 26 0.361 2925 748 0.256
7 55 1919 200721
Bellouquid Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
modélisation des systèmes complexes et analyse mathématique|
27 15 0.556 40 23 0.575 2867 1360 0.474
1 56 1968 203144
Institut Agronomique
et Veterinaire Hassan
Engineering & Technology / Food Science and
Food Microbiology|
27 18 0.667 35 25 0.714 2526 1204 0.477
8 57 2001 204595
Wakif Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Numerical Methods|mixed
27 27 1.000 51 51 1.000 2350 2314 0.985
1 58 2019 205605
Saïd El Kazzouli
Université Euro-
Méditerranéenne de
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie Organique|Chimie Médicinale|Catalyse|
27 19 0.704 45 30 0.667 2204 1090 0.495
18 59 2108 212806
Chalouan Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
26 19 0.731 56 34 0.607 2907 1118 0.385
19 60 2117 213117
Hamid Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Physics
New Material for Energy-Magnetism-Surface-Interface|Vehicular
traffic|Routing network|Red blood Traffic|Quantum Cryptography|
26 17 0.654 96 47 0.490 2850 1657 0.581
8 61 2153 214879 Laila Mandi
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
wastewater treatment|water quality|water reuse|water managment|
26 22 0.846 61 46 0.754 2584 1781 0.689
3 62 2205 217901 Houda El Khaldi
Université Ibn Tofail
Business & Management / Marketing
Marketing digital|
26 20 0.769 59 43 0.729 2250 1469 0.653
20 63 2222 218383 Khalid Bougrin
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
organic and medicinal chemistry|
26 16 0.615 41 25 0.610 2198 777 0.354
4 64 2241 219295 Nezha El Bari
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès
Full Professeur at Moulay Ismaïl University of Meknes,
Biotechnology and sensing technology especially Biosensors|Moleculary
Imprinted Polymers|Electronics Tongue and Nose combined|
26 25 0.962 44 39 0.886 2091 1503 0.719
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
21 65 2246 219649
Ouassaid Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
Electrical Engineering|Electric Drive|Renewable Energy Systems|Smart
Grid|Advanced Control of Power Systems and Microgrids|
26 19 0.731 56 45 0.804 2047 1467 0.717
2 66 2253 219854
Boujenane Morocco
Institut Agronomique
et Veterinaire Hassan
Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Sciences
Animal breeding and genetics|
26 15 0.577 64 28 0.438 2021 845 0.418
9 67 2295 220873 Khalid Oufdou
Université Cadi Ayyad
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
Microbiology|Rhizosphere|Plant biotechnology|biofertilizers|
26 19 0.731 53 43 0.811 1855 1149 0.619
7 68 2330 223345 Jones Alami
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
materials physics|plasma physics|thin film physics|coating solution design|
25 20 0.800 35 28 0.800 4202 1799 0.428
9 69 2387 227838
Mohamed Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Hassan II University of Casablanca
logistics|supply chain|
25 18 0.720 64 34 0.531 2657 1259 0.474
10 70 2395 228372 Ouazzani Naaila
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Wastewater treatment and reuse|
25 23 0.920 56 42 0.750 2581 1688 0.654
4 71 2433 230865 O Assobhei
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
25 16 0.640 46 26 0.565 2291 1202 0.525
1 72 2438 230998
Rachid Mrabet
Institut National de la
Agronomique INRA
Director of Research, INRA Morocco
Agronomy|agroecology|climate change|soil security|sustainability|
25 16 0.640 48 29 0.604 2278 1080 0.474
22 73 2442 231206
Taghzouti Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
25 10 0.400 36 10 0.278 2256 341 0.151
23 74 2495 233396
Achemlal Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology
25 17 0.680 37 25 0.676 2050 726 0.354
11 75 2511 234380
El Modafar
Cherkaoui Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Biotechnologies végétles|
25 19 0.760 55 39 0.709 1958 1203 0.614
1 76 2524 234645
Shamsudin Morocco
Al Akhawayn
University Ifrane
Business & Management / Human Resource
Human resource management|Organizational behavior|
25 20 0.800 54 49 0.907 1929 1433 0.743
12 77 2532 235233 Abdelaziz Abbad
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Valorization and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants|
25 21 0.840 47 36 0.766 1867 1233 0.660
13 78 2553 235875
Hanich Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Hydrogéologie|télédétection|Hydrologie nivale|
25 22 0.880 42 34 0.810 1787 1307 0.731
1 79 2555 235963
Institut Pasteur du
Institut Pasteur du Maroc
Génétique humaine|
25 17 0.680 54 42 0.778 1775 980 0.552
8 80 2604 238973
Sehaqui Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Functionalisation|Biocomposites|Environmental remediation|
24 23 0.958 32 31 0.969 4044 2681 0.663
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
9 81 2635 241694 Luc Savard
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique
Development|Environmental and Agricultural Economics. Poverty analysis.|
24 14 0.583 52 23 0.442 2832 706 0.249
5 82 2641 241975
Bakhouya Morocco
Internationale de
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Distributed systems|Communication networks|High performance
computing|IoT and Big Data|Predictive Analytics|
24 17 0.708 87 51 0.586 2770 1594 0.575
1 83 2662 243573
Université Ibnou Zohr
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Water resources management|Climate change and impacts|Isotopic
hydrology|Karst hydrology|Hydrology in arides zones|
24 21 0.875 65 44 0.677 2497 1580 0.633
14 84 2671 244086
Abderrahmane Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Tectonique et Géologie régionale|
24 19 0.792 45 33 0.733 2427 1387 0.571
15 85 2673 244144 Allal Barroug
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Apatites|Calcium Phosphates|Adsorption|Drug Delivery|Biomaterials|
24 15 0.625 31 17 0.548 2421 693 0.286
16 86 2680 244481 Ghoulam Cherki
Université Cadi Ayyad
Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
24 18 0.750 36 31 0.861 2378 1258 0.529
24 87 2692 245210
Soufiaoui Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
chimie|biochimie sciences des matériaux|
24 10 0.417 51 10 0.196 2296 348 0.152
25 88 2779 249711
Bouyahya Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Biochimie|Pharmacologie|Plantes Médicinales|Microbiologie|
24 24 1.000 58 58 1.000 1906 1877 0.985
17 89 2824 251750 Said Wahbi
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Ecophysiologie|déficit hydrique|efficience de l'utilisation de l'eau|
24 22 0.917 36 36 1.000 1736 1156 0.666
4 90 2850 252806 Omar Dagdag
Université Ibn Tofail
Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Polymer Synthesis|Polymer Engineering|Polymer Technology|Polymer
Coating|Epoxy Resins|
24 24 1.000 41 41 1.000 1623 1609 0.991
26 91 2869 253483
Chaoui Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
Automatic Control|Electrical Engineering|
24 16 0.667 38 25 0.658 1520 773 0.509
10 92 2882 253892 Mansour Sobeh
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
24 24 1.000 43 43 1.000 1418 1410 0.994
2 93 2886 254005 Sayeh Ezzikouri
Institut Pasteur du
Head of Laboratory, Researcher Associate, Institut
Pasteur du Maroc, Morocco
Hepatitis viruses|Liver cancer|Molecular Biology|Drug
discovery|Biomarkers discovery|
24 16 0.667 45 34 0.756 1361 809 0.594
13 94 40106 254443 Mouad Dahbi
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Energy Storage|Batteries|Capacitor|Electrochemistry|Materials science|
23 21 0.913 30 29 0.967 8148 6929 0.850
5 95 2901 254826
Saad Ibnsouda
Koraichi Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
23 20 0.870 47 40 0.851 5549 4923 0.887
2 96 2963 260554
Mohamed Morocco
Université Ibnou Zohr
Education / Education
23 18 0.783 42 29 0.690 2327 1234 0.530
27 97 2968 260638 Youssef Ramli
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Organic and Medecinal Chemistry|
23 22 0.957 50 42 0.840 2318 1947 0.840
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
10 98 2979 261561
Hannache Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
composites materials|geopolymer|adsorbent materials|fibers|glasses|
23 19 0.826 46 33 0.717 2209 1440 0.652
18 99 3017 263180 Abdellatif Hafidi
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Lipids quality and technology|Membrane
separation|Emulsification|Bioactive compounds|Functionalities|
23 21 0.913 32 25 0.781 2059 1303 0.633
9 100 3029 263914 Badre Bossoufi
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
Power Electronics|Renewable Energy|Wind
Turbines|Photovoltaics|Electrical Engineering|
23 20 0.870 76 64 0.842 1997 1752 0.877
10 101 3048 264978 Abdellah Farah
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
phytochimie et pharmacologie|
23 18 0.783 58 44 0.759 1915 1272 0.664
1 102 3164 269732
Hicham Labrim
Centre National de
l'Energie, des
Sciences et des
Techniques Nucleaires
Chercheur, CNESTEN
23 19 0.826 58 46 0.793 1572 1242 0.790
6 103 3173 270170 Aziz Derouich
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
Energies Renouvelables|Commande des Machines|E-Learning|
23 22 0.957 41 41 1.000 1532 1480 0.966
3 104 3194 271128 Meriem Khyatti
Institut Pasteur du
Institut Pasteur du Maroc
Oncologie Virologie immunologie|
23 15 0.652 33 22 0.667 1425 656 0.460
11 105 3197 271325
Hassan Ait
Ahsaine Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
University Mohammed V in Rabat
CO2 Reduction|Power to X|Photo/ElectroCatalysis|Porous materials|Energy
23 23 1.000 41 39 0.951 1395 1360 0.975
12 106 3204 271502 Victor Ongoma
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Climate Change AdaptationMohammed VI Polytechnic
Meteorology|Climate Change|Climate Services|Sustainable Development|
23 22 0.957 41 39 0.951 1370 1300 0.949
7 107 3207 271548
Abdelaziz El
Ghzizal Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
renewable energy and intelligent systems|
23 22 0.957 36 34 0.944 1361 1305 0.959
21 108 3235 272875
El Hassan El
Mouden Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Herpetology|conservation|zoology|population dynamics|
22 16 0.727 40 23 0.575 4848 2004 0.413
1 109 3240 273444
Université Chouaib
Engineering & Technology / Food Science and
Food Microbiology|Toxicology|Food Safety|
22 18 0.818 35 30 0.857 3901 1766 0.453
11 110 3266 275262
Berrada 1 Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Sciences des polymeres|Materiaux|Analyses physicochimiques|
22 15 0.682 32 20 0.625 2870 1001 0.349
28 111 3268 275544
Hmamouchi Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
biologie phytochimie|
22 16 0.727 38 22 0.579 2784 1093 0.393
1 112 3273 275668
Université Hassan II
Ain Chock
Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
Chemical and Environmental Engineering|
22 19 0.864 31 28 0.903 2747 1749 0.637
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
8 113 3319 278344 Driss Mazouzi
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 22 18 0.818 29 22 0.759 2250 1315 0.584
29 114 3325 278485 Akhaddar Ali
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery|CNS Infection|Spine|Medical writing|Bibliometrics|
22 13 0.591 76 26 0.342 2231 1013 0.454
2 115 3345 279567 Faouzi Bekkaoui
Institut National de la
Agronomique INRA
Director INRA Morocco
plant biotechnology|genomics|fertilizers|agroforestry|crop improvement|
22 8 0.364 32 6 0.188 2104 547 0.260
19 116 3351 279904 Yedir Ouhdouch
Université Cadi Ayyad
Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
Actinobactéries|biotechnologie microbienne|solubilisation des
phosphate|production d'antibiotique|
22 17 0.773 36 30 0.833 2072 1090 0.526
30 117 3363 280437 Lahcen Azrar
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis|ODE PDE and stochastic
process|nonlinear structural dynamics|multifunctional m|
22 16 0.727 42 29 0.690 2024 882 0.436
5 118 3422 283490
Kerouad Morocco
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès
Natural Sciences / Physics
22 18 0.818 58 40 0.690 1793 1019 0.568
31 119 3423 283505 M.Taibi
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie des matériaux|Propriétés physico-chimiques des matériaux|
22 15 0.682 59 31 0.525 1792 988 0.551
3 120 3431 283992 Said Gharby
Université Ibnou Zohr
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
Chimie analytique|chimie des plantes|lipides|controle qualité|
22 19 0.864 44 41 0.932 1762 1331 0.755
2 121 3465 285545 Mounia Achak
Université Chouaib
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
chimie d'environnement|traitement des eaux|
22 17 0.773 37 33 0.892 1670 983 0.589
5 122 3473 285855 Khalid Nouneh
Université Ibn Tofail
Natural Sciences / Physics
Thin films|nanostructures|SPR|photovoltaics|Photocatalysis|
22 15 0.682 30 19 0.633 1651 971 0.588
12 123 3581 289655 Said Ouaskit
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and
nanomatériaux|matière condensée|nanofluides|
22 17 0.773 40 26 0.650 1415 696 0.492
14 124 3584 289780 Bargaz Adnane
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
Plant Science|Rhizosphere Biology and Fertilization|
22 18 0.818 33 30 0.909 1406 1122 0.798
20 125 3600 290029
Bennis Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science 22 17 0.773 48 24 0.500 1388 793 0.571
22 126 3609 290364
Romane Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie Analytique Phytochimie|
22 18 0.818 40 32 0.800 1360 971 0.714
32 127 3640 291191
Hmamouchi Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology
Rhumatologie|Epidemiologie|Qualité de vie|Outcomes|IA|
22 19 0.864 31 25 0.806 1273 882 0.693
33 128 3739 298877
Ahmed El
Hassani Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
géologie|patrimoine géologique|environnement|
21 11 0.524 47 18 0.383 2042 675 0.331
34 129 3740 298938
Essaaidi Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Engineering 21 16 0.762 55 37 0.673 2036 1218 0.598
6 130 3749 299278
Soulaymani Morocco
Université Ibn Tofail
Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Genetics
21 13 0.619 59 27 0.458 2004 1121 0.559
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
13 131 3769 299891
El Bouari
Abdeslam Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Physics
Physico-chimie des Matériaux|
21 20 0.952 42 35 0.833 1948 1738 0.892
11 132 3773 300177
Abderrahmane Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
21 16 0.762 36 30 0.833 1923 990 0.515
14 133 3796 301329 Rachid Saile
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
21 15 0.714 37 21 0.568 1832 655 0.358
17 134 3802 301707
Abdelmjid Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Hassan II university of Casablanca
organic chemistry|marine natural products|drug and food research|
21 15 0.714 31 23 0.742 1805 913 0.506
35 135 3855 303909
Mounkachi, Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Spintronics|phosphorene|hydrogen storage|magnetic refrigeration|Ferrites
and nanoferrites|
21 18 0.857 55 44 0.800 1665 1375 0.826
15 136 3874 304695
Chirinda Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
UM6P 21 18 0.857 29 27 0.931 1622 1227 0.756
12 137 3988 308828
Karim Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Biomedical Engineering
Embedded Systems|biomedical engineering|Electrical Machine Control|E-
21 15 0.714 50 27 0.540 1409 868 0.616
36 138 4013 309908
Bouhaouss Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
eau environnement|
21 11 0.524 34 11 0.324 1352 464 0.343
4 139 4032 310622 A Benlhachemi
Université Ibnou Zohr
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Science des matériaux|
21 19 0.905 46 37 0.804 1312 1059 0.807
37 140 4045 310875 Rhazi Laila
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Ecologie aquatique|Fonctionnement et biodiversité des zones humides
21 14 0.667 37 28 0.757 1296 763 0.589
38 141 4088 311947 E. Feddi
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Optoelectronique des nanomateriaux de semiconducteurs|
21 16 0.762 42 34 0.810 1218 885 0.727
3 142 4097 312325 Mohamed Zbair
Université Chouaib
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Carbon materials|Adsorption|Catalysts|Catalysis|Thermochemical Energy
21 21 1.000 38 38 1.000 1185 1185 1.000
1 143 4174 316063
Université Sultan
Moulay Slimane Beni
LS3M, Sultan Moulay Slimane University of Beni Mellal,
FP-Khouribga, Morocco
atomistic simulation & materials science|metallic glasses|
20 19 0.950 35 34 0.971 2793 1207 0.432
15 144 4197 317966 Rachida Roky
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Professor of Neuroscience, Hassan II university of
Neurosciences|bioethics|Ramadan|sex as biological factor|
20 17 0.850 21 19 0.905 2246 778 0.346
16 145 4218 319294 Younes Abboud
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
étude et inhibition de Corrosion|Synthèse caractérisation et application des
20 16 0.800 24 21 0.875 2041 1352 0.662
4 146 4257 321702
Belafhal Morocco
Université Chouaib
Natural Sciences / Physics
Laser Physics|
20 15 0.750 57 34 0.596 1789 985 0.551
4 147 4324 325166
Abdelmalek Morocco
Université Mohammed
Premier Oujda
Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Mathématiques|Cryptographie et leurs Histoire|
20 12 0.600 53 19 0.358 1566 756 0.483
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
23 148 4359 326682 M. Hajjaji
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Materials science|traditional ceramics|clays & chemical pollutants|
20 18 0.900 37 28 0.757 1486 826 0.556
4 149 4399 328418 Jean-Noël Ferrié
Internationale de
Social Sciences / Political Science
Politiques publiques - Ecologie de la santé - Normativités - Epistémologie
des sciences sociales|
20 9 0.450 51 7 0.137 1405 358 0.255
6 150 4407 328842
Boulmalf Morocco
Internationale de
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
WSNs|VANET|SDN|Security|Networking QoS|
20 11 0.550 40 12 0.300 1387 512 0.369
5 151 4421 329294
Hajjaji Morocco
Université Chouaib
Natural Sciences / Physics 20 14 0.700 45 33 0.733 1368 871 0.637
5 152 4509 332295 Imad Ghozlani
Université Ibnou Zohr
Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology
20 12 0.600 28 19 0.679 1235 554 0.449
6 153 4534 332962
Brahim El
Ibrahimi Morocco
Université Ibnou Zohr
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Corrosion inhibition|Electrodegradation|Quantum chemistry
computations|Molecular mechanics calculations|QSAR/QSPR modelling|
20 20 1.000 30 29 0.967 1203 1196 0.994
13 154 4536 332989
Boukir Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie|Spectroscopie|Environnement|Patrimoine Culturel|Extraction Huiles
20 17 0.850 26 24 0.923 1202 708 0.589
6 155 4544 333154 Lahcen Bih
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès
Natural Sciences / Physics
Physico-chimie des matériaux|
20 14 0.700 35 23 0.657 1193 661 0.554
7 156 4549 333439 B. Bakiz
Université Ibnou Zohr
Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering 20 18 0.900 38 34 0.895 1179 1038 0.880
14 157 4583 334341 Saad Motahhir
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Embedded systems|
20 20 1.000 25 25 1.000 1132 1118 0.988
39 158 4606 334973
Hassouni Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Physics
Exterior|Heisenberg and Lie Algebras|Coherent States And Quantum
Information Theorys|
20 11 0.550 37 15 0.405 1089 418 0.384
3 159 4628 335462
Sraïri Mohamed
Taher Morocco
Institut Agronomique
et Veterinaire Hassan
Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Sciences
Crop/Livestock Systems|Dairy Science|Milk Quality|
20 12 0.600 32 14 0.438 1047 429 0.410
18 160 4630 335502 Fouad Mellouki
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science
Plantes médicinales|antibioresisrance|lutte anivectorielle et resistance aux
20 14 0.700 27 19 0.704 1045 533 0.510
8 161 4673 336500
Laabd Morocco
Université Ibnou Zohr
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chemistry|Conducting polymers and their composites|Adsorption|Density
functional theory DFT calculations|Humic substances by|
20 19 0.950 28 28 1.000 839 818 0.975
15 162 4706 340043 Yahia Rharrabti
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Medical and Health Sciences / Physiology
19 17 0.895 31 29 0.935 2293 985 0.430
24 163 4710 340285 Rachid Benbrik
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Physics
Higgs Physics|LHC colliders|building models|High energy physics|
19 15 0.789 27 17 0.630 2234 1083 0.485
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
40 164 4743 342330 Katim Alaoui
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacodynamie|Substances Naturelles|
19 16 0.842 37 23 0.622 1900 1006 0.529
41 165 4771 343838
Fennane Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Geography
19 14 0.737 34 19 0.559 1738 868 0.499
7 166 4885 349160 Said Boukhris
Université Ibn Tofail
Natural Sciences / Physics
Synthèse Organique|Hétérocycles Catalyse Hétérogène. Valorisation des
produits naturels|
19 17 0.895 38 32 0.842 1414 1038 0.734
25 167 4890 349324
Mustapha Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Actinobacteria|PGPR|bioactive compounds|Biocontrol-Biopesticides-
19 15 0.789 27 22 0.815 1407 781 0.555
1 168 4892 349352
Fouad Riane
Ecole Centrale
Social Sciences / Transportation Science & Technology
Supply Chain Management|Production Planning|Scheduling|
19 12 0.632 26 14 0.538 1406 518 0.368
1 169 4902 349636
Omar Cherkaoui
Ecole Supérieure des
Industries du Textile
et de l'Habillement
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Textile materials|natural fibers|composites|textile engineering|functional
19 17 0.895 40 31 0.775 1393 1191 0.855
42 170 4905 349725 L Laânab
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Semiconductor Devices|nanomaterials|
19 16 0.842 31 20 0.645 1389 658 0.474
16 171 5027 354087 Amine Belhadi
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Cadi Ayyad University
Lean|Industry 4.0|big data analytics|Supply chain management|circular
19 19 1.000 20 20 1.000 1224 1219 0.996
630 172 5028 354168 Reda Moubah
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Materials science|
19 15 0.789 41 22 0.537 1220 796 0.652
43 173 5040 354406 Mimoun Harnafi
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Physics
sciences de la terre|
19 16 0.842 24 20 0.833 1212 652 0.538
8 174 5075 355632
Université Ibn Tofail
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
electrical and dielectric properties of the binary and ternary composite ma|
19 13 0.684 43 20 0.465 1167 526 0.451
44 175 5108 356412 Hocein Bazairi
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Marine Engineering
Océanographie biologique|
19 15 0.789 30 24 0.800 1138 714 0.627
9 176 5155 357750
Nada Kheira
Sebbar Morocco
Université Ibnou Zohr
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie Organique hétérocyclique|Corrosion|Chimie
théorique|RX|Modélisation moléculaire|
19 17 0.895 37 29 0.784 1085 854 0.787
10 177 5190 358594
Benhmamou Morocco
Université Ibnou Zohr
Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science &
19 15 0.789 26 21 0.808 1048 557 0.531
2 178 5251 360217
Bounahmidi Morocco
Université Euro-
Méditerranéenne de
Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Génie des Procédés|Génie Chimique|Energie|Eau|
19 13 0.684 28 18 0.643 957 603 0.630
1 179 5280 360887
Mama El Rhazi
Université Hassan II
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
capteurs électrochimiques|fuel cell|conducting polymers|
19 15 0.789 28 20 0.714 905 621 0.686
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
17 180 5315 361654 Brahim Achiou
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
Membrane Technology|Geomaterials|Zeolites|Chemical Engineering|
19 19 1.000 23 23 1.000 744 740 0.995
11 181 5332 363045 Rida Bilak
Université Ibnou Zohr
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Matériaux|Métallurgie et Ingénierie des Procédés|
18 12 0.667 30 15 0.500 3161 559 0.177
45 182 5359 365383
Bouhouche Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Génétique Humaine|
18 13 0.722 26 18 0.692 2097 933 0.445
26 183 5366 366055 Slimani Tahar
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Biodiversity|vertebrates|population dynamics|eco-physiology|Conservation
18 17 0.944 32 21 0.656 1958 1182 0.604
3 184 5371 366281
Ouabbou Morocco
Institut National de la
Agronomique INRA
INRA Morocco
Crop physiology and Genetic Resources …|
18 15 0.833 21 18 0.857 1925 883 0.459
27 185 5382 366821
Mousannif Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence|Machine Learning|Data Analytics|IoT|
18 17 0.944 26 24 0.923 1846 1700 0.921
16 186 5394 367725 Mohamed Jamal
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Civil Engineering
18 12 0.667 19 13 0.684 1736 622 0.358
4 187 5396 367749 Rachid Hadria
Institut National de la
Agronomique INRA
National Institute of Agronomic Research
Crop Modeling|Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to Natural …|
18 15 0.833 29 24 0.828 1733 850 0.490
28 188 5437 370458
Nachab Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Physics
Physique et techniques nucléaires|
18 11 0.611 23 14 0.609 1509 475 0.315
5 189 5441 370494 Abdelaziz Yasri
Institut National de la
Agronomique INRA
National Institut for Agronomic Research
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants|
18 16 0.889 34 28 0.824 1506 713 0.473
46 190 5569 376062
Tahiri Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences orcid|
18 12 0.667 36 18 0.500 1244 615 0.494
4 191 5574 376160
Bouhorma Morocco
Abdelmalek Essaadi
Professor, Computer science and Network
Cybersecurity|Iot|Big data|Serious games|
18 16 0.889 34 27 0.794 1240 864 0.697
19 192 5597 376902
Youssef El
Foutayeni Morocco
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Mathematics 18 15 0.833 61 55 0.902 1213 1019 0.840
29 193 5598 376905 Lahcen Maniar
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Control theory: controllability and stabilization|
18 12 0.667 36 18 0.500 1213 537 0.443
30 194 5650 378755
Benhamou Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Physics
Energy Efficiency in Buildings|Heat and Mass
Transfer|Desalination|Computational Fluid Dynamics|
18 14 0.778 28 22 0.786 1151 773 0.672
47 195 5688 379921
Hammouch Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat IT|
18 15 0.833 32 28 0.875 1113 863 0.775
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
48 196 5698 380391
El Amrani El
Hassani Iz-
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
18 17 0.944 29 26 0.897 1098 876 0.798
6 197 5709 380718 Saber Hafid
Université Chouaib
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Earth sciences|Geodynamic|Biostratigraphy|Sedimentology|Ichnology|
18 15 0.833 32 21 0.656 1087 671 0.617
3 198 5718 380885 Khalid Draoui
Abdelmalek Essaadi
Professeur de chimie, université Abdelmalek Essaadi
UAE de Tétouan
18 15 0.833 33 25 0.758 1081 689 0.637
31 199 5731 381282
Ahmed El
Hichou Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Sciences des matériaux|Cellules photovoltaiques|
18 11 0.611 22 14 0.636 1069 370 0.346
32 200 5778 382400
Esseffar Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 18 6 0.333 32 4 0.125 1034 153 0.148
17 201 5820 383610
Zorkani Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Physics
nanosciences|renewwables energies|
18 13 0.722 33 22 0.667 993 620 0.624
7 202 5830 383813 Zaim Ahmed
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès
Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Nanomatériaux|Systèmes magnétiques et diélectriques|Physique des
surfaces et interfaces|Simulation Monte Carlo|Méthodes|
18 14 0.778 25 20 0.800 986 567 0.575
18 203 5844 384167 Ali Ahaitouf
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
Microélectronique|composants électronique|conception de circuits integrés
analogiques et numériques|codage-décodage|CPV|
18 12 0.667 30 14 0.467 973 543 0.558
49 204 5883 385501 Abdelilah Jilbab
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
Traitement de signal et systèmes embarqués|
18 16 0.889 29 25 0.862 925 797 0.862
18 205 5893 385722
Hicham Ben
Youcef Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Polymers & Composites|Energy Materials|Fuel cells|Batteries|Membranes|
18 14 0.778 24 19 0.792 917 602 0.656
50 206 5913 386045
Aitbrahim Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
18 8 0.444 26 8 0.308 904 337 0.373
9 207 5941 386804 Moussa Ouakki
Université Ibn Tofail
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
18 18 1.000 26 26 1.000 869 868 0.999
12 208 5979 387954 Yassine Naciri
Université Ibnou Zohr
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Photocatalysis|Water splitting|Water treatment|Adsorption|Materials
18 18 1.000 23 23 1.000 794 794 1.000
25 209 5995 388359
Sayyouri Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Image Analysis by Moment Method|
18 17 0.944 26 26 1.000 741 698 0.942
51 210 6116 396572 Souad El Hajjaji
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chemistry|materiel science|environment|
17 15 0.882 40 27 0.675 1463 942 0.644
19 211 6120 396843
Ennabili Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Environmental Science|Applied Botany|Constructed Wetlands|
17 11 0.647 36 15 0.417 1444 654 0.453
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
20 212 6157 398758
Naima El
Ghachtouli Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Science and Technology 17 15 0.882 24 23 0.958 1327 977 0.736
33 213 6160 398859
Abdelilah El
Abbassi Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Food Science and
Bioresources Valorization|Membrane Technologies|Food Sciences and
17 16 0.941 19 16 0.842 1323 932 0.704
20 214 6167 399254 Lahssen Baidder
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Engineering & Technology / Civil Engineering
Géologie structurale|cartographie|
17 15 0.882 26 24 0.923 1303 906 0.695
52 215 6168 399324
Souad Fkih
Tetouani Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
17 9 0.529 27 7 0.259 1300 317 0.244
53 216 6181 399771
Cherkaoui Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Contrôle intelligeant des systèmes et machines électriques|Energies
renouvelables|Convertisseurs électroniques de puissanc|
17 15 0.882 37 25 0.676 1279 911 0.712
21 217 6191 400120 Rachid Sehaqui
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Natural Sciences / Physics
Transferts Thermique|Modélisation et Simulation Numérique|Mécanique
des Fluides|
17 16 0.941 23 23 1.000 1264 1223 0.968
21 218 6208 400735 Farid Abdi
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic
17 12 0.706 22 16 0.727 1238 485 0.392
36 219 6209 400742
Mustapha Ait
Ali Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
17 13 0.765 34 20 0.588 1237 793 0.641
22 220 6213 401091 Aawatif Hayar
Université Hassan II
de Casablanca
Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Information
Smart cities|ICT|Smart grids|energy efficiency|cognitive radio|
17 10 0.588 36 10 0.278 1224 332 0.271
54 221 6234 401903
Tabyaoui Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie des Plantes|Chimie organique appliquée|
17 15 0.882 24 20 0.833 1194 1008 0.844
22 222 6248 402353 Jamil Toyir
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Arts, Design and Architecture / Arts 17 13 0.765 20 16 0.800 1178 600 0.509
7 223 6296 403671 Khalid Bouziane
Internationale de
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Materials and nano materials for spintronics|microelectronics|energy
storage and modulations|
17 12 0.706 29 14 0.483 1131 598 0.529
34 224 6325 404352
Abdelouahdi Morocco
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and
17 15 0.882 21 18 0.857 1111 911 0.820
55 225 6337 404631
Mohammed El
Hassouni, Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Computer Vision|Deep learning|Complex Networks|Data modeling and
analysis|Artificial Intelligence|
17 16 0.941 38 29 0.763 1102 858 0.779
23 226 6378 405649
Said Ouatik El
Alaoui Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Engineering & Technology / Biomedical Engineering
Natural Language Processing|Information Retreival|Question
Answering|Biomedical Informatics|Content Based Image Retrieval|
17 16 0.941 34 30 0.882 1071 840 0.784
56 227 6566 410530 Abdellatif Bayed
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Biologie et Ecologie marines|
17 9 0.529 30 8 0.267 937 312 0.333
AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved
AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total
Last 5
35 228 6574 410731 M'barek Amjoud
Université Cadi Ayyad
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Material science|
17 15 0.882 26 23 0.885 932 679 0.729
24 229 6582 410894
Benzakour Morocco
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie théorique|
17 16 0.941 24 19 0.792 928 704 0.759
5 230 6724 414451 Pr. Jalal Isaad
Abdelmalek Essaadi
Université Abdelmalek Essaadi - Tétouan. Maroc
Development of probes and adsorbents for the chemical detection of
Pollutants in water and their removal|
17 12 0.706 24 16 0.667 824 406 0.493
20 231 6765 415509 Krishna Devkota
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
Mohammed VI Polytechnic UniversityBen
Sustainable Agriculture Development in Africa|
17 15 0.882 21 18 0.857 786 590 0.751
6 232 6771 415580
El Amiri
Bouchra Morocco
Institut National de la
Agronomique INRA
Productions animales|reproduction assisté|physiologie de
reproduction|biologie de reproduction|
17 11 0.647 21 12 0.571 783 347 0.443
7 233 6817 416602 El Mahdi Assaid
Université Chouaib
Natural Sciences / Physics
Optoelectronics|Solar Cells Materials|Nanophysics|Semiconductor
Quantum Dots|
17 13 0.765 27 16 0.593 732 428 0.585
4 234 6828 416857
Ouafaa Fassi
Fihri Morocco
Institut Agronomique
et Veterinaire Hassan
Medical and Health Sciences / Virology
17 15 0.882 26 24 0.923 717 619 0.863
26 235 6864 417676 Samira Benali
Université Sidi
Mohammed Ben
Abdellah Fes
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
les Sciences|
17 11 0.647 23 13 0.565 636 346 0.544
13 236 6865 417698
Faghire Morocco
Université Ibnou Zohr
Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
Microbiology|Biotechnology|Reverse Transcription PCR|Biological Nitrogen
17 13 0.765 18 15 0.833 632 336 0.532
10 237 6870 417796
Younes El
Kacimi Morocco
Université Ibn Tofail
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
Corrosion science|Materials Science|
17 17 1.000 18 18 1.000 605 578 0.955
57 238 6948 423552
Nounah Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chimie matériaux environnement|
16 12 0.750 21 14 0.667 1540 706 0.458
8 239 6986 425782 Younes Achaoui
Université Moulay
Ismail Meknès
Natural Sciences / Physics
Phononic Crystals|Acoustic Metamaterials|Wave Control|
16 15 0.938 19 18 0.947 1355 919 0.678
11 240 6993 426092
Hassan Morocco
Université Ibn Tofail
Medical and Health Sciences / Nutrition and Dietetics
16 15 0.938 34 27 0.794 1335 813 0.609
58 241 7007 426648
Ameziane El
Hassani Rabii Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Cancer|NADPH Oxidases|Oxidative Stress|Genomic Instability|Epigenetic|
16 14 0.875 19 16 0.842 1301 668 0.513
21 242 7018 427519
Kouisni Morocco
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University
University Mohammed VI Polytechnic
16 15 0.938 19 19 1.000 1253 731 0.583
59 243 7028 428002
Halim Morocco
Université Mohammed
V de Rabat
Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials
sciences des matériaux|
16 13 0.813 25 20 0.800 1229 768 0.625
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Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
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Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
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Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
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Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
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Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
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Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
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Morocco Top 1000 Scientists.pdf
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  • 1. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022 © 2022 AD Scientific Index Ltd. All rights reserved. Morocco Top 1000 Scientists AD Scientific Index 2022 Version 2
  • 2. Morocco Top 1000 Scientists ”AD Scientific Index 2022 Version 2” (Total 1.104 scientist, 1 country, 38 university) Version 3: August 2022 “AD Scientific Index” (Alper-Doger Scientific Index): The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index), unlike other systems that provide evaluations of journals and universities, is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists. Furthermore, it provides rankings of institutions based on the scientific characteristics of affiliated scientists. This new index has been developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan DÖĞER (MD) by using the total and last 5 years’ values of the i10 index, h-index, and citation scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last 5 years’ value to the total value of the abovementioned indexes is used. Using a total of nine parameters, the “AD Scientific Index” shows the ranking of an individual scientist by 12 subject (Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law / Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Others), 256 branch, 14,191 institution, 216 country, 10 region (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Arab Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin America and COMESA) and in the world. The “AD Scientific Index” is the first and only study that shows the total and the last five-year productivity coefficients of scientists based on the h-index and i10 index scores and citations in Google Scholar. Besides the indexing and ranking functions, AD Scientific Index sheds life on academic lives and offers the user the opportunity to perform an efficient academic analysis to scrutinize and detect faulty and unethical profiles, plagiarism, forgery, distortion, duplications, fabrication, slicing, salamization, unfair authorship, and several manifestations of academic mobbing. Such analyses also help reveal the medium and long-term results of several policies implemented by institutions, including those of the academic staff employment and retention policies, wage policies, academic incentives, and scientific working environments. One of the major differences of the AD Scientific Index is the provision of the last five years’ scores and the total scores of the h-index and the i10 index, and the total and last five years’ number of citations. Other unique differences of the AD Scientific Index include rankings in all fields and subjects of scientific interest and the emphasis on the scientific productivity of the
  • 3. scientist. Productivity Rankings is a unique service offered only by “AD Scientific Index”. This is a ranking system derived from the i10 index in order to show the productivity of the scientist in publishing scientific articles of value. Productivity Rankings is an instrument that lists productive scientists in a given area, discipline, university, and country and can guide the development of meaningful incentives and academic policies. The world rankings, regional rankings, and university rankings of scientists in this table are developed based on the total i10 index. Thus, scientists and universities can obtain their academic rankings and monitor developments in the ranking over time. Through the contribution of many scientists from different fields, the 'AD Scientific Index' undergoes systematic updates with the aim of continuous improvement. The index is an independent institution and does not receive any support from any institutions, organizations, countries, or funds. Concurrently with the continuous increase in the number of universities and scientists registered to the Index, we are improving methodology, software, data accuracy, and data cleaning procedures every day through the contributions of a large team. Your remarks and contributions about our shortcomings will shed light to lead our efforts for continuous improvement. For a more detailed explanation, please refer to our “Methodology” page. AD Scientific Index Ltd. Methodology Ranking academic journals according to the impact factor is a practice that started many years ago. The need to access scientifically valuable studies within limited time frames or the need to find scientists working in a certain field has led to the procedure of ranking scientists and scientific studies. For this purpose, many scoring systems such as the h-index, i10 index, g-index, m-index, the Erdös number, tori index, riq index, and read-10 index have been studied as numerical indicators showing how productive and effective a researcher is. Each of these systems has many advantages as well as disadvantages. Of the abovementioned indexes, the most accepted one is the h-index. The h-index is determined based on the number of articles cited at least h times. In order to achieve a high h-index, an academician must have a high number of articles published and have received a high number of citations. For example, an h-index value of 15 indicates that the academician has received at least 15 citations to each of the 15 articles published. In order to increase the h-index value from 15 to 16, the same academician should receive at least 16 citations to the published 16 papers. To find the h-index value, several databases can be used including Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and Publons, some of which are public or require a subscription. In the calculation of h-indexes, such databases use different parameters including SCI-E or indexed journals or non-indexed auxiliary elements such as other journals, books, or patents. Because the set of parameters used by each database are different from those used by others, each database may calculate different h-index values. Therefore, h-indexes calculated by each of the Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and Publons databases may be different for the same researcher. For example, a researcher, who has authored several books more than scientific papers, may receive a low h-index score in the Web of Science despite a high number of citations received. Neither of these indexes is equivalent to the other because of differences in their scopes.
  • 4. Having a large number of publications indicates that the researcher is productive, but data alone may not be the actual indicator of the success of the researcher. For example, a researcher may have 10 publications that have received 400 citations. We can argue that this researcher is more successful than a researcher having more than a hundred published papers that received, let’s say, 200 citations. Besides, some valuable studies may not have been attributed the actual value they deserved because of various reasons such as the failure of the use of adequate methods that would enable easy accessibility through scientific channels. The high number of the use of papers as references by other authors shows the value and extent of contribution to the scientific literature. The i10-index is another academic scoring system, in which the scores are calculated by Google Scholar. In this scoring system, only scientific studies such as articles and books that have received 10 or more citations are taken into consideration. The number of studies that have been cited ten or more times yields the i10-index value. The i10 index and the h-index values calculated for the last five years do not show that the article was written and published in the last 5 years. Instead, these values show the citation power in the last 5 years, indicating whether the paper is still effective. Google Scholar provides both the total values of the i10-index, the h-index, and citation numbers along with the last 5 years’ values through a system based on the voluntariness principle. In this system, scientists create their accounts, select their papers, and upload the selected papers onto the system. This service does not require a password and is free of charge. Here, we introduce a newly developed index that we have developed based on the public Google Scholar profiles of scientists. We named this new system the “AD Scientific Index”, which we have developed through robust intellectual infrastructure and maximum efforts aiming to contribute to global scientific efforts. Why is the “AD Scientific Index” needed? The “AD Scientific Index” is the first and only study that shows the total and the last five-year productivity coefficients of scientists based on h-index and i10 index scores and citations in Google Scholar. Furthermore, the index provides the ranking and assessment of scientists in academic subjects and branches and in 14,120 universities, 212 countries, regions, and the world. In other words, the “AD Scientific Index” provides both the ranking and analysis results. Besides the indexing and ranking functions, AD Scientific Index sheds life on academic lives and offers the user the opportunity to perform an efficient academic analysis to scrutinize and detect faulty and unethical profiles, plagiarism, forgery, distortion, duplications, fabrication, slicing, salamization, unfair authorship, and several manifestations of academic mobbing. Such analyses also help reveal the medium and long-term results of several policies implemented by institutions, including those of the academic staff employment and retention policies, wage policies, academic incentives, and scientific working environments. “AD Scientific Index” (Alper-Doger Scientific Index): This new index has been developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER (MD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan DÖĞER (MD) by using the total and last 5 years’ values of the i10 index, h-index, and citation
  • 5. scores in Google Scholar. In addition, the ratio of the last 5 years’ value to the total value of the abovementioned indexes is used. Using a total of nine parameters, the “AD Scientific Index” shows the ranking of an individual scientist by 12 subjects (Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law / Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Others), 256 branches, 14,191 institutions of employment, 216 countries, 10 regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Arab Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, and COMESA), and in the world. Thus, scientists can obtain their academic rankings and monitor developments in the ranking over time. Data Collection and Standardization: Collecting data manually based on the ranking from Google Scholar, the profiles with up to 300 citations and verified addresses or the profiles that build confidence for their accuracy are listed primarily. Thus, it is aimed to standardize the names, institutions, and branches as much as possible. Non-standardized data including wide ranges of variations in the information and the use of abbreviations and a variety of languages have caused difficulties. Performing data mining and scrutinizing the acquired information, many profiles were excluded from the index. Furthermore, some of the profiles were excluded during the regular examination of the data onward. Data cleaning requires a regular process in place to be conducted meticulously. We welcome your contributions in data cleaning and ensuring accuracy. Determining the subjects/departments, to which scientific fields would belong, may seem easy in some branches and in a variety of countries. However, it may create considerable confusion in some other countries, regions, and schools. We would like to emphasize that the following fields including Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Biology, and Biochemistry, Material Science, Chemistry, and Social Sciences may exist in quite variable spectrums in different countries. Therefore, we would like to stress that the standardization of subjects and branches has not been easy. To perform standardizations, we accepted the official names of the institutions and academic branches as accurate in the way that they were specified on the university website. We have developed this strategy in order to standardize this complex situation at least partially. The number of universities in the countries and the number of academicians in universities are increasing gradually, free of charge, within our means. The current list of registered academicians includes 741,900 individuals. The frequent updates will be limited to red list and death reductions, to new profile registrations from our institution, and new individual and corporate registrations. Although various additions, corrections, and improvements are made every day, it should be kindly considered that this process requires devoted efforts and time. Importantly, one should remember that taking 300 citations as the lower limit for inclusion in the index brings up the potential of exclusion because of variations across different H-index values. We are going to spend our best efforts to respond to e-mails, which question the justification for not being included in the list despite high H-index values. Examples could be such that an academician with an H-index value of 1 with 300 citations may be included in the ranking, while another with an H-index value of 5 with 30 citations or an academic with an H-index of 10 with
  • 6. 120 citations may be excluded. Such issues require regular updates and it may take a considerably long time to update rankings because of the limits of the workload. We will be answering to such e-mails within our means with our best efforts while we continue to expand our workforce. It is possible to accelerate this period through individual and corporate registration options. Studies that influence the order of ranking because of a high number of citations received, in a manner similar to CERN: We started a procedure to add an asterisk as “*” at the end of the names of the authors when a scientific paper of interest included many authors such as CERN, ATLAS, ALICE, CMS, Statistical Data, Guideline, Updates etc. scientific papers. We think that new criteria will be defined to be implemented for such studies. Until further criteria are described, we marked such studies with a “*” sign. The ethical responsibility for the correct profile information rests entirely with the relevant scientist. However, we think that it would be prudent for institutions, countries, and even branch associations to conduct periodic reviews of scientist profiles affiliated to the respective organization since misleading information may compromise the reputation of the organization or the country. Organizations should also review profiles to identify and report scientists, who are not affiliated with the respective institution. In order to avoid any compromise to the institutional reputation, institutions should take necessary corrective and preventive actions against published scientist profiles arranged unethically. Data Cleaning and the Redlist Data cleaning is a dynamic process that we systemically perform continuously. Despite all our best efforts, we may not be completely accurate and we welcome your contributions to the redlist notifications. Rarely, some scientists are included in the redlist due to innocent mistakes with good intentions and no unethical behavior. Most errors result from inadequate periodic profile checks. However, the correction of such an error is easy through the submission of a correction request. In order to avoid such an undesirable situation to occur, scientists should regularly check their profiles and institutions should review the profiles of the staff systematically. Ranking Criteria: Ranking of scientists by the university, country, region, and in the world was performed based on the “total h-index”. The “total h-index” was used in rankings by the branch and the subbranch. The ranking criteria based on the “total h-index” scores were used in the following order: Firstly, the “total h-index” scores; secondly, the total number of citations; and thirdly, the “total i10 index” scores (1. Total h-index scores, 2. Total number of citations, 3. Total i10 index scores, 4. Last 5 years’ h-index scores). Ranking based on the last 5 years’ h-index scores was performed using criteria in the following order: 1. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 2. Number of citations in the last 5 years, 3. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores, 4- Total h-index scores.
  • 7. The ranking criteria for the total i10 index were used in the following order: 1. Total i10 index scores, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total number of citations, and 4. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores. Ranking based on the last 5 years’ i10 index scores was performed using the criteria in the following order: 1. Last 5 years’ i10 index scores, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 3. Number of citations in the last 5 years and 4. Total i10 index scores. Ranking based on the total number of citations was performed using the criteria in the following order: 1. Total number of citations, 2. Total h-index scores, 3. Total i10 index scores and 4. Number of citations in the last 5 years. Ranking based on the total number of citations in the last 5 years was performed using the criteria in the following order: 1: Number of citations in the last 5 years, 2. Last 5 years’ h-index scores, 3: Last 5 years’ i10 index scores and 4. Total number of citations Why are the last 5 years’ ratios / total ratios important? The h-index, i10 index, and citation the last 5-year ratios/total ratios are major unique characteristics of the AD Scientific Index, showing both the development in the individual performance of the scientist and the reflections of the institutional policies of universities onto the overall scientific picture. Productivity Rankings Productivity Rankings is a unique service offered only by “AD Scientific Index”. This is a ranking system derived from the i10 index in order to show the productivity of the scientist in publishing scientific articles of value. Productivity Rankings is an instrument that lists productive scientists in a given area, discipline, university, and country and can guide the development of meaningful incentives and academic policies. The world rankings, regional rankings, and university rankings of scientists in this table are developed based on the total i10 index. Academic collaboration Scientific fields of interest specified in the profiles of scientists are available for other scientists from different countries and institutions to enable academic collaboration. Ranking Criteria for Top Universities: In the presence of many different university ranking systems, as the “AD Scientific Index“, we have developed a ranking system with a different methodology based on the principle of including only meritorious scientists. Based on Google Scholar’s total h-index scores, we have listed all academicians, who are ranked in the world in the top 10,000 and top 100,000 in university rankings. Furthermore, we have listed the breakdown of this ranking by main subjects. As the order of ranking principles, we used the overall top 10,000 scientists list primarily. Secondly and thirdly, we used the ranking in the top 100,000 , top 200.000 and top 400.000 scientists list. Fourthly, the total number of scientists in the AD Scientific Index was ranked by the
  • 8. university. In the case of equalities within a university ranking, we used the highest rank of the scientist in the respective university as it is listed in the world ranking. You may sort the ranking from the highest score to the lowest or vice versa in any of these fields. You can observe the fields, which move the respective university to the forefront. Furthermore, the name of the academician with the highest total h-index in the respective university is displayed with the world ranking. Top University Ranking by “AD Scientific Index” will not only list the areas, where a university is the best or has room for improvement, but also reflect the outcomes of scientist policies of the institutions. This report reveals the competency of institutions to attract prized scientists and the ability of institutions to encourage advances and retain scientists. Ranking Criteria for Countries: As described in the university ranking section, it is not easy to obtain and standardize data from about 14,200 universities for the country ranking. Therefore, we based our ranking system on the number of meritorious scientists. Four criteria are used to rank the countries. The first one is the number of scientists in the top 10,000 list. The second and third criterion are the number of scientists in the top 100,000 and top 200.000 and top 400.000 list. The fourth one is the number of scientists listed in the AD Scientific Index. In the case of equalities after applying all these four criteria, the world rank of the meritorious scientist of that country is used. World Top 100 Scientists 2022 The ranking of “Top 100” scientists is based on total h-index scores. Top 100 scientists can be ranked globally or specific to the following regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Arab League, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, and COMESA based on total h-index scores without any breakdown by subject areas. Top 100 rankings in the world, in a continent, or a region include standardized subjects areas of Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Subjects indicated as “others” will not be included in the ranking by regions and subjects. Therefore, you may wish to specify your subject and branch and contribute in order to standardize your performance. Determining the subjects/departments, to which scientific fields would belong, may seem easy in some branches and in a variety of countries. However, it may create considerable confusion in some other countries, regions, and schools. We would like to emphasize that the following fields including Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Material Science, Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Social Sciences may exist in quite variable spectrums in different countries. Therefore, we would like to stress that the standardization of subjects and branches has not been easy. To perform standardizations, we accepted the official names of the institutions and academic branches as accurate in the way that they were specified on the university website. We have developed this strategy in order to standardize this complex situation at least partially. Furthermore, we started a procedure to add an asterisk as “*” at the end of the names of the authors when a scientific paper of interest included many authors such as CERN’s scientific papers.
  • 9. Limitations of the “AD Scientific Index“: Missing or Inaccurate Profiles or Missing Institution Names This index is a comparative platform developed by ranking accessible and verified profiles. First and foremost, not being included in this index for various reasons does not indicate that the academician is not prized or it does not mean that only those academicians listed in the index are the prized ones. This needs to be carefully noted. A meritorious scientist may not have been included in this index because of not having a Google Scholar profile or our lack of access to that profile for various reasons. The unavailability of verified Google Scholar profiles of scientists, who work in well-known and respected academic institutions in respective countries, may prevent us from finding institutions and scientist profiles. Because updating the profiles in the system and collection of data from open sources require efforts and because the data have been collected for the first time, it is not possible for the index to be completely free of errors. Accurate and instant updating of profiles and institution names requires an endless workload that no institution can overcome only with available resources despite all endeavors. A high h-index (WOS, Scopus, Publon, etc.) does not mean that a profile will be automatically created for the academician in Google Scholar. Indeed, Google Scholar profiles are created and made public by scientists themselves on a voluntary basis. An individual may not have created a profile for various reasons and, therefore, will not be listed in the 'AD Scientific Index'. Furthermore, a profile can be rejected or may not be listed at a particular time. It needs to be considered that, at the time of our search, a profile may not exist or may not be public, some profiles may be public only at particular times, the information in the profile may not be standard, there may be more than one profile belonging to the same person, the profiles may not be verified, the name of the institution can be missing, surnames or institution names can change, profile owners may have died, or known or unforeseen problems may happen. However, missing information is completed in the system regularly and the list is updated and corrected continuously. Profiles; whose owners have passed away, are removed from the system. When we detect or be informed of unethical situations in profile information that go beyond the limits of goodwill, the person is excluded from the list. You can report problematic and misleading profiles on our “Rejection List” page. As individuals are responsible for the accuracy of their profiles, organizations, too, should include the need for reviewing academic staff profiles in the agenda. Articles with thousands of authors such as CERN studies in the field of physics or scientific studies with more than one author in classification studies in medicine or statistical studies raise debates about the requirements for the amount of the article content belonging to one author. Because such papers may cause inequality of opportunity, a separate grouping system may be needed in the future. Pros and cons of “ranking“ systems including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and similar others are well known and the limits of use of such systems have long been recognized in the scientific community. Therefore, interpreting this study beyond these limits may lead to incorrect results. The “AD Scientific Index” needs to be evaluated considering all of the abovementioned potential limitations.
  • 10. Comparisons of Ranking Systems In addition to ranking lists of scientists, consisting of many tables and charts of trends analyses to be delivered for the first time, this comprehensive system offers several data and analysis results that will importantly provide an added value to branches and institutions within the limits of inherent advantages and limitations. We would like to kindly emphasize that comparisons should not be performed between two branches, either of which having different potentials to produce scientific papers. For example, it is not correct to expect the same number of articles from completely different branches such as law, social sciences, music, physics, or biochemistry. Ranking comparisons should not overlook the inherent potentials of branches to produce publications. For this reason, we try to primarily involve observations within the same subject/department and recent productivity. Through the contribution of many scientists from different fields, the “AD Scientific Index“ undergoes systematic updates with the aim of continuous improvement. The index is an independent institution and does not receive any support from any institutions, organizations, countries, or funds. Concurrently with the continuous increase in the number of universities and scientists registered to the Index, we are improving methodology, software, data accuracy, and data cleaning procedures every day through the contributions of a large team. Your remarks and contributions about our shortcomings will shed light to lead our efforts for continuous improvement. Could this work have been designed in another way? It is not possible to exactly measure the research capacity of a university or scientist by using a few parameters. Assessments should include many other types of data such as patents, research funds, incentives, published books, tutoring intensity, congress presentations, and graduate and doctoral teaching positions. As a frequently voiced criticism, we have been asked why the Web of Science h-index is not used. Since it is not possible to have access to the entire data covering all academic components such as the h-indexes of the Web of Science, Scopus, or Publons, etc., or the organizations, patents, awards, etc. Therefore, only available qualified data have been included. The Concept of Predatory: A journal or an academic service cannot be considered predatory only because it is not free. The concept of predatory is used for describing any unethical action including those with factitious, spurious, exaggerated, or deceptive quality, performed in return for a fee. Any predatory activity is misleading and unfair. As an institution that does not receive any governmental, institutional, or financial support and with the aim of maintaining the sustainability of our academic services and the preservation of editorial independence, we have reached the following figures of 741,000 academicians and 14,191 universities included in our database completely free of charge through the extensive efforts of a large team within the scope of expanding our data in terms of countries, branches, and universities. Our expansion continues at a certain pace. However, we charge a small service fee from those, who prefer to be included in the system faster, without compromising ethical principles.
  • 11. “AD Scientific Index“ not only provides ranking services but also lights the way against ethical noncompliance by presenting data available to the public, paving the way to sort out any ethical violations. Bearing a torch this way, we improve controllability, transparency, and accountability both on individual and corporate levels. With such efforts, individuals and institutions have been led to focus on academic profiles and tens of thousands of academicians revised and rearranged their profiles, removing incorrect data. Besides stressing the requirement that academicians should regularly review information in their profiles, we emphasize that institutions, too, should check the profiles of academic staff. You are always welcome to contribute by reporting incorrect data through the redlist link. What's in the “AD Scientific Index“? The “AD Scientific Index“ includes 216 countries, more than 14,191 universities, and nearly a million academicians. The “AD Scientific Index“ provides data from all over the world. Besides providing data globally, the system presents data by continents including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, and Oceania. In addition, data are presented by countries and country groups including Arab League, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, and COMESA. When the country flag in the list is clicked, researchers ranked in the first 50 in that country are listed. When the name of the university is clicked, researchers ranked in the first 50 in that university are listed. In addition, it is possible to select a specialty area from the list below to see the ranking specific to the selected field of research (squared area 1 on Figure 1).
  • 12. Figure 1. Sample AD Index Page When one of the following subjects including Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Design and Architecture, Business & Management, Economics & Econometrics, Education, Engineering & Technology, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law/Law and Legal Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences is selected, the system will list the names of the scientists from all around the world working specifically in the selected subject area (squared area 2 on Figure 1). Selecting a region or a group such as Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, Oceania, Arab Leageu, EECA, BRICS, Latin America, or COMESA will provide you the list of scientists working in the specified field only in the selected region or group. It is possible to see the ranking in the world or the ranking by the region within the subcategories of the abovelisted fields. You can use the search domain to look for a specific name, country, university, subject, or any other word. The search results will be sorted to rank the most related result at the top and the least related one at the bottom (squared area 3 on Figure 1). The square-4 shows the scientist’s rank in the institution, country, region, and world based on Google Scholar’s “total h-index”. Selecting a name in the squared area 4a will provide the total h-index, the last five year’s h- index, and the citation scores; all of which being the unique differentiation points of the “AD Scientific Index” across other index and ranking systems (Figure 2). Figure 2. List of the total h-index, the last five year’s h-index, and the citation scores Selecting a flag in the country domain will list the ranking of the selected country (squared area 5 on Figure 1). Selecting a logo and a name in the university domain will provide the ranking of the selected university (squared area 6 on Figure 1).
  • 13. The subject domain shows the subject and interest areas of the scientist. The square containing the figures 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d presents examples. Example 7d shows a subject included incorrectly. In addition, irregular areas or blank areas with missing information may occur. Because such areas will not be included in the subject listings, you may submit a correction request by filling out the “Correction Form”. Squared areas 8, 9, and 10 provide the total and the last 5 years’ h-index, i10 index, and citation scores. In addition, the productivity analysis and the ratio of the last 5 years’ scores to the total score can be retrieved as the unique differentiation points of the “AD Scientific Index”. The “University Ranking” page will soon deliver country and institution rankings (squared area 11 on Figure 1). The “Top 100” and “Highly Cited Researcher” lists can be retrieved by clicking the buttons marked by squares 12 and 14. You can report an issue for the “Reject List” by clicking the button marked by square 13. You can retrieve sample country or region reports by clicking the button marked by square 15. Information in this domain will be revised soon. How will the new rankings be updated in the “AD Scientific Index”? Updates and new rankings will be available through the current list of profiles and the pool of academicians that would expand along with new subscriptions. Importantly, one should remember that taking 300 citations as the lower limit for inclusion in the index brings up the potential of exclusion because of variations across different H-index values. We are going to spend our best efforts to respond to e-mails, which question the justification for not being included in the list despite high H-index values. Examples could be such that an academician with an H-index value of 1 with 300 citations may be included in the ranking, while another with an H- index value of 5 with 30 citations or an academic with an H-index of 10 with 120 citations may be excluded. Such issues require regular updates and it may take a considerably long time to update rankings because of the limits of the workload. We will be answering to such e-mails within our means with our best efforts while we continue to expand our workforce. It is possible to accelerate this period through individual and corporate registration options. How can I be included in the “AD Scientific Index”? First of all, you must have a Google Scholar profile and this profile must be set to PUBLIC. If you do not have a Google Scholar profile, you can create a profile at and add your published scientific articles. It is the liability of the scientist to ensure the accuracy and the ethical aspects of the profile. Furthermore, it is recommended that institutions would check the profiles of respective employees. We would like to remind you that you should check your profile regularly and keep it updated. Published scientific papers added to your profile may cause ethical issues if they do not belong to you.
  • 14. Is there a specified lower limit for the h-index and i10 index scores or the number of citations to be included in “AD Scientific Index”? For SUBMISSIONS, no lower limits have been specified for the number of citations or the h- index or i10-index scores to be included in the “AD Scientific Index”. We request a small contribution as a processing fee for the sustainability and independence of this system, which has been developed through the hard work of many people without receiving any institutional or financial support. The contribution you would provide will be used for the services such as the maintenance of the robust infrastructure, staffing, system updates, rigorous checks of corrections and additions, and standardization. If you have a Google Scholar profile but you have not been included in the list yet, you can be included in “AD Scientific Index” via the following two ways: 1- ) INDIVIDUAL SUBMISSIONS: Upon the receipt of the “data processing fee”, submitted profiles and correction requests are uploaded in 1-5 days. Please refer to the payments page. If you are from a HIGH-INCOME ECONOMY COUNTRY ($12,536 OR MORE) based on the World Bank Classification, you will be requested to pay 30 US Dollars or 25 Euros or 22 British Pounds to be included in the index in an expedited way. Individuals from other countries will be required to pay 24 US Dollars or 20 Euros for an expedited individual submission. 2- ) INSTITUTIONAL SUBMISSIONS: Institutions can submit a list of staff scientists, who have not yet been included in the AD Scientific Index, and receive a registration discount. Institutions can also apply for corrections. For any submission, please download the enclosed Excel file and fill out the required fields completely. (Excel) Scientists listed by the institution will be included in “AD Scientific Index“ within 1-7 days after the profile checks. Thus, an institution can examine the total and the last 5 years’ h-index and i10 index scores, numbers of citations, and productivity of employee scientists. In the same way, you can observe the accurate ranking of your university in the country, region, and the world, along with any respective progress in total and in the last 5 years. In corporate applications, the fee for individual submissions will be subject to a discount of 10%. As stated in the above article, the individual registration fee ranges from 24 $ to 30 US$ based on the economic status of the country. The institutional registration fee is calculated by multiplying the individual application fee of the relevant country by the number of people in the institution list and applying a 10% discount to the obtained figure. After the calculated amount is deposited into our bank account with the correct IBAN, please send the receipt, the invoice address of your institution, and the complete Excel file filled out with required information to The invoice will be sent electronically to the specified institutional invoice address.
  • 15. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 1 1 1 43 Abdeslam Hoummada Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca professeur de physique, Université Hassan II Casablanca Physique des particules| 236 165 0.699 1548 1008 0.651 277613 130863 0.471 1 2 2 150 Rajaâ Cherkaoui El Moursli Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Physics Nuclear Physics|Medical Physics|High Energy Physics| 209 160 0.766 911 815 0.895 216416 125694 0.581 2 3 3 155 Farida Fassi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Physics High Energy Physics|Astronomy|Engineering|Grid Computing| 208 160 0.769 847 789 0.932 239440 135220 0.565 1 4 38 9764 Belkheir Hammouti Morocco Université Mohammed Premier Oujda Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chemistry & Environment & Electrochemistry| 85 52 0.612 484 363 0.750 26923 13337 0.495 1 5 80 21317 Belmabkhout Youssef Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (FullUM6PMohammed VI Polytechnic University Separation and Carbon Capture|Power to X|Hydrogen|Sustainable Process Engineering|Porous materials and adsorption technology| 68 59 0.868 103 100 0.971 15891 11461 0.721 2 6 208 45532 Aziz Amine Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Hassan II University of Casablanca Biosensors| 53 37 0.698 131 101 0.771 9247 4174 0.451 1 7 264 56106 Ahmed Ennaoui Morocco Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies, Morocco Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies, Morocco Engineering & Technology|PV technology|Thin Film chalcogenide Solar cells|Photoelectrochemistry|Nanosciences| 49 27 0.551 103 66 0.641 8130 2565 0.315 1 8 265 56184 Mohamed Hafidi Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture Agricultural Sciences|wastes management|Composting and compost|Environnmental Sciences| 49 35 0.714 117 102 0.872 8017 4325 0.539 3 9 359 68490 Redouane Abouqal Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Critical care|Acute medicine|Clinical epidemiology| 45 28 0.622 133 97 0.729 8260 3840 0.465 3 10 411 73973 Said Broumi Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II, Casablanca networking|graph theory|neutrosophic theory|fuzzy theory|intuitionistic fuzzy theory| 44 39 0.886 117 110 0.940 6312 5122 0.811 4 11 480 81428 Zouheir Sekkat Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Nanotechnology|Optics and Photonics|3D Laser Nanoprinting and Nonlinear Optics|Plasmonics and Waveguide Optics|Smart Materia| 42 26 0.619 91 60 0.659 6910 2178 0.315 1 12 482 81544 Najia Hajjaj Hassouni Morocco Université Internationale de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine médecine|rhumatologie|pédagogie médicale| 42 27 0.643 133 87 0.654 6783 3599 0.531 5 13 586 94799 Abdelilah Benyoussef Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Physics condensed matter physics|computational physics|material physics| 39 29 0.744 292 180 0.616 8582 5485 0.639 2 14 598 96060 Taibi Ben Hadda Morocco Université Mohammed Premier Oujda Natural Sciences / Biological Science Bioinformatics & Drug Design| 39 30 0.769 160 116 0.725 6445 3892 0.604 6 15 645 100736 El Mokhtar Essassi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie hétérocyclique Spectrométrie de masse Sciences des matériaux| 38 27 0.711 189 108 0.571 7426 4016 0.541
  • 16. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 1 16 659 101776 Mohamed Eddouks Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Medical and Health Sciences/Pharmacology| 38 27 0.711 72 65 0.903 6148 2858 0.465 2 17 780 115453 Abderrahim Solhy Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University UM6P Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery|Materials for Catalysis & Photocatalysis|Catalytic processes| 36 26 0.722 56 52 0.929 4886 3193 0.653 7 18 786 115851 Abdellah El Maghraoui Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology Rhumatologie|Ostéoporose|DXA|Polyarthrite rhumatoïde|Spondyloarthrite| 36 22 0.611 80 49 0.613 4712 1728 0.367 8 19 859 123056 Zoubida Charrouf Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Substances Naturelles et les plantes médicinales| 35 27 0.771 86 59 0.686 4439 2293 0.517 2 20 930 128560 Mohammed Bouachrine Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Matériaux organiques et optoélectronique|QSAR|Modélisation moléculaire| 34 26 0.765 124 90 0.726 5102 3303 0.647 9 21 946 129593 Sekkou Kertit Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences chimie| 34 16 0.471 64 22 0.344 4582 1065 0.232 1 22 947 129613 Abdelmajid Jamil Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering Heat transfer|Modeling & Simulation|Renewable Energy|Energy Efficiency| 34 31 0.912 68 59 0.868 4574 3745 0.819 10 23 1017 135947 Ali Idri Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Engineering Health Informatics|Machine Learning|Software Engineering|Software effort estimation| 33 28 0.848 101 88 0.871 5248 3938 0.750 1 24 1045 137877 Ahmed Elharfi Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie organiques|Polymères|synthèses/ études physico-chimiques et applications|Modélisations| 33 33 1.000 111 91 0.820 4272 3750 0.878 2 25 1047 138299 Salah Er-Raki Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Physics physique|irrigation|Agricultural Sciences|remote sensing|Geoscience| 33 31 0.939 57 50 0.877 4137 2517 0.608 3 26 1127 145597 Jean-Michel Ghidaglia Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Natural Sciences / Mathematics Computational Fluid Dynamics|High Power Computing| 32 18 0.563 78 34 0.436 4373 1081 0.247 1 27 1135 146276 Achraf Touay Morocco Abdelmalek Essaadi University 32 23 0.719 63 43 0.683 4136 1611 0.390 4 28 1140 146806 Mohamed Chaker Ncibi Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University International Water Research Institute (IWRIMohammed VI Polytechnic University Water Treatment|Circular Economy|Green Chemistry|Environmental Engineering| 32 27 0.844 46 41 0.891 3964 2957 0.746 11 29 1268 158760 Guenbour Abdellah Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Engineering Matériaux|Environnement|Energie| 31 24 0.774 94 65 0.691 3157 2084 0.660 2 30 1280 159206 Amine Allouhi Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering Renewable Energy Systems|Energy in buildings|Solar thermal| 31 31 1.000 50 50 1.000 3058 2897 0.947 3 31 1284 159505 Benachir Bouchikhi Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering Electronic Enginnering|Sensor systems|Food safety|Volatile organic compounds analysis for desease diagnosis|Environmental mo| 31 26 0.839 61 53 0.869 2990 1884 0.630
  • 17. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 4 32 1285 159542 Noureddine Damil Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering Computational Mechanics|Instability| 31 18 0.581 56 36 0.643 2982 1003 0.336 12 33 1339 162562 Azeddine Ibrahimi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Biotechnology|Bioinformatics|Genomics & Molecular modeling| 30 21 0.700 53 43 0.811 5397 1526 0.283 3 34 1340 162585 Ismael Saadoune Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering Batteries|Energy Storage|Materials Science| 30 23 0.767 70 52 0.743 5367 2088 0.389 5 35 1346 163489 Abdallah Oukarroum Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Plant Physiology|Photosynthesis|Environmental Science| 30 30 1.000 51 49 0.961 4579 3471 0.758 4 36 1442 170355 Mohamed Chabab Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Physics High Energy physics (Theory and Phenomenology)|Astrophysics| 30 26 0.867 63 56 0.889 2700 1815 0.672 2 37 1444 170501 Elhachmi Essadiqi Morocco Université Internationale de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Engineering materials science|design and thermomechanical processing of metal alloys|Microstructure Property relationship|Solar energy|r| 30 17 0.567 64 38 0.594 2663 1056 0.397 13 38 1487 173054 Driss Aboutajdine Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Informatique traitement signal| 29 18 0.621 152 56 0.368 5118 2131 0.416 14 39 1520 176239 Mohamed Yahyaoui Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine Médecine| 29 15 0.517 49 27 0.551 3467 1088 0.314 3 40 1548 177891 Rachid Masrour Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Mathematics Physics|Chemistry|Mathematics| 29 26 0.897 102 91 0.892 3116 2711 0.870 15 41 1559 178335 Nour Eddine Es- Safi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science Medicinal plants|essential oils|polyphenols|characterization|biological activities| 29 18 0.621 47 28 0.596 3038 959 0.316 16 42 1568 178764 Youssef Bakri Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science Immunology & Cancer biology|Medicinal plants & drug discovery| 29 26 0.897 77 66 0.857 2960 2134 0.721 17 43 1588 179844 Abdelkarim Filali-Maltouf Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology Microbiology|Molecular Biology|Biotechnology|Biodiversity|Bioremediation| 29 23 0.793 73 61 0.836 2780 1739 0.626 1 44 1633 181983 Khalid Hattaf Morocco Centre Régional des Métiers de l’Éducation et de la Formation (CRMEF) Natural Sciences / Mathematics Mathematical Analysis of Dynamical Systems|Mathematical Modeling in Virology|Epidemiology and Economy|Control Systems| 29 27 0.931 58 54 0.931 2344 1849 0.789 6 45 1682 186209 Mounir El Achaby Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Materials Physics & Chemistry| 28 28 1.000 46 45 0.978 3600 2864 0.796 6 46 1702 187797 Talea Mohamed Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Université Hassan II de Casablanca informatique|modélisations|matériaux|systèmes d'information| 28 26 0.929 63 58 0.921 3188 2831 0.888 5 47 1715 188459 Abdelkader Outzourhit Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering Energies renouvelables|PV|Stockage| 28 17 0.607 77 37 0.481 3067 1189 0.388 6 48 1765 191491 Saïd Khabba Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Physics Ressources en eau|Besoin en eau des cultures|modèles|télédétection|semi- aride| 28 24 0.857 52 40 0.769 2578 1748 0.678
  • 18. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 3 49 1795 192821 El Houssaine El Boudouti Morocco Université Mohammed Premier Oujda Natural Sciences / Physics Solid state physics Photonic and Phononic crystals| 28 16 0.571 60 30 0.500 2369 864 0.365 2 50 1807 193586 Tarik Chafik Morocco Abdelmalek Essaadi University Professor, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, FST Tangier Catalysis|energy|air pollution|nanomaterials| 28 17 0.607 41 25 0.610 2208 932 0.422 5 51 1813 193720 Saad Alami Younssi Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Professeur de chimie, Université Hassan II Casablanca Matériaux|procédés membranaires| 28 23 0.821 54 45 0.833 2176 1377 0.633 2 52 1814 193740 Rachid Hsissou Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Polymer Synthesis Polymer Engineering Composites Materials Polymers Coatings Corrosion Inhibition Organic Chemistr| 28 28 1.000 48 48 1.000 2170 2162 0.996 7 53 1907 200175 Said Gmouh Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chemistry| 27 18 0.667 45 32 0.711 2960 1037 0.350 3 54 1913 200379 Abdelaziz Benjouad Morocco Université Internationale de Rabat Natural Sciences / Biological Science sciences de la vie| 27 16 0.593 72 26 0.361 2925 748 0.256 7 55 1919 200721 Abdelghani Bellouquid Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Mathematics modélisation des systèmes complexes et analyse mathématique| 27 15 0.556 40 23 0.575 2867 1360 0.474 1 56 1968 203144 Noreddine Benkerroum Morocco Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering Food Microbiology| 27 18 0.667 35 25 0.714 2526 1204 0.477 8 57 2001 204595 Abderrahim Wakif Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Mathematics Numerical Methods|mixed Convection|Hydrodynamic|Magnetohydoynamic|Nanofluids| 27 27 1.000 51 51 1.000 2350 2314 0.985 1 58 2019 205605 Saïd El Kazzouli Morocco Université Euro- Méditerranéenne de Fès Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie Organique|Chimie Médicinale|Catalyse| 27 19 0.704 45 30 0.667 2204 1090 0.495 18 59 2108 212806 Ahmed Chalouan Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences géologie| 26 19 0.731 56 34 0.607 2907 1118 0.385 19 60 2117 213117 Ez-Zahraouy Hamid Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Physics New Material for Energy-Magnetism-Surface-Interface|Vehicular traffic|Routing network|Red blood Traffic|Quantum Cryptography| 26 17 0.654 96 47 0.490 2850 1657 0.581 8 61 2153 214879 Laila Mandi Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science & Engineering wastewater treatment|water quality|water reuse|water managment| 26 22 0.846 61 46 0.754 2584 1781 0.689 3 62 2205 217901 Houda El Khaldi Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Business & Management / Marketing Marketing digital| 26 20 0.769 59 43 0.729 2250 1469 0.653 20 63 2222 218383 Khalid Bougrin Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences organic and medicinal chemistry| 26 16 0.615 41 25 0.610 2198 777 0.354 4 64 2241 219295 Nezha El Bari Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Full Professeur at Moulay Ismaïl University of Meknes, Morocco Biotechnology and sensing technology especially Biosensors|Moleculary Imprinted Polymers|Electronics Tongue and Nose combined| 26 25 0.962 44 39 0.886 2091 1503 0.719
  • 19. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 21 65 2246 219649 Mohammed Ouassaid Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering Electrical Engineering|Electric Drive|Renewable Energy Systems|Smart Grid|Advanced Control of Power Systems and Microgrids| 26 19 0.731 56 45 0.804 2047 1467 0.717 2 66 2253 219854 Ismaïl Boujenane Morocco Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Sciences Animal breeding and genetics| 26 15 0.577 64 28 0.438 2021 845 0.418 9 67 2295 220873 Khalid Oufdou Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science Microbiology|Rhizosphere|Plant biotechnology|biofertilizers| 26 19 0.731 53 43 0.811 1855 1149 0.619 7 68 2330 223345 Jones Alami Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering materials physics|plasma physics|thin film physics|coating solution design| 25 20 0.800 35 28 0.800 4202 1799 0.428 9 69 2387 227838 Zaglou Mohamed Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Hassan II University of Casablanca logistics|supply chain| 25 18 0.720 64 34 0.531 2657 1259 0.474 10 70 2395 228372 Ouazzani Naaila Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Wastewater treatment and reuse| 25 23 0.920 56 42 0.750 2581 1688 0.654 4 71 2433 230865 O Assobhei Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences biotechnologie|environnement|océanographie|microbiologie|pharmacologie| 25 16 0.640 46 26 0.565 2291 1202 0.525 1 72 2438 230998 Rachid Mrabet Morocco Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA Director of Research, INRA Morocco Agronomy|agroecology|climate change|soil security|sustainability| 25 16 0.640 48 29 0.604 2278 1080 0.474 22 73 2442 231206 Khalid Taghzouti Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Neurosciences|Pharmacologie|Physiopathologie| 25 10 0.400 36 10 0.278 2256 341 0.151 23 74 2495 233396 Lahsen Achemlal Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology rhumatologie| 25 17 0.680 37 25 0.676 2050 726 0.354 11 75 2511 234380 El Modafar Cherkaoui Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Biotechnologies végétles| 25 19 0.760 55 39 0.709 1958 1203 0.614 1 76 2524 234645 Faridahwati Mohd. Shamsudin Morocco Al Akhawayn University Ifrane Business & Management / Human Resource Management Human resource management|Organizational behavior| 25 20 0.800 54 49 0.907 1929 1433 0.743 12 77 2532 235233 Abdelaziz Abbad Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Valorization and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants| 25 21 0.840 47 36 0.766 1867 1233 0.660 13 78 2553 235875 Lahoucine Hanich Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences Hydrogéologie|télédétection|Hydrologie nivale| 25 22 0.880 42 34 0.810 1787 1307 0.731 1 79 2555 235963 Barakat Abdelhamid Morocco Institut Pasteur du Maroc Institut Pasteur du Maroc Génétique humaine| 25 17 0.680 54 42 0.778 1775 980 0.552 8 80 2604 238973 Houssine Sehaqui Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University UM6P Nanocellulose|Nanomaterials Functionalisation|Biocomposites|Environmental remediation| 24 23 0.958 32 31 0.969 4044 2681 0.663
  • 20. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 9 81 2635 241694 Luc Savard Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique Development|Environmental and Agricultural Economics. Poverty analysis.| 24 14 0.583 52 23 0.442 2832 706 0.249 5 82 2641 241975 Mohamed Bakhouya Morocco Université Internationale de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Distributed systems|Communication networks|High performance computing|IoT and Big Data|Predictive Analytics| 24 17 0.708 87 51 0.586 2770 1594 0.575 1 83 2662 243573 Bouchaou Lhoussaine Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences Water resources management|Climate change and impacts|Isotopic hydrology|Karst hydrology|Hydrology in arides zones| 24 21 0.875 65 44 0.677 2497 1580 0.633 14 84 2671 244086 Soulaimani Abderrahmane Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences Tectonique et Géologie régionale| 24 19 0.792 45 33 0.733 2427 1387 0.571 15 85 2673 244144 Allal Barroug Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Apatites|Calcium Phosphates|Adsorption|Drug Delivery|Biomaterials| 24 15 0.625 31 17 0.548 2421 693 0.286 16 86 2680 244481 Ghoulam Cherki Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture Agrophysiologie| 24 18 0.750 36 31 0.861 2378 1258 0.529 24 87 2692 245210 Mohammed Soufiaoui Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences chimie|biochimie sciences des matériaux| 24 10 0.417 51 10 0.196 2296 348 0.152 25 88 2779 249711 Abdelhakim Bouyahya Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Biochimie|Pharmacologie|Plantes Médicinales|Microbiologie| 24 24 1.000 58 58 1.000 1906 1877 0.985 17 89 2824 251750 Said Wahbi Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Ecophysiologie|déficit hydrique|efficience de l'utilisation de l'eau| 24 22 0.917 36 36 1.000 1736 1156 0.666 4 90 2850 252806 Omar Dagdag Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture Polymer Synthesis|Polymer Engineering|Polymer Technology|Polymer Coating|Epoxy Resins| 24 24 1.000 41 41 1.000 1623 1609 0.991 26 91 2869 253483 Fatima-Zahra Chaoui Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering Automatic Control|Electrical Engineering| 24 16 0.667 38 25 0.658 1520 773 0.509 10 92 2882 253892 Mansour Sobeh Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Phd Phytochemistry|Pharmacognosy| 24 24 1.000 43 43 1.000 1418 1410 0.994 2 93 2886 254005 Sayeh Ezzikouri Morocco Institut Pasteur du Maroc Head of Laboratory, Researcher Associate, Institut Pasteur du Maroc, Morocco Hepatitis viruses|Liver cancer|Molecular Biology|Drug discovery|Biomarkers discovery| 24 16 0.667 45 34 0.756 1361 809 0.594 13 94 40106 254443 Mouad Dahbi Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Energy Storage|Batteries|Capacitor|Electrochemistry|Materials science| 23 21 0.913 30 29 0.967 8148 6929 0.850 5 95 2901 254826 Saad Ibnsouda Koraichi Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Biological Science Biotechnologie| 23 20 0.870 47 40 0.851 5549 4923 0.887 2 96 2963 260554 Hamdani Mohamed Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Education / Education chemistry|electrochemistry|environment| 23 18 0.783 42 29 0.690 2327 1234 0.530 27 97 2968 260638 Youssef Ramli Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Organic and Medecinal Chemistry| 23 22 0.957 50 42 0.840 2318 1947 0.840
  • 21. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 10 98 2979 261561 Hassan Hannache Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering composites materials|geopolymer|adsorbent materials|fibers|glasses| 23 19 0.826 46 33 0.717 2209 1440 0.652 18 99 3017 263180 Abdellatif Hafidi Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Lipids quality and technology|Membrane separation|Emulsification|Bioactive compounds|Functionalities| 23 21 0.913 32 25 0.781 2059 1303 0.633 9 100 3029 263914 Badre Bossoufi Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering Power Electronics|Renewable Energy|Wind Turbines|Photovoltaics|Electrical Engineering| 23 20 0.870 76 64 0.842 1997 1752 0.877 10 101 3048 264978 Abdellah Farah Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences phytochimie et pharmacologie| 23 18 0.783 58 44 0.759 1915 1272 0.664 1 102 3164 269732 Hicham Labrim Morocco Centre National de l'Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucleaires Chercheur, CNESTEN énergie| 23 19 0.826 58 46 0.793 1572 1242 0.790 6 103 3173 270170 Aziz Derouich Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering Energies Renouvelables|Commande des Machines|E-Learning| 23 22 0.957 41 41 1.000 1532 1480 0.966 3 104 3194 271128 Meriem Khyatti Morocco Institut Pasteur du Maroc Institut Pasteur du Maroc Oncologie Virologie immunologie| 23 15 0.652 33 22 0.667 1425 656 0.460 11 105 3197 271325 Hassan Ait Ahsaine Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University University Mohammed V in Rabat CO2 Reduction|Power to X|Photo/ElectroCatalysis|Porous materials|Energy materials| 23 23 1.000 41 39 0.951 1395 1360 0.975 12 106 3204 271502 Victor Ongoma Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Climate Change AdaptationMohammed VI Polytechnic University Meteorology|Climate Change|Climate Services|Sustainable Development| 23 22 0.957 41 39 0.951 1370 1300 0.949 7 107 3207 271548 Abdelaziz El Ghzizal Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering renewable energy and intelligent systems| 23 22 0.957 36 34 0.944 1361 1305 0.959 21 108 3235 272875 El Hassan El Mouden Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Herpetology|conservation|zoology|population dynamics| 22 16 0.727 40 23 0.575 4848 2004 0.413 1 109 3240 273444 Abdellah Zinedine Morocco Université Chouaib Eddoukali Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering Food Microbiology|Toxicology|Food Safety| 22 18 0.818 35 30 0.857 3901 1766 0.453 11 110 3266 275262 Mohammed Berrada 1 Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Sciences des polymeres|Materiaux|Analyses physicochimiques| 22 15 0.682 32 20 0.625 2870 1001 0.349 28 111 3268 275544 Mohamed Hmamouchi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences biologie phytochimie| 22 16 0.727 38 22 0.579 2784 1093 0.393 1 112 3273 275668 Gourich Bouchaib Morocco Université Hassan II Ain Chock Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science & Engineering Chemical and Environmental Engineering| 22 19 0.864 31 28 0.903 2747 1749 0.637
  • 22. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 8 113 3319 278344 Driss Mazouzi Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 22 18 0.818 29 22 0.759 2250 1315 0.584 29 114 3325 278485 Akhaddar Ali Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Neurosurgery Neurosurgery|CNS Infection|Spine|Medical writing|Bibliometrics| 22 13 0.591 76 26 0.342 2231 1013 0.454 2 115 3345 279567 Faouzi Bekkaoui Morocco Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA Director INRA Morocco plant biotechnology|genomics|fertilizers|agroforestry|crop improvement| 22 8 0.364 32 6 0.188 2104 547 0.260 19 116 3351 279904 Yedir Ouhdouch Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology Actinobactéries|biotechnologie microbienne|solubilisation des phosphate|production d'antibiotique| 22 17 0.773 36 30 0.833 2072 1090 0.526 30 117 3363 280437 Lahcen Azrar Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Mathematics Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis|ODE PDE and stochastic process|nonlinear structural dynamics|multifunctional m| 22 16 0.727 42 29 0.690 2024 882 0.436 5 118 3422 283490 Mohamed Kerouad Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Natural Sciences / Physics Physique| 22 18 0.818 58 40 0.690 1793 1019 0.568 31 119 3423 283505 M.Taibi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie des matériaux|Propriétés physico-chimiques des matériaux| 22 15 0.682 59 31 0.525 1792 988 0.551 3 120 3431 283992 Said Gharby Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science Chimie analytique|chimie des plantes|lipides|controle qualité| 22 19 0.864 44 41 0.932 1762 1331 0.755 2 121 3465 285545 Mounia Achak Morocco Université Chouaib Eddoukali Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences chimie d'environnement|traitement des eaux| 22 17 0.773 37 33 0.892 1670 983 0.589 5 122 3473 285855 Khalid Nouneh Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Natural Sciences / Physics Thin films|nanostructures|SPR|photovoltaics|Photocatalysis| 22 15 0.682 30 19 0.633 1651 971 0.588 12 123 3581 289655 Said Ouaskit Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and Nanotechnology nanomatériaux|matière condensée|nanofluides| 22 17 0.773 40 26 0.650 1415 696 0.492 14 124 3584 289780 Bargaz Adnane Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science Plant Science|Rhizosphere Biology and Fertilization| 22 18 0.818 33 30 0.909 1406 1122 0.798 20 125 3600 290029 Mohamed Bennis Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science 22 17 0.773 48 24 0.500 1388 793 0.571 22 126 3609 290364 Abderrahmane Romane Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie Analytique Phytochimie| 22 18 0.818 40 32 0.800 1360 971 0.714 32 127 3640 291191 Ihsane Hmamouchi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology Rhumatologie|Epidemiologie|Qualité de vie|Outcomes|IA| 22 19 0.864 31 25 0.806 1273 882 0.693 33 128 3739 298877 Ahmed El Hassani Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences géologie|patrimoine géologique|environnement| 21 11 0.524 47 18 0.383 2042 675 0.331 34 129 3740 298938 Mohamed Essaaidi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Engineering 21 16 0.762 55 37 0.673 2036 1218 0.598 6 130 3749 299278 Abdelmajid Soulaymani Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Genetics Toxicologie|Epidémiologie|Envenimation| 21 13 0.619 59 27 0.458 2004 1121 0.559
  • 23. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 13 131 3769 299891 El Bouari Abdeslam Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Physics Physico-chimie des Matériaux| 21 20 0.952 42 35 0.833 1948 1738 0.892 11 132 3773 300177 Ammor Abderrahmane Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences Géologie| 21 16 0.762 36 30 0.833 1923 990 0.515 14 133 3796 301329 Rachid Saile Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Biological Science Biologie| 21 15 0.714 37 21 0.568 1832 655 0.358 17 134 3802 301707 Abourriche Abdelmjid Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Hassan II university of Casablanca organic chemistry|marine natural products|drug and food research| 21 15 0.714 31 23 0.742 1805 913 0.506 35 135 3855 303909 Omar Mounkachi, Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering Spintronics|phosphorene|hydrogen storage|magnetic refrigeration|Ferrites and nanoferrites| 21 18 0.857 55 44 0.800 1665 1375 0.826 15 136 3874 304695 Ngonidzashe Chirinda Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University UM6P 21 18 0.857 29 27 0.931 1622 1227 0.756 12 137 3988 308828 Mohammed Karim Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Biomedical Engineering Embedded Systems|biomedical engineering|Electrical Machine Control|E- Learning| 21 15 0.714 50 27 0.540 1409 868 0.616 36 138 4013 309908 Ahmed Bouhaouss Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences eau environnement| 21 11 0.524 34 11 0.324 1352 464 0.343 4 139 4032 310622 A Benlhachemi Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Science des matériaux| 21 19 0.905 46 37 0.804 1312 1059 0.807 37 140 4045 310875 Rhazi Laila Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Biological Science Ecologie aquatique|Fonctionnement et biodiversité des zones humides mediterrannéennes| 21 14 0.667 37 28 0.757 1296 763 0.589 38 141 4088 311947 E. Feddi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Optoelectronique des nanomateriaux de semiconducteurs| 21 16 0.762 42 34 0.810 1218 885 0.727 3 142 4097 312325 Mohamed Zbair Morocco Université Chouaib Eddoukali Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Carbon materials|Adsorption|Catalysts|Catalysis|Thermochemical Energy storage| 21 21 1.000 38 38 1.000 1185 1185 1.000 1 143 4174 316063 Abdellatif Hasnaoui Morocco Université Sultan Moulay Slimane Beni Mellal LS3M, Sultan Moulay Slimane University of Beni Mellal, FP-Khouribga, Morocco atomistic simulation & materials science|metallic glasses| 20 19 0.950 35 34 0.971 2793 1207 0.432 15 144 4197 317966 Rachida Roky Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Professor of Neuroscience, Hassan II university of Casablanca Neurosciences|bioethics|Ramadan|sex as biological factor| 20 17 0.850 21 19 0.905 2246 778 0.346 16 145 4218 319294 Younes Abboud Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences étude et inhibition de Corrosion|Synthèse caractérisation et application des nanoparticules| 20 16 0.800 24 21 0.875 2041 1352 0.662 4 146 4257 321702 Abdelmajid Belafhal Morocco Université Chouaib Eddoukali Natural Sciences / Physics Laser Physics| 20 15 0.750 57 34 0.596 1789 985 0.551 4 147 4324 325166 Azizi Abdelmalek Morocco Université Mohammed Premier Oujda Natural Sciences / Mathematics Mathématiques|Cryptographie et leurs Histoire| 20 12 0.600 53 19 0.358 1566 756 0.483
  • 24. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 23 148 4359 326682 M. Hajjaji Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Materials science|traditional ceramics|clays & chemical pollutants| 20 18 0.900 37 28 0.757 1486 826 0.556 4 149 4399 328418 Jean-Noël Ferrié Morocco Université Internationale de Rabat Social Sciences / Political Science Politiques publiques - Ecologie de la santé - Normativités - Epistémologie des sciences sociales| 20 9 0.450 51 7 0.137 1405 358 0.255 6 150 4407 328842 Mohammed Boulmalf Morocco Université Internationale de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Computer Science WSNs|VANET|SDN|Security|Networking QoS| 20 11 0.550 40 12 0.300 1387 512 0.369 5 151 4421 329294 Abdelowahed Hajjaji Morocco Université Chouaib Eddoukali Natural Sciences / Physics 20 14 0.700 45 33 0.733 1368 871 0.637 5 152 4509 332295 Imad Ghozlani Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Medical and Health Sciences / Rheumatology Rheumatology| 20 12 0.600 28 19 0.679 1235 554 0.449 6 153 4534 332962 Brahim El Ibrahimi Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Corrosion inhibition|Electrodegradation|Quantum chemistry computations|Molecular mechanics calculations|QSAR/QSPR modelling| 20 20 1.000 30 29 0.967 1203 1196 0.994 13 154 4536 332989 Abdellatif Boukir Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie|Spectroscopie|Environnement|Patrimoine Culturel|Extraction Huiles Essentielles| 20 17 0.850 26 24 0.923 1202 708 0.589 6 155 4544 333154 Lahcen Bih Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Natural Sciences / Physics Physico-chimie des matériaux| 20 14 0.700 35 23 0.657 1193 661 0.554 7 156 4549 333439 B. Bakiz Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering 20 18 0.900 38 34 0.895 1179 1038 0.880 14 157 4583 334341 Saad Motahhir Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Embedded systems| 20 20 1.000 25 25 1.000 1132 1118 0.988 39 158 4606 334973 Yassine Hassouni Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Physics Exterior|Heisenberg and Lie Algebras|Coherent States And Quantum Information Theorys| 20 11 0.550 37 15 0.405 1089 418 0.384 3 159 4628 335462 Sraïri Mohamed Taher Morocco Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Sciences Crop/Livestock Systems|Dairy Science|Milk Quality| 20 12 0.600 32 14 0.438 1047 429 0.410 18 160 4630 335502 Fouad Mellouki Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Agriculture & Forestry / Plant Science Plantes médicinales|antibioresisrance|lutte anivectorielle et resistance aux insecticide|nematodes|lichens| 20 14 0.700 27 19 0.704 1045 533 0.510 8 161 4673 336500 Mohamed Laabd Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chemistry|Conducting polymers and their composites|Adsorption|Density functional theory DFT calculations|Humic substances by| 20 19 0.950 28 28 1.000 839 818 0.975 15 162 4706 340043 Yahia Rharrabti Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Medical and Health Sciences / Physiology Agriculture|Agronomy|Agrifoods| 19 17 0.895 31 29 0.935 2293 985 0.430 24 163 4710 340285 Rachid Benbrik Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Physics Higgs Physics|LHC colliders|building models|High energy physics| 19 15 0.789 27 17 0.630 2234 1083 0.485
  • 25. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 40 164 4743 342330 Katim Alaoui Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacodynamie|Substances Naturelles| 19 16 0.842 37 23 0.622 1900 1006 0.529 41 165 4771 343838 Mohamed Fennane Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Geography Floristique|Phytoécologie|Phytosociologie|Conservation| 19 14 0.737 34 19 0.559 1738 868 0.499 7 166 4885 349160 Said Boukhris Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Natural Sciences / Physics Synthèse Organique|Hétérocycles Catalyse Hétérogène. Valorisation des produits naturels| 19 17 0.895 38 32 0.842 1414 1038 0.734 25 167 4890 349324 Barakate Mustapha Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Actinobacteria|PGPR|bioactive compounds|Biocontrol-Biopesticides- biostimulants|endophytes| 19 15 0.789 27 22 0.815 1407 781 0.555 1 168 4892 349352 Fouad Riane Morocco Ecole Centrale Casablanca Social Sciences / Transportation Science & Technology Supply Chain Management|Production Planning|Scheduling| 19 12 0.632 26 14 0.538 1406 518 0.368 1 169 4902 349636 Omar Cherkaoui Morocco Ecole Supérieure des Industries du Textile et de l'Habillement Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Textile materials|natural fibers|composites|textile engineering|functional textiles| 19 17 0.895 40 31 0.775 1393 1191 0.855 42 170 4905 349725 L Laânab Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Semiconductor Devices|nanomaterials| 19 16 0.842 31 20 0.645 1389 658 0.474 16 171 5027 354087 Amine Belhadi Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Cadi Ayyad University Lean|Industry 4.0|big data analytics|Supply chain management|circular economy| 19 19 1.000 20 20 1.000 1224 1219 0.996 630 172 5028 354168 Reda Moubah Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Materials science| 19 15 0.789 41 22 0.537 1220 796 0.652 43 173 5040 354406 Mimoun Harnafi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Physics sciences de la terre| 19 16 0.842 24 20 0.833 1212 652 0.538 8 174 5075 355632 Achour Mohammed Essaid Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering electrical and dielectric properties of the binary and ternary composite ma| 19 13 0.684 43 20 0.465 1167 526 0.451 44 175 5108 356412 Hocein Bazairi Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Marine Engineering Océanographie biologique| 19 15 0.789 30 24 0.800 1138 714 0.627 9 176 5155 357750 Nada Kheira Sebbar Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie Organique hétérocyclique|Corrosion|Chimie théorique|RX|Modélisation moléculaire| 19 17 0.895 37 29 0.784 1085 854 0.787 10 177 5190 358594 Dris Benhmamou Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Engineering & Technology / Environmental Science & Engineering corrosion| 19 15 0.789 26 21 0.808 1048 557 0.531 2 178 5251 360217 Tijani Bounahmidi Morocco Université Euro- Méditerranéenne de Fès Engineering & Technology / Engineering Génie des Procédés|Génie Chimique|Energie|Eau| 19 13 0.684 28 18 0.643 957 603 0.630 1 179 5280 360887 Mama El Rhazi Morocco Université Hassan II Mohammedia Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences capteurs électrochimiques|fuel cell|conducting polymers| 19 15 0.789 28 20 0.714 905 621 0.686
  • 26. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 17 180 5315 361654 Brahim Achiou Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering Membrane Technology|Geomaterials|Zeolites|Chemical Engineering| 19 19 1.000 23 23 1.000 744 740 0.995 11 181 5332 363045 Rida Bilak Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Matériaux|Métallurgie et Ingénierie des Procédés| 18 12 0.667 30 15 0.500 3161 559 0.177 45 182 5359 365383 Ahmed Bouhouche Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Génétique Humaine| 18 13 0.722 26 18 0.692 2097 933 0.445 26 183 5366 366055 Slimani Tahar Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Biological Science Biodiversity|vertebrates|population dynamics|eco-physiology|Conservation Biology| 18 17 0.944 32 21 0.656 1958 1182 0.604 3 184 5371 366281 Hassan Ouabbou Morocco Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA INRA Morocco Crop physiology and Genetic Resources …| 18 15 0.833 21 18 0.857 1925 883 0.459 27 185 5382 366821 Hajar Mousannif Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Artificial Intelligence|Machine Learning|Data Analytics|IoT| 18 17 0.944 26 24 0.923 1846 1700 0.921 16 186 5394 367725 Mohamed Jamal Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Civil Engineering Géotechnique|sédimentologie...| 18 12 0.667 19 13 0.684 1736 622 0.358 4 187 5396 367749 Rachid Hadria Morocco Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA National Institute of Agronomic Research Crop Modeling|Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to Natural …| 18 15 0.833 29 24 0.828 1733 850 0.490 28 188 5437 370458 Abdellatif Nachab Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Physics Physique et techniques nucléaires| 18 11 0.611 23 14 0.609 1509 475 0.315 5 189 5441 370494 Abdelaziz Yasri Morocco Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA National Institut for Agronomic Research Medicinal & Aromatic Plants| 18 16 0.889 34 28 0.824 1506 713 0.473 46 190 5569 376062 Abdelfatah Tahiri Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences Earth Sciences orcid| 18 12 0.667 36 18 0.500 1244 615 0.494 4 191 5574 376160 Mohammed Bouhorma Morocco Abdelmalek Essaadi University Professor, Computer science and Network Cybersecurity|Iot|Big data|Serious games| 18 16 0.889 34 27 0.794 1240 864 0.697 19 192 5597 376902 Youssef El Foutayeni Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Mathematics 18 15 0.833 61 55 0.902 1213 1019 0.840 29 193 5598 376905 Lahcen Maniar Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Control theory: controllability and stabilization| 18 12 0.667 36 18 0.500 1213 537 0.443 30 194 5650 378755 Brahim Benhamou Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Physics Energy Efficiency in Buildings|Heat and Mass Transfer|Desalination|Computational Fluid Dynamics| 18 14 0.778 28 22 0.786 1151 773 0.672 47 195 5688 379921 Ahmed Hammouch Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat IT| 18 15 0.833 32 28 0.875 1113 863 0.775
  • 27. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 48 196 5698 380391 El Amrani El Hassani Iz- Eddine Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences Géologie|Géomatériaux| 18 17 0.944 29 26 0.897 1098 876 0.798 6 197 5709 380718 Saber Hafid Morocco Université Chouaib Eddoukali Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences Earth sciences|Geodynamic|Biostratigraphy|Sedimentology|Ichnology| 18 15 0.833 32 21 0.656 1087 671 0.617 3 198 5718 380885 Khalid Draoui Morocco Abdelmalek Essaadi University Professeur de chimie, université Abdelmalek Essaadi UAE de Tétouan clays|polymers|nanocomposites|Electrochemistry|Thermodynamics| 18 15 0.833 33 25 0.758 1081 689 0.637 31 199 5731 381282 Ahmed El Hichou Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Sciences des matériaux|Cellules photovoltaiques| 18 11 0.611 22 14 0.636 1069 370 0.346 32 200 5778 382400 M'hamed Esseffar Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 18 6 0.333 32 4 0.125 1034 153 0.148 17 201 5820 383610 Izeddine Zorkani Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Physics nanosciences|renewwables energies| 18 13 0.722 33 22 0.667 993 620 0.624 7 202 5830 383813 Zaim Ahmed Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Engineering & Technology / Engineering Nanomatériaux|Systèmes magnétiques et diélectriques|Physique des surfaces et interfaces|Simulation Monte Carlo|Méthodes| 18 14 0.778 25 20 0.800 986 567 0.575 18 203 5844 384167 Ali Ahaitouf Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering Microélectronique|composants électronique|conception de circuits integrés analogiques et numériques|codage-décodage|CPV| 18 12 0.667 30 14 0.467 973 543 0.558 49 204 5883 385501 Abdelilah Jilbab Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering Traitement de signal et systèmes embarqués| 18 16 0.889 29 25 0.862 925 797 0.862 18 205 5893 385722 Hicham Ben Youcef Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Polymers & Composites|Energy Materials|Fuel cells|Batteries|Membranes| 18 14 0.778 24 19 0.792 917 602 0.656 50 206 5913 386045 Lahcen Aitbrahim Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences geologie| 18 8 0.444 26 8 0.308 904 337 0.373 9 207 5941 386804 Moussa Ouakki Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences corrosion|Electrochemistry|Materials|inhibition| 18 18 1.000 26 26 1.000 869 868 0.999 12 208 5979 387954 Yassine Naciri Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Photocatalysis|Water splitting|Water treatment|Adsorption|Materials science| 18 18 1.000 23 23 1.000 794 794 1.000 25 209 5995 388359 Mhamed Sayyouri Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Image Analysis by Moment Method| 18 17 0.944 26 26 1.000 741 698 0.942 51 210 6116 396572 Souad El Hajjaji Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chemistry|materiel science|environment| 17 15 0.882 40 27 0.675 1463 942 0.644 19 211 6120 396843 Abdeslam Ennabili Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Biological Science Environmental Science|Applied Botany|Constructed Wetlands| 17 11 0.647 36 15 0.417 1444 654 0.453
  • 28. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 20 212 6157 398758 Naima El Ghachtouli Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Science and Technology 17 15 0.882 24 23 0.958 1327 977 0.736 33 213 6160 398859 Abdelilah El Abbassi Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering Bioresources Valorization|Membrane Technologies|Food Sciences and Nutrition|Biochemistry| 17 16 0.941 19 16 0.842 1323 932 0.704 20 214 6167 399254 Lahssen Baidder Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Engineering & Technology / Civil Engineering Géologie structurale|cartographie| 17 15 0.882 26 24 0.923 1303 906 0.695 52 215 6168 399324 Souad Fkih Tetouani Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences pharmacologie|chimie| 17 9 0.529 27 7 0.259 1300 317 0.244 53 216 6181 399771 Mohamed Cherkaoui Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Contrôle intelligeant des systèmes et machines électriques|Energies renouvelables|Convertisseurs électroniques de puissanc| 17 15 0.882 37 25 0.676 1279 911 0.712 21 217 6191 400120 Rachid Sehaqui Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Natural Sciences / Physics Transferts Thermique|Modélisation et Simulation Numérique|Mécanique des Fluides| 17 16 0.941 23 23 1.000 1264 1223 0.968 21 218 6208 400735 Farid Abdi Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering 17 12 0.706 22 16 0.727 1238 485 0.392 36 219 6209 400742 Mustapha Ait Ali Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie| 17 13 0.765 34 20 0.588 1237 793 0.641 22 220 6213 401091 Aawatif Hayar Morocco Université Hassan II de Casablanca Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Information Engineering Smart cities|ICT|Smart grids|energy efficiency|cognitive radio| 17 10 0.588 36 10 0.278 1224 332 0.271 54 221 6234 401903 Mohamed Tabyaoui Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie des Plantes|Chimie organique appliquée| 17 15 0.882 24 20 0.833 1194 1008 0.844 22 222 6248 402353 Jamil Toyir Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Arts, Design and Architecture / Arts 17 13 0.765 20 16 0.800 1178 600 0.509 7 223 6296 403671 Khalid Bouziane Morocco Université Internationale de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Materials and nano materials for spintronics|microelectronics|energy storage and modulations| 17 12 0.706 29 14 0.483 1131 598 0.529 34 224 6325 404352 Karima Abdelouahdi Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and Nanotechnology nanomateriaux| 17 15 0.882 21 18 0.857 1111 911 0.820 55 225 6337 404631 Mohammed El Hassouni, Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Computer Science Computer Vision|Deep learning|Complex Networks|Data modeling and analysis|Artificial Intelligence| 17 16 0.941 38 29 0.763 1102 858 0.779 23 226 6378 405649 Said Ouatik El Alaoui Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Engineering & Technology / Biomedical Engineering Natural Language Processing|Information Retreival|Question Answering|Biomedical Informatics|Content Based Image Retrieval| 17 16 0.941 34 30 0.882 1071 840 0.784 56 227 6566 410530 Abdellatif Bayed Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Biological Science Biologie et Ecologie marines| 17 9 0.529 30 8 0.267 937 312 0.333
  • 29. AD Scientific Index Ltd. World Scientist and University Rankings 2022, © All rights reserved AD Scientific Index - 2022 Morocco Top 1.000 Scientists H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION University Country Region World Name Country University Subject Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total Total Last 5 year Last 5 year / total 35 228 6574 410731 M'barek Amjoud Morocco Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Material science| 17 15 0.882 26 23 0.885 932 679 0.729 24 229 6582 410894 Mohammed Benzakour Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie théorique| 17 16 0.941 24 19 0.792 928 704 0.759 5 230 6724 414451 Pr. Jalal Isaad Morocco Abdelmalek Essaadi University Université Abdelmalek Essaadi - Tétouan. Maroc Development of probes and adsorbents for the chemical detection of Pollutants in water and their removal| 17 12 0.706 24 16 0.667 824 406 0.493 20 231 6765 415509 Krishna Devkota Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Mohammed VI Polytechnic UniversityBen GuerirMorocco Sustainable Agriculture Development in Africa| 17 15 0.882 21 18 0.857 786 590 0.751 6 232 6771 415580 El Amiri Bouchra Morocco Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA INRA, CRRA-Settat Productions animales|reproduction assisté|physiologie de reproduction|biologie de reproduction| 17 11 0.647 21 12 0.571 783 347 0.443 7 233 6817 416602 El Mahdi Assaid Morocco Université Chouaib Eddoukali Natural Sciences / Physics Optoelectronics|Solar Cells Materials|Nanophysics|Semiconductor Quantum Dots| 17 13 0.765 27 16 0.593 732 428 0.585 4 234 6828 416857 Ouafaa Fassi Fihri Morocco Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II Medical and Health Sciences / Virology virology| 17 15 0.882 26 24 0.923 717 619 0.863 26 235 6864 417676 Samira Benali Morocco Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences les Sciences| 17 11 0.647 23 13 0.565 636 346 0.544 13 236 6865 417698 Mustapha Faghire Morocco Université Ibnou Zohr d'Agadir Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology Microbiology|Biotechnology|Reverse Transcription PCR|Biological Nitrogen Fixation|Salt-Tolerance| 17 13 0.765 18 15 0.833 632 336 0.532 10 237 6870 417796 Younes El Kacimi Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Corrosion science|Materials Science| 17 17 1.000 18 18 1.000 605 578 0.955 57 238 6948 423552 Abderrahmane Nounah Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences Chimie matériaux environnement| 16 12 0.750 21 14 0.667 1540 706 0.458 8 239 6986 425782 Younes Achaoui Morocco Université Moulay Ismail Meknès Natural Sciences / Physics Phononic Crystals|Acoustic Metamaterials|Wave Control| 16 15 0.938 19 18 0.947 1355 919 0.678 11 240 6993 426092 Aguenaou Hassan Morocco Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra Medical and Health Sciences / Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition|Food|Health| 16 15 0.938 34 27 0.794 1335 813 0.609 58 241 7007 426648 Ameziane El Hassani Rabii Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Natural Sciences / Biological Science Cancer|NADPH Oxidases|Oxidative Stress|Genomic Instability|Epigenetic| 16 14 0.875 19 16 0.842 1301 668 0.513 21 242 7018 427519 Lamfeddal Kouisni Morocco Mohammed VI Polytechnic University University Mohammed VI Polytechnic Biorefinery|mining| 16 15 0.938 19 19 1.000 1253 731 0.583 59 243 7028 428002 Mohammed Halim Morocco Université Mohammed V de Rabat Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering sciences des matériaux| 16 13 0.813 25 20 0.800 1229 768 0.625