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Marketing Management: 
An Asian Perspective, 
6th Edition 
Instructor Supplements 
Created by Geoffrey da Silva
Identifying Market Segments and Targets 
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Learning Issues for Chapter Eight 
1. What are the different levels of market segmentation? 
2. In what ways can a company divide a market into segments? 
3. What are the requirements for effective segmentation? 
4. How should business markets be segmented? 
5. How should a company choose the most attractive target 
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Importance of Market Segmentation 
ā€¢ Companies cannot connect with all customers in large, broad, or diverse 
ā€¢ But they can divide such markets into groups of consumers or segments 
with distinct needs and wants. 
ā€¢ A company then needs to identify which market segments it can serve 
ā€¢ This decision requires a keen understanding of consumer behavior and 
careful strategic thinking. 
ā€¢ To develop the best marketing plans, managers need to understand what 
makes each segment unique and different. 
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Target Marketing 
ā€¢ To compete more effectively, many companies are now 
embracing target marketing. 
ā€¢ Effective target marketing requires that marketers: 
a. Identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their 
needs and wants (market segmentation). 
b. Select one or more market segments to enter (market 
c. For each target market, establish and communicate the 
distinctive benefit(s) of the companyā€™s market offering (market 
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Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets 
ā€¢ Market segmentation divides a market into well-defined 
ā€¢ A market segment consists of a group of customers who 
share a similar set of needs and wants. 
ā€¢ The marketerā€™s task is to identify the appropriate number and 
nature of market segments and decide which one(s) to target. 
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Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets 
ā€¢ There are two broad groups of variables to segment 
consumer markets. 
a. Descriptive characteristics: geographic, demographics, and 
b. Behavioral considerations: consumer responses to benefits, 
usage occasions, or brands. 
ā€¢ Regardless of which type of segmentation scheme we use, the 
key is adjusting the marketing program to recognize 
customer differences. 
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Table 8.1: Major Segment Variables for Consumer 
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Table 8.1 Major Segment Variables for Consumer 
Markets (contā€™d) 
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Geographic Segmentation 
ā€¢ Geographic segmentation calls for dividing the market into 
different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, 
counties, cities, or neighborhoods. 
ā€¢ The company can operate in one or a few areas, or operate in 
all but pay attention to local variations. 
ā€¢ In that way, it can tailor marketing programs to the needs 
and wants of local customer groups in trading areas, 
neighborhoods, and even individual stores. 
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Example of Geographic Segmentation 
Even in a small country like Singapore, Esprit practices segmentation. Its Liat Towers store carries a 
wider range and attracts a different clientele, mostly tourists and expatriates, while a few hundred 
meters away, its Wisma Atria store attracts locals. 
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Geographic Segmentation: Grassroots Marketing 
In a growing trend called grassroots marketing, such activities 
concentrate on getting as close and personally relevant to 
individual customers as possible. 
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Geographic Segmentation: Grassroots Marketing 
Example: HP in India 
Working with the local government, as 
well as a branch of HP Labs based in 
India, the company, through grassroots 
marketing, provides the rural poor with 
access to government records, schools, 
health information, crop prices, and so on. 
Its hope is to stimulate small, tech-based 
businesses. Not only does this build 
goodwill and the HP brand in India, it also 
helps the company discover new, 
profitable lines of business. 
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Geographic Segmentation: Regional Marketing 
ā€¢ More and more, regional marketing means marketing right 
down to a specific district. 
ā€¢ Some companies use mapping software to show the 
geographic locations of their customers. 
ā€¢ By mapping the densest areas, the retailer can resort to 
customer cloning, assuming that the best prospects live 
where most of his customers come from. 
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Geographic Segmentation: Regional Marketing 
ā€¢ Some approaches combine geographic data with demographic 
data to yield even richer descriptions of consumers and 
ā€¢ Called geo-clustering, it captures the increasing diversity of 
the population. 
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Using Data Mining to Determine Shopper Profiles 
(Circle K in Hong Kong) 
Hong Kong convenience store 
chain, Circle K, uses data 
mining to find out the purchase 
profile of shoppers in different 
geographic area. Each outlet 
carries different items 
depending on the profile. 
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Demographic Segmentation 
In demographic segmentation, we divide the market by 
variables such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, 
income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, 
nationality, and social class. 
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Reasons for Popularity of Demographic 
ā€¢ First, consumer needs, wants, usage rates, and product and 
brand preferences are often associated with demographic 
ā€¢ Second, demographic variables are easier to measure. 
ā€¢ Even when the target market is described in non-demographic 
terms (say, a personality type), the link back to 
demographic characteristics is needed to estimate the size of 
the market and the media that should be used to reach it 
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Age and Life-Cycle Stage 
ā€¢ Consumer wants and abilities change with age. 
ā€¢ Nevertheless, age and life cycle can be tricky variables. 
ā€¢ The target market for some products may be the 
psychologically young. 
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Eversoft Infinite 
Eversoft Infinite targets the young segment who wants anti-aging products. It has Charmaine Sheh, 
a mature but youthful-looking celebrity, endorse the product. 
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Gender Segmentation 
ā€¢ Gender differentiation has long been applied in clothing, 
hairstyling, cosmetics, and magazines. 
ā€¢ Men and women have different attitudes and behave 
differently, based partly on genetic makeup and partly on 
ā€¢ Examples: 
ā€“Women tend to be more communal-minded and men tend to be 
more self-expressive and goal-directed. 
ā€“Men often like to read product information; women may relate to 
a product on a more personal level. 
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Gender Segmentation 
ā€¢ Some traditionally more male-orientated markets are 
beginning to recognize gender segmentation, changing how 
they design and sell their products. 
ā€¢ Example: Several Korean car manufacturers have designed 
cars specifically for women. Banks are also finding women a 
lucrative segment in Japan. 
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ā€¢ Income segmentation is a long-standing 
practice in product and 
service categories. 
ā€¢ However, income does not always 
predict the best customers for a 
given product. 
ā€¢ Increasingly, companies are finding 
their markets are hourglass-shaped 
as middle-market consumers 
migrate toward both discount and 
premium products. 
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Example of Income Segmentation: Banyan Tree 
Banyan Tree is a niche international chain of high-end resorts and hotels catering to the affluent. 
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Example of Income Segmentation: Kraft in Rural 
ā€¢ In Indonesia, for instance, such rising rural incomes have not gone 
unnoticed and Kraft has adapted its products to suit this segment. 
ā€¢ Rural consumers are still extremely price sensitive. Television ads 
are thus adapted to make the products more approachable and 
ā€¢ Kraft offers products in biscuit and soft cake forms, and in smaller 
packages to be sold at snack kiosks in towns and villages. 
ā€¢ Small packets costs 500 rupiah (6 cents) thereby making it 
extremely affordable to the rural customer. 
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Marketing Insight: Trading Up, Down, and Over 
ā€¢ A new pattern in consumer behavior has emerged in recent 
years: ā€œNew Luxuryā€ and in order to trade up to these brands 
that offer emotional benefits, consumers often ā€œtrade downā€ 
by shopping at discounters. 
ā€¢ Three main types of New Luxury products are identified: 
ā€“Accessible super-premium brands 
ā€“ Old Luxury brand extensions 
ā€“Masstige goods 
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ā€¢ Each generation or cohort is 
profoundly influenced by the times in 
which it grows up. 
ā€¢ Demographers call these groups 
ā€¢ They share similar outlooks and 
ā€¢ Marketers often advertise to a cohort 
by using the icons and images 
prominent in its experiences. 
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Gen Y 
ā€¢ A generation group of interest to marketers is the Gen Y. 
ā€¢ Because Gen Y members are often turned off by overt 
branding practices and ā€œhard sell,ā€ marketers use different 
approaches to reach and persuade them. 
ā€¢ These include online buzz, student ambassadors, product 
placements in computer games, and sponsoring cool events. 
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Gen Y in China 
Chinaā€™s Gen Y are more entrepreneurial, more Internet connected, and know more about Westerners 
than Westerners know about them. 
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Psychographic Segmentation 
ā€¢ Psychographics is the science of using psychology and 
demographics to better understand consumers. 
ā€¢ In psychographic segmentation, buyers are divided into 
different groups on the basis of psychological/personality 
traits, lifestyle, or values. 
ā€¢ People within the same demographic group can exhibit very 
different psychographic profiles. 
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Psychographic Segmentation 
ā€¢ One of the most popular commercially available classification 
systems based on psychographic measurements is Strategic 
Business Insightsā€™ VALSTM framework. 
ā€¢ VALS classifies adults into eight primary groups based on 
personality traits and key demographics. 
ā€¢ The segmentation system is based on responses to a 
questionnaire featuring four demographic and 35 attitudinal 
questions (see Figure 8.1). 
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Figure 8.1: The VALS Segmentation System 
The main dimensions of the VALS segmentation framework are consumer motivation (the 
horizontal dimension) and consumer resources (the vertical dimension). 
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Four groups with HIGHER resources 
1. Innovatorsā€”Successful, sophisticated, active, and ā€œtake-chargeā€ 
people with high self-esteem. Purchases often reflect 
cultivated tastes for relatively upscale, niche-oriented 
products and services. 
2. Thinkersā€”Mature, satisfied, and reflective people who are 
motivated by ideals and value order, knowledge, and 
responsibility. Favor durability, functionality, and value in 
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Four groups with HIGHER resources 
3. Achieversā€”Successful career- and work-oriented people 
who value consensus and stability. They favor established 
and prestige products that demonstrate success to their 
4. Experiencersā€”Young, enthusiastic, and impulsive people 
who seek variety and excitement. Spend a comparatively 
high proportion of income on fashion, entertainment, and 
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Four groups with LOWER resources 
1. Believersā€”Conservative, conventional, and traditional 
people with concrete beliefs. Favor familiar and established 
products and are loyal to established brands. 
2. Striversā€”Trendy and fun-loving people who seek the 
approval of others but are resource-constrained. Favor 
stylish products that emulate the purchases of those with 
greater material wealth. 
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Four groups with LOWER resources 
3. Makersā€”Practical, self-sufficient, traditional, and family-oriented 
people who focus on their work and home context. 
Favor basic products with a practical or functional purpose. 
4. Strugglersā€”Elderly, resigned, and passive people who are 
concerned about change. Loyal to their favorite brands. 
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Behavioral Segmentation 
In behavioral segmentation, marketers divide buyers into 
groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude toward, use 
of, or response to a product. 
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Needs and Benefits 
ā€¢ Not everyone who buys a product has the same needs or 
wants the same benefits from it. 
ā€¢ Needs-based or benefits-based segmentation is a widely used 
approach because it identifies distinct market segments with 
clear marketing implications. 
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Needs and Benefits Segmentation ā€“ P&G 
Procter & Gamble, for instance, has 
different shampoo brands according to 
the needs of each segment. 
ā€¢ Head & Shoulders is for those who 
need to control their dandruff problem; 
ā€¢ Pantene is for those who want to 
protect their hair from environmental 
damage from the sun; 
ā€¢ Rejoice is for those who want a mild 
shampoo for everyday use. 
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Tourism Australia 
ā€¢ Tourism Australia wanted to find out the needs of various 
tourists to attract them to visit Australia. 
ā€¢ It used two dimensions to identify tourist needsā€”the level of 
experience travellers have in long-haul travel and preference 
towards challenging themselves when traveling. 
ā€¢ There are four main segments: 
i. Family Focus Koreans 
ii. Comfort Tourists 
iii. Adventure Seekers 
iv. Functional Travelers 
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Decision Roles 
ā€¢ It is easy to identify the buyer for many products. 
ā€¢ People play five roles in a buying decision: initiator, influencer, 
decider, buyer, and user. 
ā€¢ Different people are playing different roles, but all are crucial 
in the decision process and ultimate consumer satisfaction. 
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User and Usageā€”Real User and Usage-related 
Many marketers believe that behavioral variablesā€”occasions, 
benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, buyer-readiness 
stage, and attitudeā€”are the best starting points for constructing 
market segments. 
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ā€¢ Occasions are determined by a time of day, week, month, 
year or other well-defined temporal aspects of a consumerā€™s 
ā€¢ Buyers can be distinguished according to the occasions when 
they develop a need, purchase a product, or use a product. 
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ā€¢ For example, air travel is triggered by occasions related to 
business, vacation, or family. 
ā€¢ Occasion segmentation can help firms expand product usage. 
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User Status 
ā€¢ Markets can be segmented into non-users, ex-users, potential 
users, first-time users, and regular users of a product. 
ā€¢ Each will require a different marketing strategy. 
ā€¢ The key to attracting potential users, or even possibly nonusers, is 
understanding the reasons they are not using. 
ā€¢ Market-share leaders tend to focus on attracting potential users 
because they have the most to gain. 
ā€¢ Smaller firms focus on trying to attract current users away from the 
market leader. 
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Usage Rate 
ā€¢ Markets can be segmented into light, medium, and heavy 
product users. 
ā€¢ Heavy users are often a small percentage of the market but 
account for a high percentage of total consumption. 
ā€¢ Marketers would rather attract one heavy user than several 
light users. 
ā€¢ A potential problem is that heavy users are often either 
extremely loyal to one brand, or never stay loyal to a brand 
and are always looking for the lowest price. 
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Usage Rateā€”The Chinese Internet Market 
The Digital Junkies are the most intensive Internet users among the Chinese. They spend more than 
34 hours a week with digital media compared to the average of 15.8 hours. 
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Buyer Readiness Stage 
ā€¢ Some people are unaware of the product, some are aware, 
some are informed, some are interested, some desire the 
product, and some intend to buy. 
ā€¢ To help characterize how many people are at different stages 
and how well they have converted people from one stage to 
another, some marketers employ a marketing funnel. 
ā€¢ See Figure 8.2: The Brand Funnel. 
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Figure 8.2: The Brand Funnel 
The relative numbers of consumers at different stages make a big difference in designing the 
marketing program. 
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Loyalty Status 
Buyers can be divided into four groups according to brand 
loyalty status: 
1. Hard-core loyalsā€”Consumers who buy only one 
brand all the time. 
2. Split loyalsā€”Consumers who are loyal to two or three 
3. Shifting loyalsā€”Consumers who shift loyalty from 
one brand to another. 
4. Switchersā€”Consumers who show no loyalty to any 
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Marketing Applications 
A company can learn a great deal by analyzing the degrees of 
brand loyalty: 
i. By studying its hard-core loyals, the company can identify its 
productsā€™ strengths; 
ii. By studying its split loyals, the company can pinpoint which 
brands are most competitive with its own; and 
iii. By looking at customers who are shifting away from its brand, 
the company can learn about its marketing weaknesses and 
attempt to correct them. 
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Five attitude groups can be found in a market: enthusiastic, 
positive, indifferent, negative, and hostile. 
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Multiple Bases 
ā€¢ Combining different behavioral bases can help to provide a 
more comprehensive and cohesive view of a market and its 
ā€¢ Figure 8.3 depicts one possible way to break down a target 
market by various behavioral segmentation bases. 
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Figure 8.3: Behavioral Segmentation Breakdown 
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Bases for Segmenting Business Markets 
ā€¢ Business markets can be segmented with some of the same 
variables used in consumer market segmentation, such as 
geography, benefits sought, and usage rate, but business 
marketers also use other variables. 
ā€¢ Thomas Bonoma and Benson Shapiro proposed segmenting 
the business market with the variables shown in Table 8.2. 
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Table 8.2: Major Segmentation Variables for 
Business Markets 
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Table 8.2: Major Segmentation Variables for 
Business Markets (contā€™d) 
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Marketing Applications of Business Segmentation 
ā€¢ The table lists major questions that business marketers 
should ask in determining which segments and customers to 
ā€¢ Within a chosen target industry, a company can further 
segment by company size. The company might set up 
separate operations for selling to large and small customers. 
ā€¢ Within a given target market industry and customer size, a 
company can segment further by purchase criteria. 
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Segmenting Business Markets 
ā€¢ Business marketers generally identify segments through a sequential 
ā€¢ The company first undertook macro-segmentation. 
ā€¢ It looked at which end-use market to serve: automobile, residential, or 
beverage containers. 
ā€¢ It chose the residential market, and it needed to determine the most 
attractive product application: semi-finished material, building components, 
or aluminum mobile homes. 
ā€¢ Deciding to focus on building components, it considered the best customer 
size and chose large customers. 
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Segmenting Business Markets 
ā€¢ The second stage consisted of micro-segmentation. 
ā€¢ The company distinguished among customers buying on 
price, service, or quality. 
ā€¢ Because it had a high-service profile, the firm decided to 
concentrate on the service-motivated segment of the market. 
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Segmenting Business Markets 
ā€¢ Business-to-business marketing experts Anderson and Narus 
have urged marketers to present flexible market offerings 
to all members of a segment. 
ā€¢ A flexible market offering consists of two parts: a naked 
solution containing the product and service elements that all 
segment members value, and discretionary options that some 
segment members value. 
ā€¢ Each option might carry an additional charge. 
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Market Targeting 
ā€¢ Once the firm has identified its market-segment 
opportunities, it has to decide how many and which ones to 
ā€¢ Marketers are increasingly combining several variables in an 
effort to identify smaller, better-defined target groups. 
ā€¢ This has lead some researchers to advocate a needs-based 
market segmentation approach. 
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Table 8.3: Steps in the Segmentation Process 
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Effective Segmentation Criteria 
1. Measurableā€”The size, purchasing power, and 
characteristics of the segments can be measured. 
2. Substantialā€”The segments are large and profitable enough 
to serve. A segment should be the largest possible 
homogeneous group worth going after with a tailored 
marketing program. 
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Effective Segmentation Criteria 
3. Accessibleā€”The segments can be effectively reached and 
4. Differentiableā€”The segments are conceptually 
distinguishable and respond differently to different 
marketing-mix elements and programs. 
5. Actionableā€”Effective programs can be formulated for 
attracting and serving the segments. 
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Porterā€™s Five Forces Model and Segment 
Michael Porter has identified five forces that determine the 
intrinsic long-run attractiveness of a market or market segment: 
industry competitors, potential entrants, substitutes, buyers, 
and suppliers. 
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Porterā€™s Five Forces Model and Segment 
1. Threat of intense segment rivalryā€”A segment is 
unattractive if it already contains numerous, strong, or 
aggressive competitors. 
2. Threat of new entrantsā€”The most attractive segment is 
one in which entry barriers are high and exit barriers are 
3. Threat of substitute productsā€”A segment is unattractive 
when there are actual or potential substitutes for the 
product. Substitutes place a limit on prices and on profits. 
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Porterā€™s Five Forces Model and Segment 
4. Threat of buyersā€™ growing bargaining powerā€”A 
segment is unattractive if buyers possess strong or growing 
bargaining power. 
5. Threat of suppliersā€™ growing bargaining powerā€”A 
segment is unattractive if the companyā€™s suppliers are able 
to raise prices or reduce quantity supplied. 
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Evaluating and Selecting the Market Segments 
ā€¢ In evaluating different market segments, the firm must look 
at two factors: 
ā€“ The segmentā€™s overall attractiveness and 
ā€“ The companyā€™s objectives and resources 
ā€¢ Does a potential segment have characteristics that make it 
generally attractive, such as size, growth, profitability, scale 
economies, and low risk? 
ā€¢ Does investing in the segment make sense given the firmā€™s 
objectives, competencies, and resources? 
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Segment Attractiveness 
Energy drink, 100 Plus, considers the tertiary segment attractive enough for it to allocate resources 
such as this promotional banner put up at the National University of Singaporeā€™s Business School to 
welcome students when they began their new academic year. 
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Possible Levels of Segmentation 
ā€¢ Marketers have a range or continuum of possible levels of 
segmentation that can guide their target market decisions. 
ā€¢ As Figure 8.4 shows, at one end is a mass market of 
essentially one segment; at the other are individuals or 
segments of one person. 
ā€¢ Between lie multiple segments and single segments. 
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Figure 8.4: Possible Levels of Segmentation 
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Full Market Coverage 
ā€¢ The firm attempts to serve all customer 
groups with all the products they might 
ā€¢ In undifferentiated marketing, the firm 
ignores segment differences and goes after 
the whole market with one offer. 
ā€¢ In differentiated marketing, the firm 
operates in several market segments and 
designs different products for each 
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Full Market Coverage 
Samsung identified six segments of mobile phone users based on their need for style, infotainment, 
business, multimedia, connection, and basic necessities. It has a slew of mobile phones to address 
these varied needs. 
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Undifferentiated Marketing 
ā€¢ In undifferentiated marketing or mass marketing, the firm 
ignores segment differences and goes after the whole market 
with one offer. 
ā€¢ It designs a product and a marketing program that will appeal 
to the broadest number of buyers. 
ā€¢ It relies on mass distribution and advertising. 
ā€¢ It aims to endow the product with a superior image. 
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Undifferentiated Marketing 
ā€¢ Undifferentiated marketing is ā€œthe marketing counterpart to 
standardization and mass production in manufacturing.ā€ 
ā€¢ The narrow product line keeps down costs of research and 
development, production, inventory, transportation, 
marketing research, advertising, and product management. 
ā€¢ The undifferentiated advertising program also reduces costs. 
ā€¢ Presumably, the company can turn its lower costs into lower 
prices to win the price-sensitive segment of the market. 
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Differentiated Marketing 
ā€¢ In differentiated marketing, the firm operates in several 
market segments and designs different products for each 
ā€¢ Differentiated marketing typically creates more total sales 
than undifferentiated marketing. However, it also increases 
the costs of doing business. 
ā€¢ Because differentiated marketing leads to both higher sales 
and higher costs, nothing general can be said about the 
profitability of this strategy. 
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Differentiated Marketing ā€“ Lenovo 
Lenovo practices differentiated 
marketing to reach out more 
effectively to consumer and 
business customers. 
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Multiple Segment Specialization 
ā€¢ With selective specialization, a 
firm selects a subset of all the 
possible segments, each 
objectively attractive and 
ā€¢ There may be little or no synergy 
among the segments, but each 
promises to be a moneymaker. 
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Multiple Segment Specialization 
ā€¢ Keeping synergies in mind, 
companies can try to operate in 
supersegments rather than in 
isolated segments. A 
supersegment is a set of 
segments sharing some 
exploitable similarity. 
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Multiple Segment Specialization 
ā€¢ With product specialization, the firm sells a certain product to 
several different market segments. This leads to a strong reputation 
in the specific product area. The downside/risk is that the product 
may be supplanted by an entirely new technology. 
ā€¢ With market specialization, the firm concentrates on serving 
many needs of a particular customer group, such as by selling an 
assortment of products only to university laboratories. The firm 
gains a strong reputation among this customer group and becomes 
a channel for additional products its members can use. The 
downside/risk is that the customer group may suffer budget cuts or 
shrink in size. 
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Multiple Segment Specialization 
Although P&G initially targeted 
very specific segments with its 
Crest Whitestrips tooth-whitening 
product, it later 
expanded both its product 
offerings and its target markets. 
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Single-segment Concentration 
ā€¢ With single-segment concentration, the firm markets to only 
one particular segment. 
ā€¢ Through concentrated marketing, the firm gains deep 
knowledge of the segmentā€™s needs and achieves a strong 
market presence. 
ā€¢ Further, the firm enjoys operating economies through 
specializing its production, distribution, and promotion. 
ā€¢ If it captures segment leadership, the firm can earn a high 
return on its investment. 
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Tiger Motorcycles in Thailand 
Tigerā€™s bikes are targeted at a 
segment that Japanese 
producers have overlookedā€”the 
thrifty, yet style-conscious, rural 
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Niche Marketing 
ā€¢ A niche is a more narrowly defined customer group seeking a 
distinctive mix of benefits within a segment. Marketers 
usually identify niches by dividing a segment into sub-segments. 
ā€¢ Niche marketers aim to understand their customersā€™ needs so 
well that customers willingly pay a premium. 
ā€¢ However, there are risks. A market segment can turn sour or 
a competitor may invade the segment. 
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Individual Marketing 
ā€¢ The ultimate level of segmentation leads to ā€œsegments of one,ā€ ā€œcustomized 
marketing,ā€ or ā€œone-to-one marketing. 
ā€¢ Today customers are taking more individual initiative in determining what 
and how to buy. 
ā€¢ They log onto the Internet; look up information and evaluations of product 
or service offerings; conduct dialogue with suppliers, users, and product 
critics; and in many cases design the product they want. 
ā€¢ Customerization combines operationally driven mass customization with 
customized marketing in a way that empowers consumers to design the 
product and service offering of their choice. 
87 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
Ethical Choice of Market Targets 
ā€¢ Market targeting also can generate public controversy when 
marketers take unfair advantage of vulnerable or 
disadvantaged groups, or promote potentially harmful 
ā€¢ Example, the fast-food industry has been heavily criticized for 
marketing efforts directed toward children. 
88 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
Ethical Choice of Market Targets 
Socially responsible marketing calls for targeting that serves not 
only the companyā€™s interests, but also the interests of those 
89 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
Schema for Chapter Eight 90 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
Thank you

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Mma6e chapter-08 final

  • 1.
  • 2. Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective, 6th Edition Instructor Supplements Created by Geoffrey da Silva
  • 3. Identifying Market Segments and Targets 3 8 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 4. Learning Issues for Chapter Eight 1. What are the different levels of market segmentation? 2. In what ways can a company divide a market into segments? 3. What are the requirements for effective segmentation? 4. How should business markets be segmented? 5. How should a company choose the most attractive target markets? 4 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 5. Importance of Market Segmentation ā€¢ Companies cannot connect with all customers in large, broad, or diverse markets. ā€¢ But they can divide such markets into groups of consumers or segments with distinct needs and wants. ā€¢ A company then needs to identify which market segments it can serve effectively. ā€¢ This decision requires a keen understanding of consumer behavior and careful strategic thinking. ā€¢ To develop the best marketing plans, managers need to understand what makes each segment unique and different. 5 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 6. Target Marketing ā€¢ To compete more effectively, many companies are now embracing target marketing. ā€¢ Effective target marketing requires that marketers: a. Identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and wants (market segmentation). b. Select one or more market segments to enter (market targeting). c. For each target market, establish and communicate the distinctive benefit(s) of the companyā€™s market offering (market positioning). 6 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 7. Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets ā€¢ Market segmentation divides a market into well-defined slices. ā€¢ A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants. ā€¢ The marketerā€™s task is to identify the appropriate number and nature of market segments and decide which one(s) to target. 7 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 8. Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets ā€¢ There are two broad groups of variables to segment consumer markets. a. Descriptive characteristics: geographic, demographics, and psycho-graphic. b. Behavioral considerations: consumer responses to benefits, usage occasions, or brands. ā€¢ Regardless of which type of segmentation scheme we use, the key is adjusting the marketing program to recognize customer differences. 8 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 9. Table 8.1: Major Segment Variables for Consumer Markets 9 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 10. Table 8.1 Major Segment Variables for Consumer Markets (contā€™d) 10 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 11. Geographic Segmentation ā€¢ Geographic segmentation calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods. ā€¢ The company can operate in one or a few areas, or operate in all but pay attention to local variations. ā€¢ In that way, it can tailor marketing programs to the needs and wants of local customer groups in trading areas, neighborhoods, and even individual stores. 11 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 12. Example of Geographic Segmentation Even in a small country like Singapore, Esprit practices segmentation. Its Liat Towers store carries a wider range and attracts a different clientele, mostly tourists and expatriates, while a few hundred meters away, its Wisma Atria store attracts locals. 12 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 13. Geographic Segmentation: Grassroots Marketing In a growing trend called grassroots marketing, such activities concentrate on getting as close and personally relevant to individual customers as possible. 13 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 14. Geographic Segmentation: Grassroots Marketing Example: HP in India Working with the local government, as well as a branch of HP Labs based in India, the company, through grassroots marketing, provides the rural poor with access to government records, schools, health information, crop prices, and so on. Its hope is to stimulate small, tech-based businesses. Not only does this build goodwill and the HP brand in India, it also helps the company discover new, profitable lines of business. 14 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 15. Geographic Segmentation: Regional Marketing ā€¢ More and more, regional marketing means marketing right down to a specific district. ā€¢ Some companies use mapping software to show the geographic locations of their customers. ā€¢ By mapping the densest areas, the retailer can resort to customer cloning, assuming that the best prospects live where most of his customers come from. 15 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 16. Geographic Segmentation: Regional Marketing ā€¢ Some approaches combine geographic data with demographic data to yield even richer descriptions of consumers and neighborhoods. ā€¢ Called geo-clustering, it captures the increasing diversity of the population. 16 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 17. Using Data Mining to Determine Shopper Profiles (Circle K in Hong Kong) Hong Kong convenience store chain, Circle K, uses data mining to find out the purchase profile of shoppers in different geographic area. Each outlet carries different items depending on the profile. 17 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 18. Demographic Segmentation In demographic segmentation, we divide the market by variables such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality, and social class. 18 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 19. Reasons for Popularity of Demographic Segmentation ā€¢ First, consumer needs, wants, usage rates, and product and brand preferences are often associated with demographic variables. ā€¢ Second, demographic variables are easier to measure. ā€¢ Even when the target market is described in non-demographic terms (say, a personality type), the link back to demographic characteristics is needed to estimate the size of the market and the media that should be used to reach it efficiently. 19 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 20. Age and Life-Cycle Stage ā€¢ Consumer wants and abilities change with age. ā€¢ Nevertheless, age and life cycle can be tricky variables. ā€¢ The target market for some products may be the psychologically young. 20 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 21. Eversoft Infinite Eversoft Infinite targets the young segment who wants anti-aging products. It has Charmaine Sheh, a mature but youthful-looking celebrity, endorse the product. 21 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 22. Gender Segmentation ā€¢ Gender differentiation has long been applied in clothing, hairstyling, cosmetics, and magazines. ā€¢ Men and women have different attitudes and behave differently, based partly on genetic makeup and partly on socialization. ā€¢ Examples: ā€“Women tend to be more communal-minded and men tend to be more self-expressive and goal-directed. ā€“Men often like to read product information; women may relate to a product on a more personal level. 22 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 23. Gender Segmentation ā€¢ Some traditionally more male-orientated markets are beginning to recognize gender segmentation, changing how they design and sell their products. ā€¢ Example: Several Korean car manufacturers have designed cars specifically for women. Banks are also finding women a lucrative segment in Japan. 23 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 24. Income ā€¢ Income segmentation is a long-standing practice in product and service categories. ā€¢ However, income does not always predict the best customers for a given product. ā€¢ Increasingly, companies are finding their markets are hourglass-shaped as middle-market consumers migrate toward both discount and premium products. 24 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 25. Example of Income Segmentation: Banyan Tree Banyan Tree is a niche international chain of high-end resorts and hotels catering to the affluent. 25 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 26. Example of Income Segmentation: Kraft in Rural Indonesia ā€¢ In Indonesia, for instance, such rising rural incomes have not gone unnoticed and Kraft has adapted its products to suit this segment. ā€¢ Rural consumers are still extremely price sensitive. Television ads are thus adapted to make the products more approachable and affordable. ā€¢ Kraft offers products in biscuit and soft cake forms, and in smaller packages to be sold at snack kiosks in towns and villages. ā€¢ Small packets costs 500 rupiah (6 cents) thereby making it extremely affordable to the rural customer. 26 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 27. Marketing Insight: Trading Up, Down, and Over ā€¢ A new pattern in consumer behavior has emerged in recent years: ā€œNew Luxuryā€ and in order to trade up to these brands that offer emotional benefits, consumers often ā€œtrade downā€ by shopping at discounters. ā€¢ Three main types of New Luxury products are identified: ā€“Accessible super-premium brands ā€“ Old Luxury brand extensions ā€“Masstige goods 27 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 28. Generation ā€¢ Each generation or cohort is profoundly influenced by the times in which it grows up. ā€¢ Demographers call these groups cohorts. ā€¢ They share similar outlooks and values. ā€¢ Marketers often advertise to a cohort by using the icons and images prominent in its experiences. 28 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 29. Gen Y ā€¢ A generation group of interest to marketers is the Gen Y. ā€¢ Because Gen Y members are often turned off by overt branding practices and ā€œhard sell,ā€ marketers use different approaches to reach and persuade them. ā€¢ These include online buzz, student ambassadors, product placements in computer games, and sponsoring cool events. 29 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 30. Gen Y in China Chinaā€™s Gen Y are more entrepreneurial, more Internet connected, and know more about Westerners than Westerners know about them. 30 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 31. Psychographic Segmentation ā€¢ Psychographics is the science of using psychology and demographics to better understand consumers. ā€¢ In psychographic segmentation, buyers are divided into different groups on the basis of psychological/personality traits, lifestyle, or values. ā€¢ People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different psychographic profiles. 31 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 32. Psychographic Segmentation ā€¢ One of the most popular commercially available classification systems based on psychographic measurements is Strategic Business Insightsā€™ VALSTM framework. ā€¢ VALS classifies adults into eight primary groups based on personality traits and key demographics. ā€¢ The segmentation system is based on responses to a questionnaire featuring four demographic and 35 attitudinal questions (see Figure 8.1). 32 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 33. Figure 8.1: The VALS Segmentation System 33 The main dimensions of the VALS segmentation framework are consumer motivation (the horizontal dimension) and consumer resources (the vertical dimension). Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 34. Four groups with HIGHER resources 1. Innovatorsā€”Successful, sophisticated, active, and ā€œtake-chargeā€ people with high self-esteem. Purchases often reflect cultivated tastes for relatively upscale, niche-oriented products and services. 2. Thinkersā€”Mature, satisfied, and reflective people who are motivated by ideals and value order, knowledge, and responsibility. Favor durability, functionality, and value in products. 34 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 35. Four groups with HIGHER resources 3. Achieversā€”Successful career- and work-oriented people who value consensus and stability. They favor established and prestige products that demonstrate success to their peers. 4. Experiencersā€”Young, enthusiastic, and impulsive people who seek variety and excitement. Spend a comparatively high proportion of income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. 35 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 36. Four groups with LOWER resources 1. Believersā€”Conservative, conventional, and traditional people with concrete beliefs. Favor familiar and established products and are loyal to established brands. 2. Striversā€”Trendy and fun-loving people who seek the approval of others but are resource-constrained. Favor stylish products that emulate the purchases of those with greater material wealth. 36 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 37. Four groups with LOWER resources 3. Makersā€”Practical, self-sufficient, traditional, and family-oriented people who focus on their work and home context. Favor basic products with a practical or functional purpose. 4. Strugglersā€”Elderly, resigned, and passive people who are concerned about change. Loyal to their favorite brands. 37 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 38. Behavioral Segmentation In behavioral segmentation, marketers divide buyers into groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude toward, use of, or response to a product. 38 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 39. Needs and Benefits ā€¢ Not everyone who buys a product has the same needs or wants the same benefits from it. ā€¢ Needs-based or benefits-based segmentation is a widely used approach because it identifies distinct market segments with clear marketing implications. 39 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 40. Needs and Benefits Segmentation ā€“ P&G Procter & Gamble, for instance, has different shampoo brands according to the needs of each segment. ā€¢ Head & Shoulders is for those who need to control their dandruff problem; ā€¢ Pantene is for those who want to protect their hair from environmental damage from the sun; ā€¢ Rejoice is for those who want a mild shampoo for everyday use. 40 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 41. Tourism Australia ā€¢ Tourism Australia wanted to find out the needs of various tourists to attract them to visit Australia. ā€¢ It used two dimensions to identify tourist needsā€”the level of experience travellers have in long-haul travel and preference towards challenging themselves when traveling. ā€¢ There are four main segments: i. Family Focus Koreans ii. Comfort Tourists iii. Adventure Seekers iv. Functional Travelers 41 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 42. Decision Roles ā€¢ It is easy to identify the buyer for many products. ā€¢ People play five roles in a buying decision: initiator, influencer, decider, buyer, and user. ā€¢ Different people are playing different roles, but all are crucial in the decision process and ultimate consumer satisfaction. 42 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 43. User and Usageā€”Real User and Usage-related Variables Many marketers believe that behavioral variablesā€”occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, buyer-readiness stage, and attitudeā€”are the best starting points for constructing market segments. 43 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 44. Occasions ā€¢ Occasions are determined by a time of day, week, month, year or other well-defined temporal aspects of a consumerā€™s life. ā€¢ Buyers can be distinguished according to the occasions when they develop a need, purchase a product, or use a product. 44 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 45. Occasions ā€¢ For example, air travel is triggered by occasions related to business, vacation, or family. ā€¢ Occasion segmentation can help firms expand product usage. 45 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 46. User Status ā€¢ Markets can be segmented into non-users, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular users of a product. ā€¢ Each will require a different marketing strategy. ā€¢ The key to attracting potential users, or even possibly nonusers, is understanding the reasons they are not using. ā€¢ Market-share leaders tend to focus on attracting potential users because they have the most to gain. ā€¢ Smaller firms focus on trying to attract current users away from the market leader. 46 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 47. Usage Rate ā€¢ Markets can be segmented into light, medium, and heavy product users. ā€¢ Heavy users are often a small percentage of the market but account for a high percentage of total consumption. ā€¢ Marketers would rather attract one heavy user than several light users. ā€¢ A potential problem is that heavy users are often either extremely loyal to one brand, or never stay loyal to a brand and are always looking for the lowest price. 47 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 48. Usage Rateā€”The Chinese Internet Market The Digital Junkies are the most intensive Internet users among the Chinese. They spend more than 34 hours a week with digital media compared to the average of 15.8 hours. 48 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 49. Buyer Readiness Stage ā€¢ Some people are unaware of the product, some are aware, some are informed, some are interested, some desire the product, and some intend to buy. ā€¢ To help characterize how many people are at different stages and how well they have converted people from one stage to another, some marketers employ a marketing funnel. ā€¢ See Figure 8.2: The Brand Funnel. 49 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 50. Figure 8.2: The Brand Funnel The relative numbers of consumers at different stages make a big difference in designing the marketing program. 50 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 51. Loyalty Status Buyers can be divided into four groups according to brand loyalty status: 1. Hard-core loyalsā€”Consumers who buy only one brand all the time. 2. Split loyalsā€”Consumers who are loyal to two or three brands. 3. Shifting loyalsā€”Consumers who shift loyalty from one brand to another. 4. Switchersā€”Consumers who show no loyalty to any brand 51 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 52. Marketing Applications A company can learn a great deal by analyzing the degrees of brand loyalty: i. By studying its hard-core loyals, the company can identify its productsā€™ strengths; ii. By studying its split loyals, the company can pinpoint which brands are most competitive with its own; and iii. By looking at customers who are shifting away from its brand, the company can learn about its marketing weaknesses and attempt to correct them. 52 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 53. Attitude Five attitude groups can be found in a market: enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, and hostile. 53 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 54. Multiple Bases ā€¢ Combining different behavioral bases can help to provide a more comprehensive and cohesive view of a market and its segments. ā€¢ Figure 8.3 depicts one possible way to break down a target market by various behavioral segmentation bases. 54 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 55. Figure 8.3: Behavioral Segmentation Breakdown 55 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 56. Bases for Segmenting Business Markets ā€¢ Business markets can be segmented with some of the same variables used in consumer market segmentation, such as geography, benefits sought, and usage rate, but business marketers also use other variables. ā€¢ Thomas Bonoma and Benson Shapiro proposed segmenting the business market with the variables shown in Table 8.2. 56 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 57. Table 8.2: Major Segmentation Variables for Business Markets 57 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 58. Table 8.2: Major Segmentation Variables for Business Markets (contā€™d) 58 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 59. Marketing Applications of Business Segmentation ā€¢ The table lists major questions that business marketers should ask in determining which segments and customers to serve. ā€¢ Within a chosen target industry, a company can further segment by company size. The company might set up separate operations for selling to large and small customers. ā€¢ Within a given target market industry and customer size, a company can segment further by purchase criteria. 59 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 60. Segmenting Business Markets ā€¢ Business marketers generally identify segments through a sequential process. ā€¢ The company first undertook macro-segmentation. ā€¢ It looked at which end-use market to serve: automobile, residential, or beverage containers. ā€¢ It chose the residential market, and it needed to determine the most attractive product application: semi-finished material, building components, or aluminum mobile homes. ā€¢ Deciding to focus on building components, it considered the best customer size and chose large customers. 60 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 61. Segmenting Business Markets ā€¢ The second stage consisted of micro-segmentation. ā€¢ The company distinguished among customers buying on price, service, or quality. ā€¢ Because it had a high-service profile, the firm decided to concentrate on the service-motivated segment of the market. 61 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 62. Segmenting Business Markets ā€¢ Business-to-business marketing experts Anderson and Narus have urged marketers to present flexible market offerings to all members of a segment. ā€¢ A flexible market offering consists of two parts: a naked solution containing the product and service elements that all segment members value, and discretionary options that some segment members value. ā€¢ Each option might carry an additional charge. 62 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 63. Market Targeting ā€¢ Once the firm has identified its market-segment opportunities, it has to decide how many and which ones to target. ā€¢ Marketers are increasingly combining several variables in an effort to identify smaller, better-defined target groups. ā€¢ This has lead some researchers to advocate a needs-based market segmentation approach. 63 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 64. Table 8.3: Steps in the Segmentation Process 64 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 65. Effective Segmentation Criteria 1. Measurableā€”The size, purchasing power, and characteristics of the segments can be measured. 2. Substantialā€”The segments are large and profitable enough to serve. A segment should be the largest possible homogeneous group worth going after with a tailored marketing program. 65 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 66. Effective Segmentation Criteria 3. Accessibleā€”The segments can be effectively reached and served. 4. Differentiableā€”The segments are conceptually distinguishable and respond differently to different marketing-mix elements and programs. 5. Actionableā€”Effective programs can be formulated for attracting and serving the segments. 66 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 67. Porterā€™s Five Forces Model and Segment Attractiveness Michael Porter has identified five forces that determine the intrinsic long-run attractiveness of a market or market segment: industry competitors, potential entrants, substitutes, buyers, and suppliers. 67 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 68. Porterā€™s Five Forces Model and Segment Attractiveness 1. Threat of intense segment rivalryā€”A segment is unattractive if it already contains numerous, strong, or aggressive competitors. 2. Threat of new entrantsā€”The most attractive segment is one in which entry barriers are high and exit barriers are low. 3. Threat of substitute productsā€”A segment is unattractive when there are actual or potential substitutes for the product. Substitutes place a limit on prices and on profits. 68 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 69. Porterā€™s Five Forces Model and Segment Attractiveness 4. Threat of buyersā€™ growing bargaining powerā€”A segment is unattractive if buyers possess strong or growing bargaining power. 5. Threat of suppliersā€™ growing bargaining powerā€”A segment is unattractive if the companyā€™s suppliers are able to raise prices or reduce quantity supplied. 69 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 70. Evaluating and Selecting the Market Segments ā€¢ In evaluating different market segments, the firm must look at two factors: ā€“ The segmentā€™s overall attractiveness and ā€“ The companyā€™s objectives and resources ā€¢ Does a potential segment have characteristics that make it generally attractive, such as size, growth, profitability, scale economies, and low risk? ā€¢ Does investing in the segment make sense given the firmā€™s objectives, competencies, and resources? 70 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 71. Segment Attractiveness Energy drink, 100 Plus, considers the tertiary segment attractive enough for it to allocate resources such as this promotional banner put up at the National University of Singaporeā€™s Business School to welcome students when they began their new academic year. 71 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 72. Possible Levels of Segmentation ā€¢ Marketers have a range or continuum of possible levels of segmentation that can guide their target market decisions. ā€¢ As Figure 8.4 shows, at one end is a mass market of essentially one segment; at the other are individuals or segments of one person. ā€¢ Between lie multiple segments and single segments. 72 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 73. Figure 8.4: Possible Levels of Segmentation 73 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 74. Full Market Coverage ā€¢ The firm attempts to serve all customer groups with all the products they might need. ā€¢ In undifferentiated marketing, the firm ignores segment differences and goes after the whole market with one offer. ā€¢ In differentiated marketing, the firm operates in several market segments and designs different products for each segment. 74 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 75. Full Market Coverage Samsung identified six segments of mobile phone users based on their need for style, infotainment, business, multimedia, connection, and basic necessities. It has a slew of mobile phones to address these varied needs. 75 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 76. Undifferentiated Marketing ā€¢ In undifferentiated marketing or mass marketing, the firm ignores segment differences and goes after the whole market with one offer. ā€¢ It designs a product and a marketing program that will appeal to the broadest number of buyers. ā€¢ It relies on mass distribution and advertising. ā€¢ It aims to endow the product with a superior image. 76 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 77. Undifferentiated Marketing ā€¢ Undifferentiated marketing is ā€œthe marketing counterpart to standardization and mass production in manufacturing.ā€ ā€¢ The narrow product line keeps down costs of research and development, production, inventory, transportation, marketing research, advertising, and product management. ā€¢ The undifferentiated advertising program also reduces costs. ā€¢ Presumably, the company can turn its lower costs into lower prices to win the price-sensitive segment of the market. 77 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 78. Differentiated Marketing ā€¢ In differentiated marketing, the firm operates in several market segments and designs different products for each segment. ā€¢ Differentiated marketing typically creates more total sales than undifferentiated marketing. However, it also increases the costs of doing business. ā€¢ Because differentiated marketing leads to both higher sales and higher costs, nothing general can be said about the profitability of this strategy. 78 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 79. Differentiated Marketing ā€“ Lenovo Lenovo practices differentiated marketing to reach out more effectively to consumer and business customers. 79 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 80. Multiple Segment Specialization ā€¢ With selective specialization, a firm selects a subset of all the possible segments, each objectively attractive and appropriate. ā€¢ There may be little or no synergy among the segments, but each promises to be a moneymaker. 80 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 81. Multiple Segment Specialization ā€¢ Keeping synergies in mind, companies can try to operate in supersegments rather than in isolated segments. A supersegment is a set of segments sharing some exploitable similarity. 81 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 82. Multiple Segment Specialization ā€¢ With product specialization, the firm sells a certain product to several different market segments. This leads to a strong reputation in the specific product area. The downside/risk is that the product may be supplanted by an entirely new technology. ā€¢ With market specialization, the firm concentrates on serving many needs of a particular customer group, such as by selling an assortment of products only to university laboratories. The firm gains a strong reputation among this customer group and becomes a channel for additional products its members can use. The downside/risk is that the customer group may suffer budget cuts or shrink in size. 82 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 83. Multiple Segment Specialization Although P&G initially targeted very specific segments with its Crest Whitestrips tooth-whitening product, it later expanded both its product offerings and its target markets. 83 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 84. Single-segment Concentration ā€¢ With single-segment concentration, the firm markets to only one particular segment. ā€¢ Through concentrated marketing, the firm gains deep knowledge of the segmentā€™s needs and achieves a strong market presence. ā€¢ Further, the firm enjoys operating economies through specializing its production, distribution, and promotion. ā€¢ If it captures segment leadership, the firm can earn a high return on its investment. 84 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 85. Tiger Motorcycles in Thailand Tigerā€™s bikes are targeted at a segment that Japanese producers have overlookedā€”the thrifty, yet style-conscious, rural rider. 85 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 86. Niche Marketing ā€¢ A niche is a more narrowly defined customer group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits within a segment. Marketers usually identify niches by dividing a segment into sub-segments. ā€¢ Niche marketers aim to understand their customersā€™ needs so well that customers willingly pay a premium. ā€¢ However, there are risks. A market segment can turn sour or a competitor may invade the segment. 86 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 87. Individual Marketing ā€¢ The ultimate level of segmentation leads to ā€œsegments of one,ā€ ā€œcustomized marketing,ā€ or ā€œone-to-one marketing. ā€¢ Today customers are taking more individual initiative in determining what and how to buy. ā€¢ They log onto the Internet; look up information and evaluations of product or service offerings; conduct dialogue with suppliers, users, and product critics; and in many cases design the product they want. ā€¢ Customerization combines operationally driven mass customization with customized marketing in a way that empowers consumers to design the product and service offering of their choice. 87 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 88. Ethical Choice of Market Targets ā€¢ Market targeting also can generate public controversy when marketers take unfair advantage of vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, or promote potentially harmful products. ā€¢ Example, the fast-food industry has been heavily criticized for marketing efforts directed toward children. 88 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 89. Ethical Choice of Market Targets Socially responsible marketing calls for targeting that serves not only the companyā€™s interests, but also the interests of those targeted. 89 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved
  • 90. Schema for Chapter Eight 90 Ā© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2013. All rights reserved