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09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5
Student Number: 2224030
Module Code: MKTU9M5
Word Count: 2998
09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5
Ethical consumerism, defined as the
purchase of products produced in a way
that limits or avoids the social and
environmental negative consequences of
global trade (Uusitalo and Oksanen, 2004),
is becoming increasingly important both in
the minds of consumers and within
business strategies. In fact, most people
define themselves as environmentally
conscious. At the same time, the vast
majority of firms have developed a CSR or
a Sustainability dedicated business
section, in response to the results of many
researches within this field that have
clearly shown the positive effects that
ethical and sustainable approaches have
on profitability, market shares, customer
satisfaction and employee commitment
(Moser, 2015).
However, the green and the fair trade
sectors of the market are not having the
expected success. People seem to have
many different responses to green and
ethical marketing and to the related global
issues. A great amount of buyers tend to
define themselves as environmentally
conscious without actually engaging with
environmentally-friendly products. For
what concerns fair trade consumerism, the
attitude-behaviour gap is even wider as
everyone claims to care about human
rights, while very few people translate fair
trades principles on to consumer purchase
behaviour (Strong, 1997).
What is the role played by consumer
identity and self within this context?
The Literature Review will be based on the
connection between the context of the
ethical and sustainable consumption and
the consumer identity. The theoretical
lenses that have been selected to
investigate the topic and address the main
questions are:
I. The Extended Self theory which will
support the understanding of how
people decide to build or not to build
their pro-environment self-image
through the association with green
purchasing behaviour and to what
extent sustainable products are seen
as an extension of their identity (Belk,
1988). These two elements will
s u b s e q u e n t l y d e t e r m i n e t h e
magnitude of the influence that the
individuals’ identity features have on
their consumer behaviour.
II. The Symbolic Interactionism theory
which refers to the fact that people
form their identity through the social
role that they are supposed to have
within peer groups (Leigh and Gabel,
1992). Consequently, social groups
and the opinion of people influence
consumers who tend to consume
products that communicate their
desired self to the external social
environment. This theoretical lens will
be useful to identify the stereotypical
characteristics that people gain in the
eyes of peers when purchasing ethical
III. The Neutralisation theory which will
be crucial to understand how people
that are not consistent with their
environmentally conscious attitude
when it comes to actually buying
ethical products rationalise their
decision (Johnstone and Tan, 2015). It
is necessary for them to rationalise the
choice because otherwise they would
feel guilty and their self-esteem would
be negatively affected.
Three specific questions will be
deconstructed and investigated through
the knowledge provided by previous
literature and the chosen theoretical
T h e fi r s t t h e m e h a s b e e n v e r y
controversially discussed in previous
literature and concerns the definition of
which are the antecedents or drivers of
consumer behaviour. Many attributes have
09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5
been investigated in previous literature to
find the ones directly influencing consumer
purchasing choices with regards to ethical
The second question that will be
addressed relates to the differences in the
perception of the self and subsequently in
the purchasing behaviour of green
products between collectivist societies
(e.g. India) and individualistic societies
(e.g. Portugal, Spain, UK).
The third element of discussion will cover
the way in which people who define
themselves as environmentally conscious
but do not follow this principle in their
purchasing behaviour rationalise their
choice in order not to lower their self-
esteem and damage the perception they
have of their own identity.
The literature review will give and overall
view on ethical consumerism, the process
that brings customers to buy or not to buy
ethical products and the outcomes. This
topic has been covered in many papers
and researches during the last decades,
what differs is that this literature review will
analyse this trends without referring to one
particular country or to a group of similar
countries. Instead, it will go through the
differences between eastern and western
societies, bringing together in one paper
the diversity of the results collected by
researchers all over the world.
Moreover, the connection between identity
and green purchasing behaviour will be
analysed in depth and some implications
for marketers will be identified.
Akehurst et al. (2012) have developed a
research among the adult population of
Portugal analysing both demographic and
psychographic variables. Demographic
variables (i.e. sex, age, education, income)
have shown irrelevant impact on green
purchasing behaviour. On the other hand,
psychographic variables seemed to be
quite effective on customer behaviour.
Findings have shown that altruism has a
great influence on the purchasing
decisions of consumers. In fact, altruism is
by definition the concern about others and
it can be extended in terms of the general
concern about the well being of everyone
else. The welfare of the environment
around us influences the present and the
future health and prosperity of the human
race. Another interesting factor that
Akehurst et al. (2012) have found to have
a strong impact on the choice of
purchasing green products is the
Perceived Consumer Behaviour (PCE).
Johnstone and Tan (2015) support this
theory as they also found, through their
research, that individuals tend to think that
if no one else worries about trying to be
green and make the world a better place, it
is pointless that only some individuals do.
People find hard to understand the
importance and impact of their individual
action towards the cause, as they cannot
immediately see it. Subsequently,
individuals that are surrounded by other
ethical consumers are more likely to
believe in the effectiveness of their actions
and to engage a green purchasing
Fraj and Martinez’s (2006) work is based
on a sample of 595 Spanish individuals
and their purpose was to identify which
values and lifestyles provide valid
explanation for ethical consumerism. The
conclusions that have been drawn explain
ecological behaviour through two main
antecedents. The first one is the value
given to ecological matters and the second
one is the enterprising spirit of consumers.
It is easy to justify the first element they
have identified, while the enterprising spirit
can be deconstructed and seen as a self-
fulfilment feeling, a constant need to strive
for improvement. People who care about
being the best version of themselves and
always try to improve, resulted to apply
this attitude also when concerning the
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environment, which they try to improve
through ethical consumerism. In fact,
consumers presenting enterprising spirit
resulted to be characterised by having an
ecological lifestyle (Fraj and Martinez,
2006). Thus, ecological values along with
active, enterprising and improvement-
focused lifestyle seem to be determining
factors of ecological consumer behaviour.
Khare (2015) has looked for the
antecedents to ethical purchasing
behaviour within the Indian emerging
economy. Findings have shown that green
self-identity, peer influence and past green
buying behaviour accounted for 54.9
percent for ethical consumerism (Khare,
2015). These results clearly demonstrate
that most of Indian people purchasing
green products feel a connection between
their purchases and their identity. In fact,
not only one of the main reasons for their
green buying behaviour is that they see
ethics as a reflection of their own identity
and want to apply this principle to their
buying behaviour as well, but they also
and most importantly want and feel proud
to show their peers their green identity
through the purchases they make.
In conclusion, it can be said that the most
relevant driving forces determining ethical
consumerism are altruism, perceived
consumer behaviour, ecological values,
enterprising spirit, green self-identity, peer
influence and past green buying behaviour.
The theory of the extended self can
explain four of them:
• Altruism and enterprising spirit are
closely related and refer to the desire to
improve the quality of life. This desire is
a feature which is part of the individuals’
identity and the will to reflect this
characteristic in the buying behaviour is
• Ecological values and green self identity
are the same thing and represent an
internal feature that people want to
develop and display to others also
through the products they purchase,
resulting in a symbolic consumption of
products they identify with and that
represent an extension of their self.
The theory of symbolic interactionism
clarifies the other three elements:
• Perceived consumer behaviour can be
defined as the influence that what other
people choose to do has on the
customer, which is very similar to peer
influence. People feel the need to be
like their peers to be accepted and are
reluctant to do something if they are not
sure about the fact that the majority of
other people will do the same (Gupta
and Ogden, 2009).
• Past green buying behaviour also
relates to influence groups as someone
who has been initiated to the purchase
of green products by someone they
trust is more likely to start consuming
I N D I V I D U A L I S T S O C I E T I E S : A
Through the analysis of a number of
experiments and researches developed in
different parts of the world, it has become
clear that the perception of the self varies
significantly depending on the context and
the cultural background of individuals. As it
has been explained above through findings
and theoretical lenses, the concept of
identity is closely related to the ethical
consumption patterns. It is interesting to
investigate how different societies can
shape the individuals’ perception of their
identity and consequently change their
customer behaviour.
The comparison will be based on two
types of societies: collectivist societies,
such as the Indian society and individualist
societies, such as the USA.
In an emerging country like India,
information and awareness about green
products and marketing and the related
behaviours are limited and their popularity
is just starting to increase Khare (2015). In
collectivist societies, peer influence and
group conformance are considered
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fundamental principles which lie at the
basis of the culture itself. Consumers
perceive their identity as derived from the
group they are part of, and consequently
Indian customers prefer adhering to
norms, rules and common practices if it
means the possibility to be part of a social
Within individualistic developed nations
such as the USA, green marketing is quite
aggressive and people are surrounded by
incredibly large amounts of information
about ethical consumerism. However,
many people find it confusing and suspect
as they are not sure of which companies
are truly ethical and which are developing
a greenwashing process (Johnstone and
Tan, 2015). Individualistic societies tend to
make people less likely to conform to a
new consumption pattern, as people are
more interested in their own opinion and
thoughts as individuals and tend to
question more and be more sceptic. Within
individualistic cultures, people are slightly
less interested in being accepted in
specific social groups as they do not
consider it as crucial as in collectivist
societies, their push towards ethical
consumption comes mainly from their own
values and only in part from social
pressure (Moser, 2015).
To sum up, it can be stated that the main
difference between collectivist and
individualist societies is that in collectivist
societies people tend to perceive their
identity as strictly connected to the social
group they belong to and, as a
consequence, their purchasing behaviour
depends on what they are expected to do
within the group. In other words, members
of collectivist societies value their
membership more than their personal
preferences (Decropet al., 2007). Within
individualistic societies, instead, people
define themselves as individuals and like
to think that their features are unique. This
mindset lead them to be more sceptic and
to differentiate from others, resulting in
purchasing decisions that are mainly
driven by their own opinions and
Research (e.g. international surveys,
opinion polls) shows that consumers are
concerned about the environment (Gupta
and Ogden, 2009) (Johnstone and Tan,
2015). However, 59 percent of Americans
claim they do not even think about
participating in ethical activities (Gupta and
Ogden, 2009). Moreover, experiments with
focus groups provide plenty of examples of
individuals who define themselves as
environmentally conscious, but still are
incapable of performing a truly ethical
consumer behaviour, for example:
“In my flat I flick off the lights and only fill
up the kettle about half way and my
flatmates they’ll be like, what are you doing
that for? They’re throwing out bottles and
things like this and you’re just making this
sort of effort and you just think, what’s the
point?” (Johnstone and Tan, 2015).
If ethical principles are part of their identity,
how do customers protect their self identity
and self esteem from their lack of
consistency? Johnstone and Tan (2015)
have found that most people tend to use
neutralisation techniques to justify their
personal norm-violating behaviour. The
most popular neutralisation techniques
seem to be the denial of responsibility, the
denial of injury and the appeal to higher
loyalties (Johnstone and Tan, 2015).
The denial of responsibility is often based
on factors like monetary cost, great
amount of time spent on deciding which
products are more reliable, unclear
marketing messages and lack of
government intervention with adequate
policies and norms.
The denial of injury is supported by
common belief arguments such as that
non-green products have never killed
anyone and that there is no evidence they
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actually harm the environment. The
opposite argument is also made stating
that it is useless to put into practice ethical
principles as long as most people keep on
harming the environment. As stated before
and demonstrated in the customer citation
at the beginning of the paragraph, people
are unlikely to take action if they do not
believe that others will do the same. In
fact, green buyers are usually high trusters
who expect that other people will act in
their same way (Gupta and Ogden, 2009).
The appeal to higher loyalties is one of the
most utilised methods to rationalise the
deviancy and often refers to the
commitment to familial duties, such as the
fact that if you are trying to raise your
children and have no money and a lot of
things to do, you need to choose what is
best for your family.
In conclusion, it can be said that there is a
strong connection between the purchasing
choices and the perception of the self and
identity. In fact, when people do not
manage to be consistent with their ethical
principles when buying, they feel the need
to justify their lack of coherence through
neutralisation techniques. However, these
justifications are quite weak. The denial of
responsibility can be addressed by
marketers and policy makers by improving
communications and norms. The denial of
injury can be denied by simply providing
some information on the effects of ethical
consumption and non-ethical consumption
on the environment. The appeal to higher
loyalties can easily be invalidated by
pointing out that the welfare of the
environment is something concerning
everyone and that this is the world in which
future generations will have to live, people
cannot state they are using intoxicating
products because raising children is more
important while they are destroying the
world in which the same children will have
to live.
Findings from researches developed all
over the world, concerning both emerging
and developed economies, western and
eastern countries have shown that the
main factors determining consumer
behaviour are: altruism, perceived
consumer behaviour (Akehurst et al.,
2012), ecological values, enterprising spirit
(Fraj and Martinez, 2006), green self-
identity, peer influence and past green
buying behaviour (Khare, 2015). Each of
these factors is related to the self and
identity of individuals, as demonstrated
through the extended self theory and the
symbolic interactionism theory.
Consumers belonging to collectivist
societies such as India define their identity
through their role in society and are more
likely to be influenced by peer groups in
their purchasing decisions, while members
of individualistic societies tend to define
their identity through their ‘unique’
characteristics and value more their own
preferences and values which are the
drivers of their consumption choices.
These differences between cultural
contexts lead to diversity in the perception
of the identity and purchasing behaviour is
strongly influenced, demonstrating once
more the importance of the self in
customer behaviour.
The concept of identity is linked to
purchasing decisions in a way that makes
it difficult for customers to accept that they
are not being consistent with the ethical
principles they claim to have when
choosing not to consume green products.
Accepting their lack of consistency would
lower their self-esteem and, in order to
protect it, they try to rationalise their choice
through neutralisation techniques such as
the denial of responsibility, the denial of
injury and the appeal to higher loyalties.
Implications for marketers would be to
encourage experienced green consumers
to help other people understand the
benefits of ethical consumerism, applying
a ‘learning by doing strategy’ (Tadajewski
and Wagner‐Tsukamoto, 2006). In this
way, people would also feel more
comfortable surrounded by peers and
09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5
would be more likely to trust them.
Moreover, marketers should explain more
in detail the positive effects that every
single action of every single person can
have on the environment, in order to stop
people thinking they will have no impact if
other people do not start behaving
ecologically. Also, providing customers
with more precise information and policies
concerning ecological behaviour would
deny neutralisation techniques, showing
the weakness of the arguments and
stopping people from using them to justify
Future research should collect actual
purchasing data and focus more on those
instead of using surveys and interviews as
people are not always accurate in
evaluating themselves. Moreover, the
stereotype of the ethical consumer should
be analysed more in depth in order to
overcome it and make people take global
issues seriously.
• Johnstone, M. and Tan, L. (2015). An
exploration of environmentally-
conscious consumers and the reasons
why they do not buy green products.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning,
33(5), pp.804-825.
• Khare, A. (2015). Antecedents to green
buying behaviour: a study on
consumers in an emerging economy.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning,
33(3), pp.309-329.
• Uusitalo, O. and Oksanen, R. (2004).
Ethical consumerism: a view from
Finland. International Journal of
Consumer Studies, 28(3), pp.214-221.
• Fraj, E. and Martinez, E. (2006).
Environmental values and lifestyles as
determining factors of ecological
consumer behaviour: an empirical
analysis. Journal of Consumer
Marketing, 23(3), pp.133-144.
• Akehurst, G., Afonso, C. and Martins
Gonçalves, H. (2012). Re‐examining
green purchase behaviour and the
green consumer profile: new evidences.
Management Decision, 50(5), pp.
• Leigh, J. and Gabel, T. (1992). Symbolic
Interactionism: Its Effects on Consumer
Behavior and Implications for Marketing
Strategy. Journal of Consumer
Marketing, 9(1), pp.27-38.
• Moser, A. (2015). Thinking green,
buying green? Drivers of pro-
environmental purchasing behavior.
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(3),
• Gupta, S. and Ogden, D. (2009). To buy
or not to buy? A social dilemma
perspective on green buying. Journal of
Consumer Marketing, 26(6), pp.
• Decrop, A., Pecheux, C. and Bauvin, G.
(2007). Decision Making within Groups
of Friends: An Exploratory Study.
Recherche et Applications en Marketing
(English Edition), 22(2), pp.1-19.
• Strong, C. (1997). The problems of
translating fair trade principles into
consumer purchase behaviour.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning,
15(1), pp.32-37.
• Tadajewski, M. and Wagner‐Tsukamoto,
S. (2006). Anthropology and consumer
research: qualitative insights into green
consumer behavior. Qualitative Mrkt
Res: An Int J, 9(1), pp.8-25.

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Ethical Consumerism: The Role Played by Consumer Identity and Self

  • 1. 09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5 ETHICAL CONSUMERISM: THE ROLE PLAYED BY CONSUMER IDENTITY AND SELF Student Number: 2224030 Module Code: MKTU9M5 Word Count: 2998
  • 2. 09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5 ETHICAL CONSUMERISM: THE ROLE PLAYED BY CONSUMER IDENTITY AND SELF INTRODUCTION Ethical consumerism, defined as the purchase of products produced in a way that limits or avoids the social and environmental negative consequences of global trade (Uusitalo and Oksanen, 2004), is becoming increasingly important both in the minds of consumers and within business strategies. In fact, most people define themselves as environmentally conscious. At the same time, the vast majority of firms have developed a CSR or a Sustainability dedicated business section, in response to the results of many researches within this field that have clearly shown the positive effects that ethical and sustainable approaches have on profitability, market shares, customer satisfaction and employee commitment (Moser, 2015). However, the green and the fair trade sectors of the market are not having the expected success. People seem to have many different responses to green and ethical marketing and to the related global issues. A great amount of buyers tend to define themselves as environmentally conscious without actually engaging with environmentally-friendly products. For what concerns fair trade consumerism, the attitude-behaviour gap is even wider as everyone claims to care about human rights, while very few people translate fair trades principles on to consumer purchase behaviour (Strong, 1997). What is the role played by consumer identity and self within this context? THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The Literature Review will be based on the connection between the context of the ethical and sustainable consumption and the consumer identity. The theoretical lenses that have been selected to investigate the topic and address the main questions are: I. The Extended Self theory which will support the understanding of how people decide to build or not to build their pro-environment self-image through the association with green purchasing behaviour and to what extent sustainable products are seen as an extension of their identity (Belk, 1988). These two elements will s u b s e q u e n t l y d e t e r m i n e t h e magnitude of the influence that the individuals’ identity features have on their consumer behaviour. II. The Symbolic Interactionism theory which refers to the fact that people form their identity through the social role that they are supposed to have within peer groups (Leigh and Gabel, 1992). Consequently, social groups and the opinion of people influence consumers who tend to consume products that communicate their desired self to the external social environment. This theoretical lens will be useful to identify the stereotypical characteristics that people gain in the eyes of peers when purchasing ethical products. III. The Neutralisation theory which will be crucial to understand how people that are not consistent with their environmentally conscious attitude when it comes to actually buying ethical products rationalise their decision (Johnstone and Tan, 2015). It is necessary for them to rationalise the choice because otherwise they would feel guilty and their self-esteem would be negatively affected. KEY THEMES Three specific questions will be deconstructed and investigated through the knowledge provided by previous literature and the chosen theoretical lenses. T h e fi r s t t h e m e h a s b e e n v e r y controversially discussed in previous literature and concerns the definition of which are the antecedents or drivers of consumer behaviour. Many attributes have
  • 3. 09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5 been investigated in previous literature to find the ones directly influencing consumer purchasing choices with regards to ethical products. The second question that will be addressed relates to the differences in the perception of the self and subsequently in the purchasing behaviour of green products between collectivist societies (e.g. India) and individualistic societies (e.g. Portugal, Spain, UK). The third element of discussion will cover the way in which people who define themselves as environmentally conscious but do not follow this principle in their purchasing behaviour rationalise their choice in order not to lower their self- esteem and damage the perception they have of their own identity. BENEFITS OF THE LITERATURE REVIEW The literature review will give and overall view on ethical consumerism, the process that brings customers to buy or not to buy ethical products and the outcomes. This topic has been covered in many papers and researches during the last decades, what differs is that this literature review will analyse this trends without referring to one particular country or to a group of similar countries. Instead, it will go through the differences between eastern and western societies, bringing together in one paper the diversity of the results collected by researchers all over the world. Moreover, the connection between identity and green purchasing behaviour will be analysed in depth and some implications for marketers will be identified. DRIVERS OF ETHICAL CONSUMERISM: A BROADER VIEW Akehurst et al. (2012) have developed a research among the adult population of Portugal analysing both demographic and psychographic variables. Demographic variables (i.e. sex, age, education, income) have shown irrelevant impact on green purchasing behaviour. On the other hand, psychographic variables seemed to be quite effective on customer behaviour. Findings have shown that altruism has a great influence on the purchasing decisions of consumers. In fact, altruism is by definition the concern about others and it can be extended in terms of the general concern about the well being of everyone else. The welfare of the environment around us influences the present and the future health and prosperity of the human race. Another interesting factor that Akehurst et al. (2012) have found to have a strong impact on the choice of purchasing green products is the Perceived Consumer Behaviour (PCE). Johnstone and Tan (2015) support this theory as they also found, through their research, that individuals tend to think that if no one else worries about trying to be green and make the world a better place, it is pointless that only some individuals do. People find hard to understand the importance and impact of their individual action towards the cause, as they cannot immediately see it. Subsequently, individuals that are surrounded by other ethical consumers are more likely to believe in the effectiveness of their actions and to engage a green purchasing behaviour. Fraj and Martinez’s (2006) work is based on a sample of 595 Spanish individuals and their purpose was to identify which values and lifestyles provide valid explanation for ethical consumerism. The conclusions that have been drawn explain ecological behaviour through two main antecedents. The first one is the value given to ecological matters and the second one is the enterprising spirit of consumers. It is easy to justify the first element they have identified, while the enterprising spirit can be deconstructed and seen as a self- fulfilment feeling, a constant need to strive for improvement. People who care about being the best version of themselves and always try to improve, resulted to apply this attitude also when concerning the
  • 4. 09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5 environment, which they try to improve through ethical consumerism. In fact, consumers presenting enterprising spirit resulted to be characterised by having an ecological lifestyle (Fraj and Martinez, 2006). Thus, ecological values along with active, enterprising and improvement- focused lifestyle seem to be determining factors of ecological consumer behaviour. Khare (2015) has looked for the antecedents to ethical purchasing behaviour within the Indian emerging economy. Findings have shown that green self-identity, peer influence and past green buying behaviour accounted for 54.9 percent for ethical consumerism (Khare, 2015). These results clearly demonstrate that most of Indian people purchasing green products feel a connection between their purchases and their identity. In fact, not only one of the main reasons for their green buying behaviour is that they see ethics as a reflection of their own identity and want to apply this principle to their buying behaviour as well, but they also and most importantly want and feel proud to show their peers their green identity through the purchases they make. In conclusion, it can be said that the most relevant driving forces determining ethical consumerism are altruism, perceived consumer behaviour, ecological values, enterprising spirit, green self-identity, peer influence and past green buying behaviour. The theory of the extended self can explain four of them: • Altruism and enterprising spirit are closely related and refer to the desire to improve the quality of life. This desire is a feature which is part of the individuals’ identity and the will to reflect this characteristic in the buying behaviour is clear. • Ecological values and green self identity are the same thing and represent an internal feature that people want to develop and display to others also through the products they purchase, resulting in a symbolic consumption of products they identify with and that represent an extension of their self. The theory of symbolic interactionism clarifies the other three elements: • Perceived consumer behaviour can be defined as the influence that what other people choose to do has on the customer, which is very similar to peer influence. People feel the need to be like their peers to be accepted and are reluctant to do something if they are not sure about the fact that the majority of other people will do the same (Gupta and Ogden, 2009). • Past green buying behaviour also relates to influence groups as someone who has been initiated to the purchase of green products by someone they trust is more likely to start consuming ethically. COLLECTIVIST SOCIETIES VERSUS I N D I V I D U A L I S T S O C I E T I E S : A COMPARISON Through the analysis of a number of experiments and researches developed in different parts of the world, it has become clear that the perception of the self varies significantly depending on the context and the cultural background of individuals. As it has been explained above through findings and theoretical lenses, the concept of identity is closely related to the ethical consumption patterns. It is interesting to investigate how different societies can shape the individuals’ perception of their identity and consequently change their customer behaviour. The comparison will be based on two types of societies: collectivist societies, such as the Indian society and individualist societies, such as the USA. In an emerging country like India, information and awareness about green products and marketing and the related behaviours are limited and their popularity is just starting to increase Khare (2015). In collectivist societies, peer influence and group conformance are considered
  • 5. 09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5 fundamental principles which lie at the basis of the culture itself. Consumers perceive their identity as derived from the group they are part of, and consequently Indian customers prefer adhering to norms, rules and common practices if it means the possibility to be part of a social group. Within individualistic developed nations such as the USA, green marketing is quite aggressive and people are surrounded by incredibly large amounts of information about ethical consumerism. However, many people find it confusing and suspect as they are not sure of which companies are truly ethical and which are developing a greenwashing process (Johnstone and Tan, 2015). Individualistic societies tend to make people less likely to conform to a new consumption pattern, as people are more interested in their own opinion and thoughts as individuals and tend to question more and be more sceptic. Within individualistic cultures, people are slightly less interested in being accepted in specific social groups as they do not consider it as crucial as in collectivist societies, their push towards ethical consumption comes mainly from their own values and only in part from social pressure (Moser, 2015). To sum up, it can be stated that the main difference between collectivist and individualist societies is that in collectivist societies people tend to perceive their identity as strictly connected to the social group they belong to and, as a consequence, their purchasing behaviour depends on what they are expected to do within the group. In other words, members of collectivist societies value their membership more than their personal preferences (Decropet al., 2007). Within individualistic societies, instead, people define themselves as individuals and like to think that their features are unique. This mindset lead them to be more sceptic and to differentiate from others, resulting in purchasing decisions that are mainly driven by their own opinions and preferences. THE ATTITUDE-BEHAVIOUR GAP: HOW PEOPLE RATIONALISE THEIR LACK OF CONSISTENCY Research (e.g. international surveys, opinion polls) shows that consumers are concerned about the environment (Gupta and Ogden, 2009) (Johnstone and Tan, 2015). However, 59 percent of Americans claim they do not even think about participating in ethical activities (Gupta and Ogden, 2009). Moreover, experiments with focus groups provide plenty of examples of individuals who define themselves as environmentally conscious, but still are incapable of performing a truly ethical consumer behaviour, for example: “In my flat I flick off the lights and only fill up the kettle about half way and my flatmates they’ll be like, what are you doing that for? They’re throwing out bottles and things like this and you’re just making this sort of effort and you just think, what’s the point?” (Johnstone and Tan, 2015). If ethical principles are part of their identity, how do customers protect their self identity and self esteem from their lack of consistency? Johnstone and Tan (2015) have found that most people tend to use neutralisation techniques to justify their personal norm-violating behaviour. The most popular neutralisation techniques seem to be the denial of responsibility, the denial of injury and the appeal to higher loyalties (Johnstone and Tan, 2015). The denial of responsibility is often based on factors like monetary cost, great amount of time spent on deciding which products are more reliable, unclear marketing messages and lack of government intervention with adequate policies and norms. The denial of injury is supported by common belief arguments such as that non-green products have never killed anyone and that there is no evidence they
  • 6. 09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5 actually harm the environment. The opposite argument is also made stating that it is useless to put into practice ethical principles as long as most people keep on harming the environment. As stated before and demonstrated in the customer citation at the beginning of the paragraph, people are unlikely to take action if they do not believe that others will do the same. In fact, green buyers are usually high trusters who expect that other people will act in their same way (Gupta and Ogden, 2009). The appeal to higher loyalties is one of the most utilised methods to rationalise the deviancy and often refers to the commitment to familial duties, such as the fact that if you are trying to raise your children and have no money and a lot of things to do, you need to choose what is best for your family. In conclusion, it can be said that there is a strong connection between the purchasing choices and the perception of the self and identity. In fact, when people do not manage to be consistent with their ethical principles when buying, they feel the need to justify their lack of coherence through neutralisation techniques. However, these justifications are quite weak. The denial of responsibility can be addressed by marketers and policy makers by improving communications and norms. The denial of injury can be denied by simply providing some information on the effects of ethical consumption and non-ethical consumption on the environment. The appeal to higher loyalties can easily be invalidated by pointing out that the welfare of the environment is something concerning everyone and that this is the world in which future generations will have to live, people cannot state they are using intoxicating products because raising children is more important while they are destroying the world in which the same children will have to live. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Findings from researches developed all over the world, concerning both emerging and developed economies, western and eastern countries have shown that the main factors determining consumer behaviour are: altruism, perceived consumer behaviour (Akehurst et al., 2012), ecological values, enterprising spirit (Fraj and Martinez, 2006), green self- identity, peer influence and past green buying behaviour (Khare, 2015). Each of these factors is related to the self and identity of individuals, as demonstrated through the extended self theory and the symbolic interactionism theory. Consumers belonging to collectivist societies such as India define their identity through their role in society and are more likely to be influenced by peer groups in their purchasing decisions, while members of individualistic societies tend to define their identity through their ‘unique’ characteristics and value more their own preferences and values which are the drivers of their consumption choices. These differences between cultural contexts lead to diversity in the perception of the identity and purchasing behaviour is strongly influenced, demonstrating once more the importance of the self in customer behaviour. The concept of identity is linked to purchasing decisions in a way that makes it difficult for customers to accept that they are not being consistent with the ethical principles they claim to have when choosing not to consume green products. Accepting their lack of consistency would lower their self-esteem and, in order to protect it, they try to rationalise their choice through neutralisation techniques such as the denial of responsibility, the denial of injury and the appeal to higher loyalties. Implications for marketers would be to encourage experienced green consumers to help other people understand the benefits of ethical consumerism, applying a ‘learning by doing strategy’ (Tadajewski and Wagner‐Tsukamoto, 2006). In this way, people would also feel more comfortable surrounded by peers and
  • 7. 09/11/15 2224030 MKTU9M5 would be more likely to trust them. Moreover, marketers should explain more in detail the positive effects that every single action of every single person can have on the environment, in order to stop people thinking they will have no impact if other people do not start behaving ecologically. Also, providing customers with more precise information and policies concerning ecological behaviour would deny neutralisation techniques, showing the weakness of the arguments and stopping people from using them to justify themselves. Future research should collect actual purchasing data and focus more on those instead of using surveys and interviews as people are not always accurate in evaluating themselves. Moreover, the stereotype of the ethical consumer should be analysed more in depth in order to overcome it and make people take global issues seriously. REFERENCES • Johnstone, M. and Tan, L. (2015). An exploration of environmentally- conscious consumers and the reasons why they do not buy green products. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 33(5), pp.804-825. • Khare, A. (2015). Antecedents to green buying behaviour: a study on consumers in an emerging economy. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 33(3), pp.309-329. • Uusitalo, O. and Oksanen, R. (2004). Ethical consumerism: a view from Finland. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 28(3), pp.214-221. • Fraj, E. and Martinez, E. (2006). Environmental values and lifestyles as determining factors of ecological consumer behaviour: an empirical analysis. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(3), pp.133-144. • Akehurst, G., Afonso, C. and Martins Gonçalves, H. (2012). Re‐examining green purchase behaviour and the green consumer profile: new evidences. Management Decision, 50(5), pp. 972-988. • Leigh, J. and Gabel, T. (1992). Symbolic Interactionism: Its Effects on Consumer Behavior and Implications for Marketing Strategy. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 9(1), pp.27-38. • Moser, A. (2015). Thinking green, buying green? Drivers of pro- environmental purchasing behavior. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(3), pp.167-175. • Gupta, S. and Ogden, D. (2009). To buy or not to buy? A social dilemma perspective on green buying. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(6), pp. 376-391. • Decrop, A., Pecheux, C. and Bauvin, G. (2007). Decision Making within Groups of Friends: An Exploratory Study. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 22(2), pp.1-19. • Strong, C. (1997). The problems of translating fair trade principles into consumer purchase behaviour. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 15(1), pp.32-37. • Tadajewski, M. and Wagner‐Tsukamoto, S. (2006). Anthropology and consumer research: qualitative insights into green consumer behavior. Qualitative Mrkt Res: An Int J, 9(1), pp.8-25.