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Intelligent Systems for Analytics
Assignment 1 and 2
Presentation and Research Report
MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2
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NOTE: This Document is used in conjunction with Assessment
1 [Presentation & participation]
and Assessment 2 [Research Report] in the Teaching and
Assessment Plan document
[MITS5509_Teaching and Assessment Plan.doc]
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in
the unit descriptor. This
assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills
and to give students experience in
researching a topic and writing a report relevant to the Unit of
Study subject matter.
These instructions apply to both Assignment 1 - Presentation
and Assignment 2 Research
Assignment 1 - Presentation and Participation - 10%
(Sessions 5-12) Individual Assignment
For this component you will be required to do a 5-10 minute
presentation on a recent academic
paper on a topic related to Intelligent Systems for Analytics or
Intelligent Systems. Some
possible topic areas include but are not limited to:
• Intelligent Systems for Data Warehouse systems
• Evolving Intelligent Systems: Methods, Learning, &
• Distance Metric Learning in Intelligent Systems
• Intelligent Systems for Socially Aware Computing
• Data Mining techniques with IS
• frameworks for integrating AI and data mining
• Expert System
• Structure of knowledge Engineering
• IS and Support Vector Machines
• IS and Neural Network Architectures
• Heuristic Search Methods
• Genetic Algorithms and Developing GA Applications
The paper you select must be directly relevant to one of the
above topics or another topic and
be related to Intelligent Systems for Analytics. The paper must
be approved by your lecturer and
be related to what we are studying this semester in Intelligent
Systems for Analytics. The paper
MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2
Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3
can be from any academic conference or other relevant Journal
or online sources such as Google
Scholar, Academic department repositories, or a significant
commercial company involved in
research such as IBM etc. All students must select a different
paper. Thus, the paper must be
approved by your lecturer before proceeding. In case two
students are wanting to present on the
same paper, the first who emails the lecturer with their choice
will be allocated that paper. Please
note that popular magazine or web-site articles are not academic
A grade of 10% of the Units mark will be awarded for your
presentation and your participation in
other student presentations. You are to prepare a set of
powerpoint slides for your presentation.
If you do not participate in at least 70% of other student’s
presentations you will forfeit a
significant proportion of the marks for this component.
Note: if class numbers are large the presentations may be
organized into groups, but students
will still all need to select their own individual paper for
assignment 2. In the case where
presentations are arranged in groups each group can decide
which students paper will be used
for the presentation.
The presentations will occur in sessions 5-12 on the academic
calendar for the semester and the
order of presentations will be by arrangement, but these will be
evenly spread over those
What to Submit.
There is no submission for this component, you are allocated
marks based on your
presentation and participation
Assignment 2 - Research Report - 10% (Due Session 8)
Individual Assignment
For this component you will write a report or critique on the
paper you chose from Assignment
1, the Presentation and Participation component above.
Your report should be limited to approx. 1500 words (not
including references). Use 1.5 spacing
with a 12 point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will
largely be based on the chosen
article, you should use other sources to support your discussion
or the chosen papers premises.
Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style.
Your report or critique must include:
MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2
Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 4
Title Page: The title of the assessment, the name of the paper
you are reporting on and its
authors, and your name and student ID.
Introduction: Identification of the paper you are critiquing/
reviewing, a statement of the
purpose for your report and a brief outline of how you will
discuss the selected article (one or
two paragraphs).
Body of Report: Describe the intention and content of the
article. If it is a research report,
discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation,
experiment, or other method)
and findings. Comment on problems or issues highlighted by the
authors. Report on results
discussed and discuss the conclusions of the article and how
they are relevant to the topics of
this Unit of Study.
Conclusion: A summary of the points you have made in the
body of the paper. The conclusion
should not introduce any ‘new’ material that was not discussed
in the body of the paper. (One
or two paragraphs)
References: A list of sources used in your text. They should be
listed alphabetically by (first)
author’s family name. Follow the IEEE style.
The footer must include your name, student ID, and page
Note: reports submitted on papers which are not approved or not
the approved paper registered
for the student will not be graded and attract a zero (0) grade.
What to Submit
Submit your report to the Moodle drop-box for Assignment 2.
Note that this will be a
turn-it-in drop box and as such you will be provided with a
similarity score. This will be
taken into account when grading the assignment. Note that
incidents of plagiarism will
be penalized. If your similarity score is high you can re-submit
your report, but re-
submissions are only allowed up to the due date. If you submit
your assignment after the
due date and time re-submissions will not be allowed.
Please Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late
submissions will be penalized
MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2
Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 5
at the rate of 10% per day including weekends.
Comparing Heuristic Search Methods and Genetic
Algorithms for Warehouse Scheduling
L. D. Whitley, A. E. Howe, S. Rana, J. P. Watson, L.
Computer Science Department
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
e-mail: {whitley, howe, rana, watsonj, laura}
We compare several techniques for scheduling shipment
of customer orders for the Coors Brewing warehouse and
production line. The goal is to minimize time at dock for
trucks and railcars while also minimizing inventory. The
techniques include a genetic algorithm, local search op-
erators, heuristic rules, systematic search and hybrid ap-
proaches. Initial results show a hybrid genetic algorithm
to be superior to the other methods. The evaluation func-
tion is a fast approximate form of a warehouse simulation.
We also assess the sensitivity of the search algorithms to
noise in an approximate evaluation function using a more
detailed (and costly) simulation.
I. Introduction
Warehouse scheduling is the problem of sequencing re-
quests for products (i.e., customer orders) so as to min-
imize the average time required to fill an order and the
amount of product left in inventory. Product can be taken
from the warehouse or directly from the production line.
The time required to fill an order depends on whether
product comes from the production line or whether prod-
uct must be move out of inventory. Moving from inventory
is slower, but only a small fraction of all possible product
types are being produced at any point in time.
The problem is complex due to several factors. First,
the search space is quite large: all possible sequences of all
orders. Several hundred possible orders are considered for
each schedule. Optimization involves several distinct per-
formance measures, which can be inversely related. Eval-
uating a schedule is costly; a simulation is used to deter-
mine when enough of the needed product is available and
how long it takes to move product from its starting loca-
tion (warehouse or production line) to its transport (rail
car or truck).
Search algorithms can be easily applied to warehouse
scheduling. However, given the expense of schedule eval-
uation and the number of possible schedules, knowledge-
poor search algorithms may be too costly. Heuristic-based
methods provide a promising alternative, as they explic-
itly leverage domain knowledge to directly construct can-
didate schedules.
To assess the trade-offs between search and heuristic
methods, we compared a variety of standard optimization
techniques. These algorithms fall into three basic cat-
egories: stochastic search, domain-based heuristics, and
hybrid systems. We investigated three stochastic search
techniques: a genetic algorithm and two local search oper-
ators. We implemented our own order sequencing heuris-
tic and used it in two different contexts for building sched-
ules. First, it is used directly as a greedy construction
procedure. Second, it is used as the heuristic compo-
nent of Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS), a systematic
AI search method that has performed well on synthetic
test problems in the job shop scheduling domain. Hy-
brid approaches combine the stochastic search methods
(i.e., the genetic algorithm and the local search methods
search techniques) with the heuristics: heuristically gen-
erated solutions are used to initialize the stochastic search
methods. We describe these approaches in more detail in
Section III.
We compared the scheduling methods using three per-
formance metrics: schedule makespan, average time to fill
an order, and average total inventory (see Section II). The
values for the performance metrics were obtained from a
coarse-grain simulator we developed. We also developed
a more detailed, fine grain simulator. The coarse-grain
simulator was used as the objective function in our exper-
iments because of the expense of the more detailed sim-
ulation. While run-time was substantially reduced, the
loss in granularity necessarily produced some inaccuracy
in the performance measurements. We refer to the coarse-
grained simulation as the “internal simulator” (since it is
internal to the optimization procedure) and the detailed
simulator as the “external simulator.”
We found that methods combining stochastic search
with heuristic initialization significantly outperform
heuristic-based methods, given equal amounts of compu-
tation. Section IV provides detailed results. Furthermore,
the globally motivated search of the genetic algorithm out-
performs the local search algorithms. However, heuristic-
based methods are not without merit; hybridization of the
stochastic search algorithms with heuristic-based initial-
ization further improves performance.
A key features of the Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS)
is the use of backtracking to undo some number of heuris-
tic decisions. We also find that the backtracking of LDS
fails to overcome the deficiencies of the greedy heuristic
construction procedure for this particular domain.
The total number of evaluations is limited to 100,000
in our experiments. Thus, our conclusions may not gener-
alize to situations where the number of total evaluations
is different. We limited total evaluations for two reasons.
First, this was done in order to limit total search time to a
reasonable amount of time. Second, the largest improve-
ments in the objective function appear to occur within
the first 100,000 evaluations. Improvement is asymptotic
after this point. Given that the fast internal simulator
is weakly correlated with the detailed external simula-
tor, it is unclear that further optimization with respect
to the internal simulator actually translates into further
improvement in the external simulator. We are currently
investigating this question further.
II. Coors Warehouse Scheduling
During a 24 hour period, Coors fills from 150 to 200
orders where each order may include different products.
The manufacturing plant produces 500 different products.
Orders are filled from either the production line or inven-
tory. For our simulations, we are given a fixed, predeter-
mined production schedule by Coors; the test data is for
525 orders over approximately a three day period.
Orders are shipped on either truck or rail. The man-
ufacturing plant has 39 truck docks and 19 rail docks.
Orders are separated into truck and rail orders before
scheduling begins. However, both truck and rail orders
compete for product. Once loading of an order begins, the
dock assigned to that order is unavailable until the order
has been completely filled. Thus, the order sequence is
sensitive to the fixed production schedule, the contents of
inventory, and the availability of the docks.
Schedules are evaluated by simulating the processing of
orders from the manufacturing plant. We use two different
simulators. The external simulator is detailed, but slow.
In contrast, the internal simulator is a coarse-grained, fast
simulator that saves time by substituting fixed time esti-
mates for portions of the simulation and modeling at a
larger time step. These differences lead to dramatically
different execution times: 50 milliseconds for the internal
simulator versus 90 seconds for the external simulator.
Therefore, we use the internal simulator as the evaluation
function and the external simulator to verify the quality
of the solutions obtained using the internal simulator with
various search methods. As discussed in Section IV, we
were only able to achieve weak correlation between the
two simulators.
The simulators compute two metrics for use in the
objective function: mean-time-at-dock and average-
inventory. The objective function normalizes these met-
rics by their means and standard deviations over a set
of solutions. The formula, developed using methods re-
ported in [1], is as follows:
obj =
(ai − µai)
(mt − µmt)
where ai represents average-inventory and mt repre-
sents mean-time-at-dock. Another commonly used per-
formance metric is the makespan. However, the prob-
lem with minimizing the makespan is that the produc-
tion schedule imposes a limit on the minimum makespan
(4311.15 minutes) due to a product bottleneck. Thus,
many schedules that are “optimal” in terms of makespan
are very different in terms of mean time at dock and av-
erage inventory. In practice, shipping never stops, and
therefore minimizing the mean-time-at-dock is more ef-
fective than minimizing the makespan. The goal is to
have as many orders as possible filled and off the docks
as soon as possible, even if the last order cannot be filled
before the 4311 minute mark.
III. Approaches
The techniques we compared were: a genetic algorithm,
local search operators, heuristic rules, systematic search,
hybrid approaches, and random sampling. Genetic algo-
rithms provide a globally motivated search. Local search
closely fits the model of schedule construction in which
schedules are gradually improved. Heuristics incorporate
domain knowledge about constraints and therefore are
used to reduce the search space. As a systematic AI search
method, we chose Limited Discrepancy Search which has
been shown to perform well on benchmark scheduling test
problems. Random sampling works well for search spaces
with a high density of good solutions and, in general, can
be used to characterize worst case behavior. The size of
the search space and the time constraint of rapid schedul-
ing precluded the use of meta-heuristic methods such as
TABU search or simulated annealing.
A. Genetic Algorithm
GENITOR [2] is what has come to be called a “steady-
state” genetic algorithm [3](GA). Steady-state GAs, un-
like traditional GAs, produce a “one-at-a-time” replace-
ment, where only one pair of chromosomes reproduces
during a generation, and only one offspring is generated.
The offspring will replace the worst (least fit) chromosome
in the population, and therefore the best string found so
far will always remain in the population. The reproduc-
tion opportunities are allocated using the rank of the par-
ents in the population. A linear bias is used such that
individuals that are above the median fitness have a rank
fitness greater than one and those below the median fit-
ness have a rank fitness of less than one.
A special operator is needed to recombine two “parent”
permutations and generate a new permutation combining
relevant features of the two parents structures. Syswerda
[4] notes that operators can attempt to preserve either the
position, relative order or adjacency of the elements in the
Parent1 a b c d e f g
Select list * * * *
Parent2 c f a d b g e
Crossover f a c d e b g
Fig. 1. Syswerda’s order crossover operator
parents. Previous experiments [5] suggest that Syswerda’s
order crossover operator (which is designed to preserve rel-
ative order) performs the best for the warehouse schedul-
ing application. This makes sense, given that the relative
order in which orders are filled affects the availability of
product for later customers.
A subset of elements are selected in Parent 1; the same
elements are located in Parent 2. The selected subset of
elements in Parent 1 are then reordered such that they
appear in the same relative order as observed in Parent
2. Elements that are not selected in Parent 1 are directly
passed to the offspring in the same absolute positions.
Figure 1 illustrates this recombination process. A more
detailed description and analysis of the operator is given
by Whitley and Yoo [6].
B. Local Search
The local search algorithms apply 2-opt or random swap
operators to iteratively improve the schedule until no fur-
ther changes can be made. The 2-opt local search operator
is classically associated with the Traveling Salesrep Prob-
lem (TSP). For the TSP, the permutation actually repre-
sents a Hamiltonian Circuit. 2-opt uses two positions in
the permutation and reverses the substring between the
two positions, with the goal of eliminating crossings in the
circuit represented by the permutation. The operator is
minimal for the TSP, in the sense that it only alters two
edges in the graph and one cannot change only one edge
and still have a circuit.
However, if relative order is more important than adja-
cency, then 2-opt is not a minimal operator with respect
to the warehouse scheduling problem. The relative order
for all the elements in the reversed segment is changed
by 2-opt. A less disruptive operation is to simply swap
two elements in the permutation. We will refer to this as
the swap operator. All the elements, except for the two
swapped ones, remain unchanged.
The number of 2-opt moves or swaps over all pairs of n
elements is
n(n − 1)
Given the limit on the total number of evaluations, a
steepest descent is impractical (the O(n2) cost is more
than the allotted 100,000 evaluations for our problems);
we employ a next-descent strategy where each improving
move is accepted instead. Because the size of the local
search neighborhood is large, the operators are applied to
random pairs of positions within the permutation rather
than systematically examining all pairs.
C. Heuristic Rules
Constraint-based scheduling approaches yield smaller
search spaces by exploiting domain knowledge about con-
straints. Given that this application does not include hard
constraints, a simple alternative is to develop heuristics
based on soft constraints. The heuristics were derived
from analyzing the actual schedule used by Coors to pro-
cess the set of orders.
For any particular order, two time intervals can be gen-
erated based on the amount of product needed from inven-
tory and from the production line. The two time intervals
are denoted by durationInv and durationP l. These time
intervals represent the wait time for the product to be
loaded from inventory (durationInv ) and the wait time
for the product to be produced and loaded from the pro-
duction line (durationP l). The internal simulator will al-
ways consider the durationInv to start at the current time
of simulation for the processed order. Moreover, due to
a minimum time required to move products to the dock
assigned to the processed order, the durationInv is always
non-zero. In order to reduce computation time in the in-
ternal simulator, when loading an order, product will be
drawn from inventory first. Only four relationships be-
tween the two intervals are possible (see Figure 2):
• All needed product can be drawn from the inventory
(durationP l = 0)
• The two time intervals do not overlap
• The two time intervals partially overlap
• The two time intervals completely overlap
Three functions were defined to compute the rank for
a given order; the function to be used is determined by
the relationship between the two intervals for that order.
An order will be filled only from inventory if it is small
(< 2500 units for rail orders and < 300 units for truck
orders). If the intervals of an order do not overlap or par-
tially overlap, the order is ranked based on the number of
products required multiplied by the difference in interval
completion times. Preference is given to large orders that
can be filled both from inventory and production line, in
parallel. If the intervals of an order completely overlap,
the rank is computed based on the number of products re-
quired to fill the order, giving preference to large orders.
The heuristics were designed to favor large orders for
which the two time intervals overlap. For each unsched-
uled order, the rank is computed; the best order to be
processed will be the one with the lowest rank. Ties are
common. Thus, a random permutation is generated to
use in conjunction with the heuristics to break ties.
D. Limited Discrepancy Search
Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS) is a systematic
search technique that exploits heuristic information in
tree search problems [7]. LDS is effective if a good heuris-
tic is available. A discrepancy defines a decision point
where the heuristic is not followed (the chosen successor
Case 2
Case 1 Case 3
Case 4
Duration Inv Duration Pl
Four Relationships Between Time Intervals
Simulation Time Simulation Time
Fig. 2. Four relationships for the two intervals durationInv and
durationP l
is not the one selected as “the best” by the heuristic).
LDS iteratively searches the space with a limit on the
number of discrepancies allowed on any path. In the first
iteration, no discrepancies are taken, i.e., the heuristic is
followed. In general, in the ith iteration at most i − 1
discrepancies are taken along any path.
The problem with applying LDS to the warehouse
scheduling problem is the branching factor. Indeed, al-
lowing only one discrepancy, there are n possible choices
of the first element in the schedule for the initial state (no
discrepancy or n−1 possible choices for one discrepancy).
If in the initial state the heuristic was followed, then in
the next state, there are n − 1 possible choices for the
second element in the schedule, and so on. With only one
discrepancy, there will be
n(n − 1)
+ 1
possible paths.
The depth of the search tree is equal to the maximum
number of decisions to be made; if in each state only one
order is scheduled, then the depth of the tree is equal
to the total number of orders to be scheduled. For the
problem we solved, it is possible to schedule more than
one order in a particular state. This resulted in trees
with an approximate depth of 350.
E. Hybrid Heuristic and Search
The genetic algorithm and local search operators are
usually initialized with random permutations. An alter-
native is to use the heuristic rules in conjunction with a
permutation to create a schedule. This process allows the
heuristic solutions to be used to seed the initial solutions
for all of the stochastic search methods (local search and
genetic algorithm).
F. Random Sampling
Random sampling produces random schedules by sim-
ply generating random permutations. Evaluating a set
of random permutations estimates the density of good
solutions and the variance in the search space of solu-
tions. Random sampling is included as a baseline of per-
IV. Experiments
We pose and answer three empirical research questions
regarding the performance of various algorithms as ap-
plied to the Coors warehouse scheduling problem. First,
we examine algorithm performance with respect to each
other, to randomly generated solutions, and to a real
Coors solution. Next, we investigate whether heuristic
initialization confers any advantage to the performance of
the search algorithms. Finally, we assess the performance
bias associated with the use of the coarse-grained internal
A. Methodology
We provide answers to these questions by measuring the
performance of the five (two heuristic and three search)
algorithms under various experimental conditions. We
compared algorithm performance on both the internal and
external simulators. External simulation runs were per-
formed on the solutions obtained with the internal simula-
tor (the external simulator assesses the relative accuracy
of the internal simulator). For the three stochastic search
algorithms, we also measured performance under both
forms of initialization: random and heuristic. For each set
of experimental conditions, we report the mean and stan-
dard deviation of 30 independent trials. For each trial,
the mean-time-at-dock, average-inventory, and makespan
of the best solution obtained are recorded.
In order to produce fair comparisons, we allocated to
each algorithm an evaluation limit which caused the algo-
Baseline Heuristic Genetic Algorithm 2-opt Random Swap
Random Greedy LDS Rnd. Init Heur. Init Rnd. Init Heur. Init
Rnd. Init Heur. Init
µ 459.90 407.68 406.21 392.49 395.39 423.11 398.71 400.11
σ 3.2386 1.2684 1.4523 0.2792 0.7290 5.6136 3.1036 4.8298
µ 627306 363160 362014 364050 354271 530446 394383
370718 350228
σ 16041 1332 1341 1739 1376 20088 12424 20987 3070
µ 5378.38 4318.00 4318.00 4318.00 4318.00 4762.69 4318.00
4318.69 4318.00
σ 119.644 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 101.368 0.000 2.792 0.000
Performance Results on the Internal Simulator
Baseline Heuristic Genetic Algorithm 2-opt Random Swap
Random Greedy LDS Rnd. Init Heur. Init Rnd. Init Heur. Init
Rnd. Init Heur. Init
µ 451.91 398.23 397.95 397.37 391.04 457.15 425.61 439.51
σ 7.7196 1.3550 1.2098 7.4734 2.8439 6.3953 2.0711 4.0977
µ 645428 389539 390081 389475 384078 539864 426707
433411 412366
σ 28497 5278 4955 9272 8229 23524 17872 20537 14252
µ 4631.74 4311.15 4311.15 4311.81 4311.15 4389.37 4311.15
4314.31 4311.15
σ 113.312 0.000 0.000 3.406 0.000 81.797 0.000 10.823 0.000
Performance Results on the External Simulator
rithms to consume roughly equal amounts of computation
time. Both the greedy and LDS heuristic algorithms run
roughly 10 times slower than the simulation of a random
order permutation. These factors are considered below
in allocation of evaluation limits to the various algorithm
A maximum of 100K evaluations was allowed for each
genetic algorithm trial. Population size was fixed at 500
elements. The dynamic objective function parameters
(µai, σai, µmt, and σmt) were updated after every gener-
ation using the current population, with the initial values
computed from the initial population.
Similarly, we allowed a maximum of 100K evaluations
for trials using the random swap algorithm. A single com-
plete pass of the 2-opt algorithm requires 118K evalua-
tions for the warehouse problem; we used this limit for
each trial involving 2-opt. The objective function param-
eters µai and µmt were initialized to 0, and σai and σmt
were initialized to 1. These parameter values were up-
dated every 100 evaluations using the 100 most recent
For the random sampling and both heuristic (greedy
and LDS) algorithms, the best solution among 100K and
10K trials, respectively, is reported. Objective function
parameters are computed using the method defined for
the 2-opt and random swap algorithm trials.
Because of the large branching factor at early stages
in the search (> 250 child nodes), we limit the number of
child nodes explored for a single discrepancy to 30; empir-
ically, we found no performance improvement by consid-
ering child nodes beyond this point. Given a limit on the
number of evaluations, we identified two design options
for the LDS algorithm trials. The first option involves al-
locating all 10K evaluations to a single invocation of the
LDS algorithm; this allows exploration of a larger num-
ber of discrepancies. The second option involves multi-
ple invocations of the LDS algorithm, with a reduction
in the limit of trials allocated to each instance. While
fewer discrepancies are explored with the second option,
it empirically provides the best performance. For the LDS
algorithm trials, we used 100 invocations of the LDS al-
gorithm (on different initial solutions) with a limit of 100
evaluations each.
B. Results
Tables I and II summarize the performance of the vari-
ous algorithms when using the internal and external sim-
ulators for solution evaluation, respectively. The first col-
umn represents the performance of random search; we use
this as a baseline performance measure. The next two
columns (greedy and LDS heuristic search) represent the
performance of the heuristic-based schedule construction
procedures. Finally, the remaining columns document the
performance of the three stochastic search algorithms in-
We based all statistical comparisons of the algorithms
on the data obtained with the external simulator, as this
simulator provides the most accurate estimate of perfor-
mance in the real warehouse environment. First, we ex-
amined the performance of the algorithms with respect
to two baselines: random search and a solution devel-
oped by Coors personnel. The Coors solution produced
an average-inventory of 549817.25, a mean-time-at-dock
of 437.55 minutes, and a makespan of 4421 minutes. Note
that the Coors solution is better than the best solution
produced by random search.
With the exception of the randomly initialized 2-opt
algorithm, the data in Table II demonstrates the abil-
ity of each of the algorithms to produce better solutions
than the Coors solution. Furthermore, this improvement
is often dramatic, especially when comparing average-
inventory and makespan.
Next, we analyzed the performance differences between
the various heuristic/search algorithms. First, with the
exception of the randomly initialized 2-opt algorithm, a
series of one-tailed t-tests indicated a statistically signif-
icant (p < 0.01) performance difference between each of
the heuristic/search algorithms and random search. The
randomly initialized 2-opt solutions are not significantly
different from the random solutions in terms of mean-
time-at-dock. With the noted exceptions, all of the heuris-
tic/search algorithms outperform both solutions gener-
ated by random search and the solution generated by
Coors. The low variance in the attained solution per-
formance metrics shown in Tables I and II demonstrates
the high reliability of the algorithms.
We also ran one-way ANOVA’s with search algorithm
as the independent variable and performance metric (ei-
ther mean-time-at-dock or average-inventory) as the de-
pendent variable. The tests indicated a significant effect
(p < 0.001) of the choice of search algorithm on the per-
formance metrics. Further analysis indicated, via a series
of one-tailed t-tests, that the genetic algorithm produced
significantly (p < 0.01) better solutions than the 2-opt
or random swap local search algorithms. Furthermore,
surprisingly the tests showed no difference between the
two local search algorithms. We had expected the swap
operator to be significantly better.
Table II also demonstrates the apparent benefit to
heuristic initialization of the search algorithms. Two one-
way ANOVA’s with initialization method as the indepen-
dent variable and performance metric (either mean-time-
at-dock or average-inventory) as the dependent variable
confirms this observation, showing a significant main ef-
fect (p < 0.001). One-tailed t-tests demonstrate that in
all cases, heuristic initialization significantly (p < 0.01)
improves search algorithm performance.
Inspection of Table 2 also indicates that LDS (system-
atic backtracking in conjunction with a heuristic) fails to
yield any statistically significant improvement in perfor-
mance over greedy heuristic search. As verified by a series
of one-tailed t-tests, LDS is unable to overcome enough of
the heuristic bias to yield solutions competitive with the
search algorithms.
Finally, we assess the predictive capability of the in-
ternal simulator on the true solution quality, as dictated
by the external simulator. Recall that the search algo-
rithms operate through feedback, via the objective func-
tion, from the internal simulator. The results in Table
II are then produced by running the external simulator
on the obtained solutions. A comparison of Tables I and
II demonstrates a clear discrepancy between the solution
quality obtained by the different simulators. This result
is not surprising in light of the weak correlation between
the two simulators, as discussed in Section II.
V. Conclusions
The results presented here suggests that the genetic al-
gorithm generates the best results for this problem com-
pared to other methods we examined. These include local
search operators as well as heuristic methods, including
the use of Limited Discrepancy Search. Using heuristics
to initialize the population used by the genetic algorithm
further improved the results. The results are generated
using a fast internal simulator as an evaluation function.
Evaluation using a more detailed external simulator indi-
cates that the best solutions are still those found by the
genetic algorithm. One unusual factor in our experiments
is the limitation to 100,000 evaluations. It is possible that
using a different number of evaluations could alter the re-
sults. As noted, a critical question and a topic of on-going
research is the use of additional evaluations and how the
additional evaluations affect the more detailed evaluations
produced by the external simulator.
VI. Acknowledgements
This effort was sponsored by the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research, Air Force Materiel Command, USAF,
under grant number F49620-97-1-0271. The U.S. Govern-
ment is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints
for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copy-
right notation thereon.
[1] John Bresina, Mark Drummond, and Keith Swanson,
solution quality,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Joint
ference on Artificial Intelligence, 1995.
[2] L. Darrell Whitley, “The genitor algorithm and selective
Why rank based allocation of reproductive trials is best,” in
ceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic
[3] Larry Davis, Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, Van
Nostrand Rein-
hold, New York, 1991.
[4] Gilbert Syswerda, “Schedule optimization using genetic
in Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, 1991.
[5] T. Starkweather, D. Whitley, K. Mathias, and S. McDaniel,
quence scheduling with genetic algorithms,” in New Directions
Operations Research, 1992.
[6] Darrell Whitley and Nam-Wook Yoo, “Modeling
Permutation En-
codings in Simple Genetic Algorithm,” in FOGA - 3, D. Whitley
and M. Vose, Eds. 1995, Morgan Kaufmann.
[7] W. D. Harvey and M. L. Ginsberg, “Limited discrepancy
in Proceedings of the 14th IJCAI, 1995.

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MITS5509 Intelligent Systems for Analy.docx

  • 1. MITS5509 Intelligent Systems for Analytics Assignment 1 and 2 Presentation and Research Report MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2
  • 2. Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 2 NOTE: This Document is used in conjunction with Assessment 1 [Presentation & participation] and Assessment 2 [Research Report] in the Teaching and Assessment Plan document [MITS5509_Teaching and Assessment Plan.doc] Objective(s) This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter. INSTRUCTIONS These instructions apply to both Assignment 1 - Presentation and Assignment 2 Research Report. Assignment 1 - Presentation and Participation - 10% (Sessions 5-12) Individual Assignment
  • 3. For this component you will be required to do a 5-10 minute presentation on a recent academic paper on a topic related to Intelligent Systems for Analytics or Intelligent Systems. Some possible topic areas include but are not limited to: • Intelligent Systems for Data Warehouse systems • Evolving Intelligent Systems: Methods, Learning, & Applications • Distance Metric Learning in Intelligent Systems • Intelligent Systems for Socially Aware Computing • Data Mining techniques with IS • frameworks for integrating AI and data mining • Expert System • Structure of knowledge Engineering • IS and Support Vector Machines • IS and Neural Network Architectures • Heuristic Search Methods • Genetic Algorithms and Developing GA Applications
  • 4. The paper you select must be directly relevant to one of the above topics or another topic and be related to Intelligent Systems for Analytics. The paper must be approved by your lecturer and be related to what we are studying this semester in Intelligent Systems for Analytics. The paper MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2 Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 can be from any academic conference or other relevant Journal or online sources such as Google Scholar, Academic department repositories, or a significant commercial company involved in research such as IBM etc. All students must select a different paper. Thus, the paper must be approved by your lecturer before proceeding. In case two students are wanting to present on the same paper, the first who emails the lecturer with their choice will be allocated that paper. Please note that popular magazine or web-site articles are not academic papers.
  • 5. A grade of 10% of the Units mark will be awarded for your presentation and your participation in other student presentations. You are to prepare a set of powerpoint slides for your presentation. If you do not participate in at least 70% of other student’s presentations you will forfeit a significant proportion of the marks for this component. Note: if class numbers are large the presentations may be organized into groups, but students will still all need to select their own individual paper for assignment 2. In the case where presentations are arranged in groups each group can decide which students paper will be used for the presentation. The presentations will occur in sessions 5-12 on the academic calendar for the semester and the order of presentations will be by arrangement, but these will be evenly spread over those sessions. What to Submit.
  • 6. There is no submission for this component, you are allocated marks based on your presentation and participation Assignment 2 - Research Report - 10% (Due Session 8) Individual Assignment For this component you will write a report or critique on the paper you chose from Assignment 1, the Presentation and Participation component above. Your report should be limited to approx. 1500 words (not including references). Use 1.5 spacing with a 12 point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will largely be based on the chosen article, you should use other sources to support your discussion or the chosen papers premises. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style. Your report or critique must include:
  • 7. MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2 Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 4 Title Page: The title of the assessment, the name of the paper you are reporting on and its authors, and your name and student ID. Introduction: Identification of the paper you are critiquing/ reviewing, a statement of the purpose for your report and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or two paragraphs). Body of Report: Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report, discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method) and findings. Comment on problems or issues highlighted by the authors. Report on results discussed and discuss the conclusions of the article and how they are relevant to the topics of this Unit of Study.
  • 8. Conclusion: A summary of the points you have made in the body of the paper. The conclusion should not introduce any ‘new’ material that was not discussed in the body of the paper. (One or two paragraphs) References: A list of sources used in your text. They should be listed alphabetically by (first) author’s family name. Follow the IEEE style. The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number. Note: reports submitted on papers which are not approved or not the approved paper registered for the student will not be graded and attract a zero (0) grade. What to Submit Submit your report to the Moodle drop-box for Assignment 2. Note that this will be a turn-it-in drop box and as such you will be provided with a similarity score. This will be taken into account when grading the assignment. Note that
  • 9. incidents of plagiarism will be penalized. If your similarity score is high you can re-submit your report, but re- submissions are only allowed up to the due date. If you submit your assignment after the due date and time re-submissions will not be allowed. Please Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2 Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 5 at the rate of 10% per day including weekends. Comparing Heuristic Search Methods and Genetic Algorithms for Warehouse Scheduling L. D. Whitley, A. E. Howe, S. Rana, J. P. Watson, L. Barbulescu Computer Science Department
  • 10. Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 e-mail: {whitley, howe, rana, watsonj, laura} Abstract— We compare several techniques for scheduling shipment of customer orders for the Coors Brewing warehouse and production line. The goal is to minimize time at dock for trucks and railcars while also minimizing inventory. The techniques include a genetic algorithm, local search op- erators, heuristic rules, systematic search and hybrid ap- proaches. Initial results show a hybrid genetic algorithm to be superior to the other methods. The evaluation func- tion is a fast approximate form of a warehouse simulation. We also assess the sensitivity of the search algorithms to noise in an approximate evaluation function using a more detailed (and costly) simulation. I. Introduction Warehouse scheduling is the problem of sequencing re- quests for products (i.e., customer orders) so as to min-
  • 11. imize the average time required to fill an order and the amount of product left in inventory. Product can be taken from the warehouse or directly from the production line. The time required to fill an order depends on whether product comes from the production line or whether prod- uct must be move out of inventory. Moving from inventory is slower, but only a small fraction of all possible product types are being produced at any point in time. The problem is complex due to several factors. First, the search space is quite large: all possible sequences of all orders. Several hundred possible orders are considered for each schedule. Optimization involves several distinct per- formance measures, which can be inversely related. Eval- uating a schedule is costly; a simulation is used to deter- mine when enough of the needed product is available and how long it takes to move product from its starting loca- tion (warehouse or production line) to its transport (rail car or truck). Search algorithms can be easily applied to warehouse scheduling. However, given the expense of schedule eval- uation and the number of possible schedules, knowledge- poor search algorithms may be too costly. Heuristic-based methods provide a promising alternative, as they explic- itly leverage domain knowledge to directly construct can- didate schedules. To assess the trade-offs between search and heuristic methods, we compared a variety of standard optimization techniques. These algorithms fall into three basic cat- egories: stochastic search, domain-based heuristics, and hybrid systems. We investigated three stochastic search techniques: a genetic algorithm and two local search oper- ators. We implemented our own order sequencing heuris-
  • 12. tic and used it in two different contexts for building sched- ules. First, it is used directly as a greedy construction procedure. Second, it is used as the heuristic compo- nent of Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS), a systematic AI search method that has performed well on synthetic test problems in the job shop scheduling domain. Hy- brid approaches combine the stochastic search methods (i.e., the genetic algorithm and the local search methods search techniques) with the heuristics: heuristically gen- erated solutions are used to initialize the stochastic search methods. We describe these approaches in more detail in Section III. We compared the scheduling methods using three per- formance metrics: schedule makespan, average time to fill an order, and average total inventory (see Section II). The values for the performance metrics were obtained from a coarse-grain simulator we developed. We also developed a more detailed, fine grain simulator. The coarse-grain simulator was used as the objective function in our exper- iments because of the expense of the more detailed sim- ulation. While run-time was substantially reduced, the loss in granularity necessarily produced some inaccuracy in the performance measurements. We refer to the coarse- grained simulation as the “internal simulator” (since it is internal to the optimization procedure) and the detailed simulator as the “external simulator.” We found that methods combining stochastic search with heuristic initialization significantly outperform heuristic-based methods, given equal amounts of compu- tation. Section IV provides detailed results. Furthermore, the globally motivated search of the genetic algorithm out- performs the local search algorithms. However, heuristic- based methods are not without merit; hybridization of the stochastic search algorithms with heuristic-based initial-
  • 13. ization further improves performance. A key features of the Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS) is the use of backtracking to undo some number of heuris- tic decisions. We also find that the backtracking of LDS fails to overcome the deficiencies of the greedy heuristic construction procedure for this particular domain. The total number of evaluations is limited to 100,000 in our experiments. Thus, our conclusions may not gener- alize to situations where the number of total evaluations is different. We limited total evaluations for two reasons. First, this was done in order to limit total search time to a reasonable amount of time. Second, the largest improve- ments in the objective function appear to occur within the first 100,000 evaluations. Improvement is asymptotic after this point. Given that the fast internal simulator is weakly correlated with the detailed external simula- tor, it is unclear that further optimization with respect to the internal simulator actually translates into further improvement in the external simulator. We are currently investigating this question further. II. Coors Warehouse Scheduling During a 24 hour period, Coors fills from 150 to 200 orders where each order may include different products. The manufacturing plant produces 500 different products. Orders are filled from either the production line or inven- tory. For our simulations, we are given a fixed, predeter- mined production schedule by Coors; the test data is for 525 orders over approximately a three day period.
  • 14. Orders are shipped on either truck or rail. The man- ufacturing plant has 39 truck docks and 19 rail docks. Orders are separated into truck and rail orders before scheduling begins. However, both truck and rail orders compete for product. Once loading of an order begins, the dock assigned to that order is unavailable until the order has been completely filled. Thus, the order sequence is sensitive to the fixed production schedule, the contents of inventory, and the availability of the docks. Schedules are evaluated by simulating the processing of orders from the manufacturing plant. We use two different simulators. The external simulator is detailed, but slow. In contrast, the internal simulator is a coarse-grained, fast simulator that saves time by substituting fixed time esti- mates for portions of the simulation and modeling at a larger time step. These differences lead to dramatically different execution times: 50 milliseconds for the internal simulator versus 90 seconds for the external simulator. Therefore, we use the internal simulator as the evaluation function and the external simulator to verify the quality of the solutions obtained using the internal simulator with various search methods. As discussed in Section IV, we were only able to achieve weak correlation between the two simulators. The simulators compute two metrics for use in the objective function: mean-time-at-dock and average- inventory. The objective function normalizes these met- rics by their means and standard deviations over a set of solutions. The formula, developed using methods re- ported in [1], is as follows: obj = (ai − µai)
  • 15. σai + (mt − µmt) σmt where ai represents average-inventory and mt repre- sents mean-time-at-dock. Another commonly used per- formance metric is the makespan. However, the prob- lem with minimizing the makespan is that the produc- tion schedule imposes a limit on the minimum makespan (4311.15 minutes) due to a product bottleneck. Thus, many schedules that are “optimal” in terms of makespan are very different in terms of mean time at dock and av- erage inventory. In practice, shipping never stops, and therefore minimizing the mean-time-at-dock is more ef- fective than minimizing the makespan. The goal is to have as many orders as possible filled and off the docks as soon as possible, even if the last order cannot be filled before the 4311 minute mark. III. Approaches The techniques we compared were: a genetic algorithm, local search operators, heuristic rules, systematic search, hybrid approaches, and random sampling. Genetic algo- rithms provide a globally motivated search. Local search closely fits the model of schedule construction in which schedules are gradually improved. Heuristics incorporate domain knowledge about constraints and therefore are used to reduce the search space. As a systematic AI search method, we chose Limited Discrepancy Search which has been shown to perform well on benchmark scheduling test problems. Random sampling works well for search spaces
  • 16. with a high density of good solutions and, in general, can be used to characterize worst case behavior. The size of the search space and the time constraint of rapid schedul- ing precluded the use of meta-heuristic methods such as TABU search or simulated annealing. A. Genetic Algorithm GENITOR [2] is what has come to be called a “steady- state” genetic algorithm [3](GA). Steady-state GAs, un- like traditional GAs, produce a “one-at-a-time” replace- ment, where only one pair of chromosomes reproduces during a generation, and only one offspring is generated. The offspring will replace the worst (least fit) chromosome in the population, and therefore the best string found so far will always remain in the population. The reproduc- tion opportunities are allocated using the rank of the par- ents in the population. A linear bias is used such that individuals that are above the median fitness have a rank fitness greater than one and those below the median fit- ness have a rank fitness of less than one. A special operator is needed to recombine two “parent” permutations and generate a new permutation combining relevant features of the two parents structures. Syswerda [4] notes that operators can attempt to preserve either the position, relative order or adjacency of the elements in the Parent1 a b c d e f g Select list * * * * Parent2 c f a d b g e Crossover f a c d e b g Fig. 1. Syswerda’s order crossover operator
  • 17. parents. Previous experiments [5] suggest that Syswerda’s order crossover operator (which is designed to preserve rel- ative order) performs the best for the warehouse schedul- ing application. This makes sense, given that the relative order in which orders are filled affects the availability of product for later customers. A subset of elements are selected in Parent 1; the same elements are located in Parent 2. The selected subset of elements in Parent 1 are then reordered such that they appear in the same relative order as observed in Parent 2. Elements that are not selected in Parent 1 are directly passed to the offspring in the same absolute positions. Figure 1 illustrates this recombination process. A more detailed description and analysis of the operator is given by Whitley and Yoo [6]. B. Local Search The local search algorithms apply 2-opt or random swap operators to iteratively improve the schedule until no fur- ther changes can be made. The 2-opt local search operator is classically associated with the Traveling Salesrep Prob- lem (TSP). For the TSP, the permutation actually repre- sents a Hamiltonian Circuit. 2-opt uses two positions in the permutation and reverses the substring between the two positions, with the goal of eliminating crossings in the circuit represented by the permutation. The operator is minimal for the TSP, in the sense that it only alters two edges in the graph and one cannot change only one edge and still have a circuit. However, if relative order is more important than adja- cency, then 2-opt is not a minimal operator with respect to the warehouse scheduling problem. The relative order
  • 18. for all the elements in the reversed segment is changed by 2-opt. A less disruptive operation is to simply swap two elements in the permutation. We will refer to this as the swap operator. All the elements, except for the two swapped ones, remain unchanged. The number of 2-opt moves or swaps over all pairs of n elements is n(n − 1) 2 . Given the limit on the total number of evaluations, a steepest descent is impractical (the O(n2) cost is more than the allotted 100,000 evaluations for our problems); we employ a next-descent strategy where each improving move is accepted instead. Because the size of the local search neighborhood is large, the operators are applied to random pairs of positions within the permutation rather than systematically examining all pairs. C. Heuristic Rules Constraint-based scheduling approaches yield smaller search spaces by exploiting domain knowledge about con- straints. Given that this application does not include hard constraints, a simple alternative is to develop heuristics based on soft constraints. The heuristics were derived from analyzing the actual schedule used by Coors to pro- cess the set of orders. For any particular order, two time intervals can be gen- erated based on the amount of product needed from inven- tory and from the production line. The two time intervals
  • 19. are denoted by durationInv and durationP l. These time intervals represent the wait time for the product to be loaded from inventory (durationInv ) and the wait time for the product to be produced and loaded from the pro- duction line (durationP l). The internal simulator will al- ways consider the durationInv to start at the current time of simulation for the processed order. Moreover, due to a minimum time required to move products to the dock assigned to the processed order, the durationInv is always non-zero. In order to reduce computation time in the in- ternal simulator, when loading an order, product will be drawn from inventory first. Only four relationships be- tween the two intervals are possible (see Figure 2): • All needed product can be drawn from the inventory (durationP l = 0) • The two time intervals do not overlap • The two time intervals partially overlap • The two time intervals completely overlap Three functions were defined to compute the rank for a given order; the function to be used is determined by the relationship between the two intervals for that order. An order will be filled only from inventory if it is small (< 2500 units for rail orders and < 300 units for truck orders). If the intervals of an order do not overlap or par- tially overlap, the order is ranked based on the number of products required multiplied by the difference in interval completion times. Preference is given to large orders that can be filled both from inventory and production line, in parallel. If the intervals of an order completely overlap, the rank is computed based on the number of products re- quired to fill the order, giving preference to large orders. The heuristics were designed to favor large orders for which the two time intervals overlap. For each unsched-
  • 20. uled order, the rank is computed; the best order to be processed will be the one with the lowest rank. Ties are common. Thus, a random permutation is generated to use in conjunction with the heuristics to break ties. D. Limited Discrepancy Search Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS) is a systematic search technique that exploits heuristic information in tree search problems [7]. LDS is effective if a good heuris- tic is available. A discrepancy defines a decision point where the heuristic is not followed (the chosen successor Case 2 Case 1 Case 3 Case 4 Duration Inv Duration Pl Four Relationships Between Time Intervals Simulation Time Simulation Time Fig. 2. Four relationships for the two intervals durationInv and durationP l is not the one selected as “the best” by the heuristic). LDS iteratively searches the space with a limit on the number of discrepancies allowed on any path. In the first iteration, no discrepancies are taken, i.e., the heuristic is followed. In general, in the ith iteration at most i − 1 discrepancies are taken along any path.
  • 21. The problem with applying LDS to the warehouse scheduling problem is the branching factor. Indeed, al- lowing only one discrepancy, there are n possible choices of the first element in the schedule for the initial state (no discrepancy or n−1 possible choices for one discrepancy). If in the initial state the heuristic was followed, then in the next state, there are n − 1 possible choices for the second element in the schedule, and so on. With only one discrepancy, there will be n(n − 1) 2 + 1 possible paths. The depth of the search tree is equal to the maximum number of decisions to be made; if in each state only one order is scheduled, then the depth of the tree is equal to the total number of orders to be scheduled. For the problem we solved, it is possible to schedule more than one order in a particular state. This resulted in trees with an approximate depth of 350. E. Hybrid Heuristic and Search The genetic algorithm and local search operators are usually initialized with random permutations. An alter- native is to use the heuristic rules in conjunction with a permutation to create a schedule. This process allows the heuristic solutions to be used to seed the initial solutions for all of the stochastic search methods (local search and genetic algorithm).
  • 22. F. Random Sampling Random sampling produces random schedules by sim- ply generating random permutations. Evaluating a set of random permutations estimates the density of good solutions and the variance in the search space of solu- tions. Random sampling is included as a baseline of per- formance. IV. Experiments We pose and answer three empirical research questions regarding the performance of various algorithms as ap- plied to the Coors warehouse scheduling problem. First, we examine algorithm performance with respect to each other, to randomly generated solutions, and to a real Coors solution. Next, we investigate whether heuristic initialization confers any advantage to the performance of the search algorithms. Finally, we assess the performance bias associated with the use of the coarse-grained internal simulator. A. Methodology We provide answers to these questions by measuring the performance of the five (two heuristic and three search) algorithms under various experimental conditions. We compared algorithm performance on both the internal and external simulators. External simulation runs were per- formed on the solutions obtained with the internal simula- tor (the external simulator assesses the relative accuracy of the internal simulator). For the three stochastic search algorithms, we also measured performance under both forms of initialization: random and heuristic. For each set of experimental conditions, we report the mean and stan- dard deviation of 30 independent trials. For each trial,
  • 23. the mean-time-at-dock, average-inventory, and makespan of the best solution obtained are recorded. In order to produce fair comparisons, we allocated to each algorithm an evaluation limit which caused the algo- Baseline Heuristic Genetic Algorithm 2-opt Random Swap Random Greedy LDS Rnd. Init Heur. Init Rnd. Init Heur. Init Rnd. Init Heur. Init Mean-Time-At-Dock µ 459.90 407.68 406.21 392.49 395.39 423.11 398.71 400.11 399.03 σ 3.2386 1.2684 1.4523 0.2792 0.7290 5.6136 3.1036 4.8298 3.4629 Average-Inventory µ 627306 363160 362014 364050 354271 530446 394383 370718 350228 σ 16041 1332 1341 1739 1376 20088 12424 20987 3070 Makespan µ 5378.38 4318.00 4318.00 4318.00 4318.00 4762.69 4318.00 4318.69 4318.00 σ 119.644 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 101.368 0.000 2.792 0.000 TABLE I Performance Results on the Internal Simulator Baseline Heuristic Genetic Algorithm 2-opt Random Swap Random Greedy LDS Rnd. Init Heur. Init Rnd. Init Heur. Init Rnd. Init Heur. Init
  • 24. Mean-Time-At-Dock µ 451.91 398.23 397.95 397.37 391.04 457.15 425.61 439.51 426.06 σ 7.7196 1.3550 1.2098 7.4734 2.8439 6.3953 2.0711 4.0977 1.6718 Average-Inventory µ 645428 389539 390081 389475 384078 539864 426707 433411 412366 σ 28497 5278 4955 9272 8229 23524 17872 20537 14252 Makespan µ 4631.74 4311.15 4311.15 4311.81 4311.15 4389.37 4311.15 4314.31 4311.15 σ 113.312 0.000 0.000 3.406 0.000 81.797 0.000 10.823 0.000 TABLE II Performance Results on the External Simulator rithms to consume roughly equal amounts of computation time. Both the greedy and LDS heuristic algorithms run roughly 10 times slower than the simulation of a random order permutation. These factors are considered below in allocation of evaluation limits to the various algorithm trials. A maximum of 100K evaluations was allowed for each genetic algorithm trial. Population size was fixed at 500 elements. The dynamic objective function parameters (µai, σai, µmt, and σmt) were updated after every gener- ation using the current population, with the initial values computed from the initial population. Similarly, we allowed a maximum of 100K evaluations for trials using the random swap algorithm. A single com-
  • 25. plete pass of the 2-opt algorithm requires 118K evalua- tions for the warehouse problem; we used this limit for each trial involving 2-opt. The objective function param- eters µai and µmt were initialized to 0, and σai and σmt were initialized to 1. These parameter values were up- dated every 100 evaluations using the 100 most recent solutions. For the random sampling and both heuristic (greedy and LDS) algorithms, the best solution among 100K and 10K trials, respectively, is reported. Objective function parameters are computed using the method defined for the 2-opt and random swap algorithm trials. Because of the large branching factor at early stages in the search (> 250 child nodes), we limit the number of child nodes explored for a single discrepancy to 30; empir- ically, we found no performance improvement by consid- ering child nodes beyond this point. Given a limit on the number of evaluations, we identified two design options for the LDS algorithm trials. The first option involves al- locating all 10K evaluations to a single invocation of the LDS algorithm; this allows exploration of a larger num- ber of discrepancies. The second option involves multi- ple invocations of the LDS algorithm, with a reduction in the limit of trials allocated to each instance. While fewer discrepancies are explored with the second option, it empirically provides the best performance. For the LDS algorithm trials, we used 100 invocations of the LDS al- gorithm (on different initial solutions) with a limit of 100 evaluations each. B. Results Tables I and II summarize the performance of the vari-
  • 26. ous algorithms when using the internal and external sim- ulators for solution evaluation, respectively. The first col- umn represents the performance of random search; we use this as a baseline performance measure. The next two columns (greedy and LDS heuristic search) represent the performance of the heuristic-based schedule construction procedures. Finally, the remaining columns document the performance of the three stochastic search algorithms in- vestigated. We based all statistical comparisons of the algorithms on the data obtained with the external simulator, as this simulator provides the most accurate estimate of perfor- mance in the real warehouse environment. First, we ex- amined the performance of the algorithms with respect to two baselines: random search and a solution devel- oped by Coors personnel. The Coors solution produced an average-inventory of 549817.25, a mean-time-at-dock of 437.55 minutes, and a makespan of 4421 minutes. Note that the Coors solution is better than the best solution produced by random search. With the exception of the randomly initialized 2-opt algorithm, the data in Table II demonstrates the abil- ity of each of the algorithms to produce better solutions than the Coors solution. Furthermore, this improvement is often dramatic, especially when comparing average- inventory and makespan. Next, we analyzed the performance differences between the various heuristic/search algorithms. First, with the exception of the randomly initialized 2-opt algorithm, a series of one-tailed t-tests indicated a statistically signif-
  • 27. icant (p < 0.01) performance difference between each of the heuristic/search algorithms and random search. The randomly initialized 2-opt solutions are not significantly different from the random solutions in terms of mean- time-at-dock. With the noted exceptions, all of the heuris- tic/search algorithms outperform both solutions gener- ated by random search and the solution generated by Coors. The low variance in the attained solution per- formance metrics shown in Tables I and II demonstrates the high reliability of the algorithms. We also ran one-way ANOVA’s with search algorithm as the independent variable and performance metric (ei- ther mean-time-at-dock or average-inventory) as the de- pendent variable. The tests indicated a significant effect (p < 0.001) of the choice of search algorithm on the per- formance metrics. Further analysis indicated, via a series of one-tailed t-tests, that the genetic algorithm produced significantly (p < 0.01) better solutions than the 2-opt or random swap local search algorithms. Furthermore, surprisingly the tests showed no difference between the two local search algorithms. We had expected the swap operator to be significantly better. Table II also demonstrates the apparent benefit to heuristic initialization of the search algorithms. Two one- way ANOVA’s with initialization method as the indepen- dent variable and performance metric (either mean-time- at-dock or average-inventory) as the dependent variable confirms this observation, showing a significant main ef- fect (p < 0.001). One-tailed t-tests demonstrate that in all cases, heuristic initialization significantly (p < 0.01) improves search algorithm performance. Inspection of Table 2 also indicates that LDS (system-
  • 28. atic backtracking in conjunction with a heuristic) fails to yield any statistically significant improvement in perfor- mance over greedy heuristic search. As verified by a series of one-tailed t-tests, LDS is unable to overcome enough of the heuristic bias to yield solutions competitive with the search algorithms. Finally, we assess the predictive capability of the in- ternal simulator on the true solution quality, as dictated by the external simulator. Recall that the search algo- rithms operate through feedback, via the objective func- tion, from the internal simulator. The results in Table II are then produced by running the external simulator on the obtained solutions. A comparison of Tables I and II demonstrates a clear discrepancy between the solution quality obtained by the different simulators. This result is not surprising in light of the weak correlation between the two simulators, as discussed in Section II. V. Conclusions The results presented here suggests that the genetic al- gorithm generates the best results for this problem com- pared to other methods we examined. These include local search operators as well as heuristic methods, including the use of Limited Discrepancy Search. Using heuristics to initialize the population used by the genetic algorithm further improved the results. The results are generated using a fast internal simulator as an evaluation function. Evaluation using a more detailed external simulator indi- cates that the best solutions are still those found by the genetic algorithm. One unusual factor in our experiments is the limitation to 100,000 evaluations. It is possible that using a different number of evaluations could alter the re- sults. As noted, a critical question and a topic of on-going research is the use of additional evaluations and how the
  • 29. additional evaluations affect the more detailed evaluations produced by the external simulator. VI. Acknowledgements This effort was sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Materiel Command, USAF, under grant number F49620-97-1-0271. The U.S. Govern- ment is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copy- right notation thereon. References [1] John Bresina, Mark Drummond, and Keith Swanson, “Expected solution quality,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Con- ference on Artificial Intelligence, 1995. [2] L. Darrell Whitley, “The genitor algorithm and selective pressure: Why rank based allocation of reproductive trials is best,” in Pro- ceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 1989. [3] Larry Davis, Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, Van Nostrand Rein-
  • 30. hold, New York, 1991. [4] Gilbert Syswerda, “Schedule optimization using genetic algorithms,” in Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, 1991. [5] T. Starkweather, D. Whitley, K. Mathias, and S. McDaniel, “Se- quence scheduling with genetic algorithms,” in New Directions in Operations Research, 1992. [6] Darrell Whitley and Nam-Wook Yoo, “Modeling Permutation En- codings in Simple Genetic Algorithm,” in FOGA - 3, D. Whitley and M. Vose, Eds. 1995, Morgan Kaufmann. [7] W. D. Harvey and M. L. Ginsberg, “Limited discrepancy search,” in Proceedings of the 14th IJCAI, 1995.