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Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Session 2 – 2nd July 2019
Usoa Sol
INS Emperador Carles
Summer Courses 2019
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
5. PBWorks Wiki:
basic features and
2. Principles to make
them work with
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
1. Features of projects
and advantages of
using them in class 2. Padlet
1. Popplet
3. Self-reflection on
past projects
4. Sample projects
3. Voki
4. Motivational quotes
Are we on the right track?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Room for improvement
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Room for improvement (II)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Room for improvement (III)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Aims of today’s sessions
• Learning about three sample
audiovisual mini-projects
• Analysing them according to
the three essential principles
• Personalising them according
to your students’ level and
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Session 2.1:
Usoa Sol
2nd July 2019
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Sample audiovisual
1. The Happy Couple
2. Alien Invasion (Dvolver)
3. TV show time!
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
You're going to read a cartoon
strip entitled Happy Couple
(part 1).
Look at the following Wordle
and predict what the comic is
going to be about using the
keywords in the cloud.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How similar to the actual strip
were your predictions?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Now you're going to create
your own comic strip to finish
this story.
Here are the instructions to
create a ToonDoo comic strip!
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
In pairs, continue the dialogue
for your comic strip.
Type it in a new Word document
and save it on the desktop.
Write AT LEAST 2 lines for each
In your dialogue you should use TWO
verbs followed by an infinitive and
TWO followed by a gerund.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Room for improvement
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Here are some students’
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Ana and Mireia’s
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Ana and Alejandro’s
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Marta and Martina’s
Can you remember the three
essential principles to make
projects work with
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Essential principles
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
What is the purpose of the project?
What will it result in? (end product)
What will students be learning?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
What is the purpose of the project?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
• Design a comic strip for classmates, read
everyone’s strips and vote for the best.
• Talk about preferences and use functional
language (real life English).
• Apply English in a creative way using a
creative medium.
• Develop digital competence.
• Work cooperatively.
What will students be learning?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How to write a short dialogue in English as
the ending of a story.
How to use English verb patterns in context.
How to use ToonDoo to create comic strips.
How to use verb patterns in English.
What will it result in? (end product)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Will the students present their end
In a ToonDoo comic strip.
No, the comic strips will be posted on the
school’s English wiki for their classmates to
be able to take a look at them and vote for
the best.
What phases is the project divided in?
How long will each one take?
What will students have to do in each one?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
1. Introduction -sts write their predictions using Wordle
-sts check their answers by reading comic
1 hour
2. Research/writing -sts browse through ToonDoo and write
their dialogue
1 hour
3. Design -sts correct their dialogue and design their
2 hours
4. Peer-to-peer
-sts read their classmates’ ToonDoos and
vote for the best
1 hour
How will the project will assessed?
What weight will the mark carry?
What criteria will be used?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How will the project will assessed?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Two components will be evaluated in this
a) Comic strip (end product) → accuracy,
content and creativity
b) Attitude and participation during the project
→ group work and active participation
What weight will the mark carry?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
The project will be worth 20% of your final
mark, together with the other projects we
have done.
ToonDoo cartoons -
• Original medium: motivating
• Different writing task
• Technically simple to use
• Manageable – short texts
• Step-by-step approach
• Adaptable
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Room for improvement (II)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Room for improvement (III)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
You're going to watch a film
called Alien Invasion.
Try to remember as much as
you can because after the film
there will be a memory quiz!
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Memory quiz
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Translation quiz
Now you're going to create
your own online short film for
your classmates.
Go to the Dvolver site and in
your groups, answer the
following questions.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Next, you’re going to write your film
script (the dialogue) in your group.
Remember to include the following:
- an example of be going to
- an example of will
- one sentence in the First
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Once you have your dialogue ready, how can
you create a Dvolver online film clip? Here are
the instructions:
1. Go to
2. Select a background and a sky. Click next.
3. Select a plot (the story): rendez-vous (2
people talking and then separating), pick-up (2
people meeting), chase (persecució), soliloquoy
(only one person speaking).
4. Choose the characters. Click next.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
5. Type in your dialogue. Click next.
6. Choose the background music.
7. Type in the movie title and the director’s
name (your names).
8. Click preview&send movie.
If you make a mistake or want to change
anything, click on “back” to go back.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Finally, when all the films have been uploaded
on the school wiki, you’re going to watch them
and give your opinion about them in the
comments section and then give them a mark
on a Word document for your teacher.
Remember to follow the rules we discussed in
class when writing your comments.
“Three stars and a wish”
(José Picardo)
What is the purpose of the project?
What will it result in? (end product)
What will students be learning?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
What is the purpose of the project?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
For students to design an online film for their
classmates in groups.
For students to look at each other’s work and
vote for the best film.
For students to use English in context in a
creative way and using a digital tool
(Linguistic aim: use of future forms and 1st
What will students be learning?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How to write a short dialogue in English to tell
a story.
How to use future tenses in English in
How to use Dvolver to create online short
What will it result in? (end product)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Will the students present their end
In a Dvolver online short film.
No, the films will be posted on the school’s
English wiki for their classmates to be able
to take a look at them and vote for the best.
What phases is the project divided in?
How long will each one take?
What will students have to do in each one?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
1. Introduction -sts watch an online short film and do a comprehension and
a language quiz
-sts do some language work on the film script, spotting
mistakes while watching the film a second/third time
2 hours
2. Research/
-sts browse through Dvolver and answer some questions
about the film they’re going to create
1 hour
3. Writing -sts write the dialogue for their online film, following the
1 hour
4. Design -sts correct their dialogue and design their Dvolver film 1 hour
5. Peer-to-peer
-sts watch their classmates’ films, and vote for the best by
giving them a mark and leaving a comment on the wiki
1 hour
How will the project will assessed?
What weight will the mark carry?
What criteria will be used?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Aims of today’s sessions
• Learning about three sample
audiovisual mini-projects
• Analysing them according to
the three essential principles
• Personalising them according
to your students’ level and
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Session 2.1:
Usoa Sol
2nd July 2019
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
What criteria will be used? (II)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Classmates will also mark each of the films
and the one with the highest mark will get a
What weight will the mark carry?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
The project will be worth 20% of your final
mark, together with the other projects we
have done.
The Perfect Couple
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
The Perfect Couple (II)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Here are some students’
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Gemma and Mònica’s
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Llorenç and Quique’s
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Ana and Beth’s
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Camila and Míriam’s
Peer-to-peer feedback
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Dvolver films - summary
• Visual and engaging
• Very easy to use
• Manageable – short texts
• Cater for different levels – different options
• Don’t feel like a writing task
• Students can give each other feedback after
watching their classmates’ films on the wiki
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Could you do this activity with
your students?
Why (not)?
What would you change/add/do
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Do you know what shows
these theme songs are from?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Sample audiovisual
1. The Happy Couple
2. Alien Invasion (Dvolver)
3. TV show time!
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Sample audiovisual
1. The Happy Couple
2. Alien Invasion (Dvolver)
3. TV show time!
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
b) This show is based on the life of the
main character Ted Mosby and his
group of friends in Manhattan. In the
show, set in 2030, Ted Mosby tells his
son and daughter about all the women
he dated until he met their mother and
all the adventures he lived with his
inseparable four friends before he
became a dad.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
c) This show is called this way
because of the main character,
who at the end of each episode
narrates a voice-over with the
moral learnt by the doctors.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
d) It all starts when Alan Parker
comes into his older brother’s
perfect life after divorcing his
wife and being kicked out of
their house.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
TV show project (part 1)
Choose a TV show, look for
information on it and write a text
following the guidelines below.
1. What's the TV show of your
choice? Provide some general
information on it.
2. Why is the show called this way?
Relate the title to the storyline.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
3. Who are the main characters?
Who are they starred by?
4. Why have you chosen this TV
show? What do you think are its
most outstanding features? What do
you personally enjoy most about it?
5. What kind of people would you
recommend it to?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
You're going to read a cartoon
strip entitled Happy Couple
(part 1).
Look at the following Wordle
and predict what the comic is
going to be about using the
keywords in the cloud.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
You're going to read a cartoon
strip entitled Happy Couple
(part 1).
Look at the following Wordle
and predict what the comic is
going to be about using the
keywords in the cloud.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
You're going to read a cartoon
strip entitled Happy Couple
(part 1).
Look at the following Wordle
and predict what the comic is
going to be about using the
keywords in the cloud.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
You're going to read a cartoon
strip entitled Happy Couple
(part 1).
Look at the following Wordle
and predict what the comic is
going to be about using the
keywords in the cloud.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
You're going to read a cartoon
strip entitled Happy Couple
(part 1).
Look at the following Wordle
and predict what the comic is
going to be about using the
keywords in the cloud.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Students’ presentations on
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
TV show project (part 3)
The last stage of the project is to show your
classmates an episode of the TV show you
have chosen and to design some activities to
exploit it in terms of language.
Apart from that, you'll have to write a short
summary of the episode containing mistakes
(in terms of the content) for your classmates to
spot them after having watched it.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Students’ activities (I)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Students’ activities (II)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Students’ activities (III)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Students’ activities (IV)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Students’ activities (V)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
TV project – Summary
• student-generated
• personalised and relevant
• role-reversal: students become
teachers for a day (especially
during stages 2 and 3)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
• makes students more aware of
their learning process
• develops students’ digital
competence (HTML: embed
videos, insert links and files)
• fosters students’ autonomy as
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
What is the purpose of the project?
What will it result in? (end product)
What will students be learning?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
What is the purpose of the project?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
For students to write about a TV show of their
choice to their classmates.
For students to present and “sell” their TV
show to their classmates.
For students to prepare activities related to
one chapter of the show and to be teachers
for a day.
What will students be learning?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How to write an article about a TV show in
How to edit a wiki, adding media and
embedding videos.
How to do a PPT or a Prezi presentation.
How to exploit a TV show for language-
learning purposes.
What will it result in? (end product)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Will the students present their end
In a wiki text, a multimedia presentation and
a worksheet with activities.
Yes, they will present their TV show to their
classmates and they’ll get them to do the
activities they’ve prepared for the episode of
their choice.
What phases is the project divided in?
How long will each one take?
What will students have to do in each one?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
1. Introduction -sts listen to / read the guidelines of the TV
show project and choose a show in groups
1 hour
-sts look for information on the show and
bring it to class to write a draft of their article
2 hours
3. Writing -sts write the final version of their article on
the English wiki (incorporating the teachers’
suggestions); they also add videos, photos
and links
2 hours
4. Design -sts create their PPT/Prezi presentation
using keywords from their wiki text
1 hour
5. Presentation -sts present their shows to their classmates 2 hours
6. Language
-sts watch an episode together and do the
activities that the group in charge has
prepared for them
6 hours
How will the project will assessed?
What weight will the mark carry?
What criteria will be used?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How will the project will assessed?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Three components will be evaluated in this
a) The article (wiki text)
b) The PPT/Prezi presentation
c) The oral presentation
d) The activities prepared for the episode
(only to raise mark)
What criteria will be used?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
a) Article: usual writing task scale (text accuracy,
content, and layout).
b) PPT / Prezi presentation: rubric.
c) Oral presentation: marking grid (one for the
teacher and one for the students).
d) Activities prepared for the episode: to round off
the mark.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How similar to the actual strip
were your predictions?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
What do you have to do?
1. Create THREE mini-projects using one of the
four tools from previous sessions and post
them on your course wiki page.
2. Comment on THREE of your peers’ projects
by leaving a comment on their wiki pages.
Follow the “three stars and a wish” principle.
3. Take the Surveymonkey survey for today’s
4. Summarise your favourite activity from today’s
session in 1-3 tweets using the hashtag
#APACsummer19 and quoting @APAC_ELT
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Create three mini-
projects and edit
your wiki page
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
1. Choose three tools from today’s or
yesterday’s sessions: Voki, Padlet,
Dvolver, ToonDoo.
2. Create three mini-projects of your own
using the tools above, personalising them
according to your students’ level and
3. Post your finished sample projects (as an
example for the students) on your wiki
page, under the corresponding section.
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
How to edit a wiki -
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Comment on your
peers’ work on their
wiki page
(three comments)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Read your peer’s wiki sites and write a
comment on their projects following the “three stars
and a wish” principle.
What can you write in your comments?
a) What do you like best about the project? (If
you don’t like it, why not?)
b) Could you do it with your students? Why (not)?
c) How could it be improved? What could be
changed? (constructive criticism)
d) Do you have any questions about it?
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Take Surveymonkey
survey for today’s
(link on wiki)
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
Tweet about your
favourite activity
with the hashtag
quoting @APAC_ELT
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
ESO1: Anabel, Anna Cris, Encarna, Eva, Míriam
ESO 2: Alba G., Alba S., Maria O., Sílvia F.
ESO 3: Aina, Amalia, Gisela, Laia P., Sílvia S.
ESO 4: Anna, Cristina, Fàtima
ADULTS: Glòria, Maria U., Núria, Xelo
Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning

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Mini-projects, maxi-learning APAC summer course July2019 session 2

  • 1. 1 Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Session 2 – 2nd July 2019 Usoa Sol INS Emperador Carles Summer Courses 2019 APAC’s WHAT DID WE LEARN IN YESTERDAY’S SESSION? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 2. 2 CONTENT TOOLS / ACTIVITIES 5. PBWorks Wiki: basic features and functions 2. Principles to make them work with teenagers Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning 1. Features of projects and advantages of using them in class 2. Padlet 1. Popplet 3. Self-reflection on past projects 4. Sample projects 3. Voki 4. Motivational quotes Are we on the right track? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 3. 3 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Room for improvement Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
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  • 5. 5 Aims of today’s sessions • Learning about three sample audiovisual mini-projects • Analysing them according to the three essential principles • Personalising them according to your students’ level and needs Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Session 2.1: Sample audiovisual mini-projects Usoa Sol 2nd July 2019 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 6. 6 Sample audiovisual mini-projects 1. The Happy Couple (ToonDoo) 2. Alien Invasion (Dvolver) 3. TV show time! Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning PROJECT 1: THE HAPPY COUPLE Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 7. 7 You're going to read a cartoon strip entitled Happy Couple (part 1). Look at the following Wordle and predict what the comic is going to be about using the keywords in the cloud. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 8. 8 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning on/1758715 How similar to the actual strip were your predictions? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 9. 9 Now you're going to create your own comic strip to finish this story. Here are the instructions to create a ToonDoo comic strip! Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning In pairs, continue the dialogue for your comic strip. Type it in a new Word document and save it on the desktop. Write AT LEAST 2 lines for each scene. In your dialogue you should use TWO verbs followed by an infinitive and TWO followed by a gerund.
  • 10. 3 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Room for improvement Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 11. 11 Here are some students’ samples: Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning /1902646 Ana and Mireia’s
  • 12. 12 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning /1902855 Ana and Alejandro’s Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Marta and Martina’s /1902648
  • 13. 13 Can you remember the three essential principles to make projects work with teenagers? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Essential principles AIMS / OUTCOMES STAGES ASSESSMENT Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 14. 14 AIMS What is the purpose of the project? What will it result in? (end product) What will students be learning? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning What is the purpose of the project? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning • Design a comic strip for classmates, read everyone’s strips and vote for the best. • Talk about preferences and use functional language (real life English). • Apply English in a creative way using a creative medium. • Develop digital competence. • Work cooperatively.
  • 15. 15 What will students be learning? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning How to write a short dialogue in English as the ending of a story. How to use English verb patterns in context. How to use ToonDoo to create comic strips. How to use verb patterns in English. What will it result in? (end product) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Will the students present their end product? In a ToonDoo comic strip. No, the comic strips will be posted on the school’s English wiki for their classmates to be able to take a look at them and vote for the best.
  • 16. 16 STAGES What phases is the project divided in? How long will each one take? What will students have to do in each one? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning STAGES Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning STAGE PROCEDURE DURATION 1. Introduction -sts write their predictions using Wordle cloud -sts check their answers by reading comic strip 1 hour 2. Research/writing -sts browse through ToonDoo and write their dialogue 1 hour 3. Design -sts correct their dialogue and design their ToonDoo 2 hours 4. Peer-to-peer assessment -sts read their classmates’ ToonDoos and vote for the best 1 hour
  • 17. 17 ASSESSMENT How will the project will assessed? What weight will the mark carry? What criteria will be used? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning How will the project will assessed? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Two components will be evaluated in this project: a) Comic strip (end product) → accuracy, content and creativity b) Attitude and participation during the project → group work and active participation
  • 18. 18 What weight will the mark carry? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning The project will be worth 20% of your final mark, together with the other projects we have done. ToonDoo cartoons - summary • Original medium: motivating • Different writing task • Technically simple to use • Manageable – short texts • Step-by-step approach • Adaptable Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 19. 4 Room for improvement (II) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Room for improvement (III) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 20. 20 You're going to watch a film called Alien Invasion. Try to remember as much as you can because after the film there will be a memory quiz! Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning movies-252329
  • 21. 21 Memory quiz hp?id=2130 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning ntermediate.php?id=2209&pagenum=4 Translation quiz Now you're going to create your own online short film for your classmates. Go to the Dvolver site and in your groups, answer the following questions. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 22. 22 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Next, you’re going to write your film script (the dialogue) in your group. Remember to include the following: - an example of be going to - an example of will - one sentence in the First Conditional.
  • 23. 23 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Once you have your dialogue ready, how can you create a Dvolver online film clip? Here are the instructions: 1. Go to 2. Select a background and a sky. Click next. 3. Select a plot (the story): rendez-vous (2 people talking and then separating), pick-up (2 people meeting), chase (persecució), soliloquoy (only one person speaking). 4. Choose the characters. Click next. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning 5. Type in your dialogue. Click next. 6. Choose the background music. 7. Type in the movie title and the director’s name (your names). 8. Click preview&send movie. If you make a mistake or want to change anything, click on “back” to go back.
  • 24. 24 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Finally, when all the films have been uploaded on the school wiki, you’re going to watch them and give your opinion about them in the comments section and then give them a mark on a Word document for your teacher. Remember to follow the rules we discussed in class when writing your comments. “Three stars and a wish” (José Picardo) AIMS What is the purpose of the project? What will it result in? (end product) What will students be learning? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 25. 25 What is the purpose of the project? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning For students to design an online film for their classmates in groups. For students to look at each other’s work and vote for the best film. AIMS / OUTCOMES For students to use English in context in a creative way and using a digital tool (Linguistic aim: use of future forms and 1st conditional) What will students be learning? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning How to write a short dialogue in English to tell a story. How to use future tenses in English in context. How to use Dvolver to create online short films.
  • 26. 26 What will it result in? (end product) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Will the students present their end product? In a Dvolver online short film. No, the films will be posted on the school’s English wiki for their classmates to be able to take a look at them and vote for the best. STAGES What phases is the project divided in? How long will each one take? What will students have to do in each one? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 27. 27 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning STAGE PROCEDURE DURATION 1. Introduction -sts watch an online short film and do a comprehension and a language quiz -sts do some language work on the film script, spotting mistakes while watching the film a second/third time 2 hours 2. Research/ Preparation/ Scaffolding -sts browse through Dvolver and answer some questions about the film they’re going to create 1 hour 3. Writing -sts write the dialogue for their online film, following the instructions 1 hour 4. Design -sts correct their dialogue and design their Dvolver film 1 hour 5. Peer-to-peer Assessment -sts watch their classmates’ films, and vote for the best by giving them a mark and leaving a comment on the wiki 1 hour STAGES ASSESSMENT How will the project will assessed? What weight will the mark carry? What criteria will be used? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 28. 5 Aims of today’s sessions • Learning about three sample audiovisual mini-projects • Analysing them according to the three essential principles • Personalising them according to your students’ level and needs Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Session 2.1: Sample audiovisual mini-projects Usoa Sol 2nd July 2019 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 29. 29 What criteria will be used? (II) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Classmates will also mark each of the films and the one with the highest mark will get a prize. What weight will the mark carry? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning The project will be worth 20% of your final mark, together with the other projects we have done.
  • 30. 30 The Perfect Couple Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning The Perfect Couple (II) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 31. 31 Here are some students’ samples: Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Gemma and Mònica’s
  • 32. 32 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Llorenç and Quique’s Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Ana and Beth’s
  • 33. 33 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Camila and Míriam’s Peer-to-peer feedback Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning %206%20ESO%201
  • 34. 34 Dvolver films - summary • Visual and engaging • Very easy to use • Manageable – short texts • Cater for different levels – different options available • Don’t feel like a writing task • Students can give each other feedback after watching their classmates’ films on the wiki Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning OVER TO YOU! Could you do this activity with your students? Why (not)? What would you change/add/do differently? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 35. 35 PROJECT 3: TV SHOW TIME! Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Introduction Do you know what shows these theme songs are from? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 36. 6 Sample audiovisual mini-projects 1. The Happy Couple (ToonDoo) 2. Alien Invasion (Dvolver) 3. TV show time! Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning PROJECT 1: THE HAPPY COUPLE Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 37. 6 Sample audiovisual mini-projects 1. The Happy Couple (ToonDoo) 2. Alien Invasion (Dvolver) 3. TV show time! Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning PROJECT 1: THE HAPPY COUPLE Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 38. 38 b) This show is based on the life of the main character Ted Mosby and his group of friends in Manhattan. In the show, set in 2030, Ted Mosby tells his son and daughter about all the women he dated until he met their mother and all the adventures he lived with his inseparable four friends before he became a dad. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 39. 39 c) This show is called this way because of the main character, who at the end of each episode narrates a voice-over with the moral learnt by the doctors. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 40. 40 d) It all starts when Alan Parker comes into his older brother’s perfect life after divorcing his wife and being kicked out of their house. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 41. 41 TV show project (part 1) Choose a TV show, look for information on it and write a text following the guidelines below. 1. What's the TV show of your choice? Provide some general information on it. 2. Why is the show called this way? Relate the title to the storyline. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning 3. Who are the main characters? Who are they starred by? 4. Why have you chosen this TV show? What do you think are its most outstanding features? What do you personally enjoy most about it? 5. What kind of people would you recommend it to? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 42. 7 You're going to read a cartoon strip entitled Happy Couple (part 1). Look at the following Wordle and predict what the comic is going to be about using the keywords in the cloud. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 43. 7 You're going to read a cartoon strip entitled Happy Couple (part 1). Look at the following Wordle and predict what the comic is going to be about using the keywords in the cloud. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 44. 7 You're going to read a cartoon strip entitled Happy Couple (part 1). Look at the following Wordle and predict what the comic is going to be about using the keywords in the cloud. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 45. 7 You're going to read a cartoon strip entitled Happy Couple (part 1). Look at the following Wordle and predict what the comic is going to be about using the keywords in the cloud. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 46. 7 You're going to read a cartoon strip entitled Happy Couple (part 1). Look at the following Wordle and predict what the comic is going to be about using the keywords in the cloud. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 47. 47 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Students’ presentations on Prezi Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 48. 48 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning TV show project (part 3) The last stage of the project is to show your classmates an episode of the TV show you have chosen and to design some activities to exploit it in terms of language. Apart from that, you'll have to write a short summary of the episode containing mistakes (in terms of the content) for your classmates to spot them after having watched it. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 49. 49 Students’ activities (I) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Students’ activities (II) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 50. 50 Students’ activities (III) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Students’ activities (IV) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 51. 51 Students’ activities (V) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning TV project – Summary • student-generated • personalised and relevant • role-reversal: students become teachers for a day (especially during stages 2 and 3) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 52. 52 • makes students more aware of their learning process • develops students’ digital competence (HTML: embed videos, insert links and files) • fosters students’ autonomy as learners Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning AIMS What is the purpose of the project? What will it result in? (end product) What will students be learning? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 53. 53 What is the purpose of the project? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning For students to write about a TV show of their choice to their classmates. For students to present and “sell” their TV show to their classmates. For students to prepare activities related to one chapter of the show and to be teachers for a day. AIMS / OUTCOMES What will students be learning? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning How to write an article about a TV show in English. How to edit a wiki, adding media and embedding videos. How to do a PPT or a Prezi presentation. How to exploit a TV show for language- learning purposes.
  • 54. 54 What will it result in? (end product) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Will the students present their end product? In a wiki text, a multimedia presentation and a worksheet with activities. Yes, they will present their TV show to their classmates and they’ll get them to do the activities they’ve prepared for the episode of their choice. STAGES What phases is the project divided in? How long will each one take? What will students have to do in each one? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 55. 55 STAGES Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning STAGE PROCEDURE DURATION 1. Introduction -sts listen to / read the guidelines of the TV show project and choose a show in groups 1 hour 2.Research Preparation -sts look for information on the show and bring it to class to write a draft of their article 2 hours 3. Writing -sts write the final version of their article on the English wiki (incorporating the teachers’ suggestions); they also add videos, photos and links 2 hours 4. Design -sts create their PPT/Prezi presentation using keywords from their wiki text 1 hour 5. Presentation -sts present their shows to their classmates 2 hours 6. Language focus -sts watch an episode together and do the activities that the group in charge has prepared for them 6 hours ASSESSMENT How will the project will assessed? What weight will the mark carry? What criteria will be used? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 56. 56 How will the project will assessed? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Three components will be evaluated in this project: a) The article (wiki text) b) The PPT/Prezi presentation c) The oral presentation d) The activities prepared for the episode (only to raise mark) ASSESSMENT What criteria will be used? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning a) Article: usual writing task scale (text accuracy, content, and layout). b) PPT / Prezi presentation: rubric. c) Oral presentation: marking grid (one for the teacher and one for the students). d) Activities prepared for the episode: to round off the mark.
  • 57. 8 Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning on/1758715 How similar to the actual strip were your predictions? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 58. 58 What do you have to do? 1. Create THREE mini-projects using one of the four tools from previous sessions and post them on your course wiki page. 2. Comment on THREE of your peers’ projects by leaving a comment on their wiki pages. Follow the “three stars and a wish” principle. 3. Take the Surveymonkey survey for today’s session 4. Summarise your favourite activity from today’s session in 1-3 tweets using the hashtag #APACsummer19 and quoting @APAC_ELT Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Create three mini- projects and edit your wiki page Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 59. 59 1. Choose three tools from today’s or yesterday’s sessions: Voki, Padlet, Dvolver, ToonDoo. 2. Create three mini-projects of your own using the tools above, personalising them according to your students’ level and needs. 3. Post your finished sample projects (as an example for the students) on your wiki page, under the corresponding section. Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning How to edit a wiki - summary a) EDIT b) INSERT LINK c) UPLOAD FILE d) EMBED MEDIA e) CREATE PAGE Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 60. 60 Comment on your peers’ work on their wiki page (three comments) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Read your peer’s wiki sites and write a comment on their projects following the “three stars and a wish” principle. What can you write in your comments? a) What do you like best about the project? (If you don’t like it, why not?) b) Could you do it with your students? Why (not)? c) How could it be improved? What could be changed? (constructive criticism) d) Do you have any questions about it? Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 61. 61 Take Surveymonkey survey for today’s session (link on wiki) Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning Tweet about your favourite activity with the hashtag #APACsummer19 quoting @APAC_ELT Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning
  • 62. 62 CLIL MINI-PROJECT GROUPS ESO1: Anabel, Anna Cris, Encarna, Eva, Míriam ESO 2: Alba G., Alba S., Maria O., Sílvia F. ESO 3: Aina, Amalia, Gisela, Laia P., Sílvia S. ESO 4: Anna, Cristina, Fàtima ADULTS: Glòria, Maria U., Núria, Xelo Usoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learningUsoa Sol Mini-projects, Maxi-learning