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Middle School Descriptive Writing
Sunlight is beaming through the window as the alarm clock beeps louder and louder. The first day jitters have begun. Just a little over two months
ago, fourth grade came to an end for Emily and summer vacation began. But, where did the summer go? Long days spent at the beach buried in the
sand; seem like a distant memory. Fifth grade has become the reality and being a middle school student is still sinking in. Finding the perfect outfit
seems near impossible. No one wants to start the first day of being a middle school student wrong. An agitated voice yelled down the hallway "Emily,
you are going to miss your bus if you don't hurry up!" She grabs a pair of Jeans and a pink Old Navy T–shirt. Time is not on her side. Before running
out of the house she grabs a breakfast bar, this was not how Emily planned to start the day. Such loud, anxious conversations echoed off the walls of
the bus. Bouncing around in the brown seats, trying to focus on something other than her shaky hands proved to be a difficult task. After what seemed
like forever, the towering building came into view. How could brick and stone be so intimidating? The brief walk along the brick path took no time at
all. New faces crowded the hall. The atmosphere almost resembled a jungle, frightened little animals mixed in with leopards. The leopards could
pounce any minute on more content...
Mrs. Rodriguez introduced herself and asked the students to share something about themselves with the class. Why must students be faced with the
challenging task of talking in front of others on the first day? Isn't the first day in a new school challenging enough? Quietly, almost mouse like, one
girl said her name was Alana and she was new in town. Suddenly the fear went away. Knowing other students were just as nervous made it easier for
Emily to share stories about the days spent at the beach, and the jellyfish swarming around swimmers looking for their next
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General Studies Writing Class Analysis
At the beginning of the semester I entered General Studies Writing 1110, not knowing what to expect. I knew the class was solely based on writing
and perfecting personal style, but I never anticipated the valuable information I would learn throughout the course of the year. The only advanced
English class I have taken in high school was English Honors in eighth grade. That class gave me the base knowledge of writing, grammar and form
that has helped me through my four essays in this class. Starting out, I was not sure what the standard for passing was; even though it was unclear to
me what passing was, I strove for perfection. By the time the second essay came around I realized my writing was never perfect. Peer editors and family
played more content...
It is important to keep the audience in mind when writing the essay to state the proper things, address the right points and point out valid
counterarguments. In my first essay I was not entirely sure how to write to my desired audience or how to say the right things to appeal to them. I
had never heard of or used logos, pathos or ethos in an essay until this class. Now I understand the importance of incorporating them. They add an
element of realness and honesty to the essay that one would not have had before using these strategies. One essay that shows the growth of this skill
is my Analyzing a Visual; in this essay I write to environmental activists and society as a whole. When writing this essay, knowing my audience was
mainly environmental activists, I had to make sure I appealed to their passionate, caring side by using the rhetorical strategy pathos. Using pathos in
an essay makes people feel intense emotions, such as sadness or grief, which makes them want to take further actions and do anything they can to
help the cause being presented. Being able to address specific audiences will never stop being a valuable skill. I can use it in my future college classes,
community and career. It is important to address the audience when making speeches for the community so they feel a connection with the speech.
Connecting with people will allow
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Argumentative Essay On The Hobbit
Allie Tillery
Mrs. West
English 203
21 August 2017
The Hobbit Essay Throughout the story line of The Hobbit, Tolkien links his fantasy world of middle earth with the reader's world. He uses his
imagination to draw his reader into middle earth and allows them to glimpse his view of the evil that he witnessed living and serving in the time of
WWI. Tolkien does this to show that not all technological advancements are for the common good. In The Hobbit, Tolkien describes the different races
and characteristics of each of them. One of these races are goblins who are described as horrible, ugly creatures with very inventive and creative
minds. However, they do not use their gift for good but instead, Tolkien says that they create, "Hammers, axes, swords, daggers, pickaxes, tongs and
also instruments of torture" (Tolkien, 59). These mythical creatures abuse their technology and become very dangerous. They seem to have no moral
compass and are unable or unwilling to distinguish between right and wrong. They use their creative minds for poor intentions which only leads to the
pain and suffering of others. Just like Tolkien's goblins, the human race has often times not used their gifts for good but instead for damage and
destruction. Tolkien lived during the time of WWI, where he saw the world change significantly. During 1916, Tolkien served in theBritish army and
witnessed firsthand many of the technological breakthroughs of that time. Tanks were first used in the British
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Free Writing Technique
I really understand your point about free writing and based upon looking at this thread it would seem that a lot of students also share some of your
views regarding free writing. I think it's just that for some writing in a short period of time without using proper punctuation can be a bit difficult since
in that respect you are throwing a key part of what you have learned about writing out the window in order to write like a mad man for ten minutes.
However when it comes to free writing that is not the only technique that you can use as another free writing technique that I have found quite handy is
length–based free writing. Basically, the way it works is that instead of setting a time limit, you set yourself a length limit (say maybe one
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Act Essay Prompt: Conflict Analysis
ACT Essay Prompt: Conflict
Throughout life every person comes into the understanding that conflict is inevitable. Whether it be at work, home, school, or even family functions,
there will always be some type of situation. It's just how life is. For anything to strike interest into the human mind, there must be conflict. How you
handle the situation can say a lot about your character and state of mind. Responding to conflicts is a natural instinct we, as humans, have. It's how
you respond that can determine whether the issue is addressed in a positive, mannerly way; it can however be addressed in a negative type of way,
causing things to go down hill and to be drug out more than it should.
Some people in this world prefer to handle things in a calm, peaceful manner. However, more content...
My pawpaw was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. We all knew he had a long road ahead of him. My other grandpa was then diagnosed with cancer
in 2012, shortly after my pawpaw. Both of my grandpas were extremely close to the family, and to each other. The cancer started to spread, and
things went downhill. My pawpaw passed away in 2013. During this time, my grandpa was in the hospital suffering from all the side effects from
the cancer, and from memory loss. He really didn't know what all was going on. We knew that breaking that news to my grandpa that my pawpaw
had passed about a week ago, would put him in an even worse state. One of which he didn't need to be in. We had to make possibly one of the
hardest decisions yet; we chose not to tell him. A month after the passing of my pawpaw, my grandpa passed away. In ways we handled that conflict
negatively, in the sense that it was our job to keep him informed of everything. Looking back on it, the decision we made was handled positively. We
saved a heart being broken more that it already
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Substantive Critical Thinking Analysis
While I ventured through the critical thinking website I saw a lot of interesting topics and discussions towards the cognitive process of thinking. The
most interesting topic that caught my eye was the substantive critical thinking discussion. This article talks about what's effective in raising SAT and
ACT scores. It explains how critical thinking raises students test scores greatly. It gives precise statistics of the student's test scores making this a
very accurate article. When you think you exercise your mind and that's good for your brain. It's always good to stay educated and think above the
level because it will impact your performance greatly. When a student doesn't go over the level to think above they will be considered average and
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Synthesis Essay Prompt
Chase Wagers, Synthesis Essay Prompt #1 "I refused to let schooling get in the way of my education," was famously said by author Mark Twain.
Schools are intended to foster personal growth and ignite a lifelong passion for learning, yet sadly schools have evolved in a way that promotes
conformity at the expense of authentic education. Rather than continuing this broken system, it is time for a change. Individuality has, for far too
long, been pushed to the wayside in our schools; it is time to allow students and families to make decisions in choosing classes and scheduling so
future goals and aspirations can be met.
Mandatory classes and coursework are two of the most unjust tools used to "promote" conformity in our schools. I know from firsthand
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I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I
have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and
the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document
it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different methods
used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past more content...
This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand the size of my research paper. I received a B on
my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays
writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about and the style in which I need to write it in. There
are nine essay writing methods which I learned while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal, narration,
process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to
me by the instructor was finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything else became easier. I
would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing
was in its best form. Most of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was understood. My final drafts
were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them. For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms
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Summer Program Application Essay
The reason as to why I am applying for this summer program is because of the opportunity that it provides. Programs such as these gives the unique
opportunity to explore multiple different career paths. But, not only does it provide a learning opportunity, it also allows a cultural one. Being able
to travel and live in a foreign country at such a young age is one of the most memorable and amazing things that you can do. I believe that if accepted
into this program, that I will do my very best to prove myself dedicated as a student because I want to spend my life learning and preparing myself for
the real world as a careered woman. I have not yet solidified what I would like to be in the future, but as of this moment, I hope to possibly become more content...
I have always loved looking and participating in art classes, although I am not the best artist, and I enjoy learning about the history behind different
art techniques. But I think that international relations would be something that is absolutely amazing to learn about because through this I could
learn about the connections and effects that occur between so many different nations, and learn about how they interact with one another. I feel like
I could provide an interesting perspective to this program, for the main reason of having been apart of programs similar to this one during previous
summers. I work well with others, and I always try to keep an open mind as to avoid biases and to be more empathetic and understanding towards
others. I am very adaptive to my surroundings even if that means changing topics within a classroom discussion. Something else about me is that I am
what is known as an ambivert. This means that I sit in the scale between being and introvert and an extrovert. Although iI do tend to sway more
towards the introverted side, but only for the reason that I can get lost in my own thoughts or go for hours without taking a break from a book that I am
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How My Class Affect My Writing Skills
When I first started elementary school I was a normal kid that loved recess just like every other kid my age. As I began to get older I started to
noticed that I struggled with my reading skills, which started to affect my writing skills also. One day in third grade, my teacher Ms. Martin took
me outside the classroom and told me that everyday starting tomorrow I would be going to a reading class for an hour each day where all I had to
do was read to a mentor. At first I was really embarrassed that I needed the extra help with my reading and no one else in my class did. When I got
back into the classroom I told my friends why she wanted to talk to me out in the hall and I began to tell them that I got to leave the classroom for an
hour each
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Dental School Application Essay
I possess the perseverance, resiliency, and work ethic necessary to succeed at the University of Texas at Austin. I will surely face many challenges in
my pursuit of a Bachelor's degree in biology, but I will never stop fighting to achieve my dream of attending dental school. Upon graduating high
school, I balanced community college classes and full–time work as a manager of short–term rental properties. I worked hard to support my family and
continue my education, but I suffered from a chronic disease, interstitial cystitis, which caused extreme pain and discomfort. Flare–ups left me confined
me to the bathroom, making it very difficult to consistently attend school. I visited several doctors without any improvement, and even more
devastating, I did not feel as if the doctors took my condition more content...
I am forever grateful for this doctor who truly heard what I was saying and developed an actionable plan for improvement, rather than solely
focusing on pain mitigation. Now, I am able to regularly attend school, and I worked hard to earn top marks in my science and mathematics
classes. I know that I will need to work harder than ever to succeed moving forward, but I am eager to continue my pursuit of a Bachelor's degree
in biology. I hope to one day attend dental school, and as a dentist, I will provide my patients with the type of personalized care I received from my
doctor. I aspire to be a skilled medical professional that makes a difference in people's everyday quality of life. I hope to treat people with the utmost
compassion and respect, while providing care tailored to the particular needs of each patient. I believe that the University of Texas at Austin provides
the best opportunity to take the next step in my journey, and I am ready to do great things with my education. Thank you for considering my
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Ubc Admission Essay Sample
Vancouver School of Economics at UBC. I first found my passion for economics was in high school. I took The Introduction to Economics in grade
12 and I received the grade of 92%. Since then I decided to develop a deep understanding of the economy, therefore, I was enrolled in The Vancouver
School of Economics (VSE). Studying in VSE required us to deliver a great number of presentations, which has enhanced my confidence and
communication skills. Also, this program has promoted leadership skills and teamwork skills which have prepared me well for further study. In my
opinion, learning Economics in more than one countries would be helpful with my academic knowledge and a good image for future occupations. It
was this idea that motivated me in my current application for the exchange program at University College London in The United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom is a country full of cultural diversity, where ancient buildings sit alongside contemporary architecture. The UK is also famous for
academics, it is one of the most popular countries to go for earning a high–quality education. The UK institutions rank among the best in the world.
Among which, University College London ranks in one of The G5 Group, it is regarded as one of the world's leading and internationally excellent more content...
However, I believe I have the intellectual curiosity and strength of character to be successful in this program. It can not only help me to improve my
professional knowledge but also benefits my future careers. I am sure my effective communication skills, sufficient knowledge in my fields, and
passion for learning will enable me to achieve my goal in UCL. I have a strong desire to attend the University College London because of its
highly–rated reputation, its intellectual faculty, comprehensive course offerings, and rich opportunity resources. I hope to achieve the chance to study
at UCL. Thank you for considering my
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We All Learn From Our Mistakes Essay
Everyone, at some point in their life, has made a mistake. Sometimes we get lucky and only falter a little, making it through the problem relatively
intact. Other times, we mess up a lot and have to fix what was damaged over a long period of time. However, the same is true for most, if not all
cases–those who make the mistake learn from it. Often times, our failures teach us valuable lessons that we only gained because of the experience we
gathered after messing up. I have personally achieved a wealth of knowledge and experience just from all of my own little mishaps, and a few major
One instance of a failure that taught me well was when I tried to find a quick solution for boiling eggs. I was so tired of what I considered
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It's obvious that the mistake I made taught me a very useful lesson that day–never try to boil eggs in the microwave.
Another turbulent time that taught me through failure was when I tried to arrange a birthday party for my sister. Everything was supposed to be
arranged by me, so I went out a bought the invitation cards, party favors, balloons, decorations, food, and a few gifts. I filled out the invitations
early and put them in a box to store them until I was ready to send them. Time flew by fast between daily life with my kids and responsibilities, and
before I knew it the day of the party was upon me. Quickly that morning I decorated and cooked and prepared everything. As the hour of the party
came and went, no one showed up but the birthday girl, whom I had called personally. Later it occurred to me that I hadn't sent out the invitations! That
was why no one had come. I soon learned from that mistake to be more organized and manage my time better when planning events.
Yet another example of a failure that became instructive was when I tried totile my bathroom floor. I simply did not want to dish out the big bucks to
have a worker do my tiling, which I assumed would be an easy job. I bought the necessary items and dove into the project with an eager do–it–yourself
attitude and absolutely no clue about what I was doing. I tried diligently to tackle the task, but in the end, I only managed to get grout everywhere and
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My Pursuit Of Diversity Essay
I was very excited when I saw this essay prompt because diversity is actually one of the main criteria that drew me into NC State. All throughout my
schooling life, for as long as I can remember, I never attended any schools that were diverse. There was always one extremely predominant race or
gender, and it's something that truly disturbed me. I am excited to attend a college that is so diverse in many aspects, that I will be able to benefit from
in multiple different ways. I will be able to learn and understand new perspectives which will help me gain an open mind and heart to be able to
accept different kinds of people. I will be able to familiarize myself with different backgrounds and cultures, because I am so accustomed to my own, I
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The Great Gatsby And The Harlem Renaissance
Mackenzie Rittenhouse
CP English 11
Modernism in The Great Gatsby & the Harlem Renaissance
"I hope she 'll be a fool – that 's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool . . . You see, I think everything 's terrible anyhow . . .
And I know. I 've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything." (The Great Gatsby, pg. 20) There was a loss of innocence,
disillusionment and lack of faith in the American Dream. This became the movement known as Modernism. WWI was the first "total war" in which
modern weapons spared no one. The casualties suffered by the participants in World War Idwarfed those of previous wars. The armed forces continued
to use old tactics, but had modern weaponry that of which caused a major number of casualties. This war left American's with a scar on their hearts, and
in their minds. WWI changed the game completely, and after the massacres that occurred during the war, and the complete and utter destruction that
was left behind, caused uproar in American values and principles. This was the start and basis for the Modernist movement.
Scientists such as Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, as well as Albert Einstein all were significant catalysts for the Modernist movement
due to the fact that they were strongly opposed to the beliefs of the earlier movements such as Realism and Naturalism. Their principles were altered
to fit the new modernist ideals. They also hated seeing the repercussions of the war on US citizens,
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Anton Chekhov's The Bet Essay
Though Anton Chekhov's "The Bet" was written in a different country at a different time, it portrays a timeless theme; greed is a crippling trait of
mankind. This message can be seen through the author's use of characterization of both the lawyer and the banker. The banker was a static character;
he was greedy from start to finish. The lawyer was a dynamic character and he saw the wrong in his ways and changed them in the end.
The author portrayed the banker as a foolish and greedy man, and since Chekhov characterized him as static, he never changed. His inability to alter
his ways resulted in him making an extraordinarily rash bet and later on him wanting to kill a man in cold blood. "That is not true! I bet you two
million that more content...
The banker never altered his ways which is why he always will have lost in the end. He thought he had won the bet but, due to his character, the true
victor never was and never will be him. The lawyer was depicted by Chekhov as a dynamic character who once allowed greed to dominate his life,
despite its obvious destructive tendency. He changed his ways as he experienced the repercussions of greed. "If you mean that seriously," the
lawyer replied, "then I bet I could stay locked up for fifteen years, not five" (960). This use of dialogue showed that the lawyer was willing to give
up his youth for money because he thought it was more important. His greed resulted in the waste of his prime years in solitary confinement all for
money. The author conveyed through the dialogue between the two characters that the lawyer was just as greedy as the banker; he showed this
when the lawyer upped the ante as a response to the banker's proposition. After years of being locked up all because of a wager the lawyer realized
how idiotic he had been. "To show in actual practice how much I despise what you live by, I renounce the two million I once dreamed of, as though of
paradise, but for which I feel only contempt now. To forfeit my right to them I shall leave this place five hours before the stipulated time and thus break
the agreement" (964).Through the author's use of characterization and through the thoughts of the lawyer the reader saw how the lawyer changed his
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences,
forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no
errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers
taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form
as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my
whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs,
essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will
have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and
sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and
collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift
changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not
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College Admissions Essay: The LGBT Community
College Essay Throughout my life I have experienced many things that have molded me into the person I am today, but the one I find most profound
involves my coming out as a member of the LGBT+ community. As a child I suffered tremendously with confusion, self hatred, and misunderstanding
about my own sexuality. Growing up queer in a small town is never an easy thing. I went through years of denial, and hid all of my thoughts about
what I thought could be. I was so muddled in an all too common train of thought that my first conclusion was that I was incapable of loving another
human being. Having never experienced honest crushes or any emotional or physical attraction to the opposite sex, I was very frightened for my
ability to one day have a family. This thought put me into a mode of paranoia and panic. I began to search any place I could for any other
possibility, hoping for some form of medication or therapy to ail me of what I thought was a mental illness. After only a few minutes at the
computer, I realized there was nothing wrong with my mind, or capability to love. I am just gay. After this realization, I was still confused and upset
as to why I am the way that I am. I questioned if that was actually the solution or if it was just more content...
About 3 months after being freed of such horrible denial, I entered my first, and hopefully only, homosexual relationship. While I was ecstatic about
this and ready to scream it out to the world, my mom was not. I came out to my mother about 4 months after being in this new relationship, and she
was distraught. She still loved me, but was heartbroken by the fact that I didn't turn out to be the daughter she expected. I had hidden my true self
from her for years, and she was angry. That first night of her knowing was horrible. I stayed with my grandmother, who i had come out to months
before, and just prayed she would calm down
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Middle School Descriptive Writing

  • 1. Middle School Descriptive Writing Sunlight is beaming through the window as the alarm clock beeps louder and louder. The first day jitters have begun. Just a little over two months ago, fourth grade came to an end for Emily and summer vacation began. But, where did the summer go? Long days spent at the beach buried in the sand; seem like a distant memory. Fifth grade has become the reality and being a middle school student is still sinking in. Finding the perfect outfit seems near impossible. No one wants to start the first day of being a middle school student wrong. An agitated voice yelled down the hallway "Emily, you are going to miss your bus if you don't hurry up!" She grabs a pair of Jeans and a pink Old Navy T–shirt. Time is not on her side. Before running out of the house she grabs a breakfast bar, this was not how Emily planned to start the day. Such loud, anxious conversations echoed off the walls of the bus. Bouncing around in the brown seats, trying to focus on something other than her shaky hands proved to be a difficult task. After what seemed like forever, the towering building came into view. How could brick and stone be so intimidating? The brief walk along the brick path took no time at all. New faces crowded the hall. The atmosphere almost resembled a jungle, frightened little animals mixed in with leopards. The leopards could pounce any minute on more content... Mrs. Rodriguez introduced herself and asked the students to share something about themselves with the class. Why must students be faced with the challenging task of talking in front of others on the first day? Isn't the first day in a new school challenging enough? Quietly, almost mouse like, one girl said her name was Alana and she was new in town. Suddenly the fear went away. Knowing other students were just as nervous made it easier for Emily to share stories about the days spent at the beach, and the jellyfish swarming around swimmers looking for their next Get more content on
  • 2. General Studies Writing Class Analysis At the beginning of the semester I entered General Studies Writing 1110, not knowing what to expect. I knew the class was solely based on writing and perfecting personal style, but I never anticipated the valuable information I would learn throughout the course of the year. The only advanced English class I have taken in high school was English Honors in eighth grade. That class gave me the base knowledge of writing, grammar and form that has helped me through my four essays in this class. Starting out, I was not sure what the standard for passing was; even though it was unclear to me what passing was, I strove for perfection. By the time the second essay came around I realized my writing was never perfect. Peer editors and family played more content... It is important to keep the audience in mind when writing the essay to state the proper things, address the right points and point out valid counterarguments. In my first essay I was not entirely sure how to write to my desired audience or how to say the right things to appeal to them. I had never heard of or used logos, pathos or ethos in an essay until this class. Now I understand the importance of incorporating them. They add an element of realness and honesty to the essay that one would not have had before using these strategies. One essay that shows the growth of this skill is my Analyzing a Visual; in this essay I write to environmental activists and society as a whole. When writing this essay, knowing my audience was mainly environmental activists, I had to make sure I appealed to their passionate, caring side by using the rhetorical strategy pathos. Using pathos in an essay makes people feel intense emotions, such as sadness or grief, which makes them want to take further actions and do anything they can to help the cause being presented. Being able to address specific audiences will never stop being a valuable skill. I can use it in my future college classes, community and career. It is important to address the audience when making speeches for the community so they feel a connection with the speech. Connecting with people will allow Get more content on
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On The Hobbit Allie Tillery Mrs. West English 203 21 August 2017 The Hobbit Essay Throughout the story line of The Hobbit, Tolkien links his fantasy world of middle earth with the reader's world. He uses his imagination to draw his reader into middle earth and allows them to glimpse his view of the evil that he witnessed living and serving in the time of WWI. Tolkien does this to show that not all technological advancements are for the common good. In The Hobbit, Tolkien describes the different races and characteristics of each of them. One of these races are goblins who are described as horrible, ugly creatures with very inventive and creative minds. However, they do not use their gift for good but instead, Tolkien says that they create, "Hammers, axes, swords, daggers, pickaxes, tongs and also instruments of torture" (Tolkien, 59). These mythical creatures abuse their technology and become very dangerous. They seem to have no moral compass and are unable or unwilling to distinguish between right and wrong. They use their creative minds for poor intentions which only leads to the pain and suffering of others. Just like Tolkien's goblins, the human race has often times not used their gifts for good but instead for damage and destruction. Tolkien lived during the time of WWI, where he saw the world change significantly. During 1916, Tolkien served in theBritish army and witnessed firsthand many of the technological breakthroughs of that time. Tanks were first used in the British Get more content on
  • 4. Free Writing Technique I really understand your point about free writing and based upon looking at this thread it would seem that a lot of students also share some of your views regarding free writing. I think it's just that for some writing in a short period of time without using proper punctuation can be a bit difficult since in that respect you are throwing a key part of what you have learned about writing out the window in order to write like a mad man for ten minutes. However when it comes to free writing that is not the only technique that you can use as another free writing technique that I have found quite handy is length–based free writing. Basically, the way it works is that instead of setting a time limit, you set yourself a length limit (say maybe one Get more content on
  • 5. Act Essay Prompt: Conflict Analysis ACT Essay Prompt: Conflict Throughout life every person comes into the understanding that conflict is inevitable. Whether it be at work, home, school, or even family functions, there will always be some type of situation. It's just how life is. For anything to strike interest into the human mind, there must be conflict. How you handle the situation can say a lot about your character and state of mind. Responding to conflicts is a natural instinct we, as humans, have. It's how you respond that can determine whether the issue is addressed in a positive, mannerly way; it can however be addressed in a negative type of way, causing things to go down hill and to be drug out more than it should. Some people in this world prefer to handle things in a calm, peaceful manner. However, more content... My pawpaw was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. We all knew he had a long road ahead of him. My other grandpa was then diagnosed with cancer in 2012, shortly after my pawpaw. Both of my grandpas were extremely close to the family, and to each other. The cancer started to spread, and things went downhill. My pawpaw passed away in 2013. During this time, my grandpa was in the hospital suffering from all the side effects from the cancer, and from memory loss. He really didn't know what all was going on. We knew that breaking that news to my grandpa that my pawpaw had passed about a week ago, would put him in an even worse state. One of which he didn't need to be in. We had to make possibly one of the hardest decisions yet; we chose not to tell him. A month after the passing of my pawpaw, my grandpa passed away. In ways we handled that conflict negatively, in the sense that it was our job to keep him informed of everything. Looking back on it, the decision we made was handled positively. We saved a heart being broken more that it already Get more content on
  • 6. Substantive Critical Thinking Analysis While I ventured through the critical thinking website I saw a lot of interesting topics and discussions towards the cognitive process of thinking. The most interesting topic that caught my eye was the substantive critical thinking discussion. This article talks about what's effective in raising SAT and ACT scores. It explains how critical thinking raises students test scores greatly. It gives precise statistics of the student's test scores making this a very accurate article. When you think you exercise your mind and that's good for your brain. It's always good to stay educated and think above the level because it will impact your performance greatly. When a student doesn't go over the level to think above they will be considered average and Get more content on
  • 7. Synthesis Essay Prompt Chase Wagers, Synthesis Essay Prompt #1 "I refused to let schooling get in the way of my education," was famously said by author Mark Twain. Schools are intended to foster personal growth and ignite a lifelong passion for learning, yet sadly schools have evolved in a way that promotes conformity at the expense of authentic education. Rather than continuing this broken system, it is time for a change. Individuality has, for far too long, been pushed to the wayside in our schools; it is time to allow students and families to make decisions in choosing classes and scheduling so future goals and aspirations can be met. Mandatory classes and coursework are two of the most unjust tools used to "promote" conformity in our schools. I know from firsthand Get more content on
  • 8. I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different methods used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past more content... This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand the size of my research paper. I received a B on my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about and the style in which I need to write it in. There are nine essay writing methods which I learned while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal, narration, process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to me by the instructor was finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything else became easier. I would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing was in its best form. Most of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was understood. My final drafts were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them. For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms Get more content on
  • 9. Summer Program Application Essay The reason as to why I am applying for this summer program is because of the opportunity that it provides. Programs such as these gives the unique opportunity to explore multiple different career paths. But, not only does it provide a learning opportunity, it also allows a cultural one. Being able to travel and live in a foreign country at such a young age is one of the most memorable and amazing things that you can do. I believe that if accepted into this program, that I will do my very best to prove myself dedicated as a student because I want to spend my life learning and preparing myself for the real world as a careered woman. I have not yet solidified what I would like to be in the future, but as of this moment, I hope to possibly become more content... I have always loved looking and participating in art classes, although I am not the best artist, and I enjoy learning about the history behind different art techniques. But I think that international relations would be something that is absolutely amazing to learn about because through this I could learn about the connections and effects that occur between so many different nations, and learn about how they interact with one another. I feel like I could provide an interesting perspective to this program, for the main reason of having been apart of programs similar to this one during previous summers. I work well with others, and I always try to keep an open mind as to avoid biases and to be more empathetic and understanding towards others. I am very adaptive to my surroundings even if that means changing topics within a classroom discussion. Something else about me is that I am what is known as an ambivert. This means that I sit in the scale between being and introvert and an extrovert. Although iI do tend to sway more towards the introverted side, but only for the reason that I can get lost in my own thoughts or go for hours without taking a break from a book that I am Get more content on
  • 10. How My Class Affect My Writing Skills When I first started elementary school I was a normal kid that loved recess just like every other kid my age. As I began to get older I started to noticed that I struggled with my reading skills, which started to affect my writing skills also. One day in third grade, my teacher Ms. Martin took me outside the classroom and told me that everyday starting tomorrow I would be going to a reading class for an hour each day where all I had to do was read to a mentor. At first I was really embarrassed that I needed the extra help with my reading and no one else in my class did. When I got back into the classroom I told my friends why she wanted to talk to me out in the hall and I began to tell them that I got to leave the classroom for an hour each Get more content on
  • 11. Dental School Application Essay I possess the perseverance, resiliency, and work ethic necessary to succeed at the University of Texas at Austin. I will surely face many challenges in my pursuit of a Bachelor's degree in biology, but I will never stop fighting to achieve my dream of attending dental school. Upon graduating high school, I balanced community college classes and full–time work as a manager of short–term rental properties. I worked hard to support my family and continue my education, but I suffered from a chronic disease, interstitial cystitis, which caused extreme pain and discomfort. Flare–ups left me confined me to the bathroom, making it very difficult to consistently attend school. I visited several doctors without any improvement, and even more devastating, I did not feel as if the doctors took my condition more content... I am forever grateful for this doctor who truly heard what I was saying and developed an actionable plan for improvement, rather than solely focusing on pain mitigation. Now, I am able to regularly attend school, and I worked hard to earn top marks in my science and mathematics classes. I know that I will need to work harder than ever to succeed moving forward, but I am eager to continue my pursuit of a Bachelor's degree in biology. I hope to one day attend dental school, and as a dentist, I will provide my patients with the type of personalized care I received from my doctor. I aspire to be a skilled medical professional that makes a difference in people's everyday quality of life. I hope to treat people with the utmost compassion and respect, while providing care tailored to the particular needs of each patient. I believe that the University of Texas at Austin provides the best opportunity to take the next step in my journey, and I am ready to do great things with my education. Thank you for considering my Get more content on
  • 12. Ubc Admission Essay Sample Vancouver School of Economics at UBC. I first found my passion for economics was in high school. I took The Introduction to Economics in grade 12 and I received the grade of 92%. Since then I decided to develop a deep understanding of the economy, therefore, I was enrolled in The Vancouver School of Economics (VSE). Studying in VSE required us to deliver a great number of presentations, which has enhanced my confidence and communication skills. Also, this program has promoted leadership skills and teamwork skills which have prepared me well for further study. In my opinion, learning Economics in more than one countries would be helpful with my academic knowledge and a good image for future occupations. It was this idea that motivated me in my current application for the exchange program at University College London in The United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is a country full of cultural diversity, where ancient buildings sit alongside contemporary architecture. The UK is also famous for academics, it is one of the most popular countries to go for earning a high–quality education. The UK institutions rank among the best in the world. Among which, University College London ranks in one of The G5 Group, it is regarded as one of the world's leading and internationally excellent more content... However, I believe I have the intellectual curiosity and strength of character to be successful in this program. It can not only help me to improve my professional knowledge but also benefits my future careers. I am sure my effective communication skills, sufficient knowledge in my fields, and passion for learning will enable me to achieve my goal in UCL. I have a strong desire to attend the University College London because of its highly–rated reputation, its intellectual faculty, comprehensive course offerings, and rich opportunity resources. I hope to achieve the chance to study at UCL. Thank you for considering my Get more content on
  • 13. We All Learn From Our Mistakes Essay Everyone, at some point in their life, has made a mistake. Sometimes we get lucky and only falter a little, making it through the problem relatively intact. Other times, we mess up a lot and have to fix what was damaged over a long period of time. However, the same is true for most, if not all cases–those who make the mistake learn from it. Often times, our failures teach us valuable lessons that we only gained because of the experience we gathered after messing up. I have personally achieved a wealth of knowledge and experience just from all of my own little mishaps, and a few major ones. One instance of a failure that taught me well was when I tried to find a quick solution for boiling eggs. I was so tired of what I considered more content... It's obvious that the mistake I made taught me a very useful lesson that day–never try to boil eggs in the microwave. Another turbulent time that taught me through failure was when I tried to arrange a birthday party for my sister. Everything was supposed to be arranged by me, so I went out a bought the invitation cards, party favors, balloons, decorations, food, and a few gifts. I filled out the invitations early and put them in a box to store them until I was ready to send them. Time flew by fast between daily life with my kids and responsibilities, and before I knew it the day of the party was upon me. Quickly that morning I decorated and cooked and prepared everything. As the hour of the party came and went, no one showed up but the birthday girl, whom I had called personally. Later it occurred to me that I hadn't sent out the invitations! That was why no one had come. I soon learned from that mistake to be more organized and manage my time better when planning events. Yet another example of a failure that became instructive was when I tried totile my bathroom floor. I simply did not want to dish out the big bucks to have a worker do my tiling, which I assumed would be an easy job. I bought the necessary items and dove into the project with an eager do–it–yourself attitude and absolutely no clue about what I was doing. I tried diligently to tackle the task, but in the end, I only managed to get grout everywhere and Get more content on
  • 14. My Pursuit Of Diversity Essay I was very excited when I saw this essay prompt because diversity is actually one of the main criteria that drew me into NC State. All throughout my schooling life, for as long as I can remember, I never attended any schools that were diverse. There was always one extremely predominant race or gender, and it's something that truly disturbed me. I am excited to attend a college that is so diverse in many aspects, that I will be able to benefit from in multiple different ways. I will be able to learn and understand new perspectives which will help me gain an open mind and heart to be able to accept different kinds of people. I will be able to familiarize myself with different backgrounds and cultures, because I am so accustomed to my own, I Get more content on
  • 15. The Great Gatsby And The Harlem Renaissance Mackenzie Rittenhouse CP English 11 Modernism in The Great Gatsby & the Harlem Renaissance "I hope she 'll be a fool – that 's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool . . . You see, I think everything 's terrible anyhow . . . And I know. I 've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything." (The Great Gatsby, pg. 20) There was a loss of innocence, disillusionment and lack of faith in the American Dream. This became the movement known as Modernism. WWI was the first "total war" in which modern weapons spared no one. The casualties suffered by the participants in World War Idwarfed those of previous wars. The armed forces continued to use old tactics, but had modern weaponry that of which caused a major number of casualties. This war left American's with a scar on their hearts, and in their minds. WWI changed the game completely, and after the massacres that occurred during the war, and the complete and utter destruction that was left behind, caused uproar in American values and principles. This was the start and basis for the Modernist movement. Scientists such as Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, as well as Albert Einstein all were significant catalysts for the Modernist movement due to the fact that they were strongly opposed to the beliefs of the earlier movements such as Realism and Naturalism. Their principles were altered to fit the new modernist ideals. They also hated seeing the repercussions of the war on US citizens, Get more content on
  • 16. Anton Chekhov's The Bet Essay Though Anton Chekhov's "The Bet" was written in a different country at a different time, it portrays a timeless theme; greed is a crippling trait of mankind. This message can be seen through the author's use of characterization of both the lawyer and the banker. The banker was a static character; he was greedy from start to finish. The lawyer was a dynamic character and he saw the wrong in his ways and changed them in the end. The author portrayed the banker as a foolish and greedy man, and since Chekhov characterized him as static, he never changed. His inability to alter his ways resulted in him making an extraordinarily rash bet and later on him wanting to kill a man in cold blood. "That is not true! I bet you two million that more content... The banker never altered his ways which is why he always will have lost in the end. He thought he had won the bet but, due to his character, the true victor never was and never will be him. The lawyer was depicted by Chekhov as a dynamic character who once allowed greed to dominate his life, despite its obvious destructive tendency. He changed his ways as he experienced the repercussions of greed. "If you mean that seriously," the lawyer replied, "then I bet I could stay locked up for fifteen years, not five" (960). This use of dialogue showed that the lawyer was willing to give up his youth for money because he thought it was more important. His greed resulted in the waste of his prime years in solitary confinement all for money. The author conveyed through the dialogue between the two characters that the lawyer was just as greedy as the banker; he showed this when the lawyer upped the ante as a response to the banker's proposition. After years of being locked up all because of a wager the lawyer realized how idiotic he had been. "To show in actual practice how much I despise what you live by, I renounce the two million I once dreamed of, as though of paradise, but for which I feel only contempt now. To forfeit my right to them I shall leave this place five hours before the stipulated time and thus break the agreement" (964).Through the author's use of characterization and through the thoughts of the lawyer the reader saw how the lawyer changed his entire Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 18. College Admissions Essay: The LGBT Community College Essay Throughout my life I have experienced many things that have molded me into the person I am today, but the one I find most profound involves my coming out as a member of the LGBT+ community. As a child I suffered tremendously with confusion, self hatred, and misunderstanding about my own sexuality. Growing up queer in a small town is never an easy thing. I went through years of denial, and hid all of my thoughts about what I thought could be. I was so muddled in an all too common train of thought that my first conclusion was that I was incapable of loving another human being. Having never experienced honest crushes or any emotional or physical attraction to the opposite sex, I was very frightened for my ability to one day have a family. This thought put me into a mode of paranoia and panic. I began to search any place I could for any other possibility, hoping for some form of medication or therapy to ail me of what I thought was a mental illness. After only a few minutes at the computer, I realized there was nothing wrong with my mind, or capability to love. I am just gay. After this realization, I was still confused and upset as to why I am the way that I am. I questioned if that was actually the solution or if it was just more content... About 3 months after being freed of such horrible denial, I entered my first, and hopefully only, homosexual relationship. While I was ecstatic about this and ready to scream it out to the world, my mom was not. I came out to my mother about 4 months after being in this new relationship, and she was distraught. She still loved me, but was heartbroken by the fact that I didn't turn out to be the daughter she expected. I had hidden my true self from her for years, and she was angry. That first night of her knowing was horrible. I stayed with my grandmother, who i had come out to months before, and just prayed she would calm down Get more content on