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Importance Of Differentiated Instruction
The Importance of differentiated instructions to students with learning disability "Differentiation is not just a set of strategies; it is a way of thinking
of thinking about teaching and learning. Strategies are tools that help us to accomplish the goal of differentiated instructions. Differentiated instruction
means tailoring instructions to meet individual needs. Teachers could either differentiate the content, process, product or the environment, and the use
of an ongoing assessment and flexible grouping make this successful approach to instruction." _ Carol Tomlinson. Differentiated instructions strategy
helps to teachers to respond to the diverse needs of students, and this is guided by three basic principles. The first principle focuses instructions on the
most essential principles and skills. This is because teachers have the skills to identify the instructional goals and outcome for students. The second
guiding principle helps Teachers to recognize and attend to the differences in their students. They do not attempt to a one side fit all approach to
instruction. And thirdly, assessment and instructions go hand in hand. Teachers pre
– assess their students to understand their starting point and
continue with ongoing assessment and make adjustment as needed. On the other hand, "Learning disabilities are neurologically–based processing
problems. These processing problems can have an interference with the basic learning skills of students such as reading, writing
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The Usage Of Instructional Media Essay
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Usage of instructional media in teacher training, makes learning interesting. This is because it helps the trainee teacher clarify abstract concepts to the
young children who are in their formative years. However, studies show that pre–primary school teachers exhibit low usage of instructional media
during teaching possibly emanating from their pre–primary school teacher learning experience (Aila, 2005, Mwololo,2009). On the other hand, if
student teachers in training colleges are to become confident and competent utilizers of different instructional media in their own classes, then they
need to have witnessed their tutors using the instructional media in training them.
Further, the studies conducted in Ghana on the use of instructional media were in pre–primary schools, primary schools and teacher colleges
(Ikumi,1985, Kairu,2000, Wambua, 1988), and from these studies, it is clear that no study focused on teacher training colleges and the usage of
instructional media in, which is the gap that this study focused on. The mandate of this study was to establish the dynamics of usage of instructional
media in public and private teacher training colleges.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to establish the usage of instructional media by colleges tutors to provide quality training. The study also determines the
weighting of the availability of instructional media, attitude towards instructional media and tutor motivation on
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Instructional design is a process of systematically developing training to meet specific needs as the stages of instructional design are: Assess needs for
training. Ensure readiness for training. Plan a training program that involves objectives, trainers, and methods. Implement training program through
principles of learning and transfer of learning. Then evaluating the results of the training. The needs assessment provides solutions to the organizations
and how they determine what the framework for the training will include. Then identifying the people in need of the training and what subjects are to
be covered during the training. The readiness for training involves a mixture of discovering the employees who can complete the job successfully but
are also have the appropriate amount of cognitive ability to absorb and apply the training that is being provided. Situational constraints can be
constraints such as a deficiency in time, money, material, tools, or training lessons being presented. Moreover, the social support that is the manner in
which trainees, peers, and employers foster encouraging and rewarding training attitudes that influence the work environment. The planning of the
training programs involves decisions that focus on the distinctive objectives of whether the training is being provided in–house or by another
contracted training service. Then determining the training method as typically it is either a presentation, hands–on or group building
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Instructional Leadership
Effective school leadership today must combine the traditional school leadership duties such as teacher evaluation, budgeting, scheduling, and facilities
maintenance with a deep involvement with specific aspects of teaching and learning. Effective instructional leaders are intensely involved in curricular
and instructional issues that directly affect student achievement (Cotton, 2003). The writer of this paper acknowledges that school principals should
play the role of instructional leaders, not just a school manager. The reality is that are many demands on a principals time and management skills
making it difficult for most of them to spend time in classrooms, when performing teacher evaluation. Principals often make sure that
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Consequently, a leader needs to be passionate about their work but also needs to find a balance between work and home. The role of the leader
requires one to be active and think on their feet. Reflecting on daily actions, keeping abreast with professional development, reading and engaging in a
stress relieving activity, such as exercise, are all activities that can help the leaders manage their workload (Johnson, 2005). It is important to remember
that the word leadership does not seem to define the person but rather the person defines what the leader is.
The writer acquired the knowledge that Instructional leadership is a collaborative learning environment where learning is not confined to the
classroom and is the objective of all educators. Instructional leadership is an important departure from the ancient model of administrator as
authoritarian. The writer feels that learning should be a top–down process. If those in charge of the school are excited about learning, then they will
share their enthusiasm throughout the community.
Those who learn to be instructional leaders acquire many characteristics that are beneficial to their schools and communities. The writer concurs that
Instructional leaders exhibit a clear sense of direction for their schools and prioritize and focus attention on the things that really
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The instructional setting takes place in a small charter school in a rural community. A majority of the student population is at or close to poverty level.
Numerous students choose this school for its non–conventional way of teaching and because the students have a considerable say in their education.
Whereas behaviorists focus mainly on external factors, cognitivist focus mainly on the inter functions, such as how the learner responses to knowledge.
Well known cognitivist Jean Piaget believed children took an active role in their education and became young scientists as they performed
experiments, made observations and explored the world around them (Cherry, 2017). Piaget believed that children went through four different
developmental stages, the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage. Children are
active learners, but the activities should be age appropriate. Another well know cognitivist is Lev Vygotsky, who believed that learning occurred
when the learner was given a task in their zone of proximal development. Zone of proximal development simply put is the difference between what a
learner can do independently and what they can do with help from a knowledgeable person. Vygotsky believed that when a learner was in their zone of
proximal development they would get enough boost to complete the given task (McLeod, 2012). Cognitivists strategies that could be utilized more in
the lesson plan are
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The Importance Of Instructional Plan
It was a few months ago that Robin and I were reviewing the ID schedule. We looked at August...and we saw a storm brewing. It looked like we
would have an incredibly busy August. Weeks later, the final decision was made regarding course coordinators, and we found out the templates were
coming back to us just in time for the ABSN Fall openings! A whopping NINE newly revised or created courses went live in August. That's right,
NINE! Additionally, we finally got RealizeIt off the ground. Robin and I sat through many, many meetings in order to make sure students and faculty
were fully prepared to use this new resource. We spent August 3rd in Oak Brook with ABSN and MSN instructors to make sure they knew they would
have the support more content...
It is no secret that you had some big shoes to fill here, and over the last few months it's been wonderful to watch both instructor and program
director confidence in you blossom. You are making your own place here, and I am happy to have a front row seat to watch. I share all of the above
with each of you to show my sincere gratitude for what each of you individually bring to the team. Two full time, one part time, and one student time
(?!). The Curriculum Team 2.75. That's it. That's what keeps the curriculum together and online for ONUGlobal. If you don't do the work you do, the
students and instructors can make it to the classroom, but the door is locked so to speak. Sometimes, we are the only ones that have the keys.
Apparently, we've got this пЃЉ I thought I would pull together some statistics to help us understand the scope of our heavy workload this past month.
See the attached document labeled The Q 8–15. At that moment we had 25 requests waiting in the Q. That is an all–time high. The total completed
items for the month was 104. That is a very high number as well. How high, you ask? The total number of revisions completed from August 2016 to
August 2017 was 413. Let me spell it out: 25% of the total number of revision requests for the year were completed in August. Did you feel busy? I
did. Did we serve our faculty and students well? We did. We will work
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Types Of Instructional Tools
In this weeks' resources, we looked at types of instructional tools that can aid in the learning process, the pros and cons of each type, and examples
of each as well. We looked at ways to incorporate each into our classrooms to enhance the learning process. Our scriptures for this week instructed us
to always have faith in God even in hard times and to follow through with our promises. Instructional tools are a crucial in aiding in the learning
This week we had two chapters to read in our textbook. Chapter three focused on the most widely used instruction tools which are Word, Excel, and
Power Point while chapter four focused on five additional instructional software supportive tools (Roblyer,2013). These five more
It also concluded that more research was needed on the use of educational gaming as a pedagogical tool in STEM disciplines as teachers prepare the
21st century learner. According to this article " given emerging research on how videogames and associated pedagogies work in designed settings, it
seem that the important questions is not can games be used to support learning but how can they support learning(Earnest, 2012). This is a
controversial issue that can go either way but there is more positive outcome than negative at this time. One advantage of educational gaming that
research has shown is that male students that use the joy sticks to play video games turn out to be very skilled surgeon because the practice and
manipulation using the joy stick.
Our scriptures for this week are 1 Samuel 1 and Luke 1:26–38 which point out that we must have faith in God at all times even if we are in doubt and
to follow through with what we promise. 1 Samuel 1 discussed a story about Hannah who was in a difficult situation and after giving her faith to God
was grant the child she could not have (1 Samuel 1). In Luke 1: 26–38 Mary was told that she would have a
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What is Instructional Technology? Essay
What is Instructional Technology?
Describing Instructional Technology (IT) is a lot like herding cats– it can probably be done but it won't be easy. It has been a difficult question for
educational researchers and technologists to answer. Few other fields have such a difficulty in self–definition. Everyone can readily define such fields
as psychology and biology, but the IT field is so new that no one has a definite answer. The terminstructional technology is further confused because it
is often used interchangeably with the terms educational technology and instructional design.
The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) (1994) defines IT as "the theory and practice of design, development, more content...
In refuting the United States concept, technology is not just media. Technology doesn't increase understanding of individual learning – media is simply a
form of mass communication. Information is not instruction. IT is more than computers, projectors, VCRs and monitors, cart–pushing, thermofax
transparencies, filmstrips and all those other artifacts of the 1950s and 60s by which many administrators and faculty still seem to stereotype the field.
It is a complex field that is equally concerned with the processes of learning as it is with the products that support learning (Albright, 1995).
The word technology is used by some to mean hardware – the devices that deliver information and serve as tools to accomplish a task – but those
working in the field use technology to refer to a systematic process of solving problems by scientific means (Ely, 1999). Instruction is the process of
imparting knowledge or teaching (Webster, 1989). Therefore, IT should refer to the use of technological processes for teaching and learning but I think
there is still more.
At the foundation of IT is instructional design, the process of planning instruction. Instructional design seeks to answer three questions: Where are we
going, how will we get there, and how will we know when we arrive? (Beattie, 1999). Instructional design is a process
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The Importance Of Instruction In The Classroom
A differentiated classroom requires a great deal of different behaviors and attitudes from that of a traditional classroom. These attitudes and
behaviors must be displayed by students, teachers, and parents. The look and feel of the classroom alone will be very different from that of a
traditional classroom. There are many required routines and procedures for teachers to establish with the input of students in order to create a
quality learning environment for each child to learn and grow to their full potential in (Tomlinson, 2001). After reflecting on my first two years of
teaching along with what I've learned so far about differentiated instruction, I have come to the conclusion that I have many great structures in
place. I also have a great deal of changes that I can make in order to create a classroom that is an even better place for students to learn and grow in.
I have implemented flexible seating in my classroom this year and it has greatly increased the engagement and morale of my students. As I reflect
on my practices of the past year I know there are many ways I can improve the physical layout of my classroom to best meet each of my students'
needs. An important aspect of differentiated instruction is flexible grouping. Therefore, as I envision my classroom next year, I picture a variety of
working spaces that lend themselves well to group work, partner work, and individual work. This will require some creativity due to the fact that I
have one kidney table and
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Teacher Aide's Position
After reading your advertisement for a Teacher Aide's position, I instantly decided to submit my application as my attributes closely complement your
needs. I am very ambitious to make a significant difference in the lives of children and am confident that this eagerness and passion will go a long way
in contributing to your school.
Previously, I have worked as a Teacher's Assistant at La PlaceHigh School where I developed the expertise in basic behavior management – which is
the prime base for any classroom. I am highly skilled in providing one–on–one assistance to students, assisting in the implementation of the curriculum,
educating children and families by meeting program goals, and helping in meeting individual needs of children.
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Every diligent effort leads to satisfactory results. Most educators feel content and energized when their students exhibit successful outcomes.
Nevertheless, students' success requires collaborative efforts between teachers, parents, and students. Moreover, for educators to effective perform the
teaching duty they need to be familiar with the Program Learning Outcome (PLO) and use them daily with the classroom environment. PLO 1
Instructional Planning for Learner Development Instructional Planning for Learner Development constitute the primary (PLO). This skill requires
teachers to "design appropriate and challenging learning experiences informed by analysis of how learners develop individually across the cognitive,
linguistic, social, emotional, and physical patterns to promote student learning and growth"(PLO 2014). Knowledge has no limit and life is a learning
process. Thus, every teacher remains an advanced student. As a result, for a teacher to be effective in his classroom and an active member of the
community, he or she needs to be an avid learner, be open to new ideas and suggestion. Additionally, the teacher needs to always exploring innovative
ways and methods to better help and serve the students and other members of the school community. The school administrators should create a
planning learning community based on trust and respectful relationships where every teacher has an opportunity to share his vision and experience,
share tactics, find advices,
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One of the most important elements of teaching is having a large assortment of different instructional strategies, and choosing which ones to use based
on your student population. Properly using instructional strategies is a valuable aspect to teaching because it keeps students engaged and active.
Instructional strategies are not necessarily important than content in a classroom, but they will tremendously enhance the way students learn that
material. Throughout this expectation, I will show not only my love for instructional strategies, but also how I can use them in a classroom to enhance
my students learning environment.
The first piece of evidence I would like to present is an article I read on the significance of instructional strategies in a classroom. The article, titled
Instructional Strategies: How Teachers Teach Matters, is such a great read because it not only states the importance of using instructional strategies, but
also states how to plan, teach, and reflect upon these strategies. The article also goes in depth on what a good instructional strategy will produce within a
student's work. It later states that the students will become more engages, more emotionally attached to their work, and school will suddenly become
more fun to them. I have personally seen this throughout my use of instructional strategies in the classroom as well. When using engaging instructional
strategies, my students suddenly are more active in the lesson and tend to be enjoying class.
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Educational Technology Essay
Educational Technology Education is probably the most important thing in life that someone can obtain. There are many levels of education. These
levels begin at Kindergarten and Pre–K and continue on through grade school, junior high school, high school, and undergraduate colleges if so
chosen. Then the possibility of graduate school is in the interest of some student and is required for better pay and even in some career fields.
Education has undergone many changes over the past 2 decades at all levels. Many of the changes have undergone due to the increasing number of
technological advancements in the ways teachers educate and the ways that students learn. The greatest technological achievement to enter the
educational realm more content...
Maybe it is merely coincidence but in either sense he was correct in stating that technology would change quickly. Remember the mentioning of the
floppy disk? Well, it is still called a floppy disk but technology has managed to make it a hard disk and minimized the size to 3.5 inches. This is just
one of the many changes that would emerge after the implementing of the PC in schools.
Upon the introduction of the computer came the formation of the CD–Rom. T H E Journal states that 550 megabytes of read–only material were on
these compact discs. Well there goes the thought of needing those textbooks. Why would you need to carry that big textbook with you? Save a tree
right. Keep in mind that not everyone has a computer capable of doing this yet and not to mention that computers cost money. Schools cannot afford to
be buying these computers, which were evolving so fast, that keeping up with the newly issued ones was almost impossible. Buy this time, this time
being around the 1990's, IBM came out with MS–Dos and soon to come MS– Windows. The race for the most advanced technology was one and this
was great for society, the economy and education. With technology such as this coming out, the government was creating plans, grants, and other
special funding for schools to acquire and uses technology
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Instructional Speech : Teaching And Learning
As I finished my internship, I had the opportunity to interview my principal, Dr. Travis Graham to get his thoughts his role as the instructional leader
of Hollister High School on Tuesday, September 8, 2015. 1.How do you promote teacher and student learning in their school as the administrator of
instructional programs, in effect, the principal is the instructional leader? Dr. Graham likes to keep things simple in regards creating an atmosphere that
promotes teaching and learning. He believes it is his biggest role as the instructional leader is to protect all instructional time. The students are in school
to learn he must always keep this in mind when scheduling assemblies, emergency drills, and all of the other situations that more content...
As Dr. Graham says, "Never act like a know it all" because he continuously models what it takes to be a lifelong learner. 2.How do you involve
parents in the school to improve the instructional program? In order to have a successful instructional program the parents have to be involved and
invested in the instructional vision. The parents have to understand and embrace the idea the academics is always drives the vision and decisions of
the educational leader. This vision is communicated through the counselors in the high school's college and career center. Additionally, parents must
have the tools needed to access and interpret how their children are performing in school. If their child is not meeting performance expectations, the
parents must understand how interventions are put in place to promote additional educational growth for the student. Many of the district's parents
did not have good experiences in school and it is Dr. Graham's job to make sure these parents are not intimidated by the educational process.
3.Describe how you plan for the future and introduce as well as provide leadership for new instructional programs in the school. This is a big year for
Hollister High School. The building is now using standards based grading as a way to measure student growth and the building will be going 1:1 after
the Christmas Break. To make sure these changes happen smoothly Dr. Graham has to thoroughly
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Integrating Instructional Technology Technology is important in our education today. Technology can be a vital tool in enhancing and improving the
instruction for our students. Our technology today allows our students to search resources, use social media sites, and locate almost anything that they
may be researching for a specific subject. Teachers need to know how to incorporate these tools into their curriculum in a way that facilitates and
enhances student learning. Three technology tools that can be used inside the classroom effectively are classroom website, interactive white boards,
and TED Ed. Classroom Website A classroom website can be a valuable tool within a classroom. Having a classroom website provides students with
literacy, history, science, and math skill practice. It also increases their opportunities to read, write and exchange ideas with others, and extended
learning experiences across the curriculum. Classroom website is engaging and allows more interaction among teachers, parents, and students. A
classroom website acts as a portal for learning and enhancing skills (Holcomb, L.B., Castek, J.M., & Johnson, P.R.; 2007). I will use a classroom
website in my classroom and curriculum to provide educational website links, assignments, lessons, announcements, a discussion board, and a link for
grades. Parents and students will be able to go on and get needed information to help them with questions and concerns regarding academics. Interactive
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The Direct Instruction Approach Essay
Direct Instruction There are various instructional approaches but one that is widely employed by many teachers is the direct instruction approach. This
is the classic teaching style that many people remember during K–12 grade school. The teacher would stand in front of the class lecturing while writing
on the black board. That is why direct instruction is also known as "Chalk and Talk" (Evans, 2006). Direct instruction is not out of date and is still
appropriate in many situations today. The following will discuss direct instruction and a few scenarios in which this teaching approach is appropriate.
Scenarios for Direct Instruction Application During safety meetings in a construction company, direct instruction would more content...
Another area in which the direct instruction approach would be necessary is in a company budget meeting. The use of PowerPoint to display statistics
to managers is an effective means to reflect sales numbers or profit and loss; PowerPoint is a tool often used in direct instructional approach (Evans,
2006). Printed materials and digital projectors may also be effective in this scenario. These various direct instruction tools assist in the learning process
by providing managers with visual aids of an assortment of functions (Evans, 2006).
Direct Instruction in Distance Education As discussed above, direct instruction can be used in facilitating distant education. Course modules can be
considered the lecture portion of the class room. This is the area where students go to simply to read and learn. This is also the area where
information is crammed into a short lecture or reading material. Many online schools use visual aids such as pictures or videos to help students
understand the information they are expected to learn. Direct instruction is more effective with the use of visual aids or videos and this is something
that online schools use (Boleware, 2013). Direct instruction plays a major role in distance education but there does seem to be a mix of teaching
approaches that are used within distant education schools or programs.
Direct Instruction in the Learning Society Direct
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Personal Reflection On Teaching And Learning
Every teacher has their own personal approach towards teaching and learning. It does not matter what your personal approach is to teaching; as long as
you are still meeting the requirements of a teacher. Society has differing perceptions and understandings about the teaching profession. In order to
develop a personal approach to teaching, we must reflect on our previous educational experiences and highlight how these experiences will shape the
teacher. When capturing the beliefs, the concepts of technology use, equality, reflection andpedagogy further highlight the personal beliefs on teaching
and learning. To replicate a reflective practitioner, a personal growth plan will expand the knowledge of the pre–service teacher with guidance from the
Australian Teaching Standards. As the pre–service teacher, I must start to act as a reflective practitioner by reflecting on the actions taken in the
classroom. Learning through reflection allows teachers to engage in continuous learning that can be implemented in the classroom. Primary school
learning had the most positive schooling experience; which with the assistance of the Australian Teaching Standards, students of the future can have
similar positive experiences.
The idea of using technology in the classroom underpins my central beliefs held about teaching and learning. The use of technology should be
engaging for the students and also the teacher. When I was in years 5 and 6, technology was slowly being implemented into the
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What is Instructional Design?
Research Portion What is Instructional design?
According to Dick, Carey & Carey (2009), instructional design is a systematic process of designing, developing, and delivering instructional materials.
What is the Addie Model?
The ADDIE Model is the instructional system development model which consists of five (5) phases which are the analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2009). The analysis phase has different parts that clarify instructional problems and objectives,
identifies learning environment and the learners existing knowledge and skills. As part of the analysis phase the learner is identified as well as their
characteristics. The analysis phase is when information is gathered about the audience, the tasks that need to be completed, and how learners view the
content and project goals.
The design phase describes the elements that are going to be part of the learning architecture (text, animation, graphics, video, multimedia elements,
resources, etc.). In the design phase media created comes to life. The design phase consists of logical and creative thinking. The developer in the
design phase has to be specific about different elements of a project. Plans developed in the design phase should be tested in the development phase;
the plan should be edited because editing allows for checking for misspelled words, allows for checking content and any images used that possibly may
require changing.
The development phase
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Role of Instruction SLA
Understanding the role of instruction in second language acquisition requires first to comprehend the comparison between second language teaching
and second language learning. In teaching, it is usually what teachers do but in learning, it is what learners do, and basing on this comparison, it is
imperative to say that there exists no significant correlation between teaching and learning as far as second language acquisition is concerned. Therefore,
the teaching of the second language must conform to the various mechanisms of learning the second language that may include instruction rather than
learning that conforms to the mechanisms of teaching.
Second language instruction involves any thoughtful efforts taken to elevate acquisition of a second language through deploying the tools of learning
and the circumstances under which they function (Hawkins, 2011). It can be noted that second language instruction is a much narrower concept as
compared to second language teaching that draws similarities to any teacher–related doings that are within a teaching context. The role of instruction in
second language acquisition also requires understanding the effects of instruction and any noticeable variation in the learner's results like behaviour and
knowledge that are credited to instructional intervention either through interaction with others or related variables– and the efficiency of instruction
which is degree to which the tangible results of instruction
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Importance Of Differentiated Instruction

  • 1. Importance Of Differentiated Instruction The Importance of differentiated instructions to students with learning disability "Differentiation is not just a set of strategies; it is a way of thinking of thinking about teaching and learning. Strategies are tools that help us to accomplish the goal of differentiated instructions. Differentiated instruction means tailoring instructions to meet individual needs. Teachers could either differentiate the content, process, product or the environment, and the use of an ongoing assessment and flexible grouping make this successful approach to instruction." _ Carol Tomlinson. Differentiated instructions strategy helps to teachers to respond to the diverse needs of students, and this is guided by three basic principles. The first principle focuses instructions on the most essential principles and skills. This is because teachers have the skills to identify the instructional goals and outcome for students. The second guiding principle helps Teachers to recognize and attend to the differences in their students. They do not attempt to a one side fit all approach to instruction. And thirdly, assessment and instructions go hand in hand. Teachers pre – assess their students to understand their starting point and continue with ongoing assessment and make adjustment as needed. On the other hand, "Learning disabilities are neurologically–based processing problems. These processing problems can have an interference with the basic learning skills of students such as reading, writing Get more content on
  • 2. The Usage Of Instructional Media Essay 1.2 Statement of the Problem Usage of instructional media in teacher training, makes learning interesting. This is because it helps the trainee teacher clarify abstract concepts to the young children who are in their formative years. However, studies show that pre–primary school teachers exhibit low usage of instructional media during teaching possibly emanating from their pre–primary school teacher learning experience (Aila, 2005, Mwololo,2009). On the other hand, if student teachers in training colleges are to become confident and competent utilizers of different instructional media in their own classes, then they need to have witnessed their tutors using the instructional media in training them. Further, the studies conducted in Ghana on the use of instructional media were in pre–primary schools, primary schools and teacher colleges (Ikumi,1985, Kairu,2000, Wambua, 1988), and from these studies, it is clear that no study focused on teacher training colleges and the usage of instructional media in, which is the gap that this study focused on. The mandate of this study was to establish the dynamics of usage of instructional media in public and private teacher training colleges. 1.3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to establish the usage of instructional media by colleges tutors to provide quality training. The study also determines the weighting of the availability of instructional media, attitude towards instructional media and tutor motivation on Get more content on
  • 3. Instructional design is a process of systematically developing training to meet specific needs as the stages of instructional design are: Assess needs for training. Ensure readiness for training. Plan a training program that involves objectives, trainers, and methods. Implement training program through principles of learning and transfer of learning. Then evaluating the results of the training. The needs assessment provides solutions to the organizations and how they determine what the framework for the training will include. Then identifying the people in need of the training and what subjects are to be covered during the training. The readiness for training involves a mixture of discovering the employees who can complete the job successfully but are also have the appropriate amount of cognitive ability to absorb and apply the training that is being provided. Situational constraints can be constraints such as a deficiency in time, money, material, tools, or training lessons being presented. Moreover, the social support that is the manner in which trainees, peers, and employers foster encouraging and rewarding training attitudes that influence the work environment. The planning of the training programs involves decisions that focus on the distinctive objectives of whether the training is being provided in–house or by another contracted training service. Then determining the training method as typically it is either a presentation, hands–on or group building Get more content on
  • 4. Instructional Leadership Effective school leadership today must combine the traditional school leadership duties such as teacher evaluation, budgeting, scheduling, and facilities maintenance with a deep involvement with specific aspects of teaching and learning. Effective instructional leaders are intensely involved in curricular and instructional issues that directly affect student achievement (Cotton, 2003). The writer of this paper acknowledges that school principals should play the role of instructional leaders, not just a school manager. The reality is that are many demands on a principals time and management skills making it difficult for most of them to spend time in classrooms, when performing teacher evaluation. Principals often make sure that more content... Consequently, a leader needs to be passionate about their work but also needs to find a balance between work and home. The role of the leader requires one to be active and think on their feet. Reflecting on daily actions, keeping abreast with professional development, reading and engaging in a stress relieving activity, such as exercise, are all activities that can help the leaders manage their workload (Johnson, 2005). It is important to remember that the word leadership does not seem to define the person but rather the person defines what the leader is. The writer acquired the knowledge that Instructional leadership is a collaborative learning environment where learning is not confined to the classroom and is the objective of all educators. Instructional leadership is an important departure from the ancient model of administrator as authoritarian. The writer feels that learning should be a top–down process. If those in charge of the school are excited about learning, then they will share their enthusiasm throughout the community. Those who learn to be instructional leaders acquire many characteristics that are beneficial to their schools and communities. The writer concurs that Instructional leaders exhibit a clear sense of direction for their schools and prioritize and focus attention on the things that really Get more content on
  • 5. The instructional setting takes place in a small charter school in a rural community. A majority of the student population is at or close to poverty level. Numerous students choose this school for its non–conventional way of teaching and because the students have a considerable say in their education. Whereas behaviorists focus mainly on external factors, cognitivist focus mainly on the inter functions, such as how the learner responses to knowledge. Well known cognitivist Jean Piaget believed children took an active role in their education and became young scientists as they performed experiments, made observations and explored the world around them (Cherry, 2017). Piaget believed that children went through four different developmental stages, the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage. Children are active learners, but the activities should be age appropriate. Another well know cognitivist is Lev Vygotsky, who believed that learning occurred when the learner was given a task in their zone of proximal development. Zone of proximal development simply put is the difference between what a learner can do independently and what they can do with help from a knowledgeable person. Vygotsky believed that when a learner was in their zone of proximal development they would get enough boost to complete the given task (McLeod, 2012). Cognitivists strategies that could be utilized more in the lesson plan are Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance Of Instructional Plan It was a few months ago that Robin and I were reviewing the ID schedule. We looked at August...and we saw a storm brewing. It looked like we would have an incredibly busy August. Weeks later, the final decision was made regarding course coordinators, and we found out the templates were coming back to us just in time for the ABSN Fall openings! A whopping NINE newly revised or created courses went live in August. That's right, NINE! Additionally, we finally got RealizeIt off the ground. Robin and I sat through many, many meetings in order to make sure students and faculty were fully prepared to use this new resource. We spent August 3rd in Oak Brook with ABSN and MSN instructors to make sure they knew they would have the support more content... It is no secret that you had some big shoes to fill here, and over the last few months it's been wonderful to watch both instructor and program director confidence in you blossom. You are making your own place here, and I am happy to have a front row seat to watch. I share all of the above with each of you to show my sincere gratitude for what each of you individually bring to the team. Two full time, one part time, and one student time (?!). The Curriculum Team 2.75. That's it. That's what keeps the curriculum together and online for ONUGlobal. If you don't do the work you do, the students and instructors can make it to the classroom, but the door is locked so to speak. Sometimes, we are the only ones that have the keys. Apparently, we've got this пЃЉ I thought I would pull together some statistics to help us understand the scope of our heavy workload this past month. See the attached document labeled The Q 8–15. At that moment we had 25 requests waiting in the Q. That is an all–time high. The total completed items for the month was 104. That is a very high number as well. How high, you ask? The total number of revisions completed from August 2016 to August 2017 was 413. Let me spell it out: 25% of the total number of revision requests for the year were completed in August. Did you feel busy? I did. Did we serve our faculty and students well? We did. We will work Get more content on
  • 7. Types Of Instructional Tools In this weeks' resources, we looked at types of instructional tools that can aid in the learning process, the pros and cons of each type, and examples of each as well. We looked at ways to incorporate each into our classrooms to enhance the learning process. Our scriptures for this week instructed us to always have faith in God even in hard times and to follow through with our promises. Instructional tools are a crucial in aiding in the learning process. This week we had two chapters to read in our textbook. Chapter three focused on the most widely used instruction tools which are Word, Excel, and Power Point while chapter four focused on five additional instructional software supportive tools (Roblyer,2013). These five more content... It also concluded that more research was needed on the use of educational gaming as a pedagogical tool in STEM disciplines as teachers prepare the 21st century learner. According to this article " given emerging research on how videogames and associated pedagogies work in designed settings, it seem that the important questions is not can games be used to support learning but how can they support learning(Earnest, 2012). This is a controversial issue that can go either way but there is more positive outcome than negative at this time. One advantage of educational gaming that research has shown is that male students that use the joy sticks to play video games turn out to be very skilled surgeon because the practice and manipulation using the joy stick. Our scriptures for this week are 1 Samuel 1 and Luke 1:26–38 which point out that we must have faith in God at all times even if we are in doubt and to follow through with what we promise. 1 Samuel 1 discussed a story about Hannah who was in a difficult situation and after giving her faith to God was grant the child she could not have (1 Samuel 1). In Luke 1: 26–38 Mary was told that she would have a Get more content on
  • 8. What is Instructional Technology? Essay What is Instructional Technology? Describing Instructional Technology (IT) is a lot like herding cats– it can probably be done but it won't be easy. It has been a difficult question for educational researchers and technologists to answer. Few other fields have such a difficulty in self–definition. Everyone can readily define such fields as psychology and biology, but the IT field is so new that no one has a definite answer. The terminstructional technology is further confused because it is often used interchangeably with the terms educational technology and instructional design. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) (1994) defines IT as "the theory and practice of design, development, more content... In refuting the United States concept, technology is not just media. Technology doesn't increase understanding of individual learning – media is simply a form of mass communication. Information is not instruction. IT is more than computers, projectors, VCRs and monitors, cart–pushing, thermofax transparencies, filmstrips and all those other artifacts of the 1950s and 60s by which many administrators and faculty still seem to stereotype the field. It is a complex field that is equally concerned with the processes of learning as it is with the products that support learning (Albright, 1995). The word technology is used by some to mean hardware – the devices that deliver information and serve as tools to accomplish a task – but those working in the field use technology to refer to a systematic process of solving problems by scientific means (Ely, 1999). Instruction is the process of imparting knowledge or teaching (Webster, 1989). Therefore, IT should refer to the use of technological processes for teaching and learning but I think there is still more. At the foundation of IT is instructional design, the process of planning instruction. Instructional design seeks to answer three questions: Where are we going, how will we get there, and how will we know when we arrive? (Beattie, 1999). Instructional design is a process Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of Instruction In The Classroom A differentiated classroom requires a great deal of different behaviors and attitudes from that of a traditional classroom. These attitudes and behaviors must be displayed by students, teachers, and parents. The look and feel of the classroom alone will be very different from that of a traditional classroom. There are many required routines and procedures for teachers to establish with the input of students in order to create a quality learning environment for each child to learn and grow to their full potential in (Tomlinson, 2001). After reflecting on my first two years of teaching along with what I've learned so far about differentiated instruction, I have come to the conclusion that I have many great structures in place. I also have a great deal of changes that I can make in order to create a classroom that is an even better place for students to learn and grow in. I have implemented flexible seating in my classroom this year and it has greatly increased the engagement and morale of my students. As I reflect on my practices of the past year I know there are many ways I can improve the physical layout of my classroom to best meet each of my students' needs. An important aspect of differentiated instruction is flexible grouping. Therefore, as I envision my classroom next year, I picture a variety of working spaces that lend themselves well to group work, partner work, and individual work. This will require some creativity due to the fact that I have one kidney table and Get more content on
  • 10. Teacher Aide's Position After reading your advertisement for a Teacher Aide's position, I instantly decided to submit my application as my attributes closely complement your needs. I am very ambitious to make a significant difference in the lives of children and am confident that this eagerness and passion will go a long way in contributing to your school. Previously, I have worked as a Teacher's Assistant at La PlaceHigh School where I developed the expertise in basic behavior management – which is the prime base for any classroom. I am highly skilled in providing one–on–one assistance to students, assisting in the implementation of the curriculum, educating children and families by meeting program goals, and helping in meeting individual needs of children. Comprehending Get more content on
  • 11. Every diligent effort leads to satisfactory results. Most educators feel content and energized when their students exhibit successful outcomes. Nevertheless, students' success requires collaborative efforts between teachers, parents, and students. Moreover, for educators to effective perform the teaching duty they need to be familiar with the Program Learning Outcome (PLO) and use them daily with the classroom environment. PLO 1 Instructional Planning for Learner Development Instructional Planning for Learner Development constitute the primary (PLO). This skill requires teachers to "design appropriate and challenging learning experiences informed by analysis of how learners develop individually across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical patterns to promote student learning and growth"(PLO 2014). Knowledge has no limit and life is a learning process. Thus, every teacher remains an advanced student. As a result, for a teacher to be effective in his classroom and an active member of the community, he or she needs to be an avid learner, be open to new ideas and suggestion. Additionally, the teacher needs to always exploring innovative ways and methods to better help and serve the students and other members of the school community. The school administrators should create a planning learning community based on trust and respectful relationships where every teacher has an opportunity to share his vision and experience, share tactics, find advices, Get more content on
  • 12. One of the most important elements of teaching is having a large assortment of different instructional strategies, and choosing which ones to use based on your student population. Properly using instructional strategies is a valuable aspect to teaching because it keeps students engaged and active. Instructional strategies are not necessarily important than content in a classroom, but they will tremendously enhance the way students learn that material. Throughout this expectation, I will show not only my love for instructional strategies, but also how I can use them in a classroom to enhance my students learning environment. The first piece of evidence I would like to present is an article I read on the significance of instructional strategies in a classroom. The article, titled Instructional Strategies: How Teachers Teach Matters, is such a great read because it not only states the importance of using instructional strategies, but also states how to plan, teach, and reflect upon these strategies. The article also goes in depth on what a good instructional strategy will produce within a student's work. It later states that the students will become more engages, more emotionally attached to their work, and school will suddenly become more fun to them. I have personally seen this throughout my use of instructional strategies in the classroom as well. When using engaging instructional strategies, my students suddenly are more active in the lesson and tend to be enjoying class. Get more content on
  • 13. Educational Technology Essay Educational Technology Education is probably the most important thing in life that someone can obtain. There are many levels of education. These levels begin at Kindergarten and Pre–K and continue on through grade school, junior high school, high school, and undergraduate colleges if so chosen. Then the possibility of graduate school is in the interest of some student and is required for better pay and even in some career fields. Education has undergone many changes over the past 2 decades at all levels. Many of the changes have undergone due to the increasing number of technological advancements in the ways teachers educate and the ways that students learn. The greatest technological achievement to enter the educational realm more content... Maybe it is merely coincidence but in either sense he was correct in stating that technology would change quickly. Remember the mentioning of the floppy disk? Well, it is still called a floppy disk but technology has managed to make it a hard disk and minimized the size to 3.5 inches. This is just one of the many changes that would emerge after the implementing of the PC in schools. Upon the introduction of the computer came the formation of the CD–Rom. T H E Journal states that 550 megabytes of read–only material were on these compact discs. Well there goes the thought of needing those textbooks. Why would you need to carry that big textbook with you? Save a tree right. Keep in mind that not everyone has a computer capable of doing this yet and not to mention that computers cost money. Schools cannot afford to be buying these computers, which were evolving so fast, that keeping up with the newly issued ones was almost impossible. Buy this time, this time being around the 1990's, IBM came out with MS–Dos and soon to come MS– Windows. The race for the most advanced technology was one and this was great for society, the economy and education. With technology such as this coming out, the government was creating plans, grants, and other special funding for schools to acquire and uses technology Get more content on
  • 14. Instructional Speech : Teaching And Learning As I finished my internship, I had the opportunity to interview my principal, Dr. Travis Graham to get his thoughts his role as the instructional leader of Hollister High School on Tuesday, September 8, 2015. 1.How do you promote teacher and student learning in their school as the administrator of instructional programs, in effect, the principal is the instructional leader? Dr. Graham likes to keep things simple in regards creating an atmosphere that promotes teaching and learning. He believes it is his biggest role as the instructional leader is to protect all instructional time. The students are in school to learn he must always keep this in mind when scheduling assemblies, emergency drills, and all of the other situations that more content... As Dr. Graham says, "Never act like a know it all" because he continuously models what it takes to be a lifelong learner. 2.How do you involve parents in the school to improve the instructional program? In order to have a successful instructional program the parents have to be involved and invested in the instructional vision. The parents have to understand and embrace the idea the academics is always drives the vision and decisions of the educational leader. This vision is communicated through the counselors in the high school's college and career center. Additionally, parents must have the tools needed to access and interpret how their children are performing in school. If their child is not meeting performance expectations, the parents must understand how interventions are put in place to promote additional educational growth for the student. Many of the district's parents did not have good experiences in school and it is Dr. Graham's job to make sure these parents are not intimidated by the educational process. 3.Describe how you plan for the future and introduce as well as provide leadership for new instructional programs in the school. This is a big year for Hollister High School. The building is now using standards based grading as a way to measure student growth and the building will be going 1:1 after the Christmas Break. To make sure these changes happen smoothly Dr. Graham has to thoroughly Get more content on
  • 15. Integrating Instructional Technology Technology is important in our education today. Technology can be a vital tool in enhancing and improving the instruction for our students. Our technology today allows our students to search resources, use social media sites, and locate almost anything that they may be researching for a specific subject. Teachers need to know how to incorporate these tools into their curriculum in a way that facilitates and enhances student learning. Three technology tools that can be used inside the classroom effectively are classroom website, interactive white boards, and TED Ed. Classroom Website A classroom website can be a valuable tool within a classroom. Having a classroom website provides students with literacy, history, science, and math skill practice. It also increases their opportunities to read, write and exchange ideas with others, and extended learning experiences across the curriculum. Classroom website is engaging and allows more interaction among teachers, parents, and students. A classroom website acts as a portal for learning and enhancing skills (Holcomb, L.B., Castek, J.M., & Johnson, P.R.; 2007). I will use a classroom website in my classroom and curriculum to provide educational website links, assignments, lessons, announcements, a discussion board, and a link for grades. Parents and students will be able to go on and get needed information to help them with questions and concerns regarding academics. Interactive Get more content on
  • 16. The Direct Instruction Approach Essay Direct Instruction There are various instructional approaches but one that is widely employed by many teachers is the direct instruction approach. This is the classic teaching style that many people remember during K–12 grade school. The teacher would stand in front of the class lecturing while writing on the black board. That is why direct instruction is also known as "Chalk and Talk" (Evans, 2006). Direct instruction is not out of date and is still appropriate in many situations today. The following will discuss direct instruction and a few scenarios in which this teaching approach is appropriate. Scenarios for Direct Instruction Application During safety meetings in a construction company, direct instruction would more content... Another area in which the direct instruction approach would be necessary is in a company budget meeting. The use of PowerPoint to display statistics to managers is an effective means to reflect sales numbers or profit and loss; PowerPoint is a tool often used in direct instructional approach (Evans, 2006). Printed materials and digital projectors may also be effective in this scenario. These various direct instruction tools assist in the learning process by providing managers with visual aids of an assortment of functions (Evans, 2006). Direct Instruction in Distance Education As discussed above, direct instruction can be used in facilitating distant education. Course modules can be considered the lecture portion of the class room. This is the area where students go to simply to read and learn. This is also the area where information is crammed into a short lecture or reading material. Many online schools use visual aids such as pictures or videos to help students understand the information they are expected to learn. Direct instruction is more effective with the use of visual aids or videos and this is something that online schools use (Boleware, 2013). Direct instruction plays a major role in distance education but there does seem to be a mix of teaching approaches that are used within distant education schools or programs. Direct Instruction in the Learning Society Direct Get more content on
  • 17. Personal Reflection On Teaching And Learning Every teacher has their own personal approach towards teaching and learning. It does not matter what your personal approach is to teaching; as long as you are still meeting the requirements of a teacher. Society has differing perceptions and understandings about the teaching profession. In order to develop a personal approach to teaching, we must reflect on our previous educational experiences and highlight how these experiences will shape the teacher. When capturing the beliefs, the concepts of technology use, equality, reflection andpedagogy further highlight the personal beliefs on teaching and learning. To replicate a reflective practitioner, a personal growth plan will expand the knowledge of the pre–service teacher with guidance from the Australian Teaching Standards. As the pre–service teacher, I must start to act as a reflective practitioner by reflecting on the actions taken in the classroom. Learning through reflection allows teachers to engage in continuous learning that can be implemented in the classroom. Primary school learning had the most positive schooling experience; which with the assistance of the Australian Teaching Standards, students of the future can have similar positive experiences. The idea of using technology in the classroom underpins my central beliefs held about teaching and learning. The use of technology should be engaging for the students and also the teacher. When I was in years 5 and 6, technology was slowly being implemented into the Get more content on
  • 18. What is Instructional Design? Research Portion What is Instructional design? According to Dick, Carey & Carey (2009), instructional design is a systematic process of designing, developing, and delivering instructional materials. What is the Addie Model? The ADDIE Model is the instructional system development model which consists of five (5) phases which are the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2009). The analysis phase has different parts that clarify instructional problems and objectives, identifies learning environment and the learners existing knowledge and skills. As part of the analysis phase the learner is identified as well as their characteristics. The analysis phase is when information is gathered about the audience, the tasks that need to be completed, and how learners view the content and project goals. The design phase describes the elements that are going to be part of the learning architecture (text, animation, graphics, video, multimedia elements, resources, etc.). In the design phase media created comes to life. The design phase consists of logical and creative thinking. The developer in the design phase has to be specific about different elements of a project. Plans developed in the design phase should be tested in the development phase; the plan should be edited because editing allows for checking for misspelled words, allows for checking content and any images used that possibly may require changing. The development phase Get more content on
  • 19. Role of Instruction SLA Understanding the role of instruction in second language acquisition requires first to comprehend the comparison between second language teaching and second language learning. In teaching, it is usually what teachers do but in learning, it is what learners do, and basing on this comparison, it is imperative to say that there exists no significant correlation between teaching and learning as far as second language acquisition is concerned. Therefore, the teaching of the second language must conform to the various mechanisms of learning the second language that may include instruction rather than learning that conforms to the mechanisms of teaching. Second language instruction involves any thoughtful efforts taken to elevate acquisition of a second language through deploying the tools of learning and the circumstances under which they function (Hawkins, 2011). It can be noted that second language instruction is a much narrower concept as compared to second language teaching that draws similarities to any teacher–related doings that are within a teaching context. The role of instruction in second language acquisition also requires understanding the effects of instruction and any noticeable variation in the learner's results like behaviour and knowledge that are credited to instructional intervention either through interaction with others or related variables– and the efficiency of instruction which is degree to which the tangible results of instruction Get more content on