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# Me Too Movement
The Silence Breaker
• The Me Too movement (or #MeToo
movement), with many local and international
alternatives, is a movement against sexual
harassment and sexual assault.
Me Too
• #MeToo spread virally in October 2017 as a
hashtag used on social media in an attempt
to demonstrate the widespread prevalence
of sexual assault and harassment, especially
in the workplace.
• It followed soon after the sexual misconduct
allegations against Harvey Weinstein
Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against
Harvey Weinstein
• Tarana Burke, an American social activist
and community organizer, began using the
phrase "Me Too" as early as 2006, and the
phrase was later popularized by American
actressAlyssa Milano, on Twitter in 2017.
Tarana Burke, An American Social Activist
And Community Organizer
Tarana Burke, an American social
activist and community organizer
• Milano encouraged victims of sexual
harassment to tweet about it and "give people
a sense of the magnitude of the problem".
• This was met with success that included but
was not limited to high-profile posts from
several American celebrities, including
Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, Jennifer
Lawrence, and Uma Thurman.
American actress Alyssa Milano
• Several hashtags about sharing stories of
workforce sexual harassment were in use before
• #MeToo, including
• #MyHarveyWeinstein,
• #YouOkSis,
• #WhatWereYouWearing and
• #SurvivorPrivilege
• Tarana Burke (2006), a social activist and
community organizer, began using the phrase
"Me Too" in 2006, on the Myspace social
network as part of a campaign to promote
"empowerment through empathy" among
women of color who have experienced sexual
abuse, particularly within underprivileged
Tarana Burke
Tarana Burke
• Burke, who is creating a documentary titled
Me Too, has said she was inspired to use the
phrase after being unable to respond to a 13-
year-old girl who confided to her that she had
been sexually assaulted. Burke later wished
she had simply told the girl, "me too"
Tarana Burke
Alyssa Milano
• 2017 (Alyssa Milano)
• On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano
encouraged spreading the hashtag #MeToo, to
attempt to draw attention to sexual assault and
• Milano later acknowledged earlier use of
the phrase by Burke
Alyssa Milano
• The phrase "Me too" was tweeted by
Milano around noon on October 15, 2017,
and had been used more than 200,000 times by
the end of the day and tweeted more than
500,000 times by October 16.
• On Facebook, the hashtag was used by more
than 4.7 million people in 12 million posts
during the first 24 hours.
• The platform reported that 45% of users in the
United States had a friend who had posted
using the term
• Tens of thousands of people replied with
#MeToo stories
• In addition to Hollywood, "Me
declarations elicited discussion of
harassment and abuse in the
industry, sciences, academia, and politics.
• Feminist author Gloria Feldt stated in Time
that many employers are being forced to make
changes in response to #MeToo, for example
examining gender-based pay differences and
improving sexual harassment policies.
Gloria Feldt
• Others have noted there has been pressure on
companies, specifically in the financial
industry, to disclose diversity statistics
• Church
• In November 2017, the hashtag #ChurchToo was
started by Emily Joy and Hannah Paasch on
Twitter and began trending in response to
#MeToo as a way to try to highlight and stop
sexual abuse that happens in a church.
• In early January 2018, about a hundred
evangelical women also launched
#SilenceIsNotSpiritual to call for changes to how
sexual misconduct is dealt within the church
• Finance
• It has been noted that, although the
financial industry is known to have a wide
prevalence of harassment, as of
there were no high-profile
January 2018,
financial executives stepping down as the
result of #MeToo allegations.
• The first widely covered example of concrete
consequences in finance was when two reporters,
including Madison Marriage of the Financial
Times, went undercover at a men-only
Presidents Club event meant to raise money
for children. Because women were not allowed
to attend except as "hostesses”, the two female
reporters got jobs as hostesses and documented
widespread sexual misconduct. As a result, The
presidents Club was shut down
Madison Marriage of the Financial Times, went
undercover at a men-only Presidents Club
Politics And Government
• Statehouses in California, Illinois, Oregon,
and Rhode Island responded to allegations
of sexual harassment surfaced by the
campaign, and several women in politics
spoke out about their experiences of sexual
harassment, including United States Senators.
Politics And Government
Politics And Government
• Congresswoman Jackie Speier
bill aimed at making
introduced a
harassment complaints easier to report on
Capitol Hill.
• Soon after #MeToo started spreading in late 2017,
several allegations from a 2016 Indianapolis Star
article re-surfaced in the gymnastic industry against
former U.S. Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar of
Michigan State University. Nassar was called out via
#MeToo for sexually assaulting gymnasts.
• Rachael Denhollander was the first to call him out.
Though nothing was done after the initial allegations
came out in 2016, after more than 150 women came
forward, Nassar was effectively sentenced to life in
Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar of Michigan State
University. Nassar was called out via #MeToo for sexually
assaulting gymnasts.
• MeToo has encouraged discussion about sexual
harassment in the medical field
• Research had indicated that among U.S. academic
medical faculty members, about 30% of women and
4% of men have reported experiencing sexual
harassment, and it has been noted that medical staff
who complain often receive negative consequences to
their careers. Other evidence has indicated 60% of
medical trainees and students experienced
harassment or discrimination during training,
though most do not report the incidents
Me Too in Medical field
Music Industry
• In the music industry, the band Veruca Salt
used the #MeToo hashtag to air allegations
of sexual harassment against James Toback,
and Alice Glass used the hashtag to share a
history of alleged sexual assault and other
abuses by former Crystal Castles bandmate
Ethan Kath.
Music Industry
• The original purpose of "Me Too" as used by
Tarana Burke in 2006, was to empower women
through empathy, especially young and
vulnerable women.
• In October 2017, Alyssa Milano encouraged
using the phrase as a hashtag to help reveal the
extent of problems with sexual harassment and
assault by showing how many people have
experienced these events themselves
# Me Too
# Me Too
• After millions of people started using the phrase,
and it spread to dozens of other languages, the
purpose changed and expanded, as a result, it has come
to mean different things to different people.
• Tarana Burke accepts the title of the leader and
creator of the movement but has stated she considers
herself a worker of something much bigger.
• Burke has stated that this movement has grown to
include both men and women of all colors and ages,
as it continues to support marginalized people in
marginalized communities
# Me Too
Awareness And Empathy
• Analyses of the movement often point to the prevalence
of sexual violence, which has been estimated by the
World Health Organization to affect one-third of all
women worldwide.
• A 2017 poll by ABC News and The Washington Post
also found that 54% of American women report
receiving "unwanted and inappropriate" sexual
advances with 95% saying that such behavior usually
goes unpunished. Others state that #MeToo underscores
the need for men to intervene when they witness
demeaning behavior.
Awareness And Empathy
Awareness And Empathy
• Burke said that #MeToo declares sexual
violence sufferers are not alone and should not
be ashamed.
• Burke says sexual violence is usually caused by
someone the woman knows, so people should be
educated from a young age they have the right to
say no to sexual contact from any person, even
after repeat solicitations from an authority or
spouse, and to report predatory behavior
Awareness And Empathy
• Alyssa Milano described the reach of
#MeToo as helping society understand the
"magnitude of the problem" and said, "it's
a standing in solidarity to all those who have
been hurt.“
• She stated that the success of #MeToo will
require men to take a stand against behavior
that objectifies women
Awareness And Empathy
Policies And Laws
• Burke has stated the current purpose of the
movement is to give people the resources to
have access to healing, and advocates for
changes to laws and policies.
Policies And Laws
priority for #MeToo is
• Milano
states a
the laws surrounding
harassment and assault, for
instituting protocols that give sufferers in all
industries the ability to file complaints without
Policies And Laws
Policies And Laws
• Others have suggested that barriers to
employment must be removed, such as the job
requirement by some employers to sign non-
disclosure agreements or other agreements that
prevent an employee from talking about their
employment publicly, or taking disputes
(including sexual harassment claims) to
arbitration or legal proceedings. It's been
suggested that legislation should be passed that
bans these types of mandatory pre-employment
Policies And Laws
Media Coverage
• In the coverage of #MeToo, there has been
widespread discussion about the best way
for sufferers of sexual abuse or harassment
to stop what is happening to them at work.
• There is general agreement that a lack of
effective reporting options is a major factor
that drives unchecked sexual misconduct in the
Media Coverage
• There is a discussion on the best ways to handle
whisper networks, or private lists of "people to
avoid" that are shared unofficially in nearly every
major institution or industry where sexual
harassment is common due to power imbalances,
including government, media, news, and academia.
These lists have the stated purpose of warning other
workers in the industry and are shared from person-to-
person, on forums, in private social media groups, and
via spreadsheets. However, these lists can become
"weaponized" and used to spread unsubstantiated
gossip, which has been discussed widely in the media
Media Coverage
Media Coverage
• Defenders say the lists provide a way to warn
other people in the industry if worried about
punishment, or if complaints have already
been ignored, and also helps victims identify
each other so they can speak out together.
Media Coverage
• In India, a student gave her friends a list
containing names of professors and academics
in the Indian university system to be avoided.
The list went viral after it was posted on social
• In response to criticism in the media, the authors
defended themselves by saying they were only
trying to warn their friends, had confirmed every
case, and several victims from the list were poor
students who had already been punished or
ignored when trying to come forward.
Media Coverage
Media Coverage
• Moira Donegan, a New York City-based journalist,
privately shared a crowd-sourced Shitty Media Men
list of people to avoid in publishing and journalism.
• When it was shared outside her private network,
Donegan lost her job. Donegan stated it was unfair so
few people had access to the list before it went public;
for example, very few women of color received access
(and therefore protection) from it. She pointed to her
"whiteness, health, education, and class" that allowed
her to take the risk of sharing the list and getting fired.
Moira Donegan, a New York City-based journalist, privately
shared a crowd-sourced Shitty Media Men list of people to
avoid in publishing and journalism.
Shitty Media Men list of people to
avoid in publishing and journalism
Issues With Social Norms
• Professor Daniel Drezner stated that #MeToo laid the
groundwork for two major cultural shifts. One is the
acceptance that sexual harassment (not just sexual
assault) is unacceptable in the workplace.
• The other is that when a powerful person is accused
of sexual harassment, the reaction should be a
presumption that the less powerful accuser is "likely
telling the truth, because the risks of going public
are great." However, he states society is struggling
with the speed at which change is being demanded.
Professor Daniel Drezner stated that #MeToo laid the groundwork for two
major cultural shifts. One is the acceptance that sexual harassment (not just
sexual assault) is unacceptable in the workplace.
Me Too Movement in India
• Following the global outrage over the Harvey
Weinstein incident in the West, where the
noted Hollywood producer was accused of
sexual harassment by over 70 women, the
#MeToo movement has finally arrived in India,
engulfing the whole media and entertainment
• Several women have bravely come out with
stories about harassment and sexual abuse at
workplace at the hands of the powerful and
Harvey Weinstein incident in the West, where the noted
Hollywood producer was accused of sexual harassment by
over 70 women,
Me Too campaign in India
• Modi government steps in, panel of retired
judges to hold public hearings
Me Too campaign in India
• Taking cognisance of the MeToo movement which has
caused quite a stir across the Bollywood, Indian media
industry and politics, the Narendra Modi government
has announced the formation of a four-member
committee of retired judges to conduct public hearings
of the cases.
• Informing of the government’s move on Friday,
Union minister Maneka Gandhi said that a
committee with senior judicial, legal persons will
look into all issues emanating from the campaign
which women have used to reveal cases of alleged
sexual harassment against them.
Me Too campaign in India
Me Too campaign in India
• Minister for Women & Child Development
Maneka Gandhi explains about the committee
which will be set up to examine all issues
emanating from the #MeTooIndia movement.
Me Too campaign in India
• Minister, Maneka Gandhi said that she was
“very happy” that such campaign has started
in the country and exhorted women to come
out and reveal the truths. She also said that she
had asked the Law Ministry to allow people to
complain even “10-15 years later”.
• “One always remembers the person who molested
you and we have written to the Law Ministry that
one should be allowed to complain without any
time limit,” she had said.
Me Too campaign in India
Me Too campaign in India
• Another prominent woman face in the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet,
Union Minister Smriti Irani has asked the
people not discourage the women from
speaking out and narrating their ordeals.
• However, while responding to questions over
allegations against Akbar, Irani said, “The
gentleman concerned would be better
positioned to speak on this issue.”
Me Too campaign in India
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
• ‘SHe-box’ (sexual harassment electronic
box) — hosted on the website of the Women
and Child Development Ministry, also seeks
to ensure “effective implementation” of the
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
• The Women and Child Development ministry on
Monday launched an online platform to enable
women employees of the Central government to
file complaints related to sexual harassment at the
• Union minister Maneka Gandhi said the platform
will cater to Central government employees in the
beginning and thereafter, its ambit will be
widened to include the private sector as well.
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
• “We are also going to soon conduct a national
survey to assess the nature and magnitude of
sexual harassment at the workplace,” the
minister of woman and child development said
after launching the portal at her office here.
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
• The online complaint management system —
‘SHe-box’ (sexual harassment electronic box)
— hosted on the website of the Women and
Child Development Ministry, also seeks to
ensure “effective implementation” of the
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
• Once a complaint is submitted to the ‘SHe-Box’, it will
be directly sent to the internal complaints committee
(ICC) of the ministry/department/PSU/autonomous
body etc concerned, having jurisdiction to inquire into
the matter.
• The ICC will take action as prescribed under the
Act and update the status of the complaint. The
portal is also an effort to provide “speedier remedy”
to women facing sexual harassment at the
workplace, as envisaged under the sexual
harassmentAct, a senior official of the ministry said.
Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for
sexual harassment complaints
• Believe women
• Believe women" is an American political
slogan arising out of the Me Too movement.
• It refers to the perceived necessity of accepting
women's allegations of sexual harassment or
sexual assault at face value.
• Casting couch
• The casting couch, casting-couch syndrome, or
casting-couch mentality is the demanding of sexual
favors by an employer or person in a position of power
and authority, from an apprentice employee, or
subordinate to a superior in return for entry into an
occupation, or for other career advancement within an
• The term casting couch originated in the motion picture
industry, with specific reference to couches in offices
that could be used for sexual activity between casting
directors or film producers and aspiring actors
Casting Couch
Hashtag Activism
• HashtagActivism
• Hashtag activism is a term coined by media outlets
which refers to the use of Twitter's hashtags for Internet
• The term can also be used to refer to the act of showing
support for a cause through a like, share, etc. on any
social media platform, such as Facebook, Google+, or
Twitter. The point of hashtag activism is arguably to
share certain issues with one's friends and followers in
the hopes that they will also share the same
Hashtag Activism
Operation Yewtree
• OperationYewtree
• Operation Yewtree is a police investigation
into sexual abuse allegations, predominantly
the abuse of children, against the British media
personality Jimmy Savile and others. The
investigation, led by the Metropolitan Police
Operation Yewtree
Time's Up (movement)
• Time's Up (movement)
• Time's Up is a movement against sexual
harassment and was founded on January 1,
2018, by Hollywood celebrities in response to
the Weinstein effect and #MeToo. As of
February 2018, it has raised $20 million for its
legal defense fund, and gathered over 200
volunteer lawyers.
Time's Up (movement)
#Mosque Me Too
• Mosque Me Too
• The Mosque Me Too movement
(#MosqueMeToo) is predominantly a Muslim
women movement where female pilgrims
speak up about sexual abuse experienced on
the Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to one of
Islam's holiest places, Mecca, SaudiArabia
#Mosque Me Too
Whisper Network
• Whisper Network
• A whisper network describes a chain of information
privately passed between people, typically a list of
powerful people in an industry alleged as being sexual
harassers or abusers.
• The information is often shared between women by
word of mouth, online in private communities, in
forums, via spreadsheets, and sometimes using crowd-
sourced documents.
• The stated purpose of maintaining these lists is to
warn potential victims of "people to avoid" in their
Whisper Network
• Alyssa Milano
• Me Too Movement
• Me Too movement
• #MeToo movement in India
• SHe-Box Online Complaint Management System
• Tarana Burke
सनु ु द्रपदी शस्त्र उठाल , अबग व
ददिं ना यें ग ग !
सनु ु द्रपदी शस्त्र उठाल , अबग व
ददिं ना यें ग ग !
• पुष्यमित्र उपाध्याय
• सुनो द्रौपदी शस्त्त्रउठा लो, अब गोमिन्द ना आएं गे!
छोड़ो मुु
े हदीं खड्ग संभालो,
खुद ही अपना चीर बचा लो,
द्यतु ब
ए बैठे शकु नी, मु स्त्तत क सब बबक
जाएं गे! सुनो द्रौपदी शस्त्त्रउठा लो, अब गोमिन्द ना
आएं गे!
• कब तक आस लगाओगी तुमु, बबक
े हुए
अख़बारों से?
ै सी रक्षामुुाु
ं ग रही हो, द:ु शासन दरबारों
से? स्त्मुयं जो लज्जाहीन पड़े ह,ु
ै ु
ं मु ु
क्या लाज बचायेंगे?
सुनो द्रौपदी शस्त्त्रउठा लो, अब गोमिन्द ना आएं गे!
• कल तक क
े मु ल अ
धं ुा राजा, अब
गंगु ुा-बहरा भी है,
होंठ िसल ददए हैं जनता क
े , कानों पर पहरा भी है,
तुम्ही कहो ये अश्रु तुम्हार,ु
े ककसकोक्या
मसझाएं गे? सुनो द्रौपदी शस्त्त्रउठा लो, अब गोमिन्द ना
आएं गे!
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  • 1. # Me Too Movement The Silence Breaker
  • 2. Introduction • The Me Too movement (or #MeToo movement), with many local and international alternatives, is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.
  • 4. Introduction • #MeToo spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag used on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace. • It followed soon after the sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein
  • 6. Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Harvey Weinstein
  • 7. Introduction • Tarana Burke, an American social activist and community organizer, began using the phrase "Me Too" as early as 2006, and the phrase was later popularized by American actressAlyssa Milano, on Twitter in 2017.
  • 8. Tarana Burke, An American Social Activist And Community Organizer
  • 9. Tarana Burke, an American social activist and community organizer
  • 10. Introduction • Milano encouraged victims of sexual harassment to tweet about it and "give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem". • This was met with success that included but was not limited to high-profile posts from several American celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, Jennifer Lawrence, and Uma Thurman.
  • 12. Origins • Several hashtags about sharing stories of workforce sexual harassment were in use before • #MeToo, including • #MyHarveyWeinstein, • #YouOkSis, • #WhatWereYouWearing and • #SurvivorPrivilege
  • 14. Origins • Tarana Burke (2006), a social activist and community organizer, began using the phrase "Me Too" in 2006, on the Myspace social network as part of a campaign to promote "empowerment through empathy" among women of color who have experienced sexual abuse, particularly within underprivileged communities.
  • 16. Tarana Burke • Burke, who is creating a documentary titled Me Too, has said she was inspired to use the phrase after being unable to respond to a 13- year-old girl who confided to her that she had been sexually assaulted. Burke later wished she had simply told the girl, "me too"
  • 18. Alyssa Milano • 2017 (Alyssa Milano) • On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hashtag #MeToo, to attempt to draw attention to sexual assault and harassment. • Milano later acknowledged earlier use of the phrase by Burke
  • 20. Impact • The phrase "Me too" was tweeted by Milano around noon on October 15, 2017, and had been used more than 200,000 times by the end of the day and tweeted more than 500,000 times by October 16.
  • 21. Impact • On Facebook, the hashtag was used by more than 4.7 million people in 12 million posts during the first 24 hours. • The platform reported that 45% of users in the United States had a friend who had posted using the term
  • 23. Impact • Tens of thousands of people replied with #MeToo stories • In addition to Hollywood, "Me declarations elicited discussion of harassment and abuse in the Too" sexual music industry, sciences, academia, and politics.
  • 25. Impact • Feminist author Gloria Feldt stated in Time that many employers are being forced to make changes in response to #MeToo, for example examining gender-based pay differences and improving sexual harassment policies.
  • 27. Impact • Others have noted there has been pressure on companies, specifically in the financial industry, to disclose diversity statistics
  • 28. Church • Church • In November 2017, the hashtag #ChurchToo was started by Emily Joy and Hannah Paasch on Twitter and began trending in response to #MeToo as a way to try to highlight and stop sexual abuse that happens in a church. • In early January 2018, about a hundred evangelical women also launched #SilenceIsNotSpiritual to call for changes to how sexual misconduct is dealt within the church
  • 30. Finance • Finance • It has been noted that, although the financial industry is known to have a wide prevalence of harassment, as of sexual there were no high-profile January 2018, financial executives stepping down as the result of #MeToo allegations.
  • 32. Finance • The first widely covered example of concrete consequences in finance was when two reporters, including Madison Marriage of the Financial Times, went undercover at a men-only Presidents Club event meant to raise money for children. Because women were not allowed to attend except as "hostesses”, the two female reporters got jobs as hostesses and documented widespread sexual misconduct. As a result, The presidents Club was shut down
  • 33. Madison Marriage of the Financial Times, went undercover at a men-only Presidents Club
  • 34. Politics And Government • Statehouses in California, Illinois, Oregon, and Rhode Island responded to allegations of sexual harassment surfaced by the campaign, and several women in politics spoke out about their experiences of sexual harassment, including United States Senators.
  • 36. Politics And Government • Congresswoman Jackie Speier bill aimed at making has sexual introduced a harassment complaints easier to report on Capitol Hill.
  • 37. Sports • Soon after #MeToo started spreading in late 2017, several allegations from a 2016 Indianapolis Star article re-surfaced in the gymnastic industry against former U.S. Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar of Michigan State University. Nassar was called out via #MeToo for sexually assaulting gymnasts. • Rachael Denhollander was the first to call him out. Though nothing was done after the initial allegations came out in 2016, after more than 150 women came forward, Nassar was effectively sentenced to life in prison.
  • 38. Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar of Michigan State University. Nassar was called out via #MeToo for sexually assaulting gymnasts.
  • 39. Medicine • MeToo has encouraged discussion about sexual harassment in the medical field • Research had indicated that among U.S. academic medical faculty members, about 30% of women and 4% of men have reported experiencing sexual harassment, and it has been noted that medical staff who complain often receive negative consequences to their careers. Other evidence has indicated 60% of medical trainees and students experienced harassment or discrimination during training, though most do not report the incidents
  • 40. Me Too in Medical field
  • 41. Music Industry • In the music industry, the band Veruca Salt used the #MeToo hashtag to air allegations of sexual harassment against James Toback, and Alice Glass used the hashtag to share a history of alleged sexual assault and other abuses by former Crystal Castles bandmate Ethan Kath.
  • 43. Purpose • The original purpose of "Me Too" as used by Tarana Burke in 2006, was to empower women through empathy, especially young and vulnerable women. • In October 2017, Alyssa Milano encouraged using the phrase as a hashtag to help reveal the extent of problems with sexual harassment and assault by showing how many people have experienced these events themselves
  • 45. # Me Too • After millions of people started using the phrase, and it spread to dozens of other languages, the purpose changed and expanded, as a result, it has come to mean different things to different people. • Tarana Burke accepts the title of the leader and creator of the movement but has stated she considers herself a worker of something much bigger. • Burke has stated that this movement has grown to include both men and women of all colors and ages, as it continues to support marginalized people in marginalized communities
  • 47. Awareness And Empathy • Analyses of the movement often point to the prevalence of sexual violence, which has been estimated by the World Health Organization to affect one-third of all women worldwide. • A 2017 poll by ABC News and The Washington Post also found that 54% of American women report receiving "unwanted and inappropriate" sexual advances with 95% saying that such behavior usually goes unpunished. Others state that #MeToo underscores the need for men to intervene when they witness demeaning behavior.
  • 49. Awareness And Empathy • Burke said that #MeToo declares sexual violence sufferers are not alone and should not be ashamed. • Burke says sexual violence is usually caused by someone the woman knows, so people should be educated from a young age they have the right to say no to sexual contact from any person, even after repeat solicitations from an authority or spouse, and to report predatory behavior
  • 50. Awareness And Empathy • Alyssa Milano described the reach of #MeToo as helping society understand the "magnitude of the problem" and said, "it's a standing in solidarity to all those who have been hurt.“ • She stated that the success of #MeToo will require men to take a stand against behavior that objectifies women
  • 52. Policies And Laws • Burke has stated the current purpose of the movement is to give people the resources to have access to healing, and advocates for changes to laws and policies.
  • 53. Policies And Laws priority for #MeToo is • Milano changing states a the laws surrounding harassment and assault, for sexual example, instituting protocols that give sufferers in all industries the ability to file complaints without retaliation.
  • 55. Policies And Laws • Others have suggested that barriers to employment must be removed, such as the job requirement by some employers to sign non- disclosure agreements or other agreements that prevent an employee from talking about their employment publicly, or taking disputes (including sexual harassment claims) to arbitration or legal proceedings. It's been suggested that legislation should be passed that bans these types of mandatory pre-employment agreements
  • 57. Media Coverage • In the coverage of #MeToo, there has been widespread discussion about the best way for sufferers of sexual abuse or harassment to stop what is happening to them at work. • There is general agreement that a lack of effective reporting options is a major factor that drives unchecked sexual misconduct in the workplace
  • 58. Media Coverage • There is a discussion on the best ways to handle whisper networks, or private lists of "people to avoid" that are shared unofficially in nearly every major institution or industry where sexual harassment is common due to power imbalances, including government, media, news, and academia. These lists have the stated purpose of warning other workers in the industry and are shared from person-to- person, on forums, in private social media groups, and via spreadsheets. However, these lists can become "weaponized" and used to spread unsubstantiated gossip, which has been discussed widely in the media
  • 60. Media Coverage • Defenders say the lists provide a way to warn other people in the industry if worried about punishment, or if complaints have already been ignored, and also helps victims identify each other so they can speak out together.
  • 61. Media Coverage • In India, a student gave her friends a list containing names of professors and academics in the Indian university system to be avoided. The list went viral after it was posted on social media. • In response to criticism in the media, the authors defended themselves by saying they were only trying to warn their friends, had confirmed every case, and several victims from the list were poor students who had already been punished or ignored when trying to come forward.
  • 63. Media Coverage • Moira Donegan, a New York City-based journalist, privately shared a crowd-sourced Shitty Media Men list of people to avoid in publishing and journalism. • When it was shared outside her private network, Donegan lost her job. Donegan stated it was unfair so few people had access to the list before it went public; for example, very few women of color received access (and therefore protection) from it. She pointed to her "whiteness, health, education, and class" that allowed her to take the risk of sharing the list and getting fired.
  • 64. Moira Donegan, a New York City-based journalist, privately shared a crowd-sourced Shitty Media Men list of people to avoid in publishing and journalism.
  • 65. Shitty Media Men list of people to avoid in publishing and journalism
  • 66. Issues With Social Norms • Professor Daniel Drezner stated that #MeToo laid the groundwork for two major cultural shifts. One is the acceptance that sexual harassment (not just sexual assault) is unacceptable in the workplace. • The other is that when a powerful person is accused of sexual harassment, the reaction should be a presumption that the less powerful accuser is "likely telling the truth, because the risks of going public are great." However, he states society is struggling with the speed at which change is being demanded.
  • 67. Professor Daniel Drezner stated that #MeToo laid the groundwork for two major cultural shifts. One is the acceptance that sexual harassment (not just sexual assault) is unacceptable in the workplace.
  • 68. Me Too Movement in India • Following the global outrage over the Harvey Weinstein incident in the West, where the noted Hollywood producer was accused of sexual harassment by over 70 women, the #MeToo movement has finally arrived in India, engulfing the whole media and entertainment industry. • Several women have bravely come out with stories about harassment and sexual abuse at workplace at the hands of the powerful and higher-ups.
  • 69. Harvey Weinstein incident in the West, where the noted Hollywood producer was accused of sexual harassment by over 70 women,
  • 70. Me Too campaign in India • Modi government steps in, panel of retired judges to hold public hearings
  • 71. Me Too campaign in India • Taking cognisance of the MeToo movement which has caused quite a stir across the Bollywood, Indian media industry and politics, the Narendra Modi government has announced the formation of a four-member committee of retired judges to conduct public hearings of the cases. • Informing of the government’s move on Friday, Union minister Maneka Gandhi said that a committee with senior judicial, legal persons will look into all issues emanating from the campaign which women have used to reveal cases of alleged sexual harassment against them.
  • 72. Me Too campaign in India
  • 73. Me Too campaign in India • Minister for Women & Child Development Maneka Gandhi explains about the committee which will be set up to examine all issues emanating from the #MeTooIndia movement.
  • 74. Me Too campaign in India • Minister, Maneka Gandhi said that she was “very happy” that such campaign has started in the country and exhorted women to come out and reveal the truths. She also said that she had asked the Law Ministry to allow people to complain even “10-15 years later”. • “One always remembers the person who molested you and we have written to the Law Ministry that one should be allowed to complain without any time limit,” she had said.
  • 75. Me Too campaign in India
  • 76. Me Too campaign in India • Another prominent woman face in the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet, Union Minister Smriti Irani has asked the people not discourage the women from speaking out and narrating their ordeals. • However, while responding to questions over allegations against Akbar, Irani said, “The gentleman concerned would be better positioned to speak on this issue.”
  • 77. Me Too campaign in India
  • 78. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints • ‘SHe-box’ (sexual harassment electronic box) — hosted on the website of the Women and Child Development Ministry, also seeks to ensure “effective implementation” of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
  • 79. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints
  • 80. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints • The Women and Child Development ministry on Monday launched an online platform to enable women employees of the Central government to file complaints related to sexual harassment at the workplace. • Union minister Maneka Gandhi said the platform will cater to Central government employees in the beginning and thereafter, its ambit will be widened to include the private sector as well.
  • 81. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints
  • 82. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints • “We are also going to soon conduct a national survey to assess the nature and magnitude of sexual harassment at the workplace,” the minister of woman and child development said after launching the portal at her office here.
  • 83. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints
  • 84. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints • The online complaint management system — ‘SHe-box’ (sexual harassment electronic box) — hosted on the website of the Women and Child Development Ministry, also seeks to ensure “effective implementation” of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
  • 85. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints
  • 86. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints • Once a complaint is submitted to the ‘SHe-Box’, it will be directly sent to the internal complaints committee (ICC) of the ministry/department/PSU/autonomous body etc concerned, having jurisdiction to inquire into the matter. • The ICC will take action as prescribed under the Act and update the status of the complaint. The portal is also an effort to provide “speedier remedy” to women facing sexual harassment at the workplace, as envisaged under the sexual harassmentAct, a senior official of the ministry said.
  • 87. Govt launches ‘SHe-box’ portal for sexual harassment complaints
  • 88. Terminology • Believe women • Believe women" is an American political slogan arising out of the Me Too movement. • It refers to the perceived necessity of accepting women's allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault at face value.
  • 89. Terminology • Casting couch • The casting couch, casting-couch syndrome, or casting-couch mentality is the demanding of sexual favors by an employer or person in a position of power and authority, from an apprentice employee, or subordinate to a superior in return for entry into an occupation, or for other career advancement within an organization. • The term casting couch originated in the motion picture industry, with specific reference to couches in offices that could be used for sexual activity between casting directors or film producers and aspiring actors
  • 91. Hashtag Activism • HashtagActivism • Hashtag activism is a term coined by media outlets which refers to the use of Twitter's hashtags for Internet activism. • The term can also be used to refer to the act of showing support for a cause through a like, share, etc. on any social media platform, such as Facebook, Google+, or Twitter. The point of hashtag activism is arguably to share certain issues with one's friends and followers in the hopes that they will also share the same information.
  • 93. Operation Yewtree • OperationYewtree • Operation Yewtree is a police investigation into sexual abuse allegations, predominantly the abuse of children, against the British media personality Jimmy Savile and others. The investigation, led by the Metropolitan Police Service.
  • 95. Time's Up (movement) • Time's Up (movement) • Time's Up is a movement against sexual harassment and was founded on January 1, 2018, by Hollywood celebrities in response to the Weinstein effect and #MeToo. As of February 2018, it has raised $20 million for its legal defense fund, and gathered over 200 volunteer lawyers.
  • 97. #Mosque Me Too • Mosque Me Too • The Mosque Me Too movement (#MosqueMeToo) is predominantly a Muslim women movement where female pilgrims speak up about sexual abuse experienced on the Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to one of Islam's holiest places, Mecca, SaudiArabia
  • 99. Whisper Network • Whisper Network • A whisper network describes a chain of information privately passed between people, typically a list of powerful people in an industry alleged as being sexual harassers or abusers. • The information is often shared between women by word of mouth, online in private communities, in forums, via spreadsheets, and sometimes using crowd- sourced documents. • The stated purpose of maintaining these lists is to warn potential victims of "people to avoid" in their industry.
  • 101. References • Alyssa Milano • • Me Too Movement • • Me Too movement • • #MeToo movement in India • sexual-harassment-allegations-so-far/articleshow/66267346.cms • SHe-Box Online Complaint Management System • • Tarana Burke •
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