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Presented by:
Dr. Neha Umakant Chodankar
Department of OMFS
Metabolic Response to
• Introduction
• Detection of Cellular Injury
• Physiologic response to trauma
• CNS Regulation Of Inflammation In Response To Injury---Neuro- endocrine response
• Mediators of Inflammation
• Cell Mediated Inflammation
• Metabolic Changes after Trauma
• Metabolism In Surgical Patients
• Metabolism during Starvation
• Modulation of response
• Nutrition as Therapy
• Conclusion
• Injury produces profound systemic effects.
• Hormones, the autonomic nervous system, and cytokines all produce
a series of responses that are designed to help defend the body
against the insult of trauma and promote healing.
• Classically, these responses have been described as the stress
response, a term coined by the Scottish chemist Cuthbertson in 1932.
• The cascade of interactions and host responses in a severely traumatized
patient follow a recognizable pattern, but the depth and duration of these
changes are variable, and usually depend on the extent of the injury and
the presence of ongoing stimulation.
• Each results in marked variations in the metabolic response, and this
variability persists during the later chronic and recovery phases of the
original injury.
• The body’s initial response to insult (the acute phase) is directed at maintaining
adequate substrate delivery to the vital organs, in particular oxygen and energy.
Detection of Cellular Injury
• Mediated by members of damage
associated molecular pattern family
• Systemic inflammatory response
that limit damage and restore
1. Acute proinflammatory response
- Innate immune system recognize
2. Anti- inflammatory response
- Modulate proinflammatory phase
and return homeostasis
Physiologic response to trauma
• The metabolic response to trauma in humans has been defined in 3 phases:
1) Ebb phase or decreased metabolic rate in early shock phase,
2) Flow phase or catabolic phase,
3) Anabolic phase or recovery
Ebb phase
• Develops within the first hours after injury (24-48 hours).
• It is characterized by reconstruction of body’s normal tissue perfusion and
efforts to protect homeostasis.
• In this phase, there is a decrease in total body energy and urinary nitrogen
• An early increase is detected in
endocrine hormones such as
catecholamines and cortisol.
• As a result of this long lasting
response, the adipose tissue, skin
and other tissues are destructed.
Flow phase
• Defined as an ‘all or nothing’ reaction
• High substrate flow should to target systems is essential.
• Although this response is necessary for survival in the short term, if it
persists over a long period of time or if the response is severe it leads to the
onset of body damage (2-7. days).
• The flow phase is an early period catabolism that provides compensating
response to the initial trauma and volume replacement, except most minor
• In this phase, the metabolic response is directly related to the supply of
energy and protein substrates in order to protect tissue, damage repair and
critical organ functions.
• The increased body oxygen consumption and metabolic rate are among
these responses.
Late anabolic phase:
• The late anabolic phase is the final phase of the recovery period, and is
characterized by
ogradual restoration of body protein and fat stores and
onormalization of positive nitrogen balance after the metabolic response to
trauma is stopped.
• It may take a few weeks to
several months after serious
Phase Duration Role Physiological
Hormonal response
Ebb 24-48hrs Conserve Blood volume and
Lactic Acidosis
Catabolic 3-10 days Mobilisation of energy stores-
Recovery and Repair
O2 consumption
Increased Insulin
Insulin resistance
Anabolic 10-60 days Replacement of lost tissue Positive Nitrogen
Growth hormone
Ebb phase Flow phase
Hypometabolic state Hypermetabolic state
Decreased energy expenditure Increased energy expenditure
Cold clammy extremities Warm extremities
Cardiac output below normal Cardiac output increased
Core temp low Core temp elevated
Normal glucose production, elevated
Increased glucose production, normal or
slightly elevated
Insulin conc low Low or elevated
Catecholamines elevated High normal or elevated
Glucagon elevated Elevated
Mediated by central nervous system Mediated by central nervous system and
CNS Regulation Of Inflammation In Response To
• DAMPs and inflammatory molecules convey stimulatory signals to CNS via
multiple routes.
• Inflammatory stimuli interact with receptors on brain to generate
proinflammatory mediators (cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules,
proteins of complement system, and immune receptors).
• Inflammation can also signal the brain via afferent fibres (vagus nerve).
1.Hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal
(HPA) axis Release glucocorticoids
2. Sympathetic nervous system
Release catecholamines
• An early response of the
neuroendocrine system -upregulation
of the sympatho-adrenal axis,
Neuro-endocrine response
• This causes inhibition of glucose uptake by tissue, which stimulates glucagon
• Sympathetic activity promotes
lipolysis within adipose tissue,
which begins to provide an
energy source for
• Gluconeogenesis in the liver is
stimulated by glucagon.
Endocrine Stress Response
Hormone Time Effect
Catecholamines Stress dependent immediate and
continues for 24-48hrs
Raises metabolic rate
Mobilize fatty acids
Haemodynamic stability
ADH Immediate to 1 week Promotes reabsorption of water
Peripheral vasoconstrictor
Renin- Angiotensin Vasoconstrictor
Release of Aldosterone
(conserves Na and eliminates K)
Insulin First few hours: decreased secretion
Later anabolic: increased release of
Proinflammatory activity
Growth hormone Anabolic phase Protein synthesis
Endocrine Stress Response
Hormone Time Effect
Catecholamines Stress dependent immediate and
continues for 24-48hrs
Raises metabolic rate
Mobilize fatty acids
Haemodynamic stability
ADH Immediate to 1 week Promotes reabsorption of water
Peripheral vasoconstrictor
Renin- Angiotensin Vasoconstrictor
Release of Aldosterone
(conserves Na and eliminates K)
Insulin 2 phases
First few hours: decreased secretion
Later anabolic: increased release of
insulin with peripheral insulin resistance
Proinflammatory activity
Growth hormone Anabolic phase Protein synthesis
Endocrine Stress Response
Hormone Time Effect
Catecholamines Stress dependent immediate and
continues for 24-48hrs
Raises metabolic rate
Mobilize fatty acids
Haemodynamic stability
ADH Immediate to 1 week Promotes reabsorption of water
Peripheral vasoconstrictor
Renin- Angiotensin Vasoconstrictor
Release of Aldosterone
(conserves Na and eliminates K)
Insulin First few hours: decreased secretion
Later anabolic: increased release of
Proinflammatory activity
Growth hormone Anabolic phase Protein synthesis
• Short acting endogenous
Mediators of Inflammation
H1 – bronchoconstriction,
increases intestinal motility and
myocardial contractility
H2 – inhibits histamine release
H1/H2 – hypotension,
decreased venous
return/peripheral blood pooling,
increased capillary permeability,
myocardial failure.
• It is monoamine neurotransmitter (5-hydroxytryptamine) derived from
• It is a potent vasoconstrictor
• Released by platelets
• Present in intestinal chromaffin cells & platelets
• Other effects include bronchoconstriction, platelet aggregation
• Unclear role in inflammation
Kallikrein-Kinin System
• Bradykinins are potent vasodilators that are stimulated by hypoxic and
ischemic injury, Hemorrhage, sepsis, tissue injury
Acute Phase Proteins
• Nonspecific markers produced by hepatocytes in response to injury,
infection, inflammation
• Induced by IL-6
• Protein mediators, collectively called cytokines, are produced at the site of
injury by diverse circulating immune cells- Monocytes, lymphocytes,
macrophages, and other cells.
• The most important cytokines in trauma are
otumor necrosis factor (TNF),
othe interleukins (IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8),
othe interferons, and
ovarious growth factors such as granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating
factor (GM-CSF), and
oplatelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs).
• TNF influences cellular attraction as part of the local inflammatory
response, leukocyte migration, and systemic hypotension.
• It also promotes muscle catabolism, free fatty acid release, and hepatic
synthesis of acute-phase reactants.
• Interleukins are polypeptides released from lymphocytes; each is
numbered according to the amino acid sequence that elicits its action.
Circulating free receptors are known for IL-1 and IL-6.
• IL-1 can be detected in the circulation within a few hours after injury
• More profound systemic effects include fever and changes in protein
Cell Mediated Inflammation
• Catecholamines and glucocorticoids marginalize peripheral PMNs and
recruit them from the bone marrow.
• Capillary endothelial integrity is disrupted, leading to the formation of
edema, defects in oxygen delivery, hypoxic cellular injury, and other
adverse consequences for cellular homeostasis.
Metabolic Changes after Trauma
• Oxygen and energy requirements are increased in proportion to the
severity of the trauma.
• It is believed that 40% of the total body energy consumption is used for ion
pumps and transport process.
Lipid Metabolism:
• Free fatty acids are primary sources of energy after trauma.
• Triglycerides provide 50-80% of the energy consumed after trauma and
critical illness.
• If the patient is given glucose in a dose more than he can oxidize this will
lead to more hepatic steatosis. This phenomenon is more frequent in
septic, diabetic, and obese patients.
• Hepatic ketogenesis is stimulated less in situations where starvation is
together with an illness as compared to starvation alone due to high insulin
• In this way, glucose is used as an energy source in the peripheral injured
• The activity of lipoprotein lipase is reduced in fat and muscle by the action
of increased proinflammatory cytokines (TNF) in trauma and sepsis.
• During the ebb phase, plasma fatty acid and glycerol levels increase by
lipolysis. Lipolysis continues in the flow phase and the increased free fatty
acids inhibit glycolysis.
• Fatty acid synthesis is inhibited with the effects of increase in glucagon and
intracellular fatty acids. However, inhibition is not enough in cases of
severe trauma, hemorrhagic shock and sepsis.
• The rate of ketogenesis following trauma is inversely proportional to injury
severity. Ketogenesis is reduced in major trauma, shock and sepsis due to
an increase in insulin and increased use of free fatty acids.
• In minor trauma, ketogenesis is increased but this increase will not reach
the level of starvation ketosis.
Protein And Amino Acid Metabolism
• In metabolic response to trauma systemic proteolysis begins especially by
the action of glucocorticoids, the catabolism is increased and excretion of
urinary nitrogen rise upto 30 g/day.
• This translates to an average of 1.5% daily loss in body mass.
• According to this calculation, a traumatized individual with no oral
nutrition is going to lose 15% of his body mass in 10 days.
• Therefore, amino acids cannot be accepted as long-term fuel reserves, and
excess amounts of protein losses are incompatible with life.
• By gluconeogenesis after posttraumatic protein catabolism, amino acids
are provided for the synthesis of acute phase proteins, albumin, fibrinogen,
glycoproteins, complement factors and similar molecules.
• Elective surgery and minor trauma lead to a decrease in protein synthesis
and mild level protein degradation. Severe trauma, burns and sepsis
progress with increased protein catabolism.
• Increase in urinary nitrogen levels and negative nitrogen balance can be
detected at an early stage after injury peaking at day 7. Protein catabolism
may continue upto 3 to 7 weeks
• Protein catabolism is carried out by degradation of skeletal muscle. The
increase in protein metabolism is followed by the increase in flow phase
and parallels to changes in oxygen uptake and heart rate.
• Muscle catabolism can be reduced by nutritional support during flow
phase. Protein synthesis can be stimulated, but complete suppression of
muscle catabolism is not possible.
• Net muscle protein recovery can be obtained during the anabolic period of
the disease only with enough exercise and nutritional support.
Carbohydrate Metabolism
• Administration of glucose to surgical patients during fasting aims to reduce
proteolysis and to prevent the loss of muscle mass.
• Daily infusion of 50 g of glucose increases fat oxidation and suppresses
• In case of excessive glucose administration excessive carbon dioxide
production will occur, resulting in adverse effects in patients with
suboptimal pulmonary function.
• Administration of glucose during fasting reduces protein breakdown for
gluconeogenesis, but this reduction is not sufficient to meet the
requirements in trauma and sepsis.
• Other hormonal and proinflammatory factors are effective in protein
degradation under stress conditions, and muscle breakdown is inevitable.
• Administering insulin in increased stress decreases protein breakdown in
muscle tissue. This effect has been found to occur by increasing muscle
protein synthesis and by preventing protein degradation in hepatocytes.
• One of the most important body responses to traumatic stimulation during
critical illness is providing sufficient substrate to organs and cells where
mitochondrial respiration is not possible.
• Glucose can be used in hypoxic tissue and inflammatory cells with this
feature. Glucose is also important in recovering wounds
• The severity of injury and tissue damage after trauma parallels
hyperglycemia. In the early period of Ebb phase, glycogen stores, primarily
hepatic, are used only for a period of 12-24 hours.
• In the late phase of trauma, the flow phase, amino acids, lactate, pyruvate
and glycerol is used for renal and hepatic gluconeogenesis.
• Increased endogenous glucose synthesis occurs in critical illness. This
situation cannot be completely inhibited by exogenous glucose and insulin
• Gluconeogenesis is an essential process that is driven by stress hormones
and cytokines. The first metabolic change after trauma is gluconeogenesis.
• The lactate metabolism capacity is normally 150 grams, and increases to
large amounts under stress. Glucose is synthesized from alanine in a similar
• In this way, the nitrogen that is formed during amino acid metabolism is
introduced to blood stream, and glucose production in the liver is ensured.
Physiological Effects Of Insulin And Insulin Resistance In Stress
• The decrease in the normal anabolic effect of insulin, i.e. the development
of insulin resistance, is the main source of a series of reactions in response
to injury and the consequent metabolic state.
• Insulin controls protein metabolism
• Insulin also controls fat metabolism
• The specific signaling pathways in insulin sensitive cells are activated to
provide anabolic reactions such as glycogen storage, protein synthesis in
muscle, or as to block lipolysis in fat cells.
• Amino acids, free fatty acids and glucose is released into the bloodstream
from various tissues in stress response. Fat is consumed in the body rather
than glucose.
• It has been reported that by infusing sufficient amount of insulin to keep
glucose within normal range, the remaining metabolism is normalized.
• From a clinical point of view, insulin infusion sufficient enough to normalize
glucose levels can be used as the final aim to achieve these reactions and
can be used to achieve glucose control.
• Tight glycemic control will improve the outcomes of critically ill patients
following major trauma.
Metabolism In Surgical Patients
• Adequate nutrition of patients who lost weight and will undergo surgical
procedures is critical.
• Patients generally die not due to their present diseases, but because of
secondary complications due to malnutrition.
• In starvation, glucagon and epinephrine stimulate glycogenolysis through
the cAMP pathway, while cortisol and glucagon stimulate gluconeogenesis.
• Factors Affecting Surgical Response ----Age, Nutrition and diet, Anesthesia
and Operative stress
• Postoperatively, the utilization of glucose is reduced due to insulin
resistance, with an increase in triglyceride and free fatty acid break down
due to an increase in catecholamine secretion.
• The increase in the use of lipid does not affect glucose management.
However, the relative insulin resistance can be reduced by preoperative
glucose loading.
• The degree of hyperglycemia significantly affects postoperative outcome
and morbidity.
Metabolism During Fasting
• Comparable to changes seen in acute
• Average human requires 25-40
kcal/kg/day of carbs, protein, fat
• Normal adult body contains 300-400g
carbs (glycogen) – 75-100g hepatic, 200-
250g muscle (not available systemically
due to deficiency of G6P)
• Following the first 24 hours of fasting, liver and kidney glycogen stores will
be depleted, and the glucose demand of tissues is provided by protein
degradation and gluconeogenesis.
• For the first 5 days of fasting, there is upto 75 g/day of protein degradation.
• After the fifth day, the stress hormone response decreases and protein
degradation levels decrease down to 15-20 g/day
Metabolism of Simple Starvation
• Lactate is not sufficient for glucose demands
• Protein must be degraded (75 g/d) for hepatic gluconeogenesis
• Proteolysis occurs from decreased insulin and increased cortisol
• Elevated urinary nitrogen (7 -> 30 g/d)
Metabolism of Prolonged Starvation
• Proteolysis is reduced to 20g/d and urinary nitrogen excretion stabilizes to
• Organs (myocardium, brain, renal cortex, skeletal muscle) adapt to ketone
bodies in 2-24 days
• Kidneys utilize glutamine and glutamate in gluconeogenesis
• Adipose stores provide up to 40% calories (approx 160g FFA and glycerol)
• Stimulated by reduced insulin and increased glucagon and catecholamines
Modulation of Response
• Researchers have tested novel therapeutic strategies and options aimed at
selectively inhibiting the undesirable actions of cytokines while allowing
the appropriate responses to be expressed.
• Some effects of cytokines on target tissue have been successfully blocked
by the use of anticytokine antibodies and specific cytokine receptor
• Pharmacologic manipulation of the end-organ response to stress is also
accomplished with some drug classes that act on specific mediators of the
• Control of hyperglycemia in critically ill surgical patients has been shown in
a large, prospective, randomized trial to decrease morbidity and mortality.
• Intensive insulin therapy (IIT) requires maintenance of blood glucose levels
below 110 mg/dL.
• Subsequent analysis found that increased mortality from hypoglycemic
events negates the benefits of IIT in clinical practice. Trauma patients,
however, were a subset found to having benefited the most from IIT.
• Further investigation is necessary to determine safe and effective
mechanisms for glycemic control in trauma patients.
• Hydrocortisone therapy: In trauma patients there is some evidence that
hydrocortisone therapy attenuates the stress response.
• Further research is needed to establish practical therapeutic strategies,
particularly in traumatic brain injury, in which high-dose steroids have been
associated with an increase in mortality.
• Human activated protein C (drotrecogin alfa [activated]) was one of the
first approved recombinant agents targeting the procoagulant and
generalized inflammatory response that occurs during sepsis.
• Pharmacologic manipulation of the response to traumatic injury has been
met with limited success.
• Research continues to attempt to identify agents that protect the patient
from the deleterious effects of the host response.
• Knowing which patient may benefit from a particular medication may be a
function of that individual’s unique DNA.
• Current studies have identified specific genetic polymorphisms that are
predictors of adverse outcomes in severe trauma and sepsis. Future
investigation may help develop individually tailored treatments.
Nutrition as Therapy
• The advantages of enteral nutrition over parenteral nutrition have been
clearly demonstrated, and the gastrointestinal tract should be used
whenever possible.
• The traditional preference is to feed patients by the enteral route for
reasons that include
oa reduction of the number of enteric organisms that may be responsible for
bacterial translocation.
ostimulation of the enterocyte brush border and gut associated lymphoid
tissue that is an important protective mechanism against the proliferation
of the offending organisms.
• The route of feeding may also have an impact on the production of
cytokines after injury; thus, use of the enteral route may confer an
additional advantage.
• Considerable attention has focused on nutrients that attenuate the
metabolic response to injury.
• Nutrients that appear to enhance the immune system include arginine,
glutamine, and nucleic acids. The immune system may be enhanced by
altering the relative amounts of omega-6 versus omega-3 unsaturated fatty
• Other nutrients may act as oxidants, preventing damage by free radicals,
such as the common antioxidants vitamins A, C, E, and the trace element
• Injury produces a series of physiologic changes mediated by local and
systemic agents and systemic effects. The metabolic response aims to
promote substrate delivery to the injured organs and promote healing.
• An understanding of the metabolic response allows the clinician to support
the patient through the physiologic changes associated with the stress
response caused by injury.
• Future research offers the promise of directly tailoring treatment and
modulating the metabolic response to minimize the impact of major
• Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma 4th edition Fonseca
• Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery 11th edition
• Turgay Şimşek et al Response to trauma and metabolic changes:
posttraumatic metabolism Ulusal Cer Derg 2014; 30: 153-9

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Metabolic Response to Trauma.pptx

  • 1. Presented by: Dr. Neha Umakant Chodankar II MDS Department of OMFS Metabolic Response to Trauma
  • 2. Contents • Introduction • Detection of Cellular Injury • Physiologic response to trauma • CNS Regulation Of Inflammation In Response To Injury---Neuro- endocrine response • Mediators of Inflammation • Cell Mediated Inflammation • Metabolic Changes after Trauma • Metabolism In Surgical Patients • Metabolism during Starvation • Modulation of response • Nutrition as Therapy • Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction • Injury produces profound systemic effects. • Hormones, the autonomic nervous system, and cytokines all produce a series of responses that are designed to help defend the body against the insult of trauma and promote healing. • Classically, these responses have been described as the stress response, a term coined by the Scottish chemist Cuthbertson in 1932.
  • 4. • The cascade of interactions and host responses in a severely traumatized patient follow a recognizable pattern, but the depth and duration of these changes are variable, and usually depend on the extent of the injury and the presence of ongoing stimulation. • Each results in marked variations in the metabolic response, and this variability persists during the later chronic and recovery phases of the original injury. • The body’s initial response to insult (the acute phase) is directed at maintaining adequate substrate delivery to the vital organs, in particular oxygen and energy.
  • 5. Detection of Cellular Injury • Mediated by members of damage associated molecular pattern family • Systemic inflammatory response that limit damage and restore homeostasis: 1. Acute proinflammatory response - Innate immune system recognize ligands 2. Anti- inflammatory response - Modulate proinflammatory phase and return homeostasis
  • 6. Physiologic response to trauma • The metabolic response to trauma in humans has been defined in 3 phases: 1) Ebb phase or decreased metabolic rate in early shock phase, 2) Flow phase or catabolic phase, 3) Anabolic phase or recovery
  • 7. Ebb phase • Develops within the first hours after injury (24-48 hours). • It is characterized by reconstruction of body’s normal tissue perfusion and efforts to protect homeostasis. • In this phase, there is a decrease in total body energy and urinary nitrogen excretion. • An early increase is detected in endocrine hormones such as catecholamines and cortisol.
  • 8. • As a result of this long lasting response, the adipose tissue, skin and other tissues are destructed. Flow phase • Defined as an ‘all or nothing’ reaction • High substrate flow should to target systems is essential. • Although this response is necessary for survival in the short term, if it persists over a long period of time or if the response is severe it leads to the onset of body damage (2-7. days).
  • 9. • The flow phase is an early period catabolism that provides compensating response to the initial trauma and volume replacement, except most minor injuries. • In this phase, the metabolic response is directly related to the supply of energy and protein substrates in order to protect tissue, damage repair and critical organ functions. • The increased body oxygen consumption and metabolic rate are among these responses.
  • 10. Late anabolic phase: • The late anabolic phase is the final phase of the recovery period, and is characterized by ogradual restoration of body protein and fat stores and onormalization of positive nitrogen balance after the metabolic response to trauma is stopped. • It may take a few weeks to several months after serious injury.
  • 11. Phase Duration Role Physiological Response Hormonal response Ebb 24-48hrs Conserve Blood volume and energy Repair BMR Temperature CO2 Hypovolemia Lactic Acidosis Catecholamines Cortisol Aldosterone Flow Catabolic 3-10 days Mobilisation of energy stores- Recovery and Repair BMR Temperature CO2 O2 consumption Cytokines Increased Insulin Glucagon Cortisol Insulin resistance Anabolic 10-60 days Replacement of lost tissue Positive Nitrogen balance Growth hormone IGF
  • 12. Ebb phase Flow phase Hypometabolic state Hypermetabolic state Decreased energy expenditure Increased energy expenditure Cold clammy extremities Warm extremities Cardiac output below normal Cardiac output increased Core temp low Core temp elevated Normal glucose production, elevated levels Increased glucose production, normal or slightly elevated Insulin conc low Low or elevated Catecholamines elevated High normal or elevated Glucagon elevated Elevated Mediated by central nervous system Mediated by central nervous system and cytokines
  • 13. CNS Regulation Of Inflammation In Response To Injury • DAMPs and inflammatory molecules convey stimulatory signals to CNS via multiple routes. • Inflammatory stimuli interact with receptors on brain to generate proinflammatory mediators (cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules, proteins of complement system, and immune receptors). • Inflammation can also signal the brain via afferent fibres (vagus nerve).
  • 14. 1.Hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal (HPA) axis Release glucocorticoids 2. Sympathetic nervous system Release catecholamines • An early response of the neuroendocrine system -upregulation of the sympatho-adrenal axis, Neuro-endocrine response
  • 15. • This causes inhibition of glucose uptake by tissue, which stimulates glucagon secretion. • Sympathetic activity promotes lipolysis within adipose tissue, which begins to provide an energy source for gluconeogenesis. • Gluconeogenesis in the liver is stimulated by glucagon.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. Endocrine Stress Response Hormone Time Effect Catecholamines Stress dependent immediate and continues for 24-48hrs Hyperglycemia Raises metabolic rate Mobilize fatty acids Haemodynamic stability ADH Immediate to 1 week Promotes reabsorption of water Peripheral vasoconstrictor Renin- Angiotensin Vasoconstrictor Release of Aldosterone (conserves Na and eliminates K) Insulin First few hours: decreased secretion Later anabolic: increased release of insulin Glycolysis Glycogenesis Lipogenesis Proinflammatory activity Growth hormone Anabolic phase Protein synthesis Ketogenesis
  • 19. Endocrine Stress Response Hormone Time Effect Catecholamines Stress dependent immediate and continues for 24-48hrs Hyperglycemia Raises metabolic rate Mobilize fatty acids Haemodynamic stability ADH Immediate to 1 week Promotes reabsorption of water Peripheral vasoconstrictor Renin- Angiotensin Vasoconstrictor Release of Aldosterone (conserves Na and eliminates K) Insulin 2 phases First few hours: decreased secretion Later anabolic: increased release of insulin with peripheral insulin resistance Glycolysis Glycogenesis Lipogenesis Proinflammatory activity Growth hormone Anabolic phase Protein synthesis Ketogenesis
  • 20. Endocrine Stress Response Hormone Time Effect Catecholamines Stress dependent immediate and continues for 24-48hrs Hyperglycemia Raises metabolic rate Mobilize fatty acids Haemodynamic stability ADH Immediate to 1 week Promotes reabsorption of water Peripheral vasoconstrictor Renin- Angiotensin Vasoconstrictor Release of Aldosterone (conserves Na and eliminates K) Insulin First few hours: decreased secretion Later anabolic: increased release of insulin Glycolysis Glycogenesis Lipogenesis Proinflammatory activity Growth hormone Anabolic phase Protein synthesis Ketogenesis
  • 21. Histamine • Short acting endogenous amine Mediators of Inflammation H1 – bronchoconstriction, increases intestinal motility and myocardial contractility H2 – inhibits histamine release H1/H2 – hypotension, decreased venous return/peripheral blood pooling, increased capillary permeability, myocardial failure.
  • 22. Serotonin • It is monoamine neurotransmitter (5-hydroxytryptamine) derived from tryptophan • It is a potent vasoconstrictor • Released by platelets • Present in intestinal chromaffin cells & platelets • Other effects include bronchoconstriction, platelet aggregation • Unclear role in inflammation
  • 23. Kallikrein-Kinin System • Bradykinins are potent vasodilators that are stimulated by hypoxic and ischemic injury, Hemorrhage, sepsis, tissue injury
  • 24. Acute Phase Proteins • Nonspecific markers produced by hepatocytes in response to injury, infection, inflammation • Induced by IL-6
  • 25. Cytokines • Protein mediators, collectively called cytokines, are produced at the site of injury by diverse circulating immune cells- Monocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, and other cells. • The most important cytokines in trauma are otumor necrosis factor (TNF), othe interleukins (IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8), othe interferons, and ovarious growth factors such as granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and oplatelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs).
  • 26. • TNF influences cellular attraction as part of the local inflammatory response, leukocyte migration, and systemic hypotension. • It also promotes muscle catabolism, free fatty acid release, and hepatic synthesis of acute-phase reactants.
  • 27. • Interleukins are polypeptides released from lymphocytes; each is numbered according to the amino acid sequence that elicits its action. Circulating free receptors are known for IL-1 and IL-6. • IL-1 can be detected in the circulation within a few hours after injury • More profound systemic effects include fever and changes in protein metabolism.
  • 29.
  • 30. PMNLs • Catecholamines and glucocorticoids marginalize peripheral PMNs and recruit them from the bone marrow. • Capillary endothelial integrity is disrupted, leading to the formation of edema, defects in oxygen delivery, hypoxic cellular injury, and other adverse consequences for cellular homeostasis.
  • 31. Metabolic Changes after Trauma • Oxygen and energy requirements are increased in proportion to the severity of the trauma. • It is believed that 40% of the total body energy consumption is used for ion pumps and transport process.
  • 32. Lipid Metabolism: • Free fatty acids are primary sources of energy after trauma. • Triglycerides provide 50-80% of the energy consumed after trauma and critical illness.
  • 33. • If the patient is given glucose in a dose more than he can oxidize this will lead to more hepatic steatosis. This phenomenon is more frequent in septic, diabetic, and obese patients. • Hepatic ketogenesis is stimulated less in situations where starvation is together with an illness as compared to starvation alone due to high insulin levels. • In this way, glucose is used as an energy source in the peripheral injured tissues.
  • 34. • The activity of lipoprotein lipase is reduced in fat and muscle by the action of increased proinflammatory cytokines (TNF) in trauma and sepsis. • During the ebb phase, plasma fatty acid and glycerol levels increase by lipolysis. Lipolysis continues in the flow phase and the increased free fatty acids inhibit glycolysis. • Fatty acid synthesis is inhibited with the effects of increase in glucagon and intracellular fatty acids. However, inhibition is not enough in cases of severe trauma, hemorrhagic shock and sepsis.
  • 35. • The rate of ketogenesis following trauma is inversely proportional to injury severity. Ketogenesis is reduced in major trauma, shock and sepsis due to an increase in insulin and increased use of free fatty acids. • In minor trauma, ketogenesis is increased but this increase will not reach the level of starvation ketosis.
  • 36. Protein And Amino Acid Metabolism • In metabolic response to trauma systemic proteolysis begins especially by the action of glucocorticoids, the catabolism is increased and excretion of urinary nitrogen rise upto 30 g/day.
  • 37. • This translates to an average of 1.5% daily loss in body mass. • According to this calculation, a traumatized individual with no oral nutrition is going to lose 15% of his body mass in 10 days. • Therefore, amino acids cannot be accepted as long-term fuel reserves, and excess amounts of protein losses are incompatible with life. • By gluconeogenesis after posttraumatic protein catabolism, amino acids are provided for the synthesis of acute phase proteins, albumin, fibrinogen, glycoproteins, complement factors and similar molecules.
  • 38. • Elective surgery and minor trauma lead to a decrease in protein synthesis and mild level protein degradation. Severe trauma, burns and sepsis progress with increased protein catabolism. • Increase in urinary nitrogen levels and negative nitrogen balance can be detected at an early stage after injury peaking at day 7. Protein catabolism may continue upto 3 to 7 weeks • Protein catabolism is carried out by degradation of skeletal muscle. The increase in protein metabolism is followed by the increase in flow phase and parallels to changes in oxygen uptake and heart rate.
  • 39. • Muscle catabolism can be reduced by nutritional support during flow phase. Protein synthesis can be stimulated, but complete suppression of muscle catabolism is not possible. • Net muscle protein recovery can be obtained during the anabolic period of the disease only with enough exercise and nutritional support.
  • 40. Carbohydrate Metabolism • Administration of glucose to surgical patients during fasting aims to reduce proteolysis and to prevent the loss of muscle mass. • Daily infusion of 50 g of glucose increases fat oxidation and suppresses ketogenesis. • In case of excessive glucose administration excessive carbon dioxide production will occur, resulting in adverse effects in patients with suboptimal pulmonary function. • Administration of glucose during fasting reduces protein breakdown for gluconeogenesis, but this reduction is not sufficient to meet the requirements in trauma and sepsis.
  • 41. • Other hormonal and proinflammatory factors are effective in protein degradation under stress conditions, and muscle breakdown is inevitable. • Administering insulin in increased stress decreases protein breakdown in muscle tissue. This effect has been found to occur by increasing muscle protein synthesis and by preventing protein degradation in hepatocytes. • One of the most important body responses to traumatic stimulation during critical illness is providing sufficient substrate to organs and cells where mitochondrial respiration is not possible.
  • 42. • Glucose can be used in hypoxic tissue and inflammatory cells with this feature. Glucose is also important in recovering wounds • The severity of injury and tissue damage after trauma parallels hyperglycemia. In the early period of Ebb phase, glycogen stores, primarily hepatic, are used only for a period of 12-24 hours. • In the late phase of trauma, the flow phase, amino acids, lactate, pyruvate and glycerol is used for renal and hepatic gluconeogenesis.
  • 43. • Increased endogenous glucose synthesis occurs in critical illness. This situation cannot be completely inhibited by exogenous glucose and insulin administration. • Gluconeogenesis is an essential process that is driven by stress hormones and cytokines. The first metabolic change after trauma is gluconeogenesis. • The lactate metabolism capacity is normally 150 grams, and increases to large amounts under stress. Glucose is synthesized from alanine in a similar manner. • In this way, the nitrogen that is formed during amino acid metabolism is introduced to blood stream, and glucose production in the liver is ensured.
  • 44. Physiological Effects Of Insulin And Insulin Resistance In Stress • The decrease in the normal anabolic effect of insulin, i.e. the development of insulin resistance, is the main source of a series of reactions in response to injury and the consequent metabolic state. • Insulin controls protein metabolism • Insulin also controls fat metabolism • The specific signaling pathways in insulin sensitive cells are activated to provide anabolic reactions such as glycogen storage, protein synthesis in muscle, or as to block lipolysis in fat cells.
  • 45. • Amino acids, free fatty acids and glucose is released into the bloodstream from various tissues in stress response. Fat is consumed in the body rather than glucose. • It has been reported that by infusing sufficient amount of insulin to keep glucose within normal range, the remaining metabolism is normalized.
  • 46. • From a clinical point of view, insulin infusion sufficient enough to normalize glucose levels can be used as the final aim to achieve these reactions and can be used to achieve glucose control. • Tight glycemic control will improve the outcomes of critically ill patients following major trauma.
  • 47. Metabolism In Surgical Patients • Adequate nutrition of patients who lost weight and will undergo surgical procedures is critical. • Patients generally die not due to their present diseases, but because of secondary complications due to malnutrition. • In starvation, glucagon and epinephrine stimulate glycogenolysis through the cAMP pathway, while cortisol and glucagon stimulate gluconeogenesis. • Factors Affecting Surgical Response ----Age, Nutrition and diet, Anesthesia and Operative stress
  • 48. • Postoperatively, the utilization of glucose is reduced due to insulin resistance, with an increase in triglyceride and free fatty acid break down due to an increase in catecholamine secretion. • The increase in the use of lipid does not affect glucose management. However, the relative insulin resistance can be reduced by preoperative glucose loading. • The degree of hyperglycemia significantly affects postoperative outcome and morbidity.
  • 49. Metabolism During Fasting • Comparable to changes seen in acute injury • Average human requires 25-40 kcal/kg/day of carbs, protein, fat • Normal adult body contains 300-400g carbs (glycogen) – 75-100g hepatic, 200- 250g muscle (not available systemically due to deficiency of G6P)
  • 50. • Following the first 24 hours of fasting, liver and kidney glycogen stores will be depleted, and the glucose demand of tissues is provided by protein degradation and gluconeogenesis. • For the first 5 days of fasting, there is upto 75 g/day of protein degradation. • After the fifth day, the stress hormone response decreases and protein degradation levels decrease down to 15-20 g/day Metabolism of Simple Starvation • Lactate is not sufficient for glucose demands • Protein must be degraded (75 g/d) for hepatic gluconeogenesis • Proteolysis occurs from decreased insulin and increased cortisol • Elevated urinary nitrogen (7 -> 30 g/d)
  • 51. Metabolism of Prolonged Starvation • Proteolysis is reduced to 20g/d and urinary nitrogen excretion stabilizes to 2-5g/d • Organs (myocardium, brain, renal cortex, skeletal muscle) adapt to ketone bodies in 2-24 days • Kidneys utilize glutamine and glutamate in gluconeogenesis • Adipose stores provide up to 40% calories (approx 160g FFA and glycerol) • Stimulated by reduced insulin and increased glucagon and catecholamines
  • 52. Modulation of Response • Researchers have tested novel therapeutic strategies and options aimed at selectively inhibiting the undesirable actions of cytokines while allowing the appropriate responses to be expressed. • Some effects of cytokines on target tissue have been successfully blocked by the use of anticytokine antibodies and specific cytokine receptor antagonists. • Pharmacologic manipulation of the end-organ response to stress is also accomplished with some drug classes that act on specific mediators of the response.
  • 53. • Control of hyperglycemia in critically ill surgical patients has been shown in a large, prospective, randomized trial to decrease morbidity and mortality. • Intensive insulin therapy (IIT) requires maintenance of blood glucose levels below 110 mg/dL. • Subsequent analysis found that increased mortality from hypoglycemic events negates the benefits of IIT in clinical practice. Trauma patients, however, were a subset found to having benefited the most from IIT. • Further investigation is necessary to determine safe and effective mechanisms for glycemic control in trauma patients.
  • 54. • Hydrocortisone therapy: In trauma patients there is some evidence that hydrocortisone therapy attenuates the stress response. • Further research is needed to establish practical therapeutic strategies, particularly in traumatic brain injury, in which high-dose steroids have been associated with an increase in mortality. • Human activated protein C (drotrecogin alfa [activated]) was one of the first approved recombinant agents targeting the procoagulant and generalized inflammatory response that occurs during sepsis.
  • 55. • Pharmacologic manipulation of the response to traumatic injury has been met with limited success. • Research continues to attempt to identify agents that protect the patient from the deleterious effects of the host response. • Knowing which patient may benefit from a particular medication may be a function of that individual’s unique DNA. • Current studies have identified specific genetic polymorphisms that are predictors of adverse outcomes in severe trauma and sepsis. Future investigation may help develop individually tailored treatments.
  • 56. Nutrition as Therapy • The advantages of enteral nutrition over parenteral nutrition have been clearly demonstrated, and the gastrointestinal tract should be used whenever possible. • The traditional preference is to feed patients by the enteral route for reasons that include oa reduction of the number of enteric organisms that may be responsible for bacterial translocation. ostimulation of the enterocyte brush border and gut associated lymphoid tissue that is an important protective mechanism against the proliferation of the offending organisms.
  • 57. • The route of feeding may also have an impact on the production of cytokines after injury; thus, use of the enteral route may confer an additional advantage. • Considerable attention has focused on nutrients that attenuate the metabolic response to injury. • Nutrients that appear to enhance the immune system include arginine, glutamine, and nucleic acids. The immune system may be enhanced by altering the relative amounts of omega-6 versus omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. • Other nutrients may act as oxidants, preventing damage by free radicals, such as the common antioxidants vitamins A, C, E, and the trace element selenium.
  • 58.
  • 59. Conclusion • Injury produces a series of physiologic changes mediated by local and systemic agents and systemic effects. The metabolic response aims to promote substrate delivery to the injured organs and promote healing. • An understanding of the metabolic response allows the clinician to support the patient through the physiologic changes associated with the stress response caused by injury. • Future research offers the promise of directly tailoring treatment and modulating the metabolic response to minimize the impact of major trauma.
  • 60. References • Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma 4th edition Fonseca • Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery 11th edition • Turgay Şimşek et al Response to trauma and metabolic changes: posttraumatic metabolism Ulusal Cer Derg 2014; 30: 153-9

Editor's Notes

  1. However, some of these responses may be counterproductive.
  2. PIPBy activation of cellular processes designed to restore tissue function & eradicate invading micro-organism.(SIRS) Compensatory anti inflammatory response syndrome down-regulated to minimize autogenous tissue injury. Prevent excessive pip phase---immunosuppression in critical pts
  3. Cuthbertson first recognized the increases in basal temperature, energy expenditure, oxygen consumption, and also the loss of potassium and nitrogen.
  4. catecholamines (adrenaline) are responsible for the increase in energy production and consumption.
  5. Anabolic == begins with onset of recovery ..normalizatn of vital signs improved appetite and diuresis
  6. The peak and duration of the response parallel the severity of the trauma. ↑ epinephrine, ↑norepinephrine, ↑vasopressin, and ↑dopamine.
  7. The hypothalamic-pituitary axis is stimulated after the sympathetic nervous system after trauma. The pituitary releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin, or ACTH), which stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoid hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone.
  8. Severe injury activates the adrenergic system Norepinephrine and Epinephrine increased 3-4 fold and remain elevated 24-48hrs after injury Epinephrine causes hepatic glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and ketogenesis Decreases insulin and glucagon secretion Major cause of stress induced hyperglycemia
  9. Insulin Stress inhibited release + peripheral insulin resistance = hyperglycemia Tight control of glucose levels especialy in diabetics significantly reduces mortality after injury
  10. Aldosterone Synthesized, stored, released from the adrenal zona glomerulosa Maintains intravascular volume Deficiency- hypotension, hyperkalemia Excess- edema, HTN, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis Growth Hormone During anabolic -> protein synthesis, fat mobilization, and skeletal cartilage growth occurs 2˚ to release of insulin-like growth factor (IGF1)
  11. Rapidly released or stored in neurons, skin, gastric mucosa, mast cells, basophils and platelets Increased with hemorrhagic shock, trauma, thermal injury and sepsis
  12. Magnitude of effects are proportional to severity of injury Kinins increase inhibit gluconeogenesis, renal vasodilation, increases bronchoconstriction
  13. C-reactive protein best reflects inflammation Affected only by preexisting hepatic failure Accuracy surpasses that of ESR
  14. They enhance immune cell function and are responsible for the systemic effects of inflammation and sepsis, such as fever, leukocytosis, hypotension,delayed gastric emptying, and malaise.
  15. effects, including the activation of resting T lymphocytes and macrophages, induction of hematopoietic growth factors, stimulation of chemotaxis of neutrophils, and synthesis of collagen and collagenases. demonstrates the fluctuating levels of cytokine receptors over time. Quantitative serum cytokine levels,
  16. Monocytes Downregulation of receptor TNFR Platelets Source of eicosanoids and vasoactive mediators Clot is a chemoattractant for PMNs/monocytes Modulate PMN endothelium adherence Migration occurs within 3 hrs of injury Mediated by serotonin, PAF, PGE2
  17. Eosinophils Migrate to parasitic infection release cytotoxic granules Reside in the GI, lung, and GU tissues Activated by IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-5, PAF, and anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a
  18. Lipids and cytokines (e.g., IL-1, TNF, PAF) then prime these cells for enhanced superoxide anion release and sequestration in end organs. This derangement can cause MOF
  19. The sympathetic nervous system and catecholamines are mainly responsible from the increase in energy consumption. In the surgical patients, knowledge of changes in amino acid, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolisms is important in determining the appropriate metabolic and nutritional support.
  20. The energy necessary for the increased gluconeogenesis is provided from either lactate or amino acids in the liver. Lipolysis is accelerated in the early period because of The energy released by fat oxidation is the most important energy source for liver cells. Since glucose is only partially oxidized, and 80-90% of the energy required for gluconeogenesis is derived from fat oxidation
  21. Body lipid stores are durable and in large amounts.
  22. In contrast to what is detected in prolonged fasting, glycolysis and proteolysis continues
  23. The net changes in protein catabolism and synthesis are related to the duration and the level of injury.
  24. tissues in organs such as the liver and kidneys were being preserved while skeletal muscles were particularly used for this purpose
  25. Young men lose more nitrogen, whereas this loss is less in the elderly and women. Previous physical condition of the patient, factors such as age and gender influence the degree of proteolysis.
  26. During this period, protein turnover gradually decreases. Protein gain is not due to increased protein synthesis but a consequence of decreased destruction.
  27. During starvation, glucose production is carried out by using the protein storage. The proteolysis in this period mainly takes place in skeletal muscle, however, protein degradation is also observed in solid organs.
  28. Leukocytes, macrophages, and endangered organs cannot perform mitochondrial respiration. Therefore, endogenous glucose production should increase in trauma patients (150% increase as compared to the control value). In this regard, glucose is an essential substrate since in a certain period of glycolysis oxygen is not required and energy supply continues during that period.
  29. (where mitochondria has not yet developed). The “fat” cannot reach here because capillaries have not yet developed, and they cannot be used as an energy source. Therefore, immune cells, fibroblasts, granulation tissue and brain tissue mainly use glucose.
  30. The increaseed synthesis of glucose is essential for the continuation of human life in critical conditions and is important Alanine mainly consists of lactate and amino groups in muscle. Glucose may be synthesized from glycerol that results from adipose tissue destruction (lipolysis)
  31. Insulin is the most important anabolic hormone in the body. by primarily reducing muscle protein degradation, and supporting protein synthesis in the presence of amino acids. by stimulating the formation of triglycerides and inhibiting their breakdown.
  32. In all major stress conditions such as major surgery, the effect of insulin increases due to secretion of stress hormones like glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol and growth hormone and the inflammatory reaction generated by cytokines.
  33. Age: As age increases, the hormonal response in the postoperative period lasts longer. Nutrition and diet: Postoperative metabolic response is increased by preoperative nutritional support. Patients who received nutritional support for prolonged periods have more postoperative insulin resistance. Anesthesia: The type of anesthesia also affects surgical stress response. LA<GA Operative stress: Surgical trauma/stress level is one of the factors that affect the magnitude of inflammatory and metabolic response to surgery
  34. Postoperative insulin resistance can be prevented in elective surgery by specific perioperative practices such as preoperative carbohydrate administration, and minimally invasive surgery. The positive nitrogen balance ensures increase in protein synthesis, and a rapid and progressive increase of weight and muscle force. Achieving maximum positive nitrogen balance of 4 g/day results in protein synthesis of approximately 25 g/day and body mass gain of 100 g/day (10)
  35. A healthy 70kg adult will use 180 g /d of glucose to support obligate glycolytic cells (neurons, RBCs, PMNs, renal medulla, skeletal m.) Glucagon, Norepinephrine, vasopressin, Angiotensis II promote utilization of glycogen stores Glucagon, Epinephrine and cortisol promote gluconeogenesis
  36. The successful management of the metabolic changes that accompany severe trauma influences and may prevent some of the major complications of trauma— namely impaired immune function,multiple organ failure, and sepsis Another problem with these therapies is that cytokines are rapidly released after injury, and the administration of antibodies, by necessity, occurs later—after the initiation of the cytokine cascade.
  37. For example, cyclooxygenase inhibitors such as ibuprofen inhibit the production of eicosanoids and may thus blunt the physiologic response to cytokines, such as fever, associated with TNF, IL-1, and IL-6.
  38. It had been initially found to reduce death rates in patients with severe sepsis. Ongoing surveillance proved that there was no survival benefit in patients with severe sepsis when compared with placebo, and the drug has since been withdrawn from the market.
  39. Recently, a role for supplemental parenteral nutrition has been advocated.
  40. The concept of immunonutrition continues to evolve and, particularly within the last 5 years, the approach to the modulation of nutrition by timing to feed, amounts, route of administration, and composition of the nutritional product have yielded new information regarding how to optimally feed injured and critically ill patients
  41. , mainly cytokines, hormones, and activation of the sympathetic nervous system However, in the setting of severe trauma, these responses can result in organ injury. These consequences can produce significant morbidity and mortality.