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Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
Transcrito Por: Elias C. Alves @unixelias
Fonte: My English Online
Versão 1.0
Este trabalho está licenciado sob os termos da
Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-
SemDerivações-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasil (CC BY-NC-ND
quaisquer ônus aos direitos dos criadores do texto. Esta é
apenas uma obra de transcrição e formatação, que foi
desenvolvida com a intenção de ajudar novos usuários
da plataforma online de aprendizagem em inglês
fornecida pelo MEC. A ideia surgiu devido a restrições
de downloads nos sites onde as informações foram
coletadas, ou seja, as mesmas estão disponíveis nos
links citados. Meu trabalho foi apenas o de organizar e
formatar as informações, sendo todos os créditos de
criação e propriedade dados aos autores.
Não pretendo aqui infringir nenhum direito autoral,
criei o presente texto para facilitar meus estudos e de
demais pessoas interessadas, sem nenhum ônus
financeiros aos autores ou usuários. Esta obra deve ser
usada apenas para compartilhamento de informações
disponíveis nas referências citadas e para uso pessoal de
usuários da plataforma.
O criador desse documento se exime de quaisquer
atos ilegais que sejam praticados a partir desta obra sem
seu conhecimento.
Elias Alves
Nível 1 - Iniciante
Nível 1 - Iniciante............................................................................2
1.1 - Cronograma............................................................................2
1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1.......................................................................3
1.2.1 - Índice...................................................................................3
1.2.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................3
1.2.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................3
1.2.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................4
1.2.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................4
1.2.6 - Week 5: starting...................................................................4
1.2.7 - Week 6: starting...................................................................4
1.2.8 - Week 7: starting...................................................................5
1.2.9 - Week 8: starting...................................................................5
1.3 - Nível 1, Parte 2.......................................................................5
1.3.1 - Índice...................................................................................5
1.3.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................5
1.3.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................6
1.3.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................6
1.3.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................6
1.3.6 - Week 5: starting...................................................................7
1.3.7 - Week 6: starting...................................................................7
1.3.8 - Week 7: starting...................................................................7
1.3.9 - Week 8: starting...................................................................7
1.4 - Nível 1, Parte 3.......................................................................8
1.4.1 - Índice...................................................................................8
1.4.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................8
1.4.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................8
1.4.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................9
1.4.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................9
1.4.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................10
1.4.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................10
1.4.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................10
1.4.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................11
Nível 2 - Básico.............................................................................12
2.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................13
2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1.....................................................................13
2.2.1 - Índice.................................................................................13
2.2.2 - Week 1: This time things will be a little bit different!........13
2.2.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................14
2.2.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................15
2.2.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................16
2.2.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................17
2.2.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................17
2.2.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................18
2.2.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................19
2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2.....................................................................20
2.3.1 - Índice.................................................................................20
2.3.2 - Week 1: Welcome to the second part of level 2!.................20
2.3.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................20
2.3.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................22
2.3.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................22
2.3.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................23
2.3.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................24
2.3.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................25
2.3.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................26
2.4 - Nível 2, Parte 3.....................................................................27
2.4.1 - Índice.................................................................................27
2.4.2 - Week 1: starting.................................................................27
2.4.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................28
2.4.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................29
2.4.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................30
2.4.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................31
2.4.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................32
2.4.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................33
2.4.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................34
Nível 3 - Pré Intermediário...........................................................36
3.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................37
3.2 - Nível 3, Parte 1.....................................................................37
3.2.1 - Índice.................................................................................37
3.2.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................37
3.2.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................38
3.2.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................39
3.2.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................40
3.2.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................41
3.2.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................42
3.2.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................43
3.2.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................44
3.3 - Nível 3, Parte 2.....................................................................45
3.3.1 - Índice.................................................................................45
3.3.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................45
3.3.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................45
3.3.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................47
3.3.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................48
3.3.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................49
3.3.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................50
3.3.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................50
3.3.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................52
3.4 - Nível 3, Parte 3.....................................................................53
3.4.1 - Índice.................................................................................53
3.4.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................53
3.4.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................53
3.4.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................54
3.4.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................55
3.4.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................56
3.4.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................57
3.4.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................59
3.4.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................60
Nível 4 - Intermediário..................................................................62
4.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................63
4.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1.....................................................................63
4.2.1 - Índice.................................................................................63
4.2.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................64
4.2.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................64
4.2.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................65
4.2.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................66
4.2.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................67
4.2.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................69
4.2.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................69
4.2.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................71
4.3 - Nível 4, Parte 2.....................................................................72
4.3.1 - Índice.................................................................................72
4.3.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................72
4.3.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................72
4.3.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................73
4.3.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................74
4.3.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................75
4.3.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................77
4.3.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................77
4.3.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................79
4.4 - Nível 4, Parte 3.....................................................................80
4.4.1 - Índice.................................................................................80
4.4.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................80
4.4.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................81
4.4.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................82
4.4.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................83
4.4.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................84
4.4.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................85
4.4.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................86
4.4.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................88
Nível 5 - Avançado........................................................................90
5.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................90
Nível 1 - Iniciante 1
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
Nível 1 - Iniciante
Ao término do Nivel 1, o aluno será capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir:
Bem Vindo a Nossa Sala de Aula
• Cumprimentar os seus colegas.
• Dizer e escrever números de telefone.
• Seguir instruções de sala de aula.
Unidade I
Informações Pessoais
• Identificar colegas.
• Falar sobre nacionalidades.
• Falar sobre estado civil.
• Dizer e escrever o seu endereço.
• Dizer e escrever datas.
Unidade II
Nossa Sala de Aula
• Apresentar os seus colegas.
• Descrever a sua sala de aula.
• Identificar atividades de sala de aula.
• Falar sobre horas.
• Descrever o clima.
Unidade III
• Identificar comidas comuns.
• Falar sobre fome.
• Falar sobre quantidade.
• Fazer uma lista de compras.
• Expressar preferências.
Unidade IV
• Identificar tipos de roupa.
• Identificar e encontrar sessões numa loja.
• Identificar cores e descrever roupas.
• Fazer compras e contar dinheiro.
• Ler propagandas.
Unidade V
Nossa Comunidade
• Identificar e falar sobre locais.
• Descrever casas.
• Identificar tipos de transporte.
• Expressas preferências de transporte.
• Dar e seguir direções.
Unidade VI
Vivendo Com Saúde
• Identificar partes do corpo.
• Descrever sintomas e doenças.
• Identificar Medicamentos.
• Descrever hábitos saudáveis.
• Identificar ações na sala de espera.
Unidade VII
• Identificar trabalhos.
• Dar informações sobre trabalho.
• Identificar responsabilidades de trabalho.
• Ler avaliações.
• Ler sinais e seguir direções.
Unidade VIII
Aprendizado e Revisão
• Organizar materiais de estudo.
• Fazer compras.
• Dar e seguir direções.
• Realizar objetivos.
• Desenvolver um programa de estudo.
1.1 - Cronograma
Tempo necessário à realização das tarefas:
Sugestão: 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada Em cada um destes contatos,
dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book 10 minutos para os vídeos 15 minutos para a gramática 10
minutos para as leituras A cada 2 meses faça seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso faça seu teste
de mudança de nível
Olá, parabéns por iniciar o curso MEO (My English Online)! Você fará esse curso dentro de uma
plataforma online, mas tenha a certeza que não estará só. Estamos aqui com você e participaremos
2 unixelias@
Nível 1
Atividade Tempo Gasto (h)
Conteúdo H/Atividade
Descrição Quant H* Min
E-books 160 0,5 30 80
Unidades por vídeo 16 0,125 7,5 2
Gramática Unidades 20 0,7 42 14
Leituras 6 0,66667 40 4
Avaliações Testes 3 0,66667 40 2
Total por Nível 102 Horas
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana 4,25 Horas
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por mês 17 Horas
Tempo previsto 6 Meses
Páginas de conteúdo
Livros com vídeo e áudio
Nível 1 - Iniciante
do seu processo de aprendizagem da língua inglesa que, com certeza, será um sucesso. Como você
sabe, você tem 2 meses (8 semanas) para concluir a primeira parte do Nível 1. Então, preparamos
um plano de estudos com uma sugestão de divisão do conteúdo do material. Veja como tudo fica
mais simples se houver um bom planejamento. Sugerimos que você siga o cronograma para tirar o
máximo proveito do curso.
1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1
1.2.1 - Índice
1.2.2 - Week 1: starting...
{1ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 4;
Esse contato com o inglês gera um conhecimento prévio do idioma e é essa habilidade que será
usada na PRE-UNIT, com o objetivo de explorar essas noções básicas e adicionar mais
conhecimento, aos poucos. Caso todo o conteúdo seja realmente novo pra você, então dedique-se
bastante neste começo para que o aprendizado fique bem consolidado. Você vai precisar dele ao
longo de todo o curso!
1.2.3 - Week 2: starting...
{2ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Pre-unit - Pg. 7 a 9; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [GR] Pre-unit - Pg. 5 a 6; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [RE] Monkey Party -
Pg. 2 a 7;
Vamos continuar reciclando seu conhecimento anterior e sempre adicionando um pouquinho
mais. Nessa segunda semana de estudos, sugerimos que você estude as páginas 7, 8 e 9 da PRE-
UNIT e adicione as páginas 5 e 6 da gramática logo em seguida. No próximo dia, que tal iniciar a
unidade 1? São apenas 2 páginas do e-Book + 2 da gramática. Finalize os estudos dessa unidade
com a leitura do livro Monkey Party. O conteúdo é NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC! Ou seja, lindas
imagens e um texto muito interessante. Você sabia que pode ouvir a narração enquanto lê? É um
ótimo exercício para descobrir a pronúncia das palavras e a entonação. Além disso, temos um vídeo
sobre o tema.
Um bom plano de leitura é focar bem nas páginas 2 e 3. Depois, você vai preparar o vocabulário
que será importante durante a leitura do livro. E então partirá para a leitura até a página 7. Não
* Notações dos exercícios: Entre chaves, o nome da semana, acompanhado dos números de nível e parte, por exemplo: {1ª Sem - #N1P1} = 1ª
semana do Nível 1, Parte 1. Os tipos de exercícios diferentes em cada plano estão assim divididos: [EB] E-Book; [GR]
Grammar; [AU] Audio; [VI] Video; [RE] Reading. Em cada semana há uma descrição prévia dos exercícios contidos no
quadro de planejamento.
1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1 3
Nível 1 – Parte 1
Sem Audio Video Reading
1ª Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 6 Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 4 - - -
2ª - - Monkey Party - Pg. 2 a 7
3ª Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 6 Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 8 - - Monkey Party - Pg. 8 a 19
4ª Unit 1 - Pg. 7 a 11 Unit 1 - Pg. 9 a 12 - - Monkey Party - quiz + video
5ª Unit 1 - Pg. 12 a 16 Unit 1 - Pg. 13 a 14 - Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2
6ª Unit 2 - Pg. 17 a 22 Unit 2 - Pg. 15 a 18 - - Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 8 a 19
7ª Unit 2 - Pg. 23 a 28 Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 24 - - Life on the Orinoco + quiz
8ª Unit 2 - Pg. 29 a 33 Unit 2 - Pg. 25 a 28 - Unit 2 - Pg. 3 a 4
E-book Grammar
Pre-unit - Pg. 7 a 9;
Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2
Pre-unit - Pg. 5 a 6; Unit
1 - Pg. 1 a 2
Monkey Party - Pg. 22 a 23; Life on
the Orinoco - Pg. 2 a 7
Life on the Orinoco – Pg. 22 a 23 +
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
esqueça de assistir os vídeos, no final! Você terá a oportunidade de ver o conteúdo estudado em
forma de diálogos. Dica: Atenção às imagens, elas nos ajudam a entender o que está escrito.
1.2.4 - Week 3: starting...
{3ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 6; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 8; [RE] Monkey Party - Pg. 8 a 19;
Revisando - Se achar a ideia interessante, sugerimos dedicar cerca de 1 hora para uma revisão
geral do que foi visto até agora. Vamos continuar na UNIT 1 do e-book, da página 4 até a página 6.
Para complementar esse conteúdo, siga para a gramática e estude da página 3 até a página 6. O
tempo para essas atividades será de aproximadamente 3 horas. Finalize a leitura do Monkey Party
até a página 19. Lembre-se que para fixarmos o conteúdo que aprendemos é preciso praticar!!! Não
basta ter contato uma vez só. Por isso, insistimos em rever as páginas que já foram estudadas.
Separe um tempo da sua semana para essa revisão. Isso fará diferença, com certeza!
1.2.5 - Week 4: starting...
{4ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 7 a 11; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 9 a 12; [RE] Monkey Party - quiz + video;
Aproveite para revisar a leitura do livro MONKEY PARTY e finalizar esse material fazendo o
quiz e se divertindo com o vídeo. Você deve precisar de 2 horas para esse conteúdo. Vamos
continuar o e-book da página 7 até a página 11. Reforce esse conteúdo estudando a gramática entre
as páginas 9 e 12. Você pode dividir essa parte em 2 dias, dedicando-se cerca de 2 horas a cada dia.
Nos outros dias da semana, lembre-se de revisar o conteúdo.
1.2.6 - Week 5: starting...
{5ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 12 a 16; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 13 a 14; [VI] Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [RE] Monkey Party - Pg. 22 a 23;
Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 2 a 7;
Parabéns! Basta finalizar as páginas 12 a 16 do e-book e as páginas 13 e 14 da gramática para
que você tenha uma unidade completa. Ao concluir a unidade 1, veja o quanto você já aprendeu:
nacionalidade alfabeto estado civil números datas endereço Assista aos vídeos da unidade 1 –
páginas 1 e 2. O conteúdo dos vídeos é bem didático e você terá a oportunidade de ver o conteúdo
estudado em forma de diálogos. E agora vamos finalizar a leitura do livro Monkey Party com a
leitura extra das páginas 22 e 23. Quanto tempo você usou para ler as 316 palavras? Você pode
iniciar a leitura de Life on the Orinoco, preparando o vocabulário nas páginas 2 e 3. Parabéns pela
conquista e vamos em frente.
1.2.7 - Week 6: starting...
{6ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 17 a 22; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 15 a 18; [RE] Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 8 a 19;
Sabemos que você está ansioso para começar a unidade 2, mas é sempre bom revisar a unidade 1
antes disso. Dedique cerca de 1 hora para essa revisão e aí você estará preparado para o próximo
desafio. Vamos em frente? Comece pelo e-book da página 17 até a página 22 e complemente com o
conteúdo da gramática da página 15 até a página 18. Separe 2 dias de estudo para as páginas desses
materiais. Se você conseguiu separar o vocabulário do livro LIFE ON THE ORINOCO na última
semana, siga a leitura até a página 19. Você sabia que pode gravar a sua voz fazendo a leitura do
material? Excelente forma de praticar
Não se esqueça da revisão, ela ajuda muito no desempenho. Dica: fazer uma revisão de toda a
matéria no meio da semana, que tal? • releia o livro ouvindo o áudio das páginas; • grave sua leitura
(exercitando sua pronúncia); • faça o quiz.
4 unixelias@
Nível 1 - Iniciante
1.2.8 - Week 7: starting...
{7ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 23 a 28; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 24; [RE] Life on the Orinoco + quiz;
Prosseguindo com a unidade 2, siga da página 23 até a página 28 do e-book e reforce esse mesmo
conteúdo com a gramática da página 19 até a página 24. Separe 2 dias de estudo para essa parte.
Quando for responder as perguntas, você deve procurar as respostas nas páginas do livro. O
objetivo é interpretar, não é decorar.
1.2.9 - Week 8: starting...
{8ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 29 a 33; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 25 a 28; [VI] Unit 2 - Pg. 3 a 4; [RE] Life on the Orinoco – Pg. 22
a 23 + video;
Estamos chegando ao fim de uma grande etapa. Parabéns, você está no caminho certo! Agora,
basta finalizar o conteúdo do e-book e da gramática. Provavelmente você usará somente 2 horas
para isso. No dia seguinte, você deve fazer as atividades de vídeo da unidade 2, nas páginas 3 e 4.
Se der tempo, refaça as atividades de vídeo da unidade 1, vale a pena! Finalize o livro Life on the
Orinoco assistindo ao vídeo, é uma boa dica para relaxar e ao mesmo tempo estudar e estar em
contato com o idioma.
O próximo passo, nessa semana, é o PROGRESS TEST 1. Mas, para obter sucesso, revise tudo o
que aprendeu até aqui antes de realizar o teste. Esse é o teste que você fará para avançar à parte 2 do
nível 1. ATENÇÃO: não descuide do prazo! Para realizar o teste você tem prazo máximo de 2
meses após ter iniciado as atividades do Nível 1! Você acaba de completar uma parte do curso!
1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1 5
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
1.3 - Nível 1, Parte 2
1.3.1 - Índice
1.3.2 - Week 1: starting...
{1ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 4;
Olá, chegamos na parte 2 do nível 1! Vamos seguir juntos nessa jornada! Separe o primeiro dia da
semana para revisar o que foi visto até então. Para saber tanto seus pontos fortes quanto aqueles que
precisam de mais atenção, você precisa praticar! Após separar esse tempo para revisão, inicie a Unit
3 do e-book até a página 6. Dica: prepare um lanchinho. Essa unidade fala sobre comida, então...
com certeza você sentirá fome. Logo depois, reforce o conteúdo estudando a gramática entre as
páginas 1 e 4.
1.3.3 - Week 2: starting...
{2ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 7 a 12; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 5 a 8; [VI] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 (What´s for Lunch?); [RE] The Lost City
of Machu Picchu - Pg. 2 a 7;
E aí? Ficou curioso para abrir a geladeira e saber o nome dos alimentos em inglês? É muito bom
trazer o que nós estudamos para a vida real. Para tornar o seu estudo ainda mais completo, essa
semana você vai assistir a um vídeo e ainda iniciar a leitura do livro The Lost City of Machu
Picchu. Você vai se surpreender! Contando que a semana de estudos tenha 5 dias (sim, é bom
descansar), reserve:
• 1 dia para e-Book (entre as páginas 7 e 12);
• 1 dia para gramática (páginas 5 até 8);
• 1 dia para vídeo (página 1) + exercícios;
• 1 dia para leitura (vocabulário até página 7);
• 1 dia para revisão.
6 unixelias@
Nível 1 – Parte 2
Sem Grammar Audio Video Reading
1ª Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 6 Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 4 - - -
2ª Unit 3 - Pg. 7 a 12 Unit 3 - Pg. 5 a 8 -
3ª Unit 3 - Pg. 9 a 14 -
4ª Unit 4 - Pg. 21 a 26 Unit 4 - Pg. 15 a 22 -
5ª Unit 4 - Pg. 27 a 34 Unit 4 - Pg. 23 a 28 -
6ª Unit 5 - Pg. 36 a 41 Unit 5 - Pg. 29 a 32 -
7ª Unit 5 - Pg. 42 a 47 Unit 5 - Pg. 33 a 36 -
8ª Unit 5 - Pg. 48 a 53 Unit 5 - Pg. 37 a 42 - -
Unit 3 - Pg. 1 (What´s for
The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg.
2 a 7
Unit 3 - Pg. 13 a 17;
Unit 4 - Pg. 18 a 20
Unit 3 - Pg. 2 (My Story:
Breakfast, Lunch, and
The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg.
8 a 19
Unit 4 - Pg. 3 (That´s a Good
The Lost City of Machu Picchu - quiz
+ video
Unit 4 - Pg. 4 (My Story:
The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg.
22 a 23; TheYoung Riders Of
Mongolia - Pg. 2 a 3
Unit 5 - Pg. 5 (DoYou Live
Around Here?)
TheYoung Riders Of Mongolia - Pg.
4 a 15
Unit 5 - Pg. 6 (My Story:The
Town Where I Live)
TheYoung Riders Of Mongolia - Pg.
16 a 19 + quiz
TheYoung Riders Of Mongolia - Pg.
22 a 23 + video
Nível 1 - Iniciante
1.3.4 - Week 3: starting...
{3ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 13 a 17; Unit 4 - Pg. 18 a 20; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 9 a 14; [VI] Unit 3 - Pg. 2 (My Story:
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner); [RE] The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 8 a 19;
Ficou fascinado com Machu Picchu?! Aqui vai um link, tirado do Youtube, com mais
informações: Aproveite essa “viagem” para
finalizar a leitura até a página 19. É hora de revisar! Feito isso, você está pronto para estudar da
página 13 a 17 do e-book. Em seguida, dedique-se à gramática, entre as páginas 9 e 14. Essa
semana é importante começar a unidade 4 do e-book entre as páginas 18 e 20. Finalize a semana
com o vídeo da página 2 e seus respectivos exercícios.
1.3.5 - Week 4: starting...
{4ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 4 - Pg. 15 a 22; [VI] Unit 4 - Pg. 3 (That´s a Good Deal); [RE] The Lost
City of Machu Picchu - quiz + video;
6. Parabéns pela dedicação! Seguindo em frente, vamos revisar e depois estudar as páginas 21 à
26, do e-book. Essa semana é bem legal, estamos aprendendo a identificar roupas, cores e setores
em uma loja. Melhor ainda é praticar, dar uma volta no shopping e fazer o seguinte exercício
mental: ao olhar as peças de roupa nas lojas, lembre-se do vocabulário em inglês. É uma ótima
Agora que você já relaxou um pouco, estude a gramática entre as páginas 15 e 22. Já sabe dizer
quais roupas você tem ou não tem? I have two blue shirts, but I don’t have a yellow T-shirt. Viu
como você já consegue colocar em prática? Faça suas próprias frases! Assista ao vídeo da página 3
e termine a semana respondendo o quiz e assistindo ao vídeo do livro The Lost city of Machu
Picchu. Para terminar a semana, que tal dar uma olhada nesse vídeo? São duas amigas conversando
numa loja de departamentos no Japão, mas não se preocupe, elas falam em inglês. Elas falam em
inglês, claro! Clique no link:
1.3.6 - Week 5: starting...
{5ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 27 a 34; [GR] Unit 4 - Pg. 23 a 28; [VI] Unit 4 - Pg. 4 (My Story: Clothing); [RE] The Lost
City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 22 a 23; The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 2 a 3;
Prepare-se! Vamos finalizar a unidade 4: em um dia, estude as páginas 27 à 34 do e-book e, no
outro dia, estude as páginas 23 à 28 da gramática. Separe outro dia para o vídeo da página 4 e seus
respectivos exercícios. Vamos fazer uma experiência? Conte em quantos minutos consegue fazer a
leitura das páginas 22 a 23 do livro The lost city of Machu Picchu. Assim, daqui a alguns dias repita
o processo e veja como ficará cada vez mais rápido. Atenção: não basta ler, é preciso entender. Para
finalizar, inicie a leitura do próximo livro The young riders of Mongolia com as páginas 2 e 3.
1.3.7 - Week 6: starting...
{6ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 36 a 41; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 29 a 32; [VI] Unit 5 - Pg. 5 (Do You Live Around Here?); [RE]
The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 4 a 15;
Você sabe descrever, em inglês, a vizinhança onde mora? Talvez ainda não saiba, mas vai
aprender já! Vamos fazer isso essa semana. Após fazer aquela bela revisão no conteúdo, estude o e-
book entre as páginas 36 e 41. Lá você aprenderá a identificar localizações e descrever moradias.
No dia seguinte, estude a gramática entre as páginas 29 e 32. O vídeo “Do you live around here?”
(página 5) complementa esse conteúdo. E, para finalizar a semana, leia as páginas 4 até 15 do livro
The young riders of Mongolia.
E, para quem estudou muito a semana toda, que tal um pouquinho de diversão para relaxar? Olhe
esse link:
1.3 - Nível 1, Parte 2 7
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
1.3.8 - Week 7: starting...
{7ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 42 a 47; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 33 a 36; [VI] Unit 5 - Pg. 6 (My Story: The Town Where I Live);
[RE] The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 16 a 19 + quiz;
Já evoluímos bastante até aqui. Mas, ainda há muito o que aprender. Dica: revisar e adicionar
novo conteúdo, sempre. No e-book, essa semana, você pode avançar da página 42 até a 47 para
aprender a falar sobre transporte. Estude a gramática entre as páginas 33 e 36 e dê bastante atenção
ao SIMPLE PRESENT, pois esse tempo verbal acompanhará você para sempre.
O vídeo da página 6 é o último desse módulo, portanto, aproveite! Leia até a página 19 do livro
The young riders of Mongolia e responda o quiz. Se tiver tempo, repasse a leitura, dessa vez
ouvindo o áudio enquanto lê. Ah, e você ainda pode gravar sua voz para observar e melhorar a
própria pronúncia. Lembre-se de revisar! Esta semana teremos o PROGRESS TEST!
1.3.9 - Week 8: starting...
{8ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 48 a 53; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 37 a 42; [RE] The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 22 a 23 +
Essa é uma semana especial porque você finaliza mais uma etapa. Parabéns!!! Mais uma vez,
vamos dividir nossa semana em 5 dias:
• 1 dia para finalizar o e-Book entre as páginas 48 e 53;
• 1 dia para finalizar a gramática entre as páginas 37 e 42;
• 1 dia para o vídeo do livro The young riders of Mongolia;
• 1 dia para Leitura extra do The young riders of Mongolia nas páginas 22 e 23 (lembre-se de
contar o tempo usado para essa leitura);
• 1 dia para revisão.
Separe mais uma parte da semana para uma boa revisão de todo o conteúdo estudado e assim
estará preparado para a última parte que será o PROGRESS TEST 2. PROGRESS TEST 2.
8 unixelias@
Nível 1 - Iniciante
1.4 - Nível 1, Parte 3
1.4.1 - Índice
1.4.2 - Week 1: starting...
{1ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 4;
Você sabe o quanto é importante aprender as partes do nosso corpo em inglês?
Se você está viajando e necessita de cuidados médicos, ao chegar ao hospital, você vai precisar
explicar o que sente e onde está doendo. Dominar o idioma tornará o seu atendimento muito mais
rápido e eficaz. Há ainda outra vantagem: muitas pessoas gostam de assistir a seriados com a
temática do dia a dia do hospital. Estamos dando mais um passo para nos vermos livres das
Nessa semana vamos estudar as páginas 1 a 6 no e-book (conhecer partes do corpo, falar sobre
sintomas, atender às ordens do médico, ...) e complementar com as páginas 1 a 4 da gramática.
1.4.3 - Week 2: starting...
{2ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 7 a 12; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 5 a 10; [VI] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 2 (I've Got Lots of Stress); [RE]
Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 2 a 7;
Vamos agora para o e-book entre as páginas 7 e 12, para complementar esse assunto de medicina.
Medicamentos e dicas de saúde: Para dar suporte, vamos estudar as páginas 5 a 10 da gramática,
onde encontramos os tempos verbais present simple e present continuous. Para sair um pouco da
rotina, separamos esse vídeo:
Separe um dia para assistir ao vídeo das páginas 1 e 2 que fala sobre stress e fazer os exercícios
relacionados a esse vídeo. Vamos iniciar o livro Alaskan Ice Climbing. Prepare o vocabulário nas
páginas 2 e 3, e siga com a leitura até a página 7.
1.4.4 - Week 3: starting...
{3ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 13 a 18; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 11 a 14; [VI] Unit 6 - Pg. 2 (My Story: Sickness and Health); [RE]
Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 8 a 19;
Nível 1 – Parte 3
Sem Grammar Audio Video Reading
1ª Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 6 Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 4 - - -
2ª Unit 6 - Pg. 7 a 12 Unit 6 - Pg. 5 a 10 - Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 2 a 7
3ª Unit 6 - Pg. 13 a 18 Unit 6 - Pg. 11 a 14 - Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 8 a 19
4ª Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 24 Unit 7 - Pg. 15 a 18 - -
5ª Unit 7 - Pg. 25 a 30 Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 22 -
6ª Unit 7 - Pg. 31 a 36 Unit 7 - Pg. 23 a 28 - The Giant’s Causeway – Pg. 4 a 19
7ª Unit 8 - Pg. 37 a 42 Unit 8 - Pg. 29 a 34 - The Giant’s Causeway – Pg. 22 a 23
8ª Unit 8 - Pg. 43 a 49 Unit 8 - Pg. 35 a 41 - The Giant’s Causeway – quiz + video
Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 2 (I've Got
Lots of Stress)
Unit 6 - Pg. 2 (My Story:
Sickness and Health)
Alaskan Ice Climbing – Pg. 22 a 23 +
Unit 7 - Pg. 3 a 4 (Our Son is
Going to Get a Job)
Alaskan Ice Climbing – video; The
Giant’s Causeway - Pg. 2 a 3
Unit 7 - Pg. 4 (My Story: My
Unit 8 - Pg. 5 a 6 (It’s Easy to
Get Organized)
Unit 8 - Pg. 6 (My Story:
Balancing School and Work)
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
Para conhecer mais sobre a história contada no livro e praticar mais a língua inglesa, acesse Para acompanhar essa leitura, siga até a página
19 do seu material de leitura complementar. Atenção: não deixe de usar os recursos de áudio e
gravação de voz. Quanto mais você expuser seus ouvidos à pronúncia original, mais facilmente
você conseguirá entender os nativos e melhor será a sua pronúncia!
Dedique-se às páginas 13 a 18 do e-book, para finalizar a unidade 6 com a temática saúde. Entre
as páginas 11 e 12 da gramática você estudará o modal should. O verbo é usado para falar o que
deve ser feito. Por exemplo: se você chegasse cansado em casa, depois de um dia de muito trabalho
ou estudo, o que deveria fazer?
You should sleep
Nas páginas 13 e 14 você estudará o tempo verbal futuro com a auxiliar will. Vamos ver um
exemplo prático: meu melhor amigo é sedentário e está sofrendo problemas de saúde por causa do
seu estilo de vida. Então, ele decide começar a praticar exercícios 3 vezes por semana. Veja como
ele pode dizer que irá executar uma determinada ação no futuro, em inglês:
I will (I’ll) exercise three times a week
Para terminar, você pode assistir ao vídeo da página 2 e fazer a tarefa correspondente. Vamos
finalizar com alguns conselhos sobre o que deve ser feito essa semana: You should study English.
You should practice more and you should relax in the weekend.
1.4.5 - Week 4: starting...
{4ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 24; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 15 a 18; [RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing – Pg. 22 a 23 + quiz;
You should review unit 6. Logo após a revisão, vamos iniciar a unidade 7, com o tema
TRABALHO (emprego, ocupação, tarefas, obrigações, etc) Nas páginas 19 a 24 do e-book, você
aprenderá a identificar algumas ocupações, identificar o local de trabalho de alguns profissionais e
também a falar sobre o horário do expediente.
• Algumas perguntas...
• What do you do?
• Where do you work?
• What time do you start and finish work?
• Do you work on Saturdays?
Com certeza, ao fim da página 24, você saberá responder essas perguntas.
O tempo verbal simple present é muito importante. Vamos aprender a aplicá-lo com a temática
da unidade, “work”:
I work. I am a teacher. My daughter doesn’t work. She is a student.
Você já consegue produzir muitas frases parecidas com essa, tenho certeza! Para isso, estude a
gramática entre as páginas 15 e 18. Vamos finalizar a semana respondendo ao quiz do livro Alaskan
Ice Climbing e fazendo a leitura complementar das páginas 22 e 23. Em quanto tempo você
consegue ler as 309 palavras?
1.4.6 - Week 5: starting...
{5ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 25 a 30; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 22; [VI] Unit 7 - Pg. 3 a 4 (Our Son is Going to Get a Job);
[RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing – video; The Giant’s Causeway - Pg. 2 a 3;
10 unixelias@
Nível 1 - Iniciante
Vamos iniciar a semana revisando o conteúdo e assistindo ao vídeo do Alaskan ice climbing. No
início do vídeo eles falam sobre o clima no Alaska. Como é o clima na sua cidade? Is it hot or cold?
Is it sunny? Does it rain a lot? Estude as páginas 25 a 30 do e-book, você aprenderá a falar sobre as
obrigações de cada trabalhador.
Um profissional precisa...
Ser amigável: Are you friendly?
Atender o telefone: Can you answer the phone?
Ser pontual: Do you come to work on time?
Para expressar o que uma pessoa consegue ou não fazer, precisamos aprender o verbo anômalo
Teachers can prepare lessons, but teachers can’t treat a patient.
Então, essa semana você estudará as páginas 19 a 22 da gramática. Além do can você ainda terá
mais um reforço nas formas afirmativa e negativa do verbo be.
Prepare a leitura do livro The Giant’s Causeway, estudando apenas as páginas 2 e 3, por
enquanto. O livro fala de uma formação rochosa na costa da Irlanda.
1.4.7 - Week 6: starting...
{6ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 31 a 36; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 23 a 28; [VI] Unit 7 - Pg. 4 (My Story: My Job); [RE] The Giant’s
Causeway – Pg. 4 a 19;
O que você sabe sobre a Irlanda? Conheça um pouco mais assistindo ao vídeo, produzido pela
história acontece na Irlanda, vamos ler da páginas 4 à 19 e descobrir fatos bem interessantes.
Aproveite o dia de estudos, não somente para ler, mas também para escutar a narração do material.
Para finalizar a unidade 7, estude o e-book entre as páginas 31 e 33, e faça a revisão da página 34 a
Na gramática:
• Páginas 23 a 28 - o primeiro tópico é uma revisão do modo imperativo e depois você inicia
com o tempo verbal simple past;
• Páginas 25 e 26 - verbos regulares – aqueles em que a forma no passado é sempre com “ed”.
Exemplos: love – loved, cook – cooked, like – liked, clean – cleaned, file – filed;
• Páginas 27 e 28 - passado dos verbos irregulares - não há uma regra definida para a forma
desses verbos no passado, cada um é diferente. Para ter sucesso no aprendizado, você
precisa estudar uma boa quantidade desses verbos, entre 5 e 8 verbos por semana (aprenda
sua forma no passado e a aplique em frases e contextos reais).
Termine a semana com um dia mais tranquilo, assistindo ao vídeo da página 4.
1.4.8 - Week 7: starting...
{7ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg. 37 a 42; [GR] Unit 8 - Pg. 29 a 34; [VI] Unit 8 - Pg. 5 a 6 (It’s Easy to Get Organized); [RE]
The Giant’s Causeway – Pg. 22 a 23;
Nessa unidade, você verá o vocabulário sobre organização de materiais de estudos, preços de
produto na loja, etc. Além disso, aprenderá a perguntar sobre preços de itens em lojas e descobrir
como dar e seguir instruções. Para isso, estude da página 37 até a página 42 do e-book.
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
A gramática entre as páginas 23 e 28 traz mais um reforço do verbo be e as funções necessárias
para a comunicação apresentada no e-book.
Assista ao vídeo que exemplifica as expressões how much e how many, e ainda revisa o
vocabulário relacionado à comida.
Assista: Veja também o vídeo das páginas 5
e 6, fazendo as tarefas correspondentes. Por fim, faça a leitura extra nas páginas 22 e 23 do livro
The Giant’s Causeway. Dessa vez você terá 312 palavras.
1.4.9 - Week 8: starting...
{8ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg. 43 a 49; [GR] Unit 8 - Pg. 35 a 41; [VI] Unit 8 - Pg. 6 (My Story: Balancing School and
Work); [RE] The Giant’s Causeway – quiz + video;
Que maravilha! Parabéns por mais uma etapa concluída! Para acabar a unidade 8, estude as
páginas 43 a 49 do e-book. Já que estamos falando de organização nessa unidade, vamos aprender a
estabelecer objetivos e traçar um ponto de estudos. As duas últimas páginas são para a revisão.
A gramática entre as páginas 35 e 41 será dividida em 3 partes:
• Simple Present (atividades de rotina)
• Can / May (verbos anômalos)
• Frases sobre o que gostamos de fazer (ex: I like to have lunch at noon)
O último vídeo está na página 6 e fala sobre trabalho e escola. Você também trabalha e estuda? É
difícil conciliar o tempo, não é mesmo? Só com muita organização. Mas, você consegue! Faça o
quiz e assista ao vídeo do livro The Giant’s causeway. Revise bastante antes de fazer o FINAL
COURSE TEST. Parabéns pelo progresso! Congratulations!
12 unixelias@
Nível 2 - Básico
Nível 2 - Básico
Ao término do Nivel 2, o aluno será capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir:
Unidade I
Amigos e Família
• Encontrar e apresentar pessoas.
• Identificar membros da família.
• Descrever pessoas.
• Dar informações pessoais e da família.
Unidade II
Empregos no Mundo
• Identificar trabalhos.
• Falar sobre trabalhos.
• Falar sobre países.
• Comparar trabalhos em diferentes países.
Unidade III
Casas e Lares
• Identificar cômodos numa casa.
• Descrever sua casa.
• Identificar objetos da casa.
• Comparar casas.
Unidade IV
Minhas Coisas
• Identificar objetos pessoais.
• Falar sobre posse.
• Comprar um presente.
• Identificar uma posse especial.
Unidade V
Dia a Dia
• Falar sobre atividades diárias.
• Perguntar sobre atividades diárias.
• Falar sobre o que você faz no trabalho.
• Ler e escrever sobre descrições de trabalho.
Unidade VI
• Seguir direções.
• Ler e usar um mapa simples.
• Falar sobre transporte.
• Gravar uma jornada.
Unidade VII
Hora de Diversão
• Identificar atividades.
• Falar sobre atividades favoritas.
• Discutir habilidades.
• Descrever atividades esportivas.
Unidade VIII
Roupas que Gosto
• Identificar tipos de roupas.
• Fazer compras.
• Identificar cores e descrever roupas.
• Ler sobre fabricação de roupas.
Unidade IX
Comer Bem
• Pedir uma refeição.
• Planejar uma festa.
• Expressar quantidades.
• Quantificar ou interpretar necessidades de comida e
Unidade X
• Identificar partes do corpo.
• Descrever sintomas e doenças.
• Identificar medicamentos e tratamentos.
• Descrever tratamentos de medicina alternativos.
Unidade XI
Fazer Planos
• Marcar datas específicas.
• Entender e usar um calendário.
• Falar sobre eventos especiais.
• Descrever uma ocasião especial.
Unidade XII
• Falar sobre férias passadas.
• Discutir os prós e contras de viagens radicais.
• Descrever o clima nas férias.
• Falar sobre férias especiais.
Unidade XIII
• Encontrar pessoas.
• Pedir e dar informações pessoais.
• Descrever trabalhos diferentes.
• Falar sobre pessoas e seus trabalhos.
Unidade XIV
Trabalho, Descanso e Diversão
• Falar sobre um dia de trabalho.
• Falar sobre horas de lazer.
• Descrever um festival ou celebração.
• Comparar diferentes festivais.
Unidade XV
Ir a lugares
• Pedir e dar informações de viagens pessoais.
• Dar conselhos de viagem.
• Compartilhar dicas de viagem.
Unidade XVI
• Falar sobre comida.
• Pedir uma refeição.
• Falar sobre dietas.
• Discutir comidas favoritas e diferentes.
Nível 2 - Básico 13
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
2.1 - Cronograma
Tempo necessário à realização das tarefas:
Sugestão - 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada. Em cada um destes
contatos, dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book; 10 minutos para os vídeos; 15 minutos para a
gramática; 10 minutos para as leituras; A cada 2 meses faça seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso
faça seu teste de mudança de nível
14 unixelias@
Nível 2
Atividade Tempo Gasto (h)
Conteúdo H/Atividade
Descrição Quant H* Min
E-books 160 0,6 36 96
Unidades por vídeo 16 0,25 15 4
Gramática Unidades 20 0,7 42 14
Leituras 6 0,66667 40 4
Avaliações Testes 3 0,66667 40 2
Total por Nível 120 Horas
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana 5 Horas
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por mês 20 Horas
Tempo previsto 6 Meses
Páginas de conteúdo
Livros com vídeo e áudio
Nível 2 - Básico
2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1
2.2.1 - Índice
2.2.2 - Week 1: This time things will be a little bit different!
{1ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 1 – Pg 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 1 – Present tense be statements and contractions; [AU] Unit 1 – Lesson A,
B, C (up to vocabulary practice);
First of all the official language for our communication is English, from now on. Then, it’s
important to tell you that you are going to study with a different material. Not only the e-book, but
also the grammar pages are different. In this first week, study from pages 1 to 7 of the e-book. The
topic of the unit is FRIENDS AND FAMILY. The unit starts with a great review of what you have
already seen, such as: greeting and introducing people, verb to be, family members and adjectives.
However, it’s not a repetition of what you have already seen. At this level, you can practice more. I
mean, more audios and more activities.
Let me be more specific. There are more audio tracks throughout the pages: 3 tracks on page 3, 1
track on page 4, 2 tracks on page 6 (one for the listening and another for pronunciation). There is
also more practice: vocabulary practice on page 3, 2 grammar practices on page 4, a listening
comprehension activity on page 5, and another vocabulary practice on page 7. Both audio tracks
and practices (vocabulary and grammar) can be found inside the folder called VIDEO. Besides the
grammar presented and explored on the book, you can also find more explanations and activities in
a folder called GRAMMAR. This week, study (or review) the Present tense be statements and
contractions. Get used to this new material and next week you start reading the extra book.
2.2.3 - Week 2: starting...
{2ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 1 – Pg 7 a 10 Unity 2 – Pg 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 1 – Be + adjectives; [AU] Unit 1 – Lesson C, D; Unit
2 – Lesson A (up to vocabulary practice); [VI] Unit 1 – Animal Families'; [RE] Puffin Rescue! - Pg 2 a 3;
How did things go during this first week? We hope you had time to do all your tasks. It’s also
important to tell you how important it is to review the subject. So, before starting the activities
2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 15
Sem E-book Grammar Audio Video Reading
1ª Unity 1 – Pg 1 a 7 - -
2ª Unit 1 – Be + adjectives Puffin Rescue! - Pg 2 a 3
3ª Unity 2 – Pg 3 a 18 Unit 2 – Lesson A, B, C - Puffin Rescue! Pg 4 a 10
4ª Puffin Rescue! Pg 11 a 19
5ª Unit 3 – Lesson C, D
6ª Unity 4 – Pg 33 a 37 - ADisappearing Word – Pg 2 a 3
7ª Adisappearing Word – Pg 4 a 19
8ª Unity 5 – Pg 44 a 50 -
Nível 2 – Parte 1
Unit 1 – Present tense be statements and
Unit 1 – Lesson A, B, C (up to
vocabulary practice)
Unity 1 – Pg 7 a 10 Unity 2
– Pg 11 a 13
Unit 1 – Lesson C, D; Unit 2 –
Lesson A(up to vocabulary
Unit 1 –Animal
Unit 2 – Pg 11 a 13, present tense be Yes/No
questions and short answers – Singular and plural
nouns forms, a/an
Unity 2 – Pg 19 a 20 Unity
3 – Pg 21 a 26
Unit 2 –Adjectives Before Noun; Unit 3 – There is /
there are statements questions and short answers
Unit 2 – Lesson B; Unit 3 – Lesson
A, B
Unity 2 – Job for
Unity 3 – Pg 26 a 30 Unity
4 – Pg 31 a 32
Unit 3 – Prepositions on place: in, on, under, next
to, between
Unit 3 – AVery
Special Village
Puffin Rescue! Pg 20 a 23 + video
+ quiz
Unit 4 This, that, these, those as subjectives and
Unit 4 – Lesson A, B, C (up to
vocabulary practice)
Unity 4 – Pg 38 a 40 Unity
5 – Pg 41 a 44
Unit 4 – Noun possessives; Simple present of have,
do and go affirmative statements; Unit 5 simple
present affirmative and negative statements
Unit 4 – Lesson C, D; Unity 4
Lesson A
Unit 4 –
Uncovering the
Unit 5 – Simple present of have, do and go
affirmative statements, negative, Yes/No questions
and short answers with regular verbs. Adverbs of
frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never
Unit 5 – Zoo
ADisappearing Word – Pg 22 a
23 + video + quiz
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
separated for this week, take a day of study to review. After this review you’re prepared to go on.
This week, as a suggestion, your duties will be separated like this:
DAY 2 - e-book, starting at the bottom of page 7 and finishing the grammar on page 8. This
grammar point covers sentences (statements, questions and short answers) with the verb BE
followed by an adjective. And talking about it, we have some questions for you. Are you single or
married? Is your best friend tall or short?
DAY 3 - As soon as you finish this part, you can take some exercises on grammar. Go to the
folder called VIDEO and Lesson 1C inside Table of Contents. There you can find GRAMMAR
PRACTICE 1 and GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2. In the first activity you’re supposed to complete the
sentences with the correct form of BE. The second activity asks you to find the correct answer for
each of the questions.
DAY 4 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. As we told you before, the
conversation activity is important so that you can improve your pronunciation of chunks of
language, instead of pronouncing words isolated. The exercise also deals with the correct
intonation. So, the more you practice, the better your spoken English will be. You can either click
on the audio icon on the page, or find the audio inside the VIDEO folder. Go for the best option.
In this conversation you’ll see the expression WHAT A SHAME! It’s used in the context of this
conversation to show that Ana is not happy because she would like to date Richard, but he is
married. A good exercise to make this expression part of your vocabulary is to think about different
situations in which you could use it. You saw that Ana and Carol are showing photos of their
relatives to each other and describing them. What about describing your relatives and friends?
Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen to the audio
passage (it’s inside the folder called VIDEO – LESSON 1D – READING PASSAGE: AUDIO).
After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more comprehension
activities inside the folder called VIDEO.
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video ANIMAL FAMILIES and taking the video
comprehension activities. Do you know that this story takes place in East Africa? Well, this is the
end of Unit 1. Now, we are going to start Unit 2. The topic of this unit is the universal experience of
work around the world. You are going to learn how to: a) identify jobs; b) talk about jobs; c) talk
about countries; d) compare jobs in different countries. On pages 11 and 12 you can see pictures of
different jobs. Can you name them? We invite you to make a list of any jobs you know in English.
DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, because we imagine you need a break tomorrow, isn’t it
right? So, let’s close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. According to the
theme of the unit, all the vocabulary is related to jobs. First, label the pictures. Then, listen to the
audio and correct your answers. Finally, listen again and repeat, you can see that the new
vocabulary is in a sentence, and not isolated. In your opinion, which of the jobs presented on this
page is boring? And which one is interesting? Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary
taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
Let’s review the grammar you studied yesterday. Study BE + ADJECTIVE inside the folder
GRAMMAR. It means that you’re supposed to watch the presentation, take the two grammar
practice exercises, as well as the listening and speaking activities and finish with the review. Finish
the week preparing the introduction for the book “Puffin Rescue!” on pages 2 and 3. The story is set
in a small town in Iceland. Prepare the vocabulary so that you can start reading the story next week.
2.2.4 - Week 3: starting...
{3ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 2 – Pg 3 a 18; [GR] Unit 2 – Pg 11 a 13, present tense be Yes/No questions and short answers –
Singular and plural nouns forms, a/an; [AU] Unit 2 – Lesson A, B, C; [RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 4 a 10;
16 unixelias@
Nível 2 - Básico
Here’s a suggestion for this third week, starting on the second day, since the first day is to review
the subject studied so far.
DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals
with the verb BE in the negative. As the topic of the unit is related to jobs, observe these examples:
I am a teacher. I’m not an artist. You’re a student. Probably, you aren’t an architect. This week, there
are two grammar topics to be studied. They first topic is present tense of be yes/no questions and
short answers and the second topic is singular and plural noun forms, a/an. As you know, for each of
these topics you have a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening and a speaking
activity as well as a review.
DAY 3 - Just to refresh your mind about what was studied yesterday, do the grammar practice
exercises inside the folder VIDEO. Finish the day reading pages 4-9 of the book Puffin Rescue!
When you go to page 8, scan it. I mean, don’t read the page carefully, only take a look at the page.
Return to page 7 and try to answer the questions at the bottom of this page. Finally, read (this time
more carefully) pages 8 and 9.
DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question IS JILL MARRIED OR SINGLE? Then, read
the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation. Moving
to page 15, you’ll see pictures of three people. Can you guess these people’s jobs before listening to
the audio? Then, listen again and fill in the chart. After this, check the numbers. There are other
listening comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder. Finish the day practicing the
contractions with BE. Listen and repeat as many times as necessary. This is how your pronunciation
will be better.
DAY 5 - On page 17 there’s a language expansion activity. This time you’ll be introduced to
some countries and cities and you’ll also learn how to say what the weather is like in these places. Is
your city wet? Is it cold or hot? Do the activities for vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO.
DAY 6 - On this last studying day, let’s go to the grammar which starts on the bottom of page 17
of the e-book. This time, you are going to study the structure BE + ADJECTIVE + NOUN. For
example: São Paulo is a crowded city. What can you say about the place where you live? ____ is
a/an _____ city. Do the activities on page 18 as well as the two exercises on grammar practice
inside the folder VIDEO. In the first exercise you complete the sentences with an adjective and in
the second you match questions and answers. The last activity of this week is the conversation on
page 18. You’ll hear two friends – Alan and Mohamed – talking about the place where Mohamed
comes from. What do you learn about this place? Practice the conversation. Then, take a rest.
2.2.5 - Week 4: starting...
{4ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 2 – Pg 19 a 20 Unity 3 – Pg 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 2 – Adjectives Before Noun; Unit 3 – There is /
there are statements questions and short answers; [AU] Unit 2 – Lesson B; Unit 3 – Lesson A, B; [VI] Unity 2 – Job for Children;
[RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 11 a 19;
Let’s get down to one more week of hard study. Be sure you’re not alone. We’ll follow you on
your way : )
DAY 2 - Let’s start the week reading about jobs in different countries on pages 19 and 20. Do you
think that, depending on the country where you live, the same job can have different duties? Think
about farmers in your country. What do they grow? Are the weather conditions good for farmers? Is
it interesting or boring to be a farmer? As soon as you finish, do the reading comprehension
activities in the folder VIDEO- 2D. Watch the video A JOB FOR CHILDREN. In this video you’ll
see how children can help the environment. Do the video comprehension activities in the folder
2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 17
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
DAY 3 - Unit 3 talks about houses and apartments. Do you live in a house or an apartment? Look
at the different pictures on pages 20 and 21 of the e-book and check if any of these houses is similar
to yours.
In this unit you’ll learn to:
a) identify rooms in a house;
b) describe your house;
c) identify household objects;
d) compare houses.
Finish the day reading the book PUFFIN RESCUE! up to page 19. The story is based on the
video you watched yesterday.
DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book there’s vocabulary related to rooms in a house. Do the
activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO – 3A. Think about your house. Is
there a dining room in your house? How many bedrooms are there? To ask and answer questions
like these, you’ll learn the verb there is/are. Study the charts on pages 23 and 24, and then do the
activities on page 24. In addition, do the grammar activities in the folder GRAMMAR: adjectives
before nouns and there is / there are statements, questions and short answers.
DAY 5 - Start your day reviewing what you studied yesterday. Go to the folder VIDEO – Lesson
3A and do the two exercises. In both exercises you’ll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct
option. On page 24, there is a conversation. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the
audio and answer the question IS THERE A GARAGE? Then, practice the conversation as many
times as you can. Practice talking about your house. Write sentences about the place where you live.
Say the things there is and there are in your house.
DAY 6 - Look at the 5 houses on page 25. Can you describe them? After looking at these houses,
play the audio and match each person to the house where they live. Play the audio again and check
if the sentences on page 26 are true or false. Take the chance to do other listening comprehension
activities which are in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3B. In English, most of the plural nouns are
formed by adding –s at the end. This final –s has three different pronunciations.
Listen to the audio and check the correct column according to the sound. Practice as much as you
can. Finish the week taking the pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3B.
2.2.6 - Week 5: starting...
{5ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 3 – Pg 26 a 30 Unity 4 – Pg 31 a 32; [GR] Unit 3 – Prepositions on place: in, on, under, next to,
between; [AU] Unit 3 – Lesson C, D; [VI] Unit 3 – A Very Special Village; [RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 20 a 23 + video + quiz ;
Are you around? So, let’s get started!
DAY 2 - Last week you learned how to say what there is and what there are in your house. Now,
you can say, for example: In my house there is a kitchen and a bathroom. There are two bedrooms.
But, what’s there in your bedroom? Go to page 27 of the e-book and you’ll learn how to say the
vocabulary related to furniture and household objects. Complement this topic studying the
vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3C. Go to the expansion reading of the book
PUFFIN RESCUE! on pages 22 and 23 and finish the week watching the video and doing the quiz
of this material.
DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 covers prepositions of places.
Study the chart and fill in the blanks in the exercise on page 28. Complement the grammar studying
the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to, between. Study
18 unixelias@
Nível 2 - Básico
the conversation on page 28 and answer the question WHERE IS TRACEY’S MAGAZINE? After
practicing the conversation for a few times, substitute the underlined words for other words you
learned in this unit. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO –
Lesson 3C.
DAY 4 - Dedicate this day to the reading of the text on pages 29 and 30. You’ll read about
different kinds of houses, unusual houses. What’s good about the houses in the text? And what’s bad
about them? Listen to the audio for this reading passage and do the comprehension exercises both
on page 29 and in the folder VIDEO. Practice your reading.
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video A VERY SPECIAL VILLAGE. This story is set in a small city in
Italy called Camogli. You’ll see how beautiful this art is. Take the comprehension as soon as you
finish watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video
without reading the subtitles.
DAY 6 - Let’s finish the week starting Unit 4. It doesn’t matter if we are old or young, rich or
poor, we all have certain possessions that mean a lot to us. What are your favorite possessions?
Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and name the possessions you see. Are they similar to
In this unit you’ll learn how to:
a) identify personal possessions;
b) talk about personal possessions;
c) buy a present;
d) talk about special possessions.
2.2.7 - Week 6: starting...
{6ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 4 – Pg 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 4 This, that, these, those as subjectives and adjectives; [AU] Unit 4 –
Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] A Disappearing Word – Pg 2 a 3;
DAY 2 - On page 33, complete the names of the objects in the pictures. Do you have any of these
objects? If you want to complete your list, here are some suggestions: money, pencil, appointment
book, etc. Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question:
WHAT IS IN THE BAG? Then, practice the conversation.
DAY 3 - The grammar topic on page 28 shows demonstrative adjectives. Study the chart and do
the exercise. Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: this, that,
these, those as subjects and adjectives. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the
folder VIDEO – Lesson 4A. In the first activity you’ll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct
option. Match questions and answers in the second activity.
DAY 4 - Look at the photos on page 35, and think where these people might be. Hear two people
talking about what’s in their bags. Listen to the audio again and do the activities on the page. Take
some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 5 - Do you know how to pronounce the word SHIP? And if you have to pronounce SHEEP?
Do you pronounce them in the same way or differently? Learn how to pronounce these similar
sounds on page 36. There’s more practice in the folder VIDEO. Start reading the book A
DISAPPEARING WORLD. Today, read the introduction on pages 2 and 3. The story is set in the
African countries of Congo and Gabon. The leader of the expedition written in this book is worried
that natural beauty disappears.
2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 19
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
DAY 6 - Do you shop online? What are your favorite web shops? Label the items on page 37 and
then complete the sentences. What other electronic products are there in your house? Finish the
week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO – lesson 4C.
2.2.8 - Week 7: starting...
{7ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 4 – Pg 38 a 40 Unity 5 – Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 4 – Noun possessives; Simple present of have, do
and go affirmative statements; Unit 5 simple present affirmative and negative statements; [AU] Unit 4 – Lesson C, D; Unity 4 Lesson
A; [VI] Unit 4 – Uncovering the past; [RE] A disappearing Word – Pg 4 a 19;
DAY 2 - The grammar topic on page 38 deals with the verb HAVE in statements, questions and
short answers. Remember the electronic items you were presented to last week? Now, I can ask you:
Do you have a laptop computer? Does your roommate have a new camera? Study the chart on page
38 and do the exercises that follow. Then, complement this knowledge taking the exercises in the
folder GRAMMAR: noun possessives and simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements.
Still on page 38, there is a conversation between Sun-Hee and Hana. Listen to the audio and answer
the question WHAT DO THEY BUY? Then, listen again and practice the conversation. Finish the
day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 4C.
DAY 4 - In this unit you’ll read a text about jewelry. What jewelry are you wearing? Are they
your special possessions? Read the text and do the activities on page 39. Complement, listening to
the audio related to this text. You can also take more reading comprehension activities in the folder
VIDEO – Lesson 4D. In this activity you’ll have to choose the correct option in a multiple-choice
DAY 5 - Do you know what an archeologist does? Watch the video UNCOVERING THE PAST
and discover interesting things about the Maya civilization. Do the activity that follows – match the
beginnings to the endings of the sentences. Go through the whole book A DISAPPEARING
WORLD. There are tasks on pages 7 and 15. In this book you learned that a team of explorers
wants to photograph and document the wild life in two beautiful African countries. Did they
complete their project? Could they do it safely? Take your time to study GRAMMAR: simple
present affirmative and negative statements.
DAY 6 - Let’s start the last unit of this part of the course. In Unit 5, you’ll acquire vocabulary for
daily routines and learn the simple present tense to talk about them. Look at the pictures on pages
41 and 42. Which of the things from the pictures do you do every day?
The goals of this unit are:
a) tell time;
b) talk about people’s daily activities;
c) talk about what you do at work;
d) describe a job.
Page 43 is the last page to be studied this week. What time do you do the activities that appear on
the page? What time do you get up? After having studied page 43, finish the week taking the
vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5A.
2.2.9 - Week 8: starting...
{8ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 5 – Pg 44 a 50; [GR] Unit 5 – Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative,
Yes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs. Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never; [VI] Unit 5 –
Zoo Dentists; [RE] A Disappearing Word – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;
20 unixelias@
Nível 2 - Básico
Well, this is a special week, because it’s the end of the first part of level 2.
DAY 2 - On page 45 you’ll see some typical activities in Joel Sartore’s daily life. Listen to the
audio and do the activities on this page. Then, think about a typical day in your life. What do you do
on Monday? What about on Tuesday? On page 46 you’ll practice intonation – the way our voices
rise and fall when we speak. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46, but
also the exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5B.
Study the GRAMMAR: simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative. This
topic was introduced last week and we’d like you to reinforce it, due to its great level of importance.
DAY 4 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to work activities. Which of the
activities presented on the page do you do every day, or every week? Which of these activities don’t
you do? What other things do you do at work or at college? There is more practice in the folder
VIDEO – Lesson 5C. Don’t miss it. Watch the video ZOO DENTISTS and find out what these
professionals do at work. Do they have a routine or do they do the same thing every day? Would
you like to be a zoo dentist? Take the video comprehension activities.
DAY 5 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. It deals with the simple present and
adverbs of frequency. After studying the chart, do the activities on page 48 as well as the two
grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5C. Match questions and answers in the
first activity and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct word. Listen to the audio for
the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT DOES BRENDA DO AT WORK?
Then practice the conversation as much as possible.
Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: simple present yes/no questions and short answers with
regular verbs and adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never.
DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talk about robots at work. Read and listen
to the text and answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension question in
the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5D. The extra text in the book A DISAPPEARING WORLD talks about
the goals of a conservation society. How long does it take you to read the 304 words? In addition,
watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, you reached one more goal! : )
2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 21
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2
2.3.1 - Índice
2.3.2 - Week 1: Welcome to the second part of level 2!
{1ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 6 – Pg 1 a 8; [GR] Unit 6 – Imperative (negative and polite); [AU] Unit 6 – Lesson A, B and C (up to
vocabulary practice);
This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1 to 7. The grammar covered this week
is IMPERATIVES. Now, let’s look at each part little by little. On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there
are different kinds of transportation. Can you name them? Besides the ones which appear on these
pages, what other types of transportation do you use? On page 3, you’ll see different places that you
can find in your city, for example, and you’re supposed to locate them on the map. The goal of this
page is not only locate the places on the map, but also ask for and give directions to these places.
In order to give messages, you’ll need to know how to use the verbs in the imperative. So, give a
break to the e-book and go to the grammar folder where you can find a presentation, two grammar
focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review. Maybe on the next day
you can return to the e-book and take the grammar activities on page 4 as reinforcement. Take the
conversation on the same page and practice your pronunciation, as well as your intonation. Follow
with the e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and
grammar practices that you’ll find inside the video folder.
2.3.3 - Week 2: starting...
{2ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 6 – Pg 8 a 10; Unit 7 – Pg 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 6 – Using affirmative and negative forms of have to;
[AU] Unit 6 – Lesson C and D; Unit 7 – Lesson A (up to vocabulary practice); [VI] Unit 6; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood –
Pg 2 a 3;
We hope you had a productive week. As you already know how important it is to review the
subject, before starting the activities separated for this week, take a day of study to review. After
this review you’re prepared to go on. Here follows a suggestion for you:
22 unixelias@
Sem E-book Grammar Audio Video Reading
1ª Unit 6 – Imperative (negative and polite) - -
2ª Unit 6
3ª Unit 7 – Present Continuous and Be able to/Can Unit 7 – LessonA, B and C -
4ª Unit 8 – Using can with permission Unit 7
5ª - Unit 8 – Lesson C and D Unit 8
6ª -
7ª Unit 9
8ª Unit 10 – Lesson B, C and D Unit 10
Nível 2 – Parte 2
Unit 6 – Pg 1 a 8
Unit 6 – LessonA, B and C (up to
vocabulary practice)
Unit 6 – Pg 8 a 10; Unit 7 –
Pg 11 a 13
Unit 6 – Using affirmative and negative forms of
have to
Unit 6 – Lesson C and D; Unit 7 –
Lesson A(up to vocabulary
ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood –
Pg 2 a 3
Unit 7 – Pg 13 a 18
ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood –
Pg 4 a 10
Unit 7 – Pg 19 a 20; Unit 8
– Pg 21 a 26
Unit 7 – Lesson B; Unit 8 – Lesson
Aand B
ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood –
Pg 11 a 19
Unit 8 – Pg 26 a 30; Unit 9
– Pg 31 a 32
ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood –
Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz
Unit 9 – Pg 33 a 37 Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns
Unit 9 – LessonA, B and C (up to
vocabulary practice)
The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg
2 a 3
Unit 9 – Pg 38 a 40; Unit
10 – Pg 41 a 44
Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns: a/an, some,
many in questions and answers, much, many, How
much?, How many?, Simple present affirmative and
negative statements. Simple present of have, do
and go,Yes/No questions and short answers.
Unit 9 – Lesson C and D; Unit 10
– LessonA
The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg
4 a 19
Unit 10 – Pg 45 a 50
Unit 10 – Simple presentYes/No questions and
short answers with regular verbs. Should/Shouldn't.
The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg
22 a 23 + video + quiz
Nível 2 - Básico
DAY 2 - Study the grammar on page 8 of the e-book. This grammar point covers the verb HAVE
TO in the simple present. You’ll see the verb used in statements, questions and short answers. You
know that HAVE TO is used to talk about obligations. Let’s think about your obligations as a
student: You have to take the lesson. You have to take exams. After completing the exercises on
page 8, close the e-book and go to the folder GRAMMAR to study the second grammar topic in
unit 6.
DAY 3 - Start the day taking the exercises on grammar related to Lesson 6C. In both activities
you have to fill in the gaps with one of the options to complete a sentence in the simple present. We
suggest you finish the day preparing the introduction for the book A Special Kind of Neighborhood
on pages 2 and 3. The story talks about an interesting and multicultural neighborhood in San
Francisco, California.
DAY 4 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT TIME DOES THE PLANE LEAVE?
Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and
In this conversation you see an assistant telling a tourist how to get to some place. Use your
imagination. You are an assistant at a hotel (think about a neighborhood in your city where the hotel
is) and part of your job is to tell tourists how to get to tour spots. Write directions to the places and
say what transportation they have to take. Practice as much as you can. Moving to pages 9 and 10,
you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen to the audio passage (it’s inside the
folder called VIDEO – LESSON 6D – READING PASSAGE: AUDIO). After reading, there are
some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more comprehension activities inside the
folder called VIDEO.
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video VOLCANO TREK and taking the video
comprehension activities. Do you know that this story takes place in Ethiopia? Do you know
anything about this part of Africa? Well, this is the end of Unit 6. Now, we are going to start Unit 7.
The topic of this unit is related to the activities we do in our free time. The unit focuses on some of
the most common leisure time activities and on sports people do.
You are going to learn how to:
a) identify activities people are doing now;
b) talk about activities that are happening now;
c) talk about abilities and
d) talk about sports.
Just to start, what do you do in your free time?
DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, because tomorrow is the break, remember? So, let’s
close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the
unit, all the vocabulary is related to free time activities. First, label the pictures. Then, listen to the
audio and correct your answers.
Finally, listen again and repeat, you can see that the new vocabulary is in a sentence, and not
isolated. In your opinion, which of the activities presented on this page do you like? And which
don’t you like? Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice
which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 23
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
2.3.4 - Week 3: starting...
{3ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 7 – Pg 13 a 18; [GR] Unit 7 – Present Continuous and Be able to/Can; [AU] Unit 7 – Lesson A, B
and C; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 4 a 10;
Dear students of level 2, take a look at the schedule suggestion that follows. It starts on Day 2
because the first day is dedicated to a review:
DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals
with the present continuous tense. As you already know, the present continuous is basically used
when you want to talk about something that is happening at this moment. For example: My sister
isn’t studying now. She’s cooking. Take the opportunity do the exercise inside the folder VIDEO. In
the first activity you have to match questions and answers and in the second activity you have to
choose the correct answer.
DAY 3 - Start the day taking the first exercises on grammar related to Unit 7. Study all the
activities related to Present Continuous. Finish the day reading pages 4-9 of the book A Special
Kind of Neighborhood. On page 5 there are three sentences in which you check true or false. After
reading, you can also listen to the audio book.
DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT IS DAVE DOING? Then, read the
conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation.
Moving to page 15, you’ll listen to some telephone conversations. Put the conversations in the
order you hear. There are other listening comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder. Finish
the day practicing the differences between the sounds sh and ch. Do you know how to pronounce
the words WATCH and WASH? The difference is subtle but important. Take this practice.
DAY 5 - On page 17 there’s a language expansion activity. As we are dealing with the topic of
free time activities, you can learn how to say some sports in English. We’d like to know which
sports you play. Do you play soccer? Oh no, so do you swim? There’s more vocabulary practice
inside the folder VIDEO. Practice as much as you can.
DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, before the break. So, let’s close the week studying the
vocabulary on page 18 of the e-book where you find the grammar section. This time, you are going
to study CAN for ability. Tell us what you can do. Can you swim? What about soccer? Can you play
soccer? Complete the activities on page 18 as well as the grammar activity (inside the folder
GRAMMAR – UNIT 7) and the two exercises on grammar practice inside the folder VIDEO. The
last activity of this week is the conversation on page 18. You’ll hear two girls – Julie and Yumi –
talking about the things Yumi’s boyfriend can do.
2.3.5 - Week 4: starting...
{4ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 7 – Pg 19 a 20; Unit 8 – Pg 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 8 – Using can with permission; [AU] Unit 7 – Lesson
B; Unit 8 – Lesson A and B; [VI] Unit 7; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 11 a 19;
Let’s get down to one more week of study. Good to see you here.
DAY 2 - Let’s start the week reading about sports practiced now and in the past. Read the article
and mark the sentences true or false. Then, listen to the audio. Look at the pictures on these pages:
what are they doing? Can you do what they are doing? As soon as you finish, do the reading
comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO- 7D.
Watch the video LAND DIVERS OF VANUATU. You’ll see that in this small South Pacific
island, people follow a tradition. A very unusual tradition, indeed. Do the video comprehension
activities in the folder VIDEO.
24 unixelias@
Nível 2 - Básico
DAY 3 - Unit 8 talks about clothes, you’ll begin by learning basic vocabulary and phrases to use
in shopping for clothing. Do you agree that what we wear expresses our personality, cultural values
and position in society?
In this unit you’ll learn to:
a) identify and buy clothes;
b) say what people are wearing;
c) express likes and dislikes;
d) learn about clothes and colors.
Finish the day reading the book A SPECIAL KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD up to page 19. Did
this wonderful art technique impress you?
DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book there’s vocabulary related to colors and clothes. Do you try
things on when you go shopping? Do the activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder
If you get in a shop, you’re supposed to be polite. Learn on page 24 how to ask polite requests.
Study the chart on page 24, and then do the activity that follows.
In addition, do the grammar activity in the folder GRAMMAR: using can with permission. It’s
important to remind you to watch the presentation, do the grammar exercises, as well as the
listening and speaking ones and finally stick to a review.
DAY 5 - Start your day reviewing what you studied yesterday. Go to the folder VIDEO – Lesson
8A and do the two exercises. In the first exercise you’ll be asked to match questions and answers
and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct option.
On page 24, there is a conversation. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the audio
and answer the question WHAT COLOR SHOES DOES THE CUSTOMER WANT? Then, practice
the conversation as many times as you can in order to improve your pronunciation and intonation.
DAY 6 - On page 25 you see four people wearing different clothing styles. Can you say what they
are wearing? Listen to the audio and match their names to the pictures. Take the chance to do
another listening comprehension activity which is in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 8B.
In fact, casual speech native English speakers often put words together and pronounce them in a
short form. Let’s practice both full and short forms on page 26. Finish the week taking the
pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 8B.
2.3.6 - Week 5: starting...
{5ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 8 – Pg 26 a 30; Unit 9 – Pg 31 a 32; [AU] Unit 8 – Lesson C and D; [VI] Unit 8; [RE] A Special
Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;
Are you ready to learn more? Great!
DAY 2 - Go to page 27 of the e-book and learn more vocabulary on clothes and pieces of clothes.
What clothes do you like? And what colors do you like? Complement this topic studying the
vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 8C.
Go to the expansion reading of the book A SPECIAL KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD on pages 22
and 23 and finish the week watching the video and doing the quiz of this material.
2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 25
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 shows you how to say things
you like and dislike. I can say, for example: My mother loves pink, but I don’t like this color. I like
red, but my mother doesn’t like it.
Study the chart and match questions and answers on page 28. Study the conversation on page 28
and answer the question WHAT PRESENT DO THEY BUY? After practicing the conversation for a
few times, practice it as much as you can.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3C. In the
first exercise, match questions and answers. In the second, fill in the blanks with the correct option.
DAY 4 - What’s your favorite color? Are you wearing this color now? Read the text on pages 29
and 30, and you’ll learn more about colors and clothes. Listen to the audio for this reading passage
and do the comprehension exercises both on page 29 and in the folder VIDEO. Practice your
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video INUIT FASHION. This story set in Canada, talks about how the
Inuit get dressed, and why they wear certain clothes. Take the comprehension as soon as you finish
watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video without
reading the subtitles.
DAY 6 - Let’s finish the week starting Unit 9. This unit approaches the topic of food from a
personal perspective. Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and name as many foods as you can.
What’s your favorite food?
In this unit you’ll learn how to:
a) order a meal;
b) plan a party;
c) talk about a healthy diet;
d) talk about food for special occasions.
2.3.7 - Week 6: starting...
{6ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 9 – Pg 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns; [AU] Unit 9 – Lesson A, B and C (up to
vocabulary practice); [RE] The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 2 a 3;
Welcome to a new week.
DAY 2 - On page 33, you’ll see vocabulary related to food and how each of these foods is
separated on a menu. After taking the activities on this page, do the one in the folder VIDEO –
Lesson 9A.
Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question: WHAT
DOES THE CUSTOMERS ORDER? Then, practice the conversation. Now you know how to order
food at a restaurant, ok?
DAY 3 - The grammar topic on page 28 shows some and any. Study the chart and do the exercise.
Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: count and noncount
nouns. Be aware that some verbs are count in our language, but noncount in English. So, understand
them without translating.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 9A. In the
first activity, fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY. Then, match questions and answers in the
second activity.
26 unixelias@
Nível 2 - Básico
DAY 4 - On page 35, you are going to hear two people planning a party. Look at the picture and
name the items you can see in it. Then, listen to the conversation and do the activities that follow.
Take some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 5 - In fact, casual speech, native English speakers often pronounce words in a short form.
This is not news; I’ve already told you this. So, on page 36 let’s learn how to pronounce the short
form of the word AND. There’s more practice in the folder VIDEO.
Start reading the book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS. Today, read the introduction on
pages 2 and 3. The story is set in an island called Cheju which is in South Korea. This island is
known for its legendary women divers. Have you ever dived? If not, would you like to? Start
reading the book, and soon you’ll find out how this society is changing.
DAY 6 - Diet means all the food you eat. Is your diet good or bad? Why? Look at the plate on
page 37 and write the words in the correct part of the chart. Finish the week with the vocabulary
practice activity in the folder VIDEO – lesson 9C.
2.3.8 - Week 7: starting...
{7ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 9 – Pg 38 a 40; Unit 10 – Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns: a/an, some, many
in questions and answers, much, many, How much?, How many?, Simple present affirmative and negative statements. Simple present
of have, do and go, Yes/No questions and short answers.; [AU] Unit 9 – Lesson C and D; Unit 10 – Lesson A; [VI] Unit 9; [RE] The
Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 4 a 19;
DAY 2 - The grammar topic on page 38 expands what you learned on page 34 – this time you’ll
study how much and how many. How many hamburgers do you eat? How much milk do you drink?
Study the chart on page 38 and do the exercises that follow. Then, complement this knowledge
taking the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: more about count and noncount nouns: a/an, some,
many in questions and answers, much, many, how much, how many.
Still on page 38, there is a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Listen to the audio and
answer the question DOES THE PATIENT EAT WELL? Then, listen again and practice the
conversation. What about you? Do you eat well?
Finish the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 9C. In both
activities, you’ll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct option.
DAY 4 - On pages 39 and 40, you’ll read a text about food for special occasions. On a typical day
in our lives, we eat ordinary food, that is, usual food. However, on special occasions we eat special
food. What is a special occasion for you? And what do you eat on this day? Read the passage (and
also listen to it) and do the activities on the page. Then, take more reading comprehension activities
in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 9D, in which you’ll deal with a multiple-choice activity.
DAY 5 - You know what fast food is, don’t you? But do you know what slow food is? Watch the
video SLOW FOOD and discover its benefits. Do the activity that follows. Then, think about it:
how can you slow down your life? Do you think it’s important?
Go through the whole book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS. There are tasks on pages 13
and 19. In this book you learned that the women in South Korea have dived into the ocean to look
for seafood for a long time. Now, these women have more choices. What are these choices? Return
to page 44 of the e-book and listen to the conversation. Answer the question WHAT’S WRONG
WITH KIM? Then, practice the conversation.
DAY 6 - Let’s start the last unit of this part of the course. In Unit 10, you’ll approach the topic of
health. The human body is the same all over the world, but people’s experiences with health and
illness vary widely. Look at the pictures on pages 41 and 42 and describe what you can see.
The goals of this unit are:
2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 27
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
a) identify parts of the body to say how you feel;
b) ask about and describe symptoms;
c) identify remedies and give advice;
d) learn and talk about prevention.
On page 43 you’ll learn to identify parts of the body to say how you feel. For example, if your
head hurts, you can say that you have a headache. After having studied page 43, finish the week
taking the vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10A.
The grammar starting at the bottom of page 43, shows sentences with FEEL and LOOK. You may
feel sick without looking sick.
FEEL is related to something inside yourself, while LOOK is related to your appearance. Do the
exercises on page 44 as well as the grammar practice activities in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10A.
Finish the week reviewing the GRAMMAR simple present affirmative and negative statements
and simple present of have, do, and go affirmative statements, negative statements, yes/no questions
and short answers.
2.3.9 - Week 8: starting...
{8ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 10 – Pg 45 a 50; [GR] Unit 10 – Simple present Yes/No questions and short answers with regular
verbs. Should/Shouldn't.; [AU] Unit 10 – Lesson B, C and D; [VI] Unit 10; [RE] The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 22 a 23 + video
+ quiz ;
DAY 2 - Think about when you go to the doctor. What does a patient do at the doctor? What does
the doctor do? On page 45 you’ll listen to two conversations between patients and doctors. Listen to
the audio and do the activities on this page. Then, do the extra listening comprehension activity in
the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10B.
On page 46 you’ll practice word stress. Stress means words and parts of words that sound
“stronger” when we’re speaking. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46,
but also the exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10B.
Study the GRAMMAR: simple present yes/no questions and short answers with regular verbs.
This topic has been studied before and is brought up again, due to its great level of importance.
DAY 4 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to remedies – things you can do at home
when you have a simple ailment. What remedies do you know? Do the activity on this page as well
as the one in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10C.
Watch the video PYRETHRUM and find out how dangerous a mosquito can be. Take the video
comprehension activities.
DAY 5 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. It shows the grammar point
SHOULD for advice. Look, I feel terrible. I have a cold. What should I do? Yeah, I should see a
doctor. I should take some cold medicine. After studying the chart, do the activities on page 48 as
well as the two grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10C. Match a problem to
its advice in the first activity and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct word.
Listen to the audio for the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT DOES
CASEY THINK BRENDA SHOULD DO? Then practice the conversation as much as possible.
Think of ailments and suggest a remedy and give advice to each of them.
Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: should / shouldn’t.
28 unixelias@
Nível 2 - Básico
DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talks about how to prevent diseases. Read
and listen to the text and answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension
question in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10D.
The extra text in the book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS talks about a different kind of
holiday. What’s your favorite kind of holiday? How long does it take you to read the 327 words? In
addition, watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, you reached one more goal : )
2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 29
Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)
2.4 - Nível 2, Parte 3
2.4.1 - Índice
2.4.2 - Week 1: starting...
{1ª Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 11 – Pg 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 11 – Feature with Be Going To; [AU] Unit 11 – Lesson A, B, C (up to
vocabulary practice);
Welcome to the last part of level 2. This week you are going to study the e- book from pages 1 to
7. The grammar covered this week is FUTURE WITH BE GOING TO.
Now, let’s look at each part little by little.
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are different things happening. Can you say what is
happening in each picture? Do you plan to do any of these things next weekend? Oh no? so, what
are you going to do on Saturday?
On page 3, you’ll see different things to do on special days. As soon as you finish studying this
page, go to the vocabulary practice inside the video folder.
When you want to talk about your plans, you might need to use the verbs in the future. So, give a
break to the e-book and go to the grammar folder where you can find a presentation, two grammar
focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review on this topic.
Separate another day to return to the e-book and take the grammar activities on page 4 as
reinforcement. Take the conversation on the same page and practice your pronunciation, as well as
your intonation.
Follow with the e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary
and grammar practices that you’ll find inside the video folder.
Keep up the good work !
30 unixelias@
Nível 2 – Parte 3
Sem E-book Grammar Audio Video Reading
1ª Unit 11 – Pg 1 a 7 Unit 11 – Feature with Be GoingTo - -
3ª Unit 21 – Pg 15 a 20 Unit 12 – Irregular Simple Past Unit 12 – Lesson B, C, D
4ª Unit 13 – Pg 21 a 27 -
6ª Unit 14 – Lesson B, C, D Unit 14 – Hula Dinosaur Search – Pg 2 a 3
7ª Unit 15 – LessonA, B, C, D Dinosaur Search – Pg 4 a 19
8ª Unit 16 – Pg 53 a 60 Unit 16 – LessonA, B, C, D
Unit 11 – LessonA, B, C (up to
vocabulary practice)
Unit 11 – Pg 8 a 10; Unit 12
– Pg 11 a 14
Unit 11 – Wold like / would rather / prefer; unit 12 –
Simple past be affirmative and negative statements
Unit 11 – Lesson C, D; Unit 12 –
Unit 11 – Making a
Thai Boxing
Water SportsAdventure – Pg 2 a
Unit 12 – Monarch
Water SportsAdventure – Pg 4 a
Unit 13 – Present tense be statements and
contractions. Present tense be Yes/No questions,
and short answers
Unit 13 – Lesson D; Unit 13 –
Lesson B, C (up to vocabulary
Water SportsAdventure – Pg 11 a
Unit 13 – Pg 28 a 30; Unit
14 – Pg 31 a 34
Unit 13 – Be + adjectives before nouns. Noun
possessives; Unit 14 Simple present of have, do
and go affirmative statements, negative statements,
Yes/No questions and short answers. Simple
presentYes/No questions and short answers with
regular verbs
unit 13 – Lesson C, D; Unit 14 -
Unit 13 –The Last
od the Woman
Water SportsAdventure – Pg 22 a
23 + video + quiz
Unit 14 – Pg 35 a 40; Unit
15 – Pg 41 a 42
Unit 14 – Adverbs of frequency: always, usually,
often, sometimes, never
Unit 15 – Pg 43 a 50; Unit
16 – Pg 51 a 52
Unit 15 – Possessive pronouns X possessive
adjectives. Should/ shouldn't. Polite imperatives.
Unit 15 – Beagle
Unit 16 – some with plural count nouns and with
non-count nouns. More about count and non-count
nouns: a/an, some, many, in questions and
answers: much, many, How much? How many?
Unit 16 –
Dangerous Dinner
Dinosaur Search – Pg 22 a 23 +
video + quiz

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  • 1. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) Transcrito Por: Elias C. Alves @unixelias Fonte: My English Online Versão 1.0
  • 2. Este trabalho está licenciado sob os termos da Licença Creative Commons Atribuição- SemDerivações-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasil (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 BR)(CREATIVE COMMONS BRASIL, 2014) , sem quaisquer ônus aos direitos dos criadores do texto. Esta é apenas uma obra de transcrição e formatação, que foi desenvolvida com a intenção de ajudar novos usuários da plataforma online de aprendizagem em inglês fornecida pelo MEC. A ideia surgiu devido a restrições de downloads nos sites onde as informações foram coletadas, ou seja, as mesmas estão disponíveis nos links citados. Meu trabalho foi apenas o de organizar e formatar as informações, sendo todos os créditos de criação e propriedade dados aos autores. Não pretendo aqui infringir nenhum direito autoral, criei o presente texto para facilitar meus estudos e de demais pessoas interessadas, sem nenhum ônus financeiros aos autores ou usuários. Esta obra deve ser usada apenas para compartilhamento de informações disponíveis nas referências citadas e para uso pessoal de usuários da plataforma. O criador desse documento se exime de quaisquer atos ilegais que sejam praticados a partir desta obra sem seu conhecimento. Elias Alves
  • 3. Nível 1 - Iniciante Sumário Nível 1 - Iniciante............................................................................2 1.1 - Cronograma............................................................................2 1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1.......................................................................3 1.2.1 - Índice...................................................................................3 1.2.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................3 1.2.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................3 1.2.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................4 1.2.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................4 1.2.6 - Week 5: starting...................................................................4 1.2.7 - Week 6: starting...................................................................4 1.2.8 - Week 7: starting...................................................................5 1.2.9 - Week 8: starting...................................................................5 1.3 - Nível 1, Parte 2.......................................................................5 1.3.1 - Índice...................................................................................5 1.3.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................5 1.3.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................6 1.3.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................6 1.3.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................6 1.3.6 - Week 5: starting...................................................................7 1.3.7 - Week 6: starting...................................................................7 1.3.8 - Week 7: starting...................................................................7 1.3.9 - Week 8: starting...................................................................7 1.4 - Nível 1, Parte 3.......................................................................8 1.4.1 - Índice...................................................................................8 1.4.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................8 1.4.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................8 1.4.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................9 1.4.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................9 1.4.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................10 1.4.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................10 1.4.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................10 1.4.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................11 Nível 2 - Básico.............................................................................12 2.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................13 2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1.....................................................................13 2.2.1 - Índice.................................................................................13 2.2.2 - Week 1: This time things will be a little bit different!........13 2.2.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................14 2.2.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................15 2.2.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................16 2.2.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................17 2.2.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................17 2.2.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................18 2.2.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................19 2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2.....................................................................20 2.3.1 - Índice.................................................................................20 2.3.2 - Week 1: Welcome to the second part of level 2!.................20 2.3.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................20 2.3.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................22 2.3.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................22 2.3.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................23 2.3.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................24 2.3.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................25 2.3.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................26 2.4 - Nível 2, Parte 3.....................................................................27 2.4.1 - Índice.................................................................................27 2.4.2 - Week 1: starting.................................................................27 2.4.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................28 2.4.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................29 2.4.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................30 2.4.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................31 2.4.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................32 2.4.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................33 2.4.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................34 Nível 3 - Pré Intermediário...........................................................36 3.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................37 3.2 - Nível 3, Parte 1.....................................................................37 3.2.1 - Índice.................................................................................37 3.2.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................37 3.2.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................38 3.2.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................39 3.2.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................40 3.2.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................41 3.2.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................42 3.2.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................43 3.2.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................44 3.3 - Nível 3, Parte 2.....................................................................45 3.3.1 - Índice.................................................................................45 3.3.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................45 3.3.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................45 3.3.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................47 3.3.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................48 3.3.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................49 3.3.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................50 3.3.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................50 3.3.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................52 3.4 - Nível 3, Parte 3.....................................................................53 3.4.1 - Índice.................................................................................53 3.4.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................53 3.4.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................53 3.4.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................54 3.4.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................55 3.4.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................56 3.4.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................57 3.4.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................59 3.4.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................60 Nível 4 - Intermediário..................................................................62 4.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................63 4.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1.....................................................................63 4.2.1 - Índice.................................................................................63 4.2.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................64 4.2.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................64 4.2.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................65 4.2.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................66 4.2.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................67 4.2.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................69 4.2.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................69 4.2.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................71 4.3 - Nível 4, Parte 2.....................................................................72 4.3.1 - Índice.................................................................................72 4.3.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................72 4.3.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................72 4.3.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................73 4.3.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................74 4.3.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................75 4.3.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................77 4.3.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................77 4.3.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................79 4.4 - Nível 4, Parte 3.....................................................................80 4.4.1 - Índice.................................................................................80 4.4.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................80 4.4.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................81 4.4.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................82 4.4.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................83 4.4.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................84 4.4.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................85 4.4.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................86 4.4.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................88 Nível 5 - Avançado........................................................................90 5.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................90 Nível 1 - Iniciante 1
  • 4. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) Nível 1 - Iniciante Ao término do Nivel 1, o aluno será capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir: Pré-Unidade Bem Vindo a Nossa Sala de Aula • Cumprimentar os seus colegas. • Dizer e escrever números de telefone. • Seguir instruções de sala de aula. Unidade I Informações Pessoais • Identificar colegas. • Falar sobre nacionalidades. • Falar sobre estado civil. • Dizer e escrever o seu endereço. • Dizer e escrever datas. Unidade II Nossa Sala de Aula • Apresentar os seus colegas. • Descrever a sua sala de aula. • Identificar atividades de sala de aula. • Falar sobre horas. • Descrever o clima. Unidade III Comida • Identificar comidas comuns. • Falar sobre fome. • Falar sobre quantidade. • Fazer uma lista de compras. • Expressar preferências. Unidade IV Roupas • Identificar tipos de roupa. • Identificar e encontrar sessões numa loja. • Identificar cores e descrever roupas. • Fazer compras e contar dinheiro. • Ler propagandas. Unidade V Nossa Comunidade • Identificar e falar sobre locais. • Descrever casas. • Identificar tipos de transporte. • Expressas preferências de transporte. • Dar e seguir direções. Unidade VI Vivendo Com Saúde • Identificar partes do corpo. • Descrever sintomas e doenças. • Identificar Medicamentos. • Descrever hábitos saudáveis. • Identificar ações na sala de espera. Unidade VII Trabalho • Identificar trabalhos. • Dar informações sobre trabalho. • Identificar responsabilidades de trabalho. • Ler avaliações. • Ler sinais e seguir direções. Unidade VIII Aprendizado e Revisão • Organizar materiais de estudo. • Fazer compras. • Dar e seguir direções. • Realizar objetivos. • Desenvolver um programa de estudo. 1.1 - Cronograma Tempo necessário à realização das tarefas: Sugestão: 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada Em cada um destes contatos, dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book 10 minutos para os vídeos 15 minutos para a gramática 10 minutos para as leituras A cada 2 meses faça seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso faça seu teste de mudança de nível Olá, parabéns por iniciar o curso MEO (My English Online)! Você fará esse curso dentro de uma plataforma online, mas tenha a certeza que não estará só. Estamos aqui com você e participaremos 2 unixelias@ Nível 1 Atividade Tempo Gasto (h) Nome Conteúdo H/Atividade Subt. Descrição Quant H* Min E-books 160 0,5 30 80 Unidades por vídeo 16 0,125 7,5 2 Gramática Unidades 20 0,7 42 14 Leituras 6 0,66667 40 4 Avaliações Testes 3 0,66667 40 2 Total por Nível 102 Horas Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana 4,25 Horas Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por mês 17 Horas Tempo previsto 6 Meses Páginas de conteúdo Vídeos Livros com vídeo e áudio
  • 5. Nível 1 - Iniciante do seu processo de aprendizagem da língua inglesa que, com certeza, será um sucesso. Como você sabe, você tem 2 meses (8 semanas) para concluir a primeira parte do Nível 1. Então, preparamos um plano de estudos com uma sugestão de divisão do conteúdo do material. Veja como tudo fica mais simples se houver um bom planejamento. Sugerimos que você siga o cronograma para tirar o máximo proveito do curso. 1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1 1.2.1 - Índice 1.2.2 - Week 1: starting... * {1ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 4; Esse contato com o inglês gera um conhecimento prévio do idioma e é essa habilidade que será usada na PRE-UNIT, com o objetivo de explorar essas noções básicas e adicionar mais conhecimento, aos poucos. Caso todo o conteúdo seja realmente novo pra você, então dedique-se bastante neste começo para que o aprendizado fique bem consolidado. Você vai precisar dele ao longo de todo o curso! 1.2.3 - Week 2: starting... {2ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Pre-unit - Pg. 7 a 9; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [GR] Pre-unit - Pg. 5 a 6; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [RE] Monkey Party - Pg. 2 a 7; Vamos continuar reciclando seu conhecimento anterior e sempre adicionando um pouquinho mais. Nessa segunda semana de estudos, sugerimos que você estude as páginas 7, 8 e 9 da PRE- UNIT e adicione as páginas 5 e 6 da gramática logo em seguida. No próximo dia, que tal iniciar a unidade 1? São apenas 2 páginas do e-Book + 2 da gramática. Finalize os estudos dessa unidade com a leitura do livro Monkey Party. O conteúdo é NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC! Ou seja, lindas imagens e um texto muito interessante. Você sabia que pode ouvir a narração enquanto lê? É um ótimo exercício para descobrir a pronúncia das palavras e a entonação. Além disso, temos um vídeo sobre o tema. Um bom plano de leitura é focar bem nas páginas 2 e 3. Depois, você vai preparar o vocabulário que será importante durante a leitura do livro. E então partirá para a leitura até a página 7. Não * Notações dos exercícios: Entre chaves, o nome da semana, acompanhado dos números de nível e parte, por exemplo: {1ª Sem - #N1P1} = 1ª semana do Nível 1, Parte 1. Os tipos de exercícios diferentes em cada plano estão assim divididos: [EB] E-Book; [GR] Grammar; [AU] Audio; [VI] Video; [RE] Reading. Em cada semana há uma descrição prévia dos exercícios contidos no quadro de planejamento. 1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1 3 Nível 1 – Parte 1 Sem Audio Video Reading 1ª Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 6 Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 4 - - - 2ª - - Monkey Party - Pg. 2 a 7 3ª Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 6 Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 8 - - Monkey Party - Pg. 8 a 19 4ª Unit 1 - Pg. 7 a 11 Unit 1 - Pg. 9 a 12 - - Monkey Party - quiz + video 5ª Unit 1 - Pg. 12 a 16 Unit 1 - Pg. 13 a 14 - Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2 6ª Unit 2 - Pg. 17 a 22 Unit 2 - Pg. 15 a 18 - - Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 8 a 19 7ª Unit 2 - Pg. 23 a 28 Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 24 - - Life on the Orinoco + quiz 8ª Unit 2 - Pg. 29 a 33 Unit 2 - Pg. 25 a 28 - Unit 2 - Pg. 3 a 4 E-book Grammar Pre-unit - Pg. 7 a 9; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2 Pre-unit - Pg. 5 a 6; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2 Monkey Party - Pg. 22 a 23; Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 2 a 7 Life on the Orinoco – Pg. 22 a 23 + video
  • 6. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) esqueça de assistir os vídeos, no final! Você terá a oportunidade de ver o conteúdo estudado em forma de diálogos. Dica: Atenção às imagens, elas nos ajudam a entender o que está escrito. 1.2.4 - Week 3: starting... {3ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 6; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 8; [RE] Monkey Party - Pg. 8 a 19; Revisando - Se achar a ideia interessante, sugerimos dedicar cerca de 1 hora para uma revisão geral do que foi visto até agora. Vamos continuar na UNIT 1 do e-book, da página 4 até a página 6. Para complementar esse conteúdo, siga para a gramática e estude da página 3 até a página 6. O tempo para essas atividades será de aproximadamente 3 horas. Finalize a leitura do Monkey Party até a página 19. Lembre-se que para fixarmos o conteúdo que aprendemos é preciso praticar!!! Não basta ter contato uma vez só. Por isso, insistimos em rever as páginas que já foram estudadas. Separe um tempo da sua semana para essa revisão. Isso fará diferença, com certeza! 1.2.5 - Week 4: starting... {4ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 7 a 11; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 9 a 12; [RE] Monkey Party - quiz + video; Aproveite para revisar a leitura do livro MONKEY PARTY e finalizar esse material fazendo o quiz e se divertindo com o vídeo. Você deve precisar de 2 horas para esse conteúdo. Vamos continuar o e-book da página 7 até a página 11. Reforce esse conteúdo estudando a gramática entre as páginas 9 e 12. Você pode dividir essa parte em 2 dias, dedicando-se cerca de 2 horas a cada dia. Nos outros dias da semana, lembre-se de revisar o conteúdo. 1.2.6 - Week 5: starting... {5ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 12 a 16; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 13 a 14; [VI] Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [RE] Monkey Party - Pg. 22 a 23; Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 2 a 7; Parabéns! Basta finalizar as páginas 12 a 16 do e-book e as páginas 13 e 14 da gramática para que você tenha uma unidade completa. Ao concluir a unidade 1, veja o quanto você já aprendeu: nacionalidade alfabeto estado civil números datas endereço Assista aos vídeos da unidade 1 – páginas 1 e 2. O conteúdo dos vídeos é bem didático e você terá a oportunidade de ver o conteúdo estudado em forma de diálogos. E agora vamos finalizar a leitura do livro Monkey Party com a leitura extra das páginas 22 e 23. Quanto tempo você usou para ler as 316 palavras? Você pode iniciar a leitura de Life on the Orinoco, preparando o vocabulário nas páginas 2 e 3. Parabéns pela conquista e vamos em frente. 1.2.7 - Week 6: starting... {6ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 17 a 22; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 15 a 18; [RE] Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 8 a 19; Sabemos que você está ansioso para começar a unidade 2, mas é sempre bom revisar a unidade 1 antes disso. Dedique cerca de 1 hora para essa revisão e aí você estará preparado para o próximo desafio. Vamos em frente? Comece pelo e-book da página 17 até a página 22 e complemente com o conteúdo da gramática da página 15 até a página 18. Separe 2 dias de estudo para as páginas desses materiais. Se você conseguiu separar o vocabulário do livro LIFE ON THE ORINOCO na última semana, siga a leitura até a página 19. Você sabia que pode gravar a sua voz fazendo a leitura do material? Excelente forma de praticar Não se esqueça da revisão, ela ajuda muito no desempenho. Dica: fazer uma revisão de toda a matéria no meio da semana, que tal? • releia o livro ouvindo o áudio das páginas; • grave sua leitura (exercitando sua pronúncia); • faça o quiz. 4 unixelias@
  • 7. Nível 1 - Iniciante 1.2.8 - Week 7: starting... {7ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 23 a 28; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 24; [RE] Life on the Orinoco + quiz; Prosseguindo com a unidade 2, siga da página 23 até a página 28 do e-book e reforce esse mesmo conteúdo com a gramática da página 19 até a página 24. Separe 2 dias de estudo para essa parte. Quando for responder as perguntas, você deve procurar as respostas nas páginas do livro. O objetivo é interpretar, não é decorar. 1.2.9 - Week 8: starting... {8ª Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 29 a 33; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 25 a 28; [VI] Unit 2 - Pg. 3 a 4; [RE] Life on the Orinoco – Pg. 22 a 23 + video; Estamos chegando ao fim de uma grande etapa. Parabéns, você está no caminho certo! Agora, basta finalizar o conteúdo do e-book e da gramática. Provavelmente você usará somente 2 horas para isso. No dia seguinte, você deve fazer as atividades de vídeo da unidade 2, nas páginas 3 e 4. Se der tempo, refaça as atividades de vídeo da unidade 1, vale a pena! Finalize o livro Life on the Orinoco assistindo ao vídeo, é uma boa dica para relaxar e ao mesmo tempo estudar e estar em contato com o idioma. O próximo passo, nessa semana, é o PROGRESS TEST 1. Mas, para obter sucesso, revise tudo o que aprendeu até aqui antes de realizar o teste. Esse é o teste que você fará para avançar à parte 2 do nível 1. ATENÇÃO: não descuide do prazo! Para realizar o teste você tem prazo máximo de 2 meses após ter iniciado as atividades do Nível 1! Você acaba de completar uma parte do curso! 1.2 - Nível 1, Parte 1 5
  • 8. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) 1.3 - Nível 1, Parte 2 1.3.1 - Índice 1.3.2 - Week 1: starting... {1ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 4; Olá, chegamos na parte 2 do nível 1! Vamos seguir juntos nessa jornada! Separe o primeiro dia da semana para revisar o que foi visto até então. Para saber tanto seus pontos fortes quanto aqueles que precisam de mais atenção, você precisa praticar! Após separar esse tempo para revisão, inicie a Unit 3 do e-book até a página 6. Dica: prepare um lanchinho. Essa unidade fala sobre comida, então... com certeza você sentirá fome. Logo depois, reforce o conteúdo estudando a gramática entre as páginas 1 e 4. 1.3.3 - Week 2: starting... {2ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 7 a 12; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 5 a 8; [VI] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 (What´s for Lunch?); [RE] The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 2 a 7; E aí? Ficou curioso para abrir a geladeira e saber o nome dos alimentos em inglês? É muito bom trazer o que nós estudamos para a vida real. Para tornar o seu estudo ainda mais completo, essa semana você vai assistir a um vídeo e ainda iniciar a leitura do livro The Lost City of Machu Picchu. Você vai se surpreender! Contando que a semana de estudos tenha 5 dias (sim, é bom descansar), reserve: • 1 dia para e-Book (entre as páginas 7 e 12); • 1 dia para gramática (páginas 5 até 8); • 1 dia para vídeo (página 1) + exercícios; • 1 dia para leitura (vocabulário até página 7); • 1 dia para revisão. 6 unixelias@ Nível 1 – Parte 2 Sem Grammar Audio Video Reading 1ª Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 6 Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 4 - - - 2ª Unit 3 - Pg. 7 a 12 Unit 3 - Pg. 5 a 8 - 3ª Unit 3 - Pg. 9 a 14 - 4ª Unit 4 - Pg. 21 a 26 Unit 4 - Pg. 15 a 22 - 5ª Unit 4 - Pg. 27 a 34 Unit 4 - Pg. 23 a 28 - 6ª Unit 5 - Pg. 36 a 41 Unit 5 - Pg. 29 a 32 - 7ª Unit 5 - Pg. 42 a 47 Unit 5 - Pg. 33 a 36 - 8ª Unit 5 - Pg. 48 a 53 Unit 5 - Pg. 37 a 42 - - E-book Unit 3 - Pg. 1 (What´s for Lunch?) The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 2 a 7 Unit 3 - Pg. 13 a 17; Unit 4 - Pg. 18 a 20 Unit 3 - Pg. 2 (My Story: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 8 a 19 Unit 4 - Pg. 3 (That´s a Good Deal) The Lost City of Machu Picchu - quiz + video Unit 4 - Pg. 4 (My Story: Clothing) The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 22 a 23; TheYoung Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 2 a 3 Unit 5 - Pg. 5 (DoYou Live Around Here?) TheYoung Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 4 a 15 Unit 5 - Pg. 6 (My Story:The Town Where I Live) TheYoung Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 16 a 19 + quiz TheYoung Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 22 a 23 + video
  • 9. Nível 1 - Iniciante 1.3.4 - Week 3: starting... {3ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 13 a 17; Unit 4 - Pg. 18 a 20; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 9 a 14; [VI] Unit 3 - Pg. 2 (My Story: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner); [RE] The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 8 a 19; Ficou fascinado com Machu Picchu?! Aqui vai um link, tirado do Youtube, com mais informações: Aproveite essa “viagem” para finalizar a leitura até a página 19. É hora de revisar! Feito isso, você está pronto para estudar da página 13 a 17 do e-book. Em seguida, dedique-se à gramática, entre as páginas 9 e 14. Essa semana é importante começar a unidade 4 do e-book entre as páginas 18 e 20. Finalize a semana com o vídeo da página 2 e seus respectivos exercícios. 1.3.5 - Week 4: starting... {4ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 4 - Pg. 15 a 22; [VI] Unit 4 - Pg. 3 (That´s a Good Deal); [RE] The Lost City of Machu Picchu - quiz + video; 6. Parabéns pela dedicação! Seguindo em frente, vamos revisar e depois estudar as páginas 21 à 26, do e-book. Essa semana é bem legal, estamos aprendendo a identificar roupas, cores e setores em uma loja. Melhor ainda é praticar, dar uma volta no shopping e fazer o seguinte exercício mental: ao olhar as peças de roupa nas lojas, lembre-se do vocabulário em inglês. É uma ótima revisão. Agora que você já relaxou um pouco, estude a gramática entre as páginas 15 e 22. Já sabe dizer quais roupas você tem ou não tem? I have two blue shirts, but I don’t have a yellow T-shirt. Viu como você já consegue colocar em prática? Faça suas próprias frases! Assista ao vídeo da página 3 e termine a semana respondendo o quiz e assistindo ao vídeo do livro The Lost city of Machu Picchu. Para terminar a semana, que tal dar uma olhada nesse vídeo? São duas amigas conversando numa loja de departamentos no Japão, mas não se preocupe, elas falam em inglês. Elas falam em inglês, claro! Clique no link: 1.3.6 - Week 5: starting... {5ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 27 a 34; [GR] Unit 4 - Pg. 23 a 28; [VI] Unit 4 - Pg. 4 (My Story: Clothing); [RE] The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 22 a 23; The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 2 a 3; Prepare-se! Vamos finalizar a unidade 4: em um dia, estude as páginas 27 à 34 do e-book e, no outro dia, estude as páginas 23 à 28 da gramática. Separe outro dia para o vídeo da página 4 e seus respectivos exercícios. Vamos fazer uma experiência? Conte em quantos minutos consegue fazer a leitura das páginas 22 a 23 do livro The lost city of Machu Picchu. Assim, daqui a alguns dias repita o processo e veja como ficará cada vez mais rápido. Atenção: não basta ler, é preciso entender. Para finalizar, inicie a leitura do próximo livro The young riders of Mongolia com as páginas 2 e 3. 1.3.7 - Week 6: starting... {6ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 36 a 41; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 29 a 32; [VI] Unit 5 - Pg. 5 (Do You Live Around Here?); [RE] The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 4 a 15; Você sabe descrever, em inglês, a vizinhança onde mora? Talvez ainda não saiba, mas vai aprender já! Vamos fazer isso essa semana. Após fazer aquela bela revisão no conteúdo, estude o e- book entre as páginas 36 e 41. Lá você aprenderá a identificar localizações e descrever moradias. No dia seguinte, estude a gramática entre as páginas 29 e 32. O vídeo “Do you live around here?” (página 5) complementa esse conteúdo. E, para finalizar a semana, leia as páginas 4 até 15 do livro The young riders of Mongolia. E, para quem estudou muito a semana toda, que tal um pouquinho de diversão para relaxar? Olhe esse link: 1.3 - Nível 1, Parte 2 7
  • 10. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) 1.3.8 - Week 7: starting... {7ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 42 a 47; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 33 a 36; [VI] Unit 5 - Pg. 6 (My Story: The Town Where I Live); [RE] The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 16 a 19 + quiz; Já evoluímos bastante até aqui. Mas, ainda há muito o que aprender. Dica: revisar e adicionar novo conteúdo, sempre. No e-book, essa semana, você pode avançar da página 42 até a 47 para aprender a falar sobre transporte. Estude a gramática entre as páginas 33 e 36 e dê bastante atenção ao SIMPLE PRESENT, pois esse tempo verbal acompanhará você para sempre. O vídeo da página 6 é o último desse módulo, portanto, aproveite! Leia até a página 19 do livro The young riders of Mongolia e responda o quiz. Se tiver tempo, repasse a leitura, dessa vez ouvindo o áudio enquanto lê. Ah, e você ainda pode gravar sua voz para observar e melhorar a própria pronúncia. Lembre-se de revisar! Esta semana teremos o PROGRESS TEST! 1.3.9 - Week 8: starting... {8ª Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 48 a 53; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 37 a 42; [RE] The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 22 a 23 + video; Essa é uma semana especial porque você finaliza mais uma etapa. Parabéns!!! Mais uma vez, vamos dividir nossa semana em 5 dias: • 1 dia para finalizar o e-Book entre as páginas 48 e 53; • 1 dia para finalizar a gramática entre as páginas 37 e 42; • 1 dia para o vídeo do livro The young riders of Mongolia; • 1 dia para Leitura extra do The young riders of Mongolia nas páginas 22 e 23 (lembre-se de contar o tempo usado para essa leitura); • 1 dia para revisão. Separe mais uma parte da semana para uma boa revisão de todo o conteúdo estudado e assim estará preparado para a última parte que será o PROGRESS TEST 2. PROGRESS TEST 2. Sucesso! 8 unixelias@
  • 11. Nível 1 - Iniciante 1.4 - Nível 1, Parte 3 1.4.1 - Índice 1.4.2 - Week 1: starting... {1ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 4; Você sabe o quanto é importante aprender as partes do nosso corpo em inglês? Se você está viajando e necessita de cuidados médicos, ao chegar ao hospital, você vai precisar explicar o que sente e onde está doendo. Dominar o idioma tornará o seu atendimento muito mais rápido e eficaz. Há ainda outra vantagem: muitas pessoas gostam de assistir a seriados com a temática do dia a dia do hospital. Estamos dando mais um passo para nos vermos livres das legendas. Nessa semana vamos estudar as páginas 1 a 6 no e-book (conhecer partes do corpo, falar sobre sintomas, atender às ordens do médico, ...) e complementar com as páginas 1 a 4 da gramática. 1.4.3 - Week 2: starting... {2ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 7 a 12; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 5 a 10; [VI] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 2 (I've Got Lots of Stress); [RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 2 a 7; Vamos agora para o e-book entre as páginas 7 e 12, para complementar esse assunto de medicina. Medicamentos e dicas de saúde: Para dar suporte, vamos estudar as páginas 5 a 10 da gramática, onde encontramos os tempos verbais present simple e present continuous. Para sair um pouco da rotina, separamos esse vídeo: Separe um dia para assistir ao vídeo das páginas 1 e 2 que fala sobre stress e fazer os exercícios relacionados a esse vídeo. Vamos iniciar o livro Alaskan Ice Climbing. Prepare o vocabulário nas páginas 2 e 3, e siga com a leitura até a página 7. 1.4.4 - Week 3: starting... {3ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 13 a 18; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 11 a 14; [VI] Unit 6 - Pg. 2 (My Story: Sickness and Health); [RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 8 a 19; 9 Nível 1 – Parte 3 Sem Grammar Audio Video Reading 1ª Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 6 Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 4 - - - 2ª Unit 6 - Pg. 7 a 12 Unit 6 - Pg. 5 a 10 - Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 2 a 7 3ª Unit 6 - Pg. 13 a 18 Unit 6 - Pg. 11 a 14 - Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 8 a 19 4ª Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 24 Unit 7 - Pg. 15 a 18 - - 5ª Unit 7 - Pg. 25 a 30 Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 22 - 6ª Unit 7 - Pg. 31 a 36 Unit 7 - Pg. 23 a 28 - The Giant’s Causeway – Pg. 4 a 19 7ª Unit 8 - Pg. 37 a 42 Unit 8 - Pg. 29 a 34 - The Giant’s Causeway – Pg. 22 a 23 8ª Unit 8 - Pg. 43 a 49 Unit 8 - Pg. 35 a 41 - The Giant’s Causeway – quiz + video E-book Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 2 (I've Got Lots of Stress) Unit 6 - Pg. 2 (My Story: Sickness and Health) Alaskan Ice Climbing – Pg. 22 a 23 + quiz Unit 7 - Pg. 3 a 4 (Our Son is Going to Get a Job) Alaskan Ice Climbing – video; The Giant’s Causeway - Pg. 2 a 3 Unit 7 - Pg. 4 (My Story: My Job) Unit 8 - Pg. 5 a 6 (It’s Easy to Get Organized) Unit 8 - Pg. 6 (My Story: Balancing School and Work)
  • 12. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) Para conhecer mais sobre a história contada no livro e praticar mais a língua inglesa, acesse Para acompanhar essa leitura, siga até a página 19 do seu material de leitura complementar. Atenção: não deixe de usar os recursos de áudio e gravação de voz. Quanto mais você expuser seus ouvidos à pronúncia original, mais facilmente você conseguirá entender os nativos e melhor será a sua pronúncia! Dedique-se às páginas 13 a 18 do e-book, para finalizar a unidade 6 com a temática saúde. Entre as páginas 11 e 12 da gramática você estudará o modal should. O verbo é usado para falar o que deve ser feito. Por exemplo: se você chegasse cansado em casa, depois de um dia de muito trabalho ou estudo, o que deveria fazer? You should sleep Nas páginas 13 e 14 você estudará o tempo verbal futuro com a auxiliar will. Vamos ver um exemplo prático: meu melhor amigo é sedentário e está sofrendo problemas de saúde por causa do seu estilo de vida. Então, ele decide começar a praticar exercícios 3 vezes por semana. Veja como ele pode dizer que irá executar uma determinada ação no futuro, em inglês: I will (I’ll) exercise three times a week Para terminar, você pode assistir ao vídeo da página 2 e fazer a tarefa correspondente. Vamos finalizar com alguns conselhos sobre o que deve ser feito essa semana: You should study English. You should practice more and you should relax in the weekend. 1.4.5 - Week 4: starting... {4ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 24; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 15 a 18; [RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing – Pg. 22 a 23 + quiz; You should review unit 6. Logo após a revisão, vamos iniciar a unidade 7, com o tema TRABALHO (emprego, ocupação, tarefas, obrigações, etc) Nas páginas 19 a 24 do e-book, você aprenderá a identificar algumas ocupações, identificar o local de trabalho de alguns profissionais e também a falar sobre o horário do expediente. • Algumas perguntas... • What do you do? • Where do you work? • What time do you start and finish work? • Do you work on Saturdays? Com certeza, ao fim da página 24, você saberá responder essas perguntas. O tempo verbal simple present é muito importante. Vamos aprender a aplicá-lo com a temática da unidade, “work”: I work. I am a teacher. My daughter doesn’t work. She is a student. Você já consegue produzir muitas frases parecidas com essa, tenho certeza! Para isso, estude a gramática entre as páginas 15 e 18. Vamos finalizar a semana respondendo ao quiz do livro Alaskan Ice Climbing e fazendo a leitura complementar das páginas 22 e 23. Em quanto tempo você consegue ler as 309 palavras? 1.4.6 - Week 5: starting... {5ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 25 a 30; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 22; [VI] Unit 7 - Pg. 3 a 4 (Our Son is Going to Get a Job); [RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing – video; The Giant’s Causeway - Pg. 2 a 3; 10 unixelias@
  • 13. Nível 1 - Iniciante Vamos iniciar a semana revisando o conteúdo e assistindo ao vídeo do Alaskan ice climbing. No início do vídeo eles falam sobre o clima no Alaska. Como é o clima na sua cidade? Is it hot or cold? Is it sunny? Does it rain a lot? Estude as páginas 25 a 30 do e-book, você aprenderá a falar sobre as obrigações de cada trabalhador. Um profissional precisa... Ser amigável: Are you friendly? Atender o telefone: Can you answer the phone? Ser pontual: Do you come to work on time? Para expressar o que uma pessoa consegue ou não fazer, precisamos aprender o verbo anômalo can. Teachers can prepare lessons, but teachers can’t treat a patient. Então, essa semana você estudará as páginas 19 a 22 da gramática. Além do can você ainda terá mais um reforço nas formas afirmativa e negativa do verbo be. Prepare a leitura do livro The Giant’s Causeway, estudando apenas as páginas 2 e 3, por enquanto. O livro fala de uma formação rochosa na costa da Irlanda. 1.4.7 - Week 6: starting... {6ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 31 a 36; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 23 a 28; [VI] Unit 7 - Pg. 4 (My Story: My Job); [RE] The Giant’s Causeway – Pg. 4 a 19; O que você sabe sobre a Irlanda? Conheça um pouco mais assistindo ao vídeo, produzido pela NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Como nossa história acontece na Irlanda, vamos ler da páginas 4 à 19 e descobrir fatos bem interessantes. Aproveite o dia de estudos, não somente para ler, mas também para escutar a narração do material. Para finalizar a unidade 7, estude o e-book entre as páginas 31 e 33, e faça a revisão da página 34 a 36. Na gramática: • Páginas 23 a 28 - o primeiro tópico é uma revisão do modo imperativo e depois você inicia com o tempo verbal simple past; • Páginas 25 e 26 - verbos regulares – aqueles em que a forma no passado é sempre com “ed”. Exemplos: love – loved, cook – cooked, like – liked, clean – cleaned, file – filed; • Páginas 27 e 28 - passado dos verbos irregulares - não há uma regra definida para a forma desses verbos no passado, cada um é diferente. Para ter sucesso no aprendizado, você precisa estudar uma boa quantidade desses verbos, entre 5 e 8 verbos por semana (aprenda sua forma no passado e a aplique em frases e contextos reais). Termine a semana com um dia mais tranquilo, assistindo ao vídeo da página 4. 1.4.8 - Week 7: starting... {7ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg. 37 a 42; [GR] Unit 8 - Pg. 29 a 34; [VI] Unit 8 - Pg. 5 a 6 (It’s Easy to Get Organized); [RE] The Giant’s Causeway – Pg. 22 a 23; Nessa unidade, você verá o vocabulário sobre organização de materiais de estudos, preços de produto na loja, etc. Além disso, aprenderá a perguntar sobre preços de itens em lojas e descobrir como dar e seguir instruções. Para isso, estude da página 37 até a página 42 do e-book. 11
  • 14. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) A gramática entre as páginas 23 e 28 traz mais um reforço do verbo be e as funções necessárias para a comunicação apresentada no e-book. Assista ao vídeo que exemplifica as expressões how much e how many, e ainda revisa o vocabulário relacionado à comida. Assista: Veja também o vídeo das páginas 5 e 6, fazendo as tarefas correspondentes. Por fim, faça a leitura extra nas páginas 22 e 23 do livro The Giant’s Causeway. Dessa vez você terá 312 palavras. 1.4.9 - Week 8: starting... {8ª Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg. 43 a 49; [GR] Unit 8 - Pg. 35 a 41; [VI] Unit 8 - Pg. 6 (My Story: Balancing School and Work); [RE] The Giant’s Causeway – quiz + video; Que maravilha! Parabéns por mais uma etapa concluída! Para acabar a unidade 8, estude as páginas 43 a 49 do e-book. Já que estamos falando de organização nessa unidade, vamos aprender a estabelecer objetivos e traçar um ponto de estudos. As duas últimas páginas são para a revisão. A gramática entre as páginas 35 e 41 será dividida em 3 partes: • Simple Present (atividades de rotina) • Can / May (verbos anômalos) • Frases sobre o que gostamos de fazer (ex: I like to have lunch at noon) O último vídeo está na página 6 e fala sobre trabalho e escola. Você também trabalha e estuda? É difícil conciliar o tempo, não é mesmo? Só com muita organização. Mas, você consegue! Faça o quiz e assista ao vídeo do livro The Giant’s causeway. Revise bastante antes de fazer o FINAL COURSE TEST. Parabéns pelo progresso! Congratulations! 12 unixelias@
  • 15. Nível 2 - Básico Nível 2 - Básico Ao término do Nivel 2, o aluno será capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir: Unidade I Amigos e Família • Encontrar e apresentar pessoas. • Identificar membros da família. • Descrever pessoas. • Dar informações pessoais e da família. Unidade II Empregos no Mundo • Identificar trabalhos. • Falar sobre trabalhos. • Falar sobre países. • Comparar trabalhos em diferentes países. Unidade III Casas e Lares • Identificar cômodos numa casa. • Descrever sua casa. • Identificar objetos da casa. • Comparar casas. Unidade IV Minhas Coisas • Identificar objetos pessoais. • Falar sobre posse. • Comprar um presente. • Identificar uma posse especial. Unidade V Dia a Dia • Falar sobre atividades diárias. • Perguntar sobre atividades diárias. • Falar sobre o que você faz no trabalho. • Ler e escrever sobre descrições de trabalho. Unidade VI Locomovendo-se • Seguir direções. • Ler e usar um mapa simples. • Falar sobre transporte. • Gravar uma jornada. Unidade VII Hora de Diversão • Identificar atividades. • Falar sobre atividades favoritas. • Discutir habilidades. • Descrever atividades esportivas. Unidade VIII Roupas que Gosto • Identificar tipos de roupas. • Fazer compras. • Identificar cores e descrever roupas. • Ler sobre fabricação de roupas. Unidade IX Comer Bem • Pedir uma refeição. • Planejar uma festa. • Expressar quantidades. • Quantificar ou interpretar necessidades de comida e nutricionais. Unidade X Saúde • Identificar partes do corpo. • Descrever sintomas e doenças. • Identificar medicamentos e tratamentos. • Descrever tratamentos de medicina alternativos. Unidade XI Fazer Planos • Marcar datas específicas. • Entender e usar um calendário. • Falar sobre eventos especiais. • Descrever uma ocasião especial. Unidade XII Férias • Falar sobre férias passadas. • Discutir os prós e contras de viagens radicais. • Descrever o clima nas férias. • Falar sobre férias especiais. Unidade XIII Pessoas • Encontrar pessoas. • Pedir e dar informações pessoais. • Descrever trabalhos diferentes. • Falar sobre pessoas e seus trabalhos. Unidade XIV Trabalho, Descanso e Diversão • Falar sobre um dia de trabalho. • Falar sobre horas de lazer. • Descrever um festival ou celebração. • Comparar diferentes festivais. Unidade XV Ir a lugares • Pedir e dar informações de viagens pessoais. • Dar conselhos de viagem. • Compartilhar dicas de viagem. Unidade XVI Comida • Falar sobre comida. • Pedir uma refeição. • Falar sobre dietas. • Discutir comidas favoritas e diferentes. Nível 2 - Básico 13
  • 16. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) 2.1 - Cronograma Tempo necessário à realização das tarefas: Sugestão - 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada. Em cada um destes contatos, dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book; 10 minutos para os vídeos; 15 minutos para a gramática; 10 minutos para as leituras; A cada 2 meses faça seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso faça seu teste de mudança de nível 14 unixelias@ Nível 2 Atividade Tempo Gasto (h) Nome Conteúdo H/Atividade Subt. Descrição Quant H* Min E-books 160 0,6 36 96 Unidades por vídeo 16 0,25 15 4 Gramática Unidades 20 0,7 42 14 Leituras 6 0,66667 40 4 Avaliações Testes 3 0,66667 40 2 Total por Nível 120 Horas Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana 5 Horas Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por mês 20 Horas Tempo previsto 6 Meses Páginas de conteúdo Vídeos Livros com vídeo e áudio
  • 17. Nível 2 - Básico 2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 2.2.1 - Índice 2.2.2 - Week 1: This time things will be a little bit different! {1ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 1 – Pg 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 1 – Present tense be statements and contractions; [AU] Unit 1 – Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); First of all the official language for our communication is English, from now on. Then, it’s important to tell you that you are going to study with a different material. Not only the e-book, but also the grammar pages are different. In this first week, study from pages 1 to 7 of the e-book. The topic of the unit is FRIENDS AND FAMILY. The unit starts with a great review of what you have already seen, such as: greeting and introducing people, verb to be, family members and adjectives. However, it’s not a repetition of what you have already seen. At this level, you can practice more. I mean, more audios and more activities. Let me be more specific. There are more audio tracks throughout the pages: 3 tracks on page 3, 1 track on page 4, 2 tracks on page 6 (one for the listening and another for pronunciation). There is also more practice: vocabulary practice on page 3, 2 grammar practices on page 4, a listening comprehension activity on page 5, and another vocabulary practice on page 7. Both audio tracks and practices (vocabulary and grammar) can be found inside the folder called VIDEO. Besides the grammar presented and explored on the book, you can also find more explanations and activities in a folder called GRAMMAR. This week, study (or review) the Present tense be statements and contractions. Get used to this new material and next week you start reading the extra book. 2.2.3 - Week 2: starting... {2ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 1 – Pg 7 a 10 Unity 2 – Pg 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 1 – Be + adjectives; [AU] Unit 1 – Lesson C, D; Unit 2 – Lesson A (up to vocabulary practice); [VI] Unit 1 – Animal Families'; [RE] Puffin Rescue! - Pg 2 a 3; How did things go during this first week? We hope you had time to do all your tasks. It’s also important to tell you how important it is to review the subject. So, before starting the activities 2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 15 Sem E-book Grammar Audio Video Reading 1ª Unity 1 – Pg 1 a 7 - - 2ª Unit 1 – Be + adjectives Puffin Rescue! - Pg 2 a 3 3ª Unity 2 – Pg 3 a 18 Unit 2 – Lesson A, B, C - Puffin Rescue! Pg 4 a 10 4ª Puffin Rescue! Pg 11 a 19 5ª Unit 3 – Lesson C, D 6ª Unity 4 – Pg 33 a 37 - ADisappearing Word – Pg 2 a 3 7ª Adisappearing Word – Pg 4 a 19 8ª Unity 5 – Pg 44 a 50 - Nível 2 – Parte 1 Unit 1 – Present tense be statements and contractions Unit 1 – Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice) Unity 1 – Pg 7 a 10 Unity 2 – Pg 11 a 13 Unit 1 – Lesson C, D; Unit 2 – Lesson A(up to vocabulary practice) Unit 1 –Animal Families' Unit 2 – Pg 11 a 13, present tense be Yes/No questions and short answers – Singular and plural nouns forms, a/an Unity 2 – Pg 19 a 20 Unity 3 – Pg 21 a 26 Unit 2 –Adjectives Before Noun; Unit 3 – There is / there are statements questions and short answers Unit 2 – Lesson B; Unit 3 – Lesson A, B Unity 2 – Job for Children Unity 3 – Pg 26 a 30 Unity 4 – Pg 31 a 32 Unit 3 – Prepositions on place: in, on, under, next to, between Unit 3 – AVery Special Village Puffin Rescue! Pg 20 a 23 + video + quiz Unit 4 This, that, these, those as subjectives and adjectives Unit 4 – Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice) Unity 4 – Pg 38 a 40 Unity 5 – Pg 41 a 44 Unit 4 – Noun possessives; Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements; Unit 5 simple present affirmative and negative statements Unit 4 – Lesson C, D; Unity 4 Lesson A Unit 4 – Uncovering the past Unit 5 – Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative, Yes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs. Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never Unit 5 – Zoo Dentists ADisappearing Word – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz
  • 18. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) separated for this week, take a day of study to review. After this review you’re prepared to go on. This week, as a suggestion, your duties will be separated like this: DAY 2 - e-book, starting at the bottom of page 7 and finishing the grammar on page 8. This grammar point covers sentences (statements, questions and short answers) with the verb BE followed by an adjective. And talking about it, we have some questions for you. Are you single or married? Is your best friend tall or short? DAY 3 - As soon as you finish this part, you can take some exercises on grammar. Go to the folder called VIDEO and Lesson 1C inside Table of Contents. There you can find GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 and GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2. In the first activity you’re supposed to complete the sentences with the correct form of BE. The second activity asks you to find the correct answer for each of the questions. DAY 4 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. As we told you before, the conversation activity is important so that you can improve your pronunciation of chunks of language, instead of pronouncing words isolated. The exercise also deals with the correct intonation. So, the more you practice, the better your spoken English will be. You can either click on the audio icon on the page, or find the audio inside the VIDEO folder. Go for the best option. In this conversation you’ll see the expression WHAT A SHAME! It’s used in the context of this conversation to show that Ana is not happy because she would like to date Richard, but he is married. A good exercise to make this expression part of your vocabulary is to think about different situations in which you could use it. You saw that Ana and Carol are showing photos of their relatives to each other and describing them. What about describing your relatives and friends? Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen to the audio passage (it’s inside the folder called VIDEO – LESSON 1D – READING PASSAGE: AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO. DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video ANIMAL FAMILIES and taking the video comprehension activities. Do you know that this story takes place in East Africa? Well, this is the end of Unit 1. Now, we are going to start Unit 2. The topic of this unit is the universal experience of work around the world. You are going to learn how to: a) identify jobs; b) talk about jobs; c) talk about countries; d) compare jobs in different countries. On pages 11 and 12 you can see pictures of different jobs. Can you name them? We invite you to make a list of any jobs you know in English. DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, because we imagine you need a break tomorrow, isn’t it right? So, let’s close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the unit, all the vocabulary is related to jobs. First, label the pictures. Then, listen to the audio and correct your answers. Finally, listen again and repeat, you can see that the new vocabulary is in a sentence, and not isolated. In your opinion, which of the jobs presented on this page is boring? And which one is interesting? Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO. Let’s review the grammar you studied yesterday. Study BE + ADJECTIVE inside the folder GRAMMAR. It means that you’re supposed to watch the presentation, take the two grammar practice exercises, as well as the listening and speaking activities and finish with the review. Finish the week preparing the introduction for the book “Puffin Rescue!” on pages 2 and 3. The story is set in a small town in Iceland. Prepare the vocabulary so that you can start reading the story next week. 2.2.4 - Week 3: starting... {3ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 2 – Pg 3 a 18; [GR] Unit 2 – Pg 11 a 13, present tense be Yes/No questions and short answers – Singular and plural nouns forms, a/an; [AU] Unit 2 – Lesson A, B, C; [RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 4 a 10; 16 unixelias@
  • 19. Nível 2 - Básico Here’s a suggestion for this third week, starting on the second day, since the first day is to review the subject studied so far. DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals with the verb BE in the negative. As the topic of the unit is related to jobs, observe these examples: I am a teacher. I’m not an artist. You’re a student. Probably, you aren’t an architect. This week, there are two grammar topics to be studied. They first topic is present tense of be yes/no questions and short answers and the second topic is singular and plural noun forms, a/an. As you know, for each of these topics you have a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening and a speaking activity as well as a review. DAY 3 - Just to refresh your mind about what was studied yesterday, do the grammar practice exercises inside the folder VIDEO. Finish the day reading pages 4-9 of the book Puffin Rescue! When you go to page 8, scan it. I mean, don’t read the page carefully, only take a look at the page. Return to page 7 and try to answer the questions at the bottom of this page. Finally, read (this time more carefully) pages 8 and 9. DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the conversation, play the audio and answer the question IS JILL MARRIED OR SINGLE? Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation. Moving to page 15, you’ll see pictures of three people. Can you guess these people’s jobs before listening to the audio? Then, listen again and fill in the chart. After this, check the numbers. There are other listening comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder. Finish the day practicing the contractions with BE. Listen and repeat as many times as necessary. This is how your pronunciation will be better. DAY 5 - On page 17 there’s a language expansion activity. This time you’ll be introduced to some countries and cities and you’ll also learn how to say what the weather is like in these places. Is your city wet? Is it cold or hot? Do the activities for vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO. DAY 6 - On this last studying day, let’s go to the grammar which starts on the bottom of page 17 of the e-book. This time, you are going to study the structure BE + ADJECTIVE + NOUN. For example: São Paulo is a crowded city. What can you say about the place where you live? ____ is a/an _____ city. Do the activities on page 18 as well as the two exercises on grammar practice inside the folder VIDEO. In the first exercise you complete the sentences with an adjective and in the second you match questions and answers. The last activity of this week is the conversation on page 18. You’ll hear two friends – Alan and Mohamed – talking about the place where Mohamed comes from. What do you learn about this place? Practice the conversation. Then, take a rest. 2.2.5 - Week 4: starting... {4ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 2 – Pg 19 a 20 Unity 3 – Pg 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 2 – Adjectives Before Noun; Unit 3 – There is / there are statements questions and short answers; [AU] Unit 2 – Lesson B; Unit 3 – Lesson A, B; [VI] Unity 2 – Job for Children; [RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 11 a 19; Let’s get down to one more week of hard study. Be sure you’re not alone. We’ll follow you on your way : ) DAY 2 - Let’s start the week reading about jobs in different countries on pages 19 and 20. Do you think that, depending on the country where you live, the same job can have different duties? Think about farmers in your country. What do they grow? Are the weather conditions good for farmers? Is it interesting or boring to be a farmer? As soon as you finish, do the reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO- 2D. Watch the video A JOB FOR CHILDREN. In this video you’ll see how children can help the environment. Do the video comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO. 2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 17
  • 20. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) DAY 3 - Unit 3 talks about houses and apartments. Do you live in a house or an apartment? Look at the different pictures on pages 20 and 21 of the e-book and check if any of these houses is similar to yours. In this unit you’ll learn to: a) identify rooms in a house; b) describe your house; c) identify household objects; d) compare houses. Finish the day reading the book PUFFIN RESCUE! up to page 19. The story is based on the video you watched yesterday. DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book there’s vocabulary related to rooms in a house. Do the activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO – 3A. Think about your house. Is there a dining room in your house? How many bedrooms are there? To ask and answer questions like these, you’ll learn the verb there is/are. Study the charts on pages 23 and 24, and then do the activities on page 24. In addition, do the grammar activities in the folder GRAMMAR: adjectives before nouns and there is / there are statements, questions and short answers. DAY 5 - Start your day reviewing what you studied yesterday. Go to the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3A and do the two exercises. In both exercises you’ll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct option. On page 24, there is a conversation. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the audio and answer the question IS THERE A GARAGE? Then, practice the conversation as many times as you can. Practice talking about your house. Write sentences about the place where you live. Say the things there is and there are in your house. DAY 6 - Look at the 5 houses on page 25. Can you describe them? After looking at these houses, play the audio and match each person to the house where they live. Play the audio again and check if the sentences on page 26 are true or false. Take the chance to do other listening comprehension activities which are in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3B. In English, most of the plural nouns are formed by adding –s at the end. This final –s has three different pronunciations. Listen to the audio and check the correct column according to the sound. Practice as much as you can. Finish the week taking the pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3B. 2.2.6 - Week 5: starting... {5ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 3 – Pg 26 a 30 Unity 4 – Pg 31 a 32; [GR] Unit 3 – Prepositions on place: in, on, under, next to, between; [AU] Unit 3 – Lesson C, D; [VI] Unit 3 – A Very Special Village; [RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 20 a 23 + video + quiz ; Are you around? So, let’s get started! DAY 2 - Last week you learned how to say what there is and what there are in your house. Now, you can say, for example: In my house there is a kitchen and a bathroom. There are two bedrooms. But, what’s there in your bedroom? Go to page 27 of the e-book and you’ll learn how to say the vocabulary related to furniture and household objects. Complement this topic studying the vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3C. Go to the expansion reading of the book PUFFIN RESCUE! on pages 22 and 23 and finish the week watching the video and doing the quiz of this material. DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 covers prepositions of places. Study the chart and fill in the blanks in the exercise on page 28. Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to, between. Study 18 unixelias@
  • 21. Nível 2 - Básico the conversation on page 28 and answer the question WHERE IS TRACEY’S MAGAZINE? After practicing the conversation for a few times, substitute the underlined words for other words you learned in this unit. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3C. DAY 4 - Dedicate this day to the reading of the text on pages 29 and 30. You’ll read about different kinds of houses, unusual houses. What’s good about the houses in the text? And what’s bad about them? Listen to the audio for this reading passage and do the comprehension exercises both on page 29 and in the folder VIDEO. Practice your reading. DAY 5 - Today, watch the video A VERY SPECIAL VILLAGE. This story is set in a small city in Italy called Camogli. You’ll see how beautiful this art is. Take the comprehension as soon as you finish watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video without reading the subtitles. DAY 6 - Let’s finish the week starting Unit 4. It doesn’t matter if we are old or young, rich or poor, we all have certain possessions that mean a lot to us. What are your favorite possessions? Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and name the possessions you see. Are they similar to yours? In this unit you’ll learn how to: a) identify personal possessions; b) talk about personal possessions; c) buy a present; d) talk about special possessions. 2.2.7 - Week 6: starting... {6ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 4 – Pg 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 4 This, that, these, those as subjectives and adjectives; [AU] Unit 4 – Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] A Disappearing Word – Pg 2 a 3; DAY 2 - On page 33, complete the names of the objects in the pictures. Do you have any of these objects? If you want to complete your list, here are some suggestions: money, pencil, appointment book, etc. Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question: WHAT IS IN THE BAG? Then, practice the conversation. DAY 3 - The grammar topic on page 28 shows demonstrative adjectives. Study the chart and do the exercise. Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: this, that, these, those as subjects and adjectives. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 4A. In the first activity you’ll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct option. Match questions and answers in the second activity. DAY 4 - Look at the photos on page 35, and think where these people might be. Hear two people talking about what’s in their bags. Listen to the audio again and do the activities on the page. Take some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO. DAY 5 - Do you know how to pronounce the word SHIP? And if you have to pronounce SHEEP? Do you pronounce them in the same way or differently? Learn how to pronounce these similar sounds on page 36. There’s more practice in the folder VIDEO. Start reading the book A DISAPPEARING WORLD. Today, read the introduction on pages 2 and 3. The story is set in the African countries of Congo and Gabon. The leader of the expedition written in this book is worried that natural beauty disappears. 2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 19
  • 22. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) DAY 6 - Do you shop online? What are your favorite web shops? Label the items on page 37 and then complete the sentences. What other electronic products are there in your house? Finish the week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO – lesson 4C. 2.2.8 - Week 7: starting... {7ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 4 – Pg 38 a 40 Unity 5 – Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 4 – Noun possessives; Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements; Unit 5 simple present affirmative and negative statements; [AU] Unit 4 – Lesson C, D; Unity 4 Lesson A; [VI] Unit 4 – Uncovering the past; [RE] A disappearing Word – Pg 4 a 19; DAY 2 - The grammar topic on page 38 deals with the verb HAVE in statements, questions and short answers. Remember the electronic items you were presented to last week? Now, I can ask you: Do you have a laptop computer? Does your roommate have a new camera? Study the chart on page 38 and do the exercises that follow. Then, complement this knowledge taking the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: noun possessives and simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements. Still on page 38, there is a conversation between Sun-Hee and Hana. Listen to the audio and answer the question WHAT DO THEY BUY? Then, listen again and practice the conversation. Finish the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 4C. DAY 4 - In this unit you’ll read a text about jewelry. What jewelry are you wearing? Are they your special possessions? Read the text and do the activities on page 39. Complement, listening to the audio related to this text. You can also take more reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 4D. In this activity you’ll have to choose the correct option in a multiple-choice exercise. DAY 5 - Do you know what an archeologist does? Watch the video UNCOVERING THE PAST and discover interesting things about the Maya civilization. Do the activity that follows – match the beginnings to the endings of the sentences. Go through the whole book A DISAPPEARING WORLD. There are tasks on pages 7 and 15. In this book you learned that a team of explorers wants to photograph and document the wild life in two beautiful African countries. Did they complete their project? Could they do it safely? Take your time to study GRAMMAR: simple present affirmative and negative statements. DAY 6 - Let’s start the last unit of this part of the course. In Unit 5, you’ll acquire vocabulary for daily routines and learn the simple present tense to talk about them. Look at the pictures on pages 41 and 42. Which of the things from the pictures do you do every day? The goals of this unit are: a) tell time; b) talk about people’s daily activities; c) talk about what you do at work; d) describe a job. Page 43 is the last page to be studied this week. What time do you do the activities that appear on the page? What time do you get up? After having studied page 43, finish the week taking the vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5A. 2.2.9 - Week 8: starting... {8ª Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 5 – Pg 44 a 50; [GR] Unit 5 – Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative, Yes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs. Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never; [VI] Unit 5 – Zoo Dentists; [RE] A Disappearing Word – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ; 20 unixelias@
  • 23. Nível 2 - Básico Well, this is a special week, because it’s the end of the first part of level 2. DAY 2 - On page 45 you’ll see some typical activities in Joel Sartore’s daily life. Listen to the audio and do the activities on this page. Then, think about a typical day in your life. What do you do on Monday? What about on Tuesday? On page 46 you’ll practice intonation – the way our voices rise and fall when we speak. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46, but also the exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5B. Study the GRAMMAR: simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative. This topic was introduced last week and we’d like you to reinforce it, due to its great level of importance. DAY 4 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to work activities. Which of the activities presented on the page do you do every day, or every week? Which of these activities don’t you do? What other things do you do at work or at college? There is more practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5C. Don’t miss it. Watch the video ZOO DENTISTS and find out what these professionals do at work. Do they have a routine or do they do the same thing every day? Would you like to be a zoo dentist? Take the video comprehension activities. DAY 5 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. It deals with the simple present and adverbs of frequency. After studying the chart, do the activities on page 48 as well as the two grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5C. Match questions and answers in the first activity and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct word. Listen to the audio for the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT DOES BRENDA DO AT WORK? Then practice the conversation as much as possible. Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: simple present yes/no questions and short answers with regular verbs and adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never. DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talk about robots at work. Read and listen to the text and answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension question in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 5D. The extra text in the book A DISAPPEARING WORLD talks about the goals of a conservation society. How long does it take you to read the 304 words? In addition, watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, you reached one more goal! : ) 2.2 - Nível 2, Parte 1 21
  • 24. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) 2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 2.3.1 - Índice 2.3.2 - Week 1: Welcome to the second part of level 2! {1ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 6 – Pg 1 a 8; [GR] Unit 6 – Imperative (negative and polite); [AU] Unit 6 – Lesson A, B and C (up to vocabulary practice); This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1 to 7. The grammar covered this week is IMPERATIVES. Now, let’s look at each part little by little. On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are different kinds of transportation. Can you name them? Besides the ones which appear on these pages, what other types of transportation do you use? On page 3, you’ll see different places that you can find in your city, for example, and you’re supposed to locate them on the map. The goal of this page is not only locate the places on the map, but also ask for and give directions to these places. In order to give messages, you’ll need to know how to use the verbs in the imperative. So, give a break to the e-book and go to the grammar folder where you can find a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review. Maybe on the next day you can return to the e-book and take the grammar activities on page 4 as reinforcement. Take the conversation on the same page and practice your pronunciation, as well as your intonation. Follow with the e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar practices that you’ll find inside the video folder. 2.3.3 - Week 2: starting... {2ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 6 – Pg 8 a 10; Unit 7 – Pg 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 6 – Using affirmative and negative forms of have to; [AU] Unit 6 – Lesson C and D; Unit 7 – Lesson A (up to vocabulary practice); [VI] Unit 6; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 2 a 3; We hope you had a productive week. As you already know how important it is to review the subject, before starting the activities separated for this week, take a day of study to review. After this review you’re prepared to go on. Here follows a suggestion for you: 22 unixelias@ Sem E-book Grammar Audio Video Reading 1ª Unit 6 – Imperative (negative and polite) - - 2ª Unit 6 3ª Unit 7 – Present Continuous and Be able to/Can Unit 7 – LessonA, B and C - 4ª Unit 8 – Using can with permission Unit 7 5ª - Unit 8 – Lesson C and D Unit 8 6ª - 7ª Unit 9 8ª Unit 10 – Lesson B, C and D Unit 10 Nível 2 – Parte 2 Unit 6 – Pg 1 a 8 Unit 6 – LessonA, B and C (up to vocabulary practice) Unit 6 – Pg 8 a 10; Unit 7 – Pg 11 a 13 Unit 6 – Using affirmative and negative forms of have to Unit 6 – Lesson C and D; Unit 7 – Lesson A(up to vocabulary practice) ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 2 a 3 Unit 7 – Pg 13 a 18 ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 4 a 10 Unit 7 – Pg 19 a 20; Unit 8 – Pg 21 a 26 Unit 7 – Lesson B; Unit 8 – Lesson Aand B ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 11 a 19 Unit 8 – Pg 26 a 30; Unit 9 – Pg 31 a 32 ASpecial Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz Unit 9 – Pg 33 a 37 Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns Unit 9 – LessonA, B and C (up to vocabulary practice) The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 2 a 3 Unit 9 – Pg 38 a 40; Unit 10 – Pg 41 a 44 Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns: a/an, some, many in questions and answers, much, many, How much?, How many?, Simple present affirmative and negative statements. Simple present of have, do and go,Yes/No questions and short answers. Unit 9 – Lesson C and D; Unit 10 – LessonA The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 4 a 19 Unit 10 – Pg 45 a 50 Unit 10 – Simple presentYes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs. Should/Shouldn't. The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz
  • 25. Nível 2 - Básico DAY 2 - Study the grammar on page 8 of the e-book. This grammar point covers the verb HAVE TO in the simple present. You’ll see the verb used in statements, questions and short answers. You know that HAVE TO is used to talk about obligations. Let’s think about your obligations as a student: You have to take the lesson. You have to take exams. After completing the exercises on page 8, close the e-book and go to the folder GRAMMAR to study the second grammar topic in unit 6. DAY 3 - Start the day taking the exercises on grammar related to Lesson 6C. In both activities you have to fill in the gaps with one of the options to complete a sentence in the simple present. We suggest you finish the day preparing the introduction for the book A Special Kind of Neighborhood on pages 2 and 3. The story talks about an interesting and multicultural neighborhood in San Francisco, California. DAY 4 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT TIME DOES THE PLANE LEAVE? Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation. In this conversation you see an assistant telling a tourist how to get to some place. Use your imagination. You are an assistant at a hotel (think about a neighborhood in your city where the hotel is) and part of your job is to tell tourists how to get to tour spots. Write directions to the places and say what transportation they have to take. Practice as much as you can. Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen to the audio passage (it’s inside the folder called VIDEO – LESSON 6D – READING PASSAGE: AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO. DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video VOLCANO TREK and taking the video comprehension activities. Do you know that this story takes place in Ethiopia? Do you know anything about this part of Africa? Well, this is the end of Unit 6. Now, we are going to start Unit 7. The topic of this unit is related to the activities we do in our free time. The unit focuses on some of the most common leisure time activities and on sports people do. You are going to learn how to: a) identify activities people are doing now; b) talk about activities that are happening now; c) talk about abilities and d) talk about sports. Just to start, what do you do in your free time? DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, because tomorrow is the break, remember? So, let’s close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the unit, all the vocabulary is related to free time activities. First, label the pictures. Then, listen to the audio and correct your answers. Finally, listen again and repeat, you can see that the new vocabulary is in a sentence, and not isolated. In your opinion, which of the activities presented on this page do you like? And which don’t you like? Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO. 2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 23
  • 26. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) 2.3.4 - Week 3: starting... {3ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 7 – Pg 13 a 18; [GR] Unit 7 – Present Continuous and Be able to/Can; [AU] Unit 7 – Lesson A, B and C; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 4 a 10; Dear students of level 2, take a look at the schedule suggestion that follows. It starts on Day 2 because the first day is dedicated to a review: DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals with the present continuous tense. As you already know, the present continuous is basically used when you want to talk about something that is happening at this moment. For example: My sister isn’t studying now. She’s cooking. Take the opportunity do the exercise inside the folder VIDEO. In the first activity you have to match questions and answers and in the second activity you have to choose the correct answer. DAY 3 - Start the day taking the first exercises on grammar related to Unit 7. Study all the activities related to Present Continuous. Finish the day reading pages 4-9 of the book A Special Kind of Neighborhood. On page 5 there are three sentences in which you check true or false. After reading, you can also listen to the audio book. DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT IS DAVE DOING? Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation. Moving to page 15, you’ll listen to some telephone conversations. Put the conversations in the order you hear. There are other listening comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder. Finish the day practicing the differences between the sounds sh and ch. Do you know how to pronounce the words WATCH and WASH? The difference is subtle but important. Take this practice. DAY 5 - On page 17 there’s a language expansion activity. As we are dealing with the topic of free time activities, you can learn how to say some sports in English. We’d like to know which sports you play. Do you play soccer? Oh no, so do you swim? There’s more vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO. Practice as much as you can. DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, before the break. So, let’s close the week studying the vocabulary on page 18 of the e-book where you find the grammar section. This time, you are going to study CAN for ability. Tell us what you can do. Can you swim? What about soccer? Can you play soccer? Complete the activities on page 18 as well as the grammar activity (inside the folder GRAMMAR – UNIT 7) and the two exercises on grammar practice inside the folder VIDEO. The last activity of this week is the conversation on page 18. You’ll hear two girls – Julie and Yumi – talking about the things Yumi’s boyfriend can do. 2.3.5 - Week 4: starting... {4ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 7 – Pg 19 a 20; Unit 8 – Pg 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 8 – Using can with permission; [AU] Unit 7 – Lesson B; Unit 8 – Lesson A and B; [VI] Unit 7; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 11 a 19; Let’s get down to one more week of study. Good to see you here. DAY 2 - Let’s start the week reading about sports practiced now and in the past. Read the article and mark the sentences true or false. Then, listen to the audio. Look at the pictures on these pages: what are they doing? Can you do what they are doing? As soon as you finish, do the reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO- 7D. Watch the video LAND DIVERS OF VANUATU. You’ll see that in this small South Pacific island, people follow a tradition. A very unusual tradition, indeed. Do the video comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO. 24 unixelias@
  • 27. Nível 2 - Básico DAY 3 - Unit 8 talks about clothes, you’ll begin by learning basic vocabulary and phrases to use in shopping for clothing. Do you agree that what we wear expresses our personality, cultural values and position in society? In this unit you’ll learn to: a) identify and buy clothes; b) say what people are wearing; c) express likes and dislikes; d) learn about clothes and colors. Finish the day reading the book A SPECIAL KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD up to page 19. Did this wonderful art technique impress you? DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book there’s vocabulary related to colors and clothes. Do you try things on when you go shopping? Do the activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO – 8A. If you get in a shop, you’re supposed to be polite. Learn on page 24 how to ask polite requests. Study the chart on page 24, and then do the activity that follows. In addition, do the grammar activity in the folder GRAMMAR: using can with permission. It’s important to remind you to watch the presentation, do the grammar exercises, as well as the listening and speaking ones and finally stick to a review. DAY 5 - Start your day reviewing what you studied yesterday. Go to the folder VIDEO – Lesson 8A and do the two exercises. In the first exercise you’ll be asked to match questions and answers and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct option. On page 24, there is a conversation. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT COLOR SHOES DOES THE CUSTOMER WANT? Then, practice the conversation as many times as you can in order to improve your pronunciation and intonation. DAY 6 - On page 25 you see four people wearing different clothing styles. Can you say what they are wearing? Listen to the audio and match their names to the pictures. Take the chance to do another listening comprehension activity which is in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 8B. In fact, casual speech native English speakers often put words together and pronounce them in a short form. Let’s practice both full and short forms on page 26. Finish the week taking the pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 8B. 2.3.6 - Week 5: starting... {5ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 8 – Pg 26 a 30; Unit 9 – Pg 31 a 32; [AU] Unit 8 – Lesson C and D; [VI] Unit 8; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ; Are you ready to learn more? Great! DAY 2 - Go to page 27 of the e-book and learn more vocabulary on clothes and pieces of clothes. What clothes do you like? And what colors do you like? Complement this topic studying the vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 8C. Go to the expansion reading of the book A SPECIAL KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD on pages 22 and 23 and finish the week watching the video and doing the quiz of this material. 2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 25
  • 28. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 shows you how to say things you like and dislike. I can say, for example: My mother loves pink, but I don’t like this color. I like red, but my mother doesn’t like it. Study the chart and match questions and answers on page 28. Study the conversation on page 28 and answer the question WHAT PRESENT DO THEY BUY? After practicing the conversation for a few times, practice it as much as you can. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 3C. In the first exercise, match questions and answers. In the second, fill in the blanks with the correct option. DAY 4 - What’s your favorite color? Are you wearing this color now? Read the text on pages 29 and 30, and you’ll learn more about colors and clothes. Listen to the audio for this reading passage and do the comprehension exercises both on page 29 and in the folder VIDEO. Practice your reading. DAY 5 - Today, watch the video INUIT FASHION. This story set in Canada, talks about how the Inuit get dressed, and why they wear certain clothes. Take the comprehension as soon as you finish watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video without reading the subtitles. DAY 6 - Let’s finish the week starting Unit 9. This unit approaches the topic of food from a personal perspective. Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and name as many foods as you can. What’s your favorite food? In this unit you’ll learn how to: a) order a meal; b) plan a party; c) talk about a healthy diet; d) talk about food for special occasions. 2.3.7 - Week 6: starting... {6ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 9 – Pg 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns; [AU] Unit 9 – Lesson A, B and C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 2 a 3; Welcome to a new week. DAY 2 - On page 33, you’ll see vocabulary related to food and how each of these foods is separated on a menu. After taking the activities on this page, do the one in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 9A. Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question: WHAT DOES THE CUSTOMERS ORDER? Then, practice the conversation. Now you know how to order food at a restaurant, ok? DAY 3 - The grammar topic on page 28 shows some and any. Study the chart and do the exercise. Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: count and noncount nouns. Be aware that some verbs are count in our language, but noncount in English. So, understand them without translating. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 9A. In the first activity, fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY. Then, match questions and answers in the second activity. 26 unixelias@
  • 29. Nível 2 - Básico DAY 4 - On page 35, you are going to hear two people planning a party. Look at the picture and name the items you can see in it. Then, listen to the conversation and do the activities that follow. Take some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO. DAY 5 - In fact, casual speech, native English speakers often pronounce words in a short form. This is not news; I’ve already told you this. So, on page 36 let’s learn how to pronounce the short form of the word AND. There’s more practice in the folder VIDEO. Start reading the book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS. Today, read the introduction on pages 2 and 3. The story is set in an island called Cheju which is in South Korea. This island is known for its legendary women divers. Have you ever dived? If not, would you like to? Start reading the book, and soon you’ll find out how this society is changing. DAY 6 - Diet means all the food you eat. Is your diet good or bad? Why? Look at the plate on page 37 and write the words in the correct part of the chart. Finish the week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO – lesson 9C. 2.3.8 - Week 7: starting... {7ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 9 – Pg 38 a 40; Unit 10 – Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 9 – Count and noun count nouns: a/an, some, many in questions and answers, much, many, How much?, How many?, Simple present affirmative and negative statements. Simple present of have, do and go, Yes/No questions and short answers.; [AU] Unit 9 – Lesson C and D; Unit 10 – Lesson A; [VI] Unit 9; [RE] The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 4 a 19; DAY 2 - The grammar topic on page 38 expands what you learned on page 34 – this time you’ll study how much and how many. How many hamburgers do you eat? How much milk do you drink? Study the chart on page 38 and do the exercises that follow. Then, complement this knowledge taking the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: more about count and noncount nouns: a/an, some, many in questions and answers, much, many, how much, how many. Still on page 38, there is a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Listen to the audio and answer the question DOES THE PATIENT EAT WELL? Then, listen again and practice the conversation. What about you? Do you eat well? Finish the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 9C. In both activities, you’ll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct option. DAY 4 - On pages 39 and 40, you’ll read a text about food for special occasions. On a typical day in our lives, we eat ordinary food, that is, usual food. However, on special occasions we eat special food. What is a special occasion for you? And what do you eat on this day? Read the passage (and also listen to it) and do the activities on the page. Then, take more reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 9D, in which you’ll deal with a multiple-choice activity. DAY 5 - You know what fast food is, don’t you? But do you know what slow food is? Watch the video SLOW FOOD and discover its benefits. Do the activity that follows. Then, think about it: how can you slow down your life? Do you think it’s important? Go through the whole book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS. There are tasks on pages 13 and 19. In this book you learned that the women in South Korea have dived into the ocean to look for seafood for a long time. Now, these women have more choices. What are these choices? Return to page 44 of the e-book and listen to the conversation. Answer the question WHAT’S WRONG WITH KIM? Then, practice the conversation. DAY 6 - Let’s start the last unit of this part of the course. In Unit 10, you’ll approach the topic of health. The human body is the same all over the world, but people’s experiences with health and illness vary widely. Look at the pictures on pages 41 and 42 and describe what you can see. The goals of this unit are: 2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 27
  • 30. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) a) identify parts of the body to say how you feel; b) ask about and describe symptoms; c) identify remedies and give advice; d) learn and talk about prevention. On page 43 you’ll learn to identify parts of the body to say how you feel. For example, if your head hurts, you can say that you have a headache. After having studied page 43, finish the week taking the vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10A. The grammar starting at the bottom of page 43, shows sentences with FEEL and LOOK. You may feel sick without looking sick. FEEL is related to something inside yourself, while LOOK is related to your appearance. Do the exercises on page 44 as well as the grammar practice activities in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10A. Finish the week reviewing the GRAMMAR simple present affirmative and negative statements and simple present of have, do, and go affirmative statements, negative statements, yes/no questions and short answers. 2.3.9 - Week 8: starting... {8ª Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 10 – Pg 45 a 50; [GR] Unit 10 – Simple present Yes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs. Should/Shouldn't.; [AU] Unit 10 – Lesson B, C and D; [VI] Unit 10; [RE] The Last of the Cheju Divers – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ; DAY 2 - Think about when you go to the doctor. What does a patient do at the doctor? What does the doctor do? On page 45 you’ll listen to two conversations between patients and doctors. Listen to the audio and do the activities on this page. Then, do the extra listening comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10B. On page 46 you’ll practice word stress. Stress means words and parts of words that sound “stronger” when we’re speaking. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46, but also the exercise in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10B. Study the GRAMMAR: simple present yes/no questions and short answers with regular verbs. This topic has been studied before and is brought up again, due to its great level of importance. DAY 4 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to remedies – things you can do at home when you have a simple ailment. What remedies do you know? Do the activity on this page as well as the one in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10C. Watch the video PYRETHRUM and find out how dangerous a mosquito can be. Take the video comprehension activities. DAY 5 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. It shows the grammar point SHOULD for advice. Look, I feel terrible. I have a cold. What should I do? Yeah, I should see a doctor. I should take some cold medicine. After studying the chart, do the activities on page 48 as well as the two grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10C. Match a problem to its advice in the first activity and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct word. Listen to the audio for the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT DOES CASEY THINK BRENDA SHOULD DO? Then practice the conversation as much as possible. Think of ailments and suggest a remedy and give advice to each of them. Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: should / shouldn’t. 28 unixelias@
  • 31. Nível 2 - Básico DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talks about how to prevent diseases. Read and listen to the text and answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension question in the folder VIDEO – Lesson 10D. The extra text in the book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS talks about a different kind of holiday. What’s your favorite kind of holiday? How long does it take you to read the 327 words? In addition, watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, you reached one more goal : ) 2.3 - Nível 2, Parte 2 29
  • 32. Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online) 2.4 - Nível 2, Parte 3 2.4.1 - Índice 2.4.2 - Week 1: starting... {1ª Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 11 – Pg 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 11 – Feature with Be Going To; [AU] Unit 11 – Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); Welcome to the last part of level 2. This week you are going to study the e- book from pages 1 to 7. The grammar covered this week is FUTURE WITH BE GOING TO. Now, let’s look at each part little by little. On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are different things happening. Can you say what is happening in each picture? Do you plan to do any of these things next weekend? Oh no? so, what are you going to do on Saturday? On page 3, you’ll see different things to do on special days. As soon as you finish studying this page, go to the vocabulary practice inside the video folder. When you want to talk about your plans, you might need to use the verbs in the future. So, give a break to the e-book and go to the grammar folder where you can find a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review on this topic. Separate another day to return to the e-book and take the grammar activities on page 4 as reinforcement. Take the conversation on the same page and practice your pronunciation, as well as your intonation. Follow with the e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar practices that you’ll find inside the video folder. Keep up the good work ! 30 unixelias@ Nível 2 – Parte 3 Sem E-book Grammar Audio Video Reading 1ª Unit 11 – Pg 1 a 7 Unit 11 – Feature with Be GoingTo - - 2ª 3ª Unit 21 – Pg 15 a 20 Unit 12 – Irregular Simple Past Unit 12 – Lesson B, C, D 4ª Unit 13 – Pg 21 a 27 - 5ª 6ª Unit 14 – Lesson B, C, D Unit 14 – Hula Dinosaur Search – Pg 2 a 3 7ª Unit 15 – LessonA, B, C, D Dinosaur Search – Pg 4 a 19 8ª Unit 16 – Pg 53 a 60 Unit 16 – LessonA, B, C, D Unit 11 – LessonA, B, C (up to vocabulary practice) Unit 11 – Pg 8 a 10; Unit 12 – Pg 11 a 14 Unit 11 – Wold like / would rather / prefer; unit 12 – Simple past be affirmative and negative statements Unit 11 – Lesson C, D; Unit 12 – LessonA Unit 11 – Making a Thai Boxing Champion Water SportsAdventure – Pg 2 a 3 Unit 12 – Monarch Migration Water SportsAdventure – Pg 4 a 10 Unit 13 – Present tense be statements and contractions. Present tense be Yes/No questions, and short answers Unit 13 – Lesson D; Unit 13 – Lesson B, C (up to vocabulary practice) Water SportsAdventure – Pg 11 a 19 Unit 13 – Pg 28 a 30; Unit 14 – Pg 31 a 34 Unit 13 – Be + adjectives before nouns. Noun possessives; Unit 14 Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative statements, Yes/No questions and short answers. Simple presentYes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs unit 13 – Lesson C, D; Unit 14 - LessonA Unit 13 –The Last od the Woman Diver Water SportsAdventure – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz Unit 14 – Pg 35 a 40; Unit 15 – Pg 41 a 42 Unit 14 – Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never Unit 15 – Pg 43 a 50; Unit 16 – Pg 51 a 52 Unit 15 – Possessive pronouns X possessive adjectives. Should/ shouldn't. Polite imperatives. Unit 15 – Beagle Patrol Unit 16 – some with plural count nouns and with non-count nouns. More about count and non-count nouns: a/an, some, many, in questions and answers: much, many, How much? How many? Unit 16 – Dangerous Dinner Dinosaur Search – Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz