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Media Evaluation
In what ways does your media product use,
                                      develop or challenge forms and conventions of
                                                  real media products?
All music videos follow , or use a mixture of the three types of video; Narrative,
Performance and Abstract. After gaining some audience feedback I decided to use
both a performance and narrative element in my video. Which is popular amongst
indie/pop/rock genres. Although I feel as though I cam unable to class my artist,
Summer Thor as jus one genre as she is inspired by both Kate Bush and Florence
Welch and their styles of music varied from indie, to heavy, to soft rock, to pop. This
mixture of genres helped me in a way when creating my products as I felt I had no
limits and I could experiment with mixing all conventions from all genres. At the         Performance   Narrative
start of my coursework I researched Goodwins Theory of Six, looking back on his
theory now I have noticed that without even realising I have included 5 out of 6 of
his theories.

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
Goodwin identified that most genres of music had certain traits that appeared in
their music videos. For example a dance routine in a pop artists music video or a
stage performance from the rock genre.
I showed this theory with the sense of
performance and narrative throughout my video, which is often seen in videos in
similar genres, such as Florence and the Machine – Shake It Out and Elle Goulding –
The Writer.

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals
Goodwin noticed a similarity/direct contrast with what is shown in the video and
the lyrics of the song. This would be either illustrative, conveying the meaning of
the lyrics. Amplifying, repeating or exaggerating an effect, movement or phrase in
the song or contradicting, which would be absolutely nothing to do with the lyrics.
I have shown this throughout my video in various places, for example when the lyrics
“eyes flew open” are said my artist is shown opening her hands with eyes drawn on
them. Another example is when my artist is in the field and the lyrics “I never could
go back” are said, my artist is then shown walking back and turning around to look at
the camera. Giving the impression that she is leaving and never going back.

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals
Goodwin identified that the visuals in the video may be edited in time to the beats
or the tempo of the song.
I have used this theory at various points throughout my video but one specific
moment that stands out is when the lyrics say “but it was you who held me under”
there is a strong beat on the word “you” which is when my artist sharply brings her
head up and stares into the camera.
4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the
artist and the artist may then develop motifs which recur across their work
The need for lots of close ups will show the artist in detail and the close ups are
likely to be of an attractive/seductive/sexual part of the body enticing the
This theory was shown pretty much continuously throughout my video with
extreme close ups of my artists eyes and lips and also close ups of her face. The close
ups to the lips are particularly relevant to this theory as lips are seen as a sexual and
beautiful part of the body, making that enticing connection with the audience.

5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking and
particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body
The frequent use of looking into the camera creates a sense of closeness and
intimacy between the artist/s and viewer, prompting them to buy their work. It
gives a direct approach. When it comes to women in music videos they are
directed through a males approach which in most cases they end up dressed in
very little and dancing provocatively.
Throughout my video the majority of shots show my artist singing into the camera.
When the artist has eye contact with the camera this gives the impression she is
looking at you as an audience through the screen. I also used shots of the artists
body, although she is fully clothed and very little flesh is on show throughout the
video the shot of my artist writhing on the floor touching her body sexualises her.
One shot in particular backs up the point that majority of videos are through a males
approach. This is the shot where my artist is shown about to kiss someone and
caressing their face. I left their sexuality for the audience to decide as you can only
see part of their face in the shot. This adds to the sexual tension and also sexualises
the artist. These shots really make a connection and entice the audience.

6. There is often intertextual reference
Goodwin noticed that sometimes you will recognise the lyrics or
visuals referring to another text within it. For instance Madonna's 'Material
Girl' was inspired by Marilyn Monroe's 'Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend' from the
1953 film 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'.
This is the only theory of Goodwins I feel I didn’t cover. I gathered inspiration from
many videos put purely single shots and angles I liked, nothing that would be classed
as intertexuality.
Through my video, digi pack and website my artist keeps up a brand identity which
is common for all artists. An artists brand identity commonly ties in with their genre
also. Through audience feedback I gained an idea of what my artist should dress like
and what colours would suit her so I based her brand identity around this in all
products, particularly the video. I made the artists dress myself using bits of material
to create an individual, indie/pop style look that backed up the genre of the song. I
also used dark bold eyeliner and bold silver lipstick. This brings out the rebellious
indie chick in Summer Thor also using typical conventions that heavy make up is for
rock/indie chicks.

I also brought in typical conventions when creating my website and digi pack. After
researching current websites and digi pack releases I gained an idea of what they
had to include and also what it would be good to include in mine. My website like
many artists sites had the typical, Home, About, Gallery, Blog, Shop, Live, Log In
pages. Although this is conventional of websites the pages are crucial as they keep
the audience informed and in on what’s going on. It is similar when it comes to the
digi pack too, there are things you need to include on a digi pack but you can mix it
up a little. For instance some artists have text on the interior of their digi pack, some
leave it completely blank with just an image. I chose to leave a little message from
the artist on the interior of my digi pack just to add that personal touch. Other
conventions i followed for my digi pack were must haves, for instance, track listings,
images on interior and exterior .
How effective is the combination of your main
                                               product and ancillary texts?
I feel that continuity throughout my products has worked really well. Continuity is
crucial to create a brand identity for an artist and to also make them easily
recognisable to the public, often creating a motif. I found that all artists use brand
identity after researching various artists. Florence and the Machine updates her
website every time she releases a new album changing the website to fit in with the
albums designs and colour schemes, keeping up the brand identity. For example
when she released the ‘Lungs’ album her album had an image of lungs, she then
undated her website to have a main image of lungs at the top of it. She did the same
when ‘Ceremonials’ her most recent album was released, backing up her website
with all the factors that her album showed. Florence kept her brand identity up
through her gigs and her tour with the same colours and the same old church
windows seen on her album and website. This showed a huge sense of brand
identity and continuity.
I made my website, video and digi pack link in little ways to create this sense of
continuity throughout.

My website has the same background (water) as the image on the back of my digi
pack this shows that the website has a connection with the digi pack and that it is

Summer Thors distinctive name design is also seen on my website as well as the
cover of my digi pack. The font and design of the artists name is often the easily
recognisable motif that the audience first see and recognise so it is helpful to have it
as many places as possible, including all merchandise.

In the gallery page I have contained all of the images from the digi pack also showing
a clear link between the digi pack and website and also promoting the digi pack.
                                                                                           Overall the combination of my video and my ancillary tasks has worked really well
I have kept the costume exactly the same in the video and in the images on the
                                                                                           together. They link and flow with ease and really show strength and a sense of
website, showing that it is all part of the same product.
                                                                                           continuity and brand identity, making all products easily recognisable to the
What have you learnt from your audience
When I began the process of creating my music video, digi pack and website I was        The second piece of audience research and feedback I gained was from mood boards
aware that the audiences opinions would play a huge part in what I did and how I did    I created showing two choices of style. One more gothic and the other more
it. As these products were for the audience to consume I wanted to make sure that       feminine. I asked ten members of my target audience their opinions on both
as a target audience what they wanted was included . This is why it was crucial that    styles, although I gave them the option of using both styles and changing from
as often as possible I carried out audience research and feedback. The first piece of   feminine to gothic gradually throughout the video.
audience research I sent out was a questionnaire asking my audience for feedback
on which song they think I should choose to use, based on the annotated lyrics and
video ideas. I then asked them to answer a few questions about the chosen song.

Please read the annotated lyrics to each song; Florence and the Machine –
Howl, bird song and Blinding. Please give an honest opinion on the video ideas and
which you personally think would be best
Now you have chosen the song/video you would prefer please answer a few
questions to help me with the decision I have to make.
1.Do you have any ideas that would enhance my video or that I could consider?
2.How would you have the main character/performer dressed?
Colours, style, make up and hair all comes into this.
3.Should there be a performance element in the video or should it just be a
narrative with a character?
4.What locations do you think would work best for the video?
5.Do you have any ideas for lyrics that standout to you? E.g. camera
angles, movements, scenes, locations etc.
6.What type of feeling do you think the video should create overall?
7.If you were to read the lyrics without the annotations, how would you interpret
them? What story line would you take from them? Please write below

The results I gained from this questionnaire helped me greatly. The audience chose
which song I should use through majority vote. I found that most of the audience
wanted a mixture of both performance and narrative throughout the video and also
that the artist should be in light, floaty clothes with striking make up. This really   These are the results I got;
helped me when it came to choosing the material for my artist as I knew it had to be    Six members of the target audience I asked said that they think the costume
light and floaty so I just decided on what to create with the material. The audience    change would be effective If used gradually.
also chose lyrics that stood out to them, I thought I could use something really        Two members of the target audience said Style 1 would suit the song and artist
interesting for the lyrics they chose as they’re striking and interesting. The lyrics   better and the remaining two said that Styl2 two would be much more suitable.
were “eyes flew open” and “it was you who held me under” I took the audiences           As the overall outcome of my results swayed towards using both styles 1 and 2 this
opinions into consideration and emphasised these lyrics with art work of eyes on my     is what I did when controlling mis en scene in my video.
artists hands and with striking camera shots and timing. Another point my audience
made through the questionnaire was that they felt close ups and zooms, showing the      I based costume choice, make up, location, hair, colour themes, nail
artists face would suit the video and the lyrics, I took this into consideration when   varnish, jewellery, props etc on the previous two audience feedback tasks. This really
writing my story board out and also filming my video.                                   made me realise how crucial the audiences opinion is when creating a product.
My next task was giving my artist a great name. I got creative with some unusual         After taking some images for my digi pack I decided to send out some emails to my
names and mixed them up a little as I felt the previous results from the audience        target audience to gain their opinions. The first email was to gain my audiences
feedback didn't portray an average joe artist. I felt she should be a little kooky and   opinion on the images and the effects I have experimented with. I have asked them
unusual.                                                                                 to let me know which one they prefer and will fit into my brand identity well. This
These are the names I came up with and the results I got after asking ten members        will help me decided on an image for both the front and back of my digi pack.
of my target audience to choose the one they thought would suit my artist best.          The majority vote from the audience was that the two images below would fit into
                                                                                         the brand identity and suit my artist most. I kept this in min throughout the
Star Thor - 0                                                                            production of my digi pack.
Ivy Thor - 1
Moone Thor - 0
Wynter Thor - 1
Summer Thor - 4
Blair Thor - 0
Quinn Thor - 3

It was clear that Summer Thor was the most popular name and as the audiences
opinion is crucial to every part of the production process I used this name for my
artist.                                                                                The second email was to ask the audiences opinion on which image they think
                                                                                       should go at the front and which should go at the back. I already have my personal
After coming up with track listings and an album title (Aquaphobia) I felt I needed to opinion of this but I would like to see if my audience agree and if they don't I will go
have a song on my album based around water so that it links in nicely. I emailed five for their choice, after all it is aimed to appeal to them.
members of the target audience asking their opinions on my track listings. I asked     Five out of 7 members of my target audience said that they think the image of the
them to pick the weakest one so I can change it to 'Aquaphobia'. This is the email I   artist should be on the front of the digi pack. I think this will work well as the front
sent;                                                                                  cover is usually what catches the audiences eye and the artist is easily
I am emailing you for your opinion on my Track Listings as I need to change one of recognisable.
them to 'Aquaphopbia' so it links in with my digi pack title. I would like you to
reply to this message with the track name you think is least effective and             After putting the two images (that the audience decided I should use) together I felt
meaningful please. Below are the tracks;                                               that there was a lack of continuity to my digi pack. The front cover was washed out
Disc 1                                                                                 and dream like whereas the back image was bright and vibrant. I felt that these
1. Blinding                                                                            images didn’t match up very well and didn’t create a brand identity and sese of
2. Cloud Walking                                                                       continuity. I chose to send out the image of the bowl with the chosen picture of
3. All I Need                                                                          Stacey next to it and also with another image of Stacey just edited differently. I asked
4. Heavy Feet                                                                          the audience which images flowed best together and they decided that looking at
5. Tree House                                                                          the images together changed their opinions and they chose the image below.
6. Hiding from the Dark
7. Slowly but Surely
8. Four Poster Bed
9. Crumbling
10. Kick in the Teeth

The results showed that title 'Four Poster Bed' was the weakest title and should be
changed. Therefore this has now been changed to Aquaphobia.
My last piece of audience feedback I gained was from 7 members of my target                                                           Throughout the process of creating my products I have realised that audience
audience. I asked them to watch my finished video then answer the questionnaire.                                                      research is vital for success. If I was to go through the process again I would
                                                                                                                                      definitely carry out more audience research, for instance, I would have asked my
Out of 5 what would you rate my camera skills?                                                                                        audience to choose a logo/font for Summer Thor. It just happened that I accidently
1               2                3                                                4                          5                        created the logo for her when creating my website. I would have priced my digi pack
                                                                                                                                      and asked my audience what price they would be willing to pay, and also asked them
Out of 5 what would you rate my editing skills?                                                                                       what sort of colours they thought I should use on my website and what pages were
1               2                3                                                4                          5                        important to them. Overall my audience have helped me greatly when it came to
                                                                                                                                      making important decisions and choices.
Out of 5 what would you rate my use of lighting?
1                          2                           3                          4                           5
Out of 5 what would you rate my costume and make up?
1                          2                           3                          4                           5
Out of 5 what would you rate my video overall?
1                          2                           3                          4                           5
Do you think the video fits in with the genre and style of the song?
Yes                        No
If you could give me one piece of constructive criticism what would that be?

These are the results I got from my questionnaire;
6 out of 7 members of my audience rated my camera skills as 5 out of 5
All 7 members of my audience gave my editing skills 5 out of 5
6 out of 7 members of the audience rated my use of lighting 4 out of 5
6 audience members rated my use of costume and make up 5 out of 5
6 out of 7 audience members rated my video 5 out of 5 overall.
All said that they thought the video was right for the genre and style of the song and
the most common piece of constructive criticism was that I should improve the
lighting throughout my video. I agree with this greatly as the lighting wasn’t great
and could have been a lot better if the right lighting was available.
How did you use new media technologies in the
                                     construction and research, planning and evaluation
Throughout the year I have used Blogger to document all of my work. Blogger is a
website that lets you set up your own blog with your own blog address and create
your own layout, backgrounds, themes etc. This was such a handy website to have as
it enabled me to document my work in small little posts or large chunks whenever I
wanted. I used blogger to record absolutely everything I did to do with my products.
I even wrote posts about the computers crashing on me and how frustrating I found
it not being able to get on with the editing process of my video.

Blogger was a really easy way of recording my progress day by day and very
accessable. I could access my blog anywhere in the school and also at home which
was very handy. I found if I was on one of the computers in school or at home and I
had a brief idea for something I could easily log on and blog it, often coming back at
a later date to elaborate that idea or do some research into it.

I was able to upload my work from other programmes onto blogger easily too which
again made it a great programme to work with. I could upload work from slideshare
and scribd and also images from my own files. I often used this to show my research
tasks and upload images from the internet. Blogger is a great way to complete
coursework over a large space of time as it is quick and easy and much easier than
recording coursework on a word document.

When making my music video I found that researching and watching various other
videos really helped with inspiration and ideas for my own video. I used youtube and
                                                                                to watch these videos on mostly as they were simple and easy to use. When
wanting to add video links to my blog I tried to use links as these links were
accessable on the school site whereas youtube is blocked. This was the same when
watching videos at school. I also used the two websites when creating my story
board to look at various editing techniques, camera angles, locations, props etc. This
helped greatly as I was able to search a vast range of videos right at my fingertips.
I used slideshare at various points in my construction process to help me upload
work I had done on PowerPoint. This was a handy website as I could create things on
PowerPoint that I couldn’t on blogger and easily put it on show on my blog. It was a
straight forward website to use, once you had created a log in you could upload your
file and it would convert it to a link that you uploaded in your blog and within
minutes your PowerPoint was on your blog. I used slideshare to upload mood
boards, images of practise make up, various drafts of my digi pack and progress on
my video.

Scribd is very similar to slideshare in the way it enables you to upload documents
from other programmes onto your blog with a code you copied into your blog. I used
scribd to upload word documents onto my blog, this was much easier than creating
the document in blogger and uploading it that way, I was more familiar with
MicrosoftWord and able to add all the images, colours, texts and fonts I wanted to
rather than being limited to fonts etc on Blogger. It was very useful and easy to use, I
uploaded my questionnair for my audience through scribd , reasearch on camera
shots and also the annotated lyrics with the meanings.

When taking the pictures for my digi pack I used a professional digital camera and a
normal digital camera. As both cameras are the family cameras I found them easy to
use and from previous experience in media I found manipulating the images with
angles etc easy. I also used a hand held video camera to record my video, tihs was
again the household recorder so I was familiar with how it worked. I also had a stand
for the camera so I could keep a steady shot when I needed to.

When I had taken all my images I used picnik to edit all of my images. Picnik is a
photo editing site that I have been using for years to edit my images for personal use
so I am familiar with how it works. The site is really easy to use with no need to
create an account. You simply upload your image and edit away with an endless
range of editing tools and options. Picnik has helped me greatly with my images as I
find it a lot easier to use that photoshop picture editor and there is much more
choice. My images looked professional and neat after using picnik, the site has now
been moved but there are others out there that are just as good.
Adobe Photoshop was what I used to put my digi pack together and give it its
finished look. I didn’t use photoshop to edit my photos in so I could easily drop and
drag my images onto the correct sized canvas and put them in the right places. This
is exactly what I did with both the interior and exterior of my digi pack. I did use
photoshop to add the text to my digi pack as this is a simple tool with a great choice
of fonts available. I also added the small details like the bar code and Virgin logo to
my digi pack with photoshop as choosing layers, rotating and resizing things is clear
and simple with the programme. Photoshop is very handy for many things when
creating a media product especially my digi pack.

I edited my video on Adobe Premier Pro in the end after a bad start of the
programme crashing on me continuously. I began work on a Microsoft Video Editor
which I then transferred over to Premier Pro once is started working. I found the
programme easy to use once I got into the swing of things and the tools were easy to
find and use. When copying video footage over to the programme I found it was very         Where video clips are stored             Selected clip
time consuming and tiring clicking from one thing to another and then going back to
trim the clip, all this took up a lot of time before I could really start editing my
footage, but once it was all done I had my clips organised and cut correctly. I did                  Where the effects are stored
have problems getting effects to work throughout the editing process, only
successfully getting three effects to work. For some reason what worked on my
peers computers wouldn’t work on mine but in the end the effects I managed to
make work were fine and I didn’t need any more. I ended up using the ‘ghosting’
effect on my artists eyes to create a disolusional, blurry image. This really suited the
lyrics which were, “felt it through my fist, through my feet and through the hulls of
my eyelids” and also suited the style of the video and song. Premiere pros cutting
tool was what I used the most when editing my video as I could chop bits off clips I
didn’t want or need and also cut bits out to make them fit in the correct time frame,
e.g. ending on a particular beat or word.

The various types of software and equipment I have had access to have helped me
develop my video and ancillary tasks greatly, they wouldn’t be to the standard they
are now without them. This whole project now enables me to become a media
producer rather than just a member on the audience. I can now feel confident when
taking on similar tasks knowing I have the ability to use such programmes and create
a video, website, digi pack or even other products to a high standard.
                                       The video timeline

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Megs media powerpoint

  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? All music videos follow , or use a mixture of the three types of video; Narrative, Performance and Abstract. After gaining some audience feedback I decided to use both a performance and narrative element in my video. Which is popular amongst indie/pop/rock genres. Although I feel as though I cam unable to class my artist, Summer Thor as jus one genre as she is inspired by both Kate Bush and Florence Welch and their styles of music varied from indie, to heavy, to soft rock, to pop. This mixture of genres helped me in a way when creating my products as I felt I had no limits and I could experiment with mixing all conventions from all genres. At the Performance Narrative start of my coursework I researched Goodwins Theory of Six, looking back on his theory now I have noticed that without even realising I have included 5 out of 6 of his theories. 1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics Goodwin identified that most genres of music had certain traits that appeared in their music videos. For example a dance routine in a pop artists music video or a stage performance from the rock genre. I showed this theory with the sense of performance and narrative throughout my video, which is often seen in videos in similar genres, such as Florence and the Machine – Shake It Out and Elle Goulding – The Writer. 2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals Goodwin noticed a similarity/direct contrast with what is shown in the video and the lyrics of the song. This would be either illustrative, conveying the meaning of the lyrics. Amplifying, repeating or exaggerating an effect, movement or phrase in the song or contradicting, which would be absolutely nothing to do with the lyrics. I have shown this throughout my video in various places, for example when the lyrics “eyes flew open” are said my artist is shown opening her hands with eyes drawn on them. Another example is when my artist is in the field and the lyrics “I never could go back” are said, my artist is then shown walking back and turning around to look at the camera. Giving the impression that she is leaving and never going back. 3. There is a relationship between music and visuals Goodwin identified that the visuals in the video may be edited in time to the beats or the tempo of the song. I have used this theory at various points throughout my video but one specific moment that stands out is when the lyrics say “but it was you who held me under” there is a strong beat on the word “you” which is when my artist sharply brings her head up and stares into the camera.
  • 3. 4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may then develop motifs which recur across their work The need for lots of close ups will show the artist in detail and the close ups are likely to be of an attractive/seductive/sexual part of the body enticing the audience. This theory was shown pretty much continuously throughout my video with extreme close ups of my artists eyes and lips and also close ups of her face. The close ups to the lips are particularly relevant to this theory as lips are seen as a sexual and beautiful part of the body, making that enticing connection with the audience. 5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body The frequent use of looking into the camera creates a sense of closeness and intimacy between the artist/s and viewer, prompting them to buy their work. It gives a direct approach. When it comes to women in music videos they are directed through a males approach which in most cases they end up dressed in very little and dancing provocatively. Throughout my video the majority of shots show my artist singing into the camera. When the artist has eye contact with the camera this gives the impression she is looking at you as an audience through the screen. I also used shots of the artists body, although she is fully clothed and very little flesh is on show throughout the video the shot of my artist writhing on the floor touching her body sexualises her. One shot in particular backs up the point that majority of videos are through a males approach. This is the shot where my artist is shown about to kiss someone and caressing their face. I left their sexuality for the audience to decide as you can only see part of their face in the shot. This adds to the sexual tension and also sexualises the artist. These shots really make a connection and entice the audience. 6. There is often intertextual reference Goodwin noticed that sometimes you will recognise the lyrics or visuals referring to another text within it. For instance Madonna's 'Material Girl' was inspired by Marilyn Monroe's 'Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend' from the 1953 film 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'. This is the only theory of Goodwins I feel I didn’t cover. I gathered inspiration from many videos put purely single shots and angles I liked, nothing that would be classed as intertexuality.
  • 4. Through my video, digi pack and website my artist keeps up a brand identity which is common for all artists. An artists brand identity commonly ties in with their genre also. Through audience feedback I gained an idea of what my artist should dress like and what colours would suit her so I based her brand identity around this in all products, particularly the video. I made the artists dress myself using bits of material to create an individual, indie/pop style look that backed up the genre of the song. I also used dark bold eyeliner and bold silver lipstick. This brings out the rebellious indie chick in Summer Thor also using typical conventions that heavy make up is for rock/indie chicks. I also brought in typical conventions when creating my website and digi pack. After researching current websites and digi pack releases I gained an idea of what they had to include and also what it would be good to include in mine. My website like many artists sites had the typical, Home, About, Gallery, Blog, Shop, Live, Log In pages. Although this is conventional of websites the pages are crucial as they keep the audience informed and in on what’s going on. It is similar when it comes to the digi pack too, there are things you need to include on a digi pack but you can mix it up a little. For instance some artists have text on the interior of their digi pack, some leave it completely blank with just an image. I chose to leave a little message from the artist on the interior of my digi pack just to add that personal touch. Other conventions i followed for my digi pack were must haves, for instance, track listings, images on interior and exterior .
  • 5. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? I feel that continuity throughout my products has worked really well. Continuity is crucial to create a brand identity for an artist and to also make them easily recognisable to the public, often creating a motif. I found that all artists use brand identity after researching various artists. Florence and the Machine updates her website every time she releases a new album changing the website to fit in with the albums designs and colour schemes, keeping up the brand identity. For example when she released the ‘Lungs’ album her album had an image of lungs, she then undated her website to have a main image of lungs at the top of it. She did the same when ‘Ceremonials’ her most recent album was released, backing up her website with all the factors that her album showed. Florence kept her brand identity up through her gigs and her tour with the same colours and the same old church windows seen on her album and website. This showed a huge sense of brand identity and continuity. I made my website, video and digi pack link in little ways to create this sense of continuity throughout. Links My website has the same background (water) as the image on the back of my digi pack this shows that the website has a connection with the digi pack and that it is recent. Summer Thors distinctive name design is also seen on my website as well as the cover of my digi pack. The font and design of the artists name is often the easily recognisable motif that the audience first see and recognise so it is helpful to have it as many places as possible, including all merchandise. In the gallery page I have contained all of the images from the digi pack also showing a clear link between the digi pack and website and also promoting the digi pack. Overall the combination of my video and my ancillary tasks has worked really well I have kept the costume exactly the same in the video and in the images on the together. They link and flow with ease and really show strength and a sense of website, showing that it is all part of the same product. continuity and brand identity, making all products easily recognisable to the audience.
  • 6. What have you learnt from your audience feedback? When I began the process of creating my music video, digi pack and website I was The second piece of audience research and feedback I gained was from mood boards aware that the audiences opinions would play a huge part in what I did and how I did I created showing two choices of style. One more gothic and the other more it. As these products were for the audience to consume I wanted to make sure that feminine. I asked ten members of my target audience their opinions on both as a target audience what they wanted was included . This is why it was crucial that styles, although I gave them the option of using both styles and changing from as often as possible I carried out audience research and feedback. The first piece of feminine to gothic gradually throughout the video. audience research I sent out was a questionnaire asking my audience for feedback on which song they think I should choose to use, based on the annotated lyrics and video ideas. I then asked them to answer a few questions about the chosen song. Questionnaire Please read the annotated lyrics to each song; Florence and the Machine – Howl, bird song and Blinding. Please give an honest opinion on the video ideas and which you personally think would be best Now you have chosen the song/video you would prefer please answer a few questions to help me with the decision I have to make. 1.Do you have any ideas that would enhance my video or that I could consider? 2.How would you have the main character/performer dressed? Colours, style, make up and hair all comes into this. 3.Should there be a performance element in the video or should it just be a narrative with a character? 4.What locations do you think would work best for the video? 5.Do you have any ideas for lyrics that standout to you? E.g. camera angles, movements, scenes, locations etc. 6.What type of feeling do you think the video should create overall? 7.If you were to read the lyrics without the annotations, how would you interpret them? What story line would you take from them? Please write below The results I gained from this questionnaire helped me greatly. The audience chose which song I should use through majority vote. I found that most of the audience wanted a mixture of both performance and narrative throughout the video and also that the artist should be in light, floaty clothes with striking make up. This really These are the results I got; helped me when it came to choosing the material for my artist as I knew it had to be Six members of the target audience I asked said that they think the costume light and floaty so I just decided on what to create with the material. The audience change would be effective If used gradually. also chose lyrics that stood out to them, I thought I could use something really Two members of the target audience said Style 1 would suit the song and artist interesting for the lyrics they chose as they’re striking and interesting. The lyrics better and the remaining two said that Styl2 two would be much more suitable. were “eyes flew open” and “it was you who held me under” I took the audiences As the overall outcome of my results swayed towards using both styles 1 and 2 this opinions into consideration and emphasised these lyrics with art work of eyes on my is what I did when controlling mis en scene in my video. artists hands and with striking camera shots and timing. Another point my audience made through the questionnaire was that they felt close ups and zooms, showing the I based costume choice, make up, location, hair, colour themes, nail artists face would suit the video and the lyrics, I took this into consideration when varnish, jewellery, props etc on the previous two audience feedback tasks. This really writing my story board out and also filming my video. made me realise how crucial the audiences opinion is when creating a product.
  • 7. My next task was giving my artist a great name. I got creative with some unusual After taking some images for my digi pack I decided to send out some emails to my names and mixed them up a little as I felt the previous results from the audience target audience to gain their opinions. The first email was to gain my audiences feedback didn't portray an average joe artist. I felt she should be a little kooky and opinion on the images and the effects I have experimented with. I have asked them unusual. to let me know which one they prefer and will fit into my brand identity well. This These are the names I came up with and the results I got after asking ten members will help me decided on an image for both the front and back of my digi pack. of my target audience to choose the one they thought would suit my artist best. The majority vote from the audience was that the two images below would fit into the brand identity and suit my artist most. I kept this in min throughout the Star Thor - 0 production of my digi pack. Ivy Thor - 1 Moone Thor - 0 Wynter Thor - 1 Summer Thor - 4 Blair Thor - 0 Quinn Thor - 3 It was clear that Summer Thor was the most popular name and as the audiences opinion is crucial to every part of the production process I used this name for my artist. The second email was to ask the audiences opinion on which image they think should go at the front and which should go at the back. I already have my personal After coming up with track listings and an album title (Aquaphobia) I felt I needed to opinion of this but I would like to see if my audience agree and if they don't I will go have a song on my album based around water so that it links in nicely. I emailed five for their choice, after all it is aimed to appeal to them. members of the target audience asking their opinions on my track listings. I asked Five out of 7 members of my target audience said that they think the image of the them to pick the weakest one so I can change it to 'Aquaphobia'. This is the email I artist should be on the front of the digi pack. I think this will work well as the front sent; cover is usually what catches the audiences eye and the artist is easily I am emailing you for your opinion on my Track Listings as I need to change one of recognisable. them to 'Aquaphopbia' so it links in with my digi pack title. I would like you to reply to this message with the track name you think is least effective and After putting the two images (that the audience decided I should use) together I felt meaningful please. Below are the tracks; that there was a lack of continuity to my digi pack. The front cover was washed out Disc 1 and dream like whereas the back image was bright and vibrant. I felt that these 1. Blinding images didn’t match up very well and didn’t create a brand identity and sese of 2. Cloud Walking continuity. I chose to send out the image of the bowl with the chosen picture of 3. All I Need Stacey next to it and also with another image of Stacey just edited differently. I asked 4. Heavy Feet the audience which images flowed best together and they decided that looking at 5. Tree House the images together changed their opinions and they chose the image below. 6. Hiding from the Dark 7. Slowly but Surely 8. Four Poster Bed 9. Crumbling 10. Kick in the Teeth The results showed that title 'Four Poster Bed' was the weakest title and should be changed. Therefore this has now been changed to Aquaphobia.
  • 8. My last piece of audience feedback I gained was from 7 members of my target Throughout the process of creating my products I have realised that audience audience. I asked them to watch my finished video then answer the questionnaire. research is vital for success. If I was to go through the process again I would definitely carry out more audience research, for instance, I would have asked my Out of 5 what would you rate my camera skills? audience to choose a logo/font for Summer Thor. It just happened that I accidently 1 2 3 4 5 created the logo for her when creating my website. I would have priced my digi pack and asked my audience what price they would be willing to pay, and also asked them Out of 5 what would you rate my editing skills? what sort of colours they thought I should use on my website and what pages were 1 2 3 4 5 important to them. Overall my audience have helped me greatly when it came to making important decisions and choices. Out of 5 what would you rate my use of lighting? 1 2 3 4 5 Out of 5 what would you rate my costume and make up? 1 2 3 4 5 Out of 5 what would you rate my video overall? 1 2 3 4 5 Do you think the video fits in with the genre and style of the song? Yes No If you could give me one piece of constructive criticism what would that be? ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... These are the results I got from my questionnaire; 6 out of 7 members of my audience rated my camera skills as 5 out of 5 All 7 members of my audience gave my editing skills 5 out of 5 6 out of 7 members of the audience rated my use of lighting 4 out of 5 6 audience members rated my use of costume and make up 5 out of 5 6 out of 7 audience members rated my video 5 out of 5 overall. All said that they thought the video was right for the genre and style of the song and the most common piece of constructive criticism was that I should improve the lighting throughout my video. I agree with this greatly as the lighting wasn’t great and could have been a lot better if the right lighting was available.
  • 9. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Throughout the year I have used Blogger to document all of my work. Blogger is a website that lets you set up your own blog with your own blog address and create your own layout, backgrounds, themes etc. This was such a handy website to have as it enabled me to document my work in small little posts or large chunks whenever I wanted. I used blogger to record absolutely everything I did to do with my products. I even wrote posts about the computers crashing on me and how frustrating I found it not being able to get on with the editing process of my video. Blogger was a really easy way of recording my progress day by day and very accessable. I could access my blog anywhere in the school and also at home which was very handy. I found if I was on one of the computers in school or at home and I had a brief idea for something I could easily log on and blog it, often coming back at a later date to elaborate that idea or do some research into it. I was able to upload my work from other programmes onto blogger easily too which again made it a great programme to work with. I could upload work from slideshare and scribd and also images from my own files. I often used this to show my research tasks and upload images from the internet. Blogger is a great way to complete coursework over a large space of time as it is quick and easy and much easier than recording coursework on a word document. When making my music video I found that researching and watching various other videos really helped with inspiration and ideas for my own video. I used youtube and to watch these videos on mostly as they were simple and easy to use. When wanting to add video links to my blog I tried to use links as these links were accessable on the school site whereas youtube is blocked. This was the same when watching videos at school. I also used the two websites when creating my story board to look at various editing techniques, camera angles, locations, props etc. This helped greatly as I was able to search a vast range of videos right at my fingertips.
  • 10. I used slideshare at various points in my construction process to help me upload work I had done on PowerPoint. This was a handy website as I could create things on PowerPoint that I couldn’t on blogger and easily put it on show on my blog. It was a straight forward website to use, once you had created a log in you could upload your file and it would convert it to a link that you uploaded in your blog and within minutes your PowerPoint was on your blog. I used slideshare to upload mood boards, images of practise make up, various drafts of my digi pack and progress on my video. Scribd is very similar to slideshare in the way it enables you to upload documents from other programmes onto your blog with a code you copied into your blog. I used scribd to upload word documents onto my blog, this was much easier than creating the document in blogger and uploading it that way, I was more familiar with MicrosoftWord and able to add all the images, colours, texts and fonts I wanted to rather than being limited to fonts etc on Blogger. It was very useful and easy to use, I uploaded my questionnair for my audience through scribd , reasearch on camera shots and also the annotated lyrics with the meanings. When taking the pictures for my digi pack I used a professional digital camera and a normal digital camera. As both cameras are the family cameras I found them easy to use and from previous experience in media I found manipulating the images with angles etc easy. I also used a hand held video camera to record my video, tihs was again the household recorder so I was familiar with how it worked. I also had a stand for the camera so I could keep a steady shot when I needed to. When I had taken all my images I used picnik to edit all of my images. Picnik is a photo editing site that I have been using for years to edit my images for personal use so I am familiar with how it works. The site is really easy to use with no need to create an account. You simply upload your image and edit away with an endless range of editing tools and options. Picnik has helped me greatly with my images as I find it a lot easier to use that photoshop picture editor and there is much more choice. My images looked professional and neat after using picnik, the site has now been moved but there are others out there that are just as good.
  • 11. Adobe Photoshop was what I used to put my digi pack together and give it its finished look. I didn’t use photoshop to edit my photos in so I could easily drop and drag my images onto the correct sized canvas and put them in the right places. This is exactly what I did with both the interior and exterior of my digi pack. I did use photoshop to add the text to my digi pack as this is a simple tool with a great choice of fonts available. I also added the small details like the bar code and Virgin logo to my digi pack with photoshop as choosing layers, rotating and resizing things is clear and simple with the programme. Photoshop is very handy for many things when creating a media product especially my digi pack. I edited my video on Adobe Premier Pro in the end after a bad start of the programme crashing on me continuously. I began work on a Microsoft Video Editor which I then transferred over to Premier Pro once is started working. I found the programme easy to use once I got into the swing of things and the tools were easy to find and use. When copying video footage over to the programme I found it was very Where video clips are stored Selected clip time consuming and tiring clicking from one thing to another and then going back to trim the clip, all this took up a lot of time before I could really start editing my footage, but once it was all done I had my clips organised and cut correctly. I did Where the effects are stored have problems getting effects to work throughout the editing process, only successfully getting three effects to work. For some reason what worked on my peers computers wouldn’t work on mine but in the end the effects I managed to make work were fine and I didn’t need any more. I ended up using the ‘ghosting’ effect on my artists eyes to create a disolusional, blurry image. This really suited the lyrics which were, “felt it through my fist, through my feet and through the hulls of my eyelids” and also suited the style of the video and song. Premiere pros cutting tool was what I used the most when editing my video as I could chop bits off clips I didn’t want or need and also cut bits out to make them fit in the correct time frame, e.g. ending on a particular beat or word. The various types of software and equipment I have had access to have helped me develop my video and ancillary tasks greatly, they wouldn’t be to the standard they are now without them. This whole project now enables me to become a media producer rather than just a member on the audience. I can now feel confident when taking on similar tasks knowing I have the ability to use such programmes and create a video, website, digi pack or even other products to a high standard. The video timeline Video Track