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                                I’m really
                               thrilled you
                              could make it!
Creating context for
organizational changes
in a rapidly changing media
                                       For AAN 2007
                                       Presented by
                                       Terry Garrett

                             Today’s agenda

                                Systematic process

                                Reinventing your
“Wow! You know that’s a
really good word. I’m
probably not the first
person to use that term,
but I’m sure (and Dwight
can back me up on this)
I’m sure I’ve used it more
than any person on Earth.”


Global         Local

Objective Reality                                     4


1. Media Ecosystem: advertising sales proportion
2. Historical Perspective:
   fluctuating status of media and innovations
3. Social & Political Changes
                                   Two of the most important
                                    factors effecting media.
4. Demographic Changes

Media Ecosystem                                           5

                        2005 Ad Sales (U.S.)
                                            Business papers
                                                 $4 B

                                                              Direct Mail

              Newspapers                       TV
                $49B                          $68B

                                 Yellow                            $20B

Rise of Newspapers and Magazines tied                                6
                   to a new socio-political reality 1873—1968.

        Socio-political changes: Government as the progressive
        cause controlling the economy and direction of society.
  Why      Industrialization advancing on a major scale: mechanization of production
        processes, the rise of the city, vast expansion of communication facilities,
        the age of steel, harnessing electricity for light and power, invention of
        ‘invention’, population doubled and new business growth exploded.

1873                                                                                   1968
          Explosive growth
                                          1870                      1900

            # of Dailies                   489

                                                                  15 M
            Circulation                   2.5 M

          # of Weeklies                   4,000

Rise of Newspapers and Magazines tied                                7
                   to a new socio-political reality 1873—1968.

        Socio-political changes: Government as the progressive
        cause controlling the economy and direction of society.
  Why      Industrialization advancing on a major scale: mechanization of production
        processes, the rise of the city, vast expansion of communication facilities,
        the age of steel, harnessing electricity for light and power, invention of
        ‘invention’, population doubled and new business growth exploded.

1873                                                                                   1968
          Explosive growth
                                          1870                      1900

            # of Dailies                   489

                                                                  15 M
            Circulation                   2.5 M

          # of Weeklies                   4,000

19th Century Print Innovations                                             8

                                                    Other innovations added mightily to
James Gordon Bennett founded                        accelerate the financial viability of
the New York Herald (1835) on                       periodical publishing:
the premise that a newspaper
had to:                                             High-speed typesetting
1) have enough income to be                         Stereotyped plates and webs replacing
editorially independent and                         type-revolving presses
2) cheap enough to reach mass                       Use of half-tone photographs
circulation.                      JGB, Jr.
                                                    Color presses
He used the tech knowledge-
bases of the the telegraph and                      Chemically produced wood pulp, which
high-speed printing.                                lowered the price of newsprint from
                                                    $440 per ton to $42.
He also relied upon the rise of
mass literacy, which supported                      Improved labor relations and localization
the notion of mass circulation.                     of conciliation and arbitration

Contrast scale of newspaper economic                                  9

     power from 1890 to 2005

            Joseph Pulitzer’s
                                       advertising to
            New York World             a mass
            1890                       audience.
            Net income
            Adjusted to 2005 Dollars       Created bid pricing and
            $822M                         self-admin advertising to
                                              a targeted audience.

            NY Times Group
                                           Net Income
            Net Income
                                           2004 $399M


   The Socio-political Divide of 1973

“The period 1968—73 is a divide fully
comparable to 1873. Whereas 1873 marked
the end of laissez-faire, 1973 marked the end
of an era in which government was the
“progressive” cause, the instrument
embodying the principles of the
                             Peter Drucker 1989


Socio-political              Demographic
Civil Rights movement         Baby Boomers

Economic upheaval             Segmented database
(oil shock, floated dollar)    marketing
Women’s Rights movement
Environment movement

Shift to non-conformity

                      Print media has been losing relative economic status
                                         for 50 years.
                            Electronic media has gained significantly.

                              1955                         1980                         2005            $161 B

                 $100 B

                  $75 B

                  $50 B
                                                                                                            Web ’06
                  $25 B
Ad sales
target to
relative share    $10 B
of GDP, or
power status
relative to
1955 level.               N   M   TV    R   Tot        N    M   TV    R   Tot       N   M    TV   R   Tot

                              Newspaper — N • Magazines — M • TV — TV • Radio — R • Total — Tot

 “Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by
 which they exploit change as an opportunity for a dierent business
 or a dierent service. It is capable of being presented as a
 discipline, capable of being learned, capable of being practiced.”
                                                     Peter Drucker 1985

Focus on creating systematic innovation
within your company.

               As a means of survival in disruptive times.

               For future prosperity.

 Innovative perspective...

                                     Half empty?

Half full?

             Is there a third POV?

An efficiency expert                       15

        might say,

The container is too big for the contents.

What Innovation Isn’t

           Rarely, is it ever...
   Reliance upon the “flash of genius”

       Being kissed by the muses

Innovation Do’s

Analysis of opportunities
organized and performed on a
                                      Aim at leadership
systematic basis.
                                      doesn’t have to be a big
                                      business, but does need to strive
Conceptual  perceptual               to be a leader.
must satisfy the values and needs
of users.
                                      Start small
                                      capable of consuming little
Simplicity                            investment, few people, serve a
                                      small or limited market.
Focused, singular objective that it
satisfies a need, produces a

Druckerisms                             18

There is no such thing as
a resource until                   Black gold, Texas tea
someone finds a use for
something and endows it
with economic value.

        Innovation changes the yield of resources.
        Defined in demand terms instead of supply,
        i.e. changing the value and satisfaction
        obtained from resources by a consumer.

   If necessity is the
  Mother of innovation,
then who’s your Daddy?

Areas of Management Concentration:              20


      Sales       Organization
     Marketing                        Project


Organization Culture                                    21

Three Structures for getting things done
      Hierarchy Heterarchy
     The one most        Dispersed rule,
                                              No external rule;
     commonly used.      balance of
                                              complete autonomy.
     Top down,           powers. Relies
                                              Specific objectives
     command and         on cooperative
                                              for outcomes
     control in          principles instead
                                              monitored for
     pyramid of bosses   of absolute
     and staff.          authority.

      Organization Culture

Most companies
                   Company A   Company B
blend structures

                    80%         60%

                    20%         30%

                     0%         10%

Management By Responsibility Matrix                                        23

                                       7 Dimensions
                 Basic                                             Performance Leader-
                          Use of    Goal               Conflict
              Management                   Delegation               Evaluation  ship
                          Power    Setting            Resolution
               Philosophy                                            Methods    Style



                            5 levels



Lower Levels                                                                                                      24
of functioning 
                     Management              Use of Power          Goal setting             Delegation
dimensions of
 Conformist        View of staff (VOS):                                                  Seldom delegates
                                           Aversion - power       Let the staff do it.
                   weak, need to be                                                      effectively.
                                           seen as domination.    Permissive - feels
                   protected.                                                            Unable to assign
                                           Low need, unwilling    staff won’t like
                   People concerns                                                       realistic priorities 
                                           to use power.          them if they push.
                   emphasized.                                                           meaningful tasks.
                                           Viewed as indecisive   Low to moderate
                   MO: Maintenance of                                                    Creates staff wanting
                                            inconsistent         commitment.
                   status quo.                                                           to be “rescued”.

                                                                  Sets goals for
                                                                                         Delegates only
                   VOS: incompetent,       Domination power       staff not with
                                                                                         functions they
                   lazy.                   used to control        them.
                   Productivity and        High need - used for   Feels that to let
                                                                                         Creativity and
Self-protective    people concerns         authority to demand    staff be involved
                                                                                         decision making
                   mutually exclusive.     obedience.             is a sign of
                   MO: Coercion           Viewed as dictator,    weakness.
                                                                                         Creates fear of
                   force                   ruthless.              Low commitment,
                                                                                         making mistakes.

                   VOS: powerless         Powerlessness -
                                                                  Avoids goal            Doesn’t delegate;
                   trapped.                power is avoided.
                                                                  setting.               staff should know
                   Productivity  people   Low need, perceives
                                                                  Will rely on           what to do.
 Unconscious       concerns                self as weak 
                                                                  precedent and          Non-participative.
                   unimportant.            ineffective.
                                                                  policy.                Creates non-
                   MO: withdrawal         Viewed as
                                                                  No commitment.         productivity.
                   non-involvement.        incompetent.

Lower Levels of                                                                                                         25
functioning                                               Performance
                       Conflict Resolution                                                Leadership Style
dimensions of                                           Evaluation Methods
  Conformist                                                                            Provides little direction for
                   Accommodating (yield/lose)
                                                       Infrequent                       others.
                   Relationship - primary
                                                       Used to build morale.            Acts as support person to
                                                       Positive; cliche ridden.         provide social and
                   Conflict viewed as destructive
                                                       Negative - -avoided- staff       technical needs.
                   of relationships.
                                                       viewed as fragile.               Self-viewed: morale
                   Hesitant, timid approach.
                                                                                        booster and provider.

                   Competing (win/lose)                                                 Expects strict and rapid
                   Personal goals - primary                                             compliance with orders.
                                                       Used to display authority.
                   importance.                                                          Insist on close, constant
 Self-protective                                       Positive - seldom given.
                   Social survival at stake; to lose                                    supervision.
                                                       Negative is punitive and to
                   means weakness.                                                      Self view: strong and
                                                       determine fault and blame.
                   Aggressive dogmatic approach.                                        dominant.

                                                       Non-existent                     Avoidance of any contact.
                   Avoiding (lose/leave)
                                                       Avoidance of all feedback.       If necessary, resorts to
                   Hopelessness; no win, total
                                                       If forced by organization will   policy or refers to
 Unconscious       avoidance.
                                                       have staff make out their        superiors.
                   Withdrawn and detached
                                                       own or prefer adjective          Self-view: weak, my
                                                       checklists.                      hands are tied.

Higher Levels
of functioning 
                     Management              Use of Power           Goal setting           Delegation
dimensions of

                   VOS: productive and                                                  Delegates maximum
                                                                   Inclusion of staff
                   creative.               Altruistic - used for                        authority functions,
                                                                   in goal setting
                   Productivity and        common good.                                 priorities with staff.
                   people concerns         High need to have                            Aware of staff
 Responsible       integrated.             impact and be                                capabilities and
                                                                   creativity in
                   MO: involvement         influential.                                 motivations.
                                                                   objective setting.
                   with staff through      Viewed as fair, just                         Creates teamwork,
                                                                   High level of
                   delegation and          and strong.                                  harmony and
                   participation.                                                       accountability.

                   VOS: moderately
                                           Personal                                     Doesn’t delegate
                   productive, but need
                                           aggrandizement -        Sales                specifics.
                   for manipulation.
                                           used for personal       consultative         Last minute
                                           gain.                   approach - “sells”   delegation, changing
                                           High need - to build    staff on goals.      priorities, improper
                                           empires.                Moderate to high     planning.
                   MO: management
                                           Viewed as               level of             Creates urgency,
                   by crisis; inadequate
                                           exploitative and        commitment.          frustration and
                   planning and
                                           aggressive.                                  confusion.

Higher Levels of
functioning                                         Performance Evaluation
                     Conflict Resolution                                    Leadership Style
dimensions of                                               Methods

                                                     Frequent, regular basis.
                                                                                   Leader views self as
                   Synergistic: win/win              Used as learning
                                                                                   team member.
                   If relationship is to last, all   experiences.
                                                                                   Encourages others to
  Responsible      goals must be met.                Positive-realistic, genuine
                   Candid, creative, problem-        feedback.
                                                                                   Self view: a contributor
                   solving approach.                 Negative-constructive,
                                                                                   of special resources.

                                                     Frequent, though based on
                                                                                   Maintains open door
                   Compromising: win some/           positive or negative
                   lose some                         performance.
                                                                                   Management by
                   Attempts to soften losing by      Used to increase
                                                                                   exception, fire-fighting
                   limiting the gains.               performance.
                                                                                   when necessary.
                   Persuasive, manipulative          Negative: based on
                                                                                   Self view: flexible and
                   approach.                         productivity failures, due
                                                     dates, etc.

Culture Determines How You’ll Proceed                                         28

      with Strategic Development

                             Arrives at               Develops and
                             Objectives                Implements

                        Top management              Key performance
                        mandates goals and          expectations handed
                        objectives.                 down, implementation
                                                    tightly controlled from
                        “Sells” it to staff.        top.

                                                    Team approach, key
                        Group conference
                        establishes goals and
                                                    distributed, authority
 Hierarchy/Heterarchy   objectives.
                                                    levels assigned,
                                                    group and individual
                        Staff buy-in by virtue of

       Important Questions to Ask

1.What results are needed?
2.Where within our own system do we do this
3.If not within our company, where within our
  industry is someone doing this?
4.How do they do it? Can we replicate it?
5.What does management do that supports you
  getting results?
6.What does management do that hampers getting

Preparation for Strategic Development

      Historical Perspective
      Where have we been, what have we
      Where are we now? Where can we

      Establishes congruent story among
      all staff members; provides
      understanding especially for newer
Preparation for Strategic Development

   Mission, Values, Major Objectives
   Where do we need to be next year?
   In 2 - 3 years?
   Key performance indicators identified:
     Financial, marketing, etc.
     Quality of life issues

   Establishes same page starting point
   and defines scope of plan.

             Two-sided Market


             Supply               Demand

Advertiser             Media               Audience

             Demand               Supply


Long Tail of the Web                                33

            Aggregators/Portals         Long Tail
100        Google, Yahoo, MSN
 60 Head
                           Top news sites
                                          Millions of sites

                                     Long Tail

Aggregators attract huge volumes
of attention and broker ads to
reach subsets of audience with
price variables unique to each
subset. Their reach is from the
head through the long tail.

Seeing Opportunity                                                     34

              Brainstorming Ideas

                                         What do they     What are our
                    Who are they?
                                         need/want?         ideas?

                           ?                  ?                ?

                           ?                  ?                ?

“Marketing starts with all customers in the market rather than with our customers.”

“The first aim of any business is to create a customer.”

Prepare Ideas for Implementation       35

      Identify assumptions and risks

      Quick financial parameters

      Identify resources needed
            Space/place, tools

      Prioritize best ideas

Example of a Web                           36

           Business Directory Idea

Create a web business directory to
mirror an annual print directory

source guide with 1,400 listings.

Critical assumptions:
• Advertisers would pay to be online     Research,
                                         survey, assess
  in addition to print; some may opt
                                         risks, i.e. what
  for print or web only.
                                         happens if this
• Sales reps would sell it.              assumption is
• Consumers would use it.                false? Can it be
• It would be cash flow positive within   corrected or
                                         converted to
  6 months

Quick Financial  Resource View                   37

Calculation for Salary Wages
Salaries Staff per week
                        $ 3,850

% of 40 hr. wk dedicated to
selling product


Quick Financial View                                                              38

 Breakeven Analysis—Directory Model                                                            # Sold Ads
                                                                                               Monthly Revenue
                                                                                               Monthly Cost
           600                                                                       $7,000
                                                                                               Monthly Net
                 1   2    3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
                                                             327                     $3,000
Ads Sold

           300                                                                       $2,000
                                           211                                       $1,000
                          87                                                         -$1,000
            0                                                                        -$3,000

    Financial Statements
                  The 3 Bottom Lines

                      Dollar figure that shows whether or not
     Net Profit       your sales are greater than your

Operating Cash Flow   Dollar figure that shows whether or not
        OCF           you’re converting your profits into cash.

 Return on Assets     Ratio that tells whether or not you’re
       ROA            optimizing the value of your resources.

Flat sales, declining profits and operating cash flow.

Mobley Matrix

Key Performance Indicators                                                  42

KPIs are only
meaningful when they
are connected to
your triple bottom
                                           Standard KPIs
                          Average page yield (tot.)    Average page yield (ads)
AND                       Sales per 1000 circulation   Net profit per employee
                          Sales per page per 1000 circ Production costs per page
When everyone             Sales per employee (tot.)    Print costs per page
knows what they           Sales per employee (sales)   GA expense per employee
mean and how to           Sales per category           Distribution costs per 1000
effect them positively.   Number of ads per issue      Editorial costs per page

Financial Literacy                           43

statement               Owners/
Balance sheet          publishers/                Staff
Cash statement            CFO

See  regularly
                           ?             ?         ?
discuss financials
and performance

                           ?             ?         ?
interpret financials
with strategic obj.

Project financials
to plan future
                           ?             ?         ?

Sales and Marketing                                                          44
     Aligning with Local Interests
       Resource Coordination

                      BALLE/Media Model
                       for Collaboration

                          Coordinate for Start-
      BALLE               up of local network             Media
       Staff                                             Company

      Co-create                                       Co-create
                                                      Recruit members for
Recruit members                Network
                                                      start up from existing
through promotion 
                                                      ad customers.
network volunteers.

     M           M         M           M          M             M              M

M         M           M        M             M            M            M           M

Sales  Marketing Follows Strategic Plan                    45

With the new      Implementing
products, etc.
Largely, the
                                            Workflow processes
challenges are                            Changes in hiring criteria
found in
                    Multiple products
operations.                                Training requirements
                  across multiple media
This is true to                             Compensation plans
some extent for
                                          Rep dedicated to one or
                                           more product lines?

Project Management                                        46

                             Inputs                   Outputs
              Initiatives               Project
                                                                 Results of
                Need/                 Management

Process Steps

 Project            High level             Plan
                                                                Execution     Close-out
Initiation          Planning            Development

Technology                           47

                Hierarchy of Questions

             What does it enable us to do
             that we can’t do now?
Treat tech   Does that serve the results we
 like any    need in our plan?
  capital    How much should we invest?
             What’s the return? (NPV-calc)
             What’s our learning curve to
             assimilate it?


The End


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Media Publishing and Organizational Management

  • 1. 1 Howdy I’m really thrilled you could make it! Creating context for organizational changes in a rapidly changing media marketplace. For AAN 2007 Presented by Terry Garrett 1
  • 2. 2 Today’s agenda Innovation Systematic process Reinventing your organization “Wow! You know that’s a really good word. I’m probably not the first person to use that term, but I’m sure (and Dwight can back me up on this) I’m sure I’ve used it more than any person on Earth.” 2
  • 3. POV 3 Global Local 3
  • 4. Objective Reality 4 Global 1. Media Ecosystem: advertising sales proportion 2. Historical Perspective: fluctuating status of media and innovations 3. Social & Political Changes Two of the most important factors effecting media. 4. Demographic Changes 4
  • 5. Media Ecosystem 5 2005 Ad Sales (U.S.) Business papers $4 B Magazine Other $12B Direct Mail Print Alt-weeklies $55B $35B $550M Internet $12.5B Daily Newspapers TV $49B $68B Radio Yellow $20B Outdoor Pages $6B $14B 5
  • 6. Rise of Newspapers and Magazines tied 6 to a new socio-political reality 1873—1968. Socio-political changes: Government as the progressive cause controlling the economy and direction of society. Why Industrialization advancing on a major scale: mechanization of production processes, the rise of the city, vast expansion of communication facilities, the age of steel, harnessing electricity for light and power, invention of ‘invention’, population doubled and new business growth exploded. 1873 1968 Explosive growth 1870 1900 period 1,967 # of Dailies 489 15 M Circulation 2.5 M 12,000 # of Weeklies 4,000 6
  • 7. Rise of Newspapers and Magazines tied 7 to a new socio-political reality 1873—1968. Socio-political changes: Government as the progressive cause controlling the economy and direction of society. Why Industrialization advancing on a major scale: mechanization of production processes, the rise of the city, vast expansion of communication facilities, the age of steel, harnessing electricity for light and power, invention of ‘invention’, population doubled and new business growth exploded. 1873 1968 Explosive growth 1870 1900 period 1,967 # of Dailies 489 15 M Circulation 2.5 M 12,000 # of Weeklies 4,000 7
  • 8. 19th Century Print Innovations 8 Other innovations added mightily to James Gordon Bennett founded accelerate the financial viability of the New York Herald (1835) on periodical publishing: the premise that a newspaper had to: High-speed typesetting 1) have enough income to be Stereotyped plates and webs replacing editorially independent and type-revolving presses 2) cheap enough to reach mass Use of half-tone photographs circulation. JGB, Jr. Color presses He used the tech knowledge- Innovations bases of the the telegraph and Chemically produced wood pulp, which high-speed printing. lowered the price of newsprint from $440 per ton to $42. He also relied upon the rise of mass literacy, which supported Improved labor relations and localization the notion of mass circulation. of conciliation and arbitration procedures. 8
  • 9. Contrast scale of newspaper economic 9 power from 1890 to 2005 Created Joseph Pulitzer’s advertising to New York World a mass Innovation 1890 audience. Net income $1M Adjusted to 2005 Dollars Created bid pricing and $822M self-admin advertising to a targeted audience. Google NY Times Group 2005 2005 Net Income Net Income $1.46B $253M 2004 $399M 9
  • 10. 10 The Socio-political Divide of 1973 “The period 1968—73 is a divide fully comparable to 1873. Whereas 1873 marked the end of laissez-faire, 1973 marked the end of an era in which government was the “progressive” cause, the instrument embodying the principles of the Enlightenment.” Peter Drucker 1989 10
  • 11. 11 Ch-ch-ch-changes Socio-political Demographic Civil Rights movement Baby Boomers Economic upheaval Segmented database (oil shock, floated dollar) marketing Women’s Rights movement Environment movement Shift to non-conformity 11
  • 12. 12 Print media has been losing relative economic status for 50 years. Electronic media has gained significantly. 1955 1980 2005 $161 B $100 B $75 B $50 B Web ’06 $17B $25 B Ad sales target to maintain relative share $10 B of GDP, or economic power status relative to 1955 level. N M TV R Tot N M TV R Tot N M TV R Tot Newspaper — N • Magazines — M • TV — TV • Radio — R • Total — Tot 12
  • 13. 13 “Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a dierent business or a dierent service. It is capable of being presented as a discipline, capable of being learned, capable of being practiced.” Peter Drucker 1985 Focus on creating systematic innovation within your company. As a means of survival in disruptive times. For future prosperity. 13
  • 14. 14 Innovative perspective... Half empty? Half full? Is there a third POV? 14
  • 15. An efficiency expert 15 might say, The container is too big for the contents. 15
  • 16. 16 What Innovation Isn’t Rarely, is it ever... Reliance upon the “flash of genius” Being kissed by the muses 16
  • 17. Innovation Do’s 17 Analysis of opportunities organized and performed on a Aim at leadership systematic basis. doesn’t have to be a big business, but does need to strive Conceptual perceptual to be a leader. must satisfy the values and needs of users. Start small capable of consuming little Simplicity investment, few people, serve a small or limited market. Focused, singular objective that it satisfies a need, produces a result. 17
  • 18. Druckerisms 18 There is no such thing as a resource until Black gold, Texas tea someone finds a use for something and endows it with economic value. Innovation changes the yield of resources. Defined in demand terms instead of supply, i.e. changing the value and satisfaction obtained from resources by a consumer. 18
  • 19. 19 If necessity is the Mother of innovation, then who’s your Daddy? 19
  • 20. Areas of Management Concentration: 20 Strategic Development Technology Sales Organization Culture Marketing Project Management Financial Performance 20
  • 21. Organization Culture 21 Three Structures for getting things done Responsible Hierarchy Heterarchy Autonomy The one most Dispersed rule, No external rule; commonly used. balance of complete autonomy. Top down, powers. Relies Specific objectives command and on cooperative for outcomes control in principles instead monitored for pyramid of bosses of absolute performance. and staff. authority. 21
  • 22. 22 Organization Culture Most companies Company A Company B blend structures 80% 60% Hierarchy 20% 30% Heterarchy Responsible 0% 10% Autonomy 22
  • 23. Management By Responsibility Matrix 23 7 Dimensions Basic Performance Leader- Use of Goal Conflict Management Delegation Evaluation ship Power Setting Resolution Philosophy Methods Style Responsible Achievement 5 levels Conformist Self- protective Unconscious 23
  • 24. Lower Levels 24 Basic of functioning Management Use of Power Goal setting Delegation dimensions of Philosophy management Conformist View of staff (VOS): Seldom delegates Aversion - power Let the staff do it. weak, need to be effectively. seen as domination. Permissive - feels protected. Unable to assign Low need, unwilling staff won’t like People concerns realistic priorities to use power. them if they push. emphasized. meaningful tasks. Viewed as indecisive Low to moderate MO: Maintenance of Creates staff wanting inconsistent commitment. status quo. to be “rescued”. Sets goals for Delegates only VOS: incompetent, Domination power staff not with functions they lazy. used to control them. dislike. Productivity and High need - used for Feels that to let Creativity and Self-protective people concerns authority to demand staff be involved decision making mutually exclusive. obedience. is a sign of discouraged. MO: Coercion Viewed as dictator, weakness. Creates fear of force ruthless. Low commitment, making mistakes. sabotage. VOS: powerless Powerlessness - Avoids goal Doesn’t delegate; trapped. power is avoided. setting. staff should know Productivity people Low need, perceives Will rely on what to do. Unconscious concerns self as weak precedent and Non-participative. unimportant. ineffective. policy. Creates non- MO: withdrawal Viewed as No commitment. productivity. non-involvement. incompetent. 24
  • 25. Lower Levels of 25 functioning Performance Conflict Resolution Leadership Style dimensions of Evaluation Methods management Conformist Provides little direction for Accommodating (yield/lose) Infrequent others. Relationship - primary Used to build morale. Acts as support person to importance Positive; cliche ridden. provide social and Conflict viewed as destructive Negative - -avoided- staff technical needs. of relationships. viewed as fragile. Self-viewed: morale Hesitant, timid approach. booster and provider. Competing (win/lose) Expects strict and rapid Infrequent Personal goals - primary compliance with orders. Used to display authority. importance. Insist on close, constant Self-protective Positive - seldom given. Social survival at stake; to lose supervision. Negative is punitive and to means weakness. Self view: strong and determine fault and blame. Aggressive dogmatic approach. dominant. Non-existent Avoidance of any contact. Avoiding (lose/leave) Avoidance of all feedback. If necessary, resorts to Hopelessness; no win, total If forced by organization will policy or refers to Unconscious avoidance. have staff make out their superiors. Withdrawn and detached own or prefer adjective Self-view: weak, my approach. checklists. hands are tied. 25
  • 26. 26 Higher Levels Basic of functioning Management Use of Power Goal setting Delegation dimensions of Philosophy management VOS: productive and Delegates maximum Inclusion of staff creative. Altruistic - used for authority functions, in goal setting Productivity and common good. priorities with staff. process. people concerns High need to have Aware of staff Promotes Responsible integrated. impact and be capabilities and creativity in MO: involvement influential. motivations. objective setting. with staff through Viewed as fair, just Creates teamwork, High level of delegation and and strong. harmony and commitment. participation. accountability. Achievement VOS: moderately Personal Doesn’t delegate productive, but need aggrandizement - Sales specifics. for manipulation. used for personal consultative Last minute Productivity gain. approach - “sells” delegation, changing concerns High need - to build staff on goals. priorities, improper emphasized. empires. Moderate to high planning. MO: management Viewed as level of Creates urgency, by crisis; inadequate exploitative and commitment. frustration and planning and aggressive. confusion. delegation. 26
  • 27. 27 Higher Levels of functioning Performance Evaluation Conflict Resolution Leadership Style dimensions of Methods management Frequent, regular basis. Leader views self as Synergistic: win/win Used as learning team member. If relationship is to last, all experiences. Encourages others to Responsible goals must be met. Positive-realistic, genuine contribute. Candid, creative, problem- feedback. Self view: a contributor solving approach. Negative-constructive, of special resources. candid. Achievement Frequent, though based on Maintains open door Compromising: win some/ positive or negative policy. lose some performance. Management by Attempts to soften losing by Used to increase exception, fire-fighting limiting the gains. performance. when necessary. Persuasive, manipulative Negative: based on Self view: flexible and approach. productivity failures, due adaptable. dates, etc. 27
  • 28. Culture Determines How You’ll Proceed 28 with Strategic Development Arrives at Develops and Objectives Implements Top management Key performance mandates goals and expectations handed Hierarchal objectives. down, implementation Achievement-oriented tightly controlled from “Sells” it to staff. top. Team approach, key Group conference performance establishes goals and distributed, authority Hierarchy/Heterarchy objectives. levels assigned, Responsible group and individual Staff buy-in by virtue of responsibility participation. balanced. 28
  • 29. 29 Important Questions to Ask 1.What results are needed? 2.Where within our own system do we do this already? 3.If not within our company, where within our industry is someone doing this? 4.How do they do it? Can we replicate it? 5.What does management do that supports you getting results? 6.What does management do that hampers getting results? 29
  • 30. 30 Preparation for Strategic Development Historical Perspective Where have we been, what have we accomplished? Where are we now? Where can we improve? Benefits Establishes congruent story among all staff members; provides understanding especially for newer staff. 30
  • 31. 31 Preparation for Strategic Development Mission, Values, Major Objectives Where do we need to be next year? In 2 - 3 years? Key performance indicators identified: Financial, marketing, etc. Quality of life issues Benefits Establishes same page starting point and defines scope of plan. 31
  • 32. 32 Two-sided Market Content Supply Demand Advertiser Media Audience Demand Supply Attention 32
  • 33. Long Tail of the Web 33 Aggregators/Portals Long Tail 100 Google, Yahoo, MSN 80 60 Head 40 Top news sites 20 Millions of sites 0 Long Tail Aggregators attract huge volumes of attention and broker ads to reach subsets of audience with price variables unique to each subset. Their reach is from the head through the long tail. 33
  • 34. Seeing Opportunity 34 Brainstorming Ideas What do they What are our Who are they? need/want? ideas? ? ? ? Customers Non- ? ? ? customers “Marketing starts with all customers in the market rather than with our customers.” “The first aim of any business is to create a customer.” 34
  • 35. Prepare Ideas for Implementation 35 Identify assumptions and risks Quick financial parameters Identify resources needed Finances Personnel Processes Technology Space/place, tools Prioritize best ideas 35
  • 36. Example of a Web 36 Business Directory Idea Idea: Create a web business directory to mirror an annual print directory } source guide with 1,400 listings. Critical assumptions: • Advertisers would pay to be online Research, survey, assess in addition to print; some may opt risks, i.e. what for print or web only. happens if this • Sales reps would sell it. assumption is • Consumers would use it. false? Can it be • It would be cash flow positive within corrected or converted to 6 months true? 36
  • 37. Quick Financial Resource View 37 Calculation for Salary Wages Salaries Staff per week $ 3,850 % of 40 hr. wk dedicated to selling product 10% Costs Time Leads 37
  • 38. Quick Financial View 38 Breakeven Analysis—Directory Model # Sold Ads Monthly Revenue Months Monthly Cost 600 $7,000 Monthly Net 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $6,000 500 $5,000 437 401 $4,000 365 400 327 $3,000 Ads Sold 289 300 $2,000 250 211 $1,000 170 200 $0 129 87 -$1,000 100 44 -$2,000 0 0 -$3,000 38
  • 39. 39 Financial Statements The 3 Bottom Lines Dollar figure that shows whether or not Net Profit your sales are greater than your expenses. Operating Cash Flow Dollar figure that shows whether or not OCF you’re converting your profits into cash. Return on Assets Ratio that tells whether or not you’re ROA optimizing the value of your resources. 39
  • 40. Flat sales, declining profits and operating cash flow. 40 40
  • 42. Key Performance Indicators 42 KPI KPIs are only meaningful when they are connected to your triple bottom Standard KPIs line. Average page yield (tot.) Average page yield (ads) AND Sales per 1000 circulation Net profit per employee Sales per page per 1000 circ Production costs per page When everyone Sales per employee (tot.) Print costs per page knows what they Sales per employee (sales) GA expense per employee mean and how to Sales per category Distribution costs per 1000 effect them positively. Number of ads per issue Editorial costs per page 42
  • 43. Financial Literacy 43 Income statement Owners/ Management Balance sheet publishers/ Staff Team Cash statement CFO KPIs See regularly ? ? ? discuss financials and performance Understand ? ? ? interpret financials with strategic obj. Project financials to plan future ? ? ? performance metrics 43
  • 44. Sales and Marketing 44 Aligning with Local Interests Resource Coordination BALLE/Media Model for Collaboration Coordinate for Start- BALLE up of local network Media Executive Staff Company SF Co-create Co-create Local BALLE Recruit members for Recruit members Network start up from existing through promotion ad customers. network volunteers. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 44
  • 45. Sales Marketing Follows Strategic Plan 45 With the new Implementing Operations ventures, Strategy products, etc. Largely, the Workflow processes management challenges are Changes in hiring criteria found in Multiple products operations. Training requirements across multiple media platforms This is true to Compensation plans some extent for Rep dedicated to one or other more product lines? departments. 45
  • 46. Project Management 46 Strategic Strategic Inputs Outputs Initiatives Project Results of Need/ Management Value Opportunity Process Steps Project High level Plan Execution Close-out Initiation Planning Development 46
  • 47. Technology 47 Hierarchy of Questions What does it enable us to do that we can’t do now? Treat tech Does that serve the results we like any need in our plan? capital How much should we invest? What’s the return? (NPV-calc) expense. What’s our learning curve to assimilate it? 47