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Media Bias Summary
I chose these outlets to develop a further understanding of the bias in national media. In A Social–Science Perspective on Media Bias, Tim Groseclose
and Jeffrey Milyo present their findings as evidence that the majority national news outlets, where the brunt of Americans get their news, have an
obvious liberal bias that they believe "influences both public opinion and voting behavior (305)". Both cities of these publications, Los Angeles and
Washington D.C. have a stereotype of being extremely liberal. Washington D.C. was called the most liberal city in the U.S. in a recent Gallup poll in
2014 (Swift 2014). However, location is not the sole factor of ideology. I researched this by comparing the two publications and based my understand
of these
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Media Bias
The media today has become a topic of concern for many members of the general population. Am I getting a reliable source of information? Is this
source withholding the truth and ameliorating a topic? If I know that the information being reported is false, how can I trust that any other
information from this source can be trusted? These are several questions that a particular citizen might make on a day to day basis, and when the
question of bias is thrown into the mix, an overwhelming feeling of mistrust in our media can ensue. Media sources today are siding more and more
towards their viewers political views, and this creates a form of media–bias that can spread untrustworthy information out into the public. Depending
on your media source,... Show more content on ...
Many members of the general public have caught onto the ruse of mass media outlets, and are starting to not trust them. A Gallup poll from the
somewhat recent year of late 2016 has shown that Americans' trust in mass media has fallen to a record setting low. For the general population,
only 32 percent of Americans trusted the media outlets' reports with a "great deal of trust" or a "fair amount of trust". A deeper look into the polling
shows that only 14 percent of population who classify as Republican trust the media a great deal or a fair amount. This could be due to the bias
against Republicans in certain media sources, or it could fall into something deeper. As for age groups, ages 18–49 have shown 26 percent in the same
trust rating, while 50 and older shows 38 percent. The difference in percentages due to age are most likely due to the technological fluency of younger
generations. Better understanding of technology can allow for a person to dig deeper into what is true or false in the media
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Media Bias and Its Public Influence
Do today's media hold a biased opinion? Political figure heads of modern day America have argued the subject of a biased liberal media for
decades. The notion of the media being predominantly liberal is not unheard of because since publicly broadcasted news media first became common,
the Republican Party was not yet one to rival the Democrats. The core argument presented is the possibility of a liberal media manipulating the
American public and thus influencing them to vote in congruence with the ways of the Democratic political party. Thus far it is simple to see the
media clearly holds a bias that is in favor of the liberal viewpoint. I believe the media should not hold an opinion because, it comes through in their
coverage and thus... Show more content on ...
David P. Baron hit the nail on the head when he stated that "interest groups seek to influence public sentiment and do so by advocating their position
through the news media" (1). And the American public isn't helping to stop this influence when they place the political analyst on a pedestal as if
they are some kind of hero. Not only is it the politicians on the news networks projecting their political viewpoints into the minds millions, but so are
the newspapers and magazines that are pushing this liberal favoritism into our hands. It was Robert Bresler who noticed that "If you look at the
major magazines such as Vanity Fair, New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, and Harper's, they all reflect a distinctive liberal perspective" (13). Again, it is
seen that liberal news coverage allows only one side to receive a fair hearing, and thus it is the American public that is left to suffer. Furthermore,
Bresler has noticed: The great conservative media moguls–Luce, McCormick, Hearst, and Lawrence–are gone; only Ruppert Murdoch still fits that bill.
The politics and the culture of Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News have changed dramatically. The New York Times is hardly the gray lady of the past;
The Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, and L.A. Times now are routinely liberal; most news paper columnist are predictably liberal (13). With all
of the conservative viewpoints in the papers and magazines gone, the only thing left for the American public is the liberal
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Examples Of Media Bias
When we're born we become a blank slate, but as we grow older we're conditioned by Government, society, and those around us. With this said,
comes great bais in opinions and how we see things. That leads us to a question called " What is Bias In media?." "Leaving one side out of an
article, or a series of articles over a period of time; ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that support liberal or
conservative beliefs; bias by omission can occur either within a story, or over the long term as a particular news outlet reports one set of events, but not
another." Media Bias can be found in many networks like CNN, FOX NEWS , and NBC. As a result, I have found four instances that show an example
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Media Bias Analysis
Introduction: During this week I investigated many different news sources and different tactics they use. My research has shown the incredibly strong
bias that the media has. To get a full grasp of the biases I had to use source diversity. My sources ranged from social media, to television, to web–based
articles. Through my research, I discovered the effective and prevalent uses of loaded language, social media, sensationalism, bias in quotes, and
the role of gatekeepers in media. Example 1: Fox News had a segment on President Donald Trump's milestones in office. Fox News is known for
having a Republican bias, and its bias was very prevalent in the use of loaded language. "The Angle" had an infographic saying that Trump
accomplished "a soaring economy" and deported "violent criminal aliens". Fox says "soaring" which implies that the economy is doing greatly due to
Trump, whereas there has... Show more content on ...
On the third, Trump tweeted "The rigged Dem Primary, one of the biggest political stories in years, got ZERO coverage on Fake News Network TV
last night. Disgraceful!". Trump attempts to show the extent of bias in the media exposing that they didn't report a major event. This tweet has bias
towards Trump's personal agenda against the media. Additionally, Trump exposes the strength of the media's gatekeepers and how greatly they can
impact which issues are talked about. Example 3: CNN used both sensationalism and showed bias in how the media refers to people they quote. In
the headline for an article Mattingly and Killough wrote "Trump tells Dems he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan". This showed sensationalism and
misuse of a quote because the headline used a minor part of sentence with no context to mean something completely difference. They took two words
and twisted them into saying that Trump called himself a big loser which is a headline that is sensationalist and sure to attract many clicks. Example
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Media Bias In The Media
The evaluation of research and studies was conducted in order to assess possible liberal bias in the media. Through consideration of studies within the
past twenty years, certain implications and causes of media bias are addressed and explained. As there are multiple viewpoints surrounding media bias,
many stances are observed. Media bias is justified through a matter of diversity, party affiliation, liberal expectations, and varying definitions of bias.
The results of these studies show that while media bias may exist, it not significant. It is also found true that most journalists have left sided beliefs, but
tend to claim moderate. The negative reputation of bias is ultimately defended, and it is found that this bias can be considered positive in some aspects.
The two party political system that is in place in society today entails an ongoing conflict of liberal and conservative views. More specifically, there
are many accusations of media outlets being biased, leaning more towards liberal ideas. (Dalton, 2007) Many studies have been done regarding this
notion, and research explains media bias through views surrounding diversity, political identification, liberal assumptions, and overall understanding of
bias. Major news outlets are quick to defend their material through an explanation of diversity. Stating that their outlooks within the company are
diverse is a way to cover the suspicion of bias being reported. The executive director of the American Society of News
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Media Bias In The Media
Throughout America's infantile years, the media solely consisted of the printing press, but as a result of industrialization, commercialization, and
professionalization, it now extends into the world of technology, reaching far more Americans than ever before. Media can be defined as collective
outlets for mass communication. In today's society, massive amounts of media are consumed in a plethora of forms: newspapers, magazines, television,
Internet, and social media. The 2007 U.S. Census Bureau 's Statistical Abstract of the United States reports that adults and teens spend nearly five
months out the year watching television, surfing the Internet, reading daily newspapers and listening to music (cited in ABC News, 2006). In
correspondence... Show more content on ...
On the contrary, my mother, a liberal, denounces Fox News, relying on CNN, ABC, and MSNBC for her news. Their opposing political beliefs
reinforce the dichotomy within media with conservatives on the right and liberals on the left, both remaining loyal to their respective news outlets.
This is far more common than my interviewee's anecdotal story; it extends across the entire nation. The Pew Research Center fortifies this claim
by analyzing the relationship between political beliefs and preferred media sources. In doing so, they discovered that Fox News serves as the
primary news outlet for 47 percent of conservatives, while CNN, NPR, and MSNBC are preferred by liberals (Mitchell, Gottfried, Kiley, & Matsa,
2014). By narrowing in on a specific ideology, news networks earn the trust of their audience and retain their attention. The Pew Research study
corresponds with the results from my interviews, showing that 88 percent of conservatives trust Fox News, like my father, and 52 percent of liberals
trust MSNBC, like my mother (Mitchell et al., 2014). The growing trust within partisan outlets simultaneously corresponds with the major spike in
viewership these businesses experienced. According to The Wall Street Journal, Fox News came in first in prime time television rating in 2016 with
an average audience of 3.1 million, which was a 72 percent increase from the previous year
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Liberal Bias in the Media Essay
Today it seems almost impossible to get a straightforward answer on any major topic from the media. All sources of media have a specific audience
that they are intending to hear or view the information that they have prepared, therefore they will cut bits and pieces out so that only the message
they are trying to get across will be received. So indeed there is a media bias, and yes it more often than not slants towards the liberal view point, as
many reporters and journalists have liberal views themselves. Journalists and reporters for the major networks will strongly denounce the suggestion
that they favor of one side or the other when it comes to being politically biased. On the other hand there are other media sources that come ... Show
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You must be liberal, progressive, a Democrat. I've been in communal gatherings in The Post, watching election returns, and have been
flabbergasted to see my colleagues cheer unabashedly for the Democrats." (Washington Post). Often media broadcasters tend to lean to this side,
therefore giving them the image of being liberally bias. Chris Mathews and Keith Oberman from MSNBC are two examples of broadcasters that
have been accused of delivering their news with a liberal twist to it. Journalists tend to vote on the liberal side of situations, but still say that while
they are on the job they only tell the news in the fairest way and the way that will be least offensive as well as respectful to who it will be presented.
In many cases however, this report can come out with an oddly left sided tone ( Since 1991 when Katie Couric became co–host
of NBC's Today Show, she has used her powerful spot in the media to praise significant liberal figures such as Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter. At
the same time however, Couric has never been shy about complaining about "right winged conservatives" The New York Times has a reputation as an
extremely bias newspaper and wrote an article titled, "Conservative Takeover of Kansas is Imminent, Warns the Sons of the Times' Publisher" by Clay
Waters. This article bashed conservatives in Kansas and
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Operation Mockingbird: Media Bias
This is a tricky subject to discuss and interesting. You see we all have to have opinions on things no matter what you have an opinion you lean one
way or the other. We all also have the ability to receive new opinions. The issue arises when there is a better opinion and the person refuses to accept
it and calls it "dumb" but in the case of Media a person will say its Bias and that's what we have to discuss.
Media Bias, it is a term that is thrown around quite often especially these days. Media Bias is a news outlet who is saying or reporting certain things
as opposed to other things, especially ideals that affects something or someone in a bad way/good way. Typically it's misinformation about something
or someone. I myself am very conflicted ... Show more content on ...
Mockingbird was a response to the creation of a Communist front organization, the International Organization of Journalists, which is said to have
received money from Moscow and controlled reporters in every major newspaper in Europe, creating stories that promoted the Communist cause.
However, Operation Mockingbird ended in the 1970's. One can believe that it still being put into effect but at this point it is all just conspiracies.
(CIA Family Jewels) Maybe, in the future we can use robots with advanced AI to do the news writing for us. Robots don't have bias so far so that
would make them a perfect candidate to write articles and speak on the news. Just hook them up to a computer and let them go. Also, make sure it
is on a secure system so it isn't hacked and a programmer programs it to lean one way. However, even with robots the world of news will never be
100% bias free. In all reality though, we have freedom of the press they can be as "bias" as they want when they want and there isn't really anything
we can do about it but sit and complain.("Media Bias of Different Sort: Readers Skip some Stories." New York
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Media Bias: The Zika Virus
Bias is quite literally impossible to avoid in media and everyday life as every individual has their own personal life experience which alters their
preconceived perception of some things. Sometimes financial interests, misunderstandings, or pure hatred create stories driven by a personal or a
business agenda. This goes well beyond the normal bias that I stated is unavoidable in our current complicated society. To look into bias in the media I
chose a story that has been very alarming to the general population lately, the Zika virus. I listened to and read stories on the Zika virus from, the Huffington post, and National Public Radio. We will look at the differences and similarities that exist between these stories, how
journalistic... Show more content on ...
However, this stories relevance was quickly put on the back burner as I was blown away by the personal bias of the writer Rae Bichell. I am
spelling Bichell right, although I was tempted to alter his or her last name. The title of their Zika story reads, "Zika Virus Can Be Transmitted
Through Anal Sex, Too." I thought about it for a while and realized that this story was indirect bashing gay men, not that care for any race, color,
creed, or sexual preference being over protective of it foolish pride; but I do not understand why would Bichell would lead with this title when the
article states that the Zika virus can be transmitted through semen when sexual contact is made with a person carrying the virus. Why not title it,
"Zika Virus Can Be Sexually Transmitted Too." Of course men and women can have anal sex as well, but the story shared details about the male
couples ten year relationship that seemed off topic and possibly slanted. I will refrain from getting into details about the obvious and unnecessary
specification of anal sex std's compared to regular std's, because I think we can consider those details common knowledge. So this is an odd example
of a story expressing some personal bias and that is what sets it apart from the other two
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Media Bias In The Media
Public Communication is concentrated to help others analyze media use, media patterns, evaluate, critique, and treat media messages. It can show you
how to examine message processing and the effects of media use in correlation to a bunch of different perspectives. People in this field are shown how
to identify communication technologies and how to use these tactics, trends, practices and theories. There are a lot of key terms and concepts that you
need to know to have a better understanding of Public Communication and here are some I think are most valuable. First would have to be Media Bias,
this is how the media is shown on news stations and in newspapers. Media Bias brings a lot of argument to the table because most of the media in
this world is argumentative and there is no way around that. I read an article called "Let me tell you how the Media really works", this article took
you through a step by step on how a new station might conduct there day looking for new stories and how they want to present the news they've
found. Nicholson talks a lot about who the media "experts" are, she claims that the ones with no experience claims that they are the media expert
and or the "media" (Nicholson 2017). She then goes on to say how no one is really sure on who the media exactly is and bring up a really valid point
about who we call media. I agree with her when she asked why it's always the "medias" fault, who are we calling the media (Nicholson 2017). Some of
the examples
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Media Bias Essay
Media have extreme power in setting cultural guidelines and in shaping political debates. It is vital that news media, along with other news outlets,
are challenged to be fair and accurate. The first step in challenging biased news coverage is documenting bias. For years, people have accused news
co–operations of airing bias stories which producers and editors are still denying to this day. It is impossible for journalists not to air a story free of
bias, that doesn't mean the news is wrong or irrelevant just because it is influenced by bias. Even if a reporter tries to report a story honestly and
fairly to the best of their ability, they're still biased because human beings are biased by nature. Bias in the news is inevitable, and although... Show
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This influence can take on many different forms, from picking and choosing the editors, to establishing the political or ideological slant of the
programs being broadcast, to direct meddling in the content of specific news stories. It may not even be on purpose, but if you closely examine and
compare news articles against each other you will be able to see the subtle differences in both stories. The owners personal and political beliefs can
influence the type of producers and editors hired and their personal and political values also impacts the final slant of the story that gets
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Argumentative Essay On Media Bias
Countless people have criticized Fox News and CNN for political bias, but recently outrage to media bias has resulted in lasting negative
consequences far beyond years prior. Donald Trump has convinced a significant amount of his base to distrust the mainstream media, as evidenced
by a Quinnipiac poll that reveals 5 in 10 likely voters believe the media is biased against him (Harper). This number jumps to an incredible 9 in 10
with Republicans. Trump supporters have refused to view media they perceive to be biased, even going so far to chant "CNN sucks!" at a rally in
Pennsylvania ("10,000 Trump Supporters"). The resentment of a few news outlets affects not only those news outlets, but how the dissenters perceive
the world as a whole. When... Show more content on ...
In "There Is No Significant Media Bias", Paul Farhi argues that political news is actually tilted towards the center, "Because that's where the people
are, and that's where the [advertising] money is." Critics such are Farhi are wrong in the sense that media bias affect certain groups of people more
disproportionately than others. "There Is No Significant Media Bias" was created in 2012, a time when political scene was much milder and social
media didn't have as much influence as it has currently. In 2016 alone, the popularity of fake news on Facebook has already jumped past the
viewership of mainstream news media (Lee). The media scene has done miracles for conservative news outlets, as previously stated with the popularity
boom of websites such as Breitbart. Even MSNBC, the news channel that has traditionally been trusted for progressive news, has come out with an ad
stating, "People might accuse us of leaning too far to the right", shifting towards more right–leaning TV programming (Christopher). If there were no
significant media, there would be no budding movement in media and consumer trends that leans particularly strong to one ideology over another.
Clearly, this is not the
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Mass Media Bias Analysis
The media brings forward information on world issues that could be misleading from the actual significance of the story. Bias media comes from
many media outlets such as: news producers, social media, and journalists who make false claims to gain more attraction to an audience who
interprets the issues inaccurately. The articles "NRA sues Florida over a new gun law in wake of Stoneman Douglas shooting" and "Will Parkland
Change the Gun Debate?" lean towards moderate bias because it contains the main viewpoint of gun control in Florida, but then moves away from it
with unimportant side stories. Unlike the article "Transcript: Stoneman students' questions to lawmakers and the NRA at the CNN town hall" contain
barely any bias because it states... Show more content on ...
Florida has created a new legislation that requires a minimum age of 18–21 to buy a firearm, and also bans bump stocks. The article's intended
audience is the students who want to solve the problem with assault rifles and also pro gun activist who want the freedom to bear a firearm.
"Obviously, this is what we've been fighting for. It's nowhere near the long–term solution," said Chris Grady, a senior at the school. "It's a baby step,
but a huge step at the same time. Florida hasn't passed any legislation like this in God knows how long."(NEEDS INTERNAL CITATION). This
student of Stoneman Douglas High School provides a example of their Gun Control Movement, and that this legislation is what they have been longing
for as a student body to protect themselves from gun violence. "Scott had been opposed to the idea of arming teachers, promoted by Donald Trump in
emotional White House meetings with the bereaved after the shooting. Scott said he was not convinced about that part of the bill."(NEEDS
INTERNAL CITATION). This source is not credible because it has an unorganized layout and does not contain any citations. The author is also bias
because they express mostly opinion rather than stating straight
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Media Bias In The Media
Kasuba Chabala
Michael Holladay
ENG 107
Media Bias It is no mystery that the media has much influence in constructing social norms and shaping political dissertations. The expeditious
growth in the media, during the previous years, has meant that individuals are able to get many distinct perspectives on the news and with all these
opinions thrown at the audience, it is safe to believe that it aids the public to create their own opinions. But is it? Is the media even trying to be
informative to the public anymore? It doesn't seem so. People rely on all media sources to report factual information which helps the public obtain a
much different understanding of what's going on in the world. Except in today's era, most of the information is altered to fit a desired narrative.
Their widespread exposure empowers them to convey their notions to the public, regardless of the public's awareness. In my analysis on the bias in
mainstream media, I strongly believe that it is almost impossible to get a sincere nor forthright answer on any important topic, because the media
seems to target a specific audience with expectations of creating an imbalance in dispersing information, sustaining rivalries, maximizing profits and
increasing racial tension. Bias according to the oxford dictionary, refers to the "inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially
in a way considered to be unfair" (Oxford, 2017). Thus, media bias would relate to the prejudice held
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Media Bias In The Media
Oh, well imagine, as major news/media sites criticize the tragedies and successes of the world before actually reporting about it. You don't have to
imagine this. Its real and it is everywhere. Biased media distorts the real events and changes the way the public views the world. Even some media
sources would not tell the truth just to pursue the liberal agenda. Ted Cruz, a 2016 presidential candidate, say "The questions asked in [the Republican
Presidential Debate] illustrate why the American people don't trust the media." Now, Mr. Cruz has a point. A majority of the media is leaning toward
the liberal side of the house.
In a Gallup Poll, "32% [of people say] they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year."
People have already started to lose trust in the media because of its bias.
Types of Media Bias:
–Leaving out one side of an article to favor a liberal or conservative side
–Selecting sources that favor liberal or conservative sides, just to say "experts say."
–Selecting stories that cover a major agenda of either side.
–Placing articles to downplay events that favor a side
–Labeling people as "far right" or "far left"
–Tries to make one side seem wrong
The above list is an adapted version of "Student News Daily"'s list of "Types of Media Bias" and How to Identify Liberal Media Bias by Brent H.
Baker, Vice President for Research and Publications at Media Research Center.
A lot of Major
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Media Bias Essay
Is the Media Bias? One problem that plagues us every day without us even realizing is media bias. We see it in the news, our favorite sitcoms and
even in the newspapers. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the media. The problem
is that we don't recognize it when it's in our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? In my opinion, the
media plays an important and powerful part in some of our lives. Many people consult their television sets for the news. We form our own opinions
on certain issues based on what we've seen, heard, and read in the media. I think that the media's role in political affairs have the power to make or
break a... Show more content on ...
Most of the coverage of crime during this period reflected those political interests and loyalties rather than mere facts. The stories were written on a
dramatic style more suitable for a novel than a newspaper. Protest of objectivity and accuracy were made, but these were understood to be mere
theatrical camouflage for the editorial opinions sown throughout most news stories. The media can be biased towards both liberals and conservatives.
Some conservatives argue that liberal journalists tend to attach their own liberal beliefs in the news they report, while liberal journalist insist that they
stay neutral and report news without any bias. Others will argue that conservative reporters take minor things, embellish it, or blow it to mythical
proportions. According to Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken, right
– wing journalist used this tactic to cripple Clinton's presidency,
discredit Gore, and to put Bush into office. The media should present their news in an unbiased way to allow viewers to form their own views.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. The media often shows its bias, their widespread exposure enables them to communicate their ideas to the public
regardless of the public responsiveness. In an article in the New York Times, President Trump called thenews media "the enemy of the American
people," In interviews around the country Americans of verifying political affiliations,
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Media Bias Research Paper
"Media bias refers to the bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media. A political bias in journalistic reporting, in programming
selection, or otherwise in mass communications media is an example of media bias." Accusations of media bias in the United States include alleges
of liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias. A large amount of watchdog organizations that try to find the details behind
both biased reporting and unproven alleges of bias were founded to prevent this. "Liberal bias is partisan selection or distortion of information to
support liberal policies. This bias can be expressed by professors and public school teachers, College Board exams, reporters and other journalists in
mainstream media, and any other information source." Usually, sources of liberal bias misleadingly portray themselves as being unbiased. A one
selection of information, liberal... Show more content on ...
They believe that in the marketplace of ideas the true will always win over the false.
One huge example of media bias is that guns are evil. Back in 2009 ABC aired a story about an anti–gun group. ABC failed to say that the so called
"experts" had a political agenda. The media loves to use scary words that mean nothing to the bias viewers and readers against guns. To the media
absolutely all guns are bad and if you get caught with one you are automatically a criminal using an "assault weapon". `
The media has lied to many U.S. citizens by telling them that gun violence has increased. "The extent of the media's influence to shape public opinion
was on full display in a new pew Research Center poll that shows, even though gen crime has dropped by half since its peak in the '90s, most
Americans (56 percent) wrongly think gun violence has
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Media Bias Research Paper
The Biased Media Has Tarnished America's Politics If you have a television and watch your political news programs chances are you are being lied
to. The media wants you to hear their "facts". These "facts" are always skewed to favor their side. They are agenda pushing liars who won't report the
way they are supposed to. With biased and ridiculing media is controlling how you think this is a fact whether the media wants to admit to it or not,
they try to control this country. It is destroying this once proud nation. Through bias, unfair, poorjournalism the media polarized the nation, they do not
do the job they were made to do, and they have produced a bunch of rioting little brats. All media was written in the newspaper, they were the TV...
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Aren't people always trying to push their agenda? Well yes and no. Should everyone get to argue? Absolutely, but they shouldn't be allowed to
silence the other side and call them derogatory names. Honestly, this is something the media does. This also causes the minorities to feel as though
they can call someone racist and get their way. Then someone comes along and tells them they are wrong and riots break out. That's an issue. As a
country, this cannot happen. The media has serious placed citizens in a position where the government does what it wants while the people cannot
agree upon what they want. How can we stop a very corrupt government if the very definition of corrupt is not agreed upon? Politics in bars,
restaurants, etc. are pretty much banned now because the media had polarized us so greatly. This country is so polarized if you go to Texas then
California you won't even feel like you are in the same country. The only similarity is the American flag waving. The thought has to be, how long is
that flag going to be waving? If the media just stepped up and acted like the parent they were designed to be the country would be a much safer, happier
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Media Bias In Newspapers
the Republican nomination" ("Bias Alert"). In regard to sound clips, not only does the length of the message count, but so does the information it
provides, how much it is played, and even which candidate it is favoring the most. Whether bias is shown in an article, or simply a short clip, it still
has the same harmful effect on the United States' political system.
One of the primary methods that candidates used to win support among voters is by affiliating with organizations. These organizations can include
businesses or trade associations. However, one business in particular adds to the perception of media bias. Newspapers are not only a way of mass
communication and spreading information, they also are a business entity. Newspapers are tasked ... Show more content on ...
Bias in the media influences the public greatly. Not only does biased media change the public's perception of certain politics and events, it can
also change a person's political affiliation. As previously stated, Fox News is a primarily conservative news source. Fox News has close ties to the
Republican Party and has more of a conservative outlook on certain events. Due to this close relationship, a large portion of the articles and
coverage echoes these beliefs. An article produced by the Oxford Journals, studied this bias and the effect it can have; they even dubbed it "The Fox
News Effect" (Kaplan). This "Fox News Effect" was found to have a profound impact on political affiliation and individuals who watched primarily
Fox News reports. They found that "The introduction of Fox News [to] the vote share in Presidential elections between 1996 and 2000... gained
[Republicans] 0.4 to 0.7 percentage points in the towns that broadcast Fox News"(Kaplan). As this study shows, bias really does have an effect on the
public, and can even influence individuals to change their political affiliation. Another finding in this report was that Fox News managed to convince
28 percent of their viewers to vote Republican (Kaplan). This data is increasingly important, especially in proving that bias
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Media Bias In The Media
Media bias cripples our ability to find information about politics. Prejudice among different news sources, such as The Hill, NY Times, and CNN
makes it difficult to see beyond opinionated information and determine what's really true. I personally find it exasperating to read about or watch
the news and stay updated on current events, especially with controversial topics, with all the sifting between what's real, and what happens to be
false or skewed information due to beliefs held by the individuals in charge of covering these issues. From what I can tell by looking at the three
former sources I've chosen, the use of word choice among certain topics and their way of labeling certain groups or individuals varies, even if they
might be describing the same event or news story that's going on at that time.
To start, the New York Timesused an interesting choice of labeling Middle Eastern soldiers. "The United States military bombed Islamic State
fighters in Somalia for the first time on Friday, a sign that the air campaign against the group was expanding after recent battlefield successes
against the militants in Iraq and Syria." The New York Times also used the phrase "the extremists in Iraq and Syria". This came as a surprise to me,
seeing as the other two sources referring to these "Islamic State fighters" as simply "Terrorists". I assume the reasoning behind this is to avoid the use
of derogatory terms and label the group more as radicals under terms of religion, rather
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Media Bias Analysis
The purpose of this essay is to explain how the media is biased and in what direction the bias leans towards. For a long time, there has been
speculation that there is a liberal bias in the mass media. This is a problem because, "citizens cannot cast informed votes or make knowledgeable
decisions on matters of public policy if the information on which they depend is distorted, it is vital to American democracy that television news and
other media be fair and unbiased." [1] Unfortunately, the information we receive in the news, campaigns, and other media are often portrayed to be
or look a certain way, either to favor a particular political party, just make it look negative, or scare and the divide the public. Who is to blame for this?
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In the picture attached, I believe this image represents bias by omission. This type of bias occurs when part of the information is left out, not
allowing one to look at the bigger picture. In the picture attached, there are three different versions. The first portion of the picture shows a
distressed man with a gun against head. That image could invoke fear into anyone. From that part of the image's point of view it looks like
whoever is holding the gun about to kill the kill the man on the ground that's obviously hurt. This negative image would make people believe the
solider is killing an innocent man, when that may not be the case. The third portion of the picture shows only the positive aspect of the picture.
This image shows a man offering water to a man that is down and hurt. This part is heartwarming and makes the soldier look like a hero. That
scenario would be ideal but not necessarily the case. Lastly in the middle part of the image, we can see the bigger picture. That's what the media
sometimes fails to show us. When given the bigger picture it is easier to then base our view given all possible information and without missing
detail. Now with all part of the image involved, I can make an assumption that the man on the ground is probably on the opposing side in a war. I
could also tell that the others soldiers are helping him recuperate but also have the gun towards his head for protection. To someone else this picture
could still mean something completely different and that will always be a downfall of the
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Media And The Media Bias
The commencement of mass media has allowed the world to incorporate politics in their daily lives from television, newspapers, radio stations, and
social media. Media is a powerful tool used to get information out to the public especially in the United States and can influence the opinions of the
public on any issue. Media bias is when any mass media puts their own opinion in the news to influence Americans and mostly uneducated voters to
believe one side of a story they hear. "The vast amount of unreliable information available on the Internet, and its potential for misleading
consumers, has also been noted"(Aliprandini, Isadora). Proving that the media does have a huge role in providing misleading information to the
public. When Americans automatically assume the information they hear or see is correct, it becomes severely controversial to party polarization
depending on conservative or liberal views incorporated in the media. Not only is the media bias and misleading, the media also wants to
maximize its viewers and base their discussions and reports off of people's interests by reporting what people want to hear, rather than giving all
news equal amount of airtime so they won't lose viewers and can profit more from the viewers interests. What Americans watch, read or listen to
everyday are bias on both sides of politics and "allows reporters and media owners to slant news stories in favor of particular groups or interests"
(Aliprandini,Isadora). The media is, indeed,
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Media Bias And The Media
The apparent predisposition of writers and news makers in selecting of occasions or stories, in the way of covering them or the method for reporting
them is termed as Media Bias. It is some of the time said that media tailor the news and as opposed to introducing the truths it shows different
purposes of perspectives and sentiments. Media inclination is pervasive or broad and it defies the guidelines of news–casting. Media Bias is seen in just
about all the nations on the planet and the bearing and level of its effect differs.
Some of the time the impediments of media may likewise be translated as inclination. Such useful constraints incorporate the powerlessness of media
to report every last story accessible. This does not cover as media inclination. However in the event that a story which is politically and socially
applicable and the masses need to know the real certainties of such story, then it would add up to predisposition if the media deliberately chooses not to
air that story.
Media in today 's reality plays an imperative and vital part in getting down to business the conclusion of overall population over different matter of
political and social criticalness. Ideas like trial by media and so forth are occurring which are an immediate consequence of activism of media and the
dynamic effect that media plays on the mentalities of overall population.
As it is constantly said that there are two appearances of a coin, comparably this activism of media additionally
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Media Bias In The Media
2016's presidential campaign along with the campaign trail that leading up to it, brought the long existing issue of media bias our society, into the
light. For generations, the American people and all who live in our nation have relied on platforms of mass media, such as the news, to inform them of
the events occurring in the world, and for generations people have listened to media that is meant to be unbiased–so what changed? While there are
some well–known media outlets whose bias is traditional and understood (such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal) and some
outlets for whom bias is part of the business model (such as Fox News), in most cases, bias is really based upon the perception of the media
consumer. In other words, people are looking for affirmation of their existing beliefs, and see media outlets that don't give them affirmation as
biased. With the use of personal testimony as well as Ph.D. research, and class lectures I will discuss that while we believe the media itself is biased,
it is actually just how we interpret the news and information we take in, and answer the question, has the media's level of bias changed? The answer is
no, human perception and sensitivity have. A number of scientific studies have documented evidence supporting the idea that while there is bias, and
has been for decades, it is not on behalf of the mass media in the United States, but rather of the individuals whose personal values and beliefs may
clash with the
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Media Bias Essay
Media Bias, Real or Not?
In the expository text "Collective mass media bias, social media, and non–partisans" by Xiaoyi Luo and the expository text "How biased are the media,
really?" by Paul Farhi, the authors intend to inform the reader of media bias and how it affects voters. Xiaoyi Luo studies at the Institute for Cultural
Industries at Shenzhen University and is outside of the media, while Paul Farhi is a reporter for The Washington Post and is an insider of the bias
itself while he remains somewhat neutral on it referencing other sources and not his opinion as much as possible. These authors were successful in
their attempts to prove their points and how they perceive the media bias while backing it with research and sources. I will be comparing these
expository texts while rhetorically analyzing them individually, to better understand media bias and its popularity growth from two different
perspectives based on research and professionals to understand how media bias affects voters.
Firstly, media bias has become a rising topic, especially since the 2016 United States presidential election. Media bias has been a topic for
conversation for many years and has been a common topic since the media has become such a large force. From the quote, "Seventy–seven percent of
those surveyed by the Pew Research Center in the fall said the media "tend to favor one side" compared with 53 percent who said so in 1985." (Paul
Farhi), examples of ethos and logos are apparent through a
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Media Bias Essay
Media has been playing a significant role in our daily lives by developing our personalities, enriching our knowledge and providing us with different
sorts of information. It has a tremendous power in framing cultural guidelines and shaping political dissertation. If the information provided to the U.S.
citizens is distorted, then they cannot make informed decisions on the matters of public policy. Thus, it becomes vital to the American democracy that
the news media and its institutions remain unbiased, fair and accurate. Media bias happens when a media systematically and persistently emphasize one
particular point of view that is usually below the standards of professional journalism. There can be various reasons for media bias, some of ... Show
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Recently, in June 2017, Grant Charley reported a news article named 'One Almost–Certain Risk for Investors in the Health–Care Bill; Higher out of
pocket spending will keep the spotlight on healthcare costs' in The Wall Street Journal which was published by Dow Jones & Company. Later, in
August 2017, Deborah Barfield Berry reported a news article named 'Blacks look to close health gap; With ACA in limbo, leaders take matters into
their own hands' in USA Today which was published by the newspaper company itself. Both the newspaper articles were focused on the proposed
healthcare bill and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Comparison and contrast between both articles According to Charley (2017), even after the enactment of new healthcare bill proposed by the
Republicans, the out–of–pocket expenses for the patients is expected to rise. As per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the total
out–of–pocket spending is expected to increase by $221 billion more than the ACA over the next 10 years. Charley also mentions that these higher
deductibles seem to be a logical outcome of the proposed healthcare bill in order to decrease the insurance premiums and minimize the number of
Americans who can lose their health insurance. This exhibits Charley's biased approach towards supporting the new healthcare
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Media Bias Analysis
The presence of media bias is an undeniable fact. I believe an objective news media outlet is basically nonexistent and that bias is unavoidable in
society today. It's natural for a writer or reporter's point–of–view to be slightly evident in their work, but the true problem occurs when much of the
reporters, anchors, writers, editors, and producers are undoubtedly of the same political opinion, with little to no diversity of opinion represented.
Because of that reason, the media can deny their bias and do not have to make any effort to balance their view with any other opposing viewpoints.
Reporters are intended to simply report the news. However, their personal opinions or the agendas of the network are reported as fact. Often, the
position of major media outlets is extremely liberal, and they are known to use deliberate deceptive tactics, or to bluntly state their liberal opinions as
fact.... Show more content on ...
They choose to altogether ignore the conservative and objective statistics and experts. Negative conservative stories usually make front page
headline or the top story on the news, while stories that cast any amount of negative light on liberals are not given such high priority or are
disregarded completely. Reporters tend to label conservatives with negative tags like "far right" or "right wing" but label liberals with positive tags
like "civil rights activist" or "children's rights supporter". Time after time, the liberal media makes personal attacks on the character of conservatives
with little to no real evidence to back up their claims. But, when there is real, condemning evidence against a liberal's character, the media has no
problem excusing their faults and sweeping it under the
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Media Bias Research Paper
Media Bias in The Present Day
The topic of media bias has been the focus of many conversations in our society recently. I believe that this is a very important topic to discuss
because most of the information we are receiving comes from one media outlet or another. More often than not, people will only hear one side of the
story because they believe that the news being told to them is the most accurate. In reality, most news stations have their own agendas, resulting in the
omission of some truths. These days, media bias can be observed almost everywhere we look. Today, there are many people who immerse themselves
in the news that they are being told, so much so, that they believe nothing else. People are often so entrenched in their beliefs, it keeps people from
being open ... Show more content on ...
Because of this obsession, a divide has been created between people that don't watch the same media. People get entrenched in their beliefs they are
unable to realize they might not have the correct information.
Media bias is not only a twist on news stories, it is also the omission of information, wrong credibility, and twisted words. People should be more
concerned about where their information is coming from, and whether or not it is trustworthy news. This topic should be the spark for a more
informative conversation, where people are able to fully believe in the information that they are receiving and should without a doubt know that
what they are hearing is unbiased and truthful. Along with a few academic sources, I would like to find some real life examples of media bias.
Ideally the examples will be truthful stories of when information has been clearly left out of the story being reported on. One possible conclusion I
believe I will come across is that not all media is biased. I believe that overall I will find that most media is not biased, but that one or two media
outlets are biased. I believe
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Media Bias Analysis
Journalist Jim Lehrer believes that media bias is not as prevalent as many people believe when it comes to election coverage, stating that "99% of the
political coverage that I see in the mainstream media is driven by what happens, not by anybody's bias" (Lehrer, 2008). Despite Lehrer's claim of no
media bias, both conservatives and liberals believe media bias against them is real. Studies, however, show that this more a question of their own bias
rather than that of the journalist, and loss of power in traditional media and changes in public opinion about the press have made it difficult for the
press to assert itself as neutral.
Traditional media, such as newspapers, have been in decline as news consumers turn to free access on the internet, and advertising dollars have fled
along with the consumers. The newspaper industry has $1.6 billion less a year to spend on news than ten years ago (Jones, 2017, p. 577). Newer
forms of online and digital media do not have the high financial costs of television and printed media to publish their content and are better able to
cater to specific issues. In reviewing news, studies show that consumers tend to judge the media source as biased if it differs from their own opinions
(Kaye, 2016, p. 607). Strong liberals regularly turn to media that support their ideology such as MSNBC, while strong ... Show more content on ...
580). Perceptions of inaccurate reporting while being unwilling to admit error, as well as media bias, have turned public opinion from believing the
press supports democracy to belief that it causes harm instead. Studies show that the publics trust of media mirrors their lack of trust in the
government (Kaye, 2016, p.609). Therefore, belief in media bias increases as Americans lose faith in the political process and elected
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Media Bias Research Paper
Media Bias This is a topic that affects millions of people around the world and not only in America. Media bias is how journalists and news
companies select and use information within mass media to promote a certain belief or to acquire monetary gains. This is a very important topic
because media affects what we believe, and some of our actions such as voting. Our human nature that help us to solve problems and guarantees our
survival makes us take a decision on whether something is beneficial for us or not. That is why we have believes. Humans are naturally biased toward
certain believes, but when it comes to news that a are communicated to people they should presented in a factual way. Today's American society is
divided almost to the... Show more content on ...
Although I'm a immigrant sometimes I don't support immigration because throughout my school career I have met other immigrant students and
people that in my opinion don't deserve to be here. They either don't appreciate the country, don't want to get education, or simply don't work hard
enough to make a substantial difference in their lives. There is all kinds of people, hard working and responsible people to people that want to have a
free ride in the welfare system. I would like clarify my opinions about immigration and more specifically in sanctuary cities. I would like to research
how sanctuary cities are doing economically, criminally, and if it really benefits the community living in the cities and the rest of the country. One of
the issues that I might run into while researching for this topic is that there might few resources that are reliable. Immigration is most of the time the
main topics that are discussed during the elections but sanctuary cities might be a little too specific that there will not be enough scholar information.
In my opinion people that are already in the country should be helped so they can adapt to the American culture and in return they benefit the country
by paying taxes and bringing new bright
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Media Bias In The Media
The media is an important part of our daily lives. It shapes and molds the lens through which we see the world. It controls everything you see, read,
and hear. Media also determines what is said, who said it, how it can be said, and who can hear it. The news for a lot of Americans calls them into
action. Depending on what is being discussed it can really sway your emotions. The News can make you happy as well as make you sad or angry.
Contrary to popular belief manipulation does not require a device or hypnotism; we are being brainwashed right before our eyes. Television is that
most sophisticated media of worldwide communication and viewers are completely susceptible to the media molding their opinions and attitude; as
well as influencing what is acceptable and what is not. There is an unconscious "groupthink" mentality that taints news coverage and allows only one
side of a debate to receive a fair hearing. When that happens, the truth suffers. In this essay, I will discuss the types of bias and manipulation, how it
affects us, and the ways to prevent it.
Firstly, when speaking on media bias itis specifically regarding the news. A reporter's job is to present a balanced story. As one reads, listens to and
watches the news, one may notice stories that are thought to be biased. To see if these stories really are biased, it must be determined if the story
falls into at least one of the several forms in which bias occurs. Listed are the six most common types of media bias
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Media Bias Research Paper
The media is lying to our faces while pushing their own opinions onto the groups that they have influence over. This statement might sound insane but
an overwhelming number of Americans believe that the media is not being completely honest with the information that they are reporting. Media bias
may not seem like a hard–hitting issue but it can become extremely dangerous in the right circumstances. Media bias becomes a dangerous weapon
when politicians use it as a tactic to get the upper hand in a situation. Often, this situation involves the presidential elections and other high ranking
official elections. In almost every presidential election there are reports where party officials often accuse certain networks of favoritism towards one
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The Causes Of The Media Bias In The Mass Media
Media bias is the bias or perceived bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media in the selection of events and stories that are
reported and how they are covered. The audience perceives the media in their own way and interprets their own opinions and ideas from the
reported stories and events. This means the media can in a way control people and how they think about or view the world around them. The
media has become more biased since it's beginning and has split up or devised more people than it has brought together. The main source of
information on elections is through the media and this affects people from local to regional as well as the national levels, even in some cases
globally. Bias in the media has become more controversial over time and is a very important topic for people because of how much influence the
media has and the impact the media can make on individuals and different levels of government. Background The media has grown and become more
prevalent in the lives of everyday people, causing it to be a very large industry that looks to expand its audience and be profitable while doing so.
Elections are very important to people and the easiest way to access the information regarding the candidates is through the media. "Agenda setting can
thus be seen as another name for successfully performing the first function of framing: defining problems worthy of public and government attention."
(Entman, 2007). The media pushes their agenda regarding
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Media Bias In The Media
Liberal Media is a Myth
It is often said that the news media has a liberal bias. Joseph Goebbels said it best "if you repeat something often enough, people will believe it."
This couldn't be truer in politics, it's that bandwagon effect; everyone believes it so you should too. Alterman (2003) stated, "Conservatives have
intimidated journalists into repeating their baseless accusations of liberal bias by virtue of their willingness to repeat it... endlessly." (p.37). In
fact, 75% of conservatives say the media is too liberal according to the Gallop Poll News Service (Morales, 2011). Claims of bias are on the rise from
conservatives who make more charges of bias in the media than their liberal peers; when in fact the polls show that bias is in favor of conservatives.
Claims of media bias have been around since the early days of the newspaper, and continue until this day. It's no secret that conservatives love to
proclaim media bias. It has been in the fore–front of conservative thought and punditry for years that reporters and most media are liberal. The media
should be objective and clear of agendas. When the media covers a story and only tells one side of it, the side that fits their agenda that is media bias.
Media bias can have a negative effect on us. It helps aid in the ignorance that encourages prejudice and hatred toward others. Media bias can affect how
we feel about one another, or even how we feel about a group of people. Media bias divides us and pits us against
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Media Bias In The Media
The media, defined as any organization producing a form of mass communication, is a controversial, board, and a context system. According to a
September 2016 Gallup Poll, 32% of the respondents said they have a "great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust in the media (Swift). In fact, there
has been a steady decline in trust in the media by the public since the turn of the century (Swift, 2016). As the media's trust has fallen the
perception and the notion of bias in media has increased. For this context, bias is defined as favoring one ideology, candidate, or party over the
other in an unfair manner. Furthermore, it could be also mean portraying an ideology, candidate, or party over the other in an unfair manner. It is
frequently debated whether or not the media or the public is biased, however, upon further examination, it is both the public and the media who is
bias because of the hostile media phenomenon and confirmation bias for the public and the market and ideology for the media. The public has a
natural tendency to demonstrate bias. According to Mitchell, Gottfried, Kiley, and Eva Matsa (2014) liberals preferred using CNN (15%), NPR
(13%), MSNBC (12%), and the New York Times (10%) as their primary news outlets. Meanwhile, conservatives overwhelmingly favored Fox News
(47%). The two interviewees, who are close friends of mine, expressed similar thoughts. Matt, who considers himself a liberal, prefers to stream CNN
or listen to NPR. Sandy, who is a conservative
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Media Bias In The Media
"Every time you silence someone you make yourself a prisoner of your own action because you deny yourself the right to hear something"
(Hitchens), for several years, our nation has become divided over the thought of a biased media. While one side argues that it is being done for
commercial purposes, the other claims it has become a Liberal tactic to promote hatred towards conservatives. Liberals also declare how conservatives
have created a 'fake news' epidemic. Is there a bias in the media and how does it affect our government and society? During the Vietnam War, bias in
the media became apparent in America. Many liberal sided news sources, such as the New York Times, created a distorted view of the war as an
oppressive attack on a Liberal Vietnam, as opposed to it being an American strategy of communist containment (A Brief History of Media Bias). But
as technology advances, credibility from news sources have decreased dramatically; possibly creating a sectional divide in our society while
threatening our democracy. From a statistical viewpoint, bias in the media is nothing but a commercial strategy. According to D'Alessio ( a professor
of communication sciences at the University of Connecticut Stamford), news reporting has become balanced as a result of profit gains (Farhi). And
with the help of technology, media coverage can now be expanded to greater lengths––bringing in more profit. This conclusion being derived from
almost one hundred studies of the media within
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How Is Media Inherently Bias
Media is not inherently bias, however different viewpoints, goals and opinions cause media sources to be biased. Even though the press is supposed
to be impartial and provide truthful information to the people, emotions, and opinions cause journalists to manipulate the content the press produces.
This leads to a multitude of alternate biases. For example, some media sources are biased in the favor of Republicans and others in the favor of
Democrats. Many are also independent and have a set of views and beliefs all their own. Media biases also vary in intensity. Some sources may attempt
to seem neutral, but possess an underlying bias to a certain side. Others, on the other hand, may thrive on criticizing and denouncing an opposing side.
Technically,... Show more content on ...
It was created to be free of external influence and free to cover all stories possible. Even though some news is impartial, people have different biases
and many media organizations attempt to appeal to that bias through gatekeeping and agenda–setting. This allows people to congregate with others
with the same views and create an atmosphere that ignores people who do not have the same biases. Consequently, people become polarized and
oblivious to the people on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum. However, simply diversifying the sources of one's media intake may break
through the atmosphere of polarization. If one understands the opposing side's point of view, then he or she will discover other types of bias and
the reasons behind that bias. In other words, if a person were to watch solely Democratic sources of media, then he or she will never comprehend
the Republican point of view. However, if the person chooses to watch a variety of news sources, then he or she will learn to appreciate both sides of
the political spectrum. The observer will then understand that the media is geared towards a specific audience and all have different biases and bias
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The Bias Of The Media
There is no getting away from the fact that the media is biased it is just which side of the aisle that they are biased to that I believe is the main
question that needs to be answered. The progressive liberal side screams bias whiles the conservative army also scream bias so is there really bias in
the media. I will take a look at the mass media most specifically cable news and syndicated talk shows to prove the point that bias in the media is
more a myth that the leaders of each side preaches so that their followers believe that this bias exist. Not to be confused media bias does exist but also
there is barely any objective source left such that once you start reading through the lines you realize the myth that I am talking about.
In as much as we might try our best to ignore it, communication among people always happens in a context. A statement made in one's presence whiles
an event is happening will convey a different understanding than that same statement made away from event. That is why we can make statements like
"you should have been there to understand this situation" once the context is taken away the message is not the same. Also all communication needs a
medium for it to be carried along and when individuals and groups are communicating one should not overlook how they are situated historically,
politically, economically, and socially. This state of affairs is neither bad nor good. It simply is. Bias is a minor word that categorizes the communal
influences of
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Media Bias Summary

  • 1. Media Bias Summary I chose these outlets to develop a further understanding of the bias in national media. In A Social–Science Perspective on Media Bias, Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey Milyo present their findings as evidence that the majority national news outlets, where the brunt of Americans get their news, have an obvious liberal bias that they believe "influences both public opinion and voting behavior (305)". Both cities of these publications, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. have a stereotype of being extremely liberal. Washington D.C. was called the most liberal city in the U.S. in a recent Gallup poll in 2014 (Swift 2014). However, location is not the sole factor of ideology. I researched this by comparing the two publications and based my understand of these ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Media Bias The media today has become a topic of concern for many members of the general population. Am I getting a reliable source of information? Is this source withholding the truth and ameliorating a topic? If I know that the information being reported is false, how can I trust that any other information from this source can be trusted? These are several questions that a particular citizen might make on a day to day basis, and when the question of bias is thrown into the mix, an overwhelming feeling of mistrust in our media can ensue. Media sources today are siding more and more towards their viewers political views, and this creates a form of media–bias that can spread untrustworthy information out into the public. Depending on your media source,... Show more content on ... Many members of the general public have caught onto the ruse of mass media outlets, and are starting to not trust them. A Gallup poll from the somewhat recent year of late 2016 has shown that Americans' trust in mass media has fallen to a record setting low. For the general population, only 32 percent of Americans trusted the media outlets' reports with a "great deal of trust" or a "fair amount of trust". A deeper look into the polling shows that only 14 percent of population who classify as Republican trust the media a great deal or a fair amount. This could be due to the bias against Republicans in certain media sources, or it could fall into something deeper. As for age groups, ages 18–49 have shown 26 percent in the same trust rating, while 50 and older shows 38 percent. The difference in percentages due to age are most likely due to the technological fluency of younger generations. Better understanding of technology can allow for a person to dig deeper into what is true or false in the media ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Media Bias and Its Public Influence Do today's media hold a biased opinion? Political figure heads of modern day America have argued the subject of a biased liberal media for decades. The notion of the media being predominantly liberal is not unheard of because since publicly broadcasted news media first became common, the Republican Party was not yet one to rival the Democrats. The core argument presented is the possibility of a liberal media manipulating the American public and thus influencing them to vote in congruence with the ways of the Democratic political party. Thus far it is simple to see the media clearly holds a bias that is in favor of the liberal viewpoint. I believe the media should not hold an opinion because, it comes through in their coverage and thus... Show more content on ... David P. Baron hit the nail on the head when he stated that "interest groups seek to influence public sentiment and do so by advocating their position through the news media" (1). And the American public isn't helping to stop this influence when they place the political analyst on a pedestal as if they are some kind of hero. Not only is it the politicians on the news networks projecting their political viewpoints into the minds millions, but so are the newspapers and magazines that are pushing this liberal favoritism into our hands. It was Robert Bresler who noticed that "If you look at the major magazines such as Vanity Fair, New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, and Harper's, they all reflect a distinctive liberal perspective" (13). Again, it is seen that liberal news coverage allows only one side to receive a fair hearing, and thus it is the American public that is left to suffer. Furthermore, Bresler has noticed: The great conservative media moguls–Luce, McCormick, Hearst, and Lawrence–are gone; only Ruppert Murdoch still fits that bill. The politics and the culture of Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News have changed dramatically. The New York Times is hardly the gray lady of the past; The Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, and L.A. Times now are routinely liberal; most news paper columnist are predictably liberal (13). With all of the conservative viewpoints in the papers and magazines gone, the only thing left for the American public is the liberal ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Examples Of Media Bias When we're born we become a blank slate, but as we grow older we're conditioned by Government, society, and those around us. With this said, comes great bais in opinions and how we see things. That leads us to a question called " What is Bias In media?." "Leaving one side out of an article, or a series of articles over a period of time; ignoring facts that tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that support liberal or conservative beliefs; bias by omission can occur either within a story, or over the long term as a particular news outlet reports one set of events, but not another." Media Bias can be found in many networks like CNN, FOX NEWS , and NBC. As a result, I have found four instances that show an example of ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Media Bias Analysis Introduction: During this week I investigated many different news sources and different tactics they use. My research has shown the incredibly strong bias that the media has. To get a full grasp of the biases I had to use source diversity. My sources ranged from social media, to television, to web–based articles. Through my research, I discovered the effective and prevalent uses of loaded language, social media, sensationalism, bias in quotes, and the role of gatekeepers in media. Example 1: Fox News had a segment on President Donald Trump's milestones in office. Fox News is known for having a Republican bias, and its bias was very prevalent in the use of loaded language. "The Angle" had an infographic saying that Trump accomplished "a soaring economy" and deported "violent criminal aliens". Fox says "soaring" which implies that the economy is doing greatly due to Trump, whereas there has... Show more content on ... On the third, Trump tweeted "The rigged Dem Primary, one of the biggest political stories in years, got ZERO coverage on Fake News Network TV last night. Disgraceful!". Trump attempts to show the extent of bias in the media exposing that they didn't report a major event. This tweet has bias towards Trump's personal agenda against the media. Additionally, Trump exposes the strength of the media's gatekeepers and how greatly they can impact which issues are talked about. Example 3: CNN used both sensationalism and showed bias in how the media refers to people they quote. In the headline for an article Mattingly and Killough wrote "Trump tells Dems he's a 'big loser' under GOP tax plan". This showed sensationalism and misuse of a quote because the headline used a minor part of sentence with no context to mean something completely difference. They took two words and twisted them into saying that Trump called himself a big loser which is a headline that is sensationalist and sure to attract many clicks. Example ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Media Bias In The Media The evaluation of research and studies was conducted in order to assess possible liberal bias in the media. Through consideration of studies within the past twenty years, certain implications and causes of media bias are addressed and explained. As there are multiple viewpoints surrounding media bias, many stances are observed. Media bias is justified through a matter of diversity, party affiliation, liberal expectations, and varying definitions of bias. The results of these studies show that while media bias may exist, it not significant. It is also found true that most journalists have left sided beliefs, but tend to claim moderate. The negative reputation of bias is ultimately defended, and it is found that this bias can be considered positive in some aspects. The two party political system that is in place in society today entails an ongoing conflict of liberal and conservative views. More specifically, there are many accusations of media outlets being biased, leaning more towards liberal ideas. (Dalton, 2007) Many studies have been done regarding this notion, and research explains media bias through views surrounding diversity, political identification, liberal assumptions, and overall understanding of bias. Major news outlets are quick to defend their material through an explanation of diversity. Stating that their outlooks within the company are diverse is a way to cover the suspicion of bias being reported. The executive director of the American Society of News ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Media Bias In The Media Throughout America's infantile years, the media solely consisted of the printing press, but as a result of industrialization, commercialization, and professionalization, it now extends into the world of technology, reaching far more Americans than ever before. Media can be defined as collective outlets for mass communication. In today's society, massive amounts of media are consumed in a plethora of forms: newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, and social media. The 2007 U.S. Census Bureau 's Statistical Abstract of the United States reports that adults and teens spend nearly five months out the year watching television, surfing the Internet, reading daily newspapers and listening to music (cited in ABC News, 2006). In correspondence... Show more content on ... On the contrary, my mother, a liberal, denounces Fox News, relying on CNN, ABC, and MSNBC for her news. Their opposing political beliefs reinforce the dichotomy within media with conservatives on the right and liberals on the left, both remaining loyal to their respective news outlets. This is far more common than my interviewee's anecdotal story; it extends across the entire nation. The Pew Research Center fortifies this claim by analyzing the relationship between political beliefs and preferred media sources. In doing so, they discovered that Fox News serves as the primary news outlet for 47 percent of conservatives, while CNN, NPR, and MSNBC are preferred by liberals (Mitchell, Gottfried, Kiley, & Matsa, 2014). By narrowing in on a specific ideology, news networks earn the trust of their audience and retain their attention. The Pew Research study corresponds with the results from my interviews, showing that 88 percent of conservatives trust Fox News, like my father, and 52 percent of liberals trust MSNBC, like my mother (Mitchell et al., 2014). The growing trust within partisan outlets simultaneously corresponds with the major spike in viewership these businesses experienced. According to The Wall Street Journal, Fox News came in first in prime time television rating in 2016 with an average audience of 3.1 million, which was a 72 percent increase from the previous year ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Liberal Bias in the Media Essay Today it seems almost impossible to get a straightforward answer on any major topic from the media. All sources of media have a specific audience that they are intending to hear or view the information that they have prepared, therefore they will cut bits and pieces out so that only the message they are trying to get across will be received. So indeed there is a media bias, and yes it more often than not slants towards the liberal view point, as many reporters and journalists have liberal views themselves. Journalists and reporters for the major networks will strongly denounce the suggestion that they favor of one side or the other when it comes to being politically biased. On the other hand there are other media sources that come ... Show more content on ... You must be liberal, progressive, a Democrat. I've been in communal gatherings in The Post, watching election returns, and have been flabbergasted to see my colleagues cheer unabashedly for the Democrats." (Washington Post). Often media broadcasters tend to lean to this side, therefore giving them the image of being liberally bias. Chris Mathews and Keith Oberman from MSNBC are two examples of broadcasters that have been accused of delivering their news with a liberal twist to it. Journalists tend to vote on the liberal side of situations, but still say that while they are on the job they only tell the news in the fairest way and the way that will be least offensive as well as respectful to who it will be presented. In many cases however, this report can come out with an oddly left sided tone ( Since 1991 when Katie Couric became co–host of NBC's Today Show, she has used her powerful spot in the media to praise significant liberal figures such as Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter. At the same time however, Couric has never been shy about complaining about "right winged conservatives" The New York Times has a reputation as an extremely bias newspaper and wrote an article titled, "Conservative Takeover of Kansas is Imminent, Warns the Sons of the Times' Publisher" by Clay Waters. This article bashed conservatives in Kansas and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Operation Mockingbird: Media Bias This is a tricky subject to discuss and interesting. You see we all have to have opinions on things no matter what you have an opinion you lean one way or the other. We all also have the ability to receive new opinions. The issue arises when there is a better opinion and the person refuses to accept it and calls it "dumb" but in the case of Media a person will say its Bias and that's what we have to discuss. Media Bias, it is a term that is thrown around quite often especially these days. Media Bias is a news outlet who is saying or reporting certain things as opposed to other things, especially ideals that affects something or someone in a bad way/good way. Typically it's misinformation about something or someone. I myself am very conflicted ... Show more content on ... Mockingbird was a response to the creation of a Communist front organization, the International Organization of Journalists, which is said to have received money from Moscow and controlled reporters in every major newspaper in Europe, creating stories that promoted the Communist cause. However, Operation Mockingbird ended in the 1970's. One can believe that it still being put into effect but at this point it is all just conspiracies. (CIA Family Jewels) Maybe, in the future we can use robots with advanced AI to do the news writing for us. Robots don't have bias so far so that would make them a perfect candidate to write articles and speak on the news. Just hook them up to a computer and let them go. Also, make sure it is on a secure system so it isn't hacked and a programmer programs it to lean one way. However, even with robots the world of news will never be 100% bias free. In all reality though, we have freedom of the press they can be as "bias" as they want when they want and there isn't really anything we can do about it but sit and complain.("Media Bias of Different Sort: Readers Skip some Stories." New York ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Media Bias: The Zika Virus Bias is quite literally impossible to avoid in media and everyday life as every individual has their own personal life experience which alters their preconceived perception of some things. Sometimes financial interests, misunderstandings, or pure hatred create stories driven by a personal or a business agenda. This goes well beyond the normal bias that I stated is unavoidable in our current complicated society. To look into bias in the media I chose a story that has been very alarming to the general population lately, the Zika virus. I listened to and read stories on the Zika virus from, the Huffington post, and National Public Radio. We will look at the differences and similarities that exist between these stories, how journalistic... Show more content on ... However, this stories relevance was quickly put on the back burner as I was blown away by the personal bias of the writer Rae Bichell. I am spelling Bichell right, although I was tempted to alter his or her last name. The title of their Zika story reads, "Zika Virus Can Be Transmitted Through Anal Sex, Too." I thought about it for a while and realized that this story was indirect bashing gay men, not that care for any race, color, creed, or sexual preference being over protective of it foolish pride; but I do not understand why would Bichell would lead with this title when the article states that the Zika virus can be transmitted through semen when sexual contact is made with a person carrying the virus. Why not title it, "Zika Virus Can Be Sexually Transmitted Too." Of course men and women can have anal sex as well, but the story shared details about the male couples ten year relationship that seemed off topic and possibly slanted. I will refrain from getting into details about the obvious and unnecessary specification of anal sex std's compared to regular std's, because I think we can consider those details common knowledge. So this is an odd example of a story expressing some personal bias and that is what sets it apart from the other two ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Media Bias In The Media Public Communication is concentrated to help others analyze media use, media patterns, evaluate, critique, and treat media messages. It can show you how to examine message processing and the effects of media use in correlation to a bunch of different perspectives. People in this field are shown how to identify communication technologies and how to use these tactics, trends, practices and theories. There are a lot of key terms and concepts that you need to know to have a better understanding of Public Communication and here are some I think are most valuable. First would have to be Media Bias, this is how the media is shown on news stations and in newspapers. Media Bias brings a lot of argument to the table because most of the media in this world is argumentative and there is no way around that. I read an article called "Let me tell you how the Media really works", this article took you through a step by step on how a new station might conduct there day looking for new stories and how they want to present the news they've found. Nicholson talks a lot about who the media "experts" are, she claims that the ones with no experience claims that they are the media expert and or the "media" (Nicholson 2017). She then goes on to say how no one is really sure on who the media exactly is and bring up a really valid point about who we call media. I agree with her when she asked why it's always the "medias" fault, who are we calling the media (Nicholson 2017). Some of the examples ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Media Bias Essay Media have extreme power in setting cultural guidelines and in shaping political debates. It is vital that news media, along with other news outlets, are challenged to be fair and accurate. The first step in challenging biased news coverage is documenting bias. For years, people have accused news co–operations of airing bias stories which producers and editors are still denying to this day. It is impossible for journalists not to air a story free of bias, that doesn't mean the news is wrong or irrelevant just because it is influenced by bias. Even if a reporter tries to report a story honestly and fairly to the best of their ability, they're still biased because human beings are biased by nature. Bias in the news is inevitable, and although... Show more content on ... This influence can take on many different forms, from picking and choosing the editors, to establishing the political or ideological slant of the programs being broadcast, to direct meddling in the content of specific news stories. It may not even be on purpose, but if you closely examine and compare news articles against each other you will be able to see the subtle differences in both stories. The owners personal and political beliefs can influence the type of producers and editors hired and their personal and political values also impacts the final slant of the story that gets ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Media Bias Countless people have criticized Fox News and CNN for political bias, but recently outrage to media bias has resulted in lasting negative consequences far beyond years prior. Donald Trump has convinced a significant amount of his base to distrust the mainstream media, as evidenced by a Quinnipiac poll that reveals 5 in 10 likely voters believe the media is biased against him (Harper). This number jumps to an incredible 9 in 10 with Republicans. Trump supporters have refused to view media they perceive to be biased, even going so far to chant "CNN sucks!" at a rally in Pennsylvania ("10,000 Trump Supporters"). The resentment of a few news outlets affects not only those news outlets, but how the dissenters perceive the world as a whole. When... Show more content on ... In "There Is No Significant Media Bias", Paul Farhi argues that political news is actually tilted towards the center, "Because that's where the people are, and that's where the [advertising] money is." Critics such are Farhi are wrong in the sense that media bias affect certain groups of people more disproportionately than others. "There Is No Significant Media Bias" was created in 2012, a time when political scene was much milder and social media didn't have as much influence as it has currently. In 2016 alone, the popularity of fake news on Facebook has already jumped past the viewership of mainstream news media (Lee). The media scene has done miracles for conservative news outlets, as previously stated with the popularity boom of websites such as Breitbart. Even MSNBC, the news channel that has traditionally been trusted for progressive news, has come out with an ad stating, "People might accuse us of leaning too far to the right", shifting towards more right–leaning TV programming (Christopher). If there were no significant media, there would be no budding movement in media and consumer trends that leans particularly strong to one ideology over another. Clearly, this is not the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Mass Media Bias Analysis The media brings forward information on world issues that could be misleading from the actual significance of the story. Bias media comes from many media outlets such as: news producers, social media, and journalists who make false claims to gain more attraction to an audience who interprets the issues inaccurately. The articles "NRA sues Florida over a new gun law in wake of Stoneman Douglas shooting" and "Will Parkland Change the Gun Debate?" lean towards moderate bias because it contains the main viewpoint of gun control in Florida, but then moves away from it with unimportant side stories. Unlike the article "Transcript: Stoneman students' questions to lawmakers and the NRA at the CNN town hall" contain barely any bias because it states... Show more content on ... Florida has created a new legislation that requires a minimum age of 18–21 to buy a firearm, and also bans bump stocks. The article's intended audience is the students who want to solve the problem with assault rifles and also pro gun activist who want the freedom to bear a firearm. "Obviously, this is what we've been fighting for. It's nowhere near the long–term solution," said Chris Grady, a senior at the school. "It's a baby step, but a huge step at the same time. Florida hasn't passed any legislation like this in God knows how long."(NEEDS INTERNAL CITATION). This student of Stoneman Douglas High School provides a example of their Gun Control Movement, and that this legislation is what they have been longing for as a student body to protect themselves from gun violence. "Scott had been opposed to the idea of arming teachers, promoted by Donald Trump in emotional White House meetings with the bereaved after the shooting. Scott said he was not convinced about that part of the bill."(NEEDS INTERNAL CITATION). This source is not credible because it has an unorganized layout and does not contain any citations. The author is also bias because they express mostly opinion rather than stating straight ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Media Bias In The Media Kasuba Chabala Michael Holladay ENG 107 11/23/2017 Media Bias It is no mystery that the media has much influence in constructing social norms and shaping political dissertations. The expeditious growth in the media, during the previous years, has meant that individuals are able to get many distinct perspectives on the news and with all these opinions thrown at the audience, it is safe to believe that it aids the public to create their own opinions. But is it? Is the media even trying to be informative to the public anymore? It doesn't seem so. People rely on all media sources to report factual information which helps the public obtain a much different understanding of what's going on in the world. Except in today's era, most of the information is altered to fit a desired narrative. Their widespread exposure empowers them to convey their notions to the public, regardless of the public's awareness. In my analysis on the bias in mainstream media, I strongly believe that it is almost impossible to get a sincere nor forthright answer on any important topic, because the media seems to target a specific audience with expectations of creating an imbalance in dispersing information, sustaining rivalries, maximizing profits and increasing racial tension. Bias according to the oxford dictionary, refers to the "inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair" (Oxford, 2017). Thus, media bias would relate to the prejudice held ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Media Bias In The Media Oh, well imagine, as major news/media sites criticize the tragedies and successes of the world before actually reporting about it. You don't have to imagine this. Its real and it is everywhere. Biased media distorts the real events and changes the way the public views the world. Even some media sources would not tell the truth just to pursue the liberal agenda. Ted Cruz, a 2016 presidential candidate, say "The questions asked in [the Republican Presidential Debate] illustrate why the American people don't trust the media." Now, Mr. Cruz has a point. A majority of the media is leaning toward the liberal side of the house. In a Gallup Poll, "32% [of people say] they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year." People have already started to lose trust in the media because of its bias. Types of Media Bias: –Leaving out one side of an article to favor a liberal or conservative side –Selecting sources that favor liberal or conservative sides, just to say "experts say." –Selecting stories that cover a major agenda of either side. –Placing articles to downplay events that favor a side –Labeling people as "far right" or "far left" –Tries to make one side seem wrong The above list is an adapted version of "Student News Daily"'s list of "Types of Media Bias" and How to Identify Liberal Media Bias by Brent H. Baker, Vice President for Research and Publications at Media Research Center. A lot of Major
  • 17. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Media Bias Essay Is the Media Bias? One problem that plagues us every day without us even realizing is media bias. We see it in the news, our favorite sitcoms and even in the newspapers. Yet, we really don't recognize it when we hear or see it. Media bias is evident in every aspect of the media. The problem is that we don't recognize it when it's in our faces. Are the impressions that we form about individuals a product of the media? In my opinion, the media plays an important and powerful part in some of our lives. Many people consult their television sets for the news. We form our own opinions on certain issues based on what we've seen, heard, and read in the media. I think that the media's role in political affairs have the power to make or break a... Show more content on ... Most of the coverage of crime during this period reflected those political interests and loyalties rather than mere facts. The stories were written on a dramatic style more suitable for a novel than a newspaper. Protest of objectivity and accuracy were made, but these were understood to be mere theatrical camouflage for the editorial opinions sown throughout most news stories. The media can be biased towards both liberals and conservatives. Some conservatives argue that liberal journalists tend to attach their own liberal beliefs in the news they report, while liberal journalist insist that they stay neutral and report news without any bias. Others will argue that conservative reporters take minor things, embellish it, or blow it to mythical proportions. According to Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken, right – wing journalist used this tactic to cripple Clinton's presidency, discredit Gore, and to put Bush into office. The media should present their news in an unbiased way to allow viewers to form their own views. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The media often shows its bias, their widespread exposure enables them to communicate their ideas to the public regardless of the public responsiveness. In an article in the New York Times, President Trump called thenews media "the enemy of the American people," In interviews around the country Americans of verifying political affiliations, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Media Bias Research Paper "Media bias refers to the bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media. A political bias in journalistic reporting, in programming selection, or otherwise in mass communications media is an example of media bias." Accusations of media bias in the United States include alleges of liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias. A large amount of watchdog organizations that try to find the details behind both biased reporting and unproven alleges of bias were founded to prevent this. "Liberal bias is partisan selection or distortion of information to support liberal policies. This bias can be expressed by professors and public school teachers, College Board exams, reporters and other journalists in mainstream media, and any other information source." Usually, sources of liberal bias misleadingly portray themselves as being unbiased. A one –sided selection of information, liberal... Show more content on ... They believe that in the marketplace of ideas the true will always win over the false. One huge example of media bias is that guns are evil. Back in 2009 ABC aired a story about an anti–gun group. ABC failed to say that the so called "experts" had a political agenda. The media loves to use scary words that mean nothing to the bias viewers and readers against guns. To the media absolutely all guns are bad and if you get caught with one you are automatically a criminal using an "assault weapon". ` The media has lied to many U.S. citizens by telling them that gun violence has increased. "The extent of the media's influence to shape public opinion was on full display in a new pew Research Center poll that shows, even though gen crime has dropped by half since its peak in the '90s, most Americans (56 percent) wrongly think gun violence has ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Media Bias Research Paper The Biased Media Has Tarnished America's Politics If you have a television and watch your political news programs chances are you are being lied to. The media wants you to hear their "facts". These "facts" are always skewed to favor their side. They are agenda pushing liars who won't report the way they are supposed to. With biased and ridiculing media is controlling how you think this is a fact whether the media wants to admit to it or not, they try to control this country. It is destroying this once proud nation. Through bias, unfair, poorjournalism the media polarized the nation, they do not do the job they were made to do, and they have produced a bunch of rioting little brats. All media was written in the newspaper, they were the TV... Show more content on ... Aren't people always trying to push their agenda? Well yes and no. Should everyone get to argue? Absolutely, but they shouldn't be allowed to silence the other side and call them derogatory names. Honestly, this is something the media does. This also causes the minorities to feel as though they can call someone racist and get their way. Then someone comes along and tells them they are wrong and riots break out. That's an issue. As a country, this cannot happen. The media has serious placed citizens in a position where the government does what it wants while the people cannot agree upon what they want. How can we stop a very corrupt government if the very definition of corrupt is not agreed upon? Politics in bars, restaurants, etc. are pretty much banned now because the media had polarized us so greatly. This country is so polarized if you go to Texas then California you won't even feel like you are in the same country. The only similarity is the American flag waving. The thought has to be, how long is that flag going to be waving? If the media just stepped up and acted like the parent they were designed to be the country would be a much safer, happier ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Media Bias In Newspapers the Republican nomination" ("Bias Alert"). In regard to sound clips, not only does the length of the message count, but so does the information it provides, how much it is played, and even which candidate it is favoring the most. Whether bias is shown in an article, or simply a short clip, it still has the same harmful effect on the United States' political system. One of the primary methods that candidates used to win support among voters is by affiliating with organizations. These organizations can include businesses or trade associations. However, one business in particular adds to the perception of media bias. Newspapers are not only a way of mass communication and spreading information, they also are a business entity. Newspapers are tasked ... Show more content on ... Bias in the media influences the public greatly. Not only does biased media change the public's perception of certain politics and events, it can also change a person's political affiliation. As previously stated, Fox News is a primarily conservative news source. Fox News has close ties to the Republican Party and has more of a conservative outlook on certain events. Due to this close relationship, a large portion of the articles and coverage echoes these beliefs. An article produced by the Oxford Journals, studied this bias and the effect it can have; they even dubbed it "The Fox News Effect" (Kaplan). This "Fox News Effect" was found to have a profound impact on political affiliation and individuals who watched primarily Fox News reports. They found that "The introduction of Fox News [to] the vote share in Presidential elections between 1996 and 2000... gained [Republicans] 0.4 to 0.7 percentage points in the towns that broadcast Fox News"(Kaplan). As this study shows, bias really does have an effect on the public, and can even influence individuals to change their political affiliation. Another finding in this report was that Fox News managed to convince 28 percent of their viewers to vote Republican (Kaplan). This data is increasingly important, especially in proving that bias ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Media Bias In The Media Media bias cripples our ability to find information about politics. Prejudice among different news sources, such as The Hill, NY Times, and CNN makes it difficult to see beyond opinionated information and determine what's really true. I personally find it exasperating to read about or watch the news and stay updated on current events, especially with controversial topics, with all the sifting between what's real, and what happens to be false or skewed information due to beliefs held by the individuals in charge of covering these issues. From what I can tell by looking at the three former sources I've chosen, the use of word choice among certain topics and their way of labeling certain groups or individuals varies, even if they might be describing the same event or news story that's going on at that time. To start, the New York Timesused an interesting choice of labeling Middle Eastern soldiers. "The United States military bombed Islamic State fighters in Somalia for the first time on Friday, a sign that the air campaign against the group was expanding after recent battlefield successes against the militants in Iraq and Syria." The New York Times also used the phrase "the extremists in Iraq and Syria". This came as a surprise to me, seeing as the other two sources referring to these "Islamic State fighters" as simply "Terrorists". I assume the reasoning behind this is to avoid the use of derogatory terms and label the group more as radicals under terms of religion, rather ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Media Bias Analysis The purpose of this essay is to explain how the media is biased and in what direction the bias leans towards. For a long time, there has been speculation that there is a liberal bias in the mass media. This is a problem because, "citizens cannot cast informed votes or make knowledgeable decisions on matters of public policy if the information on which they depend is distorted, it is vital to American democracy that television news and other media be fair and unbiased." [1] Unfortunately, the information we receive in the news, campaigns, and other media are often portrayed to be or look a certain way, either to favor a particular political party, just make it look negative, or scare and the divide the public. Who is to blame for this? ... Show more content on ... In the picture attached, I believe this image represents bias by omission. This type of bias occurs when part of the information is left out, not allowing one to look at the bigger picture. In the picture attached, there are three different versions. The first portion of the picture shows a distressed man with a gun against head. That image could invoke fear into anyone. From that part of the image's point of view it looks like whoever is holding the gun about to kill the kill the man on the ground that's obviously hurt. This negative image would make people believe the solider is killing an innocent man, when that may not be the case. The third portion of the picture shows only the positive aspect of the picture. This image shows a man offering water to a man that is down and hurt. This part is heartwarming and makes the soldier look like a hero. That scenario would be ideal but not necessarily the case. Lastly in the middle part of the image, we can see the bigger picture. That's what the media sometimes fails to show us. When given the bigger picture it is easier to then base our view given all possible information and without missing detail. Now with all part of the image involved, I can make an assumption that the man on the ground is probably on the opposing side in a war. I could also tell that the others soldiers are helping him recuperate but also have the gun towards his head for protection. To someone else this picture could still mean something completely different and that will always be a downfall of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Media And The Media Bias The commencement of mass media has allowed the world to incorporate politics in their daily lives from television, newspapers, radio stations, and social media. Media is a powerful tool used to get information out to the public especially in the United States and can influence the opinions of the public on any issue. Media bias is when any mass media puts their own opinion in the news to influence Americans and mostly uneducated voters to believe one side of a story they hear. "The vast amount of unreliable information available on the Internet, and its potential for misleading consumers, has also been noted"(Aliprandini, Isadora). Proving that the media does have a huge role in providing misleading information to the public. When Americans automatically assume the information they hear or see is correct, it becomes severely controversial to party polarization depending on conservative or liberal views incorporated in the media. Not only is the media bias and misleading, the media also wants to maximize its viewers and base their discussions and reports off of people's interests by reporting what people want to hear, rather than giving all news equal amount of airtime so they won't lose viewers and can profit more from the viewers interests. What Americans watch, read or listen to everyday are bias on both sides of politics and "allows reporters and media owners to slant news stories in favor of particular groups or interests" (Aliprandini,Isadora). The media is, indeed, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Media Bias And The Media The apparent predisposition of writers and news makers in selecting of occasions or stories, in the way of covering them or the method for reporting them is termed as Media Bias. It is some of the time said that media tailor the news and as opposed to introducing the truths it shows different purposes of perspectives and sentiments. Media inclination is pervasive or broad and it defies the guidelines of news–casting. Media Bias is seen in just about all the nations on the planet and the bearing and level of its effect differs. Some of the time the impediments of media may likewise be translated as inclination. Such useful constraints incorporate the powerlessness of media to report every last story accessible. This does not cover as media inclination. However in the event that a story which is politically and socially applicable and the masses need to know the real certainties of such story, then it would add up to predisposition if the media deliberately chooses not to air that story. Media in today 's reality plays an imperative and vital part in getting down to business the conclusion of overall population over different matter of political and social criticalness. Ideas like trial by media and so forth are occurring which are an immediate consequence of activism of media and the dynamic effect that media plays on the mentalities of overall population. As it is constantly said that there are two appearances of a coin, comparably this activism of media additionally ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Media Bias In The Media 2016's presidential campaign along with the campaign trail that leading up to it, brought the long existing issue of media bias our society, into the light. For generations, the American people and all who live in our nation have relied on platforms of mass media, such as the news, to inform them of the events occurring in the world, and for generations people have listened to media that is meant to be unbiased–so what changed? While there are some well–known media outlets whose bias is traditional and understood (such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal) and some outlets for whom bias is part of the business model (such as Fox News), in most cases, bias is really based upon the perception of the media consumer. In other words, people are looking for affirmation of their existing beliefs, and see media outlets that don't give them affirmation as biased. With the use of personal testimony as well as Ph.D. research, and class lectures I will discuss that while we believe the media itself is biased, it is actually just how we interpret the news and information we take in, and answer the question, has the media's level of bias changed? The answer is no, human perception and sensitivity have. A number of scientific studies have documented evidence supporting the idea that while there is bias, and has been for decades, it is not on behalf of the mass media in the United States, but rather of the individuals whose personal values and beliefs may clash with the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Media Bias Essay Media Bias, Real or Not? In the expository text "Collective mass media bias, social media, and non–partisans" by Xiaoyi Luo and the expository text "How biased are the media, really?" by Paul Farhi, the authors intend to inform the reader of media bias and how it affects voters. Xiaoyi Luo studies at the Institute for Cultural Industries at Shenzhen University and is outside of the media, while Paul Farhi is a reporter for The Washington Post and is an insider of the bias itself while he remains somewhat neutral on it referencing other sources and not his opinion as much as possible. These authors were successful in their attempts to prove their points and how they perceive the media bias while backing it with research and sources. I will be comparing these expository texts while rhetorically analyzing them individually, to better understand media bias and its popularity growth from two different perspectives based on research and professionals to understand how media bias affects voters. Firstly, media bias has become a rising topic, especially since the 2016 United States presidential election. Media bias has been a topic for conversation for many years and has been a common topic since the media has become such a large force. From the quote, "Seventy–seven percent of those surveyed by the Pew Research Center in the fall said the media "tend to favor one side" compared with 53 percent who said so in 1985." (Paul Farhi), examples of ethos and logos are apparent through a ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Media Bias Essay Media has been playing a significant role in our daily lives by developing our personalities, enriching our knowledge and providing us with different sorts of information. It has a tremendous power in framing cultural guidelines and shaping political dissertation. If the information provided to the U.S. citizens is distorted, then they cannot make informed decisions on the matters of public policy. Thus, it becomes vital to the American democracy that the news media and its institutions remain unbiased, fair and accurate. Media bias happens when a media systematically and persistently emphasize one particular point of view that is usually below the standards of professional journalism. There can be various reasons for media bias, some of ... Show more content on ... Recently, in June 2017, Grant Charley reported a news article named 'One Almost–Certain Risk for Investors in the Health–Care Bill; Higher out of pocket spending will keep the spotlight on healthcare costs' in The Wall Street Journal which was published by Dow Jones & Company. Later, in August 2017, Deborah Barfield Berry reported a news article named 'Blacks look to close health gap; With ACA in limbo, leaders take matters into their own hands' in USA Today which was published by the newspaper company itself. Both the newspaper articles were focused on the proposed healthcare bill and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Comparison and contrast between both articles According to Charley (2017), even after the enactment of new healthcare bill proposed by the Republicans, the out–of–pocket expenses for the patients is expected to rise. As per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the total out–of–pocket spending is expected to increase by $221 billion more than the ACA over the next 10 years. Charley also mentions that these higher deductibles seem to be a logical outcome of the proposed healthcare bill in order to decrease the insurance premiums and minimize the number of Americans who can lose their health insurance. This exhibits Charley's biased approach towards supporting the new healthcare ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Media Bias Analysis The presence of media bias is an undeniable fact. I believe an objective news media outlet is basically nonexistent and that bias is unavoidable in society today. It's natural for a writer or reporter's point–of–view to be slightly evident in their work, but the true problem occurs when much of the reporters, anchors, writers, editors, and producers are undoubtedly of the same political opinion, with little to no diversity of opinion represented. Because of that reason, the media can deny their bias and do not have to make any effort to balance their view with any other opposing viewpoints. Reporters are intended to simply report the news. However, their personal opinions or the agendas of the network are reported as fact. Often, the position of major media outlets is extremely liberal, and they are known to use deliberate deceptive tactics, or to bluntly state their liberal opinions as fact.... Show more content on ... They choose to altogether ignore the conservative and objective statistics and experts. Negative conservative stories usually make front page headline or the top story on the news, while stories that cast any amount of negative light on liberals are not given such high priority or are disregarded completely. Reporters tend to label conservatives with negative tags like "far right" or "right wing" but label liberals with positive tags like "civil rights activist" or "children's rights supporter". Time after time, the liberal media makes personal attacks on the character of conservatives with little to no real evidence to back up their claims. But, when there is real, condemning evidence against a liberal's character, the media has no problem excusing their faults and sweeping it under the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Media Bias Research Paper Media Bias in The Present Day The topic of media bias has been the focus of many conversations in our society recently. I believe that this is a very important topic to discuss because most of the information we are receiving comes from one media outlet or another. More often than not, people will only hear one side of the story because they believe that the news being told to them is the most accurate. In reality, most news stations have their own agendas, resulting in the omission of some truths. These days, media bias can be observed almost everywhere we look. Today, there are many people who immerse themselves in the news that they are being told, so much so, that they believe nothing else. People are often so entrenched in their beliefs, it keeps people from being open ... Show more content on ... Because of this obsession, a divide has been created between people that don't watch the same media. People get entrenched in their beliefs they are unable to realize they might not have the correct information. Media bias is not only a twist on news stories, it is also the omission of information, wrong credibility, and twisted words. People should be more concerned about where their information is coming from, and whether or not it is trustworthy news. This topic should be the spark for a more informative conversation, where people are able to fully believe in the information that they are receiving and should without a doubt know that what they are hearing is unbiased and truthful. Along with a few academic sources, I would like to find some real life examples of media bias. Ideally the examples will be truthful stories of when information has been clearly left out of the story being reported on. One possible conclusion I believe I will come across is that not all media is biased. I believe that overall I will find that most media is not biased, but that one or two media outlets are biased. I believe ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Media Bias Analysis Journalist Jim Lehrer believes that media bias is not as prevalent as many people believe when it comes to election coverage, stating that "99% of the political coverage that I see in the mainstream media is driven by what happens, not by anybody's bias" (Lehrer, 2008). Despite Lehrer's claim of no media bias, both conservatives and liberals believe media bias against them is real. Studies, however, show that this more a question of their own bias rather than that of the journalist, and loss of power in traditional media and changes in public opinion about the press have made it difficult for the press to assert itself as neutral. Traditional media, such as newspapers, have been in decline as news consumers turn to free access on the internet, and advertising dollars have fled along with the consumers. The newspaper industry has $1.6 billion less a year to spend on news than ten years ago (Jones, 2017, p. 577). Newer forms of online and digital media do not have the high financial costs of television and printed media to publish their content and are better able to cater to specific issues. In reviewing news, studies show that consumers tend to judge the media source as biased if it differs from their own opinions (Kaye, 2016, p. 607). Strong liberals regularly turn to media that support their ideology such as MSNBC, while strong ... Show more content on ... 580). Perceptions of inaccurate reporting while being unwilling to admit error, as well as media bias, have turned public opinion from believing the press supports democracy to belief that it causes harm instead. Studies show that the publics trust of media mirrors their lack of trust in the government (Kaye, 2016, p.609). Therefore, belief in media bias increases as Americans lose faith in the political process and elected ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Media Bias Research Paper Media Bias This is a topic that affects millions of people around the world and not only in America. Media bias is how journalists and news companies select and use information within mass media to promote a certain belief or to acquire monetary gains. This is a very important topic because media affects what we believe, and some of our actions such as voting. Our human nature that help us to solve problems and guarantees our survival makes us take a decision on whether something is beneficial for us or not. That is why we have believes. Humans are naturally biased toward certain believes, but when it comes to news that a are communicated to people they should presented in a factual way. Today's American society is divided almost to the... Show more content on ... Although I'm a immigrant sometimes I don't support immigration because throughout my school career I have met other immigrant students and people that in my opinion don't deserve to be here. They either don't appreciate the country, don't want to get education, or simply don't work hard enough to make a substantial difference in their lives. There is all kinds of people, hard working and responsible people to people that want to have a free ride in the welfare system. I would like clarify my opinions about immigration and more specifically in sanctuary cities. I would like to research how sanctuary cities are doing economically, criminally, and if it really benefits the community living in the cities and the rest of the country. One of the issues that I might run into while researching for this topic is that there might few resources that are reliable. Immigration is most of the time the main topics that are discussed during the elections but sanctuary cities might be a little too specific that there will not be enough scholar information. In my opinion people that are already in the country should be helped so they can adapt to the American culture and in return they benefit the country by paying taxes and bringing new bright ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Media Bias In The Media The media is an important part of our daily lives. It shapes and molds the lens through which we see the world. It controls everything you see, read, and hear. Media also determines what is said, who said it, how it can be said, and who can hear it. The news for a lot of Americans calls them into action. Depending on what is being discussed it can really sway your emotions. The News can make you happy as well as make you sad or angry. Contrary to popular belief manipulation does not require a device or hypnotism; we are being brainwashed right before our eyes. Television is that most sophisticated media of worldwide communication and viewers are completely susceptible to the media molding their opinions and attitude; as well as influencing what is acceptable and what is not. There is an unconscious "groupthink" mentality that taints news coverage and allows only one side of a debate to receive a fair hearing. When that happens, the truth suffers. In this essay, I will discuss the types of bias and manipulation, how it affects us, and the ways to prevent it. Firstly, when speaking on media bias itis specifically regarding the news. A reporter's job is to present a balanced story. As one reads, listens to and watches the news, one may notice stories that are thought to be biased. To see if these stories really are biased, it must be determined if the story falls into at least one of the several forms in which bias occurs. Listed are the six most common types of media bias ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Media Bias Research Paper The media is lying to our faces while pushing their own opinions onto the groups that they have influence over. This statement might sound insane but an overwhelming number of Americans believe that the media is not being completely honest with the information that they are reporting. Media bias may not seem like a hard–hitting issue but it can become extremely dangerous in the right circumstances. Media bias becomes a dangerous weapon when politicians use it as a tactic to get the upper hand in a situation. Often, this situation involves the presidential elections and other high ranking official elections. In almost every presidential election there are reports where party officials often accuse certain networks of favoritism towards one party ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Causes Of The Media Bias In The Mass Media Media bias is the bias or perceived bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media in the selection of events and stories that are reported and how they are covered. The audience perceives the media in their own way and interprets their own opinions and ideas from the reported stories and events. This means the media can in a way control people and how they think about or view the world around them. The media has become more biased since it's beginning and has split up or devised more people than it has brought together. The main source of information on elections is through the media and this affects people from local to regional as well as the national levels, even in some cases globally. Bias in the media has become more controversial over time and is a very important topic for people because of how much influence the media has and the impact the media can make on individuals and different levels of government. Background The media has grown and become more prevalent in the lives of everyday people, causing it to be a very large industry that looks to expand its audience and be profitable while doing so. Elections are very important to people and the easiest way to access the information regarding the candidates is through the media. "Agenda setting can thus be seen as another name for successfully performing the first function of framing: defining problems worthy of public and government attention." (Entman, 2007). The media pushes their agenda regarding ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Media Bias In The Media Liberal Media is a Myth It is often said that the news media has a liberal bias. Joseph Goebbels said it best "if you repeat something often enough, people will believe it." This couldn't be truer in politics, it's that bandwagon effect; everyone believes it so you should too. Alterman (2003) stated, "Conservatives have intimidated journalists into repeating their baseless accusations of liberal bias by virtue of their willingness to repeat it... endlessly." (p.37). In fact, 75% of conservatives say the media is too liberal according to the Gallop Poll News Service (Morales, 2011). Claims of bias are on the rise from conservatives who make more charges of bias in the media than their liberal peers; when in fact the polls show that bias is in favor of conservatives. Claims of media bias have been around since the early days of the newspaper, and continue until this day. It's no secret that conservatives love to proclaim media bias. It has been in the fore–front of conservative thought and punditry for years that reporters and most media are liberal. The media should be objective and clear of agendas. When the media covers a story and only tells one side of it, the side that fits their agenda that is media bias. Media bias can have a negative effect on us. It helps aid in the ignorance that encourages prejudice and hatred toward others. Media bias can affect how we feel about one another, or even how we feel about a group of people. Media bias divides us and pits us against ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Media Bias In The Media The media, defined as any organization producing a form of mass communication, is a controversial, board, and a context system. According to a September 2016 Gallup Poll, 32% of the respondents said they have a "great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust in the media (Swift). In fact, there has been a steady decline in trust in the media by the public since the turn of the century (Swift, 2016). As the media's trust has fallen the perception and the notion of bias in media has increased. For this context, bias is defined as favoring one ideology, candidate, or party over the other in an unfair manner. Furthermore, it could be also mean portraying an ideology, candidate, or party over the other in an unfair manner. It is frequently debated whether or not the media or the public is biased, however, upon further examination, it is both the public and the media who is bias because of the hostile media phenomenon and confirmation bias for the public and the market and ideology for the media. The public has a natural tendency to demonstrate bias. According to Mitchell, Gottfried, Kiley, and Eva Matsa (2014) liberals preferred using CNN (15%), NPR (13%), MSNBC (12%), and the New York Times (10%) as their primary news outlets. Meanwhile, conservatives overwhelmingly favored Fox News (47%). The two interviewees, who are close friends of mine, expressed similar thoughts. Matt, who considers himself a liberal, prefers to stream CNN or listen to NPR. Sandy, who is a conservative ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Media Bias In The Media "Every time you silence someone you make yourself a prisoner of your own action because you deny yourself the right to hear something" (Hitchens), for several years, our nation has become divided over the thought of a biased media. While one side argues that it is being done for commercial purposes, the other claims it has become a Liberal tactic to promote hatred towards conservatives. Liberals also declare how conservatives have created a 'fake news' epidemic. Is there a bias in the media and how does it affect our government and society? During the Vietnam War, bias in the media became apparent in America. Many liberal sided news sources, such as the New York Times, created a distorted view of the war as an oppressive attack on a Liberal Vietnam, as opposed to it being an American strategy of communist containment (A Brief History of Media Bias). But as technology advances, credibility from news sources have decreased dramatically; possibly creating a sectional divide in our society while threatening our democracy. From a statistical viewpoint, bias in the media is nothing but a commercial strategy. According to D'Alessio ( a professor of communication sciences at the University of Connecticut Stamford), news reporting has become balanced as a result of profit gains (Farhi). And with the help of technology, media coverage can now be expanded to greater lengths––bringing in more profit. This conclusion being derived from almost one hundred studies of the media within ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Is Media Inherently Bias Media is not inherently bias, however different viewpoints, goals and opinions cause media sources to be biased. Even though the press is supposed to be impartial and provide truthful information to the people, emotions, and opinions cause journalists to manipulate the content the press produces. This leads to a multitude of alternate biases. For example, some media sources are biased in the favor of Republicans and others in the favor of Democrats. Many are also independent and have a set of views and beliefs all their own. Media biases also vary in intensity. Some sources may attempt to seem neutral, but possess an underlying bias to a certain side. Others, on the other hand, may thrive on criticizing and denouncing an opposing side. Technically,... Show more content on ... It was created to be free of external influence and free to cover all stories possible. Even though some news is impartial, people have different biases and many media organizations attempt to appeal to that bias through gatekeeping and agenda–setting. This allows people to congregate with others with the same views and create an atmosphere that ignores people who do not have the same biases. Consequently, people become polarized and oblivious to the people on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum. However, simply diversifying the sources of one's media intake may break through the atmosphere of polarization. If one understands the opposing side's point of view, then he or she will discover other types of bias and the reasons behind that bias. In other words, if a person were to watch solely Democratic sources of media, then he or she will never comprehend the Republican point of view. However, if the person chooses to watch a variety of news sources, then he or she will learn to appreciate both sides of the political spectrum. The observer will then understand that the media is geared towards a specific audience and all have different biases and bias ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Bias Of The Media There is no getting away from the fact that the media is biased it is just which side of the aisle that they are biased to that I believe is the main question that needs to be answered. The progressive liberal side screams bias whiles the conservative army also scream bias so is there really bias in the media. I will take a look at the mass media most specifically cable news and syndicated talk shows to prove the point that bias in the media is more a myth that the leaders of each side preaches so that their followers believe that this bias exist. Not to be confused media bias does exist but also there is barely any objective source left such that once you start reading through the lines you realize the myth that I am talking about. In as much as we might try our best to ignore it, communication among people always happens in a context. A statement made in one's presence whiles an event is happening will convey a different understanding than that same statement made away from event. That is why we can make statements like "you should have been there to understand this situation" once the context is taken away the message is not the same. Also all communication needs a medium for it to be carried along and when individuals and groups are communicating one should not overlook how they are situated historically, politically, economically, and socially. This state of affairs is neither bad nor good. It simply is. Bias is a minor word that categorizes the communal influences of ... Get more on ...