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 Med-e-Tel 2012 Conference Program

 Below is the Med-e-Tel 2012 conference program, listed per day and per conference

 This program is subject to change. Details of various sessions will still be
 completed. Check back regularly for updates.

 Click here for a general overview of the Med-e-Tel 2012 schedule of events.

 Go to Wednesday 18 April 2012
 Go to Thursday 19 April 2012
 Go to Friday 20 April 2012

 Wednesday 18 April 2012
 Conference Room 1

 Opening Ceremony

          Opening addresses by:

          Frank Lievens
          Director, Med-e-Tel

          Andy Fischer
          President, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth
Najeeb Al-Shorbaji
        Director, Knowledge Management and Sharing (KMS), World Health

        Mars Di Bartolomeo
        Minister of Health and Social Security, Luxembourg

Opening Session: Global Telemedicine and eHealth Update (1)
C hair: Frank Lievens, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

        Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)

        Update on the Digital Agenda for Europe and the European Innovation
        Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
        Peteris Zilgalvis
        Head of Unit, IC T for Health, DG Information Society and Media, European
        C ommission

        eHealth Interoperability and Standardization: Enabling Safer and
        Equitable Health Services
        Najeeb Al-Shorbaji
        Director, Knowledge Management and Sharing (KMS), World Health

        International Council of Nurses eHealth Programme: Vision and
        C laudia C . Bartz
        C oordinator, International Classification for Nursing Practice and ICN
        Telenursing Network, International Council of Nurses

        The Power of Interoperability: The Tsunami Response in Japan
        Frank Downing
        C ontinua Health Alliance

        Improving Access to Telehealth and Telecare
        Angela Single
        C hair, 3millionlives

        The Economics of eHealth
        Masatsugu Tsuji
        Professor of Economics, University of Hyogo, Japan & C oordinator, ISfTeH
        eHealth Economics Working Group

Global eHealth Strategies Symposium - Policy, Implementation and
Deployment (1)
C hair: Peteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit, ICT for Health, DG Information Society,
European C ommission

        Hosted by the European Commission and the International Society for
        Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)
Welcome and Introduction to eHealth in the European Global Health
        Peteris Zilgalvis
        Head of Unit, IC T for Health, DG Information Society, European Commission

        Realizing the Full Potential of Information and Communication
        Technology in Health
        Yunkap Kwankam
        Executive Director, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

        Title TBC
        Speaker TBC
        Orange Healthcare

        Critical Shortage of Health Care Workers - Enabling Technology
        Solutions to Address Capacity Building and Training
        Mike Gann
        Director, Global Healthcare, Intel World Ahead Program

        Title TBC
        C raig Friderichs
        Director of Health, GSMA


Global eHealth Strategies Symposium - Policy, Implementation and
Deployment (2)
C hair: Yunkap Kwankam, Executive Director, International Society for Telemedicine &

        Hosted by the European Commission and the International Society for
        Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)

        Title TBC
        Speaker TBC

        Telemedicine Regulation - How Not to Do It: A South African
        Maurice Mars
        President, South African Telemedicine Association Head, Dept. of Telehealth,
        Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South

        A Feasibility Study for the Provision of mHealth for Behavior Change
        in Prehypertension in Argentina, Guatemala and Peru
Andrea Beratarrechea, Ariel Fernandez, Paola Letona, Rebecca Kanter,
       Francisco Diez-Canseco, Manuel Ramirez-Zea, Jaime Miranda, Adolfo
       Institute for C linical Effectiveness and Health Policy, Agentina
       Institute of Nutricion of Central America and Panama, Guatemala
       C enter of Excellence in Chronic Diseases, Universidad Peruana Cayetano
       Heredia, Peru

       Deploying Innovative Mobile-based Telemedicine Systems using Open
       Source tools in Resource-poor Areas of the Philippines
       Jose Eugenio Quesada, Leo Anthony Celi, Christopher Moses
       Asia Pacific College, Philippines
       Laboratory of Computer Science, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
       Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

       Towards an International "eHealthInsurance" for Improved Support
       for Health Care in Developing Countries
       Eustache Muteba Ayumba
       Independent Researcher and IMIA C orrespondent, DR Congo

       Award Ceremony

Conference Room 2

Mobile Health Solutions (1)
C hair: Hammad Raza Durrani, Health and Operational Services Department Aga Khan
University, Pakistan & French Medical Institute for Children, Afghanistan

       A Customizable Mobile Tool to Promote Health and Prevent Non-
       Communicable Diseases
       Leonardo Juan Ramirez Lopez, Daniel Goroso, Linamara Rizzo
       Mogi das C ruzes University, Brazil
       Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Institute, Hospital das Clinicas, Brazil

       Achieving Behavior Change among Pregnant Mothers Using Mobile
       Shariq Khoja, Hammad Durrani, Abdul Muqeet, Dodo Khan, Shabina Raza
       AKDN eHealth Resources C entre (eHRC), Aga Khan University, Kenya
       Aga Khan University, Pakistan
       PANACeA (PAN Asian Collaboration for Evidence-based eHealth Adoption and
       Application), Pakistan

       Afghan Mobile Health: A Model for Community Health
       Pete Killcommons
       Medweb, USA

       An Effective Mobile Monitoring for Patients at Risk of Fainting
       Giovanna Sannino, Aniello Minutolo, Giuseppe De Pietro
       Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR), National
       Research Council (CNR), Italy

       Design, Deployment and Field Lessons for Mobile Phone and Tablet
       Based Mobile Healthcare Solutions
       Michael Setton
       Sensaris, France

       Evolution of Mobile e-Health Technology, Tools and Practices in India
Saroj Kanta Mishra, Repu Daman Chand, Indra Pratap Singh
        Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), India
        School of Telemedicine & Biomedical Informatics, SGPGIMS, India

        Security Challenges for Remote Patient Care Systems using m -Health
        Syed Naqvi, Philippe Drugmand, Sebastien Rousseaux
        C ETIC, Belgium

Mobile Health Solutions (2)
C hair: Valery Stolyar, Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russia

        Feasibility of mHealth for Rehabilitation – Pilot Study in Finland
        Reija Kuoremäki, Kirsi Ahde, Ari Heinonen, Juhani Multanen, Pekka
        University of Jyväskylä, Finland

        Mailafiya: How mHealth Can Overcome Challenging Circumstances
        Speaker TBC
        Mailafiya, Nigeria

        mHealth and Confidentiality – Understanding Cellphone Use in South
        C aron Jack, Maurice Mars
        Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of
        KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

        Mobile DSMS: An mHealth System to Increase the Availability of Peer-
        Support in a Type II Diabetic Population
        Salys Sultan, Permanand Mohan
        The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago

        Portable Telemedical System with an Intelligent Expert System for
        Doctor Decision Making Support in Emergency Situations
        Anton Panfilov, Valery Stolyar
        T-smart, Russia
        Bakoulev Center for C ardiovascular Surgery, Russia

        Russia: Experience in Using Portable Telemedical Systems
        Valery Stolyar, Anton Panfilov
        Bakoulev Center for C ardiovascular Surgery, Russia
        T-smart, Russia

        The Potential of mHealth Technology Incorporation in Brazil
        Maria C ysne, Milena Marcolino, Junia Maia, Lemuel Cunha, Weslley C arvalho,
        C laudson de Souza, Beatriz Alkmim
        Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
        Medical School, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

Conference Room 3

Innovative Technologies for Mental Healthcare
C hair: Brenda Wiederhold, Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Belgium

        Presented in cooperation with the International Association of
CyberPsychology, Training and Rehabilitation

        User-friendly ICT Tools to Enhance Self-Management and Effective:
        Treatment of Depression in the EU
        Hugo Silva, Pepijn van de Ven, Eric Tousset, Mario Ricardo Henriques, Mark
        Hoogendoorn, Michel Klein

        Smart Wearable Sensors for Biomedical Data Monitoring in the
        Treatment of Depression
        Joana Sousa, Hugo Silva, Nuno Santos, Paulo Aires

        Help4Mood: First Release of a Computational Distributed System to
        Support the Treatment of Patients with Major Depression
        Soraya Estevez, Juan Carlos Castro, Maria Wolters
        i2C at Foundation, Research & Innovation Centre, Barcelona, Spain
        University of Edinburgh, UK

        VERVE: Personalised Virtual Reality Scenarios for Groups at Risk of
        Social Exclusion
        C arol O'Sullivan, Eugenie Roudaia, Philipp Slusallek
        Trinity C ollege Graphics Lab (GV2), Ireland
        Trinity C ollege Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN), Ireland
        German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

        INTERSTRESS Project: An Innovative Clinical Validated Solution for
        the Management of Stress Disorders
        Brenda Wiederhold, Daniele Pizzioli, Giuseppe Riva, Andrea Gaggioli
        Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Belgium
        Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab, Istituto Auxologico Italiano,

        Semiotics and Semantics: Tools For an Effective Appropriation of
        Information, Communication and Health Technologies
        C arine Duteil-Mougel, Anne Geslin-Beyaert, Laurent Billonnet, Nicole Pignier,
        Didier Tsala-Effa, Jean-Michel Dumas
        C eReS, ENSIL, University of Limoges, France
        XLIM, ENSIL, University of Limoges, France

        Requirements for a Software-Intensive Ecosystem for Telemedicine
        Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Michael Christensen, Klaus Marius Hansen,
        Konstantinos Manikas, Surayya Urazimbetova
        Aarhus University, Denmark
        University of C openhagen, Denmark

Evidence of Telehealth Outcomes (1)
C hair: Birthe Dinesen, Aalborg University, Denmark

        Chronic Care Management in Telemedicine: A Way to Tackle Chronic
        Mascha Bethke, Eva Blozik, Nicole Toelle, Jan von Overbeck
        Swiss C enter for Telemedicine Medgate, Switzerland
Effectiveness of a Chronic Care Management Programme for Patients
        with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
        Mascha Bethke, Eva Blozik, Nicole Toelle, Jan von Overbeck
        Swiss C enter for Telemedicine Medgate, Switzerland

        Telemedicine and Face-To-Face Health Care: Synergy or Opposition?
        Eva Blozik, Jan von Overbeck
        Swiss C enter for Telemedicine Medgate, Switzerland

        Telerehabilitation Programme: Lessons Learned From the TELEKAT
        Birthe Dinesen, Carl Nielsen, Ove Grann, Stig Andersen, Ole Hejelsen, Egon
        Aalborg University, Denmark
        Aalborg Hospital, Denmark
        3GP, Denmark

        Using IVR Technology to Expand Clinical Capacity and Improve the
        Quality of Life for Older, Chronically Ill Patients
        Jeremy Rich, Chan Chuang, Janelle Howe, Lori Larson
        HealthC are Partners Institute, HealthCare Partners Medical Group, USA

        A Research Initiative toward the Remote Chronic Disease
        Management: The CHRONIOUS Project
        Paolo Bertele, Cristina Masella, Simona Solvi, Leonardo Govoni
        School of Management, MIP Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Conference Room 4

Telecardiology (1)
C hair: Maria Beatriz Alkmim, Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

        Prevalence of Normal Electrocardiograms in Primary Care Patients: A
        Study by a Telemedicine Service in Brazil
        Milena Marcolino, Maria Beatriz Alkmim, Daniel Palhares, Antonio Luiz Ribeiro
        Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
        Medical School, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
        University Hospital, Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro, Brazil

        A Public Telecardiology Network in Southern Brazil: Results of Phase
        II (1st Year)
        Adolfo Sparenberg, Gabriel Fetter
        eHealth C entre, Institute of Cardiology of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
        Medical Association of Sao Lourenço do Sul, Brazil

        Applicability of Tele-Electrocardiography at Public Health Systems
        Marcia Rendeiro, Eduardo Maia, Sidnei Otavio Vicente Franco
        Secretaria Municipal de Saude/Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

        Teleconsulting for Collaborative Diagnosis and Care of Heart
        Malformations in Balkan Countries
        Alessandro Taddei, Emiliano Rocca, Tiziano Carducci, Nadia Assanta, Giorgio
        Ricci, Bruno Murzi
        G. Monasterio CNR/Tuscany Region Foundation - G. Pasquinucci Heart
Hospital, Italy
        "Un C uore un Mondo" Association, Italy

        Heart Failure Model for Assessment of Different Intervention
        Jörg Schröttner, Peter Vincent Harter, Alexander Lassnig, Peter Kastner
        Institute of Health C are Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria
        Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Information Management and eHealth,

        Identification of Heart Patients' Everyday Need – Based on User-
        Driven Innovation
        Lisa Haesum, Gitte Nielsen, Stine Hangaard, Ole Hejlesen, Birthe Dinesen
        Aalborg University, Denmark
        Vendsyssel Hospital, Denmark

eHealth in Hospital Care
C hair: Thomas Lux, Competence Center eHealth Ruhr, Germany

        Implementation of an Electronic Hospital Information System in
        Nigeria - a Case Study of Federal Medical Centre Owerri
        Valerian Agbasonu
        Imo State University, Nigeria

        Development of an e-Health Platform for the Management of
        Hospitalized Patients
        Jeferson Rosario, Ismael Scheffler, Maximiliano Correa, Guilherme Haas,
        Thais Russomano
        Toth Technology, Brazil

        Application of eBase of Medical Data of the Institute for Oncology and
        Radiology of Serbia-IORS Hospital Cancer Registry
        Dragana Jovicevic, Biljana Brankovic, Ana Jovicevic
        Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Serbia

        Antimicrobial Stewardship through Telemedicine in a Community
        Hospital in Remote Brazil
        Rodrigo dos Santos, C aroline Deutchendorf, Otavio Carvalho, Erci Siliprandi,
        Robert Timm, Adolfo Sparenberg
        Infection Control C ommittee, Instituto de C ardiologia de Porto Alegre, Brazil
        eHealth C enter, Instituto de Cardiologia de Porto Alegre, Brazil

        Hospital Engineering - Business Engineering in Health Care
        Thomas Lux, Roland Gabriel, Alexander Wagner, Patrick Bar tsch
        C ompetence Center eHealth Ruhr, Germany

        Co-evolutionary Multi-agent Pharmacoinformatics
        Tagelsir Mohamed Gasmelseid
        King Fisal University, Department of Computer Information Systems, College
        of C omputer Sciences and IT, Saudi Arabia

Conference Room 5

C hair: Claudia C Bartz, International Council of Nurses, USA
Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) -
      Telenursing Working Group

      Technology Use for Health Education to Caregivers: An Integrative
      Review of Nursing Literature
      Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes, Paula C ristina Nogueira, Patrícia de Carvalho
      Nagliate, Simone de Godoy, Elaine Rangel
      University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO
      C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil
      Federal University of Piaui, Brazil

      The Confusion Patient and Nursing Action
      Paulo Marques, Paulino Sousa, Abel Silva
      Oporto Nursing School (ESEP), Portugal

      Telenursing Execution: A Need for Fabrication of Needs Based
      Suman Sharma (virtual presentation)
      National Institute of Nursing Education, Postgraduate Institute of Medical
      Education & Research, India

      Telehealth Nursing: Building Knowledge through Research
      C laudia C Bartz
      International Council of Nurses, USA

      Title TBC
      (virtual presentation by International Council of Nurses

      Title TBC
      (virtual presentation by International Council of Nurses

Security and Standards
C hair: TBC

      Secure Data Exchange Based on Signature PKI
      Stefan Benzschawel, Heiko Zimmermann, Uwe Roth
      C RP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg

      Privacy Preserving of Medical Information
      Asmaa Rashid, Norizan Binti Mohd Yasin
      University of Malaya, Malaysia

      The Issue on eHealth Integration into Routine Statistics
      Enkhbold Sereenen, Jargalsaikhan Dondog, Khurelbaatar Nyamdavaa,
      C himedtsuren Ochir
      Ministry of Health, Mongolia
      HSU, Mongolia

      Towards An Integrated and Interoperable Platform for Telehealth and
Malcolm C larke, Charles Palmer, Russell Jones
        Brunel University, UK
        Acute Technology, UK
        C horleywood Health Centre, UK

        RFID Technology and Its Application in Medical Science
        Fatemeh Ghandali, Elahe Omidvari, Nahid Mirzaei
        Tehran University and Medical Sciences, Iran

        eHealth Standardization to Meet Needs of Developing Countries
        Leonid Androuchko, Vladimir Androuchko
        Question 14 – Telecommunication in Healthcare, ITU-D Study Group 2,
        Telecommunication Development Bureau, International Telecommunication
        Union, Switzerland
        International University in Geneva, Switzerland
        Dominic Foundation, Switzerland

Thursday 19 April 2012
Conference Room 1

Global Telemedicine and eHealth Update (2)
C hair: Frank Lievens, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

        Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)

        eHealth – A Global View
        Lord Nigel C risp
        Ambassador, Global eHealth Ambassadors Programme (GeHAP)

        Hospital at Home (HAH) and the ICT Infrastructure Needed to
        Mark Blatt
        Worldwide Medical Director
        Intel, USA

        Use of eHealth for Health Systems Strengthening in Central Asia
        Hammad Durrani
        Health and Operational Services Department, Aga Khan University, Pakistan
        General Secretary, eHealth Association of Pakistan (eHAP)
        French Medical Institute for Children, Afghanistan

        Intelligent Technologies and Methodologies for Medical Knowledge
        Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
        Head, Medical Informatics and Knowledge Engineering Research Unit, Faculty
        of C omputer & Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Egypt

eHealth Economics
C hair: Masatsugu Tsuji, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo,

        Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) -
        eHealth Economics Working Group

        Introducing Economical Criteria for Telehealth Implementation: An
        Application at the Telehealth Network of Minas Gerais
        Renato Minelli Figueira, Maria Beatriz Moreira Alkmim, Monica Pena de Abreu,
        Daniel Santos Neves, Antonio Luiz Ribeiro
        School of Engineering, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
        Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
        Medical School, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

        Retrospective Return on Investment Analysis of an Electronic
        Treatment Adherence Device
        Sean Broomhead, Maurice Mars
        Tintree International eHealth Leadership and Development, South Africa
        Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of
        KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

        Four Years Evolution of a Teleconsultation Service in Minas Gerais,
        Junia Maia, Milena Marcolino, Beatriz Alkmim, Renato Figueira, Luciano Cruz,
        Geisa Silva
        Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,

        Home Telemonitoring of Respiratory Function in Cystic Fibrosis
        Patients: Economic Evaluation and Quality of Life
        Sergio Bella, Fabrizio Murgia, Christian Cotognini, Irene Tagliente, Federico
        Ospedale Bambino Gesu – IRCCS, Italy

        Economic Superiority of USB-boot Cloud Type Remote-desktop
        System for Providing Tele-medicine & Tele-care
        Atsushi Hosokawa, Naoki Nakayama
        Prefectual University of Hiroshima, Japan MSEC, Japan

        Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for HIV/AIDS in Malawi: An
        Economic Evaluation using Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Model
        Willings Botha
        University of Wales Trinity St David, UK

        Telemedical Consultation Center as a Tool for Promoting Innovative
        Health Care in Remote Regions of Russia
        Andrey Selkov, Elena Selkova
        Russian Association for Telemedicine (RAfT), Russia

        Clearing the Path – How to Improve Clinical Pathways in A Cost-
        Efficient Manner
        Tuomas Harju, Antti Puhakka, Niina Tammi, Kari Halme, Lauri Toivonen, Timo
        RemoteA, Finland
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
        Heart C ounsel, Finland

        The Economics of Biobanking International Cooperation Issues for
        Optimization of Quality Improvement
        C hristine Huttin
        ENDEPUSresearch, USA

Evaluating Telehealth Startup Initiatives
C hair: Bart Collet, HealthStartup Europe, Belgium

        Hosted by HealthStartup Europe

        The health sectors are ripe for technology-driven change. The internet and
        related technology trends are enabling new business models and services,
        they are empowering consumers-patients to take a far more proactive role in
        taking care of their own health, and they are improving the way healthcare is
        practiced and organized. HealthStartup Europe thinks there is tremendous
        potential currently to create exciting new health services and to radically
        improve the quality, efficiency and accessibility of healthcare. That's why
        HealthStartup Europe is supporting digital health startups in Europe.

        HealthStartup Europe aims to create a more hospitable environment for
        health startups by creating connections between the burgeoning digital
        startups scene and the health sectors. At Med-e-Tel, HealthStartup Europe
        will put one startup initiative in the spotlight and discuss and evaluate its
        potential with entrepreneurs, health care professionals, policy makers and

        The session will provide useful insights to guide investors and entrepreneurs
        in their future investment and development decisions in the digital health

International Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives and Developments (1)
C hair: Frank Lievens, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

        Association for Ukrainian Telemedicine and eHealth Development -
        Report of Activity During 2010-2011
        Anton Vladzymyrskyy, Vladimir Klymovytskyy, Dmitry Kalinovskiy, Ihor
        Kutsenko, Anatoliy Rushay, Vladimir Prykhodchenko
        Association for Ukrainian Telemedicine and eHealth Development, Ukraine

        e-Ophthalmology – One Solution for Innovative Health Management
        Iliya Pendzhurov, Polina Mihova, Jivka Vinarova, Anita Alexieva
        New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria

        Preliminary Report on the 1st Armenian International Health ICT
        Congress "ARMTELEMED: Road to the Future"
        Georgi Chaltikyan, Armen Avoyan, Davit Gasparyan, Ruben Hovhannisyan,
        Tatul Saghatelyan, Aleksandr Haroyan
Armenian Association of Telemedicine (AATM), Armenia

       Telemedical Ecology: Preliminary Results of Longitude Medical
       Environmental Research Project "MARS-500"
       Roman Baevsky, Oleg Orlov, Azaliya Berseneva, Anna Chernikova
       State Scientific Center – Institute for Bio-Medical Problems, Russia

       Experience of Applying Telemedicine in Mongolia
       Anna E. Schmaus
       Klughammer, Germany

       Official Telemedicine and eHealth Status in France: The Role of CATEL
       André Petitet, Gerard Comyn
       C ATEL, France

       Roadmap towards Sustainable Pan-European Certification of EHR
       François Wisniewski, Jos Devlies, Iciar Abad
       C RP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
       EuroRec, Belgium
       Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Spain

Conference Room 2

Innovative Policies and Solutions for Healthcare
C hair: TBC

       Innovation Policies in Health Care: Impact on Telemedicine and
       Thomas Karopka, Peter Frank, Wolfgang Blank
       BioC on Valley, Germany
       SC anBalt, Denmark

       From Buzz to Business: eHealth Innovation Toolbox
       Sikke Visser, Robbert Menko, Timber Haaker
       Windesheim, The Netherlands
       Novay, The Netherlands

       Measurement of Blood Glucose by Near Field Communication (NFC)
       Stefan C ecil, Manfred Bammer, Gernot Schmid
       Seibersdorf Laboratories, Austria
       Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria

       Remote Controlled Tele-Sonography Model Using H-323 Protocol
       Abhay Gaidhane, Peter Cudd, Zahiruddin Quazi, Yogesh Gaidhane
       Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, India
       ScHARR, University of Sheffield, UK

       Using Humanoid Robot in Ambient-Assisted Living with COPD
       Mikhail Simonov, Antonella Frisiello, Marco Bazzani
       ISMB, Italy

       Telemedical System for Individual Prenosological Health Assessment
       Oleg Orlov, Vadim Pougatchev, Azaliya Berseneva, Anna C hernikova, Roman
       Baevsky, Yevgeniy Zhirnov, Evgueni Gribkov
       State Scientific Center - Institute of Bio-Medical Problems, Russia
Biocom Technologies, USA

      Help4Mood – A Flexible Solution for Supporting People with
      Depression in the Community across Europe
      Maria Wolters, Luis Ferrini, Juan Martinez-Miranda, Helen Hastie, Chris Burton
      University of Edinburgh, UK
      FVA, Italy
      UPVLC , Spain

Management of Chronic Diseases - Development of New and Innovative
Assisting Technologies (1)

      Hosted by UNIK

      Management of chronic diseases is one of the greatest challenges to the
      healthcare sector in Denmark as well as in the rest of the world. Join the
      Danish Partnership UNIK in a workshop focusing on development of new
      technologies for the benefit of persons with a chronic disease as well as for
      the public healthcare sector.

      How can new technology make disease management easier for both patients
      and the healthcare sector? Examples of new technologies on prototype level
      for people with COPD will be presented along with a presentation of methods
      to secure end user involvement in the developing process. What are the
      effects for both patients and healthcare care professionals when digital
      personal health is introduced?

      The workshop will also focus on challenges in current and future ICT
      infrastructures for healthcare services and how to accelerate the deployment
      of telemedical solutions. How can we ensure interoperability and still support
      SMEs in developing innovative solutions?

      Home Training Platform for COPD Patients using Microsoft Kinect
      Kasper Hallenborg
      University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

      Sketching of Welfare Technologies – Co-Creating New Solutions for
      Morten Wagner
      DELTA, Denmark

      Development of Assisting Technology for COPD
      Speaker TBC

Management of Chronic Diseases - Development of New and Innovative
Assisting Technologies (2)

      Hosted by UNIK
Personal Health Record for Chronic Patient
        Birthe Dinesen
        Aalborg University

        Connect2Care - Challenges In Current and Future Infrastructures for
        Healthcare Services
        Michael C hristensen
        Aarhus University

        Challenges in Future Infrastructure
        Speaker TBC

Conference Room 3

Homecare and Telemonitoring (1)
C hair: Laurent Billonnet, ENSIL, University of Limoges, France

        Hospital at Home: Telemedicine Assisted Discharge of COPD Patients
        to the Home Environment
        Johannes Bergsaaker-Aspoey, Mariann Svanes
        Stavanger University hospital, Norway

        Software Model and Algorithms to Monitor Training At Home with
        Advanced Sensor Technologies
        Kasper Hallenborg
        University of Southern Denmark, Maersk Institute, Denmark

        Technology-based Management of Emotional Wellbeing in the Older
        Julie Doyle
        C ASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland

        Domestic Risk Prevention and Technologies: New Jobs of Tomorrow
        for Home Support
        Laurent Billonnet, Pierre Boutet, Eugenie Peyrot, Sophie Queriaud, Jean-
        Michel Dumas
        University of Limoges, ENSIL, France
        MSA Service Limousin, France

        ICT Health at Home: What Opportunities Exist on the Horizon of
        2015-2020? Multi-client Study (February 2012)
        C aroline Simonpietri, Henri Delahaie
        C ODA STATEGIES, France

        AFA-ConnectAlzheimer, a Cognitive Stimulation Platform for
        Alzheimer Patients and to Support their Carers at Home
        Juan C arlos Castro, Josep Benavent
        i2C at Foundation, Spain

        A framework for Business Continuity Management in Home-Care
Olfa Rejeb, François Marmier, Elyes Lamine, Hervé Pingaud, Rémi Bastide
        Université de Toulouse - Mines d'Albi, CGI, France
        Université de Toulouse, IRIT, CUFR J.F. C hampollion, ISIS, France

        DREAMING – Alarm and Monitoring System for Empowerment of
        Elderly Citizens
        C asper Marcussen, Mette Atipei C raggs, Jane Clemensen
        MedC om / Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark

        Go-mylife: How ICT Can Improve and Facilitate the Social Interaction
        While Ageing
        Idoya Olalde, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente
        Andago, Spain

Homecare and Telemonitoring (2)
C hair: Markus Lindlar, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aerospace
Medicine, Germany

        Improving Care of the Elderly with an Intelligent Bed
        Natascha Soerensen, Birthe Dinesen, Claus Oestergaard
        Aalborg University, Denmark
        InnovationSpot, Denmark

        Plug&Care-Connector – A Middleware to Reduce Costs and Create
        Platform Independence in Telemonitoring Programs
        Markus Lindlar, Doreen Seider, Steven Mohr
        German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Germany
        German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Simulation and Software Technology,

        New Approach to pHealth, Based on Wireless Monitoring of Vital
        Signs and on Online Evaluation of Disease Risk
        Jaroslav Jansa, Karel Zvolsky, Vaclav Kolcava, Ivo Vanek, Marek Semerad
        Immobiliser C entral Europe, Czech Republic
        C OMINFO, C zech Republic
        C zech National Noise Observatory, Czech Republic
        Township Cerhenice, Czech Republic

        Telemonitoring of Diabetic Retinopathy in Rural Areas in Lithuania
        Alvydas Paunksnis, Leonas Valius, Kornelijus Andrijauskas, Daiva Imbrasiene,
        Remigijus Gricius, Romualdas Kizlaitis
        Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
        Kaltinenai Primary Care C entre, Lithuania
        Vilnius University, Lithuania

        ElderCare - How Technology Can Help To Care for Elderly People Who
        Live Alone, By Knowing Their Health and Habit Data
        Inigo Gonzalez, Jose Manrique Lopez
        Andago, Spain

        A 3D Accelerometry-based Fall Detection System for the Elderly:
        Realistic False Alarm Rate and Sensitivity
        C ristina Soaz, Christian Lederer, Martin Daumer
        SLC MSR-The Human Motion Institute, Technical University Munich, Germany

        Successful Business Case: Telecommunication Product allowing
        eHealth Companies to Extend Lifetime of Their PSTN Devices
        Marc Berrebi
eDevice, France

eHealth in Support of Routine Medical Practice (1)
C hair: TBC

        Supporting the Therapist in eSupport
        Jonas Sjöström, Sven Alfonsson
        Uppsala University, Sweden

        Tele-Regulation as a Means to an Efficient Management
        Marcia Rendeiro, Eduardo Maia, Sidnei Otavio Vicente Franco
        Secretaria Municipal de Saude e Defesa Civil do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

        Strategy for Reduction of Specialist Appointment Queues
        Alaneir de Fatima dos Santos, Roseli da Costa Oliveira, Neuslene Rievrs
        Queiroz, Ana Pitchon, Humberto Jose Alves
        Federal University of Minas Gerais School of Medicine, Brazil
        Belo Horizonte City Health Department, Brazil

        Web Portal Patient-Generated Messages: Are Patients Using This
        Mode of Access Safely?
        Frederick North, Sarah Crane, Robert Stroebel, Sidna Tulledge-Scheitel
        Mayo C linic, USA

Conference Room 4

Evidence of Telehealth Outcomes (2)
C hair: Richard Scott, University of Calgary, Canada

        Challenges in the Implementation of the Diagnostic and Treatment
        Expert System for Hypertension in Pregnancy
        Gudu Jael, David Gichoya, Paul Nyongesa, Alex Muumbo
        Moi University, Kenya

        Cloud Health: Lessons Learned from a Practical Example on
        Telemedicine Primary Care Service Launch for 2,000 patients
        Fred de Gispert Boix, Miguel Tsuchiya, Fco. Javier Sancho, Marc Arnal
        Flowlab, Spain

        The Use of Basic Available Technologies to Enable Healthcare:
        Diabetic Retinopathy
        Ashley Bess
        Medical Research Council, South Africa

        e-Health and the Disaster Management Cycle
        C ourtney Sieben, Richard Scott, Moné Palacios
        University of C algary, Canada

        e-Health and the Haddon Matrix – Identifying Where and How e-
        Health can Assist in Disaster Management
        C amila Maturana, Richard Scott, Moné Palacios
        University of C algary, Canada

        Clinical Decision Support Based on Practice Guidelines: A Business
        Case on Prostate Cancer Treatment
Denis Pierre
        Normind, France

        Webbased Lifestyle Self-Management for Chronic Kidney Disease
        Marike Hettinga, Jacqueline Slegten, Jan Nauta, Lammie van den Bosch,
        Gertie Smeets, Hannie Piels
        Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
        Isala C linics, The Netherlands
        Bonstato, The Netherlands

        Impact of Motivational Interview to Increase Teleconsultations
        Requests: Analysis of an Experience in Minas Gerais
        Maria do C armo Barros de Melo, Alaneir de Fátima dos Santos, Maria Angélica
        de Salles Dias, Rosália Moraes Torres, Cláudio Souza, Humberto José Alves
        Federal University of Minas Gerais School of Medicine, Brazil

Image Transfer: Challenges and Achievements
C hair: TBC

        Comparison between Digital Video Transport System (DVTS) and High
        Definition H.323 in Telemedicine
        C ao Minh, Shuji Shimizu, Kuriko Kudo, Yasuaki Antoku, Nobuhiro Torata, Koji
        Okamura, Naoki Nakashima, Masao Tanaka
        Vietnam National Agency for Science and Technology Information, Vietnam
        Kyushu University Hospital, Japan
        Kyushu University, Japan
        Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan

        Broadband Access for e-Health Use: A Study on PACS Application
        Bruno Salgues, Robert Picard
        Institut Telecom/ TIC et Santé, France
        C GIET, France

        Ultrasound Imaging Teleconsultations in Peru and Brazil
        Despina Rizou, Alex Tronchoni, Wayne Menary
        Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
        SENAI-CETA, Brazil
        GEOPAC, UK

        Enabling Telemedicine and Real-time Videoconferencing with AIO HD
        Camera System
        Speaker TBC
        Rebonson, USA

Setting Standards and Guidelines for Telehealth Services
C hair: Malcolm Fisk, Health Design and Technology Institute (HDTI), Coventry
University, UK

        Presented by TeleSCoPE
The primary objective of TeleSCoPE (Telehealth Services C ode of Practice for
       Europe) is to develop a comprehensive Code of Practice for Telehealth
       Services (i.e. relating to that aspect of telemedicine and telecare delivered in
       the home and mediated through ICT).
       TeleSCoPE will, through establishing service standards, help establish
       relationships of trust between users, patients and providers and contribute to
       overall health and well-being. The standards will provide a quality benchmark
       for service regulation in member states. Other standards, including technical
       (interoperability) and information (privacy, etc.), will be referenced.
       The strategic relevance of TeleSCoPE relates to the fit with EU initiatives that
       promote healthy lifestyles, healthy workforce, healthy life-years and healthy
       ageing, social inclusion and engagement, economic and social development,
       IC T application and the coordination of policies and programmes within
       member states.

       More details of this TeleSCoPE consultation meeting at Med-e-Tel will be
       confirmed closer to the event. Join us for a stimulating debate that will help
       shape the envisioned Code of Practice and promote telehealth adoption in
       Europe in general.

Conference Room 5

Session régionale de formation:
Retour sur Investissement Réel des Investissements en eHealth

       (Note: This regional session is held exclusively in French. All other Med-e-Tel
       conference sessions are in English.)

       Presenté en collaboration avec Accenture

       La session débutera par une formation méthodologique assurée par François
       Daue (Directeur Solstisse - Solutions and Strategies for Healthcare) et deux
       business cases présentés par Accenture. Ensuite, pour assurer un réel
       partage d'expériences, des représentants d'hôpitaux et structures de santé,
       de l'industrie, et des autorités publiques et mutualités prendront la parole
       pour partager les besoins, les défis, et les réalisations sur le terrain.

       La formation donnera des réponses pratiques aux questions suivantes:

           o   C omment calculer le retour sur investissement réel des
               investissements en informatique santé? Toutes les étapes à suivre,
               les types de gains et les indicateurs possibles.
           o   Quels bénéfices puis-je vraiment espérer?
           o   Quelles sont les solutions qui marchent et celles à oublier?
           o   Quelles leçons puis-je tirer de l'expérience de mes confrères au cours
               des dix dernières années?
           o   C omment dois-je adapter ma stratégie en tant que cadre hospitalier,
               industriel, autorité publique ou professionnel de santé pour
               maximiser les bénéfices?
Exhibition Hall

Poster Session
C hair: Andre Petitet, CATEL, France

        A Framework for Intensive Patient-Oriented Health Wiki; a
        Responsible Web-Based Reference for Looking up Health Problems
        Solmaz Massah, Behzad Karimzad Sharifi
        University C ollege of Nabi Akram, Iran
        Department of IT Management, Electronic Branch, Islamic Azad University,

        An Overview of eHealth Activities in Ghana
        Ebenezer Afari-Kumah, Yunkap S. Kwankam
        Accra Institute of Technology/Open University of Malaysia, Ghana
        Global eHealth Consultants, Switzerland

        Applicability of a Formative Second Opinion in the Resolutiveness of
        the Primary Attention in Healthcare
        Marcia Rendeiro, Cristine Vieira, Debora Teixeira, Alexa ndra Monteiro
        Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/Telessauúde, Brazil

        Applying Machine Learning To Predict the Progression of HIV
        Infection Using CD4
        Yashik Singh, Maurice Mars
        Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of
        KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

        Assistive Tools for Real-time Optimized Audits of Homes of People
        with Disabilities or with Loss of Autonomy
        Laurent Billonnet, Franck Bouillon, Lina Galet, Fabien Mas, Sophie Quériaud,
        Jean-Michel Dumas
        University of Limoges, France
        MSA Service Limousin, France

        Closing the Patient Empowerment Gap of National Healthcare
        Services with Quick Response Code
        Surayya Urazimbetova, Morten Kyng
        C enter for Pervasive Healthcare, Computer Science Department, Aarhus
        University, Denmark

        Collaborative Effort for Evidence in eHealth in Asia
        Shariq Khoja, Hammad Durrani, Saira Nigar, Afroz Sajwani, Abdul Muqeet,
        Zahid Ali Faheem
        AKDN eHealth Resourcse C entre (eHRC), Aga Khan University, Kenya
        Aga Khan University, Pakistan

        E-database Dedicated to Improving the Quality of Hospital Services
        and Better Utilization of Resources
        Biljana Brankovic, Dragana Jovicevic, Ana Jovicevic
        Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Serbia

        E-diabetes: Its Impact On Intervention and Its Obstacles
        Pegah Rezai-Rad, Elaheh Omidvari
        Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran

        eHealth Governance for Africa
Ian Lawson, Adesina Iluyemi, Sean Broomhead, Tom Jones
Tintree International eHealth Leadership and Development, South Africa
Global Health Commission, New Partnership for Africa's Development
(NEPAD) Council, Nigeria

eHealth in Kenya – Readiness Assessment of Two Counties
Salesio-Mbogo Kiura
Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

Electronic Indoor Morbidity Mortality Report: A Realistic Approach to
Discharge Data Collection and Analysis
Nadish Kariyawasam, Buddika Dayaratne
Planning Unit, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
Medical Statistics Unit, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka

E-readiness Assessment Framework in Health and other Fields:
Studies in the World and Iran
Farzaneh Nattagh, Majid Rezai-Rad, Reza Vaezi
Shiraz, Iran
Allameh Tabatabai Univ., Faculty of Management & Accounting, Iran
Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran

Evaluation of Websites Providing Health Education in Iran
Hormoz Sanaei Nasab, Majid Rezai-Rad, Majid Parnianfar, Akbar Estarki,
Pegah Rezai-Rad, Nahid Maghsoodi
Department of Health Education & Promotion, University of Baqyiatallah
Medical Sciences, School of Health, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS), Iran
Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran

ICT Tools for Early Diagnosis Support (TB) - TEDS
Lady Murrugarra, Paco Prieto, Juan Agapito, Vanesa Lobato, Henry Anchante,
Edita Murrugarra
UPC H, Peru
Foundation Ctic, Spain

Infoculture: A Barrier for the Access to Permanent Education?
Marcia Rendeiro, Cristine Vieira, Debora Teixeira, Alexandra Monteiro
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/Telessaude, Brazil

MENTORbike - Intelligent and Automated Training Support with a
Boris Feodoroff, Alexandra Chapko, Michael Schlicker, Alexander Schmitt,
Horst Walter, Volker Stuetzinger
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln Zentrum für Gesundheit, Germany
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Germany
INTERACTIVE Software Solutions, Germany
BitifEye Digital Test Solutions, Germany
Benchmark Drives, Germany

Modeling Extraction of Temporal Knowledge from Patient Records
Valerian Agbasonu, Augustina Ogini, Udoka Nnodum
Imo State University, Nigeria
Federal Medical Centre Owerri, Nigeria

Nursing Professionals' Barriers for the Use of Educational
Technologies: An Integrative Literature Review
Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Patrícia de Carvalho Nagliate, Paula Cristina
Nogueira, Simone de Godoy, Alessandra Mazzo, Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes
University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO
C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil

OASIS II Implementation and Preliminary Results in Bonsaaso
Millennium Village, Ghana
Seth Ohemeng-Dapaah
Millennium Village Project, MDG West and Central Africa C enter Bamako, Mali

Patients on ARV Treatment in Burkina Faso: Analysis of the cohort of
2010 Patients on ARV Treatment
Zabsonre Inoussa, M.J. Sanou, G.R. Cazal
Burkina Faso

Predicting a Single HIV Drug Resistance Measure from Three
International Interpretation Gold Standards
Yashik Singh, Maurice Mars
Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Privacy Preserving Data Mining Technology
Asmaa Rashid, Norizan Binti Mohd Yasin
University of Malaya, Malaysia

Proposal of a Course Script and Model in a Virtual Learning
Maria Trevizan, Carlos Seixas, Simone Godoy, Alessandra Mazzo, José
Martins, Isabel Mendes
University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, Brazil
Nursing School of Coimbra, Portugal

Quality Healthcare for Deprived Rural Population
Nazir Ahmed Vaid
eHealth Services, Pakistan

Regional Telemedicine Network for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Treatment and Control
Anton Vladzymyrskyy, Vladimir Mozgovoy
Donetsk National Medical University, Ukraine
Donetsk Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital, Ukraine

Results of Online Remote Technical Support towards a Telecardiology
Project in Southern Brazil
Robert Timm, Adolfo Sparenberg, Gabriel Fetter da Silva, Edmilson Siqueira
eHealth C entre/Cardiology Institute of RS, Brazil

Rural Tele-Healthcare Project
Manoj Kalra
Libra MedTrans, India

Semantic Web and its Application in Health System
Elahe Omidvari, Fatemeh Ghandali, Nahid Mirzaei
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Small Clinics CRM; A Key Factor in Promotion of Follow-Up Care (A
Proposed Framework for Iranian Healthcare System)
Behzad Karimzad Sharifi, Solmaz Massah, S. Kamal Chaharsooghi, Rezayat
Department of IT Management, Electronic Branch, Islamic Azad University,
University C ollege of Nabi Akram, Iran
Industrial Eng. Department, School of Eng., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Smart Homes in 2012: When the Floor Becomes Intelligent for People
with Loss of Autonomy
Laurent Billonnet, Marion Fayet, Amélie Le Roux, Damien Marbouty, Claire
Peurichard, Alexandre Besnier, Jérémy Bonnin, Florian Rabiller, Marion Soulié,
Emmanuel Desbordes, Jean-Michel Dumas
University of Limoges, ENSIL, France
Jean Favard High School, France

Smartphone Adoption by Doctors and Medical Staff. A Case Study
Georgios Kolostoumpis, Georgios Giakoumis, Kleanthi Makrygiannaki
University of C ity, Greece
General Hospital of Athens: Alexandra, Greece

Smartphones in Preventing Blindness: Teleophthalmology
Assessment of Diabetic Retinopathy Fundus Images
Sajeesh Kumar
University of Pittsburgh, USA

Social Media for Health and Wellness Promotion
Manish Nachnani, Neeraj Kakkar

Social Media- Health IT - Behavioural Finance Improving Healthcare
Behaviour by Using Social Media and Health 2.0
Manish Nachnani, Neeraj Kakkar

Social Networks and Telehealth: Telehealth UERJ-Brazil's Experience
in Preventing Childhood Obesity at Schools
Marta Rocha, Joao Neves, Rodrigo Santos, Munique Santos, Edson Diniz,
Alexandra Monteiro
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Software for Low Cost Digitalization of Radiographic Films in
Teleradiology: Telehealth Center UERJ RJ Brazil
Alexandra Monteiro, Amit Bhaya, Edson Diniz, Jaime Grande, Leonardo
Ferreira, Marta Rocha
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sustainability Plan for MEDNet Project in Brazil
Despina Rizou, Joao Carlos Cavalcanti da Silveira
Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Santa C asa Hospital Porto Alegre, Brazil

Telehealth as Professional Update: The Experience of Telehealth UERJ
Brazil Networks Program in Distance Education Course
Munique Santos, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha, Edson Diniz,
Alexandra Monteiro
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Telehealth UERJ RJ-Brazil Networks: The Impact of Using
Technologies for Teleconsulting
Rodrigo Santos, Munique Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha, Edson Diniz,
Alexandra Monteiro
       State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

       Telehealth UERJ RJ-Brazil: Innovating by the Fusion of Technologies
       for Teleconferences
       Munique Santos, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha, Edson Diniz,
       Alexandra Monteiro
       State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

       Telehealth UERJ RJ-Brazil: The Impact of Using Technologies for
       Health Education
       Edson Diniz, Marta Rocha, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Munique Santos,
       Alexandra Monteiro
       State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

       Telemedicine and Use of Emerging Technologies - Kinect(microsoft)
       and Augmented Reality
       Manish Nachnani, Neeraj Kakkar

       Teleradiology at Emergency Units in Rio de Janeiro: Reporting
       Telehealth UERJ-Brazil Experience on the Issue
       Alexandra Monteiro, Edson Diniz, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha,
       Munique Santos
       State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

       The Canadian e-Health for Haiti Initiative
       Richard Scott, Moné Palacios, Camila Maturana, Courtney Sieben
       University of C algary, Canada

       Treating the Needy Patients Free
       Pramesh Koirala
       Health C oncern, Nepal

       U-CARE – A Research Program on Psychosocial Care via the Internet
       Jonas Sjöström, Sven Alfonsson, E. Olsson
       Uppsala University, Sweden

       University Network in Telemedicine (RUTE) and Telehealth Brazililian
       Networks: Telehealth UERJ Center RJ-Brazil
       Edson Diniz, Munique Santos, Rodrigo Santos, Marta Rocha, Joao Neves,
       Alexandra Monteiro
       State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Friday 20 April 2012
Conference Room 1

International Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives and Developments (2)
C hair: TBC

       Computer-aided Classification of Lymph Nodes in Patient with Loco -
       Regionally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer
       Nikola C ihoric, Branimir Reljin, Nikola Reljin, Milorad Paskas, Dubravka Jevtic,
       Michael Schmücking
       Inselspital, C linic for Radiooncology, University of Bern, Switzerland
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia

       Musculoskeletal Telerehabilitation User Satisfaction: Preliminary
       Report Based on CLEAR Project
       Karolina Krawczak, Wojciech Glinkowski, Dominika Cabaj, Anna Czyzewska,
       Katarzyna Walesiak, Andrzej Gorecki
       C hair and Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Locomotor
       System, Poland
       C enter of Excellence "TeleOrto", Poland
       Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
       Polish Telemedicine Society, Poland

       Telemedicine: India Country Report
       Saroj Kanta Mishra
       Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), India

       Opportunities for and Barriers to eHealth and Telemedicine
       Implementation: A South African Perspective
       Lynn Ncala, Moretlo Molefi
       South Africa

       ARTEC – Remote Consultation and Medical Information System
       Roberto Schliesser
       eWaveMD, Israel

Regional Initiatives in Telemedicine and eHealth (1)
C hair: TBC

       Asynchronous and Synchronous Teleneonatology – Clinical
       Experience at National and Regional Levels
       Anton Vladzymyrskyy, Olga Ryaskova
       Association for Ukrainian Telemedicine and eHealth Development, Ukraine
       Donetsk Municipal Clinical Hospital N6, Ukraine

       eHealth: Case Studies in the Czech Republic
       Lenka Lhotska, Jana Zvarova, Libor Seidl
       C zech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
       Euromise Center, Czech Republic

       Biotelemetry Tool for Healthcare in Local Area
       Jocelio Barbosa, Daniel Goroso, Leonardo Juan Ramirez Lopez
       Mogi das C ruzes University, Brazil
       Nueva Granada University, Brazil

       National Strategy on Telehealth for Slovenia – One Year Progress in
       Preparation of The Document
       Drago Rudel, Tina Vidjen, Jozef Gaspersic, Marko Breskvar
       The Slovenian Medical Informatics Association, Slovenia

       Data Privacy Protection of Medical Data in a National Context
       Uwe Roth, Heiko Zimmermann, Stefan Benzschawel
       C RP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg

       Challenges of Implementing Telemedicine Projects, the Limpopo
       Saskia Nysschens, Moretlo Molefi
Telemedicine Africa, South Africa

Regional Initiatives in Telemedicine and eHealth (2)
C hair: TBC

       VA SCAN-ECHO Initiative
       Gerald Grass
       Veterans Administration Connecticut Healthcare System, USA

       The Experience of Developing an Electronic Advance Care Plan for
       Residents of Aged Care Facilities in Australia
       Sharon Condon, Isabelle Ellis, Robyn Brogan, Colleen Cheek, Elizabeth
       C ummings, Peter Orpin, Timothy Skinner
       Rural C linical School, University of Tasmania, Australia
       School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Tasmania, Australia
       School of Computing and Information Services, University of Tasmania,
       University Department of Rural Health (UDRH), University of Tasmania,

       Innovation for Welfare, Turning Welfare Challenges into Business
       Mariona Sanz Ausas, Lieke van Alphen
       Director of International R+D Division, ACC1O, Spain
       Policy Advisor European affairs, Province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands

       acCURAte-Business (CURA-B): Enabling the Innovative Power of
       Entrepreneurs to Strengthen Services in Health and Social Care
       Arend Roos
       Program Manager IZ-Zeeland, Economische Impuls Zeeland, The Netherlands

       The CAPTOS Story: 15 Years of Rural Professional's Capacity Building
       through Videonferencing. How Has It Happened?
       Sue Foley, Ken Nunn
       The C hildren's Hospital at Westmead, Australia

Conference Room 2

Promoting Telemedicine/eHealth Practice: ISfTeH Student Videoconference
C hair: Maurice Mars, South African Telemedicine Association, S outh Africa

       Presented by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) -
       Student Working Group

       The 3D Posture Telediagnostics: Preliminary Efficiency Study
       Agnieszka Zukowska, Bozena Glinkowska, Jakub Michonski, Robert Sitnik,
       Wojciech Glinkowski
       Students Scientific C lub - "TeleHealth", Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
       Department of Sports and Physical Education, Medical University of Warsaw,
      Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Warsaw University of Technology,
      C hair and Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Locomotor
      System, Poland
      C enter of Excellence "TeleOrto", Poland
      Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
      Polish Telemedicine Society, Poland

      The Development of Web-Based Surveying Platform for eHealth and
      Clinical Telemedicine
      Bartlomiej Lukasik, Wojciech Glinkowski, Krzysztof Marasek
      Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland
      C hair and Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Locomotor
      System, Poland
      C enter of Excellence "TeleOrto", Poland
      Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
      Polish Telemedicine Society, Poland

      Telemedicine - Future of Universal Healthcare in India
      Shobhit Rastogi, Neha Singhal
      Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India

      IT Solution to the Quality Problem of Medical Laboratory
      Documentation (Case Study: Cameroon)
      Fatimatou Wefuan
      Tromsø, Norway

      Validation of Physiological Data Transmission System
      Raphael Ferreira, Jeferson Rosario, Maicon Much, Ismael Scheffler, Thais
      Toth Technology, Brazil

      Best Presentation Award - ISfTeH Students Videoconference Session

C hair: TBC

      The Art of Learning and Integrating; Improving Quality and
      Affordability of Health Care Through the eHealth Package
      Nicolaas Moens
      IIC D (International Institute for C ommunication and Development), The

      TRANSFoRm: Vision of a Healthcare Learning System
      Vasa C urcin, Adel Taweel, Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Mark McGilchrist, Siobhan
      C larke, Derek Corrigan, Brendan Delaney
      Imperial College London, UK
      King's C ollege London, UK
      University of Birmingham, UK
      University of Dundee, UK
      University of Dublin, Ireland
      Royal C ollege of Surgeons in Ireland, Ireland

      Using Social Media and Health IT to Promote Health and Wellness and
      Provide Healthcare Education to Health Workers
      Manish Nachnani

       Laparoscopic Surgery Education and a Multinational Project for
       Distance Learning
       Levent Avtan, Cavit Avci, Guy-Bernard Cadière
       Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Turkey
       C HU Saint Pierre, Service of General Surgery, Belgium

       Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance by E-Health Initiatives: At
       Distance Education Program
       Rodrigo Santos, Loriane Konkewicz, Nadia Kuplich, Marcia Pires, Carem
       Lovatto, Sandra Gastal, Cristiane Borella, Jamila Grigolo, Elisa Conter
       Infection Control C ommittee, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil
       e-Health Program, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil

       Technology Use for Health Education to Caregivers: An Integrative
       Review of Nursing Literature
       Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes, Paula C ristina Nogueira, Patrícia de Carvalho
       Nagliate, Simone de Godoy, Elaine Rangel
       University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO
       C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil
       Federal University of Piaui, Brazil

       Telemedicine in the Training and the Services of a General Surgery
       Service in Mali
       Seydou Tidiane Traore, Djibril Sangare, Sadio Yena, C heick Omar Bagayoko,
       Sambou Soumare, Mahamadou Toure
       "C entre d'Expertise et de Recherche en Télémédecine et E-Santé", Mali
       C hirurgie A, CHU Point G, Mali
       Hopital du Mali, Mali

eHealth for Low Resource Settings and Developing Countries
C hair: TBC

       TeleMedicine Initiatives in Pakistan - A Model for the Healthcare
       Deprived Nations
       Nazir Ahmed Vaid
       eHealth Services, Pakistan

       HealthHope for Developing Nations, World Wide
       Nalinni Gupta, Sam Gulve
       Innovate Vertical Solutions, India

       Feasibility and Diagnostic Accuracy of Internet-based Dynamic
       Telepathology between Uganda and Germany
       Dan Wamala, Achilles Katamba, Otto Dworak
       Mulago Hospital, Uganda
       Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, School of Medicine, Makerere University,
       C ollege of Health Sciences Kampala, Uganda
       Institute of Pathology, Fuerth Teaching Hospital of the University of Erlangen,

       Patients on ARV Treatment in Burkina Faso: Analysis of the cohort of
       2009 Patients on ARV treatment at 12 months
       Zabsonre Inoussa, M.J. Sanou, G.R. Cazal
       Burkina Faso

       Forensic Telepsychiatry: A Solution For the Developing World
Maurice Mars
        Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of MEdicine, University of
        KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

        One Thousand Web-based Tele-consults: Analysis of What the
        Patients Ask and the Challenge of Replying
        Reza Assadi
        Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran

        Basic e-Health Service for the Unconnected Rural Poor: A Simplified
        Sultanur Reza
        Grameenphone, Bangladesh

        Promoting an Enabling Environment for ICT in the Health Sector in
        Udoka Lydia Nnodum
        Federal Medical Centre Owerri, Nigeria

        Vulnerability and Effects of Climate Change to Older People in Africa
        Aisha Namutebi, Solome Nanteza
        Youth C rime Watch Uganda, Uganda

        Comparative Diagnosis of the Situation of Telehealth in Nine
        Countries in Latin America
        Alaneir de Fatima dos Santos, Humberto Jose Alves, Luis Ari Messina, Simone
        dos Santos, Claudio Souza
        Federal University of Minas Gerais School of Medicine, Brazil
        University Telemedicine Network/Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazil

        E-Health Readiness Assessment Framework (EHRAF) in Iran
        Majid Rezai-Rad, Reza Vaezi, Farzaneh Nattagh, Hormoz Sanaei Nasab
        Allameh Tabatabai University, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Iran
        Dept. of Health Education & Promotion, Univ. of Baqyiatallah Medical Sciences
        (UBMS), School of Health, Iran

Conference Room 3

Telecardiology (2)
C hair: Toon Poppe, Heart Link Online, Belgium

        The EVOLVO Study: Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure Patients with
        Implantable Defibrillator
        C ristina Masella, Gabriella Borghi, Maurizio Marzegalli, Sergio Valsecchi,
        Maurizio Landolina, Paolo Zanaboni, Giovanni B. Perego, Milan Maurizio
        Lunati, Milan Antonio Curnis
        DIG - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
        C efriel, Italy
        C arlo Borromeo Hospital, Italy
        Medtronic Italia, Italy
        Fondazione Policlinico S. Matteo IRCCS, Italy
        Istituto Auxologico S. Luca Hospital, Italy
        Niguarda Hospital, Italy
        Ospedali Civili, Brescia, Italy

        A Device for Separation of Heart Sound from Respiratory Sound Using
        Lab-View during Auscultation
Yogesh Gaidhane, Peter Cudd, Mahesh Pawar, Abhay Gaidhane, Zahiruddin
       Quazi Syed
       SVSS College of Engineering and Research, India
       ScHARR, University of Sheffield, UK
       Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, India

       Health Link Online Wireless Online Real Time Transmission of all
       Health Data to Dedicated Portal and Authori Database
       Toon Poppe
       Heart Link Online, Belgium

       MARATHON, a Cardiac Rehabilitation Institutional Grade Treadmill: An
       Overview and Challenges
       Georgios Kolostoumpis, Anatoli Tsiaousidis, Kleanthi Makrygiannaki
       University of C ity, Greece
       WolfMedica Medizintechnick, Germany
       Alexandra University Hospital, Greece

       TelMedHome - Fast and Cheap Home Care Monitoring of the Patients
       with Cardiac Diseases
       Ryszard Krzyminiewski
       Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

       Yardsticks And Dashboards for Telemedicine Maturity: A
       Teleradiology Case Study
       Liezl Van Dyk, Myra Triegaardt
       Stellenbosch University, South Africa

eHealth in Support of Routine Healthcare Practice (2)
C hair: Saskia Timmer, Webber autismcare2.0, Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, The Netherlands

       Standard Operating Procedures for Telemedical Care in Emergency
       Medical Services
       C hristian Buescher, Harold Fischermann, Frederik Hirsch, Marie-Thérèse
       Schneiders, Joerg Brokmann, Daniel Schilberg, Sabina Jeschke
       IMA of RWTH Aachen University, Germany
       Department of Anaesthesiology, University Hospital Aachen, Germany

       Specifying Workflow Requirements for Holistic Care
       Flora Malamateniou, Mikaela Poulymenopoulou, George Vassilacopoulos
       University of Piraeus, Department of Digital Systems, Greece

       Autismecare2.0, A New Approach for Mental Health Care
       Saskia Timmer, Astrid van Dijk
       Webber autismcare2.0, Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, The Netherlands

       Personal Health Record Market Ecosystem: An Analysis of Key
       Success Factors
       André Schiltz, Jean-Marc Temerson, Gilles Zanolin
       France Telecom - Orange Labs, France

       A Systematic Review of IT Based Health Interventions
       Frederik Kerssenfischer, Tobias Fritsch

       Effects for Age-Related Diseases
       Fabio Buccolini, Alessandro Pinto, Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson, Luzia
Valentini, Patrizia D'Alessio, Florence Pryen, Jean-François Loumeau, Zoubida
       C harouf, Jennifer Piquet, Andrea Melini, Lorenzomaria Donini, Barbara Neri,
       Annarita Proiett, Aurora Aiello, Jessica Durrieu, Christèle Blanc-Bisson,
       Patrizia Brigidi, Silvana Hrelia, Patrizia Hrelia, Emanuela Leoncini, Sabrina
       Angelini, Alessandra Baccigotti, Rita Ostan, Claudio Franceschi
       Vox Net, Italy
       University of Rome SAPIENZA, Italy
       C entre Henri Choussat Hopital Xavier Arnozan, France
       C HARITE Hospital, Germany
       AISA, France
       AC TIAL, Portugal
       University of Bologna, Italy

       Interoperability in Integrated Biomedical Systems
       Lenka Lhotska, Michal Huptych, Miroslav Bursa
       C zech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

       Enhancing M-Health Services: eWaveMD Telemedicine Solution for
       Ethiopia - A Practical Approach
       Roberto Schliesser
       eWaveMD, Israel

Distance Consultations
C hair: TBC

       Patient Centered Telemedicine - Virtual Exam Room
       Nicole Hill, Doug Charles
       Alcatel-Lucent, France
       Alcatel-Lucent, USA

       Anatomy of a Teleconsultation
       Jacques Cinqualbre, Damien Uhlrich, Nicolas Grosse, Medy Benzeghba,
       C lément Cohen, Florian Duchesne, Gregory Galiana, Claude Bronner
       HOPI medical, France
       NEOLINKS, France
       APIMA, France

       Roadmap Dermato-ICT Model and Possible Opportunity to Explore in
       the Field to Establish
       Reza Bin Zaid, Dara Bin Zaid, Arkanul Islam, Ali Ahsan Rupok, Al Mamun
       Bipu, Nuruzzaman Milon, Jamila Begum
       Telemedicine Working Group Bangladesh, Bangladesh
       Grameenphone, Bangladesh
       Lab Aid Specialized Hospital, Bangladesh

       CLAHRC Health Improvement Support System (HISS)
       Vasa C urcin, Thomas Woodcock, Julie Reed, Derek Bell
       Imperial College London, UK
       C helsea & Westminster Hospital, UK

       Construction and Evaluation of a Website on Health of the Elderly
       Isabel Mendes, Ariana Souza, Elaine Andrade, Maria Helena Luz, Maria do
       Livramento Figueiredo, Maria Axiliadora Trevizan
       University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO
       C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil
       Department of Nursing of the Health Sciences Center at the Federal
       University of Piaui, Brazil
Using a Teleophthalmology Service to Facilitate the Appropriate
        Referral of Patients with Diabetic Eye Disease
        Sam Surka, Juzer Surka
        Medical Research Council, South Africa
        Walter Sisulu University and Nelson Mandela Hospital, South Africa

        Texting: The Way We Prefer to Communicate?
        Kristie Holmes
        Union University, USA

Conference Room 4

Benefits of Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC) (1)
C hair: TBC

        Presented in cooperation with the International Medical Informatics
        Association, European Federation for Medical Informatics, International
        Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

        Application of Open Source Software in Clinical Daily Routine:
        Position of German and European Hospital CIOs
        Holger Schmuhl, Oliver Heinze, Björn Bergh
        University Hospital Heidelberg, Dept. of Information Technology and Medical
        Engineering, Germany

        Creation of an Integral Distributed Tele-Ophthalmology System
        Diego Garcia Morate, Ismael Miranda-Diez, Javier Tovar-Velasco, Juan Nieto,
        C arlos Barrales-Ruiz
        MetaEmotion, Spain
        Hospital de Avila, Spain

        An Open Source Software Tool for Creating and Managing Patient
        Consents Electronically In IHE XDS.b environments
        Oliver Heinze, Markus Birkle, Holger Schmuhl, Björn Bergh
        University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

        USB-boot Cloud Type Remote-desktop System Built by Open Source
        Atsushi Hosokawa, Naoki Nakayama
        Prefectual University of Hiroshima, Japan
        MSEC , Japan

International Workshop on Biomedical Informatics (BmI’12)
C hair: Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, Professor of Computer Science, Head of Biomedical
Informatics & Knowledge Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of C omputer and
Information sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

        The main objective of the International Workshop on Biomedical Informatics
        (BmI'12) is to highlight, promote and disseminate new methodologies and
        technologies in the field of biomedical informatics. The Workshop aims to
        assemble the professionals related to the field of biomedical engineering,
computer science, IT, bioinformatics, biotechnology, electronics,
communication, biological, medical, pharmaceutical and healthcare into a
single arena. "Telemedicine and eHealth" are the main themes of the

The BmI'12 will provide an excellent opportunity for sharing experiences,
knowledge and ideas amongst researchers, physicians and informatics
scientists from academia and practitioners.

It is devoted to discussion of current research of the methodologies,
techniques and technologies of artificial intelligence in medicine and
healthcare. In addition, the convergence of artificial intelligence and web
technologies is enabling the creation and implementation of a new generation
of the intelligent medical knowledge-based technology. Such technology will
provide a unique opportunity to distribute learning/education /training across
multiple sites while dramatically reducing travel related costs. Moreover,
these new technologies are opening up huge possibilities for disabled people
to gain better access to education and training.

Organized by the Biomedical Informatics & Knowledge Engineering Research
Unit, Faculty of C omputer and Information sciences, Ain Shams University,
C airo, Egypt, the International Workshop on Biomedical Informatics will
combine stimulating research, presentations and practical examples with
informal networking. The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to
know about the latest advances, applications and future trends connected to
biomedical informatics and its application in Telemedicine/eHealth.

Building OBR-based OWL Ontology for Viral Hepatitis
Ibrahim Moawad, Galal AL Marzoqi, Abdel-Badeeh Salem
Ain shams University, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Egypt

Analyses and New Ways for Hospital Information Systems
Vesselin Gueorguiev, Ivan Evgeniev Ivanov
TU Sofia, Bulgaria

Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation for Liver Cancer
Marco Alfonse, Mostafa Aref, Abdel-Badeeh Salem
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Egypt

Collaborative Development of Dermatovenereology Ontology
Tatiana Gavrilova, Roman Ravodin, Eraterina Bolotnikova, A.V. Kotko
Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

Machine Learning Approach for Processing Myocardial Perfusion
SPECT Images
Shymaa Elrefaie, Ken Revett, Abdel-Badeeh Salem
Vodafone, Egypt
British University, Egypt
Ain Shams University, Egypt

A Multi-Modal Biosignal Based Approach to Stress Detection During
Human Computer Interaction
Wael Khalifa, Kenneth Revett, Abdel Badeeh Salem, Mohamed Roushdy
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Egypt
British University, Egypt

Software for Transfusion Laboratory Practice
Polina Mihova, Iliya Pendzhurov, Jivka Vinarova, Antoaneta Timcheva
Biomedical Science Department, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria

       Using Location Information to Improve Security of Patient's
       Electronic Healthcare Records in Areas with Shortage of Healthcare
       Zanifa Omary, Fredrick Mtenzi, Bing Wu
       School of Computing, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

       Data Mining and it's Applications in Medical Fields
       Nahid Mirzaei, Elahe Omidvari, Fatemeh Ghandali
       Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Benefits of Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC) (2)
C hair: TBC

       Presented in cooperation with the International Medical Informatics
       Association, European Federation for Medical Informatics, International
       Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

       New Openings for Open Standards in Healthcare
       Kazimierz Fraczkowski, Antoni Zwiefka
       Institute of Informatics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
       Lower Silesian Voivodeship Marshal Office, Health Policy Department, Poland

       Moodle Report: The Cornerstone between Teaching Activities dnd
       Students' Performance
       C arlos Kiyan, Maria Zolfo, Mandana Mehta, Freya Rasschaert, Lut Lynen
       Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium

       How to Make Use of a Wiki for Knowledge and Information
       Management in an Imaging Department
       Volker Lapczynski
       Akershus University Hospital, Norway

       Enabling Innovation by Open Hospital Architecture: the AEXIST Open
       Source Electronic Health Record initiative
       Remko Hoekstra
       AEXIST, The Netherlands

       Embracing eHealth: Free and Open Source (FOSS) Opportunities
       Salesio Kiura, Peterson Ontunya
       Kenya Methodist University, Kenya

       MECES – An Open Access, Secure, and Multi Language Medical
       Communication System
       Klaus Kayser, Stephan Borkenfeld, Amina Djenouni, Antonio Born, Dagmar
       Wind, Gian Kayser
       C harite, Germany

       Round up of the FLOSS-HC sessions and discussion of new
       developments and collaboration opportunities
Moderator: Thomas Karopka, EFMI LIFOSS WG & IMIA OS WG, Germany

 Conference Room 5

 International Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives and Developments (3)
 C hair: TBC

         Telemedicine Network Used for Team Building Contributes to Improve
         Case Management in the Remote Areas of Mongolia
         Densmaa Baldorj, Bolormaa Purev, Mungunchimeg Dagva, Mungun-Ulzii
         Khurelbaatar, Didier Patte
         Dornod Regional Diagnostic and Treatment C enter, Mongolia
         C ardiovascular Center Project, Mongolia
         C ardiovascular Center Project, France

         E-Health Dilemma in the Next 10 Years
         Vesselin Gueorguiev, Ivan Evgeniev Ivanov, Desislava Georgieva, Maria
         TU Sofia, Bulgaria

         Trauma Telemedicine: Providing Real-Time Solutions to Real-Time
         Antonio Marttos, Fernanda Kuchkarian, Daniel Rojas, Gabriel Alonso, Jeffrey
         University of Miami, USA

         Telemental Health in Biomedicine and Ayurveda: An Analysis of
         Online Health Forums in Slovenia and India
         Tanja Ahlin, Bianca Brijnath
         Heidelberg University, Germany
         Monash University, Australia

Organizer: ISf TeH - St. Urbangasse 2 - 8001 Zürich - Switzerland
Secret ariat: TSI - Waardbeekdreef 1 - 1850 Grimbergen - Belgium
Venue: LUXEXPO S.A . - 10 circuit de la Foire Internationale - L-1347 Luxembourg

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Med e-tel

  • 1. Educational Hotel Press Knowledge Sponsor/Ex hi bitor Visitor Partners Proceedings Program Travel Center Resources Inf o Call f or A bstracts Program Med-e-Tel 2012 Conference Program Below is the Med-e-Tel 2012 conference program, listed per day and per conference room. This program is subject to change. Details of various sessions will still be completed. Check back regularly for updates. Click here for a general overview of the Med-e-Tel 2012 schedule of events. Go to Wednesday 18 April 2012 Go to Thursday 19 April 2012 Go to Friday 20 April 2012 Wednesday 18 April 2012 Conference Room 1 09:30-10:00 Opening Ceremony Opening addresses by: Frank Lievens Director, Med-e-Tel Andy Fischer President, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth
  • 2. Najeeb Al-Shorbaji Director, Knowledge Management and Sharing (KMS), World Health Organization Mars Di Bartolomeo Minister of Health and Social Security, Luxembourg 11:00-13:00 Opening Session: Global Telemedicine and eHealth Update (1) C hair: Frank Lievens, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) Update on the Digital Agenda for Europe and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Peteris Zilgalvis Head of Unit, IC T for Health, DG Information Society and Media, European C ommission eHealth Interoperability and Standardization: Enabling Safer and Equitable Health Services Najeeb Al-Shorbaji Director, Knowledge Management and Sharing (KMS), World Health Organization International Council of Nurses eHealth Programme: Vision and Reality C laudia C . Bartz C oordinator, International Classification for Nursing Practice and ICN Telenursing Network, International Council of Nurses The Power of Interoperability: The Tsunami Response in Japan Frank Downing C ontinua Health Alliance Improving Access to Telehealth and Telecare Angela Single C hair, 3millionlives The Economics of eHealth Masatsugu Tsuji Professor of Economics, University of Hyogo, Japan & C oordinator, ISfTeH eHealth Economics Working Group 14:00-15:30 Global eHealth Strategies Symposium - Policy, Implementation and Deployment (1) C hair: Peteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit, ICT for Health, DG Information Society, European C ommission Hosted by the European Commission and the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)
  • 3. Welcome and Introduction to eHealth in the European Global Health Strategy Peteris Zilgalvis Head of Unit, IC T for Health, DG Information Society, European Commission Realizing the Full Potential of Information and Communication Technology in Health Yunkap Kwankam Executive Director, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth Title TBC Speaker TBC Orange Healthcare Critical Shortage of Health Care Workers - Enabling Technology Solutions to Address Capacity Building and Training Mike Gann Director, Global Healthcare, Intel World Ahead Program Title TBC C raig Friderichs Director of Health, GSMA Discussion 16:00-17:30 Global eHealth Strategies Symposium - Policy, Implementation and Deployment (2) C hair: Yunkap Kwankam, Executive Director, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth Hosted by the European Commission and the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) Title TBC Speaker TBC Accenture Telemedicine Regulation - How Not to Do It: A South African Experience Maurice Mars President, South African Telemedicine Association Head, Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa A Feasibility Study for the Provision of mHealth for Behavior Change in Prehypertension in Argentina, Guatemala and Peru
  • 4. Andrea Beratarrechea, Ariel Fernandez, Paola Letona, Rebecca Kanter, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Manuel Ramirez-Zea, Jaime Miranda, Adolfo Rubinstein Institute for C linical Effectiveness and Health Policy, Agentina Institute of Nutricion of Central America and Panama, Guatemala C enter of Excellence in Chronic Diseases, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru Deploying Innovative Mobile-based Telemedicine Systems using Open Source tools in Resource-poor Areas of the Philippines Jose Eugenio Quesada, Leo Anthony Celi, Christopher Moses Asia Pacific College, Philippines Laboratory of Computer Science, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Towards an International "eHealthInsurance" for Improved Support for Health Care in Developing Countries Eustache Muteba Ayumba Independent Researcher and IMIA C orrespondent, DR Congo Award Ceremony Conference Room 2 14:00-15:45 Mobile Health Solutions (1) C hair: Hammad Raza Durrani, Health and Operational Services Department Aga Khan University, Pakistan & French Medical Institute for Children, Afghanistan A Customizable Mobile Tool to Promote Health and Prevent Non- Communicable Diseases Leonardo Juan Ramirez Lopez, Daniel Goroso, Linamara Rizzo Mogi das C ruzes University, Brazil Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Institute, Hospital das Clinicas, Brazil Achieving Behavior Change among Pregnant Mothers Using Mobile Phones Shariq Khoja, Hammad Durrani, Abdul Muqeet, Dodo Khan, Shabina Raza AKDN eHealth Resources C entre (eHRC), Aga Khan University, Kenya Aga Khan University, Pakistan PANACeA (PAN Asian Collaboration for Evidence-based eHealth Adoption and Application), Pakistan Afghan Mobile Health: A Model for Community Health Pete Killcommons Medweb, USA An Effective Mobile Monitoring for Patients at Risk of Fainting Giovanna Sannino, Aniello Minutolo, Giuseppe De Pietro Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR), National Research Council (CNR), Italy Design, Deployment and Field Lessons for Mobile Phone and Tablet Based Mobile Healthcare Solutions Michael Setton Sensaris, France Evolution of Mobile e-Health Technology, Tools and Practices in India
  • 5. Saroj Kanta Mishra, Repu Daman Chand, Indra Pratap Singh Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), India School of Telemedicine & Biomedical Informatics, SGPGIMS, India Security Challenges for Remote Patient Care Systems using m -Health Technologies Syed Naqvi, Philippe Drugmand, Sebastien Rousseaux C ETIC, Belgium 16:00-17:45 Mobile Health Solutions (2) C hair: Valery Stolyar, Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russia Feasibility of mHealth for Rehabilitation – Pilot Study in Finland Reija Kuoremäki, Kirsi Ahde, Ari Heinonen, Juhani Multanen, Pekka Neittaanmäki University of Jyväskylä, Finland Mailafiya: How mHealth Can Overcome Challenging Circumstances Speaker TBC Mailafiya, Nigeria mHealth and Confidentiality – Understanding Cellphone Use in South Africa C aron Jack, Maurice Mars Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Mobile DSMS: An mHealth System to Increase the Availability of Peer- Support in a Type II Diabetic Population Salys Sultan, Permanand Mohan The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago Portable Telemedical System with an Intelligent Expert System for Doctor Decision Making Support in Emergency Situations Anton Panfilov, Valery Stolyar T-smart, Russia Bakoulev Center for C ardiovascular Surgery, Russia Russia: Experience in Using Portable Telemedical Systems Valery Stolyar, Anton Panfilov Bakoulev Center for C ardiovascular Surgery, Russia T-smart, Russia The Potential of mHealth Technology Incorporation in Brazil Maria C ysne, Milena Marcolino, Junia Maia, Lemuel Cunha, Weslley C arvalho, C laudson de Souza, Beatriz Alkmim Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Medical School, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Conference Room 3 14:00-15:45 Innovative Technologies for Mental Healthcare C hair: Brenda Wiederhold, Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Belgium Presented in cooperation with the International Association of
  • 6. CyberPsychology, Training and Rehabilitation User-friendly ICT Tools to Enhance Self-Management and Effective: Treatment of Depression in the EU Hugo Silva, Pepijn van de Ven, Eric Tousset, Mario Ricardo Henriques, Mark Hoogendoorn, Michel Klein Smart Wearable Sensors for Biomedical Data Monitoring in the Treatment of Depression Joana Sousa, Hugo Silva, Nuno Santos, Paulo Aires Help4Mood: First Release of a Computational Distributed System to Support the Treatment of Patients with Major Depression Soraya Estevez, Juan Carlos Castro, Maria Wolters i2C at Foundation, Research & Innovation Centre, Barcelona, Spain University of Edinburgh, UK VERVE: Personalised Virtual Reality Scenarios for Groups at Risk of Social Exclusion C arol O'Sullivan, Eugenie Roudaia, Philipp Slusallek Trinity C ollege Graphics Lab (GV2), Ireland Trinity C ollege Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN), Ireland German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany INTERSTRESS Project: An Innovative Clinical Validated Solution for the Management of Stress Disorders Brenda Wiederhold, Daniele Pizzioli, Giuseppe Riva, Andrea Gaggioli Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Belgium Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Italy Semiotics and Semantics: Tools For an Effective Appropriation of Information, Communication and Health Technologies C arine Duteil-Mougel, Anne Geslin-Beyaert, Laurent Billonnet, Nicole Pignier, Didier Tsala-Effa, Jean-Michel Dumas C eReS, ENSIL, University of Limoges, France XLIM, ENSIL, University of Limoges, France Requirements for a Software-Intensive Ecosystem for Telemedicine Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Michael Christensen, Klaus Marius Hansen, Konstantinos Manikas, Surayya Urazimbetova Aarhus University, Denmark University of C openhagen, Denmark 16:00-17:30 Evidence of Telehealth Outcomes (1) C hair: Birthe Dinesen, Aalborg University, Denmark Chronic Care Management in Telemedicine: A Way to Tackle Chronic Diseases Mascha Bethke, Eva Blozik, Nicole Toelle, Jan von Overbeck Swiss C enter for Telemedicine Medgate, Switzerland
  • 7. Effectiveness of a Chronic Care Management Programme for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Mascha Bethke, Eva Blozik, Nicole Toelle, Jan von Overbeck Swiss C enter for Telemedicine Medgate, Switzerland Telemedicine and Face-To-Face Health Care: Synergy or Opposition? Eva Blozik, Jan von Overbeck Swiss C enter for Telemedicine Medgate, Switzerland Telerehabilitation Programme: Lessons Learned From the TELEKAT Project Birthe Dinesen, Carl Nielsen, Ove Grann, Stig Andersen, Ole Hejelsen, Egon Toft Aalborg University, Denmark Aalborg Hospital, Denmark 3GP, Denmark Using IVR Technology to Expand Clinical Capacity and Improve the Quality of Life for Older, Chronically Ill Patients Jeremy Rich, Chan Chuang, Janelle Howe, Lori Larson HealthC are Partners Institute, HealthCare Partners Medical Group, USA A Research Initiative toward the Remote Chronic Disease Management: The CHRONIOUS Project Paolo Bertele, Cristina Masella, Simona Solvi, Leonardo Govoni School of Management, MIP Politecnico di Milano, Italy Conference Room 4 14:00-15:30 Telecardiology (1) C hair: Maria Beatriz Alkmim, Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Prevalence of Normal Electrocardiograms in Primary Care Patients: A Study by a Telemedicine Service in Brazil Milena Marcolino, Maria Beatriz Alkmim, Daniel Palhares, Antonio Luiz Ribeiro Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Medical School, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil University Hospital, Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro, Brazil A Public Telecardiology Network in Southern Brazil: Results of Phase II (1st Year) Adolfo Sparenberg, Gabriel Fetter eHealth C entre, Institute of Cardiology of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil Medical Association of Sao Lourenço do Sul, Brazil Applicability of Tele-Electrocardiography at Public Health Systems Marcia Rendeiro, Eduardo Maia, Sidnei Otavio Vicente Franco Secretaria Municipal de Saude/Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Teleconsulting for Collaborative Diagnosis and Care of Heart Malformations in Balkan Countries Alessandro Taddei, Emiliano Rocca, Tiziano Carducci, Nadia Assanta, Giorgio Ricci, Bruno Murzi G. Monasterio CNR/Tuscany Region Foundation - G. Pasquinucci Heart
  • 8. Hospital, Italy "Un C uore un Mondo" Association, Italy Heart Failure Model for Assessment of Different Intervention Programs Jörg Schröttner, Peter Vincent Harter, Alexander Lassnig, Peter Kastner Institute of Health C are Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Information Management and eHealth, Austria Identification of Heart Patients' Everyday Need – Based on User- Driven Innovation Lisa Haesum, Gitte Nielsen, Stine Hangaard, Ole Hejlesen, Birthe Dinesen Aalborg University, Denmark Vendsyssel Hospital, Denmark 16:00-17:30 eHealth in Hospital Care C hair: Thomas Lux, Competence Center eHealth Ruhr, Germany Implementation of an Electronic Hospital Information System in Nigeria - a Case Study of Federal Medical Centre Owerri Valerian Agbasonu Imo State University, Nigeria Development of an e-Health Platform for the Management of Hospitalized Patients Jeferson Rosario, Ismael Scheffler, Maximiliano Correa, Guilherme Haas, Thais Russomano Toth Technology, Brazil Application of eBase of Medical Data of the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia-IORS Hospital Cancer Registry Dragana Jovicevic, Biljana Brankovic, Ana Jovicevic Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Serbia Antimicrobial Stewardship through Telemedicine in a Community Hospital in Remote Brazil Rodrigo dos Santos, C aroline Deutchendorf, Otavio Carvalho, Erci Siliprandi, Robert Timm, Adolfo Sparenberg Infection Control C ommittee, Instituto de C ardiologia de Porto Alegre, Brazil eHealth C enter, Instituto de Cardiologia de Porto Alegre, Brazil Hospital Engineering - Business Engineering in Health Care Thomas Lux, Roland Gabriel, Alexander Wagner, Patrick Bar tsch C ompetence Center eHealth Ruhr, Germany Co-evolutionary Multi-agent Pharmacoinformatics Tagelsir Mohamed Gasmelseid King Fisal University, Department of Computer Information Systems, College of C omputer Sciences and IT, Saudi Arabia Conference Room 5 14:00-15:30 Telenursing C hair: Claudia C Bartz, International Council of Nurses, USA
  • 9. Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) - Telenursing Working Group Technology Use for Health Education to Caregivers: An Integrative Review of Nursing Literature Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes, Paula C ristina Nogueira, Patrícia de Carvalho Nagliate, Simone de Godoy, Elaine Rangel University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil Federal University of Piaui, Brazil The Confusion Patient and Nursing Action Paulo Marques, Paulino Sousa, Abel Silva Oporto Nursing School (ESEP), Portugal Telenursing Execution: A Need for Fabrication of Needs Based Evidence Suman Sharma (virtual presentation) National Institute of Nursing Education, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, India Telehealth Nursing: Building Knowledge through Research C laudia C Bartz International Council of Nurses, USA Title TBC (virtual presentation by International Council of Nurses member/representative) Title TBC (virtual presentation by International Council of Nurses member/representative) 16:00-17:30 Security and Standards C hair: TBC Secure Data Exchange Based on Signature PKI Stefan Benzschawel, Heiko Zimmermann, Uwe Roth C RP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg Privacy Preserving of Medical Information Asmaa Rashid, Norizan Binti Mohd Yasin University of Malaya, Malaysia The Issue on eHealth Integration into Routine Statistics Enkhbold Sereenen, Jargalsaikhan Dondog, Khurelbaatar Nyamdavaa, C himedtsuren Ochir Ministry of Health, Mongolia HSU, Mongolia Towards An Integrated and Interoperable Platform for Telehealth and Telecare
  • 10. Malcolm C larke, Charles Palmer, Russell Jones Brunel University, UK Acute Technology, UK C horleywood Health Centre, UK RFID Technology and Its Application in Medical Science Fatemeh Ghandali, Elahe Omidvari, Nahid Mirzaei Tehran University and Medical Sciences, Iran eHealth Standardization to Meet Needs of Developing Countries Leonid Androuchko, Vladimir Androuchko Question 14 – Telecommunication in Healthcare, ITU-D Study Group 2, Telecommunication Development Bureau, International Telecommunication Union, Switzerland International University in Geneva, Switzerland Dominic Foundation, Switzerland Thursday 19 April 2012 Conference Room 1 09:00-10:30 Global Telemedicine and eHealth Update (2) C hair: Frank Lievens, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) eHealth – A Global View Lord Nigel C risp Ambassador, Global eHealth Ambassadors Programme (GeHAP) Hospital at Home (HAH) and the ICT Infrastructure Needed to Support Mark Blatt Worldwide Medical Director Intel, USA Use of eHealth for Health Systems Strengthening in Central Asia Hammad Durrani Health and Operational Services Department, Aga Khan University, Pakistan General Secretary, eHealth Association of Pakistan (eHAP) French Medical Institute for Children, Afghanistan Intelligent Technologies and Methodologies for Medical Knowledge Engineering Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem Head, Medical Informatics and Knowledge Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of C omputer & Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Egypt 11:00-13:00 eHealth Economics C hair: Masatsugu Tsuji, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo,
  • 11. Japan Hosted by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) - eHealth Economics Working Group Introducing Economical Criteria for Telehealth Implementation: An Application at the Telehealth Network of Minas Gerais Renato Minelli Figueira, Maria Beatriz Moreira Alkmim, Monica Pena de Abreu, Daniel Santos Neves, Antonio Luiz Ribeiro School of Engineering, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Medical School, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Retrospective Return on Investment Analysis of an Electronic Treatment Adherence Device Sean Broomhead, Maurice Mars Tintree International eHealth Leadership and Development, South Africa Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Four Years Evolution of a Teleconsultation Service in Minas Gerais, Brazil Junia Maia, Milena Marcolino, Beatriz Alkmim, Renato Figueira, Luciano Cruz, Geisa Silva Telehealth C enter, University Hospital, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Home Telemonitoring of Respiratory Function in Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Economic Evaluation and Quality of Life Sergio Bella, Fabrizio Murgia, Christian Cotognini, Irene Tagliente, Federico Alghisi Ospedale Bambino Gesu – IRCCS, Italy Economic Superiority of USB-boot Cloud Type Remote-desktop System for Providing Tele-medicine & Tele-care Atsushi Hosokawa, Naoki Nakayama Prefectual University of Hiroshima, Japan MSEC, Japan Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for HIV/AIDS in Malawi: An Economic Evaluation using Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Model Willings Botha University of Wales Trinity St David, UK Telemedical Consultation Center as a Tool for Promoting Innovative Health Care in Remote Regions of Russia Andrey Selkov, Elena Selkova Russian Association for Telemedicine (RAfT), Russia Clearing the Path – How to Improve Clinical Pathways in A Cost- Efficient Manner Tuomas Harju, Antti Puhakka, Niina Tammi, Kari Halme, Lauri Toivonen, Timo Hakkarainen RemoteA, Finland
  • 12. Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland Heart C ounsel, Finland The Economics of Biobanking International Cooperation Issues for Optimization of Quality Improvement C hristine Huttin ENDEPUSresearch, USA 14:00-15:30 Evaluating Telehealth Startup Initiatives C hair: Bart Collet, HealthStartup Europe, Belgium Hosted by HealthStartup Europe The health sectors are ripe for technology-driven change. The internet and related technology trends are enabling new business models and services, they are empowering consumers-patients to take a far more proactive role in taking care of their own health, and they are improving the way healthcare is practiced and organized. HealthStartup Europe thinks there is tremendous potential currently to create exciting new health services and to radically improve the quality, efficiency and accessibility of healthcare. That's why HealthStartup Europe is supporting digital health startups in Europe. HealthStartup Europe aims to create a more hospitable environment for health startups by creating connections between the burgeoning digital startups scene and the health sectors. At Med-e-Tel, HealthStartup Europe will put one startup initiative in the spotlight and discuss and evaluate its potential with entrepreneurs, health care professionals, policy makers and investors. The session will provide useful insights to guide investors and entrepreneurs in their future investment and development decisions in the digital health sector. 16:00-17:45 International Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives and Developments (1) C hair: Frank Lievens, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth Association for Ukrainian Telemedicine and eHealth Development - Report of Activity During 2010-2011 Anton Vladzymyrskyy, Vladimir Klymovytskyy, Dmitry Kalinovskiy, Ihor Kutsenko, Anatoliy Rushay, Vladimir Prykhodchenko Association for Ukrainian Telemedicine and eHealth Development, Ukraine e-Ophthalmology – One Solution for Innovative Health Management Iliya Pendzhurov, Polina Mihova, Jivka Vinarova, Anita Alexieva New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria Preliminary Report on the 1st Armenian International Health ICT Congress "ARMTELEMED: Road to the Future" Georgi Chaltikyan, Armen Avoyan, Davit Gasparyan, Ruben Hovhannisyan, Tatul Saghatelyan, Aleksandr Haroyan
  • 13. Armenian Association of Telemedicine (AATM), Armenia Telemedical Ecology: Preliminary Results of Longitude Medical Environmental Research Project "MARS-500" Roman Baevsky, Oleg Orlov, Azaliya Berseneva, Anna Chernikova State Scientific Center – Institute for Bio-Medical Problems, Russia Experience of Applying Telemedicine in Mongolia Anna E. Schmaus Klughammer, Germany Official Telemedicine and eHealth Status in France: The Role of CATEL André Petitet, Gerard Comyn C ATEL, France Roadmap towards Sustainable Pan-European Certification of EHR System François Wisniewski, Jos Devlies, Iciar Abad C RP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg EuroRec, Belgium Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Spain Conference Room 2 11:00-13:00 Innovative Policies and Solutions for Healthcare C hair: TBC Innovation Policies in Health Care: Impact on Telemedicine and eHealth Thomas Karopka, Peter Frank, Wolfgang Blank BioC on Valley, Germany SC anBalt, Denmark From Buzz to Business: eHealth Innovation Toolbox Sikke Visser, Robbert Menko, Timber Haaker Windesheim, The Netherlands Novay, The Netherlands Measurement of Blood Glucose by Near Field Communication (NFC) Stefan C ecil, Manfred Bammer, Gernot Schmid Seibersdorf Laboratories, Austria Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria Remote Controlled Tele-Sonography Model Using H-323 Protocol Abhay Gaidhane, Peter Cudd, Zahiruddin Quazi, Yogesh Gaidhane Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, India ScHARR, University of Sheffield, UK Using Humanoid Robot in Ambient-Assisted Living with COPD Mikhail Simonov, Antonella Frisiello, Marco Bazzani ISMB, Italy Telemedical System for Individual Prenosological Health Assessment Oleg Orlov, Vadim Pougatchev, Azaliya Berseneva, Anna C hernikova, Roman Baevsky, Yevgeniy Zhirnov, Evgueni Gribkov State Scientific Center - Institute of Bio-Medical Problems, Russia
  • 14. Biocom Technologies, USA Help4Mood – A Flexible Solution for Supporting People with Depression in the Community across Europe Maria Wolters, Luis Ferrini, Juan Martinez-Miranda, Helen Hastie, Chris Burton University of Edinburgh, UK FVA, Italy UPVLC , Spain 14:00-15:30 Management of Chronic Diseases - Development of New and Innovative Assisting Technologies (1) Hosted by UNIK Management of chronic diseases is one of the greatest challenges to the healthcare sector in Denmark as well as in the rest of the world. Join the Danish Partnership UNIK in a workshop focusing on development of new technologies for the benefit of persons with a chronic disease as well as for the public healthcare sector. How can new technology make disease management easier for both patients and the healthcare sector? Examples of new technologies on prototype level for people with COPD will be presented along with a presentation of methods to secure end user involvement in the developing process. What are the effects for both patients and healthcare care professionals when digital personal health is introduced? The workshop will also focus on challenges in current and future ICT infrastructures for healthcare services and how to accelerate the deployment of telemedical solutions. How can we ensure interoperability and still support SMEs in developing innovative solutions? Home Training Platform for COPD Patients using Microsoft Kinect Kasper Hallenborg University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Sketching of Welfare Technologies – Co-Creating New Solutions for Health Morten Wagner DELTA, Denmark Development of Assisting Technology for COPD Speaker TBC 16:00-17:30 Management of Chronic Diseases - Development of New and Innovative Assisting Technologies (2) Hosted by UNIK
  • 15. Personal Health Record for Chronic Patient Birthe Dinesen Aalborg University Connect2Care - Challenges In Current and Future Infrastructures for Healthcare Services Michael C hristensen Aarhus University Challenges in Future Infrastructure Speaker TBC Conference Room 3 11:00-13:00 Homecare and Telemonitoring (1) C hair: Laurent Billonnet, ENSIL, University of Limoges, France Hospital at Home: Telemedicine Assisted Discharge of COPD Patients to the Home Environment Johannes Bergsaaker-Aspoey, Mariann Svanes Stavanger University hospital, Norway Software Model and Algorithms to Monitor Training At Home with Advanced Sensor Technologies Kasper Hallenborg University of Southern Denmark, Maersk Institute, Denmark Technology-based Management of Emotional Wellbeing in the Older Population Julie Doyle C ASALA, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland Domestic Risk Prevention and Technologies: New Jobs of Tomorrow for Home Support Laurent Billonnet, Pierre Boutet, Eugenie Peyrot, Sophie Queriaud, Jean- Michel Dumas University of Limoges, ENSIL, France MSA Service Limousin, France ICT Health at Home: What Opportunities Exist on the Horizon of 2015-2020? Multi-client Study (February 2012) C aroline Simonpietri, Henri Delahaie C ODA STATEGIES, France AFA-ConnectAlzheimer, a Cognitive Stimulation Platform for Alzheimer Patients and to Support their Carers at Home Juan C arlos Castro, Josep Benavent i2C at Foundation, Spain A framework for Business Continuity Management in Home-Care Context
  • 16. Olfa Rejeb, François Marmier, Elyes Lamine, Hervé Pingaud, Rémi Bastide Université de Toulouse - Mines d'Albi, CGI, France Université de Toulouse, IRIT, CUFR J.F. C hampollion, ISIS, France DREAMING – Alarm and Monitoring System for Empowerment of Elderly Citizens C asper Marcussen, Mette Atipei C raggs, Jane Clemensen MedC om / Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark Go-mylife: How ICT Can Improve and Facilitate the Social Interaction While Ageing Idoya Olalde, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente Andago, Spain 14:00-15:45 Homecare and Telemonitoring (2) C hair: Markus Lindlar, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Germany Improving Care of the Elderly with an Intelligent Bed Natascha Soerensen, Birthe Dinesen, Claus Oestergaard Aalborg University, Denmark InnovationSpot, Denmark Plug&Care-Connector – A Middleware to Reduce Costs and Create Platform Independence in Telemonitoring Programs Markus Lindlar, Doreen Seider, Steven Mohr German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Simulation and Software Technology, Germany New Approach to pHealth, Based on Wireless Monitoring of Vital Signs and on Online Evaluation of Disease Risk Jaroslav Jansa, Karel Zvolsky, Vaclav Kolcava, Ivo Vanek, Marek Semerad Immobiliser C entral Europe, Czech Republic C OMINFO, C zech Republic C zech National Noise Observatory, Czech Republic Township Cerhenice, Czech Republic Telemonitoring of Diabetic Retinopathy in Rural Areas in Lithuania Alvydas Paunksnis, Leonas Valius, Kornelijus Andrijauskas, Daiva Imbrasiene, Remigijus Gricius, Romualdas Kizlaitis Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania Kaltinenai Primary Care C entre, Lithuania Vilnius University, Lithuania ElderCare - How Technology Can Help To Care for Elderly People Who Live Alone, By Knowing Their Health and Habit Data Inigo Gonzalez, Jose Manrique Lopez Andago, Spain A 3D Accelerometry-based Fall Detection System for the Elderly: Realistic False Alarm Rate and Sensitivity C ristina Soaz, Christian Lederer, Martin Daumer SLC MSR-The Human Motion Institute, Technical University Munich, Germany Successful Business Case: Telecommunication Product allowing eHealth Companies to Extend Lifetime of Their PSTN Devices Marc Berrebi
  • 17. eDevice, France 16:00-17:00 eHealth in Support of Routine Medical Practice (1) C hair: TBC Supporting the Therapist in eSupport Jonas Sjöström, Sven Alfonsson Uppsala University, Sweden Tele-Regulation as a Means to an Efficient Management Marcia Rendeiro, Eduardo Maia, Sidnei Otavio Vicente Franco Secretaria Municipal de Saude e Defesa Civil do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Strategy for Reduction of Specialist Appointment Queues Alaneir de Fatima dos Santos, Roseli da Costa Oliveira, Neuslene Rievrs Queiroz, Ana Pitchon, Humberto Jose Alves Federal University of Minas Gerais School of Medicine, Brazil Belo Horizonte City Health Department, Brazil Web Portal Patient-Generated Messages: Are Patients Using This Mode of Access Safely? Frederick North, Sarah Crane, Robert Stroebel, Sidna Tulledge-Scheitel Mayo C linic, USA Conference Room 4 11:00-13:00 Evidence of Telehealth Outcomes (2) C hair: Richard Scott, University of Calgary, Canada Challenges in the Implementation of the Diagnostic and Treatment Expert System for Hypertension in Pregnancy Gudu Jael, David Gichoya, Paul Nyongesa, Alex Muumbo Moi University, Kenya Cloud Health: Lessons Learned from a Practical Example on Telemedicine Primary Care Service Launch for 2,000 patients Fred de Gispert Boix, Miguel Tsuchiya, Fco. Javier Sancho, Marc Arnal Flowlab, Spain The Use of Basic Available Technologies to Enable Healthcare: Diabetic Retinopathy Ashley Bess Medical Research Council, South Africa e-Health and the Disaster Management Cycle C ourtney Sieben, Richard Scott, Moné Palacios University of C algary, Canada e-Health and the Haddon Matrix – Identifying Where and How e- Health can Assist in Disaster Management C amila Maturana, Richard Scott, Moné Palacios University of C algary, Canada Clinical Decision Support Based on Practice Guidelines: A Business Case on Prostate Cancer Treatment
  • 18. Denis Pierre Normind, France Webbased Lifestyle Self-Management for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Marike Hettinga, Jacqueline Slegten, Jan Nauta, Lammie van den Bosch, Gertie Smeets, Hannie Piels Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands Isala C linics, The Netherlands Bonstato, The Netherlands Impact of Motivational Interview to Increase Teleconsultations Requests: Analysis of an Experience in Minas Gerais Maria do C armo Barros de Melo, Alaneir de Fátima dos Santos, Maria Angélica de Salles Dias, Rosália Moraes Torres, Cláudio Souza, Humberto José Alves Federal University of Minas Gerais School of Medicine, Brazil 14:00-15:30 Image Transfer: Challenges and Achievements C hair: TBC Comparison between Digital Video Transport System (DVTS) and High Definition H.323 in Telemedicine C ao Minh, Shuji Shimizu, Kuriko Kudo, Yasuaki Antoku, Nobuhiro Torata, Koji Okamura, Naoki Nakashima, Masao Tanaka Vietnam National Agency for Science and Technology Information, Vietnam Kyushu University Hospital, Japan Kyushu University, Japan Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan Broadband Access for e-Health Use: A Study on PACS Application Bruno Salgues, Robert Picard Institut Telecom/ TIC et Santé, France C GIET, France Ultrasound Imaging Teleconsultations in Peru and Brazil Despina Rizou, Alex Tronchoni, Wayne Menary Fraunhofer IGD, Germany SENAI-CETA, Brazil GEOPAC, UK Enabling Telemedicine and Real-time Videoconferencing with AIO HD Camera System Speaker TBC Rebonson, USA 16:00-17:30 Setting Standards and Guidelines for Telehealth Services C hair: Malcolm Fisk, Health Design and Technology Institute (HDTI), Coventry University, UK Presented by TeleSCoPE
  • 19. The primary objective of TeleSCoPE (Telehealth Services C ode of Practice for Europe) is to develop a comprehensive Code of Practice for Telehealth Services (i.e. relating to that aspect of telemedicine and telecare delivered in the home and mediated through ICT). TeleSCoPE will, through establishing service standards, help establish relationships of trust between users, patients and providers and contribute to overall health and well-being. The standards will provide a quality benchmark for service regulation in member states. Other standards, including technical (interoperability) and information (privacy, etc.), will be referenced. The strategic relevance of TeleSCoPE relates to the fit with EU initiatives that promote healthy lifestyles, healthy workforce, healthy life-years and healthy ageing, social inclusion and engagement, economic and social development, IC T application and the coordination of policies and programmes within member states. More details of this TeleSCoPE consultation meeting at Med-e-Tel will be confirmed closer to the event. Join us for a stimulating debate that will help shape the envisioned Code of Practice and promote telehealth adoption in Europe in general. Conference Room 5 09:00-17:30 Session régionale de formation: Retour sur Investissement Réel des Investissements en eHealth (Note: This regional session is held exclusively in French. All other Med-e-Tel conference sessions are in English.) Presenté en collaboration avec Accenture La session débutera par une formation méthodologique assurée par François Daue (Directeur Solstisse - Solutions and Strategies for Healthcare) et deux business cases présentés par Accenture. Ensuite, pour assurer un réel partage d'expériences, des représentants d'hôpitaux et structures de santé, de l'industrie, et des autorités publiques et mutualités prendront la parole pour partager les besoins, les défis, et les réalisations sur le terrain. La formation donnera des réponses pratiques aux questions suivantes: o C omment calculer le retour sur investissement réel des investissements en informatique santé? Toutes les étapes à suivre, les types de gains et les indicateurs possibles. o Quels bénéfices puis-je vraiment espérer? o Quelles sont les solutions qui marchent et celles à oublier? o Quelles leçons puis-je tirer de l'expérience de mes confrères au cours des dix dernières années? o C omment dois-je adapter ma stratégie en tant que cadre hospitalier, industriel, autorité publique ou professionnel de santé pour maximiser les bénéfices?
  • 20. Exhibition Hall 17:00-20:00 Poster Session C hair: Andre Petitet, CATEL, France A Framework for Intensive Patient-Oriented Health Wiki; a Responsible Web-Based Reference for Looking up Health Problems Solmaz Massah, Behzad Karimzad Sharifi University C ollege of Nabi Akram, Iran Department of IT Management, Electronic Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran An Overview of eHealth Activities in Ghana Ebenezer Afari-Kumah, Yunkap S. Kwankam Accra Institute of Technology/Open University of Malaysia, Ghana Global eHealth Consultants, Switzerland Applicability of a Formative Second Opinion in the Resolutiveness of the Primary Attention in Healthcare Marcia Rendeiro, Cristine Vieira, Debora Teixeira, Alexa ndra Monteiro Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/Telessauúde, Brazil Applying Machine Learning To Predict the Progression of HIV Infection Using CD4 Yashik Singh, Maurice Mars Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Assistive Tools for Real-time Optimized Audits of Homes of People with Disabilities or with Loss of Autonomy Laurent Billonnet, Franck Bouillon, Lina Galet, Fabien Mas, Sophie Quériaud, Jean-Michel Dumas University of Limoges, France MSA Service Limousin, France Closing the Patient Empowerment Gap of National Healthcare Services with Quick Response Code Surayya Urazimbetova, Morten Kyng C enter for Pervasive Healthcare, Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, Denmark Collaborative Effort for Evidence in eHealth in Asia Shariq Khoja, Hammad Durrani, Saira Nigar, Afroz Sajwani, Abdul Muqeet, Zahid Ali Faheem AKDN eHealth Resourcse C entre (eHRC), Aga Khan University, Kenya Aga Khan University, Pakistan E-database Dedicated to Improving the Quality of Hospital Services and Better Utilization of Resources Biljana Brankovic, Dragana Jovicevic, Ana Jovicevic Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Serbia E-diabetes: Its Impact On Intervention and Its Obstacles Pegah Rezai-Rad, Elaheh Omidvari Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran eHealth Governance for Africa
  • 21. Ian Lawson, Adesina Iluyemi, Sean Broomhead, Tom Jones Tintree International eHealth Leadership and Development, South Africa Global Health Commission, New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Council, Nigeria eHealth in Kenya – Readiness Assessment of Two Counties Salesio-Mbogo Kiura Kenya Methodist University, Kenya Electronic Indoor Morbidity Mortality Report: A Realistic Approach to Discharge Data Collection and Analysis Nadish Kariyawasam, Buddika Dayaratne Planning Unit, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka Medical Statistics Unit, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka E-readiness Assessment Framework in Health and other Fields: Studies in the World and Iran Farzaneh Nattagh, Majid Rezai-Rad, Reza Vaezi Shiraz, Iran Allameh Tabatabai Univ., Faculty of Management & Accounting, Iran Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran Evaluation of Websites Providing Health Education in Iran Hormoz Sanaei Nasab, Majid Rezai-Rad, Majid Parnianfar, Akbar Estarki, Pegah Rezai-Rad, Nahid Maghsoodi Department of Health Education & Promotion, University of Baqyiatallah Medical Sciences, School of Health, Iran Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS), Iran Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran ICT Tools for Early Diagnosis Support (TB) - TEDS Lady Murrugarra, Paco Prieto, Juan Agapito, Vanesa Lobato, Henry Anchante, Edita Murrugarra UPC H, Peru Foundation Ctic, Spain Infoculture: A Barrier for the Access to Permanent Education? Marcia Rendeiro, Cristine Vieira, Debora Teixeira, Alexandra Monteiro Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/Telessaude, Brazil MENTORbike - Intelligent and Automated Training Support with a Pedelec Boris Feodoroff, Alexandra Chapko, Michael Schlicker, Alexander Schmitt, Horst Walter, Volker Stuetzinger Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln Zentrum für Gesundheit, Germany Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Germany INTERACTIVE Software Solutions, Germany BitifEye Digital Test Solutions, Germany Benchmark Drives, Germany Modeling Extraction of Temporal Knowledge from Patient Records Valerian Agbasonu, Augustina Ogini, Udoka Nnodum Imo State University, Nigeria Federal Medical Centre Owerri, Nigeria Nursing Professionals' Barriers for the Use of Educational Technologies: An Integrative Literature Review Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Patrícia de Carvalho Nagliate, Paula Cristina Nogueira, Simone de Godoy, Alessandra Mazzo, Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes
  • 22. University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil OASIS II Implementation and Preliminary Results in Bonsaaso Millennium Village, Ghana Seth Ohemeng-Dapaah Millennium Village Project, MDG West and Central Africa C enter Bamako, Mali Patients on ARV Treatment in Burkina Faso: Analysis of the cohort of 2010 Patients on ARV Treatment Zabsonre Inoussa, M.J. Sanou, G.R. Cazal Burkina Faso Predicting a Single HIV Drug Resistance Measure from Three International Interpretation Gold Standards Yashik Singh, Maurice Mars Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Privacy Preserving Data Mining Technology Asmaa Rashid, Norizan Binti Mohd Yasin University of Malaya, Malaysia Proposal of a Course Script and Model in a Virtual Learning Environment Maria Trevizan, Carlos Seixas, Simone Godoy, Alessandra Mazzo, José Martins, Isabel Mendes University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, Brazil Nursing School of Coimbra, Portugal Quality Healthcare for Deprived Rural Population Nazir Ahmed Vaid eHealth Services, Pakistan Regional Telemedicine Network for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment and Control Anton Vladzymyrskyy, Vladimir Mozgovoy Donetsk National Medical University, Ukraine Donetsk Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital, Ukraine Results of Online Remote Technical Support towards a Telecardiology Project in Southern Brazil Robert Timm, Adolfo Sparenberg, Gabriel Fetter da Silva, Edmilson Siqueira eHealth C entre/Cardiology Institute of RS, Brazil Rural Tele-Healthcare Project Manoj Kalra Libra MedTrans, India Semantic Web and its Application in Health System Elahe Omidvari, Fatemeh Ghandali, Nahid Mirzaei Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran Small Clinics CRM; A Key Factor in Promotion of Follow-Up Care (A Proposed Framework for Iranian Healthcare System) Behzad Karimzad Sharifi, Solmaz Massah, S. Kamal Chaharsooghi, Rezayat Parvizi Department of IT Management, Electronic Branch, Islamic Azad University,
  • 23. Iran University C ollege of Nabi Akram, Iran Industrial Eng. Department, School of Eng., Tarbiat Modares University, Iran Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran Smart Homes in 2012: When the Floor Becomes Intelligent for People with Loss of Autonomy Laurent Billonnet, Marion Fayet, Amélie Le Roux, Damien Marbouty, Claire Peurichard, Alexandre Besnier, Jérémy Bonnin, Florian Rabiller, Marion Soulié, Emmanuel Desbordes, Jean-Michel Dumas University of Limoges, ENSIL, France Jean Favard High School, France Smartphone Adoption by Doctors and Medical Staff. A Case Study Georgios Kolostoumpis, Georgios Giakoumis, Kleanthi Makrygiannaki University of C ity, Greece General Hospital of Athens: Alexandra, Greece Smartphones in Preventing Blindness: Teleophthalmology Assessment of Diabetic Retinopathy Fundus Images Sajeesh Kumar University of Pittsburgh, USA Social Media for Health and Wellness Promotion Manish Nachnani, Neeraj Kakkar India Social Media- Health IT - Behavioural Finance Improving Healthcare Behaviour by Using Social Media and Health 2.0 Manish Nachnani, Neeraj Kakkar India Social Networks and Telehealth: Telehealth UERJ-Brazil's Experience in Preventing Childhood Obesity at Schools Marta Rocha, Joao Neves, Rodrigo Santos, Munique Santos, Edson Diniz, Alexandra Monteiro State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Software for Low Cost Digitalization of Radiographic Films in Teleradiology: Telehealth Center UERJ RJ Brazil Alexandra Monteiro, Amit Bhaya, Edson Diniz, Jaime Grande, Leonardo Ferreira, Marta Rocha State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sustainability Plan for MEDNet Project in Brazil Despina Rizou, Joao Carlos Cavalcanti da Silveira Fraunhofer IGD, Germany Santa C asa Hospital Porto Alegre, Brazil Telehealth as Professional Update: The Experience of Telehealth UERJ Brazil Networks Program in Distance Education Course Munique Santos, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha, Edson Diniz, Alexandra Monteiro State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Telehealth UERJ RJ-Brazil Networks: The Impact of Using Technologies for Teleconsulting Rodrigo Santos, Munique Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha, Edson Diniz,
  • 24. Alexandra Monteiro State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Telehealth UERJ RJ-Brazil: Innovating by the Fusion of Technologies for Teleconferences Munique Santos, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha, Edson Diniz, Alexandra Monteiro State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Telehealth UERJ RJ-Brazil: The Impact of Using Technologies for Health Education Edson Diniz, Marta Rocha, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Munique Santos, Alexandra Monteiro State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Telemedicine and Use of Emerging Technologies - Kinect(microsoft) and Augmented Reality Manish Nachnani, Neeraj Kakkar India Teleradiology at Emergency Units in Rio de Janeiro: Reporting Telehealth UERJ-Brazil Experience on the Issue Alexandra Monteiro, Edson Diniz, Rodrigo Santos, Joao Neves, Marta Rocha, Munique Santos State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The Canadian e-Health for Haiti Initiative Richard Scott, Moné Palacios, Camila Maturana, Courtney Sieben University of C algary, Canada Treating the Needy Patients Free Pramesh Koirala Health C oncern, Nepal U-CARE – A Research Program on Psychosocial Care via the Internet Jonas Sjöström, Sven Alfonsson, E. Olsson Uppsala University, Sweden University Network in Telemedicine (RUTE) and Telehealth Brazililian Networks: Telehealth UERJ Center RJ-Brazil Edson Diniz, Munique Santos, Rodrigo Santos, Marta Rocha, Joao Neves, Alexandra Monteiro State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Friday 20 April 2012 Conference Room 1 09:00-10:30 International Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives and Developments (2) C hair: TBC Computer-aided Classification of Lymph Nodes in Patient with Loco - Regionally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Nikola C ihoric, Branimir Reljin, Nikola Reljin, Milorad Paskas, Dubravka Jevtic, Michael Schmücking Inselspital, C linic for Radiooncology, University of Bern, Switzerland
  • 25. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia Musculoskeletal Telerehabilitation User Satisfaction: Preliminary Report Based on CLEAR Project Karolina Krawczak, Wojciech Glinkowski, Dominika Cabaj, Anna Czyzewska, Katarzyna Walesiak, Andrzej Gorecki C hair and Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Locomotor System, Poland C enter of Excellence "TeleOrto", Poland Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Polish Telemedicine Society, Poland Telemedicine: India Country Report Saroj Kanta Mishra Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), India Opportunities for and Barriers to eHealth and Telemedicine Implementation: A South African Perspective Lynn Ncala, Moretlo Molefi South Africa ARTEC – Remote Consultation and Medical Information System Roberto Schliesser eWaveMD, Israel 11:00-13:00 Regional Initiatives in Telemedicine and eHealth (1) C hair: TBC Asynchronous and Synchronous Teleneonatology – Clinical Experience at National and Regional Levels Anton Vladzymyrskyy, Olga Ryaskova Association for Ukrainian Telemedicine and eHealth Development, Ukraine Donetsk Municipal Clinical Hospital N6, Ukraine eHealth: Case Studies in the Czech Republic Lenka Lhotska, Jana Zvarova, Libor Seidl C zech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Euromise Center, Czech Republic Biotelemetry Tool for Healthcare in Local Area Jocelio Barbosa, Daniel Goroso, Leonardo Juan Ramirez Lopez Mogi das C ruzes University, Brazil Nueva Granada University, Brazil National Strategy on Telehealth for Slovenia – One Year Progress in Preparation of The Document Drago Rudel, Tina Vidjen, Jozef Gaspersic, Marko Breskvar The Slovenian Medical Informatics Association, Slovenia Data Privacy Protection of Medical Data in a National Context Uwe Roth, Heiko Zimmermann, Stefan Benzschawel C RP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg Challenges of Implementing Telemedicine Projects, the Limpopo Experience Saskia Nysschens, Moretlo Molefi
  • 26. Telemedicine Africa, South Africa 14:00-15:30 Regional Initiatives in Telemedicine and eHealth (2) C hair: TBC VA SCAN-ECHO Initiative Gerald Grass Veterans Administration Connecticut Healthcare System, USA The Experience of Developing an Electronic Advance Care Plan for Residents of Aged Care Facilities in Australia Sharon Condon, Isabelle Ellis, Robyn Brogan, Colleen Cheek, Elizabeth C ummings, Peter Orpin, Timothy Skinner Rural C linical School, University of Tasmania, Australia School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Tasmania, Australia School of Computing and Information Services, University of Tasmania, Australia University Department of Rural Health (UDRH), University of Tasmania, Australia Innovation for Welfare, Turning Welfare Challenges into Business Opportunities Mariona Sanz Ausas, Lieke van Alphen Director of International R+D Division, ACC1O, Spain Policy Advisor European affairs, Province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands acCURAte-Business (CURA-B): Enabling the Innovative Power of Entrepreneurs to Strengthen Services in Health and Social Care Markets Arend Roos Program Manager IZ-Zeeland, Economische Impuls Zeeland, The Netherlands The CAPTOS Story: 15 Years of Rural Professional's Capacity Building through Videonferencing. How Has It Happened? Sue Foley, Ken Nunn The C hildren's Hospital at Westmead, Australia Conference Room 2 09:00-10:30 Promoting Telemedicine/eHealth Practice: ISfTeH Student Videoconference Session C hair: Maurice Mars, South African Telemedicine Association, S outh Africa Presented by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) - Student Working Group The 3D Posture Telediagnostics: Preliminary Efficiency Study Agnieszka Zukowska, Bozena Glinkowska, Jakub Michonski, Robert Sitnik, Wojciech Glinkowski Students Scientific C lub - "TeleHealth", Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Department of Sports and Physical Education, Medical University of Warsaw,
  • 27. Poland Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland C hair and Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Locomotor System, Poland C enter of Excellence "TeleOrto", Poland Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Polish Telemedicine Society, Poland The Development of Web-Based Surveying Platform for eHealth and Clinical Telemedicine Bartlomiej Lukasik, Wojciech Glinkowski, Krzysztof Marasek Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland C hair and Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Locomotor System, Poland C enter of Excellence "TeleOrto", Poland Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Polish Telemedicine Society, Poland Telemedicine - Future of Universal Healthcare in India Shobhit Rastogi, Neha Singhal Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India IT Solution to the Quality Problem of Medical Laboratory Documentation (Case Study: Cameroon) Fatimatou Wefuan Tromsø, Norway Validation of Physiological Data Transmission System Raphael Ferreira, Jeferson Rosario, Maicon Much, Ismael Scheffler, Thais Russomano Toth Technology, Brazil Best Presentation Award - ISfTeH Students Videoconference Session 11:00-13:00 eLearning C hair: TBC The Art of Learning and Integrating; Improving Quality and Affordability of Health Care Through the eHealth Package Nicolaas Moens IIC D (International Institute for C ommunication and Development), The Netherlands TRANSFoRm: Vision of a Healthcare Learning System Vasa C urcin, Adel Taweel, Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Mark McGilchrist, Siobhan C larke, Derek Corrigan, Brendan Delaney Imperial College London, UK King's C ollege London, UK University of Birmingham, UK University of Dundee, UK University of Dublin, Ireland Royal C ollege of Surgeons in Ireland, Ireland Using Social Media and Health IT to Promote Health and Wellness and Provide Healthcare Education to Health Workers Manish Nachnani
  • 28. India Laparoscopic Surgery Education and a Multinational Project for Distance Learning Levent Avtan, Cavit Avci, Guy-Bernard Cadière Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Turkey C HU Saint Pierre, Service of General Surgery, Belgium Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance by E-Health Initiatives: At Distance Education Program Rodrigo Santos, Loriane Konkewicz, Nadia Kuplich, Marcia Pires, Carem Lovatto, Sandra Gastal, Cristiane Borella, Jamila Grigolo, Elisa Conter Infection Control C ommittee, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil e-Health Program, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil Technology Use for Health Education to Caregivers: An Integrative Review of Nursing Literature Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes, Paula C ristina Nogueira, Patrícia de Carvalho Nagliate, Simone de Godoy, Elaine Rangel University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil Federal University of Piaui, Brazil Telemedicine in the Training and the Services of a General Surgery Service in Mali Seydou Tidiane Traore, Djibril Sangare, Sadio Yena, C heick Omar Bagayoko, Sambou Soumare, Mahamadou Toure "C entre d'Expertise et de Recherche en Télémédecine et E-Santé", Mali C hirurgie A, CHU Point G, Mali Hopital du Mali, Mali 14:00-16:00 eHealth for Low Resource Settings and Developing Countries C hair: TBC TeleMedicine Initiatives in Pakistan - A Model for the Healthcare Deprived Nations Nazir Ahmed Vaid eHealth Services, Pakistan HealthHope for Developing Nations, World Wide Nalinni Gupta, Sam Gulve Innovate Vertical Solutions, India Feasibility and Diagnostic Accuracy of Internet-based Dynamic Telepathology between Uganda and Germany Dan Wamala, Achilles Katamba, Otto Dworak Mulago Hospital, Uganda Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, School of Medicine, Makerere University, C ollege of Health Sciences Kampala, Uganda Institute of Pathology, Fuerth Teaching Hospital of the University of Erlangen, Germany Patients on ARV Treatment in Burkina Faso: Analysis of the cohort of 2009 Patients on ARV treatment at 12 months Zabsonre Inoussa, M.J. Sanou, G.R. Cazal Burkina Faso Forensic Telepsychiatry: A Solution For the Developing World
  • 29. Maurice Mars Dept. of Telehealth, Nelson R Mandela School of MEdicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa One Thousand Web-based Tele-consults: Analysis of What the Patients Ask and the Challenge of Replying Reza Assadi Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran Basic e-Health Service for the Unconnected Rural Poor: A Simplified Model Sultanur Reza Grameenphone, Bangladesh Promoting an Enabling Environment for ICT in the Health Sector in Nigeria Udoka Lydia Nnodum Federal Medical Centre Owerri, Nigeria Vulnerability and Effects of Climate Change to Older People in Africa Aisha Namutebi, Solome Nanteza Youth C rime Watch Uganda, Uganda Comparative Diagnosis of the Situation of Telehealth in Nine Countries in Latin America Alaneir de Fatima dos Santos, Humberto Jose Alves, Luis Ari Messina, Simone dos Santos, Claudio Souza Federal University of Minas Gerais School of Medicine, Brazil University Telemedicine Network/Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazil E-Health Readiness Assessment Framework (EHRAF) in Iran Majid Rezai-Rad, Reza Vaezi, Farzaneh Nattagh, Hormoz Sanaei Nasab Allameh Tabatabai University, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Iran Dept. of Health Education & Promotion, Univ. of Baqyiatallah Medical Sciences (UBMS), School of Health, Iran Conference Room 3 09:00-10:30 Telecardiology (2) C hair: Toon Poppe, Heart Link Online, Belgium The EVOLVO Study: Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure Patients with Implantable Defibrillator C ristina Masella, Gabriella Borghi, Maurizio Marzegalli, Sergio Valsecchi, Maurizio Landolina, Paolo Zanaboni, Giovanni B. Perego, Milan Maurizio Lunati, Milan Antonio Curnis DIG - Politecnico di Milano, Italy C efriel, Italy C arlo Borromeo Hospital, Italy Medtronic Italia, Italy Fondazione Policlinico S. Matteo IRCCS, Italy Istituto Auxologico S. Luca Hospital, Italy Niguarda Hospital, Italy Ospedali Civili, Brescia, Italy A Device for Separation of Heart Sound from Respiratory Sound Using Lab-View during Auscultation
  • 30. Yogesh Gaidhane, Peter Cudd, Mahesh Pawar, Abhay Gaidhane, Zahiruddin Quazi Syed SVSS College of Engineering and Research, India ScHARR, University of Sheffield, UK Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, India Health Link Online Wireless Online Real Time Transmission of all Health Data to Dedicated Portal and Authori Database Toon Poppe Heart Link Online, Belgium MARATHON, a Cardiac Rehabilitation Institutional Grade Treadmill: An Overview and Challenges Georgios Kolostoumpis, Anatoli Tsiaousidis, Kleanthi Makrygiannaki University of C ity, Greece WolfMedica Medizintechnick, Germany Alexandra University Hospital, Greece TelMedHome - Fast and Cheap Home Care Monitoring of the Patients with Cardiac Diseases Ryszard Krzyminiewski Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Yardsticks And Dashboards for Telemedicine Maturity: A Teleradiology Case Study Liezl Van Dyk, Myra Triegaardt Stellenbosch University, South Africa 11:00-13:00 eHealth in Support of Routine Healthcare Practice (2) C hair: Saskia Timmer, Webber autismcare2.0, Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, The Netherlands Standard Operating Procedures for Telemedical Care in Emergency Medical Services C hristian Buescher, Harold Fischermann, Frederik Hirsch, Marie-Thérèse Schneiders, Joerg Brokmann, Daniel Schilberg, Sabina Jeschke IMA of RWTH Aachen University, Germany Department of Anaesthesiology, University Hospital Aachen, Germany Specifying Workflow Requirements for Holistic Care Flora Malamateniou, Mikaela Poulymenopoulou, George Vassilacopoulos University of Piraeus, Department of Digital Systems, Greece Autismecare2.0, A New Approach for Mental Health Care Saskia Timmer, Astrid van Dijk Webber autismcare2.0, Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, The Netherlands Personal Health Record Market Ecosystem: An Analysis of Key Success Factors André Schiltz, Jean-Marc Temerson, Gilles Zanolin France Telecom - Orange Labs, France A Systematic Review of IT Based Health Interventions Frederik Kerssenfischer, Tobias Fritsch Germany Effects for Age-Related Diseases Fabio Buccolini, Alessandro Pinto, Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson, Luzia
  • 31. Valentini, Patrizia D'Alessio, Florence Pryen, Jean-François Loumeau, Zoubida C harouf, Jennifer Piquet, Andrea Melini, Lorenzomaria Donini, Barbara Neri, Annarita Proiett, Aurora Aiello, Jessica Durrieu, Christèle Blanc-Bisson, Patrizia Brigidi, Silvana Hrelia, Patrizia Hrelia, Emanuela Leoncini, Sabrina Angelini, Alessandra Baccigotti, Rita Ostan, Claudio Franceschi Vox Net, Italy University of Rome SAPIENZA, Italy C entre Henri Choussat Hopital Xavier Arnozan, France C HARITE Hospital, Germany AISA, France AC TIAL, Portugal University of Bologna, Italy Interoperability in Integrated Biomedical Systems Lenka Lhotska, Michal Huptych, Miroslav Bursa C zech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Enhancing M-Health Services: eWaveMD Telemedicine Solution for Ethiopia - A Practical Approach Roberto Schliesser eWaveMD, Israel 14:00-16:00 Distance Consultations C hair: TBC Patient Centered Telemedicine - Virtual Exam Room Nicole Hill, Doug Charles Alcatel-Lucent, France Alcatel-Lucent, USA Anatomy of a Teleconsultation Jacques Cinqualbre, Damien Uhlrich, Nicolas Grosse, Medy Benzeghba, C lément Cohen, Florian Duchesne, Gregory Galiana, Claude Bronner HOPI medical, France NEOLINKS, France APIMA, France Roadmap Dermato-ICT Model and Possible Opportunity to Explore in the Field to Establish Reza Bin Zaid, Dara Bin Zaid, Arkanul Islam, Ali Ahsan Rupok, Al Mamun Bipu, Nuruzzaman Milon, Jamila Begum Telemedicine Working Group Bangladesh, Bangladesh Grameenphone, Bangladesh Lab Aid Specialized Hospital, Bangladesh CLAHRC Health Improvement Support System (HISS) Vasa C urcin, Thomas Woodcock, Julie Reed, Derek Bell Imperial College London, UK C helsea & Westminster Hospital, UK Construction and Evaluation of a Website on Health of the Elderly Isabel Mendes, Ariana Souza, Elaine Andrade, Maria Helena Luz, Maria do Livramento Figueiredo, Maria Axiliadora Trevizan University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing, WHO C ollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Brazil Department of Nursing of the Health Sciences Center at the Federal University of Piaui, Brazil
  • 32. Using a Teleophthalmology Service to Facilitate the Appropriate Referral of Patients with Diabetic Eye Disease Sam Surka, Juzer Surka Medical Research Council, South Africa Walter Sisulu University and Nelson Mandela Hospital, South Africa Texting: The Way We Prefer to Communicate? Kristie Holmes Union University, USA Conference Room 4 09:00-10:30 Benefits of Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC) (1) C hair: TBC Presented in cooperation with the International Medical Informatics Association, European Federation for Medical Informatics, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth Application of Open Source Software in Clinical Daily Routine: Position of German and European Hospital CIOs Holger Schmuhl, Oliver Heinze, Björn Bergh University Hospital Heidelberg, Dept. of Information Technology and Medical Engineering, Germany Creation of an Integral Distributed Tele-Ophthalmology System Diego Garcia Morate, Ismael Miranda-Diez, Javier Tovar-Velasco, Juan Nieto, C arlos Barrales-Ruiz MetaEmotion, Spain Hospital de Avila, Spain An Open Source Software Tool for Creating and Managing Patient Consents Electronically In IHE XDS.b environments Oliver Heinze, Markus Birkle, Holger Schmuhl, Björn Bergh University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany USB-boot Cloud Type Remote-desktop System Built by Open Source Software Atsushi Hosokawa, Naoki Nakayama Prefectual University of Hiroshima, Japan MSEC , Japan 11:00-13:15 International Workshop on Biomedical Informatics (BmI’12) C hair: Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, Professor of Computer Science, Head of Biomedical Informatics & Knowledge Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of C omputer and Information sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt The main objective of the International Workshop on Biomedical Informatics (BmI'12) is to highlight, promote and disseminate new methodologies and technologies in the field of biomedical informatics. The Workshop aims to assemble the professionals related to the field of biomedical engineering,
  • 33. computer science, IT, bioinformatics, biotechnology, electronics, communication, biological, medical, pharmaceutical and healthcare into a single arena. "Telemedicine and eHealth" are the main themes of the workshop. The BmI'12 will provide an excellent opportunity for sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas amongst researchers, physicians and informatics scientists from academia and practitioners. It is devoted to discussion of current research of the methodologies, techniques and technologies of artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare. In addition, the convergence of artificial intelligence and web technologies is enabling the creation and implementation of a new generation of the intelligent medical knowledge-based technology. Such technology will provide a unique opportunity to distribute learning/education /training across multiple sites while dramatically reducing travel related costs. Moreover, these new technologies are opening up huge possibilities for disabled people to gain better access to education and training. Organized by the Biomedical Informatics & Knowledge Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of C omputer and Information sciences, Ain Shams University, C airo, Egypt, the International Workshop on Biomedical Informatics will combine stimulating research, presentations and practical examples with informal networking. The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to know about the latest advances, applications and future trends connected to biomedical informatics and its application in Telemedicine/eHealth. Building OBR-based OWL Ontology for Viral Hepatitis Ibrahim Moawad, Galal AL Marzoqi, Abdel-Badeeh Salem Ain shams University, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Egypt Analyses and New Ways for Hospital Information Systems Vesselin Gueorguiev, Ivan Evgeniev Ivanov TU Sofia, Bulgaria Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation for Liver Cancer Marco Alfonse, Mostafa Aref, Abdel-Badeeh Salem Ain Shams University, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Egypt Collaborative Development of Dermatovenereology Ontology Tatiana Gavrilova, Roman Ravodin, Eraterina Bolotnikova, A.V. Kotko Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia Machine Learning Approach for Processing Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Images Shymaa Elrefaie, Ken Revett, Abdel-Badeeh Salem Vodafone, Egypt British University, Egypt Ain Shams University, Egypt A Multi-Modal Biosignal Based Approach to Stress Detection During Human Computer Interaction Wael Khalifa, Kenneth Revett, Abdel Badeeh Salem, Mohamed Roushdy Ain Shams University, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Egypt British University, Egypt Software for Transfusion Laboratory Practice Polina Mihova, Iliya Pendzhurov, Jivka Vinarova, Antoaneta Timcheva
  • 34. Biomedical Science Department, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria Using Location Information to Improve Security of Patient's Electronic Healthcare Records in Areas with Shortage of Healthcare Professionals Zanifa Omary, Fredrick Mtenzi, Bing Wu School of Computing, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Data Mining and it's Applications in Medical Fields Nahid Mirzaei, Elahe Omidvari, Fatemeh Ghandali Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran 14:00-15:30 Benefits of Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC) (2) C hair: TBC Presented in cooperation with the International Medical Informatics Association, European Federation for Medical Informatics, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth New Openings for Open Standards in Healthcare Kazimierz Fraczkowski, Antoni Zwiefka Institute of Informatics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Lower Silesian Voivodeship Marshal Office, Health Policy Department, Poland Moodle Report: The Cornerstone between Teaching Activities dnd Students' Performance C arlos Kiyan, Maria Zolfo, Mandana Mehta, Freya Rasschaert, Lut Lynen Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium How to Make Use of a Wiki for Knowledge and Information Management in an Imaging Department Volker Lapczynski Akershus University Hospital, Norway Enabling Innovation by Open Hospital Architecture: the AEXIST Open Source Electronic Health Record initiative Remko Hoekstra AEXIST, The Netherlands Embracing eHealth: Free and Open Source (FOSS) Opportunities Salesio Kiura, Peterson Ontunya Kenya Methodist University, Kenya MECES – An Open Access, Secure, and Multi Language Medical Communication System Klaus Kayser, Stephan Borkenfeld, Amina Djenouni, Antonio Born, Dagmar Wind, Gian Kayser C harite, Germany Round up of the FLOSS-HC sessions and discussion of new developments and collaboration opportunities
  • 35. Moderator: Thomas Karopka, EFMI LIFOSS WG & IMIA OS WG, Germany Conference Room 5 11:00-12:00 International Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives and Developments (3) C hair: TBC Telemedicine Network Used for Team Building Contributes to Improve Case Management in the Remote Areas of Mongolia Densmaa Baldorj, Bolormaa Purev, Mungunchimeg Dagva, Mungun-Ulzii Khurelbaatar, Didier Patte Dornod Regional Diagnostic and Treatment C enter, Mongolia C ardiovascular Center Project, Mongolia C ardiovascular Center Project, France E-Health Dilemma in the Next 10 Years Vesselin Gueorguiev, Ivan Evgeniev Ivanov, Desislava Georgieva, Maria Nenova TU Sofia, Bulgaria Trauma Telemedicine: Providing Real-Time Solutions to Real-Time Problems Antonio Marttos, Fernanda Kuchkarian, Daniel Rojas, Gabriel Alonso, Jeffrey Augenstein University of Miami, USA Telemental Health in Biomedicine and Ayurveda: An Analysis of Online Health Forums in Slovenia and India Tanja Ahlin, Bianca Brijnath Heidelberg University, Germany Monash University, Australia Organizer: ISf TeH - St. Urbangasse 2 - 8001 Zürich - Switzerland Secret ariat: TSI - Waardbeekdreef 1 - 1850 Grimbergen - Belgium Venue: LUXEXPO S.A . - 10 circuit de la Foire Internationale - L-1347 Luxembourg