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Mcluhan Life Summary
1995 was an odd time for technology and computers. The word Personal Computer or "PC" was
thrown around for the first time with advancements making it possible for just about anyone to
figure out these new devices. Negroponte and Turtle both have some interesting things to say about
technology and how it is becoming a large new medium for media. The first thing that I noticed
while reading both these passages was how dated their statements tended to be. Early in Turkle's
reading she writes "If the person posing questions cannot say whether he or she was talking to a
person or a computer, the computer is said to be intelligent. Turing predicted that by the year 2000, a
five–minute conversation with a computer would fool an average questioner into thinking it was
human 70 percent of the time. The Turing test became a powerful image for marking off the
boundary between people and ... Show more content on ...
In "The Role of Television in American Life" by George Comstock, he talks about a very interesting
reason as to why TV draws so many people, he states that is a form of escape from the viewers
normal life, leaving them in a more enjoyable, relaxing state of mind. To add on to this, in the other
reading, "McLuhan: It's All Going According to Marshall's Plan" by Mark Edmundson, he states
that "McLuhan called TV the ultimate depth experience because the viewer had to participate fully
in creating the image. From the three million dots per second on the screen," which verifies the
statements from George Comstock. On a person note, I can vouch for this 100%. Nothing is more
relaxing that just sitting back and watching something on tv and just forgetting about the world
around you, and I think people need that I their life. All work and no play leads to a unhappy
lifestyle and thanks to the media medium of todays culture, I think we are enjoy life at it's fullest at
this point in
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An Essay on Baudrillard
Cultural critic? Radical thinker? Critical terrorist? Nihilist? These are just a number ways French
sociologist, Jean Baudrillard is described in academic literature. Famous for his well–documented
theories on Post–Modernism and the media, Baudrillard presents numerous commentaries on the
media's portrayal of 'reality' within society. His theories are extensive and include thoughts and
narratives on Marxism and the rise of 'new' technology, to note a few. As Richard Lane suggests,
"Jean Baudrillard is not only one of the most famous writers on the subject of postmodernism, but
he somehow seems to embody postmodernism itself." (Lane, R. 2000, p.1) However, the focus of
this essay is to explore and explain one of the most significant ... Show more content on ...
2000, p86). Where as first and second order simulation make allowances for the existence of reality
"third–order simulation ... generates what he calls 'hyperreality – that is, a world without a real
origin." (Lane, R. 2000, p86). Through various definitions and references to social theorists, the
terms of simulation and hyperreality have taken shape. In addition it has become evident that
Baudrillard's assertion that mass media are responsible for the annihilation of the real is the main
focus of this discussion.
However, to simply define and discuss Baudrillard's notion of simulation and hyperreality doesn't
succeed in the task of analysis. In order to successfully analyse this specific element of Baudrillard's
many theories, it is necessary to look at the strengths and the weaknesses of the case that he
Touted by many as being 'More McLuhan than McLuhan;" Baudrillard takes McLuhan's theory of
"the medium is the message" and makes it the foundation for his argument of simulation and the
hyperreal. Timothy Luke agrees by saying that "McLuhan's appropriately the key
formula of the era of simulation." (Luke, T. 1991, p.347). McLuhan presented a revolutionary theory
that was widely accepted by, and enthralled many. To have a viable and heavily supported theory as
the basis for an argument surely generates widespread interest and trust, to a certain degree.
Baudrillard takes McLuhan's theory and
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Nicholas Carr'sIs Google Making Us Stupid?
The internet has become a useful tool for people to use in the pursuit of knowledge since 1991.
Websites like Google, allow users to instantly look up information to gain immediate understanding
on that topic. However, some people believe that Google and other search engines are doing the
opposite and instead are making us "stupid". Nicholas Carr wrote an article titled "Is Google Making
Us Stupid". The author did succeed in persuading his claim that Google makes people stupid in the
article by formatting the article to engage the reader, the use of rhetorical appeal to connect with the
audience, and the people use to support his claim. The article starts off with a quote from Dave
Bowman toward the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. "Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will
you stop, Dave" (Carr 226). He used this quote to getting the reader interested in the beginning of
the article. Other quotes used were "Dave, my mind is going," HAL says, forlornly. "I can feel it. I
can feel it" (Carr 226). He elaborates how his mind has become much more unpredictable since he
use Google. Carr said, "I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do," (Carr
227). He talks about the amount of access of information the internet provides to people is
astounding, and their consumption of that data is even greater. Carr supports this claim by stating
how "hyperlinks don't merely point to related works; they propel you toward them" (Carr 227). He
mentions how people
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The Influence Of Digital Media
Digital media and technologies are becoming a vital part of our lives and in our interactions every
day. These technologies are spreading substantially around the globe, creating with it some
questions regarding the extent of the impact digital media have on our understanding of reality.
Wondering about how much of an effect such a shift could bring to our understanding and
experience of ourselves and the world around us itself.
Almost all people in all ages are updating their profiles in various social media sites and interacting
with others and with the world around them at the same time through smartphones and other digital
devises. Yet, in the other hand, the idea of a technology that can fundamentally alter the way we
experience reality without us noticing is quite un–clear. While we choose individuality in the sense
of self–construction, many factors merge together to shape our new perspective on the world.
We gain our understanding of self within our culture, values, society and memories, and in this way
we understand and interact with the world around us. And in such means it is hard to believe that
these new tools that we use to contact could construct our understanding or our reality.
In this essay, I will examine the extent of digital media communication and technology on the way
we perceive our world and the shift that they could bring in shaping our realty. To do this, I will
examine some social media sites such as Facebook and digital technologies we use in
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Forms And Content : The Medium Is The Massage
Part I: Theoretical Background
Forms and Content, Take 1:
This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage
"We are in a period of fantastic change that's coming about at fantastic speed. Your life is changing
dramatically and you are numb to it" (1:46). o This quote plays to the reality that as a society we
take things for granted. Today's technology has pushed past the boundaries of what many people
thought was possible, yet it does not seem that this is appreciated as often as it ought to be. Although
this television special was done in the 60s, long before iPhones and MacBook Pros, the idea that we
are numb to progress remains true today. In a world dominated by instant everything, perhaps life is
moving so fast that people have stopped noticing it. This could be greatly problematic given that
although technology has done a lot to improve people's lives, this "progress" may come at a cost,
whether it be people's personal relationships, critical thinking, etc. It is important that people are
aware of the reality they now live in.
"In the new electric world where everybody is involved in everybody, where everybody is involved
in complex processes that are going on in the total environment, the old identity cards that used to
constitute private identity, the old means of finding out 'who am I?' will not work. People now have
to encounter themselves in the inner–world, Kierkegaard, existential style, in order to know who
they are" (15:15). o In this point in the
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Electronic Technology In Marshall Mcluhan's The Medium Is...
"The major advances in civilization are processes that all but wreck the societies in which they
occur" (A.N Whitehead). Marshall Mcluhan, the author of The Medium is the Massage, would agree
to this and add that electronic technology is "reshaping and restructuring patterns of social
interdependence and every aspect of our personal life" (McLuhan, 8). He would argue that society
has always been shaped by the medium of the media affecting everything from government to
family, leaving no part of us untouched. Using the alphabet for example, is a technology which is
absorbed at a very early age in a completely unaware manner. "Words and the meaning of words
predispose the child to think and act automatically in certain ways" (McLuhan, 8). McLuhan would
add that electronic technology does this in the exact same way, as it encourages unification,
involvement, and commitment. As we grow to learn more about each other, "[w]e have become
irrevocably involved with, and responsible for, each other" (McLuhan, 24). If we don't conform
McLuhan believes we will eventually enter into an "Age of Anxiety", where we "... do today's job
with yesterday's tools – with yesterday's concepts" (McLuhan, 9). This causes us to live in a rear
view mirror society, and McLuhan says one must use tools of the present to make sense of the
present. George Orwell author of 1984 would have a lot to say about this particular topic for
instance, "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the
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Essay On The Day I Became A Manuscript
The Day I Became A Manuscript I'm under no illusion – I'm no music aficionado, partly because I
treat mainstream listening like a take away container, I sniff it, flip the curved edge cardboard top
off, dive in with a fork make some agreeable noises and then send the container off to recycling
utopia. After that, I rarely think about it. – – – Unfortunately, I did pay attention to the download
charts in recent weeks in preparation for such a question. You may've heard of them, the chart with
the most up–to–date download stats available to man – said, as if you genuinely care... ah, the
wonders of download technology. As one of the pioneers of the digital age, namely getting the
strong coffees and testing buffer speeds / encryptions and ... Show more content on
"Sign the walls of your Labyrinth..." What an odious task that sounds like, errr, hardly jovial ––– Y–
es, labyrinths are via nature irregular irksome networks, they exist only in fiction, too meticulous to
make them a reality. Furthermore, I profess, wall signing presumably is a means to find your way
out again – mindfully of course; yep, worth noting that, pens are available, allegedly. I cradle myself
in anguish with the "poetry" so–called creative terminology ––– indeed, I can be sure, 'Despacito's'
purpose is to make your whole body a manuscript; written in Latin; well we don't want to pay
witness to English translation on a daily basis by looking in the mirror, staring at oneself, thinking:
"I wish the manuscript made sense." ––– meh, last time, I get 'kiss stripped' by Daddy Yankee.
During those hazy days of pretending to Brazillian aupairs, I missed rhythm classes at school, and
the only salsa I knew was a spicy dip, that line got me more than I bargained for. I now find the
Latin vibe somewhat nostalgic; thus, I engage in a smidgen of slipper tapping under the desk; Beiber
style. Summer inspires a plethora of heart–y tunes... I recall the tender depth an office–trousered,
clean living Sharkey managed to muster. A man in his physical prime informing us e–number
scally–wags... "a good heart is hard to find... True love, the lasting kind." What a learning curve that
was, more time for 'Commodore 64' code ... not
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The Iphone Of Virgin Mobile
Figure 1: The screenshot of Virgin Mobile Australia: Game of Phones App. This media plan
established on the common insight of their intended target market of mobile mad millennial, who
uses mobile phones as their remote control to play life gaming for an average of 8–11 hours per
week. Just as the purchase decision making of the marketing strategy initiates with the needs and
wants of the consumers (belch & belch 2015), similarly the media strategy also requires the insights
of consumers for the use of specific media to fulfill their gratification. The selection of the particular
target market can be analyzed based on the Uses and Gratification theory by Blumler and Kats
(1974), which suggests that audiences are actively responsible ... Show more content on ...
According to the Medium theory by McLuhan (1964), 'media is not just a channel where
communication takes place but are the diverse set of settings or environment that enables the
communication to happen. Each medium taken into consideration differs discretely and influences in
propagating information physically and psychologically'. In the case of Virgin Mobile game of
phones campaign, the medium mobile was just not used as channel to convey messages for the
consumers to download, play or update the information about the Virgin rewards. But instead this
mobile media was designed and utilized in a form of an app that created a diverse setting of
battleground where consumers could actively fight, loot and claim prizes just like their other real
battle games. This medium propagated message and information about Virgin Mobile features both
physically and psychologically in appropriate and distinctive way, and in return glued the consumer
to the game. This campaign became Australia 's largest ever location–based mobile app challenge,
where consumers battled in the real world in a bid to win $200,000 worth of virtual prizes (Davey,
Caley & Purcell 2014). By tapping the mobile icon the warriors could claim loot within 50 meters of
a prize, and same for stealing of
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What Does Marshalluhan Mean By George Orwell A Prophet
Marshall McLuhan was a professor in Canada. He was also known to be a public intellectual and a
philosopher. The work by Marshall McLuhan was seen to be a major cornerstone especially in the
Media theory study. This philosopher studied at University Cambridge and University of Manitoba.
Later he taught in various universities in Canada and the United States after which he moved to a
university in Toronto where he spent all his life. In all his profession, he taught English. McLuhan is
well known for having coined the global village term and the expression "the medium is the
message". He also predicted web that would be throughout the world around thirty years before its
invention. In this essay we seek explain the extent by which Orwell is seen as a prophet. The essay
also discusses the Oceanian ... Show more content on ...
He added that that energy was not present in most people. However, he was referred to as a media
futurist from his comments where he cited that time had ceased and that space had vanished. He
concluded that the world had turned to be a global village. At the start, the post man recalls how
during the year 1984 liberal democracy did not collapse even though George Orwell had warned in
his novel of 1984. However, the postman reminds us on how Huxley suggested utterly distinct
dystopia type from Orwell. Orwell had warned that there would be an oppression that would be
imposed externally. Huxley had a fear that the society would collapse following the oppression from
the technology that he feared could outdo their thinking ability. Orwell was worried that truth and
information was likely to be suppressed. On the other hand Huxley was worried that to the
distractors, the truth was going to be turned irrelevant. (Smith, Pete,
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Is Google Making Us Stupid Summary
Does the internet lessen our ability to think for ourselves? Not just the ability to think for ourselves,
but the capacity for deep, contemplative thought. Nicholas Carr's article Is Google Making Us
Stupid?, which was first published in The Atlantic on July 1, 2008, asked us to consider this
controversial question. Ease of access to information can provide enormous advantages, that can't be
denied. While Mr. Carr does admit that there are numerous benefits that technology brings us, he
argues that the cost may be more than we had previously considered. Among the authorities that he
references, he pits the views of Wired writer Clive Thompson against famous media theorist
Professor Marshall McLuhan. Mr. Thompson states that the Internet "can be an enormous boon to
thinking." On the other hand, Mr. McLuhan questions the extent to which the media impacts the
thought process. As far back as the 1960's, he theorized that various forms of media are not merely
passive tools used to obtain information, but that the media is, in reality, shaping the thought
process. What Mr. Carr is asking us to consider is that the internet leading us away from
independent thought, as opposed to steering us towards enlightenment. Initial research into this does
appear to give credence to his theory, and I suspect that he is onto something. Mr. Carr speculates
that by consistently perusing material in a quick and superficial manner, we are diminishing our
ability to
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Marshall Mcluhan The Medium Is The Message
The Medium of the Message and Mass Communication Throughout "The Medium is the Message",
Marshall McLuhan makes an effort to use Aristotle's appeals to his advantage. McLuhan organizes
his text in a way where he makes an argument but then immediately supports his argument with a
valid source. From Shakespeare to professional economists, his sources continue to prove to be
liable. Through the use of Aristotle's appeals and justifying the text with a different source,
McLuhan claims that in no matter what sense, the medium is more important than the individual
message. Summarization of "The Medium is the Message"
McLuhan begins his text by examining our culture individually. He states, "it is sometimes a bit of a
shock to be ... Show more content on ...
McLuhan does an outstanding job bringing in other credible and relevant sources, other than
himself, to bring more credit to his arguments. As already mentioned, he uses Shakespeare to state
the, "increasing awareness of the action of media" (McLuhan, 111). Being aware of the process is
more important than being aware of the final result. When a student learns good study habits, the
chances increase of receiving a better grade on the upcoming test. The student isn't worried about
only performing well during the exam, but at the library learning the material that he or she is being
tested on. McLuhan also goes into detail on how, "the paradox of mechanization is that although it is
itself the cause of maximal growth and change, the principle of mechanization excludes the very
possibility of growth or the understanding of change" (McLuhan, 110) It's not expected to
understand why these changes happen, just as it's not expected to understand how the medium is the
result of the message or the process. In this case, mechanization relates to the message as the
"fragmentation of any process" (McLuhan, 110) relates to the
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Marshal Mcluhan
We live in a world, which is dominated with technology. Marshall McLuhan theorized that
technology will and has become an extension of the human body in order to improve on it and better
its functional value and we shall all be united in a "Global Village". In this essay, I shall cover some
information about Marshall McLuhan, his theories, and analyze the Nintendo Wii gaming console
using a tetrad of questions to explain his theory.
Marxism and Capitalist Society
At its core, Marxism critically analyses HYPERLINK
"" o "Critique of capitalism"capitalism and the
theory of HYPERLINK "" o "Social change"social
change. They aim for a ... Show more content on ...
Shopping, for example, has now become as simple as going online and selecting what you need
from a list, and the company delivers your purchases to your front door. We are now able to go on
virtual tours through existing buildings as well as those that are yet to be built. The most common
and accessible of these interactive replacements is the Nintendo Wii. The Wii is a gaming console
that has reached the point where is has wireless operation and reacts to and with human motion. Its
games range from common play station gaming like world of warcrafts and tactical gaming, to
fitness and sport orientated games and programs with which you can play virtual matches or have
simple workouts.
Marshall's Tetrad
If you take something like the Wii gaming console, you can explain what he means by this in far
simpler way. The questions are:
What does the Technology extend?
The Wii is developed on the same principle as of an Xbox and other gaming consoles. A form of
interactive media that has extended to the point where it now has virtual exercise and sporting
games you can play in your living room. With means of a wireless "power plate" and hand held
cordless remote, Nintendo has virtually compiled almost every sport or physical activity one can do.
So what does it extend? The Wii and its programs have been developed to stimulate its users
physically and mentally, therefore it extends the entire body. Nintendo also have Learning
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Theories Of The Medi The World Of Wikipedia
Emily Blake 7706716 CMN2160 B Theories of the Media The username I have created for the
purpose of this assignment is EmilyBlake1296. As my contribution to the world of Wikipedia, I
have added information on the Wikipedia page for the International Women's Fraternity Delta Delta
Delta. I have added information to topics like Philanthropy, Leadership, Significant Insignia and
Hazing. I have provided a copy of what I have written below. I have also made minor corrections to
spelling and grammar from previously added information. URL: To date, Tri Delta members have raised more than
$45 million for the children of St. Jude. This achievement has been successful by the deep
commitment of the Tri Delta collegiate and alumnae members from all across North America. Like
St Jude Children 's Research Hospital, CHEO is a pediatric health and research center providing
family–centered patient care, pioneering breakthrough research, and training the health care
professionals of tomorrow. Tri Delta provides academic opportunities for collegiate women through
scholarships awarded through the fraternity. Currently, there are over 40 scholarships available to
collegiate members across North America, recognizing the importance of academic success. Any
initiated undergraduate and graduate collegiate members are eligible to apply. In addition, several
chapter members may qualify for specific scholarships funds based on certain
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Wikipedia is an Evolving, Online Encyclopedia Website
The online encyclopedia website, Wikipedia, provides general information varying from movies,
television shows, theories, concepts and much more information to users comprising of individuals
twenty years old or younger, known as "digital natives" (Prensky, 2001). Authorship, meaning to be
the originator or writer of an idea (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014) is valued by "literate man"
(McCluhan,1969) compared to that of a "digital native". Controversy is created concerning the use
of Wikipedia since "literate man" value authorship much more than a "digital native". In order for
Wikipedia to acquire legitimacy from "literate man" Wikipedia must explicitly give credit to the
authors of its articles and indicate their credentials within the text. Marshall McLuhan defines
"literate man" to value visual linear systems indicating literate man prefer concepts to be explained
in a less complex and diverse way (McLuhan, 1969). Since literate man breaks down complex
concepts into visual forms he is more involved in McLuhan's hot media. Hot media refers to a
medium that is individual based and relies on one sense (McLuhan, 1969). In this case, the hot
media would be a physical book or encyclopedia which is an individual medium since only one
person can use a book at a time and only use one sense, being the individual's eyes. Using a book is
a literate man value because any complex ideas that come from the book can be broken down into
visual parts through the sentence. Literate man prefer
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If It Works It's Obsolete Analysis
Marshall McLuhan believes that the media is changing our society. He thinks that because of the
media and the advancements in technology we are re–tribalizing, involuntarily getting rid of
individuals. We once only had books and reading was an individual activity. Books were read line–
by–line, things happening one at a time, but as technology develops things are happening all at once.
Our world is becoming smaller, connected through the media and technology. When something
happens in the world we all get the message. He believes that the western world is becoming more
group oriented like the third world countries. The media changes the way we see, feel, hear and
touch our world, it works to our senses. McLuhan also believes that the medium is the message. He
thinks that the way a message is delivered is more important than the message itself. Another theory
of McLuhan's is that "if it works it's obsolete". The meaning of this statement is that once an object
satisfies the needs of customers it is replaced by something new. I agree with Marshall McLuhan,
media has changed our world. ... Show more content on ...
I've seen situation when it comes to Apple's iPhones. Approximately once a year Apple releases a
new iPhone that is just slightly different that the last version. Once people are satisfied with the
phone that they have Apple stops making money because people aren't buying. In order to make
money they have to come out with a new phone design, so people will want to upgrade their phone.
After everyone upgrades to the new phone the older one becomes obsolete, replaced by the new one.
Apple recently released the iPhone 6, so any iPhones lower than the 5s and 5c are hard to purchase
because Apple stops manufacturing them. This is proof that Marshall McLuhan's theory, of "if it
works it's obsolete", is true to
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Marshall Mcluhan's Theory Of The Media And Communication...
Marshall McLuhan was a media and communication theorist and "is considered the first leading
prophet of the electronic age but he was also the most controversial and most talked–about
contemporary intellectuals.", he coined the phrase "Medium is the Message" also know as Medium
Theory. He was explaining the way in which we absorb information from media, and how it isn't the
information that affects us but the way we absorb it. McLuhan said "Indeed, it is only too typical
that the content of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium" Medium Theory is his
most famous piece of work, Medium Theory was introduced in his 1964 book, 'Understanding
Media: The Extensions of Man''. Which soon became known as the bible of media studies. It is
defined as "the name assigned to a variety of approaches used to examine how the means of
expression of human communication impact the meaning(s) of human ... Show more content on ...
The three main categories are medium as a vessel, medium as a language and medium as a
environment. Medium as a vessel refers to the idea "That media are more or less neutral containers
for content". With reference to television, it doesn't matter what the focus of the information
presented is but rather that the television brings across all information unbiased in the same
demeanour. Medium as a language reflect exactly what it sounds like, different mediums will
express themselves in different ways, with different slang or grammar to define the genre. With
printed mediums this could reflect in the format of the piece, the way in which something in written
and even font choice. The final category is medium as an environment, the idea is derived from the
concept that media has the ability to create and directly influence our personal and individual
experience within a mass population whether or not we realise
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Is Google Making Us Stupid Summary
Does the Internet lessen our ability to think for ourselves? Not just the ability to think for ourselves,
but the capacity for deep, contemplative thought. Nicholas Carr's article Is Google Making Us
Stupid?, which was first published in The Atlantic on July 1, 2008, asked us to consider this
controversial question. Ease of access to information can provide enormous advantages, that can't be
denied. While Mr. Carr does admit that there are numerous benefits that technology brings us, he
argues that the cost may be more than we had previously considered. Among the authorities that he
references, he pits the views of Wired writer Clive Thompson against the famous media theorist
Professor Marshall McLuhan. Mr. Thompson states that the Internet "can be an enormous boon to
thinking." On the other hand, Mr. McLuhan questions the extent to which the media impacts the
thought process. As far back as the 1960's, he theorized that various forms of media are not merely
passive tools used to obtain information, but that the media is, in reality, shaping the thought
process. What Mr. Carr is asking us to consider is that the Internet is leading us away from
independent thought, as opposed to steering us towards enlightenment. Initial research into this does
appear to give credence to his theory, and I suspect that he is onto something. Mr. Carr speculates
that by consistently perusing material in a quick and superficial manner, we are diminishing our
ability to
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Technology Has Made Us Lazy And Dependent By Dominique...
The presupposition that technology has made people lazy is a categorical truth. Based on The
Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan and "Has Technology Made us Lazy and Dependent"
by Dominique Jackson. The both authors indicate that technology has affected the way humans
interact and communicate. According to Marshall McLuhan, "It [The printing press] created the
portable book, which men could read in privacy and in isolation from others." As the printing press
mass produced books, people started reading the bible on their own instead of going to churches.
Technology can make people careless which can leads to ignorance, lack of communication skills,
and serious health issues. Not only does technology make people become inattentive, it has also
made people ignorant. In "Has Technology Made us Lazy and Dependent" by Dominique Jackson
talks about how technology is making Americans dependent and lazy. Before online shopping,
people have to go outside and run errands. Since online shopping was invented, people depend on
them which can cause them to be careless. Jackson states that "For some reason, over 1,000 people
are searching "how to boil water" and "how to boil eggs" gets over 40,000 searches per month."
These ignorant people are searching obvious tasks that almost every human should know how to do.
Jackson's point is that people are depending on Google and not using their brain. Half of the people
in the United States do not know how to get to places without
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Marshall Mcluhan's Theory Of Communication Theory
It goes without saying that when discussing communication theory one must acknowledge the
theories and accomplishments of Marshall McLuhan. McLuhan is a more recent philosopher of
communication theory and although his inspiration comes largely from the above discussed Harold
Adam Innis, his ideas are fresher and are more easily related to today's society.
His two major contributions that have revolutionized the topic of communication are "Medium is
the Message" and "The Global Village". Marshall McLuhan's theories are based in Media Ecology
studies however are often referred to as McLuhan's Media Theory.
Marshall McLuhan believed that the medium through which a message is received played a vital
role in its effect on society and individuals, and should be studied in hand with the content it is
carrying. He was one of the first writers to bring forth attention to the presence of communication
tools, "...their characteristics, and how they work, rather than just to the messages these technologies
transmitted" (Tremblay, 2012). In his book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man he wrote
that a medium is an extension of ourselves.
This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium–– that is, of any
extension of ourselves ... Show more content on ...
It is visible that the medium changes the language, and it recreates the subject and the content. For
example, Twitter allows its users a maximum of 140 characters thus forcing people to write
captivating short messages in order to get the attention of a certain audience. This website is meant
to grip and hold our short attention span (Goodman, 2011). Facebook allows up to 60,000 characters
plus pictures and videos. Email allows us to write everything from short messages to letters.
Looking at the type of messages being sent we can see that the medium changes the content and
people are aware of
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Patrick Wolf's Magic Position
The music video "Magic Position" by Patrick Wolf carries with some sense of romance while at the
same time builds hopes for those who feel wretched by the tribulations of life generally. It advises
people to stand up against the frustrations and setbacks facing them and take a magical position to
focus ahead. As McLuhan put it, hot media is high definition, well filled with data and requires less
participation (McLuhan 36), implying that there is no adequate space the audiences would need to
fill in to interpret and comprehend the work. For instance, a movie often conquers optical space,
gives great amount of visual information and uses chromatic senses to engage its audiences. This
type of media favors systematic precision and consecutive ordering, as it often allows less
audiences' participation. Comparatively, cool media are low definition and require high participation
by the audiences (McLuhan 36). Thus cool media active involvement among the audiences. Take an
example of a cartoon– usually comprising a simple circle to represent the eye, some squiggles to
represent the hair, and a curved line to convey a smile– this is low definition. The audiences have to
fully comprehend and ... Show more content on ...
It is a mixture of two and as the concept of Ludwig Wittgenstein's concept implied in terms of
generic classifications of literature work. His concept family resemblances in that the loosely
attached family of works that compose a genre; there is no fundamental defining characteristics but
only a set of family resemblances (Abram 150). Each member has this kind of resemblances
manifest in other members, but not all of the other members within the same genre (Abram 150).
The artifact in its nature focuses on romance that is the rhythm is somehow slow and so are the
movements and instrumentals. However, it also communicates that people should always have
hopes of redefining themselves and come up strong despite the challenges facing
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Essay about "The Medium is the Message"
"The medium is the message," uttered by the late media scholar and theorist Marshall McLuhan, and
they have been revered and dissected ever since they were spoken. There has been several different
interpretations on the premise of McLuhan's words, and the meaning behind them. The best way to
start unraveling his theory, is to get a general understanding of the terms used in his famous quote.
In McLuhan's own words, a medium is simply "an extension of ourselves." Simply put the medium
personifies or enhances what we as humans cannot do on our own. In a mass media perspective this
means the use of technology including radio, television, and the Internet to project our thoughts,
feelings, and senses (Frederman) . Finally, it is important to ... Show more content on ...
Take the newspaper or any written article for example. Now here is a quote from a pregame
interview by Tom Brady, addressing the lack of crowd noise at home games:
"Yeah, start drinking early. [...] Get nice and rowdy. 4:15 game, lot of time to get lubed up. Come
out here, and cheer for the home team."
Even though this quote is a tad unorthodox and may come across un–scholarly, it truly does get the
job accomplished. This is because Brady's words can be taken several different ways, and with little
known information about the way he said them, could lead the reader astray. These would and did
spark a lot of attacks against him for saying these things. This was not surprising because when
reading his words it sounds as if he is telling fans to become heavily intoxicated and to lose some
self–control. But, if you saw the actual interview on the television, Brady was just being rather
facetious. When watching this pregame interview, seeing his unserious face, and hearing the
inflection in his voice, it was obvious he was just having fun with the media and fans. Even though
there was no malicious intent, this shows how when the medium changes, that peoples interpretation
can be skewed very easy. So it can be said as the medium changing can inadvertently affect the
message sent. A slightly different way in which McLuhan's quote can be interpreted, is how
important the medium is to the message. The reason why the medium is so important is
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Meaning the Medium Is the Message
What is the Meaning of The Medium is the Message? by Mark Federman Former Chief Strategist
McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and
dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in
operational and practical fact, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and
social consequences of any medium – that is, of any extension of ourselves – result from the new
scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology."
(McLuhan, 1964, p. 7) Thus begins the classic work of Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media,
in which he introduced the world to his enigmatic paradox, "The ... Show more content on ...
In the case of a specific theatrical production, its message may be a change in attitude or action on
the part of the audience that results from the medium of the play itself, which is quite distinct from
the medium of theatrical production in general. Similarly, the message of a newscast are not the
news stories themselves, but a change in the public attitude towards crime, or the creation of a
climate of fear. A McLuhan message always tells us to look beyond the obvious and seek the
nonobvious changes or effects that are enabled, enhanced, accelerated or extended by the new thing.
McLuhan defines medium for us as well. Right at the beginning of Understanding Media, he tells us
that a medium is "any extension of ourselves." Classically, he suggests that a hammer extends our
arm and that the wheel extends our legs and feet. Each enables us to do more than our bodies could
do on their own. Similarly, the medium of language extends our thoughts from within our mind out
to others. Indeed, since our thoughts are the result of our individual sensory experience, speech is an
"outering" of our senses – we could consider it as a form of reversing senses – whereas usually our
senses bring the world into our minds, speech takes our sensorially–shaped minds out to the world.
But McLuhan always thought of a medium in the sense of a growing medium,
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Meyrowitz's Theory Of Communication
Medium theory by Joshua Meyrowitz, (1985) refers to the body of literature that focuses on the
various approaches used in examining how different means of expression of human communication
affect the communication process in the society. It mainly focuses on the technological aspect of the
media later than its content. According to Croteau and Hoynes, (2003) the medium theory aims at
determining the look beyond the media content that reveals its social impact to the society. Various
scholars also investigated the medium theory and its impact to the communication industry in the
society. For instance the contribution by McLuhan, (1963, 1966, 1988) and Postman, (1985) indicate
that the medium theory in the United States occupies a marginal position ... Show more content on ...
The medium theory concentrates mainly on the impact of the media on psychic and social schemes
and how they influence the human behavior in the society on a day to day basis, but it tends to
ignore the content which the medium is passing across to the society. A good example is the
television content, where the theory the medium theory doesn't seem to take into account the
negative influence that may originate from the media, hence negatively affecting the children or the
social construct of gender when it presents demeaning images of women in the
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The Strengths And Shortcomings Of Medium Theory
Critically discuss the strengths and shortcomings of medium theory as a means of understanding the
relationship between media and society.
In this essay I will discuss Marshall McLuhan's medium theory. It's strengths and it's shortcomings
and what this means about the relationship between media and society.
Marshall McLuhan was a media and communication theorist and "is considered the first leading
prophet of the electronic age but he was also the most controversial and most talked–about
contemporary intellectuals.", he coined the phrase "Medium is the Message" also know as Medium
Theory. He was explaining the way in which we absorb information from media, and how it isn't the
information that affects us but the way we absorb it. McLuhan said "Indeed, it is only too typical
that the content of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium" Medium Theory is his
most famous piece of work, Medium ... Show more content on ...
The three main categories are medium as a vessel, medium as a language and medium as a
environment. Medium as a vessel refers to the idea "That media are more or less neutral containers
for content". With reference to television, it doesn't matter what the focus of the information
presented is but rather that the television brings across all information unbiased in the same
demeanour. Medium as a language reflect exactly what it sounds like, different mediums will
express themselves in different ways, with different slang or grammar to define the genre. With
printed mediums this could reflect in the format of the piece, the way in which something in written
and even font choice. The final category is medium as an environment, the idea is derived from the
concept that media has the ability to create and directly influence our personal and individual
experience within a mass population whether or not we realise
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Gene Youngblood Analysis
Marshall McLuhan's phrase is meant to convey the fact that it's the medium itself that is important,
not what the medium may produce. Anyone may have a piece of print in their hands, and it doesn't
matter what they're actually reading, the fact they have a piece of print is important. The evolution
of technology has allowed multiple mediums of communication to br brought into the world. These
various mediums of communication; newspapers, phones, radio, televisions, and computers, are so
important for the world.
Gene Youngblood has a problem with the phrase because he sees McLuhan as politically naïve. First
of all, he believes that Mcluhan's phrase fell short, as it doesn't incorporate any talk of ideologies. A
television, Youngblood used
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Goggles In The Media Summary
In the television profile "This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage," Allan Kaprow
says "[McLuhan's] talking about goggles...Everybody has a set of goggles... yours is a private
idiosyncratic set of goggles and suppose that the generation before has a different set of goggles and
you both think you are looking at the same thing and you are not" (12:12). This is an interesting
point as it further complicates McLuhan's arguments not only is the way a person receives
information (the medium) going to impact (massage) the person, but the lenses or goggles the
person has is going to impact the way the person is massaged by the medium as well. Perhaps it is
the cumulative experience with the medium that plays a role in determining how the person
perceives the message of the medium and how that message will impact upon them, as Postman's
son suggests in his introduction to his father's book Amusing Ourselves to Death, in which Postman
claims that current college students struggle to criticize modern technology and mediums because
they grew up with them and thus influenced the formation of their ... Show more content on ...
Towards the end of Part One of the television profile "This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is
the Massage," McLuhan says "Any new medium changes the image of our own bodies" (22:57).
While this is true, McLuhan fails to acknowledge how new mediums change our perception of
other's bodies or appearances as well. While magazine covers display photo–shopped women to
create impossible beauty standards, women are not the only people affected, men are too. Society as
a whole allows various mediums to taint the views of its citizens, whether it be through beauty
standards, racism, or political opinions. Though McLuhan is speaking about machines when he
makes this remark, it is also applicable to various television and visual outlets as well, and it is in
these forms that these mediums change not only the image of our bodies, but the appearances of
those around as
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Rhetoric As An Art
Rhetoric, defined as the "art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing" , came into being
centuries ago. The Greeks were the first to acknowledge rhetoric as an art. They described rhetoric,
Rhétoriké, as "the civic art of public speaking" . Some famous ancient philosophers have given their
opinions on this topic. Aristotle argued in his book The Art of Rhetoric, that rhetoric is 'the art of a
good speech'. Conversely, Socrates argued that rhetoric was ''not an art but an artless practise'' . The
discussion whether rhetoric can be considered as an art form rather than a mere technique is still
relevant nowadays. In this essay, rhetoric is considered as an art form which can develop and adapt
to our contemporary society.
To begin with, ... Show more content on ...
Due to the globalisation, the economic policy changed. This change came along with a shift in the
public discourse . It is argued that the globalization and liberalisation of the Indian market changed
the traditional image of Indian women as homemakers and mothers, to a more successful,
emancipated picture. Furthermore the developments lead to a new notion of male hood including
new ideas of success and power. The media sketched these new men and women as ''typical
corporate sector executives, upwardly mobile professionals who travels a great deal, work hard, and
unwind at weekends and holidays.'' These new gender images and shifts in society depicted by the
media played an important role in India's project of globalization. Additionally, rhetoric played an
essential role in the social movements, which came into existence due to moving changes in i.e. in
the political and economic areas. By depicting a new lifestyle, the media supported nationalistic
movements. This is an example of how media and rhetoric can play a role in shaping and altering
communities, and how it has adapted through processes in our contemporary
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The Pros And Cons Of Dark Web
After this reading, I started search the information on the internet. And fdound some story and
definition only. People use the name of dark Web to label some web site can't search and find from a
traditional search engine, such as google and yahoo. The name of dark web means whom conceal
the information and identity deliberately. Put the illegal business online, such as some drug market,
child pornography and human trafficking. They pursue and defend the anarchism.
All of dark web are hidden, we can't use some famous browser, such as internet explorer, safari and
Chroma. All of dark web need DHCP to access. The mean of DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol, it is a communication Protocol for internet access requests. And we can use "TOR
browser" to access those web site. ... Show more content on ...
User can communicate with others. At the social networking of Galaxy2, people can post the
complete document, image and text, User can write a blog and share with friend and "Like" each
others post. Galaxy2 hosts a variety of groups, ranging from political activists, hackers, and
feminists to a group dedicated to sharing recipes. In short, Galaxy2, while small and hidden, is as
vibrant as its clearweb counterparts Facebook and Twitter.
The founder Lameth emphasized, social network is very important to people and everywhere. It is
important for human interaction needs. In dark web is no exception. He believes people should be
allowed to interact with each other without the fear persecution or other risks to their person. But in
the dark web can provide this without rick. From this communication exchange, idea, debating point
of views can help people's knowledge and understanding of other
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'The Medium Is the Massage' Mcluhan
"The medium is the message" McLuhan defines the medium as any extension of our body, senses or
mind. Therefore, any instrument of change is a medium. The resulting change McLuhan refers to is
often subtle and it is this change that is the message (McLuhan, 1994). At first glance, McLuhan's
statement seems paradoxical. However, my conventional understanding of message as the content is
not how McLuhan defines it. He defines the ... Show more content on ...
It is our responsibility to study the effects of our technologies to prevent any detrimental
unanticipated consequences they may have on our society. Samuel Morse when he invented
telegraphy, predicted that it would make "one neighborhood of the whole country." According to
Postman telegraphy "destroyed the prevailing definition of information, and in doing so gave a new
meaning to public discourse." It is with telegraphy and its union with the press that the value of
information changed. Information became context–­
‐free and a commodity. Information was bought
and sold irrespective of its use or meaning, 1 and this is how the value of news has come to rely on
its novelty, interest and curiosity and not on its functionality (Postman, 1986). "Television speaks in
only one persistent voice – the voice of entertainment," (Postman, 1986).
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Information flows around the world
Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian philosopher of communication theory, developed the concept of the
term 'Global Village' in two of his earliest books–The Gutenberg Galaxy, in 1962, and
Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, in 1964.
He defined global village as a small village where electronic media made it possible, and how the
information flows from parts of the world at the same time (Mcluhan, 1964).
No matter how far or near of anything happen around the globe, people can see and hear of what
have been occurred immediately, with just matter of seconds. Electronic media, Mcluhan said, made
people aware of and respond to issues happened around the globe as if it happen in the same village
people are living in. "Today, after more ... Show more content on ...
According to Fraser, Nance (1992, p. 110), "Public Sphere is a theater in modern societies in which
political participation is enacted through the medium of talk". Participatory democracy is a core
concept of the public sphere. It is where people come to together to form a public opinion, and that
it affects to political action.
The only legitimate governments are governments that have its laws and policies shifted by the
public opinion of the public sphere (Benhabib, 1992). "Democratic governance rests on the capacity
of and opportunity for citizens to engage in enlightened debate" (Hauser, 1998, p.83).
In addition, both concepts of the public sphere and the global village have put a concentration and
demonstrate the importance of the use of the media.
According to Habermas (1962), the public sphere was set up and happened in many locations such
as coffee shops, salons, somewhere in society where individuals could assemble and talk of public
matters. With the emergence of the bourgeois public sphere, there is a publishing enterprise,
newspaper, where the formed public opinions of people are bridged to government and other
societies. Newspaper has been a main tool to use in the public sphere.
Later on, According to Habermas (1962), with the emergence of the capitalist system, people more
concern with their consumption rather than the political action. So, media has become an arena for
commercialization and advertising. In addition, the development of the
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Mass Medi The Spread Of Digital Media Communication
Is the mass media likely to survive the spread of digital media communication?
The purpose of this essay is to explore if mass media is likely to survive the spread of digital media
communication. Firstly, this essay discusses the definition of mass media, as well as when and
where it originated in order to gain a better background understanding. It then goes on to discuss the
growing popularity of digital media and how mass media communication still prevails despite the
new digital media. In the conclusion it considers convergence and hybridity and other solutions that
traditional mass media can take into account in order to persist throughout the digital media era.
Mass media is definitive as any means of communication that has the ... Show more content on ...
New media is evolving rapidly with digital media having exploded in less than a decade continuing
to develop steadily. Showing continual growth in the market, digital media is here to stay for a very
long time. Digital technologies have fundamentally have altered and reinvented the way we
communicate; we now have access to information about virtually anything instantaneously. Not only
is digital media instant the internet was also designed to be decentralized so that control is
distributed to all users, where anyone on the internet can be an author, helping shape a homogeneous
society. Because of this the digital space is seen as the perfect place for participatory democracy and
debates, creating an equal relationship between the sender and receiver (Maier, 2010). The internet
is a dominant player, and technology can be used to deliver more content at a faster pace, e.g. article
in a newspaper only featuring 2 photos while a web–based version of the same story can contain
multiple as well as videos (Kaul, 2012).
The internet has come a long way since it was first invented, the World Wide Web was created in
1991. Initially created by Tim Berners–Lee, it was a way for physicists to share information around
the world without using all the same types of hardware and software (Bryant, 2001). It quickly
developed into a global platform; a system of interconnected computer networks. The internet is
now primarily used for quick access to information,
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Marshall Mcluhan 's Theory Of Hot And Cold
Marshall McLuhan's theory of "hot" vs. "cool" classified media into two groups and took into
consideration extensive understandings of how the media interacts with audience and catoragized
them based of an extensive list. Although McLuhan gives an excellent theory of hot vs cold media,
time has shown how a hot media has the power of transforming into a cold media and vise verse. In
his essay, "Media Hot and Cold," McLuhan identified film as a very hot media and the internet as a
very cool media, yet these media's have transcended these barriers due technology improvements,
cultural movements and other factors which played a key role in aiding these transformations. The
advancements in the field of technology evolved films in ways which increased interaction,
personalization, and content for viewers of all ages. Film was always classified as such a hot
medium because it "excludes" the viewer and does not "include" them with the content that is being
presented. Yet this form of interaction and participation has changed dramatically since now people
no longer sit in their seats like brainwashed zombies. Once theaters introduced 3–D viewing and
seats that stimulated further senses, audiences interaction increased immensely because they now
could feel as a whole the same feelings that their neighbor and the actors were experiencing. As the
years went by instead of detribalizing, film beholds the power to bring people together and unite
them. Instead of extending space, movies
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Is All Media Exist? Invest Our Lives With Artificial...
Topic sentence: "All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values".
(Marshall McLuhan)
Introduction of text 1: The truth in media has so influenced in every aspect of life and it lives with
us like it is a part of our culture as McLuhan mentioned in the essay The Medium is the massage.
Introduction of text 2: Catherine bush stated in the essay It's all real, but it's not all true, we should
read fiction as fiction not as an autobiography of the writer as it creates the autobiographical fallacy.
Introduction to text 3: Craig Silverman stated in the webinar viral rumor and fact checking, we put
news that we don't even know if it is true and people read it because of the headline and then they
start ... Show more content on ...
(Gordon 527–534)
Explanation of quote 2: In this great example of metaphor what McLuhan defined media is that it is
the extension of human psychic or physical faculty of human and that is true. The message inside
that media always has a pair to work with. He proves that statement by giving an example of the
telegraph and how telegraph contains the printed word, which contains writing, which contains
speech and that is their relationship to each other. Furthermore, he all means that if we want to dig
deeper, we must think deeper to understand the media and its contents.
Conclusion: To conclude, media is so powerful that it holds the power to change one's personality
and truth of how much media impact us is beyond human imagination.
Body paragraph 2:
Topic sentence: When we read fiction; we don't read it as fiction instead we read it as if it the
author's biography.
Introduction to Quote 1: In the beginning of the essay "it's all real, but it's not all true" by Catherine
Bush, she proves that how reader regret that they are not scanning the writer's work; they are
actually scanning the writer's life.
Quote 1: "It shouldn't matter whether a work of fiction has obvious meaning to writer's life." (Bush
Explanation of Quote 1: In this example, the author uses the climatic
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Hot And Cold Media In The Media By Marshall Mcluhan
"After three thousand years of explosion, by means of fragmentary and mechanical technologies, the
Western world is imploding" (McLuhan pg. 3) Starting his book with these words Marshall
McLuhan appeared on the centre page of media studies. With his unique style a person finds his
book "Understanding Media" difficult to understand. To Interpret the book we have to interpret
different themes one by one. Medium is the message: According to McLuhan "Message" is, "The
change of scale or pace or pattern." i.e. a new technology "introduces into human affairs."
(McLuhan pg. 8) The important thing according to McLuhan is the effect of the same news through
different mediums. The crime story through a news cast will have more intense effect as compared
to the effect of same ... Show more content on ...
Message is important, it is everything, it can be anything, the message is what the messenger want it
to be. Hot and cold media: Classification of media by McLuhan depends on only two factors,
information and participation. The content is hot if it is high in information and low in participation,
and if the participation is high and the information is less than the content is cool. McLuhan's
explanation of hot and cool media has now made it easier to predict that how the content or message
will affect the masses or society. But still the effect of the message on the society highly depends on
the mentality, behavior and thinking ability of the society. How they react on cool media and on hot
media. What they get from it, it all depends on the perception of the society. Conclusion: McLuhan
was ambitious. He took an exhausting task of leaving behind the world, of which he was a habitant
in order to understand it better. No one can easily understand his writing in first glance, we have to
dig deep to understand what he actually want to convey. He expected the reader to foresee a
puzzling essay on media and not to find a guide on a complex subject. Although not everyone can
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Marshall Mcluhan 's The Medium Is The Massage
Marshall McLuhan's The Medium is the Massage, first published in 1967, explores the rise of
technology and its impact on mass media. As the media spreads nationwide, McLuhan criticizes the
growing power and the increasing influence of the media. McLuhan also argues that "all media are
extensions of some human faculty," meaning that technology has changed the way humans do
things. Rather than walking, we have cars to get us to further places quicker. We use a phone as an
"extension" of our ears, allowing us to hear what others have to say from other countries. While
these technological advances allow us to easily communicate with those whom we normally
wouldn't be able to talk to, it also forces us to do things the easy way. We can see ... Show more
content on ...
Our dependence on technology is dangerous because we wouldn't be able to do much without it.
According to McLuhan, the media is an invisible force surrounding us. Media is everywhere,
sending messages to the public. He argues that the media is "so pervasive in their personal, political,
economic, aesthetic, psychological, ethical, and social consequences that they leave no part of us
untouched, unaffected, unaltered." We don't realize how powerful the media actually is. It can
change the way we look and feel about ourselves, the attitudes and beliefs instilled in us, and change
the way we think. Because the media is everywhere, it is hard to avoid the effects of it. We can see
that McLuhan's argument still works today. We constantly hear cases of body shaming on the
internet, causing young adults to develop low self–esteem. Teenagers, especially female teenagers,
may feel the pressure of having a slim body because they constantly see slim figures in the media.
This may lead to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Popular movies and television
shows, such as Mean Girls and Pretty Little Liars, may influence the way we talk and dress.
Politicians use television campaigns and online advertisements to swag the public to vote for them.
Even television news, such as Fox news, may endorse certain politicians and promote that politician
to their audience. The internet is filled with advertisements
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John Knowles 's A Separate Peace
Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian philosopher and public intellectual once said that, "everybody tends
to merge his identity with other people... It's called being mass man". Mass man is what one would
describe as a person lacking any individuality or uniqueness. This relates to John Knowles's novel, A
Separate Peace through the idea of Gene's struggle with identity throughout the stories that he tells
due to his own lack of individuality. In the novel, Gene Forrester is a student at the Devon School, a
boarding school in New Hampshire. At Devon, Gene struggles with the concept of who he is, and
who he wants to be. This struggle is greatly influenced by Gene's best friend, Phineas, "Finny".
Gene looks up to Finny as both a friend and a role ... Show more content on ...
Later on in the novel, after Mr. Patch–Withers calls the boys into his office to consequence Finny for
wearing the Devon School tie as a belt.To get out of punishment, Finny makes up an elaborate lie
about why he needs to wear the tie, and saying that it is a tribute to the school, as well as a necessity
so that his pants did not fall down while at the headmaster's tea. This causes Mr. Patch–Withers to
laugh, something that the boys believe he has never done before. Gene reflects back on this moment
in awe, thinking about how "[he laughs] along with Finny, [his] best friend, and also unique, able to
get away with anything at all... He [gets] away with everything because of the extraordinary kind of
person he [is]. It [is] quite a compliment to [Gene], as a matter of fact, to have such a person choose
[him] for his best friend" (28). By saying that Finny is an "extraordinary person", and that it is a
"compliment to have him choose Gene to be his best friend", it can be concluded that Gene looks up
to Finny as a role model, and envies the fact that he is able to "get away with anything". Gene feels
that Phineas is so important to him and is such an inspiration to him, foreshadowing an adaptation to
Finny's identity, just like the previous quote.
In the middle of the novel, Knowles begins to show how Gene adapts to Phineas's identity, just as it
was foreshadowed in the beginning of the
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Relationship Between Media And The Media
When it comes to culture and society and its relations to the media, many theorists have come to
develop an understanding of how it is that media has changed or is changing our understanding of
modern society. The media is commonly known as the different modes of communication, which is
the ability to communicate through a specific type of mode in which information has to pass from
point A to B. An example of media taking effect is seen in the use of newspapers and how it is used
as a medium to inform people of events happening around them. In addition, Marshal McLuhan and
Raymond Williams, developed two different theories towards the development and effects of the
media. McLuhan explains his theory through his book "The Medium is the Massage", which
explains how the media is the medium for everything we interact with. On the other hand, William
rejects McLuhan's idea through his article "The Technology and Society". In his article, he states
how McLuhan's theory is in error because his theory gets rid of technology from society rather than
explaining how they both interact with each other. However, both of their theories are very
important when understanding how media has allowed humans to communicate, interact, and
change the world we live in.
The way media has impacted the way we interact with each other and the way it shapes our
understanding of where, how, when, and why we have come to be where we are, has changed over
the years. McLuhan brings forth an interesting
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Understanding The Medi The Extensions Of Man
The text type of this written task one is a opinion column about the Marshall McLuhan's book
Understanding the Media: the Extensions of Man. He believed that the world has to live within a
mosaic of culture, exemplified by the TV news, the only unifying factor which – the fact that they
occurred on the same day and hour. efficient media studies is dealing not only with the content of
the media, but also with the very media, with the cultural context in which the media operate. It
emphasizes its basic idea that new technologies are extensions of our bodies, our senses.
Before joining writing man lived in acoustic space, it was an oral culture. The main tool is the
question, and no one knew more than others, because there was no ... Show more content on ...
Incidentally, the Soviet "samizdat" – part of the same phenomenon.
Interesting and new to this day McLuhan observation that human oral culture was more difficult
emotionally as Western man is more homogenized, there are certain emotions suppressed to achieve
practicality and effectiveness.
Word count: 311 Marshall McLuhan 's aphorisms have become part of Western mentality and
culture. McLuhan predicted the effect of television on society, the essence and nature of advertising,
as well as forty years ago, described the changes in society that have come with the advent of the
In the works of M. McLuhan traced three main themes. The first is devoted to the concept of art as a
process of knowledge pertaining to the symbolic tools, which are present in a variety of visual
appeal – from art to advertising. The second theme involves the use of technology as a way to
empower the person; its essence lies in the fact that the content of any message inevitably feels the
impact of the technology used for its distribution. The third theme is defined McLuhan conviction
that the process of human development has gone through two periods, the primitive and the
industrial and came in third – technology. What McLuhan in his first devoted to the consideration of
art as a process of learning, work, the focus is given to problems of advertising, is typical of his
approach to the
... Get more on ...
Life About Marshall Mcluhan 's Life
Life About Marshall McLuhan Marshall McLuhan (also known as Herbert Marshall McLuhan), was
born on july 21, 1911 – December 31, 1980 in Edmonton, Alberta. He was a canadian philoshoper
of communtication theory and public intellectual. His work was shown as one of the cornerstone of
media theory. He went to college at University of Manitoba and Cambridge University and began
his teaching career as a Professor of English at several universities in the U.S. and Canada. After
that he moved to the University of Toronto where he would remain for the rest of his life. His
brother, Maurice, was born two years later. "Marshall" was a family name: his maternal
grandmother 's surname. Both of his parents were born in Canada. His mother was a ... Show more
content on ...
He had long desired to pursue graduate studies in England and, having failed to secure a Rhodes
scholarship to Oxford, he was accepted to the University of Cambridge. Although he had already
earned a BA and an MA degree at Manitoba, Cambridge required him to enroll as an undergraduate
"affiliated" student, with one year 's credit towards a three–year bachelor 's degree, before entering
any doctoral studies. He entered Trinity Hall, Cambridge in the autumn of 1934, where he studied
under I. A. Richards and F. R. Leavis, and was influenced by New Criticism.[16] Upon reflection
years afterward, he credited the faculty there with influencing the direction of his later work because
of their emphasis on the training of perception and such concepts as Richards 's notion of
feedforward. These studies formed an important precursor to his later ideas on technological forms.
He received the required bachelor 's degree from Cambridge in 1936 and entered their graduate
program. Later, he returned from England to take a job as a teaching assistant at the University of
Wisconsin–Madison that he held for the 1936–37 academic year, being unable to find a suitable job
in Canada. During his years at Saint Louis University (1937–1944), McLuhan worked concurrently
on two
... Get more on ...

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Mcluhan Life Summary

  • 1. Mcluhan Life Summary 1995 was an odd time for technology and computers. The word Personal Computer or "PC" was thrown around for the first time with advancements making it possible for just about anyone to figure out these new devices. Negroponte and Turtle both have some interesting things to say about technology and how it is becoming a large new medium for media. The first thing that I noticed while reading both these passages was how dated their statements tended to be. Early in Turkle's reading she writes "If the person posing questions cannot say whether he or she was talking to a person or a computer, the computer is said to be intelligent. Turing predicted that by the year 2000, a five–minute conversation with a computer would fool an average questioner into thinking it was human 70 percent of the time. The Turing test became a powerful image for marking off the boundary between people and ... Show more content on ... In "The Role of Television in American Life" by George Comstock, he talks about a very interesting reason as to why TV draws so many people, he states that is a form of escape from the viewers normal life, leaving them in a more enjoyable, relaxing state of mind. To add on to this, in the other reading, "McLuhan: It's All Going According to Marshall's Plan" by Mark Edmundson, he states that "McLuhan called TV the ultimate depth experience because the viewer had to participate fully in creating the image. From the three million dots per second on the screen," which verifies the statements from George Comstock. On a person note, I can vouch for this 100%. Nothing is more relaxing that just sitting back and watching something on tv and just forgetting about the world around you, and I think people need that I their life. All work and no play leads to a unhappy lifestyle and thanks to the media medium of todays culture, I think we are enjoy life at it's fullest at this point in ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. An Essay on Baudrillard Cultural critic? Radical thinker? Critical terrorist? Nihilist? These are just a number ways French sociologist, Jean Baudrillard is described in academic literature. Famous for his well–documented theories on Post–Modernism and the media, Baudrillard presents numerous commentaries on the media's portrayal of 'reality' within society. His theories are extensive and include thoughts and narratives on Marxism and the rise of 'new' technology, to note a few. As Richard Lane suggests, "Jean Baudrillard is not only one of the most famous writers on the subject of postmodernism, but he somehow seems to embody postmodernism itself." (Lane, R. 2000, p.1) However, the focus of this essay is to explore and explain one of the most significant ... Show more content on ... 2000, p86). Where as first and second order simulation make allowances for the existence of reality "third–order simulation ... generates what he calls 'hyperreality – that is, a world without a real origin." (Lane, R. 2000, p86). Through various definitions and references to social theorists, the terms of simulation and hyperreality have taken shape. In addition it has become evident that Baudrillard's assertion that mass media are responsible for the annihilation of the real is the main focus of this discussion. However, to simply define and discuss Baudrillard's notion of simulation and hyperreality doesn't succeed in the task of analysis. In order to successfully analyse this specific element of Baudrillard's many theories, it is necessary to look at the strengths and the weaknesses of the case that he presents. Touted by many as being 'More McLuhan than McLuhan;" Baudrillard takes McLuhan's theory of "the medium is the message" and makes it the foundation for his argument of simulation and the hyperreal. Timothy Luke agrees by saying that "McLuhan's appropriately the key formula of the era of simulation." (Luke, T. 1991, p.347). McLuhan presented a revolutionary theory that was widely accepted by, and enthralled many. To have a viable and heavily supported theory as the basis for an argument surely generates widespread interest and trust, to a certain degree. Baudrillard takes McLuhan's theory and ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Nicholas Carr'sIs Google Making Us Stupid? The internet has become a useful tool for people to use in the pursuit of knowledge since 1991. Websites like Google, allow users to instantly look up information to gain immediate understanding on that topic. However, some people believe that Google and other search engines are doing the opposite and instead are making us "stupid". Nicholas Carr wrote an article titled "Is Google Making Us Stupid". The author did succeed in persuading his claim that Google makes people stupid in the article by formatting the article to engage the reader, the use of rhetorical appeal to connect with the audience, and the people use to support his claim. The article starts off with a quote from Dave Bowman toward the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. "Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave" (Carr 226). He used this quote to getting the reader interested in the beginning of the article. Other quotes used were "Dave, my mind is going," HAL says, forlornly. "I can feel it. I can feel it" (Carr 226). He elaborates how his mind has become much more unpredictable since he use Google. Carr said, "I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do," (Carr 227). He talks about the amount of access of information the internet provides to people is astounding, and their consumption of that data is even greater. Carr supports this claim by stating how "hyperlinks don't merely point to related works; they propel you toward them" (Carr 227). He mentions how people ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Influence Of Digital Media Digital media and technologies are becoming a vital part of our lives and in our interactions every day. These technologies are spreading substantially around the globe, creating with it some questions regarding the extent of the impact digital media have on our understanding of reality. Wondering about how much of an effect such a shift could bring to our understanding and experience of ourselves and the world around us itself. Almost all people in all ages are updating their profiles in various social media sites and interacting with others and with the world around them at the same time through smartphones and other digital devises. Yet, in the other hand, the idea of a technology that can fundamentally alter the way we experience reality without us noticing is quite un–clear. While we choose individuality in the sense of self–construction, many factors merge together to shape our new perspective on the world. We gain our understanding of self within our culture, values, society and memories, and in this way we understand and interact with the world around us. And in such means it is hard to believe that these new tools that we use to contact could construct our understanding or our reality. In this essay, I will examine the extent of digital media communication and technology on the way we perceive our world and the shift that they could bring in shaping our realty. To do this, I will examine some social media sites such as Facebook and digital technologies we use in ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Forms And Content : The Medium Is The Massage Part I: Theoretical Background Forms and Content, Take 1: This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage "We are in a period of fantastic change that's coming about at fantastic speed. Your life is changing dramatically and you are numb to it" (1:46). o This quote plays to the reality that as a society we take things for granted. Today's technology has pushed past the boundaries of what many people thought was possible, yet it does not seem that this is appreciated as often as it ought to be. Although this television special was done in the 60s, long before iPhones and MacBook Pros, the idea that we are numb to progress remains true today. In a world dominated by instant everything, perhaps life is moving so fast that people have stopped noticing it. This could be greatly problematic given that although technology has done a lot to improve people's lives, this "progress" may come at a cost, whether it be people's personal relationships, critical thinking, etc. It is important that people are aware of the reality they now live in. "In the new electric world where everybody is involved in everybody, where everybody is involved in complex processes that are going on in the total environment, the old identity cards that used to constitute private identity, the old means of finding out 'who am I?' will not work. People now have to encounter themselves in the inner–world, Kierkegaard, existential style, in order to know who they are" (15:15). o In this point in the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Electronic Technology In Marshall Mcluhan's The Medium Is... "The major advances in civilization are processes that all but wreck the societies in which they occur" (A.N Whitehead). Marshall Mcluhan, the author of The Medium is the Massage, would agree to this and add that electronic technology is "reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal life" (McLuhan, 8). He would argue that society has always been shaped by the medium of the media affecting everything from government to family, leaving no part of us untouched. Using the alphabet for example, is a technology which is absorbed at a very early age in a completely unaware manner. "Words and the meaning of words predispose the child to think and act automatically in certain ways" (McLuhan, 8). McLuhan would add that electronic technology does this in the exact same way, as it encourages unification, involvement, and commitment. As we grow to learn more about each other, "[w]e have become irrevocably involved with, and responsible for, each other" (McLuhan, 24). If we don't conform McLuhan believes we will eventually enter into an "Age of Anxiety", where we "... do today's job with yesterday's tools – with yesterday's concepts" (McLuhan, 9). This causes us to live in a rear view mirror society, and McLuhan says one must use tools of the present to make sense of the present. George Orwell author of 1984 would have a lot to say about this particular topic for instance, "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Essay On The Day I Became A Manuscript The Day I Became A Manuscript I'm under no illusion – I'm no music aficionado, partly because I treat mainstream listening like a take away container, I sniff it, flip the curved edge cardboard top off, dive in with a fork make some agreeable noises and then send the container off to recycling utopia. After that, I rarely think about it. – – – Unfortunately, I did pay attention to the download charts in recent weeks in preparation for such a question. You may've heard of them, the chart with the most up–to–date download stats available to man – said, as if you genuinely care... ah, the wonders of download technology. As one of the pioneers of the digital age, namely getting the strong coffees and testing buffer speeds / encryptions and ... Show more content on ... "Sign the walls of your Labyrinth..." What an odious task that sounds like, errr, hardly jovial ––– Y– es, labyrinths are via nature irregular irksome networks, they exist only in fiction, too meticulous to make them a reality. Furthermore, I profess, wall signing presumably is a means to find your way out again – mindfully of course; yep, worth noting that, pens are available, allegedly. I cradle myself in anguish with the "poetry" so–called creative terminology ––– indeed, I can be sure, 'Despacito's' purpose is to make your whole body a manuscript; written in Latin; well we don't want to pay witness to English translation on a daily basis by looking in the mirror, staring at oneself, thinking: "I wish the manuscript made sense." ––– meh, last time, I get 'kiss stripped' by Daddy Yankee. During those hazy days of pretending to Brazillian aupairs, I missed rhythm classes at school, and the only salsa I knew was a spicy dip, that line got me more than I bargained for. I now find the Latin vibe somewhat nostalgic; thus, I engage in a smidgen of slipper tapping under the desk; Beiber style. Summer inspires a plethora of heart–y tunes... I recall the tender depth an office–trousered, clean living Sharkey managed to muster. A man in his physical prime informing us e–number scally–wags... "a good heart is hard to find... True love, the lasting kind." What a learning curve that was, more time for 'Commodore 64' code ... not ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Iphone Of Virgin Mobile Figure 1: The screenshot of Virgin Mobile Australia: Game of Phones App. This media plan established on the common insight of their intended target market of mobile mad millennial, who uses mobile phones as their remote control to play life gaming for an average of 8–11 hours per week. Just as the purchase decision making of the marketing strategy initiates with the needs and wants of the consumers (belch & belch 2015), similarly the media strategy also requires the insights of consumers for the use of specific media to fulfill their gratification. The selection of the particular target market can be analyzed based on the Uses and Gratification theory by Blumler and Kats (1974), which suggests that audiences are actively responsible ... Show more content on ... According to the Medium theory by McLuhan (1964), 'media is not just a channel where communication takes place but are the diverse set of settings or environment that enables the communication to happen. Each medium taken into consideration differs discretely and influences in propagating information physically and psychologically'. In the case of Virgin Mobile game of phones campaign, the medium mobile was just not used as channel to convey messages for the consumers to download, play or update the information about the Virgin rewards. But instead this mobile media was designed and utilized in a form of an app that created a diverse setting of battleground where consumers could actively fight, loot and claim prizes just like their other real battle games. This medium propagated message and information about Virgin Mobile features both physically and psychologically in appropriate and distinctive way, and in return glued the consumer to the game. This campaign became Australia 's largest ever location–based mobile app challenge, where consumers battled in the real world in a bid to win $200,000 worth of virtual prizes (Davey, Caley & Purcell 2014). By tapping the mobile icon the warriors could claim loot within 50 meters of a prize, and same for stealing of ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. What Does Marshalluhan Mean By George Orwell A Prophet Marshall McLuhan was a professor in Canada. He was also known to be a public intellectual and a philosopher. The work by Marshall McLuhan was seen to be a major cornerstone especially in the Media theory study. This philosopher studied at University Cambridge and University of Manitoba. Later he taught in various universities in Canada and the United States after which he moved to a university in Toronto where he spent all his life. In all his profession, he taught English. McLuhan is well known for having coined the global village term and the expression "the medium is the message". He also predicted web that would be throughout the world around thirty years before its invention. In this essay we seek explain the extent by which Orwell is seen as a prophet. The essay also discusses the Oceanian ... Show more content on ... He added that that energy was not present in most people. However, he was referred to as a media futurist from his comments where he cited that time had ceased and that space had vanished. He concluded that the world had turned to be a global village. At the start, the post man recalls how during the year 1984 liberal democracy did not collapse even though George Orwell had warned in his novel of 1984. However, the postman reminds us on how Huxley suggested utterly distinct dystopia type from Orwell. Orwell had warned that there would be an oppression that would be imposed externally. Huxley had a fear that the society would collapse following the oppression from the technology that he feared could outdo their thinking ability. Orwell was worried that truth and information was likely to be suppressed. On the other hand Huxley was worried that to the distractors, the truth was going to be turned irrelevant. (Smith, Pete, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Is Google Making Us Stupid Summary Does the internet lessen our ability to think for ourselves? Not just the ability to think for ourselves, but the capacity for deep, contemplative thought. Nicholas Carr's article Is Google Making Us Stupid?, which was first published in The Atlantic on July 1, 2008, asked us to consider this controversial question. Ease of access to information can provide enormous advantages, that can't be denied. While Mr. Carr does admit that there are numerous benefits that technology brings us, he argues that the cost may be more than we had previously considered. Among the authorities that he references, he pits the views of Wired writer Clive Thompson against famous media theorist Professor Marshall McLuhan. Mr. Thompson states that the Internet "can be an enormous boon to thinking." On the other hand, Mr. McLuhan questions the extent to which the media impacts the thought process. As far back as the 1960's, he theorized that various forms of media are not merely passive tools used to obtain information, but that the media is, in reality, shaping the thought process. What Mr. Carr is asking us to consider is that the internet leading us away from independent thought, as opposed to steering us towards enlightenment. Initial research into this does appear to give credence to his theory, and I suspect that he is onto something. Mr. Carr speculates that by consistently perusing material in a quick and superficial manner, we are diminishing our ability to ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Marshall Mcluhan The Medium Is The Message The Medium of the Message and Mass Communication Throughout "The Medium is the Message", Marshall McLuhan makes an effort to use Aristotle's appeals to his advantage. McLuhan organizes his text in a way where he makes an argument but then immediately supports his argument with a valid source. From Shakespeare to professional economists, his sources continue to prove to be liable. Through the use of Aristotle's appeals and justifying the text with a different source, McLuhan claims that in no matter what sense, the medium is more important than the individual message. Summarization of "The Medium is the Message" McLuhan begins his text by examining our culture individually. He states, "it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be ... Show more content on ... McLuhan does an outstanding job bringing in other credible and relevant sources, other than himself, to bring more credit to his arguments. As already mentioned, he uses Shakespeare to state the, "increasing awareness of the action of media" (McLuhan, 111). Being aware of the process is more important than being aware of the final result. When a student learns good study habits, the chances increase of receiving a better grade on the upcoming test. The student isn't worried about only performing well during the exam, but at the library learning the material that he or she is being tested on. McLuhan also goes into detail on how, "the paradox of mechanization is that although it is itself the cause of maximal growth and change, the principle of mechanization excludes the very possibility of growth or the understanding of change" (McLuhan, 110) It's not expected to understand why these changes happen, just as it's not expected to understand how the medium is the result of the message or the process. In this case, mechanization relates to the message as the "fragmentation of any process" (McLuhan, 110) relates to the ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Marshal Mcluhan Introduction We live in a world, which is dominated with technology. Marshall McLuhan theorized that technology will and has become an extension of the human body in order to improve on it and better its functional value and we shall all be united in a "Global Village". In this essay, I shall cover some information about Marshall McLuhan, his theories, and analyze the Nintendo Wii gaming console using a tetrad of questions to explain his theory. Marxism and Capitalist Society At its core, Marxism critically analyses HYPERLINK "" o "Critique of capitalism"capitalism and the theory of HYPERLINK "" o "Social change"social change. They aim for a ... Show more content on ... Shopping, for example, has now become as simple as going online and selecting what you need from a list, and the company delivers your purchases to your front door. We are now able to go on virtual tours through existing buildings as well as those that are yet to be built. The most common and accessible of these interactive replacements is the Nintendo Wii. The Wii is a gaming console that has reached the point where is has wireless operation and reacts to and with human motion. Its games range from common play station gaming like world of warcrafts and tactical gaming, to fitness and sport orientated games and programs with which you can play virtual matches or have simple workouts. Marshall's Tetrad If you take something like the Wii gaming console, you can explain what he means by this in far simpler way. The questions are: What does the Technology extend? The Wii is developed on the same principle as of an Xbox and other gaming consoles. A form of interactive media that has extended to the point where it now has virtual exercise and sporting games you can play in your living room. With means of a wireless "power plate" and hand held cordless remote, Nintendo has virtually compiled almost every sport or physical activity one can do. So what does it extend? The Wii and its programs have been developed to stimulate its users physically and mentally, therefore it extends the entire body. Nintendo also have Learning ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Theories Of The Medi The World Of Wikipedia Emily Blake 7706716 CMN2160 B Theories of the Media The username I have created for the purpose of this assignment is EmilyBlake1296. As my contribution to the world of Wikipedia, I have added information on the Wikipedia page for the International Women's Fraternity Delta Delta Delta. I have added information to topics like Philanthropy, Leadership, Significant Insignia and Hazing. I have provided a copy of what I have written below. I have also made minor corrections to spelling and grammar from previously added information. URL: To date, Tri Delta members have raised more than $45 million for the children of St. Jude. This achievement has been successful by the deep commitment of the Tri Delta collegiate and alumnae members from all across North America. Like St Jude Children 's Research Hospital, CHEO is a pediatric health and research center providing family–centered patient care, pioneering breakthrough research, and training the health care professionals of tomorrow. Tri Delta provides academic opportunities for collegiate women through scholarships awarded through the fraternity. Currently, there are over 40 scholarships available to collegiate members across North America, recognizing the importance of academic success. Any initiated undergraduate and graduate collegiate members are eligible to apply. In addition, several chapter members may qualify for specific scholarships funds based on certain ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Wikipedia is an Evolving, Online Encyclopedia Website The online encyclopedia website, Wikipedia, provides general information varying from movies, television shows, theories, concepts and much more information to users comprising of individuals twenty years old or younger, known as "digital natives" (Prensky, 2001). Authorship, meaning to be the originator or writer of an idea (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014) is valued by "literate man" (McCluhan,1969) compared to that of a "digital native". Controversy is created concerning the use of Wikipedia since "literate man" value authorship much more than a "digital native". In order for Wikipedia to acquire legitimacy from "literate man" Wikipedia must explicitly give credit to the authors of its articles and indicate their credentials within the text. Marshall McLuhan defines "literate man" to value visual linear systems indicating literate man prefer concepts to be explained in a less complex and diverse way (McLuhan, 1969). Since literate man breaks down complex concepts into visual forms he is more involved in McLuhan's hot media. Hot media refers to a medium that is individual based and relies on one sense (McLuhan, 1969). In this case, the hot media would be a physical book or encyclopedia which is an individual medium since only one person can use a book at a time and only use one sense, being the individual's eyes. Using a book is a literate man value because any complex ideas that come from the book can be broken down into visual parts through the sentence. Literate man prefer ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. If It Works It's Obsolete Analysis Marshall McLuhan believes that the media is changing our society. He thinks that because of the media and the advancements in technology we are re–tribalizing, involuntarily getting rid of individuals. We once only had books and reading was an individual activity. Books were read line– by–line, things happening one at a time, but as technology develops things are happening all at once. Our world is becoming smaller, connected through the media and technology. When something happens in the world we all get the message. He believes that the western world is becoming more group oriented like the third world countries. The media changes the way we see, feel, hear and touch our world, it works to our senses. McLuhan also believes that the medium is the message. He thinks that the way a message is delivered is more important than the message itself. Another theory of McLuhan's is that "if it works it's obsolete". The meaning of this statement is that once an object satisfies the needs of customers it is replaced by something new. I agree with Marshall McLuhan, media has changed our world. ... Show more content on ... I've seen situation when it comes to Apple's iPhones. Approximately once a year Apple releases a new iPhone that is just slightly different that the last version. Once people are satisfied with the phone that they have Apple stops making money because people aren't buying. In order to make money they have to come out with a new phone design, so people will want to upgrade their phone. After everyone upgrades to the new phone the older one becomes obsolete, replaced by the new one. Apple recently released the iPhone 6, so any iPhones lower than the 5s and 5c are hard to purchase because Apple stops manufacturing them. This is proof that Marshall McLuhan's theory, of "if it works it's obsolete", is true to ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Marshall Mcluhan's Theory Of The Media And Communication... Marshall McLuhan was a media and communication theorist and "is considered the first leading prophet of the electronic age but he was also the most controversial and most talked–about contemporary intellectuals.", he coined the phrase "Medium is the Message" also know as Medium Theory. He was explaining the way in which we absorb information from media, and how it isn't the information that affects us but the way we absorb it. McLuhan said "Indeed, it is only too typical that the content of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium" Medium Theory is his most famous piece of work, Medium Theory was introduced in his 1964 book, 'Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man''. Which soon became known as the bible of media studies. It is defined as "the name assigned to a variety of approaches used to examine how the means of expression of human communication impact the meaning(s) of human ... Show more content on ... The three main categories are medium as a vessel, medium as a language and medium as a environment. Medium as a vessel refers to the idea "That media are more or less neutral containers for content". With reference to television, it doesn't matter what the focus of the information presented is but rather that the television brings across all information unbiased in the same demeanour. Medium as a language reflect exactly what it sounds like, different mediums will express themselves in different ways, with different slang or grammar to define the genre. With printed mediums this could reflect in the format of the piece, the way in which something in written and even font choice. The final category is medium as an environment, the idea is derived from the concept that media has the ability to create and directly influence our personal and individual experience within a mass population whether or not we realise ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Is Google Making Us Stupid Summary Does the Internet lessen our ability to think for ourselves? Not just the ability to think for ourselves, but the capacity for deep, contemplative thought. Nicholas Carr's article Is Google Making Us Stupid?, which was first published in The Atlantic on July 1, 2008, asked us to consider this controversial question. Ease of access to information can provide enormous advantages, that can't be denied. While Mr. Carr does admit that there are numerous benefits that technology brings us, he argues that the cost may be more than we had previously considered. Among the authorities that he references, he pits the views of Wired writer Clive Thompson against the famous media theorist Professor Marshall McLuhan. Mr. Thompson states that the Internet "can be an enormous boon to thinking." On the other hand, Mr. McLuhan questions the extent to which the media impacts the thought process. As far back as the 1960's, he theorized that various forms of media are not merely passive tools used to obtain information, but that the media is, in reality, shaping the thought process. What Mr. Carr is asking us to consider is that the Internet is leading us away from independent thought, as opposed to steering us towards enlightenment. Initial research into this does appear to give credence to his theory, and I suspect that he is onto something. Mr. Carr speculates that by consistently perusing material in a quick and superficial manner, we are diminishing our ability to ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Technology Has Made Us Lazy And Dependent By Dominique... The presupposition that technology has made people lazy is a categorical truth. Based on The Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan and "Has Technology Made us Lazy and Dependent" by Dominique Jackson. The both authors indicate that technology has affected the way humans interact and communicate. According to Marshall McLuhan, "It [The printing press] created the portable book, which men could read in privacy and in isolation from others." As the printing press mass produced books, people started reading the bible on their own instead of going to churches. Technology can make people careless which can leads to ignorance, lack of communication skills, and serious health issues. Not only does technology make people become inattentive, it has also made people ignorant. In "Has Technology Made us Lazy and Dependent" by Dominique Jackson talks about how technology is making Americans dependent and lazy. Before online shopping, people have to go outside and run errands. Since online shopping was invented, people depend on them which can cause them to be careless. Jackson states that "For some reason, over 1,000 people are searching "how to boil water" and "how to boil eggs" gets over 40,000 searches per month." These ignorant people are searching obvious tasks that almost every human should know how to do. Jackson's point is that people are depending on Google and not using their brain. Half of the people in the United States do not know how to get to places without ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Marshall Mcluhan's Theory Of Communication Theory It goes without saying that when discussing communication theory one must acknowledge the theories and accomplishments of Marshall McLuhan. McLuhan is a more recent philosopher of communication theory and although his inspiration comes largely from the above discussed Harold Adam Innis, his ideas are fresher and are more easily related to today's society. His two major contributions that have revolutionized the topic of communication are "Medium is the Message" and "The Global Village". Marshall McLuhan's theories are based in Media Ecology studies however are often referred to as McLuhan's Media Theory. Marshall McLuhan believed that the medium through which a message is received played a vital role in its effect on society and individuals, and should be studied in hand with the content it is carrying. He was one of the first writers to bring forth attention to the presence of communication tools, "...their characteristics, and how they work, rather than just to the messages these technologies transmitted" (Tremblay, 2012). In his book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man he wrote that a medium is an extension of ourselves. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium–– that is, of any extension of ourselves ... Show more content on ... It is visible that the medium changes the language, and it recreates the subject and the content. For example, Twitter allows its users a maximum of 140 characters thus forcing people to write captivating short messages in order to get the attention of a certain audience. This website is meant to grip and hold our short attention span (Goodman, 2011). Facebook allows up to 60,000 characters plus pictures and videos. Email allows us to write everything from short messages to letters. Looking at the type of messages being sent we can see that the medium changes the content and people are aware of ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Patrick Wolf's Magic Position The music video "Magic Position" by Patrick Wolf carries with some sense of romance while at the same time builds hopes for those who feel wretched by the tribulations of life generally. It advises people to stand up against the frustrations and setbacks facing them and take a magical position to focus ahead. As McLuhan put it, hot media is high definition, well filled with data and requires less participation (McLuhan 36), implying that there is no adequate space the audiences would need to fill in to interpret and comprehend the work. For instance, a movie often conquers optical space, gives great amount of visual information and uses chromatic senses to engage its audiences. This type of media favors systematic precision and consecutive ordering, as it often allows less audiences' participation. Comparatively, cool media are low definition and require high participation by the audiences (McLuhan 36). Thus cool media active involvement among the audiences. Take an example of a cartoon– usually comprising a simple circle to represent the eye, some squiggles to represent the hair, and a curved line to convey a smile– this is low definition. The audiences have to fully comprehend and ... Show more content on ... It is a mixture of two and as the concept of Ludwig Wittgenstein's concept implied in terms of generic classifications of literature work. His concept family resemblances in that the loosely attached family of works that compose a genre; there is no fundamental defining characteristics but only a set of family resemblances (Abram 150). Each member has this kind of resemblances manifest in other members, but not all of the other members within the same genre (Abram 150). The artifact in its nature focuses on romance that is the rhythm is somehow slow and so are the movements and instrumentals. However, it also communicates that people should always have hopes of redefining themselves and come up strong despite the challenges facing ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Essay about "The Medium is the Message" "The medium is the message," uttered by the late media scholar and theorist Marshall McLuhan, and they have been revered and dissected ever since they were spoken. There has been several different interpretations on the premise of McLuhan's words, and the meaning behind them. The best way to start unraveling his theory, is to get a general understanding of the terms used in his famous quote. In McLuhan's own words, a medium is simply "an extension of ourselves." Simply put the medium personifies or enhances what we as humans cannot do on our own. In a mass media perspective this means the use of technology including radio, television, and the Internet to project our thoughts, feelings, and senses (Frederman) . Finally, it is important to ... Show more content on ... Take the newspaper or any written article for example. Now here is a quote from a pregame interview by Tom Brady, addressing the lack of crowd noise at home games: "Yeah, start drinking early. [...] Get nice and rowdy. 4:15 game, lot of time to get lubed up. Come out here, and cheer for the home team." Even though this quote is a tad unorthodox and may come across un–scholarly, it truly does get the job accomplished. This is because Brady's words can be taken several different ways, and with little known information about the way he said them, could lead the reader astray. These would and did spark a lot of attacks against him for saying these things. This was not surprising because when reading his words it sounds as if he is telling fans to become heavily intoxicated and to lose some self–control. But, if you saw the actual interview on the television, Brady was just being rather facetious. When watching this pregame interview, seeing his unserious face, and hearing the inflection in his voice, it was obvious he was just having fun with the media and fans. Even though there was no malicious intent, this shows how when the medium changes, that peoples interpretation can be skewed very easy. So it can be said as the medium changing can inadvertently affect the message sent. A slightly different way in which McLuhan's quote can be interpreted, is how important the medium is to the message. The reason why the medium is so important is ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Meaning the Medium Is the Message What is the Meaning of The Medium is the Message? by Mark Federman Former Chief Strategist McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium – that is, of any extension of ourselves – result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology." (McLuhan, 1964, p. 7) Thus begins the classic work of Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, in which he introduced the world to his enigmatic paradox, "The ... Show more content on ... In the case of a specific theatrical production, its message may be a change in attitude or action on the part of the audience that results from the medium of the play itself, which is quite distinct from the medium of theatrical production in general. Similarly, the message of a newscast are not the news stories themselves, but a change in the public attitude towards crime, or the creation of a climate of fear. A McLuhan message always tells us to look beyond the obvious and seek the nonobvious changes or effects that are enabled, enhanced, accelerated or extended by the new thing. McLuhan defines medium for us as well. Right at the beginning of Understanding Media, he tells us that a medium is "any extension of ourselves." Classically, he suggests that a hammer extends our arm and that the wheel extends our legs and feet. Each enables us to do more than our bodies could do on their own. Similarly, the medium of language extends our thoughts from within our mind out to others. Indeed, since our thoughts are the result of our individual sensory experience, speech is an "outering" of our senses – we could consider it as a form of reversing senses – whereas usually our senses bring the world into our minds, speech takes our sensorially–shaped minds out to the world. But McLuhan always thought of a medium in the sense of a growing medium, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Meyrowitz's Theory Of Communication Medium theory by Joshua Meyrowitz, (1985) refers to the body of literature that focuses on the various approaches used in examining how different means of expression of human communication affect the communication process in the society. It mainly focuses on the technological aspect of the media later than its content. According to Croteau and Hoynes, (2003) the medium theory aims at determining the look beyond the media content that reveals its social impact to the society. Various scholars also investigated the medium theory and its impact to the communication industry in the society. For instance the contribution by McLuhan, (1963, 1966, 1988) and Postman, (1985) indicate that the medium theory in the United States occupies a marginal position ... Show more content on ... The medium theory concentrates mainly on the impact of the media on psychic and social schemes and how they influence the human behavior in the society on a day to day basis, but it tends to ignore the content which the medium is passing across to the society. A good example is the television content, where the theory the medium theory doesn't seem to take into account the negative influence that may originate from the media, hence negatively affecting the children or the social construct of gender when it presents demeaning images of women in the ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. The Strengths And Shortcomings Of Medium Theory Critically discuss the strengths and shortcomings of medium theory as a means of understanding the relationship between media and society. In this essay I will discuss Marshall McLuhan's medium theory. It's strengths and it's shortcomings and what this means about the relationship between media and society. Marshall McLuhan was a media and communication theorist and "is considered the first leading prophet of the electronic age but he was also the most controversial and most talked–about contemporary intellectuals.", he coined the phrase "Medium is the Message" also know as Medium Theory. He was explaining the way in which we absorb information from media, and how it isn't the information that affects us but the way we absorb it. McLuhan said "Indeed, it is only too typical that the content of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium" Medium Theory is his most famous piece of work, Medium ... Show more content on ... The three main categories are medium as a vessel, medium as a language and medium as a environment. Medium as a vessel refers to the idea "That media are more or less neutral containers for content". With reference to television, it doesn't matter what the focus of the information presented is but rather that the television brings across all information unbiased in the same demeanour. Medium as a language reflect exactly what it sounds like, different mediums will express themselves in different ways, with different slang or grammar to define the genre. With printed mediums this could reflect in the format of the piece, the way in which something in written and even font choice. The final category is medium as an environment, the idea is derived from the concept that media has the ability to create and directly influence our personal and individual experience within a mass population whether or not we realise ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Gene Youngblood Analysis Marshall McLuhan's phrase is meant to convey the fact that it's the medium itself that is important, not what the medium may produce. Anyone may have a piece of print in their hands, and it doesn't matter what they're actually reading, the fact they have a piece of print is important. The evolution of technology has allowed multiple mediums of communication to br brought into the world. These various mediums of communication; newspapers, phones, radio, televisions, and computers, are so important for the world. Gene Youngblood has a problem with the phrase because he sees McLuhan as politically naïve. First of all, he believes that Mcluhan's phrase fell short, as it doesn't incorporate any talk of ideologies. A television, Youngblood used ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Goggles In The Media Summary In the television profile "This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage," Allan Kaprow says "[McLuhan's] talking about goggles...Everybody has a set of goggles... yours is a private idiosyncratic set of goggles and suppose that the generation before has a different set of goggles and you both think you are looking at the same thing and you are not" (12:12). This is an interesting point as it further complicates McLuhan's arguments not only is the way a person receives information (the medium) going to impact (massage) the person, but the lenses or goggles the person has is going to impact the way the person is massaged by the medium as well. Perhaps it is the cumulative experience with the medium that plays a role in determining how the person perceives the message of the medium and how that message will impact upon them, as Postman's son suggests in his introduction to his father's book Amusing Ourselves to Death, in which Postman claims that current college students struggle to criticize modern technology and mediums because they grew up with them and thus influenced the formation of their ... Show more content on ... Towards the end of Part One of the television profile "This is Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage," McLuhan says "Any new medium changes the image of our own bodies" (22:57). While this is true, McLuhan fails to acknowledge how new mediums change our perception of other's bodies or appearances as well. While magazine covers display photo–shopped women to create impossible beauty standards, women are not the only people affected, men are too. Society as a whole allows various mediums to taint the views of its citizens, whether it be through beauty standards, racism, or political opinions. Though McLuhan is speaking about machines when he makes this remark, it is also applicable to various television and visual outlets as well, and it is in these forms that these mediums change not only the image of our bodies, but the appearances of those around as ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Rhetoric As An Art Rhetoric, defined as the "art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing" , came into being centuries ago. The Greeks were the first to acknowledge rhetoric as an art. They described rhetoric, Rhétoriké, as "the civic art of public speaking" . Some famous ancient philosophers have given their opinions on this topic. Aristotle argued in his book The Art of Rhetoric, that rhetoric is 'the art of a good speech'. Conversely, Socrates argued that rhetoric was ''not an art but an artless practise'' . The discussion whether rhetoric can be considered as an art form rather than a mere technique is still relevant nowadays. In this essay, rhetoric is considered as an art form which can develop and adapt to our contemporary society. To begin with, ... Show more content on ... Due to the globalisation, the economic policy changed. This change came along with a shift in the public discourse . It is argued that the globalization and liberalisation of the Indian market changed the traditional image of Indian women as homemakers and mothers, to a more successful, emancipated picture. Furthermore the developments lead to a new notion of male hood including new ideas of success and power. The media sketched these new men and women as ''typical corporate sector executives, upwardly mobile professionals who travels a great deal, work hard, and unwind at weekends and holidays.'' These new gender images and shifts in society depicted by the media played an important role in India's project of globalization. Additionally, rhetoric played an essential role in the social movements, which came into existence due to moving changes in i.e. in the political and economic areas. By depicting a new lifestyle, the media supported nationalistic movements. This is an example of how media and rhetoric can play a role in shaping and altering communities, and how it has adapted through processes in our contemporary ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. The Pros And Cons Of Dark Web After this reading, I started search the information on the internet. And fdound some story and definition only. People use the name of dark Web to label some web site can't search and find from a traditional search engine, such as google and yahoo. The name of dark web means whom conceal the information and identity deliberately. Put the illegal business online, such as some drug market, child pornography and human trafficking. They pursue and defend the anarchism. All of dark web are hidden, we can't use some famous browser, such as internet explorer, safari and Chroma. All of dark web need DHCP to access. The mean of DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, it is a communication Protocol for internet access requests. And we can use "TOR browser" to access those web site. ... Show more content on ... User can communicate with others. At the social networking of Galaxy2, people can post the complete document, image and text, User can write a blog and share with friend and "Like" each others post. Galaxy2 hosts a variety of groups, ranging from political activists, hackers, and feminists to a group dedicated to sharing recipes. In short, Galaxy2, while small and hidden, is as vibrant as its clearweb counterparts Facebook and Twitter. The founder Lameth emphasized, social network is very important to people and everywhere. It is important for human interaction needs. In dark web is no exception. He believes people should be allowed to interact with each other without the fear persecution or other risks to their person. But in the dark web can provide this without rick. From this communication exchange, idea, debating point of views can help people's knowledge and understanding of other ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. 'The Medium Is the Massage' Mcluhan "The medium is the message" McLuhan defines the medium as any extension of our body, senses or mind. Therefore, any instrument of change is a medium. The resulting change McLuhan refers to is often subtle and it is this change that is the message (McLuhan, 1994). At first glance, McLuhan's statement seems paradoxical. However, my conventional understanding of message as the content is not how McLuhan defines it. He defines the ... Show more content on ... It is our responsibility to study the effects of our technologies to prevent any detrimental unanticipated consequences they may have on our society. Samuel Morse when he invented telegraphy, predicted that it would make "one neighborhood of the whole country." According to Postman telegraphy "destroyed the prevailing definition of information, and in doing so gave a new meaning to public discourse." It is with telegraphy and its union with the press that the value of information changed. Information became context–­ ‐free and a commodity. Information was bought and sold irrespective of its use or meaning, 1 and this is how the value of news has come to rely on its novelty, interest and curiosity and not on its functionality (Postman, 1986). "Television speaks in only one persistent voice – the voice of entertainment," (Postman, 1986). ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Information flows around the world Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian philosopher of communication theory, developed the concept of the term 'Global Village' in two of his earliest books–The Gutenberg Galaxy, in 1962, and Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, in 1964. He defined global village as a small village where electronic media made it possible, and how the information flows from parts of the world at the same time (Mcluhan, 1964). No matter how far or near of anything happen around the globe, people can see and hear of what have been occurred immediately, with just matter of seconds. Electronic media, Mcluhan said, made people aware of and respond to issues happened around the globe as if it happen in the same village people are living in. "Today, after more ... Show more content on ... According to Fraser, Nance (1992, p. 110), "Public Sphere is a theater in modern societies in which political participation is enacted through the medium of talk". Participatory democracy is a core concept of the public sphere. It is where people come to together to form a public opinion, and that it affects to political action. The only legitimate governments are governments that have its laws and policies shifted by the public opinion of the public sphere (Benhabib, 1992). "Democratic governance rests on the capacity of and opportunity for citizens to engage in enlightened debate" (Hauser, 1998, p.83). In addition, both concepts of the public sphere and the global village have put a concentration and demonstrate the importance of the use of the media. According to Habermas (1962), the public sphere was set up and happened in many locations such as coffee shops, salons, somewhere in society where individuals could assemble and talk of public matters. With the emergence of the bourgeois public sphere, there is a publishing enterprise, newspaper, where the formed public opinions of people are bridged to government and other societies. Newspaper has been a main tool to use in the public sphere. Later on, According to Habermas (1962), with the emergence of the capitalist system, people more concern with their consumption rather than the political action. So, media has become an arena for commercialization and advertising. In addition, the development of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Mass Medi The Spread Of Digital Media Communication Is the mass media likely to survive the spread of digital media communication? The purpose of this essay is to explore if mass media is likely to survive the spread of digital media communication. Firstly, this essay discusses the definition of mass media, as well as when and where it originated in order to gain a better background understanding. It then goes on to discuss the growing popularity of digital media and how mass media communication still prevails despite the new digital media. In the conclusion it considers convergence and hybridity and other solutions that traditional mass media can take into account in order to persist throughout the digital media era. Mass media is definitive as any means of communication that has the ... Show more content on ... New media is evolving rapidly with digital media having exploded in less than a decade continuing to develop steadily. Showing continual growth in the market, digital media is here to stay for a very long time. Digital technologies have fundamentally have altered and reinvented the way we communicate; we now have access to information about virtually anything instantaneously. Not only is digital media instant the internet was also designed to be decentralized so that control is distributed to all users, where anyone on the internet can be an author, helping shape a homogeneous society. Because of this the digital space is seen as the perfect place for participatory democracy and debates, creating an equal relationship between the sender and receiver (Maier, 2010). The internet is a dominant player, and technology can be used to deliver more content at a faster pace, e.g. article in a newspaper only featuring 2 photos while a web–based version of the same story can contain multiple as well as videos (Kaul, 2012). The internet has come a long way since it was first invented, the World Wide Web was created in 1991. Initially created by Tim Berners–Lee, it was a way for physicists to share information around the world without using all the same types of hardware and software (Bryant, 2001). It quickly developed into a global platform; a system of interconnected computer networks. The internet is now primarily used for quick access to information, ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Marshall Mcluhan 's Theory Of Hot And Cold Marshall McLuhan's theory of "hot" vs. "cool" classified media into two groups and took into consideration extensive understandings of how the media interacts with audience and catoragized them based of an extensive list. Although McLuhan gives an excellent theory of hot vs cold media, time has shown how a hot media has the power of transforming into a cold media and vise verse. In his essay, "Media Hot and Cold," McLuhan identified film as a very hot media and the internet as a very cool media, yet these media's have transcended these barriers due technology improvements, cultural movements and other factors which played a key role in aiding these transformations. The advancements in the field of technology evolved films in ways which increased interaction, personalization, and content for viewers of all ages. Film was always classified as such a hot medium because it "excludes" the viewer and does not "include" them with the content that is being presented. Yet this form of interaction and participation has changed dramatically since now people no longer sit in their seats like brainwashed zombies. Once theaters introduced 3–D viewing and seats that stimulated further senses, audiences interaction increased immensely because they now could feel as a whole the same feelings that their neighbor and the actors were experiencing. As the years went by instead of detribalizing, film beholds the power to bring people together and unite them. Instead of extending space, movies ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Is All Media Exist? Invest Our Lives With Artificial... Topic sentence: "All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values". (Marshall McLuhan) Introduction of text 1: The truth in media has so influenced in every aspect of life and it lives with us like it is a part of our culture as McLuhan mentioned in the essay The Medium is the massage. Introduction of text 2: Catherine bush stated in the essay It's all real, but it's not all true, we should read fiction as fiction not as an autobiography of the writer as it creates the autobiographical fallacy. Introduction to text 3: Craig Silverman stated in the webinar viral rumor and fact checking, we put news that we don't even know if it is true and people read it because of the headline and then they start ... Show more content on ... (Gordon 527–534) Explanation of quote 2: In this great example of metaphor what McLuhan defined media is that it is the extension of human psychic or physical faculty of human and that is true. The message inside that media always has a pair to work with. He proves that statement by giving an example of the telegraph and how telegraph contains the printed word, which contains writing, which contains speech and that is their relationship to each other. Furthermore, he all means that if we want to dig deeper, we must think deeper to understand the media and its contents. Conclusion: To conclude, media is so powerful that it holds the power to change one's personality and truth of how much media impact us is beyond human imagination. Body paragraph 2: Topic sentence: When we read fiction; we don't read it as fiction instead we read it as if it the author's biography. Introduction to Quote 1: In the beginning of the essay "it's all real, but it's not all true" by Catherine Bush, she proves that how reader regret that they are not scanning the writer's work; they are actually scanning the writer's life. Quote 1: "It shouldn't matter whether a work of fiction has obvious meaning to writer's life." (Bush 315–316) Explanation of Quote 1: In this example, the author uses the climatic ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Hot And Cold Media In The Media By Marshall Mcluhan "After three thousand years of explosion, by means of fragmentary and mechanical technologies, the Western world is imploding" (McLuhan pg. 3) Starting his book with these words Marshall McLuhan appeared on the centre page of media studies. With his unique style a person finds his book "Understanding Media" difficult to understand. To Interpret the book we have to interpret different themes one by one. Medium is the message: According to McLuhan "Message" is, "The change of scale or pace or pattern." i.e. a new technology "introduces into human affairs." (McLuhan pg. 8) The important thing according to McLuhan is the effect of the same news through different mediums. The crime story through a news cast will have more intense effect as compared to the effect of same ... Show more content on ... Message is important, it is everything, it can be anything, the message is what the messenger want it to be. Hot and cold media: Classification of media by McLuhan depends on only two factors, information and participation. The content is hot if it is high in information and low in participation, and if the participation is high and the information is less than the content is cool. McLuhan's explanation of hot and cool media has now made it easier to predict that how the content or message will affect the masses or society. But still the effect of the message on the society highly depends on the mentality, behavior and thinking ability of the society. How they react on cool media and on hot media. What they get from it, it all depends on the perception of the society. Conclusion: McLuhan was ambitious. He took an exhausting task of leaving behind the world, of which he was a habitant in order to understand it better. No one can easily understand his writing in first glance, we have to dig deep to understand what he actually want to convey. He expected the reader to foresee a puzzling essay on media and not to find a guide on a complex subject. Although not everyone can ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Marshall Mcluhan 's The Medium Is The Massage Marshall McLuhan's The Medium is the Massage, first published in 1967, explores the rise of technology and its impact on mass media. As the media spreads nationwide, McLuhan criticizes the growing power and the increasing influence of the media. McLuhan also argues that "all media are extensions of some human faculty," meaning that technology has changed the way humans do things. Rather than walking, we have cars to get us to further places quicker. We use a phone as an "extension" of our ears, allowing us to hear what others have to say from other countries. While these technological advances allow us to easily communicate with those whom we normally wouldn't be able to talk to, it also forces us to do things the easy way. We can see ... Show more content on ... Our dependence on technology is dangerous because we wouldn't be able to do much without it. According to McLuhan, the media is an invisible force surrounding us. Media is everywhere, sending messages to the public. He argues that the media is "so pervasive in their personal, political, economic, aesthetic, psychological, ethical, and social consequences that they leave no part of us untouched, unaffected, unaltered." We don't realize how powerful the media actually is. It can change the way we look and feel about ourselves, the attitudes and beliefs instilled in us, and change the way we think. Because the media is everywhere, it is hard to avoid the effects of it. We can see that McLuhan's argument still works today. We constantly hear cases of body shaming on the internet, causing young adults to develop low self–esteem. Teenagers, especially female teenagers, may feel the pressure of having a slim body because they constantly see slim figures in the media. This may lead to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Popular movies and television shows, such as Mean Girls and Pretty Little Liars, may influence the way we talk and dress. Politicians use television campaigns and online advertisements to swag the public to vote for them. Even television news, such as Fox news, may endorse certain politicians and promote that politician to their audience. The internet is filled with advertisements ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. John Knowles 's A Separate Peace Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian philosopher and public intellectual once said that, "everybody tends to merge his identity with other people... It's called being mass man". Mass man is what one would describe as a person lacking any individuality or uniqueness. This relates to John Knowles's novel, A Separate Peace through the idea of Gene's struggle with identity throughout the stories that he tells due to his own lack of individuality. In the novel, Gene Forrester is a student at the Devon School, a boarding school in New Hampshire. At Devon, Gene struggles with the concept of who he is, and who he wants to be. This struggle is greatly influenced by Gene's best friend, Phineas, "Finny". Gene looks up to Finny as both a friend and a role ... Show more content on ... Later on in the novel, after Mr. Patch–Withers calls the boys into his office to consequence Finny for wearing the Devon School tie as a belt.To get out of punishment, Finny makes up an elaborate lie about why he needs to wear the tie, and saying that it is a tribute to the school, as well as a necessity so that his pants did not fall down while at the headmaster's tea. This causes Mr. Patch–Withers to laugh, something that the boys believe he has never done before. Gene reflects back on this moment in awe, thinking about how "[he laughs] along with Finny, [his] best friend, and also unique, able to get away with anything at all... He [gets] away with everything because of the extraordinary kind of person he [is]. It [is] quite a compliment to [Gene], as a matter of fact, to have such a person choose [him] for his best friend" (28). By saying that Finny is an "extraordinary person", and that it is a "compliment to have him choose Gene to be his best friend", it can be concluded that Gene looks up to Finny as a role model, and envies the fact that he is able to "get away with anything". Gene feels that Phineas is so important to him and is such an inspiration to him, foreshadowing an adaptation to Finny's identity, just like the previous quote. In the middle of the novel, Knowles begins to show how Gene adapts to Phineas's identity, just as it was foreshadowed in the beginning of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Relationship Between Media And The Media When it comes to culture and society and its relations to the media, many theorists have come to develop an understanding of how it is that media has changed or is changing our understanding of modern society. The media is commonly known as the different modes of communication, which is the ability to communicate through a specific type of mode in which information has to pass from point A to B. An example of media taking effect is seen in the use of newspapers and how it is used as a medium to inform people of events happening around them. In addition, Marshal McLuhan and Raymond Williams, developed two different theories towards the development and effects of the media. McLuhan explains his theory through his book "The Medium is the Massage", which explains how the media is the medium for everything we interact with. On the other hand, William rejects McLuhan's idea through his article "The Technology and Society". In his article, he states how McLuhan's theory is in error because his theory gets rid of technology from society rather than explaining how they both interact with each other. However, both of their theories are very important when understanding how media has allowed humans to communicate, interact, and change the world we live in. The way media has impacted the way we interact with each other and the way it shapes our understanding of where, how, when, and why we have come to be where we are, has changed over the years. McLuhan brings forth an interesting ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Understanding The Medi The Extensions Of Man The text type of this written task one is a opinion column about the Marshall McLuhan's book Understanding the Media: the Extensions of Man. He believed that the world has to live within a mosaic of culture, exemplified by the TV news, the only unifying factor which – the fact that they occurred on the same day and hour. efficient media studies is dealing not only with the content of the media, but also with the very media, with the cultural context in which the media operate. It emphasizes its basic idea that new technologies are extensions of our bodies, our senses. Before joining writing man lived in acoustic space, it was an oral culture. The main tool is the question, and no one knew more than others, because there was no ... Show more content on ... Incidentally, the Soviet "samizdat" – part of the same phenomenon. Interesting and new to this day McLuhan observation that human oral culture was more difficult emotionally as Western man is more homogenized, there are certain emotions suppressed to achieve practicality and effectiveness. Word count: 311 Marshall McLuhan 's aphorisms have become part of Western mentality and culture. McLuhan predicted the effect of television on society, the essence and nature of advertising, as well as forty years ago, described the changes in society that have come with the advent of the Internet. In the works of M. McLuhan traced three main themes. The first is devoted to the concept of art as a process of knowledge pertaining to the symbolic tools, which are present in a variety of visual appeal – from art to advertising. The second theme involves the use of technology as a way to empower the person; its essence lies in the fact that the content of any message inevitably feels the impact of the technology used for its distribution. The third theme is defined McLuhan conviction that the process of human development has gone through two periods, the primitive and the industrial and came in third – technology. What McLuhan in his first devoted to the consideration of art as a process of learning, work, the focus is given to problems of advertising, is typical of his approach to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Life About Marshall Mcluhan 's Life Life About Marshall McLuhan Marshall McLuhan (also known as Herbert Marshall McLuhan), was born on july 21, 1911 – December 31, 1980 in Edmonton, Alberta. He was a canadian philoshoper of communtication theory and public intellectual. His work was shown as one of the cornerstone of media theory. He went to college at University of Manitoba and Cambridge University and began his teaching career as a Professor of English at several universities in the U.S. and Canada. After that he moved to the University of Toronto where he would remain for the rest of his life. His brother, Maurice, was born two years later. "Marshall" was a family name: his maternal grandmother 's surname. Both of his parents were born in Canada. His mother was a ... Show more content on ... He had long desired to pursue graduate studies in England and, having failed to secure a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford, he was accepted to the University of Cambridge. Although he had already earned a BA and an MA degree at Manitoba, Cambridge required him to enroll as an undergraduate "affiliated" student, with one year 's credit towards a three–year bachelor 's degree, before entering any doctoral studies. He entered Trinity Hall, Cambridge in the autumn of 1934, where he studied under I. A. Richards and F. R. Leavis, and was influenced by New Criticism.[16] Upon reflection years afterward, he credited the faculty there with influencing the direction of his later work because of their emphasis on the training of perception and such concepts as Richards 's notion of feedforward. These studies formed an important precursor to his later ideas on technological forms. He received the required bachelor 's degree from Cambridge in 1936 and entered their graduate program. Later, he returned from England to take a job as a teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin–Madison that he held for the 1936–37 academic year, being unable to find a suitable job in Canada. During his years at Saint Louis University (1937–1944), McLuhan worked concurrently on two ... Get more on ...