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Max Muscle Convention  Saturday
Welcome Patrick Sanders
Keynote Address  Aaron Davis
Session One Managing and Measuring Your Customer’s Experience Cory Mathews, Kristin Wood,  Shelby Kadyk
Know Thy Customers
Max Muscle Sports Nutrition Changing Lives One Customer at a Time Video Presentation
What Do We Need To Stop Doing, Keep Doing, andStart Doing to Serve Our Customers Better?What works, what doesn’t?If you don’t measure it, you can’t change it.Sometimes you don’t even know it’s happening.
To do all this, you need a system
Why a system?  To create the very best in-store experience, building upon what Corporate is already providing us ,[object Object]
Insights on ROI for your marketing money
A system also allows your employees to replicate your approach,[object Object]
Better Understanding Your Customers
Measuring “GREAT” In-Store Experience ,[object Object]
Surveys (in-store, secret shoppers, online, website comments)
7/30 day follow-ups
Exercise ,[object Object]
Staff Exercise Results
Staff Exercise Results
Consistent In Store Experience “More customers stop shopping in your store because they have varying customer experience, not because they have one negative experience.”
Staff Training ,[object Object]
Product Quizzes
Research projects,[object Object]
Consistency: Staff Steps for ReturningCustomers
Consistency: Staff Steps for Free Nutrition Consult Clients
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. “ -Benjamin Franklin
Session Two Improving Your Bottom Line Through Multi-Unit Leveraging Greg Jarmin
Greg Jarmin Regional Director for Oregon and Clark County Washington
Multi Unit Stores  Do you love your franchise? Do you realize you are capable of doing more? Have you mastered the strategies and tactics of the system and have your stores been profitable for at least 3 months straight with consistent growth every quarter?
Are You Ready For the Next Level ? If you answered yes to these questions then pay very close attention. If you answered no then you need to pay closer attention because this is where you want your business to go.
Why should you consider leveraging your business with another store? The single most attractive benefit of multi-unit franchising is profitability.  Reduce your risk as it is absorbed by several units.   Access to more cash flow.
Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Familiarity operational processes and procedures. you are simply doing what you do now, somewhere else. implement the system and reap the reward. Proximity same franchisee within a close geographic proximity allows you to leverage the power of regional marketing strategies. use multiple sites to create a mini-monopoly within the region  and control the promotions that are available in your region.
Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Efficiency Discounts by ordering supplies and product  not on a store-by-store basis, but on a multi store regional basis. Margin improvement from MMSN volume Discount Program.
Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Efficiency Save money by assigning staff to cover more than one location. One person to manage two stores or even three Higher part time employee that can cover two stores and different events for both stores
Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Multi-site franchises offer a unique opportunity to shift staff back and forth between stores.  Provide advancement opportunities for employees who are interested in pursuing a career track with your company.
Challenges of Multi-Unit Franchises Shedding the desire to micro manage. You have a vested interest in how each store functions but much of the responsibility should be placed on an infrastructure of managers you hire.  Hire managers to serve as an extension of you.  
Challenges of Multi-Unit Franchises Allow each manager to assume responsibility of store operations. Staffing is always problematic, but you can improve it by treating your managers and their staff members well.
Multi-Unit Franchising Fundamentals  The longest journey begins with the first step, so start right.  Build your infrastructure well! First, consider any skills you may have.   An entrepreneurial spirit, store sales, accounting? Build your infrastructure “AROUND” your skills. Plan and design your infrastructure to         umbrella all units.
Multi-Unit Franchising Fundamentals  A large infrastructure will help the launch go much more smoothly. To few people will leave you scrambling to meet the demands of a new business franchise.  Carefully plan and build the infrastructure slowly.
Multi-Unit Franchising Fundamentals  Plan on opening additional stores like you did the first one. Plan on a renewed commitment to your business
Get a firm foundation in the basics What are the best sources for qualified multi unit owners in our system and how do I leverage their experience?  What creative financing techniques are growing franchisees using to fund present growth?   What kind of additional training do you and your infrastructure need and from whom?  What should your organizational  	model look like?
Get a firm foundation in the basics What do your expert business partners think of the idea? Figure out a budget
Get a firm foundation in the basics How does the possible increase in volume discount effect you new Break Even Point What does spreading the expenses...such as legal, accounting, and advertising effect the Break Even Point?
Get a firm foundation in the basics How do you move from a reactive to proactive growth model?   There is no one-size-fits-all approach to growth.  Successful multi-unit owners agree on one thing:  Strategic planning and effective leadership, supported by an efficient, high-performing infrastructure are the foundation to success.
A new and different mindset  Delegation becomes paramount to success.  Performance reports to manage and grow your organization.  “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Analyze and integrate this information into daily action and long-range strategic planning. What reports tell the best story about your business ?
Fact:   53% of all Franchise stores in America are operated by multi-unit Franchisees* *   International Franchise Association (IFA)
Session Three Execution of Priorities Colin Armbruster
Putting First Things FirstExecution of Priorities
Why Put First Things First Improved productivity Better performance Improved planning and control of business systems through time based management Better alignment of activities  Reduction of stress that arises due to crisis management Increased profitability through better use of human and non-human resources
Foundations THE SEVEN HABITS PARADIGM          Stephen Covey Time Management is covered in Habit 3 Put First Things First.  Habits 1 and 2 essential for maximum impact.
Be Proactive Responsibility Response Ability
Be Proactive Stimulus Response Freedom to Choose Self- Awareness Independent Will Conscience Imagination
Begin with the end in mind
Begin with the end in mind Paradigm Mental Creation Precedes Physical Creation Behavior Result
Begin with the end in mind ,[object Object]
Do you live by DEFAULT OR do you live by DESIGN?,[object Object]
Mangers do things right.
Leaders do the right things.Efficient management without effective leadership is…“like straightening deck chairs or polishing brass on the Titantic.” Stephen Covey
Begin with the end in mind ,[object Object]
In order to make the right decisions on your journey you need to know where YOU want to end up – in detail.,[object Object]
The Clock and the Compass The Clock Commitments Appointments Schedules Goals  Activities What we do and how we manage our time. The Compass Vision Values Principles Conscience  Direction What we feel is important and how we lead our lives.
4 Generations Stephen Covey identified 4 generations of time management 1  Notes and Checklists Recognition of the demands on energy & time  2  Calendars and appointment books Scheduling with some focus on the future 3  Prioritization  Comparison of the relative worth of activities  4  Self management Realization that time cannot be managed - it is ourselves that we have to manage! The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Covey,1989
Time Matrix Urgent Not Urgent Q1 Q2 Prevention Relationship Building Planning Recreation Education Crises Deadlines Important Q3 Q4 Interruptions Some Meetings Popular  Activities Pleasant Activities Busy Work Time Wasters Trivia Not Important
Quadrant 1 (Procrastinator) Being in Quadrant 1 brings Stress Burnout Crises management Firefighting Focus on the immediate
Quadrant 3 (Yes Man) Being in Quadrant 3 brings Short term focus Crises management Low value on goals Feeling of victimization / lack of control Shallow relationships
Quadrant 4 (Slacker) Being in Quadrant 4 brings: Irresponsibility High dependency on others for basics Short career path or business life
Quadrant 2 (Prioritizer) Being in Quadrant 2 brings: Vision Perspective Balance Discipline Control The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Covey,1989
Characteristics of a Quadrant 2 Person There are six basic choices a person makes allow maximum function in Quadrant 2: I choose to be Coherent I choose to be Balanced I choose to be Focused I choose to get on with People  I choose to be Flexible when necessary  I choose to be Portable
Quadrant 2 Requirements The basic requirements to reach Quadrant 2 are: Clear definition of organizational roles and specifically your own role  Selection of and focus on goals that are Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timebound (SMART) Development and utilization of schedules  The practice of daily adapting in work roles
74 Saying No and Quadrant 2 To stay within Quadrant 2, there is a requirement that you must say no to 3 and 4: Unless you have UNLIMITED time, saying NO to something less important means saying YES to something MORE IMPORTANT! “A no uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a yes merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.” Mahatma Gandhi
Essential Habits Essential habits for good time management are: Know where the hours are going  Keep focused on the end result  Work to defined priorities  Schedule time for important issues  Delegate routine tasks and responsibility for them  Confront your own indecision and delay  Take the stress out of work  Keep applying the essential habits!
Busy v Productive Work Just because you are busy does not mean that you are productive  Differentiate between Effectiveness  -- doing the right things Efficiency  -- doing the right things correctly
Busy v Productive Work Problem No 1:  Procrastination Putting off doing the things that you should be doing right now! Solution List all tasks that you are currently putting off  Remove two from the list by doing them now! Plan and set a schedule for dealing with the rest  Reward when tasks are completed  Punish when tasks are not completed on schedule
Dealing with Indecision or Delay When faced with a task - decide to deal with it according to one of the following actions: Do it Delegate it Dump it Deadline it Dissect it
Busy v Productive Work Problem No  2: Paralyzing perfectionism  This is a failure to recognize the difference between excellence and perfection  Excellence Achievable Healthy Satisfying Realistic Perfection Unattainable Frustrating Unrealistic Remember the 80/20 rule
Urgency V Importance Differentiating between  Urgent tasks assume importance as they demand immediate attention Important tasks May become urgent if left undone  Usually have a long term effect To judge importance v urgency,  gauge tasks in terms of Impact of doing them Effect of not doing them
Prioritization The main aim of prioritization is to avoid a crisis or pressure situation. Schedule your Priorities as opposed to Prioritizing your Schedule
Proactive v Reactive Work Reactive work - concentrates on getting things done  Handling daily routines Dealing with urgency Resolving crises Handling interruptions
Proactive v Reactive Work Proactive work - concentrates on making things happen Developing plans and schedules Focusing on key tasks Achieving deadlines & targets Managing projects and relationships
Moving into Quadrant II How do I get there? ,[object Object]
Organize Weekly
Review and Execute Daily
Evaluate Regularly,[object Object]
Step 2:  Organize Weekly ,[object Object]
They move, delegate, cancel, and postpone—all in hopes of “putting first things first”
The key is to schedule your priorities, not prioritize your schedule,[object Object]
We have important roles at work, in the family, in the community, or other areas of our lives
Roles represent responsibilities, relationships, and areas of contribution
List out all the roles in your life that are important to you right now,[object Object]
What is the most important thing I could do for each role this week that would have the greatest positive impact?
They can be either an area of focus or a specific activity
Consider the Primary relationships for each role
Review a “perhaps” list for ideas
Identify the steps that need to be taken to achieve long-term goals
Allocate and Schedule the appropriate times in your calendar for your Roles/Goals,[object Object]
Choose which tasks are high priority based on your Mission and Cascading Plans
The Master Task List is your bucket. The one and only place that you record tasks and activities that you can choose to accomplish,[object Object]
Preview your schedule—get your bearings:
Review your compass (Roles and Quad 2 Goals for these roles)
Look at the day in the context of the week
Renew your power to respond to changes in a meaningful wayYES DO THIS EVERY DAY
Step 3:  Execute Daily The Daily Plan should cover three main areas: Scheduled activities for the day showing time allocated to each  Identification of key tasks for the day to allow them to be prioritized  Indication of who you need to contact or delegate to during the day to allow you to complete tasks
Step 3:  Execute Daily When setting out the daily plan pay attention to the following points: When do you perform best, suit your bio-rhythm Build in planning time at the start and end of the day  Prioritize actions into “musts, shoulds and coulds” and focus on the ‘musts’ (you can use A, B or C’s) Leave room for the unexpected Don’t stack meetings back to back
Step 3:  Execute Daily ,[object Object]
Integrity to yourself, your principles and your mission
Should I carry out my plan or make conscience directed changes?
Making and keeping promises
Remember to focus on importance NOT urgency,[object Object]
What goals did I achieve?
What did I learn from the week as a whole?
Am I setting goals that are realistic but challenging?
Have I been effective in work related communications?
What challenges did I encounter?
What decisions did I make?
Did I keep “first things first?”,[object Object]
Tips: Quality Time Quality time is where you can plan to do the most important high priority tasks  It allows for deep concentration through eliminating interruptions  It imposes a structure on work  It allows you to move away from reactive work to proactive work
Tips: Dealing with Documents Document handling can steal a vast quantity of time from our working day  Improve your document handling by: Handling documents only once by : Act on what is required by the document  File the document for reference later  Dump the document
Tips: Dealing with Documents Have a good system for handling your documents that allows you to: Define what you need to keep and for how long  Allows you to file materials easily and logically  Facilitates access to materials  Purge the files on a regular basis
Tips: Managing Interruptions Try to reduce the number of interruptions by applying the following techniques: Create a visual barrier at your workspace to reduce the incidence of ‘drop-in’ visits  Don’t have extra chairs in your workspace - people do not hang around as long if they must stand  For important work - move to another space so the potential interruptors can’t find you! Tell people that you are busy, explain why and arrange to contact them at a more suitable time
Tips: Managing Your Workspace How our workspace is organized has an impact on how efficient we are - try the following to improve efficiency  De-clutter your desk by clearing it at the end of each working day  File documents once they have been used  Purge files regularly Organize a work flow system in your space
Tips: Managing Your Phone The telephone can be responsible for eating vast quantities of time - control the phone by using: Batch your outward calls  Delegate calls that you don’t have to make personally to one of your team  Terminate calls once the business has been done  Set up a rotation in your team for handling incoming calls
In Closing Be Proactive – CHOOSE your responses and your life Begin with the End in mind – KNOW your own desired outcomes Put First Things First –  Don’t procrastinate or waste time – MANAGE YOUR SELF Define and use periods of quality time in your schedule  Learn to say No with deep conviction  Stay away from perfectionism and aim for excellence  Build in timefor planning and personal development
Session Four Nutrition Plans A-Z Matt Lazar and Mark Sarale
Selling Nutrition Plans
Prospects for Nutrition Plans
Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Prospects for Nutrition Plans
Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Improve body composition  Prospects for Nutrition Plans
Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Improve body composition Improve Health Prospects for Nutrition Plans
Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Improve body composition Improve Health Improve Performance  Prospects for Nutrition Plans
Networking Networking Join Networking Groups Build contact lists Companies How many employees  Addresses Emails Phone numbers
Networking Attend Health Fairs Gets the MM brand out there Allows you to elaborate on the NP’s on a personal basis Puts a face with the company
Networking Networking	 Establish Partnerships Personal trainers Gym management Gym sales associates Personal training studios Yoga Studios Pilates Studios Chiropractors Rehabilitation Centers Massage Therapist
Marketing  Market Nutrition Plans as you would your Products Certain products appease certain people just as certain NP’s will appease certain people.  Prospects Improve body composition Fat-loss, Muscle Gain,  Improve Health Reduce blood lipids, increase insulin sensitivity Improve Performance General, Athletic,

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Max muscle convention 2009 satruday

  • 1.
  • 3.
  • 5.
  • 6. Keynote Address Aaron Davis
  • 7.
  • 9.
  • 10. Session One Managing and Measuring Your Customer’s Experience Cory Mathews, Kristin Wood, Shelby Kadyk
  • 12. Max Muscle Sports Nutrition Changing Lives One Customer at a Time Video Presentation
  • 13. What Do We Need To Stop Doing, Keep Doing, andStart Doing to Serve Our Customers Better?What works, what doesn’t?If you don’t measure it, you can’t change it.Sometimes you don’t even know it’s happening.
  • 14. To do all this, you need a system
  • 15.
  • 16. Insights on ROI for your marketing money
  • 17.
  • 19.
  • 20. Surveys (in-store, secret shoppers, online, website comments)
  • 22.
  • 25. Consistent In Store Experience “More customers stop shopping in your store because they have varying customer experience, not because they have one negative experience.”
  • 26.
  • 30.
  • 31. Consistency: Staff Steps for ReturningCustomers
  • 32. Consistency: Staff Steps for Free Nutrition Consult Clients
  • 33. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. “ -Benjamin Franklin
  • 34.
  • 35. Session Two Improving Your Bottom Line Through Multi-Unit Leveraging Greg Jarmin
  • 36. Greg Jarmin Regional Director for Oregon and Clark County Washington
  • 37. Multi Unit Stores Do you love your franchise? Do you realize you are capable of doing more? Have you mastered the strategies and tactics of the system and have your stores been profitable for at least 3 months straight with consistent growth every quarter?
  • 38. Are You Ready For the Next Level ? If you answered yes to these questions then pay very close attention. If you answered no then you need to pay closer attention because this is where you want your business to go.
  • 39. Why should you consider leveraging your business with another store? The single most attractive benefit of multi-unit franchising is profitability. Reduce your risk as it is absorbed by several units. Access to more cash flow.
  • 40. Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Familiarity operational processes and procedures. you are simply doing what you do now, somewhere else. implement the system and reap the reward. Proximity same franchisee within a close geographic proximity allows you to leverage the power of regional marketing strategies. use multiple sites to create a mini-monopoly within the region and control the promotions that are available in your region.
  • 41. Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Efficiency Discounts by ordering supplies and product not on a store-by-store basis, but on a multi store regional basis. Margin improvement from MMSN volume Discount Program.
  • 42. Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Efficiency Save money by assigning staff to cover more than one location. One person to manage two stores or even three Higher part time employee that can cover two stores and different events for both stores
  • 43. Why would you consider leveraging your business with another store? Multi-site franchises offer a unique opportunity to shift staff back and forth between stores. Provide advancement opportunities for employees who are interested in pursuing a career track with your company.
  • 44. Challenges of Multi-Unit Franchises Shedding the desire to micro manage. You have a vested interest in how each store functions but much of the responsibility should be placed on an infrastructure of managers you hire. Hire managers to serve as an extension of you.  
  • 45. Challenges of Multi-Unit Franchises Allow each manager to assume responsibility of store operations. Staffing is always problematic, but you can improve it by treating your managers and their staff members well.
  • 46. Multi-Unit Franchising Fundamentals The longest journey begins with the first step, so start right. Build your infrastructure well! First, consider any skills you may have.  An entrepreneurial spirit, store sales, accounting? Build your infrastructure “AROUND” your skills. Plan and design your infrastructure to umbrella all units.
  • 47. Multi-Unit Franchising Fundamentals A large infrastructure will help the launch go much more smoothly. To few people will leave you scrambling to meet the demands of a new business franchise. Carefully plan and build the infrastructure slowly.
  • 48. Multi-Unit Franchising Fundamentals Plan on opening additional stores like you did the first one. Plan on a renewed commitment to your business
  • 49. Get a firm foundation in the basics What are the best sources for qualified multi unit owners in our system and how do I leverage their experience?  What creative financing techniques are growing franchisees using to fund present growth?  What kind of additional training do you and your infrastructure need and from whom? What should your organizational model look like?
  • 50. Get a firm foundation in the basics What do your expert business partners think of the idea? Figure out a budget
  • 51. Get a firm foundation in the basics How does the possible increase in volume discount effect you new Break Even Point What does spreading the expenses...such as legal, accounting, and advertising effect the Break Even Point?
  • 52. Get a firm foundation in the basics How do you move from a reactive to proactive growth model? There is no one-size-fits-all approach to growth. Successful multi-unit owners agree on one thing: Strategic planning and effective leadership, supported by an efficient, high-performing infrastructure are the foundation to success.
  • 53. A new and different mindset Delegation becomes paramount to success. Performance reports to manage and grow your organization. “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Analyze and integrate this information into daily action and long-range strategic planning. What reports tell the best story about your business ?
  • 55. Fact:   53% of all Franchise stores in America are operated by multi-unit Franchisees* *   International Franchise Association (IFA)
  • 56.
  • 57. Lunch
  • 58.
  • 59. Session Three Execution of Priorities Colin Armbruster
  • 60. Putting First Things FirstExecution of Priorities
  • 61. Why Put First Things First Improved productivity Better performance Improved planning and control of business systems through time based management Better alignment of activities Reduction of stress that arises due to crisis management Increased profitability through better use of human and non-human resources
  • 62. Foundations THE SEVEN HABITS PARADIGM Stephen Covey Time Management is covered in Habit 3 Put First Things First. Habits 1 and 2 essential for maximum impact.
  • 63. Be Proactive Responsibility Response Ability
  • 64. Be Proactive Stimulus Response Freedom to Choose Self- Awareness Independent Will Conscience Imagination
  • 65. Begin with the end in mind
  • 66. Begin with the end in mind Paradigm Mental Creation Precedes Physical Creation Behavior Result
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 70. Leaders do the right things.Efficient management without effective leadership is…“like straightening deck chairs or polishing brass on the Titantic.” Stephen Covey
  • 71.
  • 75.
  • 76. The Clock and the Compass The Clock Commitments Appointments Schedules Goals Activities What we do and how we manage our time. The Compass Vision Values Principles Conscience Direction What we feel is important and how we lead our lives.
  • 77. 4 Generations Stephen Covey identified 4 generations of time management 1 Notes and Checklists Recognition of the demands on energy & time 2 Calendars and appointment books Scheduling with some focus on the future 3 Prioritization Comparison of the relative worth of activities 4 Self management Realization that time cannot be managed - it is ourselves that we have to manage! The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Covey,1989
  • 78. Time Matrix Urgent Not Urgent Q1 Q2 Prevention Relationship Building Planning Recreation Education Crises Deadlines Important Q3 Q4 Interruptions Some Meetings Popular Activities Pleasant Activities Busy Work Time Wasters Trivia Not Important
  • 79. Quadrant 1 (Procrastinator) Being in Quadrant 1 brings Stress Burnout Crises management Firefighting Focus on the immediate
  • 80. Quadrant 3 (Yes Man) Being in Quadrant 3 brings Short term focus Crises management Low value on goals Feeling of victimization / lack of control Shallow relationships
  • 81. Quadrant 4 (Slacker) Being in Quadrant 4 brings: Irresponsibility High dependency on others for basics Short career path or business life
  • 82. Quadrant 2 (Prioritizer) Being in Quadrant 2 brings: Vision Perspective Balance Discipline Control The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Covey,1989
  • 83. Characteristics of a Quadrant 2 Person There are six basic choices a person makes allow maximum function in Quadrant 2: I choose to be Coherent I choose to be Balanced I choose to be Focused I choose to get on with People I choose to be Flexible when necessary I choose to be Portable
  • 84. Quadrant 2 Requirements The basic requirements to reach Quadrant 2 are: Clear definition of organizational roles and specifically your own role Selection of and focus on goals that are Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timebound (SMART) Development and utilization of schedules The practice of daily adapting in work roles
  • 85. 74 Saying No and Quadrant 2 To stay within Quadrant 2, there is a requirement that you must say no to 3 and 4: Unless you have UNLIMITED time, saying NO to something less important means saying YES to something MORE IMPORTANT! “A no uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a yes merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.” Mahatma Gandhi
  • 86. Essential Habits Essential habits for good time management are: Know where the hours are going Keep focused on the end result Work to defined priorities Schedule time for important issues Delegate routine tasks and responsibility for them Confront your own indecision and delay Take the stress out of work Keep applying the essential habits!
  • 87. Busy v Productive Work Just because you are busy does not mean that you are productive Differentiate between Effectiveness -- doing the right things Efficiency -- doing the right things correctly
  • 88. Busy v Productive Work Problem No 1: Procrastination Putting off doing the things that you should be doing right now! Solution List all tasks that you are currently putting off Remove two from the list by doing them now! Plan and set a schedule for dealing with the rest Reward when tasks are completed Punish when tasks are not completed on schedule
  • 89. Dealing with Indecision or Delay When faced with a task - decide to deal with it according to one of the following actions: Do it Delegate it Dump it Deadline it Dissect it
  • 90. Busy v Productive Work Problem No 2: Paralyzing perfectionism This is a failure to recognize the difference between excellence and perfection Excellence Achievable Healthy Satisfying Realistic Perfection Unattainable Frustrating Unrealistic Remember the 80/20 rule
  • 91. Urgency V Importance Differentiating between Urgent tasks assume importance as they demand immediate attention Important tasks May become urgent if left undone Usually have a long term effect To judge importance v urgency, gauge tasks in terms of Impact of doing them Effect of not doing them
  • 92. Prioritization The main aim of prioritization is to avoid a crisis or pressure situation. Schedule your Priorities as opposed to Prioritizing your Schedule
  • 93. Proactive v Reactive Work Reactive work - concentrates on getting things done Handling daily routines Dealing with urgency Resolving crises Handling interruptions
  • 94. Proactive v Reactive Work Proactive work - concentrates on making things happen Developing plans and schedules Focusing on key tasks Achieving deadlines & targets Managing projects and relationships
  • 95.
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100. They move, delegate, cancel, and postpone—all in hopes of “putting first things first”
  • 101.
  • 102. We have important roles at work, in the family, in the community, or other areas of our lives
  • 103. Roles represent responsibilities, relationships, and areas of contribution
  • 104.
  • 105. What is the most important thing I could do for each role this week that would have the greatest positive impact?
  • 106. They can be either an area of focus or a specific activity
  • 107. Consider the Primary relationships for each role
  • 108. Review a “perhaps” list for ideas
  • 109. Identify the steps that need to be taken to achieve long-term goals
  • 110.
  • 111. Choose which tasks are high priority based on your Mission and Cascading Plans
  • 112.
  • 113. Preview your schedule—get your bearings:
  • 114. Review your compass (Roles and Quad 2 Goals for these roles)
  • 115. Look at the day in the context of the week
  • 116. Renew your power to respond to changes in a meaningful wayYES DO THIS EVERY DAY
  • 117. Step 3: Execute Daily The Daily Plan should cover three main areas: Scheduled activities for the day showing time allocated to each Identification of key tasks for the day to allow them to be prioritized Indication of who you need to contact or delegate to during the day to allow you to complete tasks
  • 118. Step 3: Execute Daily When setting out the daily plan pay attention to the following points: When do you perform best, suit your bio-rhythm Build in planning time at the start and end of the day Prioritize actions into “musts, shoulds and coulds” and focus on the ‘musts’ (you can use A, B or C’s) Leave room for the unexpected Don’t stack meetings back to back
  • 119.
  • 120. Integrity to yourself, your principles and your mission
  • 121. Should I carry out my plan or make conscience directed changes?
  • 122. Making and keeping promises
  • 123.
  • 124. What goals did I achieve?
  • 125. What did I learn from the week as a whole?
  • 126. Am I setting goals that are realistic but challenging?
  • 127. Have I been effective in work related communications?
  • 128. What challenges did I encounter?
  • 130.
  • 131. Tips: Quality Time Quality time is where you can plan to do the most important high priority tasks It allows for deep concentration through eliminating interruptions It imposes a structure on work It allows you to move away from reactive work to proactive work
  • 132. Tips: Dealing with Documents Document handling can steal a vast quantity of time from our working day Improve your document handling by: Handling documents only once by : Act on what is required by the document File the document for reference later Dump the document
  • 133. Tips: Dealing with Documents Have a good system for handling your documents that allows you to: Define what you need to keep and for how long Allows you to file materials easily and logically Facilitates access to materials Purge the files on a regular basis
  • 134. Tips: Managing Interruptions Try to reduce the number of interruptions by applying the following techniques: Create a visual barrier at your workspace to reduce the incidence of ‘drop-in’ visits Don’t have extra chairs in your workspace - people do not hang around as long if they must stand For important work - move to another space so the potential interruptors can’t find you! Tell people that you are busy, explain why and arrange to contact them at a more suitable time
  • 135. Tips: Managing Your Workspace How our workspace is organized has an impact on how efficient we are - try the following to improve efficiency De-clutter your desk by clearing it at the end of each working day File documents once they have been used Purge files regularly Organize a work flow system in your space
  • 136. Tips: Managing Your Phone The telephone can be responsible for eating vast quantities of time - control the phone by using: Batch your outward calls Delegate calls that you don’t have to make personally to one of your team Terminate calls once the business has been done Set up a rotation in your team for handling incoming calls
  • 137. In Closing Be Proactive – CHOOSE your responses and your life Begin with the End in mind – KNOW your own desired outcomes Put First Things First – Don’t procrastinate or waste time – MANAGE YOUR SELF Define and use periods of quality time in your schedule Learn to say No with deep conviction Stay away from perfectionism and aim for excellence Build in timefor planning and personal development
  • 138.
  • 139. Break
  • 140.
  • 141. Session Four Nutrition Plans A-Z Matt Lazar and Mark Sarale
  • 144. Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Prospects for Nutrition Plans
  • 145. Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Improve body composition Prospects for Nutrition Plans
  • 146. Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Improve body composition Improve Health Prospects for Nutrition Plans
  • 147. Who is a prime candidate for a nutrition plan? Improve body composition Improve Health Improve Performance Prospects for Nutrition Plans
  • 149. Networking Networking Join Networking Groups Build contact lists Companies How many employees Addresses Emails Phone numbers
  • 150. Networking Attend Health Fairs Gets the MM brand out there Allows you to elaborate on the NP’s on a personal basis Puts a face with the company
  • 151. Networking Networking Establish Partnerships Personal trainers Gym management Gym sales associates Personal training studios Yoga Studios Pilates Studios Chiropractors Rehabilitation Centers Massage Therapist
  • 153. Marketing Market Nutrition Plans as you would your Products Certain products appease certain people just as certain NP’s will appease certain people. Prospects Improve body composition Fat-loss, Muscle Gain, Improve Health Reduce blood lipids, increase insulin sensitivity Improve Performance General, Athletic,
  • 154. Marketing Once contacts are established Free consultation “coupons” Ads that contain perceived value Buy Core 4 and receive a free nutrition plan Buy Test-Boosting Stack get free consult Buy Fat-burning stack get free consult Put Expiration dates on coupons and Ads This will force the to have a sense of urgency
  • 155. Marketing All Marketing for the store should integrate the NP’s This gives Perception Potential customers/clients will know Nutrition Plans are a part of what MM does and represents
  • 157. Building Rapport Building rapport is key to acquiring that first consultation.
  • 158. Building Rapport Building rapport is key to acquiring that first consultation. Start with customers that you already have rapport with.
  • 159. Building Rapport Building rapport is key to acquiring that first consultation. Start with customers that you already have rapport with. How can you tell if you have good rapport with someone?
  • 160. Building Rapport Building rapport is key to acquiring that first consultation. Start with customers that you already have rapport with. How can you tell if you have good rapport with someone? Customers that only come in when you are working. The ones that purchase everything you tell them to get. Friends and family.
  • 161.
  • 162. Educate customers with our knowledge
  • 163.
  • 164.
  • 166. Rapport through Physiology Pacing a persons behavior non-verbally Mirroring - Looks like they are looking into a mirror Matching - Opposite of a mirror Crossover – Pacing with a different part of the body all together.
  • 167. Rapport through Physiology Pacing a persons behavior non-verbally Mirroring - Looks like they are looking into a mirror Matching - Opposite of a mirror Crossover – Pacing with a different part of the body all together. Whole body – pace the other persons stance or overall position Part body- pace any consistent behavior shrugs, gestures, head nods, or any other types of shifts in their behaviors Half body- pace upper or lower portion of persons body Breathing – pace depth and/or speed
  • 168.
  • 170. Visual- “I see, it looks…”
  • 171. Auditory- “I hear, it sounds…”
  • 172.
  • 173.
  • 174. Performing the Consultation Have all material for presentation ready prior to consult
  • 175. Performing the Consultation Have all material for presentation ready prior to consult Paperwork Calipers Tape-measure Computer
  • 176. Performing the Consultation Take weight Measure body fat % Take body-part measurements
  • 177. Performing the Consultation Ask them what their ideal weight/body-type is. Explain to them what the ideal/healthy body fat % is. Puts things into perspective Time frame How much they can actually gain/lose
  • 178. Closing the Sale By establishing the rapport through their mean of “communication” (speaking their language) should make them more inclined to sign with you
  • 179.
  • 180. Extra vitamins and minerals
  • 181. EFA balances(Note: use the communication techniques to be on the same level as them) This will give you a better chance at closing your sales.
  • 182. Closing the Sale How many sessions do they need? Do not pressure them, let them feel that they are still in control. You are just here to help them make a decision that will benefit them and yourself. This is the time that I emphasis the importance of consistency.
  • 183.
  • 184. 2nd session should be 2-3 weeks after 1st
  • 185.
  • 186. Weight
  • 187.
  • 188. If regressing; decrease/increase calories or make recommendation to type of exercise
  • 189. If fat-gain; decrease calories and increase cardio
  • 190.
  • 193.

Editor's Notes

  1. fat-loss, and muscle gainTypically 90% of the people who walk through the your doors will be pursuing some form body composition change.Fat-loss not weight lossMuscle gain, not weight gain
  2. Whether it be, to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, increase energy, prevent diabetes or and other possible disease related to malnutrition and lack of exercise.
  3. These are our athletes.
  4. Spread your name “branding” in other industriesTypically in these groups they only allow one person of each industry.It is a give and take society.Gaining contacts with small business owners and large businesses.Typically you will find better feedback from the small business owners, unless you get your foot into a large company like COSTCOExamples: My cousin works for costco in the marketing department. Therefore I was able to gain access to their data base.In Marks other stores they were able to get into some if not all of the major gyms.
  5. Typically, you can offer them a cut, or what I prefer which is a perceived value (product)One thing all of these people have in common is that they need supplements.Whether they send you people for NP or just supplementation, it is a win/win situation.These all have great benefits, but how do we allow “them” to actually send you people.Provide the service to them first. Do trade with them, offer your time as a nutrition/fitness expert for their services.Good Marketing that is track able is should provide you with the best results.
  6. MM is the place to go for your supplements and nutrition/meal plans.We provide all the proper tools to help them reach their goal.
  7. First and foremost building rapport is the key to acquiring that first/initial consultation.
  8. Offer them free consultations. Put a value on this by telling them it is normally $100.00, but because you are so kind. Or just ask them to do you a favor and volunteer. Trust me people will jump at this opportunity. Your going to have to do this for awhile until you get a reputation.
  9. How can you tell if you have good rapport with somebody? This is should be easy to answer…
  10. Every new customer is a potential client. Never judge anyone by what they are buying or not buying, Its about finding that “need” they have and meeting that “need”
  11. But more importantly be sincere about it. I would hope that because you are in this industry you not only care about yourself, but the well-being of others.
  12. We want every customer to know this is the place where you come to get results. And we have the tools and resources to help them.Will touch on the basis of executing a sale.
  13. Why do we want to match our clients’ body, breathing, voice, and modalities?And what works more???
  14. Why do we want to match our clients’ body, breathing, voice, and modalities?Words represent 7%Tonality represent 38 %Physiology represents 55%
  15. Ways to communicate through NLP.I am not certified to teach this nor am I an expert.
  16. Ways to communicate through NLP.I am not certified to teach this nor am I an expert.This is not used to manipulate but to help them make a decision that will benefit them
  17. Why do we want to match our clients’ body, breathing, voice, and modalities?Define modalities – This will in essence help you speak the same “language”, which will make it easier to communicate.
  18. Refer Back to prospectsIMPROVE BODY COMPOSITIONIMPROVE HEALTHIMPROVE PERFORMANCE Away from pain“Loss fat so they wont feel so bad”Towards Pleasure“Lose fat so they can go hiking” or any other kind a activity that induces pleasure “To feel better!”Opportunity“making weight for the military”
  19. Have everything ready, the last thing you need is for someone to think you are unorganized and unprepared.
  20. Have everything ready, the last thing you need is for someone to think you are unorganized and unprepared.
  21. What are they trying to achieve/goals?? Do they want to look like someone else, certain way, improve in performance??This is not said to demean them, but only to inform them.This is a great opportunity to utilize the same communication techniques that got them in the door.
  22. Of course you want them to sign up for more.
  23. Reasons- 1st-you need to make sure they are on the ball, checking them 1-2 weeks out will keep them motivated and ensure them that you care. 2nd- Your body needs time to respond3rd – they should be on track
  24. Reasons- 1st-you need to make sure they are on the ball, checking them 1-2 weeks out will keep them motivated and ensure them that you care. 2nd- Your body needs time to respond3rd – they should be on track
  25. There are ways to help you manage what they are doing, and whether they are following the program.
  26. You’d be surprised with how much they charge.