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Master of Business Administration
Master in International Management
Master Thesis Topic: Impact of Digitalization on Existing & Future Jobs in
Government Sector in UAE
Of the
A Key Driver
Main Contents
Subject Name Slide Number
What does the Future Mean? 6
Abstract 7
Chapter – 1: Prologue 8
Chapter – 2: Summary Literature Review 11
Chapter – 3: Dubai & Sustainability 49
Chapter – 4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions 65
Chapter – 5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations 74
List of References 79
End of Slides 83
List of Figures
Figure Name Slide Number
Figure 1: Positive Impact of Digitalization on the economy, society & public services 13
Figure 2: Transforming the Region into a leading digital Economy 17
Figure 3: Digitalization between Demand &supply Measures in UAE Comparing with other Regions 18
Figure 4: Successive Waves of Innovation have shaped the Worldwide Digital Economy 19
Figure 5: Four clusters of Digitization-Maximizing the Impact of Digitalization, Booz & Company Analysis 22
Figure 6: GDP Analysis-Booz & Company Report 23
Figure 7: Social Media & Users ,compared to the Arab Region [Based on Analysis of Facebook Users ] 26
Figure 8: Digital Impact on Economy & Society 27
Figure 9: Things that Happen on Internet Every 60 seconds 28
Figure 10: Developments in Shear of Occupations 33
Figure 11: Framework on Impact of Digitalization on Labour 34
Figure 12: Q1 2018 ME Job Market Survey 40
Figure 13: Key Pillars of Dubai Plan 2021(The Executive Council , 2014 ) 52
List of Charts
Chart Name Slide Number
Chart 1: Preferred Sectors to Work 44
Chart 2: Nature of Work After 10-Years 45
Chart 3: Does the organization have a clear plan to retain its employees, especially the excellence once, to invest and
train them to adapt with the future requirement’s?
Chart 4: For the People who doesn’t work in technical department or doesn't have any technical certification like,
HR, Account Manager, Sales Manager, Processing ,customer Service (call center ) or any non-technical jobs , what is
your recommendation for them?
Chart 5: What is the new requirements should the job seekers have when they want to apply for any new vacancy in
your organization?
Chart 6: What is the positive impact of the digitalization on your organization? 69
Chart 7: What is the negative impact of the digitalization on your organization? 69
Chart 8: What is your recommendations for the high school students/undergraduate in UAE whence selecting the
specialization & taking new technical courses/skills?
Chart 9: When your organization will be fully digitalized ? 71
List of Tables
Table Name Slide Number
Table 1: Comparing between 3-Local Universities Based on New Future Requirements 30
Table 2: Government's Digital Principle for Citizen's & Public Top Priorities 54
What does the Future Mean?
“Future is similar to a Train but not any
train. In each station passing, it will
send us a notification that says: “This
station become old and you have to
work on new station”. Future will not
stop …Future will not revert to
previous stations… Future will not wait
anyone. Either you retain up with the
future or keep in the rear, the
evaluation is up to you!”
 UAE government going forward to shift all analog
to digital services for achieving 2021 vision. We
want to be among the best countries by 2021”. The
objective is to make living easier in UAE. With
Artificial Intelligence coming into lives of the
people and affecting them with accelerating
development in technology in UAE and
Digitalization some of the people will lose their
jobs within next 10 years in some of the fields.
 Revamping the education system in UAE to adapt
with future improvements is the study plan and
strategy of the government to qualify the students
for future jobs in UAE government sector.
 Organizations have to cope with the future
changes to keep their business going on.
Chapter-1: Prologue
 Ones and Zeros are eating the world. The making, continuing,
conveying, and expending of data are on the whole being digitized,
transformed into the all-inclusive dialect of PCs. A wide range of
ventures, from independent companies to huge enterprises to non-
benefits to government offices, are experiencing an "advanced
change," transforming digitization into new procedures, exercises,
and exchanges.
 The statement of information as zeros encourages its age,
replication, pressure, and spread (like Big-Data); its investigation
(like Data Science); and its association (Like Internet and Web). It
likewise supports the substitution or enlargement of the physical
with the virtual or online nearness (like Internet of Things).
 Technology is replacing the traditional work with new global
techniques to revamp the labor of markets. Some of jobs will dis-
appeared & other jobs will be created to cope with the future
requirements. Automation will replace several jobs and many
employees will leave their jobs. This will increase the number of
job seekers in UAE especially government employees. However,
this research will concentrate on the government sector as here in
UAE more than 80% of all UAE’s nationals working in
government sector as per His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed
bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation in his session held in World Government
Chapter-1: Prologue
 The students are still thinking that they will find jobs when they
graduate, however the new future requirements need more
technical skills & learning future specializations like artificial
intelligence, programming, networking & robotics. His Highness
Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of
Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation expecting that 65%
will not find any similar jobs available in the current marketplace
for the children who is began a primary school once they
 The outcomes of WGS was recommended to revamp the education
in UAE so the universities & colleges in UAE must change the
specialization that being introduced to the students & to be
replaced by new specialization caring of future technology. The
students have to take more technical courses to adapt the future.
 Addressing the World Government Summit (WGS) on its final day,
His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan,
UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation,
said that UAE will find a way to rebuild the instructive framework
and shape another model of training that will adjust to future
employments. Government laws, national systems for advanced
education and activities for deep rooted learning will come into
put, to conquer any hindrance amongst instruction and the work
environment and permit the UAE to be a supporter of Fourth
Industrial Revolution.
Chapter-1: Prologue
Goal of the Study
 The purpose of this study is to recommend the current job
seekers & the people who will lose their job because of
automation “the skills sets which they should acquire to be
competent and remain employed”. Some of these skills may be
Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Networking, Robotics &
 Recommendation to undergraduate students to focus on the
future requirements, support his/her self with other languages,
skills or anything is required to be consistent with the future. For
new students who are yet to enroll in universities “what courses
or subjects should they undertake” to have high probability of
getting employed.
 For the organizations that maybe at risk of closing their business
due to digitization of jobs, what should they do to adapt with
future in terms of new technology or skills for employees,
training of employees on how to use the new technology(for
example if the organization is working in contracting they have
to know how to use 3D-printing).
Research Questions
 Does the organization have a clear plan to retain its employees,
especially the excellence ones, to invest and train them to adapt
with the future requirements?
 For the people who doesn’t work in technical department or
doesn’t have any technical certificate like, HR, Account
Manager, Sales Manager, Processing, Customer Service (Call
Center) or any non-technical jobs, what is your recommendation
for them to adapt the future & what will happen for them in your
 What is the new requirements should the job seekers have when
they want to apply for any new vacancy in your organization?
 What is the positive & negative impact of the digitalization on
your organization?
 What is your recommendations for the high school
students/undergraduate in UAE whence selecting the
specialization & taking new technical courses/skills?
 When your organization will be fully digitalized?
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Definition & History of Automation
 Automation use of management systems and knowledge
technologies to cut back the necessity for human add the
assembly of products and services. Within the scope of industry,
automation may be a step on the far side mechanization.
 Automation or automatic control, is the utilization of different
control frameworks for working hardware, for example,
apparatus, forms in industrial facilities, boilers and warmth
treating broilers, exchanging in phone systems, controlling and
adjustment of boats, flying machine and different applications
with negligible or diminished human mediation. A few
procedures have been totally computerized.
 The term computerization, roused by the prior word
programmed (originating from robot), was not broadly utilized
before 1947, when General Motors built up the automation
division. It was amid this time industry was quickly receiving
input controllers, which were presented in the 1930s.
 Automation has been achieved by varied means that together
with mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and electronic
and computers, sometimes together. Difficult systems, appreciate
fashionable factories, airplanes and ships generally use of these
combined techniques.
Definition & History of Digitalization
 Digitalization is that the integration of digital
technologies into lifestyle by the conversion of
everything that may be digitized. The literal which
means of digitalization offers an obvious plan of
development and technology dependent world.
 In this chapter, digitalization manner that transforming
enterprise globe and marketplace, and redefining the
boundaries of production, intake and distribution. This
has created super opportunities as new product,
processes and techniques have emerged, however has
conjointly created threats, as new approaches in which
of employment create new demanding situations to
present day employees, college students & job seekers.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Globally, what is expecting from Automation?
 Automation is the next level of Digitalization, that’s mean
“Each process has been Digitalized is already being Automated,
not vice-versa”.
 When changing the process from manual to digital &
digitalization being covered, that’s means your machine become
automated by using the digital services like Cloud, IoT, Big-
Data, Database Analytical, M2M, Block-Chain and Smart
machines to work integrality with Humans to advance
automation synchronizing with standardization.
 Typically, advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and
machine learning are leading to new age of automation, as the
outcomes of machines matching or outperforming better than
human performance in all work fields. Automation can enable
business to improve performance, quality, speed & reducing or
avoiding the errors, additionally, saving labor cost and growing
more skills. In some activities the productivity & outcomes give
more than human capabilities.
 Technical Feasibility, Cost of Developing & Deploying
Solutions, Labor Market Dynamics, Economics Benefits, and
Regulatory and Social Acceptance are the Automation factor
which can be affected in workplace areas.
Globally, what is expecting from Digitalization?
 Economically, will increase the economic in all the world and
become more stable, decreasing the expenses for the
governments in education, construction, transportation and
security. Governments will push all companies to join the future
as the future will not wait anyone or any organization so, to
achieve this point, all organizations must switch to the
digitalization way as fast as possible.
 To achieve full digitalization life, there must be a strong and
effective human factor to work together with robotics, machines
and the technology itself. Doing research on the artificial
intelligent periodically. Developing the machines and understand
the machine language.
 Developing a new specialization related to artificial intelligent,
machine language, and space science, satellite engineering,
programming languages and technology research in all
 will create new workforce understand the future
requirements, innovations and manipulate any shortage in
the society.
 We expecting: Growth of Productivity, Reinforce Information
Preservation, Environmentally Friendly, Working Remotely,
Saving Cost and Time, Smart Education, Creating New
Jobs, Avoiding Errors, Smart Hospitals and Manufactories,
More Revenues and others.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Society, Economy and
Governance in UAE - Part - 1
 Depending on the Figure 1, Government has to apply the below
recommendations to accelerate the digitalization across the
region for public & private sectors:
A. Government:
1. Transfer to full digitalizing economic evolution instead of
focusing on digital initiative in e-government systems.
2. Enable national digital agencies.
3. Build policy frameworks that foster, and do not hamper, digital
4. Seize the opportunity of large public IT spending to create
home-grown IT players at scale.
B. Business:
1. Take the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build critical digital
platforms for the area.
2. Step up the collaboration among corporations and digital
disrupters in the region.
3. Embrace agility through digital to address the ever-faster
business environment.
Positive Impact of Digitalization on the Economy, Society &
Public services
Figure 1
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Society, Economy and
Governance in UAE - Part - 2
 Depending on the Figure 1, Government has to apply
the below recommendations to accelerate the
digitalization across the region for public & private
C. Funding:
1. Scale digital VC funding.
2. Increase visibility of investment opportunities.
D. Talent:
1. Create digital curricula and seamless learning
pathways from primary schools to higher education
and into employment.
2. Rethink how to attract, and retain digital talent, and
reconsider applicability of nationalization to digital. 14
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Hierarchy of the Digitalization Socio-Economic Impact
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 1
 The McKinsey middle east digitization Index is that the initial effort to assess the extent and impact of digitization
across 9 Middle Eastern countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and
therefore the United Arab Emirates. Despite ambitious government aspirations to go digital, solely 6% of the Middle
Eastern public lives beneath a digitized smart government. And Middle Eastern countries lag so much behind
benchmark countries (for the needs of this report, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, and therefore the
United Kingdom) in business digitization, from the amount of venture capital (VC) funding offered to start-ups to the
share of the manpower operating in digital careers and industries.
 Some Middle Eastern governments, including those of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, have begun
implementation of core digitization initiatives. Indeed, the UAE government leads the Middle East in digital adoption
and matches the index’s digital frontier on many metrics. Another countries also have massive ambitions and have
created hefty progress. However, in their efforts to promote innovation and push the general public sector’s adoption
of digital to future level, they're facing implementation challenges such as an inadequate governance structure to
attain the required amendment.
 As per McKinsey analysis a powerful correlation between a countries’ GDP per capita and its score on the McKinsey
digitization Index: a better GDP permits countries to pay a lot of on digital adoption that will increase a country’s
performance on the digitization Index. And a high level of digitization contributes to economic growth, resulting in
higher GDP. Indeed, our analysis indicates that a unified digital market across the Middle East (160 million potential
digital users by 2025) might contribute up to 3.8 % annually in GDP-amounting to close to USD 95 billion. Digital
may have a positive impact on inclusion and impoverishment reduction, increase access to and quality of healthcare
and education, and cut back CO2 emissions.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 2
Figure 2: Showing the digital contribution in UAE comparing with other countries to its GDP and revenues:
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 3
Middle East digitization index combines 24
indicators to measure consumer, business,
government, and ICT supply and innovation
across every country, Figure 3 clarify the
ranked by overall digitalization between
Demand and Supply measures in UAE
comparing with other regions. As per
McKinsey research, the digital market could
add USD 95 billion per year to the MEs’
annual GDP by 2020.
Figure 3
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 3
 Increased data flows are only one indicator of the fast pace of digital
innovation; since the 1960s, every successive wave of innovation has been
shorter and faster than the one before it (See Figure 4). At the start of the
digital revolution, it took decades to create the step amendment from
mainframes to private computers. In recent years, the innovation frequency
has accelerated massively. Year after year, groundbreaking digital
technologies reach the market and have a profound impact on business and
other people within the span of months instead of years. This wave-that
encompasses recent innovations in massive information, the internet of
Things (IoT), virtual reality, drones, robotics, and artificial intelligence-
provides huge opportunities that have already began to reshape current
business structures. By 2020, projections recommend that there will be
around 2 Zetta bytes of information within the Middle East-greater than
the estimated number of grains of sand covering the whole Arabian Desert.
 This huge increase in digital comes with equally sized opportunities-but
the Middle East is not advancing quickly enough to capture anyplace
approximate for total potential of digital. Despite the high smartphone
penetration within the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Qatar, because
of significantly low penetration in many Middle Eastern countries the
region’s overall smartphone adoption rate is low. The present smartphone
adoption rate of the lowest two-thirds of the Middle East population is
simply 20%. as compared, among those within the united states who earn
lower than USD 30,000 per annum (the lowest quartile income segment),
50% have a smartphone. However, there is reason for optimism:
projections estimate that by 2020, the region will reach 60% overall
smartphone adoption, in line with the rest of the globe.
Figure 4
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 4
McKinsey analysis reveals several key insights about the state of digitization in the Middle East:
1. Clients are main digital adoption in ME:
 As measured by using virtual consumer adoption, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain are the various pinnacle international locations within the world, with more than 100 phone penetration and
over 70th social media adoption, even higher than USA. And numerous countries in Western Europe and APAC. Most people of center East customers are eager to stay updated with
the relentless tempo of innovation within the virtual vicinity.
 Because of drastically low penetration in lots of Middle Eastern countries, the place’s common phone adoption price is beneath even the poorest financial advantage section in USA.
 The client demand for virtual is a great deal over adoption by means of the area’s agencies and governments almost across the board.
2 . Middle Eastern businesses’ digitalization varies significantly among countries:
 The Middle East’s stage of digitalization within the enterprise subject that scores underneath the benchmark areas nevertheless hides an outstanding deal of version among international
locations, in general, the GCC countries have loads of digitized enterprise than Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. In fact, as measured by business digitalization, UAE reaches the extent of
digital frontiers countries, whereas Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Oman still have many Opportunities to realize from the further steps toward digitalization.
 The Middle East ratings low on corporations scale technology absorption and on line marketing spending per capita metrics than effect its universal score on virtual adoption within the
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 5
McKinsey analysis reveals several key insights about the state of digitization in the Middle East:
3. Some of Middle East Governments have embraced digital:
 Middle Eastern governments diverge in their digital adoption progress. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are within the lead, having enforced core digitalization
 The UAE government ranks number one in digital adoption among Middle Eastern countries and fits the digital frontier countries. Among the Middle Eastern countries
studied, the United Arab Emirates has the very best digital identification-a metric this is based on multiple signs corresponding to get entry to services, digital
signature, and card capabilities. The country is additionally engaged in numerous digitalization tasks, like expanding broadband insurance and making a unified smart-
town platform.
 Different international locations such as Bahrain, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, and Saudi Arabia also have big aims and have accomplished hefty development. However, of
their efforts to sell innovation and push the majority region’s adoption of virtual to future degree, they're facing implementation issues consisting of an inadequate
governance structure to unify the vision and gain the alternate.
 Despite bold authorities’ aspirations for going digitalized, most effective 6% of the Middle Eastern populace lives underneath a digitized smart authorities.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 6
Four clusters of Digitization-Maximizing the Impact of Digitalization
Depending on the Booz & Company Analysis:
 Constrained Economies: Those with a digitization score under 25
have slightly began to expand inexpensive internet connections. Net
services remain expensive and constrained in reach.
 Emerging Economies: Those with a score between 25 and 29.9 have
finished full-size development in supplying inexpensive and sizeable
get entry to.
 Transitional Economies: Those with a digitization rating between 30
and 39.9 offer residents with ubiquitous, inexpensive, and fairly
dependable services, and usage is increasing at a surprisingly speedy
 Advanced Economies: Those with a rating of 40 and better are
within the most mature degree of digitization. Those nations have an
expertise base that may take benefit of virtual services.
Figure 5: UAE Position is in the Transitional Stage Depending on Booz &
Company Analysis:
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
First Impact: Economy - Part - 7
Depending on the same report published by Booz and Company, “As the digitization manner displays a shift in the socio-economic status and this
systematic transition is examined for its results on monetary growth, activity creation and welfare. The effect of digitization on a country‘s
economic system is extraordinarily visible. As in line with the report, in 150 countries, an upward push in digitization of 10% factors brought on a
[0.50 to 0.62] % advantage in according to capita GDP. (See Figure 6), through contrast, access (as measured in research of broadband penetration)
contributes a gain in in line with capita GDP of just 0.16 percent-approximately 0.5 as lots impact. The extra superior the USA, the larger the
impact of digitization appears to be, that establishes a virtuous remarks cycle: a country reinforces and accelerates its personal development
because it movements along the line. On the idea of facts from 2009 and 2010, we estimate that the overall global financial effect of digitization, in
phrases of brought GDP, become US$395 billion annually. (It has, if anything increased since then.)”.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 1
 Impact of digitalization on UAE society focused on three main parts which is social media and quality of life which includes public services and online business.
 Social Media play an important role for establishing a new culture and new online business for people who can use it easily and have a great progress based on high
level of communication technology.
 In addition to government readiness, a report published by Mohammad bin Rashid School of government “that social acceptance of technology in the UAE is relatively
high according to different measures. For example, the country is ranked 32nd in the UN’s ICT Development Index and 23rd in the WEF’s Networked Readiness Index
(WEF, 2015b, ITU, 2015). The UAE enjoys the region’s highest penetration rates of internet, smart phones, and broadband and social media accounts by society. For
example, internet penetration in the UAE stands above 90 percent while the penetration of mobile subscriptions is close to 117 percent (ITU, 2015). Meanwhile, close to
70 percent of the population are active on social media in all walks of life, including engagement with government (Salem, 2014). Due to superior technology of the
infrastructures, pro-active government advancement of digitalization and “intelligence” approaches, the society of the UAE has truly adopted a digital lifestyle.” (Salem,
2016). (See Figure 7) which is explaining the above discussion.
 Digitalization for the authorities’ public offerings and automatic visitors sign structures are barely splendid inside the grand schema regarding to the ‘shrewd
metropolis”. The smartest are making technology to do the whole thing from improving protection and remotely tracking infrastructure, along with electricity grids, to
making plans entire towns depending on 3-D simulations that are expecting the destiny and - the belief is - lessen the hazard of sudden troubles.
 One of the areas anticipated to revel in a main impact from new technologies is city designing. Progressive software is helping governments set up higher for the future
and avoid high-priced errors.
 Autodesk is taking part in a vital role for the duration of this area, providing urban planners with gear that permit them to run simulations based totally on an shrewd
evaluation of environmental concerns, destiny populace, visitors flows and other factors.
 “3-D models permit designers to reiterate the future… after in an effort to begin producing records and civil designers, engineers and architects begin constructing what
the destiny is going to seem like”, Arfath says.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 2
 Governance in a smart city entails applying “data-driven innovation”; or advanced analytics to enable innovation towards growth and wellbeing (OECD,
2013). Also it means to deliver transparent government services with public, private and civic engagement.
 Based totally in this conceptualization, the underlying regions of improvement for a smart and sustainable city encompass:
1. Rate of lifestyles and quality of life.
2. Rate of development of infrastructure and public services.
3. Rate of development of ICT, communications, intelligence and information.
4. Rate of development of human beings and society.
5. Rate of development of environment and sustainability.
6. Rate of development of governance and administration.
7. Rate of development of economy and finance.
8. Rate of development of mobility and transportation.
In greater technical terms, the important thing pillars of a practical city are its digital governance potential, its city systems of mobility, its infrastructure of
power and water clever grids, its homes and structures, moreover to its information-associated and public inclusion projects. In short, the clever metropolis
venture can be a prime socio-technical city transformation that guarantees to revolutionize the ways masses of hundreds of individuals live in and engage with
the city, with digital generation and statistics as core enablers. Will talk greater approximately the governance in subsequent parts from this chapter.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 3
Figure 7: Social Media & Users, compared to the Arab Region [Based on Analysis of Facebook Users]
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 4
Figure 8: Summary of digital impact on economy and society, that discussed above:
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 4
Figure 9: Depending on 2017 statistics by Go-Gulf company, below info-graphic has been published & clearly explained how much
things happen on the internet every 60 seconds.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Students and Education in Undergraduate & Below Undergraduate in UAE
• Ministry of education in UAE starts to revamp the education to cope with future requirements, for example they inserted Innovation, Robotics & Android
Programming Materials into new semesters. The students will understand the essential activity so they can innovate & create new android applications.
• How robots help teachers and students?
1. Interacting with robots will give children more freedom to express themselves and solve complex academic problems.
2. Having robots teaching assistant will also teach students to speak language of machines.
3. Will help children learn algorithms to communicate with machines in the future.
4. A 3D camera around the robot’s LED eyes will enable it to read the student’s gestures and pose.
5. Also, will enable students to implement their innovative ideas.
6. It will assist teachers in assessing and grading students.
• Webometrics site published a report of the top ranking universities in UAE, the best national universities in UAE are United Arab Emirates University, Masdar
Institute of Science & Technology which is merged with Khalifa University of Science & Technology and University of Sharjah.
• To cope with the future requirements and to achieve UAE vision, United Arab Emirates University will include new colleges & revamp all specializations in the
university, typically the new specializations would be included are specializing colleges in space science with focusing on the Artificial Intelligent in all colleges,
adding new applied specializations in Information Security, Programming and others.
• Check the next slide which clarify a simple comparison between the above named universities in the table 1 that we can see the percentage of total technical courses
and special technical courses.
Table 1
This table describes the comparison
between the named universities. I
am not here to criticize any of these
universities. On the contrary, this is
only a difference related to the
mentioned specialization.
I think UAEU must support the
named specialization with at least
one of the special technical courses
to cope with future needs such as
Khalifa University & University of
Sharjah. Both UAEU & University
of Sharjah have to reduce un-
necessary (un-technical) courses &
to replace with advance or special
technical courses such as Khalifa
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Job-Seekers, Existing and Future Jobs in UAE - Part - 1
 As technology becomes smarter, many jobs will be vanished but a million jobs will be opened and available for those
having a high skilled level. New jobs will focus on programming, artificial intelligent, robotics engineering, learning
machines and other digital techniques.
 Typically, “For the following years, a hundred and fifty million human beings will lose their careers within the globe,
whilst 300 million younger humans will be attempting to find new jobs,” says Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank.
By 2030, “182 million humans will be targeted for looking for a jobs that might not be had especially AI and automated
systems jobs will erase low-professional jobs which can be waning because of the economical uprising will arrive as a
fact,” he said.
 A report published by Khaleej Times said that “in UAE, it is expected 1.9M jobs will be replaced to cope with the future,
this will create a suffocating crisis in unemployment, the number of job-seekers will be increased, expecting that 65% of
children who started primary school last year will graduate without finding the jobs that are in today's workplace.
Additionally, 80% of Emirates citizens take a priority of government jobs because of its stable nature. While many jobs in
government sector become automated and this will reduce the number of government jobs”.
 New demands are required for fresh future jobs for all categories focusing on AI, Programming, Robotics, Learning
Machines and others. For job-seekers and existing employees, they have to increase their skills with at least with one of the
previous topics plus any of the digital services such IoT, Big-Data, Cloud & others. 31
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Job-Seekers, Existing and Future Jobs in UAE - Part - 2
Seven Reasons for Increasing the Unemployment among UAE Citizens:
 An academic paper determined a seven reason behind the unemployment among UAE Citizens. Only 11% is the unemployment percentage in UAE. The Deputy Director of the
UAE University for Academic Affairs Dr. Mohammad Abdulla Albeily expecting that this rate will not change until 2020 between aged 15 and 20. These seven reasons are
summarized by:
1. Global Economic Recession and its Nature Impact on Local Economics.
2. High Rates of Population Growth without creating New Job Opportunities.
3. No Suitable Updates with Education to Cope with Future Technological Development
4. Lack of Coordination between Education Outputs and Labor Market Needs.
5. The Policies of Importing Expatriate Workers by Opening the Doors for All without Limiting Controls of the Multiplicity of Polarization.
6. The Private Sector, Specifically the Semi-Government Sector has not Contributed Significantly to Absorbing the National Graduates.
7. The Weakness of the Contribution of the National Labor Force to Private Sector Jobs, Which doesn’t Exceed 7%.
 Also, this paper outlined five solutions that will contribute significantly to reduce the increase in unemployment rates in the coming period:
1. To Regulate and Organize the Recruitment of Labors to the State.
2. To Change the Direction of the Citizens to the Private Sector.
3. Encouraging Citizens for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Investment in Small and Medium Business.
4. Narrowing the Gap between the Outputs of Higher Education and the Labor Market Requirements.
5. To Develop Laws and Regulations Contain Larger Proportions from Citizens in the Private Sector.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 1
 Digitalization controls existing jobs depending on new skills to implement new tasks which may imply that the current employees need to be retrained or replaced by others who have
these skills. While other jobs redundant are redundant and very soon will disappear, digitalization leads to new jobs and new jobs will be matching with labor market demands so on.
 The most important thing that the majority of job description will be revamped to match with new future requirements. This will play new role to determine the required skills for the
existing and new jobs.
 Digital skills will be in high demand in the labor market of the future like entrepreneurial skills and creativity. As it is already difficult to assess the impact of digitalization in terms of
job creation or destruction on traditional industries and business.
 European Centre for the development of vocational training (Cedefop) figures for the past decade and its estimates for following decade recommend that occupations that require either
low/elementary or high skills are growing in importance, whereas the mid-skilled professions are nearly non-exclusively decreasing in importance (See Figure 10 below):
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 2
Figure 11 : Framework on Impact of Digitalization on Labor
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 3
• In UAE, MOHRE provided 1500 job opportunities for citizens looking for work remotely in northern areas.
• Working Remotely is to practice the work by using a modern techniques and online, no need to go to the work to do the tasks. It can be done in the home,
organization branches and other places, but to work remotely there is new skills and requirements for the worker to do their tasks remotely.
 Required Skills for Working Remotely:
1. Ability to plan in a proper way to ensure the completion of the work.
2. Managing the time.
3. Having a communication skills with managers and partners.
4. Accepting criticism from managers and implement their guidance.
5. Using new technologies to do their tasks
 Requirements for Working Remotely:
1. Developing ICT in the organizations.
2. Organizing the work remotely through the enactment of labor laws and regulations.
3. Focusing on education development and increasing the ability to work with new different techniques.
4. Building a new business culture for organizations and individuals, and raising awareness in the field of working remotely.
5. Take advantage of the experience of the organizations and international institution that follow the method of working remotely.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 4
Benefits of Working Remotely:
1. Saving time and efforts & Saving transportation cost.
2. Raising a productivity of workers so that the workers focusing on the results more than how they will do it.
3. Avoiding all non-motivational things which negatively affect employees, such as the direct relationship between the president and the subordinate in which a
collision can occur & achieve the equilibrium between works, home works, family and society.
4. Complete freedom to select the work to be performed, in addition to select people to work with them without being restricted to certain persons.
5. Flexibility and doing tasks in best time for the workers.
6. Saving cost for the organization that need to establish offices for their employees.
7. Increase of the productivity by using new modern technologies.
8. Reduce the percentage of absence and sick leaves.
9. Reduce the percentage of unemployment.
10. To achieve the equilibrium in jobs between different geographic areas.
11. Giving the opportunity for the people with special needs to work.
12. Giving the opportunity for women to work in their areas.
13. Increase the economic and social development in the far areas.
14. Reduce traffic congestion especially at peak times.
15. Provide job opportunities for people in the far areas.
16. To achieve justice and equal opportunities for the workers between normal workers and remotely workers away from the discrimination on the basis of gender,
nationality, age group or shape.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 1
List of jobs that will be replaced by automation:
1. Food preparation assistants
2. Cleaners and helpers
3. Laborers in mining, construction, manufacturing,
4. Assemblers
5. Drivers and mobile plant operators
6. Refuse workers and other elementary workers
7. Agricultural, forestry and fishery laborers
8. Stationary plant and machine operators
9. Food processing, wood working, garment workers
10.Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery workers
11.Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers
12.Personal service workers
13.Metal, machinery and related trades workers
14.General and keyboard clerks
15.Handicraft and printing workers
16.Building and related trades workers
17.Sales workers
18.Electrical and electronic trades workers
19.Numerical and material recording clerks
20.Customer services clerks
21.Other clerical support workers
22.Health associate professionals
23.Information and communications technicians
24.Protective services workers
25.Business administration associate professionals
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 2
Most Important Sectors of the Future by 2030 Depending on
Dubai Police Reports and Studies:
1. Hyperlink Transport Jobs provide about 12 major functions
A. Designer Stations
B. Traffic Analyzer
C. Collision Specialist
D. Architectural Stations
E. Operator Center Control
2. IoT Jobs:
A. Auditor and Evaluator of Quantity
B. Evaluating Data Contexts
C. Faulty Analyzer
D. Biological Waste Optimizer
E. Security Specialist
3. Future Jobs in Sport Sector:
A. Specialist Sports Simulator
B. Sports Rehabilitation Analyst
C. Designer and Architect of Genetic Modification
D. A psychologist for a Supernatural Child
E. Children 's Supernatural Lawyer
F. Designer Child Supernatural (One US Company Got the Patent of this Design)
4. Unmanned Aircraft Jobs:
A. Special Advisor in the Classification of UAVs
B. Designer and Engineer of UAVs
C. Improves UAV Traffic
5. Jobs in Water Sector and Collection the Water from Atmosphere (Fog-Nets):
A. Expert Impact Assessment
B. Water Systems Engineer
C. Supply Plan and Water Purification Monitor
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 3
6. Sensor Jobs:
A. Sensors Inventor
B. Data Transfer Optimizer
7. Jobs in World Leadership Center:
A. Global System Engineer
B. Data Integration Manager
C. A Scientist in Ethics, Philosophy and Privacy
D. Director of Containment of Fear and Dread
8. 3D Printer Jobs :
A. Printing Tools Expert
B. 3D Engineer
C. Cost Estimation
D. 3D Thinker
E. 3D Printer Ink Developer
F. Agent of Compensatory Devices for 3D Solid
9. Jobs in Cooperative Economy:
A. Accounting Consultant
B. Director of Cooperation Participation
C. Monitor Opportunities
D. Cooperative Economist
10. Self-Driver Vehicle Jobs:
A. Mechanical Traffic Engineer
B. Self –Driver Vehicle Designer
C. Operating System Engineer
D. Schematic of Traffic Control System
E. Delivery and Distributer Requests
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 4
Figure 12: Job market survey done in ME which explaining in percentage the new demands require for the future
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 1
 The digitalization is changing the strategic of development for the organizations but this has to be faster and the organizational needs to respond quickly to strategic acclimation.
This requires a pure focus on the market opportunities and knowing customer demands. Organizations have to focus on customer engagement, core value, and integration, and
retrain their staff.
 Mainly, digitalization is not impacting only on jobs, also this is a big challenges facing the large corporations in basis of efficiency, long-term stability, predictability.
 The objective is for employees to think outside the box, considering the bigger picture, focusing on how the service should be delivered to customers under true measures and
recognize their own vital to explain the mission and vision of organization for all.
 Organizations have to focus on training and developing their employee skills to adapt with future, more and more projects are coming so they have to be ensured that all employees
have the eligibility to handle the future works. Customers being smarter and they understood every, and each parts of new generation so the organizations should invest more in
their employees not to turnover them.
 44% of CEOs report that digital investments are not improving net profit. The majority of strategy leaders say that investments are too little and insufficiently transformational to
capture the opportunities digital presents
 Digitalization success depends less on having the most advanced technologies and more on having the correct operating systems. Business skills, incentives and operating models,
have 15 times more impact on the probability of success in digitalization than changes in digital technologies
 Enterprise leaders can drive flourishing digitalization by fostering digital-ready operating models. Leaders have to differentiate quick tracks to simplify management processes and
foster collaboration between their functions and the business to streamline handoffs.
 Four key management imperatives business leaders have to follow to attain digitalization success:
1. Get clear concerning the terms of digital.
2. Define the enterprise capabilities required for digital business.
3. Determine the role your function require to play to enable digital business.
4. Determine the role of digital in executing the needs of your function.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 2
• Last session in WGS held on last February in Dubai by His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International
Cooperation, was discussed about how we can make our education system serve future jobs?
• For the educational development, priorities for the development of secondary education will be as follows:
1. Developing the School Management Method
2. Raising the Level of Teacher Qualification
3. Curriculum Development
4. Developing Methods of Education, Assessment and Testing
5. Reduce the Number of Students Per Class
6. Developing Classrooms, Laboratories and Teaching Aids
• As per His Highness Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the methods of education and work will change and a lot of old skills will not be a useful and by a new
automation systems a lot of deals, works, procedures and operations will not need for a human efforts and we will see a traditional works like administrations and routine will be
vanished and to be replaced by a new digitalization techniques.
• Essential skills for the future jobs:
1. Mastering English Language or Any Foreign Language.
2. Skills Related to Civil Society (Societies Relationship).
3. Organizational and Administrative Skills.
4. Efficiency Increasing Skills.
5. AI and Programming Applications.
6. Critical Thinking. & Mastering Arabic Language.
7. Skills Related to Financial Science & Emotional Intelligent.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 3
 Regarding to survey done by UAE Studies & Strategic Research, 73% preferred to work in Government and Military
sectors which this percentage is very large comparing with the future requirements as shown in Chart 1.
 Also, in same survey noted that 39% preferred to work in Administrative departments, as shown in Chart 2
Chart 1
Sectors to Work
Chart 2
Nature of Work
After 10-Years
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 4
 His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan said: “The human capital is the
major factor for the 4th industrial revolution in UAE”. Where the country is currently ranked the
first in the Arab world and forty-fifth globally in the human capital index.
 The government of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum recently launched a
strategy for the fourth industrial revolution which aims to make the country one of its world
centers. He pointed out that the endeavor for accomplishing the goals set requires the state to re-
consider the current educational system and qualify it to meet the requirements of the fourth
industrial revolution. As, we aspire to be winners of Nobel Prizes in Science, we also aspire to win
the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 5
 Four Levels Presented by His Highness Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed Al Nahyan to Solve the Problem of the Labor Market for Citizens & the Problem of
Education Itself:
1. Educational Institutions where the state needs to create new educational model that constantly develops and adapts to changes in the labor market.
2. His Highness pointed out that the second level should focus on educational techniques, explaining the need for experienced and experienced teachers, and that it is
the responsibility of the government to invest in training and develop their skills, stressing that the teacher, who believes he does not need to learn and develop his
personal skills, he/she is not to fit to be a teacher.
3. On the third level, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan addressed the labor market, stressing that the university degree does not mean getting a
job. Noting that some studies predict that 65% of children who attended primary school last year will work in professions that do not exist today and will be
developed in the future, meaning that the government and the private sector to adopt the idea of lifelong learning, where human capital will be the only criterion
for measuring success
4. At the fourth and final level, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan spoke about social change, stressing the need to celebrate and recognize the
successful and seeking to acquire science and knowledge to make a new culture of continuous learning. He also stressed the importance of empowering Emiratis
and encouraging them to constantly seek new and innovative educational opportunities and professional.
 His Highness Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a great opportunity for us in the UAE to prove that we are capable
of making life, civilization, tolerance, happiness and hope, so I say with the assistance of Allah we will be its shareholders for the future. Beautiful for future
generations ... the future of a dream by Zayed.
Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review
Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 6
Outcomes of World Government Summit:
1. Revamping the education and enhance all ways to make it remotely and easier.
2. Focusing on a new specializations related to the fourth industrial revolution in education.
3. Establishing the students to learn a programming, learning machines, artificial intelligent, space and Innovations to be able to compete with
the most powerful countries in education and innovations.
4. Changing the undergraduate students view for working into private sector with the assistance of all foundations.
5. Launching a teacher license, which will be presented only to those who have a high level of teaching efficiency.
6. Presenting an advices to the students to refrain the studying in administrative and non-technical specialization which doesn’t have any
useful in the future.
7. Achieving the dream of His Highness Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan, May Allah have Mercy on Him, by providing all citizens the best level
education to achieve the centennial plan of UAE future and reach beyond that.
8. Launching Dubai-10X which might be contributed to proceed the Dubai vision to be a future city by using a new work mechanisms
simulates with future and contribute to the sustainability of Dubai competitiveness, (, 2018), His Highness Sheikh
Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum said.
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
UAE has many strategies to implement it on the reality to achieve the miracles and this required a powerful country like UAE caring to
achieve the luxury, safety, and getting the first number globally in all fields and levels where UAE leaders and their governments believe
that all goals can be achieved by investments in human capital and sustainability in techniques, so the most important plans related to
this research are:
1. Education 2020 Strategy
2. Smart Dubai 2021
3. National Innovation Strategy
4. The probe Hope
5. Vision 2021
6. UN Agenda 2030
7. Dubai 3D Printing Strategy
8. UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence
9. National Advanced Sciences Agenda 2031
10. Dubaï Autonomous Transportation Strategy
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Definitions of Sustainability:
 For the present desires we need to develop with keeping the capability and opportunities available for the next futures people to
accept the wishes and desires, (Bruntland Report for the World Commission on Environment and Development (1992)).
 An operation of changing that can be used the resources in right invest. In Addition of that, by using a new technology in
development can enhance the capability of now and later to provide the desires and achieve the wishes to the humans, (The World
Commission on Environment and Development).
 A sustainable development is an effective procedure which permits human beings to understand their capability and enhance a
satisfactory of life in approaches that can be protected and beautify the earth's existence aid systems at the same time, (Forum for
the Future).
 To protect the fundamental systems of the environment and to provide wellbeing for the next generations, the economic and
environment politics must be integrated and the targeted is how to improve and enhance the quality of life not only the income by
distribute all resources and involve all clusters in decision making, (The Real World Coalition 1996, a definition based on the work
of the World Commission on Environment and Development).
 The education is the way to accomplish the sustainability in the future in which the sustainable environment is more healthy,
attractive the investors, more social justice, and great powerful economic to ensure a wellbeing life for the present generation and
future generations, (Learning for a Sustainable Future - Teacher Centre).
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Dubai is a Paradigm:
 The best example can be addressed in this research is Dubai. Dubai under leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin
Rashid Al Maktoum become the most importantly city around the world. Dubai is world smart city due to digital transactional in all
public services, e-solution and e-pay systems. The public living in Dubai are not facing any issues regarding to their transactional
because it is easy to pay, easy to use and easy to track if needs. Only by different applications used by public, Dubai become the best
destination to live. These applications is not only created for paying, giving solutions to them, but it is also used for digital learning
or e-learning, tracking job application online and making online tests. In all fields Dubai is the best quality of life around the world.
 Four Evaluations Make UAE, Specifically Dubai on the Top Levels:
1. Quality of Life
2. Governance Agility and Collaboration in the Digital Age
3. Innovation and E-Learning Systems
4. Initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s for Skills Development for the Future Requirements
5. Dubai Police & Artificial Intelligence Technology
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Quality of Life – Part – 1: Figure 13: Key Pillars of Dubai Plan 2021
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Quality of Life – Part – 2: How to Improve Public Services for the Future?
Governments should focus on below top priorities to enhance the public services:
1- Publish information on public services so that citizens can evaluate the effectiveness.
2- Provide more services through digital channels, such as online or mobile.
3- Government must understand the priorities of citizens and communities better.
4- Provide services in a more cost-effective way.
5- Government have to make sure that services are tailored to the needs of people using them.
6- Government have to work more closely with businesses and nonprofit organizations
7- Improve the skills of people who work in public services.
8- Improve understanding of what works well and what doesn’t.
9- Involve citizens and public in deciding how public services should work.
10- Plan for the long term, not just the next few years.
11- Respond to changes flexibly, such as adopting new technologies or an increased demand for a particular service.
Table 2
Government have to
address 3 priorities for
public services
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Quality of Life – Part – 3: Cloud Computing Technique
The best example of new technologies in the digital future is Cloud Computing
which offers great potential to securely store and share government and citizen
data, thereby eliminating the requirement for departments to accommodate and
manage their own IT infrastructure. It helps minimize operating costs and drive
much higher efficiencies for the back office and front office. Dubai government has
to make sure that services are specified to the requirements of citizens, government
require to leverage massive data and analytics as key enablers. A powerful
analytics capability helps determine the pain points in key public services, for
example revenue and taxation, to specify tax fraud or evasion. However, compared
to the private sector, governments are proceeding with relative caution in applying
sophisticated analytics because of data privacy requirements, lack of
interoperability, common standards and an agreed framework for cross-
government working. A study identified that 80% of UAE citizens interesting to
use cloud computing in the future when interacting with government departments
offering public services,
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Governance Agility and Collaboration in the Digital Age – Part – 1:
 Governance in the digital age requires adapting management and leadership patterns. To reduce risk whereas innovation
and disruptive changes take please, this need introducing mechanism of governance in the digital age. Therewith, this may
create a “dilemma” among a government, a public sector digital innovation dilemma. In such digital transformation contexts,
a requirement for amendment and innovation is acknowledged, however, this typically leads to major disruptions and
“casualties” in the government. Most major government digital transformations need amendments in the very structure of
the government for change to succeed.
 Through acting entrepreneurially, and applying soft measures in the kind of cross-government bodies and committees, smart
Dubai has so far, been successful in adopting this wiki governance pattern and applying an efficient cooperative approach in
managing its smart city transformation.
 Smart Dubai team was effectively leading from behind, taking the seat of a supporter and organizer. This approach reduced
resistance to vary, reduced risk of failure and introduced a cultural shift in the manner government operates, removing
common barriers in any digital transformation project. Additionally, this approach enabled sharing innovations and learning
from cross-government practices.
 It was also successful in bringing the various government entities up-to-speed and enabling them to require possession of the
city’s planned vision. As such, these entities are not merely the implementers of someone else’s roadmaps and plans. They will
be implementing the plans and visions they jointly designed. This was vital at the primary stage of thinking, designing,
planning and conceptualizing the smart city.
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Governance Agility and Collaboration in the Digital Age – Part – 2:
 A strategy for smart Dubai in next stage of development already set. Implementation will have to be done out at a way
quicker and more structured manner. At this vital stage, several digital transformation initiatives hit another wall wherever
entrenched government structures block such implementations because of egos, aspirations and competition over resources
and political clout. With agendas aligned and a roadmap jointly set, another disruptive step was needed to expedite
implementation. At this stage, bold leadership steps were required.
 Eventually, the government of Dubai quickly modified some government structures that were in place for decades to enable
smart Dubai to lead the next future stage with clear mandate and authority.
 The new structure of a Dubai smart city office at the middle of the city development efforts, ensures that the leading entity
building the smart city currently has authority over the city as a whole, not only the government. This is mirrored in the
ways of thinking within the new team, as well as in the structure of the office, that currently has the smart government body
as only one of its arms. This agility is a critical factor moving forward in the next phases of smart Dubai’s transformation.
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 1: Innovation History & Purposes
 Innovation is thinking outside the box, making new ideas, or create simple method and process for a values of services which
customers will pay for using it.
 His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum was very interested in innovation which become now a topic
taught in UAE schools this will contribute to the emergence of a new generation based on the idea of innovation and
promotes the introduction of new ideas for design it and applying it on the reality.
 Purpose of Encouraging Innovation:
1- Implementing a sustainable investment plan in the UAE’s human capital.
2- Driving economic development away from the oil sector.
3- Enhancing the UAE’s global competitiveness.
4- Introducing corporate methodologies and a culture for innovation.
 UAE was launched Innovation Week, and Innovation Month & the First time was on 2015 as a Year of Innovation
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 2: Dubai Future Accelerators
In 2016, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai
Executive Council, launched the Dubai Future Accelerators initiative to enable fast deployment of transformative technologies.
The accelerators are programming and integrated systems designed to assist entrepreneurs and innovators flip their ideas into
successful firms.
The initiative will gather top international firms and entrepreneurs to handle seven key 21st century opportunities which
1- The application of cutting edge technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics
2- Genomics
3- 3D Printing
4- Biotechnology
5- New business models and best practices.
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 3: The UAE Hackathon
 The UAE Hackathon is an integral part of these national trends, and it aims to draw attention to the high worth of data and
the solutions inherent among it once dealing with daily challenges with regard to the economic, social, environmental and
scientific aspects of life.
 The UAE Hackathon revolves around several challenges, which include:
1- Transportation and traffic congestion
2- Health and safety
3- Sustainable development (post-oil age)
4- Environment and climate change
5- Education
6- Gender balance
7- Enhancement of social relations in the UAE community
8- Enhancement of lifestyle
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 4: Hackathon Artificial Intelligence – Highlights Innovative Prospects
 The Dubai smart launched “Hackathon Artificial Intelligence” organizing and cooperation with IBM company & Knowledge
and Human Development Authority in order to highlight the vast creative prospects offered by the 4th industrial revolution,
and how to make use of it to make Dubai the smartest and happiest city on earth.
 The General Director of Dubai smart Dr. Aisha bent Butti bin Bishr said: Thru the Hackathon, our goal is to capitalize on the
potential of AI, which plays a vital position in the intelligence city industrial. Also, our objective is to encourage the youth
sector to innovate with this to discover the vital opportunities posed by the 4th industrial revolution, and to face the defiance
on the other hand in vital areas such as education, transport and tourism by employing AI techniques to provide the best
solutions and experiences to clients and to promote the concept of happiness in society, and its path towards sustainable
developments and to achieve the objectives of UAE Centennial 2071.
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 5: E-Learning Systems
 A virtual classrooms and other e-learning tools have been introduced by some of schools based in Dubai. Where students can
get their homework and classwork online, interact with other students and take part in educational discussions. E-learning
platforms became common over the years as an education delivery and management tool for academic institutions. It permits
students to learn beyond what is educated in a classroom and be ready to interact with their peers and lecturers online.
 In 2002 Hamdan bin Mohammad Smart University have been launched as the first e-learning foundation in UAE to
encourage the e-education and self-study. This is an example of a future education that will help student to study in flexibly
and helping to develop the economic and society. This kind of education is easy to implement and inexpensive, and e-learning
plays an influential role in literacy in the Arab world.
 Benefits of E-Learning Systems:
1- Consistent instructor presence 2- Quick communication 3- A higher knowledge retention rate
4- Unique testing methods 5- Time and money saving 6- Reduction of carbon footprint
7- Self-assessment tools 8- Freedom and flexibility
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s for Skills Development for the Future Requirements:
The best example of e-learning is “106 Arab Coders” initiative that’s related to His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum's global initiatives as the
largest programming project that aims to train a million Arab young people on programming and technology and to keep abreast of the rapid development of
computer science and software to enable Arab youth to equip them with technological future tools and build their capacities. Skills and guidance to serve the future
needs and contribute to the development of the digital economy, which will form the economy of the future.
1- The “Million Arab Programmers” initiative, managed by Dubai Foundation for the Future, aims to empower millions of Arab youth in the region by providing them
with jobs in the modern technology sector, training them, improving their skills, enriching their knowledge, developing their abilities and building their expertise in the
fields of advanced science. Mastering the language of programming and excellence in order to be ready to deal efficiently with all the requirements of the future digital
2- The initiative of “106 Arab Coders” reflects the revitalization of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to revive the Arab civilization and
improve the reality of the region and move from the circle of despair to the horizons of work and stimulate innovation and make positive change and instill hope among
young Arabs who make up the largest proportion in our young societies and invest their energies and exploitation Talent and channeling their abilities and pave the
way for them to build their communities on solid knowledge bases to ensure that they can achieve progress and leadership in global competitive environments.
Finally, the best message to the youth for encourage them to develop their skills, educate their self to cope with the future is His Highness Message Sheikh Mohammad
bin Rashid Al Maktoum:
“My message to the Arab youth is to take initiative, do not waste time and miss-opportunities. This is the time for scientific discoveries”
Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability
Dubai Police & Artificial Intelligence Technology:
 The Director of the Directorate General of Artificial Intelligence, Brigadier Khalid Nasser Al-Razzouqi, said that “the strategy for artificial
intelligence was planned to develop all intelligent systems into systems that predict the needs of customers based on artificial intelligence
methods in all police fields, security forecasting of crime and traffic accidents, Techniques and tools of artificial intelligence, serving the
internal and external audiences of Dubai Police, as well as the balanced use of AI tools and human cadres”.
 The strategic plan for artificial intelligence 2018-2021 aims to achieve the objectives of the UAE Centennial aiming to modify and
implement development programs and projects to reach the future, relying on artificial intelligence in the service and analysis of data by
100% by 2031, and improve the performance of government, and to be the first UAE in the world to invest in artificial intelligence in
various vital sectors.
 Al-Razouqi said that the strategic plan also seeks to speed up and accurately respond to the clients in different ways and languages, and
analyze the evidence of the reality enhanced through virtual applications, And enhance the competences of the police staff in the use of
artificial intelligence techniques and methods to achieve the direction of leadership and support the strategy of Emirates Artificial
Intelligence, as this technique will be the first in ME area, and looking for development and organize tools of artificial intelligence
technology to be an integral part of the governmental business in the State, In the face of rapid changes and achieve a specific expansion in
the universal enhancement for all ranges, through the construction of a complete and complete digital system that addresses the challenges
first-hand, and provides practical solutions and rapid, quality and efficiency consistent with the Centennial of UAE 2071, To be the best
UAE in the world in all fields.
Chapter-4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions
 Depending on previous topics that presented in detail and the research questions which was displayed in
chapter one without mentioned any details. These questions will be analyzed based on the interviews
conducted with [UAE Etisalat Corporation (Etisalat), Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation
(MOHRE), Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Ministry of Economy (MOE), Ministry of
Infrastructure & Development (MOID), and Ministry of Health (MOH)].
 Will use a comparison process by charts between all named corporations for each question with brief
conclusion to justify the analysis.
 Just, note that below charts clarify the corporation opinion or action that will be taken at a later stage
depending on the situations that will be faced probably. Below scale means:
0: No or Not agree with it
10: Yes or agree with it
Chart 3
This chart clarify that 100% of all
corporations agreed to provide a special
courses in digitalization but 50% of
them said that employees must educate
themselves to cope with future
requirements, while MOID said “that
we can give the employee an
opportunity to get a scholarship in
foreign countries in space and
digitalization specializations”.
Chart 4
For future requirements, the jobs will be
minimized specially in government
sector as most of jobs will be automated,
in this case some changes should be
done in government sector in case they
do not want to lose the employees, and
they have to transfer the employees to
other departments with same functions
as said by MOID or giving them a
special training in digitalization courses
then shift them to other departments
specialized in new digital technology as
said by Etisalat & MOID. 50% said that
we will re-locate the employees to other
department in line with the future. Only
MOHRE & TRA said that “no need to
shift the employees as they have a good
experience in their functions”
Chart 5
Vice President of HR-Business Partner
in Etisalat said that “the job seekers
need to have at least one digital
technique skill to join Etisalat
regardless of what is their
specialization”. To join MOID, the job
seekers have to succeed in the tests and
interviews done by the corporation.
Also, 50% said that the job seeker have
to focus on a future technical skills to
join. On the other hand, all corporations
agreed that the best job seekers will be
picked regardless of their
Charts 6 & 7
The positive impact of digitalization on
the corporations will effect on the speed,
accuracy, performance and
productivity. Also, keeping pace with
science and modern technologies to get a
benefits from all fields plus to provide a
fast and the best solutions to the public.
The negative impact only will be
considered only on the human element
which will be dispensing due to job
vanish, that’s what the corporations said
except MOHRE which they said that
“not too much effect will be impacting
on our work”.
Chart 8
Both Vice President of HR-Business
Partner and Acting Director of Digital
Channel Development & Delivery in
Etisalat said that “the undergraduate
students must know at least one digital
technique skill regardless of their
specialization and to focus on the future
projects which is highlighted by UAE
Government”. In addition of that, all
corporations agreed that, the students in
high secondary school must know the
needs of the labor market, and the
future requirements and to focus on the
space & digital projects highlighted by
UAE government also to avoid the
stagnant specializations.
Chart 9
Vice President of HR-Business Partner
in Etisalat said that “Etisalat will be
fully digitalized by 2022” which will
provide the best digital solutions for
Etisalat’s customers and improve the
efficiency & performance of employees
by providing them a special courses in
modern digital technologies to make
Etisalat services a very high quality
valued. While, the UAE ministries and
authorities will be fully digitalized by
2021 depending on UAE Vision 2021.
Chapter-4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions
Conclusions – Part – 1:
Below is some conclusions based on the interviews was conducted with above named corporations:
1- Etisalat, MOID and MOH, recommend that existing employees must educate themselves to cope with future needs &
2- MOID will give an opportunity to the employees to get a scholarships in space science and new digital techniques in foreign
3- Etisalat, MOE and MOH, will re-locate the employees to other department as most of the existing functions will be automated.
While MOID will shift the employees after giving them a special training or to other departments have the same existing functions
as also agreed by Etisalat. On the other hand, MOHRE and TRA don’t have any plan to shift the employees.
4- Job seekers need to success in the test and interview to join MOID.
5- If the job seekers have high technical skills, they have a good opportunity to join Etisalat, MOE and MOH as per them.
6- Positive impact of digitalization will be on speed, accuracy, performance and productivity. In addition of that, positive impact of
digitalization will keep research of the science and technology going on to provide the best and quick service to the clients and
public. While the negative impact only will be considered only on the human element which will be dispensing due to job vanished,
that’s what the corporations said except MOHRE, which no impact will be affecting on their work.
7- All named corporations will provide their employees a special courses in digitalization, also they will pick the best job seekers for
any vacancy.
Chapter-4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions
Conclusions – Part – 2:
8- All named corporations recommend the undergraduate students and high secondary school students need to focus on the future
projects highlighted by UAE government and to know the needs of the labor market with taking in account the future needs and
9- Both Vice President of HR-Business Partner and Acting Director of Digital Channel Development & Delivery in Etisalat
recommend the students to know at least one digital technique skill regardless of their specialization.
10- Vice President of HR-Business Partner in Etisalat recommends the job seekers to have at least one digital technique skill if they
want to join Etisalat World.
11- 2022 is the target year for the transformation of Etisalat into a fully digitalization network, while 2021 is the year of fully
digitalization in UAE ministries and authorities.
Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations
General Recommendations:
1- Developing innovation in secondary schools. To pass the secondary level, each student must work to create at least one project.
2- The universities have to open a new specializations like AI, Advance Programming, Learning Machine and others to adapt with
the future.
3- Technical universities & institutes have to minimize un-technical courses and focusing always on the new technical courses.
4- To adapt with future and to pass the university stage, each student must take at least one digital course such as Cloud
Computing, Big-Data, Block-Chain and others regardless of their specialization.
5- Job seekers must have high technical skills with at least one digital skill.
6- The current employees must educate themselves to keep up with the future.
7- The corporations in UAE must train their employees with special courses not to turnover them.
8- MOHRE needs to force the corporations to determine the new requirements for the future jobs.
9- UAE government must cooperate with high technical corporations to train their employees in ministries and authorities with
special digital courses.
Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations
Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization
technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 1:
A. Digitalization for IT Leaders:
To success in digital transformation, IT leaders have to change below features to cope with future:
1- Products have to be organized under projects by IT.
2- IT should be involved in business sector to cope with future.
3- Developing the operation and quick implementation at scale.
4- Focus on customer requirements design.
5- Developing applications for easy building such as 3D printer.
6- IT must launch smart cloud technology at scale.
7- New strategy applied over governance.
8- New strategy applied for data over ownership.
9- Establish coping skills and mindset.
Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations
Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization
technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 2:
B. Digital Transformation Strategy:
To drive the digital initiative, organizations must follow a transformation strategy that will lead to digital navigator. Being a digital navigator
1- Focus on market transformations instead of specific technologies.
2- Compression-testing business model for the digital world.
3- Observing gaps in the digital portfolio.
C. Digitalization for Sales & Customer Services Support:
Customers need to customize the plans or packages that required to their organization, so sales has to change the platform agreement with
customers’ orders:
1- Give the customers access to the appropriate portal to request/delete orders by themselves and to track their orders also.
2- Let, customers have an opportunity to check all new services available on the portal.
3- Let, customers make online meeting with sales that responsible of the product shown on the portal & solve any issues facing the customer
online not onsite.
4- Organizations need to create “Robot Assistance” as a “Mobile Application” to respond on the customers’ inquiries, and to guide them to
the right-way, and assist clients’ to get an appropriate services.
5- Digitalization will save time, costs & increasing the confidence between providers & customers.
Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations
Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization
technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 3:
D. Digitalization for Engineering:
What digitalization can do for engineering department?
1- Shorter projects & assigned times.
2- Less agenda downtime.
3- Higher software quality for pure and hassle free production.
4- Directorate and guide the employees easier and faster by giving them a training on a virtual mode.
5- Great saving on costs, times, and higher productivity.
E. Digitalization for Procurement:
Four major challenges faced procurement organization but could be improved if the organization used automation and digital
1- Visibility.
2- Quick implementation.
3- Extend commitment.
4- Average saving rate.
Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations
Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization
technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 4:
F. Digitalization for HR Leaders:
As new jobs emerging and existing jobs changing, each company needs to revamp its recruiting strategy:
1- Recruiters must promote for their brand attributes to attract the job seekers.
2- Recruiters have to focus more on addressing candidates’ career goals not too much focusing on their sales pitch.
3- Recruiters have to know how the quality hires and top talent can be selected with providing them a special benefits.
4- Recruiters must look for what is truly to get the job done instead of focusing on skills and experience.
5- Recruiters must look for an acquiring talent job seekers and focusing on the jobs that represented the digitalization such as Cognitive
Implementation Engineer, Software Development Engineer, Front End Developer’ Applications/Middleware Administrator, Cognitive Solutions
Engineer, Automation Engineer, Unix Systems Engineer, UX Designer, UI Manager, UI Designer, Systems Architect/ Cloud Engineer.
G. Digitalization for Marketing:
Marketing department must apply the customer-driven-method which concerns into digital dealing. They have to enhance their digital
efforts by:
1- Hiring digital domestic as a marketing talent.
2- Using with lots of digital access points such as social media, mobile, search, etc…
3- Working with new partners and invest more in digital techniques such as Big-Data, Cloud Computing and analytics.
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51. Un-Known Source – MOH. (2018) Research Questions Discussion
Presented by : Eng. Mohammad Alhamamsheh
Research Supervisor: Dr. Sravan Kumar

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Master Thesis in International Management

  • 1. Master of Business Administration Master in International Management Master Thesis Topic: Impact of Digitalization on Existing & Future Jobs in Government Sector in UAE Digitalization Of the Economy: A Key Driver
  • 2. Main Contents 2 Subject Name Slide Number What does the Future Mean? 6 Abstract 7 Chapter – 1: Prologue 8 Chapter – 2: Summary Literature Review 11 Chapter – 3: Dubai & Sustainability 49 Chapter – 4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions 65 Chapter – 5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations 74 List of References 79 End of Slides 83
  • 3. List of Figures 3 Figure Name Slide Number Figure 1: Positive Impact of Digitalization on the economy, society & public services 13 Figure 2: Transforming the Region into a leading digital Economy 17 Figure 3: Digitalization between Demand &supply Measures in UAE Comparing with other Regions 18 Figure 4: Successive Waves of Innovation have shaped the Worldwide Digital Economy 19 Figure 5: Four clusters of Digitization-Maximizing the Impact of Digitalization, Booz & Company Analysis 22 Figure 6: GDP Analysis-Booz & Company Report 23 Figure 7: Social Media & Users ,compared to the Arab Region [Based on Analysis of Facebook Users ] 26 Figure 8: Digital Impact on Economy & Society 27 Figure 9: Things that Happen on Internet Every 60 seconds 28 Figure 10: Developments in Shear of Occupations 33 Figure 11: Framework on Impact of Digitalization on Labour 34 Figure 12: Q1 2018 ME Job Market Survey 40 Figure 13: Key Pillars of Dubai Plan 2021(The Executive Council , 2014 ) 52
  • 4. List of Charts 4 Chart Name Slide Number Chart 1: Preferred Sectors to Work 44 Chart 2: Nature of Work After 10-Years 45 Chart 3: Does the organization have a clear plan to retain its employees, especially the excellence once, to invest and train them to adapt with the future requirement’s? 66 Chart 4: For the People who doesn’t work in technical department or doesn't have any technical certification like, HR, Account Manager, Sales Manager, Processing ,customer Service (call center ) or any non-technical jobs , what is your recommendation for them? 67 Chart 5: What is the new requirements should the job seekers have when they want to apply for any new vacancy in your organization? 68 Chart 6: What is the positive impact of the digitalization on your organization? 69 Chart 7: What is the negative impact of the digitalization on your organization? 69 Chart 8: What is your recommendations for the high school students/undergraduate in UAE whence selecting the specialization & taking new technical courses/skills? 70 Chart 9: When your organization will be fully digitalized ? 71
  • 5. List of Tables 5 Table Name Slide Number Table 1: Comparing between 3-Local Universities Based on New Future Requirements 30 Table 2: Government's Digital Principle for Citizen's & Public Top Priorities 54
  • 6. What does the Future Mean? “Future is similar to a Train but not any train. In each station passing, it will send us a notification that says: “This station become old and you have to work on new station”. Future will not stop …Future will not revert to previous stations… Future will not wait anyone. Either you retain up with the future or keep in the rear, the evaluation is up to you!” 6
  • 7. Abstract  UAE government going forward to shift all analog to digital services for achieving 2021 vision. We want to be among the best countries by 2021”. The objective is to make living easier in UAE. With Artificial Intelligence coming into lives of the people and affecting them with accelerating development in technology in UAE and Digitalization some of the people will lose their jobs within next 10 years in some of the fields.  Revamping the education system in UAE to adapt with future improvements is the study plan and strategy of the government to qualify the students for future jobs in UAE government sector.  Organizations have to cope with the future changes to keep their business going on. 7
  • 8. Chapter-1: Prologue  Ones and Zeros are eating the world. The making, continuing, conveying, and expending of data are on the whole being digitized, transformed into the all-inclusive dialect of PCs. A wide range of ventures, from independent companies to huge enterprises to non- benefits to government offices, are experiencing an "advanced change," transforming digitization into new procedures, exercises, and exchanges.  The statement of information as zeros encourages its age, replication, pressure, and spread (like Big-Data); its investigation (like Data Science); and its association (Like Internet and Web). It likewise supports the substitution or enlargement of the physical with the virtual or online nearness (like Internet of Things).  Technology is replacing the traditional work with new global techniques to revamp the labor of markets. Some of jobs will dis- appeared & other jobs will be created to cope with the future requirements. Automation will replace several jobs and many employees will leave their jobs. This will increase the number of job seekers in UAE especially government employees. However, this research will concentrate on the government sector as here in UAE more than 80% of all UAE’s nationals working in government sector as per His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in his session held in World Government Summit. 8
  • 9. Chapter-1: Prologue  The students are still thinking that they will find jobs when they graduate, however the new future requirements need more technical skills & learning future specializations like artificial intelligence, programming, networking & robotics. His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation expecting that 65% will not find any similar jobs available in the current marketplace for the children who is began a primary school once they graduated.  The outcomes of WGS was recommended to revamp the education in UAE so the universities & colleges in UAE must change the specialization that being introduced to the students & to be replaced by new specialization caring of future technology. The students have to take more technical courses to adapt the future.  Addressing the World Government Summit (WGS) on its final day, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said that UAE will find a way to rebuild the instructive framework and shape another model of training that will adjust to future employments. Government laws, national systems for advanced education and activities for deep rooted learning will come into put, to conquer any hindrance amongst instruction and the work environment and permit the UAE to be a supporter of Fourth Industrial Revolution. 9
  • 10. Chapter-1: Prologue Goal of the Study  The purpose of this study is to recommend the current job seekers & the people who will lose their job because of automation “the skills sets which they should acquire to be competent and remain employed”. Some of these skills may be Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Networking, Robotics & others.  Recommendation to undergraduate students to focus on the future requirements, support his/her self with other languages, skills or anything is required to be consistent with the future. For new students who are yet to enroll in universities “what courses or subjects should they undertake” to have high probability of getting employed.  For the organizations that maybe at risk of closing their business due to digitization of jobs, what should they do to adapt with future in terms of new technology or skills for employees, training of employees on how to use the new technology(for example if the organization is working in contracting they have to know how to use 3D-printing). Research Questions  Does the organization have a clear plan to retain its employees, especially the excellence ones, to invest and train them to adapt with the future requirements?  For the people who doesn’t work in technical department or doesn’t have any technical certificate like, HR, Account Manager, Sales Manager, Processing, Customer Service (Call Center) or any non-technical jobs, what is your recommendation for them to adapt the future & what will happen for them in your organization?  What is the new requirements should the job seekers have when they want to apply for any new vacancy in your organization?  What is the positive & negative impact of the digitalization on your organization?  What is your recommendations for the high school students/undergraduate in UAE whence selecting the specialization & taking new technical courses/skills?  When your organization will be fully digitalized? 10
  • 11. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Definition & History of Automation  Automation use of management systems and knowledge technologies to cut back the necessity for human add the assembly of products and services. Within the scope of industry, automation may be a step on the far side mechanization.  Automation or automatic control, is the utilization of different control frameworks for working hardware, for example, apparatus, forms in industrial facilities, boilers and warmth treating broilers, exchanging in phone systems, controlling and adjustment of boats, flying machine and different applications with negligible or diminished human mediation. A few procedures have been totally computerized.  The term computerization, roused by the prior word programmed (originating from robot), was not broadly utilized before 1947, when General Motors built up the automation division. It was amid this time industry was quickly receiving input controllers, which were presented in the 1930s.  Automation has been achieved by varied means that together with mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and electronic and computers, sometimes together. Difficult systems, appreciate fashionable factories, airplanes and ships generally use of these combined techniques. Definition & History of Digitalization  Digitalization is that the integration of digital technologies into lifestyle by the conversion of everything that may be digitized. The literal which means of digitalization offers an obvious plan of development and technology dependent world.  In this chapter, digitalization manner that transforming enterprise globe and marketplace, and redefining the boundaries of production, intake and distribution. This has created super opportunities as new product, processes and techniques have emerged, however has conjointly created threats, as new approaches in which of employment create new demanding situations to present day employees, college students & job seekers. 11
  • 12. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Globally, what is expecting from Automation?  Automation is the next level of Digitalization, that’s mean “Each process has been Digitalized is already being Automated, not vice-versa”.  When changing the process from manual to digital & digitalization being covered, that’s means your machine become automated by using the digital services like Cloud, IoT, Big- Data, Database Analytical, M2M, Block-Chain and Smart machines to work integrality with Humans to advance automation synchronizing with standardization.  Typically, advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are leading to new age of automation, as the outcomes of machines matching or outperforming better than human performance in all work fields. Automation can enable business to improve performance, quality, speed & reducing or avoiding the errors, additionally, saving labor cost and growing more skills. In some activities the productivity & outcomes give more than human capabilities.  Technical Feasibility, Cost of Developing & Deploying Solutions, Labor Market Dynamics, Economics Benefits, and Regulatory and Social Acceptance are the Automation factor which can be affected in workplace areas. Globally, what is expecting from Digitalization?  Economically, will increase the economic in all the world and become more stable, decreasing the expenses for the governments in education, construction, transportation and security. Governments will push all companies to join the future as the future will not wait anyone or any organization so, to achieve this point, all organizations must switch to the digitalization way as fast as possible.  To achieve full digitalization life, there must be a strong and effective human factor to work together with robotics, machines and the technology itself. Doing research on the artificial intelligent periodically. Developing the machines and understand the machine language.  Developing a new specialization related to artificial intelligent, machine language, and space science, satellite engineering, programming languages and technology research in all universities  will create new workforce understand the future requirements, innovations and manipulate any shortage in the society.  We expecting: Growth of Productivity, Reinforce Information Preservation, Environmentally Friendly, Working Remotely, Saving Cost and Time, Smart Education, Creating New Jobs, Avoiding Errors, Smart Hospitals and Manufactories, More Revenues and others. 12
  • 13. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Society, Economy and Governance in UAE - Part - 1  Depending on the Figure 1, Government has to apply the below recommendations to accelerate the digitalization across the region for public & private sectors: A. Government: 1. Transfer to full digitalizing economic evolution instead of focusing on digital initiative in e-government systems. 2. Enable national digital agencies. 3. Build policy frameworks that foster, and do not hamper, digital innovation. 4. Seize the opportunity of large public IT spending to create home-grown IT players at scale. B. Business: 1. Take the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build critical digital platforms for the area. 2. Step up the collaboration among corporations and digital disrupters in the region. 3. Embrace agility through digital to address the ever-faster business environment. Positive Impact of Digitalization on the Economy, Society & Public services Figure 1 13
  • 14. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Society, Economy and Governance in UAE - Part - 2  Depending on the Figure 1, Government has to apply the below recommendations to accelerate the digitalization across the region for public & private sectors: C. Funding: 1. Scale digital VC funding. 2. Increase visibility of investment opportunities. D. Talent: 1. Create digital curricula and seamless learning pathways from primary schools to higher education and into employment. 2. Rethink how to attract, and retain digital talent, and reconsider applicability of nationalization to digital. 14
  • 15. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Hierarchy of the Digitalization Socio-Economic Impact 15
  • 16. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 1  The McKinsey middle east digitization Index is that the initial effort to assess the extent and impact of digitization across 9 Middle Eastern countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and therefore the United Arab Emirates. Despite ambitious government aspirations to go digital, solely 6% of the Middle Eastern public lives beneath a digitized smart government. And Middle Eastern countries lag so much behind benchmark countries (for the needs of this report, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, and therefore the United Kingdom) in business digitization, from the amount of venture capital (VC) funding offered to start-ups to the share of the manpower operating in digital careers and industries.  Some Middle Eastern governments, including those of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, have begun implementation of core digitization initiatives. Indeed, the UAE government leads the Middle East in digital adoption and matches the index’s digital frontier on many metrics. Another countries also have massive ambitions and have created hefty progress. However, in their efforts to promote innovation and push the general public sector’s adoption of digital to future level, they're facing implementation challenges such as an inadequate governance structure to attain the required amendment.  As per McKinsey analysis a powerful correlation between a countries’ GDP per capita and its score on the McKinsey digitization Index: a better GDP permits countries to pay a lot of on digital adoption that will increase a country’s performance on the digitization Index. And a high level of digitization contributes to economic growth, resulting in higher GDP. Indeed, our analysis indicates that a unified digital market across the Middle East (160 million potential digital users by 2025) might contribute up to 3.8 % annually in GDP-amounting to close to USD 95 billion. Digital may have a positive impact on inclusion and impoverishment reduction, increase access to and quality of healthcare and education, and cut back CO2 emissions. 16
  • 17. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 2 Figure 2: Showing the digital contribution in UAE comparing with other countries to its GDP and revenues: 17
  • 18. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 3 Middle East digitization index combines 24 indicators to measure consumer, business, government, and ICT supply and innovation across every country, Figure 3 clarify the ranked by overall digitalization between Demand and Supply measures in UAE comparing with other regions. As per McKinsey research, the digital market could add USD 95 billion per year to the MEs’ annual GDP by 2020. Figure 3 18
  • 19. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 3  Increased data flows are only one indicator of the fast pace of digital innovation; since the 1960s, every successive wave of innovation has been shorter and faster than the one before it (See Figure 4). At the start of the digital revolution, it took decades to create the step amendment from mainframes to private computers. In recent years, the innovation frequency has accelerated massively. Year after year, groundbreaking digital technologies reach the market and have a profound impact on business and other people within the span of months instead of years. This wave-that encompasses recent innovations in massive information, the internet of Things (IoT), virtual reality, drones, robotics, and artificial intelligence- provides huge opportunities that have already began to reshape current business structures. By 2020, projections recommend that there will be around 2 Zetta bytes of information within the Middle East-greater than the estimated number of grains of sand covering the whole Arabian Desert.  This huge increase in digital comes with equally sized opportunities-but the Middle East is not advancing quickly enough to capture anyplace approximate for total potential of digital. Despite the high smartphone penetration within the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Qatar, because of significantly low penetration in many Middle Eastern countries the region’s overall smartphone adoption rate is low. The present smartphone adoption rate of the lowest two-thirds of the Middle East population is simply 20%. as compared, among those within the united states who earn lower than USD 30,000 per annum (the lowest quartile income segment), 50% have a smartphone. However, there is reason for optimism: projections estimate that by 2020, the region will reach 60% overall smartphone adoption, in line with the rest of the globe. Figure 4 19
  • 20. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 4 McKinsey analysis reveals several key insights about the state of digitization in the Middle East: 1. Clients are main digital adoption in ME:  As measured by using virtual consumer adoption, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain are the various pinnacle international locations within the world, with more than 100 phone penetration and over 70th social media adoption, even higher than USA. And numerous countries in Western Europe and APAC. Most people of center East customers are eager to stay updated with the relentless tempo of innovation within the virtual vicinity.  Because of drastically low penetration in lots of Middle Eastern countries, the place’s common phone adoption price is beneath even the poorest financial advantage section in USA.  The client demand for virtual is a great deal over adoption by means of the area’s agencies and governments almost across the board. 2 . Middle Eastern businesses’ digitalization varies significantly among countries:  The Middle East’s stage of digitalization within the enterprise subject that scores underneath the benchmark areas nevertheless hides an outstanding deal of version among international locations, in general, the GCC countries have loads of digitized enterprise than Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. In fact, as measured by business digitalization, UAE reaches the extent of digital frontiers countries, whereas Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Oman still have many Opportunities to realize from the further steps toward digitalization.  The Middle East ratings low on corporations scale technology absorption and on line marketing spending per capita metrics than effect its universal score on virtual adoption within the area. 20
  • 21. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 5 McKinsey analysis reveals several key insights about the state of digitization in the Middle East: 3. Some of Middle East Governments have embraced digital:  Middle Eastern governments diverge in their digital adoption progress. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are within the lead, having enforced core digitalization initiatives.  The UAE government ranks number one in digital adoption among Middle Eastern countries and fits the digital frontier countries. Among the Middle Eastern countries studied, the United Arab Emirates has the very best digital identification-a metric this is based on multiple signs corresponding to get entry to services, digital signature, and card capabilities. The country is additionally engaged in numerous digitalization tasks, like expanding broadband insurance and making a unified smart- town platform.  Different international locations such as Bahrain, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, and Saudi Arabia also have big aims and have accomplished hefty development. However, of their efforts to sell innovation and push the majority region’s adoption of virtual to future degree, they're facing implementation issues consisting of an inadequate governance structure to unify the vision and gain the alternate.  Despite bold authorities’ aspirations for going digitalized, most effective 6% of the Middle Eastern populace lives underneath a digitized smart authorities. 21
  • 22. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 6 Four clusters of Digitization-Maximizing the Impact of Digitalization Depending on the Booz & Company Analysis:  Constrained Economies: Those with a digitization score under 25 have slightly began to expand inexpensive internet connections. Net services remain expensive and constrained in reach.  Emerging Economies: Those with a score between 25 and 29.9 have finished full-size development in supplying inexpensive and sizeable get entry to.  Transitional Economies: Those with a digitization rating between 30 and 39.9 offer residents with ubiquitous, inexpensive, and fairly dependable services, and usage is increasing at a surprisingly speedy pace.  Advanced Economies: Those with a rating of 40 and better are within the most mature degree of digitization. Those nations have an expertise base that may take benefit of virtual services. Figure 5: UAE Position is in the Transitional Stage Depending on Booz & Company Analysis: 22
  • 23. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review First Impact: Economy - Part - 7 Depending on the same report published by Booz and Company, “As the digitization manner displays a shift in the socio-economic status and this systematic transition is examined for its results on monetary growth, activity creation and welfare. The effect of digitization on a country‘s economic system is extraordinarily visible. As in line with the report, in 150 countries, an upward push in digitization of 10% factors brought on a [0.50 to 0.62] % advantage in according to capita GDP. (See Figure 6), through contrast, access (as measured in research of broadband penetration) contributes a gain in in line with capita GDP of just 0.16 percent-approximately 0.5 as lots impact. The extra superior the USA, the larger the impact of digitization appears to be, that establishes a virtuous remarks cycle: a country reinforces and accelerates its personal development because it movements along the line. On the idea of facts from 2009 and 2010, we estimate that the overall global financial effect of digitization, in phrases of brought GDP, become US$395 billion annually. (It has, if anything increased since then.)”. 23
  • 24. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 1  Impact of digitalization on UAE society focused on three main parts which is social media and quality of life which includes public services and online business.  Social Media play an important role for establishing a new culture and new online business for people who can use it easily and have a great progress based on high level of communication technology.  In addition to government readiness, a report published by Mohammad bin Rashid School of government “that social acceptance of technology in the UAE is relatively high according to different measures. For example, the country is ranked 32nd in the UN’s ICT Development Index and 23rd in the WEF’s Networked Readiness Index (WEF, 2015b, ITU, 2015). The UAE enjoys the region’s highest penetration rates of internet, smart phones, and broadband and social media accounts by society. For example, internet penetration in the UAE stands above 90 percent while the penetration of mobile subscriptions is close to 117 percent (ITU, 2015). Meanwhile, close to 70 percent of the population are active on social media in all walks of life, including engagement with government (Salem, 2014). Due to superior technology of the infrastructures, pro-active government advancement of digitalization and “intelligence” approaches, the society of the UAE has truly adopted a digital lifestyle.” (Salem, 2016). (See Figure 7) which is explaining the above discussion.  Digitalization for the authorities’ public offerings and automatic visitors sign structures are barely splendid inside the grand schema regarding to the ‘shrewd metropolis”. The smartest are making technology to do the whole thing from improving protection and remotely tracking infrastructure, along with electricity grids, to making plans entire towns depending on 3-D simulations that are expecting the destiny and - the belief is - lessen the hazard of sudden troubles.  One of the areas anticipated to revel in a main impact from new technologies is city designing. Progressive software is helping governments set up higher for the future and avoid high-priced errors.  Autodesk is taking part in a vital role for the duration of this area, providing urban planners with gear that permit them to run simulations based totally on an shrewd evaluation of environmental concerns, destiny populace, visitors flows and other factors.  “3-D models permit designers to reiterate the future… after in an effort to begin producing records and civil designers, engineers and architects begin constructing what the destiny is going to seem like”, Arfath says. 24
  • 25. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 2  Governance in a smart city entails applying “data-driven innovation”; or advanced analytics to enable innovation towards growth and wellbeing (OECD, 2013). Also it means to deliver transparent government services with public, private and civic engagement.  Based totally in this conceptualization, the underlying regions of improvement for a smart and sustainable city encompass: 1. Rate of lifestyles and quality of life. 2. Rate of development of infrastructure and public services. 3. Rate of development of ICT, communications, intelligence and information. 4. Rate of development of human beings and society. 5. Rate of development of environment and sustainability. 6. Rate of development of governance and administration. 7. Rate of development of economy and finance. 8. Rate of development of mobility and transportation. In greater technical terms, the important thing pillars of a practical city are its digital governance potential, its city systems of mobility, its infrastructure of power and water clever grids, its homes and structures, moreover to its information-associated and public inclusion projects. In short, the clever metropolis venture can be a prime socio-technical city transformation that guarantees to revolutionize the ways masses of hundreds of individuals live in and engage with the city, with digital generation and statistics as core enablers. Will talk greater approximately the governance in subsequent parts from this chapter. 25
  • 26. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 3 Figure 7: Social Media & Users, compared to the Arab Region [Based on Analysis of Facebook Users] 26
  • 27. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 4 Figure 8: Summary of digital impact on economy and society, that discussed above: 27
  • 28. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Second Impact: Society & Governance - Part - 4 Figure 9: Depending on 2017 statistics by Go-Gulf company, below info-graphic has been published & clearly explained how much things happen on the internet every 60 seconds. 28
  • 29. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Students and Education in Undergraduate & Below Undergraduate in UAE • Ministry of education in UAE starts to revamp the education to cope with future requirements, for example they inserted Innovation, Robotics & Android Programming Materials into new semesters. The students will understand the essential activity so they can innovate & create new android applications. • How robots help teachers and students? 1. Interacting with robots will give children more freedom to express themselves and solve complex academic problems. 2. Having robots teaching assistant will also teach students to speak language of machines. 3. Will help children learn algorithms to communicate with machines in the future. 4. A 3D camera around the robot’s LED eyes will enable it to read the student’s gestures and pose. 5. Also, will enable students to implement their innovative ideas. 6. It will assist teachers in assessing and grading students. • Webometrics site published a report of the top ranking universities in UAE, the best national universities in UAE are United Arab Emirates University, Masdar Institute of Science & Technology which is merged with Khalifa University of Science & Technology and University of Sharjah. • To cope with the future requirements and to achieve UAE vision, United Arab Emirates University will include new colleges & revamp all specializations in the university, typically the new specializations would be included are specializing colleges in space science with focusing on the Artificial Intelligent in all colleges, adding new applied specializations in Information Security, Programming and others. • Check the next slide which clarify a simple comparison between the above named universities in the table 1 that we can see the percentage of total technical courses and special technical courses. 29
  • 30. Table 1 This table describes the comparison between the named universities. I am not here to criticize any of these universities. On the contrary, this is only a difference related to the mentioned specialization. I think UAEU must support the named specialization with at least one of the special technical courses to cope with future needs such as Khalifa University & University of Sharjah. Both UAEU & University of Sharjah have to reduce un- necessary (un-technical) courses & to replace with advance or special technical courses such as Khalifa University. 30
  • 31. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Job-Seekers, Existing and Future Jobs in UAE - Part - 1  As technology becomes smarter, many jobs will be vanished but a million jobs will be opened and available for those having a high skilled level. New jobs will focus on programming, artificial intelligent, robotics engineering, learning machines and other digital techniques.  Typically, “For the following years, a hundred and fifty million human beings will lose their careers within the globe, whilst 300 million younger humans will be attempting to find new jobs,” says Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank. By 2030, “182 million humans will be targeted for looking for a jobs that might not be had especially AI and automated systems jobs will erase low-professional jobs which can be waning because of the economical uprising will arrive as a fact,” he said.  A report published by Khaleej Times said that “in UAE, it is expected 1.9M jobs will be replaced to cope with the future, this will create a suffocating crisis in unemployment, the number of job-seekers will be increased, expecting that 65% of children who started primary school last year will graduate without finding the jobs that are in today's workplace. Additionally, 80% of Emirates citizens take a priority of government jobs because of its stable nature. While many jobs in government sector become automated and this will reduce the number of government jobs”.  New demands are required for fresh future jobs for all categories focusing on AI, Programming, Robotics, Learning Machines and others. For job-seekers and existing employees, they have to increase their skills with at least with one of the previous topics plus any of the digital services such IoT, Big-Data, Cloud & others. 31
  • 32. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Job-Seekers, Existing and Future Jobs in UAE - Part - 2 Seven Reasons for Increasing the Unemployment among UAE Citizens:  An academic paper determined a seven reason behind the unemployment among UAE Citizens. Only 11% is the unemployment percentage in UAE. The Deputy Director of the UAE University for Academic Affairs Dr. Mohammad Abdulla Albeily expecting that this rate will not change until 2020 between aged 15 and 20. These seven reasons are summarized by: 1. Global Economic Recession and its Nature Impact on Local Economics. 2. High Rates of Population Growth without creating New Job Opportunities. 3. No Suitable Updates with Education to Cope with Future Technological Development 4. Lack of Coordination between Education Outputs and Labor Market Needs. 5. The Policies of Importing Expatriate Workers by Opening the Doors for All without Limiting Controls of the Multiplicity of Polarization. 6. The Private Sector, Specifically the Semi-Government Sector has not Contributed Significantly to Absorbing the National Graduates. 7. The Weakness of the Contribution of the National Labor Force to Private Sector Jobs, Which doesn’t Exceed 7%.  Also, this paper outlined five solutions that will contribute significantly to reduce the increase in unemployment rates in the coming period: 1. To Regulate and Organize the Recruitment of Labors to the State. 2. To Change the Direction of the Citizens to the Private Sector. 3. Encouraging Citizens for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Investment in Small and Medium Business. 4. Narrowing the Gap between the Outputs of Higher Education and the Labor Market Requirements. 5. To Develop Laws and Regulations Contain Larger Proportions from Citizens in the Private Sector. 32
  • 33. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 1  Digitalization controls existing jobs depending on new skills to implement new tasks which may imply that the current employees need to be retrained or replaced by others who have these skills. While other jobs redundant are redundant and very soon will disappear, digitalization leads to new jobs and new jobs will be matching with labor market demands so on.  The most important thing that the majority of job description will be revamped to match with new future requirements. This will play new role to determine the required skills for the existing and new jobs.  Digital skills will be in high demand in the labor market of the future like entrepreneurial skills and creativity. As it is already difficult to assess the impact of digitalization in terms of job creation or destruction on traditional industries and business.  European Centre for the development of vocational training (Cedefop) figures for the past decade and its estimates for following decade recommend that occupations that require either low/elementary or high skills are growing in importance, whereas the mid-skilled professions are nearly non-exclusively decreasing in importance (See Figure 10 below): 33
  • 34. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 2 Figure 11 : Framework on Impact of Digitalization on Labor 34
  • 35. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 3 • In UAE, MOHRE provided 1500 job opportunities for citizens looking for work remotely in northern areas. • Working Remotely is to practice the work by using a modern techniques and online, no need to go to the work to do the tasks. It can be done in the home, organization branches and other places, but to work remotely there is new skills and requirements for the worker to do their tasks remotely.  Required Skills for Working Remotely: 1. Ability to plan in a proper way to ensure the completion of the work. 2. Managing the time. 3. Having a communication skills with managers and partners. 4. Accepting criticism from managers and implement their guidance. 5. Using new technologies to do their tasks  Requirements for Working Remotely: 1. Developing ICT in the organizations. 2. Organizing the work remotely through the enactment of labor laws and regulations. 3. Focusing on education development and increasing the ability to work with new different techniques. 4. Building a new business culture for organizations and individuals, and raising awareness in the field of working remotely. 5. Take advantage of the experience of the organizations and international institution that follow the method of working remotely. 35
  • 36. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Employment in UAE - Part - 4 Benefits of Working Remotely: 1. Saving time and efforts & Saving transportation cost. 2. Raising a productivity of workers so that the workers focusing on the results more than how they will do it. 3. Avoiding all non-motivational things which negatively affect employees, such as the direct relationship between the president and the subordinate in which a collision can occur & achieve the equilibrium between works, home works, family and society. 4. Complete freedom to select the work to be performed, in addition to select people to work with them without being restricted to certain persons. 5. Flexibility and doing tasks in best time for the workers. 6. Saving cost for the organization that need to establish offices for their employees. 7. Increase of the productivity by using new modern technologies. 8. Reduce the percentage of absence and sick leaves. 9. Reduce the percentage of unemployment. 10. To achieve the equilibrium in jobs between different geographic areas. 11. Giving the opportunity for the people with special needs to work. 12. Giving the opportunity for women to work in their areas. 13. Increase the economic and social development in the far areas. 14. Reduce traffic congestion especially at peak times. 15. Provide job opportunities for people in the far areas. 16. To achieve justice and equal opportunities for the workers between normal workers and remotely workers away from the discrimination on the basis of gender, nationality, age group or shape. 36
  • 37. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 1 List of jobs that will be replaced by automation: 1. Food preparation assistants 2. Cleaners and helpers 3. Laborers in mining, construction, manufacturing, transport 4. Assemblers 5. Drivers and mobile plant operators 6. Refuse workers and other elementary workers 7. Agricultural, forestry and fishery laborers 8. Stationary plant and machine operators 9. Food processing, wood working, garment workers 10.Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery workers 11.Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers 12.Personal service workers 13.Metal, machinery and related trades workers 37 14.General and keyboard clerks 15.Handicraft and printing workers 16.Building and related trades workers 17.Sales workers 18.Electrical and electronic trades workers 19.Numerical and material recording clerks 20.Customer services clerks 21.Other clerical support workers 22.Health associate professionals 23.Information and communications technicians 24.Protective services workers 25.Business administration associate professionals
  • 38. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 2 Most Important Sectors of the Future by 2030 Depending on Dubai Police Reports and Studies: 1. Hyperlink Transport Jobs provide about 12 major functions including: A. Designer Stations B. Traffic Analyzer C. Collision Specialist D. Architectural Stations E. Operator Center Control 2. IoT Jobs: A. Auditor and Evaluator of Quantity B. Evaluating Data Contexts C. Faulty Analyzer D. Biological Waste Optimizer E. Security Specialist 38 3. Future Jobs in Sport Sector: A. Specialist Sports Simulator B. Sports Rehabilitation Analyst C. Designer and Architect of Genetic Modification D. A psychologist for a Supernatural Child E. Children 's Supernatural Lawyer F. Designer Child Supernatural (One US Company Got the Patent of this Design) 4. Unmanned Aircraft Jobs: A. Special Advisor in the Classification of UAVs B. Designer and Engineer of UAVs C. Improves UAV Traffic 5. Jobs in Water Sector and Collection the Water from Atmosphere (Fog-Nets): A. Expert Impact Assessment B. Water Systems Engineer C. Supply Plan and Water Purification Monitor
  • 39. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 3 6. Sensor Jobs: A. Sensors Inventor B. Data Transfer Optimizer 7. Jobs in World Leadership Center: A. Global System Engineer B. Data Integration Manager C. A Scientist in Ethics, Philosophy and Privacy D. Director of Containment of Fear and Dread 8. 3D Printer Jobs : A. Printing Tools Expert B. 3D Engineer C. Cost Estimation D. 3D Thinker E. 3D Printer Ink Developer F. Agent of Compensatory Devices for 3D Solid 39 9. Jobs in Cooperative Economy: A. Accounting Consultant B. Director of Cooperation Participation C. Monitor Opportunities D. Cooperative Economist 10. Self-Driver Vehicle Jobs: A. Mechanical Traffic Engineer B. Self –Driver Vehicle Designer C. Operating System Engineer D. Schematic of Traffic Control System E. Delivery and Distributer Requests
  • 40. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Future Jobs in UAE – Part - 4 Figure 12: Job market survey done in ME which explaining in percentage the new demands require for the future 40
  • 41. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 1  The digitalization is changing the strategic of development for the organizations but this has to be faster and the organizational needs to respond quickly to strategic acclimation. This requires a pure focus on the market opportunities and knowing customer demands. Organizations have to focus on customer engagement, core value, and integration, and retrain their staff.  Mainly, digitalization is not impacting only on jobs, also this is a big challenges facing the large corporations in basis of efficiency, long-term stability, predictability.  The objective is for employees to think outside the box, considering the bigger picture, focusing on how the service should be delivered to customers under true measures and recognize their own vital to explain the mission and vision of organization for all.  Organizations have to focus on training and developing their employee skills to adapt with future, more and more projects are coming so they have to be ensured that all employees have the eligibility to handle the future works. Customers being smarter and they understood every, and each parts of new generation so the organizations should invest more in their employees not to turnover them.  44% of CEOs report that digital investments are not improving net profit. The majority of strategy leaders say that investments are too little and insufficiently transformational to capture the opportunities digital presents  Digitalization success depends less on having the most advanced technologies and more on having the correct operating systems. Business skills, incentives and operating models, have 15 times more impact on the probability of success in digitalization than changes in digital technologies  Enterprise leaders can drive flourishing digitalization by fostering digital-ready operating models. Leaders have to differentiate quick tracks to simplify management processes and foster collaboration between their functions and the business to streamline handoffs.  Four key management imperatives business leaders have to follow to attain digitalization success: 1. Get clear concerning the terms of digital. 2. Define the enterprise capabilities required for digital business. 3. Determine the role your function require to play to enable digital business. 4. Determine the role of digital in executing the needs of your function. 41
  • 42. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 2 • Last session in WGS held on last February in Dubai by His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, was discussed about how we can make our education system serve future jobs? • For the educational development, priorities for the development of secondary education will be as follows: 1. Developing the School Management Method 2. Raising the Level of Teacher Qualification 3. Curriculum Development 4. Developing Methods of Education, Assessment and Testing 5. Reduce the Number of Students Per Class 6. Developing Classrooms, Laboratories and Teaching Aids • As per His Highness Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the methods of education and work will change and a lot of old skills will not be a useful and by a new automation systems a lot of deals, works, procedures and operations will not need for a human efforts and we will see a traditional works like administrations and routine will be vanished and to be replaced by a new digitalization techniques. • Essential skills for the future jobs: 1. Mastering English Language or Any Foreign Language. 2. Skills Related to Civil Society (Societies Relationship). 3. Organizational and Administrative Skills. 4. Efficiency Increasing Skills. 5. AI and Programming Applications. 6. Critical Thinking. & Mastering Arabic Language. 7. Skills Related to Financial Science & Emotional Intelligent. 42
  • 43. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 3  Regarding to survey done by UAE Studies & Strategic Research, 73% preferred to work in Government and Military sectors which this percentage is very large comparing with the future requirements as shown in Chart 1.  Also, in same survey noted that 39% preferred to work in Administrative departments, as shown in Chart 2 43
  • 45. Chart 2 Nature of Work After 10-Years 45
  • 46. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 4  His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan said: “The human capital is the major factor for the 4th industrial revolution in UAE”. Where the country is currently ranked the first in the Arab world and forty-fifth globally in the human capital index.  The government of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum recently launched a strategy for the fourth industrial revolution which aims to make the country one of its world centers. He pointed out that the endeavor for accomplishing the goals set requires the state to re- consider the current educational system and qualify it to meet the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution. As, we aspire to be winners of Nobel Prizes in Science, we also aspire to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. 46
  • 47. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 5  Four Levels Presented by His Highness Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed Al Nahyan to Solve the Problem of the Labor Market for Citizens & the Problem of Education Itself: 1. Educational Institutions where the state needs to create new educational model that constantly develops and adapts to changes in the labor market. 2. His Highness pointed out that the second level should focus on educational techniques, explaining the need for experienced and experienced teachers, and that it is the responsibility of the government to invest in training and develop their skills, stressing that the teacher, who believes he does not need to learn and develop his personal skills, he/she is not to fit to be a teacher. 3. On the third level, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan addressed the labor market, stressing that the university degree does not mean getting a job. Noting that some studies predict that 65% of children who attended primary school last year will work in professions that do not exist today and will be developed in the future, meaning that the government and the private sector to adopt the idea of lifelong learning, where human capital will be the only criterion for measuring success 4. At the fourth and final level, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan spoke about social change, stressing the need to celebrate and recognize the successful and seeking to acquire science and knowledge to make a new culture of continuous learning. He also stressed the importance of empowering Emiratis and encouraging them to constantly seek new and innovative educational opportunities and professional.  His Highness Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a great opportunity for us in the UAE to prove that we are capable of making life, civilization, tolerance, happiness and hope, so I say with the assistance of Allah we will be its shareholders for the future. Beautiful for future generations ... the future of a dream by Zayed. 47
  • 48. Chapter-2: Summary of Literature Review Impact of Digitalization on Organizations in UAE – Part - 6 Outcomes of World Government Summit: 1. Revamping the education and enhance all ways to make it remotely and easier. 2. Focusing on a new specializations related to the fourth industrial revolution in education. 3. Establishing the students to learn a programming, learning machines, artificial intelligent, space and Innovations to be able to compete with the most powerful countries in education and innovations. 4. Changing the undergraduate students view for working into private sector with the assistance of all foundations. 5. Launching a teacher license, which will be presented only to those who have a high level of teaching efficiency. 6. Presenting an advices to the students to refrain the studying in administrative and non-technical specialization which doesn’t have any useful in the future. 7. Achieving the dream of His Highness Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan, May Allah have Mercy on Him, by providing all citizens the best level education to achieve the centennial plan of UAE future and reach beyond that. 8. Launching Dubai-10X which might be contributed to proceed the Dubai vision to be a future city by using a new work mechanisms simulates with future and contribute to the sustainability of Dubai competitiveness, (, 2018), His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum said. 48
  • 49. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability UAE has many strategies to implement it on the reality to achieve the miracles and this required a powerful country like UAE caring to achieve the luxury, safety, and getting the first number globally in all fields and levels where UAE leaders and their governments believe that all goals can be achieved by investments in human capital and sustainability in techniques, so the most important plans related to this research are: 1. Education 2020 Strategy 2. Smart Dubai 2021 3. National Innovation Strategy 4. The probe Hope 5. Vision 2021 6. UN Agenda 2030 7. Dubai 3D Printing Strategy 8. UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 9. National Advanced Sciences Agenda 2031 10. Dubaï Autonomous Transportation Strategy 49
  • 50. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Definitions of Sustainability:  For the present desires we need to develop with keeping the capability and opportunities available for the next futures people to accept the wishes and desires, (Bruntland Report for the World Commission on Environment and Development (1992)).  An operation of changing that can be used the resources in right invest. In Addition of that, by using a new technology in development can enhance the capability of now and later to provide the desires and achieve the wishes to the humans, (The World Commission on Environment and Development).  A sustainable development is an effective procedure which permits human beings to understand their capability and enhance a satisfactory of life in approaches that can be protected and beautify the earth's existence aid systems at the same time, (Forum for the Future).  To protect the fundamental systems of the environment and to provide wellbeing for the next generations, the economic and environment politics must be integrated and the targeted is how to improve and enhance the quality of life not only the income by distribute all resources and involve all clusters in decision making, (The Real World Coalition 1996, a definition based on the work of the World Commission on Environment and Development).  The education is the way to accomplish the sustainability in the future in which the sustainable environment is more healthy, attractive the investors, more social justice, and great powerful economic to ensure a wellbeing life for the present generation and future generations, (Learning for a Sustainable Future - Teacher Centre). 50
  • 51. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Dubai is a Paradigm:  The best example can be addressed in this research is Dubai. Dubai under leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum become the most importantly city around the world. Dubai is world smart city due to digital transactional in all public services, e-solution and e-pay systems. The public living in Dubai are not facing any issues regarding to their transactional because it is easy to pay, easy to use and easy to track if needs. Only by different applications used by public, Dubai become the best destination to live. These applications is not only created for paying, giving solutions to them, but it is also used for digital learning or e-learning, tracking job application online and making online tests. In all fields Dubai is the best quality of life around the world.  Four Evaluations Make UAE, Specifically Dubai on the Top Levels: 1. Quality of Life 2. Governance Agility and Collaboration in the Digital Age 3. Innovation and E-Learning Systems 4. Initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s for Skills Development for the Future Requirements 5. Dubai Police & Artificial Intelligence Technology 51
  • 52. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Quality of Life – Part – 1: Figure 13: Key Pillars of Dubai Plan 2021 52
  • 53. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Quality of Life – Part – 2: How to Improve Public Services for the Future? Governments should focus on below top priorities to enhance the public services: 1- Publish information on public services so that citizens can evaluate the effectiveness. 2- Provide more services through digital channels, such as online or mobile. 3- Government must understand the priorities of citizens and communities better. 4- Provide services in a more cost-effective way. 5- Government have to make sure that services are tailored to the needs of people using them. 6- Government have to work more closely with businesses and nonprofit organizations 7- Improve the skills of people who work in public services. 8- Improve understanding of what works well and what doesn’t. 9- Involve citizens and public in deciding how public services should work. 10- Plan for the long term, not just the next few years. 11- Respond to changes flexibly, such as adopting new technologies or an increased demand for a particular service. 53
  • 54. Table 2 Government have to address 3 priorities for public services 54
  • 55. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Quality of Life – Part – 3: Cloud Computing Technique The best example of new technologies in the digital future is Cloud Computing which offers great potential to securely store and share government and citizen data, thereby eliminating the requirement for departments to accommodate and manage their own IT infrastructure. It helps minimize operating costs and drive much higher efficiencies for the back office and front office. Dubai government has to make sure that services are specified to the requirements of citizens, government require to leverage massive data and analytics as key enablers. A powerful analytics capability helps determine the pain points in key public services, for example revenue and taxation, to specify tax fraud or evasion. However, compared to the private sector, governments are proceeding with relative caution in applying sophisticated analytics because of data privacy requirements, lack of interoperability, common standards and an agreed framework for cross- government working. A study identified that 80% of UAE citizens interesting to use cloud computing in the future when interacting with government departments offering public services, 55
  • 56. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Governance Agility and Collaboration in the Digital Age – Part – 1:  Governance in the digital age requires adapting management and leadership patterns. To reduce risk whereas innovation and disruptive changes take please, this need introducing mechanism of governance in the digital age. Therewith, this may create a “dilemma” among a government, a public sector digital innovation dilemma. In such digital transformation contexts, a requirement for amendment and innovation is acknowledged, however, this typically leads to major disruptions and “casualties” in the government. Most major government digital transformations need amendments in the very structure of the government for change to succeed.  Through acting entrepreneurially, and applying soft measures in the kind of cross-government bodies and committees, smart Dubai has so far, been successful in adopting this wiki governance pattern and applying an efficient cooperative approach in managing its smart city transformation.  Smart Dubai team was effectively leading from behind, taking the seat of a supporter and organizer. This approach reduced resistance to vary, reduced risk of failure and introduced a cultural shift in the manner government operates, removing common barriers in any digital transformation project. Additionally, this approach enabled sharing innovations and learning from cross-government practices.  It was also successful in bringing the various government entities up-to-speed and enabling them to require possession of the city’s planned vision. As such, these entities are not merely the implementers of someone else’s roadmaps and plans. They will be implementing the plans and visions they jointly designed. This was vital at the primary stage of thinking, designing, planning and conceptualizing the smart city. 56
  • 57. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Governance Agility and Collaboration in the Digital Age – Part – 2:  A strategy for smart Dubai in next stage of development already set. Implementation will have to be done out at a way quicker and more structured manner. At this vital stage, several digital transformation initiatives hit another wall wherever entrenched government structures block such implementations because of egos, aspirations and competition over resources and political clout. With agendas aligned and a roadmap jointly set, another disruptive step was needed to expedite implementation. At this stage, bold leadership steps were required.  Eventually, the government of Dubai quickly modified some government structures that were in place for decades to enable smart Dubai to lead the next future stage with clear mandate and authority.  The new structure of a Dubai smart city office at the middle of the city development efforts, ensures that the leading entity building the smart city currently has authority over the city as a whole, not only the government. This is mirrored in the ways of thinking within the new team, as well as in the structure of the office, that currently has the smart government body as only one of its arms. This agility is a critical factor moving forward in the next phases of smart Dubai’s transformation. 57
  • 58. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 1: Innovation History & Purposes  Innovation is thinking outside the box, making new ideas, or create simple method and process for a values of services which customers will pay for using it.  His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum was very interested in innovation which become now a topic taught in UAE schools this will contribute to the emergence of a new generation based on the idea of innovation and promotes the introduction of new ideas for design it and applying it on the reality.  Purpose of Encouraging Innovation: 1- Implementing a sustainable investment plan in the UAE’s human capital. 2- Driving economic development away from the oil sector. 3- Enhancing the UAE’s global competitiveness. 4- Introducing corporate methodologies and a culture for innovation.  UAE was launched Innovation Week, and Innovation Month & the First time was on 2015 as a Year of Innovation 58
  • 59. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 2: Dubai Future Accelerators In 2016, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council, launched the Dubai Future Accelerators initiative to enable fast deployment of transformative technologies. The accelerators are programming and integrated systems designed to assist entrepreneurs and innovators flip their ideas into successful firms. The initiative will gather top international firms and entrepreneurs to handle seven key 21st century opportunities which include: 1- The application of cutting edge technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics 2- Genomics 3- 3D Printing 4- Biotechnology 5- New business models and best practices. 59
  • 60. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 3: The UAE Hackathon  The UAE Hackathon is an integral part of these national trends, and it aims to draw attention to the high worth of data and the solutions inherent among it once dealing with daily challenges with regard to the economic, social, environmental and scientific aspects of life.  The UAE Hackathon revolves around several challenges, which include: 1- Transportation and traffic congestion 2- Health and safety 3- Sustainable development (post-oil age) 4- Environment and climate change 5- Education 6- Gender balance 7- Enhancement of social relations in the UAE community 8- Enhancement of lifestyle 60
  • 61. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 4: Hackathon Artificial Intelligence – Highlights Innovative Prospects  The Dubai smart launched “Hackathon Artificial Intelligence” organizing and cooperation with IBM company & Knowledge and Human Development Authority in order to highlight the vast creative prospects offered by the 4th industrial revolution, and how to make use of it to make Dubai the smartest and happiest city on earth.  The General Director of Dubai smart Dr. Aisha bent Butti bin Bishr said: Thru the Hackathon, our goal is to capitalize on the potential of AI, which plays a vital position in the intelligence city industrial. Also, our objective is to encourage the youth sector to innovate with this to discover the vital opportunities posed by the 4th industrial revolution, and to face the defiance on the other hand in vital areas such as education, transport and tourism by employing AI techniques to provide the best solutions and experiences to clients and to promote the concept of happiness in society, and its path towards sustainable developments and to achieve the objectives of UAE Centennial 2071. 61
  • 62. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Innovation and E-Learning Systems – Part – 5: E-Learning Systems  A virtual classrooms and other e-learning tools have been introduced by some of schools based in Dubai. Where students can get their homework and classwork online, interact with other students and take part in educational discussions. E-learning platforms became common over the years as an education delivery and management tool for academic institutions. It permits students to learn beyond what is educated in a classroom and be ready to interact with their peers and lecturers online.  In 2002 Hamdan bin Mohammad Smart University have been launched as the first e-learning foundation in UAE to encourage the e-education and self-study. This is an example of a future education that will help student to study in flexibly and helping to develop the economic and society. This kind of education is easy to implement and inexpensive, and e-learning plays an influential role in literacy in the Arab world.  Benefits of E-Learning Systems: 1- Consistent instructor presence 2- Quick communication 3- A higher knowledge retention rate 4- Unique testing methods 5- Time and money saving 6- Reduction of carbon footprint 7- Self-assessment tools 8- Freedom and flexibility 62
  • 63. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Initiatives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s for Skills Development for the Future Requirements: The best example of e-learning is “106 Arab Coders” initiative that’s related to His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum's global initiatives as the largest programming project that aims to train a million Arab young people on programming and technology and to keep abreast of the rapid development of computer science and software to enable Arab youth to equip them with technological future tools and build their capacities. Skills and guidance to serve the future needs and contribute to the development of the digital economy, which will form the economy of the future. Objectives: 1- The “Million Arab Programmers” initiative, managed by Dubai Foundation for the Future, aims to empower millions of Arab youth in the region by providing them with jobs in the modern technology sector, training them, improving their skills, enriching their knowledge, developing their abilities and building their expertise in the fields of advanced science. Mastering the language of programming and excellence in order to be ready to deal efficiently with all the requirements of the future digital economy. 2- The initiative of “106 Arab Coders” reflects the revitalization of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to revive the Arab civilization and improve the reality of the region and move from the circle of despair to the horizons of work and stimulate innovation and make positive change and instill hope among young Arabs who make up the largest proportion in our young societies and invest their energies and exploitation Talent and channeling their abilities and pave the way for them to build their communities on solid knowledge bases to ensure that they can achieve progress and leadership in global competitive environments. Finally, the best message to the youth for encourage them to develop their skills, educate their self to cope with the future is His Highness Message Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum: “My message to the Arab youth is to take initiative, do not waste time and miss-opportunities. This is the time for scientific discoveries” 63
  • 64. Chapter-3: Dubai & Sustainability Dubai Police & Artificial Intelligence Technology:  The Director of the Directorate General of Artificial Intelligence, Brigadier Khalid Nasser Al-Razzouqi, said that “the strategy for artificial intelligence was planned to develop all intelligent systems into systems that predict the needs of customers based on artificial intelligence methods in all police fields, security forecasting of crime and traffic accidents, Techniques and tools of artificial intelligence, serving the internal and external audiences of Dubai Police, as well as the balanced use of AI tools and human cadres”.  The strategic plan for artificial intelligence 2018-2021 aims to achieve the objectives of the UAE Centennial aiming to modify and implement development programs and projects to reach the future, relying on artificial intelligence in the service and analysis of data by 100% by 2031, and improve the performance of government, and to be the first UAE in the world to invest in artificial intelligence in various vital sectors.  Al-Razouqi said that the strategic plan also seeks to speed up and accurately respond to the clients in different ways and languages, and analyze the evidence of the reality enhanced through virtual applications, And enhance the competences of the police staff in the use of artificial intelligence techniques and methods to achieve the direction of leadership and support the strategy of Emirates Artificial Intelligence, as this technique will be the first in ME area, and looking for development and organize tools of artificial intelligence technology to be an integral part of the governmental business in the State, In the face of rapid changes and achieve a specific expansion in the universal enhancement for all ranges, through the construction of a complete and complete digital system that addresses the challenges first-hand, and provides practical solutions and rapid, quality and efficiency consistent with the Centennial of UAE 2071, To be the best UAE in the world in all fields. 64
  • 65. Chapter-4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions  Depending on previous topics that presented in detail and the research questions which was displayed in chapter one without mentioned any details. These questions will be analyzed based on the interviews conducted with [UAE Etisalat Corporation (Etisalat), Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation (MOHRE), Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Ministry of Economy (MOE), Ministry of Infrastructure & Development (MOID), and Ministry of Health (MOH)].  Will use a comparison process by charts between all named corporations for each question with brief conclusion to justify the analysis.  Just, note that below charts clarify the corporation opinion or action that will be taken at a later stage depending on the situations that will be faced probably. Below scale means: 0: No or Not agree with it 10: Yes or agree with it 65
  • 66. Chart 3 This chart clarify that 100% of all corporations agreed to provide a special courses in digitalization but 50% of them said that employees must educate themselves to cope with future requirements, while MOID said “that we can give the employee an opportunity to get a scholarship in foreign countries in space and digitalization specializations”. 66
  • 67. Chart 4 For future requirements, the jobs will be minimized specially in government sector as most of jobs will be automated, in this case some changes should be done in government sector in case they do not want to lose the employees, and they have to transfer the employees to other departments with same functions as said by MOID or giving them a special training in digitalization courses then shift them to other departments specialized in new digital technology as said by Etisalat & MOID. 50% said that we will re-locate the employees to other department in line with the future. Only MOHRE & TRA said that “no need to shift the employees as they have a good experience in their functions” 67
  • 68. Chart 5 Vice President of HR-Business Partner in Etisalat said that “the job seekers need to have at least one digital technique skill to join Etisalat regardless of what is their specialization”. To join MOID, the job seekers have to succeed in the tests and interviews done by the corporation. Also, 50% said that the job seeker have to focus on a future technical skills to join. On the other hand, all corporations agreed that the best job seekers will be picked regardless of their specializations. 68
  • 69. Charts 6 & 7 The positive impact of digitalization on the corporations will effect on the speed, accuracy, performance and productivity. Also, keeping pace with science and modern technologies to get a benefits from all fields plus to provide a fast and the best solutions to the public. The negative impact only will be considered only on the human element which will be dispensing due to job vanish, that’s what the corporations said except MOHRE which they said that “not too much effect will be impacting on our work”. 69
  • 70. Chart 8 Both Vice President of HR-Business Partner and Acting Director of Digital Channel Development & Delivery in Etisalat said that “the undergraduate students must know at least one digital technique skill regardless of their specialization and to focus on the future projects which is highlighted by UAE Government”. In addition of that, all corporations agreed that, the students in high secondary school must know the needs of the labor market, and the future requirements and to focus on the space & digital projects highlighted by UAE government also to avoid the stagnant specializations. 70
  • 71. Chart 9 Vice President of HR-Business Partner in Etisalat said that “Etisalat will be fully digitalized by 2022” which will provide the best digital solutions for Etisalat’s customers and improve the efficiency & performance of employees by providing them a special courses in modern digital technologies to make Etisalat services a very high quality valued. While, the UAE ministries and authorities will be fully digitalized by 2021 depending on UAE Vision 2021. 71
  • 72. Chapter-4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions Conclusions – Part – 1: Below is some conclusions based on the interviews was conducted with above named corporations: 1- Etisalat, MOID and MOH, recommend that existing employees must educate themselves to cope with future needs & requirements. 2- MOID will give an opportunity to the employees to get a scholarships in space science and new digital techniques in foreign countries. 3- Etisalat, MOE and MOH, will re-locate the employees to other department as most of the existing functions will be automated. While MOID will shift the employees after giving them a special training or to other departments have the same existing functions as also agreed by Etisalat. On the other hand, MOHRE and TRA don’t have any plan to shift the employees. 4- Job seekers need to success in the test and interview to join MOID. 5- If the job seekers have high technical skills, they have a good opportunity to join Etisalat, MOE and MOH as per them. 6- Positive impact of digitalization will be on speed, accuracy, performance and productivity. In addition of that, positive impact of digitalization will keep research of the science and technology going on to provide the best and quick service to the clients and public. While the negative impact only will be considered only on the human element which will be dispensing due to job vanished, that’s what the corporations said except MOHRE, which no impact will be affecting on their work. 7- All named corporations will provide their employees a special courses in digitalization, also they will pick the best job seekers for any vacancy. 72
  • 73. Chapter-4: Thesis Analysis & Conclusions Conclusions – Part – 2: 8- All named corporations recommend the undergraduate students and high secondary school students need to focus on the future projects highlighted by UAE government and to know the needs of the labor market with taking in account the future needs and requirements. 9- Both Vice President of HR-Business Partner and Acting Director of Digital Channel Development & Delivery in Etisalat recommend the students to know at least one digital technique skill regardless of their specialization. 10- Vice President of HR-Business Partner in Etisalat recommends the job seekers to have at least one digital technique skill if they want to join Etisalat World. 11- 2022 is the target year for the transformation of Etisalat into a fully digitalization network, while 2021 is the year of fully digitalization in UAE ministries and authorities. 73
  • 74. Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations General Recommendations: 1- Developing innovation in secondary schools. To pass the secondary level, each student must work to create at least one project. 2- The universities have to open a new specializations like AI, Advance Programming, Learning Machine and others to adapt with the future. 3- Technical universities & institutes have to minimize un-technical courses and focusing always on the new technical courses. 4- To adapt with future and to pass the university stage, each student must take at least one digital course such as Cloud Computing, Big-Data, Block-Chain and others regardless of their specialization. 5- Job seekers must have high technical skills with at least one digital skill. 6- The current employees must educate themselves to keep up with the future. 7- The corporations in UAE must train their employees with special courses not to turnover them. 8- MOHRE needs to force the corporations to determine the new requirements for the future jobs. 9- UAE government must cooperate with high technical corporations to train their employees in ministries and authorities with special digital courses. 74
  • 75. Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 1: A. Digitalization for IT Leaders: To success in digital transformation, IT leaders have to change below features to cope with future: 1- Products have to be organized under projects by IT. 2- IT should be involved in business sector to cope with future. 3- Developing the operation and quick implementation at scale. 4- Focus on customer requirements design. 5- Developing applications for easy building such as 3D printer. 6- IT must launch smart cloud technology at scale. 7- New strategy applied over governance. 8- New strategy applied for data over ownership. 9- Establish coping skills and mindset. 75
  • 76. Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 2: B. Digital Transformation Strategy: To drive the digital initiative, organizations must follow a transformation strategy that will lead to digital navigator. Being a digital navigator means: 1- Focus on market transformations instead of specific technologies. 2- Compression-testing business model for the digital world. 3- Observing gaps in the digital portfolio. C. Digitalization for Sales & Customer Services Support: Customers need to customize the plans or packages that required to their organization, so sales has to change the platform agreement with customers’ orders: 1- Give the customers access to the appropriate portal to request/delete orders by themselves and to track their orders also. 2- Let, customers have an opportunity to check all new services available on the portal. 3- Let, customers make online meeting with sales that responsible of the product shown on the portal & solve any issues facing the customer online not onsite. 4- Organizations need to create “Robot Assistance” as a “Mobile Application” to respond on the customers’ inquiries, and to guide them to the right-way, and assist clients’ to get an appropriate services. 5- Digitalization will save time, costs & increasing the confidence between providers & customers. 76
  • 77. Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 3: D. Digitalization for Engineering: What digitalization can do for engineering department? 1- Shorter projects & assigned times. 2- Less agenda downtime. 3- Higher software quality for pure and hassle free production. 4- Directorate and guide the employees easier and faster by giving them a training on a virtual mode. 5- Great saving on costs, times, and higher productivity. E. Digitalization for Procurement: Four major challenges faced procurement organization but could be improved if the organization used automation and digital techniques: 1- Visibility. 2- Quick implementation. 3- Extend commitment. 4- Average saving rate. 77
  • 78. Chapter-5: Suggested Solutions & Recommendations Special Recommendations & Solutions for the Organizations: How the organizations will adapt their departments to the digitalization technique or what is the expecting results of digitalization benefits? – Part – 4: F. Digitalization for HR Leaders: As new jobs emerging and existing jobs changing, each company needs to revamp its recruiting strategy: 1- Recruiters must promote for their brand attributes to attract the job seekers. 2- Recruiters have to focus more on addressing candidates’ career goals not too much focusing on their sales pitch. 3- Recruiters have to know how the quality hires and top talent can be selected with providing them a special benefits. 4- Recruiters must look for what is truly to get the job done instead of focusing on skills and experience. 5- Recruiters must look for an acquiring talent job seekers and focusing on the jobs that represented the digitalization such as Cognitive Implementation Engineer, Software Development Engineer, Front End Developer’ Applications/Middleware Administrator, Cognitive Solutions Engineer, Automation Engineer, Unix Systems Engineer, UX Designer, UI Manager, UI Designer, Systems Architect/ Cloud Engineer. G. Digitalization for Marketing: Marketing department must apply the customer-driven-method which concerns into digital dealing. They have to enhance their digital efforts by: 1- Hiring digital domestic as a marketing talent. 2- Using with lots of digital access points such as social media, mobile, search, etc… 3- Working with new partners and invest more in digital techniques such as Big-Data, Cloud Computing and analytics. 78
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  • 83. THANK YOU! Presented by : Eng. Mohammad Alhamamsheh Research Supervisor: Dr. Sravan Kumar