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attorneys, accountants, business owners and
executives, and investors.
The material in this webinar is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered
legal, financial or other professional advice. You should consult with an attorney or other
appropriate professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. While
Financial Poise™ takes reasonable steps to ensure that information it publishes is accurate,
Financial Poise™ makes no guaranty in this regard.
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Meet the Faculty
Joshua Lyons - Joshua Lyons Marketing, LLC/ CRE Marketing Group
Tony Brown – Strategic Media Inc
Jose Fonseca- Marketing Consultant
Linda Day Harrison - theBrokerList
About This Webinar-
Learn How to Do Content Marketing From the Pros
There's creating content; then there's creating great content; and then there's
creating great content that actually gets seen by the ideal audience. Each of those
layers has its own unique challenges. In this webinar episode, we share insights
from a variety of highly experienced content creators. Each panelist member
provides their own unique spin on how to create great content that gets seen by the
intended audience. By the completion of this episode, the audience member will
have a clear and actionable plan on how to create outstanding content that meets
their unique marketing needs.
About This Series: Marketing Tips for the New
(or Old!) Business Owner 2022
Approximately 83,300 small businesses in the United States are closed every year because of
ineffective marketing. This indicates many business owners are unknowledgeable of how to
leverage the power of marketing. While this is unfortunate, it is not surprising. There are
countless marketing companies trying to sell their services, and these services range from
billboards, to social media marketing, to telemarketing and more. Though these marketing
tactics can be very effective, improper planning and execution can lead to failure. As such,
this webinar series is designed to educate business owners on how to prepare, execute and
refine their own customized marketing initiatives. After finishing this webinar series, the
business owner should have a much clearer and strategic plan for their own marketing.
Each Financial Poise Webinar is delivered in Plain English, understandable to investors, business owners, and
executives without much background in these areas, yet is of primary value to attorneys, accountants, and other
seasoned professionals. Each episode brings you into engaging, sometimes humorous, conversations designed to
entertain as it teaches. Each episode in the series is designed to be viewed independently of the other episodes so that
participants will enhance their knowledge of this area whether they attend one, some, or all episodes.
Episodes in this Series
#1 How to Do Networking That Actually Gets Results
Premiere date: 08/16/22
#2: Want More Systematic Referrals? Here’s How to Do It!
Premiere date: 9/13/22
#3: Learn How to Do Content Marketing From the Pros
Premiere date: 10/11/22
Episode #3: Learn How to Do Content Marketing
From the Pros
What is Content Marketing?
First, let’s clarify what content marketing “is not.”
1. Content marketing is not a synonym for social media, SEO, blogging, or any other type of
marketing channel.
2. Content marketing is not all the same, or equal. The way you choose to do content
marketing should depend on your target audience. More about that, to come.
3. Content marketing is not just used for brand awareness.
4. Content marketing isn’t the way to go, if you’re needing a quick ROI. However, if you want
a high ROI, it’s typically the better approach.
5. Content marketing isn’t just a matter of creating random content and expecting it to work.
There needs to be strategy involved.
Content marketing is great content that’s designed specifically to add value to the intended
audience, while not being salesy or promotional in nature.
Define the Purpose of the Content
The best businesses don't simply exist to make money. Rather, they exist to solve problems.
But, what are the problems a business solves? The marketing professional or business owner
should consider who their ideal client is. Then, they should ask what value the ideal client is
looking for. The purpose of the content to be created should be to address their needs.
Persona Research
The last point goes hand-in-hand with this one. In order to understand what content to create,
it’s vital to first understand the ideal client, as fully as possible. To do this, it’s a good idea to
create a fictitious representation of your ideal client. This is often called a persona, or
sometimes called an avatar. The persona should be based on statistical data, if possible, and
should clearly portray the individual you’re trying to reach.
The following slides provide some key points to flesh out, when doing persona research.
Personal Overview
What is their name, age, location, etc.? For example, are you trying to reach an established
marketing agency owner? If so, he’s statistically born in 1976, is a male, is named Michael,
has a wife named Jennifer, and a 15 year-old daughter named Emma. This is based on
statistical data. Being able to refer to this person as “Michael” is far better than just saying
“our ideal client.” This individual is now personified.
Work Overview
What do they do for a living, who do they work for, what is their job title, how much does their
company make in revenue, etc. Again, using Michael as an example, we know he’s a
marketing agency owner, who works for himself. We also know his company makes an
average of $960,000 in gross sales, per year.
External Influences
Figure out who and what influences your persona? Are they on social media? If so, which
social media platforms do they use? From whom do they ask advice? Where do they go when
conducting their own research? Equally important, where do they not go, and whom do they
not get advice from?
Internal Influences
What are their goals, frustrations, and motivations; is it related to what your products or
services can help with?
Marketing Takeaways
Once the persona is figured out, up to this point, take the data and consolidate it. Based on
the findings, what type of content should be created, where should it be shared, what time
should it be published, to whom should it be shown?
How Many Personas to Create?
How many ideal clients or customers do you have? In most cases, that’s the number of
personas that should be created. Each persona has a different way to be reached. And,
without understanding how they’re wired and the type of content they resonate with, it can be
difficult to create a successful content marketing strategy.
Why Exactly is Persona Research Needed?
Remember the example of Michael, the marketing agency owner? If that was the ideal client,
should that individual be marketed to via TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, or email
marketing? Once the research is done, it will become evident that Michael isn’t on any of
those marketing channels. Rather, he’s on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. With that being
the case, the person who wishes to target Michael can save thousands of dollars by not
wasting it on the marketing platforms where Michael is not spending time. Doing this research
helps the business be more effective with their marketing budget, and ultimately, helps them
create a much greater return on their investment. This wouldn’t be understood if the research
hadn’t been conducted.
Budgeting Considerations
Not only does persona research help the business understand where the ideal client is
spending time; but it also can help the business with budgeting. For example, if we know
Michael is on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, we can speak with a marketing professional to
see what the cost for marketing on each of those platforms would be. If the cost for Facebook
marketing is much greater than the LinkedIn market, then knowing this information can help
from a budgeting perspective. Figure out where the client is. Then, price marketing services
for each of those locations. Once that’s done, see what makes the most sense, for budgeting.
Of course, these examples were just looking at social media. But consider all forms of digital
marketing. Social media is only one place your persona might be. And depending on your
persona, they may not be on social media at all.
Storytelling is a critical component of creating a solid content marketing strategy. A quick
Google search will provide a variety of frameworks for doing storytelling. Just search “how to
do storytelling for marketing,” or “how to do marketing for a hero's journey?”
The following slides illustrate the basic premise.
Start with the Hero
Get the attention of the hero. This is the person you’re trying to reach. They have problems
and you have solutions. So, get their attention. Think of a business owner who can’t seem to
find good employees. If that’s your ideal client/persona/hero, then say something like “Tired of
employee after employee not working out?” That will get their attention. In your messaging,
start with that, as a general rule.
Point out the Obstacle
What’s preventing them from having good employees? Perhaps it’s because they don’t have
good benefits, they’re in a bad part of town, or they simply can’t find a good recruiter. Point
out the obstacles. When you do this, the ideal client will appreciate that you understand their
problems. That’s a key marketing point to remember. People hire those who understand
them. By showing you understand their needs, they will be more inclined to want to work with
Introduce Yourself
This is where you come in. Demonstrate that you not only understand their needs, but that
you also have a track record for helping others, just like them. You are credible and
authoritative. You can “help” them solve their problems.
Then, share the specifics as to how you will help them. Give a few key points, to walk them
through your process for helping them achieve the relief they’re needing. And then, tell them
point blank to get started, with you.
There are more points to the hero’s journey or storytelling. But, this will definitely get you
started. Knowing where your ideal client is, is one thing, but make sure your messaging
relates with them. If it doesn’t, you’ll be lost in the crowd with everyone else trying to get their
Create the Content Plan
Congratulations! You now have a solid understanding of your ideal client, how they think, and
the messaging you should use to actually get their attention. Now what?
Brainstorm your Content
The next step is to create a brainstormed list of all the content that seems relevant, that your
persona(s) would find valuable. If you’re trying to reach a busy marketing agency owner, you
might find the following types of content to be something they’d want to consume:
1. How to attract and retain quality employees
2. How to increase profit margins for your marketing agency
3. Seven easy ways to outsource work and maximize profits
4. Five reasons you’re likely bleeding money if you’re making $100,000+ in annual sales.
5. Tips and tricks, used by busy executives, to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Create Your FAQs
Think through all the main topics your ideal client will ask you, during the early stages of the
sales funnel. List them out. Then, think through the topics they will ask that are often
presented during the mid-stage of the sales funnel. List each of these topics as a bullet point,
just like the six topics listed above.
Select the Best Topics to Include in Your Content
• Once the topics are selected, put them in a document, and list them, in the order you plan
to create them. You’ll likely have a very long list of topics. Make sure you vary them up,
rotating between types of content (early-stage sales funnel, pain point one, middle stage
sales funnel, pain point two, etc.)
• While you’ll have a solid list of content, expect the list to grow. It’s important to keep a
flexible mind with your content. You may discover part way through the year that there’s a
common problem your ideal client is facing. That could warrant a new blog post.
Create Your Content
Once you’ve decided on your content, it’s time to start creating it. There are plenty of ways to
do this. But, a good idea is to start with the long-form content. For example, if you’re going to
create podcast episodes, 1,500+ word-blog posts, or 2–5-minute educational videos… or
longer, start with those. Create the content. Then, have excerpts of the content broken out.
For example, if you have a five-minute video or podcast episode, you could likely pull out
several small clips that can be used on social media. Then, these social media posts can be
used to lead your audience to your full-length content.
Consider Your Marketing Channels
We already shared the importance of understanding where your ideal client is. That’s where
you should be publishing your content. However, your platform for sharing content will likely
fall into one of several categories. Below are some of the most common marketing channels
you'll likely consider using.
Social Media Content
Social media is constantly evolving and growing. There are plenty of platforms used for social
media marketing. Make sure to research best practices for the specific platform you choose to
use, if this is part of your content plan. For example, the number of hashtags to use if you’re
on LinkedIn, isn’t the same number of hashtags you should use when doing Facebook or
Instagram. Also, the quality of the media (raw footage vs touched-up footage) should be
thought through. For example, TikTok is geared toward raw footage. Instagram is not. So,
consider the specifics of each platform, before you start creating the content for those users.
Written Content
Written content is easily one of the oldest forms of content marketing. But, even though it’s
old, it’s still the preferred form of marketing for many. There are at least a couple ways to do
written marketing. Here are some of the most popular:
Start a blog! The content ideas shared above, as pain points and FAQs can easily be written
out in the form of blog posts. And, if you don’t have the interest in starting your own blog, you
can offer to write guest blog posts. These blog posts are shared on the websites of others.
Website Pages
Write pages on your own website (not a blog) that describe your services in detail. These
shouldn’t be salesy promotional pages either. Rather, just describe when, why, and how
someone might want to use what it is you offer. You may even include a list of FAQs on that
same page, for the specific services being written about.
Video Content
“Content is King” is a saying that’s been around for decades. But, some also say “video is
king.” That sounds good and well, but what kind of videos can you create? Consider your
brainstormed content, mentioned above. Then, see if it would make sense to use any of the
following types of video, when creating those types of content.
1. Behind the Scenes
2. Educational
3. Entertaining
4. Event
5. FAQ
6. Infomercial
7. Internal Training
8. Loyalty Program
9. Product Demos
10. Product Reviews
11. Thank You’s
12. Tutorials
13. Vlogs
Video Content (cont’d)
• See which of the types of content above make sense for your marketing plan. Then, add
them into your editorial calendar. This list above may have actually given you additional
ideas on types of content you hadn’t already planned on. This goes back to having that
flexible mind. Maybe sprinkle in some “Thank You” pieces of content to your marketing
• Next, you’ll need to figure out how much content to create. Videos can be expensive to
create. So, finding the right mix of type of content, vs quantity of content, vs cost for
content, is important. Think through what’s realistic, and work it into your calendar of what
and when to create.
Podcast Content
Podcasting is a great and popular form of marketing that's relatively new, in comparison to
social media, written content and video marketing. One of the beauties of this form of content
is that it can easily be repurposed into video content. You would essentially just need to set
up a video camera and record yourself during the podcast recording.
Also, consider having an interview style podcast, where you invite someone else onto your
show, as a subject matter expert. This can be a fantastic way to establish your authority and
also can result in your podcast being exponentially shared by your guest. Each guest you
bring on could be a micro-influencer. And if they share your episode, in which they were
featured, that could be phenomenal for increasing your own reach.
Additionally, consider bringing on guests that you want to form a relationship with. They could
be potential business partners, clients, or well networked individuals. Bringing them onto your
podcast is a great way to potentially start a new and valuable relationship.
Implement, Review, and Refine Your Content
Marketing Plan
Once you’re created your content, both long-form and short-form, publish it, and get it
scheduled. And remember, do it at the times of the day, and days of the week, that your
personas are most likely to see it.
Once you’ve published your content, review the performance. Are your ideal clients watching,
reading and listening to it? How much time are they spending on it? Is it resulting in leads?
On that point, make sure you give it enough time to generate leads. Some marketing
channels can take a year, or more, to start seeing results. Others can be seen in as quickly as
a month, or less. But, the timeline required to experience results is often tied to your budget.
Review the content to see what’s working and what’s not. Then, adjust your future content
marketing based on the performance. If certain types of content are doing very well, consider
publishing more content that’s similar. And shift away from the content that’s not as profitable.
This is by no means a comprehensive presentation on all aspects of content marketing.
However, it is an excellent starting point. If there are questions on any of the specifics, be
sure to speak with a marketing professional for guidance. Also, there are multiple episodes in
this webinar series, which was launched in 2019. For more information on marketing channel
specifics, be sure to check out those episodes.
And of course, good luck and happy content marketing!
About the Faculty
About The Faculty
Joshua Lyons -
Joshua Lyons, the managing director of Joshua Lyons Marketing, has been part of the marketing world
since 2009. He began his marketing career upon graduation from the University of West Florida, with an
education in public relations and marketing. Joshua worked for several companies, developing and
implementing proven online marketing strategies and boosting their exposure and revenue. After many
years of marketing, in commercial real estate, hospitality and other industries, Joshua began his own
marketing agency, Joshua Lyons Marketing. He launched his business in 2015 and continues to provide
marketing services for clients around the United States. Joshua works with new businesses,
entrepreneurs, larger established companies and organizations that are internationally recognized.
Additionally, his clients range in industry from banking, home repair, medical, professional coaching and
more. His company provides a variety of marketing services, but the core services offered include
website development, content writing and search engine optimization. Those who wish to learn about
marketing can read his company blog, which is designed to help individuals and marketing teams as they
develop their own online marketing strategies.
About The Faculty
Tony Brown -
Tony Brown is with Strategic Media Inc., We have been in
business for 27 years and as your digital marketing experts, we take what makes your company
unique and highlight it. We take your ideas and goals and turn them into creative, marketing
solutions. We know you are not just another company in your industry, so we want your customers
to see that, too. No one needs another company telling them what they are doing wrong. They
need someone to tell them what they could be doing better. We design and market your business
online to expose more people to your brand and convert them into customers with our services.
We offer SEO Website Design, Local SEO, Paid Ads, Social media ads, Reputation management,
and software development.
About The Faculty
Jose Fonseca -
Jose is a content marketer.
About The Faculty
Linda Day Harrison-
Linda Day Harrison founded in an effort to create efficiency and streamlined operations for the commercial real estate
industry, property and facility management, leasing and brokerage.
As a part of Linda's other work, she also founded ManagerLabs and with this group, she is developing web applications, with a team of
programmers to solve some complex processes in the commercial real estate and property management industry. Linda is currently working
with one of the largest pm firms in the Chicagoland market as a beta client for one of her initiatives. In addition, Linda is working with real
estate company owners and other business models to identify the path those firms should take to embrace technology in today's rapidly and
constantly evolving environment.
In addition to technology and general consulting, Linda has most recently been providing services to BOMI in the transition and creation of
course material to its new online formats. Linda was selected to perform online instruction services for this newly developed course. Linda's
most recent task for BOMI included being the first online instructor for the highly sought after Fundamentals of Real Property Administration
course, which was taught for the first time in BOMI history in the fall of 2011, using the newly developed online course material.
Linda contributes more than 25 years of professional commercial real estate experience gained in suburban and central business district
office and mixed-use buildings, condominium conversion and management, commercial and residential leasing, commercial and residential
management, repositioning and marketing for the disposition of commercial properties. Linda has earned an outstanding reputation as an
exceptional professional service provider who has raised the bar among colleagues and peers.
To learn more about Linda, please visit:
Questions or Comments?
If you have any questions about this webinar that you did not get to ask during the live
premiere, or if you are watching this webinar On Demand, please do not hesitate to email us
at with any questions or comments you may have. Please include
the name of the webinar in your email and we will do our best to provide a timely response.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The material in this presentation is for general educational purposes
only. It has been prepared primarily for attorneys and accountants for use in the pursuit of
their continuing legal education and continuing professional education.
About Financial Poise
DailyDAC LLC, d/b/a Financial Poise™ provides
continuing education to attorneys, accountants,
business owners and executives, and investors. It’s
websites, webinars, and books provide Plain English,
entertaining, explanations about legal, financial, and
other subjects of interest to these audiences.
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MARKETING TIPS FOR THE NEW (OR OLD!) BUSINESS OWNER 2022: Learn How to Do Content Marketing From the Pros

  • 1.
  • 2. 2 Practical and entertaining education for attorneys, accountants, business owners and executives, and investors.
  • 3. Disclaimer The material in this webinar is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal, financial or other professional advice. You should consult with an attorney or other appropriate professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. While Financial Poise™ takes reasonable steps to ensure that information it publishes is accurate, Financial Poise™ makes no guaranty in this regard. 3
  • 4. 4 Thank You To Our Sponsors
  • 5. Meet the Faculty MODERATOR: Joshua Lyons - Joshua Lyons Marketing, LLC/ CRE Marketing Group PANELISTS: Tony Brown – Strategic Media Inc Jose Fonseca- Marketing Consultant Linda Day Harrison - theBrokerList 5
  • 6. About This Webinar- Learn How to Do Content Marketing From the Pros There's creating content; then there's creating great content; and then there's creating great content that actually gets seen by the ideal audience. Each of those layers has its own unique challenges. In this webinar episode, we share insights from a variety of highly experienced content creators. Each panelist member provides their own unique spin on how to create great content that gets seen by the intended audience. By the completion of this episode, the audience member will have a clear and actionable plan on how to create outstanding content that meets their unique marketing needs. 6
  • 7. About This Series: Marketing Tips for the New (or Old!) Business Owner 2022 Approximately 83,300 small businesses in the United States are closed every year because of ineffective marketing. This indicates many business owners are unknowledgeable of how to leverage the power of marketing. While this is unfortunate, it is not surprising. There are countless marketing companies trying to sell their services, and these services range from billboards, to social media marketing, to telemarketing and more. Though these marketing tactics can be very effective, improper planning and execution can lead to failure. As such, this webinar series is designed to educate business owners on how to prepare, execute and refine their own customized marketing initiatives. After finishing this webinar series, the business owner should have a much clearer and strategic plan for their own marketing. Each Financial Poise Webinar is delivered in Plain English, understandable to investors, business owners, and executives without much background in these areas, yet is of primary value to attorneys, accountants, and other seasoned professionals. Each episode brings you into engaging, sometimes humorous, conversations designed to entertain as it teaches. Each episode in the series is designed to be viewed independently of the other episodes so that participants will enhance their knowledge of this area whether they attend one, some, or all episodes. 7
  • 8. Episodes in this Series #1 How to Do Networking That Actually Gets Results Premiere date: 08/16/22 #2: Want More Systematic Referrals? Here’s How to Do It! Premiere date: 9/13/22 #3: Learn How to Do Content Marketing From the Pros Premiere date: 10/11/22 8
  • 9. Episode #3: Learn How to Do Content Marketing From the Pros 9
  • 10. What is Content Marketing? First, let’s clarify what content marketing “is not.” 1. Content marketing is not a synonym for social media, SEO, blogging, or any other type of marketing channel. 2. Content marketing is not all the same, or equal. The way you choose to do content marketing should depend on your target audience. More about that, to come. 3. Content marketing is not just used for brand awareness. 4. Content marketing isn’t the way to go, if you’re needing a quick ROI. However, if you want a high ROI, it’s typically the better approach. 5. Content marketing isn’t just a matter of creating random content and expecting it to work. There needs to be strategy involved. Content marketing is great content that’s designed specifically to add value to the intended audience, while not being salesy or promotional in nature.
  • 11. Define the Purpose of the Content The best businesses don't simply exist to make money. Rather, they exist to solve problems. But, what are the problems a business solves? The marketing professional or business owner should consider who their ideal client is. Then, they should ask what value the ideal client is looking for. The purpose of the content to be created should be to address their needs.
  • 12. Persona Research The last point goes hand-in-hand with this one. In order to understand what content to create, it’s vital to first understand the ideal client, as fully as possible. To do this, it’s a good idea to create a fictitious representation of your ideal client. This is often called a persona, or sometimes called an avatar. The persona should be based on statistical data, if possible, and should clearly portray the individual you’re trying to reach. The following slides provide some key points to flesh out, when doing persona research.
  • 13. Personal Overview What is their name, age, location, etc.? For example, are you trying to reach an established marketing agency owner? If so, he’s statistically born in 1976, is a male, is named Michael, has a wife named Jennifer, and a 15 year-old daughter named Emma. This is based on statistical data. Being able to refer to this person as “Michael” is far better than just saying “our ideal client.” This individual is now personified.
  • 14. Work Overview What do they do for a living, who do they work for, what is their job title, how much does their company make in revenue, etc. Again, using Michael as an example, we know he’s a marketing agency owner, who works for himself. We also know his company makes an average of $960,000 in gross sales, per year.
  • 15. External Influences Figure out who and what influences your persona? Are they on social media? If so, which social media platforms do they use? From whom do they ask advice? Where do they go when conducting their own research? Equally important, where do they not go, and whom do they not get advice from?
  • 16. Internal Influences What are their goals, frustrations, and motivations; is it related to what your products or services can help with?
  • 17. Marketing Takeaways Once the persona is figured out, up to this point, take the data and consolidate it. Based on the findings, what type of content should be created, where should it be shared, what time should it be published, to whom should it be shown?
  • 18. How Many Personas to Create? How many ideal clients or customers do you have? In most cases, that’s the number of personas that should be created. Each persona has a different way to be reached. And, without understanding how they’re wired and the type of content they resonate with, it can be difficult to create a successful content marketing strategy.
  • 19. Why Exactly is Persona Research Needed? Remember the example of Michael, the marketing agency owner? If that was the ideal client, should that individual be marketed to via TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, or email marketing? Once the research is done, it will become evident that Michael isn’t on any of those marketing channels. Rather, he’s on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. With that being the case, the person who wishes to target Michael can save thousands of dollars by not wasting it on the marketing platforms where Michael is not spending time. Doing this research helps the business be more effective with their marketing budget, and ultimately, helps them create a much greater return on their investment. This wouldn’t be understood if the research hadn’t been conducted.
  • 20. Budgeting Considerations Not only does persona research help the business understand where the ideal client is spending time; but it also can help the business with budgeting. For example, if we know Michael is on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, we can speak with a marketing professional to see what the cost for marketing on each of those platforms would be. If the cost for Facebook marketing is much greater than the LinkedIn market, then knowing this information can help from a budgeting perspective. Figure out where the client is. Then, price marketing services for each of those locations. Once that’s done, see what makes the most sense, for budgeting. Of course, these examples were just looking at social media. But consider all forms of digital marketing. Social media is only one place your persona might be. And depending on your persona, they may not be on social media at all.
  • 21. Storytelling Storytelling is a critical component of creating a solid content marketing strategy. A quick Google search will provide a variety of frameworks for doing storytelling. Just search “how to do storytelling for marketing,” or “how to do marketing for a hero's journey?” The following slides illustrate the basic premise.
  • 22. Start with the Hero Get the attention of the hero. This is the person you’re trying to reach. They have problems and you have solutions. So, get their attention. Think of a business owner who can’t seem to find good employees. If that’s your ideal client/persona/hero, then say something like “Tired of employee after employee not working out?” That will get their attention. In your messaging, start with that, as a general rule.
  • 23. Point out the Obstacle What’s preventing them from having good employees? Perhaps it’s because they don’t have good benefits, they’re in a bad part of town, or they simply can’t find a good recruiter. Point out the obstacles. When you do this, the ideal client will appreciate that you understand their problems. That’s a key marketing point to remember. People hire those who understand them. By showing you understand their needs, they will be more inclined to want to work with you.
  • 24. Introduce Yourself This is where you come in. Demonstrate that you not only understand their needs, but that you also have a track record for helping others, just like them. You are credible and authoritative. You can “help” them solve their problems. Then, share the specifics as to how you will help them. Give a few key points, to walk them through your process for helping them achieve the relief they’re needing. And then, tell them point blank to get started, with you. There are more points to the hero’s journey or storytelling. But, this will definitely get you started. Knowing where your ideal client is, is one thing, but make sure your messaging relates with them. If it doesn’t, you’ll be lost in the crowd with everyone else trying to get their attention.
  • 25. Create the Content Plan Congratulations! You now have a solid understanding of your ideal client, how they think, and the messaging you should use to actually get their attention. Now what?
  • 26. Brainstorm your Content The next step is to create a brainstormed list of all the content that seems relevant, that your persona(s) would find valuable. If you’re trying to reach a busy marketing agency owner, you might find the following types of content to be something they’d want to consume: 1. How to attract and retain quality employees 2. How to increase profit margins for your marketing agency 3. Seven easy ways to outsource work and maximize profits 4. Five reasons you’re likely bleeding money if you’re making $100,000+ in annual sales. 5. Tips and tricks, used by busy executives, to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • 27. Create Your FAQs Think through all the main topics your ideal client will ask you, during the early stages of the sales funnel. List them out. Then, think through the topics they will ask that are often presented during the mid-stage of the sales funnel. List each of these topics as a bullet point, just like the six topics listed above.
  • 28. Select the Best Topics to Include in Your Content Plan • Once the topics are selected, put them in a document, and list them, in the order you plan to create them. You’ll likely have a very long list of topics. Make sure you vary them up, rotating between types of content (early-stage sales funnel, pain point one, middle stage sales funnel, pain point two, etc.) • While you’ll have a solid list of content, expect the list to grow. It’s important to keep a flexible mind with your content. You may discover part way through the year that there’s a common problem your ideal client is facing. That could warrant a new blog post.
  • 29. Create Your Content Once you’ve decided on your content, it’s time to start creating it. There are plenty of ways to do this. But, a good idea is to start with the long-form content. For example, if you’re going to create podcast episodes, 1,500+ word-blog posts, or 2–5-minute educational videos… or longer, start with those. Create the content. Then, have excerpts of the content broken out. For example, if you have a five-minute video or podcast episode, you could likely pull out several small clips that can be used on social media. Then, these social media posts can be used to lead your audience to your full-length content.
  • 30. Consider Your Marketing Channels We already shared the importance of understanding where your ideal client is. That’s where you should be publishing your content. However, your platform for sharing content will likely fall into one of several categories. Below are some of the most common marketing channels you'll likely consider using.
  • 31. Social Media Content Social media is constantly evolving and growing. There are plenty of platforms used for social media marketing. Make sure to research best practices for the specific platform you choose to use, if this is part of your content plan. For example, the number of hashtags to use if you’re on LinkedIn, isn’t the same number of hashtags you should use when doing Facebook or Instagram. Also, the quality of the media (raw footage vs touched-up footage) should be thought through. For example, TikTok is geared toward raw footage. Instagram is not. So, consider the specifics of each platform, before you start creating the content for those users.
  • 32. Written Content Written content is easily one of the oldest forms of content marketing. But, even though it’s old, it’s still the preferred form of marketing for many. There are at least a couple ways to do written marketing. Here are some of the most popular: Blogging Start a blog! The content ideas shared above, as pain points and FAQs can easily be written out in the form of blog posts. And, if you don’t have the interest in starting your own blog, you can offer to write guest blog posts. These blog posts are shared on the websites of others. Website Pages Write pages on your own website (not a blog) that describe your services in detail. These shouldn’t be salesy promotional pages either. Rather, just describe when, why, and how someone might want to use what it is you offer. You may even include a list of FAQs on that same page, for the specific services being written about.
  • 33. Video Content “Content is King” is a saying that’s been around for decades. But, some also say “video is king.” That sounds good and well, but what kind of videos can you create? Consider your brainstormed content, mentioned above. Then, see if it would make sense to use any of the following types of video, when creating those types of content. 1. Behind the Scenes 2. Educational 3. Entertaining 4. Event 5. FAQ 6. Infomercial 7. Internal Training 8. Loyalty Program 9. Product Demos 10. Product Reviews 11. Thank You’s 12. Tutorials 13. Vlogs
  • 34. Video Content (cont’d) • See which of the types of content above make sense for your marketing plan. Then, add them into your editorial calendar. This list above may have actually given you additional ideas on types of content you hadn’t already planned on. This goes back to having that flexible mind. Maybe sprinkle in some “Thank You” pieces of content to your marketing calendar. • • Next, you’ll need to figure out how much content to create. Videos can be expensive to create. So, finding the right mix of type of content, vs quantity of content, vs cost for content, is important. Think through what’s realistic, and work it into your calendar of what and when to create.
  • 35. Podcast Content Podcasting is a great and popular form of marketing that's relatively new, in comparison to social media, written content and video marketing. One of the beauties of this form of content is that it can easily be repurposed into video content. You would essentially just need to set up a video camera and record yourself during the podcast recording. Also, consider having an interview style podcast, where you invite someone else onto your show, as a subject matter expert. This can be a fantastic way to establish your authority and also can result in your podcast being exponentially shared by your guest. Each guest you bring on could be a micro-influencer. And if they share your episode, in which they were featured, that could be phenomenal for increasing your own reach. Additionally, consider bringing on guests that you want to form a relationship with. They could be potential business partners, clients, or well networked individuals. Bringing them onto your podcast is a great way to potentially start a new and valuable relationship.
  • 36. Implement, Review, and Refine Your Content Marketing Plan Once you’re created your content, both long-form and short-form, publish it, and get it scheduled. And remember, do it at the times of the day, and days of the week, that your personas are most likely to see it. Once you’ve published your content, review the performance. Are your ideal clients watching, reading and listening to it? How much time are they spending on it? Is it resulting in leads? On that point, make sure you give it enough time to generate leads. Some marketing channels can take a year, or more, to start seeing results. Others can be seen in as quickly as a month, or less. But, the timeline required to experience results is often tied to your budget. Review the content to see what’s working and what’s not. Then, adjust your future content marketing based on the performance. If certain types of content are doing very well, consider publishing more content that’s similar. And shift away from the content that’s not as profitable.
  • 37. Conclusion This is by no means a comprehensive presentation on all aspects of content marketing. However, it is an excellent starting point. If there are questions on any of the specifics, be sure to speak with a marketing professional for guidance. Also, there are multiple episodes in this webinar series, which was launched in 2019. For more information on marketing channel specifics, be sure to check out those episodes. And of course, good luck and happy content marketing!
  • 39. About The Faculty Joshua Lyons - Joshua Lyons, the managing director of Joshua Lyons Marketing, has been part of the marketing world since 2009. He began his marketing career upon graduation from the University of West Florida, with an education in public relations and marketing. Joshua worked for several companies, developing and implementing proven online marketing strategies and boosting their exposure and revenue. After many years of marketing, in commercial real estate, hospitality and other industries, Joshua began his own marketing agency, Joshua Lyons Marketing. He launched his business in 2015 and continues to provide marketing services for clients around the United States. Joshua works with new businesses, entrepreneurs, larger established companies and organizations that are internationally recognized. Additionally, his clients range in industry from banking, home repair, medical, professional coaching and more. His company provides a variety of marketing services, but the core services offered include website development, content writing and search engine optimization. Those who wish to learn about marketing can read his company blog, which is designed to help individuals and marketing teams as they develop their own online marketing strategies. 39
  • 40. About The Faculty Tony Brown - Tony Brown is with Strategic Media Inc., We have been in business for 27 years and as your digital marketing experts, we take what makes your company unique and highlight it. We take your ideas and goals and turn them into creative, marketing solutions. We know you are not just another company in your industry, so we want your customers to see that, too. No one needs another company telling them what they are doing wrong. They need someone to tell them what they could be doing better. We design and market your business online to expose more people to your brand and convert them into customers with our services. We offer SEO Website Design, Local SEO, Paid Ads, Social media ads, Reputation management, and software development. 40
  • 41. About The Faculty Jose Fonseca - Jose is a content marketer. 41
  • 42. About The Faculty Linda Day Harrison- Linda Day Harrison founded in an effort to create efficiency and streamlined operations for the commercial real estate industry, property and facility management, leasing and brokerage. As a part of Linda's other work, she also founded ManagerLabs and with this group, she is developing web applications, with a team of programmers to solve some complex processes in the commercial real estate and property management industry. Linda is currently working with one of the largest pm firms in the Chicagoland market as a beta client for one of her initiatives. In addition, Linda is working with real estate company owners and other business models to identify the path those firms should take to embrace technology in today's rapidly and constantly evolving environment. In addition to technology and general consulting, Linda has most recently been providing services to BOMI in the transition and creation of course material to its new online formats. Linda was selected to perform online instruction services for this newly developed course. Linda's most recent task for BOMI included being the first online instructor for the highly sought after Fundamentals of Real Property Administration course, which was taught for the first time in BOMI history in the fall of 2011, using the newly developed online course material. Linda contributes more than 25 years of professional commercial real estate experience gained in suburban and central business district office and mixed-use buildings, condominium conversion and management, commercial and residential leasing, commercial and residential management, repositioning and marketing for the disposition of commercial properties. Linda has earned an outstanding reputation as an exceptional professional service provider who has raised the bar among colleagues and peers. To learn more about Linda, please visit: 42
  • 43. Questions or Comments? If you have any questions about this webinar that you did not get to ask during the live premiere, or if you are watching this webinar On Demand, please do not hesitate to email us at with any questions or comments you may have. Please include the name of the webinar in your email and we will do our best to provide a timely response. IMPORTANT NOTE: The material in this presentation is for general educational purposes only. It has been prepared primarily for attorneys and accountants for use in the pursuit of their continuing legal education and continuing professional education. 43
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  • 46. About Financial Poise 46 DailyDAC LLC, d/b/a Financial Poise™ provides continuing education to attorneys, accountants, business owners and executives, and investors. It’s websites, webinars, and books provide Plain English, entertaining, explanations about legal, financial, and other subjects of interest to these audiences. Visit us at Our free weekly newsletter, Financial Poise Weekly, updates you on new articles published on our website and Upcoming Webinars you may be interested in. To join our email list, please visit: