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12th edition
Managing Mass Communications
Kotler Keller
Chapter QuestionsWhat steps are involved in developing an
advertising program?How should sales promotion decisions be
made?What are the guidelines for effective brand-building
events and experiences?How can companies exploit the
potential of public relations and publicity?
Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation
and promotion of ideas, goods, or
services by an identified sponsor.
Procter & Gamble’s Advertising History
Click on the video icon to launch a video clip about Procter &
Gamble’s advertising history.
Figure 18.1 The Five M’s of Advertising
Advertising Objectives
Factors to Consider in Setting an Advertising Budget
Stage in the product life cycle
Market share and consumer base
Competition and clutter
Advertising frequency
Product substitutability
Developing the Advertising CampaignMessage generation and
evaluationCreative development and executionSocial
responsibility review
Creative BriefPositioning statementKey messageTarget
marketObjectivesKey brand benefitsBrand promiseEvidence of
promiseMediaBackgroundCreative considerations
AdvantagesReaches broad spectrum of consumersLow cost per
exposureAbility to demonstrate product useAbility to portray
image and brand personality
DisadvantagesBrief ClutterHigh cost of productionHigh cost of
placementLack of attention by viewers
Print Ads
AdvantagesDetailed product informationAbility to communicate
user imageryFlexibilityAbility to segment
DisadvantagesPassive mediumClutterUnable to demonstrate
product use
Print Ad Components
Print Ad Evaluation CriteriaIs the message clear at a glance?Is
the benefit in the headline?Does the illustration support the
headline?Does the first line of the copy support or explain the
headline and illustration?Is the ad easy to read and follow?Is
the product easily identified?Is the brand or sponsor clearly
Media SelectionReachFrequencyImpactExposure
Figure 1.2 Relationship among Trial, Awareness, and the
Exposure Function
Reach x Frequency = GRPs
Choosing Among Major Media TypesTarget audience and media
habitsProduct characteristicsMessage characteristicsCost
Major Media TypesNewspapersTelevisionDirect
Table 18.2 Marketing Communication Expenditures
(2001)Media$% of
Place AdvertisingBillboardsPublic spacesProduct
Measures of Audience SizeCirculationAudienceEffective
audienceEffective ad-exposed audience
Figure 18.3 Classification of Advertising Timing Patterns
Factors Affecting Timing PatternsBuyer turnoverPurchase
frequencyForgetting rate
Media Schedule
Evaluating Advertising EffectivenessCommunication Effect
ResearchConsumer feedback methodPortfolio testsLaboratory
testsSales-Effect Research
Sales Promotion
Collection of incentive tools, mostly
short term, designed to stimulate
quicker or greater purchase
of particular products or services
by consumers or the trade.
Sales Promotion Tactics
Consumer-directedSamplesCouponsCash refund offersPrice
offsPremiumsPrizesPatronage rewardsFree trialsTie-in
Trade-directedPrice offsAllowancesFree goodsSales
contestsSpiffsTrade showsSpecialty advertising
Using Sales Promotions
Establish objectives
Select tools
Develop program
Implement and control
Evaluate results
Events and Experiences$11.14 billion spent on sponsorship in
200469% sports10% tours7% festivals, fairs5% arts9% causes
Why Sponsor Events?To identify with a particular target market
or life styleTo increase brand awarenessTo create or reinforce
consumer perceptions of key brand image associationsTo
enhance corporate imageTo create experiences and evoke
feelingsTo express commitment to communityTo entertain key
clients or reward employeesTo permit merchandising or
promotional opportunities
Using Sponsored Events
Establish objectives
Choose event opportunities
Design program
Implement and control
Measure effectiveness
Ideal Events
Audience closely matches target market
Event generates media attention
Event is unique with few sponsors
Event lends itself to ancillary activities
Event enhances brand image of sponsor
Public Relations FunctionsPress relationsProduct
publicityCorporate communicationsLobbyingCounseling
Marketing Public Relations FunctionsAssist in product
launchesAssist in repositioning mature productsBuild interest in
a product categoryInfluence specific target groupsDefend
productsBuild corporate image
Major Tools in Marketing
PRPublicationsEventsSponsorshipsNewsSpeechesPublic Service
ActivitiesIdentity Media
Steps in Marketing PR
Establish objectives
Choose messages
Choose vehicles
Implement and control
Measure effectiveness
Marketing DebateHas TV Advertising Lost Power?
Take a position:TV advertising has faded in importance.
2. TV advertising is still the most powerful
advertising medium.
Marketing DiscussionWhat are some of your favorite TV
ads? Why? How effective are
the message and creative
strategies? How are they
building brand equity?
Political Science 201 – Second Assignment
Assignment #2 builds on Assignment #1. In the previous
assignment students practiced building a basic argument in a
four paragraph format. The care and focus that was needed in
crafting those four paragraphs now must be repeated with a
more complex argument. In Assignment #1 your two points or
ideas were constrained to a paragraph each. In Assignment #2
you must develop your points or ideas using multiple
paragraphs. In this way, the two (or three) points that you wish
to make will be discussed and developed using multiple, but
equally focused and developed paragraphs.
Academic Integrity: The University takes the issue of
plagiarism very seriously. Be sure to provide a citation
whenever you use ideas that are not your own. If you have any
questions about how to do this, please meet with your TA
during his/her office hours.
Submission of the Essay: For this essay, you will submit it to
the D2L drop box. Please keep a hard copy for your records,
however you will be asked to submit only an electronic copy to
D2L. Your comments will be returned to you in electronic
format, unless other arrangements are made with your TA.
You must choose one of the questions listed below and answer
it in an essay form. In responding to the question, you may
begin with your text, but you are required to examine other
scholarly (peer reviewed) articles/books that will shed light on
the question you have chosen. In particular, you should check
journals that might be relevant in political science and political
thought. You must use and cite at least five books or articles.
1. Using Justin Trudeau as your case study, to what extent is he
a ‘liberal’? Define liberalism and provide some specific
examples of policies endorsed by your chosen politician that
might either embrace and/or contradict this definition. On
balance, does he fit your definition of ‘liberal’? (Hint: there
will be many scholarly sources on liberalism. You may also
wish to consult newspapers. While you may cite newspapers,
they are not scholarly and do notcount towards your five
scholarly sources).
2. Would Edmund Burke think Jason Kenny is a conservative?
If so, why, if not and what ideology might fit better and why?
Use specific examples of policies that Kenny endorses as
evidence. (Hint: there will be many scholarly sources on
conservatism. You may also wish to consult newspapers for
policy positions. While you may cite newspapers, they are not
scholarly and do notcount towards your five scholarly sources).
3. Should the United Nation’s Security Council end the veto
power of the Permanente Five? Why or why not?
4. Is it correct to view fascism as primarily a 20th century
ideology? Or is this ideology something that we continue to see
and confront today?
5. Read the following columns:
and-the-crisis-of-the-mediocre-man/ and
argument/ and
story/be4e85419700f0f2c479c97c0731f93d and
based-on-merit Question: Are gender quotas inconsistent with
political meritocracy? (Note: These blogs are designed to get
you started, they do not count toward your five scholarly
6. Should Canada change its electoral system? If yes, which
system would you advocate for and why. If not, why not?
7. Governments in The West, including Canada’s, have
increasingly focused their attention on terrorist groups like the
Islamic State as sources of global instability and insecurity. Is
Canada focusing its attention on the ‘right’ kind of security
threats? Or is this focus at the expense of more pressing
security challenges?
8. Some scholars argue that Canada should embrace a
relationship of Treaty Federalism with Indigenous peoples.
Outline, with specific reference to both the written text, and
Indigenous traditions of Treaty 7, what treaty federalism is, and
how it might work. (Hint: you will probably want to consult the
book The True Spirit and Intent of Treaty 7 (1996)).
9. Re-elected Calgary mayor Nheed Nenshi said on election
night in October of 2017 that the election "was often more about
personality than policy.” Would having parties at the city level
increase the focus on policy and decrease the focus on
personality? Compare using Calgary and Vancouver as your
case studies.
There are a number of useful places to go to begin researching
and writing your essays.
1. Your T.A and Discussion Group. Your TAs will mark your
essays and they have written many political science term papers
so are the best resource when you want to get answers for your
questions about the essay. You will also have a one hour group
tutorial during the term to discuss the writing and referencing of
essays. You should make an appointment to see your TA (or go
to his/her office hours). It is better to go earlier in the term
rather than later so you give yourself enough time to work
through both the research and writing stages of the essay.
2. Ucalgary library. There are also resources available at the
Taylor Family Digital Library. The library provides different
kinds of support on researching your essay topic, and finding
the right books and articles.
Your essays must have the following components:
This assignment must include:
· A title page, with your name, student number and TA’s name
· An Introduction
· A central thesis statement formed into one complete sentence.
The thesis statement must articulate what this assignment is
going to argue (and must appear in the introduction)
· Two or three points/ideas that offer argumentation on
different, but related points supporting your thesis
· Sentences transitioning and/or linking one point or idea to the
· A conclusion in which students provide a summation of their
ideas. Your conclusion needs to be clearly connected back to
your central thesis statement.
· Conform to the formatting requirements listed below
· Be no more than five (5) double spaced pages
· Cite and integrate five (5) scholarly sources
The following will be used to assess the above components
(highlighted lines are often trouble points for students and are
particularly important):
1. A Clearly Stated Thesis - what you are trying to demonstrate
or prove.
a. Argument to support your thesis:
i. analysis of the subject matter; not just description
ii. setting out key issues
iii. essay flows from one point to the next
iv. addresses key points on the other side of the argument
2. Effective use of a variety of good sources
a. you must use at least five books or articles, (textbooks,
magazines and newspapers do not qualify as scholarly material)
b. using relevant articles, books and other materials
c. demonstrating familiarity with the literature of the subject
d. quotations properly used
e. careful use of websites
f. references correctly done
g. In-text APA is required
i. -bibliography present and correctly formatted
3. Relevant subject material - leave out irrelevant material that
is not related to the argument you are trying to make.
4. Organization and style
a. paper is well written
b. good construction of paragraphs
c. essay concludes; does not just end.
d. mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar etc.)
Please ensure that you have read, and understand, the grading
scale for each letter grade outlined in the evaluation criteria.
A True Democracy Needs Proportional Representation
Student name
Student Number:
As Canada stands in the modern world our electoral system
remains in the dark ages. Canada’s current first past the post
system or single member plurality destroys the meaning of
democracy. majority governments are formed without most of
the vote, thus clearing the way for misrepresentation and
manipulation of people's desired representation. This paper will
be arguing that Canada must reform its electoral system to
properly represent the diverse views within the vast boundaries
of the Canadian confederation. For Canada to truly become a
democracy we must reform this ancient system of first past the
post to a proportional representative system so every
Canadian’s voice is heard and has an impact in policies and
legislation that effects every Canadian citizen.
First past the post (FPTP) is an unsuitable electoral system for
the diverse landscape of Canada on any level of government,
because it throws away the voices of so many people in its
process to form a government. “In 1993, the voters repudiated
the ruling progressive Conservatives, but got the electoral
system almost decimated Canada's oldest party. Rather than
electing 46 members a proportional system would have given
them, the Tories ended up with only two” according to Henry
Milner's (1999, P. 38) book Making Every Vote Count:
Reassessing Canada’s electoral system. This is a perfect
example of how FPTP destroys the equality of people's votes,
the shameful electoral system we have implemented in Canada
discriminates against most of the populations vote. This means
that when a government is formed it does not actually represent
the people of Canada. This one-sided electoral system throws
away so many votes in its process, It Makes peoples votes feel
meaningless and discourage people from voting.
With proportional representation (PR) people have the freedom
and confidence to vote for who they want instead of voting
strategically to prevent the person they disfavor most from
getting into power. This is best expressed by Derriennic, Jean
Pierre (2016) “people can express a sincere first preference,
even if it goes to a candidate who has no chance of winning,
then rank other candidates in order of preference, with voter’s
last favorite last. sincere voting is effective, whereas strategic
voting is almost never useful.” with these new options that PR
gives it allows people to vote for who they want in order of
most favorable to non-favorable, this takes away the
discrimination that small parties face in the FPTP system we
currently have. PR would encourage a larger turn out among
voters because they would feel like that have more of an impact
and chance at getting someone into office that best represents
their values. Having a PR system would benefit Canada because
it would better show the true wants of all Canadians by better
translating votes into representatives and lessening the wasted
The most damning problem with FPTP is that the voices,
concerns and desires of many people are ignored. The blatant
ignorance that the FPTP system is found on leads to the
injustice and abuse of the electoral system by big parties. This
limits the allowed positions people can take in elections,
forcing individuals to sacrifice some values to have others
addressed in the way they want. If we had a PR, then smaller
parties would be able to get the representation they deserve.
without the heavy prejudice that FPTP has on the electoral
system, this is seen time and time again against the green party.
The formation and ability of smaller parties to have proper
representation would allow for more diverse and better
representation of Canadian's views and wants from government.
Canada prides its self of the freedoms granted to its citizens so
it should hold fair and non-discriminating elections so that
every vote is heard and weighted the same. Canada must allow
every voice to be heard with the use of a PR system. “Almost
all democracies, apart from Canada, now incorporate some
element of proportional representation (“PR”) into their
systems. A system is fully consistent with PR principles if a
party that wins X percentage of the popular vote also wins X
percentage of the seats.” (Schwartz, Bryan. Pg. 133, (2001)).
This quote shows how disruptive FPTP is to a democracy, the
injustice and the way it distorts the popular vote to seats. With
PR in Canada, Canada would be forced to hear everyone's voice,
Canada under a PR system would unite, as a nation, making
parties work together relentlessly to find the best solutions to
difficult problems that impact all Canadians. PR would grant
people the ability to have greater impact on their own
representation in Canada. Empowering smaller parties who have
views that more closely represent the people of Canada.
Creating a more democratic society, where no minority's go
Proportional Representation is the only viable option for
Canada given all the diversity within its self. Canada is a nation
that has the second largest territory in the world, but only a
population of 37 million as of July 1,2018 according to
Statistics Canada (Statistics Canada (2018)). This Translates to
the population being spread out to an extreme degree. Allowing
for diverse and extremely different views across the nation on
many topics. Proportional Representation would allow for a
deeper and more accurate representation. "the SMP system is no
longer considered fair because a political party can obtain 100%
of the power with less than 50% of the votes.” (Couture, Liz
(2014)) PR Would allow for a government to represent all the
voters that express what that want Canada to stand for, not just
one group of Canadians wishes. With minorities being better
represented Canada, we would hear the voices the electoral
system has overlooked with FPTP. “especially at higher levels
of district magnitude, the translation of votes into seats is less
distorted, thereby increasing voter feelings of efficacy.”(Cox,
Gary W. ; Fiva, Jon H. ; Smith, Daniel M (2016)) with greater
efficacy people would care more about voting and elections.
People would Have a sense of meaning that the current FPTP
system just cannot muster in people. With greater turnout of
voters, it would produce an even more repetitive government
and make all voices apparent in the house of commons.
Canada Must move forward to Proportional Representation
electoral system. Canadian votes should not be distorted to fit
the agendas of political parties. The government should be an
equal representation of the Canadians wants, values and desires
shown in the votes casted by Canadians. Canadas electoral
system is unjust and destroys the meaning of democracy.
Canadian's should have power to hold the government
accountable and enforce a fair and just elections. This can only
be done threw a Proportional Representation. Then Canada will
be a true democracy where every voice across Canada can have
an impact and be meaningful in shaping the future of Canada.
Cox, G., Fiva, J., & Smith, D. (2016). The Contraction Effect:
How Proportional Representation Affects Mobilization and
Turnout. The Journal of Politics, 78(4), 1249-1263.
Couture, L. (2014). Proportional Representation: Redeeming the
Democratic Deficit. The Innovation Journal, 19(1), 1-12.
Schwartz, Bryan. (2001). Proportional representation for
Canada?(Underneath the Golden Boy: A Review of Recent
Manitoba Laws and How They Came to Be)(Canada)(Statistical
Data Included). Manitoba Law Journal, 28(2), 133-183.
Milner, H., & Canadian Electronic Library. (1999). Making
every vote count : Reassessing Canada's electoral system
(Canadian Electronic Library. Canadian publishers collection).
Peterborough, Ont., Canada ; Orchard Park, N.Y.: Broadview
Derriennic, Jean Pierre. (2016). A Better Electoral System for
Canada: Moderate Proportional Representation With Ranked
Ballots. Canadian Parliamentary Review, 39(4), 27-29.
Statistics Canada,The Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada,
Provinces and Territories, 2018 (total population only)
(Catalogue number91-215-X)Ottawa, Ontario.
Marketing Excellence
magical ability to connect people no matter who they are
or how they live. Andy Warhol said it best, “A Coke is a
Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke
than the one the bum on the corner is drinking.”
One of Coca-Cola’s most memorable and successful
commercials was called “Hilltop” and featured the song,
“I’d like to buy the world a Coke.” Launched in 1971, the
ad featured young adults from all over the world sharing a
happy, harmonious moment and common bond (drinking
a Coke) on a hillside in Italy. The commercial touched so
many consumers emotionally and so effectively showed
the worldwide appeal of Coke that the song became a
top ten hit single later that year.
Coca-Cola’s television commercials still touch upon
the message of universal connection over a Coke, often
in a lighthearted tone to appeal to a young audience. In
one spot, a group of young adults sit around a campfire,
playing the guitar, laughing, smiling, and passing around a
bottle of Coke. The bottle reaches a slimy, one-eyed alien
who joins in on the fun, takes a sip from the bottle, and
passes it along. When the next drinker wipes off the slime
in disgust, the music stops suddenly and the group stares
at him in disappointment. The man hesitantly hands the
bottle back to the alien to get re-slimed and then drinks
from it, and the music and the party continue in perfect
Coca-Cola’s mass communications strategy has
evolved over the years and today mixes a wide range of
media including television, radio, print, online, in-store,
digital, billboard, public relations, events, paraphernalia,
and even its own museum. The company’s target audi-
ence and reach are so massive that choosing the right
media and marketing message is critical. Coca-Cola uses
big events to hit huge audiences; it has sponsored the
Olympics since 1928 and advertises during the Super
Bowl. Red Coke cups are placed front and center during
top-rated television shows like American Idol, and the
company spends over $1 billion a year on sports spon-
sorships such as NASCAR and the World Cup. Coca-
Cola’s global campaigns must also be relevant on a local
scale. In China, for example, Coca-Cola has given its re-
gional managers control over its advertising so they can
include appropriate cultural messages.
The delicate balance between Coca-Cola’s local and
global marketing is crucial because, as one Coca-Cola
executive explained, “Creating effective marketing at a lo-
cal level in the absence of global scale can lead to huge
inefficiencies.” In 2006, for example, Coca-Cola ran two
campaigns during the FIFA World Cup as well as several
local campaigns. In 2010, the company ran a single cam-
paign during the same event in over 100 markets.
Executives at Coca-Cola estimated that the latter, more
global strategy saved the company over $45 million in
When it comes to mass marketing, perhaps no one does it
better than Coca-Cola. Coke is the most popular and
best-selling soft drink in history. With an annual marketing
budget of nearly $3 billion and annual sales exceeding
$30 billion, the brand tops the Interbrand ranking year after
year. Today, Coca-Cola holds a current brand value of
$68 billion and reaches consumers in over 200 countries,
making it the best-known product in the world. In fact,
Coca-Cola is such a global phenomenon that its name is
the second-most understood word in the world (after okay).
The history of Coke’s success is astonishing. The
drink was invented in 1886 by Dr. John S. Pemberton,
who mixed a syrup of his own invention with carbonated
water to cure headaches. The company’s first president
later turned the product into a pop culture phenomenon
by introducing it to pharmacists and consumers around
the world and handing out clocks, posters, and other
paraphernalia with the Coca-Cola logo.
Coca-Cola believed early on that to gain worldwide
acceptance, the brand needed to connect emotionally
and socially with the masses, and the product needed to
be “within arm’s-length of desire.” So the company fo-
cused on gaining extensive distribution and worked hard
at making the product loved by all. In World War II, it de-
clared that “every man in uniform gets a bottle of Coca-
Cola for 5 cents, wherever he is, and whatever it costs the
company.” This strategy helped introduce the soft drink to
people around the world as well as connect with them
positively in a time of turmoil.
Why is Coca-Cola so much bigger than any other
competitor? What Coke does better than everyone else is
create highly current, uplifting global campaigns that trans-
late well into different countries, languages, and cultures.
Coke’s advertising over the years has primarily focused
on the product’s ability to quench thirst and the brand’s
Marketing Excellence
shave on the planet”—the six-bladed Fusion, with five
blades in the front for regular shaving and one in the back
for trimming.
Today, Gillette holds a commanding lead in the
shaving and razor business with a 70 percent global
market share and $7.5 billion in annual sales. Six hun-
dred million men use a Gillette product every day, and
the Fusion razor accounts for 45 percent of the men’s
razors sold in the United States. Gillette’s mass appeal is
a result of several factors, including extensive consumer
research, quality product innovations, and successful
mass communications.
While Gillette’s product launches have improved
male grooming, it’s the company’s impressive marketing
knowledge and campaigns that have helped it reach
this international level of success. Traditionally, Gillette
uses one global marketing message rather than individ-
ual targeted messages for each country or region. This
message is backed by a wide spectrum of advertising
support, including athletic sponsorships, television
campaigns, in-store promotions, print ads, online ad-
vertising, and direct marketing.
Gillette’s most recent global marketing effort, “The
Moment,” launched in 2009, is an extension of its well-
recognized campaign, “The Best a Man Can Get.” The
campaign features everyday men as well as the Gillette
Champions—baseball star Derek Jeter, tennis cham-
pion Roger Federer, and soccer great Thierry Henry—
experiencing moments of doubt and Gillette’s grooming
products helping them gain confidence. The campaign
was designed to help Gillette expand beyond razors
and shaving and increase sales of its entire line of
Despite its unprecedented success over the years,
Coke is not perfect. In 1985, in perhaps the worst product
launch ever, Coca-Cola introduced New Coke—a sweeter
concoction of the original secret formula. Consumers
instantly rejected it and sales plummeted. Three months
later, Coca-Cola retracted New Coke and relaunched the
original formula under the name Coca-Cola Classic, to the
delight of customers everywhere. Then-CEO Roberto
Goizueta stated, “The simple fact is that all the time and
money and skill poured into consumer research on the
new Coca-Cola could not measure or reveal the deep and
abiding emotional attachment to original Coca-Cola felt by
so many people.”
Coca-Cola’s success at marketing a product on such
a global, massive scale is unique. No other product is so
universally available, universally accepted, and universally
loved. As the company continues to grow, it seeks out
new ways to better connect with even more individuals.
Referring to itself as a “Happiness Factory,” it is optimistic
that it will succeed.
1. What does Coca-Cola stand for? Is it the same for
everyone? Explain.
2. Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to billions of
people around the world. Why is it so successful?
3. Can Pepsi or any other company ever surpass Coca-
Cola? Why or why not? What are Coca-Cola’s greatest
Sources: Natalie Zmuda, “Coca-Cola Lays Out Its Vision for the
Future at 2010 Meeting.”
Advertising Age, November 22, 2009; Natalie Zmuda, “Coke’s
‘Open Happiness’ Keeps It Simple
for Global Audience,” Advertising Age, January 21, 2009; John
Greenwald, “Will Teens Buy It?”
Time, June 24, 2001; “Coca-Cola Still Viewed as Most Valuable
Brand.” USA Today, September 18,
2009; Edward Rothstein, “Ingredients: Carbonated Water, High-
Fructose Corniness . . .”
New York Times, July 30, 2007; Brad Cook, “Coca-Cola: A
Classic,” Brandchannel, December 2,
2002; Coca-Cola, Annual Report.
Gillette knows men. Not only does the company under-
stand what products men desire for their grooming
needs, it also knows how to market to men all around the
world. Since the invention of the safety razor by King C.
Gillette in 1901, Gillette has had a number of break-
through product innovations. These include the first twin-
blade shaving system in 1971 named the Trac II, a razor
with a pivoting head in 1977 called the Atra, and the first
razor with spring-mounted twin blades in 1989 dubbed
the Sensor. In 1998, Gillette introduced the first triple-
blade system, Mach3, which became a billion-dollar
brand surpassed only by the 2006 launch of the “best

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  • 1. MARKETING MANAGEMENT 12th edition 18 Managing Mass Communications Kotler Keller Chapter QuestionsWhat steps are involved in developing an advertising program?How should sales promotion decisions be made?What are the guidelines for effective brand-building events and experiences?How can companies exploit the potential of public relations and publicity? Advertising Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
  • 2. Procter & Gamble’s Advertising History Click on the video icon to launch a video clip about Procter & Gamble’s advertising history. Figure 18.1 The Five M’s of Advertising Advertising Objectives Informative advertising Reminder advertising Reinforcement advertising Persuasive advertising Factors to Consider in Setting an Advertising Budget Stage in the product life cycle Market share and consumer base Competition and clutter Advertising frequency Product substitutability
  • 3. Developing the Advertising CampaignMessage generation and evaluationCreative development and executionSocial responsibility review Creative BriefPositioning statementKey messageTarget marketObjectivesKey brand benefitsBrand promiseEvidence of promiseMediaBackgroundCreative considerations Television AdvantagesReaches broad spectrum of consumersLow cost per exposureAbility to demonstrate product useAbility to portray image and brand personality DisadvantagesBrief ClutterHigh cost of productionHigh cost of placementLack of attention by viewers Print Ads AdvantagesDetailed product informationAbility to communicate user imageryFlexibilityAbility to segment DisadvantagesPassive mediumClutterUnable to demonstrate product use Print Ad Components Headline Picture Signature Copy
  • 4. Print Ad Evaluation CriteriaIs the message clear at a glance?Is the benefit in the headline?Does the illustration support the headline?Does the first line of the copy support or explain the headline and illustration?Is the ad easy to read and follow?Is the product easily identified?Is the brand or sponsor clearly identified? Media SelectionReachFrequencyImpactExposure Figure 1.2 Relationship among Trial, Awareness, and the Exposure Function Reach x Frequency = GRPs Choosing Among Major Media TypesTarget audience and media habitsProduct characteristicsMessage characteristicsCost Major Media TypesNewspapersTelevisionDirect mailRadioMagazinesOutdoorYellow pagesNewslettersBrochuresTelephoneInternet Table 18.2 Marketing Communication Expenditures
  • 5. (2001)Media$% of TotalTV52.722Radio19.48Internet3.41Magazines12.35Newspap er49.421 Place AdvertisingBillboardsPublic spacesProduct placementPoint-of-purchase Measures of Audience SizeCirculationAudienceEffective audienceEffective ad-exposed audience Figure 18.3 Classification of Advertising Timing Patterns
  • 6. Factors Affecting Timing PatternsBuyer turnoverPurchase frequencyForgetting rate Media Schedule PatternsContinuityConcentrationFlightingPulsing Evaluating Advertising EffectivenessCommunication Effect ResearchConsumer feedback methodPortfolio testsLaboratory testsSales-Effect Research Sales Promotion Collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade. Sales Promotion Tactics Consumer-directedSamplesCouponsCash refund offersPrice offsPremiumsPrizesPatronage rewardsFree trialsTie-in promotions Trade-directedPrice offsAllowancesFree goodsSales contestsSpiffsTrade showsSpecialty advertising
  • 7. Using Sales Promotions Establish objectives Select tools Develop program Pretest Implement and control Evaluate results Events and Experiences$11.14 billion spent on sponsorship in 200469% sports10% tours7% festivals, fairs5% arts9% causes Why Sponsor Events?To identify with a particular target market or life styleTo increase brand awarenessTo create or reinforce consumer perceptions of key brand image associationsTo enhance corporate imageTo create experiences and evoke feelingsTo express commitment to communityTo entertain key clients or reward employeesTo permit merchandising or promotional opportunities Using Sponsored Events Establish objectives Choose event opportunities Design program Implement and control Measure effectiveness
  • 8. Ideal Events Audience closely matches target market Event generates media attention Event is unique with few sponsors Event lends itself to ancillary activities Event enhances brand image of sponsor Public Relations FunctionsPress relationsProduct publicityCorporate communicationsLobbyingCounseling Marketing Public Relations FunctionsAssist in product launchesAssist in repositioning mature productsBuild interest in a product categoryInfluence specific target groupsDefend productsBuild corporate image Major Tools in Marketing PRPublicationsEventsSponsorshipsNewsSpeechesPublic Service ActivitiesIdentity Media Steps in Marketing PR Establish objectives Choose messages Choose vehicles Implement and control Measure effectiveness
  • 9. Marketing DebateHas TV Advertising Lost Power? Take a position:TV advertising has faded in importance. 2. TV advertising is still the most powerful advertising medium. Marketing DiscussionWhat are some of your favorite TV ads? Why? How effective are the message and creative strategies? How are they building brand equity? Political Science 201 – Second Assignment Assignment #2 builds on Assignment #1. In the previous assignment students practiced building a basic argument in a four paragraph format. The care and focus that was needed in crafting those four paragraphs now must be repeated with a more complex argument. In Assignment #1 your two points or ideas were constrained to a paragraph each. In Assignment #2 you must develop your points or ideas using multiple paragraphs. In this way, the two (or three) points that you wish to make will be discussed and developed using multiple, but equally focused and developed paragraphs. Academic Integrity: The University takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously. Be sure to provide a citation whenever you use ideas that are not your own. If you have any
  • 10. questions about how to do this, please meet with your TA during his/her office hours. Submission of the Essay: For this essay, you will submit it to the D2L drop box. Please keep a hard copy for your records, however you will be asked to submit only an electronic copy to D2L. Your comments will be returned to you in electronic format, unless other arrangements are made with your TA. ESSAY QUESTIONS You must choose one of the questions listed below and answer it in an essay form. In responding to the question, you may begin with your text, but you are required to examine other scholarly (peer reviewed) articles/books that will shed light on the question you have chosen. In particular, you should check journals that might be relevant in political science and political thought. You must use and cite at least five books or articles. 1. Using Justin Trudeau as your case study, to what extent is he a ‘liberal’? Define liberalism and provide some specific examples of policies endorsed by your chosen politician that might either embrace and/or contradict this definition. On balance, does he fit your definition of ‘liberal’? (Hint: there will be many scholarly sources on liberalism. You may also wish to consult newspapers. While you may cite newspapers, they are not scholarly and do notcount towards your five scholarly sources). 2. Would Edmund Burke think Jason Kenny is a conservative? If so, why, if not and what ideology might fit better and why? Use specific examples of policies that Kenny endorses as evidence. (Hint: there will be many scholarly sources on conservatism. You may also wish to consult newspapers for policy positions. While you may cite newspapers, they are not scholarly and do notcount towards your five scholarly sources).
  • 11. 3. Should the United Nation’s Security Council end the veto power of the Permanente Five? Why or why not? 4. Is it correct to view fascism as primarily a 20th century ideology? Or is this ideology something that we continue to see and confront today? 5. Read the following columns: and-the-crisis-of-the-mediocre-man/ and argument/ and jobs-should-be-based-on-merit-not-gender-quotas/news- story/be4e85419700f0f2c479c97c0731f93d and are-dumb-but-lets-stop-pretending-cabinet-appointments-are- based-on-merit Question: Are gender quotas inconsistent with political meritocracy? (Note: These blogs are designed to get you started, they do not count toward your five scholarly sources) 6. Should Canada change its electoral system? If yes, which system would you advocate for and why. If not, why not? 7. Governments in The West, including Canada’s, have increasingly focused their attention on terrorist groups like the Islamic State as sources of global instability and insecurity. Is Canada focusing its attention on the ‘right’ kind of security threats? Or is this focus at the expense of more pressing security challenges? 8. Some scholars argue that Canada should embrace a relationship of Treaty Federalism with Indigenous peoples. Outline, with specific reference to both the written text, and
  • 12. Indigenous traditions of Treaty 7, what treaty federalism is, and how it might work. (Hint: you will probably want to consult the book The True Spirit and Intent of Treaty 7 (1996)). 9. Re-elected Calgary mayor Nheed Nenshi said on election night in October of 2017 that the election "was often more about personality than policy.” Would having parties at the city level increase the focus on policy and decrease the focus on personality? Compare using Calgary and Vancouver as your case studies. USEFUL RESOURCES FOR RESEARCHING YOUR PAPER There are a number of useful places to go to begin researching and writing your essays. 1. Your T.A and Discussion Group. Your TAs will mark your essays and they have written many political science term papers so are the best resource when you want to get answers for your questions about the essay. You will also have a one hour group tutorial during the term to discuss the writing and referencing of essays. You should make an appointment to see your TA (or go to his/her office hours). It is better to go earlier in the term rather than later so you give yourself enough time to work through both the research and writing stages of the essay. 2. Ucalgary library. There are also resources available at the Taylor Family Digital Library. The library provides different kinds of support on researching your essay topic, and finding the right books and articles. ASSESSMENT Your essays must have the following components: This assignment must include: · A title page, with your name, student number and TA’s name
  • 13. · An Introduction · A central thesis statement formed into one complete sentence. The thesis statement must articulate what this assignment is going to argue (and must appear in the introduction) · Two or three points/ideas that offer argumentation on different, but related points supporting your thesis · Sentences transitioning and/or linking one point or idea to the next · A conclusion in which students provide a summation of their ideas. Your conclusion needs to be clearly connected back to your central thesis statement. · Conform to the formatting requirements listed below · Be no more than five (5) double spaced pages · Cite and integrate five (5) scholarly sources The following will be used to assess the above components (highlighted lines are often trouble points for students and are particularly important): 1. A Clearly Stated Thesis - what you are trying to demonstrate or prove. a. Argument to support your thesis: i. analysis of the subject matter; not just description ii. setting out key issues iii. essay flows from one point to the next iv. addresses key points on the other side of the argument 2. Effective use of a variety of good sources a. you must use at least five books or articles, (textbooks, magazines and newspapers do not qualify as scholarly material) b. using relevant articles, books and other materials c. demonstrating familiarity with the literature of the subject d. quotations properly used e. careful use of websites
  • 14. f. references correctly done g. In-text APA is required i. -bibliography present and correctly formatted 3. Relevant subject material - leave out irrelevant material that is not related to the argument you are trying to make. 4. Organization and style a. paper is well written b. good construction of paragraphs c. essay concludes; does not just end. d. mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar etc.) GRADING SCALE Please ensure that you have read, and understand, the grading scale for each letter grade outlined in the evaluation criteria. 1 A True Democracy Needs Proportional Representation Student name Student Number: TA:
  • 15. As Canada stands in the modern world our electoral system remains in the dark ages. Canada’s current first past the post system or single member plurality destroys the meaning of democracy. majority governments are formed without most of the vote, thus clearing the way for misrepresentation and manipulation of people's desired representation. This paper will be arguing that Canada must reform its electoral system to properly represent the diverse views within the vast boundaries of the Canadian confederation. For Canada to truly become a democracy we must reform this ancient system of first past the post to a proportional representative system so every Canadian’s voice is heard and has an impact in policies and legislation that effects every Canadian citizen. First past the post (FPTP) is an unsuitable electoral system for the diverse landscape of Canada on any level of government, because it throws away the voices of so many people in its process to form a government. “In 1993, the voters repudiated the ruling progressive Conservatives, but got the electoral system almost decimated Canada's oldest party. Rather than electing 46 members a proportional system would have given them, the Tories ended up with only two” according to Henry Milner's (1999, P. 38) book Making Every Vote Count: Reassessing Canada’s electoral system. This is a perfect example of how FPTP destroys the equality of people's votes, the shameful electoral system we have implemented in Canada discriminates against most of the populations vote. This means that when a government is formed it does not actually represent the people of Canada. This one-sided electoral system throws away so many votes in its process, It Makes peoples votes feel meaningless and discourage people from voting. With proportional representation (PR) people have the freedom
  • 16. and confidence to vote for who they want instead of voting strategically to prevent the person they disfavor most from getting into power. This is best expressed by Derriennic, Jean Pierre (2016) “people can express a sincere first preference, even if it goes to a candidate who has no chance of winning, then rank other candidates in order of preference, with voter’s last favorite last. sincere voting is effective, whereas strategic voting is almost never useful.” with these new options that PR gives it allows people to vote for who they want in order of most favorable to non-favorable, this takes away the discrimination that small parties face in the FPTP system we currently have. PR would encourage a larger turn out among voters because they would feel like that have more of an impact and chance at getting someone into office that best represents their values. Having a PR system would benefit Canada because it would better show the true wants of all Canadians by better translating votes into representatives and lessening the wasted vote. The most damning problem with FPTP is that the voices, concerns and desires of many people are ignored. The blatant ignorance that the FPTP system is found on leads to the injustice and abuse of the electoral system by big parties. This limits the allowed positions people can take in elections, forcing individuals to sacrifice some values to have others addressed in the way they want. If we had a PR, then smaller parties would be able to get the representation they deserve. without the heavy prejudice that FPTP has on the electoral system, this is seen time and time again against the green party. The formation and ability of smaller parties to have proper representation would allow for more diverse and better representation of Canadian's views and wants from government. Canada prides its self of the freedoms granted to its citizens so it should hold fair and non-discriminating elections so that every vote is heard and weighted the same. Canada must allow
  • 17. every voice to be heard with the use of a PR system. “Almost all democracies, apart from Canada, now incorporate some element of proportional representation (“PR”) into their systems. A system is fully consistent with PR principles if a party that wins X percentage of the popular vote also wins X percentage of the seats.” (Schwartz, Bryan. Pg. 133, (2001)). This quote shows how disruptive FPTP is to a democracy, the injustice and the way it distorts the popular vote to seats. With PR in Canada, Canada would be forced to hear everyone's voice, Canada under a PR system would unite, as a nation, making parties work together relentlessly to find the best solutions to difficult problems that impact all Canadians. PR would grant people the ability to have greater impact on their own representation in Canada. Empowering smaller parties who have views that more closely represent the people of Canada. Creating a more democratic society, where no minority's go unheard. Proportional Representation is the only viable option for Canada given all the diversity within its self. Canada is a nation that has the second largest territory in the world, but only a population of 37 million as of July 1,2018 according to Statistics Canada (Statistics Canada (2018)). This Translates to the population being spread out to an extreme degree. Allowing for diverse and extremely different views across the nation on many topics. Proportional Representation would allow for a deeper and more accurate representation. "the SMP system is no longer considered fair because a political party can obtain 100% of the power with less than 50% of the votes.” (Couture, Liz (2014)) PR Would allow for a government to represent all the voters that express what that want Canada to stand for, not just one group of Canadians wishes. With minorities being better represented Canada, we would hear the voices the electoral system has overlooked with FPTP. “especially at higher levels of district magnitude, the translation of votes into seats is less distorted, thereby increasing voter feelings of efficacy.”(Cox,
  • 18. Gary W. ; Fiva, Jon H. ; Smith, Daniel M (2016)) with greater efficacy people would care more about voting and elections. People would Have a sense of meaning that the current FPTP system just cannot muster in people. With greater turnout of voters, it would produce an even more repetitive government and make all voices apparent in the house of commons. Canada Must move forward to Proportional Representation electoral system. Canadian votes should not be distorted to fit the agendas of political parties. The government should be an equal representation of the Canadians wants, values and desires shown in the votes casted by Canadians. Canadas electoral system is unjust and destroys the meaning of democracy. Canadian's should have power to hold the government accountable and enforce a fair and just elections. This can only be done threw a Proportional Representation. Then Canada will be a true democracy where every voice across Canada can have an impact and be meaningful in shaping the future of Canada. Bibliography Cox, G., Fiva, J., & Smith, D. (2016). The Contraction Effect: How Proportional Representation Affects Mobilization and Turnout. The Journal of Politics, 78(4), 1249-1263. Couture, L. (2014). Proportional Representation: Redeeming the Democratic Deficit. The Innovation Journal, 19(1), 1-12. Schwartz, Bryan. (2001). Proportional representation for Canada?(Underneath the Golden Boy: A Review of Recent
  • 19. Manitoba Laws and How They Came to Be)(Canada)(Statistical Data Included). Manitoba Law Journal, 28(2), 133-183. Milner, H., & Canadian Electronic Library. (1999). Making every vote count : Reassessing Canada's electoral system (Canadian Electronic Library. Canadian publishers collection). Peterborough, Ont., Canada ; Orchard Park, N.Y.: Broadview Press. Derriennic, Jean Pierre. (2016). A Better Electoral System for Canada: Moderate Proportional Representation With Ranked Ballots. Canadian Parliamentary Review, 39(4), 27-29. Statistics Canada,The Annual Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2018 (total population only) (Catalogue number91-215-X)Ottawa, Ontario. MANAGING MASS COMMUNICATIONS | CHAPTER 18 531 Marketing Excellence >>Coca-Cola magical ability to connect people no matter who they are or how they live. Andy Warhol said it best, “A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking.” One of Coca-Cola’s most memorable and successful commercials was called “Hilltop” and featured the song, “I’d like to buy the world a Coke.” Launched in 1971, the ad featured young adults from all over the world sharing a happy, harmonious moment and common bond (drinking a Coke) on a hillside in Italy. The commercial touched so many consumers emotionally and so effectively showed
  • 20. the worldwide appeal of Coke that the song became a top ten hit single later that year. Coca-Cola’s television commercials still touch upon the message of universal connection over a Coke, often in a lighthearted tone to appeal to a young audience. In one spot, a group of young adults sit around a campfire, playing the guitar, laughing, smiling, and passing around a bottle of Coke. The bottle reaches a slimy, one-eyed alien who joins in on the fun, takes a sip from the bottle, and passes it along. When the next drinker wipes off the slime in disgust, the music stops suddenly and the group stares at him in disappointment. The man hesitantly hands the bottle back to the alien to get re-slimed and then drinks from it, and the music and the party continue in perfect harmony. Coca-Cola’s mass communications strategy has evolved over the years and today mixes a wide range of media including television, radio, print, online, in-store, digital, billboard, public relations, events, paraphernalia, and even its own museum. The company’s target audi- ence and reach are so massive that choosing the right media and marketing message is critical. Coca-Cola uses big events to hit huge audiences; it has sponsored the Olympics since 1928 and advertises during the Super Bowl. Red Coke cups are placed front and center during top-rated television shows like American Idol, and the company spends over $1 billion a year on sports spon- sorships such as NASCAR and the World Cup. Coca- Cola’s global campaigns must also be relevant on a local scale. In China, for example, Coca-Cola has given its re- gional managers control over its advertising so they can include appropriate cultural messages.
  • 21. The delicate balance between Coca-Cola’s local and global marketing is crucial because, as one Coca-Cola executive explained, “Creating effective marketing at a lo- cal level in the absence of global scale can lead to huge inefficiencies.” In 2006, for example, Coca-Cola ran two campaigns during the FIFA World Cup as well as several local campaigns. In 2010, the company ran a single cam- paign during the same event in over 100 markets. Executives at Coca-Cola estimated that the latter, more global strategy saved the company over $45 million in efficiencies. When it comes to mass marketing, perhaps no one does it better than Coca-Cola. Coke is the most popular and best-selling soft drink in history. With an annual marketing budget of nearly $3 billion and annual sales exceeding $30 billion, the brand tops the Interbrand ranking year after year. Today, Coca-Cola holds a current brand value of $68 billion and reaches consumers in over 200 countries, making it the best-known product in the world. In fact, Coca-Cola is such a global phenomenon that its name is the second-most understood word in the world (after okay). The history of Coke’s success is astonishing. The drink was invented in 1886 by Dr. John S. Pemberton, who mixed a syrup of his own invention with carbonated water to cure headaches. The company’s first president later turned the product into a pop culture phenomenon by introducing it to pharmacists and consumers around the world and handing out clocks, posters, and other paraphernalia with the Coca-Cola logo. Coca-Cola believed early on that to gain worldwide acceptance, the brand needed to connect emotionally and socially with the masses, and the product needed to be “within arm’s-length of desire.” So the company fo-
  • 22. cused on gaining extensive distribution and worked hard at making the product loved by all. In World War II, it de- clared that “every man in uniform gets a bottle of Coca- Cola for 5 cents, wherever he is, and whatever it costs the company.” This strategy helped introduce the soft drink to people around the world as well as connect with them positively in a time of turmoil. Why is Coca-Cola so much bigger than any other competitor? What Coke does better than everyone else is create highly current, uplifting global campaigns that trans- late well into different countries, languages, and cultures. Coke’s advertising over the years has primarily focused on the product’s ability to quench thirst and the brand’s 532 PART 7 COMMUNICATING VALUE Marketing Excellence >>Gillette shave on the planet”—the six-bladed Fusion, with five blades in the front for regular shaving and one in the back for trimming. Today, Gillette holds a commanding lead in the shaving and razor business with a 70 percent global market share and $7.5 billion in annual sales. Six hun- dred million men use a Gillette product every day, and the Fusion razor accounts for 45 percent of the men’s razors sold in the United States. Gillette’s mass appeal is a result of several factors, including extensive consumer research, quality product innovations, and successful mass communications.
  • 23. While Gillette’s product launches have improved male grooming, it’s the company’s impressive marketing knowledge and campaigns that have helped it reach this international level of success. Traditionally, Gillette uses one global marketing message rather than individ- ual targeted messages for each country or region. This message is backed by a wide spectrum of advertising support, including athletic sponsorships, television campaigns, in-store promotions, print ads, online ad- vertising, and direct marketing. Gillette’s most recent global marketing effort, “The Moment,” launched in 2009, is an extension of its well- recognized campaign, “The Best a Man Can Get.” The campaign features everyday men as well as the Gillette Champions—baseball star Derek Jeter, tennis cham- pion Roger Federer, and soccer great Thierry Henry— experiencing moments of doubt and Gillette’s grooming products helping them gain confidence. The campaign was designed to help Gillette expand beyond razors and shaving and increase sales of its entire line of Despite its unprecedented success over the years, Coke is not perfect. In 1985, in perhaps the worst product launch ever, Coca-Cola introduced New Coke—a sweeter concoction of the original secret formula. Consumers instantly rejected it and sales plummeted. Three months later, Coca-Cola retracted New Coke and relaunched the original formula under the name Coca-Cola Classic, to the delight of customers everywhere. Then-CEO Roberto Goizueta stated, “The simple fact is that all the time and money and skill poured into consumer research on the new Coca-Cola could not measure or reveal the deep and abiding emotional attachment to original Coca-Cola felt by so many people.”
  • 24. Coca-Cola’s success at marketing a product on such a global, massive scale is unique. No other product is so universally available, universally accepted, and universally loved. As the company continues to grow, it seeks out new ways to better connect with even more individuals. Referring to itself as a “Happiness Factory,” it is optimistic that it will succeed. Questions 1. What does Coca-Cola stand for? Is it the same for everyone? Explain. 2. Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to billions of people around the world. Why is it so successful? 3. Can Pepsi or any other company ever surpass Coca- Cola? Why or why not? What are Coca-Cola’s greatest risks? Sources: Natalie Zmuda, “Coca-Cola Lays Out Its Vision for the Future at 2010 Meeting.” Advertising Age, November 22, 2009; Natalie Zmuda, “Coke’s ‘Open Happiness’ Keeps It Simple for Global Audience,” Advertising Age, January 21, 2009; John Greenwald, “Will Teens Buy It?” Time, June 24, 2001; “Coca-Cola Still Viewed as Most Valuable Brand.” USA Today, September 18, 2009; Edward Rothstein, “Ingredients: Carbonated Water, High- Fructose Corniness . . .” New York Times, July 30, 2007; Brad Cook, “Coca-Cola: A Classic,” Brandchannel, December 2, 2002; Coca-Cola, Annual Report.
  • 25. Gillette knows men. Not only does the company under- stand what products men desire for their grooming needs, it also knows how to market to men all around the world. Since the invention of the safety razor by King C. Gillette in 1901, Gillette has had a number of break- through product innovations. These include the first twin- blade shaving system in 1971 named the Trac II, a razor with a pivoting head in 1977 called the Atra, and the first razor with spring-mounted twin blades in 1989 dubbed the Sensor. In 1998, Gillette introduced the first triple- blade system, Mach3, which became a billion-dollar brand surpassed only by the 2006 launch of the “best