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© MariaDB. Company Confidential.
© MariaDB. Company Confidential.
MariaDB Server
•  Backed	
•  Enterprise	
•  Goal	
© MariaDB. Company Confidential.
MariaDB Versions
•  MariaDB	
–  MariaDB	
–  MariaDB	
•  MariaDB	
•  MariaDB	
–  Plus	
•  MariaDB	
–  Plus	
© MariaDB. Company Confidential.
MariaDB 10.0
●  Advanced parallel replication
●  Sharding
●  MaxScale proxy 
●  Enhanced optimization
●  Improved and special purpose storage engines
●  Carefully tuned and enhanced server internals
●  Advanced performance monitoring
●  HA clustering - integrating Galera cluster
●  More online operations, less planned downtime
●  Interoperable storage engines such as Cassandra and Connect
●  Dynamic columns and JSON processing
●  HandlerSocket API
●  Comprehensive diagnostics built-in to the DB
●  APIs and open architecture for easier integration
●  Role-based access control
●  Authentication plugins
●  Sophisticated auditing capabilities
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Global Transaction ID (GTID)
●  New MariaDB exclusive global event
ID unique across multiple
independent replication streams.
○  DomainID added to SeqNum-ServerID to
uniquely label replication events.
○  Slaves save their replication status in a
crash-safe table, transactionally synced
to the slave’s binlog.
○  Replication streams always strictly
ordered, but independent streams may
be interleaved on the slave.
●  Much simpler failover to new master
with complex topologies.
●  Supports multi-source and parallel

Replication State
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
●  Sponsored by Google.
●  Allows slaves to
process update events
in parallel.
●  Uses MariaDB 10’s
improved Global
Transaction ID (GTID).

●  Preliminary benchmarks: almost 10x faster at 12 threads.
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Multi-Source Replication

●  Collects data for
analytics using
built-in replication.
●  Aids in administration
example: consolidated
backups of multiple databases.
●  Uses MariaDB 10’s improved
Global Transaction ID (GTID).
Online E-
Click-stream data
Data Warehouse
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
●  Clustered MariaDB nodes
cooperate to remain in sync.
●  With multiple master nodes,
reads and updates both scale.
●  Synchronous replication with
optimistic locking delivers high
availability with little overhead.
●  Fast failover because all nodes
remains synchronized.
●  Integrated and tested binaries.
MariaDB Galera Cluster
Load Balancing
and Failover
Application / App Server
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Optimizer Improvements

●  Enhancements include:
○  Disk access optimizations.
○  JOIN optimizations.
○  Subquery optimizations.
○  Optimized derived tables and views.
○  Execution control.
○  Optimizer control.
○  EXPLAIN improvements.

Less I/O, CPU, memory requirements. Faster execution.
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
CPU Cache
Disks, SANs
6 orders of magnitude
How Does Fusion-io Flash Storage
Accelerate Databases?
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
How Much Faster Is MariaDB 10
With Fusion-io?
About 24 times faster
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
MariaDB 10 Interoperability:
Cassandra Storage Engine
●  Window into a Cassandra ring:
read/write like a table in MariaDB.
●  Use standard SQL queries.
●  JOIN Cassandra data
to MariaDB tables.
●  Use a MariaDB cluster
for high-availability
●  Bring data from
Cassandra into OLTP

MariaDB Parser/Optimizer/Connection Pool
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Dynamic (& Virtual) Columns
●  Store unstructured data in MariaDB tables with a simple API.
●  Use MariaDB’s indexing and transactions to manipulate
“document” style data fast and consistently.
●  Nest sets of dynamic columns inside of other dynamic columns -
hierarchical structuring.
●  Include multiple rows with dynamic columns in transactions.
●  Virtual Columns allows to create function based columns

Cust ID
 Account Balance
 NAME: John Smith|LOC: 45.35243, -74.98348|IMAGE: x27A8B8C ...
 NAME: Jane Doe|LOC: 45.35243, -74.98348|AGE: 32| GENDER: F...
 NAME: Carol Jones|AGE: 43|GENDER: F||IMAGE: xA9674DE678 ...
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Introducing MariaDB MaxScale,
Web Scale Database Proxy
MaxScale hides complexity, making
clusters of systems look like a single
server to a client.
●  Simplifies complex replication schemes
for massive scale, high availability.
●  Manages performance with logging.
●  Safeguards data through firewall filtering.
●  Connects diverse clients and databases
with multiple protocols, query transformations.
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Each application server uses 2
connections: 1 R/W, 1 R
MaxScale connects the R/W client
connections to the master and the R
connections are load-balanced to all
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Each application server uses
only 1 connection
MaxScale creates 2 connections, one for
R/W on the master node and one for R/O
load balanced on the slave nodes
MaxScale monitors the state of
each node and only applies
operations on available slaves
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
MariaDB 10 Interoperability:
CONNECT Storage Engine
●  From 3rd party developer.
●  Maps diverse data
to tables.
●  JOIN mapped data
to DB tables.
●  Flat files including CSV.
●  Tables in external DBs.
●  Generated tables
(PIVOT etc.)
●  Plug-in API for your own mappings.
Powerful tool for data integration, federation.
MariaDB Parser/Optimizer/Connection Pool
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
The CONNECT Storage Engine
MySQL Server / MariaDB
MyISAM InnoDB Memory Connect Federated Merge CSV ...
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
CONNECT Storage Engine ODBC table
●  Allow to access to any ODBC data source.
–  Excel, Access, Firebird, SQLite
–  SQL Server, Oracle, DB2
●  Supports insert, update, delete and any other commands
●  Multi files ODBC: consolidated monthly excel datasheet
● On Linux access to ODBC and UnixODBC data sources
● WHERE conditions are push to the ODBC source
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
DSN for ODBC target
● Standard DSN syntax used
● Auto discovery of columns takes place
● If specified the columns set can be a subset
of target table
create table toto ENGINE=CONNECT
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Remote execution of SQL on ODBC
To execute non MySQL syntax 
To compute agregate remotely
create table emp_hierarchy
srcdef='SELECT empno, ename, mgr, LEVEL FROM emp
CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr;';
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Any command on the ODBC target
create table crlite (
command varchar(128) not null,
number int(5) not null flag=1,
message varchar(255) flag=2)
engine=connect table_type=odbc
connection='Driver=SQLite3 ODBC
select * from crlite where command =
'CREATE TABLE lite (ID integer primary key, …)';
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON is cool for developers so ...
● Hierarchical, simple types
● JSON is used as storage format for document
stores: CouchBase, MongoDB(BSON)
● Used by rest API : FB, AWS, AZURE …
● JSON is at the heart of JavaScript
● Used by many cool dev framework : AngulaJS
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Not much so far for JSON & MySQL
● JSON udfs to do basic operations:
○ To manipulate JSON (search, contains,
extract, set, append, remove, replace ..)
○ To generate JSON (value, object, arrays,
○ It is udf so do not expect top performance L
● Import / export in JSON
○ Mysql2json
○ Mysqljson
● Explain output in JSON
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON output of MariaDB Dynamic
MariaDB JSON export of dynamic columns
> select item_name, COLUMN_JSON(dynamic_cols) from assets;
| item_name | COLUMN_JSON(dynamic_cols) |
| MariaDB T-shirt | {"size":”XL","color":"blue"} |
| Thinkpad Laptop | {"color":"black","warranty":"3 years"} |
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Not much so far for JSON and MySQL
but ..
● A native JSON type with content indexing and
compact format would be great JNow it is
coming ! :
○ Facebook introduces DOCstore with Native JSON
■ Indexing on mixed col + document path 
○ MySQL 5.7 lab release with native JSON support :
■ Validation, fast access
■ index through virtual columns
● It was time to do it, PostgreSQL already got it
( JSONB, index, functions …)
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON is simple
"ISBN": "9782212090819",!
"AUTHOR": [!
"FIRSTNAME": "Jean-Christophe",!
"LASTNAME": "Bernadac"!
"TITLE": "Construire une application XML",!
"NAME": "Eyrolles", ...!
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Create a table on JSON file
● JSON Path used to map column names to JSON

create table jsampall (!
ISBN char(15),!
Author char(128) field_format='AUTHOR:[" and "]',!
Title char(32) field_format='TITLE',!
Publisher char(20) field_format='PUBLISHER:NAME',!
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON Table Type Query Result
 The result is:

Title author
publisher location
Construire application XML Jean Bernadac and François Knab
Eyrolles Paris
XML en Action William J. Pardi
Microsoft Press Paris
select title, author, publisher, location
from jsampall;!
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Create a table on JSON file
● Possibility to define the starting point
● For example with this Facebook JSON file :

"data": [
"id": "X999_Y999",
"from": {
"name": "Tom Brady", "id": "X12"
"message": "Looking forward to 2010!",
"actions": [
"name": "Comment",
"link": ""
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Create a table on JSON file
● Possibility to define the starting point

create table jfacebook (
`ID` char(10) field_format='id',
`Name` char(32) field_format='from:name',
`Action` char(16) field_format='actions::name',
`Link` varchar(256) field_format='actions::link',
engine=connect table_type=JSON
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON file formats supported
● 2 JSON file formats supported
● format of exported MongoDB files : 

{ "_id" : "01001", "city" : "AGAWAM", "loc" : [ -72.622739, 42.070206 ],
"pop" : 15338, "state" : "MA" }
{ "_id" : "01002", "city" : "CUSHMAN", "loc" : [ -72.51564999999999,
42.377017 ], "pop" : 36963, "state" : "MA" } …
create table cities (
`_id` char(5) key, `city` char(32),
`long` double(12,6) field_format='loc:[1]',
`lat` double(12,6) field_format='loc:[2]’ )
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON file_name='cities.json'
lrecl=128 option_list='pretty=0';
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON Table Type : The Jpath Specification
Specification Array Type 
 Take the nth value of the array. Ignore it if n is 0.
[X] or [x] 
 Expand. Generate one row for each array value.
 Concatenate all values separated by specified
 Make the sum of all the array values.
 Make the product of all array values.
Numeric Make the average of all the array values.
[>] or [<] 
 Return the greatest or least value of the array.
 Return the number of values in the array. 

 Sum if numeric, else concatenation separated by
“, “.

 Take the first value if an array.
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON facts table Aggregation of property
 The result is:

"WHO": "Joe",
"WEEK": 3,
"WHAT": "Beer",
"AMOUNT": 18.00
"WHO": "Joe",
"WEEK": 4,
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Aggregation through SQL/JSON Path
 The result is:

create table jexpw (
WHO char(12) not null,
WEEK int(2) not null field_format='WEEK:[x]:NUMBER',
WHAT char(32) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE:[", "]:WHAT',
SUM double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE:
AVERAGE double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE:
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='expense.json’;
Joe 3 Beer, Food, Food, Car 69.00 17.25
Joe 4 Beer, Beer, Food, Food, Beer 83.00 16.60
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON facts table Aggregation through SQL
 The result is:

CREATE TABLE `jexpall` (
`WHO` char(12) DEFAULT NULL,
`WEEK` int(2) DEFAULT NULL `field_format`='WEEK:[x]:NUMBER',
`WHAT` char(32) DEFAULT NULL `field_format`='WEEK:[x]:EXPENSE:
`AMOUNT` double(8,2) DEFAULT NULL `field_format`='WEEK:[x]:EXPENSE:
select who,week, !
sum(amount), !
avg(amount) !
from jexpall group by who,week;!
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Simple JSON creation with
● CONNECT will automatically discover the
structure of a JSON file (like with ODBC)
○ Automatic column naming
■ Column name =
● Use a depth argument for flattening hierarchy
○ Deeper will remain JSON
● Will return 1rst array element (as do not now
what to do with array elements)
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Simple creation with autodiscovery 
● Show create table will show what has been
create table jsampall2 engine=connect table_type=JSON
file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='level=1';
CREATE TABLE `jsampall2` (
`ISBN` char(13) NOT NULL,
`FILE_NAME`='biblio3.json' `OPTION_LIST`='level=1';
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Catalog of a JSON File
create table bibcol engine=connect table_type=JSON
file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='level=2' catfunc=columns;
select column_name, type_name type, column_size size,
jpath from bibcol;
column_name type size jpath
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON representation of an existing
● With CONNECT it is very easy to get the JSON
representation of a table
● Create like or Create Select works fine
● Insert … Select json_object(…) from 
create table xj1 (
row varchar(500) field_format='*’
engine=connect table_type=JSON
file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='jmode=2’;
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Build JSON to populate file
● Udf used to build the JSON representation of
the table
insert into xj1
select json_object_nonull(ISBN, language LANG,
SUBJECT, json_array_grp(json_object(authorfn
json_object(translated PREFIX, json_object(tranfn
json_object(publisher NAME, location PLACE)
from xsampall2 group by isbn;
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
JSON representation of existing
What about master-detail table based on Foreign
Key ?
- You can create view to hide the join
- use udf to build the hierarchical JSON structure
Classic impedance mismatch between a
hierarchical(object model) and
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Modify JSON File
● Update a JSON table
update jsampex set authorfn = 'John'
where authorln = 'Knab';
update jsample2 set json_author =
json_array_add(json_author, json_object('Charles'
where isbn = '9782840825685’;
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Some useful udf functions
● JSON building udf including aggregate
Name Type Return Description
Json_Value Function STRING Make a JSON value from its unique argument
Json_Array Function STRING Make a JSON array containing its arguments
Json_Array_Add Function STRING Add to its first array argument all following arguments
Json_Object Function STRING Make a JSON object containing its arguments
Json_Object_nonull Function STRING Make a JSON object containing its not null arguments
Json_Array_Grp Aggregate STRING Makes JSON arrays from coming argument
Json_Object_Grp Aggregate STRING Makes JSON objects from coming arguments
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
What is next ? Evolutions
● It would be great to be able to query through
http a rest API as if it was a JSON file
create table jsampall (!
engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON !
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
Take aways
● CONNECT storage Engine can make you life
simpler for heterogeneous datasources
● CONNECT offers JSON complementary
○ CONNECT/JSON to read, produce, modify JSON file
○ Native JSON for strict efficient JSON
○ JSON udf to manipulate JSON stored as text
© 2014, MariaDB Corp.
●  bugs:
●  mailing lists:
●  twitter: @mariadb
●  #maria on
●  downloads:
○  apt,yum repositoriies available
●  Default in RHEL7, SuSE 12, Fedora, Slackware, Archlinux etc etc

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MariaDB: Connect Storage Engine

  • 1. © MariaDB. Company Confidential.
  • 2. ©  MariaDB  Corpora,on  Ab.  Company  Confiden,al.   MariaDB     &   CONNECT  Storage  Engine   Serge  Frezefond   @sfrezefond  
  • 3. © MariaDB. Company Confidential. MariaDB Server •  RDBMS  open  source  project    based  on  MySQL  under  GPLv2   •  Backed  by  MariaDB  Founda,on   •  Enterprise  product    (MariaDB  Enterprise)     •  Goal  is  to  be  the  best  DB  for  DevOps  while  remaining  compa,ble  with   MySQL  
  • 4. © MariaDB. Company Confidential. MariaDB Versions •  MariaDB  5.1  based  on  MySQL  CE  5.1   –  MariaDB  5.2  based  on  MariaDB  5.1   –  MariaDB  5.3  based  on  MariaDB  5.2   •  MariaDB  5.5  based  on  MySQL  CE  5.5   •  MariaDB  10.0  based  on  MariaDB  5.5   –  Plus  features  from  MySQL  5.6   •  MariaDB  10.1  based  on  MariaDB  10.0   –  Plus  features  from  MySQL  5.7      
  • 5. © MariaDB. Company Confidential. MariaDB 10.0 Scalability ●  Advanced parallel replication ●  Sharding ●  MaxScale proxy Performance ●  Enhanced optimization ●  Improved and special purpose storage engines ●  Carefully tuned and enhanced server internals ●  Advanced performance monitoring Availability ●  HA clustering - integrating Galera cluster ●  More online operations, less planned downtime NoSQL ●  Interoperable storage engines such as Cassandra and Connect ●  Dynamic columns and JSON processing ●  HandlerSocket API Operations ●  Comprehensive diagnostics built-in to the DB ●  APIs and open architecture for easier integration Security ●  Role-based access control ●  Authentication plugins ●  Sophisticated auditing capabilities
  • 6. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Global Transaction ID (GTID) ●  New MariaDB exclusive global event ID unique across multiple independent replication streams. ○  DomainID added to SeqNum-ServerID to uniquely label replication events. ○  Slaves save their replication status in a crash-safe table, transactionally synced to the slave’s binlog. ○  Replication streams always strictly ordered, but independent streams may be interleaved on the slave. ●  Much simpler failover to new master with complex topologies. ●  Supports multi-source and parallel replication. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 A1 A2 B1 A3 B2 B3 A4 A 4 B 3 Crash-safe Replication State XX DomainID 32-bit YYYY SeqNum 64-bit ZZ ServerID 32-bit MariaDB GTID
  • 7. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Parallel  Slave  Replica,on   ●  Sponsored by Google. ●  Allows slaves to process update events in parallel. ●  Uses MariaDB 10’s improved Global Transaction ID (GTID). ●  Preliminary benchmarks: almost 10x faster at 12 threads.
  • 8. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Multi-Source Replication ●  Collects data for analytics using built-in replication. ●  Aids in administration example: consolidated backups of multiple databases. ●  Uses MariaDB 10’s improved Global Transaction ID (GTID). Online E- Commerce Application Master S S S S Content Management System Click-stream data Data Warehouse Slave ETL Master S S S S Master S S S S
  • 9. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. ●  Clustered MariaDB nodes cooperate to remain in sync. ●  With multiple master nodes, reads and updates both scale. ●  Synchronous replication with optimistic locking delivers high availability with little overhead. ●  Fast failover because all nodes remains synchronized. ●  Integrated and tested binaries. MariaDB Galera Cluster Load Balancing and Failover Application / App Server
  • 10. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Optimizer Improvements ●  Enhancements include: ○  Disk access optimizations. ○  JOIN optimizations. ○  Subquery optimizations. ○  Optimized derived tables and views. ○  Execution control. ○  Optimizer control. ○  EXPLAIN improvements. Less I/O, CPU, memory requirements. Faster execution.
  • 11. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. CPU Cache DRAM Disks, SANs Nanoseconds Microseconds Milliseconds 6 orders of magnitude How Does Fusion-io Flash Storage Accelerate Databases?
  • 12. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. How Much Faster Is MariaDB 10 With Fusion-io? 12  hours   24  hours   /    sec   Fusion-­‐io  fills  the  buffer  pool  in  less  than  an  hour   All  the  data  does  not  fit  in  the  buffer   pool,   So  performance  dips     Never  dips  below  25,000  tx  /  sec   HDD  performance  rises  for  much  longer   as  takes  a  LOT  longer  to  fill  buffer  pool   1  hour   HDD  :  Performance  dips  as  IO   increases   About 24 times faster
  • 13. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. MariaDB 10 Interoperability: Cassandra Storage Engine ●  Window into a Cassandra ring: read/write like a table in MariaDB. ●  Use standard SQL queries. ●  JOIN Cassandra data to MariaDB tables. ●  Use a MariaDB cluster for high-availability access. ●  Bring data from Cassandra into OLTP applications. Application Spi der Database Tables MariaDB Parser/Optimizer/Connection Pool Cassandra Engine Other Engines
  • 14. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Dynamic (& Virtual) Columns ●  Store unstructured data in MariaDB tables with a simple API. ●  Use MariaDB’s indexing and transactions to manipulate “document” style data fast and consistently. ●  Nest sets of dynamic columns inside of other dynamic columns - hierarchical structuring. ●  Include multiple rows with dynamic columns in transactions. ●  Virtual Columns allows to create function based columns Cust ID Account Balance Dyn_Col_BLOBs 2035 $154.04 NAME: John Smith|LOC: 45.35243, -74.98348|IMAGE: x27A8B8C ... 2036 $929.10 NAME: Jane Doe|LOC: 45.35243, -74.98348|AGE: 32| GENDER: F... 2037 $377.53 NAME: Carol Jones|AGE: 43|GENDER: F||IMAGE: xA9674DE678 ...
  • 15. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Introducing MariaDB MaxScale, Web Scale Database Proxy MaxScale hides complexity, making clusters of systems look like a single server to a client. ●  Simplifies complex replication schemes for massive scale, high availability. ●  Manages performance with logging. ●  Safeguards data through firewall filtering. ●  Connects diverse clients and databases with multiple protocols, query transformations. Client Simple Requests MaxScale
  • 16. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. MaxScale  Use  Case  1:  Read  Scalability   19.06.2014 MaxScae MySQL  Replica.on  +  Connec.on  Load  Balancing   Each application server uses 2 connections: 1 R/W, 1 R MaxScale connects the R/W client connections to the master and the R connections are load-balanced to all slaves
  • 17. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. MaxScale  Use  Case  2:  R/W  Rou,ng   MySQL  Replica.on  +  R/W  Split   Each application server uses only 1 connection MaxScale creates 2 connections, one for R/W on the master node and one for R/O load balanced on the slave nodes MaxScale R/W Splitting MaxScale monitors the state of each node and only applies operations on available slaves
  • 18. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. MariaDB 10 Interoperability: CONNECT Storage Engine ●  From 3rd party developer. ●  Maps diverse data to tables. ●  JOIN mapped data to DB tables. ●  Flat files including CSV. ●  Tables in external DBs. ●  Generated tables (PIVOT etc.) ●  Plug-in API for your own mappings. Powerful tool for data integration, federation. Application Spi der MariaDB Parser/Optimizer/Connection Pool CONNECT Engine Other Engines Database Tables .log XML CSV
  • 19. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. The CONNECT Storage Engine MySQL Server / MariaDB MyISAM InnoDB Memory Connect Federated Merge CSV ... ODBC MySQL XML CSV DIR TBL JSON ... XML CSV ODBC MySQL DIR ...
  • 20. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. CONNECT Storage Engine ODBC table type ●  Allow to access to any ODBC data source. –  Excel, Access, Firebird, SQLite –  SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 ●  Supports insert, update, delete and any other commands J ●  Multi files ODBC: consolidated monthly excel datasheet ● On Linux access to ODBC and UnixODBC data sources ● WHERE conditions are push to the ODBC source
  • 21. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. DSN for ODBC target ● Standard DSN syntax used ● Auto discovery of columns takes place ● If specified the columns set can be a subset of target table create table toto ENGINE=CONNECT TABLE_TYPE=ODBC tabname='EMP' CONNECTION='DSN=orcl;UID=scott;PWD=manager1';
  • 22. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Remote execution of SQL on ODBC target To execute non MySQL syntax To compute agregate remotely create table emp_hierarchy ENGINE=CONNECT TABLE_TYPE=ODBC tabname='EMP' CONNECTION='DSN=orcl;UID=scott;PWD=manager' srcdef='SELECT empno, ename, mgr, LEVEL FROM emp CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr;';
  • 23. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Any command on the ODBC target create table crlite ( command varchar(128) not null, number int(5) not null flag=1, message varchar(255) flag=2) engine=connect table_type=odbc connection='Driver=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=test.sqlite3;NoWCHAR=yes' option_list='Execsrc=1'; select * from crlite where command = 'CREATE TABLE lite (ID integer primary key, …)';
  • 24. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON is cool for developers so ... ● Hierarchical, simple types ● JSON is used as storage format for document stores: CouchBase, MongoDB(BSON) ● Used by rest API : FB, AWS, AZURE … ● JSON is at the heart of JavaScript ● Used by many cool dev framework : AngulaJS …
  • 25. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Not much so far for JSON & MySQL ● JSON udfs to do basic operations: ○ To manipulate JSON (search, contains, extract, set, append, remove, replace ..) ○ To generate JSON (value, object, arrays, member…) ○ It is udf so do not expect top performance L ● Import / export in JSON ○ Mysql2json ○ Mysqljson ● Explain output in JSON
  • 26. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON output of MariaDB Dynamic column MariaDB JSON export of dynamic columns > select item_name, COLUMN_JSON(dynamic_cols) from assets; +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | item_name | COLUMN_JSON(dynamic_cols) | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | MariaDB T-shirt | {"size":”XL","color":"blue"} | | Thinkpad Laptop | {"color":"black","warranty":"3 years"} | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------+
  • 27. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Not much so far for JSON and MySQL but .. ● A native JSON type with content indexing and compact format would be great JNow it is coming ! : ○ Facebook introduces DOCstore with Native JSON support ■ Indexing on mixed col + document path ○ MySQL 5.7 lab release with native JSON support : ■ Validation, fast access ■ index through virtual columns ● It was time to do it, PostgreSQL already got it ( JSONB, index, functions …)
  • 28. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON is simple {! "ISBN": "9782212090819",! …! "AUTHOR": [! {! "FIRSTNAME": "Jean-Christophe",! "LASTNAME": "Bernadac"! },! ..! ],! "TITLE": "Construire une application XML",! "PUBLISHER": {! "NAME": "Eyrolles", ...! },! }!
  • 29. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Create a table on JSON file ● JSON Path used to map column names to JSON properties create table jsampall (! ISBN char(15),! …! Author char(128) field_format='AUTHOR:[" and "]',! Title char(32) field_format='TITLE',! Publisher char(20) field_format='PUBLISHER:NAME',! )! engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='biblio3.jsn';!
  • 30. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON Table Type Query Result  The result is: Title author publisher location Construire application XML Jean Bernadac and François Knab Eyrolles Paris XML en Action William J. Pardi Microsoft Press Paris select title, author, publisher, location from jsampall;!
  • 31. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Create a table on JSON file ● Possibility to define the starting point ● For example with this Facebook JSON file : { "data": [ { "id": "X999_Y999", "from": { "name": "Tom Brady", "id": "X12" }, "message": "Looking forward to 2010!", "actions": [ { "name": "Comment", "link": ""
  • 32. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Create a table on JSON file ● Possibility to define the starting point create table jfacebook ( `ID` char(10) field_format='id', `Name` char(32) field_format='from:name', `Action` char(16) field_format='actions::name', `Link` varchar(256) field_format='actions::link', engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='facebook.json' option_list='Object=data,Expand=actions';
  • 33. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON file formats supported ● 2 JSON file formats supported ● format of exported MongoDB files : 33 { "_id" : "01001", "city" : "AGAWAM", "loc" : [ -72.622739, 42.070206 ], "pop" : 15338, "state" : "MA" } { "_id" : "01002", "city" : "CUSHMAN", "loc" : [ -72.51564999999999, 42.377017 ], "pop" : 36963, "state" : "MA" } … create table cities ( `_id` char(5) key, `city` char(32), `long` double(12,6) field_format='loc:[1]', `lat` double(12,6) field_format='loc:[2]’ ) engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON file_name='cities.json' lrecl=128 option_list='pretty=0';
  • 34. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON Table Type : The Jpath Specification Specification Array Type Description [n] All Take the nth value of the array. Ignore it if n is 0. [X] or [x] All Expand. Generate one row for each array value. ["string”] String Concatenate all values separated by specified string. [+] Numeric Make the sum of all the array values. [*] Numeric Make the product of all array values. [!] Numeric Make the average of all the array values. [>] or [<] All Return the greatest or least value of the array. [#] All Return the number of values in the array. [] All Sum if numeric, else concatenation separated by “, “. All Take the first value if an array.
  • 35. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON facts table Aggregation of property values  The result is: [ { "WHO": "Joe", "WEEK": 3, "EXPENSE": [ { "WHAT": "Beer", "AMOUNT": 18.00 }, … ] }, { "WHO": "Joe", "WEEK": 4, "EXPENSE":
  • 36. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Aggregation through SQL/JSON Path  The result is: create table jexpw ( WHO char(12) not null, WEEK int(2) not null field_format='WEEK:[x]:NUMBER', WHAT char(32) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE:[", "]:WHAT', SUM double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE: [+]:AMOUNT', AVERAGE double(8,2) not null field_format='WEEK::EXPENSE: [!]:AMOUNT') engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON File_name='expense.json’; WHO WEEK WHAT SUM AVERAGE Joe 3 Beer, Food, Food, Car 69.00 17.25 Joe 4 Beer, Beer, Food, Food, Beer 83.00 16.60
  • 37. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON facts table Aggregation through SQL  The result is: CREATE TABLE `jexpall` ( `WHO` char(12) DEFAULT NULL, `WEEK` int(2) DEFAULT NULL `field_format`='WEEK:[x]:NUMBER', `WHAT` char(32) DEFAULT NULL `field_format`='WEEK:[x]:EXPENSE: [x]:WHAT', `AMOUNT` double(8,2) DEFAULT NULL `field_format`='WEEK:[x]:EXPENSE: [x]:AMOUNT' ) ENGINE=CONNECT DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 `table_type`=JSON `File_name`='/var/lib/mysql/json/expense.jsn’ select who,week, ! group_concat(what),! sum(amount), ! avg(amount) ! from jexpall group by who,week;!
  • 38. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Simple JSON creation with autodiscovery ● CONNECT will automatically discover the structure of a JSON file (like with ODBC) ○ Automatic column naming ■ Column name = propertyname1_..._propertyname5 ● Use a depth argument for flattening hierarchy ○ Deeper will remain JSON ● Will return 1rst array element (as do not now what to do with array elements)
  • 39. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Simple creation with autodiscovery ● Show create table will show what has been autodiscovered 39 create table jsampall2 engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='level=1'; CREATE TABLE `jsampall2` ( `ISBN` char(13) NOT NULL, `AUTHOR_FIRSTNAME` char(15) NOT NULL `FIELD_FORMAT`='AUTHOR::FIRSTNAME', … ) ENGINE=CONNECT `TABLE_TYPE`='JSON' `FILE_NAME`='biblio3.json' `OPTION_LIST`='level=1';
  • 40. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Catalog of a JSON File create table bibcol engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='level=2' catfunc=columns; select column_name, type_name type, column_size size, jpath from bibcol; column_name type size jpath ISBN CHAR 13 TITLE CHAR 30 ... TRANSLATED_TRANSLATOR_FIRSTNAME CHAR 5 TRANSLATED:TRANSLATOR:FIRSTNAME
  • 41. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON representation of an existing table ● With CONNECT it is very easy to get the JSON representation of a table ● Create like or Create Select works fine ● Insert … Select json_object(…) from create table xj1 ( row varchar(500) field_format='*’ ) engine=connect table_type=JSON file_name='biblio3.json' option_list='jmode=2’;
  • 42. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Build JSON to populate file ● Udf used to build the JSON representation of the table insert into xj1 select json_object_nonull(ISBN, language LANG, SUBJECT, json_array_grp(json_object(authorfn FIRSTNAME, authorln LASTNAME)) json_AUTHOR, TITLE, json_object(translated PREFIX, json_object(tranfn FIRSTNAME, tranln LASTNAME) json_TRANSLATOR) json_TRANSLATED, json_object(publisher NAME, location PLACE) json_PUBLISHER, date DATEPUB) from xsampall2 group by isbn;
  • 43. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. JSON representation of existing tables What about master-detail table based on Foreign Key ? - You can create view to hide the join - use udf to build the hierarchical JSON structure Classic impedance mismatch between a hierarchical(object model) and
  • 44. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Modify JSON File ● Update a JSON table update jsampex set authorfn = 'John' where authorln = 'Knab'; update jsample2 set json_author = json_array_add(json_author, json_object('Charles' FIRSTNAME, 'Dickens' LASTNAME)) where isbn = '9782840825685’;
  • 45. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Some useful udf functions ● JSON building udf including aggregate functions Name Type Return Description Json_Value Function STRING Make a JSON value from its unique argument Json_Array Function STRING Make a JSON array containing its arguments Json_Array_Add Function STRING Add to its first array argument all following arguments Json_Object Function STRING Make a JSON object containing its arguments Json_Object_nonull Function STRING Make a JSON object containing its not null arguments Json_Array_Grp Aggregate STRING Makes JSON arrays from coming argument Json_Object_Grp Aggregate STRING Makes JSON objects from coming arguments
  • 46. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. What is next ? Evolutions ● It would be great to be able to query through http a rest API as if it was a JSON file create table jsampall (! …! )! engine=CONNECT table_type=JSON ! File_name=’https://../RESTAPI';!
  • 47. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Take aways ● CONNECT storage Engine can make you life simpler for heterogeneous datasources ● CONNECT offers JSON complementary technology ○ CONNECT/JSON to read, produce, modify JSON file ○ Native JSON for strict efficient JSON ○ JSON udf to manipulate JSON stored as text
  • 48. © 2014, MariaDB Corp. Resources ●  bugs: ●  mailing lists: ○ ○ ● ●  twitter: @mariadb ●  #maria on ● ●  downloads: ○  apt,yum repositoriies available ●  Default in RHEL7, SuSE 12, Fedora, Slackware, Archlinux etc etc
  • 49. ©  MariaDB  Corpora,on  Ab.  Company  Confiden,al.   Ques,ons  ?   Serge  Frezefond   @sfrezefond