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20 AUGUST 2006 ISSUE 4

URBAN DESIGN PANEL PAGE 4                                                                   MATTERS
                                                                                            M     S

The Ormiston Road bridge will be located       The 70-metre long structure will be
between Chapel and Murphy’s Roads and       suspended from concrete pylons 46 metres
has been designed to lift the road above    high. Measuring 27 metres across it will
the 100-year fl ood plain and provide a      feature four traffi c lanes, two cycle lanes
pedestrian link through the new Barry       and footpaths on both sides.
Curtis Park.
   “The bridge will be a real landmark at
                                               Building begins on 1 October 2006 with
                                            completion expected by February 2008.           intersections at the town centre and
                                                                                                                                         EVENTS GUIDE
the entrance to Flat Bush and help put         The project will cost approximately $6.3     Chapel Road.                                 PAGE 8
New Zealand’s newest                        million and the contract includes a further        Almost half the total cost will be
town on the map,” says                      $6 million for the upgrading of Ormiston        funded by a subsidy from Land Transport
Cr Alf Filipaina, Chair of                  Road. This will consist of four traffi c lanes   New Zealand.
Manukau City Council’s                      from Chapel Road with signal-controlled
Transport Committee.
                                            “The bridge will be a real landmark at the entrance to Flat Bush
                                             and help put New Zealand’s newest town on the map.”

                                            A COMPUTER GENERATED
                                            IMPRESSION OF THE NEW                            ABOUT                                       A COSTLY
                                            ORMISTON ROAD BRIDGE
                                                                                             FLAT BUSH                                   EPIDEMIC
                                                                                             Flat Bush is New Zealand’s largest          PAGE 3
                                                                                             planned development and covers
                                                                                             1700 hectares with 15,000 homes.
                                                                                             By 2020 it is expected to be home to
                                                                                             40,000 people.
                                                                                                Plans include a town centre with
                                                                                             retail, offi ce and community facilities,
                                                                                             a 94-hectare park (catering for a range
                                                                                             of sporting and recreation needs), an
                                                                                             array of housing options, up to seven new
                                                                                             schools, cycle and pedestrian-friendly
                                                                                             streets, and access to public transport
                                                                                             services. One quarter of the area will
                                                                                             remain as green open space.
                                                                                                Manukau City Council is guiding the
                                                                                             overall design of Flat Bush to ensure
                                                                                             people, places and the environment are
                                                                                             given as much emphasis as economic

MANUKAU                                     CELEBRATING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE
and delivered to more than 100,000          BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS.
households, rural delivery addresses,
and other locations within the              Fourteen of the city’s 21,000 businesses have been named as             events of the year.
city boundaries.                            fi nalists in nine award categories including excellence in exporting,      “Manukau City Council is a proud supporter of the business
   Manukau Matters helps council            manufacturing, innovation and strategy, customer service, small         community and we are committed to promoting economic
inform residents and ratepayers about       business, tourism, workplace safety and employer of choice.             expansion. These awards have gone from strength to strength
council decisions, activities, projects        Finalists range from new and small businesses to long-               since the council initiated them 14 years ago, and I congratulate all
and events. It is a cost-effective way      established companies employing hundreds of staff, and represent        those businesses who entered, and those who have been named as
of providing important statutory            a range of industries.                                                  fi nalists. Building strong businesses is key to the development of
information such as public notices             Mayor Sir Barry Curtis says the awards are recognised as             our city and our people.”
concerning planning and resource            the premiere provincial business awards in New Zealand.                    The calibre of entries confi rms entrepreneurial activity is thriving
consent issues.                             “Winning an award has become a benchmark for business success,          in Manukau.
   Manukau Matters also contains            and the gala presentation evening is one of the most exciting              “This presents a unique opportunity for companies to be judged
articles of interest to Manukau                                                                                     by a panel of industry experts who provide free, independent
residents, promoting the city’s                                                                                     feedback and assessment of a fi rm’s progress against competitors,”
resources, attractions, facilities
and community events.
                                             EAST TAMAKI                                                            says Gaelle Deighton, CEO for Enterprising Manukau, which
                                                                                                                    organises the awards.
                                             CONNECTION                                                                The winners of each category, the Supreme Business of the Year,
CONTACT US AT                                                                                                       and new inductees into the Manukau Business Hall of Fame, will
EMAIL manukaumatters@                        THE NEW MOTORWAY CONNECTION TO EAST                                    be announced at the awards gala dinner, a black tie event on the                              TAMAKI AND THE HIGHBROOK BUSINESS                                      evening of Friday 8 September at the TelstraClear Pacifi c Events
EDITORIAL 262 5223                           PARK IS RAPIDLY TAKING SHAPE.                                          Centre. Tickets are available from Enterprising Manukau, ph 09 262
EVENT LISTINGS                                                                                                      2244 or email This year’s awards are expected                   The $66 million East Tamaki Connection, which is expected to           to attract around 1000 people.
DISTRIBUTION 262 5104                        open in April 2007, is designed to improve access and relieve
POST Manukau City Council,                   congestion in this fast-growing area.
Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City                    The project will also help to concentrate heavy traffi c on to                                                            2005 SUPREME
(attention Manukau Matters)                  arterial routes, improving safety in Otara’s residential and retail                                                        AWARD WINNER
DESIGNED BY                                  areas, and the main arterial roads in Pakuranga.                                                                           GEORGE FISTONICH,
Scenario Communications Limited                 Currently under construction is the Highbrook Drive                                                                        VILLA MARIA
EDITOR Jenna Moore                           motorway interchange. This includes new motorway on and                                                                           (CENTRE) WITH
CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards                 off-ramps, an overbridge and a new roundabout close to the                                                                        PRIME MINISTER
                                             Otahuhu power station.                                                                                                            HELEN CLARK
WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL                        This interchange will open access to the new Highbrook                                                                         AND WESTPAC’S
VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS?                  Business Park, where it’s estimated 10,000 people                                                                                  BRUCE
In addition to your printed copy, we can     will eventually work, and provide direct access to East Tamaki                                                                     MCLACHLAN
send you a PDF version. Email us at          from State Highway One. A new cycleway and footpath will            provide access between Otahuhu and Otara, and across Otara
                                             Creek to Waiouru Peninsula and the business park.                      And the fi nalists are…

WANT TO                                         Recently opened is a new northbound off-ramp at Princes St          Employer of Choice Award              Excellence in Small Business Award
                                             in Otahuhu to replace the old Water St off-ramp. Traffi c lights        Presented by Brookfi eld Lawyers       Presented by Enterprising Manukau
CONTACT COUNCIL,                             have been installed on Albert and Princes Street intersection,         •   Kimberly-Clark New Zealand        •   DECA Training
OR YOUR ELECTED                              and the light phasing is being reviewed to give best results.          •   Mete Construction Ltd             •   Grace Painters Limited
COUNCILLOR?                                     As part of the motorway widening over the Tamaki River              •   Times Newspapers Ltd              •   HMI Technologies Ltd
                                             continues, the Trenwith Street Bridge is also being widened.           •   Works Infrastructure Ltd          Excellence in Tourism Award
Council’s main administration phone          Because of the hazards of travelling next to this work and to          Excellence in Exporting Award         Presented by Kiwi Discovery Limited
number is 263 7100 (business hours).         minimise disruption to residents, Trenwith St will be closed until     Presented by Express Logistics        •   Grange Lodge Motel
Use the Call Centre on 262 5104              early 2007. Motorists and pedestrians should use the Princes St        •   Rural Direct Manufacturing Ltd    •   TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre
(24hours) for assistance with: graffi ti,     bridge instead.                                                        •   IBEX Group                        •   Howick Historical Village
roading, signs, refuse disposal, traffi c,       Manukau City Council is contributing $22 million to the $66         Excellence in Manufacturing Award     Workplace Safety Award
street lighting, environmental by-           million project, with the remainder funded by Land Transport           Presented by the Employers &          Presented by ACC
laws, noise complaints, dog control,         New Zealand and Transit New Zealand.                                   Manufacturers Association             •   Works Infrastructure Ltd
statistical information, LIM reports,                                                                               •   Styrobeck Plastics Ltd            •   Amcor Kiwi Packaging
land rates and kerbside recycling.                                                                                  •   IBEX Group                        Business Contribution to the
   The council’s website has contact                                                                                •   HMI Technologies Ltd              Community Award
details for all elected Councillors and                                                                             •   Kimberly-Clark New Zealand        Presented by the Manukau
Community Board members, at:                                                                                        Excellence in Innovation              Community Foundation                                                                                     and Strategy Award                    •   Ken Stevenson
                                                                                                                    Presented by                          •   Fisher and Paykel Appliances Ltd
                                                                                                                    Realize Innovation Limited            •   Kit Parkinson,
                                                                                                                    •   Styrobeck Plastics Ltd                South Pacifi c Loans Ltd
                                                                                                                    •   IBEX Group                        •   Uluomatootua Aiono, Cogita
                                                                                                                    •   Times Newspapers Ltd              •   Rob Loader Motors
                                                                                                                    •   HMI Technologies Ltd              •   Bucklands Beach Yacht Club
                                                                                                                    Excellence in Customer                •   Reay and Brian Neben,
                                                                                                                    Services Award                            Times Newspapers
                                                                                                                    Presented by Westfi eld Manukau City
NEXT ISSUE Sunday 10 Sept 2006                                                                                      •   Grange Lodge Motel
                                                                                                                    •   Total Health 2000 Ltd
                                               EPIDEMIC COSTING MANUKAU CITY A MILLION DOLLARS
                                               A YEAR IN REMOVAL COSTS.

                                                                                                                                               “... the problem has grown
                                                                                                                                                significantly in the last year,
                                                                                                                                                particularly in Howick and

 The latest statistics from the Manukau
                                          “A COSTLY EPIDEMIC”
                                                   “We cover them with paint, or take           criminal activity for them.                     neighbourhood, and would like to adopt
 Beautifi cation Charitable Trust, which         them off with chemicals or water                   “Because they are seeking fame               a spot, contact the trust on 269 4080.
 operates the council’s graffi ti removal        blasting, depending on the surface.”            through their markings, the most                   Everyone has a role to play in helping
 programme, shows the problem has                  The graffi ti eradication teams work          effective treatment is rapid removal,”          to get rid of graffi ti in Manukau —
 grown signifi cantly in the last year,          on all main roads, parks, reserves              she says.                                       to report graffi ti, contact the council’s
 particularly in Howick and Pakuranga.          and council buildings from Mangere,                Once graffi ti is reported, all tags are      call centre, ph 262 5104 at any time.
    Somewhere between 20,000 and                Manurewa, Papatoetoe, Otara, Botany             photographed and then removed within
 30,000 tags are cleaned up each month,         through to Howick, Pakuranga and right          24 hours. The images are stored on a
 with a whopping 330,000 removed                out to Kawakawa Bay.                            database to aid future prosecutions.
 in 2005.                                          The group also removes tags from                The trust also runs a volunteer
    A team of 25 staff work six days a          private fences if they have the correct         programme called ‘Adopt a Spot’, where
 week and use approximately 2500 litres         paint colour on hand. If not, a letter is       local residents take care of an area close
 of paint every month to cover up graffi ti.     left in the owner’s mailbox asking them         to their homes such as a bus shelter or
    “Tags range in size from a 50 cent          to phone if they need help.                     walkway. If you are interested in helping
 piece to very large, covering whole walls         Barbara says the majority of taggers         to clean up graffi ti in your own
 or fences,” Tagging Eradication Manager        are aged between 12 and 17 and the
 Barbara Carney says.                           practice is often the beginning of

Manukau has managed to keep rate               infrastructure in anticipation of future        our rates rises low because there would be      average residential rate is expected to be
increases to the lowest in the Auckland        growth.                                         so much pressure to pay for costly facilities   $2352, while Auckland City’s will be $3705
region, with an average rise of 5.9 percent.      The council has used statutory reserve       and services,” Sir Barry says.                  and the predicted national average $3093,
   Mayor Sir Barry Curtis says sensible and    and other fi nancial contributions to pay for
prudent long-term planning by the council      much of the city’s requirements, including      “In 10 years’ time Manukau’s average residential rate is expected
has allowed the increase to be kept to         parks, roading upgrades, major water and         to be $2352, while Auckland City’s will be $3705...”
a minimum.                                     drainage lines.
   Manukau is the fastest growing city in         “I am proud of what we have achieved for        Over the next decade it is anticipated       according to fi gures released by Local
the country and for many years the council     residents of the city. If we had neglected to   there will be small rises above infl ation       Government New Zealand.
has invested in large land purchases and       think ahead we would be struggling to keep      each year. In 10 years’ time Manukau’s

Government criteria for its rebate scheme          “It’s also important for people to know
have changed, with the income threshold         about and take advantage of, if necessary,
increased to $20,000 from $7400, and the        our rates relief policy, which allows those
maximum rebate up from $200 to $500.            who are in hardship to defer their rates
In addition, the income allowance has risen
to $500 for each dependant, from $156.
   Manukau City Council Finance Director
                                                   The scheme allows payments to be
                                                delayed, if necessary until death, after
                                                                                                URBAN DESIGN PANEL
Dave Foster says the increased number           which the estate would meet the payments.
of applications, compared with around 150          “This is intended to help people on low
last year, indicates the change was             incomes, in particular superannuitants who                                                                  FROM LEFT:
extremely timely.                               might be on low, fixed incomes but own a                                                                     KEVIN BREWER, ANNETTE
   “People who are on more than $20,000         highly valuable property,” Mr Foster says.                                                                  JONES AND JAMES LUNDAY.
could also be eligible and we urge all those       Rates deferment is not granted
on low incomes to check on our website to       automatically, and the fi nal decision is         Manukau City Council’s newly formed             been involved in a number of major
calculate their eligibility, or call us,”       determined by the applicant’s fi nancial          Urban Design Panel provides professional        projects throughout New Zealand,
Mr Foster says.                                 situation. Anyone wanting to apply should        advice to developers and builders               including Manukau city’s SH20 to
   Applications for the rates rebate can be     call the council call centre on 262 5104.        working in the city. One of only a few in       SH1 connection.
made at any time throughout the year.                                                            New Zealand, and a fi rst for Manukau,               Annette Jones is a senior architect
                                                                                                 the service is initially being offered          at Beca and has 20 years’ experience in
                                                                                                 free-of-charge.                                 the design, planning and construction
MORE LIQUOR BANS                                DOG REGISTRATION                                    Chief Executive Offi cer Leigh Auton          of major facilities including schools,
PROPOSED FOR MANUKAU                            REMINDER                                         says the project is for an initial six-month    libraries, and other district facilities.
Alcohol-related problems in Manukau have        Owners who haven’t registered their dogs         pilot period and is based on a concept          She also advises on barrier-free design
prompted calls for more liquor bans in          are now facing higher fees.                      that has worked elsewhere.                      to improve access for people with
the city.                                          If a dog wasn’t registered by 31 July the        “The members of the panel bring a            mobility diffi culties.
   Manukau residents are invited to have        fee will have increased from $90 to $120.        wealth of experience and expertise                  James Lunday has a strong
their say on a proposal to create fi ve             However it is still essential that owners     which can only have benefi ts for our            international background and reputation
more liquor ban areas: Marine Parade            register their dog immediately to avoid a        city. I hope that local developers and          spanning more than 25 years as an
and Marine Parade Reserve in Howick;            $300 fi ne on top of the fee.                     builders take advantage of the advice           urban designer and landscape architect.
Muir Avenue Reserve , Mangere Bridge;              Dog control offi cers are now visiting         they can provide.”                              He brings particular experience in
Mangere Bridge Town Centre and Swanson          owners of unregistered dogs and, unless             The panel will review and provide            sustainable models, cultural community
Park; Jack Conway Place, Manukau City           they pay the late registration fee in cash,      feedback on how developments such               development and landscape planning,
Centre; Papatoetoe Recreation ground, and       the dog will be immediately seized and the       as new buildings are designed and how           and in heritage and participatory
Kingswood Reserve and access ways.              $300 fi ne issued. Offi cers can produce a         they fi t into the community around them.        processes.
   Residents are invited to make                warrant of authority if dog owners have any      The will also provide advice on civic               The panel is an advisory body only and
submissions on these bans. For more details,    doubts about their identity.                     and physical works such as roading and          does not have the authority to approve
see the public notices advertisement in this       If court action has to be taken the           bridges, and heritage issues.                   or refuse projects.
issue of Manukau Matters.                       cost of having an unregistered dog will be          The three-member panel — Kevin                   Submissions can be made through
                                                even higher.                                     Brewer of Architecture Brewer Davidson,         the council’s consents team, or directly
                                                   Registration can be paid at any NZ            Annette Jones of Beca and James                 to the panel for review, and can be made
A CALL TO ALL DRIVERS                           Postshop, Books and More or the council          Lunday of Common Ground — have a                before or after consent applications
Motorists are being urged to take more care     customer and citizen centre, Kotuku House        complementary set of industry skills.           are lodged.
on the road after the latest Land Transport     in Manukau city centre.                             A founding partner of Architecture               To contact the urban design panel
New Zealand report found that 50 per cent                                                        Brewer Davidson with 22 years as a              call Jaret Lang, ph 262 8900 ext 5831 or
of injury crashes in Manukau city occurred                                                       practicing architect, Kevin Brewer has          email
at intersections.                               DRAFT RURAL STRATEGY
    Key contributing factors are drivers        — HAVE YOUR SAY
failing to give way or stop at crossroads and   Manukau City Council’s draft Rural Strategy     COME JOIN THE BAND                              years ago with the encouragement of
poor observation.                               sets out an overall plan for how growth         If you’ve ever wanted to play the Scottish      Manukau Mayor Sir Barry Curtis after two
    City Traffi c Engineer Bruce Conaghan        in the rural part of the city over the next     bagpipes, here’s your chance.                   pipers from the police band accompanied
says when it comes to road safety, people       20-plus years will be managed.                      The City of Manukau Pipes and Drums         a council delegation to Japan.
must follow the rules.                              The council is asking for public feedback   wants to hear from young people interested          Founding members include councillors
    “It’s about common sense,” he says.         on the strategy. Have your say on how           in forming a youth band. It takes about two     Sharon Stewart and Neil Morrison, and
He asks motorists to drive to the conditions    growth in rural Manukau is managed and fi ll     years to become skilled at playing these        council employees Barry Wallace and
and slow down in wet weather.                   out a feedback form and return it to council    instruments and band leader Barry Wallace       Mark Lowry.
    “Stop, think and look before you drive      by Friday 1 September.                          says while they have a few new learners             Practice takes place at the
out. If you can’t see any cars coming               For more information visit www.manukau.     they need more.                                 council’s Civil Defence headquarters
because your view is being obstructed by                                             Having played since he was 15, he           every Wednesday at 7pm.
another vehicle, then wait until your view          The draft Rural Growth Strategy is one of   says it’s important that older pipers get       If you’re interested in
is clear.”                                      three documents that will contribute to the     young people involved and teach the next        joining the band they’d
    The seconds saved by an impatient           Manukau Growth Strategy. This document,         generation.                                     love to see
motorist are not worth the loss of a life,      the draft Southern Sector Business Location         “There’s no point getting my mates to       you there.
Mr Conaghan says.                               Strategy and the draft Urban Growth             come along and join because
                                                Strategy will all be aligned by 2007.           we’re only going to get old and die!”
                                                                                                Mr Wallace says.
                                                                                                    The Manukau group was formed three
SAFE DISPOSAL                                                                                                            TAKING CHARGE OF
OF HAZARDOUS                                                                                                             HEALTH AND SAFETY
HOUSEHOLD                                                                                                                Sobering statistics released by the Department of Labour show
WASTE                                                                                                                    65 workplace deaths (60 male, 5 female) occurred in New Zealand
                                                                                                                         during the last year (June 2005 to June 2006).
DO YOU HAVE A GARAGE OR                                                                                                      Of those killed, three were visitors or bystanders and 11 were
SHED FULL OF HOUSEHOLD                                                                                                   self-employed contractors.
CHEMICALS, WASTE OIL AND                                                                                                     Manukau City Council is taking these fi gures seriously and
PESTICIDES THAT ARE HARD                         recycling is the Resene Paint-Wise scheme. Householders can take        is leading the charge in lifting health and safety standards with
TO GET RID OF SAFELY?                            unwanted paints to Resene stores to be recycled. The returned paint     a project involving construction sites, roadworks and other
                                                 is used in community clean-up initiatives throughout the country,       physical works.
The opportunity to dispose of unwanted           including Manukau.                                                          The council is working closely with contractors, the Accident
hazardous materials safely and responsibly           This is the fi rst extended producer-responsibility scheme the       Compensation Corporation and the Department of Labour. Together
is on Saturday 9 September when the free         HazMobile has assisted with since its launch in 2001. It is hoped its   they have set 20 best-practice guidelines for minimum safety
HazMobile service will be in Pakuranga. Four     success will encourage other companies to create similar schemes        standards and, from September, workers on physical sites will be
collections a year are held in different parts   for their products.                                                     required to meet them.
of Manukau.                                          It is important to dispose of hazardous waste properly because          Council Health and
    The mobile hazardous waste collection        it has the potential to be dangerous to people and the environment.     Safety Offi cer Craig
service will be in the Lloyd Elsmore Park        Hazardous materials stored at home can cause fi re or toxic fumes        Macdonald says it takes its
carpark off Sir Lloyd Drive from 10am            and can cause injury if put out with normal rubbish collections.        responsibility to health and
to 2pm.                                          They can also contaminate soil or water.                                safety very seriously.
    The HazMobile will accept almost all of          The service is run by Manukau City Council and other councils in        “It’s a key priority and
your household hazardous waste such as           the Auckland region.                                                    we are determined to
solvents, glue, garden chemicals, pesticides,        If you’re bringing waste for the HazMobile please make sure         achieve these goals within
pool chemicals, waste oil, batteries and         containers are in good condition or transported in another              a short timeframe. Our
mobile phones.                                   container to catch leaks. Please label the container clearly to help    objective is to make sure
    Empty containers are not accepted            the person receiving the waste.                                         workers return home to
as these are not regarded as hazardous,              Following the 9 September collection the next Manukau               their families safely at the end of each work day.”
nor does the HazMobile take electrical           HazMobile collection will be in Manurewa on Saturday 25 November            There are already contractors who meet the required safety
appliances such as computers or                  in the Homai rail station carpark.                                      standards, but some operators need assistance. To help them
microwaves, glass, medical waste or waste            For more information visit or call the        achieve the standards the council and ACC will be providing free
from businesses.                                 council call centre on 262 5104.                                        workshops and monthly breakfast forums during the next
    A recent addition to hazardous waste                                                                                 12 months.

 The resignation from Manukau City                   Candidates must be nominated by              Who can vote?                                  Wednesday 25 October, either by mail
 Council of Cr James Papali’i has created         two residents whose names appear on             All registered electors of Mangere ward        in the return envelope supplied or
 a vacancy which must be fi lled through           the electoral roll for the Mangere ward.        can vote. There are about 35,000 people        hand-delivered to the ballot box in the
 a by-election for the Mangere ward. This         Candidates cannot nominate themselves.          on the roll in Mangere.                        reception area, Manukau City Council
 will take place in October.                         Nomination forms should be delivered             For residents eligible to vote but not     Civic Building.
    Offi cial public notice of the call for        personally to Level 4 of the Manukau City       yet on the roll, enrolment application
 nominations and notice of the election           Council Civic Building and payment of           forms are available from any Post Shop         When will the result be known?
 has already been given (Manukau Courier          $200.00 (plus GST) made.                        or by contacting the Electoral Enrolment       A provisional result will be released
 8 August, 2006). Nominations close at               If you want to know more about the           Centre, phone: 0800 ENROL NOW (0800-           shortly after the close of voting at noon
 noon on 5 September.                             by-election, an information booklet is          36-76-56) or visit:       on 25 October. The offi cial count will
                                                  available from Level 4 Civic Building or            Applications for non-resident              begin straight after and is expected to be
 Who can be nominated?                            by phoning the council Call Centre on           ratepayer electors are available at            released the same afternoon.
 Candidates must be on a Parliamentary            262 5104.                                       Level 4 Civic Building.
 electoral roll and a New Zealand citizen.           A list of candidates will be released                                                       For further information, contact the
    Nomination forms are available from           after the close of nominations and will         How do I vote?                                 Manukau City Council electoral offi ce,
 Level 4 of the council’s Civic Building,         appear by public notice.                        All registered electors will receive a         phone 263 7100.
 Wiri Station Road, Manukau.                                                                      voting form in the mail during the
                                                                                                  week beginning 3 October 2006.
 MANGERE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM THE STONEFIELDS                                                        They must be returned by 12 noon,

PUBLIC NOTICES                                                      Transfer of Aquatic Life Section 26ZM Conservation Act 1987
                                                                    Manukau City Council notifi es its intention to seek the consent of the Minister of Conservation to transfer and
                                                                    release white amur, Ctenopharyngodon idella, and silver amur, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix from a fi sh farm
                                                                    near Warkworth into the following ponds in Manukau city:
                                                                    Pond                                            Legal description         Map reference          Species
The HazMobile is Coming to You
                                                                    Otara Creek catchment (Report 1):
Get Rid of Your Household Hazardous Wastes
                                                                    Preston Road Reserve pond                       Pt Allot 55 SO 65554 R11 790686                  white amur
The HazMobile is a free household hazardous waste collection        Cyril French Park pond                          Lot 1 DP 323644           R11 801699             both species
service. Now’s your chance to dispose of your unwanted:             Santa Maria ponds                               Lot 102 DP 345321 &       R11 801699             both species
• DIY products such as wood preservatives, solvents and glue                                                        Lot 2 DP 348822
• kitchen and oven cleaners                                         Jerpoint Drive Reserve pond                     Lot 800 DP 335032         R11 815694             both species
• pesticides                                                        Multose Drive pond                              Lot 1000 DP 346771        R11 818689            both species
• oils and petrol                                                   Puhinui Stream catchment (Report 2):
• pool chemicals                                                    Wiri Stream Reserve ponds                       Lot 1 DP 97755 &          R11 779653             white amr
• 9kg LPG cylinders                                                                                                 Lot 2 DP 97755
• old batteries                                                     De Havilland Drive pond                         Lot 54 DP 20281           R11 787656             white amur
The following items will not be accepted:                           Totara Park ponds                               Lot 3 DP 31549            R11 808648            both species
Asbestos, medical waste, ammunition or explosives and               Puhinui Domain pond                             Lot 320 DP 18037 &        R11 764662            both species
commercial hazardous waste.                                                                                         Lot 4 DP 57714
                                                                    Puhinui Reserve pond                            Lot 1 DP 45662 &          R11 738641             white amur
                                                                                                                    Lot 4 DP 25968
                                                                    Pacifi c Arena pond                              Lot 1 DP 323900 &         R11 782653             white amur
                                                                                                                    Lot 4 DP 25968
                                                                    Pakuranga Creek catchment (Report 3):
                                                                    Lloyd Elsmore Park pond                         Lot 527 DP 131513         R11 801759             white amur
                                                                    Kellaway Drive pond                             Lot 5000 DP 31600         R11 801722             both species
                                                                    Whaka Maumahara pond                            Lot 3 DP 192219           R11 804727             white amur
                                                                    Burswood Reserve pond                           Lot 111 DP 175334         R11 795739             white amur
                                                                    Logan Carr Reserve pond                         Lot 101 DP 176509         R11 810727             both species
                                                                    Pukaki Creek catchment (Report 4):
                                                                    Peninsula Point Reserve ponds                   Lot 200 DP 192994         R11 707675             both species
                                                                    Naylors Esplanade Reserve ponds                 Lot 203 DP 321090 & R11 702673                   white amur
                                                                                                                    Lot 212 DP 321050
                                                                    Oruarangi Creek catchment (Report 4):
                                                                    Montgomerie Road ponds                          Lot 17 DP 329141          R11 688670             white amur
                                                                    Waikopua Creek catchment (Report 5):
                                                                    Pine Harbour Park ponds                         Lot 19 DP 341332          R11 877776             both species
                                                                    Kellys Beach catchment (Report 6):
When: 10am – 2pm, Saturday 9 September                              Spinnaker Bay pond                              Lot 503 DP 336923         R11 895775             white amur
Where: Public carpark in Lloyd Elsmore Park,                        Waimahia Creek catchment (Report 7):
near the netball court on Sir Lloyd Drive (Pakuranga).              Stranraer Crescent pond                         Lot 231 DP 332109         R11 775599             both species
Additional information may be viewed at:      Wattle Downs pond                               Lot 234 DP 332109         R11 780599            white amur
Contact: Manukau City Council Call Centre — (09) 262 5104 or        Papakura Stream catchment (Report 8):
ARC Contact Centre — (09) 366 2000, Option 1.                       Alfriston Road pond                             Pt Lot 2 DP 16622 &       R11 803630             white amur
                                                                                                                    Lot 3 DP 16622
                                                                    Individual Environmental Impact Assessment reports (EIA) have been produced for each catchment in this
Exchange of reserve for freehold land                               advertisement. The EIAs may be viewed during ordinary offi ce hours at Housing Corp Bldg., Level 6,
                                                                    Manukau City Council, 5 Osterley Way, Manukau city.
Part Pakuranga Creek stream reserve for
                                                                       Any person or persons may make a submission in writing to the Director-General of Conservation
Part 241 Ti Rakau Drive
                                                                    c/o Sean Goddard, Department of Conservation, Private Bag 68908, Newton, Auckland. Submissions must be
Pursuant to Section 15 of the Reserves Act 1977, Manukau City       received within 28 days from the fi rst publication of this notice.
Council notifi es its intention to exchange the area of recreation      Submissions should include a contact name and address and should include the grounds for support or
reserve land described in the First Schedule (below) for the area   objection to this permit application. This notice was fi rst published in the NZ Herald on 12 August 2006.
of freehold land adjacent to the recreation reserve described in
the Second Schedule (below).
   A plan of the reserve to be revoked and exchanged may be         Proposed liquor ban areas — Have your say
inspected at Level 9, main council administration building,
Wiri Station Road, Manukau, between 8.30am and 5.00pm               Manukau residents are invited to have their say on proposals            transport of liquor and to outdoor dining.
weekdays (attention Tim Nicholson).                                 for managing alcohol-related problems in the city through                  An information pack and submission
   Any person wishing to object to the revocation of the            an extension to liquor bans. Public feedback is sought on fi ve          forms are available on the council’s
reserve may do so in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive      proposed liquor ban areas before making a fi nal decision:               website:
Offi cer, Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76-917, Manukau          1. Marine Parade and Marine Parade Reserve, Howick                      bylaws.htm, from Manukau city libraries,
city (attention Tim Nicholson), no later than Wednesday 20          2. Muir Avenue Reserve, Mangere Bridge                                  the council’s Customer Service Centre,
September, 2006.                                                    3. Mangere Bridge Town Centre and Swanson Park,                         Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau
                                                                       Mangere Bridge                                                       city or by contacting the council call
First Schedule                                                      4. Jack Conway Place, Manukau City Centre                               centre on 262 5104.
• 12m 2 more or less being Part Lot 21 DP 86884;                    5. Papatoetoe Recreation Ground and Kingswood Reserves                     Submissions must be received by 4pm
   shown as Section 1 on SO Plan 356448.                               and access ways                                                      Friday, 22 September, 2006
• 10m 2 more or less being Part Lot 21 DP 86884;                    A preliminary assessment identifi ed these areas as having                  Where to send your submission:
   shown as Section 2 on Plan SO 356448.                            signifi cant alcohol-related problems that justify a liquor ban.         Post to: Manukau City Council,
Second Schedule                                                        If the bans are adopted it will be an offence to consume or          Private Bag 76917, Manukau
• 22m 2 more or less being Part Lot 1 DP 327632;                    possess liquor, or to use a vehicle to consume or possess liquor,       (Attention Mohammed Hassan, Manager
   shown as Section 3 on SO Plan 356448.                            in any public place within the ban area. Exemptions apply to the        City Environment)
Schedule of Meetings for September 2006
 Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and
                                                                                            SITUATIONS VACANT
 Meetings Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the
 Manukau City Council and its Standing Committees for the month of September 2006.
     The following Standing Committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room,             Librarian
 Manukau Civic Centre on the date specifi ed.                                                 3473 — Librarian Reference and
 Hearings Committee                                                 5 Sept       9.30am      Request Services, Howick Library
 Economic Development Committee                                     6 Sept       5.00pm      3406 — Librarian Customer Services,
 Community Safety Committee                                         7 Sept       9.30am      Manukau City Library
 Transport Committee                                                7 Sept       5.00pm      Are you a librarian who is dynamic,
 Corporate Governance Committee                                    12 Sept       5.00pm      motivated, has a positive attitude, lots of
 Community Development Committee                                   13 Sept       5.00pm      initiative, and enjoys fl exibility and varied
 Environment and Urban Design Committee                            14 Sept       5.00pm      work? We are seeking people who:
 Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee                                    19 Sept       3.00pm      • are committed to libraries and life
 Strategic Directions Committee                                    19 Sept       6.00pm        long learning initiatives
                                                                                             • can provide excellent customer service
 The Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers                                      to a diverse community
 on 28 September 2006 commencing at 5.00pm.                                                  • have leadership or supervisory
 Community Board meetings will be held as follows:                                             experience in a team environment
 Mangere Community Board                                                                     • have excellent communication skills
 Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere          4 Sept        5.00pm        and the ability to develop effective
 Botany Community Board                                                                        networks in the community
 Conference Centre, Level 1,                                                                 • have sound reference and information
 Botany Downs Secondary College, 575 Chapel Road, Howick           4 Sept        6.30pm        retrieval skills
 Clevedon Community Board                                                                    Applicants should have a library
 Te Puru Function Room, Beachlands, Clevedon                       11 Sept       7.30pm      qualifi cation recognised in New Zealand.
 Pakuranga Community Board
 Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex,                                                  Applications close: 24 August 2006,
 Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga                                       11 Sept       7.30pm      12 noon                                             Senior Recreation Programmer
 Otara Community Board                                                                                                                           Pakuranga Youth Centre
 Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara                 18 Sept       5.00pm                                                          Are you enthusiastic and motivated,
 Manurewa Community Board                                                                    Library Assistant Maori Liaison                     with experience in the development
 Totara Room, Level 3, Manukau Civic Centre                        18 Sept       6.30pm      Te Matariki (Clendon) Library                       and delivery of a variety of leisure
 Howick Community Board                                                                      Are you enthusiastic, customer-focused              programmes? You will need relevant
 Howick Range Trust, 80 Wellington Street, Howick                  25 Sept       7.00pm      and passionate about working with                   qualifi cations in the sport and leisure
 Papatoetoe Community Board                                                                  Maori communities? Manukau Libraries                industry, especially in gymnastics tuition
 Papatoetoe Chambers, 31-33 St George Street, Papatoetoe           25 Sept       7.00pm      is seeking a forward-thinking, confi dent            and basketball coaching. All applicants
                                                                                             person to work in their Maori Liaison               must hold a current First Aid certifi cate
                                                                                             position. If you have knowledge and                 and a full driver’s licence. Experience
 Subdivision Resource Consent                                                                experience in Te Reo Maori and Tikanga              with computers is required.
                                                                                             Maori and are looking for an opportunity
 Notifi cation of an Application for Resource Consent under Section 93(2) of
                                                                                             for career development call now.                    Vacancy Number: 3471
 the Resource Management Act 1991
                                                                                                                                                 Applications close: 24 August 2006,
 Manukau City Council has received an application for resource consent from                  Vacancy Number: 3474                                12 noon
 Dusty Dog Trust.                                                                            Applications close: 24 August 2006,
 Location: 246 Ara-Kotinga Road, Whitford Lot 2 DP 54738 (CT NA6C/73)                        12 noon
    Subdivision Resource Consent is sought to subdivide an existing 4.07ha site to create                                                        Team leader Cataloguing,
 two non-complying allotments comprising 2710m2 and 3.79ha at 246 Ara-Kotinga Road,                                                              Manukau Libraries
 Whitford. The subject site is zoned Rural 1 under the Manukau Operative District Plan       Customer Services Officer                            Collection Services
 2002 and within ‘Whitford Rural C’ of the Proposed Plan Change 8 Whitford Rural to          Te Matariki Clendon Community Centre                Manukau Libraries
 the Manukau Operative District Plan 2002 (publicly notifi ed 8 July 2005), whereby the       If you have excellent customer service              This is an opportunity to lead the
 application requires consent as a non-complying activity.                                   skills, work well in a team, require                management and development of the
    Address for service: Metro Planning Ltd., PO Box 4013, Shortland St, Auckland,           minimum supervision and have a                      Manukau Library Catalogue. You will
 Attention: Sally Clarkson                                                                   professional attitude towards your                  be working with a small, specialist
    Submissions to this application must be received by Friday 15 September 2006.            work then we would like to hear from                team and on a shared catalogue with
                                                                                             you. Experience and knowledge of                    other Auckland public libraries. Duties
If you wish to make a submission on any of the above applications, you may do so by          administration processes, cash handling,            include the management of in-house
sending a written submission to the council addressed to the Manager — Resource Consents,    reception, computer skills, library and/or          and outsourced services. A Library
Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917, Manukau city — Attention: Otara Botany Clevedon     recreation background would be an                   Qualifi cation and cataloguing experience
Resource Consents Team, Level 4, Kotuku House, to arrive no later than the date given in     advantage.                                          is required.
the relevant notice above.
    The submission must be dated, signed by you, and include the following information:      Vacancy Number: 3470                                Vacancy Number: 3472
1 Your name, postal address and phone number/fax number.                                     Applications close: 24 August 2006,                 Applications close: 24 August 2006,
2 Details of the application in respect of which you are making                              12 noon                                             12 noon
    the submission, including location.
3 Whether you support or oppose the application.
4 Your submission with reasons.
5 The decision you wish the Manukau City Council to make.
6 Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.                               For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment opportunities at
    The application(s) can be viewed and copies of submission forms are available at the    Manukau City Council, you can visit; email a request for a position
Public Counter, Kotuku Customer Centre, Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau city.         description to; or phone (09) 262-8907.
    A copy of your submission must be served as soon as reasonably practicable on              Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your
the applicant and should be sent to the relevant Address for Service as detailed in the     application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading
advertisement above.                                                                        role in the Local Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi.
MANUKAU CALENDAR                                                                                                                       Once a month, Manukau City Council will
                                                                                                                                       publish an events diary in Manukau Matters,
This is just a sample of the many events happening in Manukau.                                                                         which will feature the highlights of a
For a full list please visit                                                                                   comprehensive events list available on the
                                                                                                                                       council’s website.
                                                                                                                                          If you would like your event to be listed,
                                                                                                                                       please submit your event details online
                                                                                                                                       at Click
                                                                                                                                       “submit an event” and follow the prompts.
                                                                                                                                       Your event will automatically appear on the
                                                                                                                                       website and key events will also appear in
                                                                                                                                       Manukau Matters.

 Period events          One-day events

 20 August                                      29 August                                   5-27 September                              13-14 October

 Victorian Crafts Live Day                      College Sport Triathlon                     NZ Icons vs                                 Villa Maria Cult-Couture
 Venue: Howick Historical Village               Venue: Farm Cove
                                                                                            South Auckland Icons                        2006
 Hours: 10am to last admission at 4pm           Hours: From 10.30am                         Venue: Nathan Homestead,                    Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre
 Price: Adult $12, Child $6,                    Price: Individuals $15, Teams $10pp         70 Hill Road, Manurewa                      Hours: 7pm
 Senior/Student $10, Family $30                 Contact: College Sport                      Hours: Monday — Friday 9am - 5pm            Price: TBA
 Contact: Tracey Mulgrew                        Phone: (09) 845 8496                        Weekends 1pm — 4pm                          Contact: Ticket Direct
 Phone: 576 9506                                Email:      Price: Free                                 Phone: 0800 4 842538
 Email:                     Website:     Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu                  Website:
 Website:                   triathlon.html                              Phone: 09 267 0180
                                                                                            Email:             If you’re passionate about art, fashion
 Decorative, domestic, agricultural             Open to all secondary schools,              Website:                and culture, then book now for the
 and refi ned crafts.                            spectators welcome.                                                                     spectacular and entertaining evening
                                                Entries close 22 August.                    The exhibition features teachers            shows — a cultural extravaganza
                                                                                            and students of Alfriston College in        celebrating Cult-Couture. To enter a
 Until 25 August                                                                            Manurewa. Collectively they have            piece you must register between
                                                Until 1 September                           explored the theme of NZ Icons versus       7 June and 1 September 2006, forms are
                                                                                            South Auckland Icons. Set against the       available from Chantelle Whaiapu (phone
 The Living Art                                                                             ever-changing social, environmental         275-0482 or email cwhaiapu@manukau.
 of Pacific Tattoo                               Good Things Come                            and cultural background of New Zealand
 Venue: Mangere Arts Centre,
                                                in Small Packages                           and South Auckland in particular, these
 93 Bader Drive, Mangere                        Venue: Nathan Homestead,                    artworks attempt to capture our defi ning
 Hours: Monday — Friday, 9am — 5pm              70 Hill Road, Manurewa                      similarities and differences.               3 November
 Price: FREE                                    Hours: Monday — Friday 9am — 5pm
 Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu                     Weekends 1pm — 4pm
 Phone: 09 275 0482                             Price: FREE
                                                                                                                                        Clevedon Fireworks Evening
                                                                                            17 September
 Email:                Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu                                                              Venue: Clevedon Showgrounds
 Website:                   Phone: 09 267 0180                                                                      Hours: 6.30 pm onwards
                                                                                            Spring Festival Live Day                    Price: $20 per family or $5 per person
 The Living Art of Pacifi c Tattoo focuses       Website:                Venue: Howick Historical Village            Contact: Judith Narbey
 on the art of documenting ta moko,                                                         Hours: 10am to last admission at 4pm        Phone: 09 292 8793
 tatau, tatu and tattoo within communities      Nathan Homestead is proud to host the       Price: Adult $12, Child $6,                 Email:
 living in New Zealand and the Pacifi c.         inaugural Manukau City Council Childcare    Senior/Student $10, Family $30
                                                Centres’ Under 5’s exhibition. This show    Contact: Tracey Mulgrew                     Clevedon Residents Association Annual
                                                is sure to delight and is a must-see for    Phone: 576 9506                             Fireworks Evening.
 26-27 August                                   family members and public alike.            Email:

 Art Show                                                                                                                               12 November
                                                                                            Garden tours, spring cleaning,
 Venue: St. James Church Hall,                                                              special plantings.
 Church Rd., Mangere Bridge.
                                                                                                                                        Lions Cycle for Life Event
 Hours: 10am — 4pm                                                                                                                      Venue: Clevedon A & P Show Grounds
 Price: Free                                                                                                                            Hours: From 8am
 Contact: Pamela Anstice                                                                                                                Price: 100km & 70km Challenge $50,
 Phone: 636 6505                                                                                                                        15km Fun Ride $25
 Email:                                                                                                            Contact: Bob Baker
                                                                                                                                        Phone: 09 262 7794
 The work of the Mangere Bridge Art                                                                                                     Email:
 Group. Paintings in all media and a
 variety of sizes will be on display.                                                                                                   The event covers the scenic coastal
 All work is for sale.                                                                                                                  roads from Clevedon to Maraetai, on to
                                                                                                                                        Whitford — Brookby — Alfriston and then
                                                                                                                                        into the Hunua ranges before returning
                                                                                                                                        to Clevedon for the fi nish.

                                                                                           VILLA MARIA CULT-COUTURE

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Manukau matters issue 4 2006

  • 1. 20 AUGUST 2006 ISSUE 4 MANUKAU URBAN DESIGN PANEL PAGE 4 MATTERS M S NEW LANDMARK BRIDGE FOR FLAT BUSH THE COUNTDOWN TO CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ZEALAND’S FIRST CABLE-STAYED TRAFFIC BRIDGE HAS BEGUN. The Ormiston Road bridge will be located The 70-metre long structure will be between Chapel and Murphy’s Roads and suspended from concrete pylons 46 metres has been designed to lift the road above high. Measuring 27 metres across it will the 100-year fl ood plain and provide a feature four traffi c lanes, two cycle lanes pedestrian link through the new Barry and footpaths on both sides. Curtis Park. “The bridge will be a real landmark at Building begins on 1 October 2006 with completion expected by February 2008. intersections at the town centre and EVENTS GUIDE the entrance to Flat Bush and help put The project will cost approximately $6.3 Chapel Road. PAGE 8 New Zealand’s newest million and the contract includes a further Almost half the total cost will be town on the map,” says $6 million for the upgrading of Ormiston funded by a subsidy from Land Transport Cr Alf Filipaina, Chair of Road. This will consist of four traffi c lanes New Zealand. Manukau City Council’s from Chapel Road with signal-controlled Transport Committee. “The bridge will be a real landmark at the entrance to Flat Bush and help put New Zealand’s newest town on the map.” A COMPUTER GENERATED IMPRESSION OF THE NEW ABOUT A COSTLY ORMISTON ROAD BRIDGE FLAT BUSH EPIDEMIC Flat Bush is New Zealand’s largest PAGE 3 planned development and covers 1700 hectares with 15,000 homes. By 2020 it is expected to be home to 40,000 people. Plans include a town centre with retail, offi ce and community facilities, a 94-hectare park (catering for a range of sporting and recreation needs), an array of housing options, up to seven new schools, cycle and pedestrian-friendly streets, and access to public transport services. One quarter of the area will remain as green open space. Manukau City Council is guiding the overall design of Flat Bush to ensure people, places and the environment are given as much emphasis as economic considerations. NEWS, VIEWS, INTERVIEWS, EVENT LISTINGS, ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLIC NOTICES, JOBS... ALL INSIDE YOUR MANUKAU MATTERS
  • 2. MANUKAU CELEBRATING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE MATTERS THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION ACKNOWLEDGING SOME OF THE CITY’S MOST OUTSTANDING Manukau Matters is published twice AND SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES WILL SEE THE RED CARPET ROLLED OUT AT THE a month by the Manukau City Council TELSTRACLEAR PACIFIC EVENTS CENTRE NEXT MONTH FOR THE 2006 WESTPAC MANUKAU and delivered to more than 100,000 BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS. households, rural delivery addresses, and other locations within the Fourteen of the city’s 21,000 businesses have been named as events of the year. city boundaries. fi nalists in nine award categories including excellence in exporting, “Manukau City Council is a proud supporter of the business Manukau Matters helps council manufacturing, innovation and strategy, customer service, small community and we are committed to promoting economic inform residents and ratepayers about business, tourism, workplace safety and employer of choice. expansion. These awards have gone from strength to strength council decisions, activities, projects Finalists range from new and small businesses to long- since the council initiated them 14 years ago, and I congratulate all and events. It is a cost-effective way established companies employing hundreds of staff, and represent those businesses who entered, and those who have been named as of providing important statutory a range of industries. fi nalists. Building strong businesses is key to the development of information such as public notices Mayor Sir Barry Curtis says the awards are recognised as our city and our people.” concerning planning and resource the premiere provincial business awards in New Zealand. The calibre of entries confi rms entrepreneurial activity is thriving consent issues. “Winning an award has become a benchmark for business success, in Manukau. Manukau Matters also contains and the gala presentation evening is one of the most exciting “This presents a unique opportunity for companies to be judged articles of interest to Manukau by a panel of industry experts who provide free, independent residents, promoting the city’s feedback and assessment of a fi rm’s progress against competitors,” resources, attractions, facilities and community events. EAST TAMAKI says Gaelle Deighton, CEO for Enterprising Manukau, which organises the awards. CONNECTION The winners of each category, the Supreme Business of the Year, CONTACT US AT and new inductees into the Manukau Business Hall of Fame, will EMAIL manukaumatters@ THE NEW MOTORWAY CONNECTION TO EAST be announced at the awards gala dinner, a black tie event on the TAMAKI AND THE HIGHBROOK BUSINESS evening of Friday 8 September at the TelstraClear Pacifi c Events EDITORIAL 262 5223 PARK IS RAPIDLY TAKING SHAPE. Centre. Tickets are available from Enterprising Manukau, ph 09 262 EVENT LISTINGS 2244 or email This year’s awards are expected The $66 million East Tamaki Connection, which is expected to to attract around 1000 people. DISTRIBUTION 262 5104 open in April 2007, is designed to improve access and relieve POST Manukau City Council, congestion in this fast-growing area. Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City The project will also help to concentrate heavy traffi c on to 2005 SUPREME (attention Manukau Matters) arterial routes, improving safety in Otara’s residential and retail AWARD WINNER DESIGNED BY areas, and the main arterial roads in Pakuranga. GEORGE FISTONICH, Scenario Communications Limited Currently under construction is the Highbrook Drive VILLA MARIA EDITOR Jenna Moore motorway interchange. This includes new motorway on and (CENTRE) WITH CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards off-ramps, an overbridge and a new roundabout close to the PRIME MINISTER Otahuhu power station. HELEN CLARK WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL This interchange will open access to the new Highbrook AND WESTPAC’S VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS? Business Park, where it’s estimated 10,000 people BRUCE In addition to your printed copy, we can will eventually work, and provide direct access to East Tamaki MCLACHLAN send you a PDF version. Email us at from State Highway One. A new cycleway and footpath will provide access between Otahuhu and Otara, and across Otara Creek to Waiouru Peninsula and the business park. And the fi nalists are… WANT TO Recently opened is a new northbound off-ramp at Princes St Employer of Choice Award Excellence in Small Business Award in Otahuhu to replace the old Water St off-ramp. Traffi c lights Presented by Brookfi eld Lawyers Presented by Enterprising Manukau CONTACT COUNCIL, have been installed on Albert and Princes Street intersection, • Kimberly-Clark New Zealand • DECA Training OR YOUR ELECTED and the light phasing is being reviewed to give best results. • Mete Construction Ltd • Grace Painters Limited COUNCILLOR? As part of the motorway widening over the Tamaki River • Times Newspapers Ltd • HMI Technologies Ltd continues, the Trenwith Street Bridge is also being widened. • Works Infrastructure Ltd Excellence in Tourism Award Council’s main administration phone Because of the hazards of travelling next to this work and to Excellence in Exporting Award Presented by Kiwi Discovery Limited number is 263 7100 (business hours). minimise disruption to residents, Trenwith St will be closed until Presented by Express Logistics • Grange Lodge Motel Use the Call Centre on 262 5104 early 2007. Motorists and pedestrians should use the Princes St • Rural Direct Manufacturing Ltd • TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre (24hours) for assistance with: graffi ti, bridge instead. • IBEX Group • Howick Historical Village roading, signs, refuse disposal, traffi c, Manukau City Council is contributing $22 million to the $66 Excellence in Manufacturing Award Workplace Safety Award street lighting, environmental by- million project, with the remainder funded by Land Transport Presented by the Employers & Presented by ACC laws, noise complaints, dog control, New Zealand and Transit New Zealand. Manufacturers Association • Works Infrastructure Ltd statistical information, LIM reports, • Styrobeck Plastics Ltd • Amcor Kiwi Packaging land rates and kerbside recycling. • IBEX Group Business Contribution to the The council’s website has contact • HMI Technologies Ltd Community Award details for all elected Councillors and • Kimberly-Clark New Zealand Presented by the Manukau Community Board members, at: Excellence in Innovation Community Foundation and Strategy Award • Ken Stevenson Presented by • Fisher and Paykel Appliances Ltd Realize Innovation Limited • Kit Parkinson, • Styrobeck Plastics Ltd South Pacifi c Loans Ltd • IBEX Group • Uluomatootua Aiono, Cogita • Times Newspapers Ltd • Rob Loader Motors • HMI Technologies Ltd • Bucklands Beach Yacht Club Excellence in Customer • Reay and Brian Neben, Services Award Times Newspapers Presented by Westfi eld Manukau City NEXT ISSUE Sunday 10 Sept 2006 • Grange Lodge Motel • Total Health 2000 Ltd
  • 3. TAGGING, OR GRAFFITI VANDALISM, IS A MAJOR SOCIAL EPIDEMIC COSTING MANUKAU CITY A MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR IN REMOVAL COSTS. “... the problem has grown significantly in the last year, particularly in Howick and Pakuranga”. GRAFFITI The latest statistics from the Manukau “A COSTLY EPIDEMIC” “We cover them with paint, or take criminal activity for them. neighbourhood, and would like to adopt Beautifi cation Charitable Trust, which them off with chemicals or water “Because they are seeking fame a spot, contact the trust on 269 4080. operates the council’s graffi ti removal blasting, depending on the surface.” through their markings, the most Everyone has a role to play in helping programme, shows the problem has The graffi ti eradication teams work effective treatment is rapid removal,” to get rid of graffi ti in Manukau — grown signifi cantly in the last year, on all main roads, parks, reserves she says. to report graffi ti, contact the council’s particularly in Howick and Pakuranga. and council buildings from Mangere, Once graffi ti is reported, all tags are call centre, ph 262 5104 at any time. Somewhere between 20,000 and Manurewa, Papatoetoe, Otara, Botany photographed and then removed within 30,000 tags are cleaned up each month, through to Howick, Pakuranga and right 24 hours. The images are stored on a with a whopping 330,000 removed out to Kawakawa Bay. database to aid future prosecutions. in 2005. The group also removes tags from The trust also runs a volunteer A team of 25 staff work six days a private fences if they have the correct programme called ‘Adopt a Spot’, where week and use approximately 2500 litres paint colour on hand. If not, a letter is local residents take care of an area close of paint every month to cover up graffi ti. left in the owner’s mailbox asking them to their homes such as a bus shelter or “Tags range in size from a 50 cent to phone if they need help. walkway. If you are interested in helping piece to very large, covering whole walls Barbara says the majority of taggers to clean up graffi ti in your own or fences,” Tagging Eradication Manager are aged between 12 and 17 and the Barbara Carney says. practice is often the beginning of FAR SIGHTED PLANNING KEEPS CAP ON RATES RISE Manukau has managed to keep rate infrastructure in anticipation of future our rates rises low because there would be average residential rate is expected to be increases to the lowest in the Auckland growth. so much pressure to pay for costly facilities $2352, while Auckland City’s will be $3705 region, with an average rise of 5.9 percent. The council has used statutory reserve and services,” Sir Barry says. and the predicted national average $3093, Mayor Sir Barry Curtis says sensible and and other fi nancial contributions to pay for prudent long-term planning by the council much of the city’s requirements, including “In 10 years’ time Manukau’s average residential rate is expected has allowed the increase to be kept to parks, roading upgrades, major water and to be $2352, while Auckland City’s will be $3705...” a minimum. drainage lines. Manukau is the fastest growing city in “I am proud of what we have achieved for Over the next decade it is anticipated according to fi gures released by Local the country and for many years the council residents of the city. If we had neglected to there will be small rises above infl ation Government New Zealand. has invested in large land purchases and think ahead we would be struggling to keep each year. In 10 years’ time Manukau’s
  • 4. RATEPAYERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IMPROVED REBATE SCHEME MORE THAN 500 MANUKAU CITY RATEPAYERS HAVE APPLIED FOR RATES REBATES JUST TWO WEEKS AFTER RECEIVING THEIR BILLS. Government criteria for its rebate scheme “It’s also important for people to know have changed, with the income threshold about and take advantage of, if necessary, increased to $20,000 from $7400, and the our rates relief policy, which allows those maximum rebate up from $200 to $500. who are in hardship to defer their rates In addition, the income allowance has risen to $500 for each dependant, from $156. Manukau City Council Finance Director payments.” The scheme allows payments to be delayed, if necessary until death, after URBAN DESIGN PANEL Dave Foster says the increased number which the estate would meet the payments. of applications, compared with around 150 “This is intended to help people on low last year, indicates the change was incomes, in particular superannuitants who FROM LEFT: extremely timely. might be on low, fixed incomes but own a KEVIN BREWER, ANNETTE “People who are on more than $20,000 highly valuable property,” Mr Foster says. JONES AND JAMES LUNDAY. could also be eligible and we urge all those Rates deferment is not granted on low incomes to check on our website to automatically, and the fi nal decision is Manukau City Council’s newly formed been involved in a number of major calculate their eligibility, or call us,” determined by the applicant’s fi nancial Urban Design Panel provides professional projects throughout New Zealand, Mr Foster says. situation. Anyone wanting to apply should advice to developers and builders including Manukau city’s SH20 to Applications for the rates rebate can be call the council call centre on 262 5104. working in the city. One of only a few in SH1 connection. made at any time throughout the year. New Zealand, and a fi rst for Manukau, Annette Jones is a senior architect the service is initially being offered at Beca and has 20 years’ experience in free-of-charge. the design, planning and construction MORE LIQUOR BANS DOG REGISTRATION Chief Executive Offi cer Leigh Auton of major facilities including schools, PROPOSED FOR MANUKAU REMINDER says the project is for an initial six-month libraries, and other district facilities. Alcohol-related problems in Manukau have Owners who haven’t registered their dogs pilot period and is based on a concept She also advises on barrier-free design prompted calls for more liquor bans in are now facing higher fees. that has worked elsewhere. to improve access for people with the city. If a dog wasn’t registered by 31 July the “The members of the panel bring a mobility diffi culties. Manukau residents are invited to have fee will have increased from $90 to $120. wealth of experience and expertise James Lunday has a strong their say on a proposal to create fi ve However it is still essential that owners which can only have benefi ts for our international background and reputation more liquor ban areas: Marine Parade register their dog immediately to avoid a city. I hope that local developers and spanning more than 25 years as an and Marine Parade Reserve in Howick; $300 fi ne on top of the fee. builders take advantage of the advice urban designer and landscape architect. Muir Avenue Reserve , Mangere Bridge; Dog control offi cers are now visiting they can provide.” He brings particular experience in Mangere Bridge Town Centre and Swanson owners of unregistered dogs and, unless The panel will review and provide sustainable models, cultural community Park; Jack Conway Place, Manukau City they pay the late registration fee in cash, feedback on how developments such development and landscape planning, Centre; Papatoetoe Recreation ground, and the dog will be immediately seized and the as new buildings are designed and how and in heritage and participatory Kingswood Reserve and access ways. $300 fi ne issued. Offi cers can produce a they fi t into the community around them. processes. Residents are invited to make warrant of authority if dog owners have any The will also provide advice on civic The panel is an advisory body only and submissions on these bans. For more details, doubts about their identity. and physical works such as roading and does not have the authority to approve see the public notices advertisement in this If court action has to be taken the bridges, and heritage issues. or refuse projects. issue of Manukau Matters. cost of having an unregistered dog will be The three-member panel — Kevin Submissions can be made through even higher. Brewer of Architecture Brewer Davidson, the council’s consents team, or directly Registration can be paid at any NZ Annette Jones of Beca and James to the panel for review, and can be made A CALL TO ALL DRIVERS Postshop, Books and More or the council Lunday of Common Ground — have a before or after consent applications Motorists are being urged to take more care customer and citizen centre, Kotuku House complementary set of industry skills. are lodged. on the road after the latest Land Transport in Manukau city centre. A founding partner of Architecture To contact the urban design panel New Zealand report found that 50 per cent Brewer Davidson with 22 years as a call Jaret Lang, ph 262 8900 ext 5831 or of injury crashes in Manukau city occurred practicing architect, Kevin Brewer has email at intersections. DRAFT RURAL STRATEGY Key contributing factors are drivers — HAVE YOUR SAY failing to give way or stop at crossroads and Manukau City Council’s draft Rural Strategy COME JOIN THE BAND years ago with the encouragement of poor observation. sets out an overall plan for how growth If you’ve ever wanted to play the Scottish Manukau Mayor Sir Barry Curtis after two City Traffi c Engineer Bruce Conaghan in the rural part of the city over the next bagpipes, here’s your chance. pipers from the police band accompanied says when it comes to road safety, people 20-plus years will be managed. The City of Manukau Pipes and Drums a council delegation to Japan. must follow the rules. The council is asking for public feedback wants to hear from young people interested Founding members include councillors “It’s about common sense,” he says. on the strategy. Have your say on how in forming a youth band. It takes about two Sharon Stewart and Neil Morrison, and He asks motorists to drive to the conditions growth in rural Manukau is managed and fi ll years to become skilled at playing these council employees Barry Wallace and and slow down in wet weather. out a feedback form and return it to council instruments and band leader Barry Wallace Mark Lowry. “Stop, think and look before you drive by Friday 1 September. says while they have a few new learners Practice takes place at the out. If you can’t see any cars coming For more information visit www.manukau. they need more. council’s Civil Defence headquarters because your view is being obstructed by Having played since he was 15, he every Wednesday at 7pm. another vehicle, then wait until your view The draft Rural Growth Strategy is one of says it’s important that older pipers get If you’re interested in is clear.” three documents that will contribute to the young people involved and teach the next joining the band they’d The seconds saved by an impatient Manukau Growth Strategy. This document, generation. love to see motorist are not worth the loss of a life, the draft Southern Sector Business Location “There’s no point getting my mates to you there. Mr Conaghan says. Strategy and the draft Urban Growth come along and join because Strategy will all be aligned by 2007. we’re only going to get old and die!” Mr Wallace says. The Manukau group was formed three
  • 5. SAFE DISPOSAL TAKING CHARGE OF OF HAZARDOUS HEALTH AND SAFETY HOUSEHOLD Sobering statistics released by the Department of Labour show WASTE 65 workplace deaths (60 male, 5 female) occurred in New Zealand during the last year (June 2005 to June 2006). DO YOU HAVE A GARAGE OR Of those killed, three were visitors or bystanders and 11 were SHED FULL OF HOUSEHOLD self-employed contractors. CHEMICALS, WASTE OIL AND Manukau City Council is taking these fi gures seriously and PESTICIDES THAT ARE HARD recycling is the Resene Paint-Wise scheme. Householders can take is leading the charge in lifting health and safety standards with TO GET RID OF SAFELY? unwanted paints to Resene stores to be recycled. The returned paint a project involving construction sites, roadworks and other is used in community clean-up initiatives throughout the country, physical works. The opportunity to dispose of unwanted including Manukau. The council is working closely with contractors, the Accident hazardous materials safely and responsibly This is the fi rst extended producer-responsibility scheme the Compensation Corporation and the Department of Labour. Together is on Saturday 9 September when the free HazMobile has assisted with since its launch in 2001. It is hoped its they have set 20 best-practice guidelines for minimum safety HazMobile service will be in Pakuranga. Four success will encourage other companies to create similar schemes standards and, from September, workers on physical sites will be collections a year are held in different parts for their products. required to meet them. of Manukau. It is important to dispose of hazardous waste properly because Council Health and The mobile hazardous waste collection it has the potential to be dangerous to people and the environment. Safety Offi cer Craig service will be in the Lloyd Elsmore Park Hazardous materials stored at home can cause fi re or toxic fumes Macdonald says it takes its carpark off Sir Lloyd Drive from 10am and can cause injury if put out with normal rubbish collections. responsibility to health and to 2pm. They can also contaminate soil or water. safety very seriously. The HazMobile will accept almost all of The service is run by Manukau City Council and other councils in “It’s a key priority and your household hazardous waste such as the Auckland region. we are determined to solvents, glue, garden chemicals, pesticides, If you’re bringing waste for the HazMobile please make sure achieve these goals within pool chemicals, waste oil, batteries and containers are in good condition or transported in another a short timeframe. Our mobile phones. container to catch leaks. Please label the container clearly to help objective is to make sure Empty containers are not accepted the person receiving the waste. workers return home to as these are not regarded as hazardous, Following the 9 September collection the next Manukau their families safely at the end of each work day.” nor does the HazMobile take electrical HazMobile collection will be in Manurewa on Saturday 25 November There are already contractors who meet the required safety appliances such as computers or in the Homai rail station carpark. standards, but some operators need assistance. To help them microwaves, glass, medical waste or waste For more information visit or call the achieve the standards the council and ACC will be providing free from businesses. council call centre on 262 5104. workshops and monthly breakfast forums during the next A recent addition to hazardous waste 12 months. The resignation from Manukau City Candidates must be nominated by Who can vote? Wednesday 25 October, either by mail Council of Cr James Papali’i has created two residents whose names appear on All registered electors of Mangere ward in the return envelope supplied or a vacancy which must be fi lled through the electoral roll for the Mangere ward. can vote. There are about 35,000 people hand-delivered to the ballot box in the a by-election for the Mangere ward. This Candidates cannot nominate themselves. on the roll in Mangere. reception area, Manukau City Council will take place in October. Nomination forms should be delivered For residents eligible to vote but not Civic Building. Offi cial public notice of the call for personally to Level 4 of the Manukau City yet on the roll, enrolment application nominations and notice of the election Council Civic Building and payment of forms are available from any Post Shop When will the result be known? has already been given (Manukau Courier $200.00 (plus GST) made. or by contacting the Electoral Enrolment A provisional result will be released 8 August, 2006). Nominations close at If you want to know more about the Centre, phone: 0800 ENROL NOW (0800- shortly after the close of voting at noon noon on 5 September. by-election, an information booklet is 36-76-56) or visit: on 25 October. The offi cial count will available from Level 4 Civic Building or Applications for non-resident begin straight after and is expected to be Who can be nominated? by phoning the council Call Centre on ratepayer electors are available at released the same afternoon. Candidates must be on a Parliamentary 262 5104. Level 4 Civic Building. electoral roll and a New Zealand citizen. A list of candidates will be released For further information, contact the Nomination forms are available from after the close of nominations and will How do I vote? Manukau City Council electoral offi ce, Level 4 of the council’s Civic Building, appear by public notice. All registered electors will receive a phone 263 7100. Wiri Station Road, Manukau. voting form in the mail during the week beginning 3 October 2006. MANGERE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM THE STONEFIELDS They must be returned by 12 noon, MANGERE WARD BY-ELECTION
  • 6. PUBLIC NOTICES Transfer of Aquatic Life Section 26ZM Conservation Act 1987 Manukau City Council notifi es its intention to seek the consent of the Minister of Conservation to transfer and release white amur, Ctenopharyngodon idella, and silver amur, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix from a fi sh farm near Warkworth into the following ponds in Manukau city: Pond Legal description Map reference Species The HazMobile is Coming to You Otara Creek catchment (Report 1): Get Rid of Your Household Hazardous Wastes Preston Road Reserve pond Pt Allot 55 SO 65554 R11 790686 white amur The HazMobile is a free household hazardous waste collection Cyril French Park pond Lot 1 DP 323644 R11 801699 both species service. Now’s your chance to dispose of your unwanted: Santa Maria ponds Lot 102 DP 345321 & R11 801699 both species • DIY products such as wood preservatives, solvents and glue Lot 2 DP 348822 • kitchen and oven cleaners Jerpoint Drive Reserve pond Lot 800 DP 335032 R11 815694 both species • pesticides Multose Drive pond Lot 1000 DP 346771 R11 818689 both species • oils and petrol Puhinui Stream catchment (Report 2): • pool chemicals Wiri Stream Reserve ponds Lot 1 DP 97755 & R11 779653 white amr • 9kg LPG cylinders Lot 2 DP 97755 • old batteries De Havilland Drive pond Lot 54 DP 20281 R11 787656 white amur The following items will not be accepted: Totara Park ponds Lot 3 DP 31549 R11 808648 both species Asbestos, medical waste, ammunition or explosives and Puhinui Domain pond Lot 320 DP 18037 & R11 764662 both species commercial hazardous waste. Lot 4 DP 57714 Puhinui Reserve pond Lot 1 DP 45662 & R11 738641 white amur Lot 4 DP 25968 Pacifi c Arena pond Lot 1 DP 323900 & R11 782653 white amur Lot 4 DP 25968 Pakuranga Creek catchment (Report 3): Lloyd Elsmore Park pond Lot 527 DP 131513 R11 801759 white amur Kellaway Drive pond Lot 5000 DP 31600 R11 801722 both species Whaka Maumahara pond Lot 3 DP 192219 R11 804727 white amur Burswood Reserve pond Lot 111 DP 175334 R11 795739 white amur Logan Carr Reserve pond Lot 101 DP 176509 R11 810727 both species Pukaki Creek catchment (Report 4): Peninsula Point Reserve ponds Lot 200 DP 192994 R11 707675 both species Naylors Esplanade Reserve ponds Lot 203 DP 321090 & R11 702673 white amur Lot 212 DP 321050 Oruarangi Creek catchment (Report 4): Montgomerie Road ponds Lot 17 DP 329141 R11 688670 white amur Waikopua Creek catchment (Report 5): Pine Harbour Park ponds Lot 19 DP 341332 R11 877776 both species Kellys Beach catchment (Report 6): When: 10am – 2pm, Saturday 9 September Spinnaker Bay pond Lot 503 DP 336923 R11 895775 white amur Where: Public carpark in Lloyd Elsmore Park, Waimahia Creek catchment (Report 7): near the netball court on Sir Lloyd Drive (Pakuranga). Stranraer Crescent pond Lot 231 DP 332109 R11 775599 both species Additional information may be viewed at: Wattle Downs pond Lot 234 DP 332109 R11 780599 white amur Contact: Manukau City Council Call Centre — (09) 262 5104 or Papakura Stream catchment (Report 8): ARC Contact Centre — (09) 366 2000, Option 1. Alfriston Road pond Pt Lot 2 DP 16622 & R11 803630 white amur Lot 3 DP 16622 Individual Environmental Impact Assessment reports (EIA) have been produced for each catchment in this Exchange of reserve for freehold land advertisement. The EIAs may be viewed during ordinary offi ce hours at Housing Corp Bldg., Level 6, Manukau City Council, 5 Osterley Way, Manukau city. Part Pakuranga Creek stream reserve for Any person or persons may make a submission in writing to the Director-General of Conservation Part 241 Ti Rakau Drive c/o Sean Goddard, Department of Conservation, Private Bag 68908, Newton, Auckland. Submissions must be Pursuant to Section 15 of the Reserves Act 1977, Manukau City received within 28 days from the fi rst publication of this notice. Council notifi es its intention to exchange the area of recreation Submissions should include a contact name and address and should include the grounds for support or reserve land described in the First Schedule (below) for the area objection to this permit application. This notice was fi rst published in the NZ Herald on 12 August 2006. of freehold land adjacent to the recreation reserve described in the Second Schedule (below). A plan of the reserve to be revoked and exchanged may be Proposed liquor ban areas — Have your say inspected at Level 9, main council administration building, Wiri Station Road, Manukau, between 8.30am and 5.00pm Manukau residents are invited to have their say on proposals transport of liquor and to outdoor dining. weekdays (attention Tim Nicholson). for managing alcohol-related problems in the city through An information pack and submission Any person wishing to object to the revocation of the an extension to liquor bans. Public feedback is sought on fi ve forms are available on the council’s reserve may do so in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive proposed liquor ban areas before making a fi nal decision: website: Offi cer, Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76-917, Manukau 1. Marine Parade and Marine Parade Reserve, Howick bylaws.htm, from Manukau city libraries, city (attention Tim Nicholson), no later than Wednesday 20 2. Muir Avenue Reserve, Mangere Bridge the council’s Customer Service Centre, September, 2006. 3. Mangere Bridge Town Centre and Swanson Park, Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau Mangere Bridge city or by contacting the council call First Schedule 4. Jack Conway Place, Manukau City Centre centre on 262 5104. • 12m 2 more or less being Part Lot 21 DP 86884; 5. Papatoetoe Recreation Ground and Kingswood Reserves Submissions must be received by 4pm shown as Section 1 on SO Plan 356448. and access ways Friday, 22 September, 2006 • 10m 2 more or less being Part Lot 21 DP 86884; A preliminary assessment identifi ed these areas as having Where to send your submission: shown as Section 2 on Plan SO 356448. signifi cant alcohol-related problems that justify a liquor ban. Post to: Manukau City Council, Second Schedule If the bans are adopted it will be an offence to consume or Private Bag 76917, Manukau • 22m 2 more or less being Part Lot 1 DP 327632; possess liquor, or to use a vehicle to consume or possess liquor, (Attention Mohammed Hassan, Manager shown as Section 3 on SO Plan 356448. in any public place within the ban area. Exemptions apply to the City Environment)
  • 7. Schedule of Meetings for September 2006 Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and SITUATIONS VACANT Meetings Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the Manukau City Council and its Standing Committees for the month of September 2006. The following Standing Committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room, Librarian Manukau Civic Centre on the date specifi ed. 3473 — Librarian Reference and Hearings Committee 5 Sept 9.30am Request Services, Howick Library Economic Development Committee 6 Sept 5.00pm 3406 — Librarian Customer Services, Community Safety Committee 7 Sept 9.30am Manukau City Library Transport Committee 7 Sept 5.00pm Are you a librarian who is dynamic, Corporate Governance Committee 12 Sept 5.00pm motivated, has a positive attitude, lots of Community Development Committee 13 Sept 5.00pm initiative, and enjoys fl exibility and varied Environment and Urban Design Committee 14 Sept 5.00pm work? We are seeking people who: Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee 19 Sept 3.00pm • are committed to libraries and life Strategic Directions Committee 19 Sept 6.00pm long learning initiatives • can provide excellent customer service The Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers to a diverse community on 28 September 2006 commencing at 5.00pm. • have leadership or supervisory Community Board meetings will be held as follows: experience in a team environment Mangere Community Board • have excellent communication skills Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere 4 Sept 5.00pm and the ability to develop effective Botany Community Board networks in the community Conference Centre, Level 1, • have sound reference and information Botany Downs Secondary College, 575 Chapel Road, Howick 4 Sept 6.30pm retrieval skills Clevedon Community Board Applicants should have a library Te Puru Function Room, Beachlands, Clevedon 11 Sept 7.30pm qualifi cation recognised in New Zealand. Pakuranga Community Board Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, Applications close: 24 August 2006, Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga 11 Sept 7.30pm 12 noon Senior Recreation Programmer Otara Community Board Pakuranga Youth Centre Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara 18 Sept 5.00pm Are you enthusiastic and motivated, Manurewa Community Board Library Assistant Maori Liaison with experience in the development Totara Room, Level 3, Manukau Civic Centre 18 Sept 6.30pm Te Matariki (Clendon) Library and delivery of a variety of leisure Howick Community Board Are you enthusiastic, customer-focused programmes? You will need relevant Howick Range Trust, 80 Wellington Street, Howick 25 Sept 7.00pm and passionate about working with qualifi cations in the sport and leisure Papatoetoe Community Board Maori communities? Manukau Libraries industry, especially in gymnastics tuition Papatoetoe Chambers, 31-33 St George Street, Papatoetoe 25 Sept 7.00pm is seeking a forward-thinking, confi dent and basketball coaching. All applicants person to work in their Maori Liaison must hold a current First Aid certifi cate position. If you have knowledge and and a full driver’s licence. Experience Subdivision Resource Consent experience in Te Reo Maori and Tikanga with computers is required. Maori and are looking for an opportunity Notifi cation of an Application for Resource Consent under Section 93(2) of for career development call now. Vacancy Number: 3471 the Resource Management Act 1991 Applications close: 24 August 2006, Manukau City Council has received an application for resource consent from Vacancy Number: 3474 12 noon Dusty Dog Trust. Applications close: 24 August 2006, Location: 246 Ara-Kotinga Road, Whitford Lot 2 DP 54738 (CT NA6C/73) 12 noon Subdivision Resource Consent is sought to subdivide an existing 4.07ha site to create Team leader Cataloguing, two non-complying allotments comprising 2710m2 and 3.79ha at 246 Ara-Kotinga Road, Manukau Libraries Whitford. The subject site is zoned Rural 1 under the Manukau Operative District Plan Customer Services Officer Collection Services 2002 and within ‘Whitford Rural C’ of the Proposed Plan Change 8 Whitford Rural to Te Matariki Clendon Community Centre Manukau Libraries the Manukau Operative District Plan 2002 (publicly notifi ed 8 July 2005), whereby the If you have excellent customer service This is an opportunity to lead the application requires consent as a non-complying activity. skills, work well in a team, require management and development of the Address for service: Metro Planning Ltd., PO Box 4013, Shortland St, Auckland, minimum supervision and have a Manukau Library Catalogue. You will Attention: Sally Clarkson professional attitude towards your be working with a small, specialist Submissions to this application must be received by Friday 15 September 2006. work then we would like to hear from team and on a shared catalogue with you. Experience and knowledge of other Auckland public libraries. Duties If you wish to make a submission on any of the above applications, you may do so by administration processes, cash handling, include the management of in-house sending a written submission to the council addressed to the Manager — Resource Consents, reception, computer skills, library and/or and outsourced services. A Library Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917, Manukau city — Attention: Otara Botany Clevedon recreation background would be an Qualifi cation and cataloguing experience Resource Consents Team, Level 4, Kotuku House, to arrive no later than the date given in advantage. is required. the relevant notice above. The submission must be dated, signed by you, and include the following information: Vacancy Number: 3470 Vacancy Number: 3472 1 Your name, postal address and phone number/fax number. Applications close: 24 August 2006, Applications close: 24 August 2006, 2 Details of the application in respect of which you are making 12 noon 12 noon the submission, including location. 3 Whether you support or oppose the application. 4 Your submission with reasons. 5 The decision you wish the Manukau City Council to make. 6 Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission. For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment opportunities at The application(s) can be viewed and copies of submission forms are available at the Manukau City Council, you can visit; email a request for a position Public Counter, Kotuku Customer Centre, Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau city. description to; or phone (09) 262-8907. A copy of your submission must be served as soon as reasonably practicable on Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your the applicant and should be sent to the relevant Address for Service as detailed in the application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading advertisement above. role in the Local Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi.
  • 8. FREE EVENT LISTING MANUKAU CALENDAR Once a month, Manukau City Council will publish an events diary in Manukau Matters, This is just a sample of the many events happening in Manukau. which will feature the highlights of a For a full list please visit comprehensive events list available on the council’s website. If you would like your event to be listed, please submit your event details online at Click “submit an event” and follow the prompts. Your event will automatically appear on the website and key events will also appear in Manukau Matters. Period events One-day events 20 August 29 August 5-27 September 13-14 October Victorian Crafts Live Day College Sport Triathlon NZ Icons vs Villa Maria Cult-Couture Venue: Howick Historical Village Venue: Farm Cove South Auckland Icons 2006 Hours: 10am to last admission at 4pm Hours: From 10.30am Venue: Nathan Homestead, Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre Price: Adult $12, Child $6, Price: Individuals $15, Teams $10pp 70 Hill Road, Manurewa Hours: 7pm Senior/Student $10, Family $30 Contact: College Sport Hours: Monday — Friday 9am - 5pm Price: TBA Contact: Tracey Mulgrew Phone: (09) 845 8496 Weekends 1pm — 4pm Contact: Ticket Direct Phone: 576 9506 Email: Price: Free Phone: 0800 4 842538 Email: Website: Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu Website: Website: triathlon.html Phone: 09 267 0180 Email: If you’re passionate about art, fashion Decorative, domestic, agricultural Open to all secondary schools, Website: and culture, then book now for the and refi ned crafts. spectators welcome. spectacular and entertaining evening Entries close 22 August. The exhibition features teachers shows — a cultural extravaganza and students of Alfriston College in celebrating Cult-Couture. To enter a Until 25 August Manurewa. Collectively they have piece you must register between Until 1 September explored the theme of NZ Icons versus 7 June and 1 September 2006, forms are South Auckland Icons. Set against the available from Chantelle Whaiapu (phone The Living Art ever-changing social, environmental 275-0482 or email cwhaiapu@manukau. of Pacific Tattoo Good Things Come and cultural background of New Zealand Venue: Mangere Arts Centre, in Small Packages and South Auckland in particular, these 93 Bader Drive, Mangere Venue: Nathan Homestead, artworks attempt to capture our defi ning Hours: Monday — Friday, 9am — 5pm 70 Hill Road, Manurewa similarities and differences. 3 November Price: FREE Hours: Monday — Friday 9am — 5pm Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu Weekends 1pm — 4pm Phone: 09 275 0482 Price: FREE Clevedon Fireworks Evening 17 September Email: Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu Venue: Clevedon Showgrounds Website: Phone: 09 267 0180 Hours: 6.30 pm onwards Email: Spring Festival Live Day Price: $20 per family or $5 per person The Living Art of Pacifi c Tattoo focuses Website: Venue: Howick Historical Village Contact: Judith Narbey on the art of documenting ta moko, Hours: 10am to last admission at 4pm Phone: 09 292 8793 tatau, tatu and tattoo within communities Nathan Homestead is proud to host the Price: Adult $12, Child $6, Email: living in New Zealand and the Pacifi c. inaugural Manukau City Council Childcare Senior/Student $10, Family $30 Centres’ Under 5’s exhibition. This show Contact: Tracey Mulgrew Clevedon Residents Association Annual is sure to delight and is a must-see for Phone: 576 9506 Fireworks Evening. 26-27 August family members and public alike. Email: Website: Art Show 12 November Garden tours, spring cleaning, Venue: St. James Church Hall, special plantings. Church Rd., Mangere Bridge. Lions Cycle for Life Event Hours: 10am — 4pm Venue: Clevedon A & P Show Grounds Price: Free Hours: From 8am Contact: Pamela Anstice Price: 100km & 70km Challenge $50, Phone: 636 6505 15km Fun Ride $25 Email: Contact: Bob Baker Phone: 09 262 7794 The work of the Mangere Bridge Art Email: Group. Paintings in all media and a variety of sizes will be on display. The event covers the scenic coastal All work is for sale. roads from Clevedon to Maraetai, on to Whitford — Brookby — Alfriston and then into the Hunua ranges before returning to Clevedon for the fi nish. VILLA MARIA CULT-COUTURE