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                                                                                             TE KAEAEA

JOB OPPORTUNITIES PAGE 6                                                                     MATTERS
                                                                                             M     S
                                                                                             20 MAY 2007 ISSUE 21

IT’S AN OCCURRENCE                           of planes a day fl ying over the central
THAT HAPPENS IN MANUKAU                      suburbs of Manukau city.
SEVERAL TIMES A DAY,                             A series of large format photo fl ags
BUT PEOPLE STILL LOOK                        will fl y above the ground to provide an
UP; THE SIGHT OF A LARGE                     elevated view; essentially, the audience
INTERNATIONAL AIRLINER                       will be looking to the sky to see, from
COMING IN LOW OVER THE                       a pilot’s perspective, the earth beneath
CITY IS AN IRRESISTIBLE                      their feet.
ATTRACTION. BUT HAVE                             The exhibition is part of the Auckland
YOU EVER THOUGHT OF                          Festival of Photography Trust’s annual
WHAT THE PILOTS SEE,                         Creative Exposure festival. It involves
LOOKING DOWN?                                a series of photography exhibitions
                                             throughout the Auckland region.
Early in June you’ll have a chance to        The Manukau Flightpath exhibition is
fi nd out when the Manukau Flightpath         sponsored by Manukau City Council
photography exhibition opens in Manukau      and Auckland International Airport
Square.                                      and will display in Manukau Square
   An outdoor display of aerial              from 1 to 24 June.
photography, the exhibition shows a bird’s       For details of other exhibitions
eye view of the fl ightpath to Auckland       in the festival visit:
International Airport, which sees dozens

                                                                                             the city into successful and vibrant places.”        Both Wiri and Manurewa have recently
BUSINESSES VOTE                                                                                 Manukau City Council’s Business
                                                                                             Improvement District Policy, established in
                                                                                                                                                  established fi ve-year strategic plans after
                                                                                                                                                  extensive community consultation. These
STRONGLY IN FAVOUR OF                                                                        2005, is based on international models to
                                                                                             improve the economic, social and cultural
                                                                                                                                                  plans provide defi ned objectives and
                                                                                                                                                  detailed actions that will benefi t the wider
NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH                                                                         vitality of defi ned areas within the city.           community as a whole.
                                                                                                                                                     In 2004 there were just two BIDs in
COUNCIL                                                                                      In 2004 there were just two
                                                                                             BIDs in Manukau city — there
                                                                                                                                                  Manukau city — there are now 11. This
                                                                                                                                                  rapid growth has arisen as a result of
MANUREWA AND WIRI ARE                        and support for programmes and activities       are now 11.                                          the success each BID has achieved, and
SET TO BECOME MANUKAU                        to promote economic development in                                                                   the willingness of businesses to form
CITY’S LATEST BUSINESS                       their areas.                                    The policy enables additional funding to be          partnerships with council to get results.
IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS                           Manukau City Council Manager Economic        directly applied in the area it is collected         Business improvement districts in the city
(BID) FOLLOWING STRONG                       Development Denise Fink says developing         from, for initiatives including security and         range in size from 30 to more than 1500
POLLING OF BUSINESSES IN                     BID areas is an integral part of promoting      maintenance, graffi ti control, beautifi cation        businesses. Polling is required as part of the
BOTH AREAS IN FAVOUR OF                      the economic vitality of Manukau.               projects, events and tourism initiatives,            establishment phase to determine the level
THE INITIATIVE.                                 “Business improvement districts              marketing and promotional activity,                  of support from businesses in the area.
                                             contribute greatly to the vitality and          business recruiting, signage, coordination              For information on BIDs contact Susan
By becoming a BID, the two business areas    economic development of the city, and our       of precinct (e.g. appointing someone to              Marshall, Project Manager Town Centres and
will receive additional council funding,     BID policy enables us to work collaboratively   coordinate all activities), child care facilities,   Business Precincts. Ph 262 8356 or email
generated through targeted rates,            with local businesses to transform parts of     horticulture and retail improvements.      

                                                                                                                All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
MANUKAU MATTERS                              INTERSECTION
Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea is
published twice a month by the
Manukau City Council and delivered to
more than 100,000 households, rural
                                             WASHING IS
delivery addresses, and other locations
within the city boundaries.
                                             ILLEGAL IN
    Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea helps
the council inform residents and             MANUKAU
ratepayers about council decisions,
activities, projects and events.             MOTORISTS WHO PAY
It is a cost-effective way of providing      WINDSCREEN WASHERS
important statutory information such         ARE ENCOURAGING THEIR
as public notices concerning planning        ILLEGAL BEHAVIOUR.
and resource consent issues.
    Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea also          That’s the message from Counties Manukau
contains articles of interest to Manukau     Police and Manukau City Council in response
residents, promoting the city’s              to the reappearance of windscreen washers
resources, attractions, facilities and       at some of the city’s major intersections,
community events.                            such as the entrance to the East Tamaki
                                             car park during Saturday’s Otara market.
CONTACT US AT                                   The council and police have been               They say motorists should be aware the         The advice to motorists approached
EMAIL manukau.matters@                       concerned for some time about the              windscreen washers only exist because         by a windscreen washer is to politely but                              behaviour of windscreen washers at             people are paying them rather than fi rmly     fi rmly refuse their offer to clean their
EDITORIAL 262 5223                           several of Manukau’s major intersections,      saying no to their request.                   windscreen and not hand over money.
EVENT LISTINGS www.manukau.govt.             especially the intimidation many of the           Windscreen washing at intersections is     If everyone follows this advice it will help
nz and select ‘calendar of events’ under     windscreen washers are exerting when           banned under Manukau City Council’s Public    to reduce the practice.
the ‘most popular’ banner.                   targeting motorists.                           Places bylaw.
POST Manukau City Council,
Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City
(attention Manukau Matters)
Scenario Communications Limited
EDITOR Jenna Moore
CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards
                                                                                                                                          Members of the public are reminded that
WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL                                                                                                                  a major refurbishment of Manukau City
VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS?                                                                                                               Council’s Civic Building has commenced
In addition to your printed copy, we can                                                                                                  this month with subsequent changes to
send you a PDF version. Email us at                                                                                                       how the building, meeting rooms and                                                                                                           council chambers can be accessed.
                                                                                                                                              A contract for $10.4 million has been
                                                                                                                                          awarded to Mainzeal Interiors Limited
COUNCIL, OR YOUR                             FRESH GALLERY                                                                                for the refi t, which is expected to take 19
                                                                                                                                          months to complete. The refi t will include
The council’s main administration
                                             OTARA TURNS 1!                                                                               changes to the layout of work space to
                                                                                                                                          maximise space and natural light, more
phone number is 263 7100 (business           FRESH GALLERY OTARA                            thriving hotbed for art and artists.          meeting rooms, improved fi ling and
hours). Use the Call Centre on 262           IS CELEBRATING ITS FIRST                       Pacifi c Arts Coordinator Ema Tavola,          storage space, an improved Emergency
5104 (24 hours) for assistance with:         BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH                            herself an artist and curator, is based       Management Crisis Centre and the
graffi ti, roading, signs, refuse disposal,   WITH A MULTI-MEDIA                             at the gallery and has developed its          refurbishment of the public committee
traffi c, street lighting, environmental      EXHIBITION.                                    profi le in a very location-specifi c way.      and meeting rooms (including the Council
by-laws, noise complaints, dog control,                                                        “The aim has always been for               Chamber).
statistical information, LIM reports,        The fi fteenth show and fi rst birthday          exhibitions at the gallery to speak               The main change as far as the public is
land rates and kerbside recycling.           exhibition will celebrate the gallery, its     primarily to our main audience, which         concerned is the entrance to the council
   The council’s website has contact         artists, exhibitions and community.            is Otara and Manukau,” she says. “I’ve        building will shift to the eastern side, close
details for all elected Councillors and         Works selected for ‘Fresh Gallery Otara     focused on promoting the work of local        to the Westfi eld car park. The through lane
Community Board members, at:                 Turns 1!’ will relate to Otara as a context    artists and graduates and students from       accessible from Wiri Station Road is also and click on             for art-making. They will refl ect relevant     the Manukau School of Visual Arts.            closed to all traffi c. Visitor parking remains
‘Your Council’, then select ‘Mayor and       issues in the community: the importance        Also important has been bringing              in the same place in the main council car
Councillors’ for their contact details or    of family, nationhood and ancestral            contemporary Pacifi c art to the Otara         park off Osterley Way. All changes are
‘Community Boards’ to see the lists of       connections; the infl uence of emerging         community as well as international            clearly signposted.
community board members.                     cultures; and the adaptive nature of Pacifi c   work that has come out of Otara-based             A detailed map of the new layout
                                             communities.                                   projects.”                                    was published in Manukau Matters issue
NEXT ISSUE Sunday 3 June 2007                   In May 2006, the gallery, located in a         The success of the gallery can be          20. Back issues of Manukau Matters
ISSN 1177-522X                               renovated shop in Otara, opened as a new       measured not only in the variety and          are available at libraries, on the council
                                             facility of Manukau City Council working       popularity of its exhibitions but also        website (where you
                                             in partnership with the Otara Economic         by the fact that Fresh Gallery Otara          can also view a copy of the map), or email
                                             Development Trust.                             has made good sales and generated    and
                                                These days Fresh Gallery Otara is a         welcome income for local artists.             we can send a copy to you.

PAGE 2                                                                                                      All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
MANUKAU WATER LIMITED,                               The plan – known as the Three Waters           needs. If we can encourage people to          Mr Jaduram says the Three Waters
A MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL                               Strategic Planning process – has identifi ed    conserve water then we might be able to       Strategic Planning process will outline
COMPANY, IS TAKING A                                 that big decisions are required soon on        delay or reduce the size of the required      options facing the Auckland region
KEY ROLE IN A REGION-                                new wastewater facilities for the Auckland     investment. This will have future cost        to meet water supply, wastewater,
WIDE PLANNING PROCESS                                region, and that such improvements could       benefi ts for everyone.”                       and stormwater needs as the region’s
THAT AIMS TO MAKE SURE                               cost several billion dollars.                     Mr Jaduram notes that just one leaking     population doubles over the next 80
ADEQUATE FACILITIES                                     Raveen Jaduram, chief executive for         tap can waste 260,000 litres in a year;       years.
ARE IN PLACE TO MEET                                 Manukau Water Limited, says the company        more water than the average household             Those options could include reducing
INCREASING DEMAND FOR                                is working closely with other utilities and    consumes.                                     demand through techniques such as
WASTEWATER SERVICES, AS                              local authorities to make sure the costs          “There are many simple little things       education, reuse and pricing to change
WELL AS STORMWATER AND                               of providing the new infrastructure are        we can do around the house to save            consumption habits.
DRINKING WATER.                                      minimised.                                     water, money and help the environment             “We can already see short-term prices
                                                        “There are major infrastructure             – and ultimately to reduce the need for       for bulk water and wastewater services
                                                     requirements in the Auckland region and        signifi cant new infrastructure investment,”   in the Auckland region are rising to pay
                                                     they require signifi cant investment,” Mr       he says.                                      for future infrastructure investment, so
                                                     Jaduram says. “It is clear from the planning      Water saving tips are detailed on the      we need to look closely at how we can
                                                     so far that water conservation will play a     company’s website: www.manukauwater.          minimise this over the longer term,”

                                                     key role in minimising the future investment                                         Mr Jaduram says.

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Injury Free Counties Manukau invites you to attend FREE

Injury prevention training: Burns and scalds
An average of 156 children under the age of five years are admitted to the                          Who should attend? Those working with children, the elderly, disabled
Middlemore Burn Unit each year. Many of their injuries are caused by hot water                      people, caregivers, the community, those working in injury prevention
from cups, kettles, baths or stove-related incidents. The majority of these incidents               or anyone studying towards these pathways.
occur in or around the home and are easily prevented. These classes will show
practical ways to help to protect those at risk.

Details of training classes taking                   Date  Thursday 24 May 2007                        Date  Thursday 7 June 2007                 Date  Thursday 28 June 2007
place in your area.                                  Time 9.30am—3pm                                   Time 9.30am—3pm                            Time 9.30am—3pm
                                                     Venue Franklin Arts & Cultural Centre             Venue Uxbridge Centre                      Venue Papakura Marae
                                                           Cnr. Wesley St and Edinburgh St                   35 Uxbridge Road                           Hunua Road
                                                           Pukekohe                                          Howick                                     Papakura

Registration is essential as places are limited. To register please contact:                        Facilitated by Child Safety Foundation New
Lauren Van Coller — (09) 262 8964 or                               Zealand. Supported by Manukau City Council,
Ligi Harris — (09) 262 8900 ext 8731                                                                New Zealand Fire Service, Middlemore Hospital
Caroline (Ligi) Harris —                                            Burn Unit, Burn Support Trust.

Manukau Matters Issue 21                                                                                                                                                             PAGE 3
                                                                                               STRATEGY FOR MANUKAU
                                                                                               PLANNING FOR A NEW EDUCATION STRATEGY FOR MANUKAU
                                                                                               IS UNDERWAY, WITH A SERIES OF COMMUNITY CONSULTATION
                                                                                               MEETINGS ABOUT TO BEGIN. IT IS BEING COORDINATED BY
                                                                                               THE CITY OF MANUKAU EDUCATION TRUST (COMET).

                                                                                               COMET is a charitable trust established           “Far too many of our young people are
                                                                                               by Manukau City Council. The strategy          leaving school inadequately qualifi ed and
                                                                                               will be linked to the goals for education      poorly prepared, not only for the workforce,
                                                                                               improvements in the 10-year vision for         but for life. We need to fi nd a way to support
                                                                                               the city, Tomorrow’s Manukau – Manukau         them to do better in the education system,
                                                                                               Apopo, which have the overall aim of raising   and to reconnect with it.”
                                                                                               education and qualifi cation levels.               During the conference a strong plea
                                                                                                  The process began recently with             was made for more bilingual education
                                                                                               an outpouring of ideas and comment             opportunities to allow students to study,
                                                                                               from delegates at a citywide education         and become fl uent, in two languages.
 BOOKS FOR NEWBORNS                                                                            conference held at TelstraClear Pacifi c
                                                                                               Events Centre.
                                                                                                                                                 Another theme was how schools can
                                                                                                                                              develop stronger relationships with the
 LAUNCHED IN MANUKAU                                                                              Mayor Sir Barry Curtis says improving
                                                                                               education is vital for the future of the
                                                                                                                                              business community. Sir Barry says there
                                                                                                                                              are many things businesses can contribute
 From early June every newborn baby                The pack is based on Wellington City        city. He urged the conference attendees        and there are benefi ts for both sides from
 living under the fl ight path to Auckland        Council’s successful Books to Babies pack     to go back to their individual schools or      a closer connection.
 International Airport will receive a book       which won a Pride in Print award in 2005      communities and start a debate about the          “Businesses get a better understanding
 gift pack, thanks to funding from the           for its multi-coloured and multi-textured     best way to move forward.                      of the challenges and problems facing
 Auckland Airport Community Trust.               packet designed especially for small             “The whole community must be                teachers and principals, while schools
   The Books for Newborns project,               hands.                                        involved in shaping the strategy, including    achieve a clearer picture of the world
 designed to encourage literacy in                 Chief Executive Offi cer of COMET            schools, parents and even the business         beyond the school gates; a world every
 Manukau, is a partnership between               Bernadine Vester is thrilled that Books       community. A key issue is to fi nd ways to      pupil is going to be part of when they
 the City of Manukau Education Trust             for Newborns is starting in Manukau. “It’s    persuade more of our Pacifi c and Maori         enter the workforce.”
 (COMET) and Manukau City Council                never too early to introduce infants to       students to stay in school longer and
 Libraries, with support from Plunket            the joys of reading. This is also a great     become qualifi ed.
 and the Books for Babes Trust.                  opportunity to encourage their parents
   The pack, distributed by Otara                and caregivers to take advantage of
 and Papatoetoe Plunket nurses and               the wonderful facilities available to          THREE CHEERS FOR VOLUNTEERS!
 Southseas Healthcare, contains a                preschoolers at Manukau Libraries,” says       More than 120 local residents from Botany, Howick, Mangere and Otara will be honoured
 colourful Buzzy Bee board book,                 Ms Vester.                                     in June for voluntary service to their communities.
 promotional material about library                COMET and Manukau Libraries are                Hosted by Manukau City Council’s Community Boards, a special reception will be held
 services, with the added incentive              supporting the Books for Babes Trust           to recognise the volunteer commitment that helps and strengthens communities.
 of a second free gift to parents and            in their bid to secure funding to extend         Many volunteers put in long unpaid hours working for organisations, groups and
 caregivers who visit the library with           the project to include all of Manukau in       services such as the school walking bus, home care for children, neighbourhood watch,
 their baby.                                     2008. The Trust currently runs a similar       budgeting, health, Maori Wardens, Pacifi c Wardens, civil defence, a knitters’ group set
   Areas covered by the fl ight path include      programme in Auckland City.                    up for Ukranian orphans, mental health services and church groups.
 parts of Mangere, Otara, Papatoetoe and                                                          Melva Yee, from the council’s Community Advisory Service, says it is fi tting that the
 Flat Bush.                                                                                     reception ceremony will coincide with the National Volunteers Awareness Awards.

Submissions closed on 4 May and a                  Senior Planning Adviser Robert Chan
preliminary analysis shows 313 submissions      says the Resource Management Act requires
were received with 178 in support, 125          a hearing to be held within 25 days of the
opposed and 10 not specifi ed.                   date submissions close. However, in view of
   More than 70 of those making                 the large number received, the process of
submissions have asked to be heard at the       analysing the submissions and preparing
hearings to consider the consent application.   for a hearing where some 72 submitters
The application — seeking the demolition        wish to be heard could take longer than
of the existing fi re-damaged Te Whare o         usual. It might therefore be necessary to
Torere and its replacement with improved        seek an extension for the hearing to be held
facilities on the same site — will be heard     within 50 days of the submissions’ closure
by independent commissioner the Hon             date, which is allowed for under the Act.
Justice Peter Salmon QC, who has extensive
experience in resource consent issues.                                                           TE WHARE O TORERE BEFORE IT WAS DAMAGED BY FIRE.

 PAGE 4                                                                                                        All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
PROTECTING                                                               CHOOSING THE RIGHT TREE
MANUKAU’S                                                                TREES ARE A COMMON SOURCE OF
                                                                         PROBLEMS BETWEEN NEIGHBOURS.
                                                                         FOLLOWING A FEW GUIDELINES COULD
                                                                                                                       Everyone has the right to plant and
                                                                                                                       grow trees on their property. However,
                                                                                                                       if any trees, roots or branches cross

TREES                                                                    HELP AVOID FUTURE HEADACHES.                  the boundary they are considered to be
                                                                                                                       trespassing and may be cut or trimmed by
                                                                                                                       the adjoining neighbour.
                                                                                                                           The District Plan does not control the
                                                                                                                       height of trees, shrubs or plants, or where
                                                                                                                       they are planted on a property. The council
                                                                                                                       only gets involved when rules in the
                                                                                                                       District Plan are being broken.
                                                                                                                           Trees shouldn’t be planted on the berm
                                                                                                                       outside your property. This is because
                                                                                                                       services like water pipes and electricity
                                                                                                                       could be affected. Also remember it is your
                                                                                                                       responsibility to prune trees so they don’t
                                                                                                                       hang over the footpath.
                                                                                                                           It is important to select tree species
                                                                                                                       that will grow to a scale appropriate to the
                                                                                                                       area and to the purpose wanted. Obtain
                                                                                                                       professional advice and consider:
                                                                                                                       • Site size and shape: before planting
                                                                                                                           think about how the site may change,
                                                                                                                           whether there is enough room for the
                                                                                                                           tree when it is fully grown. Will its roots
                                                                                                                           and branches affect buildings?
                                                                                                                       • Views: would a mature tree block views
                                                                                                                           or the sun for you or neighbours in
                                                                                                                           the future?
                                                                                                                       • Exposure: consider how windy or
                                                                                                                           sunny the site is. Species like manuka,
                                                                                                                           pohutukawa and kowhai adapt to
                                                                                                                           exposed areas and can provide good
                                                                                                                           wind breaks.
                                                                                                                       • Appearance: size, colour, scent,
THROUGHOUT MANUKAU, TREES,                                                                                                 profusion and the season of fl owers and
NATIVE AND EXOTIC, MAKE A SIGNIFICANT                                                                                      fruit are quite different from one tree to
CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHARACTER AND                                                                                          the next. How will leaves, fl owers, fruit
IDENTITY OF THE CITY. BUT TOO OFTEN                                                                                        or bird droppings affect the area?

Wounds to the roots, trunk/stem or main branches can cause
                                                                       GRANTS FOR
considerable problems for the health of a tree. This can happen        PROTECTION OF
when there is building or chemical activity around trees or simply
by driving across roots with a heavy vehicle.                          NATIVE BUSH
  For these reasons, anybody planning to work on a protected           Landowners with native bush on their
tree or around its drip line should check with the council to see if   property may be eligible for a grant from
they need consent.                                                     the Manukau City Council to help protect
   Resource consent is generally needed for work on protected          it. The council’s Bush Grants Policy offers
trees taller than six metres unless it is minor trimming or pruning    grants as an incentive to encourage the
done with hand tools.                                                  retirement and revegetation of rural land
   Protected species of exotic and native trees are listed in the      as well as the ongoing maintenance of
District Plan. Specifi c trees or groups of trees that have visual      existing parcels of native bush. Grants
appeal, botanic or historic value are also protected.                  may be available for properties that have
  The District Plan rules give recognition to the important role       continuous canopy of native trees over 6m
trees play in Manukau’s environment.                                   in height for a minimum area of 3000m 2.
   Trees help to soften and visually enhance an increasingly           To be eligible, the native bush must also be
populated and man-made environment. The presence of                    enclosed with a stock-proof fence because
vegetation helps to encourage native insects and birdlife such         grazing prevents bush from regenerating.
as tui, waxeye and the kereru to our parks and neighbourhoods.              If landowners have native bush less than
Trees also provide natural shelter from the sun, wind and the          the minimum height they can apply for the
rain. In some cases trees can even provide a useful buffer from        grant if they enter a binding covenant with
the sound of traffi c and other urban noise.                            the council to protect the area. Native bush
   It is a Resource Management Act offence to work on a                contributes to the amenity, biodiversity and,
protected tree without consent. The penalty depends on the             in some areas, the stability of the land.
court, but may include imprisonment or a fi ne. In 2006, a person
who cut down a pohutukawa tree at Maraetai was fi ned $30,000.

Manukau Matters Issue 21                                                                                                                                     PAGE 5
PUBLIC NOTICES                                                                                       Council and community meetings for June 2007
                                                                                                     Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings
                                                                                                     Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the Manukau
 Space for lease                                   Space for lease
                                                                                                     City Council and its standing committees for the month of 2007. The following standing
 An opportunity for community                      An opportunity for community
                                                                                                     committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room, Manukau Civic Centre on the date
 organisations to lease space in                   organisations to lease space in the
 the Otara Community Offi ces,                      Papatoetoe depot, 91 Cambridge
                                                                                                     Economic Development Committee                                      6 June 2007        5pm
 Otara town centre                                 Terrace, Papatoetoe
                                                                                                     Transport Committee                                                 7 June 2007        5pm
 Expressions of interest are invited from          Expressions of interest are invited from          Corporate Governance Committee                                      12 June 2007       5pm
 not-for-profi t community organisations            not-for-profi t community organisations            Community Development Committee                                     13 June 2007       5pm
 that could provide services of value to           that could provide services of value to           Environment and Urban Design Committee                              14 June 2007       5pm
 the Otara community and which might               the Papatoetoe community and which                Strategic Directions Committee                                      19 June 2007       5pm
 be interested in leasing offi ce space in          might be interested in leasing offi ce
 the Otara Community Offi ces, beside the           space in the Papatoetoe depot, 91                 The following standing committee meetings will be held at Rainbows End, corner       Great
 Tui Room.                                         Cambridge Terrace, Papatoetoe.                    South and Wiri Station Roads, Manukau.
    There is one offi ce available,                     There are four offi ces available, each        Hearings Committee                                              5 June 2007          9.30am
 approximately 10m 2 in size. There is a           approximately 20m 2 in size. There is a           Community Safety Committee                                      7 June 2007          9.30am
 shared kitchen and facilities and the             shared kitchen and facilities, and the            Hearings Committee (Colin Dale Park Hearing)             11/12/13 June 2007          9.30am
 adjacent Tui Room is also available for           adjacent Papa and Toetoe Rooms are
 group meetings etc.                               also available for group meetings etc.            The following standing committee meeting will be held at Makaurau Marae, Ruaiti Place,
    The rooms will be open for viewing                 The rooms will be open to view                Mangere:
 3pm-5pm on Friday 25 May and Friday               between 4pm and 6.30pm on Monday                  Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee                               20 June 2007          5pm
 1 June 2007, and council will offer               21 and 28 May 2007 and council staff
 assistance with applications and provide          will offer assistance with applications           The following commissioners’ hearing will be held in the conference room at Finn
 further information on its requirements           and provide further information on                McCool’s Irish Pub, 712 Great South Rd, Manukau:
 at this time. It is essential that all            council requirements at this time. It             19 McNicol Road, Clevedon                                       19 June 200      9.30am
 interested parties and organisations              is essential that all interested parties
 attend. If you have a current application         and organisations attend. If you have a           The following meetings will be held in council chambers
 for premises with council, please also            current application for premises with the         Council (to adopt LTCCP)                                              21 June 2007      5pm
 attend so that your interest in this              council, please also attend so that your          Council (monthly meeting)                                             28 June 2007      5pm
 facility can be registered.                       interest in this facility can be registered.
    Contact Maureen Sheldon,                           Please contact Maureen Sheldon,               Community board meetings will be held as follows:
 Community Tenancies Coordinator,                  Community Tenancies Coordinator,                  Mangere Community Board                                   11 June 2007                  5pm
 Ph 262 8900 ext 8827 for more                     Ph 2628900 ext 8827 for more                      Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere
 information and to obtain an application          information and to obtain an application          Botany Community Board                                    11 June 2007               6.30pm
 form.                                             form.                                             Botany Library, 1 Sunset Terrace
                                                                                                     Botany Shopping Centre, Botany Downs
 Closing date for applications Friday 8            Closing date for applications Friday 1            Clevedon Community Board                                 18 June 2007                7.30pm
 June 2007.                                        June 2007.                                        Clevedon Hall, Main Road, Clevedon
                                                                                                     Pakuranga Community Board                                18 June 2007                7.30pm
                                                                                                     Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex
                                                                                                     Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga
                                                                                                     Otara Community Board                                    18 June 2007                   5pm
                                                                                                     Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara
                                                                                                     Manurewa Community Board                                 25 June 2007                6.30pm
                                                                                                     Manukau Room, Level 3, Manukau Civic Centre
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES                                                                             Howick Community Board                                   25 June 2007                   7pm

AT COUNCIL                                                                                           Nixon Park Community Hall, 70R Sale Street, Howick
                                                                                                     Papatoetoe Community Board                                25 June 2007                  7pm
For these and other employment opportunities at council visit: and               Papatoetoe Chambers
select ‘Jobs at council’ under the ‘most popular’ banner.                                            31—33 St George Street, Papatoetoe

 Coordinator — Manukau the Healthy City
 Manukau City Council                                                                                Safe Communities Coordinator
 This role supports the Te Ora o Manukau — Manukau the Healthy City partnership                      Manukau City Council
 and focuses on developing and managing key relationships within the health and                      The focus of this role is to enhance community safety in Manukau city and to
 well-being sector in Manukau city. A key focus is promoting and coordinating initiatives            coordinate crime prevention and community safety initiatives. We are seeking
 under the Healthy City principles, the Treaty of Waitangi and the Ottawa Charter.                   someone with experience in working in partnership with community organisations,
 We are seeking a skilled communicater, passionate about improving health and well-                  and with excellent communication and facilitation skills. You will also need advanced
 being outcomes in the city with experience in community development and advocacy.                   project management skills and the ability to work with a range of diverse communities
 You will be developing relationships and establishing networks with a range                         and cultures. You will join the Community Safety and Health Team which seeks to make
 of government agencies, health service providers and voluntary groups. If you are                   a positive contribution to crime prevention and community safety throughout Manukau
 seeking an opportunity to make a positive difference in your community, then we want                city. We are seeking a committed and enthusiastic problem solver who can work as part
 to hear from you.                                                                                   of a focused community team.

 Vacancy Number: MM 3787                                                                             Vacancy Number: MM 3786
 Applications close: 24 May 2007, 12 noon                                                            Applications close: 24 May 2007, 12 noon

For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit; email a request
for a position description to; or phone 09 262 8907. Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your application.
Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading role in the Local Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi.

 PAGE 6                                                                                                              All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
Notice of Requirement
Notifi cation of an Application for Requirement under Section 168 of the
Resource Management Act 1991
Manukau City Council has received a Notice of Requirement for New Zealand                                              ONEHUNGA
Refi ning Company Limited.                                                                  Hillsborough                               Te Papapa Southdown

Location: The existing oil pipeline extends 161 kilometres, starting from Marsden
Point, Salle Road, Ruakaka in Northland and ending at the Wiri Oil Services Terminal                                                                         Westfield
in Manukau city. Wiri Oil Services Terminal is located at 149 Roscommon Road, Wiri,
Manukau city (opposite Wiri Station Road intersection with Roscommon Road).
Refer to map.
   In the Manukau city boundary the existing underground pipeline enters from the                             Mangere Bridge
foreshore of Manukau Harbour at Ambury Park, and traverses through the Water Care           Ambury Park                                                            OTAHUHU
Services Treatment Plant area and then generally through the Pukaki area to Puhinui                                                        Favona
Road and through to Pine Road and terminates at Wiri Oil Terminal.

Full details of the legal descriptions are included within the Notice of Requirement
The purpose of the Notice of Requirement (NOR) is to designate within the Manukau
District Plan, the corridor of the existing underground oil pipeline that traverses the
                                                                                                                                            Mangere East
route through Manukau city.
    The Notice of Requirement intends only to designate the current underground oil                                              Mangere
pipeline route and does not include any new pipelines or any additions to the pipeline.                                                                            Papatoetoe
    The Notice of Requirement documentation identifi es the proposal will achieve the
following three key objectives:
• To assist in ensuring the safety of current and future land owners by recording the                                                                                                Puh
    Refi nery to Auckland Pipeline (RAP) corridor in the District Plan                            Ihumatao
• To enhance and ensure protection of the pipeline and its corridor from potentially
    confl icting activities
• To provide suffi cient corridor width to continue to allow for safe separation from
    potentially confl icting activities, and for uninterrupted continuation of operation,                                                                         Wiri Oil Services
    maintenance and inspection activities.
                                                                                                          Auckland International Airport
Address for service:
Boffa Miskell (Attention Campbell Jensen)
82 Wyndham Street
PO Box 91250

                                                                                                            Existing Underground Pipeline Route
Where to view: The application can be viewed, and copies of submission forms are
available, at:
• The Public counter, Manukau City Council, Kotuku House, Manukau Square,
    Manukau city. Monday to Friday (except Wednesday), 8.30am to 5pm. Wednesday,            Local election hui
    8.30am to 4pm.
                                                                                            Hui to raise awareness regarding local government elections 2007
• Mangere Bridge Library, 5-7 Church Road, Mangere Bridge. Monday to Wednesday
    and Friday, 9am to 5pm. Thursday, 9am to 8pm. Saturday, 9.30am to 12.30pm.              The Manukau City Council is holding hui to raise awareness
• Mangere Town Centre Library, Bader Drive, Monday to Wednesday and Friday,                 amongst Maori regarding the upcoming local government
    9am to 5pm. Thursday, 9am to 7pm. Saturday 9.30am to 4pm.                               elections.
 Information pertaining to this notifi cation may also be viewed on council’s website            The evenings are a chance to hear what council does and to Key word “refi nery’.                                                   encourage an increase in the participation by Maori in council
                                                                                            processes, specifi cally the 2007 local authority elections.
Submissions: Submissions to the above Notice of Requirement must be received by             All are welcome to attend.
4.30pm on 20 June 2007.                                                                     The hui are on:
If you wish to make a submission, you may do so by sending a written submission to the      — Tuesday 22 May 2007, 6pm—8pm, Te Puea Marae, Mangere Bridge
council addressed to the Manager — Resource Consents, Manukau City Council, Private         — Tuesday 29 May 2007, 6pm—8pm, Uxbridge meeting room, Howick
Bag 76917, Manukau city — Attention: Mangere/Manurewa Team, Level 4, Kotuku House,          — Thursday 31 May 2007, 6pm—8pm, Manurewa Marae, Manurewa
to arrive not later than the date listed in the notice above.                               To assist with planning and catering, please register your attendance by contacting
The submission must be dated, signed by you, and include the following information:         Harmony Hill on Ph 262 8900 ext: 8805
1 Your name, postal address and phone number/fax number.
2 Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission,
    including location.                                                                     Rubbish collection
3 Whether you support or oppose the application.
                                                                                            Temporary change to rubbish and recycling collection days in Manukau city
4 Your submission with reasons.
5 The decision you wish the Manukau City Council to make.                                   Residents are advised that rubbish and recycling should be put out one day later than
6 Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.                               usual in the week commencing Monday 4 June, Queens’ Birthday Monday.
Any inquiries regarding this application should be directed to Farida Dean on telephone        No rubbish/recycling collection will take place on the public holiday, Monday 4 June.
262 8900 ext 8119.                                                                          Therefore all rubbish and recycling scheduled for collection on that day should be put
                                                                                            out one day later, on the Tuesday, with each subsequent collection day being one day
A copy of your submission must be served as soon as reasonably practicable on               later than scheduled for the rest of the week.
the applicant and should be sent to the Address for Service noted above.                       Collection days will revert to the normal schedule the following week.

Manukau Matters Issue 21                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 7
MANUKAU CALENDAR                                                                                                              Registration:
                                                                                                                              High profi le economist, author, investment
                                                                                                                                                                                               31 May
                                                                                                                                                                                               Pacific Music Awards
This is just a sample of the many events happening in Manukau.                                                                manager, columnist and philanthropist;                           Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre
For a full list please visit and click on “Calendar of Events”                                            always entertaining, Gareth’s presentations                      Hours: 8pm—9.30pm
in the “Most Popular” box at the top right of the page. Scroll down and click on                                              are an opportunity not to be missed.                             Price: Adult $20, Child $15,
“Find out what’s on in Manukau”.                                                                                                                                                               Family package $60
                                                                                                                              Dr Morgan will speak about:                                      Contact: Box Offi ce
 Multi-day events               One-day events                                                                                • Outlook for investment markets                                 Phone: 09 976 7777
                                                                                                                                 — housing to international shares                             Email: ticketing@pacifi
First and third Saturday each month                                                                                           • Kiwisaver — the good, the bad,                                 Website: www.pacifi
Mangere Bridge Craft Market                                                                                                      and the downright ugly.                                       The ceremony will involve the presentations
Venue: Village Square, Coronation Road,                                                                                       • And with fellow motorcyclist Joanne.                           of eight music awards along with live
Mangere Bridge                                                                                                                   An update of their experiences to date                        performances by prominent Pacifi c artists.
Hours: 10am—2pm                                                                                                                  as beginners in the philanthropic sector.
Contact: Carol-Anne Armitage
Phone: 09 622 1338                                                                                                                                                                             1—24 June
Email:                                                                                                 25 to 27 May                                                     Manukau Flightpath
Stalls include locally crafted jewellery,                                                                                     NZ Scrapbooking and Craft                                        Venue: Manukau Square, Manukau city
puppets and cards. Held weather permitting.                                                                                   Expo (SENZ 2007)                                                 Hours: 24hrs
                                                              To 9 June                                                       Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre                        Price: FREE
                                                              Fresh Gallery Otara Turns 1!                                    Hours: Friday—Saturday 10am—5pm;                                 Contact:
Every Sunday                                                  Venue: Fresh Gallery Otara                                      Sunday 10am—4pm                                                  Part of the Auckland Festival of
The Clevedon Village Farmers                                  Hours: Tuesday—Friday 10am—5pm;                                 Price: $10 Adult, $5 child, Group $90 for 10                     Photography Trust’s annual Creative
Market                                                        Saturday 8am—2pm                                                Contact: Fiona Caldwell                                          Exposure festival. This is an outdoor display
Venue: Sale Yards, Monument Road,                             Price: FREE                                                     Phone: 07 854 6805                                               of aerial photography, showing a bird’s
Clevedon                                                      Contact: Ema Tavola                                             Email: fi                                          eye view of the fl ightpath to Auckland
Hours: 8.30am—12noon                                          Phone: 09 274 6400                                              Website:                                          International Airport.
Contact: Helen Dorresteyn                                     Email:                                  A combination of high quality craft exhibits,
Phone: 021 523 616                                            Website:                                    demonstrations, classes, mini workshops,
Email:                                                        First birthday exhibition featuring local,                      seminars, displays and competitions.                             2—4 June                      national and international artists.                                                                                              Manukau Live Steamers Train
An authentic farmers market with organic                      The 15th exhibition at Fresh Gallery Otara                                                                                       Club — Queens Birthday Live
and spray-free produce, gourmet provisions                    will be a multi-media exhibition celebrating                    26 May                                                           Steam Weekend
and pony rides for the children.                              the fi rst birthday of the gallery, its artists,                 Southside Comedy                                                 Venue: Center Park Robertson Road
                                                              exhibitions and community. Featured artists                     Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre                        Mangere
                                                              include Luse Namani, Samiu Napa’a and                           Hours: 8pm—10.15pm                                               Hours: 11am—4pm
To 2 June                                                     Danielle Meredith and Glenda Vilisoni.                          Contact: Ticket Direct                                           Price: Rides cost $ 2p/p Concessions
How to Tread Lightly & Live                                                                                                   Phone: 0800 244 244                                              available
Like a Shadow: Photography                                                                                                    Email:                                    Contact: David Giles
— A Fanau Affair                                              To 2 December                                                   Comedy comes out south with a great                              Phone: Residence 09 535 8577,
Venue: Mangere Arts Centre, Shop 17,                          Te Aroha Kotahi Performing                                      night of laughs. Your host is Billy T award                      Business 09 576 7162
Mangere Town Centre                                           Arts Club                                                       winner Mike Loder (Off the Wire, Out Of                          Email:
Hours: Tuesday—Friday 9am–5pm; Saturday                       Venue: Mangere East Hall (Metro Theatre),                       The Question) presenting a hilarious mix of                      Website:
8.30am—3pm                                                    Massey Rd                                                       top acts including ‘That Indian guy’ Tarun                       The Manukau Live Steamers operate
Contact: Noelle Jakeman                                       Hours: 1pm—5pm                                                  Mohanbhai, TM Bishop and side splitting                          miniature trains which take passengers
Phone: 09 275 0482                                            Price: Adults $3                                                feature act Andrew Clay.                                         for rides on the 2000m railway track at
Email:                               Contact: Monique Warmington                                                                                                      Center Park. Diesel and electric locomotives
Website:                                  Phone: 09 278 1133                                                                                                               operate daily.
An exhibition of photography by Greg Semu,                    Email:                                       27 May
Evotia Tamua Thompson and Eimi Tamua.                         Website:                                     Spanish and Latin Dance
                                                              tearohakotahiperformingartsclub/                                Fiesta                                                           23—24 June
                                                              Club Days held Saturdays fortnightly.                           Venue: Te Tuhi the Mark, 13 Reeves Rd,                           Manukau City Symphony
To 3 June                                                     Friendly atmosphere where local talent                          Pakuranga                                                        Orchestra — Love, Loss and
Works by Donna Campbell                                       and community interaction is encouraged                         Hours: 2pm                                                       Laughter
Venue: Nathan Homestead, 70 Hill Road,                        including a live band and karaoke.                              Price: Donations to the Cancer Society.                          Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre,
Manurewa                                                                                                                      Contact: Jane Luscombe                                           Genesis Energy Theatre
Hours: Monday—Friday 9am—5pm;                                                                                                 Phone: 09 620 6942                                               Hours: 7.30pm—10pm and 2.30pm—5pm
Weekends 1pm—4pm                                              23 May                                                          Celebrating 35 years of Jane Luscombe’s                          Price: $15—$38, plus booking fees
Contact: Noelle Jakeman                                       The Investment Adventurer                                       Spanish Dance School. Featuring Spanish                          Contact: Box Offi ce
Phone: 09 275 0482                                            Dr Gareth Morgan                                                Fiesta Dancers: Folklore Chileno — Latino,                       Phone: 09 976 7777
Email:                               Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre                       Casa Tango.                                                      Email: ticketing@pacifi
Website:                                  Hours: 6pm—8pm                                                                                                                   Website: www.pacifi
Donna’s work applies the technology of                        Price: Tickets $15 payable at the door,                                                                                          Delight in Elgar’s beautiful setting of poetry.
the Maori art form of raranga (weaving) to                    with all proceeds going to Kidz First,                                                                                           Be amused by David Hamilton’s witty
create innovative works that carry the mana                   matched dollar for dollar by the Morgan                                                                                          settings of Jack Prelutzky’s pithy poetry.
(prestige) of weaving and speak with the                      Family Charitable Foundation. Seats are                                                                                          Be awed by the beauty of Andrew Lloyd-
voice of the urban modern Maori.                              limited, admission not guaranteed without                                                                                        Webber’s contemporary Requiem Mass.

 Free Event Listing
 Once a month Manukau City Council will publish an events diary in Manukau Matters, which will feature the highlights of the comprehensive events list on the council’s website. If you would like your event listed, please visit and click on “Calendar of Events”. Follow the instructions to submit your event details. Your event will appear on the website and from these listings a range of key events will be selected for publication in
 Manukau Matters. Note: It is the responsibility of the event submitter to ensure the information provided is complete and accurate. The above events diary is published by the council in good faith from details provided to it by event
 organisers via the council website. The council makes no claim as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content of the web site events listing or its reproduction (in full or part) in Manukau Matters.

 PAGE 8                                                                                                                                              All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at

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Manukau matters issue 21 2007

  • 1. TE KAEAEA MANUKAU JOB OPPORTUNITIES PAGE 6 MATTERS M S 20 MAY 2007 ISSUE 21 MANUKAU CITY FROM THE AIR IT’S AN OCCURRENCE of planes a day fl ying over the central THAT HAPPENS IN MANUKAU suburbs of Manukau city. SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, A series of large format photo fl ags BUT PEOPLE STILL LOOK will fl y above the ground to provide an UP; THE SIGHT OF A LARGE elevated view; essentially, the audience INTERNATIONAL AIRLINER will be looking to the sky to see, from COMING IN LOW OVER THE a pilot’s perspective, the earth beneath CITY IS AN IRRESISTIBLE their feet. ATTRACTION. BUT HAVE The exhibition is part of the Auckland YOU EVER THOUGHT OF Festival of Photography Trust’s annual WHAT THE PILOTS SEE, Creative Exposure festival. It involves LOOKING DOWN? a series of photography exhibitions throughout the Auckland region. Early in June you’ll have a chance to The Manukau Flightpath exhibition is fi nd out when the Manukau Flightpath sponsored by Manukau City Council photography exhibition opens in Manukau and Auckland International Airport Square. and will display in Manukau Square An outdoor display of aerial from 1 to 24 June. photography, the exhibition shows a bird’s For details of other exhibitions eye view of the fl ightpath to Auckland in the festival visit: International Airport, which sees dozens the city into successful and vibrant places.” Both Wiri and Manurewa have recently BUSINESSES VOTE Manukau City Council’s Business Improvement District Policy, established in established fi ve-year strategic plans after extensive community consultation. These STRONGLY IN FAVOUR OF 2005, is based on international models to improve the economic, social and cultural plans provide defi ned objectives and detailed actions that will benefi t the wider NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH vitality of defi ned areas within the city. community as a whole. In 2004 there were just two BIDs in COUNCIL In 2004 there were just two BIDs in Manukau city — there Manukau city — there are now 11. This rapid growth has arisen as a result of MANUREWA AND WIRI ARE and support for programmes and activities are now 11. the success each BID has achieved, and SET TO BECOME MANUKAU to promote economic development in the willingness of businesses to form CITY’S LATEST BUSINESS their areas. The policy enables additional funding to be partnerships with council to get results. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Manukau City Council Manager Economic directly applied in the area it is collected Business improvement districts in the city (BID) FOLLOWING STRONG Development Denise Fink says developing from, for initiatives including security and range in size from 30 to more than 1500 POLLING OF BUSINESSES IN BID areas is an integral part of promoting maintenance, graffi ti control, beautifi cation businesses. Polling is required as part of the BOTH AREAS IN FAVOUR OF the economic vitality of Manukau. projects, events and tourism initiatives, establishment phase to determine the level THE INITIATIVE. “Business improvement districts marketing and promotional activity, of support from businesses in the area. contribute greatly to the vitality and business recruiting, signage, coordination For information on BIDs contact Susan By becoming a BID, the two business areas economic development of the city, and our of precinct (e.g. appointing someone to Marshall, Project Manager Town Centres and will receive additional council funding, BID policy enables us to work collaboratively coordinate all activities), child care facilities, Business Precincts. Ph 262 8356 or email generated through targeted rates, with local businesses to transform parts of horticulture and retail improvements. NEWS, VIEWS, INTERVIEWS, ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLIC NOTICES, EVENTS, JOBS... ALL INSIDE YOUR MANUKAU MATTERS All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
  • 2. – TE KAEAEA MANUKAU MATTERS INTERSECTION – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea is published twice a month by the WINDSCREEN Manukau City Council and delivered to more than 100,000 households, rural WASHING IS delivery addresses, and other locations within the city boundaries. ILLEGAL IN – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea helps the council inform residents and MANUKAU ratepayers about council decisions, activities, projects and events. MOTORISTS WHO PAY It is a cost-effective way of providing WINDSCREEN WASHERS important statutory information such ARE ENCOURAGING THEIR as public notices concerning planning ILLEGAL BEHAVIOUR. and resource consent issues. – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea also That’s the message from Counties Manukau contains articles of interest to Manukau Police and Manukau City Council in response residents, promoting the city’s to the reappearance of windscreen washers resources, attractions, facilities and at some of the city’s major intersections, community events. such as the entrance to the East Tamaki car park during Saturday’s Otara market. CONTACT US AT The council and police have been They say motorists should be aware the The advice to motorists approached EMAIL manukau.matters@ concerned for some time about the windscreen washers only exist because by a windscreen washer is to politely but behaviour of windscreen washers at people are paying them rather than fi rmly fi rmly refuse their offer to clean their EDITORIAL 262 5223 several of Manukau’s major intersections, saying no to their request. windscreen and not hand over money. EVENT LISTINGS www.manukau.govt. especially the intimidation many of the Windscreen washing at intersections is If everyone follows this advice it will help nz and select ‘calendar of events’ under windscreen washers are exerting when banned under Manukau City Council’s Public to reduce the practice. the ‘most popular’ banner. targeting motorists. Places bylaw. DISTRIBUTION 262 5104 POST Manukau City Council, Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City (attention Manukau Matters) COUNCIL DESIGNED BY Scenario Communications Limited BUILDING EDITOR Jenna Moore CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards UPGRADE Members of the public are reminded that WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL a major refurbishment of Manukau City VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS? Council’s Civic Building has commenced In addition to your printed copy, we can this month with subsequent changes to send you a PDF version. Email us at how the building, meeting rooms and council chambers can be accessed. A contract for $10.4 million has been awarded to Mainzeal Interiors Limited WANT TO CONTACT COUNCIL, OR YOUR FRESH GALLERY for the refi t, which is expected to take 19 months to complete. The refi t will include ELECTED COUNCILLOR? The council’s main administration OTARA TURNS 1! changes to the layout of work space to maximise space and natural light, more phone number is 263 7100 (business FRESH GALLERY OTARA thriving hotbed for art and artists. meeting rooms, improved fi ling and hours). Use the Call Centre on 262 IS CELEBRATING ITS FIRST Pacifi c Arts Coordinator Ema Tavola, storage space, an improved Emergency 5104 (24 hours) for assistance with: BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH herself an artist and curator, is based Management Crisis Centre and the graffi ti, roading, signs, refuse disposal, WITH A MULTI-MEDIA at the gallery and has developed its refurbishment of the public committee traffi c, street lighting, environmental EXHIBITION. profi le in a very location-specifi c way. and meeting rooms (including the Council by-laws, noise complaints, dog control, “The aim has always been for Chamber). statistical information, LIM reports, The fi fteenth show and fi rst birthday exhibitions at the gallery to speak The main change as far as the public is land rates and kerbside recycling. exhibition will celebrate the gallery, its primarily to our main audience, which concerned is the entrance to the council The council’s website has contact artists, exhibitions and community. is Otara and Manukau,” she says. “I’ve building will shift to the eastern side, close details for all elected Councillors and Works selected for ‘Fresh Gallery Otara focused on promoting the work of local to the Westfi eld car park. The through lane Community Board members, at: Turns 1!’ will relate to Otara as a context artists and graduates and students from accessible from Wiri Station Road is also and click on for art-making. They will refl ect relevant the Manukau School of Visual Arts. closed to all traffi c. Visitor parking remains ‘Your Council’, then select ‘Mayor and issues in the community: the importance Also important has been bringing in the same place in the main council car Councillors’ for their contact details or of family, nationhood and ancestral contemporary Pacifi c art to the Otara park off Osterley Way. All changes are ‘Community Boards’ to see the lists of connections; the infl uence of emerging community as well as international clearly signposted. community board members. cultures; and the adaptive nature of Pacifi c work that has come out of Otara-based A detailed map of the new layout communities. projects.” was published in Manukau Matters issue NEXT ISSUE Sunday 3 June 2007 In May 2006, the gallery, located in a The success of the gallery can be 20. Back issues of Manukau Matters ISSN 1177-522X renovated shop in Otara, opened as a new measured not only in the variety and are available at libraries, on the council facility of Manukau City Council working popularity of its exhibitions but also website (where you in partnership with the Otara Economic by the fact that Fresh Gallery Otara can also view a copy of the map), or email Development Trust. has made good sales and generated and These days Fresh Gallery Otara is a welcome income for local artists. we can send a copy to you. PAGE 2 All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
  • 3. PLANNING TO MEET FUTURE WATER NEEDS MANUKAU WATER LIMITED, The plan – known as the Three Waters needs. If we can encourage people to Mr Jaduram says the Three Waters A MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL Strategic Planning process – has identifi ed conserve water then we might be able to Strategic Planning process will outline COMPANY, IS TAKING A that big decisions are required soon on delay or reduce the size of the required options facing the Auckland region KEY ROLE IN A REGION- new wastewater facilities for the Auckland investment. This will have future cost to meet water supply, wastewater, WIDE PLANNING PROCESS region, and that such improvements could benefi ts for everyone.” and stormwater needs as the region’s THAT AIMS TO MAKE SURE cost several billion dollars. Mr Jaduram notes that just one leaking population doubles over the next 80 ADEQUATE FACILITIES Raveen Jaduram, chief executive for tap can waste 260,000 litres in a year; years. ARE IN PLACE TO MEET Manukau Water Limited, says the company more water than the average household Those options could include reducing INCREASING DEMAND FOR is working closely with other utilities and consumes. demand through techniques such as WASTEWATER SERVICES, AS local authorities to make sure the costs “There are many simple little things education, reuse and pricing to change WELL AS STORMWATER AND of providing the new infrastructure are we can do around the house to save consumption habits. DRINKING WATER. minimised. water, money and help the environment “We can already see short-term prices “There are major infrastructure – and ultimately to reduce the need for for bulk water and wastewater services requirements in the Auckland region and signifi cant new infrastructure investment,” in the Auckland region are rising to pay they require signifi cant investment,” Mr he says. for future infrastructure investment, so Jaduram says. “It is clear from the planning Water saving tips are detailed on the we need to look closely at how we can so far that water conservation will play a company’s website: www.manukauwater. minimise this over the longer term,” ANGEIR key role in minimising the future investment Mr Jaduram says. WVI T T PS A d eta il ed S s a re in g tip ate r we b s ite: r s av Wa t e u ka u W o .nz e Man ate r.c o n th .m a n u ka uw www MAINTAINING AND UPGRADING WASTEWATER TREATMENT, STORMWATER DISPOSAL AND DRINKING WATER SUPPLY FOR A RAPIDLY GROWING AUCKLAND REGION IS A BILLION DOLLAR ISSUE FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND WATER UTILITY COMPANIES. Injury Free Counties Manukau invites you to attend FREE Injury prevention training: Burns and scalds An average of 156 children under the age of five years are admitted to the Who should attend? Those working with children, the elderly, disabled Middlemore Burn Unit each year. Many of their injuries are caused by hot water people, caregivers, the community, those working in injury prevention from cups, kettles, baths or stove-related incidents. The majority of these incidents or anyone studying towards these pathways. occur in or around the home and are easily prevented. These classes will show practical ways to help to protect those at risk. Details of training classes taking Date Thursday 24 May 2007 Date Thursday 7 June 2007 Date Thursday 28 June 2007 place in your area. Time 9.30am—3pm Time 9.30am—3pm Time 9.30am—3pm Venue Franklin Arts & Cultural Centre Venue Uxbridge Centre Venue Papakura Marae Cnr. Wesley St and Edinburgh St 35 Uxbridge Road Hunua Road Pukekohe Howick Papakura Registration is essential as places are limited. To register please contact: Facilitated by Child Safety Foundation New Lauren Van Coller — (09) 262 8964 or Zealand. Supported by Manukau City Council, Ligi Harris — (09) 262 8900 ext 8731 New Zealand Fire Service, Middlemore Hospital Caroline (Ligi) Harris — Burn Unit, Burn Support Trust. Manukau Matters Issue 21 PAGE 3
  • 4. NEW EDUCATION STRATEGY FOR MANUKAU PLANNING FOR A NEW EDUCATION STRATEGY FOR MANUKAU IS UNDERWAY, WITH A SERIES OF COMMUNITY CONSULTATION MEETINGS ABOUT TO BEGIN. IT IS BEING COORDINATED BY THE CITY OF MANUKAU EDUCATION TRUST (COMET). COMET is a charitable trust established “Far too many of our young people are by Manukau City Council. The strategy leaving school inadequately qualifi ed and will be linked to the goals for education poorly prepared, not only for the workforce, improvements in the 10-year vision for but for life. We need to fi nd a way to support the city, Tomorrow’s Manukau – Manukau them to do better in the education system, Apopo, which have the overall aim of raising and to reconnect with it.” education and qualifi cation levels. During the conference a strong plea The process began recently with was made for more bilingual education an outpouring of ideas and comment opportunities to allow students to study, from delegates at a citywide education and become fl uent, in two languages. BOOKS FOR NEWBORNS conference held at TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre. Another theme was how schools can develop stronger relationships with the LAUNCHED IN MANUKAU Mayor Sir Barry Curtis says improving education is vital for the future of the business community. Sir Barry says there are many things businesses can contribute From early June every newborn baby The pack is based on Wellington City city. He urged the conference attendees and there are benefi ts for both sides from living under the fl ight path to Auckland Council’s successful Books to Babies pack to go back to their individual schools or a closer connection. International Airport will receive a book which won a Pride in Print award in 2005 communities and start a debate about the “Businesses get a better understanding gift pack, thanks to funding from the for its multi-coloured and multi-textured best way to move forward. of the challenges and problems facing Auckland Airport Community Trust. packet designed especially for small “The whole community must be teachers and principals, while schools The Books for Newborns project, hands. involved in shaping the strategy, including achieve a clearer picture of the world designed to encourage literacy in Chief Executive Offi cer of COMET schools, parents and even the business beyond the school gates; a world every Manukau, is a partnership between Bernadine Vester is thrilled that Books community. A key issue is to fi nd ways to pupil is going to be part of when they the City of Manukau Education Trust for Newborns is starting in Manukau. “It’s persuade more of our Pacifi c and Maori enter the workforce.” (COMET) and Manukau City Council never too early to introduce infants to students to stay in school longer and Libraries, with support from Plunket the joys of reading. This is also a great become qualifi ed. and the Books for Babes Trust. opportunity to encourage their parents The pack, distributed by Otara and caregivers to take advantage of and Papatoetoe Plunket nurses and the wonderful facilities available to THREE CHEERS FOR VOLUNTEERS! Southseas Healthcare, contains a preschoolers at Manukau Libraries,” says More than 120 local residents from Botany, Howick, Mangere and Otara will be honoured colourful Buzzy Bee board book, Ms Vester. in June for voluntary service to their communities. promotional material about library COMET and Manukau Libraries are Hosted by Manukau City Council’s Community Boards, a special reception will be held services, with the added incentive supporting the Books for Babes Trust to recognise the volunteer commitment that helps and strengthens communities. of a second free gift to parents and in their bid to secure funding to extend Many volunteers put in long unpaid hours working for organisations, groups and caregivers who visit the library with the project to include all of Manukau in services such as the school walking bus, home care for children, neighbourhood watch, their baby. 2008. The Trust currently runs a similar budgeting, health, Maori Wardens, Pacifi c Wardens, civil defence, a knitters’ group set Areas covered by the fl ight path include programme in Auckland City. up for Ukranian orphans, mental health services and church groups. parts of Mangere, Otara, Papatoetoe and Melva Yee, from the council’s Community Advisory Service, says it is fi tting that the Flat Bush. reception ceremony will coincide with the National Volunteers Awareness Awards. 300 SUBMISSIONS TO TE WHARE O TORERE REBUILD PROPOSAL MORE THAN 300 SUBMISSIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED TO MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL’S APPLICATION FOR RESOURCE CONSENT TO REBUILD TE WHARE O TORERE IN HOWICK’S EMILIA MAUDE NIXON GARDEN OF MEMORIES. Submissions closed on 4 May and a Senior Planning Adviser Robert Chan preliminary analysis shows 313 submissions says the Resource Management Act requires were received with 178 in support, 125 a hearing to be held within 25 days of the opposed and 10 not specifi ed. date submissions close. However, in view of More than 70 of those making the large number received, the process of submissions have asked to be heard at the analysing the submissions and preparing hearings to consider the consent application. for a hearing where some 72 submitters The application — seeking the demolition wish to be heard could take longer than of the existing fi re-damaged Te Whare o usual. It might therefore be necessary to Torere and its replacement with improved seek an extension for the hearing to be held facilities on the same site — will be heard within 50 days of the submissions’ closure by independent commissioner the Hon date, which is allowed for under the Act. Justice Peter Salmon QC, who has extensive experience in resource consent issues. TE WHARE O TORERE BEFORE IT WAS DAMAGED BY FIRE. PAGE 4 All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
  • 5. PROTECTING CHOOSING THE RIGHT TREE MANUKAU’S TREES ARE A COMMON SOURCE OF PROBLEMS BETWEEN NEIGHBOURS. FOLLOWING A FEW GUIDELINES COULD Everyone has the right to plant and grow trees on their property. However, if any trees, roots or branches cross TREES HELP AVOID FUTURE HEADACHES. the boundary they are considered to be trespassing and may be cut or trimmed by the adjoining neighbour. The District Plan does not control the height of trees, shrubs or plants, or where they are planted on a property. The council only gets involved when rules in the District Plan are being broken. Trees shouldn’t be planted on the berm outside your property. This is because services like water pipes and electricity could be affected. Also remember it is your responsibility to prune trees so they don’t hang over the footpath. It is important to select tree species that will grow to a scale appropriate to the area and to the purpose wanted. Obtain professional advice and consider: • Site size and shape: before planting think about how the site may change, whether there is enough room for the tree when it is fully grown. Will its roots and branches affect buildings? • Views: would a mature tree block views or the sun for you or neighbours in the future? • Exposure: consider how windy or sunny the site is. Species like manuka, pohutukawa and kowhai adapt to exposed areas and can provide good wind breaks. • Appearance: size, colour, scent, THROUGHOUT MANUKAU, TREES, profusion and the season of fl owers and NATIVE AND EXOTIC, MAKE A SIGNIFICANT fruit are quite different from one tree to CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHARACTER AND the next. How will leaves, fl owers, fruit IDENTITY OF THE CITY. BUT TOO OFTEN or bird droppings affect the area? THESE TREES HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED TO VANDALISM AND UNNECESSARY CARELESS TREATMENT. Wounds to the roots, trunk/stem or main branches can cause GRANTS FOR considerable problems for the health of a tree. This can happen PROTECTION OF when there is building or chemical activity around trees or simply by driving across roots with a heavy vehicle. NATIVE BUSH For these reasons, anybody planning to work on a protected Landowners with native bush on their tree or around its drip line should check with the council to see if property may be eligible for a grant from they need consent. the Manukau City Council to help protect Resource consent is generally needed for work on protected it. The council’s Bush Grants Policy offers trees taller than six metres unless it is minor trimming or pruning grants as an incentive to encourage the done with hand tools. retirement and revegetation of rural land Protected species of exotic and native trees are listed in the as well as the ongoing maintenance of District Plan. Specifi c trees or groups of trees that have visual existing parcels of native bush. Grants appeal, botanic or historic value are also protected. may be available for properties that have The District Plan rules give recognition to the important role continuous canopy of native trees over 6m trees play in Manukau’s environment. in height for a minimum area of 3000m 2. Trees help to soften and visually enhance an increasingly To be eligible, the native bush must also be populated and man-made environment. The presence of enclosed with a stock-proof fence because vegetation helps to encourage native insects and birdlife such grazing prevents bush from regenerating. as tui, waxeye and the kereru to our parks and neighbourhoods. If landowners have native bush less than Trees also provide natural shelter from the sun, wind and the the minimum height they can apply for the rain. In some cases trees can even provide a useful buffer from grant if they enter a binding covenant with the sound of traffi c and other urban noise. the council to protect the area. Native bush It is a Resource Management Act offence to work on a contributes to the amenity, biodiversity and, protected tree without consent. The penalty depends on the in some areas, the stability of the land. court, but may include imprisonment or a fi ne. In 2006, a person who cut down a pohutukawa tree at Maraetai was fi ned $30,000. Manukau Matters Issue 21 PAGE 5
  • 6. PUBLIC NOTICES Council and community meetings for June 2007 Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the Manukau Space for lease Space for lease City Council and its standing committees for the month of 2007. The following standing An opportunity for community An opportunity for community committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room, Manukau Civic Centre on the date organisations to lease space in organisations to lease space in the specified. the Otara Community Offi ces, Papatoetoe depot, 91 Cambridge Economic Development Committee 6 June 2007 5pm Otara town centre Terrace, Papatoetoe Transport Committee 7 June 2007 5pm Expressions of interest are invited from Expressions of interest are invited from Corporate Governance Committee 12 June 2007 5pm not-for-profi t community organisations not-for-profi t community organisations Community Development Committee 13 June 2007 5pm that could provide services of value to that could provide services of value to Environment and Urban Design Committee 14 June 2007 5pm the Otara community and which might the Papatoetoe community and which Strategic Directions Committee 19 June 2007 5pm be interested in leasing offi ce space in might be interested in leasing offi ce the Otara Community Offi ces, beside the space in the Papatoetoe depot, 91 The following standing committee meetings will be held at Rainbows End, corner Great Tui Room. Cambridge Terrace, Papatoetoe. South and Wiri Station Roads, Manukau. There is one offi ce available, There are four offi ces available, each Hearings Committee 5 June 2007 9.30am approximately 10m 2 in size. There is a approximately 20m 2 in size. There is a Community Safety Committee 7 June 2007 9.30am shared kitchen and facilities and the shared kitchen and facilities, and the Hearings Committee (Colin Dale Park Hearing) 11/12/13 June 2007 9.30am adjacent Tui Room is also available for adjacent Papa and Toetoe Rooms are group meetings etc. also available for group meetings etc. The following standing committee meeting will be held at Makaurau Marae, Ruaiti Place, The rooms will be open for viewing The rooms will be open to view Mangere: 3pm-5pm on Friday 25 May and Friday between 4pm and 6.30pm on Monday Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee 20 June 2007 5pm 1 June 2007, and council will offer 21 and 28 May 2007 and council staff assistance with applications and provide will offer assistance with applications The following commissioners’ hearing will be held in the conference room at Finn further information on its requirements and provide further information on McCool’s Irish Pub, 712 Great South Rd, Manukau: at this time. It is essential that all council requirements at this time. It 19 McNicol Road, Clevedon 19 June 200 9.30am interested parties and organisations is essential that all interested parties attend. If you have a current application and organisations attend. If you have a The following meetings will be held in council chambers for premises with council, please also current application for premises with the Council (to adopt LTCCP) 21 June 2007 5pm attend so that your interest in this council, please also attend so that your Council (monthly meeting) 28 June 2007 5pm facility can be registered. interest in this facility can be registered. Contact Maureen Sheldon, Please contact Maureen Sheldon, Community board meetings will be held as follows: Community Tenancies Coordinator, Community Tenancies Coordinator, Mangere Community Board 11 June 2007 5pm Ph 262 8900 ext 8827 for more Ph 2628900 ext 8827 for more Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere information and to obtain an application information and to obtain an application Botany Community Board 11 June 2007 6.30pm form. form. Botany Library, 1 Sunset Terrace Botany Shopping Centre, Botany Downs Closing date for applications Friday 8 Closing date for applications Friday 1 Clevedon Community Board 18 June 2007 7.30pm June 2007. June 2007. Clevedon Hall, Main Road, Clevedon Pakuranga Community Board 18 June 2007 7.30pm Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga Otara Community Board 18 June 2007 5pm Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara Manurewa Community Board 25 June 2007 6.30pm Manukau Room, Level 3, Manukau Civic Centre EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Howick Community Board 25 June 2007 7pm AT COUNCIL Nixon Park Community Hall, 70R Sale Street, Howick Papatoetoe Community Board 25 June 2007 7pm For these and other employment opportunities at council visit: and Papatoetoe Chambers select ‘Jobs at council’ under the ‘most popular’ banner. 31—33 St George Street, Papatoetoe Coordinator — Manukau the Healthy City Manukau City Council Safe Communities Coordinator This role supports the Te Ora o Manukau — Manukau the Healthy City partnership Manukau City Council and focuses on developing and managing key relationships within the health and The focus of this role is to enhance community safety in Manukau city and to well-being sector in Manukau city. A key focus is promoting and coordinating initiatives coordinate crime prevention and community safety initiatives. We are seeking under the Healthy City principles, the Treaty of Waitangi and the Ottawa Charter. someone with experience in working in partnership with community organisations, We are seeking a skilled communicater, passionate about improving health and well- and with excellent communication and facilitation skills. You will also need advanced being outcomes in the city with experience in community development and advocacy. project management skills and the ability to work with a range of diverse communities You will be developing relationships and establishing networks with a range and cultures. You will join the Community Safety and Health Team which seeks to make of government agencies, health service providers and voluntary groups. If you are a positive contribution to crime prevention and community safety throughout Manukau seeking an opportunity to make a positive difference in your community, then we want city. We are seeking a committed and enthusiastic problem solver who can work as part to hear from you. of a focused community team. Vacancy Number: MM 3787 Vacancy Number: MM 3786 Applications close: 24 May 2007, 12 noon Applications close: 24 May 2007, 12 noon For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit; email a request for a position description to; or phone 09 262 8907. Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading role in the Local Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi. PAGE 6 All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at
  • 7. Notice of Requirement Notifi cation of an Application for Requirement under Section 168 of the Resource Management Act 1991 Manukau City Council has received a Notice of Requirement for New Zealand ONEHUNGA Refi ning Company Limited. Hillsborough Te Papapa Southdown Location: The existing oil pipeline extends 161 kilometres, starting from Marsden Point, Salle Road, Ruakaka in Northland and ending at the Wiri Oil Services Terminal Westfield in Manukau city. Wiri Oil Services Terminal is located at 149 Roscommon Road, Wiri, Manukau city (opposite Wiri Station Road intersection with Roscommon Road). Refer to map. In the Manukau city boundary the existing underground pipeline enters from the Mangere Bridge foreshore of Manukau Harbour at Ambury Park, and traverses through the Water Care Ambury Park OTAHUHU Services Treatment Plant area and then generally through the Pukaki area to Puhinui Favona Road and through to Pine Road and terminates at Wiri Oil Terminal. Full details of the legal descriptions are included within the Notice of Requirement documentation. Middlemore The purpose of the Notice of Requirement (NOR) is to designate within the Manukau District Plan, the corridor of the existing underground oil pipeline that traverses the Mangere East route through Manukau city. The Notice of Requirement intends only to designate the current underground oil Mangere pipeline route and does not include any new pipelines or any additions to the pipeline. Papatoetoe The Notice of Requirement documentation identifi es the proposal will achieve the following three key objectives: • To assist in ensuring the safety of current and future land owners by recording the Puh Refi nery to Auckland Pipeline (RAP) corridor in the District Plan Ihumatao • To enhance and ensure protection of the pipeline and its corridor from potentially confl icting activities • To provide suffi cient corridor width to continue to allow for safe separation from potentially confl icting activities, and for uninterrupted continuation of operation, Wiri Oil Services Terminal maintenance and inspection activities. Auckland International Airport Address for service: Boffa Miskell (Attention Campbell Jensen) 82 Wyndham Street PO Box 91250 Auckland Existing Underground Pipeline Route Where to view: The application can be viewed, and copies of submission forms are available, at: • The Public counter, Manukau City Council, Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau city. Monday to Friday (except Wednesday), 8.30am to 5pm. Wednesday, Local election hui 8.30am to 4pm. Hui to raise awareness regarding local government elections 2007 • Mangere Bridge Library, 5-7 Church Road, Mangere Bridge. Monday to Wednesday and Friday, 9am to 5pm. Thursday, 9am to 8pm. Saturday, 9.30am to 12.30pm. The Manukau City Council is holding hui to raise awareness • Mangere Town Centre Library, Bader Drive, Monday to Wednesday and Friday, amongst Maori regarding the upcoming local government 9am to 5pm. Thursday, 9am to 7pm. Saturday 9.30am to 4pm. elections. Information pertaining to this notifi cation may also be viewed on council’s website The evenings are a chance to hear what council does and to Key word “refi nery’. encourage an increase in the participation by Maori in council processes, specifi cally the 2007 local authority elections. Submissions: Submissions to the above Notice of Requirement must be received by All are welcome to attend. 4.30pm on 20 June 2007. The hui are on: If you wish to make a submission, you may do so by sending a written submission to the — Tuesday 22 May 2007, 6pm—8pm, Te Puea Marae, Mangere Bridge council addressed to the Manager — Resource Consents, Manukau City Council, Private — Tuesday 29 May 2007, 6pm—8pm, Uxbridge meeting room, Howick Bag 76917, Manukau city — Attention: Mangere/Manurewa Team, Level 4, Kotuku House, — Thursday 31 May 2007, 6pm—8pm, Manurewa Marae, Manurewa to arrive not later than the date listed in the notice above. To assist with planning and catering, please register your attendance by contacting The submission must be dated, signed by you, and include the following information: Harmony Hill on Ph 262 8900 ext: 8805 1 Your name, postal address and phone number/fax number. 2 Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission, including location. Rubbish collection 3 Whether you support or oppose the application. Temporary change to rubbish and recycling collection days in Manukau city 4 Your submission with reasons. 5 The decision you wish the Manukau City Council to make. Residents are advised that rubbish and recycling should be put out one day later than 6 Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission. usual in the week commencing Monday 4 June, Queens’ Birthday Monday. Any inquiries regarding this application should be directed to Farida Dean on telephone No rubbish/recycling collection will take place on the public holiday, Monday 4 June. 262 8900 ext 8119. Therefore all rubbish and recycling scheduled for collection on that day should be put out one day later, on the Tuesday, with each subsequent collection day being one day A copy of your submission must be served as soon as reasonably practicable on later than scheduled for the rest of the week. the applicant and should be sent to the Address for Service noted above. Collection days will revert to the normal schedule the following week. Manukau Matters Issue 21 PAGE 7
  • 8. MANUKAU CALENDAR Registration: High profi le economist, author, investment 31 May Pacific Music Awards This is just a sample of the many events happening in Manukau. manager, columnist and philanthropist; Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre For a full list please visit and click on “Calendar of Events” always entertaining, Gareth’s presentations Hours: 8pm—9.30pm in the “Most Popular” box at the top right of the page. Scroll down and click on are an opportunity not to be missed. Price: Adult $20, Child $15, “Find out what’s on in Manukau”. Family package $60 Dr Morgan will speak about: Contact: Box Offi ce Multi-day events One-day events • Outlook for investment markets Phone: 09 976 7777 — housing to international shares Email: ticketing@pacifi First and third Saturday each month • Kiwisaver — the good, the bad, Website: www.pacifi Mangere Bridge Craft Market and the downright ugly. The ceremony will involve the presentations Venue: Village Square, Coronation Road, • And with fellow motorcyclist Joanne. of eight music awards along with live Mangere Bridge An update of their experiences to date performances by prominent Pacifi c artists. Hours: 10am—2pm as beginners in the philanthropic sector. Contact: Carol-Anne Armitage Phone: 09 622 1338 1—24 June Email: 25 to 27 May Manukau Flightpath Stalls include locally crafted jewellery, NZ Scrapbooking and Craft Venue: Manukau Square, Manukau city puppets and cards. Held weather permitting. Expo (SENZ 2007) Hours: 24hrs To 9 June Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre Price: FREE Fresh Gallery Otara Turns 1! Hours: Friday—Saturday 10am—5pm; Contact: Every Sunday Venue: Fresh Gallery Otara Sunday 10am—4pm Part of the Auckland Festival of The Clevedon Village Farmers Hours: Tuesday—Friday 10am—5pm; Price: $10 Adult, $5 child, Group $90 for 10 Photography Trust’s annual Creative Market Saturday 8am—2pm Contact: Fiona Caldwell Exposure festival. This is an outdoor display Venue: Sale Yards, Monument Road, Price: FREE Phone: 07 854 6805 of aerial photography, showing a bird’s Clevedon Contact: Ema Tavola Email: fi eye view of the fl ightpath to Auckland Hours: 8.30am—12noon Phone: 09 274 6400 Website: International Airport. Contact: Helen Dorresteyn Email: A combination of high quality craft exhibits, Phone: 021 523 616 Website: demonstrations, classes, mini workshops, Email: First birthday exhibition featuring local, seminars, displays and competitions. 2—4 June national and international artists. Manukau Live Steamers Train An authentic farmers market with organic The 15th exhibition at Fresh Gallery Otara Club — Queens Birthday Live and spray-free produce, gourmet provisions will be a multi-media exhibition celebrating 26 May Steam Weekend and pony rides for the children. the fi rst birthday of the gallery, its artists, Southside Comedy Venue: Center Park Robertson Road exhibitions and community. Featured artists Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre Mangere include Luse Namani, Samiu Napa’a and Hours: 8pm—10.15pm Hours: 11am—4pm To 2 June Danielle Meredith and Glenda Vilisoni. Contact: Ticket Direct Price: Rides cost $ 2p/p Concessions How to Tread Lightly & Live Phone: 0800 244 244 available Like a Shadow: Photography Email: Contact: David Giles — A Fanau Affair To 2 December Comedy comes out south with a great Phone: Residence 09 535 8577, Venue: Mangere Arts Centre, Shop 17, Te Aroha Kotahi Performing night of laughs. Your host is Billy T award Business 09 576 7162 Mangere Town Centre Arts Club winner Mike Loder (Off the Wire, Out Of Email: Hours: Tuesday—Friday 9am–5pm; Saturday Venue: Mangere East Hall (Metro Theatre), The Question) presenting a hilarious mix of Website: 8.30am—3pm Massey Rd top acts including ‘That Indian guy’ Tarun The Manukau Live Steamers operate Contact: Noelle Jakeman Hours: 1pm—5pm Mohanbhai, TM Bishop and side splitting miniature trains which take passengers Phone: 09 275 0482 Price: Adults $3 feature act Andrew Clay. for rides on the 2000m railway track at Email: Contact: Monique Warmington Center Park. Diesel and electric locomotives Website: Phone: 09 278 1133 operate daily. An exhibition of photography by Greg Semu, Email: 27 May Evotia Tamua Thompson and Eimi Tamua. Website: Spanish and Latin Dance tearohakotahiperformingartsclub/ Fiesta 23—24 June Club Days held Saturdays fortnightly. Venue: Te Tuhi the Mark, 13 Reeves Rd, Manukau City Symphony To 3 June Friendly atmosphere where local talent Pakuranga Orchestra — Love, Loss and Works by Donna Campbell and community interaction is encouraged Hours: 2pm Laughter Venue: Nathan Homestead, 70 Hill Road, including a live band and karaoke. Price: Donations to the Cancer Society. Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre, Manurewa Contact: Jane Luscombe Genesis Energy Theatre Hours: Monday—Friday 9am—5pm; Phone: 09 620 6942 Hours: 7.30pm—10pm and 2.30pm—5pm Weekends 1pm—4pm 23 May Celebrating 35 years of Jane Luscombe’s Price: $15—$38, plus booking fees Contact: Noelle Jakeman The Investment Adventurer Spanish Dance School. Featuring Spanish Contact: Box Offi ce Phone: 09 275 0482 Dr Gareth Morgan Fiesta Dancers: Folklore Chileno — Latino, Phone: 09 976 7777 Email: Venue: TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre Casa Tango. Email: ticketing@pacifi Website: Hours: 6pm—8pm Website: www.pacifi Donna’s work applies the technology of Price: Tickets $15 payable at the door, Delight in Elgar’s beautiful setting of poetry. the Maori art form of raranga (weaving) to with all proceeds going to Kidz First, Be amused by David Hamilton’s witty create innovative works that carry the mana matched dollar for dollar by the Morgan settings of Jack Prelutzky’s pithy poetry. (prestige) of weaving and speak with the Family Charitable Foundation. Seats are Be awed by the beauty of Andrew Lloyd- voice of the urban modern Maori. limited, admission not guaranteed without Webber’s contemporary Requiem Mass. registration. Free Event Listing Once a month Manukau City Council will publish an events diary in Manukau Matters, which will feature the highlights of the comprehensive events list on the council’s website. If you would like your event listed, please visit and click on “Calendar of Events”. Follow the instructions to submit your event details. Your event will appear on the website and from these listings a range of key events will be selected for publication in Manukau Matters. Note: It is the responsibility of the event submitter to ensure the information provided is complete and accurate. The above events diary is published by the council in good faith from details provided to it by event organisers via the council website. The council makes no claim as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content of the web site events listing or its reproduction (in full or part) in Manukau Matters. PAGE 8 All issues of Manukau Matters are available online at