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                                                                                             TE KAEAEA

JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT COUNCIL PAGE 6                                                          MATTERS
                                                                                             M     S
                                                                                             21 JANUARY 2007 ISSUE 13


Hosted by Toi o Manukau Maori Arts and Cultural Trust in
partnership with Manukau City Council, the event is now the second
largest Waitangi Day commemoration in the country, and the
biggest in the Auckland region.
   Mayor Sir Barry Curtis is looking forward to welcoming everyone
to this year’s event, which he sees as a celebration that creates
understanding and camaraderie amongst people of many different
ethnic backgrounds.
   “During the last few years, Manukau has led the way in
recognising and promoting the true spirit of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
through its Waitangi Day festival, which offers a feast of culture
in a family-friendly environment,” Sir Barry says.
   Rose Whaiapu, chair of the Toi o Manukau Trust says the
commemoration is a wonderful celebration of a foundation event
in New Zealand’s history.
   The best of Manukau’s talent will be showcased on the main
stage, and traditional and contemporary Maori and Pacifi c art works
from local artists will be exhibited.
   Visitors can also stroll through the shopping village where they
will fi nd a variety of stalls selling great kai, arts, crafts, clothing
and merchandise, along with information booths. There will also be
a children’s area offering free rides and activities. Hayman Park,                                                           2006 WAITANGI DAY PHOTOS COURTESY OF TOI O
Manukau city, Tuesday 6 February, 10am—6pm.                                                                                  MANUKAU MAORI ARTS AND CULTURAL TRUST.

BLAST FROM THE PAST                                                                             Chairperson of the Orpheus Festival
                                                                                             Committee Wenona Stephens says the
                                                                                             civic ceremony will include the unveiling
                                                                                                                                          Mangere Bridge. Sharing their celebration
                                                                                                                                          of the area’s history with the community is
                                                                                                                                          their way of giving something back.
The sinking of the HMS Orpheus was the           permanent memorial at Mangere Bridge.       and blessing of a half-size replica of one       The festival committee is also planning
worst shipwreck in New Zealand’s history.           The HMS Orpheus, a transport ship        of the ship’s canons. The replica was        a parade and a family fun day afterward.
   One hundred and forty four years              carrying British soldiers heading for the   commissioned by Mrs Stephens and her             The parade will commence at 2pm at
later, it will be remembered this Waitangi       Waikato land wars, was wrecked on the       husband Robert for more than $12,000.        Kiwi Esplanade, Mangere Bridge, with
Day when Manukau City Council and the            Manukau Bar on 7 February 1863, with the    She says they have enjoyed and benefi ted     the offi cial commemoration ceremony to
Orpheus Festival Committee, will unveil a        loss of 189 lives.                          from the tremendous community spirit at      follow at approximately 2.30pm.

–                                                                                                             MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL REMINDS FAMILIES
TE KAEAEA                                    MANUKAU MEMORIAL                                                     AND FRIENDS OF THOSE BURIED WITHIN
MANUKAU MATTERS                              GARDEN’S NEW YEAR                                                    MANUKAU MEMORIAL GARDENS THAT THE
Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea is                                                                                     ANNUAL NEW YEAR CLEAN-UP OF ALL
published twice a month by the               CLEAN-UP                                                             BURIAL SITES BEGAN EARLIER THIS MONTH.
Manukau City Council and delivered to
more than 100,000 households, rural                                                                               The clean-up applies to all areas of the cemetery and involves staff
delivery addresses, and other locations                                                                           removing all items/decorations from burial plots that do not comply
within the city boundaries.                                                                                       with cemetery guidelines.
   Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea helps                                                                                  Memorial Gardens Customer Services Manager Allison
council inform residents and ratepayers                                                                           Sutherland says limitations on what can be left at gravesites, and
about council decisions, activities,                                                                              where, are explained to families at the time a plot is purchased and
projects and events. It is a cost-                                                                                people sign contracts agreeing to abide by those specifi cations.
effective way of providing important                                                                              However, especially at memorial times of the year like Christmas
statutory information such as public                                                                              or the anniversary of a person’s death, grave decorations can
notices concerning planning and                                                                                   sometimes accumulate to the extent that they spread outside of the
resource consent issues.                                                                                          gravesite boundaries. When this occurs, the decorations interfere
   Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea also                                                                                with mowing operations in the lawn cemetery, impinge on other
contains articles of interest to Manukau                                                                          graves, and can sometimes become weathered and tatty, often
residents, promoting the city’s                                                                                   blowing around in the wind and creating a visual nuisance.
resources, attractions, facilities and                                                                               Ms Sutherland says staff are very aware of the sensitivities
community events.                                                                                                 involved and work closely with families to help them honour
                                                                                                                  deceased relatives appropriately, but in a way that meets the
CONTACT US AT                                                                                                     requirements of cemetery management.
EMAIL manukaumatters@                                                                                                The restrictions apply mostly to the undecorated lawn cemetery                                                                                                   section of the memorial gardens. Families do have the option of
EDITORIAL 09 262 5223                                                                                             purchasing decorated plots, where more extensive embellishment
EVENT LISTINGS                                                                                of gravesites is allowed.
and select ‘calendar of events’ under                                                                                Ms Sutherland says families that have left precious objects at
the ‘most popular’ banner.                                                                                        gravesites need not worry that these will be lost during the annual
DISTRIBUTION 09 262 5104                                                                                          clean-up. All items removed by staff will be held in storage for two
POST Manukau City Council,                                                                                        months for families to collect.
Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City                  THE “UNDECORATED” LAWN CEMETERY SECTION OF MANUKAU                      For more information on the clean-up contact Allison Sutherland
(attention Manukau Matters)                  MEMORIAL GARDENS STILL HAS PLENTY OF SCOPE FOR COLOUR                09 250 0074.
DESIGNED BY                                  AND INDIVIDUALITY.
Scenario Communications Limited
EDITOR Jenna Moore
CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards
                                             ROTARY WALKWAY
                                             PEACEFUL, SCENIC AND ACCESSIBLE
In addition to your printed copy, we can     GENTLY MEANDERING                                  walkway                       PAKURANGA
                                             ALONG THE WATER’S EDGE

send you a PDF version. Email us at                                                                                           SAILING CLUB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NT DRIV               OF TAMAKI ESTUARY AND                              walking                                                                       WA
                                                                                                                                  P                                                  AR

                                             WAKAARANGA CREEK, THE                                                                                                                          GA
                                                                                                                                                              P                                C

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CE RE
                                                                                                disabled access                           BRAMLEY DRIVE                                             EK
                                             ROTARY WALKWAY PROVIDES

                                             A PEACEFUL AND VARIED
COUNCIL, OR YOUR                             SETTING FOR WALKERS,                               dogs on leash
                                                                                                lookout                                      FI

Council’s main administration phone
number is 09 263 7100 (business              The ebb and fl ow of the tides, the seasonal                                                                                                     BUTL
                                                                                                wildlife                                                                                            EY D
                                                                                                                                                                                                         R   IVE
hours). Use the Call Centre on 09 262        gatherings of coastal birds, and the coming

5104 (24 hours) for assistance with:         and going of many boats make up the ever-

                                                                                                picnic area                           DY


graffi ti, roading, signs, refuse disposal,   changing scenery of this highly accessible                                                      AV



traffi c, street lighting, environmental      walkway (which is suitable for wheelchairs         fi shing
                                                                                                                                                                    RE R

by-laws, noise complaints, dog control,      throughout its length and gentle enough to

statistical information, LIM reports,        cater for all fi tness levels).                     sailing                  DE

land rates and kerbside recycling.              Developed through a partnership                                     PA

   The council’s website has contact         between the Pakuranga Rotary Club and              windsurfi ng                          TH
details for all elected Councillors and      Manukau City Council, the walkway has been                                                       UL
Community Board members, at:                 gradually extended over the years. The                                                                      D
                                                                                           TAMAKI RIVER and click on             latest extension will open in mid-March.                                                                                                      OD
‘Your Council’, then select ‘Mayor and          The new section will mean walkers                                                                                                UR
Councillors’ for their contact details or    can meander from the inland reaches
‘Community Boards’ to see the lists of       of Wakaaranga Creek all the way to                      ST KENTIGERN COLLEGE

community board members.                     Pakuranga Road.
                                                The Rotary Walkway is open to walkers,
                                             cyclists, joggers and dogs. Dogs must be
                                             kept on a lead and not allowed to disturb
                                             wildlife or other walkway users. Pedestrians
                                             have right-of-way and cyclists are asked to
                                             give way to other users at all times. Various
NEXT ISSUE Sunday 4 Feb 2007                 points along the walkway are also popular
ISSN 1177-522X                               with local recreational fi shers.
SORRY BOYS, BUT THIS                         or over that aims to inspire women to enjoy      Council behind us as a major sponsor.”
ONE’S JUST FOR THE GALS                      active and healthy lifetsyles.
— A CHANCE FOR WOMEN                            The only Auckland-based event will be         PARTICIPANTS CAN CHOOSE
TO GET OUT AND ABOUT                         held at Clevedon on Sunday 11 February.          FROM ONE OF FIVE EVENTS:
WITH OLYMPIC ATHLETE                              Sarah Ulmer says: “At SUB we are all        •   5km walk or run
SARAH ULMER AND ENJOY                        about encouraging everyday kiwi chicks           •   10km walk or run
THE BENEFITS OF WALKING,                     to get moving and be healthy. Ripping
                                                                                              •   15km cycle
RUNNING OR CYCLING.                          into an event is a perfect way to launch
                                                                                              •   35km cycle
                                             into that kind of lifestyle.
Molenberg and Sarah Ulmer Brand (SUB)           “There’s something for everyone, no           •   65km cycle
have combined resources to create the        matter what sort of fi tness or ability you       Visit for
Molenberg SUB Stride or Ride Series — a      have. I’ll be at Clevedon too, putting on the    more info and all details about the event.
nationwide series open to women aged 16      lycra, and it’s great to have Manukau City

                                                                                              MANGERE BRIDGE ASSOCIATION NAMED CITY’S BEST
FUTURE JOBS REVEALED                                                                          The Mangere Bridge Business Association         local trusts, introduced security patrols and
A new careers guide released last month by Manukau City                                       has taken top honours in the inaugural          consulted with council on future upgrade
Council provides valuable insight in to the future demand                                     Manukau Business Association of the Year        work in the area.
for work skills, and where the most job opportunities in the                                  awards, held in December.                          As one of eight business improvement
Auckland region might occur, during the next fi ve years.                                         The awards, set to become an annual          districts in Manukau, the Mangere Bridge
    ‘Planning Your Future: A Guide to Career Opportunities                                    event, were initiated by Manukau City           Business Association receives support from
in the Auckland Region’ uses a unique population-based model to                               Council to acknowledge the work of business     council to improve the area and attract new
determine which jobs, skills and experience are likely to be most in demand.                  associations throughout the city.               business and customers. Under council’s
    The information is intended for students deciding what to study, training providers            Since becoming a business                  business improvement districts (BID) policy,
and business groups planning industry training.                                               improvement district in 2005, the Mangere       local business associations receive
    Planning your Future outlines expected job opportunities in more than 200 different       Bridge Business Association has promoted        additional funding for a range of
occupations categorised in fi ve groups: Management, Professionals, Technicians and            the area with events such as a wine and         programmes and activities.
Associate Professionals, Clerical and Administration, Sales and Services and Skilled          food festival, salsa lessons in the town           For more information about council’s
Trade Workers.                                                                                square, a kid’s triathlon, donkey races, jazz   BID policy, visit
    Copies are available online at or from the council’s call centre      festival, and Santa parade. It also developed   (key word BID).
ph 262 5104, email                                                  a website, secured additional funding from

Discover your creative side                    NATHAN HOMESTEAD                               ADULT CLASSES                                   WEEKEND WORKSHOPS
with…                                          70 Hill Road, Manurewa                         ART                                             27 & 28 January Abstract City–Scape
                                               Phone: 267 0180                                Abstract Adventures** with Maria Fowler         2–Day Workshop with Tony Clarke
                                               Art, Craft, Music, Performing Arts and         Painting: Elements of Design*                   10 March Digital Photography
                                               Lifestyle Classes                              with Niki Phillips                              1–Day Workshop with Fiona de Gruchy
                                               Please contact Nathan Homestead for dates      Drawing Skills Enhanced                         10 March Soft Stone Sculpture
Come and experience our programmes
                                               and times. Most classes run for eight weeks.   with Brent McGuire                              1–Day Workshop with Gillian Elmslie
at Manukau’s Arts Centres. Inspiring
                                                                                              Watercolours with Brent McGuire
classes and workshops for children,                                                                                                           OTARA MUSIC ARTS CENTRE
teens and adults.                              CHILDREN’S & TEENS’ CLASSES                    Mastering the Visual* with Brent McGuire
                                               ART                                                                                            Bairds Road, Otara Town Centre
Term 1, 2007 Programme                         Children’s Art I (5–8yrs)                      LATIN DANCE — NATHAN HOMESTEAD                  Phone: 274 6400
starts 12 February                             and II* (9–14yrs) with Lorraine King           PERFORMING ARTS
                                               Comic & Cartoon Art (9–14yrs)*                 Beginners’ Salsa** with Arvin Lawler            MUSIC CLASSES
                                               with Nooroa Te Hira                            Intermediate Salsa with Arvin Lawler            All classes are evening/afternoon classes.
                                                                                                                                              Classes run for eight weeks or for two
                                               NATHAN HOMESTEAD PERFORMING                    DESIGN, MUSIC & CRAFTS                          blocks of four weeks.
                                               ARTS                                           Kitchens, Bathrooms & Accessories*              Monday
                                               Talented Tots (2–5yrs) with Claire Coleman     with Sylvia Sandford                            Singing Individual with Pele Nili
                                               Junior Drama (5–8yrs) with Danielle Cronin     Flax Weaving: Raranga Harakeke*                 Drum Individual with Frank Elia
                                               and Claire Coleman                             with Susan Winiata                              Tuesday
                                               Intermediate Drama* (9–12yrs)                  Guitar* with Andrew Wyatt                       Piano Individual with Esther Karunanayake
                                               with Danielle Cronin and Claire Coleman        Jewellery Construction & Design*                Guitar/Bass Individual with Vernon Katipa
                                               Senior Drama* (13+) with Claire Coleman        with Simon Misdale                              Singing Workshop with Fia Wilson
                                               Kicks Junior Dance (6–8yrs)                    Leadlighting* with Graham Futter                Thursday
                                               with Heather Oldbury                           Mosaics* with Erin Gill                         Drum Individual with Frank Elia
                                               Kicks Intermediate Dance* (9–12yrs)            Patchwork Quilting with Gloria Davis            Guitar Workshop with Vernon Katipa
                                               with Heather Oldbury                           Perfecting Pottery* with Raewyn Neale
                                               Hip Hop Beats* (13+ yrs)                       Scrapbooking* with Janette Groot                OMAC SOUNDHOUSE™ CLASSES
Term 1 enrolment OPEN NOW— contact                                                                                                            All classes are evening classes (for 11 yrs
one of our Arts Centres today!                 MUSIC AND CRAFTS                               LIFESTYLE                                       to adult). Classes run for five weeks.
                                               Children’s Pottery I (6–8yrs)                  Yoga** with Eileen Laurie                       Tuesday
For more information on intriguing
exhibitions, unmissable events and             and II*(9–14yrs) with Raewyn Neale             Yoga* with Shirley Goodwin                      Beat Master Progressive Sessions
motivating classes, pick up your FREE          Teen Clay* (13–17yrs) with Raewyn Neale                                                        Thursday
copy of ARTS in the city available from        Guitar* (7–13yrs) with Andrew Wyatt                                                            Beat Master Progressive Sessions
your nearest Arts Centre, Leisure Centre
or Library.                                    * Evening Class ** Evening and Day Class
Manukau Leisure Services / Term One 2007
                                                                                                 Start the new year with a visit to your local Manukau City

 Leisure News
                                                                                                 Council recreation or leisure centre. You’ll discover a fantastic
                                                                                                 array of social sports and activities for all ages — to help you
                                                                                                 and your family stay healthy and happy in 2007.

                                                 • After school Kiwee Sports                     tiritiri Matangi trip in March. Lots of             Keep active this New Year. Join our
                                                   for 5—9 yrs: Monday afternoons                women have been waiting for this one, so            Wednesday 9am power walking group for
                                                 • Minis Catch Kick & Throw                      make sure you book early as numbers will be         great fi tness, friends and fun. Or have a
                                                   for 2-4 yrs: Thursday mornings.               limited. We’ll take the ferry to tiritiri Matangi   go at social volleyball on Saturdays from
                                                 More recreation opportunities                   and explore the island’s bird sanctuary             10.45am—12.45pm.
                                                 • Retired recreation. If you’re 50+ join        and amazing natural beauty with a guided
                                                                                                                                                     Why not drop in for a casual game of
                                                   us for social games 12.30—2.30pm on           walk. It’s a full day 7.30am — 6pm, Friday 23
                                                                                                                                                     basketball, badminton or table tennis
                                                   Tuesdays and Thursdays. $30 for               March. Cost is $60, please book by 9 March.
                                                                                                                                                     in the weekends? Contact the centre for
                                                   10 sessions.
Pakuranga Youth Centre                                                                           Cycle and soak in April. This trip is a great       available times and sessions.
13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga                                                                        combination — a scenic bike ride along the          Get in shape in the fi tness centre. Pick up an
Phone 576 9739                                                                                   east coast for a bit of exercise and then a         aerobics timetable at the centre.
                                                                                                 well earned soak in the Miranda hot pools.
                                                                                                                                                     If you’re a Nifty 50 come along to our social
                                                                                                 You can bring your own bike or borrow one
                                                                                                                                                     badminton sessions, Mondays 1—3pm (only
                                                                                                 from us. Wet or fi ne, we’ll be riding on Friday
                                                                                                                                                     $4 per session).
                                                                                                 27 April, 8.30am—4pm. Cost is $40, please
Join the Pakuranga Youth Club on
                                                                                                 book by 13 April.                                   Future leaders. Are you aged 16 or over and
Saturday nights 7—10pm with Playstation,
                                                                                                                                                     interested in developing leadership skills?
movie nights, games evenings and monthly                                                         Why not join us on these outings? Contact
                                                                                                                                                     Ask us about our volunteer leadership
outings. You can also be part of the Young                                                       Manukau On The Move on 274 6904 for
                                                                                                                                                     programme. We’ll help you develop your
New Zealanders’ Challenge and learn              Te Puru Fitness Centre                          bookings and any further details.
                                                                                                                                                     potential, and you can put your skills into
leadership skills, event planning/fundraising    954 Whitford Maraetai Road
                                                                                                                                                     practise, leading younger children in our
and more. It’s $30 per term to be part of the    Phone 536 7231
                                                                                                                                                     school holiday programmes; or develop
Young New Zealanders’ Challenge.
                                                 Pilates, yoga and box fi t classes at Te Puru                                                        coaching skills by volunteering for our
Chill out on Saturday afternoons with            Fitness Centre will help you keep in good                                                           gymnastic and basketball programmes.
Youth Time from 1—5pm. Play some                 shape over the summer. Join us at these
basketball or table tennis, listen to music,     times each week:
and generally kick back. Youth Time is just      • Monday 9am — Pilates
$2 for all ages. Children aged under 8 must      • Tuesday 6.30pm — Yoga
be accompanied by an adult.                      • Thursday 7pm — Pilates
                                                 • Saturday 9.30am — Box fi t
Basketball — adults
Social basketball competitions. Grab some
                                                 Aerobics classes are free for fi tness centre    Howick Recreation Centre
                                                 members. Non-members are also welcome           563 Pakuranga Road
friends or workmates and register your
                                                 — $6 for casual classes or $60 for a 12-class   Phone 534 5153
team now.
                                                 concession card.
• NEW men’s basketball competition                                                               Get active and discover a healthy lifestyle at
                                                                                                                                                     Mangere, Manurewa, Papatoetoe
    Monday nights from 6pm, starting from                                                        the Howick Recreation Centre.
    12 February.                                                                                                                                     Being confi dent in the water makes summer
                                                                                                 Our development programmes for younger
• Unisex basketball competition                                                                                                                      safer and more fun for all ages. Learn to
                                                                                                 children include:
    Wednesday nights from 6pm starting                                                                                                               swim with the professionals at your local
                                                                                                 • Gymnastics classes. Develop your
    from 14 February.                                                                                                                                Swimsation swim school.
                                                                                                    child’s confi dence and coordination.
Basketball — children                                                                               Classes cater for babies, toddlers,              Term one swimming lessons will be running
These are popular programmes so enrol                                                               preschool and school age.                        from Wednesday 7 February to Thursday 5
soon:                                                                                            • Recreational trampoline classes.                  April and enrolments are now open.
• Mini Basketball Hoopsters for                                                                     Children learn safety skills and
                                                                                                                                                     It’s never too late, or too early, to learn to
   5—7yrs builds a basic understanding of        Manukau on the Move                                acrobatics (8—13yrs).
                                                                                                                                                     swim. Swimsation provides lessons for all
   the game and skills in a fun way.             Phone 274 6904                                  • Basketball skills. A great introductory
                                                                                                                                                     ages and abilities (six months through to
   3.30— 4.30pm Tuesday.                                                                            programme for 5—14 years to develop
                                                 Manukau on the Move is council’s mobile                                                             adults), with structured classes in a warm,
• Junior Basketball Hoopsters for                                                                   and enhance their basketball skills.
                                                 outdoor recreation team.                                                                            comfortable and fun environment.
   8—10yrs is lots of fun and builds on                                                             $75 (17 weeks).
   skills and technique development.             Women’s Adventure Group. The Women’s            • Catch, Kick & Throw. A great                      Swimsation term one theme week: Soggy
   3.30—4.30pm Friday.                           Adventure Group is becoming increasingly           programme for 3—5 years, introducing             Socks! Children are encouraged to bring
• Senior Basketball Hoopsters for                popular — and with good reason. This is a          them to the fundamental skills of                along their favourite socks. Long, short,
   11yrs and over is a fun class that includes   brilliant opportunity for women of all ages        ball sports.                                     multicoloured — anything goes and you’re
   practice for game situations.                 and backgrounds to join a social group and      • Kiwee sports. This fun programme lets             not restricted to wearing them on your feet!!
   4.35—5.35pm Friday.                           try new outdoor activities. We do something        children try a variety of sports such as
                                                                                                                                                     Swimsation has qualifi ed instructors, low
                                                 different each month. No one’s expected            athletics, soccer, cricket and hockey.
Gymnastics                                                                                                                                           class ratios, achievement ribbons and much
                                                 to be an athlete or an expert — absolute           Preschool and after school classes.
Our gymnastics programmes provide some                                                                                                               more. Your local Swimsation coordinator:
                                                 beginners are always welcome, and you’re                                                                                  –
excellent learning and extension activities                                                      Our popular basketball competition                  Mangere: Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Leisure Centre
                                                 sure to have fun.
for the youngest members of your family.                                                         programme for ages nine and over                    — Tracey Paitai, Ph: 275 8979
Classes include:                                 All gear and transport is provided. We can      continues with these sessions:                      Manurewa Aquatic Centre
• Babies (12—24 months):                         pick you up from Beachlands, Whitford or        • Senior basketball competition.                    — Dawn Taffard, Ph: 269 0937
   Tuesday and Wednesday mornings                East Tamaki.                                       14—18yrs, Mondays 5.30—6.30pm.                   Papatoetoe Centennial Pools
• Toddlers: Thursday mornings                                                                    • Junior basketball competition.                    — Karen Fairclough, Ph: 279 0485
                                                 Wish for some wind in February. Yes, we’re
• Pre-schoolers:                                                                                    9—13yrs, Thursdays 4—6pm.
                                                 going windsurfing! Always wondered if you
   Monday and Friday afternoons                                                                  Enrolments open now — don’t miss out.
                                                 could handle a windsurfer? This will be the                                                         Otara Leisure Centre
• School children aged 5—12yrs:
                                                 perfect time to give it a go. Everything’s      Yoga. Stretch your body and your mind with          Cnr Bairds Road and Newbury Street
   Wednesday and Thursday after school.
                                                 provided (including a professional              Wendy Kerr in a ‘Yoga 4 You’ class:                 Phone 274 6917
Kiwee Sports                                     instructor!) and you’ll have some great         • Tuesday 10.30am (general level)
                                                                                                                                                     Junior sport
Your child can try a different sport every       company to share the experience with.           • Tuesday 6.30pm (intermediate)
                                                                                                                                                     Enrol your child in one of our fun junior
week, including hockey, soccer, softball,        Bucklands Beach is the venue, Friday 23         • Wednesday 9am and 7.10pm (intermediate)
                                                                                                                                                     sports programmes for 6—12 year olds.
athletics and cricket.                           February 9am—3pm. Cost is $50, please           • Wednesday 10.30am and 6pm (beginners)
                                                                                                                                                     They will have fun learning new sports skills,
• Preschool Kiwee Sports                         book by 9 February.                             • Thursday 9.00am (intermediate).
                                                                                                                                                     burning off energy, and making new friends.
   for 3—4 yrs: Wednesday afternoons                                                             8 week programme $75.
•   Junior netball is on Tuesdays 4—5pm,            Contact Kevin Harrison for details.          are all about the discovery of movement.         3.30pm. These are fun, energetic and very
    starting 13 February.                       •   The Green Prescription programmes,           We introduce school aged children to             cool classes.
•   Junior basketball coaching clinic is on         presented in association with the            KiwiGym fun levels 1—6. Speak to us about
                                                                                                                                                  Adults — don’t miss out on our evening
    Fridays 4—5pm, starting 9 February.             Counties Manukau Sports Foundation,          the best session for your child.
                                                                                                                                                  social sports. Bring your friends and team
                                                    will be back from 13 February.
Adults’ social sports                                                                            Our Hoop Troop, McDribbler and                   mates along and join in the fun.
                                                    Contact our staff for more information.
It’s a very social scene here on Monday and                                                      Fundamentals basketball classes start            • Adult evening volleyball — Monday nights
Thursday evenings. You and your mates can       Recreation Centre:                               from 12 February.                                  from 22 January, 7pm.
join our indoor soccer and mixed basketball     • Come and wiggle your way through               • Fundamentals classes are on Mondays at         • Adult social basketball — Wednesday
social competitions. Grab your team mates         some Polynesian music at the FREE                 5.30pm for ages 10—15yrs, and Tuesday           nights from 24 January, 7pm.
and register by 1 February 2007.                  Health Pacifi ca aerobics classes. Have            at 5.30pm for ages 15—18yrs.
                                                                                                                                                  Join Hilda Hei for Step Up aerobics,
• Indoor soccer is Monday nights, starting        fun at keeping healthy and active every        • Hoop Troop for 5—8yrs and 8—10yrs,
                                                                                                                                                  Monday through to Thursday at 6pm.
    5 February, 6.30pm.                           Tuesday and Thursday 10.30—11.30am in             is on Thursdays after school.
• Mixed basketball is Thursday nights,            the stadium.                                   • The McDribbler programme for 5—7yrs            OSCAR before and after school care. We
    starting 15 February, 6.30pm.               • The 2007 evening mixed basketball                 and 8—11yrs is on Fridays.                    are now taking enrolments for our OSCAR
                                                  league is about to get underway. Get           We can help put your child into the right        programme, providing quality care for your
Join our Easter Hunt!
                                                  your team together now.                        classes, but be quick to secure their place.     children. Spaces are limited so book soon to
We’re holding a fun family Easter Hunt on
                                                • Why not drop in for basketball or                                                               avoid missing out. Phone 269 0500.
Saturday 7 April. Come along with the family                                                     Youth basketball
                                                  volleyball? Please make sure you book
and fi nd some Easter treasures.                                                                  • Basketball social competition for
                                                  your court time with our reception staff.
                                                                                                   Year 9 and Year 10 students.
Aquarobics                                        $2 charge for basketball.
                                                                                                   Wednesday evenings, 6—9pm, starting
For an excellent low impact, group exercise     • Lil’ Kiwa pre-school gym classes are
                                                                                                   14 February. Register your team now.
session join us for a free aquarobics class       excellent for helping young children
                                                                                                 • Basketball social competition for
each Wednesday, 6.30—7.30pm. Work out             develop confi dence and skills. Just
                                                                                                   Year 11 and Year 12 students. Thursday
to music in the pool with a friendly group of     $30 for the term.
                                                                                                   evenings, starting 15 February. Games
locals. Why not give it a go?                   • Our youth team building programme
                                                                                                   run from 6—9pm. Get your team together
                                                  caters for secondary schools and private
Table tennis                                                                                       and register now.
A gold coin is all you need for a casual game
                                                  training establishments. The programme                                                          Allan Brewster Recreation
of table tennis. Table tennis tables are
                                                  aims to build young people’s confi dence        All Golden Oldies are welcome at the             Centre
                                                  and self esteem, using exciting activities     popular Goldz Club for social sports and         Tavern Lane, Papatoetoe
available for just $1 per person from Monday
                                                  that keep them active throughout the           a get-together. Back again on Wednesdays         Phone 277 7222
to Thursday.
                                                  entire session.                                from 14 February, 10am—12pm, just $2
                                                                                                                                                  The Allan Brewster Recreation Centre has
                                                • Our OSCAR before and after school care         a session.
                                                                                                                                                  HEAPS lined up for the start of the year.
                                                  programme provides a fun and enjoyable
                                                                                                 Tai Chi. ‘Harmonious’ exercise to condition      Enrolments are being taken now — don’t
                                                  range of activities such as swimming,
                                                                                                 the body and mind. 10am Tues and Thurs.          miss out on our popular programmes!
                                                  library visits and recreation time.
                                                  A pick up service is provided for Waterlea     Start the new year with a fun challenge.         Children’s programmes
                                                  Primary, Mountain View and Nga Iwi             Join in the Nesian Extreme Youth group,          For the youngest family members, our
                                                  schools. Children from other schools also      for 10—25yrs. Mix and mingle, and be part        Kiwee Tots preschool gymnastics classes
                                                  accepted if they have transport                of the internationally recognised Duke of        will help develop motor skills, coordination
Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa                                  organised.                                     Edinburgh Award. Wednesdays at 6pm.              and confi dence. $40 for 8—week term.
Leisure Centre                                                                                                                                    Kiwee basketball is always popular. It’s
Cnr Mascot Ave & Waddon Place, Mangere                                                                                                            a great place for 5—13yrs to develop their
Phone 275 8979                                                                                                                                    skills. Mondays 4—5pm. $40 for 8 weeks.

Make the most of summer with our fun                                                                                                              Kids love soccer, and 5—12yrs can learn
outdoor pools and swimming programmes,                                                                                                            the fundamentals and have great fun at
as well as social sports and youth                                                                                                                our after school soccer coaching clinic.
programmes.                                                                                                                                       Tuesdays 4—5pm. $40 for 8 weeks.

Aquatics:                                                                                                                                         If your child needs quality before and after
• Do you want to do more swimming                                                                                                                 school care this term, ask our friendly staff
  this year? Join the Mangere Swim Club!        Manurewa Leisure Centre                          Te Matariki Clendon Community                    about the Kiwee Kids Club. Supervised
  The club welcomes swimmers from all           Frances Road, Manurewa                           Centre and Library                               activities from 7am, and after school until
  primary and secondary school levels for       Phone 267 4646                                   Palmers Road, Clendon                            6pm. Transport included.
  competitive swimming (this is not a           From youth basketball to twilight strolls        Phone 269 0500                                   Social sports for adults
  learn to swim club). Contact:                 — we have a great selection of programmes                                                         • Squash club — Fast, fun and great for
                                                                                                 Enrol now for our 2007 junior coaching
  Mike Anelu (President) 276-8876.              for you to have a go at this year at the                                                            fi tness. Join our squash club on Tuesdays
                                                                                                 clinics, starting from 12 February.
• For older swimmers (adults) the Masters       Manurewa Leisure Centre. Registrations are                                                          5.30—8pm. Just $4 per person, with gear
                                                                                                 • Rugby League Skills (7—14yrs). Young
  Swim Club welcomes active swimmers            now open.                                                                                           available to hire.
                                                                                                     league fans can develop skills that are
  every Wednesday 7—8.15pm, $2 each.                                                                                                              • Table tennis — Social table tennis
                                                Aerobics classes run from Monday through             used in the NRL and get a head start on
  Plus on the fi rst Wednesday of each                                                                                                               sessions are just $2 on Fridays, 1—3pm.
                                                Thursday, with great instructors teaching            their team mates before pre-season
  month you get free access to the spa.                                                                                                             Includes all the gear and afternoon tea.
                                                Pilates, step, tae bo and pump. Pick up a            training commences. Mondays 3.30pm.
• Aquarobics classes are held every                                                                                                               • Indoor soccer — Grab some mates and
                                                timetable at reception.                          • Junior Basketball Coaching. Children
  Monday and Wednesday morning,                                                                                                                     come along for a social time on Friday
                                                                                                     will learn skills to help them prepare for
  11am— 12pm in the teaching pool.              Fancy a twilight stroll? All ages are                                                               evenings. Games from 6.30pm.
                                                                                                     school competitions. Tuesdays 3.30pm.
  FREE admission. Come and enjoy a fun          welcome to join our $1 Walkfi t sessions.                                                          • Aerobics — Try the awesome Les Mills
                                                                                                 • Junior Cricket Coaching. Your child
  fi lled atmosphere with other adults.          Get outdoors for some gentle exercise in                                                            aerobics classes, and our own boxing and
                                                                                                     may already be playing cricket but here’s
• Make a big splash and have fun in the sun     the fresh air with a friendly group of locals.                                                      kick boxing classes. All classes $6 each.
                                                                                                     a great way to keep them on the way to
  at the Outdoor Fun Pools. Open every          Mondays and Wednesdays 7pm, starts                                                                  Pick up a timetable from reception.
                                                                                                     becoming the next Black Cap sensation.
  day, free admission.                          7 February 2007.                                     Wednesdays 3.30pm.
• Police swim test. Thinking of joining the                                                                                                        Watch out for more news from
  police? We have a new police swim             Our children’s programmes this term              Continuing in 2007 are our HIP HOP dance          Manurewa Aquatic Centre, Papatoetoe
  training programme starting in term one,      include our ever-popular gymnastics and          classes. Classes for 5—10yrs are Mondays          Centennial Pools and Lloyd Elsmore Park
  to get you up to standard.                    basketball sessions. We have gym classes         4.30pm, and 11—15yrs are on Fridays at            Leisure Centre in our next edition.
                                                for ages two years and up. These classes
PANMURE ROUNDABOUT                                                                              EMPLOYMENT                                      For these and other employment
                                                                                                                                                opportunities at council visit:

GETS SAFETY OVERHAUL                                                                            OPPORTUNITIES                          and select ‘Jobs at
                                                                                                                                                council’ under the ‘most popular’ banner.
                                                                                                AT COUNCIL
IMPROVEMENTS TO TRAFFIC                                                                          Receptionist / Administrator
SAFETY ARE EXPECTED                                                                              CEO Advisory Unit
TO RESULT FROM THE                                                                               This is a receptionist position within Manukau City Council’s Chief Executive Offi cer
INSTALLATION OF IMPROVED                                                                         (CEO) Advisory Unit with administration responsibility that will expand and further
LANE MARKINGS AT THE                                                                             develop your already established skill set. Attitude is all important in this position
PANMURE ROUNDABOUT,                                                                              — a positive and friendly one! Meeting and greeting staff and clients to council, you
A MAJOR INTERSECTION                                                                             will be the face of the organisation. The role includes taking calls, invoicing, fi ling,
CONNECTING MANUKAU AND                                                                           administrative duties, updating database information, and ordering stationery,
AUCKLAND.                                                                                        but there is much more to it than that. You will need to be self-managed and have a
                                                                                                 fantastic attitude to deal with clients at all levels. Ideally, you will have worked in a
The new markings, scheduled for Tuesday                                                          reception/administration role previously. We are looking for a welcoming and well
30 January, will give clearer indication of                                                      presented team member who is a natural “people person” with the ability to put people
which approach lane motorists must be in to                                                      at ease whilst dealing effortlessly with their requests, showing warmth and enthusiasm
take one of the six exits. The improvements                                                      and great communication skills.
are expected to be welcomed as the                                                               Vacancy Number: MM 3630
roundabout is notorious for confusing           The roundabout is notorious                      Applications close: 1 February 2007, 12 noon
drivers and has the highest crash record of     for confusing drivers and has
any intersection in Auckland city.              the highest crash record of any
   The biggest change that will affect          intersection in Auckland city.                   Recreation Programmer (Fitness)
drivers during morning rush hour is that                                                         Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa- Leisure Centre
the two-lane approach on Lagoon Drive will                                                       We have a full-time position available in our Fitness Centre for an enthusiastic person
become permanent. The current practice of      before they navigate the roundabout.              who has a relevant fi tness qualifi cation or who is currently in training. Applicants must
installing temporary traffi c cones to create   Drivers are urged to take particular care         have a current First Aid certifi cate, be adaptable and enjoy working with people of
three lanes will be discontinued.              negotiating the roundabout while they             all ages.
   Auckland City is installing large road      adjust to the changes.                            Vacancy Number: MM 3639
signs and digital messages to ensure              For more information contact Auckland          Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon
drivers are alerted to the new layout          City Council or visit

                                                                                                 Saturday Courier Manukau Libraries
                                                                                                 Manukau Libraries
                                                                                                 A vacancy exists at Manukau Libraries for a Saturday Store Person / Driver. This position
                                                                                                 involves the pickup and delivery of library items between library sites. We are looking

          Did you know...
                                                                                                 for an enthusiastic person with excellent driving skills who enjoys being out on the road
                                                                                                 and working in a largely autonomous role. The successful applicant will maintain the
                                                                                                 delivery schedule and ensure the safe handling and custody of materials during transit.
                                                                                                 Applicants should have a full NZ drivers licence with no endorsements, relevant work
                                                                                                 experience, and be able to drive a manual transmission vehicle. The vacancy is for six
                                                                                                 hours on a Saturday.
                                                                                                 Vacancy Number: MM 3645
                                                                                                 Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon

                                                                                                 Assistant Team Leader – Early Childhood Educator
                                                                                                 Te Matariki Clendon Community Centre and Library (Clendon)
                                                                                                 Te Matariki is Manukau City Council’s fi rst integrated centre to deliver combined leisure
                                                                                                 and library services. An exciting opportunity has arisen to be part of a motivated and
                                                                                                 committed team. Are you energetic, innovative and keen to share your knowledge
                                                                                                 and experience to assist in the development of our team? You will need a Diploma

          ...that most of the cost to dispose of                                                 of Teaching (ECE), full or provisional Teacher Registration and a current First Aid
                                                                                                 certifi cate.
          wastewater from your house is the                                                      Benefi ts include:
                                                                                                 • Staff superannuation scheme
          same whether you live alone or have a                                                  • Training and development opportunities

          family of 13?                                                                          • Other staff privileges
                                                                                                 Vacancy Number: MM 3644
                                                                                                 Applications close: 26 January 2007, 12 noon
          That’s because the main cost is in
          building and maintaining the sewerage                                                  Customer Support Offi cer
          network to your house, and that is                                                     Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa- Leisure Centre
                                                                                                 We are looking for a positive, friendly person with good customer service skills for
          much the same regardless of how much                                                   our reception area. You will need experience in administration, have a good working

          you pour down the pipes.                                                               knowledge of computer systems and be able to deal effectively with customer enquiries
                                                                                                 and requests.
                                                                                                 Vacancy Number: MM 3640
                                                                                                 Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon

                                                                                                MORE JOBS ON PAGE 7
Disability Adviser
 Community Policy and Planning
                                                                                                   PUBLIC NOTICES
 Manukau City Council is committed to supporting disabled people to participate fully in           Correction to Libraries                         Volunteers needed at the
 the community. To demonstrate that disabled people are an important part of the city’s            Bylaw                                           CAB
 diversity, council has adopted the Disability Policy and Action Plan, and is now seeking a
 dynamic person to work in this area.                                                              Manukau City Council gives notice of the        If you enjoy working with people, want
     Acting in a high-level, strategic role, the Disability Adviser will provide expertise         following decision at its full meeting on       to help provide a key community service,
 to council, promote awareness of disability and help staff develop skills to effectively          14 December 2006 (Minute No. CL/                and have a free half-day a week, why not
 implement the council’s Disability Policy and Action Plan.                                        DEC/2194/06):                                   volunteer at your local Citizens Advice
     To be successful in the role you will demonstrate strong leadership and be an                                                                 Bureau?
 effective role model, advocate and mentor; able to communicate with and relate well to            1. That pursuant to section 156(2)(a) of          Volunteering is a great way to meet
 all people. You will be an innovative thinker, identifying solutions and new ways to work;           the Local Government Act 2002,               new people and develop new skills, plus
 at the same time being fl exible, pragmatic and looking for “win-win” outcomes.                       Clause 6.1(a) of Chapter 12 Libraries        it looks great on your CV.
 It will also be essential to develop strong relationships with Council’s Disability Steering         of the Manukau City Consolidated               Manukau Citizens Advice Bureaux are
 Group, the disability sector, Government agencies, NGOs and community groups.                        Bylaw 1992 be deleted in its entirety        seeking volunteers so they can continue
     If you are passionate about working in this area and have relevant experience,                   and substituted with the following to        to provide confi dential information and
 including lived experience of disability, this may be your ideal job. Job share                      correct an error:                            support to the thousands of residents
 arrangements can be considered. For more information please contact Raewyn Stone                     “a. Behave in a manner that creates          who rely on this free service every year.
 on (09) 262 8900 ext 8787 or email                                          a nuisance or is offensive to any          In 2006, Manukau Citizens Advice
 Vacancy Number: MM 3647                                                                                  other person;”                           Bureaux helped with more than 50,000
 Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon                                                                                                      inquiries ranging from practical
                                                                                                   2. That pursuant to section 156(2) of           neighbourhood information to advice
For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment                           the Local Government Act 2002, the           about New Zealand laws and assisting
opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit;                          above resolution be publicly notifi ed.       residents to apply for rates rebates.
email a request for a position description to; or phone                                                                         Volunteers are fully trained by the CAB
09 262 8907. Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your          3. That the correction comes into               and receive ongoing support. The next
application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading role in the Local      operation on Sunday, 21 January 2007.        training course for volunteers begins in
Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi.                                                                                      mid February, so contact a bureau below
                                                                                                   The Libraries Bylaw can be inspected            NOW to fi nd out more and register your
 Council and Community Board Meetings for February 2007                                            at the Manukau City Council Customer            interest:
                                                                                                   Services Centre, Kotuku House,                  Mangere CAB                     275 6885
 Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings               Manukau Square; any Manukau City                Manurewa CAB                    266 5729
 Act 1987, public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the Manukau             Council library through their internet          Otara CAB                       274 6577
 City Council and its Standing Committees for the month of February 2007.                          service; and council’s website                  Papatoetoe CAB                   278 5191
  The following Standing Committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room,             Copies can
 Manukau Civic Centre on the date specifi ed, the Community Board Resource Consent                  be downloaded from council’s website;
 Hearings will be held in the Puhinui Room, Manukau Civic Centre and the Pacifi c Island            or obtained on payment of applicable
 Advisory Committee meeting will be held in the Totara Room, Level 3, Manukau                      photocopy or printing charges from
 Civic Centre.                                                                                     Kotuku House or any council library.
 Economic Development Committee                             31 January 2007       5.00pm
 Community Safety Committee                                 1 February 2007       9.30am
 Transport Committee           The February meeting of this committee has been cancelled
 Community Development Committee                            7 February 2007       5.00pm
                                                                                                   Schedule of Meetings for January 2007 — Urgent Meeting
 Botany Community Board RC Hearing Committee                8 February 2007       9.30am
 Papatoetoe Community Board RC Hearing Committee 8 February 2007                  10.30am          Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings
 Environment and Urban Design Committee                     8 February 2007       5.00pm           Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of an urgent meeting as described below:
 Pacifi c Island Advisory Committee                          8 February 2007       6.00pm           Mangere Community Board                                 25 January 2007         5.00pm
 Hearings Committee                                        13 February 2007       9.30am           Puhinui Room, Level 2, Room Manukau City Council, Civic Centre
 Corporate Governance Committee                            13 February 2007       5.00pm
 Council Plan Committee                                    14 February 2007       3.00pm           The purpose of this meeting is to consider an urgent application for consent for the
 Council Plan Committee                                    15 February 2007       3.00pm           staging of an event on Rose Garden Reserve at Kiwi Esplanade, Mangere Bridge, on
 Strategic Directions Committee                            20 February 2007       5.00pm           Tuesday 6 February, 2007.
 Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee                            21 February 2007       5.00pm
 Council Plan Committee                                    27 February 2007       5.00pm
 The Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on 22 February 2007                      Community Board Discretionary and School Holiday Funding
 commencing at 5.00pm.                                                                             for Community Groups
 Community Board meetings will be held as follows:
 Mangere Community Board                                   12 February 2007       5.00pm           Funding is now available to community groups and organisations to enhance community,
 Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere                                          economic and environmental development of Manukau city and its residents.
 Botany Community Board                                    12 February 2007       6.30pm             Each of the city’s eight community boards has funding to allocate to groups carrying
 Panasonic Performing Arts Centre, Botany Downs,                                                   out projects in their communities.
 Secondary College, 575 Chapel Road, Howick                                                          If your group is working on a project or service that benefi ts the residents of one or
 Howick Community Board                                    12 February 2007       7.00pm           two communities within Manukau city, you are welcome to apply to our Community
 Fencible Lounge, Howick Library Bulding, Uxbridge Road, Howick                                    Board Discretionary Fund.
 Otara Community Board                                     19 February 2007       5.00pm             School Holiday Programme funding is also available to assist community organisations
 Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara                                                 to provide holiday programmes and activities during the April 2007 school holidays.
 Clevedon Community Board                                  19 February 2007       7.30pm           All providers must have OSCAR accreditation (phone 0800 559 009 for more
 Clevedon Hall, Clevedon                                                                           information on accreditation). Please note that groups are required to contribute at
 Pakuranga Community Board                                 19 February 2007       7.30pm           least one third of the overall cost of the project.
 Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga                              Applications to both funds close at 4.00 pm Friday 26 January 2007.
 Manurewa Community Board                                  26 February 2007       6.30pm           For application forms or further information, please phone the Funding Administrator on
 Manukau Room, Manukau Civic Centre                                                                262 8900 extension 8367.
 Papatoetoe Community Board                                26 February 2007       7.00pm             Information and application forms may also be accessed via Council’s website
 Papatoetoe Chambers, 31—33 St George Street, Papatoetoe                                 
Manukau matters issue 13 2007

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Manukau matters issue 13 2007

  • 1. TE KAEAEA MANUKAU JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT COUNCIL PAGE 6 MATTERS M S 21 JANUARY 2007 ISSUE 13 MANUKAU’S WAITANGI DAY CELEBRATIONS BIGGEST IN AUCKLAND REGION MANUKAU’S TENTH ANNUAL WAITANGI DAY CELEBRATION PROMISES TO BE A TRULY MULTI–CULTURAL AFFAIR WITH MORE THAN 30,000 PEOPLE EXPECTED TO JOIN IN THE FAMILY FESTIVAL ON TUESDAY 6 FEBRUARY. Hosted by Toi o Manukau Maori Arts and Cultural Trust in partnership with Manukau City Council, the event is now the second largest Waitangi Day commemoration in the country, and the biggest in the Auckland region. Mayor Sir Barry Curtis is looking forward to welcoming everyone to this year’s event, which he sees as a celebration that creates understanding and camaraderie amongst people of many different ethnic backgrounds. “During the last few years, Manukau has led the way in recognising and promoting the true spirit of Te Tiriti o Waitangi through its Waitangi Day festival, which offers a feast of culture in a family-friendly environment,” Sir Barry says. Rose Whaiapu, chair of the Toi o Manukau Trust says the commemoration is a wonderful celebration of a foundation event in New Zealand’s history. The best of Manukau’s talent will be showcased on the main stage, and traditional and contemporary Maori and Pacifi c art works from local artists will be exhibited. Visitors can also stroll through the shopping village where they will fi nd a variety of stalls selling great kai, arts, crafts, clothing and merchandise, along with information booths. There will also be a children’s area offering free rides and activities. Hayman Park, 2006 WAITANGI DAY PHOTOS COURTESY OF TOI O Manukau city, Tuesday 6 February, 10am—6pm. MANUKAU MAORI ARTS AND CULTURAL TRUST. BLAST FROM THE PAST Chairperson of the Orpheus Festival Committee Wenona Stephens says the civic ceremony will include the unveiling Mangere Bridge. Sharing their celebration of the area’s history with the community is their way of giving something back. The sinking of the HMS Orpheus was the permanent memorial at Mangere Bridge. and blessing of a half-size replica of one The festival committee is also planning worst shipwreck in New Zealand’s history. The HMS Orpheus, a transport ship of the ship’s canons. The replica was a parade and a family fun day afterward. One hundred and forty four years carrying British soldiers heading for the commissioned by Mrs Stephens and her The parade will commence at 2pm at later, it will be remembered this Waitangi Waikato land wars, was wrecked on the husband Robert for more than $12,000. Kiwi Esplanade, Mangere Bridge, with Day when Manukau City Council and the Manukau Bar on 7 February 1863, with the She says they have enjoyed and benefi ted the offi cial commemoration ceremony to Orpheus Festival Committee, will unveil a loss of 189 lives. from the tremendous community spirit at follow at approximately 2.30pm. NEWS, VIEWS, INTERVIEWS, ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLIC NOTICES, EVENTS, JOBS... ALL INSIDE YOUR MANUKAU MATTERS
  • 2. MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL REMINDS FAMILIES TE KAEAEA MANUKAU MEMORIAL AND FRIENDS OF THOSE BURIED WITHIN MANUKAU MATTERS GARDEN’S NEW YEAR MANUKAU MEMORIAL GARDENS THAT THE – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea is ANNUAL NEW YEAR CLEAN-UP OF ALL published twice a month by the CLEAN-UP BURIAL SITES BEGAN EARLIER THIS MONTH. Manukau City Council and delivered to more than 100,000 households, rural The clean-up applies to all areas of the cemetery and involves staff delivery addresses, and other locations removing all items/decorations from burial plots that do not comply within the city boundaries. with cemetery guidelines. – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea helps Memorial Gardens Customer Services Manager Allison council inform residents and ratepayers Sutherland says limitations on what can be left at gravesites, and about council decisions, activities, where, are explained to families at the time a plot is purchased and projects and events. It is a cost- people sign contracts agreeing to abide by those specifi cations. effective way of providing important However, especially at memorial times of the year like Christmas statutory information such as public or the anniversary of a person’s death, grave decorations can notices concerning planning and sometimes accumulate to the extent that they spread outside of the resource consent issues. gravesite boundaries. When this occurs, the decorations interfere – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea also with mowing operations in the lawn cemetery, impinge on other contains articles of interest to Manukau graves, and can sometimes become weathered and tatty, often residents, promoting the city’s blowing around in the wind and creating a visual nuisance. resources, attractions, facilities and Ms Sutherland says staff are very aware of the sensitivities community events. involved and work closely with families to help them honour deceased relatives appropriately, but in a way that meets the CONTACT US AT requirements of cemetery management. EMAIL manukaumatters@ The restrictions apply mostly to the undecorated lawn cemetery section of the memorial gardens. Families do have the option of EDITORIAL 09 262 5223 purchasing decorated plots, where more extensive embellishment EVENT LISTINGS of gravesites is allowed. and select ‘calendar of events’ under Ms Sutherland says families that have left precious objects at the ‘most popular’ banner. gravesites need not worry that these will be lost during the annual DISTRIBUTION 09 262 5104 clean-up. All items removed by staff will be held in storage for two POST Manukau City Council, months for families to collect. Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City THE “UNDECORATED” LAWN CEMETERY SECTION OF MANUKAU For more information on the clean-up contact Allison Sutherland (attention Manukau Matters) MEMORIAL GARDENS STILL HAS PLENTY OF SCOPE FOR COLOUR 09 250 0074. DESIGNED BY AND INDIVIDUALITY. Scenario Communications Limited EDITOR Jenna Moore CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards ROTARY WALKWAY WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS? PEACEFUL, SCENIC AND ACCESSIBLE In addition to your printed copy, we can GENTLY MEANDERING walkway PAKURANGA ALONG THE WATER’S EDGE E send you a PDF version. Email us at SAILING CLUB NT DRIV OF TAMAKI ESTUARY AND walking WA KA P AR AN GE WAKAARANGA CREEK, THE GA P C CE RE RE disabled access BRAMLEY DRIVE EK ROTARY WALKWAY PROVIDES WANT TO CONTACT PRIN A PEACEFUL AND VARIED COUNCIL, OR YOUR SETTING FOR WALKERS, dogs on leash PARADE ELECTED COUNCILLOR? JOGGERS AND CYCLISTS. lookout FI SH ER Council’s main administration phone number is 09 263 7100 (business The ebb and fl ow of the tides, the seasonal BUTL wildlife EY D R IVE hours). Use the Call Centre on 09 262 gatherings of coastal birds, and the coming FO 5104 (24 hours) for assistance with: and going of many boats make up the ever- FO picnic area DY R CE RT graffi ti, roading, signs, refuse disposal, changing scenery of this highly accessible AV UN E OAD NU ES E traffi c, street lighting, environmental walkway (which is suitable for wheelchairs fi shing RE R by-laws, noise complaints, dog control, throughout its length and gentle enough to NMO statistical information, LIM reports, cater for all fi tness levels). sailing DE GLE RA land rates and kerbside recycling. Developed through a partnership PA R FISHE The council’s website has contact between the Pakuranga Rotary Club and windsurfi ng TH E BO details for all elected Councillors and Manukau City Council, the walkway has been UL EV AR Community Board members, at: gradually extended over the years. The D TAMAKI RIVER and click on latest extension will open in mid-March. OD RA GA ‘Your Council’, then select ‘Mayor and The new section will mean walkers UR AN K PA Councillors’ for their contact details or can meander from the inland reaches ‘Community Boards’ to see the lists of of Wakaaranga Creek all the way to ST KENTIGERN COLLEGE community board members. Pakuranga Road. The Rotary Walkway is open to walkers, cyclists, joggers and dogs. Dogs must be kept on a lead and not allowed to disturb wildlife or other walkway users. Pedestrians have right-of-way and cyclists are asked to give way to other users at all times. Various NEXT ISSUE Sunday 4 Feb 2007 points along the walkway are also popular ISSN 1177-522X with local recreational fi shers.
  • 3. MOLENBERG SUB STRIDE OR RIDE SERIES SORRY BOYS, BUT THIS or over that aims to inspire women to enjoy Council behind us as a major sponsor.” ONE’S JUST FOR THE GALS active and healthy lifetsyles. — A CHANCE FOR WOMEN The only Auckland-based event will be PARTICIPANTS CAN CHOOSE TO GET OUT AND ABOUT held at Clevedon on Sunday 11 February. FROM ONE OF FIVE EVENTS: WITH OLYMPIC ATHLETE Sarah Ulmer says: “At SUB we are all • 5km walk or run SARAH ULMER AND ENJOY about encouraging everyday kiwi chicks • 10km walk or run THE BENEFITS OF WALKING, to get moving and be healthy. Ripping • 15km cycle RUNNING OR CYCLING. into an event is a perfect way to launch • 35km cycle into that kind of lifestyle. Molenberg and Sarah Ulmer Brand (SUB) “There’s something for everyone, no • 65km cycle have combined resources to create the matter what sort of fi tness or ability you Visit for Molenberg SUB Stride or Ride Series — a have. I’ll be at Clevedon too, putting on the more info and all details about the event. nationwide series open to women aged 16 lycra, and it’s great to have Manukau City MANGERE BRIDGE ASSOCIATION NAMED CITY’S BEST FUTURE JOBS REVEALED The Mangere Bridge Business Association local trusts, introduced security patrols and A new careers guide released last month by Manukau City has taken top honours in the inaugural consulted with council on future upgrade Council provides valuable insight in to the future demand Manukau Business Association of the Year work in the area. for work skills, and where the most job opportunities in the awards, held in December. As one of eight business improvement Auckland region might occur, during the next fi ve years. The awards, set to become an annual districts in Manukau, the Mangere Bridge ‘Planning Your Future: A Guide to Career Opportunities event, were initiated by Manukau City Business Association receives support from in the Auckland Region’ uses a unique population-based model to Council to acknowledge the work of business council to improve the area and attract new determine which jobs, skills and experience are likely to be most in demand. associations throughout the city. business and customers. Under council’s The information is intended for students deciding what to study, training providers Since becoming a business business improvement districts (BID) policy, and business groups planning industry training. improvement district in 2005, the Mangere local business associations receive Planning your Future outlines expected job opportunities in more than 200 different Bridge Business Association has promoted additional funding for a range of occupations categorised in fi ve groups: Management, Professionals, Technicians and the area with events such as a wine and programmes and activities. Associate Professionals, Clerical and Administration, Sales and Services and Skilled food festival, salsa lessons in the town For more information about council’s Trade Workers. square, a kid’s triathlon, donkey races, jazz BID policy, visit Copies are available online at or from the council’s call centre festival, and Santa parade. It also developed (key word BID). ph 262 5104, email a website, secured additional funding from Discover your creative side NATHAN HOMESTEAD ADULT CLASSES WEEKEND WORKSHOPS with… 70 Hill Road, Manurewa ART 27 & 28 January Abstract City–Scape Phone: 267 0180 Abstract Adventures** with Maria Fowler 2–Day Workshop with Tony Clarke Art, Craft, Music, Performing Arts and Painting: Elements of Design* 10 March Digital Photography Lifestyle Classes with Niki Phillips 1–Day Workshop with Fiona de Gruchy Please contact Nathan Homestead for dates Drawing Skills Enhanced 10 March Soft Stone Sculpture Come and experience our programmes and times. Most classes run for eight weeks. with Brent McGuire 1–Day Workshop with Gillian Elmslie at Manukau’s Arts Centres. Inspiring Watercolours with Brent McGuire classes and workshops for children, OTARA MUSIC ARTS CENTRE teens and adults. CHILDREN’S & TEENS’ CLASSES Mastering the Visual* with Brent McGuire ART Bairds Road, Otara Town Centre Term 1, 2007 Programme Children’s Art I (5–8yrs) LATIN DANCE — NATHAN HOMESTEAD Phone: 274 6400 starts 12 February and II* (9–14yrs) with Lorraine King PERFORMING ARTS Comic & Cartoon Art (9–14yrs)* Beginners’ Salsa** with Arvin Lawler MUSIC CLASSES with Nooroa Te Hira Intermediate Salsa with Arvin Lawler All classes are evening/afternoon classes. Classes run for eight weeks or for two NATHAN HOMESTEAD PERFORMING DESIGN, MUSIC & CRAFTS blocks of four weeks. ARTS Kitchens, Bathrooms & Accessories* Monday Talented Tots (2–5yrs) with Claire Coleman with Sylvia Sandford Singing Individual with Pele Nili Junior Drama (5–8yrs) with Danielle Cronin Flax Weaving: Raranga Harakeke* Drum Individual with Frank Elia and Claire Coleman with Susan Winiata Tuesday Intermediate Drama* (9–12yrs) Guitar* with Andrew Wyatt Piano Individual with Esther Karunanayake with Danielle Cronin and Claire Coleman Jewellery Construction & Design* Guitar/Bass Individual with Vernon Katipa Senior Drama* (13+) with Claire Coleman with Simon Misdale Singing Workshop with Fia Wilson Kicks Junior Dance (6–8yrs) Leadlighting* with Graham Futter Thursday with Heather Oldbury Mosaics* with Erin Gill Drum Individual with Frank Elia Kicks Intermediate Dance* (9–12yrs) Patchwork Quilting with Gloria Davis Guitar Workshop with Vernon Katipa with Heather Oldbury Perfecting Pottery* with Raewyn Neale Hip Hop Beats* (13+ yrs) Scrapbooking* with Janette Groot OMAC SOUNDHOUSE™ CLASSES Term 1 enrolment OPEN NOW— contact All classes are evening classes (for 11 yrs one of our Arts Centres today! MUSIC AND CRAFTS LIFESTYLE to adult). Classes run for five weeks. Children’s Pottery I (6–8yrs) Yoga** with Eileen Laurie Tuesday For more information on intriguing exhibitions, unmissable events and and II*(9–14yrs) with Raewyn Neale Yoga* with Shirley Goodwin Beat Master Progressive Sessions motivating classes, pick up your FREE Teen Clay* (13–17yrs) with Raewyn Neale Thursday copy of ARTS in the city available from Guitar* (7–13yrs) with Andrew Wyatt Beat Master Progressive Sessions your nearest Arts Centre, Leisure Centre or Library. * Evening Class ** Evening and Day Class
  • 4. Manukau Leisure Services / Term One 2007 Start the new year with a visit to your local Manukau City Leisure News Council recreation or leisure centre. You’ll discover a fantastic array of social sports and activities for all ages — to help you and your family stay healthy and happy in 2007. • After school Kiwee Sports tiritiri Matangi trip in March. Lots of Keep active this New Year. Join our for 5—9 yrs: Monday afternoons women have been waiting for this one, so Wednesday 9am power walking group for • Minis Catch Kick & Throw make sure you book early as numbers will be great fi tness, friends and fun. Or have a for 2-4 yrs: Thursday mornings. limited. We’ll take the ferry to tiritiri Matangi go at social volleyball on Saturdays from More recreation opportunities and explore the island’s bird sanctuary 10.45am—12.45pm. • Retired recreation. If you’re 50+ join and amazing natural beauty with a guided Why not drop in for a casual game of us for social games 12.30—2.30pm on walk. It’s a full day 7.30am — 6pm, Friday 23 basketball, badminton or table tennis Tuesdays and Thursdays. $30 for March. Cost is $60, please book by 9 March. in the weekends? Contact the centre for 10 sessions. Pakuranga Youth Centre Cycle and soak in April. This trip is a great available times and sessions. 13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga combination — a scenic bike ride along the Get in shape in the fi tness centre. Pick up an Phone 576 9739 east coast for a bit of exercise and then a aerobics timetable at the centre. well earned soak in the Miranda hot pools. If you’re a Nifty 50 come along to our social You can bring your own bike or borrow one badminton sessions, Mondays 1—3pm (only from us. Wet or fi ne, we’ll be riding on Friday $4 per session). 27 April, 8.30am—4pm. Cost is $40, please Join the Pakuranga Youth Club on book by 13 April. Future leaders. Are you aged 16 or over and Saturday nights 7—10pm with Playstation, interested in developing leadership skills? movie nights, games evenings and monthly Why not join us on these outings? Contact Ask us about our volunteer leadership outings. You can also be part of the Young Manukau On The Move on 274 6904 for programme. We’ll help you develop your New Zealanders’ Challenge and learn Te Puru Fitness Centre bookings and any further details. potential, and you can put your skills into leadership skills, event planning/fundraising 954 Whitford Maraetai Road practise, leading younger children in our and more. It’s $30 per term to be part of the Phone 536 7231 school holiday programmes; or develop Young New Zealanders’ Challenge. Pilates, yoga and box fi t classes at Te Puru coaching skills by volunteering for our Chill out on Saturday afternoons with Fitness Centre will help you keep in good gymnastic and basketball programmes. Youth Time from 1—5pm. Play some shape over the summer. Join us at these basketball or table tennis, listen to music, times each week: and generally kick back. Youth Time is just • Monday 9am — Pilates $2 for all ages. Children aged under 8 must • Tuesday 6.30pm — Yoga be accompanied by an adult. • Thursday 7pm — Pilates • Saturday 9.30am — Box fi t Basketball — adults Social basketball competitions. Grab some Aerobics classes are free for fi tness centre Howick Recreation Centre members. Non-members are also welcome 563 Pakuranga Road friends or workmates and register your — $6 for casual classes or $60 for a 12-class Phone 534 5153 team now. concession card. • NEW men’s basketball competition Get active and discover a healthy lifestyle at Mangere, Manurewa, Papatoetoe Monday nights from 6pm, starting from the Howick Recreation Centre. 12 February. Being confi dent in the water makes summer Our development programmes for younger • Unisex basketball competition safer and more fun for all ages. Learn to children include: Wednesday nights from 6pm starting swim with the professionals at your local • Gymnastics classes. Develop your from 14 February. Swimsation swim school. child’s confi dence and coordination. Basketball — children Classes cater for babies, toddlers, Term one swimming lessons will be running These are popular programmes so enrol preschool and school age. from Wednesday 7 February to Thursday 5 soon: • Recreational trampoline classes. April and enrolments are now open. • Mini Basketball Hoopsters for Children learn safety skills and It’s never too late, or too early, to learn to 5—7yrs builds a basic understanding of Manukau on the Move acrobatics (8—13yrs). swim. Swimsation provides lessons for all the game and skills in a fun way. Phone 274 6904 • Basketball skills. A great introductory ages and abilities (six months through to 3.30— 4.30pm Tuesday. programme for 5—14 years to develop Manukau on the Move is council’s mobile adults), with structured classes in a warm, • Junior Basketball Hoopsters for and enhance their basketball skills. outdoor recreation team. comfortable and fun environment. 8—10yrs is lots of fun and builds on $75 (17 weeks). skills and technique development. Women’s Adventure Group. The Women’s • Catch, Kick & Throw. A great Swimsation term one theme week: Soggy 3.30—4.30pm Friday. Adventure Group is becoming increasingly programme for 3—5 years, introducing Socks! Children are encouraged to bring • Senior Basketball Hoopsters for popular — and with good reason. This is a them to the fundamental skills of along their favourite socks. Long, short, 11yrs and over is a fun class that includes brilliant opportunity for women of all ages ball sports. multicoloured — anything goes and you’re practice for game situations. and backgrounds to join a social group and • Kiwee sports. This fun programme lets not restricted to wearing them on your feet!! 4.35—5.35pm Friday. try new outdoor activities. We do something children try a variety of sports such as Swimsation has qualifi ed instructors, low different each month. No one’s expected athletics, soccer, cricket and hockey. Gymnastics class ratios, achievement ribbons and much to be an athlete or an expert — absolute Preschool and after school classes. Our gymnastics programmes provide some more. Your local Swimsation coordinator: beginners are always welcome, and you’re – excellent learning and extension activities Our popular basketball competition Mangere: Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Leisure Centre sure to have fun. for the youngest members of your family. programme for ages nine and over — Tracey Paitai, Ph: 275 8979 Classes include: All gear and transport is provided. We can continues with these sessions: Manurewa Aquatic Centre • Babies (12—24 months): pick you up from Beachlands, Whitford or • Senior basketball competition. — Dawn Taffard, Ph: 269 0937 Tuesday and Wednesday mornings East Tamaki. 14—18yrs, Mondays 5.30—6.30pm. Papatoetoe Centennial Pools • Toddlers: Thursday mornings • Junior basketball competition. — Karen Fairclough, Ph: 279 0485 Wish for some wind in February. Yes, we’re • Pre-schoolers: 9—13yrs, Thursdays 4—6pm. going windsurfing! Always wondered if you Monday and Friday afternoons Enrolments open now — don’t miss out. could handle a windsurfer? This will be the Otara Leisure Centre • School children aged 5—12yrs: perfect time to give it a go. Everything’s Yoga. Stretch your body and your mind with Cnr Bairds Road and Newbury Street Wednesday and Thursday after school. provided (including a professional Wendy Kerr in a ‘Yoga 4 You’ class: Phone 274 6917 Kiwee Sports instructor!) and you’ll have some great • Tuesday 10.30am (general level) Junior sport Your child can try a different sport every company to share the experience with. • Tuesday 6.30pm (intermediate) Enrol your child in one of our fun junior week, including hockey, soccer, softball, Bucklands Beach is the venue, Friday 23 • Wednesday 9am and 7.10pm (intermediate) sports programmes for 6—12 year olds. athletics and cricket. February 9am—3pm. Cost is $50, please • Wednesday 10.30am and 6pm (beginners) They will have fun learning new sports skills, • Preschool Kiwee Sports book by 9 February. • Thursday 9.00am (intermediate). burning off energy, and making new friends. for 3—4 yrs: Wednesday afternoons 8 week programme $75.
  • 5. Junior netball is on Tuesdays 4—5pm, Contact Kevin Harrison for details. are all about the discovery of movement. 3.30pm. These are fun, energetic and very starting 13 February. • The Green Prescription programmes, We introduce school aged children to cool classes. • Junior basketball coaching clinic is on presented in association with the KiwiGym fun levels 1—6. Speak to us about Adults — don’t miss out on our evening Fridays 4—5pm, starting 9 February. Counties Manukau Sports Foundation, the best session for your child. social sports. Bring your friends and team will be back from 13 February. Adults’ social sports Our Hoop Troop, McDribbler and mates along and join in the fun. Contact our staff for more information. It’s a very social scene here on Monday and Fundamentals basketball classes start • Adult evening volleyball — Monday nights Thursday evenings. You and your mates can Recreation Centre: from 12 February. from 22 January, 7pm. join our indoor soccer and mixed basketball • Come and wiggle your way through • Fundamentals classes are on Mondays at • Adult social basketball — Wednesday social competitions. Grab your team mates some Polynesian music at the FREE 5.30pm for ages 10—15yrs, and Tuesday nights from 24 January, 7pm. and register by 1 February 2007. Health Pacifi ca aerobics classes. Have at 5.30pm for ages 15—18yrs. Join Hilda Hei for Step Up aerobics, • Indoor soccer is Monday nights, starting fun at keeping healthy and active every • Hoop Troop for 5—8yrs and 8—10yrs, Monday through to Thursday at 6pm. 5 February, 6.30pm. Tuesday and Thursday 10.30—11.30am in is on Thursdays after school. • Mixed basketball is Thursday nights, the stadium. • The McDribbler programme for 5—7yrs OSCAR before and after school care. We starting 15 February, 6.30pm. • The 2007 evening mixed basketball and 8—11yrs is on Fridays. are now taking enrolments for our OSCAR league is about to get underway. Get We can help put your child into the right programme, providing quality care for your Join our Easter Hunt! your team together now. classes, but be quick to secure their place. children. Spaces are limited so book soon to We’re holding a fun family Easter Hunt on • Why not drop in for basketball or avoid missing out. Phone 269 0500. Saturday 7 April. Come along with the family Youth basketball volleyball? Please make sure you book and fi nd some Easter treasures. • Basketball social competition for your court time with our reception staff. Year 9 and Year 10 students. Aquarobics $2 charge for basketball. Wednesday evenings, 6—9pm, starting For an excellent low impact, group exercise • Lil’ Kiwa pre-school gym classes are 14 February. Register your team now. session join us for a free aquarobics class excellent for helping young children • Basketball social competition for each Wednesday, 6.30—7.30pm. Work out develop confi dence and skills. Just Year 11 and Year 12 students. Thursday to music in the pool with a friendly group of $30 for the term. evenings, starting 15 February. Games locals. Why not give it a go? • Our youth team building programme run from 6—9pm. Get your team together caters for secondary schools and private Table tennis and register now. A gold coin is all you need for a casual game training establishments. The programme Allan Brewster Recreation of table tennis. Table tennis tables are aims to build young people’s confi dence All Golden Oldies are welcome at the Centre and self esteem, using exciting activities popular Goldz Club for social sports and Tavern Lane, Papatoetoe available for just $1 per person from Monday that keep them active throughout the a get-together. Back again on Wednesdays Phone 277 7222 to Thursday. entire session. from 14 February, 10am—12pm, just $2 The Allan Brewster Recreation Centre has • Our OSCAR before and after school care a session. HEAPS lined up for the start of the year. programme provides a fun and enjoyable Tai Chi. ‘Harmonious’ exercise to condition Enrolments are being taken now — don’t range of activities such as swimming, the body and mind. 10am Tues and Thurs. miss out on our popular programmes! library visits and recreation time. A pick up service is provided for Waterlea Start the new year with a fun challenge. Children’s programmes Primary, Mountain View and Nga Iwi Join in the Nesian Extreme Youth group, For the youngest family members, our schools. Children from other schools also for 10—25yrs. Mix and mingle, and be part Kiwee Tots preschool gymnastics classes accepted if they have transport of the internationally recognised Duke of will help develop motor skills, coordination – Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa organised. Edinburgh Award. Wednesdays at 6pm. and confi dence. $40 for 8—week term. Leisure Centre Kiwee basketball is always popular. It’s Cnr Mascot Ave & Waddon Place, Mangere a great place for 5—13yrs to develop their Phone 275 8979 skills. Mondays 4—5pm. $40 for 8 weeks. Make the most of summer with our fun Kids love soccer, and 5—12yrs can learn outdoor pools and swimming programmes, the fundamentals and have great fun at as well as social sports and youth our after school soccer coaching clinic. programmes. Tuesdays 4—5pm. $40 for 8 weeks. Aquatics: If your child needs quality before and after • Do you want to do more swimming school care this term, ask our friendly staff this year? Join the Mangere Swim Club! Manurewa Leisure Centre Te Matariki Clendon Community about the Kiwee Kids Club. Supervised The club welcomes swimmers from all Frances Road, Manurewa Centre and Library activities from 7am, and after school until primary and secondary school levels for Phone 267 4646 Palmers Road, Clendon 6pm. Transport included. competitive swimming (this is not a From youth basketball to twilight strolls Phone 269 0500 Social sports for adults learn to swim club). Contact: — we have a great selection of programmes • Squash club — Fast, fun and great for Enrol now for our 2007 junior coaching Mike Anelu (President) 276-8876. for you to have a go at this year at the fi tness. Join our squash club on Tuesdays clinics, starting from 12 February. • For older swimmers (adults) the Masters Manurewa Leisure Centre. Registrations are 5.30—8pm. Just $4 per person, with gear • Rugby League Skills (7—14yrs). Young Swim Club welcomes active swimmers now open. available to hire. league fans can develop skills that are every Wednesday 7—8.15pm, $2 each. • Table tennis — Social table tennis Aerobics classes run from Monday through used in the NRL and get a head start on Plus on the fi rst Wednesday of each sessions are just $2 on Fridays, 1—3pm. Thursday, with great instructors teaching their team mates before pre-season month you get free access to the spa. Includes all the gear and afternoon tea. Pilates, step, tae bo and pump. Pick up a training commences. Mondays 3.30pm. • Aquarobics classes are held every • Indoor soccer — Grab some mates and timetable at reception. • Junior Basketball Coaching. Children Monday and Wednesday morning, come along for a social time on Friday will learn skills to help them prepare for 11am— 12pm in the teaching pool. Fancy a twilight stroll? All ages are evenings. Games from 6.30pm. school competitions. Tuesdays 3.30pm. FREE admission. Come and enjoy a fun welcome to join our $1 Walkfi t sessions. • Aerobics — Try the awesome Les Mills • Junior Cricket Coaching. Your child fi lled atmosphere with other adults. Get outdoors for some gentle exercise in aerobics classes, and our own boxing and may already be playing cricket but here’s • Make a big splash and have fun in the sun the fresh air with a friendly group of locals. kick boxing classes. All classes $6 each. a great way to keep them on the way to at the Outdoor Fun Pools. Open every Mondays and Wednesdays 7pm, starts Pick up a timetable from reception. becoming the next Black Cap sensation. day, free admission. 7 February 2007. Wednesdays 3.30pm. • Police swim test. Thinking of joining the Watch out for more news from police? We have a new police swim Our children’s programmes this term Continuing in 2007 are our HIP HOP dance Manurewa Aquatic Centre, Papatoetoe training programme starting in term one, include our ever-popular gymnastics and classes. Classes for 5—10yrs are Mondays Centennial Pools and Lloyd Elsmore Park to get you up to standard. basketball sessions. We have gym classes 4.30pm, and 11—15yrs are on Fridays at Leisure Centre in our next edition. for ages two years and up. These classes
  • 6. PANMURE ROUNDABOUT EMPLOYMENT For these and other employment opportunities at council visit: GETS SAFETY OVERHAUL OPPORTUNITIES and select ‘Jobs at council’ under the ‘most popular’ banner. AT COUNCIL SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENTS TO TRAFFIC Receptionist / Administrator SAFETY ARE EXPECTED CEO Advisory Unit TO RESULT FROM THE This is a receptionist position within Manukau City Council’s Chief Executive Offi cer INSTALLATION OF IMPROVED (CEO) Advisory Unit with administration responsibility that will expand and further LANE MARKINGS AT THE develop your already established skill set. Attitude is all important in this position PANMURE ROUNDABOUT, — a positive and friendly one! Meeting and greeting staff and clients to council, you A MAJOR INTERSECTION will be the face of the organisation. The role includes taking calls, invoicing, fi ling, CONNECTING MANUKAU AND administrative duties, updating database information, and ordering stationery, AUCKLAND. but there is much more to it than that. You will need to be self-managed and have a fantastic attitude to deal with clients at all levels. Ideally, you will have worked in a The new markings, scheduled for Tuesday reception/administration role previously. We are looking for a welcoming and well 30 January, will give clearer indication of presented team member who is a natural “people person” with the ability to put people which approach lane motorists must be in to at ease whilst dealing effortlessly with their requests, showing warmth and enthusiasm take one of the six exits. The improvements and great communication skills. are expected to be welcomed as the Vacancy Number: MM 3630 roundabout is notorious for confusing The roundabout is notorious Applications close: 1 February 2007, 12 noon drivers and has the highest crash record of for confusing drivers and has any intersection in Auckland city. the highest crash record of any The biggest change that will affect intersection in Auckland city. Recreation Programmer (Fitness) drivers during morning rush hour is that Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa- Leisure Centre the two-lane approach on Lagoon Drive will We have a full-time position available in our Fitness Centre for an enthusiastic person become permanent. The current practice of before they navigate the roundabout. who has a relevant fi tness qualifi cation or who is currently in training. Applicants must installing temporary traffi c cones to create Drivers are urged to take particular care have a current First Aid certifi cate, be adaptable and enjoy working with people of three lanes will be discontinued. negotiating the roundabout while they all ages. Auckland City is installing large road adjust to the changes. Vacancy Number: MM 3639 signs and digital messages to ensure For more information contact Auckland Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon drivers are alerted to the new layout City Council or visit Saturday Courier Manukau Libraries Manukau Libraries A vacancy exists at Manukau Libraries for a Saturday Store Person / Driver. This position involves the pickup and delivery of library items between library sites. We are looking Did you know... for an enthusiastic person with excellent driving skills who enjoys being out on the road and working in a largely autonomous role. The successful applicant will maintain the delivery schedule and ensure the safe handling and custody of materials during transit. Applicants should have a full NZ drivers licence with no endorsements, relevant work experience, and be able to drive a manual transmission vehicle. The vacancy is for six hours on a Saturday. Vacancy Number: MM 3645 Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon Assistant Team Leader – Early Childhood Educator Te Matariki Clendon Community Centre and Library (Clendon) Te Matariki is Manukau City Council’s fi rst integrated centre to deliver combined leisure and library services. An exciting opportunity has arisen to be part of a motivated and committed team. Are you energetic, innovative and keen to share your knowledge and experience to assist in the development of our team? You will need a Diploma ...that most of the cost to dispose of of Teaching (ECE), full or provisional Teacher Registration and a current First Aid certifi cate. wastewater from your house is the Benefi ts include: • Staff superannuation scheme same whether you live alone or have a • Training and development opportunities family of 13? • Other staff privileges Vacancy Number: MM 3644 Applications close: 26 January 2007, 12 noon That’s because the main cost is in building and maintaining the sewerage Customer Support Offi cer network to your house, and that is Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa- Leisure Centre We are looking for a positive, friendly person with good customer service skills for much the same regardless of how much our reception area. You will need experience in administration, have a good working you pour down the pipes. knowledge of computer systems and be able to deal effectively with customer enquiries and requests. Vacancy Number: MM 3640 Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon MORE JOBS ON PAGE 7
  • 7. Disability Adviser Community Policy and Planning PUBLIC NOTICES Manukau City Council is committed to supporting disabled people to participate fully in Correction to Libraries Volunteers needed at the the community. To demonstrate that disabled people are an important part of the city’s Bylaw CAB diversity, council has adopted the Disability Policy and Action Plan, and is now seeking a dynamic person to work in this area. Manukau City Council gives notice of the If you enjoy working with people, want Acting in a high-level, strategic role, the Disability Adviser will provide expertise following decision at its full meeting on to help provide a key community service, to council, promote awareness of disability and help staff develop skills to effectively 14 December 2006 (Minute No. CL/ and have a free half-day a week, why not implement the council’s Disability Policy and Action Plan. DEC/2194/06): volunteer at your local Citizens Advice To be successful in the role you will demonstrate strong leadership and be an Bureau? effective role model, advocate and mentor; able to communicate with and relate well to 1. That pursuant to section 156(2)(a) of Volunteering is a great way to meet all people. You will be an innovative thinker, identifying solutions and new ways to work; the Local Government Act 2002, new people and develop new skills, plus at the same time being fl exible, pragmatic and looking for “win-win” outcomes. Clause 6.1(a) of Chapter 12 Libraries it looks great on your CV. It will also be essential to develop strong relationships with Council’s Disability Steering of the Manukau City Consolidated Manukau Citizens Advice Bureaux are Group, the disability sector, Government agencies, NGOs and community groups. Bylaw 1992 be deleted in its entirety seeking volunteers so they can continue If you are passionate about working in this area and have relevant experience, and substituted with the following to to provide confi dential information and including lived experience of disability, this may be your ideal job. Job share correct an error: support to the thousands of residents arrangements can be considered. For more information please contact Raewyn Stone “a. Behave in a manner that creates who rely on this free service every year. on (09) 262 8900 ext 8787 or email a nuisance or is offensive to any In 2006, Manukau Citizens Advice Vacancy Number: MM 3647 other person;” Bureaux helped with more than 50,000 Applications close: 29 January 2007, 12 noon inquiries ranging from practical 2. That pursuant to section 156(2) of neighbourhood information to advice For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment the Local Government Act 2002, the about New Zealand laws and assisting opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit; above resolution be publicly notifi ed. residents to apply for rates rebates. email a request for a position description to; or phone Volunteers are fully trained by the CAB 09 262 8907. Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your 3. That the correction comes into and receive ongoing support. The next application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading role in the Local operation on Sunday, 21 January 2007. training course for volunteers begins in Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi. mid February, so contact a bureau below The Libraries Bylaw can be inspected NOW to fi nd out more and register your Council and Community Board Meetings for February 2007 at the Manukau City Council Customer interest: Services Centre, Kotuku House, Mangere CAB 275 6885 Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings Manukau Square; any Manukau City Manurewa CAB 266 5729 Act 1987, public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the Manukau Council library through their internet Otara CAB 274 6577 City Council and its Standing Committees for the month of February 2007. service; and council’s website Papatoetoe CAB 278 5191 The following Standing Committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room, Copies can Manukau Civic Centre on the date specifi ed, the Community Board Resource Consent be downloaded from council’s website; Hearings will be held in the Puhinui Room, Manukau Civic Centre and the Pacifi c Island or obtained on payment of applicable Advisory Committee meeting will be held in the Totara Room, Level 3, Manukau photocopy or printing charges from Civic Centre. Kotuku House or any council library. Economic Development Committee 31 January 2007 5.00pm Community Safety Committee 1 February 2007 9.30am Transport Committee The February meeting of this committee has been cancelled Community Development Committee 7 February 2007 5.00pm Schedule of Meetings for January 2007 — Urgent Meeting Botany Community Board RC Hearing Committee 8 February 2007 9.30am Papatoetoe Community Board RC Hearing Committee 8 February 2007 10.30am Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings Environment and Urban Design Committee 8 February 2007 5.00pm Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of an urgent meeting as described below: Pacifi c Island Advisory Committee 8 February 2007 6.00pm Mangere Community Board 25 January 2007 5.00pm Hearings Committee 13 February 2007 9.30am Puhinui Room, Level 2, Room Manukau City Council, Civic Centre Corporate Governance Committee 13 February 2007 5.00pm Council Plan Committee 14 February 2007 3.00pm The purpose of this meeting is to consider an urgent application for consent for the Council Plan Committee 15 February 2007 3.00pm staging of an event on Rose Garden Reserve at Kiwi Esplanade, Mangere Bridge, on Strategic Directions Committee 20 February 2007 5.00pm Tuesday 6 February, 2007. Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee 21 February 2007 5.00pm Council Plan Committee 27 February 2007 5.00pm The Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on 22 February 2007 Community Board Discretionary and School Holiday Funding commencing at 5.00pm. for Community Groups Community Board meetings will be held as follows: Mangere Community Board 12 February 2007 5.00pm Funding is now available to community groups and organisations to enhance community, Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere economic and environmental development of Manukau city and its residents. Botany Community Board 12 February 2007 6.30pm Each of the city’s eight community boards has funding to allocate to groups carrying Panasonic Performing Arts Centre, Botany Downs, out projects in their communities. Secondary College, 575 Chapel Road, Howick If your group is working on a project or service that benefi ts the residents of one or Howick Community Board 12 February 2007 7.00pm two communities within Manukau city, you are welcome to apply to our Community Fencible Lounge, Howick Library Bulding, Uxbridge Road, Howick Board Discretionary Fund. Otara Community Board 19 February 2007 5.00pm School Holiday Programme funding is also available to assist community organisations Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara to provide holiday programmes and activities during the April 2007 school holidays. Clevedon Community Board 19 February 2007 7.30pm All providers must have OSCAR accreditation (phone 0800 559 009 for more Clevedon Hall, Clevedon information on accreditation). Please note that groups are required to contribute at Pakuranga Community Board 19 February 2007 7.30pm least one third of the overall cost of the project. Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga Applications to both funds close at 4.00 pm Friday 26 January 2007. Manurewa Community Board 26 February 2007 6.30pm For application forms or further information, please phone the Funding Administrator on Manukau Room, Manukau Civic Centre 262 8900 extension 8367. Papatoetoe Community Board 26 February 2007 7.00pm Information and application forms may also be accessed via Council’s website Papatoetoe Chambers, 31—33 St George Street, Papatoetoe