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                                                                                                TE KAEAEA

ARCHITECTURE AWARDS PAGE 3                                                                      MATTERS
                                                                                                M     S
                                                                                                19 NOVEMBER 2006 ISSUE 10



The playground features striking pukeko             The playground includes a facility
and wetlands sculptures, and the latest
equipment designed to support structured
                                                with space for school and community
                                                activities such as school holiday                                           AND
and creative play.
   Designed to attract visitors from across
the city, the playground has already
                                                programmes, children’s parties and
                                                meetings. Future plans for the facility
                                                include an artist in residence and
achieved that goal with parents and children    environmental education programmes.
from throughout Manukau turning up in               Located off Stancombe Road opposite                                     AUCKLAND’S
good numbers, especially at weekends.
Parents spoken to on Sunday 5 November
                                                the Buddhist Temple, Wetlands Playground
                                                is the fi rst element of Barry Curtis Park to
                                                                                                                            COUNCILS WORK
said they are enjoying the focus on safety,
the variety of things for children to do and
                                                be completed. The park will be a central part
                                                of the new Flat Bush development.                MASON WOODHOUSE TACKLES
the fact the creative facilities exercise the
imagination as well as the body.
                                                                                                 THE ROPE JUNGLE GYM        PAGE 2

MANUKAU MATTERS                               BETTER DECISION MAKING
Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea is
published twice a month by the                AND MORE EFFICIENT SERVICES
Manukau City Council and delivered to
more than 100,000 households, rural
delivery addresses, and other locations
                                              ACROSS THE REGION
within the city boundaries.                   COUNCILS IN THE AUCKLAND REGION
   Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea helps           ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO IDENTIFY
council inform residents and ratepayers       THE BEST WAY TO STRENGTHEN REGIONAL
about council decisions, activities,          GOVERNANCE.
projects and events. It is a cost-
effective way of providing important          Representatives from the eight councils in the Auckland region
statutory information such as public          have focused on ways of making local government more effective
notices concerning planning and               and effi cient, and produced a discussion paper that explores three
resource consent issues.                      models for change.
   Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea also               The paper has been developed to stimulate discussion by
contains articles of interest to Manukau      the councils’ elected members. The models include a Voluntary
residents, promoting the city’s               Cooperative Decision-making and Delivery model (enhanced
resources, attractions, facilities and        status quo); a Shared Binding Decision-Making Model (creation
community events.                             of a ‘regional assembly’ comprising representatives of the
                                              local authorities); and A Multifunctional Regional Authority (an
CONTACT US AT                                 enhanced body integrating strategy and delivery).
EMAIL manukaumatters@                            Feedback from councils, including Manukau, will be provided to                               a joint offi cers working group which will then develop a proposal
EDITORIAL 09 262 5223                         for subsequent consideration by the councils. It is possible the       PUBLIC TRANSPORT — ONE OF THE ISSUES FACING THE
EVENT LISTINGS            proposal will be a hybrid of the models presented for discussion.      AUCKLAND REGION.
and select ‘calendar of events’ under            “This is not about changing the territorial authority
the ‘most popular’ banner.                    boundaries,” says John Robertson, Mayor of Papakura and chair
DISTRIBUTION 09 262 5104                      of the Political Reference Group for the project.                     “The Auckland Mayoral Forum passed resolutions on 15
POST Manukau City Council,                       “This is about building on existing programmes to make             September to initiate a process for strengthening regional
Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City                   greater Auckland more internationally competitive and                 governance in Auckland. This discussion paper is the fi rst major
(attention Manukau Matters)                   sustainable in the long term, and to deliver on social and cultural   milestone in the response to those resolutions,” Mr Roche says.
DESIGNED BY                                   programmes for all our residents.                                        As well as participating in the development of the document,
Scenario Communications Limited                  “This is one of the most important pieces of governance            central Government has indicated its willingness to consider
EDITOR Jenna Moore                            work undertaken in the region for some time. All councils have        changes to legislation if necessary.
CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards                  committed to explore options to deliver better decision-making           Mr Robertson says the timeframes for development of the
                                              and more effi cient delivery of services.”                             options has been extremely tight. Councils will need to formally
WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL                         He says there is recognition that whatever happens in each         resolve their position on a proposal by the end of November.
VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS?                   local council area has an effect on the region as a whole, and that      “We need to deliver a proposal, together with the resolutions
In addition to your printed copy, we can      growth pressures are being felt regionally.                           of all the councils, for central Government’s consideration
send you a PDF version. Email us at              “The perceived lack of ‘one-voice’ speaking with clarity and       in December, to enable any necessary legislation to be drafted,                leadership has not helped us engage effectively with central          consulted on and passed prior to the October 2007 local body
                                              government, or helped us secure the additional funding that           elections.”
                                              Auckland, as a region, requires.”                                        Once the proposal is with the Government, Mr Robertson
WANT TO CONTACT                                  Independent Project Manager Brian Roche says the discussion        says the public can have their say through the Select Committee
COUNCIL, OR YOUR                              document has been compiled in a joint process involving all           process, and through their local council early next year.
ELECTED COUNCILLOR?                           Auckland’s councils and central Government.
Council’s main administration phone
number is 09 263 7100 (business
hours). Use the Call Centre on 09 262
5104 (24 hours) for assistance with:
graffi ti, roading, signs, refuse disposal,   MANUKAU BUSINESSES
traffi c, street lighting, environmental
by-laws, noise complaints, dog control,
statistical information, LIM reports,
                                             GET ENVIRONMENT SMART
land rates and kerbside recycling.           AS WORLD ATTENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE                                       Fifty-eight businesses participated in Enviro-Mark, which was
   The council’s website has contact         HEATS UP, FOUR MANUKAU COMPANIES                                       developed following a North Shore City Council pilot programme
details for all elected Councillors and      HAVE BEEN RECOGNISED FOR LEADING THE                                   involving seven businesses. Manukau City Council helped fund
Community Board members, at:                 WAY WITH ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY                                      Enviro-Mark with other Auckland local councils, the Ministry for and click on             BUSINESS STANDARDS.                                                    the Environment and Landcare Research.
                    ‘Your Council’, then                                                                                The success of this programme has seen it expanded to become
                    select ‘Mayor and        Manukau City Council congratulates Criterion Group, Horton             EnviroSmart, which now includes 23 councils across New Zealand.
                    Councillors’ for their   Media, National Starch & Chemicals and Warehouse Stationery            Eleven Manukau businesses have signed up to EnviroSmart.
                    contact details or       for achieving Gold Enviro-Mark accreditation. The accreditation            Manukau City Council Environment Director Ree Anderson says
                    ‘Community Boards’       certifi cates were presented last week by Governor General Anand        highlighting environmentally friendly business practices is timely,
                    to see the lists of      Satyanand and Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment           given the current focus on climate change issues.
                    community board          Dr Morgan Williams.                                                        “As well as being good for the environment, these changes to
                    members.                    The Auckland region Enviro-Mark programme helped these              business practice are good for the bottom line.
                                             businesses implement resource effi ciency, waste reduction and              “Receiving the accreditation is valuable for businesses because
                                             energy effi ciency programmes. They also introduced purchasing          it means they can use Gold Enviro-Mark logos in advertising.
NEXT ISSUE Sunday 3 Dec 2006                 policies to consider environmentally friendly products and             This tells consumers they are dealing with an environmentally
ISSN 1177-522X                               environmental requirements for their suppliers.                        responsible company.”
                                                                                                                    For more information on EnviroSmart visit
ARCHITECTURAL                                                                                                                          KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
                                                                                                                                       Teenagers, parents, caregivers,

                                                                                                                                       grandparents and education providers are
                                                                                                                                       encouraged to visit the Clendon Community
                                                                                                                                       Expo later this month to learn about local
                                                                                                                                       youth services.

MANUKAU                                                                                                                                   Hosted by the Clendon CAYAD
                                                                                                                                       (Community Action on Youth and
                                                                                                                                       Drugs) project team, the expo features
                                                                                                                                       presentations from organisations such
                                                                                                                                       as Career Services, Youth Transition,
                                                                                                                                       CYFS, local police and Youth Law.
                                                                                                                                       Topics include dealing with family group
  WINNERS                                                                                                                              conferences, school disciplinary hearings,
   2006                                                                                                                                career advice and how to get help with
                                                                                                                                       the many challenges facing young people
                                                                                                                                       today, such as drug abuse and crime.
                                                                                                                                          The Clendon CAYAD project was set
                                                                                                                                       up in March 2004 and is a partnership
                                                                                                                                       between the Ministry of Health and
                                                                                                                                       Manukau City Council. It is one of 15
                                                                                                                                       CAYAD sites across New Zealand
                                                                                                                                       participating in a national programme
                                                                                                                                       that targets the use of illegal drugs
                                                                                                                                       amongst local youth.
                                                                                                                                          “There is a wealth of community support
                                                                                     “This enterprising                                available in Clendon and Manurewa. Our
                                                                                      community library invites                        expo provides a great opportunity to
                                                                                      users, especially children                       connect local families to these services,”
                                                                                      and young people, in with                        says organiser Winnie Hauraki.
                                                                                      an environment that’s                               The Community Expo takes place on
                                                                                      welcoming and exciting.”                         29 November at Te Matariki — Clendon
                                                                                                                                       Recreation Centre, 17 Palmers Road,
                                                                                     TE MATARIKI CLENDON COMMUNITY                     Clendon, 1pm to 6pm.
                                                                                     CENTRE AND LIBRARY

MANUREWA AQUATIC                    Both buildings won in the Community              “a really simple building, effective yet          and materials, and environmental aspects
CENTRE — NGAA MAHI                  and Cultural section for their designer          inspiring; an asset that the local community      were also taken into account.
A REHIA AND TE MATARIKI             Jasmax Ltd.                                      can use and enjoy at no cost.”                       Director of Community for Manukau City
CLENDON COMMUNITY                       Judges commented that Te Matariki               The NZIA Resene Local Awards for               Council, Ian Maxwell is delighted with the
CENTRE AND LIBRARY                  provided “a bold form with a central             Architecture were established to celebrate        recognition from NZIA:
HAVE BEEN RECOGNISED                entrance foyer also serving an existing          the innovation, creativity and excellence of         “The awards, the latest in a long line
IN THE 2006 NEW                     adjacent hall. This enterprising community       architecture projects nationwide.                 for Manukau city’s community buildings,
ZEALAND INSTITUTE                   library invites users, especially children and      The panel of judges visited each project,      show we continue to maintain a level of
OF ARCHITECTS LOCAL                 young people, in with an environment that’s      which were then evaluated against criteria        excellence, in providing modern functional
AWARDS.                             welcoming and exciting.”                         such as the relationship of the building to its   attractive buildings, which proudly refl ect
                                        Referring to the swimming pools at           site and context, design quality,                 the community they serve.”
                                    Manurewa Aquatic Centre — Ngaa Mahi              building form, structure and spatial
                                    a Rehia the judges said the building was         qualities. User satisfaction, the use of colour

 “A really simple building,
  effective yet inspiring;
  an asset that the local
  community can use and
  enjoy at no cost.”


                                                                                                                  LOOK FOR THE ‘A’ GRADE
                                                                                                                  Summer is the peak season for food poisoning and it is not just the
                                                                                                                  family barbecue where folk can be at risk. Commercial food outlets
                                                                                                                  are also places where health risks occur, if hygiene practices are not
                                                                                                                  up to scratch.
                                                                                                                      This is why Manukau City Council encourages people to check
SHONA FISHER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR MANUKAU PARKS, GIVES MANUKAU CITY’S PERFORMANCE GARDEN                      the food grading certifi cate of the outlets from which they purchase
A FINAL CHECK BEFORE THE SHOW OPENS.                                                                              food. These certifi cates show how well a business meets food
                                                                                                                  hygiene laws and help people make informed decisions about where
FLOWER SHOW DELIGHTS THE CROWDS                                                                                   to buy.
                                                                                                                      Most businesses selling food in Manukau should have one of
MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL WAS                                 the city’s primary and intermediate school students,     these certifi cates displayed on their shop-front. This includes
PROUD TO HOST AND SPONSOR                                a range of monumental and striking sculptures, and       local dairies, takeaways, bakeries, petrol stations and smaller
THE 2006 ELLERSLIE                                       the Manukau City Cultural Performance Garden, which      supermarkets. Exceptions are large supermarket chains, which have
INTERNATIONAL FLOWER SHOW,                               was brought to life during the show by an impressive     their own food safety systems in place.
WHICH TRANSFORMED PART OF                                line-up of emerging and established performers               An A-grade certifi cate means those food premises have achieved
THE AUCKLAND BOTANIC GARDENS                             and artists (including Russel Walder and Whirimako       the highest level of compliance with food hygiene standards at
IN MANUREWA THIS WEEK.                                   Black, Soifua, the Nairobi Trio, Nesian Mystik and the   the time of inspection by one of council’s Environmental Health
                                                         Manukau City Symphony Orchestra).                        Offi cers.
Over the past few days, Manukau has laid out the             The Manukau City Cultural Performance Garden             If people have a complaint about poor food preparation, dirty
welcome mat for the 65,000-plus people who were          is to be relocated in its near entirety as a permanent   premises, or wish to report a business not displaying its certifi cate,
expected at the show to experience glorious gardens,     performance space at Fergusson Oaks Reserve in           call Manukau City Council’s call centre on 262 5104. It is open 24
newly released plants, and unique New Zealand art        Otara for people to enjoy for years to come.             hours a day, seven days a week.
fi rst hand.                                                                                                           For a complaint about sickness caused by food or fi nding items
    The fl ower show has seen some of the best of                                                                  in food, call the Auckland Regional Public Health Service on
Manukau on display — scarecrows made by some of                                                                   09 623 4600.
                                                                                                                      To check the latest grades of your local shops and food outlets,
                                                                    CONGRATULATIONS!                              log onto council’s website at and then select
                                                                    Congratulations to all schools who entered    “council services” at the top of the page. From the list on the left,
                                                                    the Manukau Beautifi cation Trust’s Best       select “food premises” and then, from the pop-up menu, “food
                                                                    Schools Landscape Competition.                premises grades”.
                                                                       The competition, which was open
                                                                    to all schools in Manukau, celebrated
                                                                    the work schools have done to beautify        CHOOSE TO BE VIOLENCE-FREE
                                                                    their grounds.                                More than 200 people joined Manukau’s Anti-Violence Rally as it
                                                                       Trust General Manager, Graeme Bakker,      marched from Hayman Park to Manukau Square on Thursday 2
                                                                    said that the key thing judges were looking   November. The marchers wore teal ribbons to signify their anti-
                                                                    for was innovation and creativity.            violence stance and chanted “freedom from violence” as they
                                                                    1ST EQUAL                                        The rally was organised by the South Auckland Family Violence
STUNNING SCULPTURES                                                 Willow Bank School, Howick                    Prevention Network (SAVFPN) as part of the Counties Manukau
A FOCAL POINT                                                       Mountain View Primary, Mangere Bridge         Family Violence Awareness Week from 2 — 12 November.
Manukau city’s ‘An Eye For Sculpture’ has been one of the                                                            “Family violence thrives in secrecy, which is why awareness
highlights of this year’s Ellerslie International Flower Show.      2ND                                           weeks are vital,” said SAVFPN Manager Rodger Smith. The network
   The exhibition, which has been sponsored by the council,         Beachlands School, Beachlands                 lets families know there is help and support available.
featured 25 works from some of New Zealand’s most celebrated                                                         A variety of speakers and performers took part; the most moving
sculptors — including Manukau-based artists Fred Graham,            3RD EQUAL                                     speech delivered by Viscount Primary students Monique and
Richard Matthieson, Dion Hitchins, and Richard Shortland-           Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Howick       George.
Cooper (whose Millennium Sculpture features in Manukau’s            Elm Park Primary School, Pakuranga               “When you beat and hurt us, it not only affects our relationships
city centre).                                                                                                     with adults and others…it affects the way we learn and, ultimately,
   Curated by Clevedon-based sculptor James Wright, Manukau         MERIT AWARDS                                  our future,” said George.
city’s ‘An Eye for Sculpture’ was set amongst a grove of Totara     Mangere Central School, Mangere                  Sir Barry Curtis, Mayor of Manukau, paid tribute to the young
trees — the perfect setting for works made from a vast range of     Pakuranga Heights Primary School,             people participating and said improving safety in the community
material such as bronze, wood, stainless steel, glass, stone and    Pakuranga                                     and in homes is the number one concern.
45,000-year-old kauri.                                                                                               “If we could stop family violence in its tracks, we wouldn’t need
                                                                                                                  the extra police in Manukau city,” he said.
VISITS FROM ANIMAL                                                                          OWNERS OF UNREGISTERED
                                                                                             DOGS IN MANUKAU CITY
                                                                                                                                            be impounded. Owners will then have
                                                                                                                                            seven days to pay outstanding fees, which
 CONTROL OFFICERS                                                                            ARE URGED TO GET THEIR
                                                                                             ANIMALS ‘ON THE BOOKS’
                                                                                                                                            will include a $300 infringement for
                                                                                                                                            non-registration; plus impounding fees of
                                                                                             — NOW.                                         $40 for the fi rst impounding, $80 for the
                                                                                                                                            second and $120 for the third.
                                                                                             Otherwise, they’ll be liable for substantial      As warranted offi cers, all DSS Animal
                                                                                             fi nes when they’re caught up in a current      Control Offi cers carry identifi cation. They
                                                                                             sweep of the city by animal control offi cers   will immediately issue a registration tag
                                                                                             who are visiting homes in urban and rural      and receipt to the dog owner.
                                                                                             areas to ensure all dogs are registered.          The offi cers will also be visiting
                                                                                                 All dogs older than three months must      rural properties to confi rm how many
                                                                                             be registered every year. Payments were        farm working dogs will be exempt from
                                                                                             due in July but, while they will have to       microchipping. Owners of dogs kept solely
                                                                                             pay a late registration fee, owners of         for the purpose of heading or driving stock
                                                                                             unregistered dogs can avoid an additional      will be issued with a ‘Microchip Exemption
                                                                                             fi ne by registering them now.                  Certifi cate’ containing the dog’s details.
                                                                                                 If an offi cer from council contractor         If you have an unregistered dog, avoid
                                                                                             DSS Animal Management fi nds a dog is           high fi nes by calling the Manukau City
                                                                                             unregistered, the owner will be required       Council Call Centre on 09 262 5104 to
                                                                                             to immediately pay a late registration fee     request a dog registration form, or pick
                                                                                             of $120 per dog in cash. If the owner is       one up at the Customer Centre at Kotuku
                                                                                             unable to pay the fee at the time of the       House, Manukau Square.
                                                                                             offi cer’s visit, the unregistered dogs will

Since 1992, the United Nations has observed       “It’s about achievement in the
the International Day of Disabled Persons on   arts, sports, entertainment and across
3 December to acknowledge the value and        other fi elds,” she says. “This is exciting
importance of disabled people worldwide.       because it celebrates diversity without
   Manukau City Council, in consultation       being negative.”
with the Disability Steering Group, is            Statistics suggest one in fi ve
organising a civic event to celebrate          of any population has some form of
disability achievement and talent. The         disability – that’s 65,000 to 70,000
day will feature performances from The         people in Manukau city alone.
Touch Compass Dance Company and the               Council’s Community Development
SmoothStream Band. Award-winning               Senior Planner Raewyn Stone says the
comedian Philip Patson will MC the event       event will raise the profi le of disabled
with contribution from Wheel Blacks coach      people and the Disability Steering Group.
Grant Sharman.                                    “It will make people aware council has
   Council’s Disability Steering Group         a Disability Policy, and that it recognises
Co-Chair Martine Abel says this will           and values the contribution of disabled
highlight some fantastic examples of what      people to the city.”
people are doing with their lives, in spite
of their disability.

 ARIAS AND ARABESQUES                                                                        ‘WING AND WAVE’ WINS
The Manukau City Symphony Orchestra’s          enjoy popular opera and ballet music          WELLINGTON ARTIST                                 Second prize of $1000 went to Howick
Christmas concert, Arias & Arabesques,         with diva Helen Medlyn, conductor Peter       JOHNNY TURNER TOOK HOME                        sculptor Tanya Blong for her whimsical work
will be a night to remember.                   Watts and dancers from the prestigious        THE TOP PRIZE OF $2500 IN                      ‘My boat is leaving today’, with the $750
   Presented at the Genesis Energy             Manukau City Youth Dance Company.             THE 9TH MANUKAU VESSEL                         third prize going to Sofi a Athineou from
Theatre, TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre       Manukau City Council is one of the         AND SCULPTURE AWARDS                           Henderson. Her brightly-hued green cast
on Saturday 2 December, concert goers will     major sponsors of the orchestra.              ANNOUNCED ON FRIDAY                            glass work ‘Lahani’ impressed the judge who
                                                                                             3 NOVEMBER.                                    commented: “It has a perfect fi nish, texture
The programme includes:                        • Rossini – Una voce poco fa                                                                 and luminous quality that tingles with life
• Bizet – Seguidille                             (Barber of Seville)                         His beautiful stone work, ‘The Wing            and gives it a sense of intrigue”.
• Purcell – When I am Laid in Earth            • Mascagni – Cavalleria Rusticana             and Wave’ (carried us here), impressed            So high was the standard of entries this
  (Dido & Aeneas)                                Intermezzo                                  exhibition selector and judge Filipe Tohi      year that three merit awards were awarded
• Verdi – Stride la vampa (Il Trovatore)       • Tchaikovsky – Nutcracker Suite              with its strong, powerful outlines and form,   to artists Mia Straka, Margaret Bell and
• Handel – Cara sposa (Rinaldo)                  (excerpts)                                  with clear references to a bird in fl ight      Katherine Batchelor.
                                                                                             and fl owing water. The underside of the           Manukau’s Vessel and Sculpture Awards
                                                                                             sculpture resembles the body of a waka         continue to grow in status with more
                                                                                             or canoe with reference to movement and        than 90 entries received this year from
                                                                                             journeys.                                      throughout New Zealand. Guest selector
                                                                                                A master sculptor, Johnny decided to        and judge, renowned Tongan artist Filipe
                                                                                             enter the awards at the very last minute,      Tohi, had a tough job selecting the 47
                                                                                             making the journey to Auckland with his        entries for exhibition.
                                                                                             entry precariously stowed in the back of          The exhibition runs until 28 November
                                                                                             his ute.                                       at the historic Nathan Homestead
                                                                                                                                            in Manurewa.
PEACE OF MIND ON YOUR PIECE OF LAND                                                                                      EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
Spring is one of the busiest times for house sales         A LIM will also confi rm that all buildings on the             AT COUNCIL
in New Zealand. Before purchasing a home it is             property have the necessary Code Compliance                   For these and other employment opportunities at council visit: www.manukau.
important you take the time to check all legal             Certifi cates (CCC). A CCC is a very important document and select ‘Jobs at council’ under the ‘most popular’ banner.
requirements relating to the property have been            because it confi rms all building work has been carried
met, and building consents obtained for any additions      out in accordance with approved plans and building
or alterations made to the house.                          regulations have been met.                                      Casual Library Assistant
    We recommend you obtain a LIM (Land Information           Manukau City Council charges a $305.21 fee to                Manukau Libraries
Memorandum) report from the council. The LIM sets          issue a LIM for properties in residential and rural             We are seeking bright, energetic people with good
out the information the council has on fi le for the        areas. This is a small price to pay for vital information       communication skills who enjoy working with people to join our
property. This includes a legal description of the area,   about what is likely to be the biggest investment in            pool of casual library staff. You need to be willing to work in any
what zone it is in, any public works planned, building     most people’s lives.                                            of council’s 14 libraries. Considerable public contact is involved
consents, rates, water charges and the government             A LIM report normally takes 10 working days, but an          and the successful applicants must be able to work well under
valuation. A recent addition to LIM reports is             urgent service is also available. To fi nd out more about        pressure and cooperatively as part of a team. A good general
information on natural hazards, for example erosion,       getting a LIM report call 09 262 5104, email lims@              knowledge and a keen interest in literature are essential. The
slippage, or the potential for fl ooding or storm surges. or visit to                 work involves carrying out general library routines in a busy
                                                           download an application form.                                   automated library system. For further information about the
                                                                                                                           typical requirements of casual library staff and conditions
                                                                                                                           of appointment, please contact one of the following Library
                                                                                                                           Managers: Lesley Speed ph: 09 535 5935 or Lyn Blaker
ITO GRADUATION CEREMONY                                                                                                    ph: 09 262 5420

MORE THAN 70 INDUSTRY TRAINING                                                                                             Vacancy Number: MM 3596
GRADUATES FILLED THE WAKA                                                                                                  Applications close: 1 December 2006, 12 noon
MONTH IN A CEREMONY OPENED                                                                                                 Library Assistant, Part-time
BY THE MAYOR OF MANUKAU CITY                                                                                               Manukau City Centre Library
SIR BARRY CURTIS, WITH KEYNOTE                                                                                             We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated person with a
SPEAKER HON NANAIA MAHUTA                                                                                                  passion for their local community and an interest in working
                                                                                                                           with children. The ability to provide excellent customer service
MINISTER).                                                                                                                 and to work as part of a team is essential. Applicants should be
                                                                                                                           confi dent communicators and comfortable using a computer.
It’s the fi rst time Manukau city has hosted its own        Students at the celebration completed a wide range              Training will be provided.
Industry Training Organisation (ITO) graduation            of courses including apparel and textiles, joinery,
celebration.                                               electrical supply, electro technology, hairdressing,            1 x 6.5hrs — Saturdays
    Councillors, Government ministers, local MPs and       retail meats, plastics and materials processing,                1 x 10.5hrs — weekdays
business leaders were on hand to applaud some of the       printing, furniture, local government, building                 Vacancy Number: MM 3598
newest entrants into the job market.                       construction and COMPETENZ (Engineering).                       Applications close: 30 November 2006, 12 noon
    “We can be proud of them. They’re equipped                “Manukau city is committed to increasing the
with the right skills and work experience to provide       number of industry trainees and apprenticeships as
immediate benefi ts in productivity for employers,”         part of council’s commitment to the fi ndings of the
says council’s Education and Employment Planner,           Future Skills Demand report in 2004,” says Filemoni.
Filemoni Timoteo. “Industry training provides              “As we grow the workforce and provide upskilling              For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of
employers with an immediate return on their                and training opportunities, our city’s economy will           employment opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit
investment.”                                               also grow. It makes people more employable and      ; email a request for a position description
    Another benefi t for employers is the cost-             valuable to the industry and helps improve their              to; or phone 09 262 8907. Please quote
effectiveness of industry training. Staff learn while      wage or salary.”                                              the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your
on the job, and the ITO even subsidises the cost              If you’d like to fi nd out more about the Industry          application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with
of training.                                               Training Organisation, go to                   a leading role in the Local Government sector and a commitment to
                                                                                                                         the Treaty of Waitangi.

                                                                                                 BE A SWIMSATION TUTOR
                                                                                                 If you’ve always liked the idea of becoming        plenty of training, Melanie says it’s more
                                                                                                 a swimming tutor, give Manukau city’s              about communication and the ability to
                                                                                                 Swimsation School a call.                          teach people of different levels.
                                                                                                     “If teaching people of all ages — from            If would-be tutors show potential and
                                                                                                 babies to adults — to swim, is something           enjoy the role, they are encouraged to
                                                                                                 you’d like to do, we’d love to hear from you,”     complete further training. Swim tutoring
                                                                                                 says Melanie Gregory, Centre Manager of            represents a great opportunity to step
                                                                                                 Papatoetoe Centennial Pools. “And if, after        into the recreation industry, interact with
                                                                                                 trying it out, you fi nd it’s not your thing,       children, and could lead to part-time work.
                                                                                                 you’re under no obligation to continue.               Manukau’s Swimsation Schools are
                                                                                                     “Our approach is simple, positive and          located at the Norman Kirk Memorial Pool
                                                                                                 fun, so tutors need to be easy to chat to,         in Otara, the Manurewa Aquatic Centre,
                                                                                                 have good communication skills, and be             Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa in Mangere, and the
                                                                                                 approachable to children, parents and other        Papatoetoe Centennial Pools.
                                                                                                 adults,” says Melanie.                                For more information, please call Paula
                                                                                                     The good news is you don’t have to be a        Faamalepe on 021 534 834 or Melanie
                                                                                                 brilliant swimmer yourself to teach others.        Gregory on 09 278 4167.
                                                                                                 While it is a specialist skill and involves           Website:
PUBLIC NOTICES                                                                                                     Council and Community Board Meetings for December 2006
                                                                                                                   Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings
                                                                                                                   Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the Manukau
Resource Management Act 1991
                                                                                                                   City Council and its Standing Committees for the month of December 2006.
Manukau Operative District Plan 2002
                                                                                                                        The following Standing Committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room,
Public notice of Proposed Plan Change No. 17 (Private Plan Change Request)
                                                                                                                   Manukau Civic Centre on the date specifi ed. The Resource Consent hearings will be held
At its meeting of 12 October 2006 Council’s Environment and Urban Design Committee                                 in the Puhinui Room, Manukau Civic Centre.
resolved to accept a request for a Private Plan Change to the Manukau Operative                                    Hearings Committee – Plan Change 13 - Maritime                     1&4 Dec      9.30am
District Plan 2002. (Min EUD/OCT/1713/06)                                                                          Hearings Committee                                                   5 Dec      9.30am
  This Proposed Private Plan Change seeks to modify the Kelly’s Cove Structure Plan                                Corporate Governance Committee                                       5 Dec      5.00pm
and rules which apply to the Structure Plan area, so as to increase the maximum number                             Hearings Committee – PC10 – Home Enterprises                       6-7 Dec      9.30am
of household units that may be established within the Structure Plan area from 360 to                              Community Development Committee                                      6 Dec      5.00pm
463 and to remove minimum lot sizes of 800, 1000, 1200, 1500 and 1600 square metres                                Community Safety Committee                                           7 Dec      9.30am
that apply throughout the Structure Plan area and apply a 700 square metre minimum                                 Transport Committee                                                  7 Dec      5.00pm
lot size.                                                                                                          Environment and Urban Design Committee                              12 Dec      5.00pm
  A full copy of the Proposed Plan Change can be inspected at Manukau City Council                                 Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee                                      13 Dec      3.00pm
Libraries; the Citizen and Customer Centre, Ground Floor Kotuku House, Manukau Square                              Strategic Directions Committee                                      13 Dec      6.00pm
or the Council’s website (click on the Plan                             ARC/MCC Joint Commissioners Hearing                          14, 15, 19 Dec     9.30am
Change Register).                                                                                                  The Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on 14 December 2006
  Any person may make a submission to the proposal up until close of business                                      commencing at 5.00pm.
on 19 December 2006.                                                                                               Community Board meetings will be held as follows:
  The submission must be on FORM 5 as prescribed in the Resource Management (Forms                                 Mangere Community Board
Fees and Procedures) Regulations 2003, and must state whether or not you wish to be                                Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere             4 Dec      5.00pm
heard on your submission. Copies of Form 5 are available from the Citizen & Customer                               Botany Community Board
Centre, from Manukau City Libraries or by requesting a copy on 262-8900 ext. 8361 or                               Conference Centre, Level 1,
Fax 262-5169.                                                                                                      Botany Downs Secondary College, 575 Chapel Road, Howick              4 Dec       6.30pm
  Submissions should be sent to: Plan Change Submissions, Manukau City Council, 31-33                              Otara Community Board
Wiri Station Road, Private Bag 76917, Manukau City. Attn: Melanie Hart.                                            Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara                   11 Dec      5.00pm
  The process for public participation in the consideration of a Proposed Private Plan                             Clevedon Community Board
Change under the Resource Management Act 1991 is as follows:                                                       Clevedon Hall, Clevedon                                             11 Dec      7.30pm
• after the closing date for submissions, the Council must prepare a summary of the                                Pakuranga Community Board
    submissions and this summary must be publicly notifi ed; and                                                    Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex,
• there must be an opportunity to make a further submission in support of, or in                                   Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga                                         11 Dec      7.30pm
    opposition to, the submissions already made; and                                                               Manurewa Community Board
• if a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of his or her submission,                            Manukau Room, Level 2, Manukau Civic Centre                         18 Dec      6.30pm
    a hearing must be held; and                                                                                    Howick Community Board
• the Council must make a decision on the Proposed Private Plan Change and include its                             Howick Range Trust, 80 Wellington Street, Howick                    18 Dec      7.00pm
    reasons; and                                                                                                   Papatoetoe Community Board
• the person who made the request, or any other person who has made a submission,                                  Papatoetoe Chambers, 31-33 St George Street, Papatoetoe             18 Dec      7.00pm
    has the right to appeal against the decision to the Environment Court.
The address for service of the submissions is as stated above.
                                                                                                                   Land Use Resource Consent
This Notice fi rst publicly notifi ed on 17 November 2006.
                                                                                                                   Notifi cation of an Application for Resource Consent under Section 94(c) of
                                                                                                                   the Resource Management Act 1991
                                                                                                                   Manukau City Council has received an application for resource consent from
The HazMobile is coming to you!
                                                                                                                   Manukau Parks of Manukau City Council (Proposal Number: 31357)
Get rid of your household hazardous wastes
                                                                                                                   Location: 74R Porterfi eld Road, Whitford
The HazMobile is a free mobile household hazardous                                                                 Lot 25 DP 165505, Lot 7 DP 158439, Lot 4 DP 94331, Lot 5 DP 150551, Lot 6 DP 158439,
waste collection service. Now’s your chance to dispose                                                             Lot 4 DP 158439, Lot 19,20 and 26 DP 165505
of your unwanted:                                                                                                  Restricted Discretionary Activity for the construction of a 4km recreational walkway and
• polishes                     • pool chemicals                                                                    cycleway in the Public Open Space 5 zone (Esplanade Reserve) within the 100-year fl ood

• kitchen and oven cleaners • gas cylinders                                                                        return level, requiring 2400m 3 of earthworks and the construction of carparks within the
                                                                                                DALGETY DR

• pesticides                   • glues                                           HOMAI                             Road Zone involving approximately 630m 3 of earthworks.
• oils and petrol              • old batteries and more                         STATION                            Address for service: GHD, PO Box 76477, Manukau city Attn: Kara Beaumont

  The following items will not be accepted:                                                                        Submissions to this application must be received by 15 December 2006

Asbestos, medical waste, ammunition or explosives.                                                           OAD   If you wish to make a submission on the above application, you may do so by sending

When: 10am—2pm Saturday 25 November                                                       BRO                      a written submission to the council addressed to the Manager — Resource Consents,

Where: Public Carpark at the Homai Railway Station,                                                                Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917, Manukau city — Attention: Resource Consents

corner of Dalgety Road and Browns Road, Manurewa.                                                                  Team, Level 4, Kotuku House, to arrive no later than the date given in the notice above.

Additional information may be viewed at:                                                                           The submission must be on Form 13 dated, signed by you, and include the following info:
                                                                  L RO

                                                                                    E                                                                                              1 Your name, postal address and phone number/fax number.

Contact: Manukau City Council Call Centre                                                                          2 Details of the application your submission is in response to, including location.

09 262 5104 or ARC Enviroline 09 366 2000                                                                          3 Whether you support or oppose the application.
                                                                                                                   4 Your submission with reasons.
                                                                                                                   5 The decision you wish the Manukau City Council to make.
Amendment to Schedule of Meetings for November 2006                                                                6 Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.
                                                                                                                   The application(s) can be viewed and copies of submission forms are available at the
Public notice is hereby given in terms of Local Government Offi cial Information and                                Public Counter, Kotuku Customer Centre, Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau city.
Meetings Act 1987 of an amendment to the Schedule of Meetings previously notifi ed.                                   Please contact Ivy Heung on telephone (09) 262 8900 extension 8128 if you have any
 Pursuant to Standing Order No. 1.16 an Extraordinary Meeting of Council will be held                              queries about the application. A copy of your submission must be served as soon as
on 28 November 2006 in the Council Chambers commencing at 7:00pm to consider its                                   reasonably practicable on the applicant and should be sent to the relevant Address for
Regional Governance Proposal. Leigh Auton, Chief Executive Offi cer                                                 Service as detailed in the advertisement(s) above.
This is just a sample of the many events happening in Manukau. For a full list please visit and click on “Calendar of Events” in the “Most Popular” box at the
top right of the page. Scroll down and click on “Find out what’s on in Manukau”.

 Multi-day events                One-day events

To 29 November                                                 To 20 February                                                  2 December                                                     14 December
Sweet Punch                                                    Seung Yul Oh “Bearing”                                          Carols in the Park                                             Botany Community Board
Venue: te tuhi the mark                                        Venue: te tuhi the mark                                         Venue: Te Puru Park                                            Christmas Concert
Hours: 9.00am—8.30pm Mon — Thurs                               Hours: 9.00am—8.30pm. Mon —Thurs                                Hours: 6.30pm—10.00pm                                          Venue: Botany Town Centre Mall Sound Shell
10.00am—4.30pm Fri — Sun                                       8.30am—4.30pm Fri — Sun                                         Contact: Jackie Matthews 09 536 7239                           Hours: 6.30pm—8.00pm
Contact: Emma Bugden 09 577 0138                               Contact: Emma Bugden 577 0138                                                                    Price: FREE                                    Seung Yul Oh’s project is part of ‘INTERACT!                    A time to enjoy some local entertainment                       Contact: Dyann Calverley 021 535682
Website:                             a series of artists’ projects which intersect                   and sing carols. Food vendors will be on             
Sweet Punch: recent Nordic video                               with te tuhi’s community user groups’,                          site so enjoy a family picnic dinner fi rst.                    Community groups perform items for the
                                                               which in July saw Auckland artist Sean Kerr                     Entertainment begins at 7.30pm.                                Christmas season.
To 29 November                                                 collaborate with members of Pakuranga’s
Andy Leleisi’uao — The Ballad                                  SeniorNet group.                                                6 — 16 December                                                14 December
of the Cheeky Darkie                                                                                                           Uxbridge Participants’                                         Thursdays @ Seven,
Venue: te tuhi the mark                                        23 November                                                     Exhibition                                                     Glad Tidings
Hours: 9.00am—8.30pm. Mon — Thurs                              Thursdays @ Seven                                               Venue: Uxbridge Gallery, Uxbridge Howick’s                     Hours: 7.00pm—8.00pm
8.30am—4.30pm Fri — Sun                                        Venue: All Saints’ Howick                                       Creative Centre                                                Venue: All Saints, Howick
Contact: Emma Bugden 09 577 0130                               Hours: 7.00pm—8.00pm                                            Price: FREE                                                    Contact: Peter Watts 09 534 2445
Samoan artist Andy Leleisi’uao is known                        Price: Donation                                                 Contact: Sarah Clacher 09 535 6467                   
for his socially interrogative paintings and                   Contact: Peter Watts 09 534 2445                                                           Our traditional end to the year. Neil Guyan
sculptures, which lace their investigation                                                         Web:                                       (conductor) brings us carols and Christmas
into racial stereotypes and consumer                           And now for something completely different!                     An exhibition of artworks by the students’ of                  Music from the Pakuranga College evening
culture with a dark humour.                                    Directed by Melody Lowe, GAC (women’s                           Uxbridge, Howick’s Creative Centre.                            class choir and the All Saints Choir.
                                                               barbershop chorus) have frequently been
To 28 November                                                 NZ champions and this year represent                            7 December
9th Manukau Vesssel &                                          the country in the international awards in                      Thursdays @ Seven
Sculpture Exhibition and                                       Calgary and Canada.                                             Venue: All Saints’ Howick
Award                                                                                                                          Hours: 7.00pm—8.00pm
Venue: Nathan Homestead                                        29 November                                                     Price: Donation
Hours: 9am—5pm Mon — Fri                                       Counties Manukau Sporting                                       Contact: Peter Watts 09 534 2445
1pm—4pm Sat — Sun                                              Excellence Awards 2006                                
Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu                                     Venue: Telstra Clear Pacifi c Events Centre                      Flora Lee is an outstanding pianist presently
09 275 0482                                                    Hours: 6.30pm to 10.30pm                                        studying for a Doctorate in Musical Arts at                    26 November, 3, 10, 17, 24 December                                       Price: Gallery tickets $40; table tickets $80                   Auckland University. She spent last year                       The Clevedon Village Farmers
Website:                                   Contact: 09 269 0066                                            studying in Munich with Michael Schäfer.                       Market
                         The Manukau                                                            Programme of music by Mozart, Debussy                          Venue: Sale Yards, Monument Road,
                         Vessel &                              Counties Manukau Sporting Excellence                            and Rachmaninoff.                                              Clevedon
                         Sculpture                             Awards 2006 is an event acknowledging                                                                                          Hours: 8.30am—12 noon
                         Exhibition and                        sporting achievements on and off the                            9 December                                                     Contact: Helen Dorresteyn 021 523 616
                         Award showcases                       fi eld by Counties Manukau sports people,                        Manurewa Christmas                                   
                         outstanding                           teams, clubs and offi cials. The awards gala                     in the Park                                                    Organic and spray-free produce, gourmet
                         vessel and                            ceremony has an expected guest list of                          Venue Manurewa Rugby Club,                                     provisions, sourdough bread, venison, beef,
                         sculpture work                        more than 400 people.                                           Mountfort Park                                                 smoked and wet fi sh, wine, fresh baking,
                         by artists from                                                                                       Hours: 4.00pm—9.00pm                                           espresso and pony rides for the children.
                         throughout New                        2 December                                                      Contact: Mark Beale 09 266 3032
                         Zealand.                              Arias & Arabesques                                                                               10 December
                                                               Venue: Genesis Energy Theatre at                                A family free event. Giant sausage sizzle,                       The Clevedon Village Farmers
To 4 December                                                  TelstraClear Pacifi c                                            glow candles, big stage events and                               Market PLUS Wine on Sunday
Yazma Smith — New Work                                         Hours: 7.30—9.30pm                                              thousands of giveaways.                                          Hours extended to 1.30pm
Venue: Mangere Arts Centre                                     Price: A reserve $38, B reserve $25,                                                                                             In addition to the weekly Farmers Market,
Hours: 9am—5pm, Mon — Fri                                      Students $15                                                                                                                     ‘Wine on Sunday’ features wines from
Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu 09 275 0482                         Contact: Pauline Logger 09 446 1097                                                                                              local vineyards.                             
Website:                                   Website:
Manukau born and raised, Nga Puhi artist                       MCSO presents a Christmas Feast
Yazma Smith is a qualifi ed painter who has                     showcasing diva Helen Medlyn, the
developed a successful arts practice.                          Manukau City Youth Dance Company and
                                                               conductor Peter Watts, performing popular
                                                               arias and excerpts from Tchaikovsky’s
                                                               Nutcracker Suite.

 Free Event Listing
 Once a month Manukau City Council will publish an events diary in Manukau Matters, which will feature the highlights of the comprehensive events list on the council’s website. If you would like your event listed, please visit www.manukau. and click on “Calendar of Events”. Follow the instructions to submit your event details. Your event will appear on the website and from these listings a range of key events will be selected for publication in Manukau Matters. Note: It is
 the responsibility of the event submitter to ensure the information provided is complete and accurate. The above events diary is published by the council in good faith from details provided to it by event organisers via the council website. The
 council makes no claim as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content of the web site events listing or its reproduction (in full or part) in Manukau Matters.

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Manukau matters issue 10 2006

  • 1. TE KAEAEA MANUKAU ARCHITECTURE AWARDS PAGE 3 MATTERS M S 19 NOVEMBER 2006 ISSUE 10 MANUKAU’S NEW PLAYGROUND IS AN INSTANT HIT CHRIS DEERE WITH SONS CONNOR AND REGAN GO FOR A RIDE ON A PUKEKO PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN HAVE BEEN FLOCKING TO MANUKAU CITY’S NEW WETLANDS PLAYGROUND SINCE IT OPENED ON 12 OCTOBER. MORE The playground features striking pukeko The playground includes a facility EFFICIENT and wetlands sculptures, and the latest equipment designed to support structured with space for school and community activities such as school holiday AND and creative play. Designed to attract visitors from across the city, the playground has already programmes, children’s parties and meetings. Future plans for the facility include an artist in residence and EFFECTIVE achieved that goal with parents and children environmental education programmes. from throughout Manukau turning up in Located off Stancombe Road opposite AUCKLAND’S good numbers, especially at weekends. Parents spoken to on Sunday 5 November the Buddhist Temple, Wetlands Playground is the fi rst element of Barry Curtis Park to COUNCILS WORK said they are enjoying the focus on safety, the variety of things for children to do and be completed. The park will be a central part of the new Flat Bush development. MASON WOODHOUSE TACKLES TOGETHER the fact the creative facilities exercise the imagination as well as the body. THE ROPE JUNGLE GYM PAGE 2 NEWS, VIEWS, INTERVIEWS, EVENTS LISTINGS, ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLIC NOTICES, JOBS... ALL INSIDE YOUR MANUKAU MATTERS
  • 2. – TE KAEAEA MANUKAU MATTERS BETTER DECISION MAKING – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea is published twice a month by the AND MORE EFFICIENT SERVICES Manukau City Council and delivered to more than 100,000 households, rural delivery addresses, and other locations ACROSS THE REGION within the city boundaries. COUNCILS IN THE AUCKLAND REGION – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea helps ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO IDENTIFY council inform residents and ratepayers THE BEST WAY TO STRENGTHEN REGIONAL about council decisions, activities, GOVERNANCE. projects and events. It is a cost- effective way of providing important Representatives from the eight councils in the Auckland region statutory information such as public have focused on ways of making local government more effective notices concerning planning and and effi cient, and produced a discussion paper that explores three resource consent issues. models for change. – Manukau Matters/Te Ka eaea also The paper has been developed to stimulate discussion by contains articles of interest to Manukau the councils’ elected members. The models include a Voluntary residents, promoting the city’s Cooperative Decision-making and Delivery model (enhanced resources, attractions, facilities and status quo); a Shared Binding Decision-Making Model (creation community events. of a ‘regional assembly’ comprising representatives of the local authorities); and A Multifunctional Regional Authority (an CONTACT US AT enhanced body integrating strategy and delivery). EMAIL manukaumatters@ Feedback from councils, including Manukau, will be provided to a joint offi cers working group which will then develop a proposal EDITORIAL 09 262 5223 for subsequent consideration by the councils. It is possible the PUBLIC TRANSPORT — ONE OF THE ISSUES FACING THE EVENT LISTINGS proposal will be a hybrid of the models presented for discussion. AUCKLAND REGION. and select ‘calendar of events’ under “This is not about changing the territorial authority the ‘most popular’ banner. boundaries,” says John Robertson, Mayor of Papakura and chair DISTRIBUTION 09 262 5104 of the Political Reference Group for the project. “The Auckland Mayoral Forum passed resolutions on 15 POST Manukau City Council, “This is about building on existing programmes to make September to initiate a process for strengthening regional Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City greater Auckland more internationally competitive and governance in Auckland. This discussion paper is the fi rst major (attention Manukau Matters) sustainable in the long term, and to deliver on social and cultural milestone in the response to those resolutions,” Mr Roche says. DESIGNED BY programmes for all our residents. As well as participating in the development of the document, Scenario Communications Limited “This is one of the most important pieces of governance central Government has indicated its willingness to consider EDITOR Jenna Moore work undertaken in the region for some time. All councils have changes to legislation if necessary. CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards committed to explore options to deliver better decision-making Mr Robertson says the timeframes for development of the and more effi cient delivery of services.” options has been extremely tight. Councils will need to formally WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL He says there is recognition that whatever happens in each resolve their position on a proposal by the end of November. VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS? local council area has an effect on the region as a whole, and that “We need to deliver a proposal, together with the resolutions In addition to your printed copy, we can growth pressures are being felt regionally. of all the councils, for central Government’s consideration send you a PDF version. Email us at “The perceived lack of ‘one-voice’ speaking with clarity and in December, to enable any necessary legislation to be drafted, leadership has not helped us engage effectively with central consulted on and passed prior to the October 2007 local body government, or helped us secure the additional funding that elections.” Auckland, as a region, requires.” Once the proposal is with the Government, Mr Robertson WANT TO CONTACT Independent Project Manager Brian Roche says the discussion says the public can have their say through the Select Committee COUNCIL, OR YOUR document has been compiled in a joint process involving all process, and through their local council early next year. ELECTED COUNCILLOR? Auckland’s councils and central Government. Council’s main administration phone number is 09 263 7100 (business hours). Use the Call Centre on 09 262 5104 (24 hours) for assistance with: graffi ti, roading, signs, refuse disposal, MANUKAU BUSINESSES traffi c, street lighting, environmental by-laws, noise complaints, dog control, statistical information, LIM reports, GET ENVIRONMENT SMART land rates and kerbside recycling. AS WORLD ATTENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE Fifty-eight businesses participated in Enviro-Mark, which was The council’s website has contact HEATS UP, FOUR MANUKAU COMPANIES developed following a North Shore City Council pilot programme details for all elected Councillors and HAVE BEEN RECOGNISED FOR LEADING THE involving seven businesses. Manukau City Council helped fund Community Board members, at: WAY WITH ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Enviro-Mark with other Auckland local councils, the Ministry for and click on BUSINESS STANDARDS. the Environment and Landcare Research. ‘Your Council’, then The success of this programme has seen it expanded to become select ‘Mayor and Manukau City Council congratulates Criterion Group, Horton EnviroSmart, which now includes 23 councils across New Zealand. Councillors’ for their Media, National Starch & Chemicals and Warehouse Stationery Eleven Manukau businesses have signed up to EnviroSmart. contact details or for achieving Gold Enviro-Mark accreditation. The accreditation Manukau City Council Environment Director Ree Anderson says ‘Community Boards’ certifi cates were presented last week by Governor General Anand highlighting environmentally friendly business practices is timely, to see the lists of Satyanand and Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment given the current focus on climate change issues. community board Dr Morgan Williams. “As well as being good for the environment, these changes to members. The Auckland region Enviro-Mark programme helped these business practice are good for the bottom line. businesses implement resource effi ciency, waste reduction and “Receiving the accreditation is valuable for businesses because energy effi ciency programmes. They also introduced purchasing it means they can use Gold Enviro-Mark logos in advertising. NEXT ISSUE Sunday 3 Dec 2006 policies to consider environmentally friendly products and This tells consumers they are dealing with an environmentally ISSN 1177-522X environmental requirements for their suppliers. responsible company.” For more information on EnviroSmart visit
  • 3. ARCHITECTURAL KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Teenagers, parents, caregivers, ACCOLADES FOR grandparents and education providers are encouraged to visit the Clendon Community Expo later this month to learn about local youth services. MANUKAU Hosted by the Clendon CAYAD (Community Action on Youth and Drugs) project team, the expo features presentations from organisations such as Career Services, Youth Transition, CYFS, local police and Youth Law. Topics include dealing with family group WINNERS conferences, school disciplinary hearings, 2006 career advice and how to get help with the many challenges facing young people today, such as drug abuse and crime. The Clendon CAYAD project was set up in March 2004 and is a partnership between the Ministry of Health and Manukau City Council. It is one of 15 CAYAD sites across New Zealand participating in a national programme that targets the use of illegal drugs amongst local youth. “There is a wealth of community support “This enterprising available in Clendon and Manurewa. Our community library invites expo provides a great opportunity to users, especially children connect local families to these services,” and young people, in with says organiser Winnie Hauraki. an environment that’s The Community Expo takes place on welcoming and exciting.” 29 November at Te Matariki — Clendon Recreation Centre, 17 Palmers Road, TE MATARIKI CLENDON COMMUNITY Clendon, 1pm to 6pm. CENTRE AND LIBRARY MANUREWA AQUATIC Both buildings won in the Community “a really simple building, effective yet and materials, and environmental aspects CENTRE — NGAA MAHI and Cultural section for their designer inspiring; an asset that the local community were also taken into account. A REHIA AND TE MATARIKI Jasmax Ltd. can use and enjoy at no cost.” Director of Community for Manukau City CLENDON COMMUNITY Judges commented that Te Matariki The NZIA Resene Local Awards for Council, Ian Maxwell is delighted with the CENTRE AND LIBRARY provided “a bold form with a central Architecture were established to celebrate recognition from NZIA: HAVE BEEN RECOGNISED entrance foyer also serving an existing the innovation, creativity and excellence of “The awards, the latest in a long line IN THE 2006 NEW adjacent hall. This enterprising community architecture projects nationwide. for Manukau city’s community buildings, ZEALAND INSTITUTE library invites users, especially children and The panel of judges visited each project, show we continue to maintain a level of OF ARCHITECTS LOCAL young people, in with an environment that’s which were then evaluated against criteria excellence, in providing modern functional AWARDS. welcoming and exciting.” such as the relationship of the building to its attractive buildings, which proudly refl ect Referring to the swimming pools at site and context, design quality, the community they serve.” Manurewa Aquatic Centre — Ngaa Mahi building form, structure and spatial a Rehia the judges said the building was qualities. User satisfaction, the use of colour “A really simple building, effective yet inspiring; an asset that the local community can use and enjoy at no cost.” MANUREWA AQUATIC CENTRE — NGAA MAHI A REHIA COULD YOU TEACH OTHERS TO SWIM? WHY NOT BECOME A SWIMSATION TUTOR? SEE PAGE 6 FOR DETAILS.
  • 4. IT’S YOUR CHOICE — LOOK FOR THE ‘A’ GRADE Summer is the peak season for food poisoning and it is not just the family barbecue where folk can be at risk. Commercial food outlets are also places where health risks occur, if hygiene practices are not up to scratch. This is why Manukau City Council encourages people to check SHONA FISHER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR MANUKAU PARKS, GIVES MANUKAU CITY’S PERFORMANCE GARDEN the food grading certifi cate of the outlets from which they purchase A FINAL CHECK BEFORE THE SHOW OPENS. food. These certifi cates show how well a business meets food hygiene laws and help people make informed decisions about where FLOWER SHOW DELIGHTS THE CROWDS to buy. Most businesses selling food in Manukau should have one of MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL WAS the city’s primary and intermediate school students, these certifi cates displayed on their shop-front. This includes PROUD TO HOST AND SPONSOR a range of monumental and striking sculptures, and local dairies, takeaways, bakeries, petrol stations and smaller THE 2006 ELLERSLIE the Manukau City Cultural Performance Garden, which supermarkets. Exceptions are large supermarket chains, which have INTERNATIONAL FLOWER SHOW, was brought to life during the show by an impressive their own food safety systems in place. WHICH TRANSFORMED PART OF line-up of emerging and established performers An A-grade certifi cate means those food premises have achieved THE AUCKLAND BOTANIC GARDENS and artists (including Russel Walder and Whirimako the highest level of compliance with food hygiene standards at IN MANUREWA THIS WEEK. Black, Soifua, the Nairobi Trio, Nesian Mystik and the the time of inspection by one of council’s Environmental Health Manukau City Symphony Orchestra). Offi cers. Over the past few days, Manukau has laid out the The Manukau City Cultural Performance Garden If people have a complaint about poor food preparation, dirty welcome mat for the 65,000-plus people who were is to be relocated in its near entirety as a permanent premises, or wish to report a business not displaying its certifi cate, expected at the show to experience glorious gardens, performance space at Fergusson Oaks Reserve in call Manukau City Council’s call centre on 262 5104. It is open 24 newly released plants, and unique New Zealand art Otara for people to enjoy for years to come. hours a day, seven days a week. fi rst hand. For a complaint about sickness caused by food or fi nding items The fl ower show has seen some of the best of in food, call the Auckland Regional Public Health Service on Manukau on display — scarecrows made by some of 09 623 4600. To check the latest grades of your local shops and food outlets, CONGRATULATIONS! log onto council’s website at and then select Congratulations to all schools who entered “council services” at the top of the page. From the list on the left, the Manukau Beautifi cation Trust’s Best select “food premises” and then, from the pop-up menu, “food Schools Landscape Competition. premises grades”. The competition, which was open to all schools in Manukau, celebrated the work schools have done to beautify CHOOSE TO BE VIOLENCE-FREE their grounds. More than 200 people joined Manukau’s Anti-Violence Rally as it Trust General Manager, Graeme Bakker, marched from Hayman Park to Manukau Square on Thursday 2 said that the key thing judges were looking November. The marchers wore teal ribbons to signify their anti- for was innovation and creativity. violence stance and chanted “freedom from violence” as they walked. 1ST EQUAL The rally was organised by the South Auckland Family Violence STUNNING SCULPTURES Willow Bank School, Howick Prevention Network (SAVFPN) as part of the Counties Manukau A FOCAL POINT Mountain View Primary, Mangere Bridge Family Violence Awareness Week from 2 — 12 November. Manukau city’s ‘An Eye For Sculpture’ has been one of the “Family violence thrives in secrecy, which is why awareness highlights of this year’s Ellerslie International Flower Show. 2ND weeks are vital,” said SAVFPN Manager Rodger Smith. The network The exhibition, which has been sponsored by the council, Beachlands School, Beachlands lets families know there is help and support available. featured 25 works from some of New Zealand’s most celebrated A variety of speakers and performers took part; the most moving sculptors — including Manukau-based artists Fred Graham, 3RD EQUAL speech delivered by Viscount Primary students Monique and Richard Matthieson, Dion Hitchins, and Richard Shortland- Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Howick George. Cooper (whose Millennium Sculpture features in Manukau’s Elm Park Primary School, Pakuranga “When you beat and hurt us, it not only affects our relationships city centre). with adults and others…it affects the way we learn and, ultimately, Curated by Clevedon-based sculptor James Wright, Manukau MERIT AWARDS our future,” said George. city’s ‘An Eye for Sculpture’ was set amongst a grove of Totara Mangere Central School, Mangere Sir Barry Curtis, Mayor of Manukau, paid tribute to the young trees — the perfect setting for works made from a vast range of Pakuranga Heights Primary School, people participating and said improving safety in the community material such as bronze, wood, stainless steel, glass, stone and Pakuranga and in homes is the number one concern. 45,000-year-old kauri. “If we could stop family violence in its tracks, we wouldn’t need the extra police in Manukau city,” he said.
  • 5. VISITS FROM ANIMAL OWNERS OF UNREGISTERED DOGS IN MANUKAU CITY be impounded. Owners will then have seven days to pay outstanding fees, which CONTROL OFFICERS ARE URGED TO GET THEIR ANIMALS ‘ON THE BOOKS’ will include a $300 infringement for non-registration; plus impounding fees of — NOW. $40 for the fi rst impounding, $80 for the second and $120 for the third. Otherwise, they’ll be liable for substantial As warranted offi cers, all DSS Animal fi nes when they’re caught up in a current Control Offi cers carry identifi cation. They sweep of the city by animal control offi cers will immediately issue a registration tag who are visiting homes in urban and rural and receipt to the dog owner. areas to ensure all dogs are registered. The offi cers will also be visiting All dogs older than three months must rural properties to confi rm how many be registered every year. Payments were farm working dogs will be exempt from due in July but, while they will have to microchipping. Owners of dogs kept solely pay a late registration fee, owners of for the purpose of heading or driving stock unregistered dogs can avoid an additional will be issued with a ‘Microchip Exemption fi ne by registering them now. Certifi cate’ containing the dog’s details. If an offi cer from council contractor If you have an unregistered dog, avoid DSS Animal Management fi nds a dog is high fi nes by calling the Manukau City unregistered, the owner will be required Council Call Centre on 09 262 5104 to to immediately pay a late registration fee request a dog registration form, or pick of $120 per dog in cash. If the owner is one up at the Customer Centre at Kotuku unable to pay the fee at the time of the House, Manukau Square. offi cer’s visit, the unregistered dogs will INTERNATIONAL DAY OF DISABLED PEOPLE Since 1992, the United Nations has observed “It’s about achievement in the the International Day of Disabled Persons on arts, sports, entertainment and across 3 December to acknowledge the value and other fi elds,” she says. “This is exciting importance of disabled people worldwide. because it celebrates diversity without Manukau City Council, in consultation being negative.” with the Disability Steering Group, is Statistics suggest one in fi ve organising a civic event to celebrate of any population has some form of disability achievement and talent. The disability – that’s 65,000 to 70,000 day will feature performances from The people in Manukau city alone. Touch Compass Dance Company and the Council’s Community Development SmoothStream Band. Award-winning Senior Planner Raewyn Stone says the comedian Philip Patson will MC the event event will raise the profi le of disabled with contribution from Wheel Blacks coach people and the Disability Steering Group. Grant Sharman. “It will make people aware council has Council’s Disability Steering Group a Disability Policy, and that it recognises Co-Chair Martine Abel says this will and values the contribution of disabled highlight some fantastic examples of what people to the city.” people are doing with their lives, in spite of their disability. ARIAS AND ARABESQUES ‘WING AND WAVE’ WINS A FUN-FILLED CHRISTMAS FEAST FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY VESSEL & SCULPTURE AWARDS The Manukau City Symphony Orchestra’s enjoy popular opera and ballet music WELLINGTON ARTIST Second prize of $1000 went to Howick Christmas concert, Arias & Arabesques, with diva Helen Medlyn, conductor Peter JOHNNY TURNER TOOK HOME sculptor Tanya Blong for her whimsical work will be a night to remember. Watts and dancers from the prestigious THE TOP PRIZE OF $2500 IN ‘My boat is leaving today’, with the $750 Presented at the Genesis Energy Manukau City Youth Dance Company. THE 9TH MANUKAU VESSEL third prize going to Sofi a Athineou from Theatre, TelstraClear Pacifi c Events Centre Manukau City Council is one of the AND SCULPTURE AWARDS Henderson. Her brightly-hued green cast on Saturday 2 December, concert goers will major sponsors of the orchestra. ANNOUNCED ON FRIDAY glass work ‘Lahani’ impressed the judge who 3 NOVEMBER. commented: “It has a perfect fi nish, texture The programme includes: • Rossini – Una voce poco fa and luminous quality that tingles with life • Bizet – Seguidille (Barber of Seville) His beautiful stone work, ‘The Wing and gives it a sense of intrigue”. • Purcell – When I am Laid in Earth • Mascagni – Cavalleria Rusticana and Wave’ (carried us here), impressed So high was the standard of entries this (Dido & Aeneas) Intermezzo exhibition selector and judge Filipe Tohi year that three merit awards were awarded • Verdi – Stride la vampa (Il Trovatore) • Tchaikovsky – Nutcracker Suite with its strong, powerful outlines and form, to artists Mia Straka, Margaret Bell and • Handel – Cara sposa (Rinaldo) (excerpts) with clear references to a bird in fl ight Katherine Batchelor. and fl owing water. The underside of the Manukau’s Vessel and Sculpture Awards sculpture resembles the body of a waka continue to grow in status with more or canoe with reference to movement and than 90 entries received this year from journeys. throughout New Zealand. Guest selector A master sculptor, Johnny decided to and judge, renowned Tongan artist Filipe enter the awards at the very last minute, Tohi, had a tough job selecting the 47 making the journey to Auckland with his entries for exhibition. entry precariously stowed in the back of The exhibition runs until 28 November his ute. at the historic Nathan Homestead in Manurewa.
  • 6. PEACE OF MIND ON YOUR PIECE OF LAND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Spring is one of the busiest times for house sales A LIM will also confi rm that all buildings on the AT COUNCIL in New Zealand. Before purchasing a home it is property have the necessary Code Compliance For these and other employment opportunities at council visit: www.manukau. important you take the time to check all legal Certifi cates (CCC). A CCC is a very important document and select ‘Jobs at council’ under the ‘most popular’ banner. requirements relating to the property have been because it confi rms all building work has been carried met, and building consents obtained for any additions out in accordance with approved plans and building or alterations made to the house. regulations have been met. Casual Library Assistant We recommend you obtain a LIM (Land Information Manukau City Council charges a $305.21 fee to Manukau Libraries Memorandum) report from the council. The LIM sets issue a LIM for properties in residential and rural We are seeking bright, energetic people with good out the information the council has on fi le for the areas. This is a small price to pay for vital information communication skills who enjoy working with people to join our property. This includes a legal description of the area, about what is likely to be the biggest investment in pool of casual library staff. You need to be willing to work in any what zone it is in, any public works planned, building most people’s lives. of council’s 14 libraries. Considerable public contact is involved consents, rates, water charges and the government A LIM report normally takes 10 working days, but an and the successful applicants must be able to work well under valuation. A recent addition to LIM reports is urgent service is also available. To fi nd out more about pressure and cooperatively as part of a team. A good general information on natural hazards, for example erosion, getting a LIM report call 09 262 5104, email lims@ knowledge and a keen interest in literature are essential. The slippage, or the potential for fl ooding or storm surges. or visit to work involves carrying out general library routines in a busy download an application form. automated library system. For further information about the typical requirements of casual library staff and conditions of appointment, please contact one of the following Library Managers: Lesley Speed ph: 09 535 5935 or Lyn Blaker ITO GRADUATION CEREMONY ph: 09 262 5420 MORE THAN 70 INDUSTRY TRAINING Vacancy Number: MM 3596 GRADUATES FILLED THE WAKA Applications close: 1 December 2006, 12 noon HALLS OF TELSTRACLEAR PACIFIC EVENTS CENTRE EARLIER THIS MONTH IN A CEREMONY OPENED Library Assistant, Part-time BY THE MAYOR OF MANUKAU CITY Manukau City Centre Library SIR BARRY CURTIS, WITH KEYNOTE We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated person with a SPEAKER HON NANAIA MAHUTA passion for their local community and an interest in working (REPRESENTING THE PRIME SIR BARRY CURTIS, JUDITH COLLINS, PITA SHARPLES with children. The ability to provide excellent customer service MINISTER). and to work as part of a team is essential. Applicants should be confi dent communicators and comfortable using a computer. It’s the fi rst time Manukau city has hosted its own Students at the celebration completed a wide range Training will be provided. Industry Training Organisation (ITO) graduation of courses including apparel and textiles, joinery, celebration. electrical supply, electro technology, hairdressing, 1 x 6.5hrs — Saturdays Councillors, Government ministers, local MPs and retail meats, plastics and materials processing, 1 x 10.5hrs — weekdays business leaders were on hand to applaud some of the printing, furniture, local government, building Vacancy Number: MM 3598 newest entrants into the job market. construction and COMPETENZ (Engineering). Applications close: 30 November 2006, 12 noon “We can be proud of them. They’re equipped “Manukau city is committed to increasing the with the right skills and work experience to provide number of industry trainees and apprenticeships as immediate benefi ts in productivity for employers,” part of council’s commitment to the fi ndings of the says council’s Education and Employment Planner, Future Skills Demand report in 2004,” says Filemoni. Filemoni Timoteo. “Industry training provides “As we grow the workforce and provide upskilling For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employers with an immediate return on their and training opportunities, our city’s economy will employment opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit investment.” also grow. It makes people more employable and; email a request for a position description Another benefi t for employers is the cost- valuable to the industry and helps improve their to; or phone 09 262 8907. Please quote effectiveness of industry training. Staff learn while wage or salary.” the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your on the job, and the ITO even subsidises the cost If you’d like to fi nd out more about the Industry application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with of training. Training Organisation, go to a leading role in the Local Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi. BE A SWIMSATION TUTOR If you’ve always liked the idea of becoming plenty of training, Melanie says it’s more a swimming tutor, give Manukau city’s about communication and the ability to Swimsation School a call. teach people of different levels. “If teaching people of all ages — from If would-be tutors show potential and babies to adults — to swim, is something enjoy the role, they are encouraged to you’d like to do, we’d love to hear from you,” complete further training. Swim tutoring says Melanie Gregory, Centre Manager of represents a great opportunity to step Papatoetoe Centennial Pools. “And if, after into the recreation industry, interact with trying it out, you fi nd it’s not your thing, children, and could lead to part-time work. you’re under no obligation to continue. Manukau’s Swimsation Schools are “Our approach is simple, positive and located at the Norman Kirk Memorial Pool fun, so tutors need to be easy to chat to, in Otara, the Manurewa Aquatic Centre, have good communication skills, and be Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa in Mangere, and the approachable to children, parents and other Papatoetoe Centennial Pools. adults,” says Melanie. For more information, please call Paula The good news is you don’t have to be a Faamalepe on 021 534 834 or Melanie brilliant swimmer yourself to teach others. Gregory on 09 278 4167. While it is a specialist skill and involves Website:
  • 7. PUBLIC NOTICES Council and Community Board Meetings for December 2006 Pursuant to Section 46 Part 7 of Local Government Offi cial Information and Meetings Act 1987 public notice is hereby given of the meeting times and dates of the Manukau Resource Management Act 1991 City Council and its Standing Committees for the month of December 2006. Manukau Operative District Plan 2002 The following Standing Committee meetings will be held in the Manukau Room, Public notice of Proposed Plan Change No. 17 (Private Plan Change Request) Manukau Civic Centre on the date specifi ed. The Resource Consent hearings will be held At its meeting of 12 October 2006 Council’s Environment and Urban Design Committee in the Puhinui Room, Manukau Civic Centre. resolved to accept a request for a Private Plan Change to the Manukau Operative Hearings Committee – Plan Change 13 - Maritime 1&4 Dec 9.30am District Plan 2002. (Min EUD/OCT/1713/06) Hearings Committee 5 Dec 9.30am This Proposed Private Plan Change seeks to modify the Kelly’s Cove Structure Plan Corporate Governance Committee 5 Dec 5.00pm and rules which apply to the Structure Plan area, so as to increase the maximum number Hearings Committee – PC10 – Home Enterprises 6-7 Dec 9.30am of household units that may be established within the Structure Plan area from 360 to Community Development Committee 6 Dec 5.00pm 463 and to remove minimum lot sizes of 800, 1000, 1200, 1500 and 1600 square metres Community Safety Committee 7 Dec 9.30am that apply throughout the Structure Plan area and apply a 700 square metre minimum Transport Committee 7 Dec 5.00pm lot size. Environment and Urban Design Committee 12 Dec 5.00pm A full copy of the Proposed Plan Change can be inspected at Manukau City Council Te Tiriti o Waitangi Committee 13 Dec 3.00pm Libraries; the Citizen and Customer Centre, Ground Floor Kotuku House, Manukau Square Strategic Directions Committee 13 Dec 6.00pm or the Council’s website (click on the Plan ARC/MCC Joint Commissioners Hearing 14, 15, 19 Dec 9.30am Change Register). The Council meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on 14 December 2006 Any person may make a submission to the proposal up until close of business commencing at 5.00pm. on 19 December 2006. Community Board meetings will be held as follows: The submission must be on FORM 5 as prescribed in the Resource Management (Forms Mangere Community Board Fees and Procedures) Regulations 2003, and must state whether or not you wish to be Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Buckland Road, Mangere 4 Dec 5.00pm heard on your submission. Copies of Form 5 are available from the Citizen & Customer Botany Community Board Centre, from Manukau City Libraries or by requesting a copy on 262-8900 ext. 8361 or Conference Centre, Level 1, Fax 262-5169. Botany Downs Secondary College, 575 Chapel Road, Howick 4 Dec 6.30pm Submissions should be sent to: Plan Change Submissions, Manukau City Council, 31-33 Otara Community Board Wiri Station Road, Private Bag 76917, Manukau City. Attn: Melanie Hart. Otara Music Arts Centre, Otara Town Centre, Otara 11 Dec 5.00pm The process for public participation in the consideration of a Proposed Private Plan Clevedon Community Board Change under the Resource Management Act 1991 is as follows: Clevedon Hall, Clevedon 11 Dec 7.30pm • after the closing date for submissions, the Council must prepare a summary of the Pakuranga Community Board submissions and this summary must be publicly notifi ed; and Community Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, • there must be an opportunity to make a further submission in support of, or in Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga 11 Dec 7.30pm opposition to, the submissions already made; and Manurewa Community Board • if a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of his or her submission, Manukau Room, Level 2, Manukau Civic Centre 18 Dec 6.30pm a hearing must be held; and Howick Community Board • the Council must make a decision on the Proposed Private Plan Change and include its Howick Range Trust, 80 Wellington Street, Howick 18 Dec 7.00pm reasons; and Papatoetoe Community Board • the person who made the request, or any other person who has made a submission, Papatoetoe Chambers, 31-33 St George Street, Papatoetoe 18 Dec 7.00pm has the right to appeal against the decision to the Environment Court. The address for service of the submissions is as stated above. Land Use Resource Consent This Notice fi rst publicly notifi ed on 17 November 2006. Notifi cation of an Application for Resource Consent under Section 94(c) of the Resource Management Act 1991 Manukau City Council has received an application for resource consent from The HazMobile is coming to you! Manukau Parks of Manukau City Council (Proposal Number: 31357) Get rid of your household hazardous wastes Location: 74R Porterfi eld Road, Whitford The HazMobile is a free mobile household hazardous Lot 25 DP 165505, Lot 7 DP 158439, Lot 4 DP 94331, Lot 5 DP 150551, Lot 6 DP 158439, waste collection service. Now’s your chance to dispose Lot 4 DP 158439, Lot 19,20 and 26 DP 165505 of your unwanted: Restricted Discretionary Activity for the construction of a 4km recreational walkway and • polishes • pool chemicals cycleway in the Public Open Space 5 zone (Esplanade Reserve) within the 100-year fl ood IVE • kitchen and oven cleaners • gas cylinders return level, requiring 2400m 3 of earthworks and the construction of carparks within the DALGETY DR • pesticides • glues HOMAI Road Zone involving approximately 630m 3 of earthworks. RAILWAY • oils and petrol • old batteries and more STATION Address for service: GHD, PO Box 76477, Manukau city Attn: Kara Beaumont Mc The following items will not be accepted: Submissions to this application must be received by 15 December 2006 VIL Asbestos, medical waste, ammunition or explosives. OAD If you wish to make a submission on the above application, you may do so by sending LY R WNS When: 10am—2pm Saturday 25 November BRO a written submission to the council addressed to the Manager — Resource Consents, RD Where: Public Carpark at the Homai Railway Station, Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917, Manukau city — Attention: Resource Consents GL RUS corner of Dalgety Road and Browns Road, Manurewa. Team, Level 4, Kotuku House, to arrive no later than the date given in the notice above. OU CE SEL Additional information may be viewed at: The submission must be on Form 13 dated, signed by you, and include the following info: ST L RO E 1 Your name, postal address and phone number/fax number. R RO AD Contact: Manukau City Council Call Centre 2 Details of the application your submission is in response to, including location. AD 09 262 5104 or ARC Enviroline 09 366 2000 3 Whether you support or oppose the application. 4 Your submission with reasons. 5 The decision you wish the Manukau City Council to make. Amendment to Schedule of Meetings for November 2006 6 Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission. The application(s) can be viewed and copies of submission forms are available at the Public notice is hereby given in terms of Local Government Offi cial Information and Public Counter, Kotuku Customer Centre, Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau city. Meetings Act 1987 of an amendment to the Schedule of Meetings previously notifi ed. Please contact Ivy Heung on telephone (09) 262 8900 extension 8128 if you have any Pursuant to Standing Order No. 1.16 an Extraordinary Meeting of Council will be held queries about the application. A copy of your submission must be served as soon as on 28 November 2006 in the Council Chambers commencing at 7:00pm to consider its reasonably practicable on the applicant and should be sent to the relevant Address for Regional Governance Proposal. Leigh Auton, Chief Executive Offi cer Service as detailed in the advertisement(s) above.
  • 8. MANUKAU CALENDAR This is just a sample of the many events happening in Manukau. For a full list please visit and click on “Calendar of Events” in the “Most Popular” box at the top right of the page. Scroll down and click on “Find out what’s on in Manukau”. Multi-day events One-day events To 29 November To 20 February 2 December 14 December Sweet Punch Seung Yul Oh “Bearing” Carols in the Park Botany Community Board Venue: te tuhi the mark Venue: te tuhi the mark Venue: Te Puru Park Christmas Concert Hours: 9.00am—8.30pm Mon — Thurs Hours: 9.00am—8.30pm. Mon —Thurs Hours: 6.30pm—10.00pm Venue: Botany Town Centre Mall Sound Shell 10.00am—4.30pm Fri — Sun 8.30am—4.30pm Fri — Sun Contact: Jackie Matthews 09 536 7239 Hours: 6.30pm—8.00pm Contact: Emma Bugden 09 577 0138 Contact: Emma Bugden 577 0138 Price: FREE Seung Yul Oh’s project is part of ‘INTERACT! A time to enjoy some local entertainment Contact: Dyann Calverley 021 535682 Website: a series of artists’ projects which intersect and sing carols. Food vendors will be on Sweet Punch: recent Nordic video with te tuhi’s community user groups’, site so enjoy a family picnic dinner fi rst. Community groups perform items for the which in July saw Auckland artist Sean Kerr Entertainment begins at 7.30pm. Christmas season. To 29 November collaborate with members of Pakuranga’s Andy Leleisi’uao — The Ballad SeniorNet group. 6 — 16 December 14 December of the Cheeky Darkie Uxbridge Participants’ Thursdays @ Seven, Venue: te tuhi the mark 23 November Exhibition Glad Tidings Hours: 9.00am—8.30pm. Mon — Thurs Thursdays @ Seven Venue: Uxbridge Gallery, Uxbridge Howick’s Hours: 7.00pm—8.00pm 8.30am—4.30pm Fri — Sun Venue: All Saints’ Howick Creative Centre Venue: All Saints, Howick Contact: Emma Bugden 09 577 0130 Hours: 7.00pm—8.00pm Price: FREE Contact: Peter Watts 09 534 2445 Samoan artist Andy Leleisi’uao is known Price: Donation Contact: Sarah Clacher 09 535 6467 for his socially interrogative paintings and Contact: Peter Watts 09 534 2445 Our traditional end to the year. Neil Guyan sculptures, which lace their investigation Web: (conductor) brings us carols and Christmas into racial stereotypes and consumer And now for something completely different! An exhibition of artworks by the students’ of Music from the Pakuranga College evening culture with a dark humour. Directed by Melody Lowe, GAC (women’s Uxbridge, Howick’s Creative Centre. class choir and the All Saints Choir. barbershop chorus) have frequently been To 28 November NZ champions and this year represent 7 December 9th Manukau Vesssel & the country in the international awards in Thursdays @ Seven Sculpture Exhibition and Calgary and Canada. Venue: All Saints’ Howick Award Hours: 7.00pm—8.00pm Venue: Nathan Homestead 29 November Price: Donation Hours: 9am—5pm Mon — Fri Counties Manukau Sporting Contact: Peter Watts 09 534 2445 1pm—4pm Sat — Sun Excellence Awards 2006 Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu Venue: Telstra Clear Pacifi c Events Centre Flora Lee is an outstanding pianist presently 09 275 0482 Hours: 6.30pm to 10.30pm studying for a Doctorate in Musical Arts at 26 November, 3, 10, 17, 24 December Price: Gallery tickets $40; table tickets $80 Auckland University. She spent last year The Clevedon Village Farmers Website: Contact: 09 269 0066 studying in Munich with Michael Schäfer. Market The Manukau Programme of music by Mozart, Debussy Venue: Sale Yards, Monument Road, Vessel & Counties Manukau Sporting Excellence and Rachmaninoff. Clevedon Sculpture Awards 2006 is an event acknowledging Hours: 8.30am—12 noon Exhibition and sporting achievements on and off the 9 December Contact: Helen Dorresteyn 021 523 616 Award showcases fi eld by Counties Manukau sports people, Manurewa Christmas outstanding teams, clubs and offi cials. The awards gala in the Park Organic and spray-free produce, gourmet vessel and ceremony has an expected guest list of Venue Manurewa Rugby Club, provisions, sourdough bread, venison, beef, sculpture work more than 400 people. Mountfort Park smoked and wet fi sh, wine, fresh baking, by artists from Hours: 4.00pm—9.00pm espresso and pony rides for the children. throughout New 2 December Contact: Mark Beale 09 266 3032 Zealand. Arias & Arabesques 10 December Venue: Genesis Energy Theatre at A family free event. Giant sausage sizzle, The Clevedon Village Farmers To 4 December TelstraClear Pacifi c glow candles, big stage events and Market PLUS Wine on Sunday Yazma Smith — New Work Hours: 7.30—9.30pm thousands of giveaways. Hours extended to 1.30pm Venue: Mangere Arts Centre Price: A reserve $38, B reserve $25, In addition to the weekly Farmers Market, Hours: 9am—5pm, Mon — Fri Students $15 ‘Wine on Sunday’ features wines from Contact: Chantelle Whaiapu 09 275 0482 Contact: Pauline Logger 09 446 1097 local vineyards. Website: Website: Manukau born and raised, Nga Puhi artist MCSO presents a Christmas Feast Yazma Smith is a qualifi ed painter who has showcasing diva Helen Medlyn, the developed a successful arts practice. Manukau City Youth Dance Company and conductor Peter Watts, performing popular arias and excerpts from Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite. Free Event Listing Once a month Manukau City Council will publish an events diary in Manukau Matters, which will feature the highlights of the comprehensive events list on the council’s website. If you would like your event listed, please visit www.manukau. and click on “Calendar of Events”. Follow the instructions to submit your event details. Your event will appear on the website and from these listings a range of key events will be selected for publication in Manukau Matters. Note: It is the responsibility of the event submitter to ensure the information provided is complete and accurate. The above events diary is published by the council in good faith from details provided to it by event organisers via the council website. The council makes no claim as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content of the web site events listing or its reproduction (in full or part) in Manukau Matters.