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RECYCLE YOUR NO.5 PLASTICS PAGE 2                                                              MATTERS
                                                                                               M     S
                                                                                               8 OCTOBER 2006 ISSUE 7

SUMMER HOURS FOR WALKING DOGS ON BEACHES                                                       DISASTER AWARENESS WEEK
Dog owners are reminded that daylight           This is to ensure the safety and comfort       IF A DISASTER WERE TO STRIKE, WOULD YOU BE
savings means a change in the hours when     of people using public spaces while still         PREPARED? DOES YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAVE AN
dogs can be exercised on beaches and         allowing dogs and their owners to enjoy           EMERGENCY PLAN? WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO
adjoining reserves.                          summer outdoors.                                  COPE FOR UP TO THREE DAYS WITHOUT HELP?
   From Sunday 1 October to Sunday 18           Owners are reminded that their dog
March, dogs can only be exercised in these   should be under control and plastic bags          These are important questions to ponder         • Toilet paper, plastic bags, bucket,
areas after 7pm and before 9am; they are     taken to pick up their faeces. The plastic        and this week (8—14 October) is the perfect       disinfectant
prohibited at all other times.               bag and contents should be put in a               time to get prepared as it’s National           • Alternative means of cooking such as
                                             rubbish bin.                                      Disaster Awareness Week.                          a BBQ or gas cooker
                                                                                                   Council Civil Defence offi cer Judy          • Important documents
                                                                                               Fowler says it’s important people organise        (will, insurance, passport etc)
                                                                                               an emergency plan and survival kit.             • First aid kit and essential medicines
                                                                                               “These could make all the difference to         • Blankets/sleeping bags
                                                                                               your family’s ability to cope in a disaster.”
                                                                                                   Ms Fowler says, “the reality is that        Develop a household emergency plan that
                                                                                               frontline emergency services will have          includes how to turn off gas, power and
                                                                                               to respond to the most critical demands         water, where to shelter in an earthquake,
                                                                                               fi rst so they may not be at your doorstep       fl ood or storm, how to reunite your family
                                                                                               right away. People need to prepare for the      and alternative accommodation.
                                                                                               possibility that they might have to cope by     Read the back of the Yellow Pages.
                                                                                               themselves for up to three days.”               There is a signifi cant amount of helpful
TE KAEAEA A NEED TO COMMUNICATE                                                                    Some guidelines to help you be more         information about emergencies.
                                                                                               prepared:                                       Contact the council to fi nd out where
Observant readers of Manukau Matters         of te reo in its offi cial documents.              Have a ‘B-ready’ kit on hand:                   your nearest Civil Defence or Emergency
will have noticed that the masthead has         The use of Te Kaeaea was suggested             • Torch and spare batteries                     Centre is.
changed with this issue, with the addition   to council by its Mana Whenua Forum.              • Radio and spare batteries
of the Maori words “Te Kaeaea”.                 Te Kaeaea was the name of an                       (there’s probably one in your car)          For more information you can pick up
   This change refl ects Manukau City         indigenous hawk. To an individual or a            • Food and water                                a copy of our brochure An Emergency
Council’s commitment to uphold the           group its appearance was interpreted as           • Warm/waterproof outdoor clothing              Plan Could Save Your Life from your local
Treaty of Waitangi and acknowledge           a signal that other whanau or hapu                                                                library or via our website.
tangata whenua through the inclusion         (at a distance) needed to communicate.                                                                Manukau City Council also offers
                                                                                                                                               introductory courses on civil defence,
                                                                                                                                               and provides training for volunteers.

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED                                                                                                                           Contact Judy Fowler, ph 09 262 8916 or
                                                                                                                                               email: for more

The new website features a contemporary         “This is only the fi rst stage in our website
layout with plenty of white space, and has   redevelopment,” he says. “We hope to add
been designed for easy navigation.           more features to benefi t our ratepayers.
   Manukau City Council Chief Executive,        “The fi rst service that we can offer is the
Leigh Auton, says the new site is a          ability for ratepayers to apply for a rebate
signifi cant improvement on the council’s     online under the Rates Rebate Scheme.
former website, and the technology for          “We expect this service to be the fi rst                                                        IMAGE COURTESY OF THE
managing content will enable the council     of many.”                                                                                         MINISTRY OF CIVIL DEFENCE
to provide a range of online services in        To view the new council website,                                                               AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
the future.                                  visit

TE KAEAEA                                   RECYCLE NUMBER 5 PLASTICS                                                                           PUBLIC NOTICES
                                            CONTAINERS ARE AMONGST THE NUMBER 5 PLASTICS
Manukau Matters is published twice          THAT CAN NOW BE COLLECTED FOR RECYCLING.                                                            Land Use Resource Consent
a month by the Manukau City Council
                                                                                                                                                Notifi cation of an Application for
and delivered to more than 100,000          Manukau City Council has expanded its                 “We want to reduce the amount of waste
                                                                                                                                                Resource Consent under Section
households, rural delivery addresses,       recycling collection so number 5 grade             that is sent to landfi ll, so the more we can
                                                                                                                                                93(2) of the Resource Management
and other locations within the              plastics join grades 1 and 2 in the list of        collect through recycling bins the better.”
                                                                                                                                                Act 1991
city boundaries.                            recyclable containers. Glass, paper and cans          Eighty per cent of households use
   Manukau Matters helps council            are also collected for recycling.                  Manukau City Council’s recycling collection,     Manukau City Council has received an
inform residents and ratepayers about           The expansion of the collection means          which has run for fi ve years. During this        application for resource consent from
council decisions, activities, projects     a potential 3700 tonnes of extra rubbish           time 4598 tonnes of number 1 and 2               Manukau Water Ltd.
and events. It is a cost-effective way      a year could be recycled instead of ending         plastics, 31,614 tonnes of glass, 46,252
of providing important statutory            up in a landfi ll.                                  tonnes of paper and 2595 tonnes of cans          Location: 9R Rautawa Place
information such as public notices              But Manukau households could reduce            have been recycled.                              Lot 1 DP 47455
concerning planning and resource            even further what goes to landfi lls. A recent
consent issues.                             waste audit showed 66.4 per cent of what                                                               As part of a wastewater scheme to
   Manukau Matters also contains            is put out in rubbish bags could be                                                                 service Kawakawa Bay, the applicant
articles of interest to Manukau             recycled or composted.                                                                              seeks to construct, operate and maintain
residents, promoting the city’s                 The council is hoping                                                                           a vacuum pumping station (70m 2 in area)
resources, attractions, facilities          recycling number 5 grade                                                                            on a public reserve zoned Public Open
and community events.                       plastics will further shrink                                                                        Space 2. The proposed pumping station
                                            the amount of rubbish.                                                                              will increase coverage on the reserve
CONTACT US AT                                   Examples of products using                                                                      from 10.7% to 1 1.7%. This aspect of the
EMAIL manukaumatters@                       number 5 plastic containers are                                                                     application requires assessment as a                             margarine, ice cream, yoghurt,                                                                      Discretionary Activity.
EDITORIAL 262 5223                          honey and drink bottles.                                                                               As the pumping station exceeds 10m 2
EVENT LISTINGS                                  Environment and Urban Design                                                                    in area, it requires assessment as                  Committee Acting Chairman David                                                                     a Discretionary Activity. As earthworks
DISTRIBUTION 262 5104                       Collings says the expansion of the                                                                  will exceed 200m 3 , this work requires
POST Manukau City Council,                  recycling collection is excellent news.                                                             assessment as a Restricted
Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City                                                                                                                     Discretionary Activity.
(attention Manukau Matters)                                                                                                                        Address for service: Iris Tscharntke,
DESIGNED BY                                                                                                                                     Manukau Water Ltd, Private Bag 76917,
Scenario Communications Limited             Put out your number fi ves — yoghurt,                                                                Manukau city.
EDITOR Jenna Moore                          margarine, some food containers —
CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards                along with your number one’s and two’s                                                              Submissions to this application must
                                                                                                                                                be received no later than 5.00pm on
WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL                                                                                                                        Monday 6 November 2006.
In addition to your printed copy, we can
                                            SITUATIONS                                           Recreation Programmer
                                                                                                 Otara Recreation Centre                        If you wish to make a submission on this
send you a PDF version. Email us at
                                            VACANT                                               Permanent Full-Time

                                                                                                 We are looking for an enthusiastic and
                                                                                                                                                application, you may do so by sending
                                                                                                                                                a written submission to the council,
                                             Customer Support Offi cer                            energetic person to develop and deliver        addressed to the Manager — Resource
                                             Lloyd Elsmore Park Leisure Centre
WANT TO                                      Permanent, Part-time (11.5 hours)
                                                                                                 a variety of leisure programmes catering       Consents, Manukau City Council, Private
                                                                                                 for a range of age groups.                     Bag 76917, Manukau city to reach him no
CONTACT COUNCIL,                             We require a positive, friendly person                 Applicants must have excellent              later than the date given in the relevant
OR YOUR ELECTED                              with excellent customer service skills to           communication skills, relevant                 notice above.
COUNCILLOR?                                  work weekends in our reception area.                qualifi cations in the sport and leisure            The submission must be on Form 13,
Council’s main administration phone          Candidates should have a good working               industry, and hold both a current First        dated, signed by you, and include the
number is 263 7100 (business hours).         knowledge of computer systems, great                Aid Certifi cate and a full driver’s licence.   following information:
Use the Call Centre on 262 5104              communication skills and must enjoy                    Administration, cash handling,              1 Your name, postal address and phone
(24hours) for assistance with: graffi ti,     dealing with customer enquiries                     reception and computer skills will be              number/fax number
roading, signs, refuse disposal, traffi c,    and requests.                                       an advantage.                                  2 Details of the application in respect
street lighting, environmental by-           Vacancy Number: 3530                                Vacancy Number: 3535                               of which you are making the
laws, noise complaints, dog control,         Applications close:                                 Applications close:                                submission, including location
statistical information, LIM reports,        12 October 2006, 12 noon                            13 October 2006, 12 noon                       3 Whether you support or oppose
land rates and kerbside recycling.                                                                                                                  the application
   The council’s website has contact                                                                                                            4 Your submission with reasons
details for all elected Councillors and      Library Assistant                                                                                  5 The decision you wish the Manukau
Community Board members, at:                 Howick Library Part-time (Mon—Sat 30 hrs)                                                              City Council to make              We are seeking enthusiastic and motivated people with a passion for library services               6 Whether you wish to be heard in
                                             and an interest in their local community. The ability to provide excellent customer                    support of your submission
                                             service and be able to work as part of a team is essential. Applicants should be confi dent             The application can be viewed and
                                             communicators and comfortable using a computer. Some evening and weekend work on                   copies of submission forms are available
                                             a rostered basis will be required. Training will be provided.                                      at the public counter, Kotuku Customer
                                             Vacancy Number: 3536 Applications close: 13 October 2006, 12 noon                                  Centre, Kotuku House, Manukau Square,
                                                                                                                                                Manukau city.
                                            For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment                             A copy of your submission must be
                                            opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit;                        served as soon as reasonably practicable
                                            email a request for a position description to; or phone                        on the applicant and should be sent
NEXT ISSUE Sunday 22 Oct 2006               (09) 262-8907. Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your         to the relevant Address for Service as
ISSN 1177-522X                              application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading role in the Local    detailed in the advertisement above.
                                            Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi.
Manukau Leisure Services / Term Four 2006

 Leisure News
                                                                                                        Spring is here — a great time to turn over a new leaf
                                                                                                        and boost your activity levels. Get along to your local
                                                                                                        leisure centre and check out these great opportunities.

Papatoetoe Centennial Pools
Sutton Crescent phone 278-4167
Enjoy the comfort of our indoor heated pools,                                                                                                             and soft drink and the chance to win
open every day. Entry to the pools is free; or     Manurewa Aquatic Centre                              Lloyd Elsmore Park                                spot prizes.
it’s just $2 to have a soak in the spa, or $5 to   — Ngaa mahi a Rehia                                  Leisure Centre                                • Birthday parties. Book a pool for your
treat yourself to both the spa and sauna.          Sykes Road, Manurewa phone 269-0930                  Sir Lloyd Drive, Pakuranga                        own private party on the weekend.
    Our outdoor 50-metre pool will be              Make a splash in spring and get active at your       phone 535-5502                                    Two session times available: 2.15—4.15pm
opening for the summer season in                   community aquatic centre. The pools are              There are many opportunities for fitness and       and 4.30pm—6.30pm. Contact reception
December. This is a great training pool for        heated, and there’s something fun for the            fun in our fantastic pool complex.                for booking details.
preparing for triathlons and other summer          whole family!                                        • Aquarobics classes are a great low          The pools are open 6.00am—6.45pm Monday
swimming events.                                       Aqua jogging — an excellent low impact              impact cardio workout. Four morning        to Friday, and 9am—6.45pm on weekends and
    You can work out in the water by joining       cardio workout. Group aqua jogging sessions             and evening classes each week. Morning     public holidays.
our aquarobics classes. These are held             are at 10.30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays,               classes are 9—10am on Monday,                  The fitness centre upstairs is open
every Monday and Wednesday night from              and 6pm on Wednesdays and Fridays.                      Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.            every day, and offers three spin classes per
6.15-7.00pm and on Fridays from 6.00-              Classes are 45 minutes and cost $4, (seniors            Evening classes are 6—7pm Monday,          week, where you can get fit having fun on a
6.45pm. Sessions are just $4 each and are          60+ just $3).                                           Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.           stationary bike. Class times are:
a great cross-training alternative and a new           Work out with a friendly group in the               $4.50 per class or get a ten-class         Monday 7.15—8.00pm, Wednesday 6.15—
way of socialising!                                pool by joining in an aquarobics class.                 concession card for $40.00.                7.00am, and Friday 10.15—11.00am
    Aquacise classes are a more gentle form        Gentles classes are 8.30—9.15am Mondays,             • Tone those legs whilst going easy on your   Bookings are essential. Phone the fitness
of aquarobics, which you can join on Monday,       Wednesdays and Fridays; and the Tidal Blast             joints — go aqua jogging! Join in on       centre on 535-5502.
Wednesday and Friday from 12–1pm. Just $2          aquacardio classes are 6.45—7.30pm on                   Tuesday and Thursday mornings,                 A sunbed is available at the centre.
per session, with the added bonus of a free        Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes                9.15—10am. $4.50 per class.                Casual $6.00 and concession card $45.00
spa afterwards.                                    cost $4, (seniors 60+ just $3).                      • Late night swims. Night-time lane           (10 passes) bookings essential.
    Late night lane swimming is available          Plus, on Fridays — free aquarobics classes for          swimming — adults only. 7.00—8.45pm            Our childcare centre offers quality care
on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday                  all. 12.00-12.45pm, bring a friend.                     on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and          each morning, Monday to Friday for centre
nights, 8.00-8.45pm, if you want to work               Team training — get into JAGS! JAGS is a            Thursday. $4 covers swimming, spa,         visitors. Choose from two session times:
on your swim fitness later in the evening.          sports specific training programme for teams.            sauna and steam room.                      8.45—10.15am or 10.15—11.45 (bookings
Just $2 each.                                      It involves a variety of cross-training activities   • Aquarun sessions. This fun water            essential). Sessions are $5.00 for under 2s
    JAGS is a team training programme that         in and around the pool. Speak to our fitness             obstacle course is in the pool each        and $4.50 for over 2s. For bookings and
takes you away from your normal training           centre staff about a programme to meet your             weekend from 12—1.30pm, for 8—12           more info phone 535-5502.
venue and into the water. It adds great variety    team’s specific training requirements.                   year olds. $2 per child.
and is a fun way for teams to train. Speak to          After your pool session or gym workout,          • Tweens Aqua Party Friday 17                 Need a space? Venue hire is available.
our fitness centre staff about a programme to       refuel at Splashes Café beside the pool.                November 7.30pm—9pm. A fun night           Our stadium, lounge and meeting room are
meet your team’s needs.                            Splashes Café is open daily from 8am, serving           for school children aged 10—13 years.      all available for hire — for club use, social
    Our well-equipped cardio room has all you      fine coffee and great food.                              $5 per child covers sausage sizzle         gatherings, meetings, sports and more.
need for general fitness training.                                                                                                                     Ask how we can accommodate your group.

 Mangere Community House                                                                                9TH MANUKAU
 — looking to the future
 Mangere residents are invited to put
 forward their ideas on the best use of the
 current Mangere Community House at
 141 Robertson Road to ensure council can
                                                                                           Vessel & Sculpture
                                                                                                        EXHIBITION & AWARD
 continue to meet the current and future
 needs of local residents. The building
                                                                                                        THE MANUKAU ART COMMUNITY HAS                 AWARDS NIGHT
 has been used as a Community House for                                                                                                               FRIDAY 3 NOVEMBER 6.30PM
                                                                                                        UNTIL 26 OCTOBER TO SUBMIT ENTRIES
 more than 15 years but its classifi cation                                                              IN THE 2006 MANUKAU VESSEL AND
                                                                                                        SCULPTURE AWARDS.                             GUEST SELECTOR & ARTIST
 as a heritage building limits the type of                                                                                                            FILIPE TOHI
 groups that can use it. Council will be                                                                THE AWARD SHOWCASES OUTSTANDING
                                                                                                        VESSEL AND SCULPTURE WORK                     EXHIBITION DATES
 consulting with community groups and                                                                                                                 3—28 NOVEMBER 2006
                                                                                                        BY ARTISTS FROM THROUGHOUT
 other interested parties throughout                                                                    NEW ZEALAND.
 October to gather ideas and suggestions                                                                                                              NATHAN HOMESTEAD, 70 HILL ROAD,
                                                                                                        PRIZE MONEY
 on future uses of the building. If you                                                                 PREMIER AWARDS: $2500                         MANUREWA
 would like to get involved, please call 09                                                             2ND PRIZE: $1000                              WWW.MANUKAU.GOVT.NZ
                                                                                                        3RD PRIZE $750
 275 4920 and leave a message including
 your name and contact details. Council                                                                 ARTIST’S ENTRY FORMS                          PHOTO
                                                                                                        CONTACT NATHAN HOMESTEAD                      HAUPAPA (FEMALE) 1998, CUSTOMWOOD
 has contracted RIM consultants to                                                                      PHONE 09 267 0180                             BY FILIPE TOHI: COLLECTION GOVETT-
 undertake the project on its behalf.                                                                   EMAIL CWHAIAPU@MANUKAU.GOT.NZ                 BREWSTER ART GALLERY
Schedule of meetings for                      Creative Communities New Zealand Manukau                                                    Resource Management
October 2006                                  2005/06 Round 2 Successful Applicants                                                       Act 1991
Correction of venue details                                                                                                               Notice of requirement and
                                                                                             The Renaissance School of Dance
                                                                                                                                          applications for resource consent —
Public notice is hereby given in terms                                                       Production of contemporary jazz, hiphop
                                                                                                                                          Manukau Harbour Crossing Project
of the Local Government Offi cial                                                             and various other disciplines. $3498.75
Information and Meetings Act 1987 of an                                                      Class Act Opera
amendment to the Schedule of Meetings         The Creative Communities New Zealand           Touring of Opera Fra Diavolo to low
previously notifi ed.                          Scheme is a partnership between Creative       decile schools. $3937.50
   A meeting of the Howick Community          New Zealand (which provides the funding)       Tupaea — Donna Rawhakarite
Board will be held on 30 October 2006,        and local authorities (which administer        Series of workshops and exhibitions by
at the Howick Range Trust, 80 Wellington      the scheme). The scheme aims to increase       D Tupaea and N Borell as well as local       Transit New Zealand (Transit) proposes
Street, Howick, commencing at 7.00pm.         participation in the arts, and increase        secondary school students. $3653             to upgrade the existing State Highway 20
   This is a change in venue from that        the range and diversity of arts projects       Aorere College                               (SH20) motorway between Queenstown
incorrectly advertised in Manukau             available.                                     A multicultural mural. $7886.25              Road in Auckland city and Walmsley Road
Matters Issue 6, 24 September, 2006.             Applicants must be able to demonstrate      Howick Art Group                             in Manukau city. The project includes the
                                              that their project meets one or more of        Workshops, seminars and                      construction of an additional motorway
                                              these criteria:                                demonstrations by local artists. $2460       bridge across the Manukau Harbour
                                              • Increase participation in the arts           Beachlands Baptist Church                    located east of the existing Mangere
Change in opening hours
                                              • Increase community-wide interest             Purchasing arts equipment and                Bridge, the widening of the existing
Manurewa and Te Matariki —
                                                 in the arts                                 costumes. $3262.50                           motorway to the north and south of the
Clendon Library
                                              • Enhance and strengthen the local             Niue Kaufakalataha                           new bridge, the upgrade of Gloucester
Our libraries at Clendon and Manurewa            arts sector                                 Booklet detailing the history and cultural   Park interchange, alterations to local
are changing their opening hours.                There are two funding rounds per year       heritage of the Niue people. $638            streets (Rimu Road/Mahunga Drive,
Clendon Library: From 7 October the           and the next funding round closes Friday       Physically Disabled and Abled Bodied         Neilson Street/Gloucester Park Road,
library will open until 4pm on Saturdays,     4 pm 16 March 2007. For more information       (PHAB) Purchasing musical instruments        Orpheus Drive/Onehunga Harbour Road)
an extension from the previous closing        visit          to foster musical expression of its          and modifi cation to access arrangements
time of 12.30pm.                              or contact the Community Funding team          members. $1012.50                            to surrounding properties affected by the
Manurewa Library: From 1 October this         on 09 262 8900 ext. 8367.                      City of Sails Chorus Inc                     upgraded interchange at Gloucester Park
library will no longer be opening late on        Listed below are the successful             National barbershop competition and          Road. The project is called the ‘Manukau
Tuesday nights. New hours are:                applicants from round two of the 2005/06       supporting concert to appear in Manukau      Harbour Crossing’ Project.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9am—5pm            fi nancial year:                                city. $1500                                      Notices of requirement for designation
Mondays and Thursdays 9am—8pm                 Handweavers & Spinners Guild                   The START Programme                          of land have been lodged with Auckland
Saturdays 9.30am – 4pm                        Auckland Inc A biennial exhibition             To establish a support programme for         City Council and Manukau City Council
                                              including demonstrations. $409                 emerging artists with workshops and solo     and resource consent applications have
                                              Christina Productions Inc.                     exhibitions. $1500                           been made to the Auckland Regional
                                              A spring concert. $740                         Tautua Aoga Amata Charitable Trust           Council by Transit, and are being jointly
Community Board
Discretionary and School                      All Saints Church Extending family             Producing a Samoan children’s                notifi ed. These comprise of:
Holiday Funding for                           orientated concerts and plays. $888.75         songbook. $2812.50                           • A notice of requirement to Auckland
Community Groups                              Manurewa Central School                        Pakuranga Intermediate School                    City Council, pursuant to Section
                                              Mural celebrating the cultural heritage        Student stage production. $4488.75               168 of the Resource Management Act
Funding is now available to community         of the surrounding communities for             Equippers Youth (Equippers Church)               1991, for a designation of land for the
groups and organisations to enhance           centenary celebrations. $976.50                Organisation of Project X, a series of           construction, operation and
community, economic and environmental         Chinese New Settlers Services                  youth workshops that will result in a live       maintenance of the motorway on
development of Manukau city and its           Trust Youth art exhibition at Nathan           performance. $4800.38                            State Highway 20 at Onehunga,
residents.                                    Homestead. $1125                               Yendarra Kindergarten                            including widening the existing
    Each of the city’s eight community        Howick Little Theatre                          Maori and Pacifi c Island carvings.               motorway, construction of a new
boards has funding to allocate to             Actor’s workshops. $1338.75                    $5062.50                                         interchange at Gloucester Park,
groups carrying out projects in their         Howick Children’s & Youth Theatre Inc          Manukau Performing Arts Inc.                     temporary works at Orpheus Drive
communities.                                  Silver Jubilee celebrations concert.           (Spotlight Theatre)                              and realignment of the access to
    If your group is working on a project     $1438.88                                       High tech Wizard of Oz production                Selwyn Street
or service that benefi ts the residents of     The Academy of Strings                         utilizing the latest multimedia              • A notice of a requirement to Manukau
one or two communities within Manukau         Free weekly concerts. $1380                    applications. $7184.25                           City Council, pursuant to Section 181
city, you are welcome to apply to our         Challenge Trust Arts therapy for people        Crosspower Ministries Trust                      of the Resource Management Act
Community Board Discretionary Fund.           with mental health illness or physical         Support to assist Dziah Dance crew               1991, for an alteration to the
    School Holiday Programme funding          disabilities. $1687.50                         to compete in the 2006 Hiphop World              designation in the Manukau City
is also available to assist community         Eastgate Community Trust                       Championships. $12,375                           District Plan for “South Western
organisations to provide holiday              Art classes for young adults with              Mills — Kay                                      Motorway (SH20)” (reference 182)
programmes and activities during the          intellectual disabilities. $1885.50            Interactive story telling to Owairoa             between Walmsley Road and the
Christmas 2006/07 school holidays.            Russian Youth Cultural Centre                  Special Needs children for 9 weeks, using        Manukau Harbour for the
    All providers must have OSCAR             French theatre production in Russian.          music, sounds and puppets. $780                  construction, operation and
accreditation, (phone 0800 559 009            $1950                                                                                           maintenance of State Highway 20
for more information on accreditation).                                                                                                       at Mangere Bridge. Specifi cally,
Please note that groups are required to                                                                                                       Transit proposes to alter the
contribute at least 1/3 of the overall cost   Pacific Island Advisory Committee (PIAC)                                                         designation at the intersection of
of the project.                                                                                                                               Crawford Avenue and Rimu Road,
    Applications to both funds close at                                                                                                       along Mahunga Drive, including land
4.00 pm Friday, 27 October 2006. For          Public notice is given of the October 2006 meeting of the Pacifi c Island Advisory               zoned “Papakainga” and reserve land
application forms or further information      Committee (PIAC) to Manukau City Council.                                                       adjoining Waterfront Road. The land
please phone the Funding Administrator        Times & dates: 19 October 2006 at 6.00pm                                                        is to be designated as motorway
on 262 8900 extension 8367.                      Location: Totara Room, Level 3, Civic Centre, 31-33 Wiri Station Road, Manukau               and includes temporary construction
Information and application forms may            Contact: For more information contact: Faama Viliamu, PIAC Co-ordinator                      areas
also be accessed via council’s website        Call 262-8900 ext 8469 or email:                                   • Resource consents sought from                                                                                                               Auckland Regional Council (opposite):
Application No:        32683                               File No:           19092                             Any person may make a written submission on the notices
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the construction of new off-ramp over Tararata   of requirement and/or applications no later than 4.30pm on
                       Creek and widening and strengthening of the existing SH20 motorway bridge in             Thursday 9 November 2006. The submission must be dated,
                       accordance with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991.                       signed and include the following information:
Application No:        32684                               File No:           19092                             1. Your name, postal address, telephone no. and fax no.
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine     (if applicable)
                       area by the proposed SH20 southbound off-ramp bridge and the existing SH20               2. Details of the notices of requirement or applications
                       motorway bridge at Tararata Creek, in accordance with Section 12(2)&(3) of the           in respect of which you are making the submission,
                       Resource Management Act 1991.                                                            including location
Application No:        32687                               File No:           19092                             3. Whether you support or oppose or seek amendments to the
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the construction of a second SH20 Mangere        notices of requirement or applications
                       Bridge including temporary works for construction jetties and barge access ramps on      4. The reasons for your submission, including any conditions
                       the southern foreshore, in accordance with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management      you may wish the councils to include if a decision is made
                       Act 1991.                                                                                to recommend the requirements be confi rmed or grant
Application No:        32688                               File No:           19092                             the applications
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine     5. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission
                       area for a second Mangere Bridge for the SH20 motorway in accordance with Section
                       12(2)&(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991.                                           All submissions relating to the ACC notice of requirement, MCC
Application No:        33089                               File No:           19092                             notice of requirement and/or the ARC applications are to be
                                                                                                                served on the Auckland Regional Council, and may be delivered
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the temporary occupation and use of the
                       coastal marine area for temporary construction jetties and barge access ramps on         to the ARC Offi ce, 21 Pitt Street, Newton, Auckland or posted to
                       the foreshore at the southern abutment of the Mangere Bridge, in accordance with         Auckland Regional Council, Private Bag 92012, Newton.
                       Section 12(2)&(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991.                                       A copy of your submission must also be served, as soon as
Application No:        32690                               File No:           19092                             reasonably practicable, on the applicant at Transit New Zealand,
                                                                                                                c/o Northern Gateway Alliance, PO Box 821, Auckland 1140,
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for a restricted coastal activity for the
                       construction of an approximately 5500m 2 reclamation along Orpheus Drive and             Attention: Belinda Petersen.
                       Onehunga Harbour Road, including works for stormwater discharges in accordance               Submissions on the notices of requirement and/or
                       with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991.                                  applications may also be made on-line using the link
Application No:        33090                               File No:           19092
                                                                                                                    Note: if your submission is made on-line, this will
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the construction of a bund seawall and the
                                                                                                                automatically be forwarded to the Auckland Regional Council
                       occupation and use of the coastal marine area by a seawall along the Orpheus Drive &
                       Onehunga Harbour Road reclamation, and occupation of the site up to the completion       and a copy sent to Transit New Zealand and no additional service
                       of the reclamations, in accordance with Section 12(1)(2)&(3) of the Resource             is required. A copy will also be sent to the submitter’s email
                       Management Act 1991.                                                                     address on request.
Application No:        32693                               File No:           19092                                 The notices of requirement, applications and accompanying
                                                                                                                information may be viewed at:
Application Details:   An application for a discharge permit to discharge contaminants or water into coastal
                                                                                                                • Auckland City Council, Civic Building, 1 Greys Ave,
                       water arising from the collection, treatment and discharge of stormwater associated
                       with the SH20 Manukau Harbour Crossing Project, in accordance with Section 15(1) of          Auckland Central, Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm
                       the Resource Management Act 1991.                                                        • Auckland City Central Library, 44-46 Lorne Street,
                                                                                                                    Auckland, Monday to Friday 9.30am to 8pm,
Application No:        32694                               File No:           19092
                                                                                                                    Saturday 10am to 4pm, Sunday 12pm to 4pm
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the construction of three stormwater
                                                                                                                • Onehunga Community Library, 85 Church Street, Onehunga,
                       outfall coastal structures in the coastal marine area at Mahunga Drive; Waterfront
                       Road Reserve; and at the extended Hill Street culvert beneath the Orpheus Drive              Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm
                       reclamation, in accordance with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991.       • Manukau City Council, Kotuku House, 4 Osterley Way,
                                                                                                                    Manukau city, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm,
Application No:        32695                               File No:           19092
                                                                                                                    Wednesday 8.30am to 4pm
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine
                                                                                                                • Mangere Bridge Library, 5-7 Church Road, Mangere Bridge,
                       area by three stormwater outfall coastal structures in the coastal marine area at
                                                                                                                    Monday to Wednesday & Friday 9am to 5pm,
                       Mahunga Drive; Waterfront Road Reserve; and at the extended Hill Street culvert
                       beneath the Orpheus Drive reclamation, in accordance with Section 12(2)&(3) of the           Thursday 9am to 8pm, Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm
                       Resource Management Act 1991.                                                            • Mangere Town Centre Library, Bader Drive,
                                                                                                                    Monday to Wednesday & Friday 9am to 5pm,
Application No:        33091                               File No:           19092
                                                                                                                    Thursday 9am to 7pm, Saturday 9.30am to 4pm
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the construction of an outfall structure for
                                                                                                                • Auckland Regional Council, 21 Pitt Street, Newton,
                       stormwater from the proposed Gloucester Park stormwater pond to the coastal
                       marine area at Onehunga Harbour Road, in accordance with Section 12(1) of the                Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am to 4.30pm
                       Resource Management Act 1991.
                                                                                                                The information may also be viewed on the following
Application No:        33092                               File No:           19092
Application Details:   An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine
                       area at Onehunga Harbour Road by an outfall structure for stormwater from the
                                                                                                                   Should you require any further assistance, please contact the
                       proposed Gloucester Park stormwater pond, in accordance with Section 12(2)&(3) of
                       the Resource Management Act 1991.                                                        relevant agency as follows:

Application No:        32637                               File No:           18908
                                                                                                                 Auckland City      The Duty Planner       Ph 09 379 2020
Application Details:   An application for a discharge permit for the diversion and discharge of stormwater
                                                                                                                 Council            — Isthmus &
                       including contaminants from new impervious areas greater than 5000m 2, associated
                                                                                                                                    Island Resource
                       with the construction of a road in the vicinity of Tararata Creek, in accordance with
                       Sections 14 & 15 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Application No:        33093                               File No:           18908                              Manukau City       Farida Dean            Ph 09 262 8900
Application Details:   An application for a land use consent for works in a watercourse for the extension        Council                                   ext 8119
                       of an existing culvert by approximately 10m upstream into an existing drainage
                       channel opposite Hill Street Onehunga, in accordance with Section 13 of the Resource      Auckland           Christine Mitchell     Ph 09 366 2000
                       Management Act 1991.                                                                      Regional
Application No:        32246                               File No:           18908                              Council
Application Details:   An application for a land use consent for earthworks, sediment control and vegetation
                       removal to undertake 22ha of earthworks within the sediment control protection area,
                       in accordance with Section 9 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
1. Your name, postal address, telephone No. and fax No.
Notification of a Notice of                  Applications for Resource Consents
                                                                                                                     (if applicable)
Requirement under Section                   For Kawakawa Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant
                                                                                                                  2. Details of the application in respect of which you are making
168A of the Resource
                                            21 Pitt Street, Private Bag 92 012, Auckland, New Zealand,               the submission, including location
Management Act 1991
                                            DX CP 28 008 Pitt St, Telephone +64 9 366 2000,                       3. Whether you support or oppose the application
Manukau City Council has received a         Facsimile +64 9 366 2155.                                             4. The reasons for your submission, including any conditions
Notice of Requirement from Manukau             Manukau Water Limited has applied to the Auckland Regional            you may wish the Council to include if a decision is made to
Water Ltd.                                  Council for consents to discharge treated wastewater from                grant the application
    Location: 1491 Clevedon Kawakawa        a proposed treatment plant in Glen Forest, Kawakawa Bay.              5. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.
Road, Clevedon. Commonly known as the       Discharges are proposed to the adjacent Rautawa Stream and to         Submissions are to be served on the Auckland Regional Council,
southern part of the “Glen Forest” block.   afforested land. Related applications made to the ARC include         and may be posted, faxed or delivered to the ARC offi ce, the
Part 2 Te Kawakawa No 2 and Part Orere      consents for industrial or trade process, contaminants to air and     address and fax number for service are stated above. Please
and Taupo Blocks, part now being more       stormwater control of sediment (from earthworks).                     note that we are unable to accept submissions in electronic
particularly described as Lot 1 DP 55842       The proposed Kawakawa Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant               format. A copy of your submission must also be served, as soon
    Kawakawa Bay Wastewater                 will be designed to receive and treat wastewater from a summer        as reasonably practicable, on the Applicant at the address for
Treatment Plant and Disposal System:        population of 2540 people — this will equate to an average            service stated above.
Elements of the proposed wastewater         daily fl ow rate of 330 m 3/day. The maximum daily fl ow rate for          The applications and accompanying information can be viewed
scheme within the proposed designated       discharge to Rautawa stream is 330 m 3/day while the maximum          at the offi ce of the Auckland Regional Council, Monday to Friday
land will include:                          discharge to land will be 800m 3/day.                                 between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm. Alternatively, the
(a) Wastewater treatment plant                 Any person may make a written submission on the                    application may also be viewed at Manukau City Council, Kotuku
processes and ancillary activities          applications (below) to the Auckland Regional Council no later        House, Osterley Way, Manukau city centre and at the Kawakawa
(b) Application of effl uent to land and     than 4.30pm on the submission closing date. The submission            Bay Public Library.
ancillary activities                        must be dated, signed and include the following information              For further information on the application, and making a
(c) Discharge of effl uent to water and      (see right):                                                          submission visit the website or phone 366 2000
ancillary activities                                                                                              or 0800 80 60 40 if calling from outside the Auckland area.
(d) Ancillary administrative offi ces,                                                                             Pieter Tuinder Group Manager Consents and Consents Compliance
workshop, car parking, storage and
                                            Applicant:                 Manukau City Council T/A Manukau Water
utilities, ancillary to the wastewater
treatment plant                             Address for Service:       Hill Young Cooper Ltd, PO Box 99847, Newmarket. Attention Ms Miriam Eagle.
(e) Vegetation clearance, earthworks,       Application No.:           30829                     File No.                 18279
roading/tracking and the installation of                               An application for Consent to Discharge Contaminants to Air from the operation of a wastewater treatment
pipelines/culverts across the stream/       Application Details:       plant, where the main potential discharge into air is odour, in accordance with Section 15(1)(c) of the
                                                                       Resource Management Act 1991. Approximate Map Reference NZTM 1793290 5907170
wetland area in accordance with the
requirements of the Auckland Regional       Application No.:           30830                     File No.                 18281
Council                                                                An application for the Diversion and Discharge of Stormwater from impervious surfaces associated with the
(f) Buildings and activities which are                                 proposed treatment plant and from roads required for accessing the plant. This application also addresses
                                            Application Details:       the discharge of contaminants from the treatment plant and associated disposal area which is identifi ed as
associated with the construction of the
                                                                       an Industrial and Trade Process in the Proposed Auckland Regional Plan: Air, Land and Water. The consent is
wastewater treatment plant
                                                                       required in accordance with Sections 14 and 15 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
    Address for service: Iris Tscharntke,
                                            Application No.:           30831                     File No.                 18280
Manukau Water Ltd, Private Bag 76917,
                                                                       An application for a Land Use Consent: Sediment Control in accordance with Section 9(3) of the Resource
Manukau city.
                                            Application Details:       Management Act 1991 to establish a wastewater treatment facility involving approximately 14,000m 3 of
    Submissions to this Requirement must                               earthworks totalling an area of approximately 2ha.
be received no later than 5.00pm on
                                            Application No.:           30833                     File No.                 17465
Monday 6 November 2006.
                                                                       An application for consent to discharge up to 800 m3/day of domestic wastewater, treated to a tertiary
    If you wish to make a submission
                                            Application Details:       wastewater standard, to land in Glen Forest, in accordance with section 15(1)(b) of the Resource Management
on this Requirement, send it in writing                                Act 1991.
to the Manager — Resource Consents,
                                            Application No.:           31272                     File No.                 18547
Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917,
                                                                       An application for Consent to authorise the Discharge of Wastewater to land or water in accordance with
Manukau city to arrive no later than the    Application Details:       Section 15(1)(a) and (b) of the Resource Management Act 1991 and is associated with emergency overfl ows
date listed above.                                                     from the proposed reticulated wastewater system.
    The submission must be on Form 21       Application No.:           33143                     File No.                 17465
dated, signed by you, and include the
                                                                       An application for Consent to Discharge up to 330 m3/day of Domestic Wastewater, treated to a tertiary
following information:                      Application Details:       wastewater standard, to Rautawa Stream, in accordance with Section 15(1)(a) of the Resource Management
1 Name, postal address and phone                                       Act 1991.
    number/fax number                                                  1491 Clevedon Kawakawa Road, Clevedon, Manukau city. Approximate Map Reference NZTM 1793000
2 Details of the Requirement in respect     Location:
    of which you are making the             Legal Description:         Lot 1 DP 55842 & PT Te Kawakawa No 2 & PT Orere Taupo Blks & DP 12971 Wairoa SD, Manukau City Council
    submission, including location          Submission Closing Date: 6 November 2006.
3 Whether you support or oppose
    the Requirement
4 Your submission with reasons.                                                                                                           • The fourth section contains copies of
                                            Sports Parks Draft Management Plan
5 The decision you wish the Manukau                                                                                                         supporting documents
    City Council to make                    In accordance with Section 41 of               • The fi rst section contains background        Submissions are welcome on any aspect
6 Whether you wish to be heard in           the Reserves Act 1977, council has               about Manukau’s parks in general and         of the draft plan or on any specifi c park
    support of your submission              prepared a draft management plan that            sports parks specifi cally                    or parks.
    The Requirement can be viewed and       incorporates 50 sports parks into a            • The second section contains generic             To receive a copy of the draft plan,
copies of submission forms are available    single plan. They are home to more than          objectives and policies that will guide      contact Malcolm Page, Senior Parks
at the Kotuku Customer Centre, Manukau      70 sports clubs and also used by the             the management and development of            Planner at: Manukau City Council,
Square, Manukau.                            wider community for general recreation.          all sports parks in Manukau city             Private Bag 76-917, Manukau city.
    A copy of your submission must be          Interested persons or organisations         • The third section contains detailed          Telephone 262 5243. Fax 262 5171.
served as soon as reasonably practicable    are invited to make submissions on the           information and plans of each                Email
on the Requiring Authority and should be    draft plan.                                      individual sports park in the city and          The closing date for submissions is
sent to the Address for Service                The management plan is set out in             any specifi c issues that may apply to a      Friday 15 December 2006.
noted above.                                four sections.                                   particular park

Manukau City Council proposes to establish a council-controlled trading organisation
(CCTO) which would be a wholly owned subsidiary of Tomorrow’s Manukau Properties
Limited (TMPL).
   TMPL is a council-controlled trading organisation formed in 2005 to manage the
establishment of the new Flat Bush town centre. TMPL might also, in the future, manage
development of other council-owned land if requested to do so by Council.
   So that TMPL can separate the Flat Bush town centre project from other possible
property developments for the council, its directors have asked to establish a subsidiary
council-controlled trading organisation. The directors of TMPL would also be the directors
of the subsidiary.
   The board of directors will report on and be accountable for the performance of the
subsidiary in terms of the annually negotiated Statement of Intent (SOI). TMPL’s subsidiary’s
constitution will specify that TMPL’s subsidiary requires Council approval to undertake
signifi cant transactions or undertake new types of activities.
   TMPL’s subsidiary will be required to report on its performance in quarterly and annual
reports to Council. Both the SOI and Annual Reports for TMPL’s subsidiary would be
published and available to the public each year.
   Council continues to own its land at Flat Bush. Following the establishment of the
CCTO as a subsidiary of TMPL, Council proposes to transfer its land at Flat Bush to the
subsidiary CCTO rather than directly to TMPL as originally planned. TMPL will manage
the development of the Flat Bush town centre land under this option in the same way as
under the alternative option. Project management and operational matters will be TMPL’s
   The Council’s advice is that this is the best option commercially, legally and fi nancially.
Set-up costs are estimated to be around $1000.

 BENEFITS                                        COSTS                                            IMPACT
 Provides fl exibility to TMPL if Council asks    Minimal establishment and ongoing                No material costs to the community of
 it take on other responsibilities.              operational costs.                               the proposal to establish the CCTO.

 TMPL and Council can compartmentalise           TMPL’s directors would be the directors of       The CCTO’s establishment will, of
 commercial risk from the Flat Bush              the CCTO with no additional directors’ fees      itself, have no impact on the fi nancial
 town centre development and any other           paid for the additional duties.                  outcomes of the Flat Bush town centre
 activities.                                                                                      development.

 By establishing a subsidiary the Council
 provides TMPL with more options to realise
 the land value when it is sold, that could
 provide a more favourable tax treatment.

The Council has also identifi ed, then assessed, one other practicable option. This was for       HAVE YOUR SAY
TMPL to continue as is, without incorporating the subsidiary and the Flat Bush land is
transferred to TMPL. This is the status quo.                                                     Council is keen to know what you think               See over for
   The benefi ts of this option are:                                                              about the proposal to establish a new CCTO,       submission form
• Lowest initial administrative cost                                                             which will be a subsidiary of TMPL.
• Avoids establishment cost of about $1000                                                           Councillors will consider all of the
• Avoids the Council’s ongoing administration and monitoring                                     submissions before making a decision as
   of a further CCTO                                                                             to whether it will establish the CCTO. If you
                                                                                                 make a written submission, you also have
COSTS                                                                                            the opportunity to make an oral submission
                                                                                                 to the Councillors. Councillors will hear the
• Does not achieve TMPL’s objectives of providing the best                                       oral submissions in mid November.
  structure for developing the Flat Bush land                                                        The Statement of Proposal is available
• Loses the opportunity to quarantine possible risks from                                        from and may be inspected at Council
  developing the Flat Bush land in a subsidiary                                                  libraries, the Customer Service Centre and
• Might not be tax effective                                                                     the Manukau Civic Centre, Wiri Station Rd,
The Council believes a new CCTO is the best option to meet the Council’s objectives and              Please fi ll in the submission form overleaf
is in line with normal business practice. Neither option has any impact on the social,           and send your submission to:
environmental or cultural well-beings or on the Council’s ability to deliver its statutory       The Submissions Administrator,
responsibilities.                                                                                Manukau City Council,
    Because of specifi c legal and fi nancial implications, a decision on the CCTO is needed       Private Bag 76 917, Manukau city.
before the Flat Bush town centre land is transferred to TMPL later in 2006.                      Submissions can be emailed to councilplan@
    The full Statement of Proposal and submission forms are available from Council libraries, Submissions must be
the Customer Service Centre at the Manukau Civic Centre. The submission form is overleaf.        received by 4pm on 3 November 2006
See over for
more details
               PROPERTIES LTD
               The Manukau City Council wants to hear what you think about the establishment of a subsidiary of Tomorrow’s
               Manukau Properties Limited. Copies of the Statement of Proposal are available at Manukau City Council libraries
               and the Customer Centre at Kotuku House, Osterley Way, Manukau city centre.

               SUBMISSION FORM              Please print clearly

               Name: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss

               (fi rst name)                                                             (surname)


               Daytime Telephone                                                        Fax

               Organisation represented (if applicable):

               Do you wish to be heard by the Strategic Directions Committee: (Please tick one)

                         Yes                     No

                Write or attach your submission here

                                                                                                                      (include extra pages if necessary)

               Submissions close 4pm, 3 November 2006


               The Submissions Administrator, Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917, Manukau city.
               OR FAX TO: 262 5737 OR EMAIL

               Please note: Submissions will be included in papers available to the public.

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Manukau matters issue 19 2007
Manukau matters issue 19 2007Manukau matters issue 19 2007
Manukau matters issue 19 2007
Manukau matters issue 18 2007
Manukau matters issue 18 2007Manukau matters issue 18 2007
Manukau matters issue 18 2007
Manukau matters issue 17 2007
Manukau matters issue 17 2007Manukau matters issue 17 2007
Manukau matters issue 17 2007
Manukau matters issue 13 2007
Manukau matters issue 13 2007Manukau matters issue 13 2007
Manukau matters issue 13 2007
Manukau matters issue 11 2006
Manukau matters issue 11 2006Manukau matters issue 11 2006
Manukau matters issue 11 2006
Manukau matters issue 10 2006
Manukau matters issue 10 2006Manukau matters issue 10 2006
Manukau matters issue 10 2006
Manukau matters issue 8 2006
Manukau matters issue 8 2006Manukau matters issue 8 2006
Manukau matters issue 8 2006
Manukau matters issue 6 2006
Manukau matters issue 6 2006Manukau matters issue 6 2006
Manukau matters issue 6 2006
Manukau matters issue 5 2006
Manukau matters issue 5 2006Manukau matters issue 5 2006
Manukau matters issue 5 2006
Manukau matters issue 4 2006
Manukau matters issue 4 2006Manukau matters issue 4 2006
Manukau matters issue 4 2006
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Manukau matters issue 2 2006Manukau matters issue 2 2006
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Manukau matters issue 7 2006

  • 1. TE KAEAEA MANUKAU RECYCLE YOUR NO.5 PLASTICS PAGE 2 MATTERS M S 8 OCTOBER 2006 ISSUE 7 SUMMER HOURS FOR WALKING DOGS ON BEACHES DISASTER AWARENESS WEEK Dog owners are reminded that daylight This is to ensure the safety and comfort IF A DISASTER WERE TO STRIKE, WOULD YOU BE savings means a change in the hours when of people using public spaces while still PREPARED? DOES YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAVE AN dogs can be exercised on beaches and allowing dogs and their owners to enjoy EMERGENCY PLAN? WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO adjoining reserves. summer outdoors. COPE FOR UP TO THREE DAYS WITHOUT HELP? From Sunday 1 October to Sunday 18 Owners are reminded that their dog March, dogs can only be exercised in these should be under control and plastic bags These are important questions to ponder • Toilet paper, plastic bags, bucket, areas after 7pm and before 9am; they are taken to pick up their faeces. The plastic and this week (8—14 October) is the perfect disinfectant prohibited at all other times. bag and contents should be put in a time to get prepared as it’s National • Alternative means of cooking such as rubbish bin. Disaster Awareness Week. a BBQ or gas cooker Council Civil Defence offi cer Judy • Important documents Fowler says it’s important people organise (will, insurance, passport etc) an emergency plan and survival kit. • First aid kit and essential medicines “These could make all the difference to • Blankets/sleeping bags your family’s ability to cope in a disaster.” Ms Fowler says, “the reality is that Develop a household emergency plan that frontline emergency services will have includes how to turn off gas, power and to respond to the most critical demands water, where to shelter in an earthquake, fi rst so they may not be at your doorstep fl ood or storm, how to reunite your family right away. People need to prepare for the and alternative accommodation. possibility that they might have to cope by Read the back of the Yellow Pages. themselves for up to three days.” There is a signifi cant amount of helpful TE KAEAEA A NEED TO COMMUNICATE Some guidelines to help you be more information about emergencies. prepared: Contact the council to fi nd out where Observant readers of Manukau Matters of te reo in its offi cial documents. Have a ‘B-ready’ kit on hand: your nearest Civil Defence or Emergency will have noticed that the masthead has The use of Te Kaeaea was suggested • Torch and spare batteries Centre is. changed with this issue, with the addition to council by its Mana Whenua Forum. • Radio and spare batteries of the Maori words “Te Kaeaea”. Te Kaeaea was the name of an (there’s probably one in your car) For more information you can pick up This change refl ects Manukau City indigenous hawk. To an individual or a • Food and water a copy of our brochure An Emergency Council’s commitment to uphold the group its appearance was interpreted as • Warm/waterproof outdoor clothing Plan Could Save Your Life from your local Treaty of Waitangi and acknowledge a signal that other whanau or hapu library or via our website. tangata whenua through the inclusion (at a distance) needed to communicate. Manukau City Council also offers introductory courses on civil defence, and provides training for volunteers. NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED Contact Judy Fowler, ph 09 262 8916 or email: for more information. A NEW ‘LOOK AND FEEL’ HAS BEEN LAUNCHED FOR THE MANUKAU CITY COUNCIL WEBSITE. The new website features a contemporary “This is only the fi rst stage in our website layout with plenty of white space, and has redevelopment,” he says. “We hope to add been designed for easy navigation. more features to benefi t our ratepayers. Manukau City Council Chief Executive, “The fi rst service that we can offer is the Leigh Auton, says the new site is a ability for ratepayers to apply for a rebate signifi cant improvement on the council’s online under the Rates Rebate Scheme. former website, and the technology for “We expect this service to be the fi rst IMAGE COURTESY OF THE managing content will enable the council of many.” MINISTRY OF CIVIL DEFENCE to provide a range of online services in To view the new council website, AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT the future. visit NEWS, VIEWS, INTERVIEWS, ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLIC NOTICES, JOBS... ALL INSIDE YOUR MANUKAU MATTERS
  • 2. TE KAEAEA RECYCLE NUMBER 5 PLASTICS PUBLIC NOTICES MANUKAU MATTERS EMPTY ICE CREAM, MARGARINE, YOGHURT AND HONEY CONTAINERS ARE AMONGST THE NUMBER 5 PLASTICS Manukau Matters is published twice THAT CAN NOW BE COLLECTED FOR RECYCLING. Land Use Resource Consent a month by the Manukau City Council Notifi cation of an Application for and delivered to more than 100,000 Manukau City Council has expanded its “We want to reduce the amount of waste Resource Consent under Section households, rural delivery addresses, recycling collection so number 5 grade that is sent to landfi ll, so the more we can 93(2) of the Resource Management and other locations within the plastics join grades 1 and 2 in the list of collect through recycling bins the better.” Act 1991 city boundaries. recyclable containers. Glass, paper and cans Eighty per cent of households use Manukau Matters helps council are also collected for recycling. Manukau City Council’s recycling collection, Manukau City Council has received an inform residents and ratepayers about The expansion of the collection means which has run for fi ve years. During this application for resource consent from council decisions, activities, projects a potential 3700 tonnes of extra rubbish time 4598 tonnes of number 1 and 2 Manukau Water Ltd. and events. It is a cost-effective way a year could be recycled instead of ending plastics, 31,614 tonnes of glass, 46,252 of providing important statutory up in a landfi ll. tonnes of paper and 2595 tonnes of cans Location: 9R Rautawa Place information such as public notices But Manukau households could reduce have been recycled. Lot 1 DP 47455 concerning planning and resource even further what goes to landfi lls. A recent consent issues. waste audit showed 66.4 per cent of what As part of a wastewater scheme to Manukau Matters also contains is put out in rubbish bags could be service Kawakawa Bay, the applicant articles of interest to Manukau recycled or composted. seeks to construct, operate and maintain residents, promoting the city’s The council is hoping a vacuum pumping station (70m 2 in area) resources, attractions, facilities recycling number 5 grade on a public reserve zoned Public Open and community events. plastics will further shrink Space 2. The proposed pumping station the amount of rubbish. will increase coverage on the reserve CONTACT US AT Examples of products using from 10.7% to 1 1.7%. This aspect of the EMAIL manukaumatters@ number 5 plastic containers are application requires assessment as a margarine, ice cream, yoghurt, Discretionary Activity. EDITORIAL 262 5223 honey and drink bottles. As the pumping station exceeds 10m 2 EVENT LISTINGS Environment and Urban Design in area, it requires assessment as Committee Acting Chairman David a Discretionary Activity. As earthworks DISTRIBUTION 262 5104 Collings says the expansion of the will exceed 200m 3 , this work requires POST Manukau City Council, recycling collection is excellent news. assessment as a Restricted Pvt Bag 76917, Manukau City Discretionary Activity. (attention Manukau Matters) Address for service: Iris Tscharntke, DESIGNED BY Manukau Water Ltd, Private Bag 76917, Scenario Communications Limited Put out your number fi ves — yoghurt, Manukau city. EDITOR Jenna Moore margarine, some food containers — CHIEF WRITER Vienna Richards along with your number one’s and two’s Submissions to this application must be received no later than 5.00pm on WOULD YOU LIKE A DIGITAL Monday 6 November 2006. VERSION OF MANUKAU MATTERS? In addition to your printed copy, we can SITUATIONS Recreation Programmer Otara Recreation Centre If you wish to make a submission on this send you a PDF version. Email us at VACANT Permanent Full-Time We are looking for an enthusiastic and application, you may do so by sending a written submission to the council, Customer Support Offi cer energetic person to develop and deliver addressed to the Manager — Resource Lloyd Elsmore Park Leisure Centre WANT TO Permanent, Part-time (11.5 hours) a variety of leisure programmes catering Consents, Manukau City Council, Private for a range of age groups. Bag 76917, Manukau city to reach him no CONTACT COUNCIL, We require a positive, friendly person Applicants must have excellent later than the date given in the relevant OR YOUR ELECTED with excellent customer service skills to communication skills, relevant notice above. COUNCILLOR? work weekends in our reception area. qualifi cations in the sport and leisure The submission must be on Form 13, Council’s main administration phone Candidates should have a good working industry, and hold both a current First dated, signed by you, and include the number is 263 7100 (business hours). knowledge of computer systems, great Aid Certifi cate and a full driver’s licence. following information: Use the Call Centre on 262 5104 communication skills and must enjoy Administration, cash handling, 1 Your name, postal address and phone (24hours) for assistance with: graffi ti, dealing with customer enquiries reception and computer skills will be number/fax number roading, signs, refuse disposal, traffi c, and requests. an advantage. 2 Details of the application in respect street lighting, environmental by- Vacancy Number: 3530 Vacancy Number: 3535 of which you are making the laws, noise complaints, dog control, Applications close: Applications close: submission, including location statistical information, LIM reports, 12 October 2006, 12 noon 13 October 2006, 12 noon 3 Whether you support or oppose land rates and kerbside recycling. the application The council’s website has contact 4 Your submission with reasons details for all elected Councillors and Library Assistant 5 The decision you wish the Manukau Community Board members, at: Howick Library Part-time (Mon—Sat 30 hrs) City Council to make We are seeking enthusiastic and motivated people with a passion for library services 6 Whether you wish to be heard in and an interest in their local community. The ability to provide excellent customer support of your submission service and be able to work as part of a team is essential. Applicants should be confi dent The application can be viewed and communicators and comfortable using a computer. Some evening and weekend work on copies of submission forms are available a rostered basis will be required. Training will be provided. at the public counter, Kotuku Customer Vacancy Number: 3536 Applications close: 13 October 2006, 12 noon Centre, Kotuku House, Manukau Square, Manukau city. For more details on these vacancies, or to view the full list of employment A copy of your submission must be opportunities at Manukau City Council, you can visit; served as soon as reasonably practicable email a request for a position description to; or phone on the applicant and should be sent NEXT ISSUE Sunday 22 Oct 2006 (09) 262-8907. Please quote the vacancy number with all requests or inquiries and with your to the relevant Address for Service as ISSN 1177-522X application. Manukau City Council is a progressive organisation with a leading role in the Local detailed in the advertisement above. Government sector and a commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi.
  • 3. Manukau Leisure Services / Term Four 2006 Leisure News Spring is here — a great time to turn over a new leaf and boost your activity levels. Get along to your local leisure centre and check out these great opportunities. Papatoetoe Centennial Pools Sutton Crescent phone 278-4167 Enjoy the comfort of our indoor heated pools, and soft drink and the chance to win open every day. Entry to the pools is free; or Manurewa Aquatic Centre Lloyd Elsmore Park spot prizes. it’s just $2 to have a soak in the spa, or $5 to — Ngaa mahi a Rehia Leisure Centre • Birthday parties. Book a pool for your treat yourself to both the spa and sauna. Sykes Road, Manurewa phone 269-0930 Sir Lloyd Drive, Pakuranga own private party on the weekend. Our outdoor 50-metre pool will be Make a splash in spring and get active at your phone 535-5502 Two session times available: 2.15—4.15pm opening for the summer season in community aquatic centre. The pools are There are many opportunities for fitness and and 4.30pm—6.30pm. Contact reception December. This is a great training pool for heated, and there’s something fun for the fun in our fantastic pool complex. for booking details. preparing for triathlons and other summer whole family! • Aquarobics classes are a great low The pools are open 6.00am—6.45pm Monday swimming events. Aqua jogging — an excellent low impact impact cardio workout. Four morning to Friday, and 9am—6.45pm on weekends and You can work out in the water by joining cardio workout. Group aqua jogging sessions and evening classes each week. Morning public holidays. our aquarobics classes. These are held are at 10.30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, classes are 9—10am on Monday, The fitness centre upstairs is open every Monday and Wednesday night from and 6pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. every day, and offers three spin classes per 6.15-7.00pm and on Fridays from 6.00- Classes are 45 minutes and cost $4, (seniors Evening classes are 6—7pm Monday, week, where you can get fit having fun on a 6.45pm. Sessions are just $4 each and are 60+ just $3). Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. stationary bike. Class times are: a great cross-training alternative and a new Work out with a friendly group in the $4.50 per class or get a ten-class Monday 7.15—8.00pm, Wednesday 6.15— way of socialising! pool by joining in an aquarobics class. concession card for $40.00. 7.00am, and Friday 10.15—11.00am Aquacise classes are a more gentle form Gentles classes are 8.30—9.15am Mondays, • Tone those legs whilst going easy on your Bookings are essential. Phone the fitness of aquarobics, which you can join on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays; and the Tidal Blast joints — go aqua jogging! Join in on centre on 535-5502. Wednesday and Friday from 12–1pm. Just $2 aquacardio classes are 6.45—7.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, A sunbed is available at the centre. per session, with the added bonus of a free Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes 9.15—10am. $4.50 per class. Casual $6.00 and concession card $45.00 spa afterwards. cost $4, (seniors 60+ just $3). • Late night swims. Night-time lane (10 passes) bookings essential. Late night lane swimming is available Plus, on Fridays — free aquarobics classes for swimming — adults only. 7.00—8.45pm Our childcare centre offers quality care on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday all. 12.00-12.45pm, bring a friend. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and each morning, Monday to Friday for centre nights, 8.00-8.45pm, if you want to work Team training — get into JAGS! JAGS is a Thursday. $4 covers swimming, spa, visitors. Choose from two session times: on your swim fitness later in the evening. sports specific training programme for teams. sauna and steam room. 8.45—10.15am or 10.15—11.45 (bookings Just $2 each. It involves a variety of cross-training activities • Aquarun sessions. This fun water essential). Sessions are $5.00 for under 2s JAGS is a team training programme that in and around the pool. Speak to our fitness obstacle course is in the pool each and $4.50 for over 2s. For bookings and takes you away from your normal training centre staff about a programme to meet your weekend from 12—1.30pm, for 8—12 more info phone 535-5502. venue and into the water. It adds great variety team’s specific training requirements. year olds. $2 per child. and is a fun way for teams to train. Speak to After your pool session or gym workout, • Tweens Aqua Party Friday 17 Need a space? Venue hire is available. our fitness centre staff about a programme to refuel at Splashes Café beside the pool. November 7.30pm—9pm. A fun night Our stadium, lounge and meeting room are meet your team’s needs. Splashes Café is open daily from 8am, serving for school children aged 10—13 years. all available for hire — for club use, social Our well-equipped cardio room has all you fine coffee and great food. $5 per child covers sausage sizzle gatherings, meetings, sports and more. need for general fitness training. Ask how we can accommodate your group. Mangere Community House 9TH MANUKAU — looking to the future Mangere residents are invited to put forward their ideas on the best use of the current Mangere Community House at 141 Robertson Road to ensure council can Vessel & Sculpture EXHIBITION & AWARD continue to meet the current and future needs of local residents. The building THE MANUKAU ART COMMUNITY HAS AWARDS NIGHT has been used as a Community House for FRIDAY 3 NOVEMBER 6.30PM UNTIL 26 OCTOBER TO SUBMIT ENTRIES more than 15 years but its classifi cation IN THE 2006 MANUKAU VESSEL AND SCULPTURE AWARDS. GUEST SELECTOR & ARTIST as a heritage building limits the type of FILIPE TOHI groups that can use it. Council will be THE AWARD SHOWCASES OUTSTANDING VESSEL AND SCULPTURE WORK EXHIBITION DATES consulting with community groups and 3—28 NOVEMBER 2006 BY ARTISTS FROM THROUGHOUT other interested parties throughout NEW ZEALAND. VENUE October to gather ideas and suggestions NATHAN HOMESTEAD, 70 HILL ROAD, PRIZE MONEY on future uses of the building. If you PREMIER AWARDS: $2500 MANUREWA would like to get involved, please call 09 2ND PRIZE: $1000 WWW.MANUKAU.GOVT.NZ 3RD PRIZE $750 275 4920 and leave a message including your name and contact details. Council ARTIST’S ENTRY FORMS PHOTO CONTACT NATHAN HOMESTEAD HAUPAPA (FEMALE) 1998, CUSTOMWOOD has contracted RIM consultants to PHONE 09 267 0180 BY FILIPE TOHI: COLLECTION GOVETT- undertake the project on its behalf. EMAIL CWHAIAPU@MANUKAU.GOT.NZ BREWSTER ART GALLERY
  • 4. Schedule of meetings for Creative Communities New Zealand Manukau Resource Management October 2006 2005/06 Round 2 Successful Applicants Act 1991 Correction of venue details Notice of requirement and The Renaissance School of Dance applications for resource consent — Public notice is hereby given in terms Production of contemporary jazz, hiphop Manukau Harbour Crossing Project of the Local Government Offi cial and various other disciplines. $3498.75 Information and Meetings Act 1987 of an Class Act Opera amendment to the Schedule of Meetings The Creative Communities New Zealand Touring of Opera Fra Diavolo to low previously notifi ed. Scheme is a partnership between Creative decile schools. $3937.50 A meeting of the Howick Community New Zealand (which provides the funding) Tupaea — Donna Rawhakarite Board will be held on 30 October 2006, and local authorities (which administer Series of workshops and exhibitions by at the Howick Range Trust, 80 Wellington the scheme). The scheme aims to increase D Tupaea and N Borell as well as local Transit New Zealand (Transit) proposes Street, Howick, commencing at 7.00pm. participation in the arts, and increase secondary school students. $3653 to upgrade the existing State Highway 20 This is a change in venue from that the range and diversity of arts projects Aorere College (SH20) motorway between Queenstown incorrectly advertised in Manukau available. A multicultural mural. $7886.25 Road in Auckland city and Walmsley Road Matters Issue 6, 24 September, 2006. Applicants must be able to demonstrate Howick Art Group in Manukau city. The project includes the that their project meets one or more of Workshops, seminars and construction of an additional motorway these criteria: demonstrations by local artists. $2460 bridge across the Manukau Harbour • Increase participation in the arts Beachlands Baptist Church located east of the existing Mangere Change in opening hours • Increase community-wide interest Purchasing arts equipment and Bridge, the widening of the existing Manurewa and Te Matariki — in the arts costumes. $3262.50 motorway to the north and south of the Clendon Library • Enhance and strengthen the local Niue Kaufakalataha new bridge, the upgrade of Gloucester Our libraries at Clendon and Manurewa arts sector Booklet detailing the history and cultural Park interchange, alterations to local are changing their opening hours. There are two funding rounds per year heritage of the Niue people. $638 streets (Rimu Road/Mahunga Drive, Clendon Library: From 7 October the and the next funding round closes Friday Physically Disabled and Abled Bodied Neilson Street/Gloucester Park Road, library will open until 4pm on Saturdays, 4 pm 16 March 2007. For more information (PHAB) Purchasing musical instruments Orpheus Drive/Onehunga Harbour Road) an extension from the previous closing visit to foster musical expression of its and modifi cation to access arrangements time of 12.30pm. or contact the Community Funding team members. $1012.50 to surrounding properties affected by the Manurewa Library: From 1 October this on 09 262 8900 ext. 8367. City of Sails Chorus Inc upgraded interchange at Gloucester Park library will no longer be opening late on Listed below are the successful National barbershop competition and Road. The project is called the ‘Manukau Tuesday nights. New hours are: applicants from round two of the 2005/06 supporting concert to appear in Manukau Harbour Crossing’ Project. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9am—5pm fi nancial year: city. $1500 Notices of requirement for designation Mondays and Thursdays 9am—8pm Handweavers & Spinners Guild The START Programme of land have been lodged with Auckland Saturdays 9.30am – 4pm Auckland Inc A biennial exhibition To establish a support programme for City Council and Manukau City Council including demonstrations. $409 emerging artists with workshops and solo and resource consent applications have Christina Productions Inc. exhibitions. $1500 been made to the Auckland Regional A spring concert. $740 Tautua Aoga Amata Charitable Trust Council by Transit, and are being jointly Community Board Discretionary and School All Saints Church Extending family Producing a Samoan children’s notifi ed. These comprise of: Holiday Funding for orientated concerts and plays. $888.75 songbook. $2812.50 • A notice of requirement to Auckland Community Groups Manurewa Central School Pakuranga Intermediate School City Council, pursuant to Section Mural celebrating the cultural heritage Student stage production. $4488.75 168 of the Resource Management Act Funding is now available to community of the surrounding communities for Equippers Youth (Equippers Church) 1991, for a designation of land for the groups and organisations to enhance centenary celebrations. $976.50 Organisation of Project X, a series of construction, operation and community, economic and environmental Chinese New Settlers Services youth workshops that will result in a live maintenance of the motorway on development of Manukau city and its Trust Youth art exhibition at Nathan performance. $4800.38 State Highway 20 at Onehunga, residents. Homestead. $1125 Yendarra Kindergarten including widening the existing Each of the city’s eight community Howick Little Theatre Maori and Pacifi c Island carvings. motorway, construction of a new boards has funding to allocate to Actor’s workshops. $1338.75 $5062.50 interchange at Gloucester Park, groups carrying out projects in their Howick Children’s & Youth Theatre Inc Manukau Performing Arts Inc. temporary works at Orpheus Drive communities. Silver Jubilee celebrations concert. (Spotlight Theatre) and realignment of the access to If your group is working on a project $1438.88 High tech Wizard of Oz production Selwyn Street or service that benefi ts the residents of The Academy of Strings utilizing the latest multimedia • A notice of a requirement to Manukau one or two communities within Manukau Free weekly concerts. $1380 applications. $7184.25 City Council, pursuant to Section 181 city, you are welcome to apply to our Challenge Trust Arts therapy for people Crosspower Ministries Trust of the Resource Management Act Community Board Discretionary Fund. with mental health illness or physical Support to assist Dziah Dance crew 1991, for an alteration to the School Holiday Programme funding disabilities. $1687.50 to compete in the 2006 Hiphop World designation in the Manukau City is also available to assist community Eastgate Community Trust Championships. $12,375 District Plan for “South Western organisations to provide holiday Art classes for young adults with Mills — Kay Motorway (SH20)” (reference 182) programmes and activities during the intellectual disabilities. $1885.50 Interactive story telling to Owairoa between Walmsley Road and the Christmas 2006/07 school holidays. Russian Youth Cultural Centre Special Needs children for 9 weeks, using Manukau Harbour for the All providers must have OSCAR French theatre production in Russian. music, sounds and puppets. $780 construction, operation and accreditation, (phone 0800 559 009 $1950 maintenance of State Highway 20 for more information on accreditation). at Mangere Bridge. Specifi cally, Please note that groups are required to Transit proposes to alter the contribute at least 1/3 of the overall cost Pacific Island Advisory Committee (PIAC) designation at the intersection of of the project. Crawford Avenue and Rimu Road, Applications to both funds close at along Mahunga Drive, including land 4.00 pm Friday, 27 October 2006. For Public notice is given of the October 2006 meeting of the Pacifi c Island Advisory zoned “Papakainga” and reserve land application forms or further information Committee (PIAC) to Manukau City Council. adjoining Waterfront Road. The land please phone the Funding Administrator Times & dates: 19 October 2006 at 6.00pm is to be designated as motorway on 262 8900 extension 8367. Location: Totara Room, Level 3, Civic Centre, 31-33 Wiri Station Road, Manukau and includes temporary construction Information and application forms may Contact: For more information contact: Faama Viliamu, PIAC Co-ordinator areas also be accessed via council’s website Call 262-8900 ext 8469 or email: • Resource consents sought from Auckland Regional Council (opposite):
  • 5. Application No: 32683 File No: 19092 Any person may make a written submission on the notices Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the construction of new off-ramp over Tararata of requirement and/or applications no later than 4.30pm on Creek and widening and strengthening of the existing SH20 motorway bridge in Thursday 9 November 2006. The submission must be dated, accordance with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991. signed and include the following information: Application No: 32684 File No: 19092 1. Your name, postal address, telephone no. and fax no. Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine (if applicable) area by the proposed SH20 southbound off-ramp bridge and the existing SH20 2. Details of the notices of requirement or applications motorway bridge at Tararata Creek, in accordance with Section 12(2)&(3) of the in respect of which you are making the submission, Resource Management Act 1991. including location Application No: 32687 File No: 19092 3. Whether you support or oppose or seek amendments to the Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the construction of a second SH20 Mangere notices of requirement or applications Bridge including temporary works for construction jetties and barge access ramps on 4. The reasons for your submission, including any conditions the southern foreshore, in accordance with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management you may wish the councils to include if a decision is made Act 1991. to recommend the requirements be confi rmed or grant Application No: 32688 File No: 19092 the applications Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine 5. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission area for a second Mangere Bridge for the SH20 motorway in accordance with Section 12(2)&(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991. All submissions relating to the ACC notice of requirement, MCC Application No: 33089 File No: 19092 notice of requirement and/or the ARC applications are to be served on the Auckland Regional Council, and may be delivered Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the temporary occupation and use of the coastal marine area for temporary construction jetties and barge access ramps on to the ARC Offi ce, 21 Pitt Street, Newton, Auckland or posted to the foreshore at the southern abutment of the Mangere Bridge, in accordance with Auckland Regional Council, Private Bag 92012, Newton. Section 12(2)&(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991. A copy of your submission must also be served, as soon as Application No: 32690 File No: 19092 reasonably practicable, on the applicant at Transit New Zealand, c/o Northern Gateway Alliance, PO Box 821, Auckland 1140, Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for a restricted coastal activity for the construction of an approximately 5500m 2 reclamation along Orpheus Drive and Attention: Belinda Petersen. Onehunga Harbour Road, including works for stormwater discharges in accordance Submissions on the notices of requirement and/or with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991. applications may also be made on-line using the link www.aucklandcity.govt/sh20submission Application No: 33090 File No: 19092 Note: if your submission is made on-line, this will Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the construction of a bund seawall and the automatically be forwarded to the Auckland Regional Council occupation and use of the coastal marine area by a seawall along the Orpheus Drive & Onehunga Harbour Road reclamation, and occupation of the site up to the completion and a copy sent to Transit New Zealand and no additional service of the reclamations, in accordance with Section 12(1)(2)&(3) of the Resource is required. A copy will also be sent to the submitter’s email Management Act 1991. address on request. Application No: 32693 File No: 19092 The notices of requirement, applications and accompanying information may be viewed at: Application Details: An application for a discharge permit to discharge contaminants or water into coastal • Auckland City Council, Civic Building, 1 Greys Ave, water arising from the collection, treatment and discharge of stormwater associated with the SH20 Manukau Harbour Crossing Project, in accordance with Section 15(1) of Auckland Central, Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm the Resource Management Act 1991. • Auckland City Central Library, 44-46 Lorne Street, Auckland, Monday to Friday 9.30am to 8pm, Application No: 32694 File No: 19092 Saturday 10am to 4pm, Sunday 12pm to 4pm Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the construction of three stormwater • Onehunga Community Library, 85 Church Street, Onehunga, outfall coastal structures in the coastal marine area at Mahunga Drive; Waterfront Road Reserve; and at the extended Hill Street culvert beneath the Orpheus Drive Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm reclamation, in accordance with Section 12(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991. • Manukau City Council, Kotuku House, 4 Osterley Way, Manukau city, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm, Application No: 32695 File No: 19092 Wednesday 8.30am to 4pm Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine • Mangere Bridge Library, 5-7 Church Road, Mangere Bridge, area by three stormwater outfall coastal structures in the coastal marine area at Monday to Wednesday & Friday 9am to 5pm, Mahunga Drive; Waterfront Road Reserve; and at the extended Hill Street culvert beneath the Orpheus Drive reclamation, in accordance with Section 12(2)&(3) of the Thursday 9am to 8pm, Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm Resource Management Act 1991. • Mangere Town Centre Library, Bader Drive, Monday to Wednesday & Friday 9am to 5pm, Application No: 33091 File No: 19092 Thursday 9am to 7pm, Saturday 9.30am to 4pm Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the construction of an outfall structure for • Auckland Regional Council, 21 Pitt Street, Newton, stormwater from the proposed Gloucester Park stormwater pond to the coastal marine area at Onehunga Harbour Road, in accordance with Section 12(1) of the Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am to 4.30pm Resource Management Act 1991. The information may also be viewed on the following Application No: 33092 File No: 19092 websites, Application Details: An application for a coastal permit for the occupation and use of the coastal marine and area at Onehunga Harbour Road by an outfall structure for stormwater from the Should you require any further assistance, please contact the proposed Gloucester Park stormwater pond, in accordance with Section 12(2)&(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991. relevant agency as follows: Application No: 32637 File No: 18908 Auckland City The Duty Planner Ph 09 379 2020 Application Details: An application for a discharge permit for the diversion and discharge of stormwater Council — Isthmus & including contaminants from new impervious areas greater than 5000m 2, associated Island Resource with the construction of a road in the vicinity of Tararata Creek, in accordance with Management Sections 14 & 15 of the Resource Management Act 1991. Application No: 33093 File No: 18908 Manukau City Farida Dean Ph 09 262 8900 Application Details: An application for a land use consent for works in a watercourse for the extension Council ext 8119 of an existing culvert by approximately 10m upstream into an existing drainage channel opposite Hill Street Onehunga, in accordance with Section 13 of the Resource Auckland Christine Mitchell Ph 09 366 2000 Management Act 1991. Regional Application No: 32246 File No: 18908 Council Application Details: An application for a land use consent for earthworks, sediment control and vegetation removal to undertake 22ha of earthworks within the sediment control protection area, in accordance with Section 9 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
  • 6. 1. Your name, postal address, telephone No. and fax No. Notification of a Notice of Applications for Resource Consents (if applicable) Requirement under Section For Kawakawa Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant 2. Details of the application in respect of which you are making 168A of the Resource 21 Pitt Street, Private Bag 92 012, Auckland, New Zealand, the submission, including location Management Act 1991 DX CP 28 008 Pitt St, Telephone +64 9 366 2000, 3. Whether you support or oppose the application Manukau City Council has received a Facsimile +64 9 366 2155. 4. The reasons for your submission, including any conditions Notice of Requirement from Manukau Manukau Water Limited has applied to the Auckland Regional you may wish the Council to include if a decision is made to Water Ltd. Council for consents to discharge treated wastewater from grant the application Location: 1491 Clevedon Kawakawa a proposed treatment plant in Glen Forest, Kawakawa Bay. 5. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission. Road, Clevedon. Commonly known as the Discharges are proposed to the adjacent Rautawa Stream and to Submissions are to be served on the Auckland Regional Council, southern part of the “Glen Forest” block. afforested land. Related applications made to the ARC include and may be posted, faxed or delivered to the ARC offi ce, the Part 2 Te Kawakawa No 2 and Part Orere consents for industrial or trade process, contaminants to air and address and fax number for service are stated above. Please and Taupo Blocks, part now being more stormwater control of sediment (from earthworks). note that we are unable to accept submissions in electronic particularly described as Lot 1 DP 55842 The proposed Kawakawa Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant format. A copy of your submission must also be served, as soon Kawakawa Bay Wastewater will be designed to receive and treat wastewater from a summer as reasonably practicable, on the Applicant at the address for Treatment Plant and Disposal System: population of 2540 people — this will equate to an average service stated above. Elements of the proposed wastewater daily fl ow rate of 330 m 3/day. The maximum daily fl ow rate for The applications and accompanying information can be viewed scheme within the proposed designated discharge to Rautawa stream is 330 m 3/day while the maximum at the offi ce of the Auckland Regional Council, Monday to Friday land will include: discharge to land will be 800m 3/day. between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm. Alternatively, the (a) Wastewater treatment plant Any person may make a written submission on the application may also be viewed at Manukau City Council, Kotuku processes and ancillary activities applications (below) to the Auckland Regional Council no later House, Osterley Way, Manukau city centre and at the Kawakawa (b) Application of effl uent to land and than 4.30pm on the submission closing date. The submission Bay Public Library. ancillary activities must be dated, signed and include the following information For further information on the application, and making a (c) Discharge of effl uent to water and (see right): submission visit the website or phone 366 2000 ancillary activities or 0800 80 60 40 if calling from outside the Auckland area. (d) Ancillary administrative offi ces, Pieter Tuinder Group Manager Consents and Consents Compliance workshop, car parking, storage and Applicant: Manukau City Council T/A Manukau Water utilities, ancillary to the wastewater treatment plant Address for Service: Hill Young Cooper Ltd, PO Box 99847, Newmarket. Attention Ms Miriam Eagle. (e) Vegetation clearance, earthworks, Application No.: 30829 File No. 18279 roading/tracking and the installation of An application for Consent to Discharge Contaminants to Air from the operation of a wastewater treatment pipelines/culverts across the stream/ Application Details: plant, where the main potential discharge into air is odour, in accordance with Section 15(1)(c) of the Resource Management Act 1991. Approximate Map Reference NZTM 1793290 5907170 wetland area in accordance with the requirements of the Auckland Regional Application No.: 30830 File No. 18281 Council An application for the Diversion and Discharge of Stormwater from impervious surfaces associated with the (f) Buildings and activities which are proposed treatment plant and from roads required for accessing the plant. This application also addresses Application Details: the discharge of contaminants from the treatment plant and associated disposal area which is identifi ed as associated with the construction of the an Industrial and Trade Process in the Proposed Auckland Regional Plan: Air, Land and Water. The consent is wastewater treatment plant required in accordance with Sections 14 and 15 of the Resource Management Act 1991. Address for service: Iris Tscharntke, Application No.: 30831 File No. 18280 Manukau Water Ltd, Private Bag 76917, An application for a Land Use Consent: Sediment Control in accordance with Section 9(3) of the Resource Manukau city. Application Details: Management Act 1991 to establish a wastewater treatment facility involving approximately 14,000m 3 of Submissions to this Requirement must earthworks totalling an area of approximately 2ha. be received no later than 5.00pm on Application No.: 30833 File No. 17465 Monday 6 November 2006. An application for consent to discharge up to 800 m3/day of domestic wastewater, treated to a tertiary If you wish to make a submission Application Details: wastewater standard, to land in Glen Forest, in accordance with section 15(1)(b) of the Resource Management on this Requirement, send it in writing Act 1991. to the Manager — Resource Consents, Application No.: 31272 File No. 18547 Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917, An application for Consent to authorise the Discharge of Wastewater to land or water in accordance with Manukau city to arrive no later than the Application Details: Section 15(1)(a) and (b) of the Resource Management Act 1991 and is associated with emergency overfl ows date listed above. from the proposed reticulated wastewater system. The submission must be on Form 21 Application No.: 33143 File No. 17465 dated, signed by you, and include the An application for Consent to Discharge up to 330 m3/day of Domestic Wastewater, treated to a tertiary following information: Application Details: wastewater standard, to Rautawa Stream, in accordance with Section 15(1)(a) of the Resource Management 1 Name, postal address and phone Act 1991. number/fax number 1491 Clevedon Kawakawa Road, Clevedon, Manukau city. Approximate Map Reference NZTM 1793000 2 Details of the Requirement in respect Location: 5906700 of which you are making the Legal Description: Lot 1 DP 55842 & PT Te Kawakawa No 2 & PT Orere Taupo Blks & DP 12971 Wairoa SD, Manukau City Council submission, including location Submission Closing Date: 6 November 2006. 3 Whether you support or oppose the Requirement 4 Your submission with reasons. • The fourth section contains copies of Sports Parks Draft Management Plan 5 The decision you wish the Manukau supporting documents City Council to make In accordance with Section 41 of • The fi rst section contains background Submissions are welcome on any aspect 6 Whether you wish to be heard in the Reserves Act 1977, council has about Manukau’s parks in general and of the draft plan or on any specifi c park support of your submission prepared a draft management plan that sports parks specifi cally or parks. The Requirement can be viewed and incorporates 50 sports parks into a • The second section contains generic To receive a copy of the draft plan, copies of submission forms are available single plan. They are home to more than objectives and policies that will guide contact Malcolm Page, Senior Parks at the Kotuku Customer Centre, Manukau 70 sports clubs and also used by the the management and development of Planner at: Manukau City Council, Square, Manukau. wider community for general recreation. all sports parks in Manukau city Private Bag 76-917, Manukau city. A copy of your submission must be Interested persons or organisations • The third section contains detailed Telephone 262 5243. Fax 262 5171. served as soon as reasonably practicable are invited to make submissions on the information and plans of each Email on the Requiring Authority and should be draft plan. individual sports park in the city and The closing date for submissions is sent to the Address for Service The management plan is set out in any specifi c issues that may apply to a Friday 15 December 2006. noted above. four sections. particular park
  • 7. PROPOSED SUBSIDIARY COMPANY FOR TOMORROW’S MANUKAU PROPERTIES LIMITED SUMMARY Manukau City Council proposes to establish a council-controlled trading organisation (CCTO) which would be a wholly owned subsidiary of Tomorrow’s Manukau Properties Limited (TMPL). TMPL is a council-controlled trading organisation formed in 2005 to manage the establishment of the new Flat Bush town centre. TMPL might also, in the future, manage development of other council-owned land if requested to do so by Council. So that TMPL can separate the Flat Bush town centre project from other possible property developments for the council, its directors have asked to establish a subsidiary council-controlled trading organisation. The directors of TMPL would also be the directors of the subsidiary. The board of directors will report on and be accountable for the performance of the subsidiary in terms of the annually negotiated Statement of Intent (SOI). TMPL’s subsidiary’s constitution will specify that TMPL’s subsidiary requires Council approval to undertake signifi cant transactions or undertake new types of activities. TMPL’s subsidiary will be required to report on its performance in quarterly and annual reports to Council. Both the SOI and Annual Reports for TMPL’s subsidiary would be published and available to the public each year. Council continues to own its land at Flat Bush. Following the establishment of the CCTO as a subsidiary of TMPL, Council proposes to transfer its land at Flat Bush to the subsidiary CCTO rather than directly to TMPL as originally planned. TMPL will manage the development of the Flat Bush town centre land under this option in the same way as under the alternative option. Project management and operational matters will be TMPL’s responsibility. The Council’s advice is that this is the best option commercially, legally and fi nancially. Set-up costs are estimated to be around $1000. BENEFITS COSTS IMPACT Provides fl exibility to TMPL if Council asks Minimal establishment and ongoing No material costs to the community of it take on other responsibilities. operational costs. the proposal to establish the CCTO. TMPL and Council can compartmentalise TMPL’s directors would be the directors of The CCTO’s establishment will, of commercial risk from the Flat Bush the CCTO with no additional directors’ fees itself, have no impact on the fi nancial town centre development and any other paid for the additional duties. outcomes of the Flat Bush town centre activities. development. By establishing a subsidiary the Council provides TMPL with more options to realise the land value when it is sold, that could provide a more favourable tax treatment. The Council has also identifi ed, then assessed, one other practicable option. This was for HAVE YOUR SAY TMPL to continue as is, without incorporating the subsidiary and the Flat Bush land is transferred to TMPL. This is the status quo. Council is keen to know what you think See over for The benefi ts of this option are: about the proposal to establish a new CCTO, submission form • Lowest initial administrative cost which will be a subsidiary of TMPL. • Avoids establishment cost of about $1000 Councillors will consider all of the • Avoids the Council’s ongoing administration and monitoring submissions before making a decision as of a further CCTO to whether it will establish the CCTO. If you make a written submission, you also have COSTS the opportunity to make an oral submission to the Councillors. Councillors will hear the • Does not achieve TMPL’s objectives of providing the best oral submissions in mid November. structure for developing the Flat Bush land The Statement of Proposal is available • Loses the opportunity to quarantine possible risks from from and may be inspected at Council developing the Flat Bush land in a subsidiary libraries, the Customer Service Centre and • Might not be tax effective the Manukau Civic Centre, Wiri Station Rd, Manukau. The Council believes a new CCTO is the best option to meet the Council’s objectives and Please fi ll in the submission form overleaf is in line with normal business practice. Neither option has any impact on the social, and send your submission to: environmental or cultural well-beings or on the Council’s ability to deliver its statutory The Submissions Administrator, responsibilities. Manukau City Council, Because of specifi c legal and fi nancial implications, a decision on the CCTO is needed Private Bag 76 917, Manukau city. before the Flat Bush town centre land is transferred to TMPL later in 2006. Submissions can be emailed to councilplan@ The full Statement of Proposal and submission forms are available from Council libraries, Submissions must be the Customer Service Centre at the Manukau Civic Centre. The submission form is overleaf. received by 4pm on 3 November 2006
  • 8. See over for more details PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH A COUNCIL- CONTROLLED TRADING ORGANISATION, SUBSIDIARY OF TOMORROW’S MANUKAU PROPERTIES LTD The Manukau City Council wants to hear what you think about the establishment of a subsidiary of Tomorrow’s Manukau Properties Limited. Copies of the Statement of Proposal are available at Manukau City Council libraries and the Customer Centre at Kotuku House, Osterley Way, Manukau city centre. SUBMISSION FORM Please print clearly Name: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss (fi rst name) (surname) Address Daytime Telephone Fax Organisation represented (if applicable): Do you wish to be heard by the Strategic Directions Committee: (Please tick one) Yes No Write or attach your submission here (include extra pages if necessary) Submissions close 4pm, 3 November 2006 POST YOUR SUBMISSION TO: The Submissions Administrator, Manukau City Council, Private Bag 76917, Manukau city. OR FAX TO: 262 5737 OR EMAIL Please note: Submissions will be included in papers available to the public.