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Objectives of these Guidelines
To describe how to assess perioperative cardiac risk using
clinical risk factors and type of surgical procedure
To describe a stepwise approach for pre-operative
cardiac risk assesment
To address the impact of various co-morbidities on
perioperative risk
To describe how to reduce cardiac risk
To be easy to use for practitioners
Arterial hypertension
On special consideration in terms of cardiovascular
pre-operative assessment
 The lack of specific data on angiotensin-receptorblockers (ARBs),
the following recommendations apply to ACEIs and ARBs, given
their numerous common pharmacological properties.
 Peri-operative use of ACEIs or ARBs carries a risk of severe
hypotension under anaesthesia, in particular following induction
and concomitant beta-blocker use. Hypotension is less frequent
when ACEIs are discontinued the day before surgery.
 Although this remains debatable, ACEIs withdrawal should be
considered 24 hours before surgery when they are prescribed for
hypertension.They should be resumed after surgery as soon as
blood volume and pressure are stable.
 The risk of hypotension is at least as high with ARBs as with
ACEIs, and the response to vasopressors may be impaired.
 In patients with LV systolic dysfunction, who are in a stable clinical
condition, it seems reasonable to continue treatment with ACEIs
under close monitoring during the peri-operative period.
 When LV dysfunction is discovered during pre-operative
evaluation in untreated patients in a stable condition, surgery
should if possible be postponed, to allow for diagnosis of the
underlying cause and the introduction of ACEIs and beta-blockers.
Calcium channel blockers
 The effect of calcium channel blockers on the balance between
myocardial oxygen supply and demand makes them theoretically
suitable for risk-reduction strategies. It is necessary to distinguish
between dihydropyridines, which do not act directly on heart rate,
and diltiazem or verapamil, which lower the heart rate.
 There was a significant reduction in the number of episodes of
myocardial ischaemia and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) in the
pooled analyses; however, the decrease in mortality and
myocardial infarction reached statistical significance only when both
endpoints were combined in a composite of death and/or
myocardial infarction (relative risk 0.35; 95% CI 0.08– 0.83; P ,
0.02). Subgroup analyses favoured diltiazem.
Calcium channel blockers
 Another study in 1000 patients undergoing acute or elective aortic
aneurysm surgery showed that dihydropyridine use was
independently associated with an increased incidence of peri-
operative mortality.
 The use of short-acting dihydropyridines—in particular, nifedipine
capsules—should be avoided.
 Thus, although heart rate-reducing calcium channel blockers are not
indicated in patients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction, the
continuation or introduction of heart rate-reducing calcium channel
blockers may be considered in patients who do not tolerate beta-
 Additionally, calcium channel blockers should be continued during
non-cardiac surgery in patients with vasospastic angina
Alpha2 receptor agonists
 Clonidine did not reduce the rate of death or non-fatal myocardial
infarction in general, or in patients undergoing vascular surgery
(relative risk 1.08; 95% Cl 0.93– 1.26; P ¼ 0.29).
 On the other hand, clonidine increased the risk of clinically
importanthypotension (relative risk 1.32; 95% Cl 1.24– 1.40; P ,
0.001) and non-fatal cardiac arrest (relative risk 3.20; 95% Cl 1.17–
8.73; P ¼ 0.02).
 Therefore, alpha receptor agonists should not be administered to
patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.
 diuretics for hypertension should be continued to the day of surgery
and resumed orally when possible.
 If blood pressure reduction is required before oral therapy can be
continued, other antihypertensive agents may be considered.
 In heart failure, dosage increase should be considered if symptoms or
signs of fluid retention are present.
 Dosage reduction should be considered in patients with hypovolaemia,
hypotension, or electrolyte disturbances.
 volume status in patients with heart failure should be monitored
carefully and optimized by loop diuretics or fluids.
 the use of Kand Mg -sparing aldosterone antagonists reduces therisk
of mortality in severe heart failure.
 Postponing necessary surgery is usually not warranted in patients
with grade 1 or 2 hypertension, whereas in those with an SBP
>_180 mmHg and/or DBP >_110 mmHg, deferring the intervention
until BP is reduced or controlled is advisable, except for
emergency situations. What seems to be also important is to avoid
large perioperative BP fluctuations.
 This approach is supported by the findings from a recent RCT that
has shown that in patients undergoing abdominal surgery, an
individualized intraoperative treatment strategy, which kept BP
values within a 10% difference from the preoperative office SBP,
resulted in reduced risk of postoperative organ dysfunction
 recently, the question has been raised whether RAS blockers
should be discontinued before surgery to reduce the risk of
intraoperative hypotension.
 Preoperative discontinuation of these drugs has also been
supported by a recent international prospective cohort study, in a
heterogenous group of patients, in which withholding ACE
inhibitors or ARBs 24 h before non-cardiac surgery was associated
with a significant reduction in CV events and mortality 30 days
after the intervention.
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 11
Classification of office BP and
definitions of hypertension
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Category Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg)
Optimal < 120 and < 80
Normal 120–129 and/or 80–84
High normal 130–139 and/or 85–89
Grade 1 hypertension 140–159 and/or 90–99
Grade 2 hypertension 160–179 and/or 100–109
Grade 3 hypertension ≥ 180 and/or ≥ 110
Isolated systolic hypertension ≥ 140 and < 90
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 12
Factors influencing CV risk in patients with hypertension - 1
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Demographic characteristics and laboratory parameters
Sex (men > women)
Smoking – current or past history
Total cholesterol and HDL-C
Uric acid
Overweight or obesity
Family history of premature CVD (men aged < 55 years and women aged < 65 years)
Family or parental history of early onset hypertension
Early onset menopause
Sedentary lifestyle
Psychosocial and socioeconomic factors
Heart rate (resting values > 80 beats per min)
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 13
Factors influencing CV risk in patients with hypertension - 2
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Asymptomatic HMOD
Arterial stiffening: Pulse pressure (in older people) ≥ 60 mmHg
Carotid–femoral PWV > 10 m/s
Echocardiographic LVH
Microalbuminuria or elevated albumin–creatinine ratio
Moderate CKD with eGFR 30–59 mL/min/1.73 m2 (BSA)
Ankle−brachial index < 0.9
Advanced retinopathy: haemorrhages or exudates, papilloedema
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 14
Factors influencing CV risk in patients with hypertension - 3
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Established CV or renal disease
Cerebrovascular disease: ischaemic stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, TIA
CAD: myocardial infarction, angina, myocardial revascularization
Presence of atheromatous plaque on imaging
Heart failure, including HFpEF
Peripheral artery disease
Atrial fibrillation
Severe CKD with eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 15
10-year CV risk categories (SCORE system)
• A calculated 10-year SCORE of < 1%
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Very high risk
People with any of the following:
Documented CVD, either clinical or unequivocal on imaging.
• Clinical CVD includes acute myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, coronary or other
arterial revascularization, stroke, TIA, aortic aneurysm and PAD.
• Unequivocal documented CVD on imaging includes significant plaque (i.e. ≥ 50% stenosis)
on angiography or ultrasound. It does not include increase in carotid intima-media thickness.
• Diabetes mellitus with target organ damage, e.g. proteinuria or a with a major risk factor
such as grade 3 hypertension or hypercholesterolaemia
• Severe CKD (eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2)
• A calculated 10-year SCORE of ≥ 10%
High risk
People with any of the following:
• Marked elevation of a single risk factor, particularly cholesterol > 8 mmol/L (> 310 mg/dL)
e.g. familial hypercholesterolaemia, grade 3 hypertension (BP ≥ 180/110 mmHg)
• Most other people with diabetes mellitus (except some young people with type 1 diabetes
mellitus and without major risk factors, that may be moderate risk)
• Hypertensive LVH
• Moderate CKD (eGFR 30–59 mL/min/1.73 m2)
• A calculated 10-year SCORE of 5–10%
Moderate risk
People with:
• A calculated 10-year SCORE of 1% to < 5%
• Grade 2 hypertension
• Many middle-aged people belong to this category
Low risk
People with:
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 54
Initiation of BP-lowering treatment
(lifestyle changes and medication) at different initial office BP levels
High normal BP Grade 1 hypertension Grade 2 hypertension Grade 3 hypertension
BP 130-139 / 85-89 BP 140-159 / 90-99 BP 160-179 / 100-109 BP ≥ 180/ 110
Lifestyle advice Lifestyle advice Lifestyle advice Lifestyle advice
Immediate drug
treatment in high
or very high risk
patients with CVD,
renal disease or
Consider drug
treatment in very
high risk patients
with CVD,
especially CAD
Immediate drug
treatment in all
Immediate drug
treatment in all
Drug treatment in
low-moderate risk
patients without
CVD, renal disease
after 3-6 months of
lifestyle intervention
if BP not controlled
Aim for BP control
within 3 months
Aim for BP control
within 3 months
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 59
Summary of office BP thresholds for treatment
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Age group
Office SBP treatment threshold (mmHg) Office DBP
Hypertension + Diabetes + CKD + CAD + Stroke/TIA
18−65 years ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 90
65−79 years ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 90
≥ 80 years ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 90
Office DBP
≥ 90 ≥ 90 ≥ 90 ≥ 90 ≥ 90
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 70
Core drug-treatment strategy for
uncomplicated hypertension
The core algorithm is also appropriate for most patients with HMOD, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, or PAD
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Hypertension and CAD
Core drug-treatmen t strategy for uncomplicated hypertensio n
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 75
eatment strategies
Hypertension and CKD
Hypertension and HRrEF Hypertension and AF
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 76
Office BP treatment target range
Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
Age group
Office SBP treatment target ranges (mmHg)
Office DBP
target range
Hypertension + Diabetes + CKD + CAD + Stroke/TIA
18−65 years
Target to 130
or lower if
Not < 120
Target to 130
or lower if
Not < 120
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to 130
or lower if
Not < 120
Target to 130
or lower if
Not < 120
65−79 years
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
≥ 80 years
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Target to
< 140 to 130
if tolerated
Office DBP
treatment target
70-79 70-79 70-79 70-79 70-79
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf
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Manajemen Hipertensi Perioperatif.pdf

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Objectives of these Guidelines To describe how to assess perioperative cardiac risk using clinical risk factors and type of surgical procedure To describe a stepwise approach for pre-operative cardiac risk assesment To address the impact of various co-morbidities on perioperative risk To describe how to reduce cardiac risk To be easy to use for practitioners
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Arterial hypertension On special consideration in terms of cardiovascular pre-operative assessment
  • 20.
  • 21. ACEIs or ARBs  The lack of specific data on angiotensin-receptorblockers (ARBs), the following recommendations apply to ACEIs and ARBs, given their numerous common pharmacological properties.  Peri-operative use of ACEIs or ARBs carries a risk of severe hypotension under anaesthesia, in particular following induction and concomitant beta-blocker use. Hypotension is less frequent when ACEIs are discontinued the day before surgery.  Although this remains debatable, ACEIs withdrawal should be considered 24 hours before surgery when they are prescribed for hypertension.They should be resumed after surgery as soon as blood volume and pressure are stable.
  • 22. ACEIs or ARBs  The risk of hypotension is at least as high with ARBs as with ACEIs, and the response to vasopressors may be impaired.  In patients with LV systolic dysfunction, who are in a stable clinical condition, it seems reasonable to continue treatment with ACEIs under close monitoring during the peri-operative period.  When LV dysfunction is discovered during pre-operative evaluation in untreated patients in a stable condition, surgery should if possible be postponed, to allow for diagnosis of the underlying cause and the introduction of ACEIs and beta-blockers.
  • 23. Calcium channel blockers  The effect of calcium channel blockers on the balance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand makes them theoretically suitable for risk-reduction strategies. It is necessary to distinguish between dihydropyridines, which do not act directly on heart rate, and diltiazem or verapamil, which lower the heart rate.  There was a significant reduction in the number of episodes of myocardial ischaemia and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) in the pooled analyses; however, the decrease in mortality and myocardial infarction reached statistical significance only when both endpoints were combined in a composite of death and/or myocardial infarction (relative risk 0.35; 95% CI 0.08– 0.83; P , 0.02). Subgroup analyses favoured diltiazem.
  • 24. Calcium channel blockers  Another study in 1000 patients undergoing acute or elective aortic aneurysm surgery showed that dihydropyridine use was independently associated with an increased incidence of peri- operative mortality.  The use of short-acting dihydropyridines—in particular, nifedipine capsules—should be avoided.  Thus, although heart rate-reducing calcium channel blockers are not indicated in patients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction, the continuation or introduction of heart rate-reducing calcium channel blockers may be considered in patients who do not tolerate beta- blockers.  Additionally, calcium channel blockers should be continued during non-cardiac surgery in patients with vasospastic angina
  • 25. Alpha2 receptor agonists  Clonidine did not reduce the rate of death or non-fatal myocardial infarction in general, or in patients undergoing vascular surgery (relative risk 1.08; 95% Cl 0.93– 1.26; P ¼ 0.29).  On the other hand, clonidine increased the risk of clinically importanthypotension (relative risk 1.32; 95% Cl 1.24– 1.40; P , 0.001) and non-fatal cardiac arrest (relative risk 3.20; 95% Cl 1.17– 8.73; P ¼ 0.02).  Therefore, alpha receptor agonists should not be administered to patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.
  • 26. Diuretics  diuretics for hypertension should be continued to the day of surgery and resumed orally when possible.  If blood pressure reduction is required before oral therapy can be continued, other antihypertensive agents may be considered.  In heart failure, dosage increase should be considered if symptoms or signs of fluid retention are present.  Dosage reduction should be considered in patients with hypovolaemia, hypotension, or electrolyte disturbances.  volume status in patients with heart failure should be monitored carefully and optimized by loop diuretics or fluids.  the use of Kand Mg -sparing aldosterone antagonists reduces therisk of mortality in severe heart failure.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.  Postponing necessary surgery is usually not warranted in patients with grade 1 or 2 hypertension, whereas in those with an SBP >_180 mmHg and/or DBP >_110 mmHg, deferring the intervention until BP is reduced or controlled is advisable, except for emergency situations. What seems to be also important is to avoid large perioperative BP fluctuations.  This approach is supported by the findings from a recent RCT that has shown that in patients undergoing abdominal surgery, an individualized intraoperative treatment strategy, which kept BP values within a 10% difference from the preoperative office SBP, resulted in reduced risk of postoperative organ dysfunction
  • 31.  recently, the question has been raised whether RAS blockers should be discontinued before surgery to reduce the risk of intraoperative hypotension.  Preoperative discontinuation of these drugs has also been supported by a recent international prospective cohort study, in a heterogenous group of patients, in which withholding ACE inhibitors or ARBs 24 h before non-cardiac surgery was associated with a significant reduction in CV events and mortality 30 days after the intervention.
  • 33. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 11 Classification of office BP and grade definitions of hypertension Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104 Category Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg) Optimal < 120 and < 80 Normal 120–129 and/or 80–84 High normal 130–139 and/or 85–89 Grade 1 hypertension 140–159 and/or 90–99 Grade 2 hypertension 160–179 and/or 100–109 Grade 3 hypertension ≥ 180 and/or ≥ 110 Isolated systolic hypertension ≥ 140 and < 90
  • 34. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 12 Factors influencing CV risk in patients with hypertension - 1 Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104 Demographic characteristics and laboratory parameters Sex (men > women) Age Smoking – current or past history Total cholesterol and HDL-C Uric acid Diabetes Overweight or obesity Family history of premature CVD (men aged < 55 years and women aged < 65 years) Family or parental history of early onset hypertension Early onset menopause Sedentary lifestyle Psychosocial and socioeconomic factors Heart rate (resting values > 80 beats per min)
  • 35. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 13 Factors influencing CV risk in patients with hypertension - 2 Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104 Asymptomatic HMOD Arterial stiffening: Pulse pressure (in older people) ≥ 60 mmHg Carotid–femoral PWV > 10 m/s ECG LVH Echocardiographic LVH Microalbuminuria or elevated albumin–creatinine ratio Moderate CKD with eGFR 30–59 mL/min/1.73 m2 (BSA) Ankle−brachial index < 0.9 Advanced retinopathy: haemorrhages or exudates, papilloedema
  • 36. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 14 Factors influencing CV risk in patients with hypertension - 3 Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104 Established CV or renal disease Cerebrovascular disease: ischaemic stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, TIA CAD: myocardial infarction, angina, myocardial revascularization Presence of atheromatous plaque on imaging Heart failure, including HFpEF Peripheral artery disease Atrial fibrillation Severe CKD with eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2
  • 37. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 15 10-year CV risk categories (SCORE system) • A calculated 10-year SCORE of < 1% Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104 Very high risk People with any of the following: Documented CVD, either clinical or unequivocal on imaging. • Clinical CVD includes acute myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, coronary or other arterial revascularization, stroke, TIA, aortic aneurysm and PAD. • Unequivocal documented CVD on imaging includes significant plaque (i.e. ≥ 50% stenosis) on angiography or ultrasound. It does not include increase in carotid intima-media thickness. • Diabetes mellitus with target organ damage, e.g. proteinuria or a with a major risk factor such as grade 3 hypertension or hypercholesterolaemia • Severe CKD (eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2) • A calculated 10-year SCORE of ≥ 10% High risk People with any of the following: • Marked elevation of a single risk factor, particularly cholesterol > 8 mmol/L (> 310 mg/dL) e.g. familial hypercholesterolaemia, grade 3 hypertension (BP ≥ 180/110 mmHg) • Most other people with diabetes mellitus (except some young people with type 1 diabetes mellitus and without major risk factors, that may be moderate risk) • Hypertensive LVH • Moderate CKD (eGFR 30–59 mL/min/1.73 m2) • A calculated 10-year SCORE of 5–10% Moderate risk People with: • A calculated 10-year SCORE of 1% to < 5% • Grade 2 hypertension • Many middle-aged people belong to this category Low risk People with:
  • 38. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 54 Initiation of BP-lowering treatment (lifestyle changes and medication) at different initial office BP levels High normal BP Grade 1 hypertension Grade 2 hypertension Grade 3 hypertension BP 130-139 / 85-89 BP 140-159 / 90-99 BP 160-179 / 100-109 BP ≥ 180/ 110 Lifestyle advice Lifestyle advice Lifestyle advice Lifestyle advice Immediate drug treatment in high or very high risk patients with CVD, renal disease or HMOD Consider drug treatment in very high risk patients with CVD, especially CAD Immediate drug treatment in all patients Immediate drug treatment in all patients Drug treatment in low-moderate risk patients without CVD, renal disease or HMOD after 3-6 months of lifestyle intervention if BP not controlled Aim for BP control within 3 months Aim for BP control within 3 months Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
  • 39. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 59 Summary of office BP thresholds for treatment threshold Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104 Age group Office SBP treatment threshold (mmHg) Office DBP treatment (mmHg) Hypertension + Diabetes + CKD + CAD + Stroke/TIA 18−65 years ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 90 65−79 years ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 140 ≥ 90 ≥ 80 years ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 160 ≥ 90 Office DBP treatment threshold (mmHg) ≥ 90 ≥ 90 ≥ 90 ≥ 90 ≥ 90
  • 40. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 70 Core drug-treatment strategy for uncomplicated hypertension The core algorithm is also appropriate for most patients with HMOD, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, or PAD Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
  • 41. Drug-tr Hypertension and CAD Core drug-treatmen t strategy for uncomplicated hypertensio n 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 75 eatment strategies Hypertension and CKD Hypertension and HRrEF Hypertension and AF Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104
  • 42. 2018 ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines 76 Office BP treatment target range treatment Williams, Mancia et al., J Hypertens 2018;36:1953-2041 and Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-3104 Age group Office SBP treatment target ranges (mmHg) Office DBP target range (mmHg) Hypertension + Diabetes + CKD + CAD + Stroke/TIA 18−65 years Target to 130 or lower if tolerated Not < 120 Target to 130 or lower if tolerated Not < 120 Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to 130 or lower if tolerated Not < 120 Target to 130 or lower if tolerated Not < 120 70-79 65−79 years Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated 70-79 ≥ 80 years Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated Target to < 140 to 130 if tolerated 70-79 Office DBP treatment target range(mmHg) 70-79 70-79 70-79 70-79 70-79