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Management of Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda
by Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD (Ayu)

                                                Thyroid gland is one of the most
                                                important and sensitive endocrine
                                                gland. As it easily responds to
                                                stress and stimuli the global
                                                incidence of hypothyroidism is
                                                increasing day by day. The major
                                                function of thyroid gland is to
                                                control the rate of metabolism.
                                                The principle function of
                                                thyroxine is to act as a catalyst of
                                                the nature of a 'spark' for the
                                                maintenance of oxidative
                                                metabolism in most tissues. Cells
in the body take their 'cue' from thyroxine. The amount of stimulation the cells
receive from thyroxine will determine how 'quickly' they perform their functions1.
These functions similar with the description of Agni 'angati vyapnoti iti va
agnihi' and 'agnyate mreeyate iti va agnihi.

Hypothyroidism results from inadequate production of thyroid hormone. Any
structural or functional defects of thyroid gland that significantly impairs its
output of hormones will lead to the hypo metabolic state of hypothyroidism2.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are notorious for their nonspecific nature and
for the way in which they mimic many symptoms of other diseases. So it often
remains undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Vertigo, weight gain, mood disturbances,
easy fatigability, tiredness, lethargy, slowness of memory, intellect and thought,
menstrual irregularities, cold intolerance, dry rough skin, thin brittle hair, hair
fall, Muscle stiffness, aching, myalgias, cramps, weakness and fatigue,
myxedema, constipation, hoarseness of voice, goiter etc.3


There is no direct mention of thyroid gland in ayurveda. But a disease by the
name galaganda is mentioned in samhitas. The earliest description of neck
swelling is found in atharva veda by the name apachi. Charaka first described
about the disease under the 20 varieties of sleshma vikaras10. Susutha has
described that out of seven layers of the skin, the sixth layer Rohini is galaganda
rogadhistana (Su.Sa.4/4). In nidana sthana he described galaganda as two
encapsulated small or big swellings in the anterior angle of the neck, which hang
like scrotum11(Su.Ni.11), whereas charaka mentioned galaganda as solitary

The etiological factors in galaganda include climatic conditions, water supply,
dietary conditions and other surroundings etc. Susrutha stated that rivers flowing
towards east might give rise to the occurrence of galaganda11. Bhela described
that sleepda and galaganda are more common in prachya desa (eastern part) of the
country12, and the persons consuming predominantly fish are liable to develop
galgaganda. Harita samhitakara described the role of dustambu and krimi dosha
in the precipitation of Galaganda. Kashyapa samhitakara13added that any part of
the country which is cold, damp, with densely grown long trees, water stagnation
and heavy rains may be prone for the development of Galaganda.

From the above descriptions ons Galaganda can be correlated with goiter or some
tumour pathology, where thyroid functions may or may not be affected. But
hypothyroidism is not just a localized disease. It has many symptoms related to
many systems of the body. So it is better not to restrict hypothyroidism with

Management of Hypothyroidism

As mentioned by charaka10 "vikaranamakusalo" exact nomenclature is not
necessary for all the diseases. It insists on diagnosis of constitutional status of the

As per the nidana Hypothyroidism can be classified as 1.Primary (thyroid failure)
2. Secondary, (due to pituitary TSH deficit). And 3. Tertiary (due to
hypothalamic deficiency of TRH), the later two are rare and may not be amicable
to Ayurvedic treatments.

If hypothyroidism results due to Genetical and hereditary defects, these comes
under adibala pravritta vyadhis and these are asadhya.

If hypothyroidism results due to Congenital defects like thyroid gland agenesis,
dysgenesis, ectopic thyroid gland comes under Janmabala pravritta vyadhis.
These are preventable if proper pathyapathya is followed during pregnancy.

The main cause of hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency, as per sarvadha sarva
bahvanam-iodine containing drugs like shigru, jalakumbhi are advised here.

Another main cause autoimmune thyroid disease is characterized by gradual
lymphatic infiltration and progressive destruction of the functional thyroid tissue.
So it may be Yapya, means that the treatment should be continued
Jeevanaparvantam with immuno modulatory drugs.

Selection of Drugs Acting at Various Levels

  1. At hypothalamo pituitary level: anti stress drugs, medhya rasayana drugs,
     nasya karma may be beneficial.
  2. At thyroid gland level: thyroid stimulatory drugs are recommended here.
  3. At metabolism level: deepana, pacahana, ushna, teekshna, sukshma, lekhana
     drugs which pep-up body metabolism is recommended.
  4. Immuno-modulatory drugs for autoimmune related hypothyroidism.

As the symptoms of hypothyroidsm are notorious, the symptomatic treatment is
followed according to the suitability of the individual cases, i.e., sthoulya, sodha

The recent research work done by Dr. Tripathi and others. Animal studies have
revealed that guggul supports healthy thyroid function, mostly by increasing the
conversion of less active Thyroxin (T4) to more active Triiodotyronine (T3)
through increasing thyroid proteolytic activity and the uptake of iodine into
thyroxin, and without increasing the production of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.

Selenium is required for a number of enzymes known as selenoproteins. The
chemical reaction, which converts thyroid hormone T4 into T3, is catalyzed by
specific selenoproteins. Selenium deficiency can impair thyroid function. The
drug pippali increases the absroption of selinium andthis may be cause for the
effectiveness of vardhamana pipppli in hypothyroid conditions.

The patient who has complications like heart diseases like bradycardia and
cardiomagaly, myxedema coma, are Pratyakhyeya indicates Achikitsavastha of

The present trial drug kanchanara guggulu (Sa. Sam), is found in usage for many
years for Gandhamala, Apache, Arbuda, Grandhi, Kushta, etc, has been selected
to evaluate the efficacy of this drug in hypothyroidism. Its main ingredients
kanchanara, varuna, triphala, trikatu, trijataka may also useful in hypothyroidism.
Shigru is a well-known plant in India. It is rich in iodine, which is an essential
component of thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. It has deepana, pacahna, kapha vata
hara properties. It is recommended in galaganda, kandu, sotha, apachi, vrana,
medoroga, vidradhi, gulma selected as anupana along with KNG. It appears
to provide it with the nutrition and substitutes the Iodine, thyroid gland require.
Hence the drug is selected for the study.

The main aim of the study is

  1. To normalize the levels of TSH in the fresh cases.
  2. To maintain the TSH levels in the patients who are already using the
     allopathic drug thyronorm and gradually replacing the allopathic drug with
     the trail drug.

For fresh cases the trial drug started immediately after the diagnosis confirmed.

For the patients who are already using thyronorm/ eltroxin they were advised to
withdraw the 25 mcg of the drug before starting the trail drug. The patients were
observed carefully for 1 month, if they are comfortable with the drug and dosage
and TSH levels are maintained well they are advised to withdraw another 25mcg.
This way the drug will be totally replaced with the trail drug.

The trail was conducted on 32 patients from the Govt Ayurvedic Hospital,
Erragadda; the progress of the patient is observed and recorded. Analysis was
made to assess the results in relation to various factors. 32 patients were included
and examined thoroughly examined and the Diagnosis of hypothyroidism is
based on a person's medical history, a physical examination, and blood tests. Of
the blood tests for hypothyroidism, the TSH is the most sensitive test14.

As Hypothyroidism doesn't have any characteristic symptoms, the following most
common symptoms were carefully screened15.

Inclusion Criteria

Weight gain/unable to loss weight                    Vertigo
Easy fatigability                                   Lethargy
Cold intolerance                                   Hair loss
Slowness of memory, intellect and thought            Anorexia
Constipation                                       Gaseous distention
Hoarseness/slowness of voice                       Menstrual irregularities
Oligomenorrhoea /Amenorrhea                         Parasthesias
Muscle cramps and weakness                           Muscle stiffness and aching
Dry skin                                            Coarse, brittle, dull hair
Puffiness of the face, hands, feet, slow reflexes     Goiter

Exclusion Criteria

   1.   Patients with Cardiomegaly and Bradycardia.
   2.   Patients who are above 65 yrs and using the allopathic drug thyronorm.
   3.   Patients who are suffering from hypothyroidism for more than 10 years.

2. Drugs

(a) Kanchanara Guggulu5,7,8 (Sa. Sam)

The drug Kanchanara guggulu a compound Ayurvedic preparation consists of
Guggulu, Kanchanara, Varuna, Triphala, Trikatu and Trijataka (preparation of the
drug mentioned in drug aspect). It is one of the safest and the very useful drug in
ayurveda, is found in usage for many years for gandhamala, apachi, Arbuda,
Granthi, Vrana, Gulma, Kusta, Bhagandara etc. In the present study KNG is
evaluated for thyroid stimulating activity.

(b) Shigru Patra Kwatha6,7

Shigru is a well-known plant in India. It has deepana, pachana, kapha vata hara
properties. It is recommended in galaganda, kandu, sotha, apachi, vrana,
medoroga, vidradhi, gulma etc. As it is rich in iodine, which is the main cause for
hypothyroidism, is selected as anupana along with KNG.

Shigru leaves are dried and the powder was given to the patients and advised
them to make decoction.

Kwatha preparation: To the coarse powder of one part of drug, add 8 parts of
water, boil and reduce them to 1/4th and filter it.

The Methodology

The Aim of the Study of the Study

        1.Normalize the levels of TSH in the fresh cases.

2.To maintain the TSH levels in the patients who are already using the allopathic
drug thyronorm and gradually replacing the allopathic drug with the trail drug

Type of trial: Open trail
Mode of administration: Oral
Method of administration:

   1.   For fresh cases started immediately after the diagnosis confirmed.
   2.   For the patients who are already using thyronorm advised withdraw the 25
        mcg of the drug before starting the rail drug.
   3.   The patients were observed carefully for 1 month, if they are comfortable
        with the drug and dosage and TSH levels are maintained well they are
        advised to withdraw another 25mcg. This way the drug is totally replaced
        with the trail drug.

Dose of the drug: i) Kanchanara guggulu 250mg b.d.
                  ii) Shigru patra kwatha 250ml b.d

Period of study: 3 months

Patients were advised not to take Kapha and Medo vardhaka Ahara and Vihara's
like diwaswapna, madhura guru dravya sevana etc.

Clinical Assessment

The progress of the patient is observed and recorded after every 15 days. This
procedure is followed for duration of 90 days. After the completion of the
duration the results are assessed basing on observations. The results are assessed
in terms of complete relief, marked, moderate and mild relief and no relief.

   1. Complete relief: TSH levels normalized and 100% symptoms relieved.
   2. Marked relief: TSH levels normalized and symptomatic relief up to 75%.
   3. Moderate relief: TSH levels normalized and symptomatic relief up to 50-
   4. Mild relief: TSH levels normalized and symptomatic relief up to 25-50%.
    5. No relief: no change in the TSH levels and no symptomatic relief.

32 patients were recruited in the study and the assessment was done for every
15days.Of the 32 patients 16 patients were fresh cases and 16 patients are already
using the modern medicine eltroxin. The results of the patients who completed
the treatment of 90days were analyzed.
In the 16 fresh cases the TSH levels came to normal range after the completion of
the treatment. The 16 who are already using allopathic medicine were gradually
replaced with the trial drug and the TSH levels were in normal range as
summarized in table 5.11 and 5.12.

Table 5.11 showing the levels of TSH before and after treatment

                                     Before treatment     After treatment
                                     TSH (mU/L)           TSH (mU/L)
          1         16884            9.66                 3.93
          2         22490            >100                 3.29
          3         5869             99.21                0.32
          4         7289             11.13                0.01
          5         11960            25.99                6.67
          6         12460            116.6                1.09
          7         6430             6.68                 2.08
          8         5892             10.73                3.56
          9         6478             12.97                3.22
          10        12926            22.38                0.90
          11        11872            10.38                0.04
          12        13482            48.72                1.47
          13        5340             10.67                1.21
          14        1792             11.32                3.54
          15        8762             10.12                2.29
          16        7280             100                  5.89

For the patients who are already using thyronorm advised withdraw the 25 mcg of
the drug before starting the trail drug. The patients were observed carefully for I
month, if they are comfortable with the drug and dosage and TSH levels are
maintained well they are advised to withdraw another 25mcg and the drug was
totally replaced with Trial drug.

                                Dosage of    Before Treatment   After Treeatment
 S.No.   O.P. No.    Duration
                                Thyronorm      TSH (mU/L)         TSH (mU/L)
 1       2970        5 Yrs      50 mcg             5.66                4.56
 2       5290        8 Yrs      75 mcg             0.90                1.25
 3       3472        8 Months   25 mcg             1.47                1.81
 4       8960        2 Yrs      50 mcg             2.27                3.46
 5       5269        5 Months   25 mcg             3.22                3.67
 6       6840        2 Yrs      100 mcg            2.07                1.90
 7       10964       4 Months   25 mcg             4.12                3.54
 8       4263        6 Yrs      25 mcg             4.12                3.57
9        3940        7 Months       50 mcg                    3.8                        5.07
 10       10164       1 Yr           75 mcg                   2.68                        1.21
 11       4170        2-1/2 Yr       50 cmg                   3.44                        5.12
 12       3680        1 Yr           25 mcg                   1.11                         1.8
 13       2865        1 Month        25 mcg                   6.84                        4.79
 14       6430        2 Yrs          75 mcg                   5.54                        3.68
 15       10890       3 Yrs          25 mcg                   1.77                        2.34
 16       5128        8 Yrs          50 mcg                   4.74                        3.21

Table 5.12 showing the levels of TSH before and after the treatment in chronic

Many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are non-specific. The most common
symptoms observed in the 32 selected patients, before and after treatment were
summarized as shown in below table.

The most commonly seen symptoms are weight gain or unable to loss weight,
menstrual irregularities, vague body pains, constipation, puffiness of the face,
hands and feet. The rare symptoms are recurrent attacks of infections, respiratory
symptoms etc.

More by : Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD (Ayu)

                                                                                                 Views: 20349
  120                       230       I                        व झड            I
                                   व अकडन     I
                                  3      0.89      4         10.58     एस          6.29      I
         HYPOTHYROID                                        मदद        I
                                                                                            MUKESH MEENA

  i have hypothyroid and have been using homeopathic thyroxine 4x for more than 7 years.

  Can i use kanchanara gulgulu for this.

  I am eating chawanparash, and amlaki daily

  Also, I have hyper acidity and had duedonal ulcer. Can you prescribe anything for this

Dear Dr. Lakshmiprasun,
I have pregnancy induced hypothyroidism, Its 6 months passed after delivery, but still my thyriod
level has not come to normal, I am taking Thyronorm 25mcg (Monday to Friday) and 50 mcg
(saturday and Sunday). Please let me know if this can be cured? Please give me your contact details
as I want to take ayurvedic treatment.
                                                                                                Shalaka K



Amma I am suffering from hypothyroid myTSH value is 9.7 and by doctor advice a have started
medice thyroxine .5 mg since last one month. My age is 48 and i have joint pains, body pains,eye
vision problom,cold sensitive, hot sensitive, weight is 80kgs and hight is 5.8. I request you kindly
suggest good medicine and diet.

with regards


Dear Mother Dr Laxmi Prasun,

Could you help me with my 7 days (new born) old daughter was diagnosed with TSH value 163. I
heard that it is abnormal and dangerous and the pediatrician has ordered one more TSH test
tomorrow she will be 12 days old.

Doctor even hinted that she should be kept on medicines after the test result up to 2 or 3 years. She
is very cute and small I cannot think of medicines to her at this age. Please advice if there is any
alternative to this because I am worried the conventional medicines would destroy here immune
system even more. Please share your experience and valuable thoughts. Thank you and the
contributors for this great site."


"Doctors have declared it is hypothyroidism and started the medication to take thyronorm 50mg daily
in the morning empty stomach ( before milking ) with distilled water.
Could any body please help me in this situation? I am very depressed- my wife's BP, TSH, Sugar all
were normal during whole pregnancy and we do not have any thyroid hereditary evidence.
Investigation Result

FREE T3-0 2.1 - 4.40

FREE T4-0 0.8 - 2.0

FREE T4-thyroxine( FT4) 0.24*

TSH-(New Born Screening)-TSH 163.3*

TSH-Hormone(confirmatory test) >100*

FREE T3 ( triiodothyronine) 2.3"

hello mam my tsh level is 370 how to start with medications i have no problem as such

hi mama,

i m suffering from hypothyroid since last one yr,,n its fluctuating,,sumtimes it comes to normal,n
sumtimes it suddenly raises,,,n m having its affect on my carrier,m very confused,how to maintain
it,,evn im having wt gain n all ohter synptoms of present im takin 75mcg of dose,..mam,pls help
me out of this,,waiting for ur reply...

thank u

Respected Dr. Laxmi,

Earlier I have sent a message with request to please advise me but in vain. I read you your article,its
very good son suffering from thyroidisam symptems (recently check full
medical,found TSH level 6.9 T4/t3 normal range).
Pls advise me how to reduse TSH level,
How he can maintain the level ?need any food control?
                                                                                               r k sharma

Can hypothyroidism be controlled in diet as diabetes is controled

Good Morning,

my son, 14 is suffering from thyroid TSH level 6.45 since 1 year his treatment is going on in the ML
Kapoor Hospital, Delhi as I have go through your background and decided to take treatment from
you. please spare sometime from your buzy schedule to advise from you and start the treatment

with warm regards and hope,
rk sharma
                                                                                               R K sharma

i want to take ayurvedic give me details by e mail

Hi Dr. My wife has hypothroid and when i google ur research came up.My biggest question is that
wat can i do in order for my wife not taking prescribed meds but i want her to take Ayurved meds
instead.Can u pliz help me and give me advice on wat should i look.Her hair is falling a lot on a daily
basis.....please respond.....thnx
                                                                                               Anaal Nair

I am lovely Sharma , 31 years old and recently I had a full body check up and was diagnosed with
TSH - 7.91 and was advised to take 25mg of Thorazine.After 2 months I had another check up and
was diagnosed with TSH - 6.32.But I dont wanted to continue with medicine hence looking for an
Ayurveda remedy .Help.
                                                                                            Lovely sharma


Dear Dr Laxmi,
My wife just detected for hypothyroidism and her T3(23.18), T4(1.7), and TSH-127.42 are levels.
Doctor suggests to take Thyrox-100 two times a day .
Actually it is understood that this drug is to be taken contineously for whole life. I have read your
research paper on this suject. Will you guide me for treatment to get rid off the problem completely.
She has no dibetic((86%mg Fasting sugar). Her ECG is normal.Serum creatine is 0.95mg% i.e.
normalHeamoglobin is also normal(13.6g/dl).
Hoping the kind guidance fron your end.

Hello Dr. Prasuna,

This is very informative. I wanted more information on this and have some questions. Can you send
me your contact information? Thanks!

Hello Dr. Lakshmi prasuna,

Can you please advice me on the Ayurvedic treatment for under active thyroid (hypothyroidism).

Thanks and Regards
I read you your article,its very good friend suffering from hypothyroidisam symptems
(recently check full medical,found TSH level 6.9 T4/t3 normal range).
Pls advise me how to reduse TSH level,
How he can maintain the level ?need any food control?

Thanks & Reagrds

Vijesh kumar & aswin
                                                                                               vijesh kumar

Very interesting article. Can you suggest a tretament for auto immun thyroid disease. ATPO is more
then 1300 and other antigen ATG is 181

Symptoms are frequent constipation and tiredness. Diagnosed with hashimoto's disease.

                                                                                       Sangeeta Balaprakash

i am 52 male and suffering from thyrodites dignosed after thyroid scan. my all reports related to t3 t4
tsh are normal. what to do?
                                                                                                  S S GOUR

very informative,but diet restrictions could have been elaborated for the lay peopla as it s a open

Hi, PJ

please reply my question , it is very useful for me. dear, are you treating your hypothyroid through
this link ? you are taking medicne mentioned in this link. please clear . my mother is also a patient of
hypothyroid, high BP pateint


I am 21 yrs old college student and have been hypothyroid for 3+ years. Currently on T4 & T3 meds,
but have been slowly integrating Ayurveda practices into my life for better support. What can I do to
bring up my FT4 levels as they are still Very very low??

Hello Dr Lakshmiprasun,

My father age 68 whose TSH level is around 9-10 and not on any medication for the same. I would
like to know if he still requires any medication and also how does kanchanara guggulu will help him.
He had undergone heart surgry 5 years back and on mild medication for BP, Diabitic and prostrate.
                                                                                            Y G Harish Rao

hello sir,
Thanx for such an informative n helpful article.Plz can u tell in which aushadsevan kaal should the
medicines(kaanchnaar guggul) consumed.

hello doctor
my gf is diagonised wth hypothyroid and hashimoto
we really need help
please help and please let us book an appointment with you
how can we do it??
do you think she can achive her normal range?
a reply would be really appreciated

I know very well that miracle medicines are present in our ayurveda but we are not confidant. I am
impressed your article. .
                                                                                         Dr. Rakesh Solanki

Hi Rani,

Are you hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. What were your T3, T4 and TSH levels?

As per prithvi's post... we have been to Mr. Anjaneyulu.. a guy in his late 50s but looks like in late
30s.. well we took his medicines with capsules and some ointment.. he assured that my life is about
change in 2 weeks from now.. it seems he charges 10k for a dose and treatment lasts for 2 weeks
but in rare cases 4 weeks.. he gave us a challenge or money back policy.. So I couldn't ask for

Will post back my results in 2 weeks.. so hold your breath people..

My mom had thyroid.. we heard about a guy named Anjaneyulu who is a traditional ayurvedic
practioner in Hyderabad.. who would see patients only on sunday. We went to him through a
reference in the US by a scientist who was suffering from severe hyperthyroidism which is normal
after using his medicines..

So we met him and ee gave us some herbal medicine said to have been made by himself in his 100
acre farm where he grows his own moolikas..
Believe me after a week dosage.. we got it tested after another week and the levels are crazy.. my
mom's thyroid levels are at the low range of what we call normal.. I was living in the USA and never
though this is possible.. but that great man.. my God.. My mom is doing great for the last 1 year..

So thought he could be of some help to my fellow readers.. his number is 9441609327 anjaneyulu so
good luck guys...

Hi Dr., I am a hypothyroid since last 15 years. My weight is 92 kgs.I was taking 1 tab of altroxin i.e
100 mcg since last many years. I went to an aryuvedic doctor
who prescribed me to take kanchanar guggulu daily morning and evening after food. Subsequent to
taking kanchanar guggulu my tsh went up and I had to increase altroxin from 100mcg to 175
keep my tsh in check. I had been having various hypothyroid problems like acute pain in muscles,
frequent diohrea, acute pain in stomach, allergy since quiet some years now. This has increased
suddenly more and i am presently suffering from acute pain in muscles particularly shouldier joint ,
hands and neck muscles and back.
What should I do? Should i continue with kanchanar guggulu. Could you give me some suggestions
that what should i do to ease out my problems.What should i takr to reduce my hypothyroid.
                                                                                          RENU CHANDAK

Hello Lakshmi Prasuna,

I was diaognised with Hypothyroidism. Doctors did ultrasound & found solid 1.4 cm nodule in the
lower pole of left thyroid.
Doctors have recommended for surgery. I would like to have your suggestion before going for


Hari Om

Please may you help me to help myself so I can help others?
In 1994 through no fault of my own I was seriously injured and would like to stay in India again to
receive Ayurvedic healing. About 6 years ago we spent almost 3 months in a ashram to learn yoga
and one of these yoga’s was Karma yoga to help the poor. This time I am in need of some help and I
am happy to pay for this.
Please reply as I really need some help.
Love and Live
Paul. (Vairagya)
                                                                                           Paul Armstrong

Hi Dr., I have been diagnisized with Thyroid- TSH 8:9 with normal T3 and T4. Doctor prescibed me
Thronorm 50 MCG. However, this resulted in red allergic rashes on my body. I had never been
allergic to anything in my life. I informed the doc but have not changed the medicine till now. Why did
this medicine react? I even tried taking half a tab but still I could see rash. Pls suggest some

                                                                                                 anup kumar

I have been sufferting with hypothyrpid my TSH 7.42 T3 3.28 t4 0.73 I am also diabetic and high bp
taking medicine for thyroid thyroxine 25 Recently I am suffering from Vertigo now vertigo is in control
but till diziness is thr pl suggest how to overcome it
                                                                                sudhakar pawaskar, mumbai

hi,drlakshmiprasun i read u r article and fond it very impressive.The it has been described is
wonderful&very wholesome.I would be very thankful if u have similar study for hyperthyroidism.
                                                                                            dr suman bams

Dear Dr.Lakshmiprasun ,

I am male 47 years old, Weight 80 kg, height 5'-10" and i have Hypothyroidism, the TSH lies in the
range of 75. I am taking two thyroxine 50 microgram daily. I have elevated uric acid mostly 8.1 to 8.2,
slight BP and tinnitus (ringing in the ear), hair loss and decreased libido and weak erection. So you
see all associated with low or underactive thyroid issue. I have slightly diffused goiter and feel
compression while swallowing food. My sleep is ok and thirst and hunger are also good. I dont have
constipation. I developed Alopecia areata in 1995 and has been recovered but few patches on the
beared area. The cause of the Hypothyroidism is not iodine deficiency but the autoimmune system. I
have thyroid antibodies in the blood confirming that i have Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Please guide and tell me what are the chances of recoery or at least i can keep my TSH below 5
without thyroxine.

                                                                                              Sohail Akhtar

hello dr... i am sravani n my age 25, i am recently married.. recently i went to checkup for my t3 t4 n
tsh levels n found these levels t3.2.40 n t4 -0.82 n tsh-5.41.. i know these r u in normal ranges only,
but these days i have all the symptoms of hypothyroid, i just cant wait until i get hypothyroidisam, n
dis is subclinical hypothyroidisam, will u let me know the diet n medication for dis mam....
                                                                                          sravani kancherla

thank u 4 ur valuble information abt hypothyroidism

I am suffering from hyper thyrroid. REcently I gained weight a lot. ?At present I am of using 100mg
thyroxine. Can you suggest me the diet and medicine to control this thyroid problem?

Dear Dr. Laksmiprasun,

I am suffering from HYPERTHYROID with TSH .05, FT3 8.92, FT4 23.45,
I am under treatment for a month taking LETHYROXINE for a month. Biut there is no improvement.
The doctor has advised me to reduce the drug from 100Mcg to 75.

Is here any treatment in Ayurveda??
I shall be obliged if you could please guide me.

Uric acid was high, Hb 11.6, Calcium 8.12, AEC 500

With best regards

where are these medicines available? how can I get them .my mobile 09415104932. I am from


I am 58 Female, Diabetic. Nothing unusual. However recently I found out that my TSH is 8.7 this is
high so I received Synthroid Samples. After few days I will check again. What can I do to prevent it..
Please give me any Nature Cure suggestions.
Many Thanks
Sabeeha Kazmi
                                                                                             Sabeeha Kazmi

hi everyone.i m an ayurvedic doctor and recently been diagnosed as hypothroidism with TSH 22 and
t3 t4 being mom is a pt of d same v did other test to rule out throiditis or CA.n al
test r now i hav d cause for my hypothyroidism.either its genetic which cannot b treated or
its due to iodine defiency(also may b stress coz my hypothyroidism gt trigerred after my marriage ie i
was married 6 months back n after 6 months was diagnosed n generally it suddenly triggers in 5 to 6
months for i had checked my tsh t3 n t4 7 months back when i was a student at KMC
college,manipal) now all i want to share is pls dont go for thyronorm or any other thyroid harmone
replacement drugs.for u wil have to continue it for a life time and also there r side effects.if u r
diagnosed recently n ur age is below 40 then u can controll it with diet and ayurvedic drugs and
yoga.good luck.hope u find it useful.

recently i have done the thyroid function test , there i found the resuults like t3=102.84 ng/ml,t4=9.30
ug/ml and tsh =9.22 ull/ml ,So is it Hypo or hyper? am using the tablet like thyrox 50 daily morning 1
tablet, is that tablet can control my tsh levels, is there any problem for getting pregnent , we are
egarly waiting for kids,plese tell me help me?Thanks in Advance

I am very much impressed by your article

.I am 70 plus age and september 12 2011 blood work shows a raise in the ths from 6.3 to 9.3,both
FT3 and FT4 are within limits.cholesterol230 and B.P hypes between 129 and160 over 64 and 74.I
have been avoiding all medications the last 20 years,and controlling through diet yoga pranayama
and walking. now doctor is worried about the rise in cholesterol.She advised me to go on
Livothyroxine I got the medicine ,i am still not convinced that is the route to go when i read the after
effects.i would love to try ayurveda which i am sure will not have any adverse effects
.I live abroad and will be spending 6 months in India .Is there a place you can suggest in Kerala
where they can administer the treatment fitting your protocol.or i can come and see you
should i start on levothyroxine and continue to ayurveda when i come to India.Thank you very much

                                                                                       Lalitha Balasubramani

Please will u tell me any pharmaceutical in northern region which make all these classical
preparation like shigru parts kwath etc.
thnx in advance
Dr.inder kmar garg

my wife is suffring with thyroid and thanks to you for this long information and mediciane for same
hoping for good result after applying. kindly suggest one more thing that should be regular with over
routine alopathy medicine.
                                                                                              pankaj aggarwal

I read your article and found it informative.The analytical approach towards
prognosis of the disease is apt.The results of your clinical trial are ancouraging.
Singal drug trials over hypothyroidism may yield some pertinent and sub-
stential outcome.
I am eagre to read the next part of your article.
                                                                                Dr.Rakesh M.Pathak M.D.(Ayu.)

i am a known hypothyroid.i could understand more about hypothyroidism from your site

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Management of hypothyroidism in ayurveda

  • 1. Management of Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda by Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD (Ayu) Thyroid gland is one of the most important and sensitive endocrine gland. As it easily responds to stress and stimuli the global incidence of hypothyroidism is increasing day by day. The major function of thyroid gland is to control the rate of metabolism. The principle function of thyroxine is to act as a catalyst of the nature of a 'spark' for the maintenance of oxidative metabolism in most tissues. Cells in the body take their 'cue' from thyroxine. The amount of stimulation the cells receive from thyroxine will determine how 'quickly' they perform their functions1. These functions similar with the description of Agni 'angati vyapnoti iti va agnihi' and 'agnyate mreeyate iti va agnihi. Hypothyroidism results from inadequate production of thyroid hormone. Any structural or functional defects of thyroid gland that significantly impairs its output of hormones will lead to the hypo metabolic state of hypothyroidism2. The symptoms of hypothyroidism are notorious for their nonspecific nature and for the way in which they mimic many symptoms of other diseases. So it often remains undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Vertigo, weight gain, mood disturbances, easy fatigability, tiredness, lethargy, slowness of memory, intellect and thought, menstrual irregularities, cold intolerance, dry rough skin, thin brittle hair, hair fall, Muscle stiffness, aching, myalgias, cramps, weakness and fatigue, myxedema, constipation, hoarseness of voice, goiter etc.3 Galaganda There is no direct mention of thyroid gland in ayurveda. But a disease by the name galaganda is mentioned in samhitas. The earliest description of neck swelling is found in atharva veda by the name apachi. Charaka first described about the disease under the 20 varieties of sleshma vikaras10. Susutha has
  • 2. described that out of seven layers of the skin, the sixth layer Rohini is galaganda rogadhistana (Su.Sa.4/4). In nidana sthana he described galaganda as two encapsulated small or big swellings in the anterior angle of the neck, which hang like scrotum11(Su.Ni.11), whereas charaka mentioned galaganda as solitary swelling(Ch.Ch.11). The etiological factors in galaganda include climatic conditions, water supply, dietary conditions and other surroundings etc. Susrutha stated that rivers flowing towards east might give rise to the occurrence of galaganda11. Bhela described that sleepda and galaganda are more common in prachya desa (eastern part) of the country12, and the persons consuming predominantly fish are liable to develop galgaganda. Harita samhitakara described the role of dustambu and krimi dosha in the precipitation of Galaganda. Kashyapa samhitakara13added that any part of the country which is cold, damp, with densely grown long trees, water stagnation and heavy rains may be prone for the development of Galaganda. From the above descriptions ons Galaganda can be correlated with goiter or some tumour pathology, where thyroid functions may or may not be affected. But hypothyroidism is not just a localized disease. It has many symptoms related to many systems of the body. So it is better not to restrict hypothyroidism with galaganda. Management of Hypothyroidism As mentioned by charaka10 "vikaranamakusalo" exact nomenclature is not necessary for all the diseases. It insists on diagnosis of constitutional status of the disease. As per the nidana Hypothyroidism can be classified as 1.Primary (thyroid failure) 2. Secondary, (due to pituitary TSH deficit). And 3. Tertiary (due to hypothalamic deficiency of TRH), the later two are rare and may not be amicable to Ayurvedic treatments. If hypothyroidism results due to Genetical and hereditary defects, these comes under adibala pravritta vyadhis and these are asadhya. If hypothyroidism results due to Congenital defects like thyroid gland agenesis, dysgenesis, ectopic thyroid gland comes under Janmabala pravritta vyadhis. These are preventable if proper pathyapathya is followed during pregnancy. The main cause of hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency, as per sarvadha sarva
  • 3. bahvanam-iodine containing drugs like shigru, jalakumbhi are advised here. Another main cause autoimmune thyroid disease is characterized by gradual lymphatic infiltration and progressive destruction of the functional thyroid tissue. So it may be Yapya, means that the treatment should be continued Jeevanaparvantam with immuno modulatory drugs. Selection of Drugs Acting at Various Levels 1. At hypothalamo pituitary level: anti stress drugs, medhya rasayana drugs, nasya karma may be beneficial. 2. At thyroid gland level: thyroid stimulatory drugs are recommended here. 3. At metabolism level: deepana, pacahana, ushna, teekshna, sukshma, lekhana drugs which pep-up body metabolism is recommended. 4. Immuno-modulatory drugs for autoimmune related hypothyroidism. As the symptoms of hypothyroidsm are notorious, the symptomatic treatment is followed according to the suitability of the individual cases, i.e., sthoulya, sodha etc. The recent research work done by Dr. Tripathi and others. Animal studies have revealed that guggul supports healthy thyroid function, mostly by increasing the conversion of less active Thyroxin (T4) to more active Triiodotyronine (T3) through increasing thyroid proteolytic activity and the uptake of iodine into thyroxin, and without increasing the production of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. Selenium is required for a number of enzymes known as selenoproteins. The chemical reaction, which converts thyroid hormone T4 into T3, is catalyzed by specific selenoproteins. Selenium deficiency can impair thyroid function. The drug pippali increases the absroption of selinium andthis may be cause for the effectiveness of vardhamana pipppli in hypothyroid conditions. The patient who has complications like heart diseases like bradycardia and cardiomagaly, myxedema coma, are Pratyakhyeya indicates Achikitsavastha of Vyadhi. The present trial drug kanchanara guggulu (Sa. Sam), is found in usage for many years for Gandhamala, Apache, Arbuda, Grandhi, Kushta, etc, has been selected to evaluate the efficacy of this drug in hypothyroidism. Its main ingredients kanchanara, varuna, triphala, trikatu, trijataka may also useful in hypothyroidism.
  • 4. Shigru is a well-known plant in India. It is rich in iodine, which is an essential component of thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. It has deepana, pacahna, kapha vata hara properties. It is recommended in galaganda, kandu, sotha, apachi, vrana, medoroga, vidradhi, gulma selected as anupana along with KNG. It appears to provide it with the nutrition and substitutes the Iodine, thyroid gland require. Hence the drug is selected for the study. The main aim of the study is 1. To normalize the levels of TSH in the fresh cases. 2. To maintain the TSH levels in the patients who are already using the allopathic drug thyronorm and gradually replacing the allopathic drug with the trail drug. For fresh cases the trial drug started immediately after the diagnosis confirmed. For the patients who are already using thyronorm/ eltroxin they were advised to withdraw the 25 mcg of the drug before starting the trail drug. The patients were observed carefully for 1 month, if they are comfortable with the drug and dosage and TSH levels are maintained well they are advised to withdraw another 25mcg. This way the drug will be totally replaced with the trail drug. The trail was conducted on 32 patients from the Govt Ayurvedic Hospital, Erragadda; the progress of the patient is observed and recorded. Analysis was made to assess the results in relation to various factors. 32 patients were included and examined thoroughly examined and the Diagnosis of hypothyroidism is based on a person's medical history, a physical examination, and blood tests. Of the blood tests for hypothyroidism, the TSH is the most sensitive test14. As Hypothyroidism doesn't have any characteristic symptoms, the following most common symptoms were carefully screened15. Inclusion Criteria Weight gain/unable to loss weight Vertigo Easy fatigability Lethargy Cold intolerance Hair loss Slowness of memory, intellect and thought Anorexia Constipation Gaseous distention Hoarseness/slowness of voice Menstrual irregularities Oligomenorrhoea /Amenorrhea Parasthesias
  • 5. Muscle cramps and weakness Muscle stiffness and aching Dry skin Coarse, brittle, dull hair Puffiness of the face, hands, feet, slow reflexes Goiter Exclusion Criteria 1. Patients with Cardiomegaly and Bradycardia. 2. Patients who are above 65 yrs and using the allopathic drug thyronorm. 3. Patients who are suffering from hypothyroidism for more than 10 years. 2. Drugs (a) Kanchanara Guggulu5,7,8 (Sa. Sam) The drug Kanchanara guggulu a compound Ayurvedic preparation consists of Guggulu, Kanchanara, Varuna, Triphala, Trikatu and Trijataka (preparation of the drug mentioned in drug aspect). It is one of the safest and the very useful drug in ayurveda, is found in usage for many years for gandhamala, apachi, Arbuda, Granthi, Vrana, Gulma, Kusta, Bhagandara etc. In the present study KNG is evaluated for thyroid stimulating activity. (b) Shigru Patra Kwatha6,7 Shigru is a well-known plant in India. It has deepana, pachana, kapha vata hara properties. It is recommended in galaganda, kandu, sotha, apachi, vrana, medoroga, vidradhi, gulma etc. As it is rich in iodine, which is the main cause for hypothyroidism, is selected as anupana along with KNG. Shigru leaves are dried and the powder was given to the patients and advised them to make decoction. Kwatha preparation: To the coarse powder of one part of drug, add 8 parts of water, boil and reduce them to 1/4th and filter it. The Methodology The Aim of the Study of the Study 1.Normalize the levels of TSH in the fresh cases. 2.To maintain the TSH levels in the patients who are already using the allopathic
  • 6. drug thyronorm and gradually replacing the allopathic drug with the trail drug Type of trial: Open trail Mode of administration: Oral Method of administration: 1. For fresh cases started immediately after the diagnosis confirmed. 2. For the patients who are already using thyronorm advised withdraw the 25 mcg of the drug before starting the rail drug. 3. The patients were observed carefully for 1 month, if they are comfortable with the drug and dosage and TSH levels are maintained well they are advised to withdraw another 25mcg. This way the drug is totally replaced with the trail drug. Dose of the drug: i) Kanchanara guggulu 250mg b.d. ii) Shigru patra kwatha 250ml b.d Period of study: 3 months Patients were advised not to take Kapha and Medo vardhaka Ahara and Vihara's like diwaswapna, madhura guru dravya sevana etc. Clinical Assessment The progress of the patient is observed and recorded after every 15 days. This procedure is followed for duration of 90 days. After the completion of the duration the results are assessed basing on observations. The results are assessed in terms of complete relief, marked, moderate and mild relief and no relief. 1. Complete relief: TSH levels normalized and 100% symptoms relieved. 2. Marked relief: TSH levels normalized and symptomatic relief up to 75%. 3. Moderate relief: TSH levels normalized and symptomatic relief up to 50- 75%. 4. Mild relief: TSH levels normalized and symptomatic relief up to 25-50%. 5. No relief: no change in the TSH levels and no symptomatic relief. 32 patients were recruited in the study and the assessment was done for every 15days.Of the 32 patients 16 patients were fresh cases and 16 patients are already using the modern medicine eltroxin. The results of the patients who completed the treatment of 90days were analyzed.
  • 7. In the 16 fresh cases the TSH levels came to normal range after the completion of the treatment. The 16 who are already using allopathic medicine were gradually replaced with the trial drug and the TSH levels were in normal range as summarized in table 5.11 and 5.12. Table 5.11 showing the levels of TSH before and after treatment Before treatment After treatment O.P.NO. TSH (mU/L) TSH (mU/L) 1 16884 9.66 3.93 2 22490 >100 3.29 3 5869 99.21 0.32 4 7289 11.13 0.01 5 11960 25.99 6.67 6 12460 116.6 1.09 7 6430 6.68 2.08 8 5892 10.73 3.56 9 6478 12.97 3.22 10 12926 22.38 0.90 11 11872 10.38 0.04 12 13482 48.72 1.47 13 5340 10.67 1.21 14 1792 11.32 3.54 15 8762 10.12 2.29 16 7280 100 5.89 For the patients who are already using thyronorm advised withdraw the 25 mcg of the drug before starting the trail drug. The patients were observed carefully for I month, if they are comfortable with the drug and dosage and TSH levels are maintained well they are advised to withdraw another 25mcg and the drug was totally replaced with Trial drug. Dosage of Before Treatment After Treeatment S.No. O.P. No. Duration Thyronorm TSH (mU/L) TSH (mU/L) 1 2970 5 Yrs 50 mcg 5.66 4.56 2 5290 8 Yrs 75 mcg 0.90 1.25 3 3472 8 Months 25 mcg 1.47 1.81 4 8960 2 Yrs 50 mcg 2.27 3.46 5 5269 5 Months 25 mcg 3.22 3.67 6 6840 2 Yrs 100 mcg 2.07 1.90 7 10964 4 Months 25 mcg 4.12 3.54 8 4263 6 Yrs 25 mcg 4.12 3.57
  • 8. 9 3940 7 Months 50 mcg 3.8 5.07 10 10164 1 Yr 75 mcg 2.68 1.21 11 4170 2-1/2 Yr 50 cmg 3.44 5.12 12 3680 1 Yr 25 mcg 1.11 1.8 13 2865 1 Month 25 mcg 6.84 4.79 14 6430 2 Yrs 75 mcg 5.54 3.68 15 10890 3 Yrs 25 mcg 1.77 2.34 16 5128 8 Yrs 50 mcg 4.74 3.21 Table 5.12 showing the levels of TSH before and after the treatment in chronic cases. Many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are non-specific. The most common symptoms observed in the 32 selected patients, before and after treatment were summarized as shown in below table. The most commonly seen symptoms are weight gain or unable to loss weight, menstrual irregularities, vague body pains, constipation, puffiness of the face, hands and feet. The rare symptoms are recurrent attacks of infections, respiratory symptoms etc. Continued 21-Jun-2008 More by : Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD (Ayu) Views: 20349 2 120 230 I व झड I व अकडन I 3 0.89 4 10.58 एस 6.29 I HYPOTHYROID मदद I MUKESH MEENA 12/29/2012 i have hypothyroid and have been using homeopathic thyroxine 4x for more than 7 years. Can i use kanchanara gulgulu for this. I am eating chawanparash, and amlaki daily Also, I have hyper acidity and had duedonal ulcer. Can you prescribe anything for this
  • 9. Rg JEHAN 12/28/2012 Dear Dr. Lakshmiprasun, I have pregnancy induced hypothyroidism, Its 6 months passed after delivery, but still my thyriod level has not come to normal, I am taking Thyronorm 25mcg (Monday to Friday) and 50 mcg (saturday and Sunday). Please let me know if this can be cured? Please give me your contact details as I want to take ayurvedic treatment. Shalaka K 12/28/2012 To Dr.Lakshmiprasuna Amma I am suffering from hypothyroid myTSH value is 9.7 and by doctor advice a have started medice thyroxine .5 mg since last one month. My age is 48 and i have joint pains, body pains,eye vision problom,cold sensitive, hot sensitive, weight is 80kgs and hight is 5.8. I request you kindly suggest good medicine and diet. with regards venkateswararao.d venkateswararao.d 12/26/2012 RESPECTED DR, MY T4 VALUE IS 13 AND T3 ,T4 NORMAL .I AM 51 YEARS MALE WITH 70 KG WT. I GET SOMETIMES PAIN ON LEFTSIDE OF FACE AND GASTRIC PROBLEM FROM LAST ONE YEAR . I REQUEST YOU TO ADVISE ME MEDICAL TREATMENT. IF REQUIRED I WILL MEET YOU. PL ADVISE BY RETURN MAIL THANKS, ASHOK ASHOK 12/20/2012 Dear Mother Dr Laxmi Prasun, Could you help me with my 7 days (new born) old daughter was diagnosed with TSH value 163. I heard that it is abnormal and dangerous and the pediatrician has ordered one more TSH test tomorrow she will be 12 days old. Doctor even hinted that she should be kept on medicines after the test result up to 2 or 3 years. She is very cute and small I cannot think of medicines to her at this age. Please advice if there is any alternative to this because I am worried the conventional medicines would destroy here immune system even more. Please share your experience and valuable thoughts. Thank you and the contributors for this great site." 12/14/2012: "Doctors have declared it is hypothyroidism and started the medication to take thyronorm 50mg daily in the morning empty stomach ( before milking ) with distilled water. Could any body please help me in this situation? I am very depressed- my wife's BP, TSH, Sugar all were normal during whole pregnancy and we do not have any thyroid hereditary evidence.
  • 10. Investigation Result FREE T3-0 2.1 - 4.40 FREE T4-0 0.8 - 2.0 FREE T4-thyroxine( FT4) 0.24* TSH-(New Born Screening)-TSH 163.3* TSH-Hormone(confirmatory test) >100* FREE T3 ( triiodothyronine) 2.3" PEACE 12/15/2012 hello mam my tsh level is 370 how to start with medications i have no problem as such shubha. 12/15/2012 hi mama, i m suffering from hypothyroid since last one yr,,n its fluctuating,,sumtimes it comes to normal,n sumtimes it suddenly raises,,,n m having its affect on my carrier,m very confused,how to maintain it,,evn im having wt gain n all ohter synptoms of present im takin 75mcg of dose,..mam,pls help me out of this,,waiting for ur reply... thank u sayeeka 12/11/2012 Respected Dr. Laxmi, Earlier I have sent a message with request to please advise me but in vain. I read you your article,its very good son suffering from thyroidisam symptems (recently check full medical,found TSH level 6.9 T4/t3 normal range). Pls advise me how to reduse TSH level, How he can maintain the level ?need any food control? r k sharma 12/03/2012 Can hypothyroidism be controlled in diet as diabetes is controled Vineesha 11/22/2012 Good Morning, my son, 14 is suffering from thyroid TSH level 6.45 since 1 year his treatment is going on in the ML Kapoor Hospital, Delhi as I have go through your background and decided to take treatment from you. please spare sometime from your buzy schedule to advise from you and start the treatment positively. with warm regards and hope,
  • 11. rk sharma 9811084839 R K sharma 11/21/2012 i want to take ayurvedic give me details by e mail pravin 11/01/2012 Hi Dr. My wife has hypothroid and when i google ur research came up.My biggest question is that wat can i do in order for my wife not taking prescribed meds but i want her to take Ayurved meds instead.Can u pliz help me and give me advice on wat should i look.Her hair is falling a lot on a daily basis.....please respond.....thnx Anaal Nair 10/31/2012 I am lovely Sharma , 31 years old and recently I had a full body check up and was diagnosed with TSH - 7.91 and was advised to take 25mg of Thorazine.After 2 months I had another check up and was diagnosed with TSH - 6.32.But I dont wanted to continue with medicine hence looking for an Ayurveda remedy .Help. Lovely sharma 10/30/2012 Dr, I AM SUFFERING FROM HYPOTHTHY SINCE 20 YRS MY WT. IS 98KGS I DO YOGA LOT OF EXERCISE AND DIETING BUT MY WT. DOESNT COME DOWN RESENTLY I STARTED TAKING KANCHNAR GUGGLE MY WATERRETENTION PROBLEM IS SOLVED BY TAKING THIS MEDICINE,IS IT SAFE TO TAKE THIS MEDICINE PLEASE LET ME KNOW , THANK YOU. MARY 10/17/2012 Dear Dr Laxmi, My wife just detected for hypothyroidism and her T3(23.18), T4(1.7), and TSH-127.42 are levels. Doctor suggests to take Thyrox-100 two times a day . Actually it is understood that this drug is to be taken contineously for whole life. I have read your research paper on this suject. Will you guide me for treatment to get rid off the problem completely. She has no dibetic((86%mg Fasting sugar). Her ECG is normal.Serum creatine is 0.95mg% i.e. normalHeamoglobin is also normal(13.6g/dl). Hoping the kind guidance fron your end. Shantanu 09/30/2012 Hello Dr. Prasuna, This is very informative. I wanted more information on this and have some questions. Can you send me your contact information? Thanks! Priti 09/20/2012 Hello Dr. Lakshmi prasuna, Can you please advice me on the Ayurvedic treatment for under active thyroid (hypothyroidism). Thanks and Regards Bindu 08/10/2012
  • 12. Hello, I read you your article,its very good friend suffering from hypothyroidisam symptems (recently check full medical,found TSH level 6.9 T4/t3 normal range). Pls advise me how to reduse TSH level, How he can maintain the level ?need any food control? Thanks & Reagrds Vijesh kumar & aswin vijesh kumar 07/23/2012 Very interesting article. Can you suggest a tretament for auto immun thyroid disease. ATPO is more then 1300 and other antigen ATG is 181 Symptoms are frequent constipation and tiredness. Diagnosed with hashimoto's disease. Thankyou Sangeeta Balaprakash 07/23/2012 i am 52 male and suffering from thyrodites dignosed after thyroid scan. my all reports related to t3 t4 tsh are normal. what to do? S S GOUR 07/20/2012 very informative,but diet restrictions could have been elaborated for the lay peopla as it s a open discussion, dr.r.shylajakumari 07/19/2012 Hi, PJ please reply my question , it is very useful for me. dear, are you treating your hypothyroid through this link ? you are taking medicne mentioned in this link. please clear . my mother is also a patient of hypothyroid, high BP pateint Regards HK Harwinder 07/19/2012 Hi, I am 21 yrs old college student and have been hypothyroid for 3+ years. Currently on T4 & T3 meds, but have been slowly integrating Ayurveda practices into my life for better support. What can I do to bring up my FT4 levels as they are still Very very low?? pj 07/17/2012 Hello Dr Lakshmiprasun, My father age 68 whose TSH level is around 9-10 and not on any medication for the same. I would like to know if he still requires any medication and also how does kanchanara guggulu will help him. He had undergone heart surgry 5 years back and on mild medication for BP, Diabitic and prostrate.
  • 13. Thanks Harish Y G Harish Rao 06/27/2012 hello sir, Thanx for such an informative n helpful article.Plz can u tell in which aushadsevan kaal should the medicines(kaanchnaar guggul) consumed. akanksha 06/17/2012 hello doctor my gf is diagonised wth hypothyroid and hashimoto we really need help please help and please let us book an appointment with you how can we do it?? do you think she can achive her normal range? a reply would be really appreciated ssss 06/01/2012 I know very well that miracle medicines are present in our ayurveda but we are not confidant. I am impressed your article. . Dr. Rakesh Solanki 05/11/2012 Hi Rani, Are you hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. What were your T3, T4 and TSH levels? supriya 04/19/2012 As per prithvi's post... we have been to Mr. Anjaneyulu.. a guy in his late 50s but looks like in late 30s.. well we took his medicines with capsules and some ointment.. he assured that my life is about change in 2 weeks from now.. it seems he charges 10k for a dose and treatment lasts for 2 weeks but in rare cases 4 weeks.. he gave us a challenge or money back policy.. So I couldn't ask for more... Will post back my results in 2 weeks.. so hold your breath people.. Rani 04/17/2012 Guys, My mom had thyroid.. we heard about a guy named Anjaneyulu who is a traditional ayurvedic practioner in Hyderabad.. who would see patients only on sunday. We went to him through a reference in the US by a scientist who was suffering from severe hyperthyroidism which is normal after using his medicines.. So we met him and ee gave us some herbal medicine said to have been made by himself in his 100 acre farm where he grows his own moolikas.. Believe me after a week dosage.. we got it tested after another week and the levels are crazy.. my mom's thyroid levels are at the low range of what we call normal.. I was living in the USA and never though this is possible.. but that great man.. my God.. My mom is doing great for the last 1 year.. So thought he could be of some help to my fellow readers.. his number is 9441609327 anjaneyulu so good luck guys...
  • 14. Prithvi 04/09/2012 Hi Dr., I am a hypothyroid since last 15 years. My weight is 92 kgs.I was taking 1 tab of altroxin i.e 100 mcg since last many years. I went to an aryuvedic doctor who prescribed me to take kanchanar guggulu daily morning and evening after food. Subsequent to taking kanchanar guggulu my tsh went up and I had to increase altroxin from 100mcg to 175 keep my tsh in check. I had been having various hypothyroid problems like acute pain in muscles, frequent diohrea, acute pain in stomach, allergy since quiet some years now. This has increased suddenly more and i am presently suffering from acute pain in muscles particularly shouldier joint , hands and neck muscles and back. What should I do? Should i continue with kanchanar guggulu. Could you give me some suggestions that what should i do to ease out my problems.What should i takr to reduce my hypothyroid. RENU CHANDAK 04/06/2012 Hello Lakshmi Prasuna, I was diaognised with Hypothyroidism. Doctors did ultrasound & found solid 1.4 cm nodule in the lower pole of left thyroid. Doctors have recommended for surgery. I would like to have your suggestion before going for surgery. Thanks. vijaya 03/15/2012 Hari Om Please may you help me to help myself so I can help others? In 1994 through no fault of my own I was seriously injured and would like to stay in India again to receive Ayurvedic healing. About 6 years ago we spent almost 3 months in a ashram to learn yoga and one of these yoga’s was Karma yoga to help the poor. This time I am in need of some help and I am happy to pay for this. Please reply as I really need some help. Love and Live Paul. (Vairagya) Paul Armstrong 03/01/2012 Hi Dr., I have been diagnisized with Thyroid- TSH 8:9 with normal T3 and T4. Doctor prescibed me Thronorm 50 MCG. However, this resulted in red allergic rashes on my body. I had never been allergic to anything in my life. I informed the doc but have not changed the medicine till now. Why did this medicine react? I even tried taking half a tab but still I could see rash. Pls suggest some alternative. 9831185806 anup kumar 02/27/2012 I have been sufferting with hypothyrpid my TSH 7.42 T3 3.28 t4 0.73 I am also diabetic and high bp taking medicine for thyroid thyroxine 25 Recently I am suffering from Vertigo now vertigo is in control but till diziness is thr pl suggest how to overcome it sudhakar pawaskar, mumbai 02/17/2012 hi,drlakshmiprasun i read u r article and fond it very impressive.The it has been described is
  • 15. wonderful&very wholesome.I would be very thankful if u have similar study for hyperthyroidism. dr suman bams 02/12/2012 Dear Dr.Lakshmiprasun , I am male 47 years old, Weight 80 kg, height 5'-10" and i have Hypothyroidism, the TSH lies in the range of 75. I am taking two thyroxine 50 microgram daily. I have elevated uric acid mostly 8.1 to 8.2, slight BP and tinnitus (ringing in the ear), hair loss and decreased libido and weak erection. So you see all associated with low or underactive thyroid issue. I have slightly diffused goiter and feel compression while swallowing food. My sleep is ok and thirst and hunger are also good. I dont have constipation. I developed Alopecia areata in 1995 and has been recovered but few patches on the beared area. The cause of the Hypothyroidism is not iodine deficiency but the autoimmune system. I have thyroid antibodies in the blood confirming that i have Hashimoto Thyroiditis Please guide and tell me what are the chances of recoery or at least i can keep my TSH below 5 without thyroxine. Sohail Sohail Akhtar 01/05/2012 hello dr... i am sravani n my age 25, i am recently married.. recently i went to checkup for my t3 t4 n tsh levels n found these levels t3.2.40 n t4 -0.82 n tsh-5.41.. i know these r u in normal ranges only, but these days i have all the symptoms of hypothyroid, i just cant wait until i get hypothyroidisam, n dis is subclinical hypothyroidisam, will u let me know the diet n medication for dis mam.... sravani kancherla 12/17/2011 thank u 4 ur valuble information abt hypothyroidism chaitanya 11/03/2011 hello I am suffering from hyper thyrroid. REcently I gained weight a lot. ?At present I am of using 100mg thyroxine. Can you suggest me the diet and medicine to control this thyroid problem? kamakshi 10/30/2011 Dear Dr. Laksmiprasun, I am suffering from HYPERTHYROID with TSH .05, FT3 8.92, FT4 23.45, I am under treatment for a month taking LETHYROXINE for a month. Biut there is no improvement. The doctor has advised me to reduce the drug from 100Mcg to 75. Is here any treatment in Ayurveda?? I shall be obliged if you could please guide me. Uric acid was high, Hb 11.6, Calcium 8.12, AEC 500 With best regards Shashibala Shashibala 10/16/2011 where are these medicines available? how can I get them .my mobile 09415104932. I am from
  • 16. Lucknow swapna 10/09/2011 Dr.Lakshmiprasun, Greetings, I am 58 Female, Diabetic. Nothing unusual. However recently I found out that my TSH is 8.7 this is high so I received Synthroid Samples. After few days I will check again. What can I do to prevent it.. Please give me any Nature Cure suggestions. Many Thanks Sabeeha Kazmi Sabeeha Kazmi 10/04/2011 hi everyone.i m an ayurvedic doctor and recently been diagnosed as hypothroidism with TSH 22 and t3 t4 being mom is a pt of d same v did other test to rule out throiditis or CA.n al test r now i hav d cause for my hypothyroidism.either its genetic which cannot b treated or its due to iodine defiency(also may b stress coz my hypothyroidism gt trigerred after my marriage ie i was married 6 months back n after 6 months was diagnosed n generally it suddenly triggers in 5 to 6 months for i had checked my tsh t3 n t4 7 months back when i was a student at KMC college,manipal) now all i want to share is pls dont go for thyronorm or any other thyroid harmone replacement drugs.for u wil have to continue it for a life time and also there r side effects.if u r diagnosed recently n ur age is below 40 then u can controll it with diet and ayurvedic drugs and yoga.good luck.hope u find it useful. sumashri 09/24/2011 recently i have done the thyroid function test , there i found the resuults like t3=102.84 ng/ml,t4=9.30 ug/ml and tsh =9.22 ull/ml ,So is it Hypo or hyper? am using the tablet like thyrox 50 daily morning 1 tablet, is that tablet can control my tsh levels, is there any problem for getting pregnent , we are egarly waiting for kids,plese tell me help me?Thanks in Advance bharathi 09/22/2011 Dr.Lakshmiprasun I am very much impressed by your article .I am 70 plus age and september 12 2011 blood work shows a raise in the ths from 6.3 to 9.3,both FT3 and FT4 are within limits.cholesterol230 and B.P hypes between 129 and160 over 64 and 74.I have been avoiding all medications the last 20 years,and controlling through diet yoga pranayama and walking. now doctor is worried about the rise in cholesterol.She advised me to go on Livothyroxine I got the medicine ,i am still not convinced that is the route to go when i read the after effects.i would love to try ayurveda which i am sure will not have any adverse effects .I live abroad and will be spending 6 months in India .Is there a place you can suggest in Kerala where they can administer the treatment fitting your protocol.or i can come and see you should i start on levothyroxine and continue to ayurveda when i come to India.Thank you very much Lalitha Lalitha Balasubramani 09/16/2011 Please will u tell me any pharmaceutical in northern region which make all these classical preparation like shigru parts kwath etc. thnx in advance
  • 17. Dr.inder kmar garg 08/06/2011 my wife is suffring with thyroid and thanks to you for this long information and mediciane for same hoping for good result after applying. kindly suggest one more thing that should be regular with over routine alopathy medicine. pankaj aggarwal 07/15/2011 19/06/2011 Dr.Lakshmiprasun, I read your article and found it informative.The analytical approach towards prognosis of the disease is apt.The results of your clinical trial are ancouraging. Singal drug trials over hypothyroidism may yield some pertinent and sub- stential outcome. I am eagre to read the next part of your article. Dr.Rakesh M.Pathak M.D.(Ayu.) 06/19/2011 i am a known hypothyroid.i could understand more about hypothyroidism from your site