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                      Management of Acute Intracranial Hypertension
                                                                        A Review
                                       Julius Gene S. Latorre, MD,* and David M. Greer, MD†

                                                                                 Focal neurologic findings occur invariably, but are most commonly
Background: Patients with acute brain injury from various etiologies com-
                                                                                 due to horizontal tissue shifts28 that may not be associated with
monly develop increased intracranial pressure. Acute intracranial hyperten-
                                                                                 increased ICP.29,30
sion resulting from elevation of intracranial pressure is a medical emergency
                                                                                         All patients at risk for AIH should have a head CT on
requiring prompt diagnosis and management. Appropriate and timely man-
                                                                                 admission and repeat imaging within the first 24 hours, or more
agement strategies result in better patient outcome in an otherwise severely
                                                                                 emergently if new symptoms or signs appear.31 Emergent brain
debilitating or fatal disease process.
                                                                                 imaging is critically important to evaluate the cause of the patient’s
Review Summary: The clinical manifestation and principles of management
                                                                                 change in examination. A noncontrast head CT is the preferred
of acute intracranial hypertension are discussed and reviewed. Acute treat-
                                                                                 imaging technique. When time permits, MRI may be useful to
ment protocols are presented in an algorithm-based format aimed at utilizing
                                                                                 further define the brain pathology. If a mass lesion is identified,
the current available management strategies and suggested therapeutic goals.
                                                                                 neurosurgical consultation should be done emergently for possible
Individualization of specific therapeutic modalities is emphasized to opti-
                                                                                 evacuation or decompression.
mize the clinical outcome.
                                                                                         ICP monitoring is advocated for patients at high risk for AIH,
Conclusions: Clinicians treating patients with acute brain injury should be
                                                                                 especially for those with a worsening examination due to the poor
familiar with the principles of management of increased intracranial pres-
                                                                                 reliability of clinical signs and symptoms of AIH and the need for
sure. Since acute intracranial hypertension is a potentially reversible condi-
                                                                                 prompt recognition and timely intervention.32–34 ICP monitoring
tion, high index of suspicion, and low threshold for diagnostic and thera-
                                                                                 makes AIH management straightforward with clear goals of therapy,
peutic strategies will improve patient care.
                                                                                 enabling early identification of refractory cases for more aggressive
Key Words: intracranial pressure, intracranial hypertension, acute brain         interventions. In addition, neurosurgical consultation is facilitated
injury, neurocritical care                                                       and appropriate surgical intervention may be planned if specific
(The Neurologist 2009;15: 193–207)                                               medical endpoints (eg, poor response or lack of response to osmotic
                                                                                 therapy, metabolic suppression, hypertonic saline, hypothermia, etc)
                  MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW                                            are met. Although no randomized trial has been done, retrospective
                                                                                 studies and reviews on aggressive management of AIH with ICP
                                                                                 monitoring have shown improved outcome in traumatic brain injury
       Acute intracranial hypertension (AIH) is a clinical condi-                (TBI)11,13,35– 40 and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).41 The role of
tion defined as the persistent elevation of intracranial pressure                 ICP monitoring in malignant ischemic infarction and diffuse cere-
(ICP) above 20 mm Hg1 for greater than 5 minutes in a patient                    bral edema due to metabolic encephalopathies, such as acute liver
who is not being stimulated.2 AIH occurs commonly in acute                       failure and central nervous system infection is not well defined.45 An
brain injury related to trauma,3,4 ischemia,5 or hemorrhage,6 and                external ventricular drain (EVD) is the preferred monitoring tech-
is associated with poor outcome regardless of cause.7 It is a                    nique, as it also permits therapeutic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
neurologic emergency that requires prompt diagnosis and treat-                   drainage for relief of increased ICP.46 When the ventricles are small,
ment. Aggressive treatment of AIH is effective in reducing                       EVD placement may be more difficult, and an intraparenchymal
mortality and improving outcome.8 –10 Because of potential side                  monitor may be used. The nondominant hemisphere is the preferred
effects of therapy and intensive ICP monitoring,11 identifying                   site of ICP monitor placement, unless the primary pathology affects
patients at risk for developing AIH (Table 1) is crucial in                      the nondominant hemisphere extensively, in which case the domi-
preventing pathologic changes that may result in poor outcome                    nant side is used. The current intraparenchymal monitor systems
and increased mortality. The creation of standardized manage-                    have added capabilities to monitor brain tissue oxygenation, tem-
ment protocols has reduced variations in ICP, decreased duration                 perature, and compliance and may be preferred in selected cases.
of AIH,12 and improved outcome,9 and is the basis of this review.                The monitor is usually positioned in the perilesional area or ipsilat-
       Clinical signs and symptoms of AIH (Table 2) are highly                   eral to the most damaged hemisphere.47
variable and depend on the nature of the primary brain injury
(ischemic, traumatic, or hemorrhagic), the extent of compartmental-
ization, the presence and location of a mass lesion, and the rate of
increase in ICP. The most common symptom of AIH is progressive
decline in mental status, eventually leading to a comatose state.27              ICP monitoring is advocated for patients at high risk
                                                                                     for AIH, especially for those with a worsening
From the *Department of Neurology, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syra-                                  examination.
   cuse, New York; and †Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School,
   Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.
Reprint: Julius Gene S. Latorre, MD, 7134UH, Department of Neurology, SUNY
   Upstate Medical University, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210.
   E-mail:                                                        The management of AIH primarily revolves around reduc-
Copyright © 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 1074-7931/09/1504-0193                                                     tion in volume of 1 of the 3 intracranial compartments: brain,
DOI: 10.1097/NRL.0b013e31819f956a                                                blood, and CSF. Treatment response is highly dependent on

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                                                                               multiple factors, including the nature of primary brain injury, the
TABLE 1. Patients at Risk For Developing AIH Who May                           extent of tissue shift, cerebral edema, mass effect, obstruction of
Benefit From ICP Monitoring
                                                                               CSF flow, and the status of the cerebrovascular autoregulatory
Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Up to 72% develop AIH with 92%                   reserve.48 –52
           mortality vs. 18% without AIH13                                           Based on outcome studies, treatment thresholds (Table 3)
   Severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale 9)14                                         have been established to minimize poor outcome and therapeutic
   Mild to moderate TBI with abnormal admission head CT scan15                 complications while improving mortality and good outcome. In
   Mild to moderate TBI with normal admission head CT scan and 2 of            an ICP-based management, the primary goal is reduction of ICP
           the following:                                                      to 20 mm Hg using a number of therapeutic modalities as
        Age 40, SBP 90 mm Hg, Motor posturing16                                outlined in the latter part of this review. On the other hand,
Hemorrhage:                                                                    proponents of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)-based therapy
   Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH): up to 20% develop AIH, with 40%              recommend withholding AIH treatment for ICP 20 if CPP can
           mortality17                                                         be maintained 80.53 This is based on the fact that brain
     High grade (Hunt and Hess grade 2) SAH with radiologic evidence           metabolism may be maintained in relatively normal state at CPP
           of hydrocephalus6                                                   above 80 mm Hg and become abnormal below 60 mm Hg. To
      Patients with SAH requiring endovascular treatment for vasospasm         date, no study has shown any advantage over ICP-based or
   Intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH):                                          CPP-based management.54 Adjuncts to ICP or CPP monitoring
      Supratentorial IPH 50 mL with mass effect18
                                                                               include assessment of global (jugular venous O2 saturation
                                                                                SjvO2 ) and regional (brain tissue O2 saturation PbtO2 ) oxy-
      Cerebellar Hemorrhage18 30 mm diameter
                                                                               genation, enabling individualized CPP and ICP thresholds,55–59
   Subdural or Epidural hematoma with associated midline shift19,20            although this has not yet been shown consistently to improve
Ischemia:                                                                      outcome.60
   Hemispheric Infarction 50% middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory21
Others: Refractory hypertensive encephalopathy22,23
   Herpes virus or other viral encephalitides with stupor
   Acute hepatic encephalopathy,24 Hepatic encephalopathy Grade III or
           IV, or hepatic failure with arterial ammonia 150 micromol/L25
                                                                                 In an ICP-based management, the primary goal is
   Diabetic Ketoacidosis Encephalopathy26
   Other Metabolic/Toxic Encephalopathy with radiologic evidence of                          reduction of ICP to              20 mm Hg.
           cerebral edema or hydrocephalus

TABLE 2.      Overt Sign of AIH—The Herniation Syndromes42
Syndrome                                    Mechanism                              Imaging Findings43                      Clinical Manifestation44
Transtentorial—Descending    Medial temporal lobe pushes downward          Contralateral temporal horn              Ipsilateral pupil dilatation: earliest sign
Unilateral (Uncal)            into the posterior fossa through the            widening                              External ophthalmoplegia
                              incisura                                     Ipsilateral ambient cistern widening     Contralateral hemiparesis
                                                                           Ipsilateral prepontine cistern           Decerebrate posturing
                                                                              widening                              Variable impairment in consciousness
                                                                           Uncus extending into the suprasellar
Transtentorial-Descending    Downward displacement of the cerebral         Effacement of sulci                      Medium sized, fixed pupils
  Bilateral (Central)           hemispheres and the basal nuclei           Obliteration of the suprasellar          Early coma
                                compressing and displacing the                cistern                               Decorticate posturing
                                diencephalon and the midbrain              Compression and posterior                Cheyne-Stokes respiration
                                rostrocaudally through the tentorial          displacement of the quadrigeminal     Diabetes insipidus
                                notch                                         cistern
Transtentorial-Ascending     Infratentorial mass effect protruding         Spinning top appearance of midbrain      Nausea/vomiting
                                upward compressing the midbrain            Narrowing of bilateral ambient           Progressive stupor
                                                                           Filling of quadrigeminal cisterns
Subfalcine-Cingulate         Brain tissue extending under the falx in      Attenuation of ipsilateral aspect of     Small reactive pupils
                               the supratentorial cerebrum                    frontal horn                          Headache
                                                                           Asymmetric anterior falx                 Contralateral leg paralysis
                                                                           Obliteration of ipsilateral atrium of
                                                                              lateral ventricle
                                                                           Septum pellucidum shift
Tonsillar                    Cerebellar tonsils protruding below the       Cerebellar tonsils at the level of the   Hypertension-bradycardia-bradypnea
                               foramen magnum compressing the                 dens on axial images                  Coma
                               medulla and upper cervical cord             Cerebellar tonsils on sagittal images    Respiratory arrest
                                                                              5 mm below foramen magnum (7          Bilateral arm dysesthesia
                                                                              mm in children)

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The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009                                                                Increased ICP Management Review

                                                                                      The general neurologist taking care of patient has the responsi-
                                                                              bility of determining the risk of developing AIH (Table 1). Once the
        Adjuncts to ICP or CPP monitoring include                             patient is identified as high risk for AIH, general measures as outlined
                                                                              below should be instituted as soon as possible. The patient should be
   assessment of global and regional oxygenation,                             monitored and evaluated serially for presence of signs and symptoms of
                                                                              AIH (Table 2). This is ideally done in the intensive care unit. The patient
   enabling individualized CPP and ICP thresholds.                            should be referred to an intensivist and/or neurosurgeon for further evalu-
                                                                              ation and management. Table 4 outlines the appropriate therapeutic mea-
                                                                              sures for patients with overt sign of intracranial hypertension.

TABLE 3.       Goals of Therapy For AIH                                                             GENERAL MEASURES
                                                               Therapeutic            Meticulous multidisciplinary management of critically ill pa-
Parameter       Normal Value       Treatment Threshold           Target       tients is paramount to the success of any intensive care unit. In patients
ICP            0–15 mm Hg            20 mm Hg for 5              20 mm Hg     who are at high risk for AIH but do not have overt signs of herniation,
                                     min61,62                                 the basic tenets of acute resuscitation should be kept in mind. The
CPP            60–150 mm Hg          50–60 mm Hg63               60 mm Hg     airway should be secured early and immediately. Indications for endo-
                                                                              tracheal intubation are outlined in Table 5. Intubation should be done
PBtO2          20–40 mm Hg         10–15 mm Hg55,64              20 mm Hg
                                                                              with full anesthesia support to avoid a sudden surge in ICP.
                                                                                      Once the airway has been secured, ventilator settings should
                                                                              be adjusted to the optimal setting required to maintain an O2
TABLE 4. Emergent Management of Patients With Overt                           saturation above 90%, a PaO2 between 80 to 120 mm Hg and a
Sign of AIH: No ICP Monitoring in Place                                       PaCO2 within 35 to 40 mm Hg range.65– 67 The mode of ventilation
Perform ABC’s while preparing patient for emergent non-contrast head          should be selected based on patient response and comfort. Prophy-
     CT                                                                       lactic hyperventilation is not advocated.67
  A–Airway: Secure airway, call Anesthesia stat to do rapid sequence                  Maintenance of euvolemia is important for hemodynamic sta-
     intubation, maintain/induce sedation with propofol and/or fentanyl       bility. Central venous pressure (CVP, normal: 4 to 8 mm Hg, with
  B–Breathing: Perform hyperventilation using ambu-bag while waiting          additional 2 to 4 mm Hg during positive pressure ventilation68) roughly
     for Anesthesia/intubation, maintain PaCO2 26–30 mm Hg                    estimates intravascular volume. In hypovolemic patients, the goal of resus-
  C–Circulation: Assess for euvolemia, give 1L NS bolus if CVP 5 or           citation includes CVP 8 to 12 mm Hg or pulmonary capillary wedge
     SBP 100 or MAP 70 prior to instituting osmotic therapy                   pressure 10 to 15 mm Hg.18,54 Colloids are not recommended in acute
Once euvolemia is established, airway is secured, patient is sedated, HOB     brain injury due to its adverse effect on survival69 except in acute ischemic
     elevated to 30 degrees, hyperventilation on-going, institute osmotic     stroke.70,71 Normal saline is the preferred solution for fluid bolus/mainte-
     therapy on the way to CT scanner                                         nance in the neurocritical care unit.72,73 Hypertonic saline (3%–7.5%) may
  Serum Na, K, BUN, Glu, Osmolality stat, and Q4–6 h thereafter               be used to augment volume in the prehospital setting74 and in the ICU,75
  Mannitol 1–2 g/kg IV bolus stat then 1 g/kg Q4–6 h                          especially for patients who are sensitive to volume overload, as long as
  Hold mannitol dose for Osm Gap 10 or Change in Osm Gap 10                   serum sodium is maintained below 160 to 165 mEq/L and the patient is
  23.4% NaCl 0.5–1 mL/kg IV bolus over 15–30 min if no significant             not in renal failure. Prophylactic use of osmotic agents are not advo-
     ICP reduction within 1 hr of Mannitol administration, or if unable to    cated due to their volume-depleting effect and questionable benefit.67
     give Mannitol due to high baseline serum Osmolality, repeat in                   Avoidance of hypotension is paramount in early management of
     between Mannitol doses if ICP 20                                         acute brain injury.76 Systolic blood pressure (SBP) must be kept above
Once CT scan results are available, call neurosurgery stat as indicated,      90 mm Hg and/or mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) above 70 mm
     while continuing above maneuvers                                         Hg77 (target SBP 120 mm Hg and MAP 90 mm Hg for severe
  Focal mass lesion with midline shift–refer for emergent decompressive       TBI).77,78 When ICP monitoring is available, SBP and MAP should be
     craniectomy                                                              maintained to keep CPP 60 mm Hg.77,79 Norepinephrine is the
  Diffuse brain edema/swelling–refer for intraparenchymal bolt placement      vasopressor of choice due to its favorable cerebral hemodynamic
  Hydrocephalus–refer for emergent EVD insertion and CSF drainage             effects.80 – 82 It may cause reflex bradycardia. Combined inotropes or
Note: Gradually wean hyperventilation with ETCO2/PaCO2 guidance to            vasopressors such as dopamine, phenylephrine, or norepinephrine may
     no more than 1 mm Hg/h to avoid rebound ICP surge, post-                 be used especially in patients with marginal or poor cardiac status.
     operatively                                                              These agents may cause arrhythmia and telemetry monitoring is nec-
  Once ICP monitoring becomes available, switch mannitol dosing to 1          essary. Higher goals (CVP: 8 –12 mm Hg, SBP: 160 –200 mm Hg) may
     g/kg IV bolus Q4–6 h as needed for ICP 20 for 5 min, otherwise           be necessary if there is an evidence of regional ischemia, such as in
     continue with repeated dosing and follow-up clinical exam and serial     patients with vasospasm due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, acute isch-
     imaging                                                                  emic stroke with large perfusion mismatch, or acute brain injury with
                                                                              perilesional ischemia. In these conditions, the use of albumin (5%) 250
                                                                              to 500 mL IV bolus Q6 to 8 hours PRN to achieve the CVP goal may
TABLE 5. Indication for Endotracheal Intubation in the                        augment volume expansion.
Neurocritical Care Unit
GCS 9 with one or more risk factors for AIH
Patients with signs of respiratory distress:
  Declining O2 saturation
                                                                                 When ICP monitoring is available, SBP and MAP
  Increasing O2 requirement
  Labored breathing                                                             should be maintained to keep CPP                       60 mm Hg.
Patients unable to protect airway due to respiratory/oropharyngeal weakness

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       Strict glucose control is essential to the management of
acutely injured brain, as hyperglycemia has been correlated with            TABLE 6. Acute Brain Injury and Risk of Seizure
poor outcome.83– 86 Intensive insulin therapy to keep the blood             Pathology                 High Risk Condition          Seizure Risk
glucose level between 80 and 110 mg/dL is shown to improve                  Any acute brain injury   Comatose                    10%–34%110
outcome and reduce mortality in medical and surgical intensive care
                                                                            TBI                      Moderate to severe TBI       4%–14%107,111,112
units.87– 89 However, several experimental90 and clinical studies91
have shown that intensive systemic glucose lowering reduces brain                                    Abnormal CT scan
glucose concentration, a risk factor for poor outcome. In a recent                                   Subdural hematoma
study on subarachnoid hemorrhage, intensive insulin therapy                                          Penetrating injury
showed no significant effect on neurologic outcome and mortality.92                                   Depressed skull fracture
Currently, a less aggressive glucose target of 80 to 140 mg/dL is           Ischemic stroke          Large cortical               3%–6%113,114
recommended for patients with acute brain injury. A continuous                                         involvement
insulin infusion should be started if 2 subsequent random blood             Primary Intracerebral    Lobar location               6%–28%113-115
glucoses within 6 hours show values above 140 mg/dL, as this level            Hemorrhage (ICH)         (temporoparietal)
has been found to discriminate between good and bad outcome in                                       Subcortical with cortical
neurocritically ill patients;85 otherwise a regular insulin sliding scale                              extension
regimen may suffice.                                                         SAH                      Unprotected aneurysm        16%–20%116,117
       Maintenance of normothermia at 36°C to 37°C augments ICP                                        (pre-treatment)
management93 and may be done using antipyretics and cooling                                          Fisher group 3
blankets. Care should be taken when giving paracetamol, as it may           Post-operative           Cerebral abscess              Up to 14%118
cause hypotension in selected individual, which may compromise                                       Traumatic intracerebral
cerebral perfusion.94 Special surface cooling devices and endovas-                                     hematomas
cular cooling catheters may be used for refractory hyperthermia.95,96                                SAH (MCA) clipping
       The use of sedation and analgesia is an important manage-                                     AVM
ment strategy, especially in patients with AIH. Propofol is the                                      Glioma
preferred agent for short-term sedation due to its short half-life,                                  Parasaggital
making frequent clinical examination possible. It also has a favor-                                    meningioma
able effect on cerebral hemodynamics, reducing ICP.97,98 A ceiling
dose of 5 mg/kg/h is advocated to prevent complications related to
prolonged propofol infusion.99 Fentanyl infusion may be added in
severely agitated patients who are not controlled adequately by high        abdominal issues, parenterally and should be started as soon as
dose propofol. Narcotic analgesics are routinely used as needed for         possible within 72 hours after injury. Patients with non-TBI
complimentary pain management. Short-acting benzodiazepines                 should be fed with 100% resting metabolic expenditure adjusted
such as lorazepam or midazolam may be used for anxiety and                  for age, sex, and body surface area. Patients with TBI should be
restlessness.100                                                            given 140% resting metabolic expenditure with 15% protein.119
                                                                            A summary of general measures outlined above is presented in
                                                                            Table 7.

     Propofol is the preferred agent for short-term                             EMERGENT MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS
                                                                             WITH OVERT SIGN OF AIH: NO ICP MONITORING
 sedation due to its short half-life, making frequent                                         IN PLACE
                clinical examination possible.                                     Patients with overt signs of AIH need special attention and
                                                                            require synchronized evaluation of the primary etiology of AIH and
                                                                            control of elevated ICP (Table 4). Patients should have a noncontrast
                                                                            head CT emergently. Hyperventilation must be instituted immedi-
        Head of bed elevation to 30 degrees has been shown to               ately and PaCO2 should be maintained to 26 to 30 mm Hg.32
reduce ICP while maintaining an adequate CPP in brain-injured               Although not effective and harmful for prolonged use,65,66,120
                                                                            hyperventilation for acutely symptomatic patients may be lifesav-
patients,101–104 except in patients with large ischemic stroke when it
                                                                            ing.121 Severe hypocapnea to PaCO2 less than 25 is not advocated
may compromise flow through a stenosed proximal cerebral ves-
                                                                            as the risk of brain ischemia significantly increases with no further
sel.105 Maintenance of straight head position prevents kinking of the
                                                                            reduction in ICP.122,123 Patient must be intubated if the airway has
jugular venous system and facilitates venous drainage.106                   not yet been secured with full anesthesia support using rapid se-
        A significant number of patients with acute brain injury are at      quence intubation to avoid further increases in ICP. Propofol with or
risk for early seizures (Table 6). Seizures acutely increase the ICP        without fentanyl IV infusion should be started to maintain adequate
and amplify metabolic demand. Because of this, patients at risk for         sedation. Head of bed elevation to 30 degrees above horizontal may
AIH should be given seizure prophylaxis with phenytoin107 (loading          reduce ICP without compromising CPP. Euvolemia must be estab-
dose of 20 mg/kg IV over 1 hour and maintenance of 100 mg Q8H               lished prior to instituting osmotic therapy to avoid further reduction
daily) or levetiracetam108 (500 mg Q12H daily). The duration of             in cerebral perfusion. Mannitol in 20% or 25% concentration should
therapy remains controversial. However for TBI, 7 days after trauma109      be given by IV bolus at 1 to 2 g/kg. Repeat doses may be done every
and 1 month after ICH18 is recommended, unless patients have                4 to 6 hours (as necessary if ICP monitoring has been started) until
experienced spontaneous seizures.                                           clinical response or stabilization of mass effect by serial imaging is
        Nutrition is an important part of management of acute               achieved. Calculated (1.86 (Na K)            Glu/18      BUN/2.8
brain injury patients. Feeding may be done enterally (jenunal               10)124,125 and measured serum osmolality (normal value           270 –
preferred over gastric) or if not possible due to concomitant               290 mOsm/L) and osmolar gap (measured– calculated osmolality:

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The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009                                                              Increased ICP Management Review

TABLE 7. General Management of Neurocritical Care
Patients With AIH
                                                                              Hyperventilation for acutely symptomatic patients
Airway. Secure early in the following patients:
  GCS 9 at high risk for AIH                                                                        may be lifesaving.
  Patient with signs of respiratory distress
     Declining O2 saturation ( 90%)
     Increasing O2 requirement (FiO2 50%)
     Labored breathing                                                        EMERGENT MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH
     Rising pCO2 ( 45 mm Hg) in patients without COPD                        OVERT SIGN OF AIH: ICP MONITORING IN PLACE
  Patient unable to clear out secretions due to respiratory/oropharyngeal          Patients in whom ICP is being monitored usually do not
        weakness                                                            suddenly show overt signs of AIH without corresponding changes in
  Patients with severe agitation requiring sedation that may compromise     ICP. However, in the event that sudden deterioration occurs, a
        airway                                                              similar management response as in an unmonitored patient (Table 4)
Breathing. Maintain PaO2 between 80–120 mm Hg, PaCO2 35–40 mm               should be initiated. If EVD is in place, CSF drainage of 5 to 10 mL
        Hg, O2Sat 90%                                                       may be done for persistently elevated ICP. Osmotic therapy remains
Circulation                                                                 the cornerstone of management (Table 8). The decision to consider
  Maintain Euvolemia with goal CVP 5 mm Hg                                  second or third tier therapy for AIH (Table 9) must be individualized
     0.9% NaCl at 1–3 mL/kg/h maintenance fluid                              depending on the patient’s primary condition and with full partici-
     0.9% NaCl 0.5–1.0 L IV bolus prn                                       pation of the family members/designated patient’s decision makers.
  Maintain MAP 70 mm Hg and/or SBP 90 mm Hg
     Phenylephrine infusion at 10–1000 mcg/min
                                                                              SPECIFIC MEASURES FOR MANAGEMENT OF AIH
                                                                                   The goal of AIH management is to identify and prevent
     Norepinephrine infusion at 2–100 mcg/min
                                                                            secondary ischemic brain injury brought about by an excessively
     Dopamine infusion at 10–1000 mcg/min
                                                                            increased ICP with a compromised CPP, thereby maintaining cere-
     Epinephrine infusion at 1–12 mcg/min                                   bral perfusion adequate for a given metabolic demand and conse-
Head Position. HOB elevation, keep head at 30° (except in large ischemic    quently improving outcome and reducing mortality. Available ther-
        stroke)                                                             apeutic options are outlined in Table 10.
Temperature: Keep Temp below 38°C
  Acetaminophen 650 mg PO/PR Q4H                                            Osmotherapy
  Cooling blanket                                                                  Two osmotic agents are currently in use in most neurocritical
  Surface cooling                                                           care units: mannitol and hypertonic saline. Both are highly effective
                                                                            in reducing acutely elevated ICP in various clinical conditions, with
  Endovascular cooling
                                                                            almost immediate effect lasting for several hours. Mannitol is the
Glucose control: Keep Blood Glucose (BG) between 80–140 mg/dL
                                                                            preferred osmotic agent due to its availability and physician’s
  Regular Insulin sliding scale                                             familiarity of use. It has several mechanisms of action. An imme-
  Regular Insulin IV drip if BG 140 mg/dL 2 taken 6 h apart                 diate effect from bolus administration results from plasma expansion
Sedation/Analgesia:                                                         with reduction of blood viscosity,127 improvement in microvascular
  Propofol IV drip at 0.1–5 mg/kg/h
  Fentanyl IV drip at 50–200 g/h
  Morphine 2–4 mg IVP Q 2–4 h as needed                                     TABLE 8. Emergent Management of Patients With Overt
  Ativan 1–2 mg IVP Q4–6 h as needed                                        Sign of AIH: ICP Monitor in Place
Seizure prophylaxis, for patients at high risk:
                                                                            Perform management maneuvers as in Table 7
  Phenytoin (or Fosphenytoin) 1 g LD IV then 100 mg Q8H 7 d
                                                                            If EVD in place, drain 5–10 mL CSF stat and Q30–60 min as needed for
  Levetiracetam 500 mg PO BID 7 d                                                 ICP 20 mm Hg
Nutrition:                                                                  Keep EVD at 10–15 cm above external auditory meatus and open
  Enteral (jenunal preferred vs gastric) to be started within 72 h          Note: Close EVD during patient transport to avoid overdrainage. In SAH
  Parenteral (if with contraindication to enteral, or unable to start             patients with unsecured aneurysm, CSF drainage is not advocated and
        enteral feeding within 72 h)                                              EVD should be clamped to prevent rebleed
  100% RME for non-traumatic and patients on paralyzing agents              If ICP 20 mm Hg despite sedation, controlled hyperventilation,
  140% RME with 15% protein for TBI patients                                      euvolemia, CSF drainage, institute osmotic therapy:
                                                                               Mannitol 1–2 g/kg IV bolus stat, then Q4–6 h as needed for ICP 20
                                                                                  mm Hg
                                                                               23.4% NaCl given as 0.5–1 mL/kg IV over 15–30 min Q4–6 h as
normal value 0 –5) should be done at baseline and prior to each                   needed for ICP 20 mm Hg may be used in the following
mannitol dosing to avoid mannitol-induced renal insufficiency. A
measured serum osmolality 320 mOsm/L126 especially in patients                 1. In lieu of mannitol in patients with high baseline osmolar gap ( 15),
                                                                                  high baseline serum osmolality ( 320 mOsm/L), or history of
with history of hypertension and diabetes, osmolal gap 10 or
                                                                                  chronic or acute renal insufficiency, diabetes and poorly controlled
change in osmolal gap from baseline 10 correlate with poor                        hypertension
mannitol clearance,125 and increased risk of renal toxicity. Neuro-
                                                                               2. In sequence with mannitol infusion, in patients with partial response
surgery consultation should be done at the onset of patient deterio-              (ie post mannitol reduction 25% of pretreatment ICP but absolute
ration in anticipation for emergent surgical management based on                  ICP value 20 mm Hg)
imaging results.

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                                                                            osmotic gradient.158,159 Because of this phenomenon, osmotic
TABLE 9. Therapeutic Failure Criteria: AIH Treatment Tier                   therapy must be tapered after 24 hours of continued use to avoid
First Tier to Second Tier Criteria                                          rebound AIH.160 Relative contraindications to osmotic therapy
  Failure to reduce ICP 20 mm Hg within 2 h of sequential mannitol/         include chronic or acute renal failure and symptomatic conges-
     hypertonic saline infusion. (Note: Return of ICP to pretreatment       tive heart failure.144
     value within 4 h before next dose of osmotic agent is a relative              Other osmotically active agents have been evaluated clini-
     indication for switching to next AIH treatment tier, unless CPP can    cally and experimentally for AIH. Glycerol, sorbitol, and urea were
     be maintained 60)                                                      found to be inferior to mannitol and associated with more severe
  Development of adverse effect (renal failure, congestive heart failure,   rebound edema.141
     rebound phenomenon, severe hypernatremia, poor mannitol clearance
     based on osmotic gap) barring continuation of osmotic agents
Second Tier to Third Tier Criteria                                          Metabolic Suppression Therapy
  Failure to reduce ICP by 25% of pretreatment value                                In patients with preserved flow-metabolism coupling, barbi-
  Persistent ICP elevation 20–25 mm Hg during metabolic suppression         turate-induced cerebral metabolic suppression is an effective way of
     therapy despite burst suppression EEG pattern at 1–2 burst per         reducing ICP refractory to osmotherapy.14,40,161–166 Barbiturates
     minute for 2 h                                                         reduce cerebral metabolism with concomitant reduction in cerebral
  Persistent ICP elevation 20–25 mm Hg during induced hypothermia           blood flow thereby decreasing ICP.132 In addition, barbiturates have
     with target temperature of 32°–34° for 2 h                             neuroprotective properties including free radical scavenger func-
  Development of adverse effect (marked hypotension requiring 1             tion,167 apoptosis inhibition,168 and reduction in intracerebral pyru-
     vasopressor to keep MAP 70 or CPP 60; coagulation abnormality          vate, and lactate production.165 Thiopental is a short-acting barbi-
     with increased bleeding risk; presence or development of severe        turate with a short half-life in the range of 9 to 27 hours after
     infection/sepsis) barring use/continuation of hypometabolic agents
                                                                            prolonged infusion169 and may be more effective than pentobarbital
                                                                            in reducing ICP.170
                                                                                    Pentobarbital is given as IV infusion at a usual rate of 1 to 8
cerebral blood flow,128 cerebral oxygenation,129 and CPP130 with             mg/kg/h. A loading dose of 5 to 10 mg/kg repeated every 15 to 20
reduction in cerebral blood volume,130,131 and ultimately lowering          minutes as needed may be necessary if ICP does not respond.40
of ICP. A slightly delayed effect, occurring within 15 to 30 minutes        Thiopental may be given with a loading dose of up to 4 g over 1 to
and lasting for up to 6 hours, results from a direct osmotic effect on      5 hours (300 –500 mg IV bolus every 30 minutes) until a positive
neural cells with reduction in total brain water.132 Additional pos-        ICP response appears, followed by continuous infusion of 1 to 6
sible mannitol effects include reduced CSF production,133 free              mg/kg/h.169 Frequent small loading doses are advocated to prevent
radical scavenging,134 and inhibition of apoptosis.135 Doses ranging        sudden hypotension and reduction of CPP. The duration of therapy
from 0.2 to 2.0 g/kg as intermittent or continuous infusion have been       depends on the ICP response. Continuous infusion is not advocated
studied but 1 to 2 g/kg136 given as IV bolus137 as needed138 is             if the loading dose does not show any ICP response. If the ICP drops
recommended. Repeated doses of mannitol require ICP monitoring                 25% with a loading dose, continuous infusion may be instituted
since the effect diminishes over time and a rebound phenomenon              for 24 to 180 hours or until ICP is well controlled.
has been noted after prolonged use in experimental models139,140                    A minimum barbiturate dose required to control ICP 20 is
although clinical studies have shown variable results.141–143 The           advocated with frequent dose adjustment every 2 to 4 hours. There
osmolar gap correlates better with the mannitol level and is the            have been no consistent predictable relationships between cerebral
preferred monitoring parameter to prevent mannitol-induced re-              metabolism and barbiturate blood levels, precluding its clinical
nal failure.144                                                             use.171 Continuous EEG monitoring is recommended only to pre-
                                                                            vent overdosing as the maximum effect on metabolic suppression,
                                                                            CBF and ICP reduction is achieved with an EEG pattern showing 1
                                                                            to 2 bursts per minute;172,173 any further increase in barbiturate dose
                                                                            increases the risk of cerebral ischemia due to further reduction of
      Two osmotic agents are currently in use in most                       systemic blood pressure and cardiac output without a further decre-
                                                                            ment in cerebral blood blow and ICP. In patients with impaired
 neurocritical care units: mannitol and hypertonic saline.                  cerebral autoregulation, concomitant monitoring of global (SjvO2)
                                                                            or regional (PbtO2) cerebral oxygenation may be used in com-
                                                                            bination with continuous EEG monitoring to maximize barbitu-
                                                                            rate-induced ICP reduction without inducing cerebral isch-
       Hypertonic saline use in neurocritical care is increasing due to     emia.161 Gradual weaning after prolonged infusion (more than 24
its favorable effect on systemic hemodynamics,145–147 ease of use,          hours) is suggested due to potential development of barbiturate
and proven efficacy.144,148 –151 In addition to its dehydrating effect,      withdrawal seizures.
it promotes rapid CSF absorption,152 increases cardiac output, and                  Despite its efficacy, barbiturate therapy has a variable effect
expands intravascular volume thereby augmenting the CPP with a              on outcome163,174,175 and no benefit has been shown with prophy-
positive inotropic effect,153 diminishing the inflammatory re-               lactic administration.176 Systemic hypotension almost always occurs
sponse,154 and inducing glutamate reuptake.153 A number of prep-            with barbiturate therapy, often requiring vasopressor therapy and
arations have been studied clinically ranging from 1.5% to 30%              meticulous fluid management. Barbiturate infusion should be dis-
NaCl with variable results. For continuous infusion, 3% NaCl is             continued if significant hypotension occurs that compromises CPP
preferred,155,156 whereas for bolus administration, 23.4% NaCl is           despite vasopressor and fluid management. Other side effects of
used.149,150,157 Hypertonic saline has similar efficacy with mannitol        barbiturate therapy include sepsis, electrolyte abnormalities, and
and may be used interchangeably, especially in patients with a high         hepatic and renal dysfunction.177 Because of significant potential
osmolar gap.144                                                             adverse effects with no clear effect on long-term outcome, high dose
       Prolonged increase in osmolality induces the cerebral ho-            barbiturate therapy is considered a second tier treatment strategy for
meostatic mechanism to produce idiogenic osmoles to reduce the              AIH intractable to osmotic agents.

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TABLE 10. Specific Therapy for AIH
                                    MOA                       Dose/Administration                       Monitoring                 Adverse Effect
Emergent Tx
  Transient              Reduction of CO2 causing      Ambubag/ventilator rate of 30–40       PaCO2 to keep at 26–30 mm Hg      Cerebral ischemia
    hyperventilation       cerebral vasoconstriction    breaths per minute to increase        ABG monitoring Q15 min to         Rebound AIH if
                           and reduction of CBV         minute ventilation by 15–20L/           avoid overshoot                   stopped suddenly
                                                        min, wean slowly over 12–24 h         SjvO2 and/or PbtO2 monitoring
                                                        to prevent rebound AIH Effective        suggested
                                                        only for a few hours Avoid
                                                        prolonged ( 6 h) or prophylactic
  Decompressive          Expansion of cranial vault    Wide craniectomy with duraplasty       ICP monitoring recommended        Death, ICH, Stroke,
    surgery                releasing pressure and       and evacuation of mass lesion,        Brain imaging as clinically         Bleeding, infection
                           improvement in CBF           done as soon as possible                indicated
                         Evacuation of mass effect
  External ventricular   Drainage of CSF improving     Usually inserted in the nondominant    ICP monitoring                    CNS infection
    drainage               cerebral compliance and       frontal area                         Brain imaging as clinically       Bleeding
                           reducing ICP                EVD at 10–15 cm above external           indicated                       EVD malfunction
                                                         auditory meatus and open
                                                       5–10 mL CSF drainage every 30–60
                                                         min as needed for ICP 20 mm Hg
First Tier
  Mannitol               Reduces brain water           1–2 g/kg IV bolus every 4–6 h          Serum Na, K, BUN, Glu, Osm,       Renal failure
                         Reduced RBC viscosity         taper dose if continued use for 24 h      Osm gap before each dose       Electrolyte abnormality
                         Increase CBF                  Alternate with 23.4% NaCl if with      Hold for Osmolar gap 5 (using     CHF
                         Free radical scavenger           partial response                       formula: 1.86 (Na K)           Rebound effect
                         Reduces CBV                                                             BUN/2.8 Glu/18 10)
                         Reduced CSF production                                               If baseline Osm Gap 5, hold
                                                                                                 for change in Osm Gap 5
  Hypertonic saline      Reduces brain water           23.4% NaCl IV bolus over 15–30         Serum Na, Osm                     Renal failure
                         Reduced RBC viscosity           min at 0.5–1 mL/kg/dose given        Do not exceed Na rise 0.5         CHF
                         Increase CBF, Improves          every 4–6 h alternate with or in        mEq/L per hr if with history   Electrolyte abnormality
                           CO                            between mannitol doses                  of chronic hyponatremia        Rebound effect
                         Increased CSF absorption
Second Tier
  Barbiturate            Reduction of metabolic        Thiopental 1–5 g IV LD as 500 mg       Continuous EEG                    Systemic hypotension,
                           demand reduces CBF and         IV bolus Q15–30 min over 1–5 h      Keep CPP 60 using                   severe infection,
                           ICP                            until ICP response                    vasopressors as necessary         respiratory
                         Free radical scavenger        If complete response (ICP 20),         SjvO2 or PbtO2 recommended          complications, renal
                         Anti-apoptotic                   return to first tier agents, or      Blood culture Q24–48 h              and hepatic
                         Neuroprotective                  repeat bolus doses as necessary     Serum lytes, CBC, coags, LFTs       dysfunction
                                                       If incomplete response (ICP 20           daily
                                                          but reduction 25%), start IV
                                                          infusion at 1–8 mg/kg and adjust
                                                          dose every 30–60 min to ICP
                                                          goal 20 or until burst
                                                          suppression EEG pattern at 1–2
                                                       Duration of treatment between 12–
                                                          180 h with gradual weaning over
                                                          24 h
  Hypothermia            Reduction of metabolic        Target temperature of 32°C–34°C        Bladder temperature               Shivering
                           activity reduces CBF and       with surface or endovascular        Surveillance culture              Sepsis
                           ICP                            cooling method                      Routine coagulation studies       Hypotension and
                         Reduces release of            Duration of treatment between 24–                                          electrolyte
                           excitatory                     72 h, followed by passive                                               abnormality
                           neurotransmitters              rewarming over 12–24 h
Third Tier
  Surgery                Expansion of cranial vault    Most effective if done in patients     ICP monitoring by EVD or bolt     Death, ICH, Stroke,
                           releasing pressure and       who failed medical AIH                SjvO2 or PbtO2 recommended          Bleeding, infection
                           improvement in CBF           management but does not have
                         Evacuation of mass effect      overt herniation syndrome yet

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       Other metabolic suppressive agents have been evaluated for
ICP reduction but side effects have limited their use. Prolonged use      TABLE 11. Indication for Surgery in Patients With AIH
of high dose propofol (more than 5 mg/kg/h) may cause “propofol           Decompressive craniectomy, evacuation of mass lesion with or without
infusion syndrome” with rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitis, and meta-                duraplasty
bolic acidosis.99,178,179 In addition, bolus administration of propofol     Severe TBI, no mass lesion, refractory ICP
causes significant hypotension that may compromise CPP.180,181               Any TBI, mass lesion causing significant tissue shift
Studies on etomidate have shown variable results,182–187 with an            Malignant MCA infarction
increased incidence of adrenal suppression188 and renal failure.189         Infratentorial ICH 3 cm diameter with or without hydrocephalus
       Relative contraindications to metabolic suppression therapy in-      Patients with diffuse brain edema from a number of causes who are
clude active septicemia, coagulopathy, and unstable hemodynamic status.        refractory to medical AIH management
                                                                          Minimally invasive surgery with or without thrombolysis
Hypothermia                                                                 ICH with GCS 6–12 and deteriorating neurologic status
       Induced hypothermia is effective in reducing ICP from mul-           ICH with clot volume 20–80 mL causing midline shift and raised ICP
tiple causes190 –194 by suppressing all cerebral metabolic activities,
                                                                          External ventricular Drain
thereby reducing CBF. It has been found to be cytoprotective in             Ventricular obstruction causing hydrocephalus
animal models,195 reducing ischemia-induced release of gluta-
                                                                            Intraventricular hemorrhage or extension distortion of 4th ventricle with
mate.196 The use of hypothermia for patients at high risk for AIH but          effacement of ambient cisterns
no overt sign of increased ICP have shown variable re-                      Need for ICP monitoring
sults.191,192,197–203 The increased amount of resources associated
with its use in addition to potential adverse effects make hypother-
mia a second tier AIH therapy in refractory ICP.
                                                                          TABLE 12. Antishivering Strategies for
                                                                          Therapeutic Hypothermia
  Induced hypothermia is effective in reducing ICP                          Boots and mittens heated to 46°C
                                                                            Application of warming blanket
   from multiple causes by suppressing all cerebral
                                                                            Neck and face air warming with humidified air (standard face tent with
       metabolic activities, thereby reducing CBF.                             6–10 L/min of humidified air warmed to 32°C)
                                                                            For nonintubated patients
                                                                            Tramadol219           100–200 mg PO Q4–6H
        Mild (34°C–36°C) to moderate (32°C–34°C) hypothermia                Clonidine220          0.1–0.2 mg PO Q12H
may be induced by surface cooling200 or endovascular cooling                Meperidine221,222     25–75 mg IV/PO Q2–4H0.4 mg/kg/h IV infusion
catheter.95 Surface cooling with a body vest is the preferred method        Ondansetron222        8 mg IV/PO Q6–8 H
due to its noninvasive nature and relative efficacy in achieving the         Buspirone204          30 mg PO Q8H
temperature goal.204 The endovascular cooling catheter has the            For intubated patients:
advantage of faster time to target temperature but is associated with       Dexmedetomidine223 0.05–0.7 mcg/kg/H IV infusion
the risk of infection, bleeding, and intravascular thrombosis.205           *Propofol224          1–5 mg/kg/H IV infusion
Other side effects206,207 common to all techniques of hypother-             *Alfentanyl225        50–75 mcg/kg IV LD then 0.5–3 mcg/kg/min IV
mia include bleeding diathesis, respiratory infection, shivering,                                    infusion
and myocardial dysfunction especially with deep208 (less than
                                                                              *Require paralytic agent: Cisatracurium226 0.1– 0.2 mg/kg LD as IV bolus then
31°C) hypothermia.209 Rebound cerebral edema occurs com-                  0.01– 0.15 mg/kg/h.
monly during rewarming.210
        A target temperature between 32°C and 35°C achieved as fast
as possible for maximum effect is advocated for ICP reduction             vs. prolonged 72 hours),212 duration and rapidity of rewarming,
therapy. Cold saline infusion (30 mL/kg of 0.9% NS at 4°C as an IV        and control of shivering.218
bolus over 30 minutes) is safe and shortens the time to target
temperature.211 Patients require an aggressive antishivering regimen      Others
with adequate sedation (mentioned in Table 11). Cooling is main-                 A number of agents for AIH management have been used in
tained for 24 –72 hours or longer depending on ICP response.212           the past but have not gained wide acceptance because of variable
Passive rewarming over 24 hours is critical due to development of         clinical results and lack of solid evidence on efficacy. These agents
rebound cerebral edema, hypotension, and electrolyte abnormali-           may be used as a last resort while waiting for definitive management
                                                                          such as surgical decompression or prior to switching to second tier
ties.192,213,214 In addition, meticulous attention should be devoted to
                                                                          therapy in patients with relative contraindications to a specific agent.
management of shivering (Table 12) to prevent a hypercatabolic
                                                                                 Tris-hydroxymethyl-amino-methane or tromethamine is ef-
state and rebound hyperthermia. Relative contraindications to hypo-       fective in reducing refractory AIH,227–229 given as 0.3 M solution at
thermia include active septicemia, coagulopathy, and unstable he-         a dose of 1 mmol/kg (121 mg/kg or 4 mL/kg) over 1 hour, repeated
modynamic status.                                                         every 12 hours, or followed by continuous infusion of 1 mL/kg/h for
        A significant number of issues215 remain unresolved, includ-       up to 5 days. It acts as a cerebral buffer and induces metabolic
ing the ideal target temperature (mild, moderate, or deep hypother-       alkalosis without increasing PCO2 and serum Na, resulting in
mia), patient selection,190,216,217 mode of administration of cooling     cerebral vasoconstriction, reduction in CBV and ICP. Patients need
(surface vs. endovascular), timing of intervention (prophylactic,         to be ventilated to avoid respiratory compensation. Side effects
early vs. delayed or only with AIH), duration of treatment (24 hours      include local tissue irritation and necrosis, respiratory depression,

200 |                                                                               © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009                                                       Increased ICP Management Review

and hypoglycemia. Renal failure is a relative contraindication to       ischemia, but mild to moderate hypocapnea may be enough to
tromethamine use.                                                       cause regional ischemia due to regional differences in cerebral
       Indomethacin is a nonspecific cyclooxygenase inhibitor that       autoregulatory dysfunction in the acutely injured brain (perile-
has been found to have a vasoconstrictive effect in cerebral vessels,   sional area being most affected).65,244 Prophylactic hyperventi-
predominantly affecting the small resistance vessels, causing reduc-    lation has been shown to adversely affect outcome. For these
tion in ICP by reducing CBV and CBF.230 –232 It is usually given as     reasons, prophylactic, prolonged, and/or profound hyperventila-
a 50 mg IV bolus repeated every 6 to 8 hours or followed by 10 to       tion is highly discouraged.65– 67,245–247
30 mg/h continuous infusion 24 – 48 hours.233 So far, its effect on            Fluid limitation resulting in dehydration in acute brain injury
long-term outcome is unknown, and there is theoretical danger of        has been advocated in the past in the hope of preventing cerebral
inducing cerebral ischemia from vasoconstriction. In addition, re-      edema but has been associated with an adverse outcome. Dehydra-
bound AIH has been noted with use of indomethacin after sudden          tion causes inadequate systemic and cerebral perfusion, increases
discontinuation.233–235                                                 susceptibility to renal and drug toxicity, reduces responsiveness to
                                                                        osmotic therapy, and adversely affects blood viscosity. The current
Ineffective or Harmful Therapy                                          recommendation is for fast and adequate fluid resuscitation to
        There is ample evidence that corticosteroids do not improve     maintain normovolemia and preserve CPP.67
outcome in acute brain injury from trauma, ischemia, or hemorrhage
and may actually be harmful due to increased adverse effects related
to its use.123,236 –241                                                 Surgery
        Hyperventilation beyond 6 hours looses its efficacy in                  Surgical decompression and early evacuation of a focal mass
reducing ICP due to rapid cerebral compensation.121,242,243 Pro-        lesion is effective in reducing ICP but the efficacy on improving
found hypocapnea (reduction of PaCO2 below 25 mm Hg) may                functional outcome and mortality depends largely on timing and
induce severe cerebral vasoconstriction causing global cerebral         selection of patients248 (Table 11).

                                                                                       FIGURE 1. Algorithm for the Management of
                                                                                       Acute Intracranial Hypertension.

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       Following initial resuscitation, early ( 24 hour) decompres-      that future outcome studies may shed light in the efficacy of these
sive craniectomy and evacuation of a focal mass lesion is the single     new treatment options.
most important treatment in TBI, resulting in improved outcome.249
       Decompressive craniectomy after massive hemispheric                                      ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
strokes in selected patients with clinical and radiographic evidence            The authors thank Guy Rordorf, MD, Jonathan Rosand, MD,
of cerebral edema is effective in reducing ICP250 and improving          Raul Nogueira, MD, Mary Guanci, RN, and Lee Schwamm, MD for
outcome.251–253 Predictors of poor outcome after decompresive            their critical review and appraisal of the manuscript.
craniectomy include age beyond 60,254 low preoperative GCS ( 8),
preoperative anisocoria, early ( 72 hours from stroke onset) clinical                                    REFERENCES
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© 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins                                                                                | 203
Management of acute intracranial hypertension neurologist 2009
Management of acute intracranial hypertension neurologist 2009
Management of acute intracranial hypertension neurologist 2009
Management of acute intracranial hypertension neurologist 2009

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Management of acute intracranial hypertension neurologist 2009

  • 1. REVIEW ARTICLE Management of Acute Intracranial Hypertension A Review Julius Gene S. Latorre, MD,* and David M. Greer, MD† Focal neurologic findings occur invariably, but are most commonly Background: Patients with acute brain injury from various etiologies com- due to horizontal tissue shifts28 that may not be associated with monly develop increased intracranial pressure. Acute intracranial hyperten- increased ICP.29,30 sion resulting from elevation of intracranial pressure is a medical emergency All patients at risk for AIH should have a head CT on requiring prompt diagnosis and management. Appropriate and timely man- admission and repeat imaging within the first 24 hours, or more agement strategies result in better patient outcome in an otherwise severely emergently if new symptoms or signs appear.31 Emergent brain debilitating or fatal disease process. imaging is critically important to evaluate the cause of the patient’s Review Summary: The clinical manifestation and principles of management change in examination. A noncontrast head CT is the preferred of acute intracranial hypertension are discussed and reviewed. Acute treat- imaging technique. When time permits, MRI may be useful to ment protocols are presented in an algorithm-based format aimed at utilizing further define the brain pathology. If a mass lesion is identified, the current available management strategies and suggested therapeutic goals. neurosurgical consultation should be done emergently for possible Individualization of specific therapeutic modalities is emphasized to opti- evacuation or decompression. mize the clinical outcome. ICP monitoring is advocated for patients at high risk for AIH, Conclusions: Clinicians treating patients with acute brain injury should be especially for those with a worsening examination due to the poor familiar with the principles of management of increased intracranial pres- reliability of clinical signs and symptoms of AIH and the need for sure. Since acute intracranial hypertension is a potentially reversible condi- prompt recognition and timely intervention.32–34 ICP monitoring tion, high index of suspicion, and low threshold for diagnostic and thera- makes AIH management straightforward with clear goals of therapy, peutic strategies will improve patient care. enabling early identification of refractory cases for more aggressive Key Words: intracranial pressure, intracranial hypertension, acute brain interventions. In addition, neurosurgical consultation is facilitated injury, neurocritical care and appropriate surgical intervention may be planned if specific (The Neurologist 2009;15: 193–207) medical endpoints (eg, poor response or lack of response to osmotic therapy, metabolic suppression, hypertonic saline, hypothermia, etc) MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW are met. Although no randomized trial has been done, retrospective studies and reviews on aggressive management of AIH with ICP monitoring have shown improved outcome in traumatic brain injury Acute intracranial hypertension (AIH) is a clinical condi- (TBI)11,13,35– 40 and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).41 The role of tion defined as the persistent elevation of intracranial pressure ICP monitoring in malignant ischemic infarction and diffuse cere- (ICP) above 20 mm Hg1 for greater than 5 minutes in a patient bral edema due to metabolic encephalopathies, such as acute liver who is not being stimulated.2 AIH occurs commonly in acute failure and central nervous system infection is not well defined.45 An brain injury related to trauma,3,4 ischemia,5 or hemorrhage,6 and external ventricular drain (EVD) is the preferred monitoring tech- is associated with poor outcome regardless of cause.7 It is a nique, as it also permits therapeutic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neurologic emergency that requires prompt diagnosis and treat- drainage for relief of increased ICP.46 When the ventricles are small, ment. Aggressive treatment of AIH is effective in reducing EVD placement may be more difficult, and an intraparenchymal mortality and improving outcome.8 –10 Because of potential side monitor may be used. The nondominant hemisphere is the preferred effects of therapy and intensive ICP monitoring,11 identifying site of ICP monitor placement, unless the primary pathology affects patients at risk for developing AIH (Table 1) is crucial in the nondominant hemisphere extensively, in which case the domi- preventing pathologic changes that may result in poor outcome nant side is used. The current intraparenchymal monitor systems and increased mortality. The creation of standardized manage- have added capabilities to monitor brain tissue oxygenation, tem- ment protocols has reduced variations in ICP, decreased duration perature, and compliance and may be preferred in selected cases. of AIH,12 and improved outcome,9 and is the basis of this review. The monitor is usually positioned in the perilesional area or ipsilat- Clinical signs and symptoms of AIH (Table 2) are highly eral to the most damaged hemisphere.47 variable and depend on the nature of the primary brain injury (ischemic, traumatic, or hemorrhagic), the extent of compartmental- ization, the presence and location of a mass lesion, and the rate of increase in ICP. The most common symptom of AIH is progressive decline in mental status, eventually leading to a comatose state.27 ICP monitoring is advocated for patients at high risk for AIH, especially for those with a worsening From the *Department of Neurology, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syra- examination. cuse, New York; and †Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Reprint: Julius Gene S. Latorre, MD, 7134UH, Department of Neurology, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210. E-mail: The management of AIH primarily revolves around reduc- Copyright © 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISSN: 1074-7931/09/1504-0193 tion in volume of 1 of the 3 intracranial compartments: brain, DOI: 10.1097/NRL.0b013e31819f956a blood, and CSF. Treatment response is highly dependent on The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 | 193
  • 2. Latorre and Greer The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 multiple factors, including the nature of primary brain injury, the TABLE 1. Patients at Risk For Developing AIH Who May extent of tissue shift, cerebral edema, mass effect, obstruction of Benefit From ICP Monitoring CSF flow, and the status of the cerebrovascular autoregulatory Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Up to 72% develop AIH with 92% reserve.48 –52 mortality vs. 18% without AIH13 Based on outcome studies, treatment thresholds (Table 3) Severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale 9)14 have been established to minimize poor outcome and therapeutic Mild to moderate TBI with abnormal admission head CT scan15 complications while improving mortality and good outcome. In Mild to moderate TBI with normal admission head CT scan and 2 of an ICP-based management, the primary goal is reduction of ICP the following: to 20 mm Hg using a number of therapeutic modalities as Age 40, SBP 90 mm Hg, Motor posturing16 outlined in the latter part of this review. On the other hand, Hemorrhage: proponents of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)-based therapy Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH): up to 20% develop AIH, with 40% recommend withholding AIH treatment for ICP 20 if CPP can mortality17 be maintained 80.53 This is based on the fact that brain High grade (Hunt and Hess grade 2) SAH with radiologic evidence metabolism may be maintained in relatively normal state at CPP of hydrocephalus6 above 80 mm Hg and become abnormal below 60 mm Hg. To Patients with SAH requiring endovascular treatment for vasospasm date, no study has shown any advantage over ICP-based or Intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH): CPP-based management.54 Adjuncts to ICP or CPP monitoring Supratentorial IPH 50 mL with mass effect18 include assessment of global (jugular venous O2 saturation SjvO2 ) and regional (brain tissue O2 saturation PbtO2 ) oxy- Cerebellar Hemorrhage18 30 mm diameter genation, enabling individualized CPP and ICP thresholds,55–59 Subdural or Epidural hematoma with associated midline shift19,20 although this has not yet been shown consistently to improve Ischemia: outcome.60 Hemispheric Infarction 50% middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory21 Others: Refractory hypertensive encephalopathy22,23 Herpes virus or other viral encephalitides with stupor Acute hepatic encephalopathy,24 Hepatic encephalopathy Grade III or IV, or hepatic failure with arterial ammonia 150 micromol/L25 In an ICP-based management, the primary goal is Diabetic Ketoacidosis Encephalopathy26 Other Metabolic/Toxic Encephalopathy with radiologic evidence of reduction of ICP to 20 mm Hg. cerebral edema or hydrocephalus TABLE 2. Overt Sign of AIH—The Herniation Syndromes42 Syndrome Mechanism Imaging Findings43 Clinical Manifestation44 Transtentorial—Descending Medial temporal lobe pushes downward Contralateral temporal horn Ipsilateral pupil dilatation: earliest sign Unilateral (Uncal) into the posterior fossa through the widening External ophthalmoplegia incisura Ipsilateral ambient cistern widening Contralateral hemiparesis Ipsilateral prepontine cistern Decerebrate posturing widening Variable impairment in consciousness Uncus extending into the suprasellar cistern Transtentorial-Descending Downward displacement of the cerebral Effacement of sulci Medium sized, fixed pupils Bilateral (Central) hemispheres and the basal nuclei Obliteration of the suprasellar Early coma compressing and displacing the cistern Decorticate posturing diencephalon and the midbrain Compression and posterior Cheyne-Stokes respiration rostrocaudally through the tentorial displacement of the quadrigeminal Diabetes insipidus notch cistern Transtentorial-Ascending Infratentorial mass effect protruding Spinning top appearance of midbrain Nausea/vomiting upward compressing the midbrain Narrowing of bilateral ambient Progressive stupor cisterns Filling of quadrigeminal cisterns Subfalcine-Cingulate Brain tissue extending under the falx in Attenuation of ipsilateral aspect of Small reactive pupils the supratentorial cerebrum frontal horn Headache Asymmetric anterior falx Contralateral leg paralysis Obliteration of ipsilateral atrium of lateral ventricle Septum pellucidum shift Tonsillar Cerebellar tonsils protruding below the Cerebellar tonsils at the level of the Hypertension-bradycardia-bradypnea foramen magnum compressing the dens on axial images Coma medulla and upper cervical cord Cerebellar tonsils on sagittal images Respiratory arrest 5 mm below foramen magnum (7 Bilateral arm dysesthesia mm in children) 194 | © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • 3. The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 Increased ICP Management Review The general neurologist taking care of patient has the responsi- bility of determining the risk of developing AIH (Table 1). Once the Adjuncts to ICP or CPP monitoring include patient is identified as high risk for AIH, general measures as outlined below should be instituted as soon as possible. The patient should be assessment of global and regional oxygenation, monitored and evaluated serially for presence of signs and symptoms of AIH (Table 2). This is ideally done in the intensive care unit. The patient enabling individualized CPP and ICP thresholds. should be referred to an intensivist and/or neurosurgeon for further evalu- ation and management. Table 4 outlines the appropriate therapeutic mea- sures for patients with overt sign of intracranial hypertension. TABLE 3. Goals of Therapy For AIH GENERAL MEASURES Therapeutic Meticulous multidisciplinary management of critically ill pa- Parameter Normal Value Treatment Threshold Target tients is paramount to the success of any intensive care unit. In patients ICP 0–15 mm Hg 20 mm Hg for 5 20 mm Hg who are at high risk for AIH but do not have overt signs of herniation, min61,62 the basic tenets of acute resuscitation should be kept in mind. The CPP 60–150 mm Hg 50–60 mm Hg63 60 mm Hg airway should be secured early and immediately. Indications for endo- tracheal intubation are outlined in Table 5. Intubation should be done PBtO2 20–40 mm Hg 10–15 mm Hg55,64 20 mm Hg with full anesthesia support to avoid a sudden surge in ICP. Once the airway has been secured, ventilator settings should be adjusted to the optimal setting required to maintain an O2 TABLE 4. Emergent Management of Patients With Overt saturation above 90%, a PaO2 between 80 to 120 mm Hg and a Sign of AIH: No ICP Monitoring in Place PaCO2 within 35 to 40 mm Hg range.65– 67 The mode of ventilation Perform ABC’s while preparing patient for emergent non-contrast head should be selected based on patient response and comfort. Prophy- CT lactic hyperventilation is not advocated.67 A–Airway: Secure airway, call Anesthesia stat to do rapid sequence Maintenance of euvolemia is important for hemodynamic sta- intubation, maintain/induce sedation with propofol and/or fentanyl bility. Central venous pressure (CVP, normal: 4 to 8 mm Hg, with B–Breathing: Perform hyperventilation using ambu-bag while waiting additional 2 to 4 mm Hg during positive pressure ventilation68) roughly for Anesthesia/intubation, maintain PaCO2 26–30 mm Hg estimates intravascular volume. In hypovolemic patients, the goal of resus- C–Circulation: Assess for euvolemia, give 1L NS bolus if CVP 5 or citation includes CVP 8 to 12 mm Hg or pulmonary capillary wedge SBP 100 or MAP 70 prior to instituting osmotic therapy pressure 10 to 15 mm Hg.18,54 Colloids are not recommended in acute Once euvolemia is established, airway is secured, patient is sedated, HOB brain injury due to its adverse effect on survival69 except in acute ischemic elevated to 30 degrees, hyperventilation on-going, institute osmotic stroke.70,71 Normal saline is the preferred solution for fluid bolus/mainte- therapy on the way to CT scanner nance in the neurocritical care unit.72,73 Hypertonic saline (3%–7.5%) may Serum Na, K, BUN, Glu, Osmolality stat, and Q4–6 h thereafter be used to augment volume in the prehospital setting74 and in the ICU,75 Mannitol 1–2 g/kg IV bolus stat then 1 g/kg Q4–6 h especially for patients who are sensitive to volume overload, as long as Hold mannitol dose for Osm Gap 10 or Change in Osm Gap 10 serum sodium is maintained below 160 to 165 mEq/L and the patient is 23.4% NaCl 0.5–1 mL/kg IV bolus over 15–30 min if no significant not in renal failure. Prophylactic use of osmotic agents are not advo- ICP reduction within 1 hr of Mannitol administration, or if unable to cated due to their volume-depleting effect and questionable benefit.67 give Mannitol due to high baseline serum Osmolality, repeat in Avoidance of hypotension is paramount in early management of between Mannitol doses if ICP 20 acute brain injury.76 Systolic blood pressure (SBP) must be kept above Once CT scan results are available, call neurosurgery stat as indicated, 90 mm Hg and/or mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) above 70 mm while continuing above maneuvers Hg77 (target SBP 120 mm Hg and MAP 90 mm Hg for severe Focal mass lesion with midline shift–refer for emergent decompressive TBI).77,78 When ICP monitoring is available, SBP and MAP should be craniectomy maintained to keep CPP 60 mm Hg.77,79 Norepinephrine is the Diffuse brain edema/swelling–refer for intraparenchymal bolt placement vasopressor of choice due to its favorable cerebral hemodynamic Hydrocephalus–refer for emergent EVD insertion and CSF drainage effects.80 – 82 It may cause reflex bradycardia. Combined inotropes or Note: Gradually wean hyperventilation with ETCO2/PaCO2 guidance to vasopressors such as dopamine, phenylephrine, or norepinephrine may no more than 1 mm Hg/h to avoid rebound ICP surge, post- be used especially in patients with marginal or poor cardiac status. operatively These agents may cause arrhythmia and telemetry monitoring is nec- Once ICP monitoring becomes available, switch mannitol dosing to 1 essary. Higher goals (CVP: 8 –12 mm Hg, SBP: 160 –200 mm Hg) may g/kg IV bolus Q4–6 h as needed for ICP 20 for 5 min, otherwise be necessary if there is an evidence of regional ischemia, such as in continue with repeated dosing and follow-up clinical exam and serial patients with vasospasm due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, acute isch- imaging emic stroke with large perfusion mismatch, or acute brain injury with perilesional ischemia. In these conditions, the use of albumin (5%) 250 to 500 mL IV bolus Q6 to 8 hours PRN to achieve the CVP goal may TABLE 5. Indication for Endotracheal Intubation in the augment volume expansion. Neurocritical Care Unit GCS 9 with one or more risk factors for AIH Patients with signs of respiratory distress: Declining O2 saturation When ICP monitoring is available, SBP and MAP Increasing O2 requirement Labored breathing should be maintained to keep CPP 60 mm Hg. Patients unable to protect airway due to respiratory/oropharyngeal weakness © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 195
  • 4. Latorre and Greer The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 Strict glucose control is essential to the management of acutely injured brain, as hyperglycemia has been correlated with TABLE 6. Acute Brain Injury and Risk of Seizure poor outcome.83– 86 Intensive insulin therapy to keep the blood Pathology High Risk Condition Seizure Risk glucose level between 80 and 110 mg/dL is shown to improve Any acute brain injury Comatose 10%–34%110 outcome and reduce mortality in medical and surgical intensive care TBI Moderate to severe TBI 4%–14%107,111,112 units.87– 89 However, several experimental90 and clinical studies91 have shown that intensive systemic glucose lowering reduces brain Abnormal CT scan glucose concentration, a risk factor for poor outcome. In a recent Subdural hematoma study on subarachnoid hemorrhage, intensive insulin therapy Penetrating injury showed no significant effect on neurologic outcome and mortality.92 Depressed skull fracture Currently, a less aggressive glucose target of 80 to 140 mg/dL is Ischemic stroke Large cortical 3%–6%113,114 recommended for patients with acute brain injury. A continuous involvement insulin infusion should be started if 2 subsequent random blood Primary Intracerebral Lobar location 6%–28%113-115 glucoses within 6 hours show values above 140 mg/dL, as this level Hemorrhage (ICH) (temporoparietal) has been found to discriminate between good and bad outcome in Subcortical with cortical neurocritically ill patients;85 otherwise a regular insulin sliding scale extension regimen may suffice. SAH Unprotected aneurysm 16%–20%116,117 Maintenance of normothermia at 36°C to 37°C augments ICP (pre-treatment) management93 and may be done using antipyretics and cooling Fisher group 3 blankets. Care should be taken when giving paracetamol, as it may Post-operative Cerebral abscess Up to 14%118 cause hypotension in selected individual, which may compromise Traumatic intracerebral cerebral perfusion.94 Special surface cooling devices and endovas- hematomas cular cooling catheters may be used for refractory hyperthermia.95,96 SAH (MCA) clipping The use of sedation and analgesia is an important manage- AVM ment strategy, especially in patients with AIH. Propofol is the Glioma preferred agent for short-term sedation due to its short half-life, Parasaggital making frequent clinical examination possible. It also has a favor- meningioma able effect on cerebral hemodynamics, reducing ICP.97,98 A ceiling dose of 5 mg/kg/h is advocated to prevent complications related to prolonged propofol infusion.99 Fentanyl infusion may be added in severely agitated patients who are not controlled adequately by high abdominal issues, parenterally and should be started as soon as dose propofol. Narcotic analgesics are routinely used as needed for possible within 72 hours after injury. Patients with non-TBI complimentary pain management. Short-acting benzodiazepines should be fed with 100% resting metabolic expenditure adjusted such as lorazepam or midazolam may be used for anxiety and for age, sex, and body surface area. Patients with TBI should be restlessness.100 given 140% resting metabolic expenditure with 15% protein.119 A summary of general measures outlined above is presented in Table 7. Propofol is the preferred agent for short-term EMERGENT MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH OVERT SIGN OF AIH: NO ICP MONITORING sedation due to its short half-life, making frequent IN PLACE clinical examination possible. Patients with overt signs of AIH need special attention and require synchronized evaluation of the primary etiology of AIH and control of elevated ICP (Table 4). Patients should have a noncontrast head CT emergently. Hyperventilation must be instituted immedi- Head of bed elevation to 30 degrees has been shown to ately and PaCO2 should be maintained to 26 to 30 mm Hg.32 reduce ICP while maintaining an adequate CPP in brain-injured Although not effective and harmful for prolonged use,65,66,120 hyperventilation for acutely symptomatic patients may be lifesav- patients,101–104 except in patients with large ischemic stroke when it ing.121 Severe hypocapnea to PaCO2 less than 25 is not advocated may compromise flow through a stenosed proximal cerebral ves- as the risk of brain ischemia significantly increases with no further sel.105 Maintenance of straight head position prevents kinking of the reduction in ICP.122,123 Patient must be intubated if the airway has jugular venous system and facilitates venous drainage.106 not yet been secured with full anesthesia support using rapid se- A significant number of patients with acute brain injury are at quence intubation to avoid further increases in ICP. Propofol with or risk for early seizures (Table 6). Seizures acutely increase the ICP without fentanyl IV infusion should be started to maintain adequate and amplify metabolic demand. Because of this, patients at risk for sedation. Head of bed elevation to 30 degrees above horizontal may AIH should be given seizure prophylaxis with phenytoin107 (loading reduce ICP without compromising CPP. Euvolemia must be estab- dose of 20 mg/kg IV over 1 hour and maintenance of 100 mg Q8H lished prior to instituting osmotic therapy to avoid further reduction daily) or levetiracetam108 (500 mg Q12H daily). The duration of in cerebral perfusion. Mannitol in 20% or 25% concentration should therapy remains controversial. However for TBI, 7 days after trauma109 be given by IV bolus at 1 to 2 g/kg. Repeat doses may be done every and 1 month after ICH18 is recommended, unless patients have 4 to 6 hours (as necessary if ICP monitoring has been started) until experienced spontaneous seizures. clinical response or stabilization of mass effect by serial imaging is Nutrition is an important part of management of acute achieved. Calculated (1.86 (Na K) Glu/18 BUN/2.8 brain injury patients. Feeding may be done enterally (jenunal 10)124,125 and measured serum osmolality (normal value 270 – preferred over gastric) or if not possible due to concomitant 290 mOsm/L) and osmolar gap (measured– calculated osmolality: 196 | © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • 5. The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 Increased ICP Management Review TABLE 7. General Management of Neurocritical Care Patients With AIH Hyperventilation for acutely symptomatic patients Airway. Secure early in the following patients: GCS 9 at high risk for AIH may be lifesaving. Patient with signs of respiratory distress Declining O2 saturation ( 90%) Increasing O2 requirement (FiO2 50%) Labored breathing EMERGENT MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH Rising pCO2 ( 45 mm Hg) in patients without COPD OVERT SIGN OF AIH: ICP MONITORING IN PLACE Patient unable to clear out secretions due to respiratory/oropharyngeal Patients in whom ICP is being monitored usually do not weakness suddenly show overt signs of AIH without corresponding changes in Patients with severe agitation requiring sedation that may compromise ICP. However, in the event that sudden deterioration occurs, a airway similar management response as in an unmonitored patient (Table 4) Breathing. Maintain PaO2 between 80–120 mm Hg, PaCO2 35–40 mm should be initiated. If EVD is in place, CSF drainage of 5 to 10 mL Hg, O2Sat 90% may be done for persistently elevated ICP. Osmotic therapy remains Circulation the cornerstone of management (Table 8). The decision to consider Maintain Euvolemia with goal CVP 5 mm Hg second or third tier therapy for AIH (Table 9) must be individualized 0.9% NaCl at 1–3 mL/kg/h maintenance fluid depending on the patient’s primary condition and with full partici- 0.9% NaCl 0.5–1.0 L IV bolus prn pation of the family members/designated patient’s decision makers. Maintain MAP 70 mm Hg and/or SBP 90 mm Hg Phenylephrine infusion at 10–1000 mcg/min SPECIFIC MEASURES FOR MANAGEMENT OF AIH The goal of AIH management is to identify and prevent Norepinephrine infusion at 2–100 mcg/min secondary ischemic brain injury brought about by an excessively Dopamine infusion at 10–1000 mcg/min increased ICP with a compromised CPP, thereby maintaining cere- Epinephrine infusion at 1–12 mcg/min bral perfusion adequate for a given metabolic demand and conse- Head Position. HOB elevation, keep head at 30° (except in large ischemic quently improving outcome and reducing mortality. Available ther- stroke) apeutic options are outlined in Table 10. Temperature: Keep Temp below 38°C Acetaminophen 650 mg PO/PR Q4H Osmotherapy Cooling blanket Two osmotic agents are currently in use in most neurocritical Surface cooling care units: mannitol and hypertonic saline. Both are highly effective in reducing acutely elevated ICP in various clinical conditions, with Endovascular cooling almost immediate effect lasting for several hours. Mannitol is the Glucose control: Keep Blood Glucose (BG) between 80–140 mg/dL preferred osmotic agent due to its availability and physician’s Regular Insulin sliding scale familiarity of use. It has several mechanisms of action. An imme- Regular Insulin IV drip if BG 140 mg/dL 2 taken 6 h apart diate effect from bolus administration results from plasma expansion Sedation/Analgesia: with reduction of blood viscosity,127 improvement in microvascular Propofol IV drip at 0.1–5 mg/kg/h Fentanyl IV drip at 50–200 g/h Morphine 2–4 mg IVP Q 2–4 h as needed TABLE 8. Emergent Management of Patients With Overt Ativan 1–2 mg IVP Q4–6 h as needed Sign of AIH: ICP Monitor in Place Seizure prophylaxis, for patients at high risk: Perform management maneuvers as in Table 7 Phenytoin (or Fosphenytoin) 1 g LD IV then 100 mg Q8H 7 d If EVD in place, drain 5–10 mL CSF stat and Q30–60 min as needed for Levetiracetam 500 mg PO BID 7 d ICP 20 mm Hg Nutrition: Keep EVD at 10–15 cm above external auditory meatus and open Enteral (jenunal preferred vs gastric) to be started within 72 h Note: Close EVD during patient transport to avoid overdrainage. In SAH Parenteral (if with contraindication to enteral, or unable to start patients with unsecured aneurysm, CSF drainage is not advocated and enteral feeding within 72 h) EVD should be clamped to prevent rebleed 100% RME for non-traumatic and patients on paralyzing agents If ICP 20 mm Hg despite sedation, controlled hyperventilation, 140% RME with 15% protein for TBI patients euvolemia, CSF drainage, institute osmotic therapy: Mannitol 1–2 g/kg IV bolus stat, then Q4–6 h as needed for ICP 20 mm Hg 23.4% NaCl given as 0.5–1 mL/kg IV over 15–30 min Q4–6 h as normal value 0 –5) should be done at baseline and prior to each needed for ICP 20 mm Hg may be used in the following circumstances: mannitol dosing to avoid mannitol-induced renal insufficiency. A measured serum osmolality 320 mOsm/L126 especially in patients 1. In lieu of mannitol in patients with high baseline osmolar gap ( 15), high baseline serum osmolality ( 320 mOsm/L), or history of with history of hypertension and diabetes, osmolal gap 10 or chronic or acute renal insufficiency, diabetes and poorly controlled change in osmolal gap from baseline 10 correlate with poor hypertension mannitol clearance,125 and increased risk of renal toxicity. Neuro- 2. In sequence with mannitol infusion, in patients with partial response surgery consultation should be done at the onset of patient deterio- (ie post mannitol reduction 25% of pretreatment ICP but absolute ration in anticipation for emergent surgical management based on ICP value 20 mm Hg) imaging results. © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 197
  • 6. Latorre and Greer The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 osmotic gradient.158,159 Because of this phenomenon, osmotic TABLE 9. Therapeutic Failure Criteria: AIH Treatment Tier therapy must be tapered after 24 hours of continued use to avoid First Tier to Second Tier Criteria rebound AIH.160 Relative contraindications to osmotic therapy Failure to reduce ICP 20 mm Hg within 2 h of sequential mannitol/ include chronic or acute renal failure and symptomatic conges- hypertonic saline infusion. (Note: Return of ICP to pretreatment tive heart failure.144 value within 4 h before next dose of osmotic agent is a relative Other osmotically active agents have been evaluated clini- indication for switching to next AIH treatment tier, unless CPP can cally and experimentally for AIH. Glycerol, sorbitol, and urea were be maintained 60) found to be inferior to mannitol and associated with more severe Development of adverse effect (renal failure, congestive heart failure, rebound edema.141 rebound phenomenon, severe hypernatremia, poor mannitol clearance based on osmotic gap) barring continuation of osmotic agents Second Tier to Third Tier Criteria Metabolic Suppression Therapy Failure to reduce ICP by 25% of pretreatment value In patients with preserved flow-metabolism coupling, barbi- Persistent ICP elevation 20–25 mm Hg during metabolic suppression turate-induced cerebral metabolic suppression is an effective way of therapy despite burst suppression EEG pattern at 1–2 burst per reducing ICP refractory to osmotherapy.14,40,161–166 Barbiturates minute for 2 h reduce cerebral metabolism with concomitant reduction in cerebral Persistent ICP elevation 20–25 mm Hg during induced hypothermia blood flow thereby decreasing ICP.132 In addition, barbiturates have with target temperature of 32°–34° for 2 h neuroprotective properties including free radical scavenger func- Development of adverse effect (marked hypotension requiring 1 tion,167 apoptosis inhibition,168 and reduction in intracerebral pyru- vasopressor to keep MAP 70 or CPP 60; coagulation abnormality vate, and lactate production.165 Thiopental is a short-acting barbi- with increased bleeding risk; presence or development of severe turate with a short half-life in the range of 9 to 27 hours after infection/sepsis) barring use/continuation of hypometabolic agents prolonged infusion169 and may be more effective than pentobarbital in reducing ICP.170 Pentobarbital is given as IV infusion at a usual rate of 1 to 8 cerebral blood flow,128 cerebral oxygenation,129 and CPP130 with mg/kg/h. A loading dose of 5 to 10 mg/kg repeated every 15 to 20 reduction in cerebral blood volume,130,131 and ultimately lowering minutes as needed may be necessary if ICP does not respond.40 of ICP. A slightly delayed effect, occurring within 15 to 30 minutes Thiopental may be given with a loading dose of up to 4 g over 1 to and lasting for up to 6 hours, results from a direct osmotic effect on 5 hours (300 –500 mg IV bolus every 30 minutes) until a positive neural cells with reduction in total brain water.132 Additional pos- ICP response appears, followed by continuous infusion of 1 to 6 sible mannitol effects include reduced CSF production,133 free mg/kg/h.169 Frequent small loading doses are advocated to prevent radical scavenging,134 and inhibition of apoptosis.135 Doses ranging sudden hypotension and reduction of CPP. The duration of therapy from 0.2 to 2.0 g/kg as intermittent or continuous infusion have been depends on the ICP response. Continuous infusion is not advocated studied but 1 to 2 g/kg136 given as IV bolus137 as needed138 is if the loading dose does not show any ICP response. If the ICP drops recommended. Repeated doses of mannitol require ICP monitoring 25% with a loading dose, continuous infusion may be instituted since the effect diminishes over time and a rebound phenomenon for 24 to 180 hours or until ICP is well controlled. has been noted after prolonged use in experimental models139,140 A minimum barbiturate dose required to control ICP 20 is although clinical studies have shown variable results.141–143 The advocated with frequent dose adjustment every 2 to 4 hours. There osmolar gap correlates better with the mannitol level and is the have been no consistent predictable relationships between cerebral preferred monitoring parameter to prevent mannitol-induced re- metabolism and barbiturate blood levels, precluding its clinical nal failure.144 use.171 Continuous EEG monitoring is recommended only to pre- vent overdosing as the maximum effect on metabolic suppression, CBF and ICP reduction is achieved with an EEG pattern showing 1 to 2 bursts per minute;172,173 any further increase in barbiturate dose increases the risk of cerebral ischemia due to further reduction of Two osmotic agents are currently in use in most systemic blood pressure and cardiac output without a further decre- ment in cerebral blood blow and ICP. In patients with impaired neurocritical care units: mannitol and hypertonic saline. cerebral autoregulation, concomitant monitoring of global (SjvO2) or regional (PbtO2) cerebral oxygenation may be used in com- bination with continuous EEG monitoring to maximize barbitu- rate-induced ICP reduction without inducing cerebral isch- Hypertonic saline use in neurocritical care is increasing due to emia.161 Gradual weaning after prolonged infusion (more than 24 its favorable effect on systemic hemodynamics,145–147 ease of use, hours) is suggested due to potential development of barbiturate and proven efficacy.144,148 –151 In addition to its dehydrating effect, withdrawal seizures. it promotes rapid CSF absorption,152 increases cardiac output, and Despite its efficacy, barbiturate therapy has a variable effect expands intravascular volume thereby augmenting the CPP with a on outcome163,174,175 and no benefit has been shown with prophy- positive inotropic effect,153 diminishing the inflammatory re- lactic administration.176 Systemic hypotension almost always occurs sponse,154 and inducing glutamate reuptake.153 A number of prep- with barbiturate therapy, often requiring vasopressor therapy and arations have been studied clinically ranging from 1.5% to 30% meticulous fluid management. Barbiturate infusion should be dis- NaCl with variable results. For continuous infusion, 3% NaCl is continued if significant hypotension occurs that compromises CPP preferred,155,156 whereas for bolus administration, 23.4% NaCl is despite vasopressor and fluid management. Other side effects of used.149,150,157 Hypertonic saline has similar efficacy with mannitol barbiturate therapy include sepsis, electrolyte abnormalities, and and may be used interchangeably, especially in patients with a high hepatic and renal dysfunction.177 Because of significant potential osmolar gap.144 adverse effects with no clear effect on long-term outcome, high dose Prolonged increase in osmolality induces the cerebral ho- barbiturate therapy is considered a second tier treatment strategy for meostatic mechanism to produce idiogenic osmoles to reduce the AIH intractable to osmotic agents. 198 | © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • 7. The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 Increased ICP Management Review TABLE 10. Specific Therapy for AIH MOA Dose/Administration Monitoring Adverse Effect Emergent Tx Transient Reduction of CO2 causing Ambubag/ventilator rate of 30–40 PaCO2 to keep at 26–30 mm Hg Cerebral ischemia hyperventilation cerebral vasoconstriction breaths per minute to increase ABG monitoring Q15 min to Rebound AIH if and reduction of CBV minute ventilation by 15–20L/ avoid overshoot stopped suddenly min, wean slowly over 12–24 h SjvO2 and/or PbtO2 monitoring to prevent rebound AIH Effective suggested only for a few hours Avoid prolonged ( 6 h) or prophylactic use Decompressive Expansion of cranial vault Wide craniectomy with duraplasty ICP monitoring recommended Death, ICH, Stroke, surgery releasing pressure and and evacuation of mass lesion, Brain imaging as clinically Bleeding, infection improvement in CBF done as soon as possible indicated Evacuation of mass effect External ventricular Drainage of CSF improving Usually inserted in the nondominant ICP monitoring CNS infection drainage cerebral compliance and frontal area Brain imaging as clinically Bleeding reducing ICP EVD at 10–15 cm above external indicated EVD malfunction auditory meatus and open 5–10 mL CSF drainage every 30–60 min as needed for ICP 20 mm Hg First Tier Mannitol Reduces brain water 1–2 g/kg IV bolus every 4–6 h Serum Na, K, BUN, Glu, Osm, Renal failure Reduced RBC viscosity taper dose if continued use for 24 h Osm gap before each dose Electrolyte abnormality Increase CBF Alternate with 23.4% NaCl if with Hold for Osmolar gap 5 (using CHF Free radical scavenger partial response formula: 1.86 (Na K) Rebound effect Reduces CBV BUN/2.8 Glu/18 10) Reduced CSF production If baseline Osm Gap 5, hold for change in Osm Gap 5 Hypertonic saline Reduces brain water 23.4% NaCl IV bolus over 15–30 Serum Na, Osm Renal failure Reduced RBC viscosity min at 0.5–1 mL/kg/dose given Do not exceed Na rise 0.5 CHF Increase CBF, Improves every 4–6 h alternate with or in mEq/L per hr if with history Electrolyte abnormality CO between mannitol doses of chronic hyponatremia Rebound effect Increased CSF absorption Second Tier Barbiturate Reduction of metabolic Thiopental 1–5 g IV LD as 500 mg Continuous EEG Systemic hypotension, demand reduces CBF and IV bolus Q15–30 min over 1–5 h Keep CPP 60 using severe infection, ICP until ICP response vasopressors as necessary respiratory Free radical scavenger If complete response (ICP 20), SjvO2 or PbtO2 recommended complications, renal Anti-apoptotic return to first tier agents, or Blood culture Q24–48 h and hepatic Neuroprotective repeat bolus doses as necessary Serum lytes, CBC, coags, LFTs dysfunction If incomplete response (ICP 20 daily but reduction 25%), start IV infusion at 1–8 mg/kg and adjust dose every 30–60 min to ICP goal 20 or until burst suppression EEG pattern at 1–2 burst/min Duration of treatment between 12– 180 h with gradual weaning over 24 h Hypothermia Reduction of metabolic Target temperature of 32°C–34°C Bladder temperature Shivering activity reduces CBF and with surface or endovascular Surveillance culture Sepsis ICP cooling method Routine coagulation studies Hypotension and Reduces release of Duration of treatment between 24– electrolyte excitatory 72 h, followed by passive abnormality neurotransmitters rewarming over 12–24 h Third Tier Surgery Expansion of cranial vault Most effective if done in patients ICP monitoring by EVD or bolt Death, ICH, Stroke, releasing pressure and who failed medical AIH SjvO2 or PbtO2 recommended Bleeding, infection improvement in CBF management but does not have Evacuation of mass effect overt herniation syndrome yet © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 199
  • 8. Latorre and Greer The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 Other metabolic suppressive agents have been evaluated for ICP reduction but side effects have limited their use. Prolonged use TABLE 11. Indication for Surgery in Patients With AIH of high dose propofol (more than 5 mg/kg/h) may cause “propofol Decompressive craniectomy, evacuation of mass lesion with or without infusion syndrome” with rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitis, and meta- duraplasty bolic acidosis.99,178,179 In addition, bolus administration of propofol Severe TBI, no mass lesion, refractory ICP causes significant hypotension that may compromise CPP.180,181 Any TBI, mass lesion causing significant tissue shift Studies on etomidate have shown variable results,182–187 with an Malignant MCA infarction increased incidence of adrenal suppression188 and renal failure.189 Infratentorial ICH 3 cm diameter with or without hydrocephalus Relative contraindications to metabolic suppression therapy in- Patients with diffuse brain edema from a number of causes who are clude active septicemia, coagulopathy, and unstable hemodynamic status. refractory to medical AIH management Minimally invasive surgery with or without thrombolysis Hypothermia ICH with GCS 6–12 and deteriorating neurologic status Induced hypothermia is effective in reducing ICP from mul- ICH with clot volume 20–80 mL causing midline shift and raised ICP tiple causes190 –194 by suppressing all cerebral metabolic activities, External ventricular Drain thereby reducing CBF. It has been found to be cytoprotective in Ventricular obstruction causing hydrocephalus animal models,195 reducing ischemia-induced release of gluta- Intraventricular hemorrhage or extension distortion of 4th ventricle with mate.196 The use of hypothermia for patients at high risk for AIH but effacement of ambient cisterns no overt sign of increased ICP have shown variable re- Need for ICP monitoring sults.191,192,197–203 The increased amount of resources associated with its use in addition to potential adverse effects make hypother- mia a second tier AIH therapy in refractory ICP. TABLE 12. Antishivering Strategies for Therapeutic Hypothermia Nonpharmacologic204 Induced hypothermia is effective in reducing ICP Boots and mittens heated to 46°C Application of warming blanket from multiple causes by suppressing all cerebral Neck and face air warming with humidified air (standard face tent with metabolic activities, thereby reducing CBF. 6–10 L/min of humidified air warmed to 32°C) Pharmacologic: For nonintubated patients Tramadol219 100–200 mg PO Q4–6H Mild (34°C–36°C) to moderate (32°C–34°C) hypothermia Clonidine220 0.1–0.2 mg PO Q12H may be induced by surface cooling200 or endovascular cooling Meperidine221,222 25–75 mg IV/PO Q2–4H0.4 mg/kg/h IV infusion catheter.95 Surface cooling with a body vest is the preferred method Ondansetron222 8 mg IV/PO Q6–8 H due to its noninvasive nature and relative efficacy in achieving the Buspirone204 30 mg PO Q8H temperature goal.204 The endovascular cooling catheter has the For intubated patients: advantage of faster time to target temperature but is associated with Dexmedetomidine223 0.05–0.7 mcg/kg/H IV infusion the risk of infection, bleeding, and intravascular thrombosis.205 *Propofol224 1–5 mg/kg/H IV infusion Other side effects206,207 common to all techniques of hypother- *Alfentanyl225 50–75 mcg/kg IV LD then 0.5–3 mcg/kg/min IV mia include bleeding diathesis, respiratory infection, shivering, infusion and myocardial dysfunction especially with deep208 (less than *Require paralytic agent: Cisatracurium226 0.1– 0.2 mg/kg LD as IV bolus then 31°C) hypothermia.209 Rebound cerebral edema occurs com- 0.01– 0.15 mg/kg/h. monly during rewarming.210 A target temperature between 32°C and 35°C achieved as fast as possible for maximum effect is advocated for ICP reduction vs. prolonged 72 hours),212 duration and rapidity of rewarming, therapy. Cold saline infusion (30 mL/kg of 0.9% NS at 4°C as an IV and control of shivering.218 bolus over 30 minutes) is safe and shortens the time to target temperature.211 Patients require an aggressive antishivering regimen Others with adequate sedation (mentioned in Table 11). Cooling is main- A number of agents for AIH management have been used in tained for 24 –72 hours or longer depending on ICP response.212 the past but have not gained wide acceptance because of variable Passive rewarming over 24 hours is critical due to development of clinical results and lack of solid evidence on efficacy. These agents rebound cerebral edema, hypotension, and electrolyte abnormali- may be used as a last resort while waiting for definitive management such as surgical decompression or prior to switching to second tier ties.192,213,214 In addition, meticulous attention should be devoted to therapy in patients with relative contraindications to a specific agent. management of shivering (Table 12) to prevent a hypercatabolic Tris-hydroxymethyl-amino-methane or tromethamine is ef- state and rebound hyperthermia. Relative contraindications to hypo- fective in reducing refractory AIH,227–229 given as 0.3 M solution at thermia include active septicemia, coagulopathy, and unstable he- a dose of 1 mmol/kg (121 mg/kg or 4 mL/kg) over 1 hour, repeated modynamic status. every 12 hours, or followed by continuous infusion of 1 mL/kg/h for A significant number of issues215 remain unresolved, includ- up to 5 days. It acts as a cerebral buffer and induces metabolic ing the ideal target temperature (mild, moderate, or deep hypother- alkalosis without increasing PCO2 and serum Na, resulting in mia), patient selection,190,216,217 mode of administration of cooling cerebral vasoconstriction, reduction in CBV and ICP. Patients need (surface vs. endovascular), timing of intervention (prophylactic, to be ventilated to avoid respiratory compensation. Side effects early vs. delayed or only with AIH), duration of treatment (24 hours include local tissue irritation and necrosis, respiratory depression, 200 | © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • 9. The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 Increased ICP Management Review and hypoglycemia. Renal failure is a relative contraindication to ischemia, but mild to moderate hypocapnea may be enough to tromethamine use. cause regional ischemia due to regional differences in cerebral Indomethacin is a nonspecific cyclooxygenase inhibitor that autoregulatory dysfunction in the acutely injured brain (perile- has been found to have a vasoconstrictive effect in cerebral vessels, sional area being most affected).65,244 Prophylactic hyperventi- predominantly affecting the small resistance vessels, causing reduc- lation has been shown to adversely affect outcome. For these tion in ICP by reducing CBV and CBF.230 –232 It is usually given as reasons, prophylactic, prolonged, and/or profound hyperventila- a 50 mg IV bolus repeated every 6 to 8 hours or followed by 10 to tion is highly discouraged.65– 67,245–247 30 mg/h continuous infusion 24 – 48 hours.233 So far, its effect on Fluid limitation resulting in dehydration in acute brain injury long-term outcome is unknown, and there is theoretical danger of has been advocated in the past in the hope of preventing cerebral inducing cerebral ischemia from vasoconstriction. In addition, re- edema but has been associated with an adverse outcome. Dehydra- bound AIH has been noted with use of indomethacin after sudden tion causes inadequate systemic and cerebral perfusion, increases discontinuation.233–235 susceptibility to renal and drug toxicity, reduces responsiveness to osmotic therapy, and adversely affects blood viscosity. The current Ineffective or Harmful Therapy recommendation is for fast and adequate fluid resuscitation to There is ample evidence that corticosteroids do not improve maintain normovolemia and preserve CPP.67 outcome in acute brain injury from trauma, ischemia, or hemorrhage and may actually be harmful due to increased adverse effects related to its use.123,236 –241 Surgery Hyperventilation beyond 6 hours looses its efficacy in Surgical decompression and early evacuation of a focal mass reducing ICP due to rapid cerebral compensation.121,242,243 Pro- lesion is effective in reducing ICP but the efficacy on improving found hypocapnea (reduction of PaCO2 below 25 mm Hg) may functional outcome and mortality depends largely on timing and induce severe cerebral vasoconstriction causing global cerebral selection of patients248 (Table 11). FIGURE 1. Algorithm for the Management of Acute Intracranial Hypertension. © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 201
  • 10. Latorre and Greer The Neurologist • Volume 15, Number 4, July 2009 Following initial resuscitation, early ( 24 hour) decompres- that future outcome studies may shed light in the efficacy of these sive craniectomy and evacuation of a focal mass lesion is the single new treatment options. most important treatment in TBI, resulting in improved outcome.249 Decompressive craniectomy after massive hemispheric ACKNOWLEDGMENTS strokes in selected patients with clinical and radiographic evidence The authors thank Guy Rordorf, MD, Jonathan Rosand, MD, of cerebral edema is effective in reducing ICP250 and improving Raul Nogueira, MD, Mary Guanci, RN, and Lee Schwamm, MD for outcome.251–253 Predictors of poor outcome after decompresive their critical review and appraisal of the manuscript. craniectomy include age beyond 60,254 low preoperative GCS ( 8), preoperative anisocoria, early ( 72 hours from stroke onset) clinical REFERENCES deterioration, and multiple territory infarction.255 1. 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