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Monetary policy deals with all those monetary and non-monetary
measures and decisions that affect the total money supply and circulation
in the economy . It also includes several non-monetary measures like
wages , price control , income policy , budgetary operations taken by the
government which indirectly influence the monetary decisions and
measures in an economy .
It refers to the policy of the government spending , taxing , borrowing
and debt management . It is defined as the governments program of
taxation , expenditure and other financial operations to achieve certain
well-defined national goals .
Fiscal policy and monetary policy are the two tools used by the state to achieve its
macroeconomic objectives. While for many countries the main objective of fiscal policy
is to increase the aggregate output of the economy, the main objective of the monetary
policies is to control the interest and inflation rates. The IS/LM model is one of the
models used to depict the effect of policy interactions on aggregate output and interest
rates. The fiscal policies have a direct impact on the goods market and the monetary
policies have a direct impact on the asset markets; since the two markets are connected
to each other via the two macro variables output and interest rates, the policies interact
while influencing output and interest rates.
Traditionally, both the policy instruments were under the control of the national
governments. Thus traditional analyses were made with respect to the two policy
instruments to obtain the optimum policy mix of the two to achieve macroeconomic
goals, lest the two policy tools be aimed at mutually inconsistent targets. But more
recently, owing to the transfer of control with respect to monetary policy formulation to
central banks, formation of monetary unions (like European Monetary Union formed
via the Stability and Growth Pact), and attempts being made to form fiscal unions, there
has been a significant structural change in the way in which fiscal and monetary
policies interact.
There is a dilemma as to whether these two policies are complementary, or act as
substitutes to each other for achieving macroeconomic goals. Policy makers are viewed
as interacting as strategic substitutes when one policy maker's expansionary
(contractionary) policies are countered by another policy maker's contractionary
(expansionary) policies. For example: if the fiscal authority raises taxes or cuts
spending, then the monetary authority reacts to it by lowering the policy rates and vice
versa. If they behave as strategic complements, then an expansionary (contractionary)
policy of one authority is met by expansionary (contractionary) policies of the other.
The issue of interaction and the policies being complements or substitutes for each other
arises only when the authorities are independent of each other. But when the goals of
one authority are made subservient to those of the other, then one authority solely
dominates the policy making and no interaction worthy of analysis would arise. Also,
fiscal and monetary policies interact only to the extent of influencing the final objective.
So long as the objectives of one policy are not influenced by the other, there is no direct
interaction between them.
Economic growth refers to a steady , continuous ,
uninterrupted , substantial and sustained growth in
the level of income output and employment over a
long period of time in an economy .
The process of economic growth is a very complex one . It is multi-
dimensional in nature . Various economic & non economic factors ,
domestic & outside forces , direct & indirect factors determine the nature
and pattern of economic progress of a country .
Thus the factors determining economic factors are as follows :
 Economic factors
 Non economic factors
 International factors
Economic factors are those factors , which have economic content in
them . They directly determine the nature and extent of economic
development of a country . The growth performance of an economy is
directly associated with them .
 Natural resources
 Capital formation
 Dynamic entrepreneurship
 Capital output ratio
 Technical progress
 Division of labor
 Economic stability
 Balanced growth
 Population
 Structural changes
 Size of the market
 Domestic base
Natural resources are described as free gifts of nature .
The nature bestows them to a country .Countries with
abundant natural resources can develop its economy
much faster when compared to a country that is deficient
in natural resources . Efficient utilization of the available
resources is necessary to achieve optimum output which
results in greater rate of productivity .
Capital is the life life-blood of all economic activities .
Here the term ‘capital’ refers to capital goods .
Capital formation is the process of measuring the
increase in the real capital stock of a country during an accounting period
It is closely associated with the productive capacity of an economy .
Higher rate of capital formation results in rapid economic development .
Thus savings must be mobilized , converted into investment and created
as capital assets in an economy .
Entrepreneurship plays a very important role in the
Economic development of a country .
An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business
taking on financial risks in the hope of earning profit .
He looks for ideas and puts them into effect in forecasting economic
growth . He acts as a trigger head to give spark to economic activities by
his entrepreneurial decisions . The major roles played by an entrepreneur
in the economic growth of a country are capital formation , employment
generation , increase in GNP and per capita income , promotes country’s
exports , creation of wealth & distribution etc.,
Capital output ratio (COR) refers to the number of units of capital
required to produce one unit of output .
For instance , if COR is 4:1 , it implies that 4 units
of capital are required to produce one unit of output .
Generally , lower the COR , higher the productive capacity of capital and
vice-versa . Every economy attempts to produce larger quantity of output
with lower amount of investment .
Hence , all kinds of measures are taken to reduce COR to its minimum
level .
Thus , it plays a very important role in determining the rate of economic
Technology refers to the application of scientific
Knowledge into practical life in the form of new
tools and implements .
Technological progress refers to change in the process & methods of production
thus improvements in techniques of production .
It is a major instrument to raise the productive capacity of an economy .
It increases the ability to make efficient utilization of different resources to
increase production . It helps in avoiding all kinds of wastage . It saves time . It
is cost controller by nature . Thus , it has a decisive role in shaping the pattern
of economic growth of a country .
Division of labor is the specialization of cooperating individuals who perform
specific tasks and roles . It is based on the principle right job for the right man .
It helps in organizing the work in a better manner and secure better results . It
leads to large-scale production and industrial development which accelerate the
rate of growth . It leads to large-scale production and industrial development ,
which accelerates the rate of growth . Thus an economy can reap the benefits of
both internal and external economies of scale .
Economic stability refers to an absence of fluctuations in the economy .
An economy with fairly constant output growth and low or stable
inflation would be considered as economically stable .
An economy with frequent large recessions , very high
or variable inflation or frequent financial crisis would
be considered as economically unstable .
Economic stability does not mean rigidity in activities . 100% economic
stability is neither possible nor desirable . Thus there must be a
reasonable degree of changes in the economy .
However , the general level of economic activities should not be allowed
to fluctuate beyond certain minimum limit .
Balanced economic growth refers to proper balance between the various
economic variables such as aggregate savings , investments , income ,
expenditure , demand , supply and different economic policies of the
government etc., in an economy .
Similarly , there must be proper integration
between domestic as well as external activities .
it maintains the tempo of economic progress .
Thus it is a major requirement for the smooth
Working of an economy and accelerating the
pace of economic growth in an economy .
Population is generally regarded as an asset
of a nation .
It should never become a liability or burden
to an economy . It serves as both means an end
i.e., they act as means of production and as
consumers they become the end of production .
People are not only producers of wealth but they are also consumers of
wealth . Thus the available human Resource must be exploited efficiently
Structural changes imply improvements in labor productivity and
mobility , managerial ability , higher rate of capital formation production
pattern of goods , quality of goods , composition & size of markets ,
banking & credit institutions , money market & capital market , private
& public sector , JSC’s , MNC’s , etc.,
The process of growth depends on the structure of an economy .
Unless these fundamental changes are brought , development process
cannot be accelerated .
But It is a highly challenging task for an economy .
Growing and expanding markets reflect higher investment , large-scale
production , higher income and employment in a country .
Growth of market depends upon various factors such as demand for
goods & services , availability of capital , technology , division of labor ,
free movement of goods and services , dynamic entrepreneurs and all
kinds of positive support from the government in the form of monetary
and fiscal incentives etc.
Development depends on a strong domestic or indigenous base .
If the foundation or infrastructure of the economy is strong , it is possible
to erect or construct a solid super structure . Economic development
cannot be simply implanted from outside . External assistance and
support may help to stimulate and facilitate the national process of
growth but they cannot be a substitute for internal initiative , motivation
and national forces for development . If the process is to become
cumulative , sustainable and long lasting , the development forces must
be fundamentally based within the developing economy .
Non economic factors are those factors , which do not have economic
content in them . They indirectly determine the nature and extent of
economic development of a country . The growth performance of an
economy is indirectly associated with them .
 Political factors
 Social factors
 Social justice
 Education
 Desire for development
Rapid economic development requires a good , strong , stable and
development oriented government . The fundamental requirement is that
there should be a government that works for the betterment of the people.
Political factors includes good & efficient administration , maintenance
of law & order and quality of leadership . Thus politics and economics
are inseparable .
Social factors consist of social structure , organizations and institutions
like the joint family system , caste system , kinship , race division etc.,
Apart from this , it comprises social attitudes , habits , practices , beliefs ,
ceremonies and values of life of the people .
It implies that all people irrespective of the class , group , caste ,
community , clan , religion , region , language they should get equal
opportunity in social life , economic and social advancement .
Knowledge is described as power .
Education leads to enlightenment and
opens the to acquire knowledge . It makes
them to realize their responsibility .
It creates desire for development . It is the
only way to widen the thoughts of public
for accepting new methods and techniques .
Thus education has been recognized as one
of the vital determinants of economic development and growth .
Development is a state of mind . People have to develop the idea of
development before they develop the economy . They should think that if
they put efforts , it is possible to achieve progress . Development is
possible only when people want it and work for it . This psychological
feeling will prepare their minds to make any sort of sacrifice and to pay
any price for it .
Thus , it is regarded as one of the primary requirements for economic
development and growth .
Economic growth of a country mainly depends upon a strong domestic
base , favorable psychological environment and internal factors .
At times domestic efforts are to be supported by external factors if the
process of development has to become sustained one . The following are
some of the external or international factors :
 Foreign capital
 Foreign trade
 International co-operation
Flows of capital from one nation to another in
exchange for significant ownership stakes in
domestic companies or other domestic assets
is known as foreign capital .
Scarcity of domestic capital is to be supplemented by foreign capital .
Foreign capital should be utilized to increase the productive power of the
economy . A country should not reserve itself from importing foreign
capital from any corner of the world .
Thus shortage of domestic capital is a major obstacle to economic
Foreign trade is exchange of goods and services across international
borders or territories . To have a favorable foreign trade the imports must
not exceed the exports . Thus , the nature , composition , direction , value
and volume of foreign trade are important factors determining the
economic growth of a country .
International co-operation means the interaction of persons or groups of
persons representing various nations in the pursuit of a common goal or
Both developed and developing nations should come closer and
understand each other’s problems in the right spirit and arrive at most
realistic conclusions to solve them .
There are several international
institutions like World Bank ,
and regional economic organizations
like OPEC , ECC , EU , SAARC ,
OECD etc., to assist all the countries
and to protect their interests .
Thus , friendly , cordial and harmonious relationship between different
nations will help in maintaining a sustained and continuous economic
growth of both poor and rich nations .
Many factors and forces determine he nature and speed of economic
growth . There is wide gap between the desire for growth and the actual
growth rates . The actual growth rate lags behind the expected growth
rate in spite of higher expectations .There are many problems and
constraints which hinders economic growth .
The following are the major obstacles to economic growth :
 Economic factors
 Non economic factors
 International obstacles
The economic factors which are major hindrance to economic growth are
as follows :
 Vicious circle of poverty
 Shortage of capital
 Population growth
 Difficulty in adopting western technology
 Lack of adequate training facility
 Lack of innovation and dynamic entrepreneurship
 Agricultural constraints
 Human resource constraints
 Adverse balance of payments
 Lack of infrastructure facilities
Poverty-stricken individuals experience
disadvantages as a result of their poverty, which
in turn increases their poverty. This would mean
that the poor remain poor throughout their lives.
Many developing countries are caught up in
vicious cycle of poverty. Low level of income prevents savings, retards
capital growth, hinders productivity growth, and keeps income low.
Successful development may require taking steps to break up the chain at
many points.
Other points in poverty are also self- reinforcing. Poverty is accompanied
by low levels of education, literacy and skill; these in turn prevent the
adaptation to new and improved technologies and lead to rapid
population growth.
Overcoming the barriers of poverty often
requires a concentrated effort on many
fronts and a 'big-push' is required to break the 'vicious cycle' into
'virtuous circle'.
shortage of capital is one of the most important
problems of economic development and growth .
the vicious circle of poverty has resulted in low
level of income . This in turn has lead to low level
of savings , capital formation , investment ,
production , income and employment .
Capital deficiency is mainly responsible for low
productivity , use of outmoded techniques in both
agriculture & industry and under utilization of all kinds of resources .
A country may possess natural and human resources in abundant . But
resources by themselves are idle which has to be activated , to do this
capital is required . Hence , a higher rate of capital formation is
necessary for rapid economic development and growth .
Population growth is the increase in the number of
individuals in a population. The population growth
rate is the rate at which the number of individuals
in a population increases in a given time period as
a fraction of the initial population.
Developing countries experience the negative impact of rapid,
uncontrolled population growth often requiring western countries to
provide direct aid to avert famine. Poor social conditions, including
regional warfare and weak governance, often make conditions worse
when scarce resources are not sufficient to meet the needs of a rapidly
growing population. These conditions exacerbate poverty, malnutrition,
childhood and maternal mortality, use of child labor and already
inadequate educational opportunities, especially for women.
Thus Over population is the route cause for all kinds of economic
problems .
Modern technology of the west is not suitable for the developing
countries on account of acute shortage of capital , skilled labor and
scientific management . They are struggling hard to evolve a new
suitable modern technology for them . Expenditure on R&D and
improvements in science and technology is pitifully low in these nations.
Lack of innovative spirit is another problem in these nations .
Efficiency , productivity , skill formation , technical knowledge etc.,
depends upon availability of training facility and higher education .
Lack of them is the main obstacle to raise the productive power of the
economy . Hence , there is low output and income .
Entrepreneurship is largely absent in developing countries due to absence
of favorable economic and socio-cultural climate . There is terrible
shortage of highly developed highly standardized business schools , job
oriented schools , training centers etc., in these nations .
Majority of the developing nations have pre-
dominantly agricultural economies . Agricultural
production constitutes a large share of their
national income and agricultural commodities from a considerable part
of the values of their exports . But the agricultural practices the
techniques and methods used in the cultivation , the size of holdings is
small and productivity is miserably low .
The developing countries lack people possessing critical skills and
knowledge required for all round development of the economy . Low
labor productivity and factor immobility are mainly the result of poor
quality of human resource . Machines break down often wear and tear
out soon . Materials components are wasted and the quality of production
falls and cost rises . In such countries there is general resistance to
change .
Adverse BOP is another major problem in these countries . As their
development requirements are huge , they are importing all kinds of
inputs , capital , technology , finished goods to build up their foundation
of the economy . On the other hand , the export-promotion policies of
these countries have not yet yielded substantial results to reduce the
amount of deficits in their BOP .
The process of development depends
on the availability of various kinds of
infrastructure facilities , development of
transport and communication systems ,
generation of electricity , power , fuel etc., in the absence of such
facilities , development cannot take place .
The non economic factors which are major hindrance to economic
growth are as follows :
 Socio-Cultural constraints
 Lack of education
 Political instability
The existing social structure , social institutions etc., are non conductive
to economic growth . The caste system , joint family system , social
customs etc., have arrested economic progress and continued to hamper
development . The oriental religion gives less inducement to the work ,
thrift and hard work . Progressive outlook , zeal for development ,
aptitude for growth , desire to come up in life etc., are totally absent in
these countries . Instead , there is resistance to change . People have
developed a philosophy of resignation . Hence , a sort of socio-cultural
revolution is required to bring about total transformation in these nations.
Conservative outlook , superstitious beliefs ,
fatalism , ignorance , illiteracy , rigid sentiments ,
unscientific analysis , irrational behavior etc., are the direct result of
absence of education . Popular education and enlightenment can do a lot
in changing the mental setup of the people .
The political setup and environment is not congenial for growth in most
of these nations . Existence of a corrupt and inefficient government
encourages favoritism , nepotism , bribery etc.,
Dishonesty , lack of interest , sincerity in administration and lack of
political stability fails to create an atmosphere of confidence in the minds
of the people .
Many UDC’s have remained backward on account of the operation of some
unfavorable international factors , they are as follows :
 Foreign trade orientation has not contributed much to the overall
development of these economies . On the contrary , it has lead to the
development of export sector and utter neglect of other sectors of the
economy .
 Dependence on exports too much exposes an economy to the fluctuating
world market , demand and prices .
 Imports of finished industrial products from developed countries obstructed
the growth of industries in UDC’s .
 There has been a continuous decline in terms of trade of poor nations .
Hence , there is need for regulation and re-orientation of foreign trade in
order to stimulate economic development in UDC’s .
 The flow of foreign capital and technology and other kinds of skills is not
smooth . Developed nations are imposing conditions which slows down the
progress of these nations .
 The international organizations like IMF , WTO etc., have not assisted these
nations to develop their respective economics at a faster rate .
Macro Economics

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Macro Economics

  • 2. MEANING OF MONETARY POLICY Monetary policy deals with all those monetary and non-monetary measures and decisions that affect the total money supply and circulation in the economy . It also includes several non-monetary measures like wages , price control , income policy , budgetary operations taken by the government which indirectly influence the monetary decisions and measures in an economy . MEANING OF FISCAL POLICY It refers to the policy of the government spending , taxing , borrowing and debt management . It is defined as the governments program of taxation , expenditure and other financial operations to achieve certain well-defined national goals .
  • 3. COORDINATION OF MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICY Fiscal policy and monetary policy are the two tools used by the state to achieve its macroeconomic objectives. While for many countries the main objective of fiscal policy is to increase the aggregate output of the economy, the main objective of the monetary policies is to control the interest and inflation rates. The IS/LM model is one of the models used to depict the effect of policy interactions on aggregate output and interest rates. The fiscal policies have a direct impact on the goods market and the monetary policies have a direct impact on the asset markets; since the two markets are connected to each other via the two macro variables output and interest rates, the policies interact while influencing output and interest rates. Traditionally, both the policy instruments were under the control of the national governments. Thus traditional analyses were made with respect to the two policy instruments to obtain the optimum policy mix of the two to achieve macroeconomic goals, lest the two policy tools be aimed at mutually inconsistent targets. But more recently, owing to the transfer of control with respect to monetary policy formulation to central banks, formation of monetary unions (like European Monetary Union formed via the Stability and Growth Pact), and attempts being made to form fiscal unions, there has been a significant structural change in the way in which fiscal and monetary policies interact.
  • 4. There is a dilemma as to whether these two policies are complementary, or act as substitutes to each other for achieving macroeconomic goals. Policy makers are viewed as interacting as strategic substitutes when one policy maker's expansionary (contractionary) policies are countered by another policy maker's contractionary (expansionary) policies. For example: if the fiscal authority raises taxes or cuts spending, then the monetary authority reacts to it by lowering the policy rates and vice versa. If they behave as strategic complements, then an expansionary (contractionary) policy of one authority is met by expansionary (contractionary) policies of the other. The issue of interaction and the policies being complements or substitutes for each other arises only when the authorities are independent of each other. But when the goals of one authority are made subservient to those of the other, then one authority solely dominates the policy making and no interaction worthy of analysis would arise. Also, fiscal and monetary policies interact only to the extent of influencing the final objective. So long as the objectives of one policy are not influenced by the other, there is no direct interaction between them.
  • 5. MEANING OF ECONOMIC GROWTH Economic growth refers to a steady , continuous , uninterrupted , substantial and sustained growth in the level of income output and employment over a long period of time in an economy . TOP 10 ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD
  • 6. FACTORS DETERMINING ECONOMIC GROWTH The process of economic growth is a very complex one . It is multi- dimensional in nature . Various economic & non economic factors , domestic & outside forces , direct & indirect factors determine the nature and pattern of economic progress of a country . Thus the factors determining economic factors are as follows :  Economic factors  Non economic factors  International factors
  • 7. ECONOMIC FACTORS Economic factors are those factors , which have economic content in them . They directly determine the nature and extent of economic development of a country . The growth performance of an economy is directly associated with them .  Natural resources  Capital formation  Dynamic entrepreneurship  Capital output ratio  Technical progress  Division of labor  Economic stability  Balanced growth  Population  Structural changes  Size of the market  Domestic base
  • 8. NATURAL RESOURCES Natural resources are described as free gifts of nature . The nature bestows them to a country .Countries with abundant natural resources can develop its economy much faster when compared to a country that is deficient in natural resources . Efficient utilization of the available resources is necessary to achieve optimum output which results in greater rate of productivity . CAPITAL FORMATION Capital is the life life-blood of all economic activities . Here the term ‘capital’ refers to capital goods . Capital formation is the process of measuring the increase in the real capital stock of a country during an accounting period
  • 9. It is closely associated with the productive capacity of an economy . Higher rate of capital formation results in rapid economic development . Thus savings must be mobilized , converted into investment and created as capital assets in an economy . DYNAMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship plays a very important role in the Economic development of a country . An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business taking on financial risks in the hope of earning profit . He looks for ideas and puts them into effect in forecasting economic growth . He acts as a trigger head to give spark to economic activities by his entrepreneurial decisions . The major roles played by an entrepreneur in the economic growth of a country are capital formation , employment generation , increase in GNP and per capita income , promotes country’s exports , creation of wealth & distribution etc.,
  • 10. CAPITAL OUTPUT RATIO Capital output ratio (COR) refers to the number of units of capital required to produce one unit of output . For instance , if COR is 4:1 , it implies that 4 units of capital are required to produce one unit of output . Generally , lower the COR , higher the productive capacity of capital and vice-versa . Every economy attempts to produce larger quantity of output with lower amount of investment . Hence , all kinds of measures are taken to reduce COR to its minimum level . Thus , it plays a very important role in determining the rate of economic growth. TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS Technology refers to the application of scientific Knowledge into practical life in the form of new tools and implements .
  • 11. Technological progress refers to change in the process & methods of production thus improvements in techniques of production . It is a major instrument to raise the productive capacity of an economy . It increases the ability to make efficient utilization of different resources to increase production . It helps in avoiding all kinds of wastage . It saves time . It is cost controller by nature . Thus , it has a decisive role in shaping the pattern of economic growth of a country . DIVISION OF LABOR Division of labor is the specialization of cooperating individuals who perform specific tasks and roles . It is based on the principle right job for the right man . It helps in organizing the work in a better manner and secure better results . It leads to large-scale production and industrial development which accelerate the rate of growth . It leads to large-scale production and industrial development , which accelerates the rate of growth . Thus an economy can reap the benefits of both internal and external economies of scale .
  • 12. ECONOMIC STABILITY Economic stability refers to an absence of fluctuations in the economy . An economy with fairly constant output growth and low or stable inflation would be considered as economically stable . An economy with frequent large recessions , very high or variable inflation or frequent financial crisis would be considered as economically unstable . Economic stability does not mean rigidity in activities . 100% economic stability is neither possible nor desirable . Thus there must be a reasonable degree of changes in the economy . However , the general level of economic activities should not be allowed to fluctuate beyond certain minimum limit . BALANCED GROWTH Balanced economic growth refers to proper balance between the various economic variables such as aggregate savings , investments , income , expenditure , demand , supply and different economic policies of the government etc., in an economy .
  • 13. Similarly , there must be proper integration between domestic as well as external activities . it maintains the tempo of economic progress . Thus it is a major requirement for the smooth Working of an economy and accelerating the pace of economic growth in an economy . POPULATION Population is generally regarded as an asset of a nation . It should never become a liability or burden to an economy . It serves as both means an end i.e., they act as means of production and as consumers they become the end of production . People are not only producers of wealth but they are also consumers of wealth . Thus the available human Resource must be exploited efficiently .
  • 14. STRUCTURAL CHANGES Structural changes imply improvements in labor productivity and mobility , managerial ability , higher rate of capital formation production pattern of goods , quality of goods , composition & size of markets , banking & credit institutions , money market & capital market , private & public sector , JSC’s , MNC’s , etc., The process of growth depends on the structure of an economy . Unless these fundamental changes are brought , development process cannot be accelerated . But It is a highly challenging task for an economy .
  • 15. SIZE OF MARKET Growing and expanding markets reflect higher investment , large-scale production , higher income and employment in a country . Growth of market depends upon various factors such as demand for goods & services , availability of capital , technology , division of labor , free movement of goods and services , dynamic entrepreneurs and all kinds of positive support from the government in the form of monetary and fiscal incentives etc. STRONG DOMESTIC BASE Development depends on a strong domestic or indigenous base . If the foundation or infrastructure of the economy is strong , it is possible to erect or construct a solid super structure . Economic development cannot be simply implanted from outside . External assistance and support may help to stimulate and facilitate the national process of growth but they cannot be a substitute for internal initiative , motivation and national forces for development . If the process is to become cumulative , sustainable and long lasting , the development forces must be fundamentally based within the developing economy .
  • 16. NON ECONOMIC FACTORS Non economic factors are those factors , which do not have economic content in them . They indirectly determine the nature and extent of economic development of a country . The growth performance of an economy is indirectly associated with them .  Political factors  Social factors  Social justice  Education  Desire for development
  • 17. POLITICAL FACTORS Rapid economic development requires a good , strong , stable and development oriented government . The fundamental requirement is that there should be a government that works for the betterment of the people. Political factors includes good & efficient administration , maintenance of law & order and quality of leadership . Thus politics and economics are inseparable . SOCIAL FACTORS Social factors consist of social structure , organizations and institutions like the joint family system , caste system , kinship , race division etc., Apart from this , it comprises social attitudes , habits , practices , beliefs , ceremonies and values of life of the people .
  • 18. SOCIAL JUSTICE It implies that all people irrespective of the class , group , caste , community , clan , religion , region , language they should get equal opportunity in social life , economic and social advancement . EDUCATION Knowledge is described as power . Education leads to enlightenment and opens the to acquire knowledge . It makes them to realize their responsibility . It creates desire for development . It is the only way to widen the thoughts of public for accepting new methods and techniques . Thus education has been recognized as one of the vital determinants of economic development and growth .
  • 19. DESIRE FOR DEVELOPMENT Development is a state of mind . People have to develop the idea of development before they develop the economy . They should think that if they put efforts , it is possible to achieve progress . Development is possible only when people want it and work for it . This psychological feeling will prepare their minds to make any sort of sacrifice and to pay any price for it . Thus , it is regarded as one of the primary requirements for economic development and growth .
  • 20. INTERNATIONAL FACTORS Economic growth of a country mainly depends upon a strong domestic base , favorable psychological environment and internal factors . At times domestic efforts are to be supported by external factors if the process of development has to become sustained one . The following are some of the external or international factors :  Foreign capital  Foreign trade  International co-operation
  • 21. FOREIGN CAPITAL Flows of capital from one nation to another in exchange for significant ownership stakes in domestic companies or other domestic assets is known as foreign capital . Scarcity of domestic capital is to be supplemented by foreign capital . Foreign capital should be utilized to increase the productive power of the economy . A country should not reserve itself from importing foreign capital from any corner of the world . Thus shortage of domestic capital is a major obstacle to economic growth. FOREIGN TRADE Foreign trade is exchange of goods and services across international borders or territories . To have a favorable foreign trade the imports must not exceed the exports . Thus , the nature , composition , direction , value and volume of foreign trade are important factors determining the economic growth of a country .
  • 22. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION International co-operation means the interaction of persons or groups of persons representing various nations in the pursuit of a common goal or interest. Both developed and developing nations should come closer and understand each other’s problems in the right spirit and arrive at most realistic conclusions to solve them . There are several international institutions like World Bank , IMF , WTO , IFC , IDA , ADB and regional economic organizations like OPEC , ECC , EU , SAARC , OECD etc., to assist all the countries and to protect their interests . Thus , friendly , cordial and harmonious relationship between different nations will help in maintaining a sustained and continuous economic growth of both poor and rich nations .
  • 23. PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC GROWTH Many factors and forces determine he nature and speed of economic growth . There is wide gap between the desire for growth and the actual growth rates . The actual growth rate lags behind the expected growth rate in spite of higher expectations .There are many problems and constraints which hinders economic growth . The following are the major obstacles to economic growth :  Economic factors  Non economic factors  International obstacles
  • 24. ECONOMIC FATORS The economic factors which are major hindrance to economic growth are as follows :  Vicious circle of poverty  Shortage of capital  Population growth  Difficulty in adopting western technology  Lack of adequate training facility  Lack of innovation and dynamic entrepreneurship  Agricultural constraints  Human resource constraints  Adverse balance of payments  Lack of infrastructure facilities
  • 25. VISCOUS CIRCLE OF POVERTY Poverty-stricken individuals experience disadvantages as a result of their poverty, which in turn increases their poverty. This would mean that the poor remain poor throughout their lives. Many developing countries are caught up in vicious cycle of poverty. Low level of income prevents savings, retards capital growth, hinders productivity growth, and keeps income low. Successful development may require taking steps to break up the chain at many points. Other points in poverty are also self- reinforcing. Poverty is accompanied by low levels of education, literacy and skill; these in turn prevent the adaptation to new and improved technologies and lead to rapid population growth. Overcoming the barriers of poverty often requires a concentrated effort on many fronts and a 'big-push' is required to break the 'vicious cycle' into 'virtuous circle'.
  • 26. SHORTAGE OF CAPITAL shortage of capital is one of the most important problems of economic development and growth . the vicious circle of poverty has resulted in low level of income . This in turn has lead to low level of savings , capital formation , investment , production , income and employment . Capital deficiency is mainly responsible for low productivity , use of outmoded techniques in both agriculture & industry and under utilization of all kinds of resources . A country may possess natural and human resources in abundant . But resources by themselves are idle which has to be activated , to do this capital is required . Hence , a higher rate of capital formation is necessary for rapid economic development and growth .
  • 27. POPULATION GROWTH Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in a population. The population growth rate is the rate at which the number of individuals in a population increases in a given time period as a fraction of the initial population. Developing countries experience the negative impact of rapid, uncontrolled population growth often requiring western countries to provide direct aid to avert famine. Poor social conditions, including regional warfare and weak governance, often make conditions worse when scarce resources are not sufficient to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. These conditions exacerbate poverty, malnutrition, childhood and maternal mortality, use of child labor and already inadequate educational opportunities, especially for women. Thus Over population is the route cause for all kinds of economic problems .
  • 28. WESTERN TECHNOLOGY Modern technology of the west is not suitable for the developing countries on account of acute shortage of capital , skilled labor and scientific management . They are struggling hard to evolve a new suitable modern technology for them . Expenditure on R&D and improvements in science and technology is pitifully low in these nations. Lack of innovative spirit is another problem in these nations . LACK OF TRAINING FACILITY Efficiency , productivity , skill formation , technical knowledge etc., depends upon availability of training facility and higher education . Lack of them is the main obstacle to raise the productive power of the economy . Hence , there is low output and income . LACK DYNAMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurship is largely absent in developing countries due to absence of favorable economic and socio-cultural climate . There is terrible shortage of highly developed highly standardized business schools , job oriented schools , training centers etc., in these nations .
  • 29. AGRICULTURAL CONSTRAINTS Majority of the developing nations have pre- dominantly agricultural economies . Agricultural production constitutes a large share of their national income and agricultural commodities from a considerable part of the values of their exports . But the agricultural practices the techniques and methods used in the cultivation , the size of holdings is small and productivity is miserably low . HUMAN RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS The developing countries lack people possessing critical skills and knowledge required for all round development of the economy . Low labor productivity and factor immobility are mainly the result of poor quality of human resource . Machines break down often wear and tear out soon . Materials components are wasted and the quality of production falls and cost rises . In such countries there is general resistance to change .
  • 30. ADVERSE BALANCE OF PAYMENTS Adverse BOP is another major problem in these countries . As their development requirements are huge , they are importing all kinds of inputs , capital , technology , finished goods to build up their foundation of the economy . On the other hand , the export-promotion policies of these countries have not yet yielded substantial results to reduce the amount of deficits in their BOP . LACK OF INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES The process of development depends on the availability of various kinds of infrastructure facilities , development of transport and communication systems , generation of electricity , power , fuel etc., in the absence of such facilities , development cannot take place .
  • 31. NON ECONOMIC FACTORS The non economic factors which are major hindrance to economic growth are as follows :  Socio-Cultural constraints  Lack of education  Political instability
  • 32. SOCIO-CULTURAL CONSTRAINTS The existing social structure , social institutions etc., are non conductive to economic growth . The caste system , joint family system , social customs etc., have arrested economic progress and continued to hamper development . The oriental religion gives less inducement to the work , thrift and hard work . Progressive outlook , zeal for development , aptitude for growth , desire to come up in life etc., are totally absent in these countries . Instead , there is resistance to change . People have developed a philosophy of resignation . Hence , a sort of socio-cultural revolution is required to bring about total transformation in these nations. LACK OF EDUCATION Conservative outlook , superstitious beliefs , fatalism , ignorance , illiteracy , rigid sentiments , unscientific analysis , irrational behavior etc., are the direct result of absence of education . Popular education and enlightenment can do a lot in changing the mental setup of the people .
  • 33. POLITICAL INSTABILITY The political setup and environment is not congenial for growth in most of these nations . Existence of a corrupt and inefficient government encourages favoritism , nepotism , bribery etc., Dishonesty , lack of interest , sincerity in administration and lack of political stability fails to create an atmosphere of confidence in the minds of the people .
  • 34. INTERNATIONAL OBSTACLES Many UDC’s have remained backward on account of the operation of some unfavorable international factors , they are as follows :  Foreign trade orientation has not contributed much to the overall development of these economies . On the contrary , it has lead to the development of export sector and utter neglect of other sectors of the economy .  Dependence on exports too much exposes an economy to the fluctuating world market , demand and prices .  Imports of finished industrial products from developed countries obstructed the growth of industries in UDC’s .  There has been a continuous decline in terms of trade of poor nations . Hence , there is need for regulation and re-orientation of foreign trade in order to stimulate economic development in UDC’s .  The flow of foreign capital and technology and other kinds of skills is not smooth . Developed nations are imposing conditions which slows down the progress of these nations .  The international organizations like IMF , WTO etc., have not assisted these nations to develop their respective economics at a faster rate .