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Essay about What is Love?
What is love? The type of love I'm describing is the one that gives you butterflies when a certain
person comes to mind. Just seeing that particular person can be enough to make one smile and
make your day and all the worries go away. Right now that person comes to mind. It's neither a crush
nor infatuation and many are willing to do anything for this thing that is called love. Love can hurt in
the long run, and people can also be blinded by it. Those who are ready to be loved have to ask
themselves if there are emotionally ready for. Many people put up walls to guard their "heart" from
being hurt again. Love teaches us many lessons. We use those lessons in our future relationships. We
don't want to make the same mistakes. Lastly, more content...
Its gives us that love in return can make us feel tingly and happy feeling whereas we are often sad
and lonely without love. Love gives us hard lesson to learn. I learned that love does hurt and take
time to heal. We build walls to protect us from being hurt again. I also learn that love is color
blind. When we're truly in love with the person we see beyond color or it doesn't matter because
that person accepts that person for whom they are. When we love those that a different culture from
us we see beyond those imperfections. It's hard to describe 'love' through the sense. When we
experience through the sense of sigh its hit us like a stuck of lightening. Almost love at first sight.
Love through the sense of touch is when they you or putting their arms around you when you are
sitting down. Love through the sense of taste is when the person you are attracted to kisses. When
we experience love through the sense of smell when you're used to a certain aroma from that
person. You seem to get used to when they wear a certain cologne or perfume that you always
loved. When we experience the sense of hear in the relationship when we speak of our day. It's not
just to hear them talk it's the emotion that is involved and the way they said. Lastly, there are many
ways you can incorporate the five senses without you even knowing it.
We all have our own definition of love and there are many words out there to describe love. Love is
very important and without it we become
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Definition Essay On Love
Evangelina medina
Professor Ehring
English 101
October 6,2017 Definition of love
Everyone has their own definition about what love means to them. Love is all around us.Too
often, love is conceived as doing whatever it takes to get what you want. However, love involves
much more than personal satisfaction. The action of giving yourself totally to one person without
expecting anything in return, willing to put aside your own needs in order to meet the needs of
others. Giving up your weekend trip in order to take care of your sick mother is one example of love.
A mother giving up her one piece of bread to feed her little boy is another example of love. Loving
someone means more content...
Parents love children no matter how old they become.Because children love their parents, they
come to learn love from their experience of loving parents. Without having parents, we never
experience love. Love is universal, it connects people to things and even more importantly, people
to people. Love may be understood as part of the survival instinct, a function keeping human beings
together against menaces and that aids the continuation of our species, and love is the constant
source of happiness.Love is an emotion that a person feels inside his heart. It's a powerful emotion
for which there is no wrong definition for it because it suits every person differently. Webster
defines love as "a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties (2): attraction
based on sexual desires(3):affection based on admiration or common interests". Even though people
define love different it is a feeling that every human has.
In dictionaries love is defined as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection but it is
more than just a deep connection. It is more than deep connections because there are different types
of love that is felt differently and those type of love are categorized into three main categories: love
between families, love between friends, and love between god.It is the strength of this feeling that
makes love the most powerful emotion that most of us will ever experience. People can do some
dreadful things out of hate
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What Is Love? Essay examples
"I love you." These three small words have such a powerful meaning. Love is something for which
every human since the beginning of time has searched. From the quest for the perfect guy or girl, to
yearning for acceptance, the search goes back to the individual's desire for love. The dilemma is that
love has become hackneyed and clichГ©. People fling around the word love as if it is nothing
when in reality love is such a powerful word. People use the word love when in reality they
should be using the word lust or infatuation. Society tries to replace a person's need to be loved
through sex, which does not work because that person just ends up getting hurt. Does true love
really exist, or is it as bogus as a fairytale? The poems, "Let me more content...
In the poem, "Let me not to the marriage of true love," the speaker notes that love that alters
through circumstances is not love at all (Shakespeare 574). True love is unconditional. True love
does not care whether a person's lover's looks or personality change because the person will still
love her. Even if the lover makes mistakes, the love is still present. The speaker also articulates
that love watches through the storm, but is never moved (Shakespeare). True love is identical to
being in an eye of a storm. Although there is a destructive storm around, nothing can disturb or
shake true love. When problems arise, the lovers may be shaken, but never moved. The speaker
realizes that beauty if fleeting. He comments that even though the beauty of youth will go away,
love does not change; love is not bound by time. True love realizes that people are not going to be
young and beautiful forever. Time basically does not exist because even after death, the love will
still be there. Shakespeare's speaker compares true love to a star that guides all the lost ships;
although a person may be able to calculate its distance no one will truly comprehend how much it
is truly worth (574). True love can be like a star it seems like such a little thing until one studies it
and experiences it and then the true worth of it is known. Shakespeare's character argues that if true
love does not exist, Shakespeare has never
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Love Definition Essay
Love is defined as "a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person". Love is something that
everyone has felt at one time or another in life. But nowadays people tend to use the word love so
frivolously. Love is something people spend their whole lives searching for, while others fall in and
out of love on a daily basis. Love is rarely defined because everyone experiences love in their own
way. But in order to understand what love is, you must first understand some of the different types
of love like fraternal, platonic, and romantic. These are a few types of love that help to define such
a special and complicated emotion that we all need to live a complete and fulfilling life.
When I tell my family I love them, I'm not telling them that I'm in love with them. But in a way I
am telling them how much they mean to me and how blessed I am to have them in my life.
Fraternal love is unconditional, meaning it is timeless, and everlasting. It is a feeling shared
between a young girl listening to her grandparents tell stories of times past. It can also be the strict
rules that a parent enforces, that a child may feel are more content...
Friendship is very important to us, some of our friends listen to us when we feel depressed or
happy, and we confide in each other; some take care of us when we are sick; some of them may
live with us side by side. Platonic love knows that you have someone there to talk to, especially
about things that you could never tell your parents. This type of love is sharing your experience
of your first crush in middle school. Even taking the blame for a childish act that your best friend
committed, such as passing notes in class. In the end, platonic love is a blessing with countless
gifts. Even though real friends are not easy to find, a real friendship with a good person is a
precious gift that could be great support
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Essay on The Meaning of Love
The Meaning of Love
Love has many different meanings to different people. For a child, love is what he or she feels for
his mommy and daddy. To teenage boy, love is what he should feel for his girlfriend of the
moment, only because she says she loves him. But as we get older and "wiser," love becomes more
and more confusing. Along with poets and philosophers, people have been trying to answer that
age–old question for centuries: What is love?
One definition of love in The Merriam–Webster dictionary is "attraction based on sexual desire"
(439). Some people believe that love and sex are one in the same. If two people are in love, they
should be having sex. And, on the flipside, if two people are having sex, they must be more
This passage obviously alludes to sex, but sex is not completely necessary when there is love. The
speaker in Sharon Olds' "Sex without Love" asks, "How do they do it, the ones who make love
/ without love?" (1–2). Love is deeper and more meaningful than just physical or sexual attraction.
Love is a feeling––an emotion.
Love is also defined in the dictionary as "strong affection," "warm attachment," and "unselfish
loyal and benevolent concern for others" (439). All of these definitions are completely correct,
but the dictionary does not explain how it feels to love someone. The reason that an explanation
for this feeling is not found in the dictionary may be because love is so different for each
individual person. In my experience, "strong affection" does not even begin to cover the sensation
and emotions a person feels when he or she is in love. Love is compared to "the extraordinary sun
/ splashing its light / into astonished trees" in Denise Levertov's "Love Poem" (2–4). Like the sun,
love is great and bright and fills a person with extreme joy. Love is greater than anything else a
person could ever experience. A lover can even be better than a summer's day, as the speaker in
Shakespeare's poem suggests. He compares his lover to a summer's day by saying that she is "more
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Essay about Love
Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Love is what great
writers write about, great singers sing about, and great philosophers ponder. Love is a powerful
emotion, for which there is no wrong definition, for it suits each and every person differently.
Whether love is between family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be
experienced in many different ways.
People experience love for the first time by being part of a family. Family love is demonstrated
through lessons of sacrifice, concern and compassion, from the cradle to the grave. There are many
different levels and conditions of family love. It is the love we cherish between our intermediate
family and more content...
A close–knit loving bond between two people can begin with a friendship. Whether it is a friendship
between two males, two females, or one male and one female, these friendships will develop into
love. In no way is it a romantic love, but this type of love connects and bonds friends. Friends may
move away or friendships may wane, but the love between the two people burns on forever.
Romantic love is a love that not every person will experience. It is a type of love that is not there at
the beginning, but grows within the individual. When one finally finds the love they have been
looking for, one can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic love is a connection between two
souls that is captured with a feeling that is not only felt within the heart but within their body as
well. I have never been in love with a girl; I can only imagine what it might be like to be in love.
Guessing from my sister's relationship with boys, it seems like a big headache instead of a
wonderful feeling.
To simply write a definition of love is complicated because every person has a different perception of
love. The only way to capture the true meaning of love is to experience the feeling and find out
for oneself, what love is. In our lives and the lives of others, love is evident. Whether it is between
family, friends, or lovers, love is a precious
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Definition Essay Love
The definition of love can be varied from person to person and from culture to culture. When a
woman is in love, it can be seen in her eyes. Women are usually mesmerized by what their loved
one is doing. An action as simple as driving can be mesmerizing to a woman. When men are in love,
they touch their woman in public. The men make sure their partner feels love by holding their hand
or hugging them. Love can be defined as putting someone else's feelings before their own. It means
that there isn't another care in the world except for that person. For example, the man tends to worry
about their partner in the littlest circumstances; even when the other person just has a tiny cold. The
word "love" can have multiple definitions. This
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Definition Essay: Is It Love?
Is it love?
For many years people have been using the word love but do we really get the concept of love or
is it just another word that's in our vocabulary? Is it just a word that we use to describe a strong
emotion towards someone or something? I believe that we, as human beings, don't understand the
concept of love and that love is just another word.
Love is not just between couples but also between a parent and his/her children, between sisters and
brother. If we actually understand the concept of love between a parent and his:her children then
why is it that there are case where a mother or a father kill or abuse their own children. If love is true
between two human beings then why is it that we promise to stay with each other until death
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Love Definition Essay Examples

  • 1. Essay about What is Love? What is love? The type of love I'm describing is the one that gives you butterflies when a certain person comes to mind. Just seeing that particular person can be enough to make one smile and make your day and all the worries go away. Right now that person comes to mind. It's neither a crush nor infatuation and many are willing to do anything for this thing that is called love. Love can hurt in the long run, and people can also be blinded by it. Those who are ready to be loved have to ask themselves if there are emotionally ready for. Many people put up walls to guard their "heart" from being hurt again. Love teaches us many lessons. We use those lessons in our future relationships. We don't want to make the same mistakes. Lastly, more content... Its gives us that love in return can make us feel tingly and happy feeling whereas we are often sad and lonely without love. Love gives us hard lesson to learn. I learned that love does hurt and take time to heal. We build walls to protect us from being hurt again. I also learn that love is color blind. When we're truly in love with the person we see beyond color or it doesn't matter because that person accepts that person for whom they are. When we love those that a different culture from us we see beyond those imperfections. It's hard to describe 'love' through the sense. When we experience through the sense of sigh its hit us like a stuck of lightening. Almost love at first sight. Love through the sense of touch is when they you or putting their arms around you when you are sitting down. Love through the sense of taste is when the person you are attracted to kisses. When we experience love through the sense of smell when you're used to a certain aroma from that person. You seem to get used to when they wear a certain cologne or perfume that you always loved. When we experience the sense of hear in the relationship when we speak of our day. It's not just to hear them talk it's the emotion that is involved and the way they said. Lastly, there are many ways you can incorporate the five senses without you even knowing it. We all have our own definition of love and there are many words out there to describe love. Love is very important and without it we become Get more content on
  • 2. Definition Essay On Love Evangelina medina Professor Ehring English 101 October 6,2017 Definition of love Everyone has their own definition about what love means to them. Love is all around us.Too often, love is conceived as doing whatever it takes to get what you want. However, love involves much more than personal satisfaction. The action of giving yourself totally to one person without expecting anything in return, willing to put aside your own needs in order to meet the needs of others. Giving up your weekend trip in order to take care of your sick mother is one example of love. A mother giving up her one piece of bread to feed her little boy is another example of love. Loving someone means more content... Parents love children no matter how old they become.Because children love their parents, they come to learn love from their experience of loving parents. Without having parents, we never experience love. Love is universal, it connects people to things and even more importantly, people to people. Love may be understood as part of the survival instinct, a function keeping human beings together against menaces and that aids the continuation of our species, and love is the constant source of happiness.Love is an emotion that a person feels inside his heart. It's a powerful emotion for which there is no wrong definition for it because it suits every person differently. Webster defines love as "a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties (2): attraction based on sexual desires(3):affection based on admiration or common interests". Even though people define love different it is a feeling that every human has. In dictionaries love is defined as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection but it is more than just a deep connection. It is more than deep connections because there are different types of love that is felt differently and those type of love are categorized into three main categories: love between families, love between friends, and love between god.It is the strength of this feeling that makes love the most powerful emotion that most of us will ever experience. People can do some dreadful things out of hate Get more content on
  • 3. What Is Love? Essay examples "I love you." These three small words have such a powerful meaning. Love is something for which every human since the beginning of time has searched. From the quest for the perfect guy or girl, to yearning for acceptance, the search goes back to the individual's desire for love. The dilemma is that love has become hackneyed and clichГ©. People fling around the word love as if it is nothing when in reality love is such a powerful word. People use the word love when in reality they should be using the word lust or infatuation. Society tries to replace a person's need to be loved through sex, which does not work because that person just ends up getting hurt. Does true love really exist, or is it as bogus as a fairytale? The poems, "Let me more content... In the poem, "Let me not to the marriage of true love," the speaker notes that love that alters through circumstances is not love at all (Shakespeare 574). True love is unconditional. True love does not care whether a person's lover's looks or personality change because the person will still love her. Even if the lover makes mistakes, the love is still present. The speaker also articulates that love watches through the storm, but is never moved (Shakespeare). True love is identical to being in an eye of a storm. Although there is a destructive storm around, nothing can disturb or shake true love. When problems arise, the lovers may be shaken, but never moved. The speaker realizes that beauty if fleeting. He comments that even though the beauty of youth will go away, love does not change; love is not bound by time. True love realizes that people are not going to be young and beautiful forever. Time basically does not exist because even after death, the love will still be there. Shakespeare's speaker compares true love to a star that guides all the lost ships; although a person may be able to calculate its distance no one will truly comprehend how much it is truly worth (574). True love can be like a star it seems like such a little thing until one studies it and experiences it and then the true worth of it is known. Shakespeare's character argues that if true love does not exist, Shakespeare has never Get more content on
  • 4. Love Definition Essay Love is defined as "a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person". Love is something that everyone has felt at one time or another in life. But nowadays people tend to use the word love so frivolously. Love is something people spend their whole lives searching for, while others fall in and out of love on a daily basis. Love is rarely defined because everyone experiences love in their own way. But in order to understand what love is, you must first understand some of the different types of love like fraternal, platonic, and romantic. These are a few types of love that help to define such a special and complicated emotion that we all need to live a complete and fulfilling life. When I tell my family I love them, I'm not telling them that I'm in love with them. But in a way I am telling them how much they mean to me and how blessed I am to have them in my life. Fraternal love is unconditional, meaning it is timeless, and everlasting. It is a feeling shared between a young girl listening to her grandparents tell stories of times past. It can also be the strict rules that a parent enforces, that a child may feel are more content... Friendship is very important to us, some of our friends listen to us when we feel depressed or happy, and we confide in each other; some take care of us when we are sick; some of them may live with us side by side. Platonic love knows that you have someone there to talk to, especially about things that you could never tell your parents. This type of love is sharing your experience of your first crush in middle school. Even taking the blame for a childish act that your best friend committed, such as passing notes in class. In the end, platonic love is a blessing with countless gifts. Even though real friends are not easy to find, a real friendship with a good person is a precious gift that could be great support Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on The Meaning of Love The Meaning of Love Love has many different meanings to different people. For a child, love is what he or she feels for his mommy and daddy. To teenage boy, love is what he should feel for his girlfriend of the moment, only because she says she loves him. But as we get older and "wiser," love becomes more and more confusing. Along with poets and philosophers, people have been trying to answer that age–old question for centuries: What is love? One definition of love in The Merriam–Webster dictionary is "attraction based on sexual desire" (439). Some people believe that love and sex are one in the same. If two people are in love, they should be having sex. And, on the flipside, if two people are having sex, they must be more content... This passage obviously alludes to sex, but sex is not completely necessary when there is love. The speaker in Sharon Olds' "Sex without Love" asks, "How do they do it, the ones who make love / without love?" (1–2). Love is deeper and more meaningful than just physical or sexual attraction. Love is a feeling––an emotion. Love is also defined in the dictionary as "strong affection," "warm attachment," and "unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for others" (439). All of these definitions are completely correct, but the dictionary does not explain how it feels to love someone. The reason that an explanation for this feeling is not found in the dictionary may be because love is so different for each individual person. In my experience, "strong affection" does not even begin to cover the sensation and emotions a person feels when he or she is in love. Love is compared to "the extraordinary sun / splashing its light / into astonished trees" in Denise Levertov's "Love Poem" (2–4). Like the sun, love is great and bright and fills a person with extreme joy. Love is greater than anything else a person could ever experience. A lover can even be better than a summer's day, as the speaker in Shakespeare's poem suggests. He compares his lover to a summer's day by saying that she is "more Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Love Love Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Love is what great writers write about, great singers sing about, and great philosophers ponder. Love is a powerful emotion, for which there is no wrong definition, for it suits each and every person differently. Whether love is between family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be experienced in many different ways. People experience love for the first time by being part of a family. Family love is demonstrated through lessons of sacrifice, concern and compassion, from the cradle to the grave. There are many different levels and conditions of family love. It is the love we cherish between our intermediate family and more content... A close–knit loving bond between two people can begin with a friendship. Whether it is a friendship between two males, two females, or one male and one female, these friendships will develop into love. In no way is it a romantic love, but this type of love connects and bonds friends. Friends may move away or friendships may wane, but the love between the two people burns on forever. Romantic love is a love that not every person will experience. It is a type of love that is not there at the beginning, but grows within the individual. When one finally finds the love they have been looking for, one can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic love is a connection between two souls that is captured with a feeling that is not only felt within the heart but within their body as well. I have never been in love with a girl; I can only imagine what it might be like to be in love. Guessing from my sister's relationship with boys, it seems like a big headache instead of a wonderful feeling. To simply write a definition of love is complicated because every person has a different perception of love. The only way to capture the true meaning of love is to experience the feeling and find out for oneself, what love is. In our lives and the lives of others, love is evident. Whether it is between family, friends, or lovers, love is a precious Get more content on
  • 7. Definition Essay Love The definition of love can be varied from person to person and from culture to culture. When a woman is in love, it can be seen in her eyes. Women are usually mesmerized by what their loved one is doing. An action as simple as driving can be mesmerizing to a woman. When men are in love, they touch their woman in public. The men make sure their partner feels love by holding their hand or hugging them. Love can be defined as putting someone else's feelings before their own. It means that there isn't another care in the world except for that person. For example, the man tends to worry about their partner in the littlest circumstances; even when the other person just has a tiny cold. The word "love" can have multiple definitions. This Get more content on
  • 8. Definition Essay: Is It Love? Is it love? For many years people have been using the word love but do we really get the concept of love or is it just another word that's in our vocabulary? Is it just a word that we use to describe a strong emotion towards someone or something? I believe that we, as human beings, don't understand the concept of love and that love is just another word. Love is not just between couples but also between a parent and his/her children, between sisters and brother. If we actually understand the concept of love between a parent and his:her children then why is it that there are case where a mother or a father kill or abuse their own children. If love is true between two human beings then why is it that we promise to stay with each other until death Get more content on