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Lord Of The Flies Jack Outline
Outline Introduction 1. Jack is a dynamic character who undergoes many changes throughout the
book. At first he seems to be calm, but by the end he turns to violence. 2.Jack, one of the main
characters in "Lord of the Flies," by William Golding seems to always put himself before others.
3.He is a selfish and arrogant person and will do whatever it takes to become the leader. I.Jack isn't
good at trying to lead others because he is always putting himself first. A.He is eager to make rules
and punish those who break them. –Although he consistently breaks them himself when he needs to
further his own interests. (Transition: Jack shows his need to be leader in an arrogant way. II.Jack
sees himself as being more important than others their for he
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Outline For Lord Of The Flies Essay
a.Character Description– gives the reader the perspective of the lives of the "New People"; the artist
b.Character Quality: insightful
c.Support– recognizes the savage nature of his tribe when they are about to kill Liku.
d.Character Quality– superior, arrogant
e.Support– believes he is separated from the others, so he has a scandalous affair with Marlan's
a.Character Description– powerful, authoritative; has the title of the ruler–priest; remains ruler
because the rest of his tribe is scared of him more than they resent his rules and law; the witchdoctor
IV.Symbolism– Lord of the Flies
A.Conch Shell
b.Support– blow the shell to call group meetings
c.Support– have to be holding the shell in more content...
Golding's Use of Children– Lord of the Flies
A.Innate Savage Instinct
a.amplified through William Golding's use of children as characters
b.Support– ultimately, the manhunt on the island is only ended by an adult, the Naval Officer
c.Example– before leaving to go anywhere, Jack brings a knife with him.
d.Example– Jack's first instinct was to raise his knife and kill the pig, not to help free it.
e.Example– even though it isn't real, the kids all want to kill the snake/beast.
B.Initial Reactions and Actions that show the non–moral values that are instinctive in humans
a.Example– Ralph, who is seen as a civilized character, automatically starts to mock Piggy for who
he is; Ralph didn't notice Piggy until he was able to start tormenting.
b.Example– while they walk, the older boys destroy the sand castles that the littluns had made.
VII.Symbolism– The Inheritors
A.Light vs. Dark
a.Description– the symbolism between light and dark shows the contrast between the good and
innocent Neanderthals and the barbaric and evil Homo Sapiens.
B."forest devils"
b.This idea of "imaginary" evil is very similar to the Beast in Lord of the Flies.
c.Like the Beast, they provoke fear in the people, and they show the evil nature of
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Lord of the Flies Essay
Throughout the novel Lord of the Flies, various views and motifs are portrayed. Of these views
and motifs, the main message which is illustrated is one that questions society. It is clear from the
very beginning that is a message conveyed in this novel. On the whole, Golding is portraying a
good versus evil which are represented by Jack and Ralph. In Lord of the Flies a variety of ideas can
be extracted on what the message Golding is trying to show. Golding wrote this novel in order to
show the basic contrast of good and evil in society and how things can get out of hand if your primal
urges are left uncontrolled.
Firstly I will explore the idea of good versus evil throughout the novel and in which characters they
reside, secondly more content...
The Conch shell is used to summon the boys at the beginning and impresses many of them
making them think of him as a natural leader. Seeing there is nothing left of the plane wreckage
the conch shell is one of the only things they have which is linked to society and therefore
becomes a powerful symbol of civilization. It is used throughout the book effectively by Ralph but
when it is flattened it symbolizes the complete downfall of civilization and the loss of control.
Another important symbol in the novel is the beast. It stands for the fear which all of the boys have
and the savagery they all have. All of the boys, especially the littleuns are afraid of the beast but
only Simon recognizes that the fear is within the boys themselves. Because the beast lies within the
boys, more savage they act, the more apparent the beast is.
The loss of power is one very remarkable problem Ralph seems to have from the very start. As
soon as Jack comes into the scene, there is a sense of rebellion. Jack protests in some of the very
first chapters that he should be leader instead, but it led to nothing. Ralph seems to be on top of
things on the whole, but as soon as Jack started trying Ralph's leadership, things went on a downhill
In Lord of the Flies, something called Id and Superego are subconsciously integrated, forming a
contrasted point of view. Id and Superego are a ideas of Sigmund Freud, a professor of psychology.
Id is the primal urges
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Term Papers On Lord Of The Flies
Lord of the Flies Research Paper Less than only a 100 years ago, mankind fought its greatest
battle ever between the evil axis powers and the good allied powers. While I read the Lord of the
Flies by William Golding in class i noticed some similarities between the story and World War 2.
The book is about a group of school boys from England crash on a island in the Pacific Ocean
during the second world war. The boys try to create their own civilization on the island but soon
chaos erupts and savagery takes over civilization with kids being killed and tourchered. While
reading the book i've noticed many connections that Golding made to events during World War 2,
for example he had the main characters represent some of the world leaders during the war. Fear and
intimidation play a significant role in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, just as
coercion and terror played a large role in the lives of the people ruled by the Axis Powers in WWII.
The first connection I found in the book was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl
Harbor was one of the most darkest days in American history when on December 7, 1941 on the
island on Hawaii, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes. The attack killed over 2000 people
and "Twenty–one ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or damaged"( This left a
physical and emotional scar on the American people as they will never forget the attack and all of
the lives that were lost. After Pearl Harbor;
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Lord of the Flies Outline
neSonam Ghosh Block 6 Lord of the Flies Paper Outline The Conch Shell: A symbol of
Democracy Thesis: In the Lord of the Flies, the conch shell reflects important values which show
the conflict of Ralph and Jack throughout the novel. The conch shell represents authority, order and
civilization. 1. In the beginning of the novel, Ralph uses the conch shell to call about the other
children on the island by blowing on the conch shell. a. "We can use this to call the others. Have a
meeting. They'll come when they hear us" (Golding, 16) and "Ralph found his breath and blew a
series of short blasts. Piggy exclaimed: There's one! A child had appeared among the palms, about a more content...
a. "We need an assembly. Not for fun. Not for laughing and falling off the log...not for making
jokes, or for...cleverness. Not for these things. But to put things straight." (Golding, 79) i. The
conch is basically used to govern the people of the island. ii. The conch symbolizes cooperation
and a civilization by bringing the people together ensuring authority and order through doing
what is right for the community as a whole. iii. Without maintaining this balance, the conch shell
will fall apart and tear civilization into turmoil and anarchy. 7. The conch shell came to represent
the order, authority and civilization. The conch shell is symbolized as fragile and delicate. The
shell is used to maintain order and give authority. Through this symbolism the conch shell was
like a reflection of a democratic society where the people would be together as one community
and cooperate. This democratic society would have order and have a leader who would do what
is right for the benefit of the people and respect their voices. Since this conch was symbolized as
fragile, if the conch broke then this democratic society would be destroyed and turn into an anarchy
with no laws or rules or authority. Golding wants the conch shell to be preserved and protected, so
no harm can be done to do this and maintain power and civilization. Ralph uses the conch to govern
the people and
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Lord of the Flies Essay
In the novel, "Lord of the Flies," a group of British boys are left on a deserted island in the middle
of nowhere. Throughout the novel, they have conflicts between civilization and savagery, good
vs. evil, order vs. chaos, and reason vs. impulse. What would it be like if the boys were replaced
by a group of girls? Would they behave the same way they did in the novel? I believe that the girls
would act in the same behavior as the boys in all ways because, everyone is installed with evil
inside them which is their natural instinct, also because in life there is always a power struggle in
all manners, and the outcome with the girls would be similar–since both sexes would plan on getting
In all humans, evil exists. At more content...
This is universal truth, and clearly shows that girls would release their evil and selfishness within
them, just as the boys did especially considering the circumstances and surroundings. Subsequently,
the quote by Thomas Hobbes is also true, since all this evil lead to violence on the island.
Secondly, the girls on the island would act the same as the boys in the sense of choosing a leader
and creating rules. With the boys, there is always a power struggle between Jack and Ralph from
the first time they meet. When the time arrives to choose a leader, Jack blurts, "I ought to be
chief because, I'm chapter chorister and head boy," (pg.14). This shows that he wants to be a
leader no matter what the majority of the boys think, showing him as a dictator. On the contrary,
Ralph is voted for by the boys, showing him to lead a democratic way. When Democracy and
Dictatorship clash, there becomes a power struggle. This power struggle causes them to do horrible
things to each other. For example, when Sam and Eric warn Ralph, "You got to go now, Ralph, for
your own good," (pg.189) when they alert him of Jack's intentions to set the forest on fire. This
shows that no matter what, whether male or female, with human nature, there will always be a
power struggle. In addition, this is also proven by the statement "All power corrupts, absolute power
corrupts absolutely," meaning that if Jack was a dictator he would misuse his power
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The Theme of Lord of the Flies Essay
The theme of Lord of the Flies has been questioned and speculated about for decades. To answer the
critics, Golding said that the theme was to trace the problems of society back to the sinful nature of
The theme of Lord of the Flies has been questioned and speculated about for decades. To answer the
critics, Golding said that the theme was to trace the problems of society back to the sinful nature of
He wrote the book to show how political systems cannot govern society effectively without first
taking into consideration the defects of human nature.
The defects of human nature are exemplified in Golding's novel through the characters of Jack and
his hunters. Here, Golding shows that men are inherently evil; more content...
Piggy demands adherence to the rules of his auntie while Jack subscribes to the philosophy, "If it's
fun, do it." Ralph empathizes with parts of both sides; that is why he walks the tight rope.
Eventually he seems to side with Piggy, but actually Ralph never changes his philosophy– it is Jack
and the rest of the boys who become more extreme in theirs
(hunting humans, forming their own tribe, etc.). In this way Ralph portrays the role of government
in any modern society. While he wants to satisfy the wishes of the public, he must also realize that
certain rules of behavior must be followed in order to prevent anarchy.
Unfortunately anarchy defeats order. This is the outcome because
Golding believed that government is an ineffective way to keep people together. No matter how
logical or reasonable, government will eventually have to give in to the anarchical demands of the
For alternate themes, see the character sections–– especially the
Simon profile.
Character Profiles Jack: Jack is described by Golding as "tall, thin, and bony; and his hair was red
beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. Out of this
face stared two light blue eyes, frustrated now, and turning, or ready to turn, to anger."
Jack is the leading advocate of anarchy on the island. Jack
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Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Outline
Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter One A. The plane that the boys were on crashed in
the ocean and drifted to a uninhabited island. B. The boys have a meeting and vote for a leader.
They select Ralph as a leader over Jack. C. Ralph, Jack, and Simon search the island for supplies.
Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Two A. Ralph establishes a meeting and shares with
the boys the results of the exploration of the island. B. Whoever has the conch shell is the only one
who can speak at that time. C. The boys set a fire at the top of the island with old wood in order to
attract attention from rescue groups. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Three A.
Ralph and Simon build huts for the littluns to more content...
Piggy has the idea to build a signal fire on the beach instead of on the mountain. C. Simon goes into
the jungle by himself where the lord of the flies talks to him. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries
– Chapter Nine A. Simon awakes and realizes that the "monster" is really a dead parachuter. B. Jack
is having a feast with the pig that the hunters caught, Simon stumbles in to tell them about the dead
parachuted, but the boys don't recognize him, and they think he is the beast. C. The boys jump
fiercely on Simon and beat him to death. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Ten A.
Piggy can't bring himself to face his role in Simon's death. B. Jack plans to attack Ralph's camp in
order to get Piggy's glasses (giving them the ability to make fire). C. After everyone in Ralph's
camp goes to sleep, Jack and his hunters invade and badly wound Ralph and many others. They
successfully get Piggy's glasses. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Eleven A. Ralph
tries to make fire, but can't without Piggy's glasses. B. Ralph chooses to bring the conch shell to
Jack. C. Roger pushes a huge boulder down a hill onto Piggy, breaking the conch shell and sending
him over a
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The Lord Of The Flies: Plot Outline
1.Plot Outline
a)Exposition – Rainsford, an avid hunter, falls off his boat and swims ashore to an island that is
fabled to be of great misfortune and mystery. Following the sound of gunshots, he is led to a large
mansion and consequently meets General Zaroff, a sophisticated aristocrat who enjoys hunting big
game for sport as well.
b)Rising Action – After learning that General Zaroff kills humans for sport too, Rainsford is
absolutely horrified and disgusted. Zaroff countlessly attempts to convince him otherwise but
Rainsford refuses to take part and demands to leave the island immediately.
c)Climax – From being the hunter to the hunted, Rainsford is now a player in Zaroff's sadistic,
survival game. The prize is freedom from the more content...
In reality, however, Rainsford swims around the island and sneaks into Zaroff's mansion. As soon as
General Zaroff returns to his bedroom, Rainsford leaps out from behind the curtains and kills him,
sleeping soundly in his bed afterwards.
2.Theme Statement – The fine line that separates man from beast can be blurred by instinct.
a)"'I refuse to believe that so modern and civilized a young man as you seem to be harbors romantic
ideas about the value of human life. . . ' . . . 'Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and if
need be, taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure. I am
strong. Why should I not use my gift? If I wish to hunt, why should I not? . . . '" Page 25–26
i.This quotation supports my theme statement because General Zaroff is displaying that he is more
of a beast than a man. By regarding the lives of humans on the same level as that of all other
animals, Zaroff's instinct to kill is overpowering his reason, allowing him to satisfy his savage
b)"'I congratulate you,' he said. 'You have won the game.' Rainsford did not smile. 'I am still a beast
at bay,' he said, in a low, hoarse voice. 'Get ready, General Zaroff.' . . . He had never slept in a better
bed, Rainsford decided." Page
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Lord Of the Flies Essay
Discuss the fragility of civilization against the destructive force of fear. If people become isolated
from civilization, then the beast inside of us can break the bonds from society and unleash the
evil within using the power of fear. In the book, "The Lord of the Flies", by William Golding, a
group of boys becomes stuck on an island and it portrays the breakdown of society and structure
and the transformation of them into savages. On the island, the boys first follow a conch which
was the order and the link to society on the island but after a while, it loses most of it's influence
due to the disintegration of social order and rules. A character that used the tool of fear to gain
control of the boys was Jack, who represents more content...
William Golding's idea of the "beast" within us all resonates in real life, not just in the book. Ralph,
who represented order, structure, law and democracy soon toppled because of how much fear
affected the boys. The conch, the link to society, was shattered by the evil that fear had created,
which were the savages that the boys had turned into. It is ironic because the beast that the boys
were so afraid of was actually the monsters that they had turned into. Without civilization, fear can
warp and transform us into things that we would have never expected, much like Jack and the
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Outline For Lord Of The Flies Informative Essay
Introduction: How Did He Do That? When reading a literary work, in order to fully gain the
experience from it, authors will deploy tools such as memory, symbolism, and patterns. Readers use
their memory by connecting situations and characters to previous works or people/experiences in
their own lives, making it easier to put stories into perspective. Symbolic references take the prose,
or poem, into a deeper level– more emotional– making it more interesting. Conditioned readers may
use pattern recognition to go beyond the plot, characters, and drama to get a more rewarding effect
from the literature. When I read the novel, Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, my appreciation
was heightened due to the fact the work is an more content...
It should be picturesque: Cancer is invisible, unless one is in chemotherapy, which they would lose
their hair. But, in the novel, it is invisible. This detail is extremely important when it comes the
cancer symbolizing how weakness is within themselves. It should be mysterious in origin: Near the
end of the book, Augustus tells Hazel Grace that his cancer has spread through many places in his
body. It is sudden news to Hazel Grace, she had no idea that it had come to that. It should have
strong symbolic or metaphoric possibilities: I have interpreted cancer in this story to represent the
weakness within the characters. Cancer in the novel is meant to represent going against the
conventions of the feel–good falsehoods of battling cancer that coddles the public against the terrible
subject. Augustus' death is extremely symbolic because he dies in the most pitiful of ways. It was
humiliating for he and Hazel Grace with his constant bed–wetting, disability to walk, and the
complete lack of whom he once was. The death represents that cancer death is not strong and valiant,
it is completely pitiful and proves that we should not glorify the fact someone died from this
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Outline For Lord Of The Flies Dbq Essay
It is understandable for children to fear monsters and boogeymen. In the book, Lord of The Flies,
written by William Golding, a group of English schoolboys are isolated on a deserted island in the
Pacific Ocean during the wake of World War II. Hearing stories and seeing the outcast of the war
made the boys form an imaginary "beast". Defining what this beast represents is tough considering
the meaning of it evolves throughout the book. In the beginning of Lord of The Flies, the author
first recognized the beast as a representation of fear. The author claims in Document A that Claire
Rosefield interprets it as a symbol of fear. The text states that there are "no comforting mothers to
dispel the terrors of the unknown" and that "they externalize these fears into the figure of a beast."
In Document B, the image of fear becomes clear. Golding starts further developing this image when
the boy with the mulberry birthmark claims to have seen the beast. Quotes like "snake–thing" and
"turned into them things like ropes in the trees and hung in the branches" help to establish the beast
as a representation of more content...
The main event that causes this portrayal is World War II. During the war Ralph requests a "sign
from the world of grown ups" and receives a dead parachutist killed in an air battle, this is when
the beast first symbolizes war (Doc D). Golding's past as a World War II vet helped him form the
figure of the beast. The author claims in Document C that "Golding himself admitted that the war
produced a notable effect on him", "it scared him stiff", and that was "his turning point." Soon
Golding started to see what people were really capable of doing. This made him wonder if the beast
was something inhuman and alien or it if it was actually something made from eyes, legs, and a
heart (Doc C). At this point in the book, the true meaning of the beast is becoming more
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The Lord Of The Flies Essay
"In absence of orders, go find something and kill it" Erwin Rommel world war II 7th panzer
division general. It doesn't seem to have much to do with lord of the flies but it does. When these
boys are in left alone they start fighting and pick sides. In the Second World War people picked
sides. These boys go into a small war of their own and it is brutal and has one evil over powering
faction in this book the history's most notorious generals, leaders, and even dictators are
represented by these boys. Ralph and piggy are the books two protagonist that seem to try to
support their followers. In the war Britain tried to do everything possible to support the country's
that were attacked. Ralph is seen as the strong leader who never lets any more content...
Jack is a boy who start out as a leader in an almost military like stature in charge of the choir. He
becomes with his hunter wanting to make them more powerful and focused an arming them. He
also is desperate to be in charge. In The Lord of the Flies jack says "I ought to be chief" (Golding
22). This shows that he thinks he is the only person who should be leader. When they talk about
the hunters he says "They could be an army" (Golding page 23). This sentence is by the one that
sets up jack's idea of his "hunters" his hunters start out as a group of boys then evolved into this
deadly group of savages that could barely be called human. In later pages jack is desired giving
his army newer weapon and upgrading them. Heinrich Himmler was the head of the Nazi SS, the
Nazi honor guard, and he was obsessed with building this army. "Himmler immediately began
expanding the SS, which reached a membership of more than 50,000" This article claims (Heinrich
Himmler). Him and roger have one thing in common instants gain of power. When Jack became
chief of his hunter tribe roger became a second in command for the army. Himmler also led the
campaign to exterminate the Jewish with his death camps. Roger would lead the campaign by jack
to hunt the other boys and make them join or kill them. These two boys depicted evil but in this
book one boy depicts the
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Lord Of The Flies Chapter 13 Outline
Chapter 13– It's All Political During sophomore year my class was assigned to read "Lord of the
Flies" by William Golding. This novel was political in the sense that the boys had to form their
own type of government within the group to maintain the peace between them all. They even
went as far as setting up an election to see who would come out on top as president. There was a
president and a vice president, and the rest of the boys had to follow their rules and laws made by
the leaders. Later in the book, the government fell apart and the group was in shambles once again.
Chapter 14– Yes, She's a Christ Figure, Too In Narnia Aslan represented somewhat of a Christ
character. Aslan was sacrificed to save another character. Although he was not more content...
Last seen with his army. Many quotes of his that are quite memorable. He was sacrificed at night,
but woke up in daylight. He had many loyal followers. He too was quite forgiving. He came to the
white witch's castle to free the Narnian creatures. Chapter 15– Flights of Fancy The mythology story
about Icarus using his homemade wings to fly to freedom. Icarus and his father are stuck in some
sort of prison. With him and his son's lives on the line, Icarus's father built two pairs of wings to
fly away with. He told his son to wait five minutes after he left so that he could make sure that the
wings worked properly and he told Icarus not to fly to high because the wings would melt and if he
flew too low, the feathers would get wet. Icarus did listen to his father and he fell to his death. The
wings represented flying to freedom. Chapter 16– It's All About Sex...Chapter 17–... Except the Sex
In "Of Mice and Men", sex is never said directly but is often inferred when the guys are talking
about going to whore houses and when they give descriptions of going to see the women and
having a good time, they are pretty much saying they are going to pay for the women. Chapter 18–
If She Comes Up, It's
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Descriptive Essay: Lord Of The Flies
On an island that is out to kill us; we too turn against each other. With the ocean lapping at the
shore. The water washes back and forth on the beach. The wind blows the tiny granules of sand into
the dense jungle and thick vegetation. The exotic and vibrant colours and sounds that bellow out of
mother nature's organic maze. I slowly walk into the thickness of the jungle, less and less light is
penetrating the canopy. As I venture deeper I feel the moisture gathering on my face as the
vegetation becomes denser and denser.
While all the other boys are making shelters with Ralph I slip away to get some peaceful time to
myself. As I walk through the thick jungle I meet some of the littluns reaching for exotic jungle
fruits in the trees and I help them. Walking alone I found a quaint clearing to settle, I slouch up
against a tree. Becoming weary, thinking of home missing my family and I start to doze off. I
reawaken to the sound of birds chirping in the trees, it was nearly dark, I cannot see the trail back to
the littluns and the shelters. Now that I think of it the littluns are basically useless without Ralph or
I. They need to be taught how to do everything and they are always so demanding.
Disoriented more content...
I brainstormed solutions. Many impractical and idiotic ideas present themselves to me. I could
make a rope and hook to grapple my way out of this crevasse. What if I dug foot holes? That idea
was quickly abandoned because the walls contained clay and other hard materials so digging with
my hands would be a self–inflicting pain. I resort to creating a rope with my shirt and shorts.
Swinging the makeshift rope high above my head I manage to hook a nearby tree. Using my
weak muscles, I start to climb my way out of the hole. I'm nearing the top of the hole, my hand's
ache, they start to slip and loose purchase. After falling on my back I get up again and have another
try. I hoist myself out of the deep hole. I untie my clothes and replace
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Lord of the Flies Research Paper Outline
Thesis: LOTF and the platoon both portray the physiological breakdown in man bringing forth the
inner savagery within all man through the characters similar behavior, as well as symbolism.
I. In the lord of the flies a group of boys are well disciplined from adult, and societal influences
(ego) and plunge into savagery with no rules after being stranded on an island. (Starts off as fun
because theres no adults, then the situation sinks in) a.) boys break into 2 groups 1.) ralphs
group–logical thinking/ doing the right thing/ realistic 2.) jacks group– easy way out less worry no
regard or foresight/ unrealistic b.) groups go different ways. (fates of group)
II).In the platoon a platoon of more content...
( each using something to help get them cope) A.) LOTF 1.) jack uses masks of mud, clay and
blood to make themselves feel like different person then he really was. (quote on jack when he made
his first mask)
a.) makes it easier to kill and hunt where without the mask jack wasnt able to kill a pig because he
was too squeamish b.) it made jack a different more savage person c.) worked in the end. showing
that savagery is within all humans 2.) ralph was able to lead by using what he learned from adults
as a means of survival. even if it didnt always make sence ralph trusted on what he belived the
adults would do in this situation. a.) kept ralph hopeful that his reliance on adult like behavior
would get him rescued. b.)clung to the belief that society would prevail. c.) he was wrong when
his group was killed, or joined jacks group. d.) occasionally caves to savagery when getting caught
up in hunting games. B.) the platoon 1.) Sgt barnes proves himself to be like jack when he plunges
into a state of savagery to fight the war in his own way using violence and instincts to anilate any
vietnamese in his warpath a.) one scene he holds a young girl at gun point threating to kill her if
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Lord Of The Flies Theme Essay
The Lord of the Flies Theme Essay
Grace deVega "'We are going to have fun on this island. Understand? We are going to have fun on
this island!'" This is a phrase spoken by the Lord of the Flies, a disembodied pig head, to a young
plane–crash survivor, Simon. It perfectly captures the delusions and insanity in William Golding's
realistic fiction/adventure novel, The Lord of the Flies. With parts throughout the story such as the
testing of friendships and the sacrifice for the greater good, the book contains many examples of
strong themes. Of all the thematic elements in The Lord of the Flies, two of the most predominant
ones are reality and illusion, followed by human interaction. First, one may believe in an idea so
strongly that it
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Survival Of Lord Of The Flies Theme Essay
After reading "Lord of The Flies" for sometime now, I can slowly begin to see what the theme is
that is emerging from the book. The subject of the novel, is about survival and cooperation
because Ralph (the main protagonist of the story) finds himself on an island all by himself.
However, later in the book we find that he and Piggy find a whole group of boys', and each of the
boys' in the group have their own kind of specialties. That is why, I think that the theme of "Lord
of The Flies" is "Survival of the Fittest." One reason, why I think that this is the theme, is that on
page 22 the text states "Piggy stirred. "I'll come." "You're no good on a job like this." The reason
why that I chose this quote from the text, is that it ties in more content...
The reason why I chose this page, is because the page is about Ralph during an assembly with all
of the boys'. Also, Ralph who is the chief of the group, is calling this assembly for them to discuss
some changes for the group and talk about a common goal that everybody can work on together.
For example, when Ralph wanted for everybody to work on building shelters (Pg.54), some of the
kids gave him the "death stare" because they think that they have more important things to work
on such as hunting for meat. On the other hand, Ralph is making a smart decision because now
everybody can get to know each other and cooperate with each other to achieve their common
goals. Before, everybody was running around like chickens with their heads cut off but, now
Ralph is making the group more organized and that is what he should be doing as the group's
chief. All in all, this is why I think that the theme of "Lord of The Flies," is "Survival of the
Fittest." With every person the group having positive and negative traits, it will take time for them
to be able to work with each other. Also, each person has their own pros and cons that could
impact on the group in a good way, or a bad way. How, that Ralph has organized the group, Ralph
can now focus on the important things that are needed in a survival situation such as shelter, fire,
water, and food. Ralph has the group in a pretty good position right now. Let's just hope that it can
stay that
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Outline For Lord Of The Flies Research Paper
(Hook/Lead) When humans are born, they all have a savage side to them, which can be held in
and tamed, or let out under certain circumstances. This is what author William Golding claims in
his award winning novel, Lord of the Flies. (GDT) An English plane full of schoolboys crash
lands into an island in the Pacific ocean. With all adults dead and nobody on the island, the boys
elect a leader named Ralph, and try to create their own society and civilization. Jack, one of the
other schoolboys does not follow the rules put in place by hunting and letting loose. Over time,
Jack becomes a savage with no sense of obedience. While Ralph wants to get off the island, Jack's
evil ways of killing pigs and uncivilized nature get to the rest of the boys on the island as more and
more of them want to live like Jack and focus more on meat and savagery rather than being
rescued. (Thesis) The boys value Jack's leadership more than Ralph's because Jack offers hunting
and fun while Ralph offers the boys rescue and order. (T) Jack rules the boys with meat, freedom,
and fear, which the boys gravitate towards. (E) Jack likes to taunt the boys with killing and
hunting, which makes him look like a bully, especially when " [Jack] giggled and flicked them
while the boys laughed at his reeking palms. Then Jack grabbed Maurice and rubbed the stuff over
his cheeks . . . Right up more content...
(GC) The kids on island just loved having no rules. Imagine the United States getting rid of all
laws. The country would be chaos. This is exactly what happens to the boys, they are very
satisfied with having no rules. That is why the kids chose Jack over Ralph, because Jack is all for
freedom and letting the evil side out. (Clincher) Having rules in today's world is an essential, but
we were all born with evil inside, and it is up to us on whether keep it in or let it
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Lord Of The Flies Essay Outline

  • 1. Lord Of The Flies Jack Outline Outline Introduction 1. Jack is a dynamic character who undergoes many changes throughout the book. At first he seems to be calm, but by the end he turns to violence. 2.Jack, one of the main characters in "Lord of the Flies," by William Golding seems to always put himself before others. 3.He is a selfish and arrogant person and will do whatever it takes to become the leader. I.Jack isn't good at trying to lead others because he is always putting himself first. A.He is eager to make rules and punish those who break them. –Although he consistently breaks them himself when he needs to further his own interests. (Transition: Jack shows his need to be leader in an arrogant way. II.Jack sees himself as being more important than others their for he Get more content on
  • 2. Outline For Lord Of The Flies Essay a.Character Description– gives the reader the perspective of the lives of the "New People"; the artist b.Character Quality: insightful c.Support– recognizes the savage nature of his tribe when they are about to kill Liku. d.Character Quality– superior, arrogant e.Support– believes he is separated from the others, so he has a scandalous affair with Marlan's woman. n.Marlan a.Character Description– powerful, authoritative; has the title of the ruler–priest; remains ruler because the rest of his tribe is scared of him more than they resent his rules and law; the witchdoctor IV.Symbolism– Lord of the Flies A.Conch Shell a.Organization b.Support– blow the shell to call group meetings c.Support– have to be holding the shell in more content... Golding's Use of Children– Lord of the Flies A.Innate Savage Instinct a.amplified through William Golding's use of children as characters b.Support– ultimately, the manhunt on the island is only ended by an adult, the Naval Officer c.Example– before leaving to go anywhere, Jack brings a knife with him. d.Example– Jack's first instinct was to raise his knife and kill the pig, not to help free it. e.Example– even though it isn't real, the kids all want to kill the snake/beast. B.Initial Reactions and Actions that show the non–moral values that are instinctive in humans a.Example– Ralph, who is seen as a civilized character, automatically starts to mock Piggy for who he is; Ralph didn't notice Piggy until he was able to start tormenting. b.Example– while they walk, the older boys destroy the sand castles that the littluns had made. VII.Symbolism– The Inheritors A.Light vs. Dark a.Description– the symbolism between light and dark shows the contrast between the good and innocent Neanderthals and the barbaric and evil Homo Sapiens. B."forest devils" b.This idea of "imaginary" evil is very similar to the Beast in Lord of the Flies. c.Like the Beast, they provoke fear in the people, and they show the evil nature of Get more content on
  • 3. Lord of the Flies Essay Throughout the novel Lord of the Flies, various views and motifs are portrayed. Of these views and motifs, the main message which is illustrated is one that questions society. It is clear from the very beginning that is a message conveyed in this novel. On the whole, Golding is portraying a good versus evil which are represented by Jack and Ralph. In Lord of the Flies a variety of ideas can be extracted on what the message Golding is trying to show. Golding wrote this novel in order to show the basic contrast of good and evil in society and how things can get out of hand if your primal urges are left uncontrolled. Firstly I will explore the idea of good versus evil throughout the novel and in which characters they reside, secondly more content... The Conch shell is used to summon the boys at the beginning and impresses many of them making them think of him as a natural leader. Seeing there is nothing left of the plane wreckage the conch shell is one of the only things they have which is linked to society and therefore becomes a powerful symbol of civilization. It is used throughout the book effectively by Ralph but when it is flattened it symbolizes the complete downfall of civilization and the loss of control. Another important symbol in the novel is the beast. It stands for the fear which all of the boys have and the savagery they all have. All of the boys, especially the littleuns are afraid of the beast but only Simon recognizes that the fear is within the boys themselves. Because the beast lies within the boys, more savage they act, the more apparent the beast is. The loss of power is one very remarkable problem Ralph seems to have from the very start. As soon as Jack comes into the scene, there is a sense of rebellion. Jack protests in some of the very first chapters that he should be leader instead, but it led to nothing. Ralph seems to be on top of things on the whole, but as soon as Jack started trying Ralph's leadership, things went on a downhill slope. In Lord of the Flies, something called Id and Superego are subconsciously integrated, forming a contrasted point of view. Id and Superego are a ideas of Sigmund Freud, a professor of psychology. Id is the primal urges Get more content on
  • 4. Term Papers On Lord Of The Flies Lord of the Flies Research Paper Less than only a 100 years ago, mankind fought its greatest battle ever between the evil axis powers and the good allied powers. While I read the Lord of the Flies by William Golding in class i noticed some similarities between the story and World War 2. The book is about a group of school boys from England crash on a island in the Pacific Ocean during the second world war. The boys try to create their own civilization on the island but soon chaos erupts and savagery takes over civilization with kids being killed and tourchered. While reading the book i've noticed many connections that Golding made to events during World War 2, for example he had the main characters represent some of the world leaders during the war. Fear and intimidation play a significant role in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, just as coercion and terror played a large role in the lives of the people ruled by the Axis Powers in WWII. The first connection I found in the book was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor was one of the most darkest days in American history when on December 7, 1941 on the island on Hawaii, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes. The attack killed over 2000 people and "Twenty–one ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were sunk or damaged"( This left a physical and emotional scar on the American people as they will never forget the attack and all of the lives that were lost. After Pearl Harbor; Get more content on
  • 5. Lord of the Flies Outline neSonam Ghosh Block 6 Lord of the Flies Paper Outline The Conch Shell: A symbol of Democracy Thesis: In the Lord of the Flies, the conch shell reflects important values which show the conflict of Ralph and Jack throughout the novel. The conch shell represents authority, order and civilization. 1. In the beginning of the novel, Ralph uses the conch shell to call about the other children on the island by blowing on the conch shell. a. "We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They'll come when they hear us" (Golding, 16) and "Ralph found his breath and blew a series of short blasts. Piggy exclaimed: There's one! A child had appeared among the palms, about a more content... a. "We need an assembly. Not for fun. Not for laughing and falling off the log...not for making jokes, or for...cleverness. Not for these things. But to put things straight." (Golding, 79) i. The conch is basically used to govern the people of the island. ii. The conch symbolizes cooperation and a civilization by bringing the people together ensuring authority and order through doing what is right for the community as a whole. iii. Without maintaining this balance, the conch shell will fall apart and tear civilization into turmoil and anarchy. 7. The conch shell came to represent the order, authority and civilization. The conch shell is symbolized as fragile and delicate. The shell is used to maintain order and give authority. Through this symbolism the conch shell was like a reflection of a democratic society where the people would be together as one community and cooperate. This democratic society would have order and have a leader who would do what is right for the benefit of the people and respect their voices. Since this conch was symbolized as fragile, if the conch broke then this democratic society would be destroyed and turn into an anarchy with no laws or rules or authority. Golding wants the conch shell to be preserved and protected, so no harm can be done to do this and maintain power and civilization. Ralph uses the conch to govern the people and Get more content on
  • 6. Lord of the Flies Essay In the novel, "Lord of the Flies," a group of British boys are left on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Throughout the novel, they have conflicts between civilization and savagery, good vs. evil, order vs. chaos, and reason vs. impulse. What would it be like if the boys were replaced by a group of girls? Would they behave the same way they did in the novel? I believe that the girls would act in the same behavior as the boys in all ways because, everyone is installed with evil inside them which is their natural instinct, also because in life there is always a power struggle in all manners, and the outcome with the girls would be similar–since both sexes would plan on getting rescued. In all humans, evil exists. At more content... This is universal truth, and clearly shows that girls would release their evil and selfishness within them, just as the boys did especially considering the circumstances and surroundings. Subsequently, the quote by Thomas Hobbes is also true, since all this evil lead to violence on the island. Secondly, the girls on the island would act the same as the boys in the sense of choosing a leader and creating rules. With the boys, there is always a power struggle between Jack and Ralph from the first time they meet. When the time arrives to choose a leader, Jack blurts, "I ought to be chief because, I'm chapter chorister and head boy," (pg.14). This shows that he wants to be a leader no matter what the majority of the boys think, showing him as a dictator. On the contrary, Ralph is voted for by the boys, showing him to lead a democratic way. When Democracy and Dictatorship clash, there becomes a power struggle. This power struggle causes them to do horrible things to each other. For example, when Sam and Eric warn Ralph, "You got to go now, Ralph, for your own good," (pg.189) when they alert him of Jack's intentions to set the forest on fire. This shows that no matter what, whether male or female, with human nature, there will always be a power struggle. In addition, this is also proven by the statement "All power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely," meaning that if Jack was a dictator he would misuse his power Get more content on
  • 7. The Theme of Lord of the Flies Essay The theme of Lord of the Flies has been questioned and speculated about for decades. To answer the critics, Golding said that the theme was to trace the problems of society back to the sinful nature of man. The theme of Lord of the Flies has been questioned and speculated about for decades. To answer the critics, Golding said that the theme was to trace the problems of society back to the sinful nature of man. He wrote the book to show how political systems cannot govern society effectively without first taking into consideration the defects of human nature. The defects of human nature are exemplified in Golding's novel through the characters of Jack and his hunters. Here, Golding shows that men are inherently evil; more content... Piggy demands adherence to the rules of his auntie while Jack subscribes to the philosophy, "If it's fun, do it." Ralph empathizes with parts of both sides; that is why he walks the tight rope. Eventually he seems to side with Piggy, but actually Ralph never changes his philosophy– it is Jack and the rest of the boys who become more extreme in theirs (hunting humans, forming their own tribe, etc.). In this way Ralph portrays the role of government in any modern society. While he wants to satisfy the wishes of the public, he must also realize that certain rules of behavior must be followed in order to prevent anarchy. Unfortunately anarchy defeats order. This is the outcome because Golding believed that government is an ineffective way to keep people together. No matter how logical or reasonable, government will eventually have to give in to the anarchical demands of the public. For alternate themes, see the character sections–– especially the Simon profile. Character Profiles Jack: Jack is described by Golding as "tall, thin, and bony; and his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. Out of this face stared two light blue eyes, frustrated now, and turning, or ready to turn, to anger." Jack is the leading advocate of anarchy on the island. Jack Get more content on
  • 8. Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Outline Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter One A. The plane that the boys were on crashed in the ocean and drifted to a uninhabited island. B. The boys have a meeting and vote for a leader. They select Ralph as a leader over Jack. C. Ralph, Jack, and Simon search the island for supplies. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Two A. Ralph establishes a meeting and shares with the boys the results of the exploration of the island. B. Whoever has the conch shell is the only one who can speak at that time. C. The boys set a fire at the top of the island with old wood in order to attract attention from rescue groups. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Three A. Ralph and Simon build huts for the littluns to more content... Piggy has the idea to build a signal fire on the beach instead of on the mountain. C. Simon goes into the jungle by himself where the lord of the flies talks to him. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Nine A. Simon awakes and realizes that the "monster" is really a dead parachuter. B. Jack is having a feast with the pig that the hunters caught, Simon stumbles in to tell them about the dead parachuted, but the boys don't recognize him, and they think he is the beast. C. The boys jump fiercely on Simon and beat him to death. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Ten A. Piggy can't bring himself to face his role in Simon's death. B. Jack plans to attack Ralph's camp in order to get Piggy's glasses (giving them the ability to make fire). C. After everyone in Ralph's camp goes to sleep, Jack and his hunters invade and badly wound Ralph and many others. They successfully get Piggy's glasses. Lord of The Flies Chapter Summaries – Chapter Eleven A. Ralph tries to make fire, but can't without Piggy's glasses. B. Ralph chooses to bring the conch shell to Jack. C. Roger pushes a huge boulder down a hill onto Piggy, breaking the conch shell and sending him over a Get more content on
  • 9. The Lord Of The Flies: Plot Outline 1.Plot Outline a)Exposition – Rainsford, an avid hunter, falls off his boat and swims ashore to an island that is fabled to be of great misfortune and mystery. Following the sound of gunshots, he is led to a large mansion and consequently meets General Zaroff, a sophisticated aristocrat who enjoys hunting big game for sport as well. b)Rising Action – After learning that General Zaroff kills humans for sport too, Rainsford is absolutely horrified and disgusted. Zaroff countlessly attempts to convince him otherwise but Rainsford refuses to take part and demands to leave the island immediately. c)Climax – From being the hunter to the hunted, Rainsford is now a player in Zaroff's sadistic, survival game. The prize is freedom from the more content... In reality, however, Rainsford swims around the island and sneaks into Zaroff's mansion. As soon as General Zaroff returns to his bedroom, Rainsford leaps out from behind the curtains and kills him, sleeping soundly in his bed afterwards. 2.Theme Statement – The fine line that separates man from beast can be blurred by instinct. a)"'I refuse to believe that so modern and civilized a young man as you seem to be harbors romantic ideas about the value of human life. . . ' . . . 'Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and if need be, taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure. I am strong. Why should I not use my gift? If I wish to hunt, why should I not? . . . '" Page 25–26 i.This quotation supports my theme statement because General Zaroff is displaying that he is more of a beast than a man. By regarding the lives of humans on the same level as that of all other animals, Zaroff's instinct to kill is overpowering his reason, allowing him to satisfy his savage bloodlust. b)"'I congratulate you,' he said. 'You have won the game.' Rainsford did not smile. 'I am still a beast at bay,' he said, in a low, hoarse voice. 'Get ready, General Zaroff.' . . . He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided." Page Get more content on
  • 10. Lord Of the Flies Essay Discuss the fragility of civilization against the destructive force of fear. If people become isolated from civilization, then the beast inside of us can break the bonds from society and unleash the evil within using the power of fear. In the book, "The Lord of the Flies", by William Golding, a group of boys becomes stuck on an island and it portrays the breakdown of society and structure and the transformation of them into savages. On the island, the boys first follow a conch which was the order and the link to society on the island but after a while, it loses most of it's influence due to the disintegration of social order and rules. A character that used the tool of fear to gain control of the boys was Jack, who represents more content... William Golding's idea of the "beast" within us all resonates in real life, not just in the book. Ralph, who represented order, structure, law and democracy soon toppled because of how much fear affected the boys. The conch, the link to society, was shattered by the evil that fear had created, which were the savages that the boys had turned into. It is ironic because the beast that the boys were so afraid of was actually the monsters that they had turned into. Without civilization, fear can warp and transform us into things that we would have never expected, much like Jack and the Get more content on
  • 11. Outline For Lord Of The Flies Informative Essay Introduction: How Did He Do That? When reading a literary work, in order to fully gain the experience from it, authors will deploy tools such as memory, symbolism, and patterns. Readers use their memory by connecting situations and characters to previous works or people/experiences in their own lives, making it easier to put stories into perspective. Symbolic references take the prose, or poem, into a deeper level– more emotional– making it more interesting. Conditioned readers may use pattern recognition to go beyond the plot, characters, and drama to get a more rewarding effect from the literature. When I read the novel, Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, my appreciation was heightened due to the fact the work is an more content... It should be picturesque: Cancer is invisible, unless one is in chemotherapy, which they would lose their hair. But, in the novel, it is invisible. This detail is extremely important when it comes the cancer symbolizing how weakness is within themselves. It should be mysterious in origin: Near the end of the book, Augustus tells Hazel Grace that his cancer has spread through many places in his body. It is sudden news to Hazel Grace, she had no idea that it had come to that. It should have strong symbolic or metaphoric possibilities: I have interpreted cancer in this story to represent the weakness within the characters. Cancer in the novel is meant to represent going against the conventions of the feel–good falsehoods of battling cancer that coddles the public against the terrible subject. Augustus' death is extremely symbolic because he dies in the most pitiful of ways. It was humiliating for he and Hazel Grace with his constant bed–wetting, disability to walk, and the complete lack of whom he once was. The death represents that cancer death is not strong and valiant, it is completely pitiful and proves that we should not glorify the fact someone died from this Get more content on
  • 12. Outline For Lord Of The Flies Dbq Essay It is understandable for children to fear monsters and boogeymen. In the book, Lord of The Flies, written by William Golding, a group of English schoolboys are isolated on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean during the wake of World War II. Hearing stories and seeing the outcast of the war made the boys form an imaginary "beast". Defining what this beast represents is tough considering the meaning of it evolves throughout the book. In the beginning of Lord of The Flies, the author first recognized the beast as a representation of fear. The author claims in Document A that Claire Rosefield interprets it as a symbol of fear. The text states that there are "no comforting mothers to dispel the terrors of the unknown" and that "they externalize these fears into the figure of a beast." In Document B, the image of fear becomes clear. Golding starts further developing this image when the boy with the mulberry birthmark claims to have seen the beast. Quotes like "snake–thing" and "turned into them things like ropes in the trees and hung in the branches" help to establish the beast as a representation of more content... The main event that causes this portrayal is World War II. During the war Ralph requests a "sign from the world of grown ups" and receives a dead parachutist killed in an air battle, this is when the beast first symbolizes war (Doc D). Golding's past as a World War II vet helped him form the figure of the beast. The author claims in Document C that "Golding himself admitted that the war produced a notable effect on him", "it scared him stiff", and that was "his turning point." Soon Golding started to see what people were really capable of doing. This made him wonder if the beast was something inhuman and alien or it if it was actually something made from eyes, legs, and a heart (Doc C). At this point in the book, the true meaning of the beast is becoming more Get more content on
  • 13. The Lord Of The Flies Essay "In absence of orders, go find something and kill it" Erwin Rommel world war II 7th panzer division general. It doesn't seem to have much to do with lord of the flies but it does. When these boys are in left alone they start fighting and pick sides. In the Second World War people picked sides. These boys go into a small war of their own and it is brutal and has one evil over powering faction in this book the history's most notorious generals, leaders, and even dictators are represented by these boys. Ralph and piggy are the books two protagonist that seem to try to support their followers. In the war Britain tried to do everything possible to support the country's that were attacked. Ralph is seen as the strong leader who never lets any more content... Jack is a boy who start out as a leader in an almost military like stature in charge of the choir. He becomes with his hunter wanting to make them more powerful and focused an arming them. He also is desperate to be in charge. In The Lord of the Flies jack says "I ought to be chief" (Golding 22). This shows that he thinks he is the only person who should be leader. When they talk about the hunters he says "They could be an army" (Golding page 23). This sentence is by the one that sets up jack's idea of his "hunters" his hunters start out as a group of boys then evolved into this deadly group of savages that could barely be called human. In later pages jack is desired giving his army newer weapon and upgrading them. Heinrich Himmler was the head of the Nazi SS, the Nazi honor guard, and he was obsessed with building this army. "Himmler immediately began expanding the SS, which reached a membership of more than 50,000" This article claims (Heinrich Himmler). Him and roger have one thing in common instants gain of power. When Jack became chief of his hunter tribe roger became a second in command for the army. Himmler also led the campaign to exterminate the Jewish with his death camps. Roger would lead the campaign by jack to hunt the other boys and make them join or kill them. These two boys depicted evil but in this book one boy depicts the Get more content on
  • 14. Lord Of The Flies Chapter 13 Outline Chapter 13– It's All Political During sophomore year my class was assigned to read "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. This novel was political in the sense that the boys had to form their own type of government within the group to maintain the peace between them all. They even went as far as setting up an election to see who would come out on top as president. There was a president and a vice president, and the rest of the boys had to follow their rules and laws made by the leaders. Later in the book, the government fell apart and the group was in shambles once again. Chapter 14– Yes, She's a Christ Figure, Too In Narnia Aslan represented somewhat of a Christ character. Aslan was sacrificed to save another character. Although he was not more content... Last seen with his army. Many quotes of his that are quite memorable. He was sacrificed at night, but woke up in daylight. He had many loyal followers. He too was quite forgiving. He came to the white witch's castle to free the Narnian creatures. Chapter 15– Flights of Fancy The mythology story about Icarus using his homemade wings to fly to freedom. Icarus and his father are stuck in some sort of prison. With him and his son's lives on the line, Icarus's father built two pairs of wings to fly away with. He told his son to wait five minutes after he left so that he could make sure that the wings worked properly and he told Icarus not to fly to high because the wings would melt and if he flew too low, the feathers would get wet. Icarus did listen to his father and he fell to his death. The wings represented flying to freedom. Chapter 16– It's All About Sex...Chapter 17–... Except the Sex In "Of Mice and Men", sex is never said directly but is often inferred when the guys are talking about going to whore houses and when they give descriptions of going to see the women and having a good time, they are pretty much saying they are going to pay for the women. Chapter 18– If She Comes Up, It's Get more content on
  • 15. Descriptive Essay: Lord Of The Flies On an island that is out to kill us; we too turn against each other. With the ocean lapping at the shore. The water washes back and forth on the beach. The wind blows the tiny granules of sand into the dense jungle and thick vegetation. The exotic and vibrant colours and sounds that bellow out of mother nature's organic maze. I slowly walk into the thickness of the jungle, less and less light is penetrating the canopy. As I venture deeper I feel the moisture gathering on my face as the vegetation becomes denser and denser. While all the other boys are making shelters with Ralph I slip away to get some peaceful time to myself. As I walk through the thick jungle I meet some of the littluns reaching for exotic jungle fruits in the trees and I help them. Walking alone I found a quaint clearing to settle, I slouch up against a tree. Becoming weary, thinking of home missing my family and I start to doze off. I reawaken to the sound of birds chirping in the trees, it was nearly dark, I cannot see the trail back to the littluns and the shelters. Now that I think of it the littluns are basically useless without Ralph or I. They need to be taught how to do everything and they are always so demanding. Disoriented more content... I brainstormed solutions. Many impractical and idiotic ideas present themselves to me. I could make a rope and hook to grapple my way out of this crevasse. What if I dug foot holes? That idea was quickly abandoned because the walls contained clay and other hard materials so digging with my hands would be a self–inflicting pain. I resort to creating a rope with my shirt and shorts. Swinging the makeshift rope high above my head I manage to hook a nearby tree. Using my weak muscles, I start to climb my way out of the hole. I'm nearing the top of the hole, my hand's ache, they start to slip and loose purchase. After falling on my back I get up again and have another try. I hoist myself out of the deep hole. I untie my clothes and replace Get more content on
  • 16. Lord of the Flies Research Paper Outline REVISED OUTLINE Thesis: LOTF and the platoon both portray the physiological breakdown in man bringing forth the inner savagery within all man through the characters similar behavior, as well as symbolism. I. In the lord of the flies a group of boys are well disciplined from adult, and societal influences (ego) and plunge into savagery with no rules after being stranded on an island. (Starts off as fun because theres no adults, then the situation sinks in) a.) boys break into 2 groups 1.) ralphs group–logical thinking/ doing the right thing/ realistic 2.) jacks group– easy way out less worry no regard or foresight/ unrealistic b.) groups go different ways. (fates of group) II).In the platoon a platoon of more content... ( each using something to help get them cope) A.) LOTF 1.) jack uses masks of mud, clay and blood to make themselves feel like different person then he really was. (quote on jack when he made his first mask) a.) makes it easier to kill and hunt where without the mask jack wasnt able to kill a pig because he was too squeamish b.) it made jack a different more savage person c.) worked in the end. showing that savagery is within all humans 2.) ralph was able to lead by using what he learned from adults as a means of survival. even if it didnt always make sence ralph trusted on what he belived the adults would do in this situation. a.) kept ralph hopeful that his reliance on adult like behavior would get him rescued. b.)clung to the belief that society would prevail. c.) he was wrong when his group was killed, or joined jacks group. d.) occasionally caves to savagery when getting caught up in hunting games. B.) the platoon 1.) Sgt barnes proves himself to be like jack when he plunges into a state of savagery to fight the war in his own way using violence and instincts to anilate any vietnamese in his warpath a.) one scene he holds a young girl at gun point threating to kill her if Get more content on
  • 17. Lord Of The Flies Theme Essay The Lord of the Flies Theme Essay Grace deVega "'We are going to have fun on this island. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island!'" This is a phrase spoken by the Lord of the Flies, a disembodied pig head, to a young plane–crash survivor, Simon. It perfectly captures the delusions and insanity in William Golding's realistic fiction/adventure novel, The Lord of the Flies. With parts throughout the story such as the testing of friendships and the sacrifice for the greater good, the book contains many examples of strong themes. Of all the thematic elements in The Lord of the Flies, two of the most predominant ones are reality and illusion, followed by human interaction. First, one may believe in an idea so strongly that it Get more content on
  • 18. Survival Of Lord Of The Flies Theme Essay After reading "Lord of The Flies" for sometime now, I can slowly begin to see what the theme is that is emerging from the book. The subject of the novel, is about survival and cooperation because Ralph (the main protagonist of the story) finds himself on an island all by himself. However, later in the book we find that he and Piggy find a whole group of boys', and each of the boys' in the group have their own kind of specialties. That is why, I think that the theme of "Lord of The Flies" is "Survival of the Fittest." One reason, why I think that this is the theme, is that on page 22 the text states "Piggy stirred. "I'll come." "You're no good on a job like this." The reason why that I chose this quote from the text, is that it ties in more content... The reason why I chose this page, is because the page is about Ralph during an assembly with all of the boys'. Also, Ralph who is the chief of the group, is calling this assembly for them to discuss some changes for the group and talk about a common goal that everybody can work on together. For example, when Ralph wanted for everybody to work on building shelters (Pg.54), some of the kids gave him the "death stare" because they think that they have more important things to work on such as hunting for meat. On the other hand, Ralph is making a smart decision because now everybody can get to know each other and cooperate with each other to achieve their common goals. Before, everybody was running around like chickens with their heads cut off but, now Ralph is making the group more organized and that is what he should be doing as the group's chief. All in all, this is why I think that the theme of "Lord of The Flies," is "Survival of the Fittest." With every person the group having positive and negative traits, it will take time for them to be able to work with each other. Also, each person has their own pros and cons that could impact on the group in a good way, or a bad way. How, that Ralph has organized the group, Ralph can now focus on the important things that are needed in a survival situation such as shelter, fire, water, and food. Ralph has the group in a pretty good position right now. Let's just hope that it can stay that Get more content on
  • 19. Outline For Lord Of The Flies Research Paper (Hook/Lead) When humans are born, they all have a savage side to them, which can be held in and tamed, or let out under certain circumstances. This is what author William Golding claims in his award winning novel, Lord of the Flies. (GDT) An English plane full of schoolboys crash lands into an island in the Pacific ocean. With all adults dead and nobody on the island, the boys elect a leader named Ralph, and try to create their own society and civilization. Jack, one of the other schoolboys does not follow the rules put in place by hunting and letting loose. Over time, Jack becomes a savage with no sense of obedience. While Ralph wants to get off the island, Jack's evil ways of killing pigs and uncivilized nature get to the rest of the boys on the island as more and more of them want to live like Jack and focus more on meat and savagery rather than being rescued. (Thesis) The boys value Jack's leadership more than Ralph's because Jack offers hunting and fun while Ralph offers the boys rescue and order. (T) Jack rules the boys with meat, freedom, and fear, which the boys gravitate towards. (E) Jack likes to taunt the boys with killing and hunting, which makes him look like a bully, especially when " [Jack] giggled and flicked them while the boys laughed at his reeking palms. Then Jack grabbed Maurice and rubbed the stuff over his cheeks . . . Right up more content... (GC) The kids on island just loved having no rules. Imagine the United States getting rid of all laws. The country would be chaos. This is exactly what happens to the boys, they are very satisfied with having no rules. That is why the kids chose Jack over Ralph, because Jack is all for freedom and letting the evil side out. (Clincher) Having rules in today's world is an essential, but we were all born with evil inside, and it is up to us on whether keep it in or let it Get more content on