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Between	proximity	and	distance:	
The	balance	in	the	(transforming)	journalism-audience	rela8onship	
as	a	criterion	for	media	quality?	
Wiebke	Loosen	&	Julius	Reimer	
@Wloosen	|@juliusreimer	
ICA	preconference	Media	Performance	and	Democracy	|	June,	9th	2016	|	Fukuoka,	Japan
•  Having	‘an	audience’	is	cons8tu8ve	for	journalism.		
•  Discussions	about	journalism’s	(in)ability	to	meet	the	demands	
and	needs	of	its	audience	are	at	the	heart	of	any	discussion	on	
media	performance,	the	quality	of	news,	and	the	func8on	of	
journalism	in	democra8c	socie8es.	
•  Coverage	is	the	visible	output	of	journalism	and	the	yards8ck	of	
its	performance.		
•  But	focusing	on	content	alone	is	not	enough	to	determine	media	
quality	(from	the	audience’s	perspec8ve)	(Costera	Meijer	&	
Bijleveld,	2016).		
•  We	also	have	to	consider	the	on-going	transforma8on	of	the	
media	environment	and	of	the	journalism-audience	rela8onship.		
Our	ques5ons/perspec5ve	
⇒ How	can	we	measure	and	compare	journalists’	and	audiences’	
ideas	of	media	quality/performance?		
⇒ Are	journalists’	and	audiences’	ideas	of	media	performance	
expanded	by	new	par8cipa8on-,	dialog-,	and	transparency-	
oriented	aspects?	
⇒ Should	we	think	of	proximity	and	distance	of	expecta8ons	as	a	
criterion	for	media	quality?		
⇒ And	if	so,	what	is	the	‘right’/a	func8onal	ra0o	of	proximity	and	
distance	in	the	journalism-audience	rela8onship?	
The	journalism-audience	rela5onship	
Audience	Journalists	
about	what	
journalists	should	
and	will	deliver	
(Scholl	&	
Weischenberg,	1998:	
pp.	120)	
expecta8ons	of	
journalists	about	
what	the	
audience	should	
and	will	receive		
Generally	speaking,	the	rela8onship	between	journalism	
and	its	audience	is	mainly	structured	by	…
Based	on:	Loosen	&	Schmidt,	2012:	874,	figure	1	
The	project	“(Re-)Discovering	the	Audience”	
Inclusion	performance	Inclusion	performance	
(Expected)	inclusion	expecta5ons	
Inclusion	level	
Inclusion	distance	
Inclusion	level	
(Expected)	inclusion	expecta5ons	
3.	Assumed	importance	of	
par8cipatory	func8ons	
Importance	of	par8cipatory	
2.	Self	image	of	journalis8c	role	 External	image	of	journalis8c	role	
1.	Assumed	mo8va8ons	
Mo8va8ons	for	par8cipa8on	
4.	General	assessment	of	
General	assessment	of	
Case	studies	
TV	/	online	 Print	/	online	
(Loosen	et	al.	2013a)	
Na8onal	daily	
Süddeutsche	Zeitung	
(Heise	et	al.	2014b)	
Poli8cal	TV	talk	
(Loosen	et	al.	2013b)	
Na8onal	weekly	
Der	Freitag	
(Reimer	et	al.	2015)	
Based	on:	Schmidt	&	Loosen,	2015:	261,	table	1
1.  To	have	journalists	present	(and	responsive)	on	
social	media	
2.  To	be	able	to	provide	own	material	(text,	
pictures,	videos)	for	news	repor8ng	
3.  To	have	a	plaiorm	for	discussing	the	quality	of	
news	repor8ng	(agenda,	form,	tone	etc.)	
4.  To	get	informa8on	on	editorial	rou8nes/
5.  To	be	able	to	forward/recommend	journalis8c	
content	quickly	and	easily	to	friends	and	family	
6.  To	be	able	to	suggest	topics	for	repor8ng	
7.  To	be	able	to	comment	on/rate	journalis8c	items	
8.  To	make	transparent	how	many	other	people	
view/comment	certain	stories***	
9.  To	be	able	to	contact/discuss	with	editorial	staff	
10.  To	discuss	the	topics	of	news	repor8ng***	
11.  To	publicly	show	their/my	ahachment	to	the	
12.  To	get	addi8onal	informa8on	on	the	sources	of	a	
journalis8c	item***	
13.  To	be	taken	seriously	by	journalists***	
14.  To	have	editorial	staff	introduced	to	them/me***	
15.  To	be	able	to	interact	and/or	make	contact	with	
other	viewers/users	(and	exchange	opinions)***	
(Assumed)	importance	of	par5cipatory	func5ons	
Based	on:	Heise	et	al.,	2014a:	418,	table	2	
-  Addressability	of	newsroom	members:	
items	1	&	9	
-  Community	building:	items	11	&	15	
-  Dialogue-orienta8on	of	newsroom	and	
audience	members:	items	3,	7	&	10	
-  Par8cipatory	openness:	items	2	&	6	
-  Shareability:	item	5	
-  Transparency	of	journalis8c	actors,	
newsroom	processes	and	audience	
behavior:	items	4,	8,	12	&	14
1.  To	have	journalists	present	(and	responsive)	on	
social	media	
2.  To	be	able	to	provide	own	material	(text,	
pictures,	videos)	for	news	repor8ng	
3.  To	have	a	plaiorm	for	discussing	the	quality	of	
news	repor8ng	(agenda,	form,	tone	etc.)	
4.  To	get	informa8on	on	editorial	rou8nes/
5.  To	be	able	to	forward/recommend	journalis8c	
content	quickly	and	easily	to	friends	and	family	
6.  To	be	able	to	suggest	topics	for	repor8ng	
7.  To	be	able	to	comment	on/rate	journalis8c	items	
8.  To	make	transparent	how	many	other	people	
view/comment	certain	stories***	
9.  To	be	able	to	contact/discuss	with	editorial	staff	
10.  To	discuss	the	topics	of	news	repor8ng***	
11.  To	publicly	show	their/my	ahachment	to	the	
12.  To	get	addi8onal	informa8on	on	the	sources	of	a	
journalis8c	item***	
13.  To	be	taken	seriously	by	journalists***	
14.  To	have	editorial	staff	introduced	to	them/me***	
15.  To	be	able	to	interact	and/or	make	contact	with	
other	viewers/users	(and	exchange	opinions)***	
5-point-Likert-scale	with	1	=	”Completely	unimportant”	to	5	=	”Very	important”;		
6	=	”Don’t	know	/	Can’t	say”	(excluded	for	calcula0on	of	mean).	//	***	p	<	.001	(t-test)	
n	journalists=	57-59;	n	audiences=	4641-4667		
(Assumed)	importance	of	par5cipatory	func5ons	
case	study	Tagesschau	
5	4	
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5
Importance for users as assumed by journalists
Based	on:	Heise	et	al.,	2014a:	418,	table	2
1.  To	have	journalists	present	(and	responsive)	on	
social	media	
2.  To	be	able	to	provide	own	material	(text,	
pictures,	videos)	for	news	repor8ng	
3.  To	have	a	plaiorm	for	discussing	the	quality	of	
news	repor8ng	(agenda,	form,	tone	etc.)	
4.  To	get	informa8on	on	editorial	rou8nes/
5.  To	be	able	to	forward/recommend	journalis8c	
content	quickly	and	easily	to	friends	and	family	
6.  To	be	able	to	suggest	topics	for	repor8ng	
7.  To	be	able	to	comment	on/rate	journalis8c	items	
8.  To	make	transparent	how	many	other	people	
view/comment	certain	stories***	
9.  To	be	able	to	contact/discuss	with	editorial	staff	
10.  To	discuss	the	topics	of	news	repor8ng***	
11.  To	publicly	show	their/my	ahachment	to	the	
12.  To	get	addi8onal	informa8on	on	the	sources	of	a	
journalis8c	item***	
13.  To	be	taken	seriously	by	journalists***	
14.  To	have	editorial	staff	introduced	to	them/me***	
15.  To	be	able	to	interact	and/or	make	contact	with	
other	viewers/users	(and	exchange	opinions)***	
5-point-Likert-scale	with	1	=	”Completely	unimportant”	to	5	=	”Very	important”;		
6	=	”Don’t	know	/	Can’t	say”	(excluded	for	calcula0on	of	mean).	//	***	p	<	.001	(t-test)	
n	journalists=	57-59;	n	audiences=	4641-4667		
(Assumed)	importance	of	par5cipatory	func5ons	
case	study	Tagesschau	
5	4	
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5
Importance for users as assumed by journalists
Based	on:	Heise	et	al.,	2014a:	418,	table	2
Different	journalism,	different	democra5c	models?	
Different	understandings	or	facets	of	(journalism’s	func8on	for)	democracy	
(Josephi,	2016):		
•  Journalism’s	tradi8onal	orienta8on	towards	informa8on	supply	and	demand	
represents	the	pluralis8c-representa8ve	model.	
•  “Hos8ng	the	public	discourse”	(Braun	&	Gillespie,	2011)	adds	delibera8ve	
•  Journalism	models	allowing	the	co-selec8on	of	topics	and	co-crea8on	of	
content	emphasise	par8cipatory	facets.	
•  Start-ups	and	crowd	funded	ini8a8ves	which	understand	the	audience	as	
partners	or	members	par8cipa8ng	in	the	development	of	the	whole	news	
outlet	relate	to	direct	democracy.	
•  Phrasing	items	in	a	comparable	way	while	taking	into	account	that…	
•  …	not	every	audience	member	is	knowledgeable,	capable,	or	willing	to	express	
aptudes	towards	professional	journalis8c	prac8ces	to	the	same	degree	
•  …	professional	norms	(e.g.,	neutrality,	verifica8on)	mean	different	things	to	
journalists	and	audience	members	(Tsfa8	et	al.,	2006)	
•  Comparing…	
•  …	groups	of	different	homogeneity	and	size	(editorial	staff	vs.	disperse	audience)	
•  …	online-	and	TV-journalists	and	online-only	audience	
•  …	individual	self-assessment	with	assessment	of	groups	of	others	
•  Considering…	
•  …	absolute	differences	of	means	
•  …	if	audience	and	journalists	both	tend	towards	agreement	or	disagreement	
•  …	rela8ve	rankings	of	one	bahery‘s	items	
Methodological	challenges
A	repertoire-oriented	approach	
•  Journalism	is	mul8channel	communica8on:	Typically,	journalists	and	
audiences	use	a	number	of		(social)	media	in	parallel	and	for	different	
purposes	and	informa8on	needs	(Hasebrink	&	Hölig,	2013;	Neuberger	et	al.,	
•  From	an	audience	perspec8ve	not	all	media	are	evaluated	by	the	same	
criteria,	and	quality	flaws	of	one	medium	are	likely	to	be	compensated	by	
another	one.	
•  In	order	to	adequately	evaluate	the	media	quality	a	user	is	confronted	with	a	
repertoire-oriented	approach	(Hasebrink	&	Popp,	2006;	Hasebrink	&	
Domeyer,	2012)	would:	
•  take	into	account	all	the	media	a	ci8zen	uses,	
•  measure	the	different	quali8es	of	content	and	of	par0cipatory	features	they	
•  weight	these	quali8es	by	the	importance	the	user	ascribes	to	them	in	rela8on	to	
specific	informa0on	needs,	and	
•  add	them	up	to	a	comprehensive	index	of	media	quality.	
Proximity	and	distance:	What	is	the	right	balance?	
•  How	should	a	medium	balance	the	differing	or	even	contradic8ng	
expecta8ons	of	the	different	segments	of	the	“mul8ple	
audience”	(Hasebrink,	2008;	own	transla8on)?	
•  What	is	“the	appropriate	or	func8onal	degree	of	proximity	and	distance	
between	journalism	and	its	audience”	(Loosen	&	Schmidt,	2016)?	
•  A	perfect	match	of	expecta8ons	is	most	likely	not	func8onal	since	it	(only)	
stabilises	pre-exis8ng	structures	(Görke,	2014)	and	might	reduce	
-  journalism’s	urge	to	innovate	and	adapt	in	a	constantly	changing	(media)	
environment	and	
-  audiences’	openness	for	new	informa8on,	perspec8ves,	opinions,	
•  Not	fully	mee8ng	the	assumed	demands	and	expecta8ons	of	audiences	could	
be	a	sign	of	media	quality.	
Braun,	J./Gillespie,	T.	(2011):	Hos8ng	the	public	discourse,	hos8ng	the	public.	When	online	news	and	social	media	
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Costera-Meijer,	I./Bijleveld,	H.	P.	(2016):	Valuable	journalism.	Measuring	news	quality	from	a	user’s	perspec8ve.	In:	
Journalism	Studies	(online	first),	URL:	hhp://	
Görke,	A.	(2014):	Vom	Hasen	und	vom	Igel	–	oder	warum	der	Journalismus	sein	Publikum	stets	erfolgreich	und	
folgenreich	verfehlen	darf.	In:	Loosen,	W./Dohle,	M.	(eds.):	Journalismus	und	(sein)	Publikum:	Schni[stellen	
zwischen	Journalismusforschung	und	Rezep0ons-	und	Wirkungsforschung.	Wiesbaden:	Springer	VS,	35–51.	
Hasebrink,	U.	(2008):	Das	mul8ple	Publikum.	Paradoxien	im	Verhältnis	von	Journalismus	und	Mediennutzung.	In:	
Pörksen,	B./Loosen,	W./Scholl,	A.	(eds.):	Paradoxien	des	Journalismus.	Theorie	–	Empirie	–	Praxis.	Festschri`	
für	Siegfried	Weischenberg.	Wiesbaden:	VS	Verlag	für	Sozialwissenschayen,	512–530.	
Hasebrink,	U./Domeyer,	H.	(2012):	Media	repertoires	as	paherns	of	behaviour	and	as	meaningful	prac8ces:	a	
mul8method	approach	to	media	use	in	converging	media	environments.	In:	Par0cipa0ons.	Journal	of	Audience	
&	Recep0on	Studies,	9(2),	757–783.	URL:	
Hasebrink,	U./Hölig,	S.	(2013):	Conceptualizing	audiences	in	convergent	media	environments.	In:	Karmasin,	M./
Diehl,	S.	(eds.):	Media	and	Convergence	Management.	Berlin:	Springer,	189–202.	
Hasebrink,	U./Popp,	J.	(2006):	Media	repertoires	as	a	result	of	selec8ve	media	use.	A	conceptual	approach	to	the	
analysis	of	paherns	of	exposure.	In:	Communica0ons:	The	European	Journal	of	Communica0on	Research,	31(3),	
369–387.	URL:	hhp://	
Heise,	N./Loosen,	W./Reimer,	J./Schmidt,	J.-H.	(2014a):	Including	the	audience.	Comparing	aptudes	and	
expecta8ons	of	journalists	and	users	towards	par8cipa8on	in	German	TV	news	journalism.	In:	Journalism	
Studies,	15(4),	411–430.	URL:	hhp://	
Heise,	N./Reimer,	J./Loosen,	W./Schmidt,	J.-H./Heller,	C./Quader,	A.	(2014b):	Publikumsinklusion	bei	der	
Süddeutschen	Zeitung.	Fallstudienbericht	aus	dem	DFG-Projekt	„Die	(Wieder-)Entdeckung	des	Publikums“.	
Hamburg:	Hans-Bredow-Ins8tut	(Arbeitspapiere	des	Hans-Bredow-Ins8tuts	Nr.	26).	URL:	
Josephi,	B.	(2016):	Digital	journalism	and	democracy.	In:	Witschge,	T./Anderson,	C.W./Domingo,	D./Hermida,	A.	
(eds.):	The	SAGE	Handbook	of	Digital	Journalism.	London	et	al.:	SAGE,	9–24.	
Loosen,	W./Schmidt,	J.-H.	(2016,	forthcoming):	Between	proximity	and	distance:	including	the	audience	in	
journalism	(research).	In:	B.	Franklin	&	S.	Eldridge	II	(eds.):	The	Routledge	Companion	to	Digital	Journalism	
Studies.	Abingdon:	Routledge.	
Loosen,	W./Schmidt,	J.-H.	(2012):	(Re-)discovering	the	audience.	The	rela8onship	between	journalism	and	audience	
in	networked	digital	media.	In:	Informa0on,	Communica0on	&	Society,	15(6),	867–887.	URL:	
Loosen,	W./Schmidt,	J.-H./Heise,	N./Reimer,	J./Scheler,	M.	(2013a):	Publikumsinklusion	bei	der	Tagesschau.	
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Ins8tut	(Arbeitspapiere	des	Hans-Bredow-Ins8tuts	Nr.	26).	URL:	
Loosen,W./Schmidt,	J.-H./Heise,	N./Reimer,	J.	(2013b):	Publikumsinklusion	bei	einem	ARD-Poli[alk.	
Fallstudienbericht	aus	dem	DFG-Projekt	„Die	(Wieder-)Entdeckung	des	Publikums“.	Hamburg:	Hans-Bredow-
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Freitag.	Fallstudienbericht	aus	dem	DFG-Projekt	„Die	(Wieder-)Entdeckung	des	Publikums“.	Hamburg:	Hans-
Bredow-Ins8tut	(Arbeitspapiere	des	Hans-Bredow-Ins8tuts	Nr.	36).	URL:	
Schmidt,	J.-H./Loosen,	W.	(2015):	Both	sides	of	the	story.	Assessing	audience	par8cipa8on	in	journalism	through	
the	concept	of	inclusion	distance.	In:	Digital	Journalism,	3(2),	259–278.	URL:	
Tsfa8,	Y./Meyers,	O./Peri,	Y.	(2006):	What	is	good	journalism?	Comparing	Israeli	public	and	journalists’	
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Between	proximity	and	distance:	
The	balance	in	the	(transforming)	journalism-audience	rela8onship	
as	a	criterion	for	media	quality?	
Wiebke	Loosen	&	Julius	Reimer	
@Wloosen	|@juliusreimer	
ICA	preconference	Media	Performance	and	Democracy	|	June,	9th	2016	|	Fukuoka,	Japan

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Julius Reimer
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X Journalism: exploring journalism's diverse meanings – through the names we ...
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Julius Reimer
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