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Lauren Jarmusz, PT, DPT
Orthopedic Physical Therapy Resident
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine - Physical Therapy Department
Stanford Healthcare
March 22th, 2017
Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy: Tendon Loading
Program for a Long Distance Runner
Pt reports left heel/achilles tendon discomfort began when training
for a marathon in Dec 2015. In March 2015, his heel "discomfort"
progressed to heel pain after pt rapidly increased training schedule.
Since March 2015, pt had trialed a few different PT clinics, but has not
experienced significant relief.
PT NPV: February 6th, 2017
Radiology: MRI May 2015, per MD. report, “achilles tendinopathy”
MD Referral Dx: Left Heel Pain
PLOF: When not training for a marathon, runs 8-12 miles every other
day and 20miles on sat. Runs on pavement, wears off the shelf insoles
for pes planus.
CLOF: Running 4-6 miles every other day- Pushing through ankle pain
(4/10 max), but unable to train at higher mileage secondary to achilles
pain. Pain begins at ½ mile and continues throughout run.
GOALS: Return to running (training for marathons) without pain
Aggravating Factors Easing Factors SINNS
• Running > ½ mile
• Descending Stairs
• Standing > 30min
• Avoiding Agg. Activities
• Wearing boot with daily
ambulation if Irritated after
Severity: Low, max 4/10 pain
Irritability: Moderate, Irritated for 1 day post run
Nature: Localized & Sharp
Stage: Chronic (since March 2015)
Stability: Stable, Irritated by known mechanical factors.
Systems Review:
 CardioPulm (clear)
 Neuro (clear)
 Integumentary (clear)
 GI/Urinary (clear)
Objective Relevant Findings
MMT (Bilat.) • HF, Glute Med, Glute Max, Posterior Tib, Peroneals, Plantarflexors  4/5 *Global Core & LE Weakness
• Dorsiflexors  5/5 Quads, HS  4+/5
ROM (deg) Left: Talocrural DF  neutral; Talocrural PF  40; Subtalar Inv. 20; Subtalar Ever.  5
Right: Talocrural DF  7; Talocrural PF  40 Subtalar Inv. 20 Subtalar Ever.  8
Muscle Length
(+) Elys (L>R); (+) Modified Thomas Test (HF, ITB, Quads) L>R ; (+) SLR (R- 75deg; L-65deg); max Gastroc-
soleus shortening *muscle length restrictions t/o entire LE
Jt Play Left: Max hypomobility talocruel jt (AP glide): Grade 3 Assessment; mod-max hypomobility subtalar
eversion: Grade 3 Assessment.
Right: Mod hypomobility talocruel jt (AP glide): Grade 3 Assessment; min-mod hypomobility subtalar
eversion: Grade 3 Assessment.
• Dynamic knee valgus with single leg squat (L>R)
• Decreased squat range secondary to impaired DF range
• SL Heel Raise: unable to maintain longitudinal arch upon eccentric heel descent
Palpation (+) TTP calcaneal insertion of achilles tendon 1; (-) TTP retrocalcaneal bursa; (-) TTP mid achilles tendon.
Static Foot
Bilateral: neutral forefoot and rearfoot, pes planus, pronated, decrease in midfoot locking mechanism.
Dynamic Foot
Excessive pronation noted with ambulation throughout gait cycle secondary to ankle equinus (L>R); no re-
supination from mid-stance to heel off.
1. Insertional Achilles tendinopathy (+)
2. Midsubstance Achiles tendinopathy (-)
3. Retrocalcaneal bursitis (-)
• Acute Achilles tendon rupture (-)
• Partial tear of the Achilles tendon (-)
• Irritation or neuroma of the sural nerve (-)
• Os trigonum syndrome (-)
• Accessory soleus muscle (-)
• Systemic inflammatory disease (-)
Differential Diagnosis 2
* Clinical Practice Guidelines: Achilles Pain, Stiffness, and Muscle Power Deficits: Achilles Tendinitis, JOSPT 2010
Google Image
Pt. Presents with signs and sx. consistent with left insertional achilles
tendinopathy. Primary PT movement impairment: Pronatory
Movement Dysfunction. Pt’s primary impairments include: ankle
equinus restricted talocrural DF, excessive pronation t/o gait cycle, LE
muscle length restrictions, impaired midfoot locking mechanics,
proximal & distal LE and core weakness, and running motor control
PSFS: Running  7
LEFS: 73
Fair: secondary to chronicity (chronic - march 2015) and location (insertional) of
structural impairment.
Study Patient Population Prognosis
Hutchison et al.
Clinical Practice
Guidelines 1
Athletic; acute- subacute
midsubstance achilles tendinopathy
71% - 100% of pts return to
their PLOA with min- no
Alfredson et al. 
Eccentric Achilles
Tendon Loading
Program 3,8,9,10
chronic insertional achilles
32% of pts returned to PLOA
with min- no complaints
Rees. et al 
Management of
Tendinopathy 4
nonathletic patients with Achilles
despite a high compliance rate,
eccentric training produced
good results in < 60% of
Pathological Impairments
Cook et al. “Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the
clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy”
Cook et al. “Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical
practice and research?”
3 Stages of Tendon Pathology5
Reactive Dysrepair Degeneration
• Non-inflammatory cell
• metaplastic change in the cells
and cell proliferation.
• No change in neurovascular
• Increase in diameter
• no/minimal increased signal
• Acutely overloaded tendon
• Tendons chronically exposed to
low levels of load (detrained
athlete returning from injury)
• Same as reactive
• matrix breakdown
• Increase in vascularity and
neuronal ingrowth
• increased matrix disorganization
• Increase in diameter
• increased signal
• Thick tendon with localized
changes in one area of tendon
• Older pt’s may develop with
lower loads
• Significant matrix breakdown
• cellular death
• Filled with vessels and neuronal ingrowth
• Little capacity for reversibility
• Significant hypoechoic regions
• Numerous and larger vessels present
• Increase in diameter
• Chronically overloaded tendon
• 1+ focal nodule areas with or without
• Hx: repeated bouts of tendon pain, resolved,
but returning as tendon load changes.
• Rupture possible
STAGE: Tendon
Dysrepair/ Degneration5
Address both functional
and pathological
Cook et al. “Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice and research?” 6
Malliaras et al. “Achilles and Patellar Tendinopathy Loading
Programs: A Systematic Review” 2013 7
• There is little clinical or mechanistic evidence for isolating
the eccentric component when utilizing tendon loading
program for achilles tendinopathy
• Clinicians should consider eccentric-concentric loading
alongside or instead of eccentric loading in achilles and
patellar tendinopathy
There is no convincing clinical evidence to demonstrate that
isolated eccentric loading exercise improves clinical outcomes
more than other loading therapies.
However, the great variation and sometimes insufficient reporting of
the details of treatment protocols may hamper the interpretation of
what may be the optimal exercise regime with respect to
parameters such as load magnitude, speed of movement, and
recovery period between exercise sessions.
Couppe et al. "Eccentric or Concentric Exercises for
the Treatment of Tendinopathies?“ 14 2015
Week 1: New Patient Initial Evaluation
1) Bilateral heel lift with slow eccentric descent 3x15, 2x/day
2) Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day
3) Quad Stretch, 2x 30s, 2x/day
4) Hip Flexor Stretch, 2x 30s, 2x/day
Week 2 Focus 1. Gain DF ROM
2. Progress Tendon Loading Program
Subjective Pt had been compliant with gastroc soleus stretching
2x/day. Pt compliant with tendon loading program,
completed 3-4x/week 2x/day. Pt reports if he completes
stretching each morning, he has not been experiencing
pain descends stairs during day.
Objective - Pt noted 2pt (Baseline 0/10 today) increase in achilles
tendon discomfort with SL heel raise with 5 sec
isometric hold at top (3x15).
- DF (preintervention) neutral (post intervention) 5deg
HEP 1) unilateral & blateral heel lift with 5sec isometric hold
3x15, 2x/day
2) Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day
3) AROM DF, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day
4) Quad & HF Strech, 2x30s, 2x/day
Week 3
Focus 1. Review HEP
2. Initiate functional deficit strength training
3. Progress tendon loading program
Subjective Pt reports increase compliance with tendon loading program- 2x/day
3(15) and HEP. Ran 5-6miles (Monday-Wed) without Achilles related
pain, but does note he feels more fatigue in his Proximal LE
musculature. Pt purchased shoes with increased arch support for daily
ambulation- pt. reports new shoes have made ambulation more
Objective - Pt noted 2pt (Baseline 0/10 today) increase in achilles
tendon discomfort with SL heel raise with 5 sec isometric
hold at top (3x15).
- DF (preintervention) neutral (post intervention) 5deg
HEP 1) Unilateral heel lift with 3 sec isometric hold)- 15lbs 3x15,
2x/day & Bilateral heel lift with 5 sec isometric hold
2) Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day
3) AROM DF, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day
4) Quad Strech, 2x30s, 2x/day
5) Side Plank, 4x30, 1x/day
Week 4 (1 hr)
Focus 1. Running Assessment
2. Progress tendon loading program
3. Progress functional deficit strength training
4. Initiation of return to running protocol
Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly
better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running.
Experienced -mod heel pain following run.
Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention)
DF (KF) 14deg
DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral)
HEP • All exercises completed in clinic
• Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15
• Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s
• Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
Running Assessment
Week 4 (1 hr)
Focus 1. Running Assessment
2. Progress tendon loading program
3. Progress functional deficit strength training
4. Initiation of return to running protocol
Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly
better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running.
Experienced -mod heel pain following run.
Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention)
DF (KF) 14deg
DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral)
HEP • All exercises completed in clinic
• Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15
• Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s
• Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
Progressive Achilles Tendon Loading Strengthening Program 11
Week 4 (1 hr)
Focus 1. Running Assessment
2. Progress tendon loading program
3. Progress functional deficit strength training
4. Initiation of return to running protocol
Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly
better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running.
Experienced -mod heel pain following run.
Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention)
DF (KF) 14deg
DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral)
HEP • All exercises completed in clinic
• Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15
• Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s
• Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
Week 4 (1 hr)
Focus 1. Running Assessment
2. Progress tendon loading program
3. Progress functional deficit strength training
4. Initiation of return to running protocol
Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly
better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running.
Experienced -mod heel pain following run.
Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention)
DF (KF) 14deg
DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral)
HEP • All exercises completed in clinic
• Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15
• Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s
• Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
Progressively increase the
demand on the tendon by
controlling the intensity,
duration, and frequency of
Achilles tendon loading.
Prior to Running:
• minimal (0-2/10 pain) with all
Important Concepts:
• Rehabilitation program must be
continued daily while running
• 2 to 3 days of recovery between
heavy Achilles tendon–loading
activities. 12,5
Return to Running Concepts 12
Silbernagel et al: A Proposed Return-to-Sport Program for Patients With Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy: Rationale and Implementation
Week 6 (Wk 5 -> off)
Focus 1. Provide exercises to specifically address running
mechanic impairments
2. Progresses running distance (per sub. Report)
3. Review Tendon Loading Program
Subjective Pt reports that he ran 5-6 miles 3x/week (Mon, Fri,
Sunday). Pt reported achilles pain during first 1/2
mile of running but resolved following first 1/2
mile. Pt. Reported no pain following run.
Objective - Muscle Length: Max restriction L > R --> HF, Rec
Fem, Gastroc/Soleus
HEP • All exercises completed in clinic
• Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15
• Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s
• Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 4-5x/wk,
Week 7
Pt arrived to PT appointment 20 minutes late. Therefore, billed PT treatment was not
Spoke with patient about running progression. Pt. Reported achilles tendon soreness
for 2 days (with ambulation and stairs) following 12 mile run (no pain experienced
during run).
Pt able to tolerate 9 miles of running with minimal tendon pain (<2/10) following run.
Pt educated to wait 2-3 days following high intensity runs to allow for appropriate
tendon regeneration/healing
Exercise MS Impairment Addressed Running Biomechanical Impairment Addressed
Tendon Loading Program Pathology of Achilles
Pain in heel
(overpressure program)
Restricted DF secondary to
Talocrual Jt. Hypomobility
Lack of DF t/o gait cycle
Gastroc- Soleous
Restricted DF secondary to
muscle length restrictions
Lack of DF t/o gait cycle
Rectus Femoris & HF
Restricted Hip Extension Lack of Hip Ext in terminal stance; vertical trunk
Side Plank Abdominal and Glute Med
Vertical trunk alignment; decreased knee window
Step Down Eccentric Quad Control
Decreased knee flexion in loading response
Squats Glute Max Weakness;
Eccentric Quad Control
Decreased knee flexion in loading response;
Decreased Hip Extension in terminal stance
PSFS: Running  8 (7@ NPV)
LEFS: 75 (73 @ NPV)
• Not MCID
• Improvements In:
• Performing hobbies, recreational, sporting activities
• Making sharp turns while running fast
Functional Improvements:
• Running 9 miles with minimal/no pain during and after run
• No Achilles pain descending stairs throughout day (except 1st few
steps in morning)
• No longer using boot to relieve Achilles pain when flared up
• Progression to Phase 3 and 4 of Progressive Achilles Tendon Loading
• Continued return to running progressions to 26 miles
• Continued progressions addressing functional deficits:
▫ Weak Core & Proximal LE Musculature
▫ Weak Distal LE Musculature (intrinsic foot musculature & extrinsic
longitudinal arch support musculature)
▫ LE Muscle Length Restrictions
▫ Maintain and improve talocrural DF gains.
▫ Motor control gait training: return to symmetric midfoot striking pattern
Expected Continued Progressions
• Achilles Tendinopathy: treat pathology and pt’s functional deficits
• Clinicians should consider eccentric-concentric loading alongside or
instead of eccentric loading in achilles and patellar tendinopathy
▫ May improve pt. compliance - protocol completed 1x/day instead of 2x/day
• Relate biomechanics from MOI to treatment (ie: assess running to
determine cause of tendinopathy)
Summary & Clinical Applications
Exercise MS Impairment Addressed Running Biomechanical Impairment Addressed
Tendon Loading Program Pathology of Achilles
Pain in heel
(overpressure program)
Restricted DF secondary to
Talocrual Jt. Hypomobility
Lack of DF t/o gait cycle
Gastroc- Soleous
Restricted DF secondary to
muscle length restrictions
Lack of DF t/o gait cycle
Rectus Femoris & HF
Restricted Hip Extension Lack of Hip Ext in terminal stance; vertical trunk
Side Plank Abdominal and Glute Med
Vertical trunk alignment; decreased knee window
Step Down Eccentric Quad Control
Decreased knee flexion in loading response
Squats Glute Max Weakness;
Eccentric Quad Control
Decreased knee flexion in loading response;
Decreased Hip Extension in terminal stance
1. Hutchison, A.-M., et al. "What is the best clinical test for Achilles tendinopathy?" Foot and Ankle Surgery 19(2): 112-117.
2. Carcia, C. R., et al. (2010). "Achilles Pain, Stiffness, and Muscle Power Deficits: Achilles Tendinitis." Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 40(9): A1-
3. Jonsson, P., et al. (2008). "New regimen for eccentric calf-muscle training in patients with chronic insertional Achilles tendinopathy: results of a pilot study."
British Journal of Sports Medicine 42(9): 746-749.
4. Rees, J. D., et al. (2009). "Management of tendinopathy." American Journal of Sports Medicine 37(9): 1855-1867.
5. Cook, J. L. and C. R. Purdam (2009). "Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy."
British Journal of Sports Medicine 43(6): 409-416.
6. Cook, J. L., et al. (2016). "Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice and research?" Br J Sports Med 50(19): 1187-
7. Malliaras, P., et al. (2013). "Achilles and Patellar Tendinopathy Loading Programmes." Sports Medicine 43(4): 267-286
8. Alfredson, H., et al. (1998). "Heavy-Load Eccentric Calf Muscle Training For the Treatment of Chronic Achilles Tendinosis." The American Journal of Sports
Medicine 26(3): 360-366.
9. Alfredson, H. and J. Cook (2007). "A treatment algorithm for managing Achilles tendinopathy: new treatment options." British Journal of Sports Medicine 41(4):
10. Alfredson, H. (2003). "Chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy: an update on research and treatment." Clinics in Sports Medicine 22(4): 727-741.
11. Silbernagel, K. G., et al. (2007). "Continued sports activity, using a pain-monitoring model, during rehabilitation in patients with Achilles tendinopathy: a
randomized controlled study." Am J Sports Med 35(6): 897-906.
12. Silbernagel, K. G. and K. M. Crossley (2015). "A Proposed Return-to-Sport Program for Patients With Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy: Rationale and
Implementation." J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 45(11): 876-886.
13. Gabbett, T. J. (2016). "The training-injury prevention paradox: should athletes be training smarter and harder?" Br J Sports Med 50(5):
14. Couppe, C., et al. (2015). "Eccentric or Concentric Exercises for the Treatment of Tendinopathies?" J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 45(11): 853-
Tim J Gabbett: The training-injury prevention paradox: should
athletes be training smarter and harder
Take Away:
• To minimize injury risk, practitioners should aim
to maintain the acute:chronic workload ratio
within a range of approximately 0.8–1.3.
• limit weekly training load increases to <10%.
Conclusion: Excessive and rapid increases in
training loads are likely responsible for a large
proportion of injuries. However, physically hard
training develops physical qualities, which in turn
protects against injuries. This paper highlights the
importance of monitoring training load, including
the load that athletes are prepared for (by
calculating the acute:chronic workload ratio), as a
best practice approach to the long-term reduction
of training-related injuries
Return to Running Concepts 13
Alfredson Eccentric Exercise Program 3,8,9,10
- insertional vs midsubstance respond different to
- important to address movement impairments and
pathology of insertional tendinopathy
- Return to running progressions: intensity, duration, fq
- May return to PLOF!

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Tendon Loading Program for Long Distance Runner

  • 1. Lauren Jarmusz, PT, DPT Orthopedic Physical Therapy Resident Orthopedic and Sports Medicine - Physical Therapy Department Stanford Healthcare March 22th, 2017 Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy: Tendon Loading Program for a Long Distance Runner
  • 2. Pt reports left heel/achilles tendon discomfort began when training for a marathon in Dec 2015. In March 2015, his heel "discomfort" progressed to heel pain after pt rapidly increased training schedule. Since March 2015, pt had trialed a few different PT clinics, but has not experienced significant relief. PT NPV: February 6th, 2017 Radiology: MRI May 2015, per MD. report, “achilles tendinopathy” MD Referral Dx: Left Heel Pain
  • 3. PLOF: When not training for a marathon, runs 8-12 miles every other day and 20miles on sat. Runs on pavement, wears off the shelf insoles for pes planus. CLOF: Running 4-6 miles every other day- Pushing through ankle pain (4/10 max), but unable to train at higher mileage secondary to achilles pain. Pain begins at ½ mile and continues throughout run. GOALS: Return to running (training for marathons) without pain
  • 4.
  • 5. Aggravating Factors Easing Factors SINNS • Running > ½ mile • Descending Stairs • Standing > 30min • Avoiding Agg. Activities • Wearing boot with daily ambulation if Irritated after running Severity: Low, max 4/10 pain Irritability: Moderate, Irritated for 1 day post run Nature: Localized & Sharp Stage: Chronic (since March 2015) Stability: Stable, Irritated by known mechanical factors. Systems Review:  CardioPulm (clear)  Neuro (clear)  Integumentary (clear)  GI/Urinary (clear)
  • 6. Objective Relevant Findings MMT (Bilat.) • HF, Glute Med, Glute Max, Posterior Tib, Peroneals, Plantarflexors  4/5 *Global Core & LE Weakness • Dorsiflexors  5/5 Quads, HS  4+/5 ROM (deg) Left: Talocrural DF  neutral; Talocrural PF  40; Subtalar Inv. 20; Subtalar Ever.  5 Right: Talocrural DF  7; Talocrural PF  40 Subtalar Inv. 20 Subtalar Ever.  8 Muscle Length (Bilat.) (+) Elys (L>R); (+) Modified Thomas Test (HF, ITB, Quads) L>R ; (+) SLR (R- 75deg; L-65deg); max Gastroc- soleus shortening *muscle length restrictions t/o entire LE Jt Play Left: Max hypomobility talocruel jt (AP glide): Grade 3 Assessment; mod-max hypomobility subtalar eversion: Grade 3 Assessment. Right: Mod hypomobility talocruel jt (AP glide): Grade 3 Assessment; min-mod hypomobility subtalar eversion: Grade 3 Assessment. Functional Testing • Dynamic knee valgus with single leg squat (L>R) • Decreased squat range secondary to impaired DF range • SL Heel Raise: unable to maintain longitudinal arch upon eccentric heel descent Palpation (+) TTP calcaneal insertion of achilles tendon 1; (-) TTP retrocalcaneal bursa; (-) TTP mid achilles tendon. Static Foot Assessment Bilateral: neutral forefoot and rearfoot, pes planus, pronated, decrease in midfoot locking mechanism. Dynamic Foot Assessment Excessive pronation noted with ambulation throughout gait cycle secondary to ankle equinus (L>R); no re- supination from mid-stance to heel off.
  • 7. 1. Insertional Achilles tendinopathy (+) 2. Midsubstance Achiles tendinopathy (-) 3. Retrocalcaneal bursitis (-) • Acute Achilles tendon rupture (-) • Partial tear of the Achilles tendon (-) • Irritation or neuroma of the sural nerve (-) • Os trigonum syndrome (-) • Accessory soleus muscle (-) • Systemic inflammatory disease (-) Differential Diagnosis 2 * Clinical Practice Guidelines: Achilles Pain, Stiffness, and Muscle Power Deficits: Achilles Tendinitis, JOSPT 2010 Google Image
  • 8. Pt. Presents with signs and sx. consistent with left insertional achilles tendinopathy. Primary PT movement impairment: Pronatory Movement Dysfunction. Pt’s primary impairments include: ankle equinus restricted talocrural DF, excessive pronation t/o gait cycle, LE muscle length restrictions, impaired midfoot locking mechanics, proximal & distal LE and core weakness, and running motor control abnormalities. PSFS: Running  7 LEFS: 73
  • 9. Fair: secondary to chronicity (chronic - march 2015) and location (insertional) of structural impairment. Study Patient Population Prognosis Hutchison et al. Clinical Practice Guidelines 1 Athletic; acute- subacute midsubstance achilles tendinopathy 71% - 100% of pts return to their PLOA with min- no complaints Alfredson et al.  Eccentric Achilles Tendon Loading Program 3,8,9,10 chronic insertional achilles tendinopathy 32% of pts returned to PLOA with min- no complaints Rees. et al  Management of Tendinopathy 4 nonathletic patients with Achilles tendinopathy despite a high compliance rate, eccentric training produced good results in < 60% of patients
  • 10.
  • 11. Pathological Impairments Cook et al. “Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy” Cook et al. “Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice and research?”
  • 12. 3 Stages of Tendon Pathology5 Reactive Dysrepair Degeneration • Non-inflammatory cell response • metaplastic change in the cells and cell proliferation. • No change in neurovascular structures IMAGING : • Increase in diameter • no/minimal increased signal CLINICAL : • Acutely overloaded tendon • Tendons chronically exposed to low levels of load (detrained athlete returning from injury) • Same as reactive • matrix breakdown • Increase in vascularity and neuronal ingrowth IMAGING: • increased matrix disorganization • Increase in diameter • increased signal CLINICAL: • Thick tendon with localized changes in one area of tendon • Older pt’s may develop with lower loads • Significant matrix breakdown • cellular death • Filled with vessels and neuronal ingrowth • Little capacity for reversibility IMAGING: • Significant hypoechoic regions • Numerous and larger vessels present • Increase in diameter CLINICAL: • Chronically overloaded tendon • 1+ focal nodule areas with or without thickening • Hx: repeated bouts of tendon pain, resolved, but returning as tendon load changes. • Rupture possible
  • 13. STAGE: Tendon Dysrepair/ Degneration5 TREATMENT: Address both functional and pathological impairments Cook et al. “Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice and research?” 6
  • 14. Malliaras et al. “Achilles and Patellar Tendinopathy Loading Programs: A Systematic Review” 2013 7 • There is little clinical or mechanistic evidence for isolating the eccentric component when utilizing tendon loading program for achilles tendinopathy • Clinicians should consider eccentric-concentric loading alongside or instead of eccentric loading in achilles and patellar tendinopathy
  • 15. There is no convincing clinical evidence to demonstrate that isolated eccentric loading exercise improves clinical outcomes more than other loading therapies. However, the great variation and sometimes insufficient reporting of the details of treatment protocols may hamper the interpretation of what may be the optimal exercise regime with respect to parameters such as load magnitude, speed of movement, and recovery period between exercise sessions. Couppe et al. "Eccentric or Concentric Exercises for the Treatment of Tendinopathies?“ 14 2015
  • 16. Week 1: New Patient Initial Evaluation HEP 1) Bilateral heel lift with slow eccentric descent 3x15, 2x/day 2) Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day 3) Quad Stretch, 2x 30s, 2x/day 4) Hip Flexor Stretch, 2x 30s, 2x/day
  • 17. Week 2 Focus 1. Gain DF ROM 2. Progress Tendon Loading Program Subjective Pt had been compliant with gastroc soleus stretching 2x/day. Pt compliant with tendon loading program, completed 3-4x/week 2x/day. Pt reports if he completes stretching each morning, he has not been experiencing pain descends stairs during day. Objective - Pt noted 2pt (Baseline 0/10 today) increase in achilles tendon discomfort with SL heel raise with 5 sec isometric hold at top (3x15). - DF (preintervention) neutral (post intervention) 5deg HEP 1) unilateral & blateral heel lift with 5sec isometric hold 3x15, 2x/day 2) Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day 3) AROM DF, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day 4) Quad & HF Strech, 2x30s, 2x/day
  • 18. Week 3 Focus 1. Review HEP 2. Initiate functional deficit strength training 3. Progress tendon loading program Subjective Pt reports increase compliance with tendon loading program- 2x/day 3(15) and HEP. Ran 5-6miles (Monday-Wed) without Achilles related pain, but does note he feels more fatigue in his Proximal LE musculature. Pt purchased shoes with increased arch support for daily ambulation- pt. reports new shoes have made ambulation more comfortable. Objective - Pt noted 2pt (Baseline 0/10 today) increase in achilles tendon discomfort with SL heel raise with 5 sec isometric hold at top (3x15). - DF (preintervention) neutral (post intervention) 5deg HEP 1) Unilateral heel lift with 3 sec isometric hold)- 15lbs 3x15, 2x/day & Bilateral heel lift with 5 sec isometric hold 2) Gastroc/Soleus Stretch, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day 3) AROM DF, towel under arch, 2x30s, 2x/day 4) Quad Strech, 2x30s, 2x/day 5) Side Plank, 4x30, 1x/day
  • 19. Week 4 (1 hr) Focus 1. Running Assessment 2. Progress tendon loading program 3. Progress functional deficit strength training 4. Initiation of return to running protocol Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running. Experienced -mod heel pain following run. Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention) DF (KF) 14deg DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral) HEP • All exercises completed in clinic • Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15 • Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s • Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
  • 21. Week 4 (1 hr) Focus 1. Running Assessment 2. Progress tendon loading program 3. Progress functional deficit strength training 4. Initiation of return to running protocol Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running. Experienced -mod heel pain following run. Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention) DF (KF) 14deg DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral) HEP • All exercises completed in clinic • Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15 • Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s • Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
  • 22. Progressive Achilles Tendon Loading Strengthening Program 11
  • 23. Week 4 (1 hr) Focus 1. Running Assessment 2. Progress tendon loading program 3. Progress functional deficit strength training 4. Initiation of return to running protocol Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running. Experienced -mod heel pain following run. Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention) DF (KF) 14deg DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral) HEP • All exercises completed in clinic • Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15 • Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s • Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
  • 24. Week 4 (1 hr) Focus 1. Running Assessment 2. Progress tendon loading program 3. Progress functional deficit strength training 4. Initiation of return to running protocol Subjective Pt reports his achilles had been feeling significantly better and therefore he trialed 9 miles of running. Experienced -mod heel pain following run. Objective Re-Assessment (no manual intervention) DF (KF) 14deg DF (KE) 10deg (improvement from neutral) HEP • All exercises completed in clinic • Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15 • Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s • Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 5x/wk, 1x/day
  • 25. Progressively increase the demand on the tendon by controlling the intensity, duration, and frequency of Achilles tendon loading. Prior to Running: • minimal (0-2/10 pain) with all ADLs. Important Concepts: • Rehabilitation program must be continued daily while running • 2 to 3 days of recovery between heavy Achilles tendon–loading activities. 12,5 Return to Running Concepts 12 Silbernagel et al: A Proposed Return-to-Sport Program for Patients With Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy: Rationale and Implementation
  • 26. Week 6 (Wk 5 -> off) Focus 1. Provide exercises to specifically address running mechanic impairments 2. Progresses running distance (per sub. Report) 3. Review Tendon Loading Program Subjective Pt reports that he ran 5-6 miles 3x/week (Mon, Fri, Sunday). Pt reported achilles pain during first 1/2 mile of running but resolved following first 1/2 mile. Pt. Reported no pain following run. Objective - Muscle Length: Max restriction L > R --> HF, Rec Fem, Gastroc/Soleus HEP • All exercises completed in clinic • Tendon loading protocol 1x/day, 3x15 • Stretching 2x/day, 2x30s • Proximal LE/Core Strength training, 4-5x/wk, 1x/day
  • 27. Week 7 NOTE: Pt arrived to PT appointment 20 minutes late. Therefore, billed PT treatment was not completed. Spoke with patient about running progression. Pt. Reported achilles tendon soreness for 2 days (with ambulation and stairs) following 12 mile run (no pain experienced during run). Pt able to tolerate 9 miles of running with minimal tendon pain (<2/10) following run. Pt educated to wait 2-3 days following high intensity runs to allow for appropriate tendon regeneration/healing
  • 28. Exercise MS Impairment Addressed Running Biomechanical Impairment Addressed Tendon Loading Program Pathology of Achilles Tendinopathy Pain in heel DF AAROM (overpressure program) Restricted DF secondary to Talocrual Jt. Hypomobility Lack of DF t/o gait cycle Gastroc- Soleous Stretching Restricted DF secondary to muscle length restrictions Lack of DF t/o gait cycle Rectus Femoris & HF Stretching Restricted Hip Extension Lack of Hip Ext in terminal stance; vertical trunk alignment Side Plank Abdominal and Glute Med Weakness Vertical trunk alignment; decreased knee window Step Down Eccentric Quad Control Weakness Decreased knee flexion in loading response Squats Glute Max Weakness; Eccentric Quad Control Weakness Decreased knee flexion in loading response; Decreased Hip Extension in terminal stance
  • 29. PSFS: Running  8 (7@ NPV) LEFS: 75 (73 @ NPV) • Not MCID • Improvements In: • Performing hobbies, recreational, sporting activities • Making sharp turns while running fast Functional Improvements: • Running 9 miles with minimal/no pain during and after run • No Achilles pain descending stairs throughout day (except 1st few steps in morning) • No longer using boot to relieve Achilles pain when flared up
  • 30. • Progression to Phase 3 and 4 of Progressive Achilles Tendon Loading Program • Continued return to running progressions to 26 miles • Continued progressions addressing functional deficits: ▫ Weak Core & Proximal LE Musculature ▫ Weak Distal LE Musculature (intrinsic foot musculature & extrinsic longitudinal arch support musculature) ▫ LE Muscle Length Restrictions ▫ Maintain and improve talocrural DF gains. ▫ Motor control gait training: return to symmetric midfoot striking pattern Expected Continued Progressions
  • 31. • Achilles Tendinopathy: treat pathology and pt’s functional deficits • Clinicians should consider eccentric-concentric loading alongside or instead of eccentric loading in achilles and patellar tendinopathy ▫ May improve pt. compliance - protocol completed 1x/day instead of 2x/day • Relate biomechanics from MOI to treatment (ie: assess running to determine cause of tendinopathy) Summary & Clinical Applications
  • 32. Exercise MS Impairment Addressed Running Biomechanical Impairment Addressed Tendon Loading Program Pathology of Achilles Tendinopathy Pain in heel DF AAROM (overpressure program) Restricted DF secondary to Talocrual Jt. Hypomobility Lack of DF t/o gait cycle Gastroc- Soleous Stretching Restricted DF secondary to muscle length restrictions Lack of DF t/o gait cycle Rectus Femoris & HF Stretching Restricted Hip Extension Lack of Hip Ext in terminal stance; vertical trunk alignment Side Plank Abdominal and Glute Med Weakness Vertical trunk alignment; decreased knee window Step Down Eccentric Quad Control Weakness Decreased knee flexion in loading response Squats Glute Max Weakness; Eccentric Quad Control Weakness Decreased knee flexion in loading response; Decreased Hip Extension in terminal stance
  • 33.
  • 34. 1. Hutchison, A.-M., et al. "What is the best clinical test for Achilles tendinopathy?" Foot and Ankle Surgery 19(2): 112-117. 2. Carcia, C. R., et al. (2010). "Achilles Pain, Stiffness, and Muscle Power Deficits: Achilles Tendinitis." Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 40(9): A1- A26. 3. Jonsson, P., et al. (2008). "New regimen for eccentric calf-muscle training in patients with chronic insertional Achilles tendinopathy: results of a pilot study." British Journal of Sports Medicine 42(9): 746-749. 4. Rees, J. D., et al. (2009). "Management of tendinopathy." American Journal of Sports Medicine 37(9): 1855-1867. 5. Cook, J. L. and C. R. Purdam (2009). "Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy." British Journal of Sports Medicine 43(6): 409-416. 6. Cook, J. L., et al. (2016). "Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice and research?" Br J Sports Med 50(19): 1187- 1191. 7. Malliaras, P., et al. (2013). "Achilles and Patellar Tendinopathy Loading Programmes." Sports Medicine 43(4): 267-286 8. Alfredson, H., et al. (1998). "Heavy-Load Eccentric Calf Muscle Training For the Treatment of Chronic Achilles Tendinosis." The American Journal of Sports Medicine 26(3): 360-366. 9. Alfredson, H. and J. Cook (2007). "A treatment algorithm for managing Achilles tendinopathy: new treatment options." British Journal of Sports Medicine 41(4): 211-216. 10. Alfredson, H. (2003). "Chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy: an update on research and treatment." Clinics in Sports Medicine 22(4): 727-741. 11. Silbernagel, K. G., et al. (2007). "Continued sports activity, using a pain-monitoring model, during rehabilitation in patients with Achilles tendinopathy: a randomized controlled study." Am J Sports Med 35(6): 897-906. 12. Silbernagel, K. G. and K. M. Crossley (2015). "A Proposed Return-to-Sport Program for Patients With Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy: Rationale and Implementation." J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 45(11): 876-886. 13. Gabbett, T. J. (2016). "The training-injury prevention paradox: should athletes be training smarter and harder?" Br J Sports Med 50(5): 273-280. 14. Couppe, C., et al. (2015). "Eccentric or Concentric Exercises for the Treatment of Tendinopathies?" J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 45(11): 853- 863. Citations
  • 35. Tim J Gabbett: The training-injury prevention paradox: should athletes be training smarter and harder Take Away: • To minimize injury risk, practitioners should aim to maintain the acute:chronic workload ratio within a range of approximately 0.8–1.3. • limit weekly training load increases to <10%. Conclusion: Excessive and rapid increases in training loads are likely responsible for a large proportion of injuries. However, physically hard training develops physical qualities, which in turn protects against injuries. This paper highlights the importance of monitoring training load, including the load that athletes are prepared for (by calculating the acute:chronic workload ratio), as a best practice approach to the long-term reduction of training-related injuries Return to Running Concepts 13
  • 36. Alfredson Eccentric Exercise Program 3,8,9,10
  • 37. Points: - insertional vs midsubstance respond different to treatment - important to address movement impairments and pathology of insertional tendinopathy - Return to running progressions: intensity, duration, fq - May return to PLOF!