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Living With ADHD
When most people sit down in class they seldom think about the amount of effort that is subconsciously exerted just to focus on what is being
said. Those who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD, are constantly reminded of the daunting task that
is focusing. Living with ADHD is a fatiguing task, that has adverse psychological effects on those who suffer from the disorder. The inability to
focus accompanies ADHD, which opens the pathway for other complications that carry a heavy burden. These complications lower self–esteem
and can generate complications amongst friends and family. While I constantly attempt to remember every commitment I have made, things
become rather difficult with ADHD. During a conversation, more content...
People often begin to see you as unreliable or even a liar. You begin to feel contrite, promising yourself you're going to do better to remember.
Unfortunately, it's not as simple as it seems. With every conversation you find your thoughts wandering off, you resist the urge, but it just
increases. Eventually, the forgetfulness follows you academically and wreaks havoc on a different aspect of your life. Studying was never my
strong suit, I found myself reading the same sentence numerous times until I eventually gave up. The same went for homework, the few times I
remembered I had homework. Subsequently, my grades plummeted; I was applying myself but failed to see results. If I was lucky enough to
complete a reading assignment, I often found myself unable to recall what I just read. My instructors attributed my unsatisfactory grades on
laziness. "You would be such a good student if you weren't so lazy," said my chemistry professor during tutorials. I sat there reading the same
sentence, wondering why nothing made sense. Eventually, my conclusion was that I wasn't smart and I would never achieve academically. I often
told myself that ADHD made me dumb; these conclusions delivered a massive blow to my
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Living With ADHD Essay
Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an incredibly difficult thing to live with, it is almost as difficult as trying to
describe a lifelong battle with said disorder in 500 words or less. Living with ADHD has altered my entire life, and it was not until February 2013
that I understood why I acted a certain way.
When I was younger I had different aspirations to be different people when I grew up, when I reached seventh grade I narrowed my career of
choice to forensic science. I had always loved the crime television shows and I knew that would be a good fit for my personality. Unfortunately,
after a rough start to high–school I gave up my aspirations in the science field because I learned that I cannot retain more content...
By the end of my appointment I was diagnosed with ADHD, depression and anxiety problems and prescribed a medication to help my ADHD
which in turn would combat my other disorders. After this experience things were clearer for me. I could finally understand why every report
card said "she would benefit more if she focused on her work" and why a substitute teacher in grade five pulled me aside and asked "do you have
any medication to take?"
The rest of high school unfortunately did not get any better, with my improved focus my marks raised and so did my ambitions, but along
with that my anxiety had bigger role. I was fired from a job because I spoke out to loudly and upset customers and I struggled to keep friends. I
felt like I lost myself because I was always trying to run away from the low scoring distracted child I thought I was.
Presently, I am enrolled at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) for Criminology and Justice. Although my true passions lie
elsewhere, I am fighting through these four years with what I have. I do not believe I would be where I am today without the aid of
medications to help my ADHD and I am grateful to have proven teachers and peers wrong who judged a book by its
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Essay On Adhd In Children
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is the most common behavioral disorder that starts during childhood. However, it does not only
affect children – people of all ages can suffer from ADHD. ADHD is understood as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder.
–Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood.
ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
–Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. These behaviors
interfere with school and home life.
–It's more common in boys than in girls. It's more content...
Areas of the brain that control attention are less active in children with ADHD.
–Chemical imbalance. The chemicals in people's brain with ADHD may beunbalanced.
–Toxins, such as lead. They may affect a child's brain development.
–Poor nutrition, infections, smoking, drinking, and substance abuse during pregnancy. These things can affect a baby's braindevelopment.
–A brain injury or a brain disorder. Damage to the front of the brain, called the frontal lobe, can cause problems with controlling impulses and
The primary features of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder include inattention and hyperactive–impulsive behavior. ADHD symptoms start
before age 12, and in some children, they're noticeable as early as 3 years of age. ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they
may continue into adulthood.
There are three subtypes of ADHD:
–Predominantly inattentive. The majority of symptoms fall under inattention.
–Predominantly hyperactive–impulsive. The majority of symptoms are hyperactive and impulsive.
–Combined. The most common type in the U.S., this is a mix of inattentive symptoms and hyperactive–impulsive symptoms.
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Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Essay
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders that develops in children and becomes apparent
in the preschool, early school years and continue through adolescence and adulthood. It is one of the rising public health concerns which is
characterized by inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The world wide prevalence rate was estimated as 5.29 %.
(Polanczyk 2007). Prevalent rates are higher at 12 years. It also affects school performance and interpersonal relationship. (Hokenberry 2006).
ADHD affects an estimated 3% to 5% of all school aged children. The ratio of boys to girls ranges from 3:1 in non clinical settings to 9: 1 in
clinical settings. (Gaut and more content...
The complex etiology of ADHD most likely involves genetic and environmental factors. Studies have found strong genetic influences and familial
transmission. Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies have identified differences in brain function among ADHD clients. Other factors for ADHD
includes family history of ADHD, Male relatives with antisocial personality disorder or alcoholism, female relatives with somatisation disorder,
lower socioeconomic status, Marital or family discord, including divorce, neglect, abuse, or parental deprivation, low birth weight and various
kinds of brain insult.
ADHD is a common, highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder. Rare copy number variations, such as chromosomal deletions or
duplications, have been implicated in ADHD and neurodevelopmental disorder. ( Jarick 2014) This is most likely associated with abnormalities
in catecholamine's and possibly serotonin metabolism. Having first degree relatives with ADHD have increased the risk for the disorder by 4 to
6 times that of the general population. Some studies revealed that alterations in specific areas of brain in individuals have more risk of children
with ADHD. These regions include the prefrontal lobes, basal ganglia, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, and cerebellum. Brain image of people
with ADHD have suggested decreased metabolism in the frontal region of brain, which is essential for attention, impulse control, organisation, and
sustained goal
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Attention Deficit Disorder Essay
Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Disorder otherwise known as ADD is a condition that refers to an individual's inability to control
their own behavior or impulse(McEwan 70). This can begin in early childhood and interfere with children's ability to do well in school and
social situations. These patients also have troubles blocking out noise or other stimuli in order to focus on a task or what is being said. ADD is
a chronic problem that can be seen as early as infancy and can extend to adulthood. There are two types of Attention Deficit Disorder. The most
common form is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The characteristic of this type is hyperactivity, which is seen before the child more content...
It is also more prevalent with in boys than in girls. In babies that have been prenatal exposed to drugs, including alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines,
and heroin, ADD needs to be carefully watched for. Increasing numbers of premature infants are found to have the disorder as well. A psychiatrist
or clinical or school psychologist usually makes a diagnosis. In order to do this, physicians, psychologists and educators conduct an evaluation that
includes a health and developmental history, medical evaluation, psychological and educational assessment, behavior rating scales completed by
the parents and teacher, and possibly a speech and language evaluation (Miller 25). Hyperactivity is the most obvious symptom. Children with this
condition are unable to control their actions even under the most closely monitored situation. Parents often expect that certain foods cause
hyperactivity, but children with ADD are hyperactive even though these foods are not part of their diets. Other primary symptoms include
inattention, distractibility, impulsiveness and short attention span. There are problems with organization and transitioning from one activity to
another. The disorder can be complicated by other kinds of learning and/or behavioral problems as well. Thought patterns may be loose and
poorly organized. Children have difficulty with memory, following directions and
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Pathos And Logos Of Adhd
Attention–Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is affecting children and adults at vast numbers. The growing numbers of people affected by
Attention–Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), made the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize the importance of
educating the public. The CDC discusses the signs and symptoms, different types of ADHD, causes of ADHD, diagnosis process, treatments, and
resources with the public. The CDC is a trusted agency. The CDC's website is credible because the writers use effectiveappeal to logos, ethos, and
pathos to educate their audience.
The CDC's use of appeal to logos was done efficiently. The CDC used facts and appealed to reason throughout their discussion on ADHD. The
use of facts more content...
There is not enough evidence whether these things impact a child in having ADHD or not (CDC, 2017). This shows the reader that the speaker is
trustworthy because it reflects an ethical view of all possible causes. Appealing to ethics is a big component in influencing the reader. A reader
must be able to trust the writer is being ethical, in order to trust the information.
The CDC demonstrates a great use of pathos on ADHD. The use of pathos is the appeal to emotions. This is the ability to persuade the
audience by having them feel something with the text written (Walker, 2005). The CDC appeals to pathos by discussing the number of adults
and children that are affected by ADHD (CDC, 2017). This information connects to people that may have loved ones that are affected by
ADHD and offers hope in the way of resources and treatment. Making an emotional connection with the audience is important, in order to
successfully keep the reader invested in the topic. The CDC used pictures to appeal to the audience as well. A great example of illustration,
used by the CDC, is the picture with a Mother and two kids talking to a doctor (CDC, 2017). Readers that have children can relate to the
emotional toll that would come with a child affected by ADHD. The CDC also offers several resources for their readers to get help. This also
creates an emotional connection with the reader, as
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Thesis Statement Of Adhd
I.INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW One of the remarkably renowned mental disorders in the world is ADHD, but despite being infamous,
there are still stigmas and myths about it. People often listen to what the general public says than to form their own arguments or research on
them. By all means, this will be a problem to all including those who have ADHD. "Attention Deficit Disorder" is a mental disorder which affects
individuals' movements, behavior, and focus. Thereby, it is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity such
happens in academic, occupational or social settings. For the most part, ADHD is deemed a faux mental disorder by the majority. If ADHD
centers just on common reckless behavior, more content...
By that, ADHD is not a modern disorder and our knowledge has only expanded. Although this may be true, there are still numerous myths about it.
There is no actual cause for ADHD though it is linked to heredity and other neurological factors, for instance, pregnancy and birth complications.
In addition, food intake is not the source of ADHD and removing specific food items only benefit some children (from the ages four to seven).
Furthermore, parenting practices do not cause ADHD nevertheless, this can worsen their condition. Current studies note social environments
contribute surprisingly little to ADHD and does not even change individual differences in ADHD symptoms. ADHD classifies as a congenital
disorder and directly modifies the brain's functions, including impairments in concentration, emotional regulation, memory, organization and other
mental abilities under cognitive function. Not every country has its data and statistics on ADHD, as mental disorders are not too cared for and
dismissed. However, 175 countries show around 3 – 12% of their population has ADHD. The statistics have risen over the past years since 1997,
although most evidence in research indicates it is undertreated in most
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Informative Essay On Adhd
ADHD The population of people with ADHD has increased by a significant amount.ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder.An ongoing question about ADHD is how do you manage it and can it ever be outgrown.Adhd can't be outgrown but if it's treated
the right way then kids grow to go on and live well constructive lives .ADHD is hard to control and manage for some kids ,ADHD is a chronic
disorder that tough on a lot of people. I'm writing about ADHD because it's a condition that concerns a lot of people ,like parents and children
diagnosed with ADHD.ADHD has affected so many people in so many that it's become a disorder that people have a lot of questions about.i feel
like more content...
KIds with ADHD face a lot of challenges.A Challenge that is very common are learning Disabilities .It affects their way of learning because they
are constantly distracted by noises in other students in their classrooms.THe most common learning disabilities are Dyslexia
,Dyscalculia,Dysgraphia,and Non–verbal disabilities these learning disabilities have an effect on a lot of people.An additional challenge is
challenges with there sociasl skills.It affec ts there social skills because of there mood swings and
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Students With ADHD
A good teacher knows the subject. A great teacher knows the students. A challenge for teachers is learning to successfully teach every student. A
student who finds it difficult to focus will need extra help from the instructor. One issue educators face in the modern world is Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to Geraldina Gaastra, a writer for Plos ONE, the average classroom will accommodate at least one
student with ADHD (2). Therefore, a teacher must know and understand the disorder, and find ways to cooperate with student with ADHD. The
best way to aid someone with ADHD is to first understand the disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health describes the behaviors of the
disorder to be hyperactivity, impulsivity, more content...
Mary Fowler, creator of many workshops to help teachers advise students with ADHD, offers different illustrations to help teachers keep the
attention. Fowler incorporates colors, physical objects, and games in teaching students with ADHD. Also she suggests, "eliminate rushing by
removing all external incentives for finishing quickly." Have the students take time to finish the assignment. Often times, the student will need
large projects given one step at a time. Accompanying step by step projects, track the students task time to keep raise awareness of time used to
complete each step. Another strategy used to help students with ADHD is to physically do more in the classroom. Moving around, reorganizing
desks, using hand motions, adding interest to explanations, and working with manipulatives all encourage the full attention of the student (49).
The United States Department of Education reinforces teachers to review lessons from the day before. By reviewing, the student remembers
much of what was forgotten, and the student can now build off of what was learned the previous day. Being predictable is another approach to
teaching students with ADHD. Consistency is a key in all learning, as it is extremely beneficial. Finally, allow the student to attempt to correct
their own mistake. This can help the student to be self–teaching which allows for
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, normally abbreviated as ADHD, is a disorder in which a person has trouble paying attention and
focusing on tasks, tends to act without thinking and has trouble sitting still. This condition may begin in early childhood and continue into
adulthood. Without treatment ADHD can cause problems at home, school, work and any social gatherings.
The disorder sparks up many controversies for the simple fact that the exact cause is not clear or more over not well understood. Because of the
lack of information of how ADHD is caused, the most common controversy that this disorder brings is that many people believe that the disorder
is not a realistic diagnosis because of the increasingly number of more content...
What are the different types of ADHD?
There are three main types of ADHD. They are the primarily inattentive type, primarily hyperactive–impulsive type and the combined type. A child
with the inattentive type fails to pay attention to details and gets easily distracted and tends to daydream on a day to day basis. On the other hand
the hyperactive–impulsive type makes it hard for the child to stay still for long. Mostly this child would jump or climb things in inappropriate
occasions. The most common type of ADHD is the combined type. This type is characterized by both impulsive behavior andhyperactivity, and
inattention and distraction.
Causes of ADHD
Scientists are studying causes and risk factors that might contribute to the development of ADHD in an attempt to better control and reduce the
chances of a person having the disorder. Researchers who study the brain are coming closer to understanding what may cause ADHD. They
believe that some people with ADHD don't have enough of certain chemicals, called neurotransmitter, in the brain. These chemicals help the brain
control behavior. However the exact or precise cause of the disorder remains unknown.
When diagnosing ADHD, there is no single test itself that can determine it. Deciding if a child has the disorder is a several step process, which
requires the attention of different professionals as well as those surrounding the child on a daily basis. A pediatrician,
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also referred to as ADHD, is classified as a disorder in which a person has a difficulty focusing, over
activity, and spontaneity, which typically the cases deal with children. Characteristics of ADHD include: having trouble following directions and
rules, off task behavior, and not appropriate verbalizations and motor activities in settings, such as school. Therefore, researchers decided to
conduct research to test the effectiveness of a weighted vests on children. Weighted vests are used by Occupational Therapists to help children
with ADHD, mainly in school settings, for the child to be able to pay attention and learn effectively. The weighted vests have been known to help
children with sensory stimulation, by predominating sensory stimuli, therefore reducing the rate of ADHD characteristics. However, previous
research studies, five out of seven different studies, have concluded that weighted vests did not provide effective treatment for children with
ADHD. After previous research conclusions, which resulted in a negative outlook on weighted vests for children with ADHD, researchers
decided to retest that conclusion. Research was conducted and performed by four professors of Universities in Taiwan; the researchers were
Hung–Yu Lin, Posen Lee, Wen
–Dien Chang, and Fu–Yuan Hong. The overall question that these professors had was "Do weighted vests work on
improving attention, impulse control, and on–task behavior in children with
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Adults With Adhd Essay
Did you know that Attention–deficit/Hyperactivity disorder is a very common mental illness, there is up to 3 million cases of adhd a year in the
united states alone. ADHD is a serious mental illness and can cause many problems to your health. Such as compulsive eating, low self–esteem,
substance abuse, anxiety, and chronic stress. ADHD can also affect your surroundings as well, you may lose attention in important lectures or
mess up on a quiz, and it can make you misunderstand a situation socially and that can cause problems within relationships. ADHD seems to affect
not only your mental health but your physical health and your relationships around you as well. After finding this information, I believe that
ADHD is underdiagnosed more content...
And lastly, doctors are not only afraid of giving an adult with ADHD medicine, they are also afraid of over diagnosing them which can be very
costly and have negative side effects. As Psychology Today says, "Indeed, many claim that ADHD is overdiagnosed and that stimulants are
overprescribed. Psychiatrists are afraid of becoming one of these doctors who "overprescribe". Despite the fact that stimulants are the standard of
treatment for Adult ADD, whether or not someone has ADD should not hinge on the treatment, but instead on the proper assessment and
diagnosis." (Psychology Today p.1) This shows that doctors and psychiatrists are afraid of both diagnosing and over diagnosing adults because
of what the medicine will do to them and that the stimulants can cause negative side effects and can worsen a person's mental state. All this
shows that doctors and psychiatrists are afraid that they will mess up on diagnosing, overdiagnose, and will end up not diagnosing a person
which doesn't help avoid the problem at all.
Another reason why ADHD is underdiagnosed in adults is that children are seen as more important than adults and that people believe the myth
that if you treat ADHD early on, that it'll go away when the person grows up, "If left untreated in childhood or adulthood, the symptoms of
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Adhd Misdiagnosis
ADHD misdiagnosis a trend in commentary ADHD has become your dime a dozen catch all diagnosis in adolescence Understandably of course
it's a money making machine between the cost of therapy, medications, and depending on the medication weekly to monthly blood draws. There's
lots of money to be made off of people diagnosed with ADHD. More than that though, is that it's become sort of a trend. "Few topics have
generated as much public concern as the diagnosis of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to data from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, outpatient visits for ADHD jumped from 1.6 million to 4.2 million per year from 1990 to 1993"
(ADHD–Overcoming the Specter of Overdiagnosis. (2002). ADHD more content...
1997) It is easier than ever for a less than honest individual do become aware of and learn of the symptoms of ADHD. This overabundance of
coverage has led to a kind of public hysteria, parents and doctors now see ADHD around every corner. It has almost become a social norm for
a child in school to have ADHD. One could argue that ADHD isn't necessarily a disorder but an unfortunate byproduct of a fast paced reward
driven Society. Luckily there is hope. Recent studies have been done and new tests have been designed to help curb the tide of malingering in
terms of ADHD. "The IVA CPT adequately distinguished adults with ADHD from non
–ADHD" (Colleen A Quinn 2003) Many people will fake
the symptoms of ADHD in order to get access to the prescriptions given to those who suffer from the disorder I say few that these medications
will help give them in the edge in their work or home life. Students will sometimes take these drugs and hopes that will help them focus on the
paper that there trying to write or give them that needed edge to focus on the test they are taking the next day. Either is are pursuing these drugs
for recreational use they are hoping for a high off of the schedule
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Attention Deficit Disorder Essay
Attention Deficit Disorder
Approximately 3–5% of all American children have an Attention Deficit
Disorder (ADD). ADD is a leading cause of school failure and under–achievement.
ADD characteristics often arise in early childhood. As many as 50% of children with ADD are never diagnosed. Boys significantly outnumber
girls, though girls are more likely to be undiagnosed with ADD. "ADD is not an attention disorder, but a disorder of impulse control (
Seminar notes Barkeley) ."
Characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder can include : Fidgeting with hands or feet , difficulty remaining seated, awaiting turns in games,
following through on instructions , more content...
Without enough dopamine and related catecholamines, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, the frontal lobes are under stimulated and thus
unable to perform their complex functions efficiently. Attention Deficit Disorder is strongly considered genetically inherited, however, not all
cases of ADD may be genetically linked. . Studies have shown that 20–30% of all hyperactive children have a least one parent with ADD. The
environment is a big influence on a child during pregnancy and after. Some studies show that a small percentage of ADD cases were influenced
by smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs during pregnancy.
Exposure to toxins, such as lead, may also alter the brain chemistry and function. If you suspect that you are suffering from Attention Deficit
Disorder you will need to discuss it with your medical doctor. In most cases the doctor will recommend that you visit a psychologist for an
evaluation. The psychologist is professionally trained in human behavior and will be able to provide counseling and testing in areas related to
mental health. The psychologist is not able to prescribe medication to help you, but may send you to a psychiatrist to prescribe and monitor
medication. A neurologist may be consulted in order to rule out neurological conditions causing your symptoms. Your doctor will gather
information about your past and
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Adult ADHD Essay
The following paper deals with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Adults. The paper will mainly focus on the symptoms of ADHD
along with diagnosis of it. It will show how at least some research demonstates that adult and child ADHD are two different things and should be
treated as such. In the process it will higlhight the what at times can be conflicting nature of adult ADHD research. Attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder in which people have trouble focusing. Individuals are generally abnormally hyper and have a hard
time keeping still. Along with that they have a tendency to be impulsive and so may at times act on the hyperactivity. For example a college
student suffering from it may have a more content...
In addition to symptoms of ADHD being present by the age of seven the symptoms must affect the person's life in a number of settings. In
addition the symptoms have to not be explained by another mental disorder. If it only occurs alongside a psychotic mood disorder it is not
considered ADHD. Inattention in ADHD is classified as making easily avoidable mistakes and ignoring details, usually do to not paying attention.
It can happen in any number of settings( Surman, 2013). For example an accountant suffering from some of the innatention aspects of ADHD
may not notice they forget to put a decimal point in a number resulting in a much higher number then shoud have been expected. The average
adult may catch the mistake but someone someone with at least part of the innatetion aspect will likely move on without a thought in the world.
Hyperactivity is demonstrated by inabiltiy to sit still and the need to get up from one's seat to move around. Impulsivity shows itself in a
person's inabilty to resist acting on their urges. Usually the person will jump in front of others in a conversation. the person may at random pick
up things and start messing with them. For a person to be diagnosised with ADHD a number of the DSM–IV–TR's critera must be met. While
symptoms of ADHD may be present early on in a person's life other criteria from the DSM may not appear until later on. This could be the result
of changes in
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may also be known as "ADHD," is one of the most common neuro developmental disorders in today's
society. Although it is usually first diagnosed in early childhood, often will last throughout adulthood. ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an
ongoing pattern of inattentive and impulsive hyperactivity that interferes with the functioning and development of ones everyday life. To be
diagnosed requires a set of comprehensive evaluations, done by a licensed clinician with expertise ADHD. Other conditions, such as learning
disabilities, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, depression, and substance abuse are highly common in people with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder. (Science News ADHD more content...
For children sixteen and under, six or more symptoms have to be present in either inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsivity for a minimum of six
months proving these actions are disruptive and inappropriate for an individuals developmental level. (Mental Disorders 5th Edition 2013)
Unfortunately, Scientist have not found an exact cause for ADHD. However, they have discovered many treatment options over the years.
Behavior Therapy, has been shown to be an important part of treatment for children with ADHD. The goals of Behavior Therapy are to learn and
strengthen positive behavior and eliminate the unwanted problem behaviors. The therapist helps the child learn how to express their feelings in
ways that do not create problems with others. This treatment should always be tried before prescribing medication. Medication can help children
and adults control their disorder, to help with their everyday life. The FDA have approved multiple stimulant and non stimulant medications.
Stimulants containing various forms of Methylphenidate and Amphentamine, shockingly have a calming effect on hyperactive children. It is
believed to increase brain levels of dopamine, a nuero transmitter associated with motivation, attention, and movement. Amphetamine medications
include, Adderall, Focalin,
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Research Paper on Adhd
RESEARCH PAPER ON ADHD Abstract Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral development disorder among
children. In the United States there are at least 2 million grade school children that are diagnosed with the disorder (Dupper, 2003). ADHD is
determined to be one of the most common development disorders in children (Barlow & Durand, 2009). This paper will discuss the different
aspects of ADHD, its symptoms, common traits, and the known treatments being used by clinicians. Moreover, the paper will also touch on the
important things to consider when dealing with ADHD, particularly in the area of social work. By doing so, it will determine why social work
should be an integral part of the diagnosis more content...
To get a clearer picture of the disorder, APA subdivided the symptoms according to its three most important traits, inattention, hyperactivity, and
impulsiveness (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). As most of the symptoms of ADHD may typically be present in normal behavioral
development, APA established that only when six or more of the symptoms are present in a child can he or she be considered as suffering from
ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Furthermore, the child should also exhibit these symptoms within a period of 6 months or
more to completely confirm the occurrence of the disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Inattention is one of the distinguishable
traits of ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). A child suffering from the symptoms of inattention in ADHD would probably lag
behind schoolwork, have problems with communicating, and would struggle with cognitive activities like reading and comprehension. APA listed
a total of 9 symptoms that are crucial to identifying ADHD in children (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Following is the list of these
symptoms and their brief explanation: 1) Oftentimes a child will fail to give close attention to details (American Psychiatric Association, 20000.
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Essay On ADHD In Children
ADHD in Children 1 Attention–deficity hyperactivity disorder formerly known as (ADHD) is neurobehavioral Condition that interferes with a
person's ability to pay attention and exercise age appropriate Inhibition. ADHD usually becomes apparent in children during preschool and early
childhood Years. "It's your job to figure out what ADHD is". (F. Xavier Castellanus, M.D. (From the Quarterly, September, 2016). This paper will
discuss ADHD in children. It will include the causes, diagnoses and treatments. Children may show one or all of the three behavioral subtypes of
ADHD: inattention, more content...
To diagnose a child a full physical exam, including vision and hearing. The FDA has approved the use of the neuropsychiatric EEG– Based
Assessment Aid (NEBA) system, a noninvasive scan that measures theta and beta brain waves. These theta/beta ratio has been shown to be
higher in children and adolescents with ADHD than in children without it. Scan is approved for use in those aged 6 to 17 years, is meant to
be used as a part of a complete medical and psychological exam. Causes of ADHD. ADHD is neurological disorder and research has indicated
that it may be due to alterations in the brain and the way it functions. The causes of those differences are not fully known, but family a twin
studies show reveal ADHD is genetic. Parents who had ADHD as a child also have a child with the disorder. Study shows between 10 percent
and 35 percent of children with ADHD have a close relative with ADHD. Families of children with ADHD show that relatives are at high risk for
ADHD, other psychiatric disorders and learning abilities. Treatment plans may include special programs, psychological intervention, and drug
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Adhd In Children Essay
ADHD or attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder is often diagnosed after a child or adult has behaviors that are disruptive to their school, social
or work situations. There are a two types of ADHD. One is marked by hyperactivity while the other is not. It can be tough to diagnose ADHD in
children because the symptoms are often mistaken for normal kid–like behavior.
ADHD Symptoms in Children
Children who are unable to concentrate in school, miss homework assignments or are unable to interact with classmates can be suffering from
inattention. This is a symptom of ADHD.
A child who is hyperactive is constantly in motion. They are fidgeting, talking or moving at inappropriate times. They always seem to interrupt as
if they can't sit still and wait to be called upon in class. more content...
It can occur as a result of alcohol use and cigarette smoking during pregnancy
Treatment for ADHD
Adults and Children
One of the most common types of ADHD treatment is the use of medications. Stimulants are often used to relieve the symptoms of ADHD like
inattention and distracted thinking. The stimulants increase the chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine that have an impact on that area of
the brain.
In other people with ADHD, non–stimulants are more effective. They'll improve focus, impulsivity and inattention. Anyone with ADHD has to be
under the care and supervision of a doctor or therapist to make sure they are taking the correct medication. It can take a few tries to find the right
medication to treat a particular person.
ADHD in adults and children must be diagnosed before it can be treated. It can often be quite difficult to diagnose because everyone occasionally
has issues with inattention and impulsivity. After diagnosis, treatment can consist of therapy as well as medications to treat
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Living With ADHD

  • 1. Living With ADHD When most people sit down in class they seldom think about the amount of effort that is subconsciously exerted just to focus on what is being said. Those who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD, are constantly reminded of the daunting task that is focusing. Living with ADHD is a fatiguing task, that has adverse psychological effects on those who suffer from the disorder. The inability to focus accompanies ADHD, which opens the pathway for other complications that carry a heavy burden. These complications lower self–esteem and can generate complications amongst friends and family. While I constantly attempt to remember every commitment I have made, things become rather difficult with ADHD. During a conversation, more content... People often begin to see you as unreliable or even a liar. You begin to feel contrite, promising yourself you're going to do better to remember. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as it seems. With every conversation you find your thoughts wandering off, you resist the urge, but it just increases. Eventually, the forgetfulness follows you academically and wreaks havoc on a different aspect of your life. Studying was never my strong suit, I found myself reading the same sentence numerous times until I eventually gave up. The same went for homework, the few times I remembered I had homework. Subsequently, my grades plummeted; I was applying myself but failed to see results. If I was lucky enough to complete a reading assignment, I often found myself unable to recall what I just read. My instructors attributed my unsatisfactory grades on laziness. "You would be such a good student if you weren't so lazy," said my chemistry professor during tutorials. I sat there reading the same sentence, wondering why nothing made sense. Eventually, my conclusion was that I wasn't smart and I would never achieve academically. I often told myself that ADHD made me dumb; these conclusions delivered a massive blow to my Get more content on
  • 2. Living With ADHD Essay Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is an incredibly difficult thing to live with, it is almost as difficult as trying to describe a lifelong battle with said disorder in 500 words or less. Living with ADHD has altered my entire life, and it was not until February 2013 that I understood why I acted a certain way. When I was younger I had different aspirations to be different people when I grew up, when I reached seventh grade I narrowed my career of choice to forensic science. I had always loved the crime television shows and I knew that would be a good fit for my personality. Unfortunately, after a rough start to high–school I gave up my aspirations in the science field because I learned that I cannot retain more content... By the end of my appointment I was diagnosed with ADHD, depression and anxiety problems and prescribed a medication to help my ADHD which in turn would combat my other disorders. After this experience things were clearer for me. I could finally understand why every report card said "she would benefit more if she focused on her work" and why a substitute teacher in grade five pulled me aside and asked "do you have any medication to take?" The rest of high school unfortunately did not get any better, with my improved focus my marks raised and so did my ambitions, but along with that my anxiety had bigger role. I was fired from a job because I spoke out to loudly and upset customers and I struggled to keep friends. I felt like I lost myself because I was always trying to run away from the low scoring distracted child I thought I was. Presently, I am enrolled at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) for Criminology and Justice. Although my true passions lie elsewhere, I am fighting through these four years with what I have. I do not believe I would be where I am today without the aid of medications to help my ADHD and I am grateful to have proven teachers and peers wrong who judged a book by its Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Adhd In Children Opening: ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is the most common behavioral disorder that starts during childhood. However, it does not only affect children – people of all ages can suffer from ADHD. ADHD is understood as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. Body: DEFINITION –Attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. –Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life. –It's more common in boys than in girls. It's more content... Areas of the brain that control attention are less active in children with ADHD. –Chemical imbalance. The chemicals in people's brain with ADHD may beunbalanced. –Toxins, such as lead. They may affect a child's brain development. –Poor nutrition, infections, smoking, drinking, and substance abuse during pregnancy. These things can affect a baby's braindevelopment. –A brain injury or a brain disorder. Damage to the front of the brain, called the frontal lobe, can cause problems with controlling impulses and emotions. SYMPTOMS The primary features of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder include inattention and hyperactive–impulsive behavior. ADHD symptoms start before age 12, and in some children, they're noticeable as early as 3 years of age. ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they may continue into adulthood. There are three subtypes of ADHD: –Predominantly inattentive. The majority of symptoms fall under inattention. –Predominantly hyperactive–impulsive. The majority of symptoms are hyperactive and impulsive. –Combined. The most common type in the U.S., this is a mix of inattentive symptoms and hyperactive–impulsive symptoms.
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  • 5. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Essay Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders that develops in children and becomes apparent in the preschool, early school years and continue through adolescence and adulthood. It is one of the rising public health concerns which is characterized by inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The world wide prevalence rate was estimated as 5.29 %. (Polanczyk 2007). Prevalent rates are higher at 12 years. It also affects school performance and interpersonal relationship. (Hokenberry 2006). ADHD affects an estimated 3% to 5% of all school aged children. The ratio of boys to girls ranges from 3:1 in non clinical settings to 9: 1 in clinical settings. (Gaut and more content... The complex etiology of ADHD most likely involves genetic and environmental factors. Studies have found strong genetic influences and familial transmission. Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies have identified differences in brain function among ADHD clients. Other factors for ADHD includes family history of ADHD, Male relatives with antisocial personality disorder or alcoholism, female relatives with somatisation disorder, lower socioeconomic status, Marital or family discord, including divorce, neglect, abuse, or parental deprivation, low birth weight and various kinds of brain insult. ADHD is a common, highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder. Rare copy number variations, such as chromosomal deletions or duplications, have been implicated in ADHD and neurodevelopmental disorder. ( Jarick 2014) This is most likely associated with abnormalities in catecholamine's and possibly serotonin metabolism. Having first degree relatives with ADHD have increased the risk for the disorder by 4 to 6 times that of the general population. Some studies revealed that alterations in specific areas of brain in individuals have more risk of children with ADHD. These regions include the prefrontal lobes, basal ganglia, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, and cerebellum. Brain image of people with ADHD have suggested decreased metabolism in the frontal region of brain, which is essential for attention, impulse control, organisation, and sustained goal Get more content on
  • 6. Attention Deficit Disorder Essay Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Disorder otherwise known as ADD is a condition that refers to an individual's inability to control their own behavior or impulse(McEwan 70). This can begin in early childhood and interfere with children's ability to do well in school and social situations. These patients also have troubles blocking out noise or other stimuli in order to focus on a task or what is being said. ADD is a chronic problem that can be seen as early as infancy and can extend to adulthood. There are two types of Attention Deficit Disorder. The most common form is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The characteristic of this type is hyperactivity, which is seen before the child more content... It is also more prevalent with in boys than in girls. In babies that have been prenatal exposed to drugs, including alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin, ADD needs to be carefully watched for. Increasing numbers of premature infants are found to have the disorder as well. A psychiatrist or clinical or school psychologist usually makes a diagnosis. In order to do this, physicians, psychologists and educators conduct an evaluation that includes a health and developmental history, medical evaluation, psychological and educational assessment, behavior rating scales completed by the parents and teacher, and possibly a speech and language evaluation (Miller 25). Hyperactivity is the most obvious symptom. Children with this condition are unable to control their actions even under the most closely monitored situation. Parents often expect that certain foods cause hyperactivity, but children with ADD are hyperactive even though these foods are not part of their diets. Other primary symptoms include inattention, distractibility, impulsiveness and short attention span. There are problems with organization and transitioning from one activity to another. The disorder can be complicated by other kinds of learning and/or behavioral problems as well. Thought patterns may be loose and poorly organized. Children have difficulty with memory, following directions and Get more content on
  • 7. Pathos And Logos Of Adhd Attention–Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is affecting children and adults at vast numbers. The growing numbers of people affected by Attention–Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), made the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize the importance of educating the public. The CDC discusses the signs and symptoms, different types of ADHD, causes of ADHD, diagnosis process, treatments, and resources with the public. The CDC is a trusted agency. The CDC's website is credible because the writers use effectiveappeal to logos, ethos, and pathos to educate their audience. The CDC's use of appeal to logos was done efficiently. The CDC used facts and appealed to reason throughout their discussion on ADHD. The use of facts more content... There is not enough evidence whether these things impact a child in having ADHD or not (CDC, 2017). This shows the reader that the speaker is trustworthy because it reflects an ethical view of all possible causes. Appealing to ethics is a big component in influencing the reader. A reader must be able to trust the writer is being ethical, in order to trust the information. The CDC demonstrates a great use of pathos on ADHD. The use of pathos is the appeal to emotions. This is the ability to persuade the audience by having them feel something with the text written (Walker, 2005). The CDC appeals to pathos by discussing the number of adults and children that are affected by ADHD (CDC, 2017). This information connects to people that may have loved ones that are affected by ADHD and offers hope in the way of resources and treatment. Making an emotional connection with the audience is important, in order to successfully keep the reader invested in the topic. The CDC used pictures to appeal to the audience as well. A great example of illustration, used by the CDC, is the picture with a Mother and two kids talking to a doctor (CDC, 2017). Readers that have children can relate to the emotional toll that would come with a child affected by ADHD. The CDC also offers several resources for their readers to get help. This also creates an emotional connection with the reader, as Get more content on
  • 8. Thesis Statement Of Adhd I.INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW One of the remarkably renowned mental disorders in the world is ADHD, but despite being infamous, there are still stigmas and myths about it. People often listen to what the general public says than to form their own arguments or research on them. By all means, this will be a problem to all including those who have ADHD. "Attention Deficit Disorder" is a mental disorder which affects individuals' movements, behavior, and focus. Thereby, it is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity such happens in academic, occupational or social settings. For the most part, ADHD is deemed a faux mental disorder by the majority. If ADHD centers just on common reckless behavior, more content... By that, ADHD is not a modern disorder and our knowledge has only expanded. Although this may be true, there are still numerous myths about it. There is no actual cause for ADHD though it is linked to heredity and other neurological factors, for instance, pregnancy and birth complications. In addition, food intake is not the source of ADHD and removing specific food items only benefit some children (from the ages four to seven). Furthermore, parenting practices do not cause ADHD nevertheless, this can worsen their condition. Current studies note social environments contribute surprisingly little to ADHD and does not even change individual differences in ADHD symptoms. ADHD classifies as a congenital disorder and directly modifies the brain's functions, including impairments in concentration, emotional regulation, memory, organization and other mental abilities under cognitive function. Not every country has its data and statistics on ADHD, as mental disorders are not too cared for and dismissed. However, 175 countries show around 3 – 12% of their population has ADHD. The statistics have risen over the past years since 1997, although most evidence in research indicates it is undertreated in most Get more content on
  • 9. Informative Essay On Adhd ADHD The population of people with ADHD has increased by a significant amount.ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.An ongoing question about ADHD is how do you manage it and can it ever be outgrown.Adhd can't be outgrown but if it's treated the right way then kids grow to go on and live well constructive lives .ADHD is hard to control and manage for some kids ,ADHD is a chronic disorder that tough on a lot of people. I'm writing about ADHD because it's a condition that concerns a lot of people ,like parents and children diagnosed with ADHD.ADHD has affected so many people in so many that it's become a disorder that people have a lot of questions about.i feel like more content... KIds with ADHD face a lot of challenges.A Challenge that is very common are learning Disabilities .It affects their way of learning because they are constantly distracted by noises in other students in their classrooms.THe most common learning disabilities are Dyslexia ,Dyscalculia,Dysgraphia,and Non–verbal disabilities these learning disabilities have an effect on a lot of people.An additional challenge is challenges with there sociasl skills.It affec ts there social skills because of there mood swings and Get more content on
  • 10. Students With ADHD A good teacher knows the subject. A great teacher knows the students. A challenge for teachers is learning to successfully teach every student. A student who finds it difficult to focus will need extra help from the instructor. One issue educators face in the modern world is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). According to Geraldina Gaastra, a writer for Plos ONE, the average classroom will accommodate at least one student with ADHD (2). Therefore, a teacher must know and understand the disorder, and find ways to cooperate with student with ADHD. The best way to aid someone with ADHD is to first understand the disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health describes the behaviors of the disorder to be hyperactivity, impulsivity, more content... Mary Fowler, creator of many workshops to help teachers advise students with ADHD, offers different illustrations to help teachers keep the attention. Fowler incorporates colors, physical objects, and games in teaching students with ADHD. Also she suggests, "eliminate rushing by removing all external incentives for finishing quickly." Have the students take time to finish the assignment. Often times, the student will need large projects given one step at a time. Accompanying step by step projects, track the students task time to keep raise awareness of time used to complete each step. Another strategy used to help students with ADHD is to physically do more in the classroom. Moving around, reorganizing desks, using hand motions, adding interest to explanations, and working with manipulatives all encourage the full attention of the student (49). The United States Department of Education reinforces teachers to review lessons from the day before. By reviewing, the student remembers much of what was forgotten, and the student can now build off of what was learned the previous day. Being predictable is another approach to teaching students with ADHD. Consistency is a key in all learning, as it is extremely beneficial. Finally, allow the student to attempt to correct their own mistake. This can help the student to be self–teaching which allows for Get more content on
  • 11. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, normally abbreviated as ADHD, is a disorder in which a person has trouble paying attention and focusing on tasks, tends to act without thinking and has trouble sitting still. This condition may begin in early childhood and continue into adulthood. Without treatment ADHD can cause problems at home, school, work and any social gatherings. The disorder sparks up many controversies for the simple fact that the exact cause is not clear or more over not well understood. Because of the lack of information of how ADHD is caused, the most common controversy that this disorder brings is that many people believe that the disorder is not a realistic diagnosis because of the increasingly number of more content... What are the different types of ADHD? There are three main types of ADHD. They are the primarily inattentive type, primarily hyperactive–impulsive type and the combined type. A child with the inattentive type fails to pay attention to details and gets easily distracted and tends to daydream on a day to day basis. On the other hand the hyperactive–impulsive type makes it hard for the child to stay still for long. Mostly this child would jump or climb things in inappropriate occasions. The most common type of ADHD is the combined type. This type is characterized by both impulsive behavior andhyperactivity, and inattention and distraction. Causes of ADHD Scientists are studying causes and risk factors that might contribute to the development of ADHD in an attempt to better control and reduce the chances of a person having the disorder. Researchers who study the brain are coming closer to understanding what may cause ADHD. They believe that some people with ADHD don't have enough of certain chemicals, called neurotransmitter, in the brain. These chemicals help the brain control behavior. However the exact or precise cause of the disorder remains unknown. Diagnosis When diagnosing ADHD, there is no single test itself that can determine it. Deciding if a child has the disorder is a several step process, which requires the attention of different professionals as well as those surrounding the child on a daily basis. A pediatrician, Get more content on
  • 12. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also referred to as ADHD, is classified as a disorder in which a person has a difficulty focusing, over activity, and spontaneity, which typically the cases deal with children. Characteristics of ADHD include: having trouble following directions and rules, off task behavior, and not appropriate verbalizations and motor activities in settings, such as school. Therefore, researchers decided to conduct research to test the effectiveness of a weighted vests on children. Weighted vests are used by Occupational Therapists to help children with ADHD, mainly in school settings, for the child to be able to pay attention and learn effectively. The weighted vests have been known to help children with sensory stimulation, by predominating sensory stimuli, therefore reducing the rate of ADHD characteristics. However, previous research studies, five out of seven different studies, have concluded that weighted vests did not provide effective treatment for children with ADHD. After previous research conclusions, which resulted in a negative outlook on weighted vests for children with ADHD, researchers decided to retest that conclusion. Research was conducted and performed by four professors of Universities in Taiwan; the researchers were Hung–Yu Lin, Posen Lee, Wen –Dien Chang, and Fu–Yuan Hong. The overall question that these professors had was "Do weighted vests work on improving attention, impulse control, and on–task behavior in children with Get more content on
  • 13. Adults With Adhd Essay Did you know that Attention–deficit/Hyperactivity disorder is a very common mental illness, there is up to 3 million cases of adhd a year in the united states alone. ADHD is a serious mental illness and can cause many problems to your health. Such as compulsive eating, low self–esteem, substance abuse, anxiety, and chronic stress. ADHD can also affect your surroundings as well, you may lose attention in important lectures or mess up on a quiz, and it can make you misunderstand a situation socially and that can cause problems within relationships. ADHD seems to affect not only your mental health but your physical health and your relationships around you as well. After finding this information, I believe that ADHD is underdiagnosed more content... And lastly, doctors are not only afraid of giving an adult with ADHD medicine, they are also afraid of over diagnosing them which can be very costly and have negative side effects. As Psychology Today says, "Indeed, many claim that ADHD is overdiagnosed and that stimulants are overprescribed. Psychiatrists are afraid of becoming one of these doctors who "overprescribe". Despite the fact that stimulants are the standard of treatment for Adult ADD, whether or not someone has ADD should not hinge on the treatment, but instead on the proper assessment and diagnosis." (Psychology Today p.1) This shows that doctors and psychiatrists are afraid of both diagnosing and over diagnosing adults because of what the medicine will do to them and that the stimulants can cause negative side effects and can worsen a person's mental state. All this shows that doctors and psychiatrists are afraid that they will mess up on diagnosing, overdiagnose, and will end up not diagnosing a person which doesn't help avoid the problem at all. Another reason why ADHD is underdiagnosed in adults is that children are seen as more important than adults and that people believe the myth that if you treat ADHD early on, that it'll go away when the person grows up, "If left untreated in childhood or adulthood, the symptoms of Get more content on
  • 14. Adhd Misdiagnosis ADHD misdiagnosis a trend in commentary ADHD has become your dime a dozen catch all diagnosis in adolescence Understandably of course it's a money making machine between the cost of therapy, medications, and depending on the medication weekly to monthly blood draws. There's lots of money to be made off of people diagnosed with ADHD. More than that though, is that it's become sort of a trend. "Few topics have generated as much public concern as the diagnosis of attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, outpatient visits for ADHD jumped from 1.6 million to 4.2 million per year from 1990 to 1993" (ADHD–Overcoming the Specter of Overdiagnosis. (2002). ADHD more content... 1997) It is easier than ever for a less than honest individual do become aware of and learn of the symptoms of ADHD. This overabundance of coverage has led to a kind of public hysteria, parents and doctors now see ADHD around every corner. It has almost become a social norm for a child in school to have ADHD. One could argue that ADHD isn't necessarily a disorder but an unfortunate byproduct of a fast paced reward driven Society. Luckily there is hope. Recent studies have been done and new tests have been designed to help curb the tide of malingering in terms of ADHD. "The IVA CPT adequately distinguished adults with ADHD from non –ADHD" (Colleen A Quinn 2003) Many people will fake the symptoms of ADHD in order to get access to the prescriptions given to those who suffer from the disorder I say few that these medications will help give them in the edge in their work or home life. Students will sometimes take these drugs and hopes that will help them focus on the paper that there trying to write or give them that needed edge to focus on the test they are taking the next day. Either is are pursuing these drugs for recreational use they are hoping for a high off of the schedule Get more content on
  • 15. Attention Deficit Disorder Essay Attention Deficit Disorder Approximately 3–5% of all American children have an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADD is a leading cause of school failure and under–achievement. ADD characteristics often arise in early childhood. As many as 50% of children with ADD are never diagnosed. Boys significantly outnumber girls, though girls are more likely to be undiagnosed with ADD. "ADD is not an attention disorder, but a disorder of impulse control ( Seminar notes Barkeley) ." Characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder can include : Fidgeting with hands or feet , difficulty remaining seated, awaiting turns in games, following through on instructions , more content... Without enough dopamine and related catecholamines, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, the frontal lobes are under stimulated and thus unable to perform their complex functions efficiently. Attention Deficit Disorder is strongly considered genetically inherited, however, not all cases of ADD may be genetically linked. . Studies have shown that 20–30% of all hyperactive children have a least one parent with ADD. The environment is a big influence on a child during pregnancy and after. Some studies show that a small percentage of ADD cases were influenced by smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs during pregnancy. Exposure to toxins, such as lead, may also alter the brain chemistry and function. If you suspect that you are suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder you will need to discuss it with your medical doctor. In most cases the doctor will recommend that you visit a psychologist for an evaluation. The psychologist is professionally trained in human behavior and will be able to provide counseling and testing in areas related to mental health. The psychologist is not able to prescribe medication to help you, but may send you to a psychiatrist to prescribe and monitor medication. A neurologist may be consulted in order to rule out neurological conditions causing your symptoms. Your doctor will gather information about your past and Get more content on
  • 16. Adult ADHD Essay The following paper deals with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Adults. The paper will mainly focus on the symptoms of ADHD along with diagnosis of it. It will show how at least some research demonstates that adult and child ADHD are two different things and should be treated as such. In the process it will higlhight the what at times can be conflicting nature of adult ADHD research. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder in which people have trouble focusing. Individuals are generally abnormally hyper and have a hard time keeping still. Along with that they have a tendency to be impulsive and so may at times act on the hyperactivity. For example a college student suffering from it may have a more content... In addition to symptoms of ADHD being present by the age of seven the symptoms must affect the person's life in a number of settings. In addition the symptoms have to not be explained by another mental disorder. If it only occurs alongside a psychotic mood disorder it is not considered ADHD. Inattention in ADHD is classified as making easily avoidable mistakes and ignoring details, usually do to not paying attention. It can happen in any number of settings( Surman, 2013). For example an accountant suffering from some of the innatention aspects of ADHD may not notice they forget to put a decimal point in a number resulting in a much higher number then shoud have been expected. The average adult may catch the mistake but someone someone with at least part of the innatetion aspect will likely move on without a thought in the world. Hyperactivity is demonstrated by inabiltiy to sit still and the need to get up from one's seat to move around. Impulsivity shows itself in a person's inabilty to resist acting on their urges. Usually the person will jump in front of others in a conversation. the person may at random pick up things and start messing with them. For a person to be diagnosised with ADHD a number of the DSM–IV–TR's critera must be met. While symptoms of ADHD may be present early on in a person's life other criteria from the DSM may not appear until later on. This could be the result of changes in Get more content on
  • 17. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may also be known as "ADHD," is one of the most common neuro developmental disorders in today's society. Although it is usually first diagnosed in early childhood, often will last throughout adulthood. ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattentive and impulsive hyperactivity that interferes with the functioning and development of ones everyday life. To be diagnosed requires a set of comprehensive evaluations, done by a licensed clinician with expertise ADHD. Other conditions, such as learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, depression, and substance abuse are highly common in people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (Science News ADHD more content... For children sixteen and under, six or more symptoms have to be present in either inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsivity for a minimum of six months proving these actions are disruptive and inappropriate for an individuals developmental level. (Mental Disorders 5th Edition 2013) Unfortunately, Scientist have not found an exact cause for ADHD. However, they have discovered many treatment options over the years. Behavior Therapy, has been shown to be an important part of treatment for children with ADHD. The goals of Behavior Therapy are to learn and strengthen positive behavior and eliminate the unwanted problem behaviors. The therapist helps the child learn how to express their feelings in ways that do not create problems with others. This treatment should always be tried before prescribing medication. Medication can help children and adults control their disorder, to help with their everyday life. The FDA have approved multiple stimulant and non stimulant medications. Stimulants containing various forms of Methylphenidate and Amphentamine, shockingly have a calming effect on hyperactive children. It is believed to increase brain levels of dopamine, a nuero transmitter associated with motivation, attention, and movement. Amphetamine medications include, Adderall, Focalin, Get more content on
  • 18. Research Paper on Adhd RESEARCH PAPER ON ADHD Abstract Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral development disorder among children. In the United States there are at least 2 million grade school children that are diagnosed with the disorder (Dupper, 2003). ADHD is determined to be one of the most common development disorders in children (Barlow & Durand, 2009). This paper will discuss the different aspects of ADHD, its symptoms, common traits, and the known treatments being used by clinicians. Moreover, the paper will also touch on the important things to consider when dealing with ADHD, particularly in the area of social work. By doing so, it will determine why social work should be an integral part of the diagnosis more content... To get a clearer picture of the disorder, APA subdivided the symptoms according to its three most important traits, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). As most of the symptoms of ADHD may typically be present in normal behavioral development, APA established that only when six or more of the symptoms are present in a child can he or she be considered as suffering from ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Furthermore, the child should also exhibit these symptoms within a period of 6 months or more to completely confirm the occurrence of the disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Inattention is one of the distinguishable traits of ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). A child suffering from the symptoms of inattention in ADHD would probably lag behind schoolwork, have problems with communicating, and would struggle with cognitive activities like reading and comprehension. APA listed a total of 9 symptoms that are crucial to identifying ADHD in children (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Following is the list of these symptoms and their brief explanation: 1) Oftentimes a child will fail to give close attention to details (American Psychiatric Association, 20000. Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On ADHD In Children ADHD in Children 1 Attention–deficity hyperactivity disorder formerly known as (ADHD) is neurobehavioral Condition that interferes with a person's ability to pay attention and exercise age appropriate Inhibition. ADHD usually becomes apparent in children during preschool and early childhood Years. "It's your job to figure out what ADHD is". (F. Xavier Castellanus, M.D. (From the Quarterly, September, 2016). This paper will discuss ADHD in children. It will include the causes, diagnoses and treatments. Children may show one or all of the three behavioral subtypes of ADHD: inattention, more content... To diagnose a child a full physical exam, including vision and hearing. The FDA has approved the use of the neuropsychiatric EEG– Based Assessment Aid (NEBA) system, a noninvasive scan that measures theta and beta brain waves. These theta/beta ratio has been shown to be higher in children and adolescents with ADHD than in children without it. Scan is approved for use in those aged 6 to 17 years, is meant to be used as a part of a complete medical and psychological exam. Causes of ADHD. ADHD is neurological disorder and research has indicated that it may be due to alterations in the brain and the way it functions. The causes of those differences are not fully known, but family a twin studies show reveal ADHD is genetic. Parents who had ADHD as a child also have a child with the disorder. Study shows between 10 percent and 35 percent of children with ADHD have a close relative with ADHD. Families of children with ADHD show that relatives are at high risk for ADHD, other psychiatric disorders and learning abilities. Treatment plans may include special programs, psychological intervention, and drug treatment. Get more content on
  • 20. Adhd In Children Essay ADHD or attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder is often diagnosed after a child or adult has behaviors that are disruptive to their school, social or work situations. There are a two types of ADHD. One is marked by hyperactivity while the other is not. It can be tough to diagnose ADHD in children because the symptoms are often mistaken for normal kid–like behavior. ADHD Symptoms in Children Inattention Children who are unable to concentrate in school, miss homework assignments or are unable to interact with classmates can be suffering from inattention. This is a symptom of ADHD. Hyperactivity A child who is hyperactive is constantly in motion. They are fidgeting, talking or moving at inappropriate times. They always seem to interrupt as if they can't sit still and wait to be called upon in class. more content... It can occur as a result of alcohol use and cigarette smoking during pregnancy Treatment for ADHD Adults and Children One of the most common types of ADHD treatment is the use of medications. Stimulants are often used to relieve the symptoms of ADHD like inattention and distracted thinking. The stimulants increase the chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine that have an impact on that area of the brain.
  • 21. In other people with ADHD, non–stimulants are more effective. They'll improve focus, impulsivity and inattention. Anyone with ADHD has to be under the care and supervision of a doctor or therapist to make sure they are taking the correct medication. It can take a few tries to find the right medication to treat a particular person. ADHD in adults and children must be diagnosed before it can be treated. It can often be quite difficult to diagnose because everyone occasionally has issues with inattention and impulsivity. After diagnosis, treatment can consist of therapy as well as medications to treat Get more content on