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Personal Leadership Model Essay
Personal Model of Leadership
Natasha Velez
Grand Canyon University
PSC–410 Servant Leadership
August 30, 2010 Personal Leadership Model In order to respond to society and the world it must begin with a decision to act in the true sense of
the word leadership. There is no right or wrong model of leadership and to make a better world, society needs a variety of leadership models in
place. In other words, leadership doesn't have to be a formal, exalted position. It is rather as the definition states: taking actions in any setting which
will bring about change by motivating others (Millard, 2008). Furthermore the group does not have to be a formal group to accomplish a common goal more content...
No one likes to be talked down to or disrespected, so in return members of our team treat each other's fairly and with the upmost respect. Team building
activities improves and reduces conflicts between team members, increase awareness of each individual's worth and usefulness, as well as bonding and
binding the team together for the common good of the organization (Rose 2010). Lastly the commitment to CSR I will only do business with those that
support and promote this responsibility.
Having an organization in which everyone is committed to finishing the job will have great value. Working in a team based organization will help
members not only respect one another but also provide members to recognize each members worth or contributions. It is possible to achieve success
the demanding market without compromising one's ethical principles yet it can be down by promoting corporate social responsibility.
As I continue to explore life and the many different leadership models I understand things may change. Yet, I hold true to my values now.
Rose, C (2010). What's the pupose of team building. Retrieved August 29, 2010, from
Millard,B (2008). A New Look at Leadership Retrieved August 29, 2010, from
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Personal Leadership Development Plan Essay
Personal Leadership Development Plan An effective leader must have a plan for success. This includes a personal plan of growth as well as a
professional plan for improvement. This paper will attempt to highlight my personal strengths and weaknesses as leader, identify the areas needed
for improvement, and identify the leadership skills and practices that I will use to become an effective leader. This paper will also give an outline of
the goals that I consider a priority and a timeline for this development. The overall result will be an inclusive leadership plan of development that I
will use to grow myself as well as any organization that I work for in the future. The assessments in the text allowed clear insight into more
This can range from providing meeting itineraries to giving follow up emails that ties together all the information presented. Having tangible and well
organized material can help others to work towards the same goals. I will work with my subordinates to formulate and achieve their personal goals.
Other strengths that I exhibit include being structured, responsible, articulate, task–oriented, determined, confident, effective planner, visionary, and
possessing the ability to manage resources effectively. Being structured allows me to set parameters that we can all work within to achieve the
overall company goals. Structure builds bonds and a sense of cohesiveness in the workplace. This type of unity will be necessary for the success of
the organization. We can all work towards common goals if clear goals are outlined for everyone. The other strengths will all work together as well.
Combining these skills will allow me to have followers that are knowledgeable and eager to embark on the journey to achieving the company's goals.
This will involve utilize my resource management skills effectively as well. This simply involves fully using the resources I have in a healthy way.
Each one has something different to contribute and I should embrace and encourage these differences so that each one will feel that they are valuable.
These positive attributes will enhance the work relationship that I have with my subordinates because they will see that they
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Personal Philosophy of Leadership Essay
Personal Philosophy of Leadership
Being a leader is more than simply holding a leadership position or having the ability to lead. Everyone is capable of being a leader, but not everyone
exercises his or her leadership abilities. Each person's idea of leadership is different. My idea of leadership has developed over time, and being a
member of the President's Leadership Class has helped me develop my philosophy of leadership further than what it was two months ago. My personal
philosophy of leadership is the ability to effect change through leading by example, taking initiative, and encouraging others.
There have been many things that have affected my philosophy of leadership. Something that has affected me as a leader is my values. more
There have also been people who have motivated me to be a leader, especially my high school orchestra director. At the end of my junior year, my
director called me into his office and told me he would be moving me from the first violin section to the second violin section. He said he knew I
was quiet in the back of the first violin section, but he could see I possessed the leadership skills necessary to sit in the front of the second violin
section. This really motivated me to try and make him proud the next year at the front of the section. Many different aspects of my life have affected
my leadership philosophy.
I want others to be able to see my leadership philosophy at work. To do this, it is important that I be able to connect with those I seek to lead, as "The
Relational Leadership Model" states, "Relationships are the focal point of the leadership process" (Komives, Lucas, & McMahon, p. 74). One way
I hope to develop a relationship with my followers is by "Modeling the Way" (Kouzes, Posner, 2008). I will do this by clarifying my values and leading
by example. Clarifying values is important because "To earn and sustain personal credibility, one must be able to clearly articulate deeply held beliefs"
(Kouzes, Posner, 2008, p. 29). By clarifying my values, those I seek to lead will understand my mission and will believe I have a goal in mind.
Leading by
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Personal Leadership Statement Essay
Is a leader as defined in the Merriam–Webster's Dictionary, merely one who leads– synonymous with a boss? Or something more? I believe that a
leader is much more than that and can be defined in any number of ways. In attempting to define a leader personally, I will use both myself and
others as examples. For many years, I have been told by teachers, family, and friends that I am a good leader. Until fairly recently, I had never truly
thought about what it means to be a good leader and just took it as a compliment. Leadership is an intangible concept which cannot be properly
outlined in a dictionary, but one which must be formed and explained only through one's own philosophies and experiences. Perhaps the most important more content...
A well–researched knowledge–base is a necessity. Organization is also key to being a leader. A leader must plan thoroughly to properly direct the
group. Even though careful planning is crucial, a leader must remain flexible when problems arise. Remaining humble is also important. Once a
leader raises her/himself above the group, s/he will lose respect and will be seen as a ruler – and not a leader. A leader must see eye–to–eye with the
group to retain an effective role. To manage the needs of the group, a leader must be trusting enough to allow others to help. If a leader makes all
the decisions without the group's input, or does not allow the group an active role, the group will no longer agree with the leader and will not feel
valued. The leader's effectiveness and respect form the group will the drop. The group must also trust the leader to make wise decisions. Despite the
fact that these qualities are mostly seen when leading a cause, they can be extended to other roles of leadership. Generally, a leader will either be
given a leadership role, or will create one. For instance, I frequently volunteer at a nature center in my community. Because I possess the leadership
qualities mentioned earlier, I have become someone who people approach with questions and for direction. In effect, I have been assigned a leadership
role which I had not been
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Leadership Personal Statement Examples
Personal Statement#1 Not everyone is born to be a leader, but many become leaders. Similarly, to a way that I improved my leadership skill by
learning from my mistakes. One day after school, my leadership skills were tested when I was left babysitting my younger sisters. Although, at this
time I considered myself a responsible person, I lived through an experience that I will never forget and I will always forever carry with me and
remind me that, as a leader, everyone should receive attention, and as leader I need to be attentive of everyone. When my I was watching my sister, I
was their leader, and I wasn't as attentive. Even though, I wasn't as attentive as I should have been I was able to prevent a horrific event. I was able to
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Personal Leadership Definition
My definition of leadership is to have the ability and knowledge to step in and assist others when needed. My abilities to be interpersonal, trust, and
having the ability to be approachable are my strengths. Trust, Respect, Family, Honesty/Integrity and Loyalty are personal values that I am
passionate about. Trusting one another in this organization is second to none. I have to trust my shipmates and believe I can depend on them on
whatever hazard we face. With trust comes Honest/Integrity, I am willing to admit when I am in the wrong and expect the same from my shipmates.
No matter how big or small the mistake is I have to know my shipmate will own up to it and move forward and continue the mission. The Coast
Guard and my fellow shipmates are my Family. Many of us are so far away from our families we have more content...
These influences vary from peers, supervisors and managers. My first Chief, MKC Sanders, made a huge impact in my first years in the Coast
Guard. He had a presence about him that displayed his honest, trust and respect. I had many conversations with him and he respected me as a
human being first and made sure I knew he was there to help me succeed in my career and my personal goals. The next influential person in my
career was a fellow Chief. I met him at the first unit I was assigned to as a new Chief. He taught me to care for your junior enlisted as if they were
your kids. Be there for them whenever in need, but hold them accountable for any mistakes they make and praise them when appropriate. The last
influential shipmate was a fellow Senior Chief who I had the privilege to spend the last year of his career with. When we first met we disagreed on
minor situations but later discovered our disagreements had the same results at the end. We had different outlook on life and work but had the same
goal. We fed off each other's ideas which helped us grow with our personal lives as well as
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Personal Leadership Philosophy : Ethics
Through careful consideration and an internal evaluation of myself I have been able to determine my core leadership principle; at the foundation of
my leadership philosophy is ethics. I believe it essential to be an ethical leader because it establishes the key building blocks of a strong relationship
between leaders and subordinates, which in turn allows for the implementation of my personal leadership style–transformational. As defined by
Webster's Dictionary ethics are: "involving questions of right and wrong behavior," (Merriam–Webster, 2016). As a leader I believe it is important to
have a strong ethical grounding as it allows you to conduct personal behaviour and actions in acceptable means. As an aspiring leader in the
Canadian armed forces I believe I have two strengths to support my core philosophy. They are honesty and moral, both traits I believe help to make
me an ethical leader. Another two important aspects needed in being an ethical leader are consistency and empathy, which I believe as a soon to be
leader are two traits I need to improve. These four traits surrounding my leadership philosophy help to drive my personally employed leadership
concept through the leader–member exchange theory. At the foundation of my leadership philosophy is leading ethically, which allows me to utilize
the transformational theory to solidify my leadership principle. I believe the above named aspects of leadership are all vital to being a strong leader in
the Canadian Armed
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Reflective Essay On Personal Leadership
Over the past three weeks I have learned a lot about myself; specifically, that I have a lot of developing that I need to do so that I can become the
leader that I need to be. As an Air Force leader, it is my responsibility to guide and grow Airmen into future leaders. I plan to find myself to be a
transformational leader who can positively influence my subordinates, peers, and my supervisors. Over the next three to five years, I plan on
developing myself into a transformational leader by using the different leadership styles that I have written about in my prior Personal Leadership
Development Plans. I plan on building a better bond with my subordinates and my leaders. I will also utilize the knowledge that I learned from these
modules to develop my Airmen into future leaders. After completing the Electronic Self Assessment of Leadership Behavior (e–SALB), I found that I
scored very low in the Transformation Leadership portion. In fact, I scored the lowest in the Individual Leadership style. Over the next three to five
years I plan on cultivating my behavior to better match this type of leader. It is important that my subordinates trust me as their supervisor. I plan on
gaining confidence by giving them more responsibility in the department and by trusting them to complete those duties. Also, I will give proper
constructive feedback to my subordinates and peers. To become the transformational leader that I want to be, I will need to mentor and coach my
Airmen by actively listening to their individual needs. I will also need to learn to take into consideration their feelings on issues. Utilizing this
individualized leadership approach will establish a stable relationship between my subordinates and me. In developing myself into a transformational
leader, I will use the Cognitive Development module to learn more about my subordinates and how I can influence them to do a better job than they
already are. I plan to be more flexible when my Airmen approach me with personal issues. Also, I will teach my Airmen that curiosity is a good thing,
especially when it comes to problem–solving. In the next three to five years, I plan on learning about Air Force doctrine and to seek education on
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Personal Statement : Personal Leadership Essay
I am still trying to figure out who I am and where I fit into the world of working. Attempting to discover what I enjoy as well as my strengths and
weaknesses has been a constant struggle for me. According to Greg Thomas, "every positive and healthy change that has ever occurred in human
civilization has only come about by great struggle" (2011, p. 3). In the future, I hope this pays off for me. As a future leader, it is essential for me
to evaluate the skills I currently possess and what skills I must strive to acquire. Personal leadership is not only the aspect of leadership that is the
easiest to control, but it is also the most important to me. In my eyes, the most difficult aspect of personal leadership is "establishing a clear path"
(Thomas, 2011, p. 3). I have developed many short term goals for myself, like finishing school. However, my long–term goals are very vague due to
not knowing where I ultimately want to end up. For example, I want a job I enjoy doing. Unfortunately, I cannot specifically say what job that is
or even what field it is in. The other area of personal leadership that is a weakness for me is a "lasting legacy" (Thomas, 2011, p. 6). This is not
something I am focused on or will ever be focused on. I know it is something that will either happen or not happen. For right now, I am focused on
me and what I need to do to better myself. I have many strengths as a personal leader. I believe "that there is a spiritual element to life"
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Personal Leadership Essay
June 5, 2011
Module 1
Reflection Paper – Leadership
By Jason Fagerquist
Leadership is difficult to define. Leadership is a concept that probably carries many different reactions with many different kinds of people. However,
we all feel we know good leadership when we see it, and we can often tell when good leadership is missing by the way a team or organization struggles
without it. Ask yourself, Are you willing to do absolutely anything for the common good for your employer, your teammate, your family, your friend?
I feel that the following can identify effective leadership: Mission, Values, Planning and goal–setting, Delegating authority, Team building, Giving
feedback, Coaching team members, Motivating people, more content...
This is where teamwork comes into play.
Team Building: Establishing trust, playing to individual strengths, encouraging people to work together. Before this can happen, you must access
your employee's goals along with the businesses. There needs to be a baseline to work from, so your assessment of your employees should help
measure the employee's abilities and behavior. Some items to look for would be accountability, ability to be a problem solver, decision making, pride,
determination, etc. Putting the right steps in place will help promote a positive change in the workforce. Things that worked in the past may not work
in today's world. But, is your co–worker there to help balance the constant teeter totter or roller coaster? From the movie "What Women Want" with
Mel Gibson, there was a comment, 2 heads are better than 1 and so forth, I think this says it all with creating a successful team. Everybody has different
tools that they are better at than their fellow employees, but combining them, creates a solid foundation.
Giving feedback: Constructive, concise and timely feedback is essential to each team member's success, and to the success of the team as a whole. The
feedback should be specific, focused and based on observation. When providing this feedback, turn it into a personal conversation by using "I" at the
beginning of each statement or comment. The last thing someone wants to
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Personal Leadership Profile Paper
When taking the two leadership surveys, it was interesting to see my personal leadership profile. My leadership style according to the survey is the
instructional type, which in another world is direct leadership. My culture, upbringing, and work environment have transformed me to be direct leaders
that are looking for stability. My staff members sadly do not have the opportunity to have a job that is autonomy; working in a manufacturing
occupation, one has an organize agenda that cannot be deviated from the task ahead. When team members are needing help or trying to build the
familiarity to run their equipment my personal leadership profile can be helpful, since being direct is a starting point to build knowledge. The more one
individual shows knowledge, familiar, and passionate for their own results, the further laissez–faire I will become when proving more
The more information one has to understand leadership the further one will be able to go in one's career. Leadership is not easy, one has to have the
ability and buy in of the team to be successful in any project.
Conflict can be complex to understand when aggression happens in a group organization. When looking at group dynamics in any vocation, adaptive
conflict can be acceptable in a group. What is conflict, one would ask? Conflict is a disagreement with an individual, it can also be an argument with a
person. Disagreements in any workgroup can be effective or ineffective.
The conflict that is flexible and encourages creativity, innovation or open–mindedness can create a healthy work environment. The adaptive conflict
has the opportunity to challenge group thinking. It can push a dynamic group to create a different paradigm of a business. The further new thinking
one has, the more innovation the team can be. A system that has the ability to manage and encourage honorable conflict by discovering and opening
new doors can be career
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PERSONAL LEADERSHIP PORTRAIT Developing an effective leadership style requires one to become aware of their strengths and weakness
when operating in the role of a servant leader. Identifying personal preference can assist with better aligning expectations and goals that one would
like to see demonstrated in those they lead. Taking on the role as a servant leader requires patience, understanding, and most importantly compassion
for others. As a servant leader he or she should always consider ways to make the organization or agency better as a whole. This paper will identify one
leadership theory or style that best aligns with my own personal thoughts of what leadership means. This paper will provide information as it pertains to more content...
Transformational Leadership style is a leadership style which focuses on the importance of the personal development of others. Transformational
leadership motivates and inspires others to operate to their full potential. Transformational leadership places more focus on improving the overall group
performance than singling out just one individual. Transformational leadership is demonstrated in those who provide inspiration to others as well as
positive role modeling for those they come in contact with. Transformational leadership best aligns with my own personal thoughts, feelings, and style
of leadership when serving others. Transformational leaders transform followers by transforming follower's values and beliefs (Bradley &
Leadership Characteristics As serving in the role of a public service leader my ability to remain compassionate and helpful when interacting with others
has enabled me to help create and foster a peaceful environment within my organization. Understanding that everyone has their own special gifts and
talents has assisted me with better understanding one's abilities, strengths and weaknesses. In the field of public service, it is very important that
servant leaders encourage others to rise to every occasion both personally and professionally. Being an advocate for growth, change, and humility can
ignite the passion and love for the human services filed in others.
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Personal Leadership
Personal Leadership
Introduction For the past couples of month, I have gained a lot of knowledge and learnt about leadership and its challenges. Through the innumerable
discussions, case studies, lectures and readings, I got to acquaint myself with the various leadership challenges and the ways leaders can rectify and
develop pragmatic solution top the leadership problems. As an individual with a desire to become a top CEO in a listed company, I got interested in
the topic of leadership as I felt it prepared me for the future daunting task that I am likely to face should my dream come true. Various leadership
lessons leant in this unit made my learning enjoyable and practical.
Discussion The first leadership lesson learnt was the difference of being a leader and that of being in leadership position. Most people including those
who have management classes have still failed to comprehend the difference between a leader and those who are not leaders but are in the leadership
position. From my studies, I got to learn that leadership is an act of influencing others more than they influence you in order to achieve organization
goals ADDIN EN.CITE Kouzes2002127(Kouzes & Posner, 2002)1271276Kouzes, J. M., Posner, B. Z.The Leadership Challenge (3rd ed.)2002San
FranciscoJossey–Bass( HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "Kouzes, 2002 #127" Kouzes & Posner, 2002). The influence that a real leader should have is
that which enhances the performance of the organization and not those that
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Essay on Personal Leadership
Personal Leadership Profile
Few skills are more important to self–improvement than being able to take a step back and honestly evaluate you. Self–reflection allows you to expose
problems early, before they become too painful to ignore. Unfortunately, honest self–evaluation is one of the hardest skills to master. People tend to be
self–serving in their thoughts. For most people, self–reflection involves looking into a mirror, with all the information warped and distorted until it
barely resembles reality. True self–evaluation is challenging, and requires you to be open to "see" your strengths and weaknesses, and to develop a
plan of action to develop those areas that are lacking. Preparedness for the hard truth is required. more content...
Meet monthly alone. |from each person. | | | | |
|b. Ask about |Schedule for each | | | | |
|accomplishmentschallenges and |person | | | | |
|issues | | | | | |
|Conduct basic training: |Training Materials | | |Complete by 6/15/09 – | |
|Interpersonal Communications |Training Schedule | | |First Training | |
|Conflict Management
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My Personal Leadership Model Of Leadership Essay
Introduction I believe that at any person with leadership skills has the potential in becoming a good leader. I also believe a person can lead if he or she
has good core values view of the world. One core value from each level including individual, between–people, organizational, and social, showing how
individuals are acting towards the values others. These values help to complete my personal model of leadership, and how I conducted myself as a
leader when I was in a leadership role (Smith, 2005). Individual
In building my personal leadership model, to begin integrity is the most powerful value that I had when facing my team members. These qualities
incorporate moral judgment, character, and honesty. Furthermore, when honest and good human quality wholeness or completeness of my individual
values, deserving people 's trust because of honesty, will set a new foundation for others who want to follow. In following through my qualities but
treating others is important to me especially if they are my family members or team members. For me as a leader, I will always communicate with my
team members and feel confident about any business decisions that I might make. And also integrate leadership model consisting of Conscious
Leadership, self–awareness, team awareness and community–awareness ( Grayeb, 2014). Furthermore, my behaviors will set an example for my team
members in reference to telling about my values to others. In addition, my team members will
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My Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay
According to Webster's Dictionary, leadership is the power or ability to lead other people, the act or instance of leading. I believe that Leadership
is an art, the art to get others to follow and accomplish a common goal or task in a harmonic manner. A leader can be shown in all kinds of shapes
and forms. To be a great leader many people believe it consists of modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, and
encouraging the heart. Over the course of me learning how to become a better leader and being in leadership roles, I've learned that all these are very
necessary to be a great leader. The person you least expect can be a leader in their on right. We have great world leaders such as our President Barack more content...
With having such a demanding major, you can sometimes find yourself getting down and becoming stressed. I have had to experience teamwork of
all forms through out my eighteen years and faith has defiantly gotten me through. I was once told "faith begins where your comfort zone ends."
With my career goal is to become a nurse; just not ole any nurse, a great one. My strengths are very important to have. Faith is needed to help get
through tough days and to also spiritually help your patients. I feel like whenever you do a task it should be done with integrity. Being a nurse, you
have to be strong–minded and also able to heal and comfort mentally, emotionally, and physically, all great signs of a leader. You always have to
remember that you can't always do everything alone. Teamwork is very important in the healthcare field. Each job is important and is connected to
one another. Communication is the key to many careers and very important to nursing because you have to build positive relationships with the
people and patients around you. Growth should never end. Becoming better in what you do is always important in becoming a better you. I would
say for me to work better at having ambition, I should try to trust more and be more positive. I should also remain focus on my common clear goals.
My Career of choice is to become a Registered Nurse. The jobs includes details in administering medicines to patients, cleaning and
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My Personal Leadership Style
A Disc Assessment is an excellent tool to obtain an individual personality trait. It can disclose information one may or may not have known about
themselves. In my case I discovered I have a blend of Cautious, Supportive, and Dominant trait. This explains why I see myself as a Democratic,
Authoritative, and an Affiliative leader. On the DISC assessment it describes me as careful person and one that strive for excellence. Additionally, I
look for results and enjoy work alongside my teammates. In my current position, the Democratic and Affiliative approach has helped me to address any
conflict or disagreements. Also, having certain power within the company provided me with the authority to put a plan into action that would benefit
the company and keep the employees motivated in the workplace. The three–leadership style is an advantage as I can use any one or all three on any
one or more employees with different more content...
I have been the phone operator, receptionist, biller, etc. For the last 12 years, I have been the office coordinator. This being said, I would like to
continue to work in the medical field as an office manager, supervisor, or as an administrator. I find it rewarding helping others feel better but I would
like to have a little more authority to affect change in peoples lives both employees and patients. I know with my experience in the medical field along
with my personality, it can help me achieve the job I seek. By utilizing my interpersonal and organizational skills, ability to multi–task, and the gift of
being detailed– oriented, I can put together a strategy plan to guide my step towards that goal. The ability to treat everyone with respect, being honest
and confident will help me to accomplishing the job I would like to see myself
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Personal Leadership Research Paper
Personal leadership can be simply defined as the leadership of self. In other words, is the ability to direct ones leadership towards their life and lead
by first leading themselves. Although this definition covers the general essence of what personal leadership is in general, my definition is a little
more specific in what it entails. I define personal leadership as the ability to gain stable independence while leading others by example. Therefore, my
definition of personal leadership exemplifies the ideas of independence, stability, and serving as an example. Independence is a state of being in control
of ones life without having to consult ideas and actions with others. With independence comes establishing and following rules made by
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In order to have strong personal leadership skills one must have a strong sense of stability within them and this comes from commitment. One must
commit to themselves by following rules that they made for themselves and sticking to the standards that come with the rules. For instance, if one
promises to not hang out with friends until all of their school work is done, they have set a standard for themselves that say school comes first, which
will ultimately help them excel academically. Commitment to self establishes stability in personal leadership like commitment to a partner establishes
stability within a relationship. It is easier to lead oneself when one can commit to rules that can help them reach their goals. In addition, serving as an
example is significant in developing strong personal leadership. Serving as an example for those the follow is established when one has strong
personal leadership skills because they basically begin to lead by starting with themselves. For instance, a wise man once made a whole song about
starting with the man in the mirror in order to make a change within the world. Therefore, one must lead them onto the right path before they can
attempt to lead
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Personal Leadership Philosophy Examples
1.The opportunity to positively affect the careers and lives of those I work alongside is one of the greatest privileges and responsibilities that I
have. As a Boatswains Mate I've been fortunate to be in the presence of some great leaders; they defined leadership through their actions, not words.
They epitomized the Core Values and expected the same from the crew. The bottom line was that they cared, respected, trusted us and empowered us
to become the leader we wanted to be and more importantly the leader the service needs us to be so that we can continue our Service to Nation, Duty
to People and Mission Excellence. As an Officer in Charge (OIC) I'm afforded a unique opportunity as an enlisted leader of a unit. Responsibility and
accountability cannot be delegated and the repercussions of betraying those duties will have far lasting effects on not only the unit but also the
members who were impacted by negative leadership and inconsistent alignment of values. My personal leadership philosophy, which has been drafted
and revised numerous times throughout my career, now serves as my Command Philosophy: Family, Readiness and Mission Excellence.
2.Family: To realize our personal and professional goals, both individually and as a unit we must embrace one another as a family. This more
Mission Excellence: Regardless of our unit or assigned missions we all serve in areas where we are relied on for a service. As senior leaders it is
our duty to ensure that our crews are properly outfitted and trained to complete all missions. It is our duty to instill the qualities of teamwork,
discipline and shared values amongst the crew. Through training and disciplined initiative, we empower our crews through positive leadership to
possess the skills and proficiency needed to ensure Mission Excellence. Accepting anything less would be a disservice to the communities in which
we live and work and the aspects of what a Chief Petty Officer is: Leader, Mentor and Technical
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Personal Leadership Model Essay

  • 1. Personal Leadership Model Essay Running head: PERSONAL MODEL OF LEADERSHIP Personal Model of Leadership Natasha Velez Grand Canyon University PSC–410 Servant Leadership August 30, 2010 Personal Leadership Model In order to respond to society and the world it must begin with a decision to act in the true sense of the word leadership. There is no right or wrong model of leadership and to make a better world, society needs a variety of leadership models in place. In other words, leadership doesn't have to be a formal, exalted position. It is rather as the definition states: taking actions in any setting which will bring about change by motivating others (Millard, 2008). Furthermore the group does not have to be a formal group to accomplish a common goal more content... No one likes to be talked down to or disrespected, so in return members of our team treat each other's fairly and with the upmost respect. Team building activities improves and reduces conflicts between team members, increase awareness of each individual's worth and usefulness, as well as bonding and binding the team together for the common good of the organization (Rose 2010). Lastly the commitment to CSR I will only do business with those that support and promote this responsibility. Impact Having an organization in which everyone is committed to finishing the job will have great value. Working in a team based organization will help members not only respect one another but also provide members to recognize each members worth or contributions. It is possible to achieve success the demanding market without compromising one's ethical principles yet it can be down by promoting corporate social responsibility. As I continue to explore life and the many different leadership models I understand things may change. Yet, I hold true to my values now. References Rose, C (2010). What's the pupose of team building. Retrieved August 29, 2010, from /?Whats–the–Purpose–of–Team–Building–Activities?&id=2077478 Millard,B (2008). A New Look at Leadership Retrieved August 29, 2010, from
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  • 3. Personal Leadership Development Plan Essay Personal Leadership Development Plan An effective leader must have a plan for success. This includes a personal plan of growth as well as a professional plan for improvement. This paper will attempt to highlight my personal strengths and weaknesses as leader, identify the areas needed for improvement, and identify the leadership skills and practices that I will use to become an effective leader. This paper will also give an outline of the goals that I consider a priority and a timeline for this development. The overall result will be an inclusive leadership plan of development that I will use to grow myself as well as any organization that I work for in the future. The assessments in the text allowed clear insight into more content... This can range from providing meeting itineraries to giving follow up emails that ties together all the information presented. Having tangible and well organized material can help others to work towards the same goals. I will work with my subordinates to formulate and achieve their personal goals. Other strengths that I exhibit include being structured, responsible, articulate, task–oriented, determined, confident, effective planner, visionary, and possessing the ability to manage resources effectively. Being structured allows me to set parameters that we can all work within to achieve the overall company goals. Structure builds bonds and a sense of cohesiveness in the workplace. This type of unity will be necessary for the success of the organization. We can all work towards common goals if clear goals are outlined for everyone. The other strengths will all work together as well. Combining these skills will allow me to have followers that are knowledgeable and eager to embark on the journey to achieving the company's goals. This will involve utilize my resource management skills effectively as well. This simply involves fully using the resources I have in a healthy way. Each one has something different to contribute and I should embrace and encourage these differences so that each one will feel that they are valuable. These positive attributes will enhance the work relationship that I have with my subordinates because they will see that they Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Philosophy of Leadership Essay Personal Philosophy of Leadership Being a leader is more than simply holding a leadership position or having the ability to lead. Everyone is capable of being a leader, but not everyone exercises his or her leadership abilities. Each person's idea of leadership is different. My idea of leadership has developed over time, and being a member of the President's Leadership Class has helped me develop my philosophy of leadership further than what it was two months ago. My personal philosophy of leadership is the ability to effect change through leading by example, taking initiative, and encouraging others. There have been many things that have affected my philosophy of leadership. Something that has affected me as a leader is my values. more content... There have also been people who have motivated me to be a leader, especially my high school orchestra director. At the end of my junior year, my director called me into his office and told me he would be moving me from the first violin section to the second violin section. He said he knew I was quiet in the back of the first violin section, but he could see I possessed the leadership skills necessary to sit in the front of the second violin section. This really motivated me to try and make him proud the next year at the front of the section. Many different aspects of my life have affected my leadership philosophy. I want others to be able to see my leadership philosophy at work. To do this, it is important that I be able to connect with those I seek to lead, as "The Relational Leadership Model" states, "Relationships are the focal point of the leadership process" (Komives, Lucas, & McMahon, p. 74). One way I hope to develop a relationship with my followers is by "Modeling the Way" (Kouzes, Posner, 2008). I will do this by clarifying my values and leading by example. Clarifying values is important because "To earn and sustain personal credibility, one must be able to clearly articulate deeply held beliefs" (Kouzes, Posner, 2008, p. 29). By clarifying my values, those I seek to lead will understand my mission and will believe I have a goal in mind. Leading by Get more content on
  • 5. Personal Leadership Statement Essay Is a leader as defined in the Merriam–Webster's Dictionary, merely one who leads– synonymous with a boss? Or something more? I believe that a leader is much more than that and can be defined in any number of ways. In attempting to define a leader personally, I will use both myself and others as examples. For many years, I have been told by teachers, family, and friends that I am a good leader. Until fairly recently, I had never truly thought about what it means to be a good leader and just took it as a compliment. Leadership is an intangible concept which cannot be properly outlined in a dictionary, but one which must be formed and explained only through one's own philosophies and experiences. Perhaps the most important more content... A well–researched knowledge–base is a necessity. Organization is also key to being a leader. A leader must plan thoroughly to properly direct the group. Even though careful planning is crucial, a leader must remain flexible when problems arise. Remaining humble is also important. Once a leader raises her/himself above the group, s/he will lose respect and will be seen as a ruler – and not a leader. A leader must see eye–to–eye with the group to retain an effective role. To manage the needs of the group, a leader must be trusting enough to allow others to help. If a leader makes all the decisions without the group's input, or does not allow the group an active role, the group will no longer agree with the leader and will not feel valued. The leader's effectiveness and respect form the group will the drop. The group must also trust the leader to make wise decisions. Despite the fact that these qualities are mostly seen when leading a cause, they can be extended to other roles of leadership. Generally, a leader will either be given a leadership role, or will create one. For instance, I frequently volunteer at a nature center in my community. Because I possess the leadership qualities mentioned earlier, I have become someone who people approach with questions and for direction. In effect, I have been assigned a leadership role which I had not been Get more content on
  • 6. Leadership Personal Statement Examples Personal Statement#1 Not everyone is born to be a leader, but many become leaders. Similarly, to a way that I improved my leadership skill by learning from my mistakes. One day after school, my leadership skills were tested when I was left babysitting my younger sisters. Although, at this time I considered myself a responsible person, I lived through an experience that I will never forget and I will always forever carry with me and remind me that, as a leader, everyone should receive attention, and as leader I need to be attentive of everyone. When my I was watching my sister, I was their leader, and I wasn't as attentive. Even though, I wasn't as attentive as I should have been I was able to prevent a horrific event. I was able to prevent Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Leadership Definition My definition of leadership is to have the ability and knowledge to step in and assist others when needed. My abilities to be interpersonal, trust, and having the ability to be approachable are my strengths. Trust, Respect, Family, Honesty/Integrity and Loyalty are personal values that I am passionate about. Trusting one another in this organization is second to none. I have to trust my shipmates and believe I can depend on them on whatever hazard we face. With trust comes Honest/Integrity, I am willing to admit when I am in the wrong and expect the same from my shipmates. No matter how big or small the mistake is I have to know my shipmate will own up to it and move forward and continue the mission. The Coast Guard and my fellow shipmates are my Family. Many of us are so far away from our families we have more content... These influences vary from peers, supervisors and managers. My first Chief, MKC Sanders, made a huge impact in my first years in the Coast Guard. He had a presence about him that displayed his honest, trust and respect. I had many conversations with him and he respected me as a human being first and made sure I knew he was there to help me succeed in my career and my personal goals. The next influential person in my career was a fellow Chief. I met him at the first unit I was assigned to as a new Chief. He taught me to care for your junior enlisted as if they were your kids. Be there for them whenever in need, but hold them accountable for any mistakes they make and praise them when appropriate. The last influential shipmate was a fellow Senior Chief who I had the privilege to spend the last year of his career with. When we first met we disagreed on minor situations but later discovered our disagreements had the same results at the end. We had different outlook on life and work but had the same goal. We fed off each other's ideas which helped us grow with our personal lives as well as Get more content on
  • 8. Personal Leadership Philosophy : Ethics Through careful consideration and an internal evaluation of myself I have been able to determine my core leadership principle; at the foundation of my leadership philosophy is ethics. I believe it essential to be an ethical leader because it establishes the key building blocks of a strong relationship between leaders and subordinates, which in turn allows for the implementation of my personal leadership style–transformational. As defined by Webster's Dictionary ethics are: "involving questions of right and wrong behavior," (Merriam–Webster, 2016). As a leader I believe it is important to have a strong ethical grounding as it allows you to conduct personal behaviour and actions in acceptable means. As an aspiring leader in the Canadian armed forces I believe I have two strengths to support my core philosophy. They are honesty and moral, both traits I believe help to make me an ethical leader. Another two important aspects needed in being an ethical leader are consistency and empathy, which I believe as a soon to be leader are two traits I need to improve. These four traits surrounding my leadership philosophy help to drive my personally employed leadership concept through the leader–member exchange theory. At the foundation of my leadership philosophy is leading ethically, which allows me to utilize the transformational theory to solidify my leadership principle. I believe the above named aspects of leadership are all vital to being a strong leader in the Canadian Armed Get more content on
  • 9. Reflective Essay On Personal Leadership Over the past three weeks I have learned a lot about myself; specifically, that I have a lot of developing that I need to do so that I can become the leader that I need to be. As an Air Force leader, it is my responsibility to guide and grow Airmen into future leaders. I plan to find myself to be a transformational leader who can positively influence my subordinates, peers, and my supervisors. Over the next three to five years, I plan on developing myself into a transformational leader by using the different leadership styles that I have written about in my prior Personal Leadership Development Plans. I plan on building a better bond with my subordinates and my leaders. I will also utilize the knowledge that I learned from these modules to develop my Airmen into future leaders. After completing the Electronic Self Assessment of Leadership Behavior (e–SALB), I found that I scored very low in the Transformation Leadership portion. In fact, I scored the lowest in the Individual Leadership style. Over the next three to five years I plan on cultivating my behavior to better match this type of leader. It is important that my subordinates trust me as their supervisor. I plan on gaining confidence by giving them more responsibility in the department and by trusting them to complete those duties. Also, I will give proper constructive feedback to my subordinates and peers. To become the transformational leader that I want to be, I will need to mentor and coach my Airmen by actively listening to their individual needs. I will also need to learn to take into consideration their feelings on issues. Utilizing this individualized leadership approach will establish a stable relationship between my subordinates and me. In developing myself into a transformational leader, I will use the Cognitive Development module to learn more about my subordinates and how I can influence them to do a better job than they already are. I plan to be more flexible when my Airmen approach me with personal issues. Also, I will teach my Airmen that curiosity is a good thing, especially when it comes to problem–solving. In the next three to five years, I plan on learning about Air Force doctrine and to seek education on Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Statement : Personal Leadership Essay I am still trying to figure out who I am and where I fit into the world of working. Attempting to discover what I enjoy as well as my strengths and weaknesses has been a constant struggle for me. According to Greg Thomas, "every positive and healthy change that has ever occurred in human civilization has only come about by great struggle" (2011, p. 3). In the future, I hope this pays off for me. As a future leader, it is essential for me to evaluate the skills I currently possess and what skills I must strive to acquire. Personal leadership is not only the aspect of leadership that is the easiest to control, but it is also the most important to me. In my eyes, the most difficult aspect of personal leadership is "establishing a clear path" (Thomas, 2011, p. 3). I have developed many short term goals for myself, like finishing school. However, my long–term goals are very vague due to not knowing where I ultimately want to end up. For example, I want a job I enjoy doing. Unfortunately, I cannot specifically say what job that is or even what field it is in. The other area of personal leadership that is a weakness for me is a "lasting legacy" (Thomas, 2011, p. 6). This is not something I am focused on or will ever be focused on. I know it is something that will either happen or not happen. For right now, I am focused on me and what I need to do to better myself. I have many strengths as a personal leader. I believe "that there is a spiritual element to life" Get more content on
  • 11. Personal Leadership Essay June 5, 2011 Module 1 Reflection Paper – Leadership By Jason Fagerquist Leadership is difficult to define. Leadership is a concept that probably carries many different reactions with many different kinds of people. However, we all feel we know good leadership when we see it, and we can often tell when good leadership is missing by the way a team or organization struggles without it. Ask yourself, Are you willing to do absolutely anything for the common good for your employer, your teammate, your family, your friend? I feel that the following can identify effective leadership: Mission, Values, Planning and goal–setting, Delegating authority, Team building, Giving feedback, Coaching team members, Motivating people, more content... This is where teamwork comes into play. Team Building: Establishing trust, playing to individual strengths, encouraging people to work together. Before this can happen, you must access your employee's goals along with the businesses. There needs to be a baseline to work from, so your assessment of your employees should help measure the employee's abilities and behavior. Some items to look for would be accountability, ability to be a problem solver, decision making, pride, determination, etc. Putting the right steps in place will help promote a positive change in the workforce. Things that worked in the past may not work in today's world. But, is your co–worker there to help balance the constant teeter totter or roller coaster? From the movie "What Women Want" with Mel Gibson, there was a comment, 2 heads are better than 1 and so forth, I think this says it all with creating a successful team. Everybody has different tools that they are better at than their fellow employees, but combining them, creates a solid foundation. Giving feedback: Constructive, concise and timely feedback is essential to each team member's success, and to the success of the team as a whole. The feedback should be specific, focused and based on observation. When providing this feedback, turn it into a personal conversation by using "I" at the beginning of each statement or comment. The last thing someone wants to
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  • 13. Personal Leadership Profile Paper When taking the two leadership surveys, it was interesting to see my personal leadership profile. My leadership style according to the survey is the instructional type, which in another world is direct leadership. My culture, upbringing, and work environment have transformed me to be direct leaders that are looking for stability. My staff members sadly do not have the opportunity to have a job that is autonomy; working in a manufacturing occupation, one has an organize agenda that cannot be deviated from the task ahead. When team members are needing help or trying to build the familiarity to run their equipment my personal leadership profile can be helpful, since being direct is a starting point to build knowledge. The more one individual shows knowledge, familiar, and passionate for their own results, the further laissez–faire I will become when proving more content... The more information one has to understand leadership the further one will be able to go in one's career. Leadership is not easy, one has to have the ability and buy in of the team to be successful in any project. Conflict can be complex to understand when aggression happens in a group organization. When looking at group dynamics in any vocation, adaptive conflict can be acceptable in a group. What is conflict, one would ask? Conflict is a disagreement with an individual, it can also be an argument with a person. Disagreements in any workgroup can be effective or ineffective. The conflict that is flexible and encourages creativity, innovation or open–mindedness can create a healthy work environment. The adaptive conflict has the opportunity to challenge group thinking. It can push a dynamic group to create a different paradigm of a business. The further new thinking one has, the more innovation the team can be. A system that has the ability to manage and encourage honorable conflict by discovering and opening new doors can be career Get more content on
  • 14. PERSONAL LEADERSHIP PORTRAIT Developing an effective leadership style requires one to become aware of their strengths and weakness when operating in the role of a servant leader. Identifying personal preference can assist with better aligning expectations and goals that one would like to see demonstrated in those they lead. Taking on the role as a servant leader requires patience, understanding, and most importantly compassion for others. As a servant leader he or she should always consider ways to make the organization or agency better as a whole. This paper will identify one leadership theory or style that best aligns with my own personal thoughts of what leadership means. This paper will provide information as it pertains to more content... Transformational Leadership style is a leadership style which focuses on the importance of the personal development of others. Transformational leadership motivates and inspires others to operate to their full potential. Transformational leadership places more focus on improving the overall group performance than singling out just one individual. Transformational leadership is demonstrated in those who provide inspiration to others as well as positive role modeling for those they come in contact with. Transformational leadership best aligns with my own personal thoughts, feelings, and style of leadership when serving others. Transformational leaders transform followers by transforming follower's values and beliefs (Bradley & Charbonneau,2004). Leadership Characteristics As serving in the role of a public service leader my ability to remain compassionate and helpful when interacting with others has enabled me to help create and foster a peaceful environment within my organization. Understanding that everyone has their own special gifts and talents has assisted me with better understanding one's abilities, strengths and weaknesses. In the field of public service, it is very important that servant leaders encourage others to rise to every occasion both personally and professionally. Being an advocate for growth, change, and humility can ignite the passion and love for the human services filed in others. Get more content on
  • 15. Personal Leadership Personal Leadership Introduction For the past couples of month, I have gained a lot of knowledge and learnt about leadership and its challenges. Through the innumerable discussions, case studies, lectures and readings, I got to acquaint myself with the various leadership challenges and the ways leaders can rectify and develop pragmatic solution top the leadership problems. As an individual with a desire to become a top CEO in a listed company, I got interested in the topic of leadership as I felt it prepared me for the future daunting task that I am likely to face should my dream come true. Various leadership lessons leant in this unit made my learning enjoyable and practical. Discussion The first leadership lesson learnt was the difference of being a leader and that of being in leadership position. Most people including those who have management classes have still failed to comprehend the difference between a leader and those who are not leaders but are in the leadership position. From my studies, I got to learn that leadership is an act of influencing others more than they influence you in order to achieve organization goals ADDIN EN.CITE Kouzes2002127(Kouzes & Posner, 2002)1271276Kouzes, J. M., Posner, B. Z.The Leadership Challenge (3rd ed.)2002San FranciscoJossey–Bass( HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "Kouzes, 2002 #127" Kouzes & Posner, 2002). The influence that a real leader should have is that which enhances the performance of the organization and not those that Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Personal Leadership Personal Leadership Profile Few skills are more important to self–improvement than being able to take a step back and honestly evaluate you. Self–reflection allows you to expose problems early, before they become too painful to ignore. Unfortunately, honest self–evaluation is one of the hardest skills to master. People tend to be self–serving in their thoughts. For most people, self–reflection involves looking into a mirror, with all the information warped and distorted until it barely resembles reality. True self–evaluation is challenging, and requires you to be open to "see" your strengths and weaknesses, and to develop a plan of action to develop those areas that are lacking. Preparedness for the hard truth is required. more content... Meet monthly alone. |from each person. | | | | | |b. Ask about |Schedule for each | | | | | |accomplishmentschallenges and |person | | | | | |issues | | | | | | |Conduct basic training: |Training Materials | | |Complete by 6/15/09 – | | |Interpersonal Communications |Training Schedule | | |First Training | | |Conflict Management Get more content on
  • 17. My Personal Leadership Model Of Leadership Essay Introduction I believe that at any person with leadership skills has the potential in becoming a good leader. I also believe a person can lead if he or she has good core values view of the world. One core value from each level including individual, between–people, organizational, and social, showing how individuals are acting towards the values others. These values help to complete my personal model of leadership, and how I conducted myself as a leader when I was in a leadership role (Smith, 2005). Individual In building my personal leadership model, to begin integrity is the most powerful value that I had when facing my team members. These qualities incorporate moral judgment, character, and honesty. Furthermore, when honest and good human quality wholeness or completeness of my individual values, deserving people 's trust because of honesty, will set a new foundation for others who want to follow. In following through my qualities but treating others is important to me especially if they are my family members or team members. For me as a leader, I will always communicate with my team members and feel confident about any business decisions that I might make. And also integrate leadership model consisting of Conscious Leadership, self–awareness, team awareness and community–awareness ( Grayeb, 2014). Furthermore, my behaviors will set an example for my team members in reference to telling about my values to others. In addition, my team members will Get more content on
  • 18. My Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay According to Webster's Dictionary, leadership is the power or ability to lead other people, the act or instance of leading. I believe that Leadership is an art, the art to get others to follow and accomplish a common goal or task in a harmonic manner. A leader can be shown in all kinds of shapes and forms. To be a great leader many people believe it consists of modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart. Over the course of me learning how to become a better leader and being in leadership roles, I've learned that all these are very necessary to be a great leader. The person you least expect can be a leader in their on right. We have great world leaders such as our President Barack more content... With having such a demanding major, you can sometimes find yourself getting down and becoming stressed. I have had to experience teamwork of all forms through out my eighteen years and faith has defiantly gotten me through. I was once told "faith begins where your comfort zone ends." With my career goal is to become a nurse; just not ole any nurse, a great one. My strengths are very important to have. Faith is needed to help get through tough days and to also spiritually help your patients. I feel like whenever you do a task it should be done with integrity. Being a nurse, you have to be strong–minded and also able to heal and comfort mentally, emotionally, and physically, all great signs of a leader. You always have to remember that you can't always do everything alone. Teamwork is very important in the healthcare field. Each job is important and is connected to one another. Communication is the key to many careers and very important to nursing because you have to build positive relationships with the people and patients around you. Growth should never end. Becoming better in what you do is always important in becoming a better you. I would say for me to work better at having ambition, I should try to trust more and be more positive. I should also remain focus on my common clear goals. My Career of choice is to become a Registered Nurse. The jobs includes details in administering medicines to patients, cleaning and Get more content on
  • 19. My Personal Leadership Style A Disc Assessment is an excellent tool to obtain an individual personality trait. It can disclose information one may or may not have known about themselves. In my case I discovered I have a blend of Cautious, Supportive, and Dominant trait. This explains why I see myself as a Democratic, Authoritative, and an Affiliative leader. On the DISC assessment it describes me as careful person and one that strive for excellence. Additionally, I look for results and enjoy work alongside my teammates. In my current position, the Democratic and Affiliative approach has helped me to address any conflict or disagreements. Also, having certain power within the company provided me with the authority to put a plan into action that would benefit the company and keep the employees motivated in the workplace. The three–leadership style is an advantage as I can use any one or all three on any one or more employees with different more content... I have been the phone operator, receptionist, biller, etc. For the last 12 years, I have been the office coordinator. This being said, I would like to continue to work in the medical field as an office manager, supervisor, or as an administrator. I find it rewarding helping others feel better but I would like to have a little more authority to affect change in peoples lives both employees and patients. I know with my experience in the medical field along with my personality, it can help me achieve the job I seek. By utilizing my interpersonal and organizational skills, ability to multi–task, and the gift of being detailed– oriented, I can put together a strategy plan to guide my step towards that goal. The ability to treat everyone with respect, being honest and confident will help me to accomplishing the job I would like to see myself Get more content on
  • 20. Personal Leadership Research Paper Personal leadership can be simply defined as the leadership of self. In other words, is the ability to direct ones leadership towards their life and lead by first leading themselves. Although this definition covers the general essence of what personal leadership is in general, my definition is a little more specific in what it entails. I define personal leadership as the ability to gain stable independence while leading others by example. Therefore, my definition of personal leadership exemplifies the ideas of independence, stability, and serving as an example. Independence is a state of being in control of ones life without having to consult ideas and actions with others. With independence comes establishing and following rules made by more content... In order to have strong personal leadership skills one must have a strong sense of stability within them and this comes from commitment. One must commit to themselves by following rules that they made for themselves and sticking to the standards that come with the rules. For instance, if one promises to not hang out with friends until all of their school work is done, they have set a standard for themselves that say school comes first, which will ultimately help them excel academically. Commitment to self establishes stability in personal leadership like commitment to a partner establishes stability within a relationship. It is easier to lead oneself when one can commit to rules that can help them reach their goals. In addition, serving as an example is significant in developing strong personal leadership. Serving as an example for those the follow is established when one has strong personal leadership skills because they basically begin to lead by starting with themselves. For instance, a wise man once made a whole song about starting with the man in the mirror in order to make a change within the world. Therefore, one must lead them onto the right path before they can attempt to lead Get more content on
  • 21. Personal Leadership Philosophy Examples 1.The opportunity to positively affect the careers and lives of those I work alongside is one of the greatest privileges and responsibilities that I have. As a Boatswains Mate I've been fortunate to be in the presence of some great leaders; they defined leadership through their actions, not words. They epitomized the Core Values and expected the same from the crew. The bottom line was that they cared, respected, trusted us and empowered us to become the leader we wanted to be and more importantly the leader the service needs us to be so that we can continue our Service to Nation, Duty to People and Mission Excellence. As an Officer in Charge (OIC) I'm afforded a unique opportunity as an enlisted leader of a unit. Responsibility and accountability cannot be delegated and the repercussions of betraying those duties will have far lasting effects on not only the unit but also the members who were impacted by negative leadership and inconsistent alignment of values. My personal leadership philosophy, which has been drafted and revised numerous times throughout my career, now serves as my Command Philosophy: Family, Readiness and Mission Excellence. 2.Family: To realize our personal and professional goals, both individually and as a unit we must embrace one another as a family. This more content... Mission Excellence: Regardless of our unit or assigned missions we all serve in areas where we are relied on for a service. As senior leaders it is our duty to ensure that our crews are properly outfitted and trained to complete all missions. It is our duty to instill the qualities of teamwork, discipline and shared values amongst the crew. Through training and disciplined initiative, we empower our crews through positive leadership to possess the skills and proficiency needed to ensure Mission Excellence. Accepting anything less would be a disservice to the communities in which we live and work and the aspects of what a Chief Petty Officer is: Leader, Mentor and Technical Get more content on