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        Priscilla Lee

        READ 7263
Phonemic Assessment/Strategy:
Yopp-Singer Test of Phonemic Segmentation
Directions for Administering
   1.   Have one test sheet for each child in the class.
   2.   Assess children individually in a quiet place.
   3.   Keep the assessment playful and game-like.
   4.   Explain the game to the child exactly as the directions specify.
   5.   Model for the child what he or she needs to do with each of the practice words.
        Have them break apart each word with you.

Children are given the following directions upon administration of the test:
Today we're going to play a word game. I'm going to say a word and I want you to
break the word apart. You are going to say the word slowly, and then tell me each
sound in the word in order. For example, if I say "old," you should say "oooo-llll-d"
(The teacher says the sound, not the letters.) Let's try a few words together.
The practice items are ride, go, and man. The teacher should help the child with each
sample item - segmenting the item for the child if necessary and encouraging the child
to repeat the segmented words. Then the child is given the 22 item test. If the child
responds correctly, the teacher says, "That's right." If the child gives an incorrect
response, he or she is corrected. The teacher provides the appropriate response. The
teacher circles the numbers of all correct answers.

If the child breaks a word apart incorrectly, the teacher gives the correct answer:

                                                  Child     You
                                                  Says      say

                       Uses onset and rime       /d/ -     /d-/o-
                       Repeats word              /og/      /g/
                       Stretches word out        dog       /d-/o-
                       Spells letters in word    d-o-      /g/
                       Says first and last       g         /d-/o-
                       sounds                    "d" -     /g/
                       Says another word         "o" -     /d-/o-
                       Says a sentence           "g"       /g/
                                                 /d/ -     /d-/o-
                                                 /g/       /g/
                                                 bark      /d-/o-
I don't   /g/
                                                  know      /d-/o-

The child's score is the number of items correctly segmented into all constituent
phonemes. No partial credit is given. For instance, if a child says "/c/-/at/" instead of
"/c/-/a/-/t/," the response may be noted on the blank line following the items but is
considered incorrect for purposes of scoring. Correct responses are only those that
involve articulation of each phoneme in the target word.

A blend contains two or three phonemes in each of these and each should be
articulated separately. Hence, item 7 on the test, grew, has three phonemes /g/-/r/-
/ew/. Digraphs such as /sh/ in item 5, she, and the /th/ in item 15, three, are single
phonemes. Item 5, therefore has two phonemes and item 15 has three phonemes. If a
child responds with letter names instead of sounds, the response is coded as incorrect,
and the type of error is noted on the test.

Students who obtain high scores (segmenting all or nearly all of the items correctly)
may be considered phonemically aware. Students who correctly segment some items
are displaying emerging phonemic awareness. Students who are able to segment only
a few items or none at all lack appropriate levels of phonemic awareness. Without
intervention, those students scoring very low on the test are likely to experience
difficulty with reading and spelling.

Student Test Sheet
                      Yopp-Singer Test of Phoneme Segmentation

Student's name _________________________________ Date _____________

Score (number correct) _______________

Directions: Today we're going to play a word game. I'm going to say a word and I
want you to break the word apart. You are going to tell me each sound in the word in
order. For example, if I say "old," you should say /o/-/l/-/d/." (Administrator: Be sure
to say the sounds, not the letters, in the word.) Let's try a few together.

Practice items:(Assist the child in segmenting these items as necessary.)
            ride                         go                           man
Test items:(Circle those items that the student correctly segments; incorrect responses
may be recorded on the blank line following the item.)

 1. dog     _________________________             12. lay     _________________________
 2. keep    _________________________             13. race    _________________________
 3. fine    _________________________             14. zoo     _________________________
 4. no      _________________________             15. three   _________________________
 5. she     _________________________             16. job     _________________________
 6. wave    _________________________             17. in      _________________________
 7. grew    _________________________             18. ice     _________________________
 8. that    _________________________             19. at      _________________________
 9. red     _________________________             20. top     _________________________
10. me      _________________________             21. by      _________________________
11. sat     _________________________             22. do      _________________________

Return to the Test Directions
The author, Hallie Kay Yopp, California State University, Fullerton, grants permission for this
test to be reproduced. The author acknowledges the contribution of the late Harry Singer to the
development of this test.
Phonics Assessment/Strategy

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Blachowicz Informal Phonics Survey (Barr, 2000)

Test Items:

1. Naming upper and lower case letters. Circle those known when pointed


a     S   q   I   R       h   k

s     J   d   A   f       O   U

l     w   z   Q   v       X   B

n     H   T   b       e   G       P

V     N   j   y   K       w   f

F     r   Z   x   L       m   O

E     o   C   D       P   g   A
i   M   t   u    c   Y   d

S   j

2. Sound values of isolated consonants. Point to each letter and ask the

child to tell you what sound “this letter makes: or give you a word that

starts with this letter. Circle those not known.

b   c   k   j    g   t   v   d   m   h    r

p   z   l   f    n   s   u   w   y   qu

3. Short vowel phonograms blended with initial consonants. Check to see

if the student knows the following simple sight word phonograms: up, it,

am, and on. (If they are not known, try to train the student to recognize

them, or choose phonograms the child does know.) Point to each item and

have the child pronounce it. If an item is mispronounced, write the

mispronunciation about it for later analysis.

mupzamtupsam con rit gam kon

dupvithon quam bupponwup jam

nitfup lam yup

4. Consonant blends plus short vowel phonograms. This and all subsequent

tests follow the same procedure as test 3. Have the child pronounce each

item, and write in any mispronounced words.

brupsconplitskamslup twit dron



5. Consonant digraphs plus short vowel phonograms.

chupshonthup whit phamshupwhon chon thon

6. Vowel-Consonant-Silent e plus initial consonant.
dake mime foletulemedetatefopeduteditesede

 7. Long vowel digraphs.

leatmiedboadtay ley moeteefbuelmoeslail


8. R-controlled vowels.

mertirhurdirferdarmortursardor bur

9. Ending-blend phonograms.

seltmextbasp mick dunchmulktand



foltnampdistgelfmondbant ting

dastholffaskreptfelpnold bent

 10. Ending-digraph phonograms.


11. Alternate sounds of c and g.

gapgity cot came gendcendgitcim

12. Three-letter blends.




13. Diphthongs.



14. Silent Letters.

talftambdemnfalm knop wridgnap
knopghat word gnomphotpnippsin

15. Multisyllabic words. Show division in responses with slash marks.




Student Copy

a   S   q           I   R       h       k

s   J   d       A       f       O       U

l   w   z       Q           v       X       B

n   H   T           b       e       G       P

V   N       j   y       K           w       f

F   r   Z       x       L       m           O

E   o   C           D       P       g       A

i   M   t       u       c       Y       d

S   j


b   c   k       j       g       t       v       d   m   h    r

p   z   l       f       n       s       u       w   y   qu

mupzamtupsam con rit gam kon

dupvithon quam bupponwup jam

nitfup lam yup

brupsconplitskamslup twit dron



chupshonthup whit phamshupwhon chon thon

dake mime foletulemedetatefopeduteditesede


leatmiedboadtay ley moeteefbuelmoeslail


mertirhurdirferdarmortursardor bur

seltmextbasp mick dunchmulktand



foltnampdistgelfmondbant ting

dastholffaskreptfelpnold bent



gapgity cot came gendcendgitcim





talftambdemnfalm knop wridgnap

knopghat word gnomphotpnippsin




    The Analogy Strategy: Teaching Children the Excitement of Becoming Word Detectives

       I greatly admire the research and classroom application of the analogy strategy for
decoding words by LinneaEhri and Irene Gaslins! They taught teachers and children the
excitement of discovering how to pronounce words as detectives and use the words in
meaningful contexts.

        I advocate their best practices and would like to share my favorite success story about the
value of teaching the analogy strategy. I was fortunate to assist with teaching reading to a third
grade student in a low socioeconomic school named Rashad. Rashad had a wonderful teacher
Virginia who was teaching the class the analogy strategy. Rashad was reading at a Pre-Primer
level and was known to sit alone quietly and rarely smiled. Initially, I assessed his reading
strengths and weaknesses. After an analysis of the assessments I taught him the analogy strategy
with positive reinforcement over a period of three months from January to March. We met once
weekly beyond the daily teaching in small groups of the strategy by Virginia. Rashad progressed
and began to smile… All was well until we learned that his neighborhood had been redistricted
and he would be attending another school. We were devastated! Fortunately, Virgina was able to
tutor Rashad that summer. Rashad learned to attack unfamiliar words as an excited word
detective. His joy about his progress overcame the barriers to his happiness as a reader. The
following is an explanation of the assessments and the process I used to teach him the analogy

Assessments and Process

Assessments: The Bear Spelling Test: I used the Bear Spelling Test from the text, Words Their
Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction by Bear, Invernizzi,
Templeton, and Johnston. The test is a spelling inventory designed to determine students’
stages of development with a feature guide. The test is excellent for students at all grade levels
who experience difficulty decoding words and spelling. The spelling features include the
Emergent, Letter Name Alphabetic, Within Word Pattern, Syllable and Affixes, and Derivational
Relations Stages. The stages are from the earliest to most advanced stages of spelling.
Rashadscored at the late emergent to letter name stage. Late emergent readers have difficulty
determining and sometimes omit the vowels in syllables in words. They often search for
environmental clues to decode words such as the golden arches to read the word McDonald’s.
Rashad was only able to spell the word bedout of the list of words bed, ship, when, lump, and
float. I stopped asking him to spell words when he missed 5 words in a row. The results indicated
that Rashad needed help understanding that syllables have vowels and that spelling patterns such
as ip in the word ship and ump in the word lumphelp with decoding unfamiliar words. Spelling
patterns are the vowel and what comes after it in a syllable.

Informal Reading Inventory: Qualitative Reading Inventory(QRI) by Leslie and Caldwell. The
test is designed to determine students’ ability to decode words and comprehend words in context.
Rashad scored at the Pre-Primer level on the word list. He was able to decode a narrative at the
pre primer level with pictures for comprehension. Analysis of the test results indicated that
Rashad depended on pictures and guessing for decoding words. He had difficulty comprehending
text based on word recognition problems.

Analogy Strategy Process and Positive Reinforcement: The analogy strategy helps students
decode unfamiliar words by using familiar words with the same spelling patterns. For example,
the spelling pattern in the word cat is at (the vowel and what is after it in the syllable. Spelling
patterns are also referred to as the rime in a syllable). Students need to understand that syllables
often have an onset-the beginning consonants in a syllable and a spelling pattern-the vowel and
what comes after it in a word in order to pronounce words.

I helped Rashad understand how his successful pronunciation of the word bed which has the
edspelling pattern evolved. Then I taught him the spelling pattern in the word cat which is at. I
used the word cat in the sentence, “The cat is my pet.” He learned to decode the word cat and
underline the at spelling pattern. We used the word cat as the key word to decode other words
with the same at spelling pattern. Next, we created word families with the key word cat to create
hat, sat, mat. We used the words in a language experience story that he dictated for me to write
on chart paper and underlined the spelling pattern at when appropriate. Then Virginia used the
key word cat during the week to help him decode words with the same at spelling pattern. The
key word cat was also placed on a personal word wall under the vowel a. The vowel word wall
helped him find the spelling patterns in unfamiliar words easily. For example, when Rashad was
reading and came to an unfamiliar word like sat he was able to compare it to the key word cat on
the word wall under the 1st letter of the spelling pattern a rather than refer to a word family list of
words with the same spelling pattern but different beginnings (onsets) that might be confusing to
him. This enabled him to think and say, “If I know cat, I know sat.” “If I know cat I know mat.”
When he discovered the value of the analogy strategy in this process to decode a word he would
smile so broadly that it would touch my heart. I praised and gave him a sticky note with a phrase
such as “you are a great reader!” I would stick it on his shirt and he would grin from ear to ear!!
Word analysis is a part of the analogy strategy. For example, for the unfamiliar word mat I
would use the following chart found in an article by Ehri, Gaskins, et al (19        ):
Talk to Yourself Chart

   1. The word is____________________________. (mat)
   2. Stretch the word. I hear ____sounds. (3 sounds m a t)
   3. I see _________ (3) letters because__________________. (I can hear each letter and the
      a makes the short sound as in the word cat)
   4. The spelling pattern is ________________.(at)
   5. This is what I know about the vowel: ______________________ (It is short because it
      makes the short a sound).
   6. Another word on the word wall with the same vowel sound is______________________.
      Important: I always asked him to create his own rule for the vowel and asked if the
      vowel broke a rule he already knew about it. He was able to conclude that if a word has a
      consonant vowel consonant (CVC) it might be a short vowel.

   Sometimes using word analysis would get tricky as in the unfamiliar word farusing the key
   word car. For example,

                                     Talk to Yourself Chart

   1. The word is____________________________. (far)
   2. Stretch the word. I hear ____sounds. (2 sounds c ar – controlled vowel)
   3. I see _________ (3 )letters because__________________. (The vowel a has an r next to
      it=r controlled vowel)
   4. The spelling pattern is ________________.(ar)
   5. This is what I know about the vowel: ______________________ (It is not long or short
      because it has an r next to it).
   6. Another word on the word wall with the same vowel sound is______________________.

   Important: I always asked him to create a rule for the vowel and asked if the vowel broke a
   rule he already knew about the vowel. For example, if you have an r next to a vowel it might
   not sound long or short.

        It was important for student Rashad to share their word analysis with another student to
reinforce their learning and to remind them how to decode words when reading in context.

In summary:

The analogy strategy process I used with Rashad is the following:

   1. Introduce a key word to be used during the week. Emphasize and underline the spelling
      pattern and create word families with the same spelling pattern. For example, key word
      cat- mat, sat, hat.Do not simply write cat, mat, sat, and hat. The key word must be
emphasized as the word to help decode the other words in the word family. I placed the
         key word on a colored index card and placed the other words in the word family under
         the key words on white index cards. Use the phrase “If I know (key word), I know (word
         family word).” Sometimes you have words that have different spelling patterns but sound
         the same such as bear and bare. In that case use parenthesis around words that have a
         different spelling pattern and tell the student that they are great word detective who
         recognize that some spelling patterns sound alike but are spelled differently.
    2.   Use the key words and some related word family words in a Language Experience Story.
         Have the student(s) find the words with the same spelling pattern as the key word
    3.   Review the key word or words and analyze the words and use the Talk to Yourself Chart.
    4.   Use the key words in sentences and words with the same spelling patterns in challenging
         sentences. Challenge the student(s) to find words with the same spelling patterns
         throughout the week.
    5.   Apply the key patterns in games such as concentration, dice with onsets on one dice and
         spelling patterns on another dice and create fun stories with the words.
    6.   Create vowel word walls. Notice that only the key words are used on the word wall not
         the word family. For example,
                                         Word Wall
                         A       E       I       O       U       Y
                         Cat     bed     ride boat Up            Yes
                         Car     feet    kite rice       rug     by

Remember to use a form of positive reinforcement throughout the process!!

                           Vocabulary Assessment/Strategy
Bear and Barone (1989) Spelling Stages, adapted for Ways With Words (Prentice Hall) To analyze
students' spelling determine which phase they are in by looking at how they spell the following words.
Administer the following assessment like a spelling test and analyze your students' strengths and
weaknesses. Determine the students' spelling stage. Which spelling patterns, etc. does the student
need help with to improve? What spelling strategies do you need to teach the student to help them
move to the next stage? If the student misses five in a row stop the test.

                                        Spelling Stages and Test

Student Name:                                                   Date:

              Early Letter             Within Word Pattern         Syllable Juncture
Word                       Name                                                        Derivational Stage
              Name Stage               Stage                       Stage
1. bed        B,bd             bad            bed

2. ship       s, sp, shp       sep, shep      sip, ship

3. drive       krv, drv        griv, driv     drieve, draive

                               bop, bomp,
4. bump       b, bp, bmp                  bump

5. when       w, yn, wn        wan, whan wen, when

                                jran,          teran, traen, trane,
6.train       j, t, trn
                               chran          train

              k, cs, kt,         clast,
7. closet                                     clozit, closit
              clst             clost, clozt

                                tas, cas,
8. chase       j, jass, cs     shas,           case, chais, chase

                               fot, flot,
9. float      f, vt, ft, flt                  flowt, floaut, flote, float

                                              bechise, beches,
10.beaches b, bs, bcs          becis,
                                              beeches, beaches


12. popping

13. cattle

14. caught



17. cellar

18. pleasure

19. squirrel



22. civilize

23. flexible

                                           opasion, opasishan,      opasition,      oposision,
                                           opozcison, opishien,     oppasishion,    oposition,
                                           spasitian                oppisition      opposition


                                            Vocabulary Strategies

Use a story to teach the word and have students create word stories: Henrietta Hippo Story Example

Word Wizards (found on Shape Poems

You Try It! (Isabel Beck) Use check marks to indicate knowledge:

Word           Know it well, can explain      Know something       Have seen or     Do not know the
               it, use it in a sentence       about it, can relate heard the word   word
               (include sentence)             it to a situation


Word Associations: After discussing explanations for the words accomplice, virtuoso, philanthropist, and
novice, ask students to associate one of their new words with a presented word or phrase:

Which word goes with crook?

Which word goes with “gift to build a new hospital?”

Which word goes with piano?

Which word goes with kindergartner?

Have you ever?

Describe a time when… (you might urge someone, etc.)

Applause! Applause!

Clap how much they would like to be described by the target word: Ex. Frank, vain, wise, funny, etc.

Idea Completions

Students indicate word meanings into a context in order to explain a situation.

Ex. The audience asked the virtuoso to play another piece of music because…

The skiing teacher said Maria was a novice on the ski slopes because…

Vocabulary Activities
Language Arts Core Curriculum
VOCABULARY Standard 4000-06
Objective: 0601 Learn new words through listening and reading widely.
Objective: 0602 Use multiple resources to learn new words.
Objective: 0603 Use structural analysis/context clues to determine word meanings.
Goal – Use it
when you want
Context Clues
Storybook Reading Provide meaningful
listening experiences with
new words. It is also good
for motivation and
language development.
Should be some direct teaching of vocabulary
with storybook reading in schools - Incidental
word learning will occur but some students
need direct teaching of vocabulary.
Adult/child discussion should be interactive
Stories should be read multiple times
Text Talk – Rich talk and discussion around
words – example from Isobel Beck using book
A Pocket for Corduroy (Freeman, 1978)
Teacher’s notes using the word “reluctant.” In
the story, Lisa was reluctant to leave the
Laundromat without Corduroy. Reluctant
means you are not sure you want to do
something. Say the word with me: reluctant.
Someone might be reluctant to eat a food that
they never had before, or someone might be
reluctant to ride a roller coaster because it
looks scary. Think about something you might
be reluctant to do. Start your sentence with
“I might be reluctant to _________.” After
each child responds, call on another child to
explain the response. For example, if a child
says, “I might be reluctant to eat spinach” ask
another child, “What does it mean that _____
is reluctant to eat spinach?
Dual Language Charts Create synonym lists
Help show value of
For ESL students, create word lists that use words in
their native language as well as English. If you leave
spaces, students may provide their own picture clues.
Classroom Labeling Associate words with
concrete objects; develop
concept of word
Works well for ESL and
foreign language; for
science or technology
Objects and situations in the classroom provide
natural contexts for learning. This process can also
assist the students in spelling when they want to
describe the classroom aquarium or write about the
mealworms in science class.
CD-Rom Books Increase motivation;
provide dual-language and
multimodal input
Computer based books allow students to read the
words as they listen to the story. Several versions
                                       allow them to highlight the words.
Fluency Assessment/Strategy

*Please click twice to view powerpoint

              DIBELS Benchmark Assessment

        Assessment of Big Ideas in Beginning Reading
         Early Childhood Research Institute on Measuring Growth and

                        Institute for the Development of
                           Educational Achievement

                  University of Oregon, College of Education

                       Oregon Department of Education

Repeated Reading Procedure

   1. The teacher selects a short passage (100-200) words which is of interest to the student and at
      his/her instructional reading level (Informal Reading Inventory samples are useful for this, since
      they have been assessed for readability level and the number of words is noted.)
   2. The student reads the passage (sight unseen-no practice) orally into a tape recorder.
   3. The teacher directs the student to listen to the recording and to note any oral miscues
      (deviations from the printed text) by circling them in the script.
   4. After counting the miscues and calculating the words per minute rate, the teacher enters these
      data on the repeated reading chart as Trial 1 (repeated reading chart is on CourseDen).
   5. The student rehearses the passage a few times, with the aid of the teacher or another student.
      During the rehearsal, the teacher should discuss the passage with the student and teach as
      necessary to ensure that misreading isn’t due to a lack of comprehension: Determine cause of
      miscues such as unknown words, unclear meanings, and observation of punctuation marks. A
      useful sequence for rehearsing the passage is: echo reading, neurological impress, choral
      reading. During the rehearsals, the teacher must encourage the student to read with vocal
      variety and expressiveness to match the meaning of the passage.
   6. The student again reads the same passage into the tape recorder.
7. The student and the teacher listen to the re-reading, noting miscues and rate on the repeated
      reading chart as Trial 2.
   8. Steps 2 through 7 are repeated until criterion levels for rate and number of miscues is reached.
      Criteria may vary slightly from student to student, but usually are at or near the following:
      WPM (words per minute)=rate of 100 WPR (or faster) and
       MPH (miscues per hundred words)=1 or 0 miscues per 100 words of text

         The student’s final reading should be fluent and expressive, as if the student were narrating the
         text in his own words.
         The teacher analyzes the results to plan instruction and determine what reading skills interfere
         with fluency.


Week of:
 W    170
 o    160
 r    150
 d    140
 s    130
 P    110
 e    100
 r      90
 M      70
 i      60
 n      50
 u      40
 t      30
 e      20
 E       8
 r       7
r       6
   o       5
   r       4
   s       3


                                            SIGHT WORDS
        Sight words are those words that a reader needs to be able to know “on sight,” that is, without
any hesitation or sounding out. Dr. Ed Fry calls these “instant words” because a reader should know
them the very instant he or she sees them.

         What is so important about these words? Believe it or not, the very first TEN words on the first
list make up about 24% of all written English material! That is, every fourth word you come across is
likely to be one of those ten words. The 100 words on the first page represent almost half of all written
English, while all 300 words (pages 1-3) make up nearly two-thirds of our language! On any typical page
of text, 2/3 of the words will likely come from the words on just these three pages.

        Please note that many of the words on these three pages are also considered sight words if they
contain the variant endings (suffixes) such as s, ed, or ing. These endings do not change the need to
learn and know the basic root of these words. Approximately 60% of the first 300 Instant Words have
common variant endings.

        Each of the 100 Instant Words on the following three pages compares fairly closely with the
grade level of the list: the first 100 words represent words known by a majority of first-grade students
by the end of the first year of school, the second 100 by the end of second grade, and the third 100 by
the end of third grade. Past the third grade level, most students will be expected to have seen and
learned all 300 Instant Words.

         If a reader does not recognize these words instantly when reading, he or she is likely to have
difficulty with both fluency and comprehension. In fact, slow and labored reading is a major factor in
poor comprehension. If two-thirds of written English is made up of this rather small number of words,
then it is extremely important for all readers to know them without hesitation.

         If a child does not know all the words on any particular vertical list of 25 words (starting with the
very first one), LOTS of practice should be done with just that column. Flashcards and easy-book reading
will often reinforce them. After all 25 words on any vertical column are known by the child reading at his
or her own pace, then it is time to work on speeding up the rate of recognition. It should take no longer
than 12-seconds to get through any list. Again, this should not be worked on until the child can
recognize all twenty-five without being timed. But once 100% accuracy has been attained, speed of
recognition should be practiced until that particular list is mastered. Only then should the child work on
the next harder list of twenty-five words.

                             *Presented by*
                              Jilene Coleman
                             Kelly Cottingham
                          Kimberly Anne Elshazly
                              Susan Gilchrist
                                 June Gual
                          Darice LeAnne Shelton
                              Rachael West

                       Comprehension Assessment/Strategies
*Please click twice to view powerpoints

       Constructivism Theory and Assessing
           and Teaching Literacy Across the

                                     Dr. Elaine Roberts

                  The Elements of
            By Witt, Hutchinson, Boisis,
                Davis, and Roberts

  Bas e d on the 7 Ke ys to Compr e he ns ion by S. Zimme r man and C.
Literacy electronic portfolio

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Literacy electronic portfolio

  • 1. Literacy Electronic Portfolio Priscilla Lee READ 7263
  • 2. Phonemic Assessment/Strategy: Yopp-Singer Test of Phonemic Segmentation Directions for Administering 1. Have one test sheet for each child in the class. 2. Assess children individually in a quiet place. 3. Keep the assessment playful and game-like. 4. Explain the game to the child exactly as the directions specify. 5. Model for the child what he or she needs to do with each of the practice words. Have them break apart each word with you. Children are given the following directions upon administration of the test: Today we're going to play a word game. I'm going to say a word and I want you to break the word apart. You are going to say the word slowly, and then tell me each sound in the word in order. For example, if I say "old," you should say "oooo-llll-d" (The teacher says the sound, not the letters.) Let's try a few words together. The practice items are ride, go, and man. The teacher should help the child with each sample item - segmenting the item for the child if necessary and encouraging the child to repeat the segmented words. Then the child is given the 22 item test. If the child responds correctly, the teacher says, "That's right." If the child gives an incorrect response, he or she is corrected. The teacher provides the appropriate response. The teacher circles the numbers of all correct answers. If the child breaks a word apart incorrectly, the teacher gives the correct answer: Child You Says say Uses onset and rime /d/ - /d-/o- Repeats word /og/ /g/ Stretches word out dog /d-/o- Spells letters in word d-o- /g/ Says first and last g /d-/o- sounds "d" - /g/ Says another word "o" - /d-/o- Says a sentence "g" /g/ /d/ - /d-/o- /g/ /g/ bark /d-/o-
  • 3. I don't /g/ know /d-/o- /g/ The child's score is the number of items correctly segmented into all constituent phonemes. No partial credit is given. For instance, if a child says "/c/-/at/" instead of "/c/-/a/-/t/," the response may be noted on the blank line following the items but is considered incorrect for purposes of scoring. Correct responses are only those that involve articulation of each phoneme in the target word. A blend contains two or three phonemes in each of these and each should be articulated separately. Hence, item 7 on the test, grew, has three phonemes /g/-/r/- /ew/. Digraphs such as /sh/ in item 5, she, and the /th/ in item 15, three, are single phonemes. Item 5, therefore has two phonemes and item 15 has three phonemes. If a child responds with letter names instead of sounds, the response is coded as incorrect, and the type of error is noted on the test. Students who obtain high scores (segmenting all or nearly all of the items correctly) may be considered phonemically aware. Students who correctly segment some items are displaying emerging phonemic awareness. Students who are able to segment only a few items or none at all lack appropriate levels of phonemic awareness. Without intervention, those students scoring very low on the test are likely to experience difficulty with reading and spelling. Student Test Sheet Yopp-Singer Test of Phoneme Segmentation Student's name _________________________________ Date _____________ Score (number correct) _______________ Directions: Today we're going to play a word game. I'm going to say a word and I want you to break the word apart. You are going to tell me each sound in the word in order. For example, if I say "old," you should say /o/-/l/-/d/." (Administrator: Be sure to say the sounds, not the letters, in the word.) Let's try a few together. Practice items:(Assist the child in segmenting these items as necessary.) ride go man
  • 4. Test items:(Circle those items that the student correctly segments; incorrect responses may be recorded on the blank line following the item.) 1. dog _________________________ 12. lay _________________________ 2. keep _________________________ 13. race _________________________ 3. fine _________________________ 14. zoo _________________________ 4. no _________________________ 15. three _________________________ 5. she _________________________ 16. job _________________________ 6. wave _________________________ 17. in _________________________ 7. grew _________________________ 18. ice _________________________ 8. that _________________________ 19. at _________________________ 9. red _________________________ 20. top _________________________ 10. me _________________________ 21. by _________________________ 11. sat _________________________ 22. do _________________________ Return to the Test Directions The author, Hallie Kay Yopp, California State University, Fullerton, grants permission for this test to be reproduced. The author acknowledges the contribution of the late Harry Singer to the development of this test.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Phonics Assessment/Strategy *Click twice to view powerpoint Blachowicz Informal Phonics Survey (Barr, 2000) Test Items: 1. Naming upper and lower case letters. Circle those known when pointed to. a S q I R h k s J d A f O U l w z Q v X B n H T b e G P V N j y K w f F r Z x L m O E o C D P g A
  • 8. i M t u c Y d S j 2. Sound values of isolated consonants. Point to each letter and ask the child to tell you what sound “this letter makes: or give you a word that starts with this letter. Circle those not known. b c k j g t v d m h r p z l f n s u w y qu 3. Short vowel phonograms blended with initial consonants. Check to see if the student knows the following simple sight word phonograms: up, it, am, and on. (If they are not known, try to train the student to recognize them, or choose phonograms the child does know.) Point to each item and have the child pronounce it. If an item is mispronounced, write the mispronunciation about it for later analysis. mupzamtupsam con rit gam kon dupvithon quam bupponwup jam nitfup lam yup 4. Consonant blends plus short vowel phonograms. This and all subsequent tests follow the same procedure as test 3. Have the child pronounce each item, and write in any mispronounced words. brupsconplitskamslup twit dron gramswisspupfronblitsnamglup clamtritflonsmamslupcronpritglup 5. Consonant digraphs plus short vowel phonograms. chupshonthup whit phamshupwhon chon thon 6. Vowel-Consonant-Silent e plus initial consonant.
  • 9. dake mime foletulemedetatefopeduteditesede 7. Long vowel digraphs. leatmiedboadtay ley moeteefbuelmoeslail bietoatmeeptayluebainleam 8. R-controlled vowels. mertirhurdirferdarmortursardor bur 9. Ending-blend phonograms. seltmextbasp mick dunchmulktand goftsunchmimpkentmunkjungdulf baftdilknoltsatchfodgehinkdisp foltnampdistgelfmondbant ting dastholffaskreptfelpnold bent 10. Ending-digraph phonograms. tathfashnichbaphdithsoshtachruph 11. Alternate sounds of c and g. gapgity cot came gendcendgitcim 12. Three-letter blends. splanchrinthrupschonstratscrup squitspronchristhratscrisspron strupsplupsquisschanshrat 13. Diphthongs. dowdoydounddointdoydoud doilfown 14. Silent Letters. talftambdemnfalm knop wridgnap
  • 10. knopghat word gnomphotpnippsin 15. Multisyllabic words. Show division in responses with slash marks. bufflehotratrewantsuntingfendleinserg unpottlerembatrebarkbullingableminkfallrefizwissing wenkerfilmendlesubmarkableractionbundedmadsion Student Copy a S q I R h k s J d A f O U l w z Q v X B n H T b e G P V N j y K w f F r Z x L m O E o C D P g A i M t u c Y d S j ___________________________________________________________________________ b c k j g t v d m h r p z l f n s u w y qu mupzamtupsam con rit gam kon dupvithon quam bupponwup jam nitfup lam yup brupsconplitskamslup twit dron
  • 11. gramswisspupfronblitsnamglup clamtritflonsmamslupcronpritglup ___________________________________________________________________________ chupshonthup whit phamshupwhon chon thon dake mime foletulemedetatefopeduteditesede ___________________________________________________________________________ leatmiedboadtay ley moeteefbuelmoeslail bietoatmeeptayluebainleam mertirhurdirferdarmortursardor bur seltmextbasp mick dunchmulktand goftsunchmimpkentmunkjungdulf baftdilknoltsatchfodgehinkdisp foltnampdistgelfmondbant ting dastholffaskreptfelpnold bent tathfashnichbaphdithsoshtachruph ___________________________________________________________________________ gapgity cot came gendcendgitcim splanchrinthrupschonstratscrup squitspronchristhratscrisspron strupsplupsquisschanshrat dowdoydounddointdoydoud
  • 12. doilfown talftambdemnfalm knop wridgnap knopghat word gnomphotpnippsin bufflehotratrewantsuntingfendleinserg unpottlerembatrebarkbullingableminkfallrefizwissing wenkerfilmendlesubmarkableractionbundedmadsion The Analogy Strategy: Teaching Children the Excitement of Becoming Word Detectives I greatly admire the research and classroom application of the analogy strategy for decoding words by LinneaEhri and Irene Gaslins! They taught teachers and children the excitement of discovering how to pronounce words as detectives and use the words in meaningful contexts. I advocate their best practices and would like to share my favorite success story about the value of teaching the analogy strategy. I was fortunate to assist with teaching reading to a third grade student in a low socioeconomic school named Rashad. Rashad had a wonderful teacher Virginia who was teaching the class the analogy strategy. Rashad was reading at a Pre-Primer level and was known to sit alone quietly and rarely smiled. Initially, I assessed his reading strengths and weaknesses. After an analysis of the assessments I taught him the analogy strategy with positive reinforcement over a period of three months from January to March. We met once weekly beyond the daily teaching in small groups of the strategy by Virginia. Rashad progressed and began to smile… All was well until we learned that his neighborhood had been redistricted and he would be attending another school. We were devastated! Fortunately, Virgina was able to tutor Rashad that summer. Rashad learned to attack unfamiliar words as an excited word detective. His joy about his progress overcame the barriers to his happiness as a reader. The following is an explanation of the assessments and the process I used to teach him the analogy strategy. Assessments and Process Assessments: The Bear Spelling Test: I used the Bear Spelling Test from the text, Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction by Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, and Johnston. The test is a spelling inventory designed to determine students’ stages of development with a feature guide. The test is excellent for students at all grade levels who experience difficulty decoding words and spelling. The spelling features include the Emergent, Letter Name Alphabetic, Within Word Pattern, Syllable and Affixes, and Derivational Relations Stages. The stages are from the earliest to most advanced stages of spelling.
  • 13. Rashadscored at the late emergent to letter name stage. Late emergent readers have difficulty determining and sometimes omit the vowels in syllables in words. They often search for environmental clues to decode words such as the golden arches to read the word McDonald’s. Rashad was only able to spell the word bedout of the list of words bed, ship, when, lump, and float. I stopped asking him to spell words when he missed 5 words in a row. The results indicated that Rashad needed help understanding that syllables have vowels and that spelling patterns such as ip in the word ship and ump in the word lumphelp with decoding unfamiliar words. Spelling patterns are the vowel and what comes after it in a syllable. Informal Reading Inventory: Qualitative Reading Inventory(QRI) by Leslie and Caldwell. The test is designed to determine students’ ability to decode words and comprehend words in context. Rashad scored at the Pre-Primer level on the word list. He was able to decode a narrative at the pre primer level with pictures for comprehension. Analysis of the test results indicated that Rashad depended on pictures and guessing for decoding words. He had difficulty comprehending text based on word recognition problems. Analogy Strategy Process and Positive Reinforcement: The analogy strategy helps students decode unfamiliar words by using familiar words with the same spelling patterns. For example, the spelling pattern in the word cat is at (the vowel and what is after it in the syllable. Spelling patterns are also referred to as the rime in a syllable). Students need to understand that syllables often have an onset-the beginning consonants in a syllable and a spelling pattern-the vowel and what comes after it in a word in order to pronounce words. I helped Rashad understand how his successful pronunciation of the word bed which has the edspelling pattern evolved. Then I taught him the spelling pattern in the word cat which is at. I used the word cat in the sentence, “The cat is my pet.” He learned to decode the word cat and underline the at spelling pattern. We used the word cat as the key word to decode other words with the same at spelling pattern. Next, we created word families with the key word cat to create hat, sat, mat. We used the words in a language experience story that he dictated for me to write on chart paper and underlined the spelling pattern at when appropriate. Then Virginia used the key word cat during the week to help him decode words with the same at spelling pattern. The key word cat was also placed on a personal word wall under the vowel a. The vowel word wall helped him find the spelling patterns in unfamiliar words easily. For example, when Rashad was reading and came to an unfamiliar word like sat he was able to compare it to the key word cat on the word wall under the 1st letter of the spelling pattern a rather than refer to a word family list of words with the same spelling pattern but different beginnings (onsets) that might be confusing to him. This enabled him to think and say, “If I know cat, I know sat.” “If I know cat I know mat.” When he discovered the value of the analogy strategy in this process to decode a word he would smile so broadly that it would touch my heart. I praised and gave him a sticky note with a phrase such as “you are a great reader!” I would stick it on his shirt and he would grin from ear to ear!! Word analysis is a part of the analogy strategy. For example, for the unfamiliar word mat I would use the following chart found in an article by Ehri, Gaskins, et al (19 ):
  • 14. Talk to Yourself Chart 1. The word is____________________________. (mat) 2. Stretch the word. I hear ____sounds. (3 sounds m a t) 3. I see _________ (3) letters because__________________. (I can hear each letter and the a makes the short sound as in the word cat) 4. The spelling pattern is ________________.(at) 5. This is what I know about the vowel: ______________________ (It is short because it makes the short a sound). 6. Another word on the word wall with the same vowel sound is______________________. (cat) Important: I always asked him to create his own rule for the vowel and asked if the vowel broke a rule he already knew about it. He was able to conclude that if a word has a consonant vowel consonant (CVC) it might be a short vowel. Sometimes using word analysis would get tricky as in the unfamiliar word farusing the key word car. For example, Talk to Yourself Chart 1. The word is____________________________. (far) 2. Stretch the word. I hear ____sounds. (2 sounds c ar – controlled vowel) 3. I see _________ (3 )letters because__________________. (The vowel a has an r next to it=r controlled vowel) 4. The spelling pattern is ________________.(ar) 5. This is what I know about the vowel: ______________________ (It is not long or short because it has an r next to it). 6. Another word on the word wall with the same vowel sound is______________________. (car) Important: I always asked him to create a rule for the vowel and asked if the vowel broke a rule he already knew about the vowel. For example, if you have an r next to a vowel it might not sound long or short. It was important for student Rashad to share their word analysis with another student to reinforce their learning and to remind them how to decode words when reading in context. In summary: The analogy strategy process I used with Rashad is the following: 1. Introduce a key word to be used during the week. Emphasize and underline the spelling pattern and create word families with the same spelling pattern. For example, key word cat- mat, sat, hat.Do not simply write cat, mat, sat, and hat. The key word must be
  • 15. emphasized as the word to help decode the other words in the word family. I placed the key word on a colored index card and placed the other words in the word family under the key words on white index cards. Use the phrase “If I know (key word), I know (word family word).” Sometimes you have words that have different spelling patterns but sound the same such as bear and bare. In that case use parenthesis around words that have a different spelling pattern and tell the student that they are great word detective who recognize that some spelling patterns sound alike but are spelled differently. 2. Use the key words and some related word family words in a Language Experience Story. Have the student(s) find the words with the same spelling pattern as the key word 3. Review the key word or words and analyze the words and use the Talk to Yourself Chart. 4. Use the key words in sentences and words with the same spelling patterns in challenging sentences. Challenge the student(s) to find words with the same spelling patterns throughout the week. 5. Apply the key patterns in games such as concentration, dice with onsets on one dice and spelling patterns on another dice and create fun stories with the words. 6. Create vowel word walls. Notice that only the key words are used on the word wall not the word family. For example, Word Wall A E I O U Y Cat bed ride boat Up Yes Car feet kite rice rug by Remember to use a form of positive reinforcement throughout the process!! Vocabulary Assessment/Strategy Bear and Barone (1989) Spelling Stages, adapted for Ways With Words (Prentice Hall) To analyze students' spelling determine which phase they are in by looking at how they spell the following words. Administer the following assessment like a spelling test and analyze your students' strengths and weaknesses. Determine the students' spelling stage. Which spelling patterns, etc. does the student need help with to improve? What spelling strategies do you need to teach the student to help them move to the next stage? If the student misses five in a row stop the test. Spelling Stages and Test Student Name: Date: Letter Early Letter Within Word Pattern Syllable Juncture Word Name Derivational Stage Name Stage Stage Stage Stage
  • 16. 1. bed B,bd bad bed 2. ship s, sp, shp sep, shep sip, ship 3. drive krv, drv griv, driv drieve, draive bop, bomp, 4. bump b, bp, bmp bump bup 5. when w, yn, wn wan, whan wen, when jran, teran, traen, trane, 6.train j, t, trn chran train k, cs, kt, clast, 7. closet clozit, closit clst clost, clozt tas, cas, 8. chase j, jass, cs shas, case, chais, chase chass fot, flot, 9. float f, vt, ft, flt flowt, floaut, flote, float flott bechs, bechise, beches, 10.beaches b, bs, bcs becis, beeches, beaches behis 11. preparing 12. popping 13. cattle 14. caught 15. inspection 16.
  • 17. puncture 17. cellar 18. pleasure 19. squirrel 20. fortunate 21. confident 22. civilize 23. flexible opasion, opasishan, opasition, oposision, 24. opozcison, opishien, oppasishion, oposition, opposition spasitian oppisition opposition 25. emphasize Vocabulary Strategies Use a story to teach the word and have students create word stories: Henrietta Hippo Story Example Word Wizards (found on Shape Poems You Try It! (Isabel Beck) Use check marks to indicate knowledge: Word Know it well, can explain Know something Have seen or Do not know the it, use it in a sentence about it, can relate heard the word word (include sentence) it to a situation tyranny grapnel
  • 18. Purport Word Associations: After discussing explanations for the words accomplice, virtuoso, philanthropist, and novice, ask students to associate one of their new words with a presented word or phrase: Which word goes with crook? Which word goes with “gift to build a new hospital?” Which word goes with piano? Which word goes with kindergartner? Have you ever? Describe a time when… (you might urge someone, etc.) Applause! Applause! Clap how much they would like to be described by the target word: Ex. Frank, vain, wise, funny, etc. Idea Completions Students indicate word meanings into a context in order to explain a situation. Ex. The audience asked the virtuoso to play another piece of music because… The skiing teacher said Maria was a novice on the ski slopes because… Vocabulary Activities Language Arts Core Curriculum VOCABULARY Standard 4000-06 Objective: 0601 Learn new words through listening and reading widely. Objective: 0602 Use multiple resources to learn new words. Objective: 0603 Use structural analysis/context clues to determine word meanings. Instructional Strategy Goal – Use it when you want to… Directions Context Clues Storybook Reading Provide meaningful listening experiences with new words. It is also good for motivation and language development. Should be some direct teaching of vocabulary with storybook reading in schools - Incidental
  • 19. word learning will occur but some students need direct teaching of vocabulary. Adult/child discussion should be interactive Stories should be read multiple times Text Talk – Rich talk and discussion around words – example from Isobel Beck using book A Pocket for Corduroy (Freeman, 1978) Teacher’s notes using the word “reluctant.” In the story, Lisa was reluctant to leave the Laundromat without Corduroy. Reluctant means you are not sure you want to do something. Say the word with me: reluctant. Someone might be reluctant to eat a food that they never had before, or someone might be reluctant to ride a roller coaster because it looks scary. Think about something you might be reluctant to do. Start your sentence with “I might be reluctant to _________.” After each child responds, call on another child to explain the response. For example, if a child says, “I might be reluctant to eat spinach” ask another child, “What does it mean that _____ is reluctant to eat spinach? Dual Language Charts Create synonym lists Help show value of bilingualism For ESL students, create word lists that use words in their native language as well as English. If you leave spaces, students may provide their own picture clues. Classroom Labeling Associate words with concrete objects; develop concept of word Works well for ESL and foreign language; for science or technology classes Objects and situations in the classroom provide natural contexts for learning. This process can also assist the students in spelling when they want to describe the classroom aquarium or write about the mealworms in science class. CD-Rom Books Increase motivation; provide dual-language and multimodal input Computer based books allow students to read the words as they listen to the story. Several versions allow them to highlight the words.
  • 20. Fluency Assessment/Strategy *Please click twice to view powerpoint DIBELS Benchmark Assessment Assessment of Big Ideas in Beginning Reading Early Childhood Research Institute on Measuring Growth and Development Institute for the Development of Educational Achievement University of Oregon, College of Education Oregon Department of Education Repeated Reading Procedure 1. The teacher selects a short passage (100-200) words which is of interest to the student and at his/her instructional reading level (Informal Reading Inventory samples are useful for this, since they have been assessed for readability level and the number of words is noted.) 2. The student reads the passage (sight unseen-no practice) orally into a tape recorder. 3. The teacher directs the student to listen to the recording and to note any oral miscues (deviations from the printed text) by circling them in the script. 4. After counting the miscues and calculating the words per minute rate, the teacher enters these data on the repeated reading chart as Trial 1 (repeated reading chart is on CourseDen). 5. The student rehearses the passage a few times, with the aid of the teacher or another student. During the rehearsal, the teacher should discuss the passage with the student and teach as necessary to ensure that misreading isn’t due to a lack of comprehension: Determine cause of miscues such as unknown words, unclear meanings, and observation of punctuation marks. A useful sequence for rehearsing the passage is: echo reading, neurological impress, choral reading. During the rehearsals, the teacher must encourage the student to read with vocal variety and expressiveness to match the meaning of the passage. 6. The student again reads the same passage into the tape recorder.
  • 21. 7. The student and the teacher listen to the re-reading, noting miscues and rate on the repeated reading chart as Trial 2. 8. Steps 2 through 7 are repeated until criterion levels for rate and number of miscues is reached. Criteria may vary slightly from student to student, but usually are at or near the following: WPM (words per minute)=rate of 100 WPR (or faster) and MPH (miscues per hundred words)=1 or 0 miscues per 100 words of text The student’s final reading should be fluent and expressive, as if the student were narrating the text in his own words. The teacher analyzes the results to plan instruction and determine what reading skills interfere with fluency. Repeated Reading Chart Title: Week of: 200 190 180 W 170 o 160 r 150 d 140 s 130 120 P 110 e 100 r 90 80 M 70 i 60 n 50 u 40 t 30 e 20 10 0 10 9 E 8 r 7
  • 22. r 6 o 5 r 4 s 3 2 1 0 Name: SIGHT WORDS Sight words are those words that a reader needs to be able to know “on sight,” that is, without any hesitation or sounding out. Dr. Ed Fry calls these “instant words” because a reader should know them the very instant he or she sees them. What is so important about these words? Believe it or not, the very first TEN words on the first list make up about 24% of all written English material! That is, every fourth word you come across is likely to be one of those ten words. The 100 words on the first page represent almost half of all written English, while all 300 words (pages 1-3) make up nearly two-thirds of our language! On any typical page of text, 2/3 of the words will likely come from the words on just these three pages. Please note that many of the words on these three pages are also considered sight words if they contain the variant endings (suffixes) such as s, ed, or ing. These endings do not change the need to learn and know the basic root of these words. Approximately 60% of the first 300 Instant Words have common variant endings. Each of the 100 Instant Words on the following three pages compares fairly closely with the grade level of the list: the first 100 words represent words known by a majority of first-grade students by the end of the first year of school, the second 100 by the end of second grade, and the third 100 by the end of third grade. Past the third grade level, most students will be expected to have seen and learned all 300 Instant Words. If a reader does not recognize these words instantly when reading, he or she is likely to have difficulty with both fluency and comprehension. In fact, slow and labored reading is a major factor in poor comprehension. If two-thirds of written English is made up of this rather small number of words, then it is extremely important for all readers to know them without hesitation. If a child does not know all the words on any particular vertical list of 25 words (starting with the very first one), LOTS of practice should be done with just that column. Flashcards and easy-book reading will often reinforce them. After all 25 words on any vertical column are known by the child reading at his or her own pace, then it is time to work on speeding up the rate of recognition. It should take no longer
  • 23. than 12-seconds to get through any list. Again, this should not be worked on until the child can recognize all twenty-five without being timed. But once 100% accuracy has been attained, speed of recognition should be practiced until that particular list is mastered. Only then should the child work on the next harder list of twenty-five words. *Presented by* Jilene Coleman Kelly Cottingham Kimberly Anne Elshazly Susan Gilchrist June Gual Darice LeAnne Shelton Rachael West Comprehension Assessment/Strategies
  • 24. *Please click twice to view powerpoints Constructivism Theory and Assessing and Teaching Literacy Across the Curriculum Dr. Elaine Roberts The Elements of Comprehension By Witt, Hutchinson, Boisis, Davis, and Roberts Bas e d on the 7 Ke ys to Compr e he ns ion by S. Zimme r man and C. Hutchins