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Living In America Essay
What it means to live in America is having freedom and plenty of opportunities. America is a land
that usually has open arms to anyone and everyone who needs a change. Living in America opens
the doors for all people men and women. America is one of the most if not the best country to be
discovered because we learn and build from our mistakes. Living in America is a blessing and a
grateful chance to do what I choose to do in life. Living in America is different than living in
other countries in so many ways. Some countries don't have a president nor do they have a stable
system of government. The best difference from America and other countries is all of the
different types of food people eat. Also in other countries what we Americans refer to as soccer is
call futbol. The most obvious difference is the way Americans drive because we have speed
limits and cars but in some countries people go superfast and in other countries people travel by
camels and horses. Major events that occurred during my life time was 911 when two planes
brought down the twin towers. In japan they had a huge tsunami that destroyed a lot of Japans
landscape. In Charlottesville there was a mass shooting inside a church by a white man who killed
innocent black lives. Hurricane Katrina was also another big hurricane that it completely destroyed
New Orleans and Louisiana's landscape. Hurricane Harvey happened in Texas and put a lot of
families out of their homes due to floods. The most recent tragic
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first day in america Essay example
Patel Mitali
Mr. Lindemann
English 1301
February 10, 2014
My first day in America
I remember my first day in America like it just happened yesterday! I moved to America from
India when I was just 12 year old. When I started my journey to America, I was getting mixed
feelings, one side I was excited to go to America I saw in movies and wanted to be a part of great
American culture but on the other side I was feeling sad about leaving behind my friends and place
I was born and spent my childhood. But when Pilot announced that we are about to reach to
Houston in 30 minutes I got anxious and opened my seat window. When I looked Houston through
plane window, cars on freeway looked like ants' running in one line and that was more
It was almost night so we ate dinner my aunt made and went to sleep so I can say that was just my
first half–day in America! Next day I woke up and we had breakfast and then we went for short walk
near neighbor hood as we would usually do in India, but it was really different. I was shocked when
I barely saw people walking in our neighborhood. The street was very quite it seems like no one
even lives here. In India you will see so many people on the street in daylight at least.
After a short walk, luckily I found the playground, which was near by my aunt's house. I felt better
seeing kids were playing, some adults were talking with each other and some were playing
Then when I saw a guy standing with his pants almost half way down so I thought he did not know
that his pants were felling down and I should tell my cousin to tell him that.
"Hey, I think that guy do not know that his pant is loose and almost about to fall off" I said.
"Ha ha, that is normal for some people to dress that way! He wore it that way on purpose!" He said.
"Oh man, I was thinking of telling him that! That would have been embarrassing!" I said. Then we
went back to my aunt's place and got ready to do some shopping for our new apartment. My aunt
drove us to Walmart and then took us to Macy's. I was amazed to see size of Walmart the first time.
Also it
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Life in Colonial America Essay
The Puritans that arrived in America from 1630 to 1649 prompted by religious persecution made a
commitment to the "covenant" with God, whom had ordered the puritans to "fly into the
wilderness", (Reich, 2011, p. 72). This "covenant" was to bind all residents tightly together both
religiously and socially. Centered on a common pasture, a village could consist of a meetinghouse,
land and multiple family homes that support the whole group or a "city on the hill" (Brinkley, 2010,
p. 76), (Reich, 2011, p. 72). The social unit, whom was tightly knit in the early years of the
Massachusetts colony, began to strain and many challenges arose as time passed affected this social
structure, mainly the increasing commercialism of the surrounding more content...
184). This period revolved around the conflict between traditional views of a personal God
involved within the individual's lives, the new spirit of the enlightenment with the importance of
intellect (science) and human reasoning. The old views placed high values on a stern moral code,
which taught intellect is less important than faith became apparent not true (Kupperman, 2000, p.
118). The enlightenment also suggested that people had control over their lives and their societies.
Therefore, religious toleration in the colonies flourished, there were so many types of religion it
was impossible for the British rulers or puritans of the day to enforce some sort of code or religious
enforcement of an official faith (Brinkley, 2010, pg. 80–81), (Kupperman, 2000, p. 118). Native
Americans were very important to American history; they were the first people in America (Nash,
2010, p. 13). Native Americans have their own form of governing, vastly different language,
religious beliefs, and dress and for some reason the Natives have been generally excluded from
American success (Nash, 2010, pg. 14–15). This is especially true when we look at how America put
into place the "Manifest destiny" the idea that the United States had the God–given right and duty to
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"Outlaw: My Life In America As An Undocumented Immigrant" by Jose Antonio Vargas from the
New York Times, is a narrative essay that focuses on telling a story of past events. Vargas proposes
that since he grew up in America that this is considered his home. Vargas believed he would be
granted citizenship if he worked harder and achieved more. His motivation of sharing his
childhood journey would be the relief of him coming forward about his legal status to those who
were not aware and to those who he truly cares about but could not risk sharing his story with.
Vargas tone and stance attracts people who are or have already been through the same path and for
those that come to America to live the "American Dream" like Vargas intended to. Vargas
concludes he is trapped in duplicity and being dishonest about his legal status is destroying his
character. Even though, Vargas convinces me about his difficult journey as an undocumented
immigrant, his belief that coming forward with the truth of his legal status will allow him to regain
his values or the trust of those who he has already lied to is unconvincing because after all those
years it has become a part of his selfhood.
Throughout the essay, Vargas references the inner struggle that he had to face day in and day out.
The fear of being uncover, the stress behind who can be trusted and what he was able to do. Vargas
worked towards gaining a career hoping it would have a positive influence in his legalization status.
"It means
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My Life In America Essay
I am the journey over the Atlantic. One foot imprinted in Greece, the other imprinted in America.
My love for both ranges two continents. My parents' soul lies in Greece. My brother and I are the
bridge that connects them both. I have an overwhelming amount of pride for the purpose of my
country. Although, I was born here in the states, I feel most at home when I am in Greece.
There is no better feeling than landing in Greece after a 9–hour flight. My heart flutters when I take
my first step on the ground. Being around people who come from the same decent gives me an
overwhelming comfort. Our car slowly ascends up our dirt road, the stray dogs following behind.
My YiaYia and Papou can be seen standing in the driveway of our house, welcoming us. There is
something about European air that gives you the uttermost alleviation inside and out. Being high up
in the mountains, sun beating down on your skin and the cicadas singing in the garden gives you a
wholesome feeling of being one with the more content...
A tree without its roots simply will not live on. Afamily tree lives on if the backbone is strong. A
family and its background is what keeps it together. From a young age, I would sit in the kitchen
with my YiaYia Dina listening to the staticky Greek music playing from her tiny silver radio as
she stirred the contents of our dinner in the tall pot. The strong aroma could send shivers up my
spine and my senses flowing. "Sit down, koukla [doll]," my grandmother would say, wiping her
hands on the dish towel. "Promise me that you will learn to cook just like your YiaYia so you
have the ability do the same for your children." I became devout to learning more about my
background, language and culture because of the fact that passing on the Hellenic experience is an
experience of its own. When I am old and grey, I wish to have made the same impact my family has
had on me, on my own
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The Value Of Life In America
Whenever I hear somebody complaining about how hard life is to them, I think, "you have no
idea". None of us have any clue how sick our lives could really be. In America, life is precious.
Children here hate going to school, when parents in other countries can't even afford it. Instead,
these children are working 24 hours a day. They're served little meals and owners sometimes beat
them. While we're complaining about who has the nicest clothes and shoes. Not everyone has
opportunity. Americans make it seem like we don't have enough opportunities. When we actually
have extra to spare. Witnessing the thousands of immigrants pouring into the US should tell you we
have opportunity waiting. After watching multiple
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A Better Life In America
there would be a better life in America. She left and did what she did because of better life she
was told would be there waiting for her. The values is that Annie got the idea from the him
(narrative) to go with him and believed that everything would be better in her life and that she
believed that she could leave any time she wanted. Structure and social facts is that he impacted
her behavior and attitude in a positive way to go by all the great possibilities waiting for her.
Agency is that Annie had her own free will to do what she wanted and he was not going to force
her to stay with him if she did not want to be with him. The last section I chose was "She took at
hike don't matter if I like it or not because she only wants the wrong way".
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Personal Essay: Where Is Life In America?
How is life in America? Six weeks ago, I could not answer it. I did not think too much before I
made the decision to come here. All I knew about the US came from the Trevor Noah's comedy
show, which convinced me this would be full of fun. After six weeks, I, now, still cannot answer this
question with confidence. I merely stayed in one city, Los Angeles, and what I experienced is only a
part of the life in LA. However, the vitality, slow–paced life, friendly people of this city have deeply
impressed me and trapped me here.
Before I came here, Los Angeles was, in my mind, an old, classical, highly–populated metropolis
full of skyscrapers like New York City, since it is the second largest city in America. Countering my
expectation, Liu (Arnold, 2013) implied that Los Angeles possesses "energy and a kind of newness
because people are coming from all over the country and the world", which has been proved by my
experience more content...
That implies that people here enjoy a slower paced life. Before I came here, life in a large city, in
my mind, always related to working from 9–5, which derived from my experience in Beijing,
Shanghai, and Singapore. Nevertheless, what I see in Los Angeles totally changes my mind.
Last week, I took an Uber pool to the Griffith Observatory at 10am. Another passenger boarded
that car when we were passing through Hollywood. He said he was in a hurry to work; otherwise,
he would walk to the office. Nevertheless, along the trip, he kept texting on his phone and
sometimes chatted with the driver. I could hardly tell that he was really concerned about being late.
Moreover, we saw many people queueing at a bakery for breakfast (according to what that
passenger said). Can you imagine that many people queueing for breakfast at 10:30? Probably, I can
only witness this phenomenon in Los
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The Importance Of Life In America
Hannah is new to Greensboro. She came from California to go to UNCG for business. She
wanted a fresh start, and what better way than going clear across the country? She is still
adjusting and trying to get used to living in the south. Her first semester is coming to a close,
finals coming in just a couple weeks away. Hannah is trying to plan her next semester out, and the
thing she is most interested in, is possibly living in the international dorm. She is in the process of
learning French, having taken it in high school, as well as the first semester, and would like to be
around others who speak it to help her become fluent. The story opens with her going to get a tour
of the dorm. The person she meets to get the tour from, was more content...
They go on a date together, and then after, to a party. They drink and have a great time. Hannah is
so elated and certain she feel something for him. Maxime takes her back to his dorm room. They
have sex. As they lay there after, Hannah asks what his plans are for winter break. He explains
that he isn't sure. He was still waiting to find out if he was going to stay for the next term or not,
waiting to hear back from the school about it. Her heart drops, not realizing how limited their
time was together. Maxime tells her not to fret and just enjoy the time they had together, but that
he hoped he did get to stay so that they could spend more time together. They fall asleep in his
bed. A few hours later, she wakes to the sound of him making a call right outside the door. It's in
French. Once again, Hannah doesn't pick up a lot of it, but keywords. The one phrase she is
certain she heard was "have a good morning, my love". And hearing him say "I love you", once
again. Did he have a girlfriend back home?! As the door opens, Hannah acts like she is asleep,
unsure how to confront him. Maxime lays back in the bed and holds her. Cliffhanger. *Next book,
Hannah finds out that he does have a girlfriend in France. He feels horrible about getting caught,
and assures her that it wasn't like him. He just really liked Hannah and wanted to see where it
would go. Him and his girlfriend had been getting distant before he even came to the US. He gets to
stay for the
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American Life In Ww2 Essay
American life was drastically impacted by World War II, and in this essay I will discuss how the
war affected American civilian life on the home front.
On December 7, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan, and subsequently caused the rest
of the Axis powers to declare war on them, engaging America in World War II. This led to massive
change in the American lifestyle, as industry began maximizing production to supply the military
with war supplies. As a result, the gap in American employment that was created by the Great
Depression was quickly filled, in a race to occupy the large amount of new jobs which sprung up.
Along with this, the need to get workers to meet the rate of production needed to win the war led the
government to " more content...
Even though in the past, gender roles had restricted women from entering specific industries, the
"demand for workers led to a dramatic rise in women's employment, from fourteen million working
women in 1940 to nineteen million by 1945" (Divine, pg. 896). The industry which saw the biggest
increase in female workers was the aviation industry. "More than 310,000 women worked in the
U.S. aircraft industry in 1943, representing 65 percent of the industry's total workforce" (American
Women in World War II, Paragraph 4). Not all American social groups benefited from the economic
boom in the same way. For example, even though African Americans and Mexican Americans did
have some economic gains, they still suffered from racial discrimination in the workplace.
World War II did not only have positive impacts on the American lifestyle, however. The biggest
group to suffer from the war was the Japanese Americans. Due to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, and
their racial origin caused Americans to fear these citizens. In response to these fears, President
Roosevelt "gave the army power, without warrants or hearings, to arrest every person of Japanese
descent on the West Coast" (Scott, Lecture 5). As a result of this, 120,000 Japanese Americans, В
ѕ of
which were Nisei (born in the U.S.), were forced into concentration camps all along
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My Life In America
As my 5 years living in America theirs just some things I don't understand and find funny. These
Americans are weird, like around the very end of each year everyone starts to get joyful and
happy also like to bring up this word "Christmas" and it involves a big fat white man with a white
beard who wears a red suit, which carries toys on a flying vehicle with deers flying it. I find that
pretty funny if you ask me. But, that's not the only weird thing about this event. Everytime I walk
through cities and neighborhood streets I see colorful lights on the outside of many American
homes and big toys of characters. I'm not to sure what the lights are there for maybe to celebrate
this holiday. I also, see these weird looking trees that
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Everyday Life In Early America Summary
Everyday Life in Early America was written by David Freeman Hawke, a professor of American
History at Lehman College. He was seventy–five years old when he passed away in 1999. Hawke
carried multiple degrees from Swarthmore College, University of Wisconsin, and the University
of Pennsylvania. He was a highly regarded historical scholar with a talent for writing. Hawke
already had several books published by the time he wrote Everyday Life in Early America in
1988. These books include: The Colonial Experience (1966), In the Midst of a Revolution (1961),
Paine (1974), and Franklin (1976). His other book, "Benjamin Rush: Revolutionary Gadfy" was a
biography nominated for National Book Award in 1972. These books were similar to each other,
however, he took an entirely different path when writing Everyday Life in Early America. This
book is easily accessible to any education level, perhaps even an elementary school teacher could
read and paraphrase the sections to their students. For anyone interested in what went on in the lives
of people in America during the seventeenth century, this would be a good read. Fromhigh school to
historical scholars, this book is an "introductory" level type of text. This book can stand alone, but
it would also make for a very good text book if more content...
Throughout the book there were many grammatical errors as well as misspelled words. Even with
the sources cited at the end of the book, it would have made a notable difference if Hawke had put
footnotes within the pages of the text. At just 180 pages, this book is short, but does not leave a
hunger for more. It had just enough detail within the short sections to satiate the curiosity, but it did
not prove to be a very interesting book to read. It felt haphazardly organized and thrown together,
and lacked at grabbing any
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Personal Narrative: My New Life In America
My new life in America
I'm an international student from China majored in Fine art. I came to Arizona State University last
year on August. This is my first time go abroad alone and I knew that there are many challenge I
will face. However, whatever how hard to get into a new culture environment, I will follow my heart
to make my dream come true.
The Food in America was the first challenge I have to deal with, my first semester I have to eat
school, I ate hamburgers and piazza everyday. Moreover, I really missed my mother's homemade
food which makes me more homesick. However, this challenge changed after I move out this
semester, I find some supermarkets that I can carry the types of food that I really like and I begin
to cook at home. This is much cheaper than eat at the restaurant which also helps me save some
money that I can use to buy some books for class.
The second challenge was the language. I think the fluent English was really important for the
international students who just like me to get into more content...
After I started classes, join in the study groups and talk with my classmates whole semester which
really helps me a lot to makes friends. We hang out during the weekend, we went to shopping, we
went to hiking and we drawing our assignments in studio. With the time goes by, homesick never
came to me again. It's felt like tempe was my second hometown. I think some international students
struggle with their study, emotion and relationships a lot. Doing some research about America
culture and ask whatever you want to know with your classmates. I do believe that they will answer
you and makes all the problem be solved.
My new life in America was so good and awesome which can't be come true without my teacher's
help, the love of my friends and the effect I had did for the
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Essay On Life In America After 9/11
Life in America after 9/11/01 was a hard time for America, many families and friends were
grieving over their lost loved ones. But while all of this was happening government and
important people were creating programs like the TSA.The Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) was created to create a safer flight and safer planes so tragedies like the
recent terrorist attack America went through does not happen again. Some changes they made for
safer flights are the cockpit doors that pilots are controlling the plane is was turned bullet proof
and stays locked at all times during the duration of the flight. Also, in the airport you must put
baggage through the technology created to detect weapons or bombs that could be in anybody's
luggage. Many requirement must be met at airports after 9/11, for example a specific ID is
required; the ID name must math the name printed on the ticket of that person. This is probably in
effect because they wouldn't want anyone on the plane that is not supposed to be there. Also,
whatever thy person has on them like baggage and carry on that a person plans to bring into the
plane must be checked and screened. People can fit many things into their bags so this rule is there
because they would want any weapons on the plane that would lead to other people getting hurt.
Lastly, there is technology that scans someone's body to check for any weapons to anything they
would not like to have on the plane, but more content...
A number of these changes would not of had to be made. If the education of the security officers and
the training was better the changes would not of been made. Before 9/11 if airport security officers
could receive the correct and important intelligence there would be less hijacking and issues on
airplanes. Some of the officers were not trained to deal with certain situations and they didn't know
how to handle the attack of
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The Benefits of Living in America. Essay
Fireworks cracking and lighting up the sky, hot dogs cooking on the grill, and a cold drink in a
red, white, and blue paper cup. It is the forth of July, Independence day, the day Americans put all
of their worries to the side to celebrate the freedom of the country that they live in, America. Those
who live in the USA may experience more freedom and comfort then those who live in other parts
of the world. America is highly praised for their education, diverse crowds, and socially accepting
everyone despite their race, religion, or special needs.
Many people from all over the world come to America to get a better education then the one being
offered to them by their own country, mainly because of it's elite schools, endless study choices, more content...
However, in the USA many universities use hands on teaching using the latest technology to help
teach students their feild of study.
America is a very diverse place people come in all different shapes, sizesm religions, races, and
sexual preferences and all are socially accepted and not looked at in any negative way. Woman can
wear whatever they want and work where ever they want, this is not accepted in many other parts
of the world. Any hobby, interest, or past time that you may have no where in the world is it more
affordable or accepted then it is in America.
People with special needs are not always included as a normal citizen as they should be in other
countries, more so the middle East. Many of these special needs people are confined to their
homes with little or no contact with the outisde world. However, in America equal opportunites
such as education and jobs are provided for these people despite their disabilities. Also, in the
USA help is provided for those people with disabilities all over the place, wheel chair ramps for the
handicap and brail writting for the blind these are all things that help make everyone in America feel
equal despite a disability or a handicap.
Many countries are controlled by their government, they are told what to wear, what religion to be,
even as far as who to marry. No on wants to be told what to do, not be able to make decisions on
their own, or
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Personal Narrative: My Life In America
I was born in Havana, Cuba and lived there for ten years. If I am honest I cannot remember much
about Cuba unlike my mother; however even though I cannot remember much I always used to
think that Cuba was home regardless of how long we stayed in America. Similar to most children
I took after the actions of my parents while growing up. If my mother and grandmother spoke
about Cuba or any topic related to it I would listen to them and then I tried to have the same
conversation with my uncle as if to let them know that I was thinking about Cuba as well. I used to
believe that when we flew over to America we brought Cuba with us and that was a normal thing;
however my thinking was changed over the course of only one year in America. I remember
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Family Life In Colonial America
According to "" Family life today is somewhat different from the
family life back then in the colonial America.
The way of life was mainly determine by wealth. The members of a family who is not wealthy
normally live in rural areas, and are responsible for household chores and small family businesses. As
for the families who is rich in wealth, the chores were taken care of by hired servants and the family
business where marshaled by the father.
The life of the children were also affected by wealth. Wealthier children were sent to school or
tutored at home to become successful. The son was the alternative if something should happen to the
father and the daughters were groomed with high standard and to choose an ambitious
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Personal Narrative: Life In America
Hope "HNLAVNOEIJF!" "Yovjnouewo?" "ODAUWHB!!!" That's basically all I could
understand as I left the immigration center. People all around me were talking in languages I had
only studied in textbooks, which barely helped. That was the first time I could really look around
and see where I was. The sound of car engines roared in my ears as I walked across the street;
people squashed into a small bus while chattering in a garbled language that made no sense.
Everywhere I looked I saw chaos, and I couldn't have been happier. I had finally left a home
drenched in war, and a father who made my life miserable. I, along with a bunch of other students,
had left China to go to nursing school in America. It was my ticket to a new life where I was the more content...
Life in America was not what I thought it would be. I knew it would be challenging, but my
imagination was an amusement park compared to this. I could barely understand the professors,
and learning another language on top of it only added to the stress. I looked at the burger the guy
(I think his name was Johnny) held. Johnny lived across the hall from me. He would make
burgers and sell them to the students at higher prices because he knew the university's sad excuse
for a meal plan wasn't substantial. One whiff of the burger made my stomach feel like it was a
beast clawing its way through my skin. One dollar then was a lot to ask for, but I needed real
food. I handed over my dollar, one fifth of my money for the month. "Prnaidwa hfnwi hsdiesff
jwuf you lady" I took my food and went back to my room where I stayed with another Chinese
student who never mentioned her name. I ate my small burger in my small room while doing my
massive pile of homework, wondering what my life would be like if I had stayed in China. Images
of bomb shelters and Japanese soldiers flashed in my mind. I shook those images from my head and
opened an anatomy book. If I wanted a better life, I had to work for
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Life In America
5/2/2016 International students from Cameroon who thing life in America is easy but it's not easy
Although many Cameroonians believe life in America is easy they, should understand how difficult
it is to get by in the U.S. Many international students from Cameroon think life in America is easy,
They think there is time for entertainment or have fun with friends. Money is easy to get in
America, not knowing that it is difficult in Cameroon. They have this strong belief that there a lot
of job waiting for them. All these factors are not true because there is no time for relaxation in the
American life style is are complex. Since the day they I came to America life has not been easy
from reducing the
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The Experience of Immigrants in the United States
Works Cited Not Included
The United States has been a host to a wide diaspora of people. Immigrants have had to transition
from their familiar land to a new–fashioned foreign land that they must consider home. They bring
with them the essence of their initial homeland such as customs, traditions and beliefs that
inadvertently change the dynamics of culture within the United States. As a result the United States is
an extremely culturally diverse nation. The continual changes or accretions that Americans
encounter have always been a controversial topic depending on the experiences of individuals and
communities that have immigrant populations. This essay will critically more
Language barriers make it difficult for immigrants to establish relationships outside there own
communities and it is often easier for them to build their stores and neighborhoods. Cultural
community stores or working for minimum or less than minimum wages are not uncommon within
immigrant communities. Hmong community had established their own cultural community as a
support system and/or familiar setting.
Another significant issue would be that many times cultural lines become blurred because of the
different life styles. Cultural roles continue to be ever present but the roles of women and men in
the work place are not as rigid because the economic stability becomes more significant than the
male breadwinner role. Instances such as this were the male/female roles are diverged become
significant because the dynamics of the essential cultural beliefs begin to mold according to
necessity and environment. Within American society it is more customary to see women in a work
environment than in Laos were traditional male hierarchy is present. In addition the cost of living in
America is considerably higher so it's more practical for both parties to contribute. Concerns and
ambiguities arise after set norms begin transitioning toward assimilation. This becomes more evident
with children as they begin to
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Life In America Essay

  • 1. Living In America Essay What it means to live in America is having freedom and plenty of opportunities. America is a land that usually has open arms to anyone and everyone who needs a change. Living in America opens the doors for all people men and women. America is one of the most if not the best country to be discovered because we learn and build from our mistakes. Living in America is a blessing and a grateful chance to do what I choose to do in life. Living in America is different than living in other countries in so many ways. Some countries don't have a president nor do they have a stable system of government. The best difference from America and other countries is all of the different types of food people eat. Also in other countries what we Americans refer to as soccer is call futbol. The most obvious difference is the way Americans drive because we have speed limits and cars but in some countries people go superfast and in other countries people travel by camels and horses. Major events that occurred during my life time was 911 when two planes brought down the twin towers. In japan they had a huge tsunami that destroyed a lot of Japans landscape. In Charlottesville there was a mass shooting inside a church by a white man who killed innocent black lives. Hurricane Katrina was also another big hurricane that it completely destroyed New Orleans and Louisiana's landscape. Hurricane Harvey happened in Texas and put a lot of families out of their homes due to floods. The most recent tragic Get more content on
  • 2. first day in america Essay example Patel Mitali Mr. Lindemann English 1301 February 10, 2014 My first day in America I remember my first day in America like it just happened yesterday! I moved to America from India when I was just 12 year old. When I started my journey to America, I was getting mixed feelings, one side I was excited to go to America I saw in movies and wanted to be a part of great American culture but on the other side I was feeling sad about leaving behind my friends and place I was born and spent my childhood. But when Pilot announced that we are about to reach to Houston in 30 minutes I got anxious and opened my seat window. When I looked Houston through plane window, cars on freeway looked like ants' running in one line and that was more content... It was almost night so we ate dinner my aunt made and went to sleep so I can say that was just my first half–day in America! Next day I woke up and we had breakfast and then we went for short walk near neighbor hood as we would usually do in India, but it was really different. I was shocked when I barely saw people walking in our neighborhood. The street was very quite it seems like no one even lives here. In India you will see so many people on the street in daylight at least. After a short walk, luckily I found the playground, which was near by my aunt's house. I felt better seeing kids were playing, some adults were talking with each other and some were playing basketballs. Then when I saw a guy standing with his pants almost half way down so I thought he did not know that his pants were felling down and I should tell my cousin to tell him that. "Hey, I think that guy do not know that his pant is loose and almost about to fall off" I said. "Ha ha, that is normal for some people to dress that way! He wore it that way on purpose!" He said. "Oh man, I was thinking of telling him that! That would have been embarrassing!" I said. Then we went back to my aunt's place and got ready to do some shopping for our new apartment. My aunt drove us to Walmart and then took us to Macy's. I was amazed to see size of Walmart the first time. Also it Get more content on
  • 3. Life in Colonial America Essay The Puritans that arrived in America from 1630 to 1649 prompted by religious persecution made a commitment to the "covenant" with God, whom had ordered the puritans to "fly into the wilderness", (Reich, 2011, p. 72). This "covenant" was to bind all residents tightly together both religiously and socially. Centered on a common pasture, a village could consist of a meetinghouse, land and multiple family homes that support the whole group or a "city on the hill" (Brinkley, 2010, p. 76), (Reich, 2011, p. 72). The social unit, whom was tightly knit in the early years of the Massachusetts colony, began to strain and many challenges arose as time passed affected this social structure, mainly the increasing commercialism of the surrounding more content... 184). This period revolved around the conflict between traditional views of a personal God involved within the individual's lives, the new spirit of the enlightenment with the importance of intellect (science) and human reasoning. The old views placed high values on a stern moral code, which taught intellect is less important than faith became apparent not true (Kupperman, 2000, p. 118). The enlightenment also suggested that people had control over their lives and their societies. Therefore, religious toleration in the colonies flourished, there were so many types of religion it was impossible for the British rulers or puritans of the day to enforce some sort of code or religious enforcement of an official faith (Brinkley, 2010, pg. 80–81), (Kupperman, 2000, p. 118). Native Americans were very important to American history; they were the first people in America (Nash, 2010, p. 13). Native Americans have their own form of governing, vastly different language, religious beliefs, and dress and for some reason the Natives have been generally excluded from American success (Nash, 2010, pg. 14–15). This is especially true when we look at how America put into place the "Manifest destiny" the idea that the United States had the God–given right and duty to take Get more content on
  • 4. "Outlaw: My Life In America As An Undocumented Immigrant" by Jose Antonio Vargas from the New York Times, is a narrative essay that focuses on telling a story of past events. Vargas proposes that since he grew up in America that this is considered his home. Vargas believed he would be granted citizenship if he worked harder and achieved more. His motivation of sharing his childhood journey would be the relief of him coming forward about his legal status to those who were not aware and to those who he truly cares about but could not risk sharing his story with. Vargas tone and stance attracts people who are or have already been through the same path and for those that come to America to live the "American Dream" like Vargas intended to. Vargas concludes he is trapped in duplicity and being dishonest about his legal status is destroying his character. Even though, Vargas convinces me about his difficult journey as an undocumented immigrant, his belief that coming forward with the truth of his legal status will allow him to regain his values or the trust of those who he has already lied to is unconvincing because after all those years it has become a part of his selfhood. Throughout the essay, Vargas references the inner struggle that he had to face day in and day out. The fear of being uncover, the stress behind who can be trusted and what he was able to do. Vargas worked towards gaining a career hoping it would have a positive influence in his legalization status. "It means Get more content on
  • 5. My Life In America Essay I am the journey over the Atlantic. One foot imprinted in Greece, the other imprinted in America. My love for both ranges two continents. My parents' soul lies in Greece. My brother and I are the bridge that connects them both. I have an overwhelming amount of pride for the purpose of my country. Although, I was born here in the states, I feel most at home when I am in Greece. There is no better feeling than landing in Greece after a 9–hour flight. My heart flutters when I take my first step on the ground. Being around people who come from the same decent gives me an overwhelming comfort. Our car slowly ascends up our dirt road, the stray dogs following behind. My YiaYia and Papou can be seen standing in the driveway of our house, welcoming us. There is something about European air that gives you the uttermost alleviation inside and out. Being high up in the mountains, sun beating down on your skin and the cicadas singing in the garden gives you a wholesome feeling of being one with the more content... A tree without its roots simply will not live on. Afamily tree lives on if the backbone is strong. A family and its background is what keeps it together. From a young age, I would sit in the kitchen with my YiaYia Dina listening to the staticky Greek music playing from her tiny silver radio as she stirred the contents of our dinner in the tall pot. The strong aroma could send shivers up my spine and my senses flowing. "Sit down, koukla [doll]," my grandmother would say, wiping her hands on the dish towel. "Promise me that you will learn to cook just like your YiaYia so you have the ability do the same for your children." I became devout to learning more about my background, language and culture because of the fact that passing on the Hellenic experience is an experience of its own. When I am old and grey, I wish to have made the same impact my family has had on me, on my own Get more content on
  • 6. The Value Of Life In America Whenever I hear somebody complaining about how hard life is to them, I think, "you have no idea". None of us have any clue how sick our lives could really be. In America, life is precious. Children here hate going to school, when parents in other countries can't even afford it. Instead, these children are working 24 hours a day. They're served little meals and owners sometimes beat them. While we're complaining about who has the nicest clothes and shoes. Not everyone has opportunity. Americans make it seem like we don't have enough opportunities. When we actually have extra to spare. Witnessing the thousands of immigrants pouring into the US should tell you we have opportunity waiting. After watching multiple Get more content on
  • 7. A Better Life In America there would be a better life in America. She left and did what she did because of better life she was told would be there waiting for her. The values is that Annie got the idea from the him (narrative) to go with him and believed that everything would be better in her life and that she believed that she could leave any time she wanted. Structure and social facts is that he impacted her behavior and attitude in a positive way to go by all the great possibilities waiting for her. Agency is that Annie had her own free will to do what she wanted and he was not going to force her to stay with him if she did not want to be with him. The last section I chose was "She took at hike don't matter if I like it or not because she only wants the wrong way". Get more content on
  • 8. Personal Essay: Where Is Life In America? How is life in America? Six weeks ago, I could not answer it. I did not think too much before I made the decision to come here. All I knew about the US came from the Trevor Noah's comedy show, which convinced me this would be full of fun. After six weeks, I, now, still cannot answer this question with confidence. I merely stayed in one city, Los Angeles, and what I experienced is only a part of the life in LA. However, the vitality, slow–paced life, friendly people of this city have deeply impressed me and trapped me here. Before I came here, Los Angeles was, in my mind, an old, classical, highly–populated metropolis full of skyscrapers like New York City, since it is the second largest city in America. Countering my expectation, Liu (Arnold, 2013) implied that Los Angeles possesses "energy and a kind of newness because people are coming from all over the country and the world", which has been proved by my experience more content... That implies that people here enjoy a slower paced life. Before I came here, life in a large city, in my mind, always related to working from 9–5, which derived from my experience in Beijing, Shanghai, and Singapore. Nevertheless, what I see in Los Angeles totally changes my mind. Last week, I took an Uber pool to the Griffith Observatory at 10am. Another passenger boarded that car when we were passing through Hollywood. He said he was in a hurry to work; otherwise, he would walk to the office. Nevertheless, along the trip, he kept texting on his phone and sometimes chatted with the driver. I could hardly tell that he was really concerned about being late. Moreover, we saw many people queueing at a bakery for breakfast (according to what that passenger said). Can you imagine that many people queueing for breakfast at 10:30? Probably, I can only witness this phenomenon in Los Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of Life In America Hannah is new to Greensboro. She came from California to go to UNCG for business. She wanted a fresh start, and what better way than going clear across the country? She is still adjusting and trying to get used to living in the south. Her first semester is coming to a close, finals coming in just a couple weeks away. Hannah is trying to plan her next semester out, and the thing she is most interested in, is possibly living in the international dorm. She is in the process of learning French, having taken it in high school, as well as the first semester, and would like to be around others who speak it to help her become fluent. The story opens with her going to get a tour of the dorm. The person she meets to get the tour from, was more content... They go on a date together, and then after, to a party. They drink and have a great time. Hannah is so elated and certain she feel something for him. Maxime takes her back to his dorm room. They have sex. As they lay there after, Hannah asks what his plans are for winter break. He explains that he isn't sure. He was still waiting to find out if he was going to stay for the next term or not, waiting to hear back from the school about it. Her heart drops, not realizing how limited their time was together. Maxime tells her not to fret and just enjoy the time they had together, but that he hoped he did get to stay so that they could spend more time together. They fall asleep in his bed. A few hours later, she wakes to the sound of him making a call right outside the door. It's in French. Once again, Hannah doesn't pick up a lot of it, but keywords. The one phrase she is certain she heard was "have a good morning, my love". And hearing him say "I love you", once again. Did he have a girlfriend back home?! As the door opens, Hannah acts like she is asleep, unsure how to confront him. Maxime lays back in the bed and holds her. Cliffhanger. *Next book, Hannah finds out that he does have a girlfriend in France. He feels horrible about getting caught, and assures her that it wasn't like him. He just really liked Hannah and wanted to see where it would go. Him and his girlfriend had been getting distant before he even came to the US. He gets to stay for the Get more content on
  • 10. American Life In Ww2 Essay American life was drastically impacted by World War II, and in this essay I will discuss how the war affected American civilian life on the home front. On December 7, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan, and subsequently caused the rest of the Axis powers to declare war on them, engaging America in World War II. This led to massive change in the American lifestyle, as industry began maximizing production to supply the military with war supplies. As a result, the gap in American employment that was created by the Great Depression was quickly filled, in a race to occupy the large amount of new jobs which sprung up. Along with this, the need to get workers to meet the rate of production needed to win the war led the government to " more content... Even though in the past, gender roles had restricted women from entering specific industries, the "demand for workers led to a dramatic rise in women's employment, from fourteen million working women in 1940 to nineteen million by 1945" (Divine, pg. 896). The industry which saw the biggest increase in female workers was the aviation industry. "More than 310,000 women worked in the U.S. aircraft industry in 1943, representing 65 percent of the industry's total workforce" (American Women in World War II, Paragraph 4). Not all American social groups benefited from the economic boom in the same way. For example, even though African Americans and Mexican Americans did have some economic gains, they still suffered from racial discrimination in the workplace. World War II did not only have positive impacts on the American lifestyle, however. The biggest group to suffer from the war was the Japanese Americans. Due to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, and their racial origin caused Americans to fear these citizens. In response to these fears, President Roosevelt "gave the army power, without warrants or hearings, to arrest every person of Japanese descent on the West Coast" (Scott, Lecture 5). As a result of this, 120,000 Japanese Americans, В ѕ of which were Nisei (born in the U.S.), were forced into concentration camps all along Get more content on
  • 11. My Life In America As my 5 years living in America theirs just some things I don't understand and find funny. These Americans are weird, like around the very end of each year everyone starts to get joyful and happy also like to bring up this word "Christmas" and it involves a big fat white man with a white beard who wears a red suit, which carries toys on a flying vehicle with deers flying it. I find that pretty funny if you ask me. But, that's not the only weird thing about this event. Everytime I walk through cities and neighborhood streets I see colorful lights on the outside of many American homes and big toys of characters. I'm not to sure what the lights are there for maybe to celebrate this holiday. I also, see these weird looking trees that Get more content on
  • 12. Everyday Life In Early America Summary Everyday Life in Early America was written by David Freeman Hawke, a professor of American History at Lehman College. He was seventy–five years old when he passed away in 1999. Hawke carried multiple degrees from Swarthmore College, University of Wisconsin, and the University of Pennsylvania. He was a highly regarded historical scholar with a talent for writing. Hawke already had several books published by the time he wrote Everyday Life in Early America in 1988. These books include: The Colonial Experience (1966), In the Midst of a Revolution (1961), Paine (1974), and Franklin (1976). His other book, "Benjamin Rush: Revolutionary Gadfy" was a biography nominated for National Book Award in 1972. These books were similar to each other, however, he took an entirely different path when writing Everyday Life in Early America. This book is easily accessible to any education level, perhaps even an elementary school teacher could read and paraphrase the sections to their students. For anyone interested in what went on in the lives of people in America during the seventeenth century, this would be a good read. Fromhigh school to historical scholars, this book is an "introductory" level type of text. This book can stand alone, but it would also make for a very good text book if more content... Throughout the book there were many grammatical errors as well as misspelled words. Even with the sources cited at the end of the book, it would have made a notable difference if Hawke had put footnotes within the pages of the text. At just 180 pages, this book is short, but does not leave a hunger for more. It had just enough detail within the short sections to satiate the curiosity, but it did not prove to be a very interesting book to read. It felt haphazardly organized and thrown together, and lacked at grabbing any Get more content on
  • 13. Personal Narrative: My New Life In America My new life in America I'm an international student from China majored in Fine art. I came to Arizona State University last year on August. This is my first time go abroad alone and I knew that there are many challenge I will face. However, whatever how hard to get into a new culture environment, I will follow my heart to make my dream come true. The Food in America was the first challenge I have to deal with, my first semester I have to eat school, I ate hamburgers and piazza everyday. Moreover, I really missed my mother's homemade food which makes me more homesick. However, this challenge changed after I move out this semester, I find some supermarkets that I can carry the types of food that I really like and I begin to cook at home. This is much cheaper than eat at the restaurant which also helps me save some money that I can use to buy some books for class. The second challenge was the language. I think the fluent English was really important for the international students who just like me to get into more content... After I started classes, join in the study groups and talk with my classmates whole semester which really helps me a lot to makes friends. We hang out during the weekend, we went to shopping, we went to hiking and we drawing our assignments in studio. With the time goes by, homesick never came to me again. It's felt like tempe was my second hometown. I think some international students struggle with their study, emotion and relationships a lot. Doing some research about America culture and ask whatever you want to know with your classmates. I do believe that they will answer you and makes all the problem be solved. My new life in America was so good and awesome which can't be come true without my teacher's help, the love of my friends and the effect I had did for the Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Life In America After 9/11 Life in America after 9/11/01 was a hard time for America, many families and friends were grieving over their lost loved ones. But while all of this was happening government and important people were creating programs like the TSA.The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created to create a safer flight and safer planes so tragedies like the recent terrorist attack America went through does not happen again. Some changes they made for safer flights are the cockpit doors that pilots are controlling the plane is was turned bullet proof and stays locked at all times during the duration of the flight. Also, in the airport you must put baggage through the technology created to detect weapons or bombs that could be in anybody's luggage. Many requirement must be met at airports after 9/11, for example a specific ID is required; the ID name must math the name printed on the ticket of that person. This is probably in effect because they wouldn't want anyone on the plane that is not supposed to be there. Also, whatever thy person has on them like baggage and carry on that a person plans to bring into the plane must be checked and screened. People can fit many things into their bags so this rule is there because they would want any weapons on the plane that would lead to other people getting hurt. Lastly, there is technology that scans someone's body to check for any weapons to anything they would not like to have on the plane, but more content... A number of these changes would not of had to be made. If the education of the security officers and the training was better the changes would not of been made. Before 9/11 if airport security officers could receive the correct and important intelligence there would be less hijacking and issues on airplanes. Some of the officers were not trained to deal with certain situations and they didn't know how to handle the attack of Get more content on
  • 15. The Benefits of Living in America. Essay Fireworks cracking and lighting up the sky, hot dogs cooking on the grill, and a cold drink in a red, white, and blue paper cup. It is the forth of July, Independence day, the day Americans put all of their worries to the side to celebrate the freedom of the country that they live in, America. Those who live in the USA may experience more freedom and comfort then those who live in other parts of the world. America is highly praised for their education, diverse crowds, and socially accepting everyone despite their race, religion, or special needs. Many people from all over the world come to America to get a better education then the one being offered to them by their own country, mainly because of it's elite schools, endless study choices, more content... However, in the USA many universities use hands on teaching using the latest technology to help teach students their feild of study. America is a very diverse place people come in all different shapes, sizesm religions, races, and sexual preferences and all are socially accepted and not looked at in any negative way. Woman can wear whatever they want and work where ever they want, this is not accepted in many other parts of the world. Any hobby, interest, or past time that you may have no where in the world is it more affordable or accepted then it is in America. People with special needs are not always included as a normal citizen as they should be in other countries, more so the middle East. Many of these special needs people are confined to their homes with little or no contact with the outisde world. However, in America equal opportunites such as education and jobs are provided for these people despite their disabilities. Also, in the USA help is provided for those people with disabilities all over the place, wheel chair ramps for the handicap and brail writting for the blind these are all things that help make everyone in America feel equal despite a disability or a handicap. Many countries are controlled by their government, they are told what to wear, what religion to be, even as far as who to marry. No on wants to be told what to do, not be able to make decisions on their own, or Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Narrative: My Life In America I was born in Havana, Cuba and lived there for ten years. If I am honest I cannot remember much about Cuba unlike my mother; however even though I cannot remember much I always used to think that Cuba was home regardless of how long we stayed in America. Similar to most children I took after the actions of my parents while growing up. If my mother and grandmother spoke about Cuba or any topic related to it I would listen to them and then I tried to have the same conversation with my uncle as if to let them know that I was thinking about Cuba as well. I used to believe that when we flew over to America we brought Cuba with us and that was a normal thing; however my thinking was changed over the course of only one year in America. I remember Get more content on
  • 17. Family Life In Colonial America According to "" Family life today is somewhat different from the family life back then in the colonial America. The way of life was mainly determine by wealth. The members of a family who is not wealthy normally live in rural areas, and are responsible for household chores and small family businesses. As for the families who is rich in wealth, the chores were taken care of by hired servants and the family business where marshaled by the father. The life of the children were also affected by wealth. Wealthier children were sent to school or tutored at home to become successful. The son was the alternative if something should happen to the father and the daughters were groomed with high standard and to choose an ambitious Get more content on
  • 18. Personal Narrative: Life In America Hope "HNLAVNOEIJF!" "Yovjnouewo?" "ODAUWHB!!!" That's basically all I could understand as I left the immigration center. People all around me were talking in languages I had only studied in textbooks, which barely helped. That was the first time I could really look around and see where I was. The sound of car engines roared in my ears as I walked across the street; people squashed into a small bus while chattering in a garbled language that made no sense. Everywhere I looked I saw chaos, and I couldn't have been happier. I had finally left a home drenched in war, and a father who made my life miserable. I, along with a bunch of other students, had left China to go to nursing school in America. It was my ticket to a new life where I was the more content... Life in America was not what I thought it would be. I knew it would be challenging, but my imagination was an amusement park compared to this. I could barely understand the professors, and learning another language on top of it only added to the stress. I looked at the burger the guy (I think his name was Johnny) held. Johnny lived across the hall from me. He would make burgers and sell them to the students at higher prices because he knew the university's sad excuse for a meal plan wasn't substantial. One whiff of the burger made my stomach feel like it was a beast clawing its way through my skin. One dollar then was a lot to ask for, but I needed real food. I handed over my dollar, one fifth of my money for the month. "Prnaidwa hfnwi hsdiesff jwuf you lady" I took my food and went back to my room where I stayed with another Chinese student who never mentioned her name. I ate my small burger in my small room while doing my massive pile of homework, wondering what my life would be like if I had stayed in China. Images of bomb shelters and Japanese soldiers flashed in my mind. I shook those images from my head and opened an anatomy book. If I wanted a better life, I had to work for Get more content on
  • 19. Life In America 5/2/2016 International students from Cameroon who thing life in America is easy but it's not easy Although many Cameroonians believe life in America is easy they, should understand how difficult it is to get by in the U.S. Many international students from Cameroon think life in America is easy, They think there is time for entertainment or have fun with friends. Money is easy to get in America, not knowing that it is difficult in Cameroon. They have this strong belief that there a lot of job waiting for them. All these factors are not true because there is no time for relaxation in the American life style is are complex. Since the day they I came to America life has not been easy from reducing the Get more content on
  • 20. The Experience of Immigrants in the United States Works Cited Not Included The United States has been a host to a wide diaspora of people. Immigrants have had to transition from their familiar land to a new–fashioned foreign land that they must consider home. They bring with them the essence of their initial homeland such as customs, traditions and beliefs that inadvertently change the dynamics of culture within the United States. As a result the United States is an extremely culturally diverse nation. The continual changes or accretions that Americans encounter have always been a controversial topic depending on the experiences of individuals and communities that have immigrant populations. This essay will critically more content... Language barriers make it difficult for immigrants to establish relationships outside there own communities and it is often easier for them to build their stores and neighborhoods. Cultural community stores or working for minimum or less than minimum wages are not uncommon within immigrant communities. Hmong community had established their own cultural community as a support system and/or familiar setting. Another significant issue would be that many times cultural lines become blurred because of the different life styles. Cultural roles continue to be ever present but the roles of women and men in the work place are not as rigid because the economic stability becomes more significant than the male breadwinner role. Instances such as this were the male/female roles are diverged become significant because the dynamics of the essential cultural beliefs begin to mold according to necessity and environment. Within American society it is more customary to see women in a work environment than in Laos were traditional male hierarchy is present. In addition the cost of living in America is considerably higher so it's more practical for both parties to contribute. Concerns and ambiguities arise after set norms begin transitioning toward assimilation. This becomes more evident with children as they begin to Get more content on