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Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 6 complete solutions correct answers key
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Question 1 In committing American troops to combat in Korea, President Truman
Question 2 The House UnAmerican Activities Committee actually originated
Question 3 During the Eisenhower administration, American policy called for what in response to a
Soviet attack?
Question 4 President Kennedy’s main strategy in dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis was
Question 5 The United States and Soviet Union ended the Cuban Missile Crisis through diplomacy.
Question 6 The Cuban Missile Crisis began when
Question 7 What event made General Douglas MacArthur a national hero?
Question 8 Recently declassified documents reveal that Alger Hiss never spied for the Soviet Union.
Question 9 The Soviet Union’s use of troops to suppress an uprising in Hungary showed that
Question 10 What largely funded the increased enjoyment of consumer goods by Americans?
Question 11 The purpose of Richard M. Nixon’s socalled “Checkers speech” was primarily to
Question 12 Those who moved to suburbs after World War II increasingly depended on
Question 13 In situation comedies like Father Knows Best and Leave It to Beaver, American families
were portrayed as
Question 14 What were Levittowns?
Question 15 Which domestic reform did NOT pass under the Truman administration?
Question 16 Rosa Parks had little affiliation with the Civil Rights Movement prior to the bus boycott.
Question 17 What most likely accounted for the diminishing public support of strikes after World
War II?
Question 18 The success of films such as The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause
Question 19 What U.S. plan provided economic assistance to Western European countries in the
late 1940s and early 1950s?
Question 20 How did the United States respond to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948?
Question 21 Which of the following statements concerning television is not true?
Question 22 What was the Alger Hiss case about?
Question 23 When the Korean War started in 1950, South Korea’s air force was more advanced than
North Korea’s.
Question 24 While fighter plane combat receives a lot of attention, what part of the Korean air war
does Captain Rob Ritchie believe deserves more historical attention?
Question 25 Which statement best describes how well the American pilots performed in the Korean
1.After President John F. Kennedy declared his intention of the United States to remain in the city
of Berlin:
2.After the Korean war
3.although sputnik was only the size of a basketball and weighed 183lbs it was a grand
technological feat
4.The analysis in the long telegram sent by diplomat George Kennan became the basis for
5.As can be seen in this image, what did Dwight D Eisenhower seem to represent to Americans
beleaguered by the cold war
6.Because they were inexpensive to construct, fallout shelters bulty by American families were
prevalent across the nation in the 1950s
7.Cartoons such as this one were intended to teach children to
8.The Cuban missile crisis began when
9.Eleanor Roosevelt was more suspicious of the HUCA than was famed film director elia kazan
10.Elia Kazan believed that the real culprits were not those who collaborated with the HUAC but
rather those who held the soviet union blameless for its crimes
11.For what reason did many in Hollywood refuse to forgive film director Elia Kazan
12.How did President Eisenhower decide to handle Joseph McCarthy
13.How would Americans most likely have viewed this photograph during the cold war
14.In committing American troops to combat in Korea, president Truman
15.In what sense was the soviet view of the Marshall plan portrayed in this cartoon accurate
16.The Japanese film Godzilla was critical of
17.Julius and ethel rosenbery
18.Kim II-Sung secured reluctant support from china and the soviet union for its invasion of south
19.the main purpose of the Truman doctrine was to
20.National security council report 68 argued that
21.President Eisenhower had the interstate highway system constructed for what purpose
22.president Kennedys main strategy in dealing with the Cuban missile crisis was
23.Protesters such as this young man urged the U.S government to
24.Soviet leader Josef Stalin vilified the Marshall Plan as a capitalist ploy to create subordinate
countries in eastern europe
25.Soviet radar could detect the u-2 stealth plane but it flew faster than soviet fighter pilots or
antiaircraft missiles
26.The soviet Union's use of troops to suppress an uprising in Hungary showed that
27.This political cartoon portrays the Marshall plan as
28.The ultimate judge of the movie industry, according to Eleanor Roosevelt, should be the federal
29.The united states ended the Cuban missile crisis through diplomacy and the threat of nuclear
30.Unlike the first red scare, the second red scare
31.The U.S. government intentionally concealed from the public its construction of numerous
fallout centers to house the president, his cabinet, and other government officials
32.What did president Truman believe regarding north Korea's invasion of south Korea
33.What does this image of the western side of the berlin wall reveal about the residents of west
34.What was a major impact of the Alger hiss case
35.What was Josef Stalin's primary objective in the post war era
36.Which argument is not used by critics of president Kennedy's methods of handling the Cuban
missile crisis
37.Which event did not occur during the presidency of harry Truman
38.Which of the following best describes the limited test ban treaty
39.Which of the following caused congress to consider impeaching president truman
40.Which of the following was not a major source of contention between the soviet union and the
united states
1.The 1944 GI bill of rights offered returning veterans
2.All of the following were true of Rosa Parks EXCEPT that she
3.The amenitiesenjoyed by middle-class Americans after the war were paid for almost entirely by
rising wages and salaries
4.As the Montgomery Bus Boycott drew on for a year, boycotters
5.Based on one of the chapter online lectures. One economic change of the 1950s was that
companies got smaller
6.The Beat poet who portrayed the lives of those who lived beyond the mainstream of American
life was.
7.Because she refused to yield her seat to a white man, Rosa Parks was dragged from a
Montgomery city bus and beaten
8.The charismatic leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott was
9.Civil rights reforms enacted by the Truman administration included
10.The constitutionality of segregated public schools was successfully challenged by the
11.demonstrators did not demand complete desegregation when the Montgomery bus boycott
12.Elvis Presley's swiveling hips were deemed immoral by many American parents in the 1950s
13.he writings of Jack Kerouac.
14.Historian LewisMumford embraced William Levitt's industry and ingenuity
15.How did former Vice President Henry Wallace differ from the Truman administration
16.How did the experience of many black riders on Montgomery city buses after integration
contrast with the ride portrayed in this image
17.How does the Civil Rights Movement challenge common notions about the postwar era
18.In 1946, the republican party
19.In 1960, a spontaneous decision by four black college students in Greensboro, South Carolina
initiated a national movement involving.
20.In Brown vs. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that
21.The increased enjoyment of consumer goods by Americans was largely funded by
22.In his book The City in History, what did Lewis Mumford say was troubling about suburban life
23.In his book The Levittowners, Herbert J. Gans maintained that suburbanites were
24.In the 1948 presidential election, which party was made up of conservative southern democrats
25.In the first few years after WW2
26.In using state troops to block the little rock nine from entering central high school, governor
orval faubus believed
27.In what way does this work represent the break that Abstract Expressionism made form the art
that prevailed in the 1930s
28.Little Rock high school student Elizabeth Eckford was saved from an angry mob by a helpful
white woman
29.A major factor in John F. Kennedy's victory in the presidential election of 1960 was
30.Many social critics like C. Wright Mills believe that, like the suburbs, white collar jobs
31.Martin Luther King Jr. was a co-founder of the
32.Martin Luther King, Jr. was the co-founder of the
33.The Montgomery Bus Boycott ended when
34.Only a small fraction of Truman's Fair Deal proposals became law
35.President Truman lost the support of Southern Democrats because of his views on civil rights
36.The purpose of Richard M. Nixon's so-called "Checkers speech" was primarily to
37.Recorded in 1955, the first rock-and-roll song was
38.Rosa Parks had little affiliation with the Civil Rights Movement prior to the bus boycott
39.Sociologist Herbert J Gans saw suburbanites as more tolerant than previous generations
40.the success of films such as the wild one and rebel without a cause
41.The Taft-Hartley Act
42.The taft-Hartley act could best be described as
43.The television show American Bandstand waspopularized by
44.What earlier ruling was overturned by brown V board of education
45.What made Emmett Till's murder different from precious racist killings
46.What most likely accounted for the diminishing public support of strikes after World War II
47.What was the Fair Deal
48.What were Levittowns
49.When ordered to give her seat to a white passenger on Montgomery, Alabama city bus, Rosa
Parks chose to
50.When the Arkansas governor resisted the Supreme Court-mandated integration of public
schools, President Eisenhower
51.Which BEST describes the relation between New Deal legislation and labor
52.Which domestic reform did NOT pass under the Truman administration
54.Which example BEST shows that young people in the fifties were neither merely frivolous nor
entirely disaffected
56.Which of the following was a candidate who opposed Truman in the 1948 presidential election
57.Who led the legal team that argued on behalf of Brown in Brown V Board of education
58.Those who moved to suburbs after WW2 increasingly depended on
59.Who wastwice defeated by Dwight D. Eisenhower in presidential elections
60.Who worked with Jim Lawson to encourage students to form their own civil rights organization
61.Why did Republicans attack the Fair Deal as socialist
Effects of the Soviet Union's launching of Sputnik included which of the following?
During the Eisenhower administration, official American policy for a Soviet attack on western Europe
called for:
The main purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to:
Based on one of the chapter online lectures. The German holocaust plans were based on Operation
Unlike the First Red Scare, the Second Red Scare
Which of the following countries did NOT benefit from the Marshall Plan?
Which of the following best describes the Limited Test Ban Treaty?
What event made General Douglas MacArthur a national hero?
During the Eisenhower administration, American policy called for what in response to a Soviet attack?
What led Truman to authorize the development of a superbomb?
One of HUAC's major targets was the film industry, most likely because
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
President Eisenhower had the interstate highway system constructed for what purpose?
Which of the following best characterizes the federal employee loyalty program created in 1947?
The Japanese film Godzilla was critical of
General MacArthur's statement that "there is no substitute for victory" signified
Which of the following best characterizes the group of screenwriters known as the Hollywood Ten?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
In committing American troops to combat in Korea, President Truman
What was Josef Stalin's primary objective in the postwar era?
The main purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to:
President Truman put pressure on the Soviet Union to honor its pledge to hold free elections in
Eastern Europe by
After President John F. Kennedy declared his intention for the United States to remain in the city of
What did President Truman believe regarding North Korea's invasion of South Korea?
Stalin established a buffer between Germany and the Soviet Union by
What was a major impact of the Alger Hiss case?
After the Korean War,
For what reason did many in Hollywood refuse to forgive film director Elia Kazan?
The term iron curtain referred to
Which of the following caused Congress to consider impeaching President Truman?
The analysis in the "long telegram" sent by diplomat George F. Kennan became the basis for
The United States and other Western nations responded to the Soviet Union's blockade of West
Berlin by
How did intelligence gathered by the U-2 spy plane reassure the United States by the end of 1959?
Which argument is NOT used by critics of President Kennedy's methods of handling the Cuban
Missile Crisis?
The Soviet Union's use of troops to suppress an uprising in Hungary showed that
For what purpose did some Americans build fallout shelters?
Which event did NOT occur during the presidency of Harry Truman?
In the novel 1984, author George Orwell compared totalitarianism to
Why did the Bay of Pigs operation hurt the credibility of President Kennedy?
The Cuban Missile Crisis began when
In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that:
The Taft-Hartley Act:
Martin Luther King, Jr. was the co-founder of the:
Based on one of the chapter online lectures. One economic change of the 1950s was that companies
got smaller.
Southerners such as third-party presidential candidate Strom Thurmond left the Democratic Party
because of their
The increased enjoyment of consumer goods by Americans was largely funded by
Civil rights reforms enacted by the Truman administration included
Who worked with Jim Lawson to encourage students to form their own civil rights organization?
The Taft-Hartley Act could BEST be described as
What earlier ruling was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education?
Which example BEST shows that young people in the fifties were neither merely frivolous nor entirely
As the Montgomery Bus Boycott drew on for a year, boycotters
What made Emmett Till's murder different from previous racist killings?
Many social critics like C. Wright Mills believed that, like the suburbs, white-collar jobs
What were Levittowns?
The constitutionality of segregated public schools was successfully challenged by the
What most likely accounted for the diminishing public support of strikes after World War II?
The success of films such as The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause
In the first few years after World War II
Those who moved to suburbs after World War II increasingly depended on
The 1944 GI Bill of Rights offered returning veterans
In situation comedies like Father Knows Best and Leave It to Beaver, American families were
portrayed as
Which of the following was a candidate who opposed Truman in the 1948 presidential election?
Who was twice defeated by Dwight D. Eisenhower in presidential elections?
Who led the legal team that argued on behalf of Brown in Brown v. Board of Education?
Recorded in 1955, the first rock-and-roll song was
The charismatic leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott was
The Beat poet who portrayed the lives of those who lived beyond the mainstream of American life was
In 1946, the Republican Party
In 1960, a spontaneous decision by four black college students in Greensboro, South Carolina
initiated a national movement involving
How did former Vice President Henry Wallace differ from the Truman administration?
In the 1948 presidential election, which party was made up of conservative Southern Democrats?
Which domestic reform did NOT pass under the Truman administration?
A major factor in John F. Kennedy's victory in the presidential election of 1960 was
In his book The City in History, what did Lewis Mumford say was troubling about suburban life?
In his book The Levittowners, Herbert J. Gans maintained that suburbanites were
How does the Civil Rights Movement challenge common notions about the postwar era?

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Liberty university hius 222 content quiz 6 complete solutions correct answers key

  • 1. Liberty University HIUS 222 content quiz 6 complete solutions correct answers key More than 4 versions Question 1 In committing American troops to combat in Korea, President Truman Question 2 The House UnAmerican Activities Committee actually originated Question 3 During the Eisenhower administration, American policy called for what in response to a Soviet attack? Question 4 President Kennedy’s main strategy in dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis was Question 5 The United States and Soviet Union ended the Cuban Missile Crisis through diplomacy. Question 6 The Cuban Missile Crisis began when Question 7 What event made General Douglas MacArthur a national hero? Question 8 Recently declassified documents reveal that Alger Hiss never spied for the Soviet Union. Question 9 The Soviet Union’s use of troops to suppress an uprising in Hungary showed that Question 10 What largely funded the increased enjoyment of consumer goods by Americans? Question 11 The purpose of Richard M. Nixon’s socalled “Checkers speech” was primarily to Question 12 Those who moved to suburbs after World War II increasingly depended on Question 13 In situation comedies like Father Knows Best and Leave It to Beaver, American families were portrayed as Question 14 What were Levittowns? Question 15 Which domestic reform did NOT pass under the Truman administration? Question 16 Rosa Parks had little affiliation with the Civil Rights Movement prior to the bus boycott. Question 17 What most likely accounted for the diminishing public support of strikes after World War II?
  • 2. Question 18 The success of films such as The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause Question 19 What U.S. plan provided economic assistance to Western European countries in the late 1940s and early 1950s? Question 20 How did the United States respond to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948? Question 21 Which of the following statements concerning television is not true? Question 22 What was the Alger Hiss case about? Question 23 When the Korean War started in 1950, South Korea’s air force was more advanced than North Korea’s. Question 24 While fighter plane combat receives a lot of attention, what part of the Korean air war does Captain Rob Ritchie believe deserves more historical attention? Question 25 Which statement best describes how well the American pilots performed in the Korean War? 1.After President John F. Kennedy declared his intention of the United States to remain in the city of Berlin: 2.After the Korean war 3.although sputnik was only the size of a basketball and weighed 183lbs it was a grand technological feat 4.The analysis in the long telegram sent by diplomat George Kennan became the basis for 5.As can be seen in this image, what did Dwight D Eisenhower seem to represent to Americans beleaguered by the cold war 6.Because they were inexpensive to construct, fallout shelters bulty by American families were prevalent across the nation in the 1950s 7.Cartoons such as this one were intended to teach children to 8.The Cuban missile crisis began when 9.Eleanor Roosevelt was more suspicious of the HUCA than was famed film director elia kazan 10.Elia Kazan believed that the real culprits were not those who collaborated with the HUAC but rather those who held the soviet union blameless for its crimes 11.For what reason did many in Hollywood refuse to forgive film director Elia Kazan 12.How did President Eisenhower decide to handle Joseph McCarthy 13.How would Americans most likely have viewed this photograph during the cold war 14.In committing American troops to combat in Korea, president Truman 15.In what sense was the soviet view of the Marshall plan portrayed in this cartoon accurate 16.The Japanese film Godzilla was critical of 17.Julius and ethel rosenbery 18.Kim II-Sung secured reluctant support from china and the soviet union for its invasion of south korea
  • 3. 19.the main purpose of the Truman doctrine was to 20.National security council report 68 argued that 21.President Eisenhower had the interstate highway system constructed for what purpose 22.president Kennedys main strategy in dealing with the Cuban missile crisis was 23.Protesters such as this young man urged the U.S government to 24.Soviet leader Josef Stalin vilified the Marshall Plan as a capitalist ploy to create subordinate countries in eastern europe 25.Soviet radar could detect the u-2 stealth plane but it flew faster than soviet fighter pilots or antiaircraft missiles 26.The soviet Union's use of troops to suppress an uprising in Hungary showed that 27.This political cartoon portrays the Marshall plan as 28.The ultimate judge of the movie industry, according to Eleanor Roosevelt, should be the federal government 29.The united states ended the Cuban missile crisis through diplomacy and the threat of nuclear weapons 30.Unlike the first red scare, the second red scare 31.The U.S. government intentionally concealed from the public its construction of numerous fallout centers to house the president, his cabinet, and other government officials 32.What did president Truman believe regarding north Korea's invasion of south Korea 33.What does this image of the western side of the berlin wall reveal about the residents of west berlin 34.What was a major impact of the Alger hiss case 35.What was Josef Stalin's primary objective in the post war era 36.Which argument is not used by critics of president Kennedy's methods of handling the Cuban missile crisis 37.Which event did not occur during the presidency of harry Truman 38.Which of the following best describes the limited test ban treaty 39.Which of the following caused congress to consider impeaching president truman 40.Which of the following was not a major source of contention between the soviet union and the united states 1.The 1944 GI bill of rights offered returning veterans 2.All of the following were true of Rosa Parks EXCEPT that she 3.The amenitiesenjoyed by middle-class Americans after the war were paid for almost entirely by rising wages and salaries 4.As the Montgomery Bus Boycott drew on for a year, boycotters 5.Based on one of the chapter online lectures. One economic change of the 1950s was that companies got smaller 6.The Beat poet who portrayed the lives of those who lived beyond the mainstream of American life was. 7.Because she refused to yield her seat to a white man, Rosa Parks was dragged from a Montgomery city bus and beaten 8.The charismatic leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott was 9.Civil rights reforms enacted by the Truman administration included 10.The constitutionality of segregated public schools was successfully challenged by the 11.demonstrators did not demand complete desegregation when the Montgomery bus boycott began 12.Elvis Presley's swiveling hips were deemed immoral by many American parents in the 1950s 13.he writings of Jack Kerouac.
  • 4. 14.Historian LewisMumford embraced William Levitt's industry and ingenuity 15.How did former Vice President Henry Wallace differ from the Truman administration 16.How did the experience of many black riders on Montgomery city buses after integration contrast with the ride portrayed in this image 17.How does the Civil Rights Movement challenge common notions about the postwar era 18.In 1946, the republican party 19.In 1960, a spontaneous decision by four black college students in Greensboro, South Carolina initiated a national movement involving. 20.In Brown vs. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that 21.The increased enjoyment of consumer goods by Americans was largely funded by 22.In his book The City in History, what did Lewis Mumford say was troubling about suburban life 23.In his book The Levittowners, Herbert J. Gans maintained that suburbanites were 24.In the 1948 presidential election, which party was made up of conservative southern democrats 25.In the first few years after WW2 26.In using state troops to block the little rock nine from entering central high school, governor orval faubus believed 27.In what way does this work represent the break that Abstract Expressionism made form the art that prevailed in the 1930s 28.Little Rock high school student Elizabeth Eckford was saved from an angry mob by a helpful white woman 29.A major factor in John F. Kennedy's victory in the presidential election of 1960 was 30.Many social critics like C. Wright Mills believe that, like the suburbs, white collar jobs 31.Martin Luther King Jr. was a co-founder of the 32.Martin Luther King, Jr. was the co-founder of the 33.The Montgomery Bus Boycott ended when 34.Only a small fraction of Truman's Fair Deal proposals became law 35.President Truman lost the support of Southern Democrats because of his views on civil rights 36.The purpose of Richard M. Nixon's so-called "Checkers speech" was primarily to 37.Recorded in 1955, the first rock-and-roll song was 38.Rosa Parks had little affiliation with the Civil Rights Movement prior to the bus boycott 39.Sociologist Herbert J Gans saw suburbanites as more tolerant than previous generations 40.the success of films such as the wild one and rebel without a cause 41.The Taft-Hartley Act 42.The taft-Hartley act could best be described as 43.The television show American Bandstand waspopularized by 44.What earlier ruling was overturned by brown V board of education 45.What made Emmett Till's murder different from precious racist killings 46.What most likely accounted for the diminishing public support of strikes after World War II 47.What was the Fair Deal 48.What were Levittowns 49.When ordered to give her seat to a white passenger on Montgomery, Alabama city bus, Rosa Parks chose to 50.When the Arkansas governor resisted the Supreme Court-mandated integration of public schools, President Eisenhower 51.Which BEST describes the relation between New Deal legislation and labor 52.Which domestic reform did NOT pass under the Truman administration 54.Which example BEST shows that young people in the fifties were neither merely frivolous nor entirely disaffected 56.Which of the following was a candidate who opposed Truman in the 1948 presidential election
  • 5. 57.Who led the legal team that argued on behalf of Brown in Brown V Board of education 58.Those who moved to suburbs after WW2 increasingly depended on 59.Who wastwice defeated by Dwight D. Eisenhower in presidential elections 60.Who worked with Jim Lawson to encourage students to form their own civil rights organization 61.Why did Republicans attack the Fair Deal as socialist Effects of the Soviet Union's launching of Sputnik included which of the following? During the Eisenhower administration, official American policy for a Soviet attack on western Europe called for: The main purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to: Based on one of the chapter online lectures. The German holocaust plans were based on Operation Reinhard. Unlike the First Red Scare, the Second Red Scare Which of the following countries did NOT benefit from the Marshall Plan? Which of the following best describes the Limited Test Ban Treaty? What event made General Douglas MacArthur a national hero? During the Eisenhower administration, American policy called for what in response to a Soviet attack? What led Truman to authorize the development of a superbomb? One of HUAC's major targets was the film industry, most likely because Julius and Ethel Rosenberg President Eisenhower had the interstate highway system constructed for what purpose? Which of the following best characterizes the federal employee loyalty program created in 1947? The Japanese film Godzilla was critical of General MacArthur's statement that "there is no substitute for victory" signified Which of the following best characterizes the group of screenwriters known as the Hollywood Ten? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization In committing American troops to combat in Korea, President Truman What was Josef Stalin's primary objective in the postwar era? The main purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to: President Truman put pressure on the Soviet Union to honor its pledge to hold free elections in Eastern Europe by After President John F. Kennedy declared his intention for the United States to remain in the city of Berlin, What did President Truman believe regarding North Korea's invasion of South Korea? Stalin established a buffer between Germany and the Soviet Union by What was a major impact of the Alger Hiss case? After the Korean War, For what reason did many in Hollywood refuse to forgive film director Elia Kazan? The term iron curtain referred to Which of the following caused Congress to consider impeaching President Truman? The analysis in the "long telegram" sent by diplomat George F. Kennan became the basis for The United States and other Western nations responded to the Soviet Union's blockade of West Berlin by How did intelligence gathered by the U-2 spy plane reassure the United States by the end of 1959? Which argument is NOT used by critics of President Kennedy's methods of handling the Cuban Missile Crisis? The Soviet Union's use of troops to suppress an uprising in Hungary showed that For what purpose did some Americans build fallout shelters? Which event did NOT occur during the presidency of Harry Truman? In the novel 1984, author George Orwell compared totalitarianism to Why did the Bay of Pigs operation hurt the credibility of President Kennedy? The Cuban Missile Crisis began when In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that:
  • 6. The Taft-Hartley Act: Martin Luther King, Jr. was the co-founder of the: Based on one of the chapter online lectures. One economic change of the 1950s was that companies got smaller. Southerners such as third-party presidential candidate Strom Thurmond left the Democratic Party because of their The increased enjoyment of consumer goods by Americans was largely funded by Civil rights reforms enacted by the Truman administration included Who worked with Jim Lawson to encourage students to form their own civil rights organization? The Taft-Hartley Act could BEST be described as What earlier ruling was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education? Which example BEST shows that young people in the fifties were neither merely frivolous nor entirely disaffected? As the Montgomery Bus Boycott drew on for a year, boycotters What made Emmett Till's murder different from previous racist killings? Many social critics like C. Wright Mills believed that, like the suburbs, white-collar jobs What were Levittowns? The constitutionality of segregated public schools was successfully challenged by the What most likely accounted for the diminishing public support of strikes after World War II? The success of films such as The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause In the first few years after World War II Those who moved to suburbs after World War II increasingly depended on The 1944 GI Bill of Rights offered returning veterans In situation comedies like Father Knows Best and Leave It to Beaver, American families were portrayed as Which of the following was a candidate who opposed Truman in the 1948 presidential election? Who was twice defeated by Dwight D. Eisenhower in presidential elections? Who led the legal team that argued on behalf of Brown in Brown v. Board of Education? Recorded in 1955, the first rock-and-roll song was The charismatic leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott was The Beat poet who portrayed the lives of those who lived beyond the mainstream of American life was In 1946, the Republican Party In 1960, a spontaneous decision by four black college students in Greensboro, South Carolina initiated a national movement involving How did former Vice President Henry Wallace differ from the Truman administration? In the 1948 presidential election, which party was made up of conservative Southern Democrats? Which domestic reform did NOT pass under the Truman administration? A major factor in John F. Kennedy's victory in the presidential election of 1960 was In his book The City in History, what did Lewis Mumford say was troubling about suburban life? In his book The Levittowners, Herbert J. Gans maintained that suburbanites were How does the Civil Rights Movement challenge common notions about the postwar era?