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 dvent Recovery
     Addiction Recovery
    Intervention Services
Why Get High?
                 1.    Stress from school
                 2.    To gain acceptance from others
                 3.    To increase self-esteem
                 4.    Curiosity
5. Self-medication for an undiagnosed mental illness
6. Boredom.
7. Parental influence from drug abusing parents
8. Easy access
9. To get attention
10.Genetic addiction
What Could I Try?
                 What Could I Do?
What are Those Common Drugs of Abuse?
How Bout a Smoke?
1. Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet,
with approximately 1 trillion being sold from country to country
each year. At a global take of more than $400 billion, it’s one
of the world’s largest industries.

2. The nicotine content in several major brands is reportedly on
the rise. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Health
Department revealed that between 1997 and 2005 the amount of
nicotine in Camel, Newport, and Doral cigarettes may have
increased by as much as 11 percent.

3. U.S. cigarette manufacturers now make more money selling
cigarettes to countries around the globe than they do selling to

4. Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen
cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and 43 known
Yea, but Dat Don't Scare Me. Well Maybe This Will
  ● Scientists claim the average smoker will lose 14
      Years of their life due to smoking.

  ●   Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of
      which are known to cause cancer. Smoking is directlY
      responsible for approximatelY   90   percent of lung
      cancer deaths and approximatelY 80-90 percent of
      COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) deaths.)

  ●   Smoking tobacco is the ultimate gatewaY drug in
      that it is legally available, and involves mastering a
      unique method of intake – much more so than
      alcohol. Smokers looking to get ‘high’ will verY
      rarelY do so from cigarettes after the initial stages
      of taking up the habit.

  ●   Smoking kills more people than car crashes, suicides,
      alcohol, murders, illegal drugs and AIDS combined.
Good Job With the Whole Smoking Thing
Now Lets Have a Drink
Why Would I? Give me 10 reasons
1. For the effect
Many people drink alcohol for the effect. It is both a depressant and a stimulant, and
drinking can result in feelings of euphoria, disorientation or a pleasurable release of
2. Out of curiosity
To experiment with alcohol and judge whether or not drinking is for them.
3. As we react to our social environment
We've all probably experienced some type of peer pressure in our lives.. Many people
try alcohol when they are in a social setting where everyone else is drinking in order to
feel accepted and part of the environment.
Why Else?
4. Because we see it modeled by others
such as the influence of parents or older people, play a role in initial alcohol use.
5. As part of normal developmental transitions
Adolescents who are in the process of puberty (sexual maturation) and who experience
more independence and freedom may drink alcohol as part of the dramatic physical,
emotional and social change of adolescence. In other words, drinking is a part of self-
6. To relieve our stress
Some new drinkers may use alcohol as a way to escape or cope with problems. Alcohol
may temporarily relieve stress and focus attention elsewhere, but the problems remain.
Ok, Ok, Why Else?
 7. As a result of personality characteristics
 People who start drinking early often share similar personality characteristics.
 These characteristics include:
● aggressiveness
● anxiousness
● depressed
● difficulty avoiding harm or
   harmful situations
● disinhibition
● disruptive
● hyperactivity
● rebelliousness
● thrill seeker
● withdrawn
 8. Because it is culturally normalized
 Today alcohol is widely available and aggressively promoted through TV, film,
 radio, ads, and the Internet. This normalization makes alcohol use socially
 acceptable and normal.
Really, There's More?
9. Because they expect a good experience
People who expect drinking to be a pleasurable experience are more likely to
drink than people who do not. So, the expectation that alcohol will be fun and
enjoyable may actually cause a person to start drinking.
10. Because it is accessible
Alcohol is pretty easy to get, even for teens. Family and friends are the primary
sources of alcohol for kids who drink, whether knowingly or un-willingly. Local
alcohol retailers may also accept fake IDs for underage drinkers. So relatively
speaking and in comparison with other illicit activities, alcohol is accessible to
most anyone.
Warning: Alcohol may also make you think about doing things you may
not really want to do.
Well That All Seems Pretty Great To Me!
        So Why Wouldn't I Drink?
I'll Give You 10 Real Good Reasons:
1) Heavy drinking can lead to early death and permanent damage to vital organs
such as the brain and liver. When a person is having a high blood alcohol level one is
also at risk for coma or respiratory paralysis. Alcohol can also deplete the body of
nutrients, raise blood pressure and increase the risk of cancer. Chronic drinkers have
weaker immune systems and are more likely infections, allergies and other diseases. It
is also known to lead to impotence and erection problems in men.
2) Alcoholism affects Relationships and can have a major impact on family and
social life. It interferes with the drinker's physical or mental health making one temporary
insane that one may not realize what he is doing. Domestic violence and abusive
behavior is a regular thing at a n alcoholic's house. Drinking habit can even result in one
losing the job.
Here's Some More Reasons.
        3) A prolonged exposure to alcohol can result in cravings just like other
        drugs. Alcohol Consumption is also a costly addiction.
        4) Drinking Alcohol can lead to impaired judgment and lack of
        coordination and can result in accidents while driving. Physical effects
        of alcohol and reduced inhibitions can mean the drinker is more likely to
        engage in activities like unprotected sex, gambling, using drugs etc.
        5) Since alcohol affects the brain the alcoholic might get black out or
        memory loss and may not remember some situations or events.
        6) Drinking can also expose us to dangers or higher risk by making us an
        easy target for robbery, rape, abuse etc.
        7) Nausea and Vomiting after drinking is the body’s mechanism to
        protect itself by getting rid of the alcohol. One may also suffer from a
        hangover and may experience migraine, dizziness, dehydration,
        8) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a serious consequence of drinking while
        pregnant and can result in mental retardation and other irreversible
        physical abnormalities of the child. In addition, the children of
        alcoholic parents are more likely to become alcoholics.
Only More.. 2
... I Mean Only,Only 2 More
                 9) Alcohol is often associated
                 with health conditions like
                 Obesity as alcohol is full of
                 calories. health clubs to
                 reduce weight does not bring
                 many results to alcoholics.
                 Moreover, Drinkers are likely
                 to have fried foods and other
                 unhealthy accompaniments
                 along with drinks.

10) Alcoholics often
suffer from
depression, stress,
and severe sleep
Good News:
The good news is there are ways one can get rid of
this bad habit.There are specialized Health
Organizations offering help for Alcoholics in every
country. So if you are addicted to drinking try to
‘Stop Drinking and Start Living’.
Now Drinking Sounds Bad So...
Lets Do Some Drugs!!!!
Na Some Drugs are Bad....

Well, How
Bout We
Smoke Some
Weed Yo?!
Yea Cuz....
1. It's like a Medicine for a bunch of stuff
2. it has THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), and it makes
gets you high
3. you can relieve the stress, anxiety, fear, pain and anger
related to your personal, psychological and family issues.
4. it is Popular and our culture endorses marijuana use.
5. I Don't think it's harmful and bad for you and stuff
6. can be found easy YO!. I bet somebody here has got some.
7. it's smoked by my friends, family and role models
8. is used by people who were born with or developed certain
personality dimensions, such as unconventionality, which
make marijuana use non-taboo. like Nobody give a Shhhh.....
9. I'm Curiosity.
10. I want To relax.
Sounds good...lets Smoke...
but wait don't it cause damage, like, to....
  The Brain:         Cellular changes take place in the
                     brain when marijuana, is smoked.
                     NIDA researchers have found that
                     THC impairs mainly those areas of the
                     brain that produce thoughts,
                     concentration and memory, which are
                     valid reasons to stop smoking pot.
                     Plus, cannabis influences the
                     pleasure sensors, making it attractive
                     to those with addictive tendencies.
                     Distorted perceptions, difficulty
                     solving problems and poor
                     coordination last for days or weeks
                     after the high wears off. Those who
                     smoke pot daily operate at sub par
                     levels at all times.
Oh,Yea I Heard It Has Major....
Psychological Effects
NIDA studies have shown marked increases in depression, anxiety and suicide
in pot smokers. Researchers are not sure whether marijuana use exacerbates an
existing mental illness or causes it. Those with violent tendencies or a genetic
disposition to psychological problems are more likely to experience mental
breakdowns if they smoke pot. The studies NIDA reported have directly linked
marijuana use to schizophrenia.
Yea it also effects our....
Long-term:       Over time, the long-term effects on the brain are cumulative, and
pot smokers risk brain damage equal to those who take harder drugs like heroin
or cocaine. The NIDA says that withdrawal from smoking pot sets up stress
centers in the brain that control the brain's use of dopamine, or pleasure sensors.
Addiction to the drug can result from long-term pot smoking. Drug addiction can
adversely affect all areas of an addict's life, including social functioning, work,
relationships and hobbies, according to a report from University Health Services
at the University of Wisconsin.
Heart: When marijuana is inhaled,
the heart rate increases by as much as
100 percent. This condition can last
for up to four hours after smoking the
drug. Pot smokers have a high risk of
having a heart attack within one hour
of smoking weed, the NIDA reports.
Older pot smokers with already
weakening cardiac systems are at an
even higher risk of heart failure from
smoking pot.
DANG, Anything Else?
Oh Yea, Its addictive:
●   tolerance and withdrawal
●   Using more than intended
●   Unable to cut down or stop use
●   Lots of time spent getting high
●   Reduced activities
●   Continuing to get high despite the
    problems it causes
●   Using it to escape from problems
●   Depending on it to be creative or to relax
    or enjoy yourself
●   Choosing relationships and activities
    based on whether or not you will be able
    to get high
●   An inability to attend to daily
OK, Ok, How About Prescription Drugs?
Medicine Can't be Bad for You, Right?

There's all kinds of Stuff Behind The Counter
Top 10 Prescriptions of Abuse:
             Zolpidem is a nonbenzodiazepine (similar to a
10.Ambien    benzo,) drug with powerful hypnotic and
             sedative effects. It’s prescribed by doctors for
(zolpidem)   treatment of insomnia, and in rarer cases as
             a muscle relaxant. Due to its properties, it is
             similar to alcohol in its ability to relax
             inhibitions and promote sociability. In
             especially high doses, the onset of amnesia
             can be quite potent, resulting in the user
             having a “night they can’t remember”. With
             adolescents having limited access to alcohol,
             abusing their parents’ Ambien isn’t uncommon.
             Eminem had a reasonably publicized affair
             with zolpidem in 2009, after he started using
             it to help him sleep through the stresses of
             his life.
The Risks of Ambien Abuse
Ambien tends to cause sedation, and the user may become so very sedated that he/she simply
neglects to breathe. This is not the only negative side effect that users can experience when
taking high doses of Ambien.
                                   High amounts of energy
                                       Distorted speech
                                       Suicidal thoughts

Teens may abuse Ambien for a wide variety of reasons, but many studies

suggest that people who abuse it tend to abuse other drugs at the same

time. This increase the risk of overdose dramatically.
               Although antipsychotics are rarely thought of as
Seroquel       “drugs of abuse”, quetiapine deserves recognition on
               this list due to its huge recreational value in prison. It
(quetiapine)   is often prescribed for schizophrenia, bipolar
               disorders, and insomnia. However, the tranquilizer has
               earned the name “Jailhouse Heroin” among prisoners.
               Even though this is a prison drug i, note that is also
               serves recreational use among the outside, as well. It
               can be used to come down off uppers like cocaine and
               amphetamines, reduce anxiety during “bad trips”, and
               combines with cocaine to form a “Q-ball”.
The Risks Associated with

                            Seroquel use:
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a potentially fatal condition that affects the
central nervous system.
Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) is a serious movement disorder, which also requires medical
                                                  ●   Indigestion   or heartburn
 ●   Drowsiness -- in up to 53 percent of         ●   Nausea
     people                                       ●   Vomiting
 ●   Dry mouth -- up to 44 percent of             ●   Increased appetite
     people (see Seroquel and Dry                 ●   Lethargy
     Mouth)                                       ●   Nasal congestion
 ●   High triglycerides -- up to 23 percent       ●   Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
 ●   Weight gain -- up to 23 percent (see         ●   Back pain
     Seroquel and Weight Gain)                    ●   Shakiness (tremor)
 ●   Headaches -- up to 21 percent                ●   Irritability
 ●   Agitation -- up to 20 percent                ●   Joint pain
 ●   Dizziness -- up to 18 percent                ●   Sore throat
 ●   High cholesterol -- up to 17 percent         ●   Fever
 ●   Fatigue -- up to 11 percent                  ●   Rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
 ●   Weakness -- up to 10 percent                 ●   Irritated or runny nose
 ●   Constipation -- up to 10 percent.            ●   Vision problems.
Often prescribed for pain (and occasionally bad
cough), Dilaudid is known as more of an “all or
nothing pharmaceutical”. This is because abusers can
take well above the allowed dose and not feel a bit of
the euphoric opiate experience he’s used to but
administering it through a needle could well be
compared to intravenous heroin. It is water soluble.
This factor is taken advantage of by many heroin
addicts in need of a shot; however the difficulty of
abuse via oral administration makes it one of the
safer opiates to have around a house with

 Benzodiazepine abuse is very common among those self-medicating for stress and
 anxiety, but one particular benzo, by the name of alprazolam, is also very common
 among recreational users seeking a “high”. A physician will prescribe a patient
 Xanax for panic disorders, insomnia, and, more rarely, social anxiety. They are
 either crushed and insufflated or popped. With intranasal use especially, the
 onset is very rapid and instills relaxation, reduced, alcohol-like inhibitions, and
 potent apathy in the user. Alprazolam, and other benzodiazepines, like Valium,
 Klonopin, and Ativan, are abused to enhance sociability and to let one “be them
 self” around social gatherings.
The Risks of         Xanax Abuse:
Feeling fearless
*Decreased inhibitions     Feelings of irritability
*Hallucinations            *Forgetfulness
*Seizure                   *Trouble concentrating
*Hostile, aggravated       *Lack of coordination
disposition                *Blurred vision
                           *Dry mouth or wet mouth
*Muscle twitching
                           *Slurred speech
                           *Mild nausea, vomiting
*Change in urination       *Loss of appetite or weigh gain
habits                     *Drowsiness during the daytime
*Yellow Jaundice           *Lack of interest in sex

Methamphetamine, or “speed”,
“crank”, “ice”, ext. is available by
prescription in the United States,
New Zealand, and Canada for ADHD
treatment, as well as obesity, due to
its appetite suppressing effects.
When Desoxyn is obtained, it
obviously has very high street
value, for its drug and for its
consistent dosing. A meth user
never knows what he’s getting in a
bag he got off the street, but a 10mg
Desoxyn tablet would be seen as a
“good batch” all day.
Physical side effects include
dilated pupils, dizziness, tremor,
headache, flushed skin, chest pains
with palpitations, excessive
sweating, vomiting and abdominal
cramps. These effects may occur
as a result of taking too large a
dose at one time or taking large
doses over an extended period of

Psychological effects include
agitation, hostility, panic,
aggression, and suicidal or
homicidal tendencies. Paranoia,
sometimes accompanied by both
auditory and visual hallucinations,
may also occur.
                                                Narcotic syrups
                                                (codeine and
Prescription cough syrups containing
narcotics such as codeine and
hydrocodone have become very popular
among young adults through pop culture.
Several rappers have made it clear that
they not only enjoy recreationally drinking
“purple drank”, but they encourage it,
almost as much one would normally
encourage a safer drug, like marijuana.
Like other opiates, they instill euphoric,
pleasantly itchy, and relaxing effects within
the drinker.
Ill effects of cough syrup abuse include:
                        1) Nausea and vomiting
                        2) Stomach pain
                        3) Confusion
                        4) Dizziness
                        5) Double or blurred vision
                        6) Slurred speech
                        7) Impaired physical
                        8) Rapid heart beat
                        9) Drowsiness
                        10) Numbness of fingers and toes
                        11) Disorientation
                        12) Death
The all-too-famous “speed in a pill”, Adderall is provided to adolescents like candy it
seems but it can provide people with trouble concentrating miraculous relief. Attention
disorders are exceptionally easy to fake, and, therefore, many high school students try
to acquire it just to make extra cash from their friends at school. Amphetamines,
ranging from Adderall to Methamphetamine, are valued for their energetic, stimulating,
and often euphoric effects. Adderall, along with Ritalin, abuse is rampant among high
school and college students during exams, due to their ability to increase focus and


OVERDOSE, unless there is medical intervention, high
fever, convulsions and cardiovascular collapse may precede
death. Because accidental death is partially due to the effects of
stimulants on the body's cardiovascular and temperature-
regulating systems, physical activities and excessive exercise
increase the hazards of stimulant use.
 ●   Amphetamines
 ●   Cocaine
 ●   Diet Pills
 ●   Methamphetamines
 ●   Ritalin

Just wait until
we talk about
crystal meth
Vicodin               THR33
  (acetaminophen and hydrocodone)
For most people, Vicodin represents
much-needed relief from the pain and
discomfort associated with illness, injury
or recovery from surgery. These
individuals are prescribed Vicodin (or its
generic equivalent “Hydrocodone”) by a
physician, and then use it until their pain
has subsided. When the medication is
gone, the discomfort usually is as well.
There are, however, a number of people
who do not use Vicodin as directed by a
doctor. For them, this opiate becomes the
focal point of their lives.
(oxycodone and
acetaminophen)                    #2
Percocet is considered an amazing drug.
It’s not just a narcotic that soothes, lulls
and prompts sleep, it’s a powerful pain
reliever that combines oxycodone and
acetaminophen, two of the standards of
pain relief today. Acetaminophen is a
commonly found substance in over the
counter pain medication.Percocet works
by attaching to your body’s pain
receptors and preventing them from
sending the signal to you to be in pain.
It’s highly effective in almost all cases
at relieving even severe pain.
About 1 in 20 high school
seniors now acknowledges
taking OxyContin, a
prescription opiate for
managing severe pain that can
be abused. In its annual
survey of teen drug use, the
NIDA reports that OxyContin
use by 12th graders is up 40%
nationwide in just 3 years. 5
times as many 12th graders
report using OxyContin than
report using
Addiction Theory
Genetic Model    Psychodynamic Model

 Social Model          Moral Model
Bio-Psycho-Social Model
Disease Model of Addiction
Why?                                            The Risks:
●   lose inhibitions
●   feel exhilarated ("high")                   ●   double vision
●   get clumsy and slur their words             ●   loss of cordination
●   have trouble making sensible decisions      ●   weakness
●   get sleepy and slow-moving                  ●   headaches
●   experience ringing in the ears, dizziness   ●   nausea and/or vommiting
    and blurred vision                          ●   numbness
●   become nervous, upset and disoriented       ●   irregular heartbeat
●   have headaches and chest and stomach        ●   suffication
    pains                                       ●   Permanent heart problems
●   feel nauseous and throw up                  ●   Injuries
●   have weak muscles and difficulty            ●   Death of brain cells
    speaking                                    ●   liver and kidney failure
●   behave disruptively or hallucinate          ●   bone marrow changes
    (imagine things that aren't there)          ●   immune system weakness eye
●   have psychotic-like reactions to inhaling       disease
    (e.g., injure themselves because they       ●   loss of appetite
    think they can fly or stop a train.)        ●   Death
●   become aggressive and violent
             The Risks
● Euphoria
● Warm
● Safety
● The Nod
● Pain
Cocaine (Powder)

Why?                              The Risks
                                   1.   depression and sadness.
* euphorica                        2.   Death can result as a consequence of cocaine overdose.
* energy                           3.   careless risks
                                   4.   expensive, Debt is often a result of this expense.
* talkative
                                   5.   Paranoia
* mentally alert, especially to   6.    mental health problems
the sensations of sight, sound,    7.   Cocaine can become very addictive.
and touch.                         8.   Cocaine can pose a great risk to your pregnancy,

* It can also temporarily          9.   Cocaine damages the lungs respiratory system
                                  10.   Aggression
decrease the need for food
and sleep.
Cocaine (Crack)

Why?                                     The Risks:
                                          1.   immediately addictive
Like Coke but more intense                                                   15. psychosis
                                          2.   expensive
(Effects last 5-15 minutes)                                                  16. miscarrige
                                          3.   neglect of: Family, work
* euphorica                                                                  17. withdrawal
                                               responsibilities, health
* energy                                  4.   leads to theft and violence
* talkative                               5.   stroke
                                          6.   convolsions
* mentally alert, especially to the
                                          7.   headaches
sensations of sight, sound, and touch.
                                          8.   rise in heart rate
* It can also temporarily decrease        9.   heart attack
the need for food and sleep.             10.   cough
                                         11.   lung damage
                                         12.   nausea
                                         13.   loss of appetite
                                         14.   muscle weakness
Crystal Meth
People take MDMA because it relieves anxiety and removes inhibitions. it promotes a
sense of total well-being throughout the body and mind. MDMA was first used as an
aid in therapy by psychiatrists on patients with severe trauma.
                                            MDMA can have many of the same physical effects as
                                            other stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines.
                                            *increases in heart rate and blood pressure,
                                            *muscle tension
                                            *involuntary teeth clenching
                                            *blurred vision
                                            *chills or sweating

                                            In high doses, MDMA can interfere with the body’s ability
                                            to regulate temperature. On rare but unpredictable
                                            occasions, this can lead to a sharp increase in body
                                            temperature (hyperthermia), which can result in liver,
                                            kidney, or cardiovascular system failure or even death.
1. People do Drugs because they feel good.
2. Nobody starts thinking they will become
3. Every drug has potential risks, including
death, either directly related to the use
(Heroin overdose) or the long term effects
(Cancer from Smoking or Marijuana use)
4. The best way to prevent addiction or other
negative effects of drugs is simple........
Things to do other than drugs
        Play sports

        Play or listen to Music
        See a movie
        Watch TV
        Learn something new
        Spend time with family
        Play video game

        Hang with friends
        Enjoy your
        or find new ones

        Anything is better
        than drugs.
        lick a trash can
        for all I care.
If You have questions call:
      Advent Recovery
            or visit us on


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Lets Get High, feeling drugs and their consequences

  • 1. LETS GET HIGH! FEELING DRUGS AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES Presented by: dvent Recovery Addiction Recovery and Intervention Services
  • 2. Why Get High? 1. Stress from school 2. To gain acceptance from others 3. To increase self-esteem 4. Curiosity 5. Self-medication for an undiagnosed mental illness 6. Boredom. 7. Parental influence from drug abusing parents 8. Easy access 9. To get attention 10.Genetic addiction
  • 3. What Could I Try? What Could I Do? What are Those Common Drugs of Abuse?
  • 4. How Bout a Smoke? 1. Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet, with approximately 1 trillion being sold from country to country each year. At a global take of more than $400 billion, it’s one of the world’s largest industries. 2. The nicotine content in several major brands is reportedly on the rise. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Health Department revealed that between 1997 and 2005 the amount of nicotine in Camel, Newport, and Doral cigarettes may have increased by as much as 11 percent. 3. U.S. cigarette manufacturers now make more money selling cigarettes to countries around the globe than they do selling to Americans. 4. Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and 43 known carcinogens.
  • 5. Yea, but Dat Don't Scare Me. Well Maybe This Will ● Scientists claim the average smoker will lose 14 Years of their life due to smoking. ● Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. Smoking is directlY responsible for approximatelY 90 percent of lung cancer deaths and approximatelY 80-90 percent of COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) deaths.) ● Smoking tobacco is the ultimate gatewaY drug in that it is legally available, and involves mastering a unique method of intake – much more so than alcohol. Smokers looking to get ‘high’ will verY rarelY do so from cigarettes after the initial stages of taking up the habit. ● Smoking kills more people than car crashes, suicides, alcohol, murders, illegal drugs and AIDS combined.
  • 6.
  • 7. Good Job With the Whole Smoking Thing Now Lets Have a Drink Why Would I? Give me 10 reasons 1. For the effect Many people drink alcohol for the effect. It is both a depressant and a stimulant, and drinking can result in feelings of euphoria, disorientation or a pleasurable release of tension. 2. Out of curiosity To experiment with alcohol and judge whether or not drinking is for them. 3. As we react to our social environment We've all probably experienced some type of peer pressure in our lives.. Many people try alcohol when they are in a social setting where everyone else is drinking in order to feel accepted and part of the environment.
  • 8. Why Else? 4. Because we see it modeled by others such as the influence of parents or older people, play a role in initial alcohol use. 5. As part of normal developmental transitions Adolescents who are in the process of puberty (sexual maturation) and who experience more independence and freedom may drink alcohol as part of the dramatic physical, emotional and social change of adolescence. In other words, drinking is a part of self- exploration. 6. To relieve our stress Some new drinkers may use alcohol as a way to escape or cope with problems. Alcohol may temporarily relieve stress and focus attention elsewhere, but the problems remain.
  • 9. Ok, Ok, Why Else? 7. As a result of personality characteristics People who start drinking early often share similar personality characteristics. These characteristics include: ● aggressiveness ● anxiousness ● depressed ● difficulty avoiding harm or harmful situations ● disinhibition ● disruptive ● hyperactivity ● rebelliousness ● thrill seeker ● withdrawn 8. Because it is culturally normalized Today alcohol is widely available and aggressively promoted through TV, film, radio, ads, and the Internet. This normalization makes alcohol use socially acceptable and normal.
  • 10. Really, There's More? 9. Because they expect a good experience People who expect drinking to be a pleasurable experience are more likely to drink than people who do not. So, the expectation that alcohol will be fun and enjoyable may actually cause a person to start drinking. 10. Because it is accessible Alcohol is pretty easy to get, even for teens. Family and friends are the primary sources of alcohol for kids who drink, whether knowingly or un-willingly. Local alcohol retailers may also accept fake IDs for underage drinkers. So relatively speaking and in comparison with other illicit activities, alcohol is accessible to most anyone. Warning: Alcohol may also make you think about doing things you may not really want to do.
  • 11. Sex
  • 12. Well That All Seems Pretty Great To Me! So Why Wouldn't I Drink? I'll Give You 10 Real Good Reasons: 1) Heavy drinking can lead to early death and permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. When a person is having a high blood alcohol level one is also at risk for coma or respiratory paralysis. Alcohol can also deplete the body of nutrients, raise blood pressure and increase the risk of cancer. Chronic drinkers have weaker immune systems and are more likely infections, allergies and other diseases. It is also known to lead to impotence and erection problems in men. 2) Alcoholism affects Relationships and can have a major impact on family and social life. It interferes with the drinker's physical or mental health making one temporary insane that one may not realize what he is doing. Domestic violence and abusive behavior is a regular thing at a n alcoholic's house. Drinking habit can even result in one losing the job.
  • 13. Fight
  • 14. Here's Some More Reasons. 3) A prolonged exposure to alcohol can result in cravings just like other drugs. Alcohol Consumption is also a costly addiction. 4) Drinking Alcohol can lead to impaired judgment and lack of coordination and can result in accidents while driving. Physical effects of alcohol and reduced inhibitions can mean the drinker is more likely to engage in activities like unprotected sex, gambling, using drugs etc. 5) Since alcohol affects the brain the alcoholic might get black out or memory loss and may not remember some situations or events. 6) Drinking can also expose us to dangers or higher risk by making us an easy target for robbery, rape, abuse etc. 7) Nausea and Vomiting after drinking is the body’s mechanism to protect itself by getting rid of the alcohol. One may also suffer from a hangover and may experience migraine, dizziness, dehydration, fatigue... 8) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a serious consequence of drinking while pregnant and can result in mental retardation and other irreversible physical abnormalities of the child. In addition, the children of alcoholic parents are more likely to become alcoholics.
  • 15.
  • 17. Only More.. 2 ... I Mean Only,Only 2 More 9) Alcohol is often associated with health conditions like Obesity as alcohol is full of calories. health clubs to reduce weight does not bring many results to alcoholics. Moreover, Drinkers are likely to have fried foods and other unhealthy accompaniments along with drinks. 10) Alcoholics often suffer from depression, stress, and severe sleep disorders.
  • 18. Good News: The good news is there are ways one can get rid of this bad habit.There are specialized Health Organizations offering help for Alcoholics in every country. So if you are addicted to drinking try to ‘Stop Drinking and Start Living’.
  • 19. Now Drinking Sounds Bad So... Lets Do Some Drugs!!!! Na Some Drugs are Bad.... Well, How Bout We Smoke Some Weed Yo?!
  • 20. Yea Cuz.... 1. It's like a Medicine for a bunch of stuff 2. it has THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), and it makes gets you high 3. you can relieve the stress, anxiety, fear, pain and anger related to your personal, psychological and family issues. 4. it is Popular and our culture endorses marijuana use. 5. I Don't think it's harmful and bad for you and stuff 6. can be found easy YO!. I bet somebody here has got some. 7. it's smoked by my friends, family and role models 8. is used by people who were born with or developed certain personality dimensions, such as unconventionality, which make marijuana use non-taboo. like Nobody give a Shhhh..... 9. I'm Curiosity. 10. I want To relax.
  • 21. Sounds good...lets Smoke... but wait don't it cause damage, like, to.... The Brain: Cellular changes take place in the brain when marijuana, is smoked. NIDA researchers have found that THC impairs mainly those areas of the brain that produce thoughts, concentration and memory, which are valid reasons to stop smoking pot. Plus, cannabis influences the pleasure sensors, making it attractive to those with addictive tendencies. Distorted perceptions, difficulty solving problems and poor coordination last for days or weeks after the high wears off. Those who smoke pot daily operate at sub par levels at all times.
  • 23. Oh,Yea I Heard It Has Major.... Psychological Effects NIDA studies have shown marked increases in depression, anxiety and suicide in pot smokers. Researchers are not sure whether marijuana use exacerbates an existing mental illness or causes it. Those with violent tendencies or a genetic disposition to psychological problems are more likely to experience mental breakdowns if they smoke pot. The studies NIDA reported have directly linked marijuana use to schizophrenia.
  • 24. Yea it also effects our.... Long-term: Over time, the long-term effects on the brain are cumulative, and pot smokers risk brain damage equal to those who take harder drugs like heroin or cocaine. The NIDA says that withdrawal from smoking pot sets up stress centers in the brain that control the brain's use of dopamine, or pleasure sensors. Addiction to the drug can result from long-term pot smoking. Drug addiction can adversely affect all areas of an addict's life, including social functioning, work, relationships and hobbies, according to a report from University Health Services at the University of Wisconsin. Heart: When marijuana is inhaled, the heart rate increases by as much as 100 percent. This condition can last for up to four hours after smoking the drug. Pot smokers have a high risk of having a heart attack within one hour of smoking weed, the NIDA reports. Older pot smokers with already weakening cardiac systems are at an even higher risk of heart failure from smoking pot.
  • 25. DANG, Anything Else? Oh Yea, Its addictive: ● tolerance and withdrawal ● Using more than intended ● Unable to cut down or stop use ● Lots of time spent getting high ● Reduced activities ● Continuing to get high despite the problems it causes ● Using it to escape from problems ● Depending on it to be creative or to relax or enjoy yourself ● Choosing relationships and activities based on whether or not you will be able to get high ● An inability to attend to daily responsibilities:
  • 26. OK, Ok, How About Prescription Drugs? Medicine Can't be Bad for You, Right? There's all kinds of Stuff Behind The Counter
  • 27. Top 10 Prescriptions of Abuse: Zolpidem is a nonbenzodiazepine (similar to a 10.Ambien benzo,) drug with powerful hypnotic and sedative effects. It’s prescribed by doctors for (zolpidem) treatment of insomnia, and in rarer cases as a muscle relaxant. Due to its properties, it is similar to alcohol in its ability to relax inhibitions and promote sociability. In especially high doses, the onset of amnesia can be quite potent, resulting in the user having a “night they can’t remember”. With adolescents having limited access to alcohol, abusing their parents’ Ambien isn’t uncommon. Eminem had a reasonably publicized affair with zolpidem in 2009, after he started using it to help him sleep through the stresses of his life.
  • 28. The Risks of Ambien Abuse Ambien tends to cause sedation, and the user may become so very sedated that he/she simply neglects to breathe. This is not the only negative side effect that users can experience when taking high doses of Ambien. Confusion Amnesia High amounts of energy Distorted speech Anxiety Psychosis Seizure Suicidal thoughts Vomiting Nausea Teens may abuse Ambien for a wide variety of reasons, but many studies suggest that people who abuse it tend to abuse other drugs at the same time. This increase the risk of overdose dramatically.
  • 29. 9 NUMBER NINE 9 Although antipsychotics are rarely thought of as Seroquel “drugs of abuse”, quetiapine deserves recognition on this list due to its huge recreational value in prison. It (quetiapine) is often prescribed for schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, and insomnia. However, the tranquilizer has earned the name “Jailhouse Heroin” among prisoners. Even though this is a prison drug i, note that is also serves recreational use among the outside, as well. It can be used to come down off uppers like cocaine and amphetamines, reduce anxiety during “bad trips”, and combines with cocaine to form a “Q-ball”.
  • 30. The Risks Associated with Seroquel use: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a potentially fatal condition that affects the central nervous system. Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) is a serious movement disorder, which also requires medical attention. ● Indigestion or heartburn ● Drowsiness -- in up to 53 percent of ● Nausea people ● Vomiting ● Dry mouth -- up to 44 percent of ● Increased appetite people (see Seroquel and Dry ● Lethargy Mouth) ● Nasal congestion ● High triglycerides -- up to 23 percent ● Abdominal pain (stomach pain) ● Weight gain -- up to 23 percent (see ● Back pain Seroquel and Weight Gain) ● Shakiness (tremor) ● Headaches -- up to 21 percent ● Irritability ● Agitation -- up to 20 percent ● Joint pain ● Dizziness -- up to 18 percent ● Sore throat ● High cholesterol -- up to 17 percent ● Fever ● Fatigue -- up to 11 percent ● Rapid heart rate (tachycardia) ● Weakness -- up to 10 percent ● Irritated or runny nose ● Constipation -- up to 10 percent. ● Vision problems.
  • 31. 8NUMBER EIGHT8 Dilaudid (hydromorphone) Often prescribed for pain (and occasionally bad cough), Dilaudid is known as more of an “all or nothing pharmaceutical”. This is because abusers can take well above the allowed dose and not feel a bit of the euphoric opiate experience he’s used to but administering it through a needle could well be compared to intravenous heroin. It is water soluble. This factor is taken advantage of by many heroin addicts in need of a shot; however the difficulty of abuse via oral administration makes it one of the safer opiates to have around a house with adolescents.
  • 32. NUMBER SEVEN 7 Xanax (alprazolam) Benzodiazepine abuse is very common among those self-medicating for stress and anxiety, but one particular benzo, by the name of alprazolam, is also very common among recreational users seeking a “high”. A physician will prescribe a patient Xanax for panic disorders, insomnia, and, more rarely, social anxiety. They are either crushed and insufflated or popped. With intranasal use especially, the onset is very rapid and instills relaxation, reduced, alcohol-like inhibitions, and potent apathy in the user. Alprazolam, and other benzodiazepines, like Valium, Klonopin, and Ativan, are abused to enhance sociability and to let one “be them self” around social gatherings.
  • 33. The Risks of Xanax Abuse: Feeling fearless *Decreased inhibitions Feelings of irritability *Hallucinations *Forgetfulness *Seizure *Trouble concentrating *Hostile, aggravated *Lack of coordination disposition *Blurred vision *Dry mouth or wet mouth *Muscle twitching *Slurred speech *Tremors *Mild nausea, vomiting *Change in urination *Loss of appetite or weigh gain habits *Drowsiness during the daytime *Yellow Jaundice *Lack of interest in sex
  • 34. #6 Desoxyn (methamphetamine) Methamphetamine, or “speed”, “crank”, “ice”, ext. is available by prescription in the United States, New Zealand, and Canada for ADHD treatment, as well as obesity, due to its appetite suppressing effects. When Desoxyn is obtained, it obviously has very high street value, for its drug and for its consistent dosing. A meth user never knows what he’s getting in a bag he got off the street, but a 10mg Desoxyn tablet would be seen as a “good batch” all day.
  • 35. SYMPTOMS OF STIMULANT ABUSE Physical side effects include dilated pupils, dizziness, tremor, headache, flushed skin, chest pains with palpitations, excessive sweating, vomiting and abdominal cramps. These effects may occur as a result of taking too large a dose at one time or taking large doses over an extended period of time. Psychological effects include agitation, hostility, panic, aggression, and suicidal or homicidal tendencies. Paranoia, sometimes accompanied by both auditory and visual hallucinations, may also occur.
  • 36. FIVE Narcotic syrups (codeine and hydrocodone) Prescription cough syrups containing narcotics such as codeine and hydrocodone have become very popular among young adults through pop culture. Several rappers have made it clear that they not only enjoy recreationally drinking “purple drank”, but they encourage it, almost as much one would normally encourage a safer drug, like marijuana. Like other opiates, they instill euphoric, pleasantly itchy, and relaxing effects within the drinker.
  • 37. Ill effects of cough syrup abuse include: 1) Nausea and vomiting 2) Stomach pain 3) Confusion 4) Dizziness 5) Double or blurred vision 6) Slurred speech 7) Impaired physical coordination 8) Rapid heart beat 9) Drowsiness 10) Numbness of fingers and toes 11) Disorientation 12) Death
  • 38. The all-too-famous “speed in a pill”, Adderall is provided to adolescents like candy it seems but it can provide people with trouble concentrating miraculous relief. Attention disorders are exceptionally easy to fake, and, therefore, many high school students try to acquire it just to make extra cash from their friends at school. Amphetamines, ranging from Adderall to Methamphetamine, are valued for their energetic, stimulating, and often euphoric effects. Adderall, along with Ritalin, abuse is rampant among high school and college students during exams, due to their ability to increase focus and motivation. Adderall mixed amphetamine salts 444444444444444
  • 39. 1 MORE SYMPTOM OF STIMULANT ABUSE OVERDOSE, unless there is medical intervention, high fever, convulsions and cardiovascular collapse may precede death. Because accidental death is partially due to the effects of stimulants on the body's cardiovascular and temperature- regulating systems, physical activities and excessive exercise increase the hazards of stimulant use. ● Amphetamines ● Cocaine ● Diet Pills ● Methamphetamines ● Ritalin Just wait until we talk about crystal meth
  • 40. Vicodin THR33 (acetaminophen and hydrocodone) For most people, Vicodin represents much-needed relief from the pain and discomfort associated with illness, injury or recovery from surgery. These individuals are prescribed Vicodin (or its generic equivalent “Hydrocodone”) by a physician, and then use it until their pain has subsided. When the medication is gone, the discomfort usually is as well. There are, however, a number of people who do not use Vicodin as directed by a doctor. For them, this opiate becomes the focal point of their lives.
  • 41. PercoceTWO (oxycodone and acetaminophen) #2 Percocet is considered an amazing drug. It’s not just a narcotic that soothes, lulls and prompts sleep, it’s a powerful pain reliever that combines oxycodone and acetaminophen, two of the standards of pain relief today. Acetaminophen is a commonly found substance in over the counter pain medication.Percocet works by attaching to your body’s pain receptors and preventing them from sending the signal to you to be in pain. It’s highly effective in almost all cases at relieving even severe pain.
  • 42. #1 About 1 in 20 high school seniors now acknowledges taking OxyContin, a prescription opiate for managing severe pain that can be abused. In its annual survey of teen drug use, the NIDA reports that OxyContin use by 12th graders is up 40% Oxycotin nationwide in just 3 years. 5 times as many 12th graders report using OxyContin than report using methamphetamine.
  • 44. Addiction Theory Genetic Model Psychodynamic Model Social Model Moral Model
  • 46. Disease Model of Addiction
  • 47. Inhalants Why? The Risks: ● lose inhibitions ● feel exhilarated ("high") ● double vision ● get clumsy and slur their words ● loss of cordination ● have trouble making sensible decisions ● weakness ● get sleepy and slow-moving ● headaches ● experience ringing in the ears, dizziness ● nausea and/or vommiting and blurred vision ● numbness ● become nervous, upset and disoriented ● irregular heartbeat ● have headaches and chest and stomach ● suffication pains ● Permanent heart problems ● feel nauseous and throw up ● Injuries ● have weak muscles and difficulty ● Death of brain cells speaking ● liver and kidney failure ● behave disruptively or hallucinate ● bone marrow changes (imagine things that aren't there) ● immune system weakness eye ● have psychotic-like reactions to inhaling disease (e.g., injure themselves because they ● loss of appetite think they can fly or stop a train.) ● Death ● become aggressive and violent
  • 48. Heroin The Risks Why? ● Euphoria ● Warm feeling ● Safety ● The Nod ● Pain Relief
  • 49. Cocaine (Powder) Why? The Risks 1. depression and sadness. * euphorica 2. Death can result as a consequence of cocaine overdose. * energy 3. careless risks 4. expensive, Debt is often a result of this expense. * talkative 5. Paranoia * mentally alert, especially to 6. mental health problems the sensations of sight, sound, 7. Cocaine can become very addictive. and touch. 8. Cocaine can pose a great risk to your pregnancy, * It can also temporarily 9. Cocaine damages the lungs respiratory system 10. Aggression decrease the need for food and sleep.
  • 50. Cocaine (Crack) Why? The Risks: 1. immediately addictive Like Coke but more intense 15. psychosis 2. expensive (Effects last 5-15 minutes) 16. miscarrige 3. neglect of: Family, work * euphorica 17. withdrawal responsibilities, health * energy 4. leads to theft and violence * talkative 5. stroke 6. convolsions * mentally alert, especially to the 7. headaches sensations of sight, sound, and touch. 8. rise in heart rate * It can also temporarily decrease 9. heart attack the need for food and sleep. 10. cough 11. lung damage 12. nausea 13. loss of appetite 14. muscle weakness
  • 52. People take MDMA because it relieves anxiety and removes inhibitions. it promotes a sense of total well-being throughout the body and mind. MDMA was first used as an aid in therapy by psychiatrists on patients with severe trauma. MDMA can have many of the same physical effects as other stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines. *increases in heart rate and blood pressure, *muscle tension *involuntary teeth clenching *nausea *blurred vision *faintness, *chills or sweating In high doses, MDMA can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate temperature. On rare but unpredictable occasions, this can lead to a sharp increase in body temperature (hyperthermia), which can result in liver, kidney, or cardiovascular system failure or even death.
  • 53. Conclusions 1. People do Drugs because they feel good. 2. Nobody starts thinking they will become addicted. 3. Every drug has potential risks, including death, either directly related to the use (Heroin overdose) or the long term effects (Cancer from Smoking or Marijuana use) 4. The best way to prevent addiction or other negative effects of drugs is simple........
  • 54. Things to do other than drugs Play sports Don't Write Draw Play or listen to Music See a movie Watch TV Learn something new Spend time with family Play video game Use Hang with friends Enjoy your hobbies or find new ones Anything is better than drugs. lick a trash can for all I care.
  • 55. If You have questions call: Advent Recovery 855-9Advent or visit us on Facebook or