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SFE Leadership Life
Arif Mahmood
22 Aug 2007 Lahore HO
Last day with Bayer Pakistan
“lost love last long"
GO SLOW: Fast and Furious
 Knowledge and wisdom do not have
much currency in this age of
 It is all about here and now ----not
A new society cannot be created by
reproducing the repugnant past ----
 No one can go back and change a bad
 But any anyone can start now and can
create a successful ending
Freedom would be meaningless without security
in the home and in the streets.
NELSON MANDELA, speech,April 27, 1995
 Changing the face can change noting but
facing the change can change every thing
The brave man is not he who does not feel
afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
NELSON MANDELA,Autobiography
 Mistakes are pain full when happen
 But years later collection of mistakes is
called experience …. which lead to
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find
the ways in which you yourself have altered.
NELSON MANDELA, LongWalk to Freedom
Be bold when you loose
Be calm when you win
 Heated gold become ornament
 Beaten copper become a wire
 Depleted stone become statue
So the more pain you get in life you
become more valuable
When Simon and Garfunkel wrote
the song...
 you’ve got to make the moment last
 We are not living in a world where you
have to run like crazy
 Keep pace with the surroundings that are
moving twice as fast.
 Imagine how much more we need to
slow down now when we travel in
supersonic jets and trains
Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts.
Nelson Mandela
Fast eat Slow
“We are moving from a world in which the big
eat the small and fast eat the slow.”
I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all! I
stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of
you, the people.Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it
possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years
of my life in your hands.
Nelson Mandela
Time sickness
 In 1982, Larry Dossey, an American physician,
coined the term ‘time sickness’ to describe the
belief that time is getting away and that one must
pedal faster to keep up.
 We all, at least the metropolitan or mega polis
dwelling citizens, belong to the cult of speed.
 We want to get to our destination in the record
time, we want the fastest Internet access, we
want our news as fast as it can be delivered, and if
we don’t get that, we fret.
 Everyone feels that there is not
enough time and they have to cram as
much stuff and at the fastest possible
speed in a day as possible.
What pains me
 How we portrays the virtue of speed.
 Thinkers with glib answers for everything.
 Analyzing events as they are unfolding.
 Knowledge and wisdom do not have
much currency in this age of information.
It is all about here and now, not how.
For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to
live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of
Nelson Mandela
Instant gratification FUME mutilate
 It is said that we live in the ‘age of instant
 But the way things are going, that too has
become passé.We are looking for things that are
beyond instant.
 We are living in the ‘age of rage’.This fixation with
speed leads to road rage, shopping rage,
relationship rage, office rage and at times, even
gym rage.
 People mutilating gym equipment because they
want to do it all in 25 minutes flat. Imagine the
harm done to their bodies in the long run.
Consumer capitalist
 Consumer capitalist economy is
contributing its part in this time sickness.
It is getting too fast –– even for its own
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
Nelson Mandela
Lewis Mumsford once said
 “Clock is the key machine of the
Industrial Revolution.”
 Another indication of the long history of
time sickness is that most of the 15,000
machines registered at the US patent
office in 1850 were for “acceleration of
speed and for the saving of time and
 Urbanization, another feature of the
industrial era, helped quicken the pace.
Cities have always attracted energetic and
dynamic people which accelerated the
general pace of living.Terms like time rich
and time poor are also coined in the
super fast age of industrialism.
Don’t become more Christian than pope
Industrial capitalism
 Industrial capitalism feeds on speed and
rewards it as never before.The business that
manufactures and ships its products fastest
can under cut rivals. If one pauses long
enough to notice, one would see that there
is a human cost to this turbo capitalism.
These days, people exist to serve the
economy rather than the other way around.
Have we ever stopped and asked why are we
working so hard?The obvious answer is
money, but the endless pursuit of consumer
goods means we need more and more cash.
In a corporate set up
 In a corporate set up, gone are the eight-
hour working day and 40-hour week,
everyone works for as long as it takes to
make one’s mark.After years of downsizing,
companies expect employees to shoulder
the burden left behind by their laid off
colleagues.With the fear of losing their jobs
hanging over their heads, people regard
overwork as a way to prove their worth and
this turbo capitalism offers a one-way ticket
to burn out.
Fact Craving
 Most people have unrealistic expectations
from themselves.
 We all want to be over achievers;
 Ability to discern
 If we don’t do it all, we are not content
(happy) and keep on craving (thirst )for
 We fail to realise that there is an unrealistic
difference between what we want and what
we can actually achieve and there is no
guarantee that we will achieve it all.
What is forgotten
 Fact that long hours on the job are
making everyone
 Unproductive,
 Error prone,
 Irritable,
 Unhappy
 Ill.
 It is because of such work environment
Woman can say I am pregnant or I am not pregnant woman cant
say I am little bit pregnant
 Japanese, the ever creative nation,
even added a new word to their
vocabulary,‘karoshi’ which means
death by over work.
 Consumerism and its pressure for
speed are taking its toll on
We live in a 24/7 time frame
 We can be reached 24/7 via cell phones.
 We shop on our days off, we pay bills after
 We are online all the time and take our
laptops to bed with us.
 We all need to ask if we have lost the
capacity of doing nothing.
 Taking pleasure in sitting in a park and
enjoying the cool evening breeze can be as
pleasant an experience as staying cooped up
in a dark room and playing a super fast game
at Xbox.
Time Out
 Gazing out of the window or sitting idle.
 They were either reading
 Playing games on their phones,
 Texting messages
 listening to music or news
 Working on their laptops
 Yammering into their mobiles.
Growing old inevitable, Growing up is optional
Things changed for me when I took
time off to go back to university for
another degree
 Being a student for a year has changed
the perspective for me.
The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is
‘Slow Food’
 There is a ‘Slow Food’ movement founded in
1986 by Carlo Petrini in Italy as a resistance
movement to combat fast food. Geir Berthelsen
created ‘TheWorld Institute of Slowness’ and
coined the term ‘SlowTravel’ in 1999 citing a
vision for an entire ‘Slow Planet’.
Carl Honroe in his book, In Praise of Slow says
that there is a growing trend in people who are
looking for a more holistic attitude which can be
seen in increased use of alternative medicine and
popularity of yoga. Even the aerobics queen Jane
Fonda, who sold millions of tapes and books on
aerobics, now, swears by yoga.
Leisure was declared a human right
in 1948 by United Nations
 We need to go back to more leisurely
pursuits such as gardening, reading,
painting, making crafts and learn to be
happy with it. Feminism denounced
homemaking as a curse on womankind;
hence modern woman does not know the
pleasure in knitting, making crochet, and
sewing. Even though denounced, it
nevertheless is a creative process and has
a therapeutic effect to it.
Debbie Stoller, an American feminist,
hailed knitting as the new yoga and
a lot of young
 Debbie Stoller, an American feminist, hailed
knitting as the new yoga and a lot of young
women have taken to it, including the
woman with a 20-million-dollar smile, Julia
Roberts. I hope it now makes knitting
officially cool. BBC recently reported that
even Prince Charles has urged people to
slow down and allow themselves more time
for reflection.The prince said modern life
had got out of balance, and needed to return
to the rhythms of nature.
“There is more to life than
increasing its speed.
 I agree that most of us do not wish to
replace speed with lethargy, but finding
the right balance is the key to a balanced
personal and professional life. Like
Mahatma Gandhi once said,“There is
more to life than increasing its speed.
The friends have way of speaking with out words
Leadership decision
 Teacher open the door, but you must
enter by yourself
Falling in love is easy but staying in love is some
thing very special
Leadership decision
 Teacher open the door, but you must
enter by yourself
 Swimming cant be learn by readingThe
successful person makes a habit of doing
what the failing person doesn't like to do.
 The three great essentials to achieve
anything worth while are, first, hard work;
second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common
Leadership decision
 Unless commitment is made, there are only
promises and hopes...but no plans.
 Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a
full life.
 Vision is the art of seeing the impossible.
 Power is energy in use.
 Results depend on Relationships.
 The harder I work, the more luck I have.
Leadership decision
 Have the courage to act instead of react.
 Knock the “t” off the can’t.
 Don’t fight the problem. Decide it.
 I don’t know the key to success, but the key
to failure is trying to please everyone.
 Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
 Success is not a doorway, it’s a stairway.
 You are born an original. Don’t die a copy.
 Love to Love
 Impotence to Impotence
 Be dignified loser rather than corrupt
What Are My Priorities?
• Situation: All of us who have built an organization and moved
ourselves and others into an initial manager/team leader role struggle
with our priorities.
• We have many: some relate to personal production ( an example
would be a sales person moving to sales manager), training of our
team members, reviewing our key indicators on key activities that lead
to goal achievement ( the dials that we read to make sure our unit of
business is stable or needs attention- some owners do this innately,
but you need to formalize indicators and model them so your
managers have a system), recruiting and selection activities and what I
am I doing to provide a positive motivational atmosphere. These are
just a few pulls and tugs on our priorities as we build a team capable of
achieving the business unit’s goals. As managers/leaders we now have
authority and accountability in the areas of: productivity, profit
contribution and people within budget and policies and procedures.
How do I approach my many
priorities as a manager /
Here is a suggested list of priorities and routines that you may find
challenging or surprising at first. These have been validated by many
managers and leaders that I have worked with over the years, who have
realized that their role was to build a team capable of achieving the
business unit’s goals.
Stabilization: 1
 Read the dials make sure your unit is stable
and capable of meeting its business
obligation. If I were a restaurant manager I
may look at certain things: clean up from
previous day, staff in place to carry out daily
functions, parking area cleaned or plowed,
supplies for day’s menu in place etc. – you
get the idea. If any of these indicators
indicate a problem I need to take
appropriate action to stabilize the situation-
once this is done I can move onto my next
New HireTraining: 2
 A new person can not provide a return
on the investment until they are
trained. As a professional leader I need to
know where they are in their
development process and get them up to
speed as soon as possible
Team Development and
Communications: 3
 There are regular meetings that need to
take place with my staff and I need to plan
for and conduct them on a regular
scheduled basis
Team Staffing: 4
 If I am a new manager this may move up
the ladder in priorities. The responsibility
to recruit and select people for my team
is a high priority often over-looked by
managers. For example: an understaffed
sales team has a high opportunity cost in
lost or unrealized sales revenue
Personal one on one meeting
with staff members: 5
 The highly productive people often are
taken for granted and one may think…
he/she is doing fine I will spend time with
… he/she is not productive. Retention is
important – especially highly productive
people- spend time with the winners-
they have the capacity to give your team
higher returns. Don’t be surprised if they
leave if you don’t invest in them.
Personal Production: 6
 You are not developing your team, if this
is your number one priority. It may be
necessary, but it needs to fall into proper
sequence of where you are in building
your team. If personal production takes
up all of your time than these other
important roles of leadership are not
taking place.
The priorities, with the exception of stabilization, do not need to be
done every day. However, there will be many days when several of
these priorities are worked and a few rare days when all priorities are
touched. Remember, manager/leaders have to switch their mindset
from themselves to thinking about team development in order to
achieve goals: the process of recruiting, selecting, developing, managing
and motivating a group of people into a highly productive unit. The line
management position is the most important link within any organization
and also the most challenging and rewarding role. It is necessary to
balance this leadership role with personal production.To be a manager
is not just a title, it requires a commitment to leadershi
Critical to success:
• Driving corporate performance has become increasingly
• Balancing strategic priorities, leading effective teams and
establishing competitive advantage are critical to
• Fundamental areas of organisational
• Challenge: strategy,
• leadership
• Transformation.
It will challenge you to create a successful future
for yourself and your organisation.
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8 qualities that successful leaders
 Effective leadership is what determines
whether a business achieves, struggles or
falls by the wayside.There are reams of
articles, books, programmes and audios
available. For me, there are at least 8
qualities that successful leaders have.
1. Responsibility
 The best leaders take responsibility for
making things happen.We all know just how
easy it is to blame external factors and we
probably all have done this at some time.You
know the scenario. If only accounts,
purchasing, sales and marketing, customer
services, etc would do this everything would
be okay.We might even blame the economy,
the weather or even the competition. If you
want to excel as a leader take responsibility
for making things happen.
2. Integrity
 Your success depends on others
following. People will only follow if they
believe they can rely on you to
demonstrate high standards, be open,
honest and truthful with them.They also
expect consistency.When you are
consistent (no matter what your
leadership style is) people know what to
3. Decision takers
 We all have fears and doubts when it comes
to taking decisions.Will it be the right one,
what happens if it goes wrong, how will I
look or be perceived by others? These are
just a few of the questions and dilemmas
faced or going through their head.What sets
successful leaders apart is their willingness
to face fears and take decisions rather than
procrastinate.They know that they will get
their fair share of decisions wrong and will
learn from them.
4. Deal with facts
 Realism is essential if you are to be a
successful leader. Realism is about facing up
to whatever is going on, rather than
expending energy wishing it was different.
When faced with decisions, the best leaders
will focus on the facts to determine what is
realistic. Imagine you are faced with a poorly
performing organisation.You might wish it
could be fixed next month or next week, but
the reality might be that it will take months
and maybe years.
5.Vision and inspiration
 The most successful leaders have the
ability not just to create a vision but to
communicate it in an inspiring way.They
see the big picture and inspire others to
work together to make it happen.
6. Optimism
 There are some who are naturally
pessimistic, while others are naturally
optimistic. Successful leaders are part of
the second group.They know that they
cannot control every eventuality but they
can control how they respond.They focus
on solutions, not problems.
7. Resilient
 No matter what you set out to as a
leader, there will be set backs,
disappointments and failures along the
way.The most successful leaders are
extremely resilient and when things do
not work out as they hoped, they bounce
8. Excellence
 Excellence in what they do is one of the
defining qualities of successful leaders.
They have a mindset of continuous
improvement.They look for better,
smarter ways of doing things.They are
continual learners.
 While leaders have numerous qualities,
making a start on these 8 can get you off
to a flying start.
The performance review
 plays an important role in
getting you promoted and
also affects your future in the
company. Most people do not
keep in mind that you have to
keep on preparing for the
performance review all year
long and they get panicked
when the performance review
is just around the corner. The
fact is that most of the bosses
and the managers keep a tab
on your performance.
 No matter how valuable you consider yourself for the company, a
performance review is bound to make you feel nervous and
anxious.The performance review plays an important role in getting
you promoted and also affects your future in the company. Most
people do not keep in mind that you have to be prepared for the
performance review all year long and panic when the review is just
around the corner.The fact is that most of the bosses and the
managers keep a tab on your performance all through the year and
the performance review is an evaluation based on what they have
observed during the time. So even if the next performance review
is not nearby, it is advisable that you start preparing for it right now.
If you wish to get a promotion or an appraisal, you not only have to
work hard for it but also make sure that you are fulfilling your job
requirements properly and efficiently.To ensure that you are well
prepared for the performance review, follow the simple but
effective rules mentioned below:
Get Acquainted WithThe
 The best way to make sure that you do well
in your performance review id to get
yourself thoroughly acquainted with the
evaluation process. If you are new to the
company ask your colleagues what the last
performance review was like. Different
companies have different approaches
towards conducting the performance review
and it is best to get to know how the
managers at your company go about it and
prepare for the review accordingly.
KeepTrack OfYour
 One of the most important task while
preparing for a performance review is to
keep track of what goals you have achieved
on the specific time period.This will help you
build a strong case for yourself during the
performance review interview with your
boss.You need to be able to articulate the
steps you have taken that have resulted in
success for the company and how you have
managed to achieve the goals on a personal
Make A List:
 It is best to keep a log book of all the major
accomplishments so that you can refer to them at
the time of the appraisal interview.You can make
a neat and bulleted list which concisely articulates
all your achievements and take it with you to be
submitted to the boss during the performance
review. Make sure that you list just the actual
achievements and do not brag about minor goals
which anyone else could have achieved just as
easily.You need to distinguish yourself from your
peers and the best way to do that is by showing
what goals you have achieved which the others
failed to.
Self Assessment:
 You need to constantly keep on assessing
yourself in order to make it through the
performance review with flying colors. Be
honest with yourself and do a candid
assessment of your work every month.
Evaluate your strengths and your
weaknesses and then work on the
weaknesses to turn them into strengths.
Identify your key assignments and make
sure your work is up to the task.
For Self Assessment,You Need
To AskYourselfThe Following
 How I have helped the company by bringing in
 How did I help averse a crisis posed to the company?
 What did I contribute to strengthen my company?
 What are my weaknesses and how have they affected
my work?
 What more can I do to increase my output?
 Am I indispensable for my company?
 If not, what can I do to make sure that I become
indispensable for the company?
Dwell On Specifics:
 During a performance review interview with
your boss or the manager keep in mind to
dwell on the specifics rather than
generalizations.When you are building a case
for yourself you need to make it clear what
specific goals you have achieves and what
specific targets you have achieved that
resulted in a benefit to the company. If you
have contributed to some improvements in
the workplace, be sure to bring examples.
Refrain From Claiming Undue
 When going through a performance
appraisal review make sure that you do not
claim credit for the achievements which are
not yours.The managers are well aware of
the work done by each individual as they
have done their homework.Taking credit for
the work done by others will create a bad
impression on the managers and will
negatively affect your appraisal.
AdmitYour Limitations:
 Be prepared to accept your limitations as
there are certain weaknesses in everyone
and no one can be perfect. So when you
are being interviewed and some of your
limitations are mentioned, be prepared to
own them. Be sure to explain what you
are doing to rectify the situation and how
you are going to make sure that these
weaknesses do not create any hurdles in
your working capacity.
Be Honest:
 It is pertinent to be honest during your
performance appraisal.You have to be able to
admit any setbacks or shortcomings and make a
commitment to improve them without hesitation.
If you made a mistake in the course of the time
you have worked in the company, be prepared to
own it rather than trying to blame it on others.
Show some maturity and explain why the mistake
happened, what were the consequences and what
you measures have you taken to make sure that
such mistakes do not occur in the future.
Handle Criticism Well:
 If you are given a negative comment about your
performance and you leap to defend yourself
aggressively, you are committing the gravest mistake
of your life and doing the worst thing for your career.
You need to be able to listen to criticism and respond
appropriately. If you can explain calmly and
conclusively, everything is ok, but if you feel that the
criticism is unjust it is best to do away with it by
uttering a neutral acceptance and giving you
reassurance to rectify the problem. It might be that
the boss is just criticizing you to see how you react
and get all worked up will be the wrong answer. It is
very important to stay calm during the entire process.
No one wants an employee on the team who loses
his calm at the slightest criticism.
 To ace a performance review you cannot take
measures for a week and hope to get the best
results.You have to work towards the goal all year
long, making sure that you are not doing anything
to sabotage your career in the long run. Keep
working towards the goal and follow the above
mentioned suggestions to perform better during
the next performance appraisal.And remember!
You have to be consistent and work hard all year
long as it is impossible to get an appraisal based
only on your performance in the last month.
Laws of Success
 The great sin -- Gossip.
 The great crippler -- Fear.
 The greatest mistake -- Giving up.
 The most satisfying experience -- Doing your duty first.
 The best action -- Keep the mind clear and judgment good.
 The greatest blessing -- Good health.
 The biggest fool - The man who lies to himself.
 The great gamble -- Substituting hope for facts.
 The most certain thing in life -- Change.
 The greatest joy -- Being needed.
 The cleverest man -- The one who does what he thinks is right.
 The most potent force -- Positive thinking.
 The greatest opportunity -- The next one.
 The greatest victory --Victory over self.
 The best play -- Successful work.
 The greatest handicap -- Egotism.
 The most expensive indulgence -- Hate.
 The most dangerous man -- The liar
 The most ridiculous trait -- False pride.
 The greatest loss -- Loss of self confidence.
 Why do some people seem to reach the top of the corporate
ladder easily, while others remain stuck on the middle-management
rung?You might think that it is just because those people have
more of what it takes to succeed, like brains, talent and powerful
people in their corner. But there is something else that is just as
important: attitude.
Dr. Martin Seligman, an authority on optimism, discovered that
attitude was a better predictor of success than I.Q., education and
most other factors. He found that positive people stay healthier,
have better relationships and go further in their careers.And he
even found that positive people make more money.
Anyone can adopt the right attitude. No matter where you are
from or how much innate talent you have, the right attitude can
make a difference in your career.Try adopting these 10 attitudes of
successful workers:
Attitudes of Successful Workers
I am in charge of my destiny.
If you spend your entire career waiting for
something exciting to come to you, you will
be waiting a long time. Successful
professionals go out and make good things
happen. So commit yourself to thinking
about your career in an entirely different
way.You will make it to the top, and you are
in charge of making it happen.
Anything is possible.
Think that there is no way you will ever be
at the vice-president level?Then you
definitely won't. Remember: If you think
you can't, you probably won't.Adopt the
attitude of The Little EngineThat Could -- "I
think I can."
No task is too small to do well.
You never know when you are going to be
noticed.That is one reason to take pride in
your work -- all of it. One public relations
executive in Chicago said that her first task in
the PR department of a ballet company was
reorganizing the supply closet. She tackled the
project with gusto and was immediately
noticed for her hard work and attention to
detail. Remember this the next time you feel
like slacking because you are working on a
menial task.
Everyone is a potential key
While you do need to be aggressive in the
workplace, you can also go far by being nice
to those around you. Do you think it's
unimportant to establish a good rapport
with your boss's secretary? Well, just try
getting your meeting squeezed onto the
schedule when you really need it. Be
courteous to those around you -- you never
know when your past contacts will play a
role in your future.
I was made to do this job... and
the one above me.
If you spend your days feeling like you are
not cut out to do the work you are
responsible for, your performance will
suffer.Your job may not be the perfect fit,
but successful workers act like they are in
their dream job, no matter where they are.
It's not just what I know, but
who I know.
Successful workers understand the
importance of networking, both in and out
of the office.You need to proactively
establish professional contacts. Invite a
colleague out to lunch. Go to the after-
work happy hour. Join your professional
association. Do your part to establish a
networking path for your future.
What else can I do?
Since you are in charge of your destiny, it's
your job to look for ways to improve your
professional self.Volunteer to take on an
extra project. Learn a new skill that will
make you more marketable. Stay late to
help your co-workers. Successful workers
don't just complete the job and sign out --
they look for additional ways to make their
Failure will help pave the way
to my success.
While it seems like some people never
experience setbacks, the truth is everyone
fails from time to time.The difference
between successful and unsuccessful people
is how they deal with failure.Those who
find success are the ones who learn from
mistakes and move on.
I am my own biggest fan.
Have you been waiting for someone in the
office to recognize your talents and efforts?
Maybe it's time you start tooting your own
horn. Step up and talk about your
accomplishments and what you have done
for the company. Successful workers know
how to point out their achievements
without sounding boastful.
My opportunity monitor is
never turned off.
Yes, there will be days when you will want
to just be happy with the status quo. But
remember that successful workers are
always on the lookout for opportunities to
improve. Keep your eyes, ears and your
mind open to new opportunities -- you
never know when you will discover the one
that will change the course of your career!

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Leadership life

  • 1. SFE Leadership Life Arif Mahmood 22 Aug 2007 Lahore HO Last day with Bayer Pakistan “lost love last long"
  • 2. GO SLOW: Fast and Furious  Knowledge and wisdom do not have much currency in this age of information.  It is all about here and now ----not how. A new society cannot be created by reproducing the repugnant past ----
  • 3. Life  No one can go back and change a bad beginning  But any anyone can start now and can create a successful ending Freedom would be meaningless without security in the home and in the streets. NELSON MANDELA, speech,April 27, 1995
  • 4. Change  Changing the face can change noting but facing the change can change every thing The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. NELSON MANDELA,Autobiography
  • 5. Mistakes  Mistakes are pain full when happen  But years later collection of mistakes is called experience …. which lead to success There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. NELSON MANDELA, LongWalk to Freedom
  • 6. Be bold when you loose Be calm when you win  Heated gold become ornament  Beaten copper become a wire  Depleted stone become statue So the more pain you get in life you become more valuable
  • 7. When Simon and Garfunkel wrote the song...  you’ve got to make the moment last  We are not living in a world where you have to run like crazy  Keep pace with the surroundings that are moving twice as fast.  Imagine how much more we need to slow down now when we travel in supersonic jets and trains Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Nelson Mandela
  • 8. Fast eat Slow “We are moving from a world in which the big eat the small and fast eat the slow.” I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all! I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people.Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands. Nelson Mandela
  • 9. Time sickness  In 1982, Larry Dossey, an American physician, coined the term ‘time sickness’ to describe the belief that time is getting away and that one must pedal faster to keep up.  We all, at least the metropolitan or mega polis dwelling citizens, belong to the cult of speed.  We want to get to our destination in the record time, we want the fastest Internet access, we want our news as fast as it can be delivered, and if we don’t get that, we fret.  Everyone feels that there is not enough time and they have to cram as much stuff and at the fastest possible speed in a day as possible.
  • 10. What pains me  How we portrays the virtue of speed.  Thinkers with glib answers for everything.  Analyzing events as they are unfolding.  Knowledge and wisdom do not have much currency in this age of information. It is all about here and now, not how. For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela
  • 11. Instant gratification FUME mutilate  It is said that we live in the ‘age of instant gratification’.  But the way things are going, that too has become passé.We are looking for things that are beyond instant.  We are living in the ‘age of rage’.This fixation with speed leads to road rage, shopping rage, relationship rage, office rage and at times, even gym rage.  People mutilating gym equipment because they want to do it all in 25 minutes flat. Imagine the harm done to their bodies in the long run.
  • 12. Consumer capitalist  Consumer capitalist economy is contributing its part in this time sickness. It is getting too fast –– even for its own good. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. Nelson Mandela
  • 13. Lewis Mumsford once said  “Clock is the key machine of the Industrial Revolution.”  Another indication of the long history of time sickness is that most of the 15,000 machines registered at the US patent office in 1850 were for “acceleration of speed and for the saving of time and labor.”
  • 14. Urbanization  Urbanization, another feature of the industrial era, helped quicken the pace. Cities have always attracted energetic and dynamic people which accelerated the general pace of living.Terms like time rich and time poor are also coined in the super fast age of industrialism. Don’t become more Christian than pope
  • 15. Industrial capitalism  Industrial capitalism feeds on speed and rewards it as never before.The business that manufactures and ships its products fastest can under cut rivals. If one pauses long enough to notice, one would see that there is a human cost to this turbo capitalism. These days, people exist to serve the economy rather than the other way around. Have we ever stopped and asked why are we working so hard?The obvious answer is money, but the endless pursuit of consumer goods means we need more and more cash.
  • 16. In a corporate set up  In a corporate set up, gone are the eight- hour working day and 40-hour week, everyone works for as long as it takes to make one’s mark.After years of downsizing, companies expect employees to shoulder the burden left behind by their laid off colleagues.With the fear of losing their jobs hanging over their heads, people regard overwork as a way to prove their worth and this turbo capitalism offers a one-way ticket to burn out.
  • 17. Fact Craving  Most people have unrealistic expectations from themselves.  We all want to be over achievers;  Ability to discern  If we don’t do it all, we are not content (happy) and keep on craving (thirst )for more.  We fail to realise that there is an unrealistic difference between what we want and what we can actually achieve and there is no guarantee that we will achieve it all.
  • 18. What is forgotten  Fact that long hours on the job are making everyone  Unproductive,  Error prone,  Irritable,  Unhappy  Ill.  It is because of such work environment Woman can say I am pregnant or I am not pregnant woman cant say I am little bit pregnant
  • 19. Karoshi  Japanese, the ever creative nation, even added a new word to their vocabulary,‘karoshi’ which means death by over work.  Consumerism and its pressure for speed are taking its toll on everyone.
  • 20. We live in a 24/7 time frame  We can be reached 24/7 via cell phones.  We shop on our days off, we pay bills after hours.  We are online all the time and take our laptops to bed with us.  We all need to ask if we have lost the capacity of doing nothing.  Taking pleasure in sitting in a park and enjoying the cool evening breeze can be as pleasant an experience as staying cooped up in a dark room and playing a super fast game at Xbox.
  • 21. Time Out  Gazing out of the window or sitting idle.  They were either reading  Playing games on their phones,  Texting messages  listening to music or news  Working on their laptops  Yammering into their mobiles. Growing old inevitable, Growing up is optional
  • 22. Things changed for me when I took time off to go back to university for another degree  Being a student for a year has changed the perspective for me. The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents
  • 23. ‘Slow Food’  There is a ‘Slow Food’ movement founded in 1986 by Carlo Petrini in Italy as a resistance movement to combat fast food. Geir Berthelsen created ‘TheWorld Institute of Slowness’ and coined the term ‘SlowTravel’ in 1999 citing a vision for an entire ‘Slow Planet’. Carl Honroe in his book, In Praise of Slow says that there is a growing trend in people who are looking for a more holistic attitude which can be seen in increased use of alternative medicine and popularity of yoga. Even the aerobics queen Jane Fonda, who sold millions of tapes and books on aerobics, now, swears by yoga.
  • 24. Leisure was declared a human right in 1948 by United Nations  We need to go back to more leisurely pursuits such as gardening, reading, painting, making crafts and learn to be happy with it. Feminism denounced homemaking as a curse on womankind; hence modern woman does not know the pleasure in knitting, making crochet, and sewing. Even though denounced, it nevertheless is a creative process and has a therapeutic effect to it.
  • 25. Debbie Stoller, an American feminist, hailed knitting as the new yoga and a lot of young  Debbie Stoller, an American feminist, hailed knitting as the new yoga and a lot of young women have taken to it, including the woman with a 20-million-dollar smile, Julia Roberts. I hope it now makes knitting officially cool. BBC recently reported that even Prince Charles has urged people to slow down and allow themselves more time for reflection.The prince said modern life had got out of balance, and needed to return to the rhythms of nature.
  • 26. “There is more to life than increasing its speed.  I agree that most of us do not wish to replace speed with lethargy, but finding the right balance is the key to a balanced personal and professional life. Like Mahatma Gandhi once said,“There is more to life than increasing its speed. The friends have way of speaking with out words
  • 27. Leadership decision  Teacher open the door, but you must enter by yourself Falling in love is easy but staying in love is some thing very special
  • 28. Leadership decision  Teacher open the door, but you must enter by yourself  Swimming cant be learn by readingThe successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do.  The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.
  • 29. Leadership decision  Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes...but no plans.  Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.  Vision is the art of seeing the impossible.  Power is energy in use.  Results depend on Relationships.  The harder I work, the more luck I have.
  • 30. Leadership decision  Have the courage to act instead of react.  Knock the “t” off the can’t.  Don’t fight the problem. Decide it.  I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.  Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
  • 31. Success  Success is not a doorway, it’s a stairway.  You are born an original. Don’t die a copy.  Love to Love  Impotence to Impotence  Be dignified loser rather than corrupt winner
  • 32. What Are My Priorities? • Situation: All of us who have built an organization and moved ourselves and others into an initial manager/team leader role struggle with our priorities. • We have many: some relate to personal production ( an example would be a sales person moving to sales manager), training of our team members, reviewing our key indicators on key activities that lead to goal achievement ( the dials that we read to make sure our unit of business is stable or needs attention- some owners do this innately, but you need to formalize indicators and model them so your managers have a system), recruiting and selection activities and what I am I doing to provide a positive motivational atmosphere. These are just a few pulls and tugs on our priorities as we build a team capable of achieving the business unit’s goals. As managers/leaders we now have authority and accountability in the areas of: productivity, profit contribution and people within budget and policies and procedures.
  • 33. How do I approach my many priorities as a manager / leader? Here is a suggested list of priorities and routines that you may find challenging or surprising at first. These have been validated by many managers and leaders that I have worked with over the years, who have realized that their role was to build a team capable of achieving the business unit’s goals.
  • 34. Stabilization: 1  Read the dials make sure your unit is stable and capable of meeting its business obligation. If I were a restaurant manager I may look at certain things: clean up from previous day, staff in place to carry out daily functions, parking area cleaned or plowed, supplies for day’s menu in place etc. – you get the idea. If any of these indicators indicate a problem I need to take appropriate action to stabilize the situation- once this is done I can move onto my next priority.
  • 35. New HireTraining: 2  A new person can not provide a return on the investment until they are trained. As a professional leader I need to know where they are in their development process and get them up to speed as soon as possible
  • 36. Team Development and Communications: 3  There are regular meetings that need to take place with my staff and I need to plan for and conduct them on a regular scheduled basis
  • 37. Team Staffing: 4  If I am a new manager this may move up the ladder in priorities. The responsibility to recruit and select people for my team is a high priority often over-looked by managers. For example: an understaffed sales team has a high opportunity cost in lost or unrealized sales revenue
  • 38. Personal one on one meeting with staff members: 5  The highly productive people often are taken for granted and one may think… he/she is doing fine I will spend time with … he/she is not productive. Retention is important – especially highly productive people- spend time with the winners- they have the capacity to give your team higher returns. Don’t be surprised if they leave if you don’t invest in them.
  • 39. Personal Production: 6  You are not developing your team, if this is your number one priority. It may be necessary, but it needs to fall into proper sequence of where you are in building your team. If personal production takes up all of your time than these other important roles of leadership are not taking place.
  • 40. Conclusion: The priorities, with the exception of stabilization, do not need to be done every day. However, there will be many days when several of these priorities are worked and a few rare days when all priorities are touched. Remember, manager/leaders have to switch their mindset from themselves to thinking about team development in order to achieve goals: the process of recruiting, selecting, developing, managing and motivating a group of people into a highly productive unit. The line management position is the most important link within any organization and also the most challenging and rewarding role. It is necessary to balance this leadership role with personal production.To be a manager is not just a title, it requires a commitment to leadershi
  • 41. Critical to success: • Driving corporate performance has become increasingly complex. • Balancing strategic priorities, leading effective teams and establishing competitive advantage are critical to success. • Fundamental areas of organisational • Challenge: strategy, • leadership • Transformation. It will challenge you to create a successful future for yourself and your organisation.
  • 42. "Discover How Your BELIEFS Hold The Key To Unleashing All Your Untapped Potential And Skyrocketing You Towards Success And Personal Achievement…!" Here's What You'll Discover Inside... Today! •How To Use Your Most Powerful Resource To Tap Into Your Maximum Potential! •How To Take Charge Of Your Life And Be More Productive! •Unravel The One Thing That Empowers Ordinary People Into Achieving Extraordinary Things! •Learn What Prevents Most People From Designing Their Destiny So That You Can Avoid Them Like A Plague! •And Much More!
  • 43. 8 qualities that successful leaders have  Effective leadership is what determines whether a business achieves, struggles or falls by the wayside.There are reams of articles, books, programmes and audios available. For me, there are at least 8 qualities that successful leaders have.
  • 44. 1. Responsibility  The best leaders take responsibility for making things happen.We all know just how easy it is to blame external factors and we probably all have done this at some time.You know the scenario. If only accounts, purchasing, sales and marketing, customer services, etc would do this everything would be okay.We might even blame the economy, the weather or even the competition. If you want to excel as a leader take responsibility for making things happen.
  • 45. 2. Integrity  Your success depends on others following. People will only follow if they believe they can rely on you to demonstrate high standards, be open, honest and truthful with them.They also expect consistency.When you are consistent (no matter what your leadership style is) people know what to expect
  • 46. 3. Decision takers  We all have fears and doubts when it comes to taking decisions.Will it be the right one, what happens if it goes wrong, how will I look or be perceived by others? These are just a few of the questions and dilemmas faced or going through their head.What sets successful leaders apart is their willingness to face fears and take decisions rather than procrastinate.They know that they will get their fair share of decisions wrong and will learn from them.
  • 47. 4. Deal with facts  Realism is essential if you are to be a successful leader. Realism is about facing up to whatever is going on, rather than expending energy wishing it was different. When faced with decisions, the best leaders will focus on the facts to determine what is realistic. Imagine you are faced with a poorly performing organisation.You might wish it could be fixed next month or next week, but the reality might be that it will take months and maybe years.
  • 48. 5.Vision and inspiration  The most successful leaders have the ability not just to create a vision but to communicate it in an inspiring way.They see the big picture and inspire others to work together to make it happen.
  • 49. 6. Optimism  There are some who are naturally pessimistic, while others are naturally optimistic. Successful leaders are part of the second group.They know that they cannot control every eventuality but they can control how they respond.They focus on solutions, not problems.
  • 50. 7. Resilient  No matter what you set out to as a leader, there will be set backs, disappointments and failures along the way.The most successful leaders are extremely resilient and when things do not work out as they hoped, they bounce back.
  • 51. 8. Excellence  Excellence in what they do is one of the defining qualities of successful leaders. They have a mindset of continuous improvement.They look for better, smarter ways of doing things.They are continual learners.  While leaders have numerous qualities, making a start on these 8 can get you off to a flying start.
  • 52. The performance review  plays an important role in getting you promoted and also affects your future in the company. Most people do not keep in mind that you have to keep on preparing for the performance review all year long and they get panicked when the performance review is just around the corner. The fact is that most of the bosses and the managers keep a tab on your performance.
  • 53. Performance  No matter how valuable you consider yourself for the company, a performance review is bound to make you feel nervous and anxious.The performance review plays an important role in getting you promoted and also affects your future in the company. Most people do not keep in mind that you have to be prepared for the performance review all year long and panic when the review is just around the corner.The fact is that most of the bosses and the managers keep a tab on your performance all through the year and the performance review is an evaluation based on what they have observed during the time. So even if the next performance review is not nearby, it is advisable that you start preparing for it right now. If you wish to get a promotion or an appraisal, you not only have to work hard for it but also make sure that you are fulfilling your job requirements properly and efficiently.To ensure that you are well prepared for the performance review, follow the simple but effective rules mentioned below:
  • 54. Get Acquainted WithThe Process:  The best way to make sure that you do well in your performance review id to get yourself thoroughly acquainted with the evaluation process. If you are new to the company ask your colleagues what the last performance review was like. Different companies have different approaches towards conducting the performance review and it is best to get to know how the managers at your company go about it and prepare for the review accordingly.
  • 55. KeepTrack OfYour Accomplishment:  One of the most important task while preparing for a performance review is to keep track of what goals you have achieved on the specific time period.This will help you build a strong case for yourself during the performance review interview with your boss.You need to be able to articulate the steps you have taken that have resulted in success for the company and how you have managed to achieve the goals on a personal level.
  • 56. Make A List:  It is best to keep a log book of all the major accomplishments so that you can refer to them at the time of the appraisal interview.You can make a neat and bulleted list which concisely articulates all your achievements and take it with you to be submitted to the boss during the performance review. Make sure that you list just the actual achievements and do not brag about minor goals which anyone else could have achieved just as easily.You need to distinguish yourself from your peers and the best way to do that is by showing what goals you have achieved which the others failed to.
  • 57. Self Assessment:  You need to constantly keep on assessing yourself in order to make it through the performance review with flying colors. Be honest with yourself and do a candid assessment of your work every month. Evaluate your strengths and your weaknesses and then work on the weaknesses to turn them into strengths. Identify your key assignments and make sure your work is up to the task.
  • 58. For Self Assessment,You Need To AskYourselfThe Following Questions:  How I have helped the company by bringing in money?  How did I help averse a crisis posed to the company?  What did I contribute to strengthen my company?  What are my weaknesses and how have they affected my work?  What more can I do to increase my output?  Am I indispensable for my company?  If not, what can I do to make sure that I become indispensable for the company?
  • 59. Dwell On Specifics:  During a performance review interview with your boss or the manager keep in mind to dwell on the specifics rather than generalizations.When you are building a case for yourself you need to make it clear what specific goals you have achieves and what specific targets you have achieved that resulted in a benefit to the company. If you have contributed to some improvements in the workplace, be sure to bring examples.
  • 60. Refrain From Claiming Undue Credit  When going through a performance appraisal review make sure that you do not claim credit for the achievements which are not yours.The managers are well aware of the work done by each individual as they have done their homework.Taking credit for the work done by others will create a bad impression on the managers and will negatively affect your appraisal.
  • 61. AdmitYour Limitations:  Be prepared to accept your limitations as there are certain weaknesses in everyone and no one can be perfect. So when you are being interviewed and some of your limitations are mentioned, be prepared to own them. Be sure to explain what you are doing to rectify the situation and how you are going to make sure that these weaknesses do not create any hurdles in your working capacity.
  • 62. Be Honest:  It is pertinent to be honest during your performance appraisal.You have to be able to admit any setbacks or shortcomings and make a commitment to improve them without hesitation. If you made a mistake in the course of the time you have worked in the company, be prepared to own it rather than trying to blame it on others. Show some maturity and explain why the mistake happened, what were the consequences and what you measures have you taken to make sure that such mistakes do not occur in the future.
  • 63. Handle Criticism Well:  If you are given a negative comment about your performance and you leap to defend yourself aggressively, you are committing the gravest mistake of your life and doing the worst thing for your career. You need to be able to listen to criticism and respond appropriately. If you can explain calmly and conclusively, everything is ok, but if you feel that the criticism is unjust it is best to do away with it by uttering a neutral acceptance and giving you reassurance to rectify the problem. It might be that the boss is just criticizing you to see how you react and get all worked up will be the wrong answer. It is very important to stay calm during the entire process. No one wants an employee on the team who loses his calm at the slightest criticism.
  • 64. Conclusion:  To ace a performance review you cannot take measures for a week and hope to get the best results.You have to work towards the goal all year long, making sure that you are not doing anything to sabotage your career in the long run. Keep working towards the goal and follow the above mentioned suggestions to perform better during the next performance appraisal.And remember! You have to be consistent and work hard all year long as it is impossible to get an appraisal based only on your performance in the last month.
  • 65. Laws of Success  The great sin -- Gossip.  The great crippler -- Fear.  The greatest mistake -- Giving up.  The most satisfying experience -- Doing your duty first.  The best action -- Keep the mind clear and judgment good.  The greatest blessing -- Good health.  The biggest fool - The man who lies to himself.  The great gamble -- Substituting hope for facts.  The most certain thing in life -- Change.  The greatest joy -- Being needed.  The cleverest man -- The one who does what he thinks is right.  The most potent force -- Positive thinking.  The greatest opportunity -- The next one.  The greatest victory --Victory over self.  The best play -- Successful work.  The greatest handicap -- Egotism.  The most expensive indulgence -- Hate.  The most dangerous man -- The liar  The most ridiculous trait -- False pride.  The greatest loss -- Loss of self confidence.
  • 66.  Why do some people seem to reach the top of the corporate ladder easily, while others remain stuck on the middle-management rung?You might think that it is just because those people have more of what it takes to succeed, like brains, talent and powerful people in their corner. But there is something else that is just as important: attitude. Dr. Martin Seligman, an authority on optimism, discovered that attitude was a better predictor of success than I.Q., education and most other factors. He found that positive people stay healthier, have better relationships and go further in their careers.And he even found that positive people make more money. Anyone can adopt the right attitude. No matter where you are from or how much innate talent you have, the right attitude can make a difference in your career.Try adopting these 10 attitudes of successful workers: Attitudes of Successful Workers
  • 67. I am in charge of my destiny. If you spend your entire career waiting for something exciting to come to you, you will be waiting a long time. Successful professionals go out and make good things happen. So commit yourself to thinking about your career in an entirely different way.You will make it to the top, and you are in charge of making it happen.
  • 68. Anything is possible. Think that there is no way you will ever be at the vice-president level?Then you definitely won't. Remember: If you think you can't, you probably won't.Adopt the attitude of The Little EngineThat Could -- "I think I can."
  • 69. No task is too small to do well. You never know when you are going to be noticed.That is one reason to take pride in your work -- all of it. One public relations executive in Chicago said that her first task in the PR department of a ballet company was reorganizing the supply closet. She tackled the project with gusto and was immediately noticed for her hard work and attention to detail. Remember this the next time you feel like slacking because you are working on a menial task.
  • 70. Everyone is a potential key contact.  While you do need to be aggressive in the workplace, you can also go far by being nice to those around you. Do you think it's unimportant to establish a good rapport with your boss's secretary? Well, just try getting your meeting squeezed onto the schedule when you really need it. Be courteous to those around you -- you never know when your past contacts will play a role in your future.
  • 71. I was made to do this job... and the one above me. If you spend your days feeling like you are not cut out to do the work you are responsible for, your performance will suffer.Your job may not be the perfect fit, but successful workers act like they are in their dream job, no matter where they are.
  • 72. It's not just what I know, but who I know. Successful workers understand the importance of networking, both in and out of the office.You need to proactively establish professional contacts. Invite a colleague out to lunch. Go to the after- work happy hour. Join your professional association. Do your part to establish a networking path for your future.
  • 73. What else can I do? Since you are in charge of your destiny, it's your job to look for ways to improve your professional self.Volunteer to take on an extra project. Learn a new skill that will make you more marketable. Stay late to help your co-workers. Successful workers don't just complete the job and sign out -- they look for additional ways to make their mark.
  • 74. Failure will help pave the way to my success. While it seems like some people never experience setbacks, the truth is everyone fails from time to time.The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how they deal with failure.Those who find success are the ones who learn from mistakes and move on.
  • 75. I am my own biggest fan. Have you been waiting for someone in the office to recognize your talents and efforts? Maybe it's time you start tooting your own horn. Step up and talk about your accomplishments and what you have done for the company. Successful workers know how to point out their achievements without sounding boastful.
  • 76. My opportunity monitor is never turned off. Yes, there will be days when you will want to just be happy with the status quo. But remember that successful workers are always on the lookout for opportunities to improve. Keep your eyes, ears and your mind open to new opportunities -- you never know when you will discover the one that will change the course of your career!