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training program that will make your team stronger, faster and m
• Weekly lifting workouts
• Coaching Tips
• Sets, Reps & % • Speed & Agility finishers
• leadership development• Time Saving Tips
Copyright © 2015 by Paul Limpert
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission
requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions
Coordinator,” at the address below.
Published By:
Laxicon LLC
708 Humming Bird Way
Maineville, Oh. 45039
Published in United States
copyright 2015 page:1
Table of contents
1. Introduction. page 2
2. How to use this manual. page 2
3. Teaching players correct form and technique. page 3
4. Introducing the workout. page 4
5. Running a superset rotation system. page 4
6. How to correctly find your players’ max. page 7-10
7. How to put your players into proper lifting groups.
page 10
8. How to add weight to maximize gains. page 14
9. Max percentage chart/1RM chart. pages 11-12
10. Bar loading chart. page 13
11.Appendix B-Agility Supplementals
12. Appendix C-1RM chart
13.Start of Daily Workout Charts-starts over with page 1
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Thank you for purchasing Laxicon’s Lacrosse Workouts. The workouts detailed
out in this manual will take your team to the next level in strength, agility and
speed. These workouts are designed specifically to:
• Minimize your workout time while maximizing the benefit
• Use a minimal amount of equipment (bars, plates and body weight)
• Be managed by only one coach with the use of a whistle.
• Produce results in terms of strength gained.
• Build complete athletes (speed, strength, power and explosiveness.
How to use the workouts
Teach basic form using the bar and minimal weight.
The first thing you need to do is to teach players the correct form as well as how
to properly spot another player in their form. I have seen many programs who
just put kids in the weight room and say “bench press 3 sets of 8-10 reps each”
and give them little to no instruction about proper form, proper weight targets, and
how to spot someone to ensure safety and maximal effort. Implementing a proper
lifting training program that happens soon after your season ends is critical to
putting your players on the right track to succeed.
For lacrosse players, we are talking mid-late August for getting started on this
program, and the first 2-3 weeks are used to teach proper form using the bar and
body weight, no other weight or resistance is necessary. 8 weeks prior to the
start of the season we will continue to use this program, however, we will modify it
to incorporate more agility and speed work while maintaining strength.
Teaching perfect form and getting your leaders identified who will assist the coach
by encouraging and pushing the others to excel will ensure that your team gets
the maximum benefit out of the time they are investing. This is also a great time
to teach weight room protocols and the superset system so that they are prepared
for the rigor of the program and can execute it efficiently so you and they can get
done quickly.
Put your players in groups of 4. For the first 2-3 weeks it does not matter who
they are lifting with because we are working only on form and getting the lifting
program installed. Letting them choose during this period helps encourage them
to come to the weight room and get focused on the year ahead.
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First 3 Weeks, focus on perfecting your players’ form!
Monday (Day 1)
Lift Sets Weight Reps Spot Supplemental Core
Bench 3 Bar 10 Spot
Overhead Plate
Squats Crunches
Squat 3 Bar 10 Spot Push-ups
Clean 3 Bar 10 Spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Deadlift 3 Bar 10 Spot
Dips (rack or
bench) Leg Lifts
Wednesday (Day 2)
Lift Sets Weight Reps Spot Supplemental Core
Press 3 Bar 10 Spot Frog Jumps Twists
Lunges 3 Bar 10 Spot
Plyometric Push-
ups Supermans
Pull-ups 3 BW 10 Spot Burpees
Squats 3 Bar 10 Spot Rows V-ups
Friday (Day 3)
Lift Sets Weight Reps Spot Supplemental Core
Incline DB 3 DB 10 Spot Jump Tucks Forearm Curls
Squats 3 Bar 10 Spot Shrugs Bicycle
Thrusters 3 Bar 10 Spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Squat 3 Bar 10 Spot Rows Plank
Tuesday: Dynamic Stretch per Appendix A, Agilities per Appendix B
Thursday: 100 yard sprints (10 reps), Cone Agility Drill - 10 reps, 300 yard
shuttles-2 reps
Alternative Schedules:
• 4 day week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday lift per above. Wednesday
combine Agility with Speed and Stretch
• 3 day week: Reduce sets above to 2 sets each. Split Agility and Speed
work in half and add both to end of lifting each day. Always do lifting first.
For detailed explanations of the lifts above, please visit
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Teaching proper form
It is absolutely critical that players are taught proper form and held accountable to
it. Without proper form your players will not make the gains they are looking for
and more importantly, they could possibly incur injuries that are more severe than
simply pulling a muscle. You must ensure that all of your players have a current
sports physical and that they have notified their doctor of their intent to weight
train so that the doctor can provide them with proper guidance specific to their
individual needs.
The Superset Rotation System
Using supersets enables us to be efficient with our time in the weight room. If
your team is has limited access to weight room time and sophisticated weight
room equipment, then you will find this program to be perfect for your team. The
superset system is broken down into sets and rotations. The procedure is as
• The supervising coach (there only has to be one) will blow a whistle to
start the first rotation of the set. Players have 30 seconds to complete their
lift. Players are in groups of 4 with based on their 1 rep max, 3 players are
working while one person is spotting/resting.
• Player 1 will begin on the primary exercise for his group (example: Deadlift).
• Player 2 will perform a supplemental lift for the opposing muscle group
(Example: dips). This allows the primary muscle group to recover while working
on opposing muscles.
• Player 3 will perform a core/balance exercise (Example: leg lift)
• Player 4 will spot player 1 on the primary exercise (and it gives this player time
to rest and think about what he needs to do to switch weight as well).
• The coach then blows his whistle again. Players have 30 seconds to rotate
and change weight as necessary.
• Player 1 will move to and execute the supplemental lift (dips).
• Player 2 will now perform core/balance exercise (leg lift)
• Player 3 will spot the primary exercise.
• Player 4 will now perform the primary exercise (Deadlift)
(see diagram on page X)
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player 1
player 2player 3
player 4
Rotation 1
player 1player 2
player 3 player 4
Rotation 2
player 1
player 2 player 3
player 4
Rotation 3
player 1 player 2
player 3player 4
Rotation 4
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• The coach then blows his whistle again. Players have 30 seconds to rotate
and change weight as necessary.
• Player 1 will move to and perform core/balance exercise (leg lift)
• Player 2 will now spot the primary lift.
• Player 3 will move to the primary lift (Deadlift)
• Player 4 will now move to the opposing lift (dips).
• The coach blows his whistle again. Players have 30 seconds to rotate to the
next station and change weights as necessary.
• Player 1 will now move to spot the primary lift
• Player 2 will now move to the primary lift (Deadlift)
• Player 3 will not move to the opposing lift (dips)
• Player 4 will now move to the core/balance lift (leg lifts)
Once every lifter in the group has completed each exercise, players rotate back to
their starting positions, Player 1 adds weight to his next attempt and we repeat the
process for set 2 and set 3. Notice that one complete set takes only 3 minutes
and 30 seconds. If you take an additional 60 seconds to move players to the next
exercise rotation we are looking at only 18 total minutes for the entire workout.
There are many hardcore old school coaches who do not believe that a complete
workout can take less than 45 minutes but research is proving them wrong. If
these exercises are executed with good technique using weight on the primary
lifts that challenges them, then they will see gains in muscle mass and strength
equal to and beyond other programs that keep players in the gym for an hour or
Keep your players on the clock and do not allow them to start early or late. If they
do not follow directions make up a consequence for that because it is important
that all players stay in sequence.
Drill this sequencing with bar and body weight for at least 2 weeks. Really work
on them perfecting their form. Use video or pictures to spot them while they are
doing the primary lifts and show them where they need to improve. Coaches Eye
App is a great app to use for taking video of them lifting and then showing them
what they need to do to improve with frame by frame playback which is very
Once you are comfortable with your players’ form, take the 3rd week to get your
players’ 1 rep maximum.
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Time to max-out your players!
Now that your players’ form is looking good, you need to get their 1 repetition
maximum, or 1-rep max on the primary lifts of bench press, squat, deadlift and
power cleans.
The Laxicon workouts are based upon getting a good 1RM and therefore this is
an important exercise that needs to be done correctly and for every player in your
program. Without the 1RM your players will not have a baseline for where they
started and will not see the gains we are looking for as quickly as we need to see
The 1RM is also important because it will be used to group your players during
workouts. By grouping them based on comparable strength you save a ton of
time when it comes to switching weights. I have seen players take 1-2 minutes
just to switch plates on a deadlift and this throws off the timing of everyone in the
group so you must have players who are comparable in strength so there is
minimal plate switching.
During this week, we also test the 40 yard dash, pro-agility drill, broad jump and
vertical jump because these are all things that are going to improve over time and
are important measurements of speed and explosiveness that we desire in all of
our lacrosse athletes.
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Max Week!
You need to build up this week for your players because you want to get their best
on each lift so that they get a good baseline for growth. Make it a competition,
provide incentives for them to ensure they put forth the effort. Do whatever it
takes to ensure that they give their best because these maximums are important.
Ensure that players are properly warmed up and prepared for the exertion that
comes with a 1RM and enlist the help of other coaches in your program or other
qualified sports professionals to assist you with this if you can. I would encourage
you to ensure that a qualified coach is present for all 1RM attempts for two
reasons. 1. Players will want to give 100% because a coach is present and
watching, and 2. Safety is important and spotters need to be monitored to ensure
they are paying attention and properly spotting.
The following schedule should be used for getting the 1RM’s completed:
Monday: Squat
Tuesday: Bench
Wednesday: Time 40-yard dash and pro agility drill (2 times, take best time).
Measure Broad Jump and Vertical Jump (twice each, take best jump).
Thursday: Power Clean
Friday: Deadlift
It may seem like a lot of time to allocate for a 1RM on each of the primary lifts, but
it is not. Each player needs to properly warm up and get mentally ready for the
exercise as well.
The first thing all players should do is put a weight on the ball that they think is
70% of what they believe to be their 1RM max. Players will have a ballpark idea
of what this is and for the purposes of warm up that will be good enough. Once
they determine what the weight is, they should do 10 good form repetitions of the
exercise to do the initial warm up of their muscles.
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After the initial warm up they should rest for 2 minutes then add weight that brings
them to 80% of their projected 1RM and do 3-4 reps of that weight.
After the second set above, they have 2 options. 1. They can continue to add
weight going up another 5-10% each time until they can only do 1 rep ensuring
that they rest 2-3 minutes between sets, or 2. They can attempt to calculate what
the 1RM is using an online app such as the one at
( or using an app from either
the Apple or Android app stores. These apps have scientific formula’s in them
that predict what your 1RM will be based on what your max repetitions are at a
lower weight.
For example, say a player does 185 lbs 3 times and cannot do a 4th. He will
know that he cannot do a 4th based on the performance of his 3rd rep, he should
not attempt the 4th. Inside these apps they ask you how much he lifted and how
many reps he did. In this case the apps I have tested average predicting that he
will max out at 200 lbs. So, you will have the player wait 6 minutes then attempt
to do 200 lbs 1 time.
If he easily does the 200 lbs (not likely), then he adds weight 5 lbs at a time until
he cannot do 1 rep (with 5-6 minute rest in between each set). If he cannot do 200
but is close you mark him down as 195 and record his max with a note on his
chart outlining the circumstances.
It is an inexact science to be sure, but if you follow the procedure above you will
get your players very close to their actual 1RM and that will ensure that we have
players starting at weights that will challenge them to grow and that is our aim.
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Time to get players into groups
This is a really important step because unless players are working with a group
that is comparable in strength, they won’t feel compelled to work harder to get
better. Boys like to compete and by putting them into groups where they know
they have a chance to compete, they will rise to the occasion and make the gains
your program needs them to make. One of the great things about the way our
system is set up is that players with similar strength will not usually dominate in all
areas. One player in the group will be the bench press king while another
specializes in squats. All of them will help each other based on their areas of
strength and the team benefits as a whole.
How to put your players in groups
1. Rank all of your players based on their max squat.
2. Players ranked 1-4 are in group 1
3. Players ranked 5-8 are in group 2
4. Continue this process until all players are in a group.
The reason we are using the Squat is because you will find that this is the
exercise where players will lift the heavier weights and weight switches between
players will need to get our weight switches done as quickly as possible.
Alternative approach: If you want to speed things up even further, have all players
in that group use the weight of the strongest player for their reps, by doing this
you reduce the amount of reps of the weaker players, however, you also get them
working hard to achieve the higher weight. Be careful with this approach because
some players may use it as an excuse why they aren’t making gains so you will
need to ensure you monitor the primary lifts closely.
Starting weight calculation
Players only need to know their starting percentage on the first set, every
increase from there will go by 5 and 10 pound increments.
To calculate the starting weight, players use their 1RM and the percentage chart
in this manual on page XX. You should laminate and hang this chart at each
station for their reference (or have them use the calculator on their phones). I
have also include a bar loading chart to help players figure out what plates to put
on the bar. You would be amazed at how long this takes them, especially
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100% 95% .92.5% 90% .87.5% 85% .82.5% 80% .77.5% 75% .72.5% 70% .67.5% 65% .62.5% 60% .57.5% 55% .52.5% 50%
1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM 11RM 12RM 13RM 14RM 15RM 16RM 17RM 18RM 19RM 20RM
495 470 457 445 433 420 408 396 383 371 358 346 334 321 309 297 284 272 259 247
490 465 453 441 428 416 404 392 379 367 355 343 330 318 306 294 281 269 257 245
485 460 448 436 424 412 400 388 375 363 351 339 327 315 303 291 278 266 254 242
480 456 444 432 420 408 396 384 372 360 348 336 324 312 300 288 276 264 252 240
475 451 439 427 415 403 391 380 368 356 344 332 320 308 296 285 273 261 249 237
470 446 434 423 411 399 387 376 364 352 340 329 317 305 293 282 270 258 246 235
465 441 430 418 406 395 383 372 360 348 337 325 313 302 290 279 267 255 244 232
460 437 425 414 402 391 379 368 356 345 333 322 310 299 287 276 264 253 241 230
455 432 420 409 398 386 375 364 352 341 329 318 307 295 284 273 261 250 238 227
450 427 416 405 393 382 371 360 348 337 326 315 303 292 281 270 258 247 236 225
445 422 411 400 389 378 367 356 344 333 322 311 300 289 278 267 255 244 233 222
440 418 407 396 385 374 363 352 341 330 319 308 297 286 275 264 253 242 231 220
435 413 402 391 380 369 358 348 337 326 315 304 293 282 271 261 250 239 228 217
430 408 397 387 376 365 354 344 333 322 311 301 290 279 268 258 247 236 255 215
425 403 393 382 371 361 350 340 329 318 308 297 286 276 265 255 244 233 223 212
420 399 388 378 367 357 346 336 325 315 304 294 283 273 262 252 241 231 220 210
415 394 383 373 363 352 342 332 321 311 300 290 280 269 259 249 238 228 217 207
410 389 379 369 358 348 338 328 317 307 297 287 276 266 256 246 235 225 215 205
405 384 374 364 354 344 334 324 313 303 293 283 273 263 253 243 232 222 212 202
400 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200
395 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 306 296 286 276 266 256 246 237 227 217 207 197
390 370 360 350 341 331 321 312 302 292 282 273 263 253 243 234 224 214 204 195
385 365 356 346 336 327 317 308 298 288 279 269 259 250 240 231 221 211 202 192
380 361 351 342 332 323 313 304 294 285 275 266 256 247 237 228 218 209 199 190
375 356 346 337 328 318 309 300 290 281 271 262 253 243 234 225 215 206 196 187
370 351 342 333 323 314 305 296 286 277 268 259 249 240 231 222 212 203 194 185
346 346 337 328 319 310 301 292 282 273 264 255 246 237 228 219 209 200 191 182
360 342 333 324 315 306 297 288 279 270 261 252 243 234 225 216 207 198 189 180
355 337 328 319 310 301 292 284 275 266 257 248 239 230 221 231 204 195 186 177
350 332 323 315 306 297 288 280 271 262 253 245 236 227 218 210 201 192 183 175
345 327 319 310 301 293 284 276 267 258 250 241 232 224 215 207 198 189 181 172
340 323 314 306 297 289 280 272 263 255 246 238 229 221 212 204 195 187 178 170
335 318 309 301 293 284 276 268 259 251 242 234 226 217 209 201 192 184 175 167
330 313 305 297 288 280 272 264 255 247 239 231 222 214 206 198 189 181 173 165
325 308 300 292 284 276 268 260 251 243 235 227 219 211 203 195 186 178 170 162
320 304 296 288 280 272 264 256 248 240 232 224 216 208 200 192 184 176 168 160
315 299 291 283 275 267 259 525 244 236 228 220 212 204 196 189 181 173 165 157
310 294 286 279 271 263 255 248 240 232 224 217 209 201 193 186 178 170 162 155
305 289 282 274 266 259 251 244 236 228 221 213 205 198 190 183 175 167 160 152
300 285 277 270 262 255 247 240 232 225 217 210 202 195 187 180 172 165 157 150
Percentage chart for calculating starting weight
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100% 95% .92.5% 90% .87.5% 85% .82.5% 80% .77.5% 75% .72.5% 70% .67.5% 65% .62.5% 60% .57.5% 55% .52.5% 50%
1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM 11RM 12RM 13RM 14RM 15RM 16RM 17RM 18RM 19RM 20RM
295 280.
272.8 265 258 250 24 236 228 221 213 206 199 191 184 177 169 162 154 147
290 275 268 261 253 246 239 232 224 217 210 203 195 188 181 174 166 159 152 145
285 270 263 256 249 242 235 228 220 213 206 199 192 185 178 171 163 156 149 142
280 266 259 252 245 238 231 224 217 210 203 196 189 182 175 168 161 154 147 140
275 261 254 247 240 233 226 220 213 206 199 192 185 178 171 165 158 151 144 137
270 265 249 243 236 229 222 216 209 202 195 189 182 175 168 162 155 148 141 135
265 251 245 238 231 225 218 212 205 198 192 185 178 172 165 159 152 145 139 132
260 247 240 234 227 221 214 208 201 195 188 182 175 169 162 156 149 143 136 130
255 242 235 229 223 216 210 204 197 191 184 178 172 165 159 153 146 140 133 127
250 237 231 225 218 212 206 200 193 187 181 175 168 162 156 150 143 137 131 125
245 232 226 220 214 208 202 196 189 183 177 171 165 159 153 147 140 134 128 122
240 228 222 216 210 204 198 192 186 180 174 168 162 156 150 144 138 132 126 120
235 223 217 211 205 199 193 188 182 176 170 164 158 152 146 141 135 129 123 117
230 218 212 207 201 195 189 184 178 172 166 161 155 149 143 138 132 126 120 115
225 213 208 202 196 191 185 180 174 168 163 157 151 146 140 135 129 123 118 112
220 209 203 195 192 187 181 176 170 165 159 154 148 143 137 132 126 121 115 110
215 204 198 193 188 182 177 172 166 161 155 150 145 139 134 129 123 118 112 107
210 199 194 189 183 178 173 168 162 157 152 147 141 136 131 126 120 115 110 105
205 194 189 184 179 174 169 164 158 153 148 143 138 133 128 123 117 112 107 102
200 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100
195 185 180 175 170 165 160 156 151 146 1410 136 131 126 121 117 112 107 102 97
190 180 175 171 166 161 156 152 147 142 137 133 128 124 118 114 109 104 99 95
185 175 171 166 161 157 152 148 143 138 134 129 124 120 115 111 106 101 97 92
180 171 166 162 157 153 148 144 139 135 130 126 121 117 112 108 103 99 94 90
175 166 161 157 153 148 144 140 135 131 126 122 118 113 109 105 100 96 91 87
170 161 157 153 148 144 140 136 131 127 123 119 114 110 106 102 97 93 89 85
165 156 152 148 144 140 136 132 127 123 119 115 111 107 103 99 94 90 86 82
160 152 148 144 140 136 132 128 124 120 116 112 108 104 100 96 92 88 84 80
155 147 143 139 135 131 127 124 120 116 112 108 104 100 96 93 89 85 81 77
150 142 138 135 131 127 123 120 116 112 108 105 101 97 93 90 86 82 78 75
145 137 134 130 126 123 119 116 112 108 105 101 97 94 90 87 83 79 76 72
140 133 129 126 122 119 115 112 108 105 101 98 94 91 87 84 80 77 73 70
135 128 124 121 118 114 111 108 104 101 97 94 91 87 84 81 77 74 70 67
130 123 120 117 113 110 107 104 100 97 94 91 87 84 81 78 74 71 68 65
125 118 115 112 19 106 103 100 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 71 68 65 62
120 114 111 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 69 66 63 60
115 109 106 103 100 97 94 92 89 86 83 80 77 74 71 69 66 63 60 57
110 104 101 99 96 93 90 88 85 82 79 77 74 71 68 66 63 60 57 55
105 99 97 94 91 89 86 84 81 78 76 73 70 68 65 63 60 57 55 52
100 95 92 90 87 85 82 80 77 75 72 70 67 65 62 60 57 55 52 50
Percentage chart for calculating starting weight
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Weight 45 25 10 5 2.5 Weight 45 25 10 5 2.5
45 275 2 1
50 1 280 2 1 1
55 1 285 2 1 1
60 1 1 290 2 1 1 1
65 1 295 2 1 1
70 1 1 300 2 1 1 1
75 1 1 305 2 1 1 1
80 1 1 1 310 2 1 1 1 1
85 2 315 3
90 2 1 320 3 1
95 1 325 3 1
100 1 1 330 3 1 1
105 1 1 335 3 1
110 1 1 1 340 3 1 1
115 1 1 345 3 1 1
120 1 1 1 350 3 1 1 1
125 1 1 1 355 3 2
130 1 1 1 1 360 3 2 1
135 1 365 3 1
140 1 1 370 3 1 1
145 1 1 375 3 1 1
150 1 1 1 380 3 1 1 1
155 1 1 385 3 1 1
160 1 1 1 390 3 1 1 1
165 1 1 1 395 3 1 1 1
170 1 1 1 1 400 3 1 1 1 1
175 1 2 405 4
180 1 2 1 410 4 1
185 1 1 415 4 1
190 1 1 1 420 4 1 1
195 1 1 1 425 4 1
200 1 1 1 1 430 4 1 1
205 1 1 1 435 4 1 1
210 1 1 1 1 440 4 1 1 1
215 1 1 1 1 445 4 2
220 2 1 1 1 1 450 4 2 1
225 2 455 4 1
230 2 1 460 4 1 1
235 2 1 465 4 1 1
240 2 1 1 470 4 1 1 1
245 2 1 475 4 1 1
250 2 1 1 480 4 1 1 1
255 2 1 1 485 4 1 1 1
260 2 1 1 1 490 4 1 1 1 1
265 2 2 495 5
270 2 2 1 500 5 1
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How much weight to add set to set.
The main way to build strength over time is to increase the resistance which
breaks down muscle fibers and causes them to have to repair themselves. When
they repair themselves they have a self protection mechanism that tells them to
repair back stronger and grow. As long as players are adding weight and pushing
themselves their muscles will grow. Players need to add weight both during their
workouts and over time therefore we need to give them some guidance as to how
to do this.
Our general rule of thumb is as follows: If the first set was hard to reach 10 reps or
they could not reach 10 reps, then they only add 5 lbs total to the bar (2.5 on each
side) If they were easily able to reach the 10 reps then they add 5 lbs to each
side of the bar (10 lbs total added).
If a player found that his starting weight didn’t allow him to get to the 10 reps that
doesn’t mean that he should start lower during his next workout, however, he
should stay at that starting weight until he is able to get the 10 reps, once he has
achieved that, he needs to increase his starting weight during the next workout.
If a player found that his starting weight easily allowed him to get 10 reps and he
goes up 10 lbs and can barely get 6 or 7 reps, then he needs to increase his
starting weight by 5 lbs next time he lifts that primary exercise and see how that
goes. If his second set with the additional 10 lbs allows him to do 9 or 10 reps
then that will become his starting weight during the next workout at that exercise.
Coaches should not complicate this process. There are a ton of complex workout
programs on the market and all claim to help players grow stronger faster and
with less work, don’t believe them! What it takes to get stronger is simple,
increase your load each week, add weight every set and players will see gains.
Don’t let them brood over a bad day on the bench, it happens to everyone at one
point or the other. The key is to keep adding weight and ensure that the last set is
a strain. Players who can hold a conversation during their sets are probably not
working hard enough.
What to do if players are absent from a group.
I can guarantee that this will happen everyday and you need to prepare your
players for how to deal with it.
Your first option is to act as if the player is there and essentially have the other
players fill the spots as if he was in his position doing his exercise. The only
problem with this is that you as the coach will need to spot or find someone who
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Your second option is to take your attendance roster, which is sorted by max
squat weight, and line through all of the players who are missing and go through
the grouping drill you did after the 1RM’s were taken. It actually does not take
very long once you have taken attendance (which I recommend so that you know
who was at training and who was not for safety and reference later as needed),
and it ensures trained spotters are in place for all primary lifts and it allows players
to get to know someone else on their team who they may not normally associate
with for one reason or the other. I prefer this method to the first method, but either
will work.
Importance of completing reps
It is important that players strive to complete all of the 10 reps that are in the
program. There is nothing particularly magic about 10 reps and you will find
plenty of “experts” who will tell you it is too many and others who will advocate
more. That said, it is mostly important because it is the standard they are working
to. To allow them to do less because they aren’t “feelin it” today implies that it
isn’t important that they meet the standard and that can seep into their attitude
about everything you put into your program.
If players are truly having a bad day, just have them reduce to a weight that they
can manage to get the rep count with and stay at that weight for all 3 sets. The
next workout they can pick it back up. Monitor their progress on the workout
sheets provided with this program, keep a portable file system with you for them to
refile their workout cards in and look at what they are recording each day. Talk to
players who are having a hard time making gains and find out what they are doing
outside of the workouts to support their growth. Are they getting enough rest (8
hours a night), are they eating enough protein (1 gram per pound of bodyweight
daily), are they drinking enough water. All of these things will impact their ability
to take advantage of the effort they are expending in the weight room and you
need to help them navigate the waters so they don’t lose faith in the system.
This system once implemented in the first few weeks of the off season. Will reap
tremendous benefits for your program and it can successfully be run by one coach
per workout. I have done it with over 50 players at a time and it is manageable.
Obviously it would be great to have more coaches but the purpose of this workout
being structured as it is is for you to be able to execute it with minimal equipment,
time and coaches. We have enough to do to get ready for the season, and while
weight training is important, it isn’t rocket science.
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Appendix A-Dynamic Warmup
Line up players across the field (field house) so that you have lines facing the same direction 20 yards apart.
Have them complete the following exercises in 20 yard segments.
1. short jog forwards
2. short job backwards
3. Skip forward with cross-body arm swing
4. Skip backward with cross-body arm swing
5. Sideways jumping jack with underhand arm swing over and back
6. Sideways lunge hop step with leg swinging in front across the body R/L over and back
7. Carrioci high knee over and back
8. A-skip
9.Long stride backpedal
10. High butt kickers (heel to top of butt)
11. Low butt kickers (heel to bottom of butt)
12. heel walk
13. toe walk
14. Hug knee to chest and stretch, walk
15. Skip and clap under knee (bent leg)
16. Lunge and squeeze down, hold for 3 seconds
17. Backward lunge and twist
18. Straight leg kick and clap under
19. Straight leg kick and touch
20. Side lunge R/L
21. Walking toe touches
22. Open hip walk forward and back
23. Inch worm to sumo squat (5 times over)
24. Backward lunge and lean (5 times back)
Stop here if you are only lifting today. Complete the rest of you are doing agility and speed training.
Warm up runs
30 yard at 50%
30 yard at 80%
30 yard at 90%
30 yard at 100%
1-stop (2 times)
1-change (2 times)
2-changes (2 times)
shuffle turn and go (2 times)
backpedal turn and go (right shoulder then left)
backpedal change. (1 time)
copyright 2015 page:17
Appendix B-Agility Workout
All agility drills should be completed after a thorough warmup using the dynamic
warmup in Appendix A. Using that warmup routine has virtually eliminated pulled
muscled and strained muscle from our program.
4-cone drill (10 yard squares)
1. Run around right then left (R/L). Players start at one cone and run around the
square breaking down at each corner and making a sharp 90 degree cut to the
next corner. 5 reps
2. Backpedal-shuffle-sprint R/L-5 reps
3. Run-pivot-shuffle-pivot-backpedal-shuffle-finish R/L-5 reps
4. Figure 8 pattern R/L-5 reps
copyright 2015 page:18
Mirror drill
• Setup two adjacent 10 yard squares.
• Have one player be the leader and the other be the follower.
• The leader moves between cones using the moves from the 4-cone drill
(forward run, shuffle, backpedal, diagonal cross)
• The follower mirrors his moves reacting to each one as quickly as possible.
• Leaders make 5 moves then switch to the follower leading with his 5 moves, or
you can do it based on a clock time.
Appendix B (continued)-Agility Workout
copyright 2015 page:19
Pro-Agility drill
• Line up 3 cones in a line 5 yards apart.
• Have one player mirror the other player by lining up directly across from him on
the middle cone.
• On the whistle, both players run to the same outside cone, then run back
towards and past the middle cone to the cone on the other side, then back
through the middle cone.
• Have them compete for the best of 5. Pair players up according to their relative
speed in their baseline 100 yard dash.
Appendix B (continued)-Agility Workout
copyright 2015 page:20
Chase circles
• With cones or portable goal creases, setup two circles in a line about 3 yards
• Have two players lined up 1 player 3 yards behind the other at the bottom of
one of the circles.
• On the whistle, both players take off and run a figure 8 around the circles with
the trailing player attempting to catch the lead player.
• Have them compete for the best of 5.
Appendix B (continued)-Agility Workout
copyright 2015 page:21
Appendix C-Speed Workout
We realize that there are many different speed programs, however, this manual is
for the coach with few resources and not a lot of workout time so please keep that
in mind. Our speed workout is fairly simple but effective when executed properly.
Rest intervals are critical and need to be monitored by the coach. I have seen
coaches who feel that running players in succession as soon as the previous set
is complete without proper rest is acceptable and it is not. Just like our lifting
program, we have incorporated ways for your players to recover between sets by
adding a simple guideline to follow and you need to ensure this is followed.
Follow the complete warmup in Appendix A. Once players have gone through the
routine a few times it takes only 10 minutes to execute properly and players are
ready to go.
Speed Progression
1. Jog 25 yards-stride 25 yards-sprint 25 yards-walk 25 yards. The walking
provides the rest required for this exercise. Do 8 of these.
2. Sprint 4 split 80’s. In other words, have players sprint 40 yards out and back
for a total of 80 yards, then have them rest 2 minutes in between.
3. Sprint 45 straight 80’s. Run 80 yard sprints with 2 minutes in between.
Total sprint distance run: 840 yards. This is plenty of sprint work. We know many
who do a ton more with much less rest,,, they are burning their kids out and in
many cases, overtraining them. I had one player, a girl, who ran track during
lacrosse season because we had late lacrosse practice and she thought she
could do it. End result, she got slower and developed painful shin splints by her
senior year. What we have outlined above is a derivative of a program that Billy
Corbet C.S.C.S. taught at the 2006 National Convention and which we feel is still
relevant today. Billy advocated no more than 550 yards of sprinting in one
workout but we have found the program above to be effective at helping athletes
build speed and power.
During warmup runs, pay specific attention to your players’ form. We always
remind them to swing their arms “hip pocket to eye socket” and not across their
bodies. We also stress picking their knees up to their chest and keeping their
toes up when striking the ground and pushing the ground away behind them.
There are a shocking number of players whose form is holding them back and you
need to remind them constantly, both verbally and using video if you have access
to it.
copyright 2015 page:1
How to use this manual
The following pages are the sheets you will use to run your workouts that are
outlined in the Laxicon Lacrosse Workout Program. These sheets can be
referenced by any coach in your program by any means they prefer (digital or
paper) and they can show up in your place at the workout facility/room and run
the workout using the script on the following pages based on the week and day
they are in. We do not advocate additional training on weekends during the off
season because we feel these are essential for recovery and repair therefore all
weeks are based on a 5-day week.
We have marked every page with the week and day of the week (example: week
1, day 3) and inserted sheets for days in the 5-day work week that are not worked
so that you and your coaches can keep track of which day you are referencing.
You will need to mark which week is your starting week and from there a simple
calendar reference will be sufficient for any coach in your program to know what
needs to be done. There are 25 weeks shown but your quantity may vary
depending on your start date.
We suggest that you have your coaches available as often as possible in the first
couple weeks to see how you would like to have the exercises completed,
however, if you cannot, we have included an online database of very short videos
to show how each exercise is to be completed and the primary coaching points
that should be stressed in each one. You can add your own particular notes as
necessary (we all have our own little details to add!).
Some weeks have been shown as “off” weeks and this is both on purpose and for
convenience. For example; if your program is like most that we have seen,
getting players to show up on holidays is spotty at best therefore we take the
week of Thanksgiving off as well as the week of Christmas. Taking a week off at
these intervals isn’t ideal, however, taking a week off in general from weight
training has been shown in many studies to stimulate growth by allowing more
time for repair. Extended time off is not preferred however, a week here and
there is healthy both physically and mentally and improves your relationship with
your players’ parents as well (a vital concern!). If the weeks shown in the
following pages do not perfectly align with the calendar year in which you start
this program, just pull up or push back a week depending on where you week
starts and you will be good to go.
As stated in the manual, if you need assistance please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you with your questions.
copyright 2015 page:2
Day 1Week 1
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 4:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
copyright 2015 page:3
Day 2Week 1
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Exercise 3:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 4:
4 100%
Best of 5
partner pro-
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever
achieved” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
copyright 2015 page:4
Day 3Week 1
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Day Off
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.” ~Joe Paterno
copyright 2015 page:5
Day 4Week 1
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 4:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“A mans life is what his thoughts make it.” ~Marcus Aurelius
copyright 2015 page:6
Day 5Week 1
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Exercise 3:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 4:
4 100%
Best of 5
partner pro-
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“Luck is the dividend of sweat. The more you sweat the luckier you get” ~Ray
copyright 2015 page:7
Day 1Week 2
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 4:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” ~Kenny Rogers
copyright 2015 page:8
Day 2Week 2
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Exercise 3:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 4:
4 100%
Best of 5
partner pro-
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“Life is a grindstone, whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.”
~L. Thomas Holdcraft
copyright 2015 page:9
Day 3Week 2
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Day Off
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“Above all challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths
you have, and what you can accomplish.” ~Cecile M. Springer
copyright 2015 page:10
Day 4Week 2
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 4:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either in or you’re out.
There’s not such thing as in between.” ~Pat Riley
copyright 2015 page:11
Day 5Week 2
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 2:
3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Exercise 3:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 4:
4 100%
Best of 5
partner pro-
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve, and those who stay will be
champions.” ~Bo Schembechler
copyright 2015 page:12
Day 1Week 3
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
1:Max Squat
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“No one who ever gave his best regretted it.” ~George Halas
copyright 2015 page:13
Day 2Week 3
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Max Bench
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Keep your feet on the ground
• Butt down on the bench with slight arch in back.
• Bar must go down to the chest. Don’t bounce it!
• Workout observations:
“The man on the top of the mountain, didn’t fall there” ~Vince Lombardi
copyright 2015 page: 14
Day 3Week 3
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Timed 40
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
Broad Jump
Exercise 4:
Vertical Jump
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Be sure to warm up properly.
• Give each player 2 times, record both.
• Workout observations:
“Success leaves clues” ~Tony Robbins
copyright 2015 page:15
Day 4Week 3
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Max Clean
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, pull through your body.
• Keep your shoulders above your hips at all times.
• Drive with the legs, explode with the hips.
• Workout observations:
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks
like work.” ~ Thomas Edison
copyright 2015 page:16
Day 5Week 3
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Max Deadlift
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Focus on keeping an arch in your back.
• Use Hex bar if available.
• Workout observations:
“There is not try, there is only do, or do not.” ~ Yoda
copyright 2015 page:17
Day 1Week 4
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 67.5% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 67.5% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 67.5% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 67.5% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift.
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS!
• Workout observations:
“You’re never a loser until you quit trying.” ~Mike Ditka
copyright 2015 page:18
Day 2Week 4
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“Excellence is the gradual result of always trying to do better.” ~Pat Riley
copyright 2015 page:19
Day 3Week 4
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 67.5 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 67.5 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 67.5 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." -African
copyright 2015 page:20
Day 4Week 4
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“Build your empire on a firm foundation of the fundamentals.” ~Lou Holtz
copyright 2015 page:21
Day 5Week 4
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 67.5% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 67.5% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 67.5% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 67.5% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“There’s nothing wrong with setting goals, but they don’t mean a thing if you don’t
pay attention to the day-to-day details.” ~Don Shula
copyright 2015 page:22
Day 1Week 5
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 75% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 75% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 75% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 75% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Weights should increase. 75% is a guideline, they should temper that with where they
ended last workout.
• Workout observations:
“Good things happen to those who hustle.” ~Chuck Noll
copyright 2015 page:23
Day 2Week 5
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are a dime a dozen. The ones
who win get inside their players and motivate them.” ~Vince Lombardi
copyright 2015 page:24
Day 3Week 5
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 75% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 75% 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 75% 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of
each individual.” ~Vince Lombardi
copyright 2015 page:25
Day 4Week 5
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“What to do with a mistake: Recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it.” ~Dean
copyright 2015 page:26
Day 5Week 5
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 75% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 75% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 75% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 75% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“The country is full of good coaches. What it takes to win is a bunch of interested
players.” ~Don Coryell
copyright 2015 page:27
Day 1Week 6
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 75% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 75% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 75% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 75% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Weights should increase. 75% is a guideline, they should temper that with where they
ended last workout.
• Workout observations:
“I can’t believe God put us on this Earth to be ordinary.” ~Lou Holtz
copyright 2015 page:28
Day 2Week 6
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“You play the way you practice. Practice the right way and you will play the right
way.” ~Pop Warner
copyright 2015 page:29
Day 3Week 6
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 75% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 75% 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 75% 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
“Don’t mistake activity for achievement.” ~John Wooden
copyright 2015 page:30
Day 4Week 6
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“Success is never final, failure is never fatal, its courage that counts.” ~John
copyright 2015 page:31
Day 5Week 6
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 75% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 75% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 75% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 75% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself
one.” ~James A. Froude
copyright 2015 page:32
Day 1Week 7
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Weights should increase. 85% is a guideline, they should temper that with where they
ended last workout.
• Workout observations:
“I know the price of success; dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion
to the things you want to see happen.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
copyright 2015 page:33
Day 2Week 7
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish
ourselves.” ~Thomas Edison
copyright 2015 page:34
Day 3Week 7
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
“I am not the smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeeded
because I kept going and going and going.” ~Sylvester Stallone
copyright 2015 page:35
Day 4Week 7
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” ~special olympics
copyright 2015 page:36
Day 5Week 7
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent.” ~Calvin Coolidge
copyright 2015 page:37
Day 1Week 8
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Workout observations:
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come
alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come
alive.” ~ Howard Thurman
copyright 2015 page:38
Day 2Week 8
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though
checked by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much
nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor
defeat.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
copyright 2015 page:40
Day 3Week 8
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the
opportunity in every difficulty.” ~ Winston Churchill
copyright 2015 page:41
Day 4Week 8
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“It’s not what happens, it’s what you do that determines your future.” ~ Jim Rohn
copyright 2015 page:42
Day 5Week 8
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” - Lao Tzu
copyright 2015 page:43
Day 1Week 9
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Workout observations:
“There is not such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day.” ~ Alexander
copyright 2015 page:44
Day 2Week 9
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“Good things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who
hustle.” ~Abraham Lincoln.
copyright 2015 page:45
Day 3Week 9
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
“It often requires more courage to dare to do the right thing than to fear to do the
wrong.” ~Abraham Lincoln
copyright 2015 page:46
Day 4Week 9
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“Well done is better than well said.” ~Benjamin Franklin
copyright 2015 page:47
Day 5Week 9
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” ~Joel
A. Barker
copyright 2015 page:48
Day 1Week 10
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Workout observations:
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
copyright 2015 page:49
Day 2Week 10
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“Anybody who accepts mediocrity-in school, on the job, in life- is a person who
compromises, and when the leader compromises, the whole organization
compromises. ~Charles Knight
copyright 2015 page:50
Day 3Week 10
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
“Always do your best. What you plant now will harvest later.” ~Og Mandino
copyright 2015 page:51
Day 4Week 10
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“Good enough never is.” ~Debbi Fields
copyright 2015 page:52
Day 5Week 10
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“Develop a love for details. They usually accompany success.” ~John Wooden
copyright 2015 page:53
Day 1Week 11
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Workout observations:
“Any time you give a man something he doesn’t earn, you cheapen him. Our
kids earn what they get, and that includes respect.” ~Woody Hayes
copyright 2015 page:54
Day 2Week 11
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“The time will come when winter will ask what you were doing all summer.”
~Henry Clay
copyright 2015 page:55
Day 3Week 11
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Exercise 3:
BW (with band
if necessary)
10 (assisted if
spot Burpees
Exercise 4:
Front Squats
3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges.
• Pull up with overhand grip (working on back)
• Workout observations:
“The 6-W’s: Work will win when wishing won’t.” ~Todd Blackledge
copyright 2015 page:56
Day 4Week 11
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
4 100%
5 of each
Exercise 2:
Mirror Drill
4 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 3:
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Exercise 4:
Chase Circles
1 100%
Best of 5 with
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns.
• set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one
group per exercise.
• Workout observations:
“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of
difficulty, lies opportunity.” ~Albert Einstein
copyright 2015 page:57
Day 5Week 11
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
Incline DB
3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot
Shrugs (db or
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups
Exercise 4:
Lateral Squat
3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels.
• Arc your lower back.
• Get to parallel or lower.
• Workout observations:
“I never blame failures-there are too many complicated situations in life, but I am
absolutely merciless toward lack of effort.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
copyright 2015 page:58
Day 1Week 12
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
3 85% 10 spot
Plate Squats
Exercise 2:
3 85% 10 spot Push-ups
Exercise 3:
3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers
Exercise 4:
3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift
• Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench.
• Workout observations:
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
copyright 2015 page:59
Day 2Week 12
Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core
Exercise 1:
8 100%
25 yard
Exercise 2:
8 100%
4-split 80’s
4 straight 80’s
Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10
Coaches Reminders:
• Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C.
• Have players stay loose while resting by walking around.
• Have players stay upright.
• Workout observations:
“Spectacular achievements are always preceded by unspectacular preparation.”
~Roger Staubach
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  • 1. CROSSE WORKOU training program that will make your team stronger, faster and m • Weekly lifting workouts • Coaching Tips • Sets, Reps & % • Speed & Agility finishers • leadership development• Time Saving Tips
  • 2. Copyright © 2015 by Paul Limpert All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. Published By: Laxicon LLC 708 Humming Bird Way Maineville, Oh. 45039 Contact: Published in United States
  • 3. copyright 2015 page:1 Table of contents 1. Introduction. page 2 2. How to use this manual. page 2 3. Teaching players correct form and technique. page 3 4. Introducing the workout. page 4 5. Running a superset rotation system. page 4 6. How to correctly find your players’ max. page 7-10 7. How to put your players into proper lifting groups. page 10 8. How to add weight to maximize gains. page 14 9. Max percentage chart/1RM chart. pages 11-12 10. Bar loading chart. page 13 11.Appendix B-Agility Supplementals 12. Appendix C-1RM chart 13.Start of Daily Workout Charts-starts over with page 1
  • 4. copyright 2015 page:2 Introduction Thank you for purchasing Laxicon’s Lacrosse Workouts. The workouts detailed out in this manual will take your team to the next level in strength, agility and speed. These workouts are designed specifically to: • Minimize your workout time while maximizing the benefit • Use a minimal amount of equipment (bars, plates and body weight) • Be managed by only one coach with the use of a whistle. • Produce results in terms of strength gained. • Build complete athletes (speed, strength, power and explosiveness. How to use the workouts Teach basic form using the bar and minimal weight. The first thing you need to do is to teach players the correct form as well as how to properly spot another player in their form. I have seen many programs who just put kids in the weight room and say “bench press 3 sets of 8-10 reps each” and give them little to no instruction about proper form, proper weight targets, and how to spot someone to ensure safety and maximal effort. Implementing a proper lifting training program that happens soon after your season ends is critical to putting your players on the right track to succeed. For lacrosse players, we are talking mid-late August for getting started on this program, and the first 2-3 weeks are used to teach proper form using the bar and body weight, no other weight or resistance is necessary. 8 weeks prior to the start of the season we will continue to use this program, however, we will modify it to incorporate more agility and speed work while maintaining strength. Teaching perfect form and getting your leaders identified who will assist the coach by encouraging and pushing the others to excel will ensure that your team gets the maximum benefit out of the time they are investing. This is also a great time to teach weight room protocols and the superset system so that they are prepared for the rigor of the program and can execute it efficiently so you and they can get done quickly. Put your players in groups of 4. For the first 2-3 weeks it does not matter who they are lifting with because we are working only on form and getting the lifting program installed. Letting them choose during this period helps encourage them to come to the weight room and get focused on the year ahead.
  • 5. copyright 2015 page:3 First 3 Weeks, focus on perfecting your players’ form! Monday (Day 1) Lift Sets Weight Reps Spot Supplemental Core Bench 3 Bar 10 Spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Squat 3 Bar 10 Spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Clean 3 Bar 10 Spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Deadlift 3 Bar 10 Spot Dips (rack or bench) Leg Lifts Wednesday (Day 2) Lift Sets Weight Reps Spot Supplemental Core Standing Shoulder Press 3 Bar 10 Spot Frog Jumps Twists Barbell Lunges 3 Bar 10 Spot Plyometric Push- ups Supermans Pull-ups 3 BW 10 Spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Front Squats 3 Bar 10 Spot Rows V-ups Friday (Day 3) Lift Sets Weight Reps Spot Supplemental Core Incline DB 3 DB 10 Spot Jump Tucks Forearm Curls Overhead Squats 3 Bar 10 Spot Shrugs Bicycle Thrusters 3 Bar 10 Spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Lateral Squat 3 Bar 10 Spot Rows Plank Tuesday: Dynamic Stretch per Appendix A, Agilities per Appendix B Thursday: 100 yard sprints (10 reps), Cone Agility Drill - 10 reps, 300 yard shuttles-2 reps Alternative Schedules: • 4 day week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday lift per above. Wednesday combine Agility with Speed and Stretch • 3 day week: Reduce sets above to 2 sets each. Split Agility and Speed work in half and add both to end of lifting each day. Always do lifting first. For detailed explanations of the lifts above, please visit
  • 6. copyright 2015 page:4 Teaching proper form It is absolutely critical that players are taught proper form and held accountable to it. Without proper form your players will not make the gains they are looking for and more importantly, they could possibly incur injuries that are more severe than simply pulling a muscle. You must ensure that all of your players have a current sports physical and that they have notified their doctor of their intent to weight train so that the doctor can provide them with proper guidance specific to their individual needs. The Superset Rotation System Using supersets enables us to be efficient with our time in the weight room. If your team is has limited access to weight room time and sophisticated weight room equipment, then you will find this program to be perfect for your team. The superset system is broken down into sets and rotations. The procedure is as follows: • The supervising coach (there only has to be one) will blow a whistle to start the first rotation of the set. Players have 30 seconds to complete their lift. Players are in groups of 4 with based on their 1 rep max, 3 players are working while one person is spotting/resting. • Player 1 will begin on the primary exercise for his group (example: Deadlift). • Player 2 will perform a supplemental lift for the opposing muscle group (Example: dips). This allows the primary muscle group to recover while working on opposing muscles. • Player 3 will perform a core/balance exercise (Example: leg lift) • Player 4 will spot player 1 on the primary exercise (and it gives this player time to rest and think about what he needs to do to switch weight as well). • The coach then blows his whistle again. Players have 30 seconds to rotate and change weight as necessary. • Player 1 will move to and execute the supplemental lift (dips). • Player 2 will now perform core/balance exercise (leg lift) • Player 3 will spot the primary exercise. • Player 4 will now perform the primary exercise (Deadlift) (see diagram on page X)
  • 7. copyright 2015 page:5 player 1 player 2player 3 player 4 Rotation 1 player 1player 2 player 3 player 4 Rotation 2 player 1 player 2 player 3 player 4 Rotation 3 player 1 player 2 player 3player 4 Rotation 4
  • 8. copyright 2015 page:6 • The coach then blows his whistle again. Players have 30 seconds to rotate and change weight as necessary. • Player 1 will move to and perform core/balance exercise (leg lift) • Player 2 will now spot the primary lift. • Player 3 will move to the primary lift (Deadlift) • Player 4 will now move to the opposing lift (dips). • The coach blows his whistle again. Players have 30 seconds to rotate to the next station and change weights as necessary. • Player 1 will now move to spot the primary lift • Player 2 will now move to the primary lift (Deadlift) • Player 3 will not move to the opposing lift (dips) • Player 4 will now move to the core/balance lift (leg lifts) Once every lifter in the group has completed each exercise, players rotate back to their starting positions, Player 1 adds weight to his next attempt and we repeat the process for set 2 and set 3. Notice that one complete set takes only 3 minutes and 30 seconds. If you take an additional 60 seconds to move players to the next exercise rotation we are looking at only 18 total minutes for the entire workout. There are many hardcore old school coaches who do not believe that a complete workout can take less than 45 minutes but research is proving them wrong. If these exercises are executed with good technique using weight on the primary lifts that challenges them, then they will see gains in muscle mass and strength equal to and beyond other programs that keep players in the gym for an hour or more. Keep your players on the clock and do not allow them to start early or late. If they do not follow directions make up a consequence for that because it is important that all players stay in sequence. Drill this sequencing with bar and body weight for at least 2 weeks. Really work on them perfecting their form. Use video or pictures to spot them while they are doing the primary lifts and show them where they need to improve. Coaches Eye App is a great app to use for taking video of them lifting and then showing them what they need to do to improve with frame by frame playback which is very helpful. Once you are comfortable with your players’ form, take the 3rd week to get your players’ 1 rep maximum.
  • 9. copyright 2015 page:7 Time to max-out your players! Now that your players’ form is looking good, you need to get their 1 repetition maximum, or 1-rep max on the primary lifts of bench press, squat, deadlift and power cleans. The Laxicon workouts are based upon getting a good 1RM and therefore this is an important exercise that needs to be done correctly and for every player in your program. Without the 1RM your players will not have a baseline for where they started and will not see the gains we are looking for as quickly as we need to see them. The 1RM is also important because it will be used to group your players during workouts. By grouping them based on comparable strength you save a ton of time when it comes to switching weights. I have seen players take 1-2 minutes just to switch plates on a deadlift and this throws off the timing of everyone in the group so you must have players who are comparable in strength so there is minimal plate switching. During this week, we also test the 40 yard dash, pro-agility drill, broad jump and vertical jump because these are all things that are going to improve over time and are important measurements of speed and explosiveness that we desire in all of our lacrosse athletes.
  • 10. copyright 2015 page:8 Max Week! You need to build up this week for your players because you want to get their best on each lift so that they get a good baseline for growth. Make it a competition, provide incentives for them to ensure they put forth the effort. Do whatever it takes to ensure that they give their best because these maximums are important. Ensure that players are properly warmed up and prepared for the exertion that comes with a 1RM and enlist the help of other coaches in your program or other qualified sports professionals to assist you with this if you can. I would encourage you to ensure that a qualified coach is present for all 1RM attempts for two reasons. 1. Players will want to give 100% because a coach is present and watching, and 2. Safety is important and spotters need to be monitored to ensure they are paying attention and properly spotting. The following schedule should be used for getting the 1RM’s completed: Monday: Squat Tuesday: Bench Wednesday: Time 40-yard dash and pro agility drill (2 times, take best time). Measure Broad Jump and Vertical Jump (twice each, take best jump). Thursday: Power Clean Friday: Deadlift It may seem like a lot of time to allocate for a 1RM on each of the primary lifts, but it is not. Each player needs to properly warm up and get mentally ready for the exercise as well. The first thing all players should do is put a weight on the ball that they think is 70% of what they believe to be their 1RM max. Players will have a ballpark idea of what this is and for the purposes of warm up that will be good enough. Once they determine what the weight is, they should do 10 good form repetitions of the exercise to do the initial warm up of their muscles.
  • 11. copyright 2015 page:9 After the initial warm up they should rest for 2 minutes then add weight that brings them to 80% of their projected 1RM and do 3-4 reps of that weight. After the second set above, they have 2 options. 1. They can continue to add weight going up another 5-10% each time until they can only do 1 rep ensuring that they rest 2-3 minutes between sets, or 2. They can attempt to calculate what the 1RM is using an online app such as the one at ( or using an app from either the Apple or Android app stores. These apps have scientific formula’s in them that predict what your 1RM will be based on what your max repetitions are at a lower weight. For example, say a player does 185 lbs 3 times and cannot do a 4th. He will know that he cannot do a 4th based on the performance of his 3rd rep, he should not attempt the 4th. Inside these apps they ask you how much he lifted and how many reps he did. In this case the apps I have tested average predicting that he will max out at 200 lbs. So, you will have the player wait 6 minutes then attempt to do 200 lbs 1 time. If he easily does the 200 lbs (not likely), then he adds weight 5 lbs at a time until he cannot do 1 rep (with 5-6 minute rest in between each set). If he cannot do 200 but is close you mark him down as 195 and record his max with a note on his chart outlining the circumstances. It is an inexact science to be sure, but if you follow the procedure above you will get your players very close to their actual 1RM and that will ensure that we have players starting at weights that will challenge them to grow and that is our aim.
  • 12. copyright 2015 page:10 Time to get players into groups This is a really important step because unless players are working with a group that is comparable in strength, they won’t feel compelled to work harder to get better. Boys like to compete and by putting them into groups where they know they have a chance to compete, they will rise to the occasion and make the gains your program needs them to make. One of the great things about the way our system is set up is that players with similar strength will not usually dominate in all areas. One player in the group will be the bench press king while another specializes in squats. All of them will help each other based on their areas of strength and the team benefits as a whole. How to put your players in groups 1. Rank all of your players based on their max squat. 2. Players ranked 1-4 are in group 1 3. Players ranked 5-8 are in group 2 4. Continue this process until all players are in a group. The reason we are using the Squat is because you will find that this is the exercise where players will lift the heavier weights and weight switches between players will need to get our weight switches done as quickly as possible. Alternative approach: If you want to speed things up even further, have all players in that group use the weight of the strongest player for their reps, by doing this you reduce the amount of reps of the weaker players, however, you also get them working hard to achieve the higher weight. Be careful with this approach because some players may use it as an excuse why they aren’t making gains so you will need to ensure you monitor the primary lifts closely. Starting weight calculation Players only need to know their starting percentage on the first set, every increase from there will go by 5 and 10 pound increments. To calculate the starting weight, players use their 1RM and the percentage chart in this manual on page XX. You should laminate and hang this chart at each station for their reference (or have them use the calculator on their phones). I have also include a bar loading chart to help players figure out what plates to put on the bar. You would be amazed at how long this takes them, especially freshmen!
  • 13. copyright 2015 page:11 100% 95% .92.5% 90% .87.5% 85% .82.5% 80% .77.5% 75% .72.5% 70% .67.5% 65% .62.5% 60% .57.5% 55% .52.5% 50% 1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM 11RM 12RM 13RM 14RM 15RM 16RM 17RM 18RM 19RM 20RM 495 470 457 445 433 420 408 396 383 371 358 346 334 321 309 297 284 272 259 247 490 465 453 441 428 416 404 392 379 367 355 343 330 318 306 294 281 269 257 245 485 460 448 436 424 412 400 388 375 363 351 339 327 315 303 291 278 266 254 242 480 456 444 432 420 408 396 384 372 360 348 336 324 312 300 288 276 264 252 240 475 451 439 427 415 403 391 380 368 356 344 332 320 308 296 285 273 261 249 237 470 446 434 423 411 399 387 376 364 352 340 329 317 305 293 282 270 258 246 235 465 441 430 418 406 395 383 372 360 348 337 325 313 302 290 279 267 255 244 232 460 437 425 414 402 391 379 368 356 345 333 322 310 299 287 276 264 253 241 230 455 432 420 409 398 386 375 364 352 341 329 318 307 295 284 273 261 250 238 227 450 427 416 405 393 382 371 360 348 337 326 315 303 292 281 270 258 247 236 225 445 422 411 400 389 378 367 356 344 333 322 311 300 289 278 267 255 244 233 222 440 418 407 396 385 374 363 352 341 330 319 308 297 286 275 264 253 242 231 220 435 413 402 391 380 369 358 348 337 326 315 304 293 282 271 261 250 239 228 217 430 408 397 387 376 365 354 344 333 322 311 301 290 279 268 258 247 236 255 215 425 403 393 382 371 361 350 340 329 318 308 297 286 276 265 255 244 233 223 212 420 399 388 378 367 357 346 336 325 315 304 294 283 273 262 252 241 231 220 210 415 394 383 373 363 352 342 332 321 311 300 290 280 269 259 249 238 228 217 207 410 389 379 369 358 348 338 328 317 307 297 287 276 266 256 246 235 225 215 205 405 384 374 364 354 344 334 324 313 303 293 283 273 263 253 243 232 222 212 202 400 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 395 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 306 296 286 276 266 256 246 237 227 217 207 197 390 370 360 350 341 331 321 312 302 292 282 273 263 253 243 234 224 214 204 195 385 365 356 346 336 327 317 308 298 288 279 269 259 250 240 231 221 211 202 192 380 361 351 342 332 323 313 304 294 285 275 266 256 247 237 228 218 209 199 190 375 356 346 337 328 318 309 300 290 281 271 262 253 243 234 225 215 206 196 187 370 351 342 333 323 314 305 296 286 277 268 259 249 240 231 222 212 203 194 185 346 346 337 328 319 310 301 292 282 273 264 255 246 237 228 219 209 200 191 182 360 342 333 324 315 306 297 288 279 270 261 252 243 234 225 216 207 198 189 180 355 337 328 319 310 301 292 284 275 266 257 248 239 230 221 231 204 195 186 177 350 332 323 315 306 297 288 280 271 262 253 245 236 227 218 210 201 192 183 175 345 327 319 310 301 293 284 276 267 258 250 241 232 224 215 207 198 189 181 172 340 323 314 306 297 289 280 272 263 255 246 238 229 221 212 204 195 187 178 170 335 318 309 301 293 284 276 268 259 251 242 234 226 217 209 201 192 184 175 167 330 313 305 297 288 280 272 264 255 247 239 231 222 214 206 198 189 181 173 165 325 308 300 292 284 276 268 260 251 243 235 227 219 211 203 195 186 178 170 162 320 304 296 288 280 272 264 256 248 240 232 224 216 208 200 192 184 176 168 160 315 299 291 283 275 267 259 525 244 236 228 220 212 204 196 189 181 173 165 157 310 294 286 279 271 263 255 248 240 232 224 217 209 201 193 186 178 170 162 155 305 289 282 274 266 259 251 244 236 228 221 213 205 198 190 183 175 167 160 152 300 285 277 270 262 255 247 240 232 225 217 210 202 195 187 180 172 165 157 150 Percentage chart for calculating starting weight
  • 14. copyright 2015 page:12 100% 95% .92.5% 90% .87.5% 85% .82.5% 80% .77.5% 75% .72.5% 70% .67.5% 65% .62.5% 60% .57.5% 55% .52.5% 50% 1RM 2RM 3RM 4RM 5RM 6RM 7RM 8RM 9RM 10RM 11RM 12RM 13RM 14RM 15RM 16RM 17RM 18RM 19RM 20RM 295 280. 2 272.8 265 258 250 24 236 228 221 213 206 199 191 184 177 169 162 154 147 290 275 268 261 253 246 239 232 224 217 210 203 195 188 181 174 166 159 152 145 285 270 263 256 249 242 235 228 220 213 206 199 192 185 178 171 163 156 149 142 280 266 259 252 245 238 231 224 217 210 203 196 189 182 175 168 161 154 147 140 275 261 254 247 240 233 226 220 213 206 199 192 185 178 171 165 158 151 144 137 270 265 249 243 236 229 222 216 209 202 195 189 182 175 168 162 155 148 141 135 265 251 245 238 231 225 218 212 205 198 192 185 178 172 165 159 152 145 139 132 260 247 240 234 227 221 214 208 201 195 188 182 175 169 162 156 149 143 136 130 255 242 235 229 223 216 210 204 197 191 184 178 172 165 159 153 146 140 133 127 250 237 231 225 218 212 206 200 193 187 181 175 168 162 156 150 143 137 131 125 245 232 226 220 214 208 202 196 189 183 177 171 165 159 153 147 140 134 128 122 240 228 222 216 210 204 198 192 186 180 174 168 162 156 150 144 138 132 126 120 235 223 217 211 205 199 193 188 182 176 170 164 158 152 146 141 135 129 123 117 230 218 212 207 201 195 189 184 178 172 166 161 155 149 143 138 132 126 120 115 225 213 208 202 196 191 185 180 174 168 163 157 151 146 140 135 129 123 118 112 220 209 203 195 192 187 181 176 170 165 159 154 148 143 137 132 126 121 115 110 215 204 198 193 188 182 177 172 166 161 155 150 145 139 134 129 123 118 112 107 210 199 194 189 183 178 173 168 162 157 152 147 141 136 131 126 120 115 110 105 205 194 189 184 179 174 169 164 158 153 148 143 138 133 128 123 117 112 107 102 200 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 195 185 180 175 170 165 160 156 151 146 1410 136 131 126 121 117 112 107 102 97 190 180 175 171 166 161 156 152 147 142 137 133 128 124 118 114 109 104 99 95 185 175 171 166 161 157 152 148 143 138 134 129 124 120 115 111 106 101 97 92 180 171 166 162 157 153 148 144 139 135 130 126 121 117 112 108 103 99 94 90 175 166 161 157 153 148 144 140 135 131 126 122 118 113 109 105 100 96 91 87 170 161 157 153 148 144 140 136 131 127 123 119 114 110 106 102 97 93 89 85 165 156 152 148 144 140 136 132 127 123 119 115 111 107 103 99 94 90 86 82 160 152 148 144 140 136 132 128 124 120 116 112 108 104 100 96 92 88 84 80 155 147 143 139 135 131 127 124 120 116 112 108 104 100 96 93 89 85 81 77 150 142 138 135 131 127 123 120 116 112 108 105 101 97 93 90 86 82 78 75 145 137 134 130 126 123 119 116 112 108 105 101 97 94 90 87 83 79 76 72 140 133 129 126 122 119 115 112 108 105 101 98 94 91 87 84 80 77 73 70 135 128 124 121 118 114 111 108 104 101 97 94 91 87 84 81 77 74 70 67 130 123 120 117 113 110 107 104 100 97 94 91 87 84 81 78 74 71 68 65 125 118 115 112 19 106 103 100 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 71 68 65 62 120 114 111 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 69 66 63 60 115 109 106 103 100 97 94 92 89 86 83 80 77 74 71 69 66 63 60 57 110 104 101 99 96 93 90 88 85 82 79 77 74 71 68 66 63 60 57 55 105 99 97 94 91 89 86 84 81 78 76 73 70 68 65 63 60 57 55 52 100 95 92 90 87 85 82 80 77 75 72 70 67 65 62 60 57 55 52 50 Percentage chart for calculating starting weight
  • 15. copyright 2015 page:13 Weight 45 25 10 5 2.5 Weight 45 25 10 5 2.5 45 275 2 1 50 1 280 2 1 1 55 1 285 2 1 1 60 1 1 290 2 1 1 1 65 1 295 2 1 1 70 1 1 300 2 1 1 1 75 1 1 305 2 1 1 1 80 1 1 1 310 2 1 1 1 1 85 2 315 3 90 2 1 320 3 1 95 1 325 3 1 100 1 1 330 3 1 1 105 1 1 335 3 1 110 1 1 1 340 3 1 1 115 1 1 345 3 1 1 120 1 1 1 350 3 1 1 1 125 1 1 1 355 3 2 130 1 1 1 1 360 3 2 1 135 1 365 3 1 140 1 1 370 3 1 1 145 1 1 375 3 1 1 150 1 1 1 380 3 1 1 1 155 1 1 385 3 1 1 160 1 1 1 390 3 1 1 1 165 1 1 1 395 3 1 1 1 170 1 1 1 1 400 3 1 1 1 1 175 1 2 405 4 180 1 2 1 410 4 1 185 1 1 415 4 1 190 1 1 1 420 4 1 1 195 1 1 1 425 4 1 200 1 1 1 1 430 4 1 1 205 1 1 1 435 4 1 1 210 1 1 1 1 440 4 1 1 1 215 1 1 1 1 445 4 2 220 2 1 1 1 1 450 4 2 1 225 2 455 4 1 230 2 1 460 4 1 1 235 2 1 465 4 1 1 240 2 1 1 470 4 1 1 1 245 2 1 475 4 1 1 250 2 1 1 480 4 1 1 1 255 2 1 1 485 4 1 1 1 260 2 1 1 1 490 4 1 1 1 1 265 2 2 495 5 270 2 2 1 500 5 1 LaxiconBarLoadingChart
  • 16. copyright 2015 page:14 How much weight to add set to set. The main way to build strength over time is to increase the resistance which breaks down muscle fibers and causes them to have to repair themselves. When they repair themselves they have a self protection mechanism that tells them to repair back stronger and grow. As long as players are adding weight and pushing themselves their muscles will grow. Players need to add weight both during their workouts and over time therefore we need to give them some guidance as to how to do this. Our general rule of thumb is as follows: If the first set was hard to reach 10 reps or they could not reach 10 reps, then they only add 5 lbs total to the bar (2.5 on each side) If they were easily able to reach the 10 reps then they add 5 lbs to each side of the bar (10 lbs total added). If a player found that his starting weight didn’t allow him to get to the 10 reps that doesn’t mean that he should start lower during his next workout, however, he should stay at that starting weight until he is able to get the 10 reps, once he has achieved that, he needs to increase his starting weight during the next workout. If a player found that his starting weight easily allowed him to get 10 reps and he goes up 10 lbs and can barely get 6 or 7 reps, then he needs to increase his starting weight by 5 lbs next time he lifts that primary exercise and see how that goes. If his second set with the additional 10 lbs allows him to do 9 or 10 reps then that will become his starting weight during the next workout at that exercise. Coaches should not complicate this process. There are a ton of complex workout programs on the market and all claim to help players grow stronger faster and with less work, don’t believe them! What it takes to get stronger is simple, increase your load each week, add weight every set and players will see gains. Don’t let them brood over a bad day on the bench, it happens to everyone at one point or the other. The key is to keep adding weight and ensure that the last set is a strain. Players who can hold a conversation during their sets are probably not working hard enough. What to do if players are absent from a group. I can guarantee that this will happen everyday and you need to prepare your players for how to deal with it. Your first option is to act as if the player is there and essentially have the other players fill the spots as if he was in his position doing his exercise. The only problem with this is that you as the coach will need to spot or find someone who can.
  • 17. copyright 2015 page:15 Your second option is to take your attendance roster, which is sorted by max squat weight, and line through all of the players who are missing and go through the grouping drill you did after the 1RM’s were taken. It actually does not take very long once you have taken attendance (which I recommend so that you know who was at training and who was not for safety and reference later as needed), and it ensures trained spotters are in place for all primary lifts and it allows players to get to know someone else on their team who they may not normally associate with for one reason or the other. I prefer this method to the first method, but either will work. Importance of completing reps It is important that players strive to complete all of the 10 reps that are in the program. There is nothing particularly magic about 10 reps and you will find plenty of “experts” who will tell you it is too many and others who will advocate more. That said, it is mostly important because it is the standard they are working to. To allow them to do less because they aren’t “feelin it” today implies that it isn’t important that they meet the standard and that can seep into their attitude about everything you put into your program. If players are truly having a bad day, just have them reduce to a weight that they can manage to get the rep count with and stay at that weight for all 3 sets. The next workout they can pick it back up. Monitor their progress on the workout sheets provided with this program, keep a portable file system with you for them to refile their workout cards in and look at what they are recording each day. Talk to players who are having a hard time making gains and find out what they are doing outside of the workouts to support their growth. Are they getting enough rest (8 hours a night), are they eating enough protein (1 gram per pound of bodyweight daily), are they drinking enough water. All of these things will impact their ability to take advantage of the effort they are expending in the weight room and you need to help them navigate the waters so they don’t lose faith in the system. This system once implemented in the first few weeks of the off season. Will reap tremendous benefits for your program and it can successfully be run by one coach per workout. I have done it with over 50 players at a time and it is manageable. Obviously it would be great to have more coaches but the purpose of this workout being structured as it is is for you to be able to execute it with minimal equipment, time and coaches. We have enough to do to get ready for the season, and while weight training is important, it isn’t rocket science.
  • 18. copyright 2015 page:16 Appendix A-Dynamic Warmup Line up players across the field (field house) so that you have lines facing the same direction 20 yards apart. Have them complete the following exercises in 20 yard segments. 1. short jog forwards 2. short job backwards 3. Skip forward with cross-body arm swing 4. Skip backward with cross-body arm swing 5. Sideways jumping jack with underhand arm swing over and back 6. Sideways lunge hop step with leg swinging in front across the body R/L over and back 7. Carrioci high knee over and back 8. A-skip 9.Long stride backpedal 10. High butt kickers (heel to top of butt) 11. Low butt kickers (heel to bottom of butt) 12. heel walk 13. toe walk 14. Hug knee to chest and stretch, walk 15. Skip and clap under knee (bent leg) 16. Lunge and squeeze down, hold for 3 seconds 17. Backward lunge and twist 18. Straight leg kick and clap under 19. Straight leg kick and touch 20. Side lunge R/L 21. Walking toe touches 22. Open hip walk forward and back 23. Inch worm to sumo squat (5 times over) 24. Backward lunge and lean (5 times back) Stop here if you are only lifting today. Complete the rest of you are doing agility and speed training. Warm up runs 30 yard at 50% 30 yard at 80% 30 yard at 90% 30 yard at 100% 1-stop (2 times) 1-change (2 times) 2-changes (2 times) shuffle turn and go (2 times) backpedal turn and go (right shoulder then left) backpedal change. (1 time)
  • 19. copyright 2015 page:17 Appendix B-Agility Workout All agility drills should be completed after a thorough warmup using the dynamic warmup in Appendix A. Using that warmup routine has virtually eliminated pulled muscled and strained muscle from our program. 4-cone drill (10 yard squares) 1. Run around right then left (R/L). Players start at one cone and run around the square breaking down at each corner and making a sharp 90 degree cut to the next corner. 5 reps 2. Backpedal-shuffle-sprint R/L-5 reps 3. Run-pivot-shuffle-pivot-backpedal-shuffle-finish R/L-5 reps 4. Figure 8 pattern R/L-5 reps 1. 2. Backpedal Shuffle Sprint Sprint Shuffle Shuffle 3. 4.
  • 20. copyright 2015 page:18 Mirror drill • Setup two adjacent 10 yard squares. • Have one player be the leader and the other be the follower. • The leader moves between cones using the moves from the 4-cone drill (forward run, shuffle, backpedal, diagonal cross) • The follower mirrors his moves reacting to each one as quickly as possible. • Leaders make 5 moves then switch to the follower leading with his 5 moves, or you can do it based on a clock time. Appendix B (continued)-Agility Workout
  • 21. copyright 2015 page:19 Pro-Agility drill • Line up 3 cones in a line 5 yards apart. • Have one player mirror the other player by lining up directly across from him on the middle cone. • On the whistle, both players run to the same outside cone, then run back towards and past the middle cone to the cone on the other side, then back through the middle cone. • Have them compete for the best of 5. Pair players up according to their relative speed in their baseline 100 yard dash. Appendix B (continued)-Agility Workout 1. 2. 3.
  • 22. copyright 2015 page:20 Chase circles • With cones or portable goal creases, setup two circles in a line about 3 yards apart. • Have two players lined up 1 player 3 yards behind the other at the bottom of one of the circles. • On the whistle, both players take off and run a figure 8 around the circles with the trailing player attempting to catch the lead player. • Have them compete for the best of 5. Appendix B (continued)-Agility Workout Start End
  • 23. copyright 2015 page:21 Appendix C-Speed Workout We realize that there are many different speed programs, however, this manual is for the coach with few resources and not a lot of workout time so please keep that in mind. Our speed workout is fairly simple but effective when executed properly. Rest intervals are critical and need to be monitored by the coach. I have seen coaches who feel that running players in succession as soon as the previous set is complete without proper rest is acceptable and it is not. Just like our lifting program, we have incorporated ways for your players to recover between sets by adding a simple guideline to follow and you need to ensure this is followed. Warmup Follow the complete warmup in Appendix A. Once players have gone through the routine a few times it takes only 10 minutes to execute properly and players are ready to go. Speed Progression 1. Jog 25 yards-stride 25 yards-sprint 25 yards-walk 25 yards. The walking provides the rest required for this exercise. Do 8 of these. 2. Sprint 4 split 80’s. In other words, have players sprint 40 yards out and back for a total of 80 yards, then have them rest 2 minutes in between. 3. Sprint 45 straight 80’s. Run 80 yard sprints with 2 minutes in between. Total sprint distance run: 840 yards. This is plenty of sprint work. We know many who do a ton more with much less rest,,, they are burning their kids out and in many cases, overtraining them. I had one player, a girl, who ran track during lacrosse season because we had late lacrosse practice and she thought she could do it. End result, she got slower and developed painful shin splints by her senior year. What we have outlined above is a derivative of a program that Billy Corbet C.S.C.S. taught at the 2006 National Convention and which we feel is still relevant today. Billy advocated no more than 550 yards of sprinting in one workout but we have found the program above to be effective at helping athletes build speed and power. During warmup runs, pay specific attention to your players’ form. We always remind them to swing their arms “hip pocket to eye socket” and not across their bodies. We also stress picking their knees up to their chest and keeping their toes up when striking the ground and pushing the ground away behind them. There are a shocking number of players whose form is holding them back and you need to remind them constantly, both verbally and using video if you have access to it.
  • 24. copyright 2015 page:1 How to use this manual The following pages are the sheets you will use to run your workouts that are outlined in the Laxicon Lacrosse Workout Program. These sheets can be referenced by any coach in your program by any means they prefer (digital or paper) and they can show up in your place at the workout facility/room and run the workout using the script on the following pages based on the week and day they are in. We do not advocate additional training on weekends during the off season because we feel these are essential for recovery and repair therefore all weeks are based on a 5-day week. We have marked every page with the week and day of the week (example: week 1, day 3) and inserted sheets for days in the 5-day work week that are not worked so that you and your coaches can keep track of which day you are referencing. You will need to mark which week is your starting week and from there a simple calendar reference will be sufficient for any coach in your program to know what needs to be done. There are 25 weeks shown but your quantity may vary depending on your start date. We suggest that you have your coaches available as often as possible in the first couple weeks to see how you would like to have the exercises completed, however, if you cannot, we have included an online database of very short videos to show how each exercise is to be completed and the primary coaching points that should be stressed in each one. You can add your own particular notes as necessary (we all have our own little details to add!). Some weeks have been shown as “off” weeks and this is both on purpose and for convenience. For example; if your program is like most that we have seen, getting players to show up on holidays is spotty at best therefore we take the week of Thanksgiving off as well as the week of Christmas. Taking a week off at these intervals isn’t ideal, however, taking a week off in general from weight training has been shown in many studies to stimulate growth by allowing more time for repair. Extended time off is not preferred however, a week here and there is healthy both physically and mentally and improves your relationship with your players’ parents as well (a vital concern!). If the weeks shown in the following pages do not perfectly align with the calendar year in which you start this program, just pull up or push back a week depending on where you week starts and you will be good to go. As stated in the manual, if you need assistance please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you with your questions.
  • 25. copyright 2015 page:2 Day 1Week 1 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 Bar 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 4: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
  • 26. copyright 2015 page:3 Day 2Week 1 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Clean 3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 2: Deadlift 3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Exercise 3: Agility 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 4: Agility 4 100% Best of 5 partner pro- agility NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 27. copyright 2015 page:4 Day 3Week 1 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Day Off Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.” ~Joe Paterno
  • 28. copyright 2015 page:5 Day 4Week 1 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 Bar 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 4: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “A mans life is what his thoughts make it.” ~Marcus Aurelius
  • 29. copyright 2015 page:6 Day 5Week 1 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Clean 3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 2: Deadlift 3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Exercise 3: Agility 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 4: Agility 4 100% Best of 5 partner pro- agility NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Luck is the dividend of sweat. The more you sweat the luckier you get” ~Ray Kroc
  • 30. copyright 2015 page:7 Day 1Week 2 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 Bar 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 4: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” ~Kenny Rogers
  • 31. copyright 2015 page:8 Day 2Week 2 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Clean 3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 2: Deadlift 3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Exercise 3: Agility 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 4: Agility 4 100% Best of 5 partner pro- agility NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Life is a grindstone, whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.” ~L. Thomas Holdcraft
  • 32. copyright 2015 page:9 Day 3Week 2 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Day Off Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Above all challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, and what you can accomplish.” ~Cecile M. Springer
  • 33. copyright 2015 page:10 Day 4Week 2 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 Bar 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 Bar 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 4: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either in or you’re out. There’s not such thing as in between.” ~Pat Riley
  • 34. copyright 2015 page:11 Day 5Week 2 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Clean 3 Bar 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 2: Deadlift 3 Bar 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Exercise 3: Agility 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 4: Agility 4 100% Best of 5 partner pro- agility NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve, and those who stay will be champions.” ~Bo Schembechler
  • 35. copyright 2015 page:12 Day 1Week 3 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1:Max Squat Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “No one who ever gave his best regretted it.” ~George Halas
  • 36. copyright 2015 page:13 Day 2Week 3 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Max Bench Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Keep your feet on the ground • Butt down on the bench with slight arch in back. • Bar must go down to the chest. Don’t bounce it! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “The man on the top of the mountain, didn’t fall there” ~Vince Lombardi
  • 37. copyright 2015 page: 14 Day 3Week 3 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Timed 40 Exercise 2: Pro-Agility Exercise 3: Broad Jump Exercise 4: Vertical Jump Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Be sure to warm up properly. • Give each player 2 times, record both. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Success leaves clues” ~Tony Robbins
  • 38. copyright 2015 page:15 Day 4Week 3 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Max Clean Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, pull through your body. • Keep your shoulders above your hips at all times. • Drive with the legs, explode with the hips. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~ Thomas Edison
  • 39. copyright 2015 page:16 Day 5Week 3 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Max Deadlift Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Focus on keeping an arch in your back. • Use Hex bar if available. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “There is not try, there is only do, or do not.” ~ Yoda
  • 40. copyright 2015 page:17 Day 1Week 4 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 67.5% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 67.5% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 67.5% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 67.5% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Arc your lower back on squat, bench, and deadlift. • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • We are working on improving form, do not worry about weight. ALL PLAYERS! • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “You’re never a loser until you quit trying.” ~Mike Ditka
  • 41. copyright 2015 page:18 Day 2Week 4 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Excellence is the gradual result of always trying to do better.” ~Pat Riley
  • 42. copyright 2015 page:19 Day 3Week 4 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 67.5 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 67.5 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 67.5 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." -African Proberb
  • 43. copyright 2015 page:20 Day 4Week 4 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Build your empire on a firm foundation of the fundamentals.” ~Lou Holtz
  • 44. copyright 2015 page:21 Day 5Week 4 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 67.5% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 67.5% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 67.5% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 67.5% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “There’s nothing wrong with setting goals, but they don’t mean a thing if you don’t pay attention to the day-to-day details.” ~Don Shula
  • 45. copyright 2015 page:22 Day 1Week 5 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 75% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 75% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 75% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 75% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Weights should increase. 75% is a guideline, they should temper that with where they ended last workout. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Good things happen to those who hustle.” ~Chuck Noll
  • 46. copyright 2015 page:23 Day 2Week 5 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their players and motivate them.” ~Vince Lombardi
  • 47. copyright 2015 page:24 Day 3Week 5 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 75% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 75% 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 75% 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.” ~Vince Lombardi
  • 48. copyright 2015 page:25 Day 4Week 5 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “What to do with a mistake: Recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it.” ~Dean Smith
  • 49. copyright 2015 page:26 Day 5Week 5 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 75% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 75% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 75% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 75% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “The country is full of good coaches. What it takes to win is a bunch of interested players.” ~Don Coryell
  • 50. copyright 2015 page:27 Day 1Week 6 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 75% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 75% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 75% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 75% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Weights should increase. 75% is a guideline, they should temper that with where they ended last workout. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “I can’t believe God put us on this Earth to be ordinary.” ~Lou Holtz
  • 51. copyright 2015 page:28 Day 2Week 6 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “You play the way you practice. Practice the right way and you will play the right way.” ~Pop Warner
  • 52. copyright 2015 page:29 Day 3Week 6 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 75% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 75% 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 75% 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Don’t mistake activity for achievement.” ~John Wooden
  • 53. copyright 2015 page:30 Day 4Week 6 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Success is never final, failure is never fatal, its courage that counts.” ~John Wooden
  • 54. copyright 2015 page:31 Day 5Week 6 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 75% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 75% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 75% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 75% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” ~James A. Froude
  • 55. copyright 2015 page:32 Day 1Week 7 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 85% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 85% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Weights should increase. 85% is a guideline, they should temper that with where they ended last workout. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “I know the price of success; dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
  • 56. copyright 2015 page:33 Day 2Week 7 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.” ~Thomas Edison
  • 57. copyright 2015 page:34 Day 3Week 7 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 85% 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “I am not the smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeeded because I kept going and going and going.” ~Sylvester Stallone
  • 58. copyright 2015 page:35 Day 4Week 7 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” ~special olympics motto
  • 59. copyright 2015 page:36 Day 5Week 7 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 85% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent.” ~Calvin Coolidge
  • 60. copyright 2015 page:37 Day 1Week 8 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 85% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 85% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman
  • 61. copyright 2015 page:38 Day 2Week 8 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
  • 62. copyright 2015 page:40 Day 3Week 8 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 85% 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ~ Winston Churchill
  • 63. copyright 2015 page:41 Day 4Week 8 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “It’s not what happens, it’s what you do that determines your future.” ~ Jim Rohn
  • 64. copyright 2015 page:42 Day 5Week 8 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 85% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” - Lao Tzu
  • 65. copyright 2015 page:43 Day 1Week 9 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 85% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 85% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “There is not such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day.” ~ Alexander Woollcott
  • 66. copyright 2015 page:44 Day 2Week 9 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Good things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” ~Abraham Lincoln.
  • 67. copyright 2015 page:45 Day 3Week 9 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 85% 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “It often requires more courage to dare to do the right thing than to fear to do the wrong.” ~Abraham Lincoln
  • 68. copyright 2015 page:46 Day 4Week 9 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Well done is better than well said.” ~Benjamin Franklin
  • 69. copyright 2015 page:47 Day 5Week 9 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 85% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” ~Joel A. Barker
  • 70. copyright 2015 page:48 Day 1Week 10 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 85% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 85% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
  • 71. copyright 2015 page:49 Day 2Week 10 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Anybody who accepts mediocrity-in school, on the job, in life- is a person who compromises, and when the leader compromises, the whole organization compromises. ~Charles Knight
  • 72. copyright 2015 page:50 Day 3Week 10 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 85% 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Always do your best. What you plant now will harvest later.” ~Og Mandino
  • 73. copyright 2015 page:51 Day 4Week 10 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Good enough never is.” ~Debbi Fields
  • 74. copyright 2015 page:52 Day 5Week 10 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 85% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Develop a love for details. They usually accompany success.” ~John Wooden
  • 75. copyright 2015 page:53 Day 1Week 11 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 85% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 85% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Any time you give a man something he doesn’t earn, you cheapen him. Our kids earn what they get, and that includes respect.” ~Woody Hayes
  • 76. copyright 2015 page:54 Day 2Week 11 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “The time will come when winter will ask what you were doing all summer.” ~Henry Clay
  • 77. copyright 2015 page:55 Day 3Week 11 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Standing Shoulder Press 3 85% 10 spot Frog Jumps Twists Exercise 2: Barbell Lunges 3 85% 10 spot Plyometric Push-Ups Supermans Exercise 3: Pull-ups 3 BW (with band if necessary) 10 (assisted if necessary) spot Burpees Reverse Crunch Exercise 4: Front Squats 3 85% 10 spot Rows V-ups Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Sit back, knees in line with toes or behind on squats and lunges. • Pull up with overhand grip (working on back) • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “The 6-W’s: Work will win when wishing won’t.” ~Todd Blackledge
  • 78. copyright 2015 page:56 Day 4Week 11 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Cones 4 100% 5 of each square variation NA NA NA Exercise 2: Mirror Drill 4 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 3: Pro-Agility 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Exercise 4: Chase Circles 1 100% Best of 5 with partner NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure players are shortening stride, dropping hips and chopping feet into turns. • set up enough squares to have no more than 5 (10 for partner exercises) in any one group per exercise. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” ~Albert Einstein
  • 79. copyright 2015 page:57 Day 5Week 11 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Incline DB 3 85% 10 spot Jump Tucks Forearm curls Exercise 2: Overhead Squats 3 85% 10 spot Shrugs (db or bar) Bicycle Exercise 3: Thrusters 3 85% 10 spot Ball Slams Sit-ups Exercise 4: Lateral Squat 3 85% 10 spot Rows Plank Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels. • Arc your lower back. • Get to parallel or lower. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “I never blame failures-there are too many complicated situations in life, but I am absolutely merciless toward lack of effort.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • 80. copyright 2015 page:58 Day 1Week 12 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Bench 3 85% 10 spot Overhead Plate Squats Crunches Exercise 2: Squat 3 85% 10 spot Push-ups Reverse Crunch Exercise 3: Clean 3 85% 10 spot Calve Raises Sand Diggers Exercise 4: Deadlift 3 85% 10 spot Dips Leg Lifts Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Eyes up, chest out, push through your heels on squat and deadlift • Get to parallel or lower on squats and touch your chest on bench. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
  • 81. copyright 2015 page:59 Day 2Week 12 Exercise Sets % of max Reps Spot Suppl. Core Exercise 1: Speed 8 100% 25 yard progression NA NA NA Exercise 2: Speed 8 100% 4-split 80’s 4 straight 80’s NA NA NA Note: For upper body exercises, add 5lbs or a 5lb weight to each side when adding weight. For lower body, add 10 Coaches Reminders: • Ensure proper rest intervals are taken per Appendix C. • Have players stay loose while resting by walking around. • Have players stay upright. • Workout observations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ “Spectacular achievements are always preceded by unspectacular preparation.” ~Roger Staubach