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Latino Mental Health
Immigration is the means for a individual that is not originally from an area or country to migrate to
another area, "the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country" (Google, 2017). When
an individual from a different country migrates into a foreign country they undergo "immediate
stressors associated with meeting basic survival needs, losing the familiar, learning English, and
meeting the demands of life in a new environment. They also soon face resettlement challenges of
cop– ing with cultural change, mobilizing resources to meet their needs, and formulating future life
goals" (Timberlake, Faber, Wall, Taylor, Sabatino, 2003) Immigrants usually rely on their
spirituality, moral frameworks, culture framework and famility sustaining ... Show more content on ...
They face discrimination and unfair treatment based on their lack of residency, accent, nativity
status and unequal social benefits such as health care. Discrimination can affect their lifestyle
negatively, keeping them from getting jobs and making their life better which in turn adds more
stress. Immigrates migrating from a foreign country to make a better life but companies discriminate
against them based on their immigration status "Immigration Status Discrimination occurs when an
employer treats an individual differently based upon their citizenship or immigration status."
(Workplace Fairness, 2017) an example from Canadian Immigration Experience: Dreams confront
Reality a participant in there study said "felt frustrated as they felt potential employers discriminated
against them and that they were overlooked as candidates for more highly qualified and better
paying positions." (Khan, Watson, 2005) Due to such actions a law was created; "Immigration
Reform and Control Act" a federal law that protects individuals from employment discrimination
based on immigration or citizenship
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End Of Life Care Case Study
Q19: What is the palliative (end of life) care?
Palliative care is a type of health care for clients and families facing life–threatening illness. It helps
clients to achieve the best possible quality of life right up until end of life.
Q20: How to care for a palliative client?
A palliative client in a community should be cared with dignity, respect, warmth and empathy.
Client's right to autonomy should also be respected by encouraging independence, during the end of
stages of life, client's preference and choices should be respected. A palliative client should also be
provided privacy at all time.
Q21: What is accountability?
The willingness to accept responsibility and to explain my actions, inactions or omission, intentions
and decision. Accountability cannot be shared because it rests only on individual.
Q22: How do you feed a client in the dining room?
*I will wash my hands
*Prepare meals according to swallowing ... Show more content on ...
I will stay with the resident and call for help immediately, once help arrives, I will transfer the
resident to the bed or chair safely. Let the charge nurse know immediately and help fill out the
incident report by providing all the details related to the fall.
Q26: What do you think are the three most important qualities in a support worker?
First, I think positive attitude is very important. Many residents are depressed so I think it is
important to stay positive to help them feel more comfortable
Second, PSW should have a sense of responsibility. I think admitting my mistakes and fixing the
mistakes are an important part of teamwork
Third, friendly personality is a very important quality in a support worker it makes the residents feel
Q27 Name any five resident's rights and explain them?
*Respect and dignity– Every resident has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect in a way
that fully recognizes the resident's individuality and respects the resident's
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How Alzheimer Is A Disease That Affects Your Cognitive And...
When Alzheimer's knocks at your front door
Alzheimer's is a disease that affects your cognitive and behavior abilities. Millions of people are
diagnose worldwide. It is very common to know someone that has a love one or friend diagnosed
with this disease. However, everything changes when you happen to know that someone very close
to you will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's, my grandmother.
My memorable journey onto the Alzheimer's world begins in my late twenties. I used to work as an
activity director in a retirement home for senior citizens. I just knew for protocol that more than a
quarter of the total population of the residents was diagnosed with Alzheimer's as a secondary
Every day was a joyful and fun experience for me; the interaction with the residents was so deep
that became a personal on an ethical way. We've always begin our day with our daily chair fitness
exercises. Every time I did something with them, I have always put a big, wide and wierd smile on
me. Some of the residents would really appreciated that noble gesture, however, some of them
would just tell me "what the hell are you always smiling about", I laughed so hard every time I
heard them say foul language, I knew they did not meant saying that ( I hope so).
I did not quite grasp why they acted like that, or why they were cranky and sad all the time, until the
charge nurse educate me and told me that they act like not because they want or they mean it, it is
because they have Alzheimer's prior
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The Importance Of A Cross Functional Team
Describe the teamwork required to operate Camphill Village. Hint: Refer to Exhibit 10–2 (Four
Types of Teams) and pages 276–279 in your text book.
Camphill Village requires everyone to do their part for the village to run successfully. The
volunteers are there to make sure that the residents who live there are taken care of and stay safe.
The type of teamwork that is seen at Camphill Village is a cross functional team, with all the
volunteers and the residents coming together to make the village work. A cross functional team is
when employees/individuals from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work areas
come together to accomplish a task (Robbins & Judge, 2015). The residents and volunteers come
from different backgrounds and have different skills, this allows Camphill Village to run
What leadership, management, or mentoring roles are found at Camphill Village?
The leadership, management or mentoring roles found at Camphill Village include, the volunteers
that live and work with the residents that are developmentally disabled. The volunteers are
mentoring these adults that in the real world would not be given a chance because of their
disabilities. At Camphill Village there are leaders that are considered to be employee–oriented
leaders, meaning that they emphasize interpersonal relations by taking an interest in the employees'
needs and accepting individual differences among them (Robbin & Judge, 2015). This is shown with
many of
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Community Duty Assessment
Community & Duty Assessment Paper Throughout Rutgers University there are many different
communities within the various residence halls on campus. Each of these communities contains a
unique factor that distinguishes it from other communities, ranging from room style to floor sizes. In
lieu of these unique communities, Resident Assistants (RAs) and Apartment Assistants (AAs) tend
to carry out duty in different manners to best promote community building in their respective
residence halls. As a future AA in the Silvers Apartments, I decided to shadow the Silvers AA on
duty and see how they promote community and carry out duty. My night began in the Silvers
Community Center (SCC), which was in the middle of all nine of the Silvers apartment ... Show
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I want to know who my residents are and know how they are doing. I want to be am available
resource they can contact when they need help. I plan to use a suggestion box where residents can
let me know things they want me to work on in terms of programming and community outreach.
Additionally, I plan to use my first six weeks of the semester to encourage residents to interact with
at least one other apartment so that an inclusive community can be formed. Duty and community
building are both imperative to creating a home away from home for residents. Being on duty
provides an AA the opportunity to see residents and learn more about their community which in turn
pays off when the AA holds programs that not only complete their requirements but are valuable to
residents, prompting them to come out and build their community with
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Replace Permanent Resident Card Research Paper
Instructions for application to replace permanent resident card 1. Instructions for Application to
Replace Permanent Resident Card U.S Immigration Center 1623 Central Ave, Suite 145, Cheyenne,
WY 82001 1–888–943–4625 support@usimmigration– 2. What Is the Purpose of Form
I–90  This Form I–90is used by lawful permanent residents and permanent residents in commuter
status to apply for replacement or renewal of existing Permanent Resident Cards.  Conditional
permanent residents may also use this application to apply for replacement of an existing Permanent
Resident Card. U.S. Immigration Center 3. Conditional Permanent Residents Status 1. If you
became a conditional permanent resident through marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent ...
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General Instructions If you are electronically filing this application, you must follow the instructions
provided on the USCIS Web site: Signature –Each application must be properly signed and filed.
For all signatures on this application, USCIS will not accept a stamped or typewritten name in place
of U.S. Immigration Center 6. General Instructions Filing Fee. Each application must be
accompanied by the appropriate filing fee and biometric services fee Evidence. At the time of filing,
you must submit all evidence and supporting documentation listed in the Specific Instructions
section of these instructions.U.S. Immigration Center 7. General Instructions Biometrics Services
Appointment. USCIS may require that you appear for an interview or provide fingerprints,
photograph, and/or signature at any time to verify your identity, obtain additional information, and
conduct background and security checks, including a check of criminal history records U.S.
Immigration Center 8. General Instructions Acknowledgement of Appointment at USCIS
Application Support Center. Review the ASC Acknowledgement that appears in Part 5. of the
application. The purpose of this acknowledgement is to confirm that you have completed your
application, reviewed your responses, and verified that the information was provided by you and is
complete, true, and correct.U.S. Immigration
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The At San Francesco Or Collegio La Salle
If you are from Gejeret then you might just as well remember where Gejretians found refuge in
1975. I was one of those who took refuge at San Francesco or Collegio La Salle, which was
administered by the Kerenite Fratelli, Fr. Michael, Fr. Kahsay, and Fr. Demsas. Later on, I heard Fr.
Demsas joined the struggle but I 've no information if he made it to Independence Day. Also, rumor
had it that afterwards, Fr. Misghina quit the La Salle seminary, got married and left for Sweden. And
there is more of such news.
The year 1975 ushered a turbulent and terrible times for Asmara residents who hitherto escaped the
ugliness of the raging terror that was being carried out by the Derg. Most people from Gejeret stayed
at home during daytime, and at night moved to La Salle to spend the night. Usually in the late
afternoon, most of the people packed necessary supplies, took along mattress and blankets, and
bagged other items, and headed to La Salle to spend the night. After some time, that became the
daily routine, people were convinced it was the only way to evade falling victim and face the
unimaginable cruelty and looting in the hands of the Derg security forces, the Tor Serawti who
became extremely active during the night.
Two safe places became safe havens for the residents of Gejeret: San Francesco and La Salle. They
offered relative security and peaceful night. Meanwhile, many residents of Asmara trekked to the
countryside around Asmara where they found refuge. The rural areas
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'Chips' By Morren Summary
Activism, especially political activism grows and shrinks because of the role of awareness. Morren
also talks about the role of awareness as a factor leading to outrage in his book "CHIPS". For
example, some ways that Awareness may grow, according to Morren, include things such as the
continued expansion of the problem, increased knowledge of how to deal with a particular kind of
problem, and the ability of victims of new incidents to place credible claims due to government
responsibility. In addition to the ways that awareness may grow, there are more ways for awareness
to not grow. For instance, Morren states that awareness may need a jump start of a catalyzing event,
or the accumulation of small incidents and experiences affecting the people ... Show more content
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Because outrage is something that people feel, the problem/situation has to affect them in some way
(direct or indirect) in which he or she must care for. Ultimately, the reasons for why awareness may
and may not grow as discussed in "Chips" can be directly related to Edelstein's description of how
events unfolded at Legler in Contaminated Communities. When examining this case study on
Legler, the residents sought Legler as a place where one can escape, chase the American Dream,
settle down permanently, and raise their children. Most people who also came here put down all
their money to move into this community to chase their American Dream, yet things would shortly
seem to be the exact opposite. Firstly, the disaster at Legler started off with growing awareness of
the use of landfills. In Chips, Morren states that "The Township reassured residents successfully
with promises of rigorous control of dumping and the like". Also, over time, some new citizens were
unaware of the landfills existence that used to be old mining pits leading deep into the ground. This
directly relates to Edelsteins description of how events unfolded at
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Descriptive Essay
Rosita Cardenas
PBSV 101
Visco & McLean
16 September, 2017
Albion Michigan
Heavy traffic, blaring sirens, and stress linger in the atmosphere of my hometown Houston. Before
coming to Albion, Houston was all I knew about the city. The word city, can be defined as an
abundance of things yet, as "Love Where You Live" stated in, "great cities you sense a spirit of
generosity visible in small gestures and the large, and it is these that can make ordinary places
extraordinary even if they are down heel"(16), yet my hometown seemed to fit the description in a
peculiar manner. I lived in Houston for the majority of my life, but I cannot say that I sense a link
between it and myself. Setting foot into Albion is the complete opposite. Albion drew me in with its
peaceful vibes and welcoming faces. Every time I step outside I am in awe of the greenery
surrounding me; whenever I take a walk and run into a stream I am baffled at the fact that the water
is so clear that I can see the bottom, that I can hear the chirrup of crickets in the grass.
Upon first sight, the city of Albion mimics a ghost town since it looks extremely run down. Old
buildings, torn up roads, and overgrown vines creeping over the skeleton of Rust Belt prosperity.
Approaching Albion College the scenery begins to change. The sidewalks, for instance, get colorful
plants are all around, and the density of passersby begins to go up. While it is clear that Albion is no
longer in its prime with a population of 8,337;
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The Importance Of Proper Time Management Towards My Duty
Week 1
It was a stressful week because it was ANZAC holiday. Usually, the residents were expected to
attend the ANZAC ceremony at 0900. Thus the showering and the cares should be finished before
then. However, the list of residents assigned to me was one of the hardest ones because 8 out of 9
residents on that list were for shower and clothing assistance and I only have 2 hours to comply. It
was quite impossible obviously due to the number of residents to be taking cared of. Fortunately, I
still managed to survive by doing the most probable ones that will attend the ceremony and do the
rest later on. So I had surveyed them and there were 5 residents for priority cares. And so it became
attainable for me to do it. After that, I do not need to hurry because the rest of my residents will not
attend the ceremony anyway. I was able to use proper time management towards my duty.
Week 2
It was a morning shift and the list of residents that I need to look after were the ones who were very
particular with their timings. For example, one resident would like to be showered first, the other
one needs his food at 0900H, the other one needs to be showered at 0830H. Every little detail should
be noted and carried out. I should be aware of my time or else they will scold at me or worst,
complain to the management. Not only that, I was assigned to look after 10 residents at that time,
which was a very heavy workload.
What I did then was I constantly watched my time and
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Personal Narrative Essay : The Best Days Of My Childhood
One of the best days of my childhood was the day my older brother rolled his sparkling new bike up
the driveway. I remember it fondly, it was a summers day and I sat on the front stoop of my small
little home with my mom watching my dad and brother unload the new bicycle from our family
minivan. Lime green hammerhead sharks wrapped around the cobalt blue aluminum framing and
silver hand breaks glittered in the sunlight. When my brother and I were kids, having a bike was a
gateway to freedom and more independence. I'd watch Kenneth race up and down the cracked
sidewalk on the silver Gremlin bike awaiting my turn to ride. My instincts to keep up with my big
brother would boil, I coveted that Gremlin and when I did get the chance to ride it, I felt brave.
Kenneth's new Hammerhead bike meant the Gremlin was finally mine, a hand me down that was
just out of reach for years. That evening we strapped on our helmets and raced down the sidewalks
together and followed my dad around the neighborhood. I remember peddling past the library,
stopping to get a donut at the supermarket, through parks and toward my tiny preschool, Evergreen
Christian. When I still lived in Alger Heights I was too young to understand the story of the
neighborhood and the social sciences involved in this community, so when my group chose this
neighborhood I was excited to learn more about the community I was raised in. I returned to the
neighborhood a few weeks ago and instead of exploring on my Gremlin
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My Mission Trip to Jamaica
In tenth grade I was enrolled in conformation class at my parish church. This was the first time I had
really started getting involved with my Church parish. The big event everyone was talking about for
the upcoming summer was the mission trip to Jamaica. My first thoughts about this trip were to stay
away from it. I found myself not wanting to get involved with a huge event like this. Leaving the
United States is something that I have never done before. A whole week away from home is
something that scared me at the time. I kept it in the back of my head throughout the year and the
time came to make my decision. The decision I made would, without me realizing it, change my life
forever. My trip to Jamaica would teach me just how blessed I am. The anticipation before the trip
got worse as time went by. The type of person who wanted to be the least involved was definitely
me. I was always the type of person to get worried over the small things. Instead of seeing the big
picture, I found myself analyzing all the tiny details. Approaching conformation class with this
attitude was hard. I was never really giving these classes a chance. Conformation class was the last
thing I wanted to be doing on my Sunday nights. The reason I went to these classes was because my
parents forced me too. The only place I wanted to be was at home on my computer. The days went
by and the summer drew closer. The time was finally here to register for the trip. I arrived in
Kingston, Jamaica only
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Reflection Paper
A New Perspective In my senior year of high school, I earned my Certified Nurse Aid licensure.
This was a huge accomplishment for me because I would love to have a job in the medical field and
this was an opportunity to get my foot in the door. I was hired by a nursing home in Wilmington, I
couldn't wait to go to work and start making real money. I have to admit, I was mainly excited for
the huge pay raise compared to my previous landscaping job. When I started my job, I was mainly
working to earn a paycheck. It didn't take long for me to realize that my job wasn't just a job. My
duties as a Certified Nurse Aid included assisting the residents with everyday activities, cleaning,
and recording vitals. In the beginning, I found myself just going through the motions and doing
whatever was asked of me. Normally, I work third shift which is from 11pm–7pm. I decided to work
this shift because I wouldn't have to give up my precious hours during the day. Also, I assumed it
would be easier because all the residents would be asleep. I really enjoyed my job, I knew I was
helping people and that made me feel good. It just didn't seem to sink in that what I was doing was
having a huge impact on other people's lives. Soon enough. I would realize how important my job
was. I went into work at 11:00 pm one night, not motivated at all. When I got to work, I clocked in
and sat in the office and messed with my phone. All of a sudden, I got this feeling to go check on
this one particular lady.
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Modello Summary
Critical Review Considering that Modello is based on a true story and using interviews from the
actual residents and those that helped them I think that very little in this book is based on
speculation. While there are some opinions of how others are thinking or what they are doing that
can be considered speculation it is usually followed up with an interview portion with the person to
get their actual thoughts and behaviors. I think that Jack does a good job of providing supporting
evidence in this book and through various updates in the editions he has kept the reader up to date
with any changes that may have occurred. I particularly enjoyed the last section covering Hurricane
Andrew because I think it outlines resiliency in action. I ... Show more content on ...
I would recommend it to other people who need to be encouraged in various ways. Perhaps it is a
burnt–out therapist who feels that they are not helping people at all, or a person who can identify
with one of the resident's in the book. Every person in this book showed resiliency, not just the
Modello residents. The people who were helping the residents at one time or another experienced a
setback and they used the training they had and the people around them to bounce back. When
Hurricane Andrew hit, many of the women that were highlighted in this book used the three
principles to help them get through the storm and be thankful for living through it. They used what
they learned in Modello to become resilient and through that training they taught others how they
can be resilient too. Through this book I even learned that the resiliency of my childhood and
adolescences isn't lost, it's still there when I need it. I just don't think about it anymore just like the
ladies in Modello didn't think about it when they were using it after Hurricane
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Reaction Paper On Poison Water
According to documentary "poison water" by Nova "Since the late 1950s, G.M. closed seven major
facilities in the region. Tens of thousands of jobs were lost. In 2011, with the city close to
bankruptcy, Governor Rick Snyder stripped power from city officials and assigned a series of
emergency managers to fix Flint's financial crisis. " In order to save money, Michigan state took
over Flint and started using it as their water source stating from April 2014.The switch from lake
Huron to Flint river ended up being a awful to the residents. The flint water was not being treated
inadequately. Even though the government of Michigan knew about this, they weren't willing to do
anything about it. Because of that, the residents were being affected in many ways. The residents
started noticing that the water was starting to have an odor and changing colors. On top of that, they
started noticing that the water was affecting their children's skins and that the water is thinning their
hair.This is not the only way the residents are being affected. From the unmonitored excessive
amount of led that is out in Flint's water, these people are exposed to possibly permanent lead poison
and other health effects.These people can't even move out because it's almost impossible to sell their
houses in the arias that are affected by this water,and these residents are forced to stay and
knowingly use the contaminated water.
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Summary Of The Diary Of A Young Girl
Dane Williams
Social Studies
Mrs. Brasil
Book Review– The Diary of a Young Girl
May 23, 2017
The Diary of a Young Girl is an interesting read. Sad when you realize a young girl's life was taken
away in such a horrible and selfish manner. Hopeful and optimistic is often the tone of Ann's
writing. Anne probably never imagined her diary would be made public and read the world over. I
am not sure she would have written so openly and honestly if she had thought that would be the
case. This book allows the reader to see through the eyes of a teenager the outward experience of
war and the inward degradation of the human spirit of eight humans confined in fear and constant
isolation. As the title implies, The Diary of a Young Girl, this book ... Show more content on ...
Here for the first time we see Mrs. Franks personality in black and white. Anne writes "No one
could possibly sleep there unless we cleared it up. But Mother and Margot were really suffering, and
they were too tired and unhappy to help. They just lay down on their beds, so Father and I did it all.
We worked all day, until we were so tired that we fell into bed too. There was no hot meal, but we
didn't care. We worked all the next day, too... (Frank, 1952)" Anne also shows a surprising glimpse
of maturity here. Reality of their circumstances has her reflecting on what will happen in the future.
Shortly after the Frank's arrive at the Annex they are joined by the van Daans. Now they are seven.
Peter van Daan was a 15–year–old boy. The secret annex has a book case built in front of the door to
conceal the entrance. Anne doesn't care much for Mrs. Van Daan. Friends are bringing the kids'
books to continue their education. At this point we also learn that there is no bathroom. They use a
chamber pot to eliminate, take baths using a bowl of water. There isn't much privacy either. They
can listen to a radio that is in the warehouse office (the annex is located in a warehouse) when no
one is at the warehouse. They have to be silent during the work day, they cannot take the risk of
someone hearing them. In November of 1942, the seven become eight, Mr. Dussel joins the two
families. He is a
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A Real When Starting Off By Jhumpa Lahiri
Jhumpa Lahiri is an author who has been dubbed as a completely unique writer with her own style,
as her collection of short stories in her novel Interpreter of Maladies, allows readers to feel
sympathetic for the characters in her complex yet relatable storylines. The overarching theme behind
her stories is how people experience the twists and turns of life, as they are faced with countless
hardships, whether it is immigration issues, spouse issues, or people just trying to search for
happiness. However, each character in the different storylines all have such diverse backgrounds
that readers may feel sympathetic to a variety of Jhumpa Lahiri's characters. One character that
stands out from the rest is Boori Ma, written in the story of "A Real ... Show more content on ...
One day, Boori Ma decides to take a walk and reaches as far as the produce markets in Bow Bazaar.
Unfortunately, when Boori Ma returns, she is looked down upon in pity. The residents are enraged
when their basin, which is just newly bought for the building and is a luxury that had never been
given to the residents, is stolen. One of the residents hollered "'This is all her doing...She informed
the robbers. Where was she when she was supposed to guard the gate?'" (81). Boori only responds
with "Believe me, believe me. I did not inform the robbers" (81). What is most shocking is that the
residents accuse her of lying, and it is all consequently because of the false stories that Boori Ma
would tell them. One of them says "Boori Ma's mouth is full of ashes. But that is nothing new. What
is new is the face of this building. What a building like this needs is a real durwan" (82). For
readers, it is so depressing how Boori Ma is done wrong after all of her diligence being a gatekeeper.
Although Boori Ma chose to tell stories despite exaggerating them, she is oblivious to the fact that
the neighbors now think of her as a liar. Once the neighbors lose trust in her, she is destined to be
done wrongly by the neighbors even after one
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Tma Pros And Cons
What is the job aspect for TMA?
Interview 2 other staffs at the same time: Tina (RN) and Cherlym (RN)
What are the pros and cons to working in this type of service?
Pros: the emotion connection you have with some of the resident. For instance, you are able to gain
a close relationship with the resident. Family recognition i as it feels good that family members are
able to single out your job well done and this make you feels good after your work hours. Other pros
would be how some resident are able to make you laugh and happy. However, this relate to one of
the cons, as some resident are able to make you frustrated, cry, laugh, scream, and happy at the same
time during some of the resident difficult behavior. Therefore, mixed emotion at the ... Show more
content on ...
RN is needed in every hospital setting.
STRATEGY 2: Monitor feeling while working at my internship site
One experience that made me glad that I did this internship is that I was really touched when a lady
was saying goodbye to me after I drop her off at her home. She told me to take care of myself and to
be a good girl. This experience touched me as someone I just met gave me some good blessing.
One of the things I didn't like while being at the internship was when I had to interact with two
ladies. I was told to instruct them in where to go for the activity we were doing. When I was
instructing the two ladies where to go, they were harsh on me with their comments as they were
cranky. They kept asking why we were starting the activity late and asking where everyone is and
why there are no people. It was hard to communicate with them as they kept complaining to me
about the activity being late.
I believe one of my vocational values is helping people or being there for people. I am able to
achieve this at my internship as I am able to help my supervisor with activity and setting things up.
In addition, I am able to assist the resident at the site as I am transporting them to places or
sometime saying hi which makes their
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My Family Permanent Resident Status
I am going to America; I kept retrospection in my mind. My Parents and elder sister have already
traveled to the United States a couple of months back. I was living with my father 's cousin for the
mean time and my two younger sisters were staying with my mom 's friend. The news is now out in
our little town, on the outskirts of Lagos. Are you going to America? That was the question most
people kept asking me. I do not know was usually my reply, trying to be coy about it. In Nigeria,
going to the United States is perceived as winning the lottery, which is ironic because my father won
the visa lottery that guaranteed my whole family permanent resident status in the United States. The
town my family and I lived in Nigeria is called Ifo. It ... Show more content on ...
The only downside is that everyone cannot afford to go to school. Even though there is free
education for the public schools. Private schools are often better. My dad worked for the Electoral
commission of Nigeria and my mom was a math teacher in a high school so they were able to send
me to a really good school. Unfortunately for one of my colleagues, he had to drop out of middle
school because he could not afford the tuition and he had to hawk bread so that his parents can pay
the rent. He was a very brilliant student but unfortunately could not get an education. Till this day, I
am sad he did not complete his education. He would always talk about how he wanted to be a doctor
and I think he had the potential to be one. Who knows if he could have been the one to find a cure
for cancer? There are other unfortunate students like him who cannot complete school for various
reasons. The education system is good but not everyone is given a chance to learn. We also were not
allowed to speak our local languages in school and the teachers referred to them as vernaculars. I
have been afraid of teachers my whole life because I was conditioned to fear them. Teachers in
school for any mistake I made often beat me flogged me and that fear has been instilled in me.
The African culture is still there but it is gradually diminishing and most people are adopting the
Western culture. Which takes me to the movie industry and music. Nigeria has the third largest
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Analysis Of The Community Is Anomic, By Kirst Ashman
Watts Community is anomic, According to Kirst–Ashman (2014) anomic refers to a failed
community which is dysfunctional and provides little social support. An anomic community has not
or does not take advantage of outside linkages; there is no sense of belonging to the community.
Some conditions that illustrate the Watts neighborhood is anomic are the residents of the community
live in fear and do not trust each other. The community fails to address persistent problems poverty,
unemployment, and lack of financial resources for education. Also, the community was alienated
and isolated from interacting with other sections of the city. They lived in poor housing conditions.
Gangs, guns, crime, destruction, and drugs surrounded the neighborhood. There was no investment
in the schools or the children of the community. The community was not in harmony with each
other. Through stratification, political discrimination occurred, based on their wealth and social,
economic status. Residents of the city lacked purpose which brought on depression. There is no
identity among the citizens. Oppression, discrimination, and unjust treatment are just a few issues
that plagued the community. Researchers Williams and Kristin (2010) states historically, trauma is
the result of stressful events that overwhelms an individual ability to cope with stressors and life
events. African Americans suffered from multiple injuries as a result of slavery, racism, and
discrimination. Community is
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Why I Am Working At The Room At 07.45 Am Using A Code At A...
On 30 December 2015 I was on duty. I reported at the reception at 07.45 AM using a code at the
device from the entrance as I am working in a Care Home where the residents suffer from Dementia
and due to their condition related with memory loss need to be protected as they can leave but not
able to remember the way back in accordance with SOVA legislation; using my fog to clock in and
also signing into the staff book in case of of fire and the place need to be evacuated.
Then I change my clothes and put on my uniform and my black shoes, put all my belongings into
my locker including my phone, put my hair up and check my uniform to look nice and to have my
badge with my name on it; all in accordance with company Policies and ... Show more content on ...
At 8.20 MR J was awake , I have knock on his door , go in said "good morning" and introduce my
self; he recognise me, he said "good morning" back and asking for a cup of tea. I give him a cup of
tea and I ask him if he want a shower or a bath before breakfast . He refused saying probably he will
have a bath in the afternoon, as today he is not in a good mood. Then offer him a choice of clothes
to wear, he also refused me to help him to get dressed and with personal care as he is self toileting
but although said "thank you". I have reported to the nurse that he is not in a good mood as was
concerning me little bit.
Then I went to check on MR B, I have knock on his door he did not answer; he was already dressed
and sitting in his armchair watching on the window saying "look......" without looking at something
particularly, I have said "good morning" and he answer back ; introduce my self and let him know
that is nearly breakfast time and I have ask him if he wants his breakfast in his room or if he want to
come in dining area to join the others for breakfast; he looks very confused.
The last of my residents is MRS M , I have knock on her door , go in saying "good morning" she did
not answer , she was awake in her bed and talking by her self. I have ask one of my colleagues to
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The Body Position Of The Resident
enjoyed ice cream, and I tried to combine the meals with bites of ice cream in between. He seemed
to like the sensations created by the differences in taste and temperature. In addition, I sat and talked
with Henry as well as offered encouragement. It also helped when I added sweetening or lightly
salted the food whenever possible. This strategy worked well in maintaining his weight and health.
Feeding elderly's who had dysphagia or difficulty swallowing also proved challenging. When one
had difficulty swallowing, they might cough when they eat or drink. They can choke on foods and
fluids, so they were unable to drink liquids like water, juice, tea or coffee or food safely. The option
for liquids was water and fluids that were as thick as honey. These thick fluids were good for
elderly's who were at risk for choking on thin fluids, like water. The body position of the resident
was also very important when they had difficulty swallowing. For instance, a resident by the name
of Ms. Good had dysphagia or difficulty swallowing and was bed ridden. Strategies I used with
feeding her for safety purposes were as followed: I positioned her in a 60–90 degree upright position
with the head flexed forward and midline. Her pillows were positioned behind the lower back to
help stabilize or to prevent reflux (food flows back). This technique was also important in order to
reduce aspiration, which is when the food or drinks enters into the lung, which can cause serious
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My Canadian Permanent Resident Status
I immigrated to Canada 5 years ago and started my life from scratch. Although every newcomer has
his own immigration and adaptation experience, there are almost always undeniable difficulties
associated with this process. As for me, I had to make a hard decision a few years ago. As far as I
can see, it is the root cause of my current problems. I was a successful Graphic Design student and
had a 4.0 GPA. Moreover, I received a Certificate of Excellence, and, of course, I had high hopes for
a brilliant career and a bright future. However, I had to leave a college when I was a final–year
student, only a few months before a final project submission. I had to do that in order to keep my
Canadian permanent resident status. Thus, I came to ... Show more content on ...
However, my joy is marred by the fact that I have to cope with significant financial problems.
During all these years I was forced to take low–wage jobs and, as a result, I don't have any savings. I
live on my own. My amazing parents have supported me morally and financially throughout my life,
but they are not young already and close to retirement age. As a 30–year–old woman, I realize that
very soon it will be my turn to take care of them. I live alone and have to pay all learning and living
costs and to support myself. My student loan will not cover my accommodation costs. These are the
realities of my life. That is why receiving this scholarship means a lot to me. It will give me the
opportunity to complete my education and subsequently will allow me to succeed in life. Therefore,
any financial help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration. My
choice of a Dental Assistant program was not occasional. When I was 21 years old, I was involved
in a terrible accident. I have been seriously injured after I was thrown off the back of a motorcycle.
My physical recovery process was long and painful. However, in spite of numerous injuries, I
successfully moved through the recovery process. Strangely enough, I was not concerned about
broken shoulder, ankle fracture, and even my injured facial bones. I knew that I was strong enough
mentally and physically to cope with that.
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Why Nurses Are An Advocate For Residents And The Advocacy...
Beliefs are individualised opinions and a set of core convictions that can support our actions as
humans. I believe that it is beneficial for nurses and residents to embrace the aspects of person–
centred care rather than focusing on the tasks particularly in a gerontological care setting. I also
believe that nurses have a significant role in fighting for resident's rights and advocacy. This paper
highlights factors that are beneficial in the provision of person–centred care in aged care facilities.
Also, the author wants to discuss how significant the nurses are as an advocate for residents and to
identify ways in promoting resident advocacy. The said beliefs will focus on care in the elderly that
may help in achieving their self–worth and will lead to positive health outcome. This essay will
enumerate beliefs and correlate it to evidence base research. The role of the nurses in caring and
advocacy comes with great responsibility. There are certain values that a nurse should possess.
Caring for a vulnerable person such as the elderly requires patience and extensive understanding.
There are several approaches that a nurse set into practice when giving care to a person. One factor
is focusing on the tasks, for instance, taking of vital signs, wound dressing and attending to personal
hygiene. Another factor is a person–oriented care wherein the nurse focuses on knowing the
resident, their beliefs, preference and applying it to the practice of tasks. Caring is more than just a
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Essay On Social Media
Bernadette Tshibwabwa
Kristina Verner
June 1, 2017
Social Media : Connecting Communities of Interest Year after year, social media has grown to have
a significant impact on society. Social media is a form of communication that impacts communities
whether it be about crime, life, gossip or politics. Social media is used because it is the easiest way
to spread the word to the rest of the world. Above all, media platforms seem to have a large impact
on how communities as well as the world when a natural or human created disaster occurs . People
tend to respond to these disasters through different discourses. Although social media has this
impact, the outcome of how the situation is handled is never the same. It could ... Show more
content on ...
In January 2015, the city of Flint warned residents that the water contained byproducts of
disinfectants used in an attempt to clean up the river" (Donlin 2017). Those that drink this water
would have an increase risk of cancer or can get ill from the chemicals such as lead, fecal coliform
bacterium, iron as well as chlorine. Flint, Michigan used to get its water from Great Lakes but a
switch occurred in April 2014. The water supply switched "from Lake Huron to the notoriously dirty
Flint River" (Donlin 2017). A state of emergency was declared in December 2015. Social media was
up and running trying their best to figure out ways to donate water to those that lived in Flint,
Michigan. Celebrities also had a helping hand in helping the residents affected by this disaster.
Although the disaster with Flint was a very popular topic through social networks, a good amount of
information was kept from the public. The news about the water being contaminated reached a wide
audience. However, the governor's office did not know how toxic the water was before the switch. It
is only when it was discovered "just how toxic the water was, they decided to keep quiet about it
and covered up the extent of the damage being done to Flint's residents, most notably the lead
affecting the children, causing irreversible and permanent brain damage" (Moore). Social networks
spoke about the issues in Flint, Michigan for
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Examples Of Parallelism In The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
Something Called Life
What is happiness? "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursula K. LeGuin, is a story in
which everybody would see it as a brutal and horrific story of a kid who is being incarcerated for
his/her whole life as an exchange of all the goodness and happiness of Omelas. However, the
narrator lets us know the misunderstanding concept of happiness that the Omelas people have, and
how vague and profound this feeling can be for certain people who are living in a "Fairy tale city."
As the story goes along, the irony, parallelism, and persuasion that the narrator is giving to the story
shows how elusive happiness seems to be for the people living in Omelas, and the selfishness they
can have when it comes to pursuing their "happiness." Irony is not ... Show more content on ...
Per instance, as the narrator describes Omelas' festival, he mentions a kid as, "A child of nine or ten
sits at the edge of the crowd, alone, playing on a wooden flute. People pause to listen, and they
smile, but they do not speak to him, for he never ceases playing and never sees them, his dark eyes
wholly rapt in the sweet, thin magic of the tune." This is one of the paragraphs in which the
unhappiness of a kid on the outside world seems to be obvious, and it is somehow related to the kid
who is living in the cell. As a matter of fact, the narrator describes what could happen if the kid who
is living in the cell is released, and he clearly makes a comparison in between these two kids. The
narrator explains, "Indeed, after so long it would probably be wretched without walls about it to
protect it, and darkness for its eyes, and its own excrement to sit in." Hence, the narrator uses
parallelism to show the fact of the kid, who is playing the wooden flute, as a reflection of the
incarcerated kid; as they both reflect darkness in their
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Code Of Conduct And The Workplace
Code of Conduct Within this work environment God calls us to love our family, we strive to make it
possible by creating a harmonious environment for all. Our home has put into place a few different
guidelines to help our staff to stay focused on our mission. Here at Providence we strive to make it a
gratifying workplace. We use different tools to encourage our staff to do their best along the way.
We do this by using the kudos board, which recognises staff, as well as our daily, monthly, and
quarterly get togethers that help facilitate positivity amongst the workplace. As an employer we try
to employ qualified individuals. We look not only at what skills, training, ability, attitude and charter
they have to offer, but what their heart has to stay about compassion for others as well. Providence
follows the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (EEOC) with the guidelines they have put
into place regarding age, sex, color, race, creed, origin, religion, marital status, citizenship status,
ancestry, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, veteran, or any other protected individual
by law ("Overview," n.d.). With employment we also offer equal health benefits to all qualifying
employees. Providence also provides benefits, as it relates to vacation, sick, and holiday time to
assist with a family focused environment. We courage our staff members to be with their own
family, just as much as we want them to be a part of ours. Family is something God called us to
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Outline The Importance Of Duty Of Care
A duty of care is a legal obligation taken on by carer, with the understanding that we are agreeing to
make sure that we provide a high standard and quality of care to our residents. Every person is
entitled to be supported and should be able to live in an environment such as a care home, which is
free from prejudice, safe from abuse, cared for in a reasonable, responsible and respectful manner
and where they can feel protected. Under the terms of duty of care, it is our responsibility to make
sure that we make this happen professionally, lawfully, and as always abide by policies and
procedures set out by our care setting. It is our role as carers, to ensure that all duties are carried out
safely and effectively. We must work alongside safeguarding policies and procedures and is
important that we all receive adequate training and refresher courses. Even though the basis and
foundations of duty of care will never change, factors which support it will. This is why we must
attend and be offered training so we can 'change with the times' and the service user, family and our
colleagues can have complete faith in us that we are trained to the best of our ability and national
standards. It is also our duty to record all relevant information, be it an accident or incident, an
occurrence, or even part of a daily care record. It must be factual, written in a professional, legible
manor, signed and dated. Where possible we need to document this sooner rather than later, whilst it
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Immigration Laws : Are They Fair
Immigration Laws: are they Fair to New Immigrants?
From Sea to Sea to Sea. This is the Canadian belief. All are welcome: from sea, to sea, to sea.
Canada, to this day, is one of the most open countries towards immigration in the world (Troper).
With a whopping 20.6% of its population identified as immigrants (Immigration...), Canada is
known for its generosity towards Immigrants and refugees all around the world. Though Canada
asks immigrants of certain qualifications (Tariq), it is nevertheless drastically easier to enter,
compared to most of other western developed countries (Debra). The process of Immigration to
Canada is attainable, and fair to immigrants of all status.
A common misconception of law, in general, is considering ... Show more content on ...
You might ask: "Where do all these immigrants come from, and who are they?" The answer is,
everyone. All, or almost all, are welcome to Canada. Whether you are an economic class, family
class, a refugee, or a temporary worker, you have the ability to apply for immigration and
citizenship. Unless you have a disease that could endanger public health, have no means of financial
support, or are known to be a criminal or a terrorist, you have the ability to apply for immigration to
Canada. Is prohibiting a terrorist from entering your country unfair? Not in my opinion. A great
number of people complain about Canada making it harder to immigrate by passing a new Act, but
this is not true. Immigration and Refugee Protection Act was passed in 2002, replacing the 1976
Immigration Act (Troper), and the new Act did have more restrictions on the less wealthy,
undereducated, and unskilled immigrants, but that does not make it unreasonable. Before this Act,
countless number of the skilled and educated could not immigrate because their place was taken by
immigrants that in many cases were not even educated. This was very frustrating. Imagine entering a
contest with a few friends and working very hard to win the prize, then watching as the
administrator hands the prize to a little kid who just happened to walk down the street that your
contest was taking place at. These people
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Summary Of ' Texas Woman 's University '
Kenya Freeman
Dr. Moore
English 1013
22 September 2014
Coming to TWU (Texas Woman's University) this fall for college was a good decision on my part.
Not only are the staff and faculty helpful but they are also there when you need them. When I came
on move in day I learned that my LLC (Living Learning Community) had a PA (Peer Advisor) and
an RA (Resident Assistant). Rachel (the PA) was and is always there when I need her and had never
let me down, and even though it is her job as a PA you can tell that she really does enjoy what she
does and likes helping others.
Becoming a PA is a way to not only help the new incoming students but also a way to know and
interact with the new residents, which is exactly why Rachel decided to become one, "I wanted to
interact with the residents and get to know them but not on the same level as an RA." There is a
huge difference between being an RA and being a PA, well at least to me there is. A PA links
residents to academic resources on the campus and helps the residents' transition from high school
level to college level. PAs serve as permanent extra resources that are available 24/7; if you do not
know how to study or build up your study habits they are there to help you with that. Not only are
the PAs living in the dorms with residents but they also share and serve as teacher assistants in the
UNIV 1231 course with the residents they are assigned to. The PAs are almost like academic
advisors in a way, they assist the residents with
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Legal Research Essay
1. Which statue deals with issues related to citizenship in Canada? Provide its full citation. What is
the full citation for the Regulation to this statute? 2. What is the best free, online source to find the
full text of this statute and the associated regulations? What is the currency date of the statute (on
that online source) as of the date you are submitting this assignment? 3. Was Maya a Canadian
citizen at birth, or did her parents have to apply for her to become a Canadian citizen? What sections
in the Statute and/or Regulations deal with this issue? 4. What if Jatinder died before Maya was
born? (Assume that he is her biological father.) Does that affect Maya's citizenship? 5. What if,
before Maya was born, the ... Show more content on ...
R.S., 1985, c. C–29, s. 9; 1992, c. 21, s. 8.
9) Resumption by application (Statue) S.11. (1) The Minister shall grant citizenship to any person
who, having ceased to be a citizen,
(a) makes an application for resumption of citizenship;
(b) is not the subject of an order of or a declaration by the Governor in Council made pursuant to
section 10 or 20 of this Act or section 18 of the former Act;
(c) is not under a removal order; and
(d) has become a permanent resident within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and
Refugee Protection Act and has, since having ceased to be a citizen and become a permanent
resident, resided in Canada for at least one year immediately preceding the date of the application.
(1.1) [Repealed, 2008, c. 14, s. 7]
Resumption of Citizenship (Regulation)
R.8. (1) An application made under subsection 11(1) of the Act shall be
(a) made in prescribed form;
(c) filed with the Registrar, together with the materials described in subsection (2).
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the materials required by this section are
(a) a birth certificate or other evidence that establishes the date and place of birth of the applicant;
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The Ridge Terrace Group Home
The caregivers at the homes assist in arranging medical care, such as routine appointments or
follow–up care as needed, in the event the resident or his or her guardians do not. In addition, a staff
member normally attends the resident's medical appointment. Each resident, or his or her guardian,
is allowed to seek treatment from a physician of their choice. If they do not chose a physician, the
group homes will bring the residents for medical care to consulting physicians. Frances House pays
its consulting physicians a total of $150 per month for their consulting services. The physicians then
bill the resident's insurance or public aid for the medical services provided.
The Ridge Terrace group home consists of a large ranch–style ... Show more content on ...
In Kenneth, Jr.'s situation, he was allowed to look at magazines and watch television due to his low
cognitive abilities. In the evenings, the residents participate in activities that are designed to develop
and reinforce such areas as social skills, stress management and independence with activities of
daily living.
According to Dina Bicker, Ridge Terrace's Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP), and
who presented very well at her deposition, Kenneth, Jr. initially was a pleasant resident that liked to
have fun with the other residents. However, starting in approximately 2005, he became abusive and
aggressive toward other residents and objects. His parents assert that his newly developed
aggressiveness was due to frustration resulting from the staff not allowing him to express his
emotions and not providing assistance with stress management.
After the staff unsuccessfully attempted to use behavior modification programs in an effort to
resolve his aggressive behavior, they took Kenneth, Jr. for an evaluation to Dr. Dennison, a
psychiatrist at Sinissippi Center. Dr. Dennison is not an employee of Frances House. Instead, he is
one of many health care professionals who are on Frances House's referral list.
Dr. Dennison evaluated Kenneth, Jr. on October 9, 2006, and diagnosed him with bipolar disorder.
To treat this condition, Dr. Dennison prescribed Depakote and
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What Is The Purpose Of A Nursing Home
The purpose of a nursing home is to keep our fragile elders in a place where they will feel
comfortable and in the hands of a medical team. Elders who are in need of assistance and care lands
in a nursing home and stays there. The purpose of a nursing home is to live there until the time
comes; so the jobs of the nurses, certified nurse assistance, companions, and the activities people is
to make their living and passing easy and comfortable. What others does not realize is what actually
happens behind the scenes versus what is supposed to happen in a nursing home. Anyone who has
never worked or enter this nursing home would think it is in asylum with some bland colors and
bells ringing nonstop. This resident's home (that I work in) does not even feel like a nursing home
but that of a mad house filled with sadness and aggravation. To ... Show more content on ...
The building considered as "the last stop" is called Royal Pines. This building consist of three
separate departments. The three departments are rehab, memory care, and long–term. Each of these
departments have their own rules and kind of residents who are grievously injured due to a fall, has
extreme Alzheimer's, and are unable to care for themselves anymore. Nevertheless, the nursing
home stated that "the residents are adventurous, interesting, active people" (Resident Stories) and
claims that the residents chose to live inside a nursing home. The erroneous statement can be proven
false. This nursing home is filled with residents who either cannot make their own decision, or are
very confused and wants to go home. These residents who has dementia or have problems
remembering or deciding on things do not make the decision to live in a nursing home. The ones
making the decisions for them are the younger family members. Mostly, the relatives who are closer
to the residents, for instance the son
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Immigration Policy : A Permanent Legal Resident
Under the current immigration policy, immigrants struggle to enter the U.S. legally due to the
limitation of becoming a permanent legal resident. One of the most common ways for immigrants to
come to the U.S. is by a temporary work visa. However, in order to continue living and working in
the U.S. after the specified period, immigrants must either apply for permanent residency or
overstay their visa. Due to the nature of the arduous process of obtaining permanent residency, many
immigrants choose to overstay their visa. This leads to the problem of having too many
undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. According to the Immigration Policy Center (IPC)
(2009), there are approximately "11 to 12 million unauthorized immigrants living in ... Show more
content on ...
The current immigration policy in the U.S. needs to be reformed by developing a new system that
allows for a more accessible entry for immigrants to enter the U.S. legally in order to maintain a
stable workforce in the agricultural area, to protect the United States' security, and to secure the
loose borderlines. The way in which the immigration policy is formed will create an impact on not
only the citizens of the United States, but also the country itself. As one of the most diverse
countries in the world, it is imperative for the U.S. to obtain and maintain a well organized and
efficient immigration system. The way that the current U.S. immigration system functions,
according to IPC (2009), is that "There are four main ways of immigrating legally and permanently
to the United States. If you don't fit into of these categories, you cannot qualify for permanent legal
status (p. 6). Based on the document published by the IPC (2009), the four ways to immigrating are
family–based immigration, employment–based immigration, humanitarian–based immigration, and
others. Due to the limited options and the loose interpretation of the others section on becoming a
legal permanent legal resident, visa caps are frequently outdated and at least 4 million U.S.–citizen
children have one parent that is an undocumented immigrant. In addition, regardless of the billions
of dollars spent on the system, immigration
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West Broadway, Or `` D Street ``
West Broadway, or "D Street", is a state–sponsored housing development in South Boston,
Massachusetts, whose history is plagued by delinquency, violence, and death. Constructed in 1949,
on a newly acquired 25–acre plot in Southie's "Lower End", West Broadway Housing Development
was to serve as temporary housing for veterans of the World Wars. By the early 1970s, however, the
development would be 972 apartments for low–income families, and would be known as the "worst
type of lower–class welfare housing." Built on South Boston's solid, naturally formed land, as
opposed to the neighborhood's man made areas, coupled with its proximity to the downtown district,
D Street is home to prime location in the community and the City of Boston. ... Show more content
on ...
As Michael Patrick McDonald contends, South Bostonians think of Southie as the "best place in the
world", and there is a silence that consumes the residents when it comes to discussing the woes of
the past. And in such a physically and culturally secluded area of the City of Boston, it is unlikely
that anything the citizens are not willing to discuss would be otherwise recorded. In speaking of lost
history, it is important to question the history far beyond the past 60 years. It is widely known that
Native Americans inhabited the Boston dating back 6,000 years. Nonetheless, many of their artifacts
have been lost over the years. However, over the past two years, Native American artifacts have
been discovered in the Andrew Square section of South Boston, not far from D Street. While it is
likely that most artifacts are lost forever because of the disregard for the area during development in
the 1950s, further exploration may be able to call attention to a distant history. Andrew Square too
went through radical development throughout the 20th century with no mention of Native American
presence, and I have not personally come across any literature concerning Indian history in relation
to South Boston or immediate areas, such as the Polish
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Benefits Of Being A Permanent Resident In Canada
Being a Permanent Resident in Canada
Once you arrive and cross into Canada through a Canadian port of entry with your valid passport
and your valid Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa, you will be considered a Permanent
Resident (PR) in Canada.
As a PR in Canada you are able to live, work and/or study in Canada and have access to a host of
services as well as a number of responsibilities you need to fulfil when living in Canada. Here is a
short list of rules, regulations, benefits and restrictions.
As a Canadian PR you will not be able to vote and will not be able to apply to certain jobs that
require a high security clearance or run for political office.
When traveling into and out of Canada,
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La Haile And Balibar Summary
The themes in La Haine and Balibar's article are intertwined. The violent nature of the riots were
based around the race, class, and religion of the residents of the banlieues and their anger at the
treatment they received. Violence in La Haine and Balibar's article are similar. La Haine showed the
police being antagonistic towards the main characters, much like they were during the real riots. The
police would target the youth who did not go to school or were done for the day. Also, with no jobs
in the banlieues, youths had nothing to do besides grouping together and causing trouble. This
would not have been terrible except for the fact many of them turned to criminal activities to support
themselves or their families. This lead to an association that people from the banlieues were nothing
but law breakers that deserved the increased police surveillance and targeting. The anger the
residents of the French ghettos felt would be taken out on the police when they were arrested and the
police reciprocated with violence. Residents were angry at the lack of job opportunities, the sigma
which prevented social mobility, and a general deterioration of the community. This was seen in La
Haine, the characters did not have adequate education, there were no jobs, therefore people would
resort to the drug ... Show more content on ...
However, this would still come from the people who live at the center of Paris or the police they
send in to control the situation. In La Haine, the three main characters were of different
backgrounds. They were white, black, and Arabic. Within the poor community, they saw no reason
to differentiate themselves based on religion or immigrant status, they would separate for more
personal reasons. This would be more of a territorial type situation or they would stay within the
same group of people as their
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Family Class As A Canadian Citizen Or Permanent Resident...
Family Class
The topic was I chose to do for this paper is family class. Family class immigrants are people who
are sponsored by their relatives to visit or to remain in Canada. The relative must be a Canadian
citizen or permanent resident of Canada. The purpose of taking family class into important it is to
help those who are in need of the guidance which should be provided. Throughout the process of
sponsoring a relative there are many factors and requirements which need to be fulfilled in order to
keep the process moving forward. If you are the one who is sponsoring, then you 're expected to
fulfil the basic needs of the individual you are sponsoring. Just like this there are many more factors
which need to be fulfilled in order for you to be illegible to sponsor. Basic needs include food,
shelter, clothing, and basic daily cost of the individual or family. You should be able to handle the
financial load which will be put after sponsoring. Aside from support from the one sponsoring SSW
workers can also provide help by giving advice for housing as well as family support so they can
help the family coming into Canada with daycares and also parenting classes. By this the
immigrants or refugees can some extra help to adapt to the new atmosphere. The main idea of
family class is to unite with your family and live together happily.
Chapter by Donald Payne:
The chapter by Donald Payne discuss the ethical issues related to the international political situation,
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Descriptive Essay About Nursing Home
As I walked through the doors of the nursing home I noticed most of the residents were sitting in the
hallways in their wheel chairs. Some of the residents were rolling down the hall with no destination
while others were carrying on conversations with other residents that had no idea they were even
talking to them. The aroma of the nursing home wasn't pleasant, it smelled like a place that was
quite familiar to me. My grandma's house, it smelled musty and as if every resident had mothballs in
their rooms. I also noticed the distinct smell of food coming from the kitchen I don't know why, but
all I could smell was what seemed to be broccoli. My sense of smell was defiantly being tested by
all the smells coming out of the rooms in the ... Show more content on ...
I told her I just put it on your legs, she looked at me confused so I stood back up and realized that
she had already had it back on the floor and somehow tangled into the wheel on her chair. I walk
back around the desk and pick up her blanket putting it back on her and making sure to tuck it under
her a little so it wouldn't fall off. As I was tucking her blanket my mom came out of a room she was
laughing at me I said what is so funny she said, "that's a game she likes to play she will keep you
picking that blanket up as long as you will keep doing it." I giggled and said I wondered how it got
on the floor so quickly the first time.
Lunch time rolled around and my mom was escorting people to the dining room. I asked my mom if
I could help push the residents to the dining room. She said yes, I don't see a problem with that so
one by one we pushed the residents that were already out in the hall to the dining room first. My
mom then went into the rooms and got the people that could walk out of their rooms and told them it
was time to eat, others that couldn't walk she put in the wheelchairs and brought them out of their
rooms I continued to help them get to the dining room. Once in the dining room my mom had to
serve them their treys of food. I see a guy wheeling himself away from the table with one hand he is
running into every wheelchair and table that he passes. I walk over to him and asked if I could help
him he looked at me with a smug look and said
... Get more on ...

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Latino Mental Health

  • 1. Latino Mental Health Immigration is the means for a individual that is not originally from an area or country to migrate to another area, "the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country" (Google, 2017). When an individual from a different country migrates into a foreign country they undergo "immediate stressors associated with meeting basic survival needs, losing the familiar, learning English, and meeting the demands of life in a new environment. They also soon face resettlement challenges of cop– ing with cultural change, mobilizing resources to meet their needs, and formulating future life goals" (Timberlake, Faber, Wall, Taylor, Sabatino, 2003) Immigrants usually rely on their spirituality, moral frameworks, culture framework and famility sustaining ... Show more content on ... They face discrimination and unfair treatment based on their lack of residency, accent, nativity status and unequal social benefits such as health care. Discrimination can affect their lifestyle negatively, keeping them from getting jobs and making their life better which in turn adds more stress. Immigrates migrating from a foreign country to make a better life but companies discriminate against them based on their immigration status "Immigration Status Discrimination occurs when an employer treats an individual differently based upon their citizenship or immigration status." (Workplace Fairness, 2017) an example from Canadian Immigration Experience: Dreams confront Reality a participant in there study said "felt frustrated as they felt potential employers discriminated against them and that they were overlooked as candidates for more highly qualified and better paying positions." (Khan, Watson, 2005) Due to such actions a law was created; "Immigration Reform and Control Act" a federal law that protects individuals from employment discrimination based on immigration or citizenship ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. End Of Life Care Case Study Q19: What is the palliative (end of life) care? Palliative care is a type of health care for clients and families facing life–threatening illness. It helps clients to achieve the best possible quality of life right up until end of life. Q20: How to care for a palliative client? A palliative client in a community should be cared with dignity, respect, warmth and empathy. Client's right to autonomy should also be respected by encouraging independence, during the end of stages of life, client's preference and choices should be respected. A palliative client should also be provided privacy at all time. Q21: What is accountability? The willingness to accept responsibility and to explain my actions, inactions or omission, intentions and decision. Accountability cannot be shared because it rests only on individual. Q22: How do you feed a client in the dining room? *I will wash my hands *Prepare meals according to swallowing ... Show more content on ... I will stay with the resident and call for help immediately, once help arrives, I will transfer the resident to the bed or chair safely. Let the charge nurse know immediately and help fill out the incident report by providing all the details related to the fall. Q26: What do you think are the three most important qualities in a support worker? First, I think positive attitude is very important. Many residents are depressed so I think it is important to stay positive to help them feel more comfortable Second, PSW should have a sense of responsibility. I think admitting my mistakes and fixing the mistakes are an important part of teamwork Third, friendly personality is a very important quality in a support worker it makes the residents feel comfortable. Q27 Name any five resident's rights and explain them? *Respect and dignity– Every resident has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect in a way that fully recognizes the resident's individuality and respects the resident's ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. How Alzheimer Is A Disease That Affects Your Cognitive And... When Alzheimer's knocks at your front door Alzheimer's is a disease that affects your cognitive and behavior abilities. Millions of people are diagnose worldwide. It is very common to know someone that has a love one or friend diagnosed with this disease. However, everything changes when you happen to know that someone very close to you will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's, my grandmother. My memorable journey onto the Alzheimer's world begins in my late twenties. I used to work as an activity director in a retirement home for senior citizens. I just knew for protocol that more than a quarter of the total population of the residents was diagnosed with Alzheimer's as a secondary diagnose. Every day was a joyful and fun experience for me; the interaction with the residents was so deep that became a personal on an ethical way. We've always begin our day with our daily chair fitness exercises. Every time I did something with them, I have always put a big, wide and wierd smile on me. Some of the residents would really appreciated that noble gesture, however, some of them would just tell me "what the hell are you always smiling about", I laughed so hard every time I heard them say foul language, I knew they did not meant saying that ( I hope so). I did not quite grasp why they acted like that, or why they were cranky and sad all the time, until the charge nurse educate me and told me that they act like not because they want or they mean it, it is because they have Alzheimer's prior ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Importance Of A Cross Functional Team Describe the teamwork required to operate Camphill Village. Hint: Refer to Exhibit 10–2 (Four Types of Teams) and pages 276–279 in your text book. Camphill Village requires everyone to do their part for the village to run successfully. The volunteers are there to make sure that the residents who live there are taken care of and stay safe. The type of teamwork that is seen at Camphill Village is a cross functional team, with all the volunteers and the residents coming together to make the village work. A cross functional team is when employees/individuals from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work areas come together to accomplish a task (Robbins & Judge, 2015). The residents and volunteers come from different backgrounds and have different skills, this allows Camphill Village to run successfully. What leadership, management, or mentoring roles are found at Camphill Village? The leadership, management or mentoring roles found at Camphill Village include, the volunteers that live and work with the residents that are developmentally disabled. The volunteers are mentoring these adults that in the real world would not be given a chance because of their disabilities. At Camphill Village there are leaders that are considered to be employee–oriented leaders, meaning that they emphasize interpersonal relations by taking an interest in the employees' needs and accepting individual differences among them (Robbin & Judge, 2015). This is shown with many of ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Community Duty Assessment Community & Duty Assessment Paper Throughout Rutgers University there are many different communities within the various residence halls on campus. Each of these communities contains a unique factor that distinguishes it from other communities, ranging from room style to floor sizes. In lieu of these unique communities, Resident Assistants (RAs) and Apartment Assistants (AAs) tend to carry out duty in different manners to best promote community building in their respective residence halls. As a future AA in the Silvers Apartments, I decided to shadow the Silvers AA on duty and see how they promote community and carry out duty. My night began in the Silvers Community Center (SCC), which was in the middle of all nine of the Silvers apartment ... Show more content on ... I want to know who my residents are and know how they are doing. I want to be am available resource they can contact when they need help. I plan to use a suggestion box where residents can let me know things they want me to work on in terms of programming and community outreach. Additionally, I plan to use my first six weeks of the semester to encourage residents to interact with at least one other apartment so that an inclusive community can be formed. Duty and community building are both imperative to creating a home away from home for residents. Being on duty provides an AA the opportunity to see residents and learn more about their community which in turn pays off when the AA holds programs that not only complete their requirements but are valuable to residents, prompting them to come out and build their community with ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Replace Permanent Resident Card Research Paper Instructions for application to replace permanent resident card 1. Instructions for Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card U.S Immigration Center 1623 Central Ave, Suite 145, Cheyenne, WY 82001 1–888–943–4625 support@usimmigration– 2. What Is the Purpose of Form I–90  This Form I–90is used by lawful permanent residents and permanent residents in commuter status to apply for replacement or renewal of existing Permanent Resident Cards.  Conditional permanent residents may also use this application to apply for replacement of an existing Permanent Resident Card. U.S. Immigration Center 3. Conditional Permanent Residents Status 1. If you became a conditional permanent resident through marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent ... Show more content on ... General Instructions If you are electronically filing this application, you must follow the instructions provided on the USCIS Web site: Signature –Each application must be properly signed and filed. For all signatures on this application, USCIS will not accept a stamped or typewritten name in place of U.S. Immigration Center 6. General Instructions Filing Fee. Each application must be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee and biometric services fee Evidence. At the time of filing, you must submit all evidence and supporting documentation listed in the Specific Instructions section of these instructions.U.S. Immigration Center 7. General Instructions Biometrics Services Appointment. USCIS may require that you appear for an interview or provide fingerprints, photograph, and/or signature at any time to verify your identity, obtain additional information, and conduct background and security checks, including a check of criminal history records U.S. Immigration Center 8. General Instructions Acknowledgement of Appointment at USCIS Application Support Center. Review the ASC Acknowledgement that appears in Part 5. of the application. The purpose of this acknowledgement is to confirm that you have completed your application, reviewed your responses, and verified that the information was provided by you and is complete, true, and correct.U.S. Immigration ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The At San Francesco Or Collegio La Salle If you are from Gejeret then you might just as well remember where Gejretians found refuge in 1975. I was one of those who took refuge at San Francesco or Collegio La Salle, which was administered by the Kerenite Fratelli, Fr. Michael, Fr. Kahsay, and Fr. Demsas. Later on, I heard Fr. Demsas joined the struggle but I 've no information if he made it to Independence Day. Also, rumor had it that afterwards, Fr. Misghina quit the La Salle seminary, got married and left for Sweden. And there is more of such news. The year 1975 ushered a turbulent and terrible times for Asmara residents who hitherto escaped the ugliness of the raging terror that was being carried out by the Derg. Most people from Gejeret stayed at home during daytime, and at night moved to La Salle to spend the night. Usually in the late afternoon, most of the people packed necessary supplies, took along mattress and blankets, and bagged other items, and headed to La Salle to spend the night. After some time, that became the daily routine, people were convinced it was the only way to evade falling victim and face the unimaginable cruelty and looting in the hands of the Derg security forces, the Tor Serawti who became extremely active during the night. Two safe places became safe havens for the residents of Gejeret: San Francesco and La Salle. They offered relative security and peaceful night. Meanwhile, many residents of Asmara trekked to the countryside around Asmara where they found refuge. The rural areas ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. 'Chips' By Morren Summary Activism, especially political activism grows and shrinks because of the role of awareness. Morren also talks about the role of awareness as a factor leading to outrage in his book "CHIPS". For example, some ways that Awareness may grow, according to Morren, include things such as the continued expansion of the problem, increased knowledge of how to deal with a particular kind of problem, and the ability of victims of new incidents to place credible claims due to government responsibility. In addition to the ways that awareness may grow, there are more ways for awareness to not grow. For instance, Morren states that awareness may need a jump start of a catalyzing event, or the accumulation of small incidents and experiences affecting the people ... Show more content on ... Because outrage is something that people feel, the problem/situation has to affect them in some way (direct or indirect) in which he or she must care for. Ultimately, the reasons for why awareness may and may not grow as discussed in "Chips" can be directly related to Edelstein's description of how events unfolded at Legler in Contaminated Communities. When examining this case study on Legler, the residents sought Legler as a place where one can escape, chase the American Dream, settle down permanently, and raise their children. Most people who also came here put down all their money to move into this community to chase their American Dream, yet things would shortly seem to be the exact opposite. Firstly, the disaster at Legler started off with growing awareness of the use of landfills. In Chips, Morren states that "The Township reassured residents successfully with promises of rigorous control of dumping and the like". Also, over time, some new citizens were unaware of the landfills existence that used to be old mining pits leading deep into the ground. This directly relates to Edelsteins description of how events unfolded at ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Descriptive Essay Rosita Cardenas PBSV 101 Visco & McLean 16 September, 2017 Albion Michigan Heavy traffic, blaring sirens, and stress linger in the atmosphere of my hometown Houston. Before coming to Albion, Houston was all I knew about the city. The word city, can be defined as an abundance of things yet, as "Love Where You Live" stated in, "great cities you sense a spirit of generosity visible in small gestures and the large, and it is these that can make ordinary places extraordinary even if they are down heel"(16), yet my hometown seemed to fit the description in a peculiar manner. I lived in Houston for the majority of my life, but I cannot say that I sense a link between it and myself. Setting foot into Albion is the complete opposite. Albion drew me in with its peaceful vibes and welcoming faces. Every time I step outside I am in awe of the greenery surrounding me; whenever I take a walk and run into a stream I am baffled at the fact that the water is so clear that I can see the bottom, that I can hear the chirrup of crickets in the grass. Upon first sight, the city of Albion mimics a ghost town since it looks extremely run down. Old buildings, torn up roads, and overgrown vines creeping over the skeleton of Rust Belt prosperity. Approaching Albion College the scenery begins to change. The sidewalks, for instance, get colorful plants are all around, and the density of passersby begins to go up. While it is clear that Albion is no longer in its prime with a population of 8,337; ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Importance Of Proper Time Management Towards My Duty HELEN GOMED'S JOURNAL Week 1 It was a stressful week because it was ANZAC holiday. Usually, the residents were expected to attend the ANZAC ceremony at 0900. Thus the showering and the cares should be finished before then. However, the list of residents assigned to me was one of the hardest ones because 8 out of 9 residents on that list were for shower and clothing assistance and I only have 2 hours to comply. It was quite impossible obviously due to the number of residents to be taking cared of. Fortunately, I still managed to survive by doing the most probable ones that will attend the ceremony and do the rest later on. So I had surveyed them and there were 5 residents for priority cares. And so it became attainable for me to do it. After that, I do not need to hurry because the rest of my residents will not attend the ceremony anyway. I was able to use proper time management towards my duty. Week 2 It was a morning shift and the list of residents that I need to look after were the ones who were very particular with their timings. For example, one resident would like to be showered first, the other one needs his food at 0900H, the other one needs to be showered at 0830H. Every little detail should be noted and carried out. I should be aware of my time or else they will scold at me or worst, complain to the management. Not only that, I was assigned to look after 10 residents at that time, which was a very heavy workload. What I did then was I constantly watched my time and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Personal Narrative Essay : The Best Days Of My Childhood One of the best days of my childhood was the day my older brother rolled his sparkling new bike up the driveway. I remember it fondly, it was a summers day and I sat on the front stoop of my small little home with my mom watching my dad and brother unload the new bicycle from our family minivan. Lime green hammerhead sharks wrapped around the cobalt blue aluminum framing and silver hand breaks glittered in the sunlight. When my brother and I were kids, having a bike was a gateway to freedom and more independence. I'd watch Kenneth race up and down the cracked sidewalk on the silver Gremlin bike awaiting my turn to ride. My instincts to keep up with my big brother would boil, I coveted that Gremlin and when I did get the chance to ride it, I felt brave. Kenneth's new Hammerhead bike meant the Gremlin was finally mine, a hand me down that was just out of reach for years. That evening we strapped on our helmets and raced down the sidewalks together and followed my dad around the neighborhood. I remember peddling past the library, stopping to get a donut at the supermarket, through parks and toward my tiny preschool, Evergreen Christian. When I still lived in Alger Heights I was too young to understand the story of the neighborhood and the social sciences involved in this community, so when my group chose this neighborhood I was excited to learn more about the community I was raised in. I returned to the neighborhood a few weeks ago and instead of exploring on my Gremlin ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. My Mission Trip to Jamaica In tenth grade I was enrolled in conformation class at my parish church. This was the first time I had really started getting involved with my Church parish. The big event everyone was talking about for the upcoming summer was the mission trip to Jamaica. My first thoughts about this trip were to stay away from it. I found myself not wanting to get involved with a huge event like this. Leaving the United States is something that I have never done before. A whole week away from home is something that scared me at the time. I kept it in the back of my head throughout the year and the time came to make my decision. The decision I made would, without me realizing it, change my life forever. My trip to Jamaica would teach me just how blessed I am. The anticipation before the trip got worse as time went by. The type of person who wanted to be the least involved was definitely me. I was always the type of person to get worried over the small things. Instead of seeing the big picture, I found myself analyzing all the tiny details. Approaching conformation class with this attitude was hard. I was never really giving these classes a chance. Conformation class was the last thing I wanted to be doing on my Sunday nights. The reason I went to these classes was because my parents forced me too. The only place I wanted to be was at home on my computer. The days went by and the summer drew closer. The time was finally here to register for the trip. I arrived in Kingston, Jamaica only ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Reflection Paper A New Perspective In my senior year of high school, I earned my Certified Nurse Aid licensure. This was a huge accomplishment for me because I would love to have a job in the medical field and this was an opportunity to get my foot in the door. I was hired by a nursing home in Wilmington, I couldn't wait to go to work and start making real money. I have to admit, I was mainly excited for the huge pay raise compared to my previous landscaping job. When I started my job, I was mainly working to earn a paycheck. It didn't take long for me to realize that my job wasn't just a job. My duties as a Certified Nurse Aid included assisting the residents with everyday activities, cleaning, and recording vitals. In the beginning, I found myself just going through the motions and doing whatever was asked of me. Normally, I work third shift which is from 11pm–7pm. I decided to work this shift because I wouldn't have to give up my precious hours during the day. Also, I assumed it would be easier because all the residents would be asleep. I really enjoyed my job, I knew I was helping people and that made me feel good. It just didn't seem to sink in that what I was doing was having a huge impact on other people's lives. Soon enough. I would realize how important my job was. I went into work at 11:00 pm one night, not motivated at all. When I got to work, I clocked in and sat in the office and messed with my phone. All of a sudden, I got this feeling to go check on this one particular lady. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Modello Summary Critical Review Considering that Modello is based on a true story and using interviews from the actual residents and those that helped them I think that very little in this book is based on speculation. While there are some opinions of how others are thinking or what they are doing that can be considered speculation it is usually followed up with an interview portion with the person to get their actual thoughts and behaviors. I think that Jack does a good job of providing supporting evidence in this book and through various updates in the editions he has kept the reader up to date with any changes that may have occurred. I particularly enjoyed the last section covering Hurricane Andrew because I think it outlines resiliency in action. I ... Show more content on ... I would recommend it to other people who need to be encouraged in various ways. Perhaps it is a burnt–out therapist who feels that they are not helping people at all, or a person who can identify with one of the resident's in the book. Every person in this book showed resiliency, not just the Modello residents. The people who were helping the residents at one time or another experienced a setback and they used the training they had and the people around them to bounce back. When Hurricane Andrew hit, many of the women that were highlighted in this book used the three principles to help them get through the storm and be thankful for living through it. They used what they learned in Modello to become resilient and through that training they taught others how they can be resilient too. Through this book I even learned that the resiliency of my childhood and adolescences isn't lost, it's still there when I need it. I just don't think about it anymore just like the ladies in Modello didn't think about it when they were using it after Hurricane ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Reaction Paper On Poison Water According to documentary "poison water" by Nova "Since the late 1950s, G.M. closed seven major facilities in the region. Tens of thousands of jobs were lost. In 2011, with the city close to bankruptcy, Governor Rick Snyder stripped power from city officials and assigned a series of emergency managers to fix Flint's financial crisis. " In order to save money, Michigan state took over Flint and started using it as their water source stating from April 2014.The switch from lake Huron to Flint river ended up being a awful to the residents. The flint water was not being treated inadequately. Even though the government of Michigan knew about this, they weren't willing to do anything about it. Because of that, the residents were being affected in many ways. The residents started noticing that the water was starting to have an odor and changing colors. On top of that, they started noticing that the water was affecting their children's skins and that the water is thinning their hair.This is not the only way the residents are being affected. From the unmonitored excessive amount of led that is out in Flint's water, these people are exposed to possibly permanent lead poison and other health effects.These people can't even move out because it's almost impossible to sell their houses in the arias that are affected by this water,and these residents are forced to stay and knowingly use the contaminated water. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Summary Of The Diary Of A Young Girl Dane Williams Social Studies Mrs. Brasil Book Review– The Diary of a Young Girl May 23, 2017 The Diary of a Young Girl is an interesting read. Sad when you realize a young girl's life was taken away in such a horrible and selfish manner. Hopeful and optimistic is often the tone of Ann's writing. Anne probably never imagined her diary would be made public and read the world over. I am not sure she would have written so openly and honestly if she had thought that would be the case. This book allows the reader to see through the eyes of a teenager the outward experience of war and the inward degradation of the human spirit of eight humans confined in fear and constant isolation. As the title implies, The Diary of a Young Girl, this book ... Show more content on ... Here for the first time we see Mrs. Franks personality in black and white. Anne writes "No one could possibly sleep there unless we cleared it up. But Mother and Margot were really suffering, and they were too tired and unhappy to help. They just lay down on their beds, so Father and I did it all. We worked all day, until we were so tired that we fell into bed too. There was no hot meal, but we didn't care. We worked all the next day, too... (Frank, 1952)" Anne also shows a surprising glimpse of maturity here. Reality of their circumstances has her reflecting on what will happen in the future. Shortly after the Frank's arrive at the Annex they are joined by the van Daans. Now they are seven. Peter van Daan was a 15–year–old boy. The secret annex has a book case built in front of the door to conceal the entrance. Anne doesn't care much for Mrs. Van Daan. Friends are bringing the kids' books to continue their education. At this point we also learn that there is no bathroom. They use a chamber pot to eliminate, take baths using a bowl of water. There isn't much privacy either. They can listen to a radio that is in the warehouse office (the annex is located in a warehouse) when no one is at the warehouse. They have to be silent during the work day, they cannot take the risk of someone hearing them. In November of 1942, the seven become eight, Mr. Dussel joins the two families. He is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. A Real When Starting Off By Jhumpa Lahiri Jhumpa Lahiri is an author who has been dubbed as a completely unique writer with her own style, as her collection of short stories in her novel Interpreter of Maladies, allows readers to feel sympathetic for the characters in her complex yet relatable storylines. The overarching theme behind her stories is how people experience the twists and turns of life, as they are faced with countless hardships, whether it is immigration issues, spouse issues, or people just trying to search for happiness. However, each character in the different storylines all have such diverse backgrounds that readers may feel sympathetic to a variety of Jhumpa Lahiri's characters. One character that stands out from the rest is Boori Ma, written in the story of "A Real ... Show more content on ... One day, Boori Ma decides to take a walk and reaches as far as the produce markets in Bow Bazaar. Unfortunately, when Boori Ma returns, she is looked down upon in pity. The residents are enraged when their basin, which is just newly bought for the building and is a luxury that had never been given to the residents, is stolen. One of the residents hollered "'This is all her doing...She informed the robbers. Where was she when she was supposed to guard the gate?'" (81). Boori only responds with "Believe me, believe me. I did not inform the robbers" (81). What is most shocking is that the residents accuse her of lying, and it is all consequently because of the false stories that Boori Ma would tell them. One of them says "Boori Ma's mouth is full of ashes. But that is nothing new. What is new is the face of this building. What a building like this needs is a real durwan" (82). For readers, it is so depressing how Boori Ma is done wrong after all of her diligence being a gatekeeper. Although Boori Ma chose to tell stories despite exaggerating them, she is oblivious to the fact that the neighbors now think of her as a liar. Once the neighbors lose trust in her, she is destined to be done wrongly by the neighbors even after one ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Tma Pros And Cons What is the job aspect for TMA? Interview 2 other staffs at the same time: Tina (RN) and Cherlym (RN) What are the pros and cons to working in this type of service? Pros: the emotion connection you have with some of the resident. For instance, you are able to gain a close relationship with the resident. Family recognition i as it feels good that family members are able to single out your job well done and this make you feels good after your work hours. Other pros would be how some resident are able to make you laugh and happy. However, this relate to one of the cons, as some resident are able to make you frustrated, cry, laugh, scream, and happy at the same time during some of the resident difficult behavior. Therefore, mixed emotion at the ... Show more content on ... RN is needed in every hospital setting. STRATEGY 2: Monitor feeling while working at my internship site One experience that made me glad that I did this internship is that I was really touched when a lady was saying goodbye to me after I drop her off at her home. She told me to take care of myself and to be a good girl. This experience touched me as someone I just met gave me some good blessing. One of the things I didn't like while being at the internship was when I had to interact with two ladies. I was told to instruct them in where to go for the activity we were doing. When I was instructing the two ladies where to go, they were harsh on me with their comments as they were cranky. They kept asking why we were starting the activity late and asking where everyone is and why there are no people. It was hard to communicate with them as they kept complaining to me about the activity being late. I believe one of my vocational values is helping people or being there for people. I am able to achieve this at my internship as I am able to help my supervisor with activity and setting things up. In addition, I am able to assist the resident at the site as I am transporting them to places or sometime saying hi which makes their ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. My Family Permanent Resident Status I am going to America; I kept retrospection in my mind. My Parents and elder sister have already traveled to the United States a couple of months back. I was living with my father 's cousin for the mean time and my two younger sisters were staying with my mom 's friend. The news is now out in our little town, on the outskirts of Lagos. Are you going to America? That was the question most people kept asking me. I do not know was usually my reply, trying to be coy about it. In Nigeria, going to the United States is perceived as winning the lottery, which is ironic because my father won the visa lottery that guaranteed my whole family permanent resident status in the United States. The town my family and I lived in Nigeria is called Ifo. It ... Show more content on ... The only downside is that everyone cannot afford to go to school. Even though there is free education for the public schools. Private schools are often better. My dad worked for the Electoral commission of Nigeria and my mom was a math teacher in a high school so they were able to send me to a really good school. Unfortunately for one of my colleagues, he had to drop out of middle school because he could not afford the tuition and he had to hawk bread so that his parents can pay the rent. He was a very brilliant student but unfortunately could not get an education. Till this day, I am sad he did not complete his education. He would always talk about how he wanted to be a doctor and I think he had the potential to be one. Who knows if he could have been the one to find a cure for cancer? There are other unfortunate students like him who cannot complete school for various reasons. The education system is good but not everyone is given a chance to learn. We also were not allowed to speak our local languages in school and the teachers referred to them as vernaculars. I have been afraid of teachers my whole life because I was conditioned to fear them. Teachers in school for any mistake I made often beat me flogged me and that fear has been instilled in me. The African culture is still there but it is gradually diminishing and most people are adopting the Western culture. Which takes me to the movie industry and music. Nigeria has the third largest movie ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Analysis Of The Community Is Anomic, By Kirst Ashman Watts Community is anomic, According to Kirst–Ashman (2014) anomic refers to a failed community which is dysfunctional and provides little social support. An anomic community has not or does not take advantage of outside linkages; there is no sense of belonging to the community. Some conditions that illustrate the Watts neighborhood is anomic are the residents of the community live in fear and do not trust each other. The community fails to address persistent problems poverty, unemployment, and lack of financial resources for education. Also, the community was alienated and isolated from interacting with other sections of the city. They lived in poor housing conditions. Gangs, guns, crime, destruction, and drugs surrounded the neighborhood. There was no investment in the schools or the children of the community. The community was not in harmony with each other. Through stratification, political discrimination occurred, based on their wealth and social, economic status. Residents of the city lacked purpose which brought on depression. There is no identity among the citizens. Oppression, discrimination, and unjust treatment are just a few issues that plagued the community. Researchers Williams and Kristin (2010) states historically, trauma is the result of stressful events that overwhelms an individual ability to cope with stressors and life events. African Americans suffered from multiple injuries as a result of slavery, racism, and discrimination. Community is ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Why I Am Working At The Room At 07.45 Am Using A Code At A... On 30 December 2015 I was on duty. I reported at the reception at 07.45 AM using a code at the device from the entrance as I am working in a Care Home where the residents suffer from Dementia and due to their condition related with memory loss need to be protected as they can leave but not able to remember the way back in accordance with SOVA legislation; using my fog to clock in and also signing into the staff book in case of of fire and the place need to be evacuated. Then I change my clothes and put on my uniform and my black shoes, put all my belongings into my locker including my phone, put my hair up and check my uniform to look nice and to have my badge with my name on it; all in accordance with company Policies and ... Show more content on ... At 8.20 MR J was awake , I have knock on his door , go in said "good morning" and introduce my self; he recognise me, he said "good morning" back and asking for a cup of tea. I give him a cup of tea and I ask him if he want a shower or a bath before breakfast . He refused saying probably he will have a bath in the afternoon, as today he is not in a good mood. Then offer him a choice of clothes to wear, he also refused me to help him to get dressed and with personal care as he is self toileting but although said "thank you". I have reported to the nurse that he is not in a good mood as was concerning me little bit. Then I went to check on MR B, I have knock on his door he did not answer; he was already dressed and sitting in his armchair watching on the window saying "look......" without looking at something particularly, I have said "good morning" and he answer back ; introduce my self and let him know that is nearly breakfast time and I have ask him if he wants his breakfast in his room or if he want to come in dining area to join the others for breakfast; he looks very confused. The last of my residents is MRS M , I have knock on her door , go in saying "good morning" she did not answer , she was awake in her bed and talking by her self. I have ask one of my colleagues to help ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Body Position Of The Resident enjoyed ice cream, and I tried to combine the meals with bites of ice cream in between. He seemed to like the sensations created by the differences in taste and temperature. In addition, I sat and talked with Henry as well as offered encouragement. It also helped when I added sweetening or lightly salted the food whenever possible. This strategy worked well in maintaining his weight and health. Feeding elderly's who had dysphagia or difficulty swallowing also proved challenging. When one had difficulty swallowing, they might cough when they eat or drink. They can choke on foods and fluids, so they were unable to drink liquids like water, juice, tea or coffee or food safely. The option for liquids was water and fluids that were as thick as honey. These thick fluids were good for elderly's who were at risk for choking on thin fluids, like water. The body position of the resident was also very important when they had difficulty swallowing. For instance, a resident by the name of Ms. Good had dysphagia or difficulty swallowing and was bed ridden. Strategies I used with feeding her for safety purposes were as followed: I positioned her in a 60–90 degree upright position with the head flexed forward and midline. Her pillows were positioned behind the lower back to help stabilize or to prevent reflux (food flows back). This technique was also important in order to reduce aspiration, which is when the food or drinks enters into the lung, which can cause serious complication, ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. My Canadian Permanent Resident Status I immigrated to Canada 5 years ago and started my life from scratch. Although every newcomer has his own immigration and adaptation experience, there are almost always undeniable difficulties associated with this process. As for me, I had to make a hard decision a few years ago. As far as I can see, it is the root cause of my current problems. I was a successful Graphic Design student and had a 4.0 GPA. Moreover, I received a Certificate of Excellence, and, of course, I had high hopes for a brilliant career and a bright future. However, I had to leave a college when I was a final–year student, only a few months before a final project submission. I had to do that in order to keep my Canadian permanent resident status. Thus, I came to ... Show more content on ... However, my joy is marred by the fact that I have to cope with significant financial problems. During all these years I was forced to take low–wage jobs and, as a result, I don't have any savings. I live on my own. My amazing parents have supported me morally and financially throughout my life, but they are not young already and close to retirement age. As a 30–year–old woman, I realize that very soon it will be my turn to take care of them. I live alone and have to pay all learning and living costs and to support myself. My student loan will not cover my accommodation costs. These are the realities of my life. That is why receiving this scholarship means a lot to me. It will give me the opportunity to complete my education and subsequently will allow me to succeed in life. Therefore, any financial help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration. My choice of a Dental Assistant program was not occasional. When I was 21 years old, I was involved in a terrible accident. I have been seriously injured after I was thrown off the back of a motorcycle. My physical recovery process was long and painful. However, in spite of numerous injuries, I successfully moved through the recovery process. Strangely enough, I was not concerned about broken shoulder, ankle fracture, and even my injured facial bones. I knew that I was strong enough mentally and physically to cope with that. ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Why Nurses Are An Advocate For Residents And The Advocacy... Beliefs are individualised opinions and a set of core convictions that can support our actions as humans. I believe that it is beneficial for nurses and residents to embrace the aspects of person– centred care rather than focusing on the tasks particularly in a gerontological care setting. I also believe that nurses have a significant role in fighting for resident's rights and advocacy. This paper highlights factors that are beneficial in the provision of person–centred care in aged care facilities. Also, the author wants to discuss how significant the nurses are as an advocate for residents and to identify ways in promoting resident advocacy. The said beliefs will focus on care in the elderly that may help in achieving their self–worth and will lead to positive health outcome. This essay will enumerate beliefs and correlate it to evidence base research. The role of the nurses in caring and advocacy comes with great responsibility. There are certain values that a nurse should possess. Caring for a vulnerable person such as the elderly requires patience and extensive understanding. There are several approaches that a nurse set into practice when giving care to a person. One factor is focusing on the tasks, for instance, taking of vital signs, wound dressing and attending to personal hygiene. Another factor is a person–oriented care wherein the nurse focuses on knowing the resident, their beliefs, preference and applying it to the practice of tasks. Caring is more than just a ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Essay On Social Media Bernadette Tshibwabwa 103859195 Kristina Verner 03–60–29–91 June 1, 2017 Social Media : Connecting Communities of Interest Year after year, social media has grown to have a significant impact on society. Social media is a form of communication that impacts communities whether it be about crime, life, gossip or politics. Social media is used because it is the easiest way to spread the word to the rest of the world. Above all, media platforms seem to have a large impact on how communities as well as the world when a natural or human created disaster occurs . People tend to respond to these disasters through different discourses. Although social media has this impact, the outcome of how the situation is handled is never the same. It could ... Show more content on ... In January 2015, the city of Flint warned residents that the water contained byproducts of disinfectants used in an attempt to clean up the river" (Donlin 2017). Those that drink this water would have an increase risk of cancer or can get ill from the chemicals such as lead, fecal coliform bacterium, iron as well as chlorine. Flint, Michigan used to get its water from Great Lakes but a switch occurred in April 2014. The water supply switched "from Lake Huron to the notoriously dirty Flint River" (Donlin 2017). A state of emergency was declared in December 2015. Social media was up and running trying their best to figure out ways to donate water to those that lived in Flint, Michigan. Celebrities also had a helping hand in helping the residents affected by this disaster. Although the disaster with Flint was a very popular topic through social networks, a good amount of information was kept from the public. The news about the water being contaminated reached a wide audience. However, the governor's office did not know how toxic the water was before the switch. It is only when it was discovered "just how toxic the water was, they decided to keep quiet about it and covered up the extent of the damage being done to Flint's residents, most notably the lead affecting the children, causing irreversible and permanent brain damage" (Moore). Social networks spoke about the issues in Flint, Michigan for ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Examples Of Parallelism In The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Something Called Life What is happiness? "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursula K. LeGuin, is a story in which everybody would see it as a brutal and horrific story of a kid who is being incarcerated for his/her whole life as an exchange of all the goodness and happiness of Omelas. However, the narrator lets us know the misunderstanding concept of happiness that the Omelas people have, and how vague and profound this feeling can be for certain people who are living in a "Fairy tale city." As the story goes along, the irony, parallelism, and persuasion that the narrator is giving to the story shows how elusive happiness seems to be for the people living in Omelas, and the selfishness they can have when it comes to pursuing their "happiness." Irony is not ... Show more content on ... Per instance, as the narrator describes Omelas' festival, he mentions a kid as, "A child of nine or ten sits at the edge of the crowd, alone, playing on a wooden flute. People pause to listen, and they smile, but they do not speak to him, for he never ceases playing and never sees them, his dark eyes wholly rapt in the sweet, thin magic of the tune." This is one of the paragraphs in which the unhappiness of a kid on the outside world seems to be obvious, and it is somehow related to the kid who is living in the cell. As a matter of fact, the narrator describes what could happen if the kid who is living in the cell is released, and he clearly makes a comparison in between these two kids. The narrator explains, "Indeed, after so long it would probably be wretched without walls about it to protect it, and darkness for its eyes, and its own excrement to sit in." Hence, the narrator uses parallelism to show the fact of the kid, who is playing the wooden flute, as a reflection of the incarcerated kid; as they both reflect darkness in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Code Of Conduct And The Workplace Code of Conduct Within this work environment God calls us to love our family, we strive to make it possible by creating a harmonious environment for all. Our home has put into place a few different guidelines to help our staff to stay focused on our mission. Here at Providence we strive to make it a gratifying workplace. We use different tools to encourage our staff to do their best along the way. We do this by using the kudos board, which recognises staff, as well as our daily, monthly, and quarterly get togethers that help facilitate positivity amongst the workplace. As an employer we try to employ qualified individuals. We look not only at what skills, training, ability, attitude and charter they have to offer, but what their heart has to stay about compassion for others as well. Providence follows the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (EEOC) with the guidelines they have put into place regarding age, sex, color, race, creed, origin, religion, marital status, citizenship status, ancestry, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, veteran, or any other protected individual by law ("Overview," n.d.). With employment we also offer equal health benefits to all qualifying employees. Providence also provides benefits, as it relates to vacation, sick, and holiday time to assist with a family focused environment. We courage our staff members to be with their own family, just as much as we want them to be a part of ours. Family is something God called us to ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Outline The Importance Of Duty Of Care A duty of care is a legal obligation taken on by carer, with the understanding that we are agreeing to make sure that we provide a high standard and quality of care to our residents. Every person is entitled to be supported and should be able to live in an environment such as a care home, which is free from prejudice, safe from abuse, cared for in a reasonable, responsible and respectful manner and where they can feel protected. Under the terms of duty of care, it is our responsibility to make sure that we make this happen professionally, lawfully, and as always abide by policies and procedures set out by our care setting. It is our role as carers, to ensure that all duties are carried out safely and effectively. We must work alongside safeguarding policies and procedures and is important that we all receive adequate training and refresher courses. Even though the basis and foundations of duty of care will never change, factors which support it will. This is why we must attend and be offered training so we can 'change with the times' and the service user, family and our colleagues can have complete faith in us that we are trained to the best of our ability and national standards. It is also our duty to record all relevant information, be it an accident or incident, an occurrence, or even part of a daily care record. It must be factual, written in a professional, legible manor, signed and dated. Where possible we need to document this sooner rather than later, whilst it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Immigration Laws : Are They Fair Immigration Laws: are they Fair to New Immigrants? From Sea to Sea to Sea. This is the Canadian belief. All are welcome: from sea, to sea, to sea. Canada, to this day, is one of the most open countries towards immigration in the world (Troper). With a whopping 20.6% of its population identified as immigrants (Immigration...), Canada is known for its generosity towards Immigrants and refugees all around the world. Though Canada asks immigrants of certain qualifications (Tariq), it is nevertheless drastically easier to enter, compared to most of other western developed countries (Debra). The process of Immigration to Canada is attainable, and fair to immigrants of all status. A common misconception of law, in general, is considering ... Show more content on ... You might ask: "Where do all these immigrants come from, and who are they?" The answer is, everyone. All, or almost all, are welcome to Canada. Whether you are an economic class, family class, a refugee, or a temporary worker, you have the ability to apply for immigration and citizenship. Unless you have a disease that could endanger public health, have no means of financial support, or are known to be a criminal or a terrorist, you have the ability to apply for immigration to Canada. Is prohibiting a terrorist from entering your country unfair? Not in my opinion. A great number of people complain about Canada making it harder to immigrate by passing a new Act, but this is not true. Immigration and Refugee Protection Act was passed in 2002, replacing the 1976 Immigration Act (Troper), and the new Act did have more restrictions on the less wealthy, undereducated, and unskilled immigrants, but that does not make it unreasonable. Before this Act, countless number of the skilled and educated could not immigrate because their place was taken by immigrants that in many cases were not even educated. This was very frustrating. Imagine entering a contest with a few friends and working very hard to win the prize, then watching as the administrator hands the prize to a little kid who just happened to walk down the street that your contest was taking place at. These people ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Summary Of ' Texas Woman 's University ' Kenya Freeman Dr. Moore English 1013 22 September 2014 Coming to TWU (Texas Woman's University) this fall for college was a good decision on my part. Not only are the staff and faculty helpful but they are also there when you need them. When I came on move in day I learned that my LLC (Living Learning Community) had a PA (Peer Advisor) and an RA (Resident Assistant). Rachel (the PA) was and is always there when I need her and had never let me down, and even though it is her job as a PA you can tell that she really does enjoy what she does and likes helping others. Becoming a PA is a way to not only help the new incoming students but also a way to know and interact with the new residents, which is exactly why Rachel decided to become one, "I wanted to interact with the residents and get to know them but not on the same level as an RA." There is a huge difference between being an RA and being a PA, well at least to me there is. A PA links residents to academic resources on the campus and helps the residents' transition from high school level to college level. PAs serve as permanent extra resources that are available 24/7; if you do not know how to study or build up your study habits they are there to help you with that. Not only are the PAs living in the dorms with residents but they also share and serve as teacher assistants in the UNIV 1231 course with the residents they are assigned to. The PAs are almost like academic advisors in a way, they assist the residents with ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Legal Research Essay 1. Which statue deals with issues related to citizenship in Canada? Provide its full citation. What is the full citation for the Regulation to this statute? 2. What is the best free, online source to find the full text of this statute and the associated regulations? What is the currency date of the statute (on that online source) as of the date you are submitting this assignment? 3. Was Maya a Canadian citizen at birth, or did her parents have to apply for her to become a Canadian citizen? What sections in the Statute and/or Regulations deal with this issue? 4. What if Jatinder died before Maya was born? (Assume that he is her biological father.) Does that affect Maya's citizenship? 5. What if, before Maya was born, the ... Show more content on ... R.S., 1985, c. C–29, s. 9; 1992, c. 21, s. 8. 9) Resumption by application (Statue) S.11. (1) The Minister shall grant citizenship to any person who, having ceased to be a citizen, (a) makes an application for resumption of citizenship; (b) is not the subject of an order of or a declaration by the Governor in Council made pursuant to section 10 or 20 of this Act or section 18 of the former Act; (c) is not under a removal order; and (d) has become a permanent resident within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and has, since having ceased to be a citizen and become a permanent resident, resided in Canada for at least one year immediately preceding the date of the application. (1.1) [Repealed, 2008, c. 14, s. 7] Resumption of Citizenship (Regulation) R.8. (1) An application made under subsection 11(1) of the Act shall be (a) made in prescribed form; (c) filed with the Registrar, together with the materials described in subsection (2). (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the materials required by this section are (a) a birth certificate or other evidence that establishes the date and place of birth of the applicant; ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Ridge Terrace Group Home The caregivers at the homes assist in arranging medical care, such as routine appointments or follow–up care as needed, in the event the resident or his or her guardians do not. In addition, a staff member normally attends the resident's medical appointment. Each resident, or his or her guardian, is allowed to seek treatment from a physician of their choice. If they do not chose a physician, the group homes will bring the residents for medical care to consulting physicians. Frances House pays its consulting physicians a total of $150 per month for their consulting services. The physicians then bill the resident's insurance or public aid for the medical services provided. The Ridge Terrace group home consists of a large ranch–style ... Show more content on ... In Kenneth, Jr.'s situation, he was allowed to look at magazines and watch television due to his low cognitive abilities. In the evenings, the residents participate in activities that are designed to develop and reinforce such areas as social skills, stress management and independence with activities of daily living. According to Dina Bicker, Ridge Terrace's Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP), and who presented very well at her deposition, Kenneth, Jr. initially was a pleasant resident that liked to have fun with the other residents. However, starting in approximately 2005, he became abusive and aggressive toward other residents and objects. His parents assert that his newly developed aggressiveness was due to frustration resulting from the staff not allowing him to express his emotions and not providing assistance with stress management. After the staff unsuccessfully attempted to use behavior modification programs in an effort to resolve his aggressive behavior, they took Kenneth, Jr. for an evaluation to Dr. Dennison, a psychiatrist at Sinissippi Center. Dr. Dennison is not an employee of Frances House. Instead, he is one of many health care professionals who are on Frances House's referral list. Dr. Dennison evaluated Kenneth, Jr. on October 9, 2006, and diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. To treat this condition, Dr. Dennison prescribed Depakote and ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. What Is The Purpose Of A Nursing Home The purpose of a nursing home is to keep our fragile elders in a place where they will feel comfortable and in the hands of a medical team. Elders who are in need of assistance and care lands in a nursing home and stays there. The purpose of a nursing home is to live there until the time comes; so the jobs of the nurses, certified nurse assistance, companions, and the activities people is to make their living and passing easy and comfortable. What others does not realize is what actually happens behind the scenes versus what is supposed to happen in a nursing home. Anyone who has never worked or enter this nursing home would think it is in asylum with some bland colors and bells ringing nonstop. This resident's home (that I work in) does not even feel like a nursing home but that of a mad house filled with sadness and aggravation. To ... Show more content on ... The building considered as "the last stop" is called Royal Pines. This building consist of three separate departments. The three departments are rehab, memory care, and long–term. Each of these departments have their own rules and kind of residents who are grievously injured due to a fall, has extreme Alzheimer's, and are unable to care for themselves anymore. Nevertheless, the nursing home stated that "the residents are adventurous, interesting, active people" (Resident Stories) and claims that the residents chose to live inside a nursing home. The erroneous statement can be proven false. This nursing home is filled with residents who either cannot make their own decision, or are very confused and wants to go home. These residents who has dementia or have problems remembering or deciding on things do not make the decision to live in a nursing home. The ones making the decisions for them are the younger family members. Mostly, the relatives who are closer to the residents, for instance the son ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Immigration Policy : A Permanent Legal Resident Under the current immigration policy, immigrants struggle to enter the U.S. legally due to the limitation of becoming a permanent legal resident. One of the most common ways for immigrants to come to the U.S. is by a temporary work visa. However, in order to continue living and working in the U.S. after the specified period, immigrants must either apply for permanent residency or overstay their visa. Due to the nature of the arduous process of obtaining permanent residency, many immigrants choose to overstay their visa. This leads to the problem of having too many undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. According to the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) (2009), there are approximately "11 to 12 million unauthorized immigrants living in ... Show more content on ... The current immigration policy in the U.S. needs to be reformed by developing a new system that allows for a more accessible entry for immigrants to enter the U.S. legally in order to maintain a stable workforce in the agricultural area, to protect the United States' security, and to secure the loose borderlines. The way in which the immigration policy is formed will create an impact on not only the citizens of the United States, but also the country itself. As one of the most diverse countries in the world, it is imperative for the U.S. to obtain and maintain a well organized and efficient immigration system. The way that the current U.S. immigration system functions, according to IPC (2009), is that "There are four main ways of immigrating legally and permanently to the United States. If you don't fit into of these categories, you cannot qualify for permanent legal status (p. 6). Based on the document published by the IPC (2009), the four ways to immigrating are family–based immigration, employment–based immigration, humanitarian–based immigration, and others. Due to the limited options and the loose interpretation of the others section on becoming a legal permanent legal resident, visa caps are frequently outdated and at least 4 million U.S.–citizen children have one parent that is an undocumented immigrant. In addition, regardless of the billions of dollars spent on the system, immigration ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. West Broadway, Or `` D Street `` West Broadway, or "D Street", is a state–sponsored housing development in South Boston, Massachusetts, whose history is plagued by delinquency, violence, and death. Constructed in 1949, on a newly acquired 25–acre plot in Southie's "Lower End", West Broadway Housing Development was to serve as temporary housing for veterans of the World Wars. By the early 1970s, however, the development would be 972 apartments for low–income families, and would be known as the "worst type of lower–class welfare housing." Built on South Boston's solid, naturally formed land, as opposed to the neighborhood's man made areas, coupled with its proximity to the downtown district, D Street is home to prime location in the community and the City of Boston. ... Show more content on ... As Michael Patrick McDonald contends, South Bostonians think of Southie as the "best place in the world", and there is a silence that consumes the residents when it comes to discussing the woes of the past. And in such a physically and culturally secluded area of the City of Boston, it is unlikely that anything the citizens are not willing to discuss would be otherwise recorded. In speaking of lost history, it is important to question the history far beyond the past 60 years. It is widely known that Native Americans inhabited the Boston dating back 6,000 years. Nonetheless, many of their artifacts have been lost over the years. However, over the past two years, Native American artifacts have been discovered in the Andrew Square section of South Boston, not far from D Street. While it is likely that most artifacts are lost forever because of the disregard for the area during development in the 1950s, further exploration may be able to call attention to a distant history. Andrew Square too went through radical development throughout the 20th century with no mention of Native American presence, and I have not personally come across any literature concerning Indian history in relation to South Boston or immediate areas, such as the Polish ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Benefits Of Being A Permanent Resident In Canada Being a Permanent Resident in Canada Once you arrive and cross into Canada through a Canadian port of entry with your valid passport and your valid Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa, you will be considered a Permanent Resident (PR) in Canada. As a PR in Canada you are able to live, work and/or study in Canada and have access to a host of services as well as a number of responsibilities you need to fulfil when living in Canada. Here is a short list of rules, regulations, benefits and restrictions. Restrictions As a Canadian PR you will not be able to vote and will not be able to apply to certain jobs that require a high security clearance or run for political office. Traveling When traveling into and out of Canada, ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. La Haile And Balibar Summary The themes in La Haine and Balibar's article are intertwined. The violent nature of the riots were based around the race, class, and religion of the residents of the banlieues and their anger at the treatment they received. Violence in La Haine and Balibar's article are similar. La Haine showed the police being antagonistic towards the main characters, much like they were during the real riots. The police would target the youth who did not go to school or were done for the day. Also, with no jobs in the banlieues, youths had nothing to do besides grouping together and causing trouble. This would not have been terrible except for the fact many of them turned to criminal activities to support themselves or their families. This lead to an association that people from the banlieues were nothing but law breakers that deserved the increased police surveillance and targeting. The anger the residents of the French ghettos felt would be taken out on the police when they were arrested and the police reciprocated with violence. Residents were angry at the lack of job opportunities, the sigma which prevented social mobility, and a general deterioration of the community. This was seen in La Haine, the characters did not have adequate education, there were no jobs, therefore people would resort to the drug ... Show more content on ... However, this would still come from the people who live at the center of Paris or the police they send in to control the situation. In La Haine, the three main characters were of different backgrounds. They were white, black, and Arabic. Within the poor community, they saw no reason to differentiate themselves based on religion or immigrant status, they would separate for more personal reasons. This would be more of a territorial type situation or they would stay within the same group of people as their ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Family Class As A Canadian Citizen Or Permanent Resident... Family Class The topic was I chose to do for this paper is family class. Family class immigrants are people who are sponsored by their relatives to visit or to remain in Canada. The relative must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. The purpose of taking family class into important it is to help those who are in need of the guidance which should be provided. Throughout the process of sponsoring a relative there are many factors and requirements which need to be fulfilled in order to keep the process moving forward. If you are the one who is sponsoring, then you 're expected to fulfil the basic needs of the individual you are sponsoring. Just like this there are many more factors which need to be fulfilled in order for you to be illegible to sponsor. Basic needs include food, shelter, clothing, and basic daily cost of the individual or family. You should be able to handle the financial load which will be put after sponsoring. Aside from support from the one sponsoring SSW workers can also provide help by giving advice for housing as well as family support so they can help the family coming into Canada with daycares and also parenting classes. By this the immigrants or refugees can some extra help to adapt to the new atmosphere. The main idea of family class is to unite with your family and live together happily. Summaries Chapter by Donald Payne: The chapter by Donald Payne discuss the ethical issues related to the international political situation, ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Descriptive Essay About Nursing Home As I walked through the doors of the nursing home I noticed most of the residents were sitting in the hallways in their wheel chairs. Some of the residents were rolling down the hall with no destination while others were carrying on conversations with other residents that had no idea they were even talking to them. The aroma of the nursing home wasn't pleasant, it smelled like a place that was quite familiar to me. My grandma's house, it smelled musty and as if every resident had mothballs in their rooms. I also noticed the distinct smell of food coming from the kitchen I don't know why, but all I could smell was what seemed to be broccoli. My sense of smell was defiantly being tested by all the smells coming out of the rooms in the ... Show more content on ... I told her I just put it on your legs, she looked at me confused so I stood back up and realized that she had already had it back on the floor and somehow tangled into the wheel on her chair. I walk back around the desk and pick up her blanket putting it back on her and making sure to tuck it under her a little so it wouldn't fall off. As I was tucking her blanket my mom came out of a room she was laughing at me I said what is so funny she said, "that's a game she likes to play she will keep you picking that blanket up as long as you will keep doing it." I giggled and said I wondered how it got on the floor so quickly the first time. Lunch time rolled around and my mom was escorting people to the dining room. I asked my mom if I could help push the residents to the dining room. She said yes, I don't see a problem with that so one by one we pushed the residents that were already out in the hall to the dining room first. My mom then went into the rooms and got the people that could walk out of their rooms and told them it was time to eat, others that couldn't walk she put in the wheelchairs and brought them out of their rooms I continued to help them get to the dining room. Once in the dining room my mom had to serve them their treys of food. I see a guy wheeling himself away from the table with one hand he is running into every wheelchair and table that he passes. I walk over to him and asked if I could help him he looked at me with a smug look and said ... Get more on ...